l > 8 TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. JUNE 8. . 1887. ' 'THE CHECK WASUKO GOOD , " How A Well-Known Detective Paid a Cer tain Bill , ANOTHER DAY OF THE SYNOD. The Police Commission State Their Cnsc Educational Matters TLo Court Orlst An Irlih-Atncrl- can Club Etc. A VnlnnlcflS Check. The comity heretofore existing be tween the firm of T. J. Bcanl & Co. , and Jarncs Nellgh of the Western Detontivo ngency , is broken. The fracture is seri ous and there is little chance of its being mended. Beard & Co. , did n piece of work for Nellgh. in payment for which the latter guvo a check for $28 on the Commercial National bank. The check came back to the firm endorsed "No good ; never had funds in this bank. " Thu firm posted the check in the show window of their Douglas street place of business and placed above it in black letters : ' ! For Sale. " AtSo'clock Monday night Neligh was in the Phuumx next door , lie was invited out to "see the picture in Beard's window. " When he saw what it was , Ncligh was frantic , and made dire threats of getting even. Yesterday morn ing , while the employes of the store were in the back part. Ncligh was observed to suddenly enter anil make u dash for the show window. The attaches of the es tablishment hurried forward , just in time to find Ncligh emerging from the window with the offensive check in ono hand and u big and shining revolver in the other. "Stand back ; stand back ! " shouted Ncligh , in tragic tones , as ho nourished both the check and revolver above his head ; "Stand back or I'll kill yo\U" \ Lew Heard steadily advanced , however , and dis armed Ncligh by quietly twisting the gun from his hands. Ho then made him give up Iho check , whereupon Neligh left Iho store , fuming with impotent rngc. Sam Beard went before Juiigo Borka and tried to get a warrant against Ncligh for stealing thu check. The judge held as it had no value , the warranl could not bo , . issued. So n warrant was sworn out against Neligh for assault with n danger ous weapon. At last accounts the war rant had not been served , as Ncligh had not been found. 110W THE BOARD VIEWS IT. A Tulle With Two Commissioner * of the 1'olico nnd Fire Board. The feeling on the part of the people in the strife between the city council ami thu police commission , touching the rela tive powers of the Iwo bodies , will cause the views of two of the commissioners , as obtained in nn interview yesterday , to bo read with interest. These commission ers wore found in consultation , and from ono of them , the views of presumably both wore secured in the following. The question was asked ono of the commis sioners : r As an individual member of the bord of fire and police commissioners , under the nowchartcr , have yon any objection lo ex pressing your personal views as to the rela tions existing between thu mayor and coun cil and the board ? No sir. These relations are clearly establish ed by the act ot the legislature. The board is not a mere skeleton waiting to bo vlvlllcd mid habilitated bv the mayor and council. The act provides that , after the appointment of the commissioners by the governor , "be fore entering upon their duties each of Bald ofllccrs shall take and .subscribe an oath that In making appointments or considering pro motions or .removals he will not be guided or actuated by political motives or Influence1) , but will consider only the Interest of the city and the success nnd cllecllvess . of said departments. " Those oaths have been taken and subscribed , nnd tiled with the city clerk , and the board has entered upon the discharge of its duties. Certain powers are derived directly from the act Itself. It provides thai "It shall be the duty of Hald board of tire ana police lo adopt such rules and regulations for the guidance of the ofllccrs and men of said departments and for Iho appointment , promotion , re moval , trial or discipline of said otlicers nnd men as said board shall consider proper and necessary , " and adds "and when said rules and regulations shall be approved by the mayor and council they shall hove the same force and elTcct as ordinances , nnd can only bo changed by and with the consent of the mayor and council. " Bitch rules have been adopted and submitted to the council , although there U no provision requiring such submission or approval to or by the council. In the meantime the board may change the rules as It "shall consider proper and neces sary. " The only cflect of the approval Is that , after that Is done , the board cannot change the rules without "the consent ot ttio mayor ana council. " Another provision of the charter Is that "the board of lire and po lice shall have power to appoiut a chief of police and such other officers and policemen , file. , aa may be necessary for the proper pro tection and efficient police of Iho city. " The charier provides that this power of appoint ment Is not unlimited. It can only be exer cised "lo the extent that funds may be pro vided by the mayor and council to pay their salaries. " The section of Iho charter creat ing the board confers furlber powers upon the council as well as the board In the clos ing words , "Tho said board of lire aud police shall have such further powers and perform such other duties as may be author ized or defined by ordinance. " Thu board does not claim lo be independ ent of the mayor and the council. Section fifteen of the charter provides that Ihe mayor and council may pass any and all ordinances necessary to execute or carry Into effect any of thn proVisions - Visions hereof or anr of thu powers herein granted except as otherwise heroin granted. " Taken ns a whole , there is no ambiguity In the charter nnd no conflict m Its provisions. 1 am sure the board will be Inclined lo give the council the benoiil ot every reasonable doubt and leave with them all the responsi bility II can. Thecobjrct of the lire department Is to put ( fc out tires. The board I think has appointed competent ofllccrs and men for that purpose. The object of the police department Is to protect citizens and property and maintain peace nnd good order. 1 think competent otlicers and men have been appointed for that pur pose. They are at present faithfully per forming their respective duties. _ Under the law ot this state a citizen of the United States who has resided the past six months , becomes entitled to all the rlehtof citizenship In this state and I do not think the cily council of Omaha can by ordinance disqualify him ftom holding an elective or appointive office. I3yan ordinance now on Us second reading Ihe lerm ot residence Is fixed at Iwo years. If Iwo years why not twenty ? It they may make such a rule they have equal power to reverse the rule and dis qualify a man who has resided here more than two years. Hut my Idea Is lhat the mayor and council primarily , have no right ? ' to make rules and regulations for Ihe ap b pointment of the officers , etc. , al all. All the * have to do In this mutter Is to either approve , or or disapprove such rules aa may be adopted by the board. Any other construction put upon Ihe charier would be contrary to both the spirit and letter of the act of the leglsla- Ure In providing for a board of fire and police commissioners. It would convert the board Into a machine to be turned by politi cal cranks. In other words the effect would bo to leave tne police aud tire departments under the same Influences they were under prior to the passage of the new charter. EDUCATIONAL. MATIEK9. The Board Elected Yesterday and Who Hold Over. The election of nine members of the board of education took place Monday and resulted In the selection of the fol lowing republican candidates , with the number of votes appended : F. W. Grnj Sim. J. H. Mot'lure 1,039 , H. T Clark * 1SJ , , 4w id Fjuruuke 1,855 , Morris Morrison 1.830. W. A. Kclley 1,78.1 , Dr. Hnvlllo 1,745 , S. K. Fcltoh 1 700 , D. V. Sholcs 1,758. The votes received by the other cixndl- dat 8 arc as followa : Chas. Conoycr 1,107 , J. J. Points 1,035. J. L. Lovett 1,000 , John Wigntim 1)07 ) , J. H. I'cnbotly 02 ! ) , Jerry Wholon. 020 , E. G. llyloy Ma. William blovors 747 , James Stonhensoii 020 , Truman Huck 552 , A. P. Tukey 485 , Augustus Pratt 458. V. L. Vodica 453 , Mrs. Dlnsmoor 442 , Thomas Crclgh 387 , J. S. Gibson , 801. SCHOOL THKOU1E3 AND OrFICr.lCS. It was reported on the street yesterday morning that Mr. Conoycr had stated that beside the nine nbovo published , there were also elected in Monday's election , the six candidates who received the next highest number of votes at the polls. This would enable Mr. Conoyor himself , with Messrs. Lovett , Points , \Vlgman , Whalon and Stovers , to 1111 out the board. Mr. Conoyor was sought by a BKE re porter but could not be found to tell upon what ho based his theory. Mr. Coburn told a HUE reporter that State Superintendent of Education Lane had told him that ho bnlleved the six members last elected to the old board , have a right to hold over. He said that Mr. Lane believed that that was the intent of the framcra of thu law , and such being the case advlsud them to retain the olllco until the matter could bo adjudicated by the courts. Mr. Coburn did not sco exactly what else could be done , es pecially as by a resolution of the board adopted some weeks ago that body on next Monday week will elect the teachers for next year. COUNTY KDUOAT10N. The Attempt Being Mnde to linprovn In Don Kins. Professor Bruncr , county superinten dent of education , has announced that the annnal Institute of the county teachers , will be held in the high school , commencing August 15 , and closing on the 27th of thu same month. It will be conducted by the professor himself , who will bo assisted by Mrs. Jennie E. Kcysor , Miss Mary Strong and Mr. E. H. Grimm. The professor says that all per sons who intend to teach in this county the ensuing school year will bo expected to attend tht < institute , as the law con templates the attendance of all outraged In the practice of teaching in the public schools of the state. No person will bo entitled to an insti tute certificate who has not attended at least two-thirds of the entire time of the institute. The tuition fee to help defray the ex penses of the institute has been placed at GO cents. Examinations for certificates will be held on Saturday , August 20 , and Friday and Saturday , August 20 and 27. The school laws direct that all the com mon schools shall bo closed while the in stitute is in session. At a meeting of the Builders and Traders exchange , held on Saturday last the following committee was appointed to make a call of a meeting to bo held at their rooms , corner of 10th and Farnam sts on Wednesday , Juno 8 , at 2 p. m. Every Architect , contractor nnd others interested in the sale of building mater ial are urgently requested to attend the meeting : Hodgson & Son , Fowler & Boindorf , Sidney Smith , James Griilitu , Henry A. Hosiers , K. Stevens & Son , Lihall & Refrejlcr , Morgell & Rosonzwoig , George Waddell , Nicholas Ittncr , Davis & Hed- dmg , S. G Stevenson , W. A. Rowland , H. B. Brown & Lane , J. J. Johnson & Co. , McDonald & Ojriliof , Mardis & Flagg , Brownoll & Ijor , Drexcll & Foil. AN IUI9H-AMEIUCAN CLUB. An Organization Intended to Bring Irish-Americans Together. An informal meeting of several prom inent Irish-Americans took place Monday evening at the residence of John Tom- ploton , 2014 Farnam street , at which the subject of organizing an Irish-American club on a grand scale was disoussed. The success of a similar club in Cincin nati ! was shown by Judge Fitzgerald of that city and from his recital a number of suggestions were adopted. Those present , consisting of John A. Crcighton , Hon. John A. McShane , II. C. Cush- ing. Benjamin Gallagher , John A. Coad , D. J.Donahoo , Thomas A. Dillon , Frank Hanlou , \ \ . A. L. Gibbon and John G. Lee , resolved themselves into a club. John A. Creighton was elected presi dent nnd (3,500 were subscribed with which to start the undertaking. Dissolution Notice. The co-partnership heretofore existing between John Zohrung , Henry Zuhrung and Thos. P. Thornton under the firm name of Zohrung , Thornton & Co. , is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts duo the Jato firm and all ills owing by said iirm arc to bo collected and settled by the Thornton Machine Co. , successors to the late firm. Omaha , Neb. , June 1,1887. JOHN ZEHUUNO , HENRY ZEHHUNO , THOS. P. TUOBNTON , It Coat Him Ten Dollars. F. Midnight and Mrs. llattio Wood live on South Twenty-fourth street near the city limits. Each has a number of youth- ill terrors. Monday Jittlo Johnnie Midnight and Everett Wood had a fight. The Wood boy thrashed the Midnight ad. Midnight here took a hand and spanked young Wood. Then Mrs.Wood entered the garno by swearing out a war rant against Midnight for whipping her boy. In police conrt yesterday morning the man was fined f 10 and costs. A Bargain. I have for sale at a bargain 20 acres situated on the main line of the B. & M. R. K. , and near the new South Omaha depot at the terminus of the dummy line. Plenty of good , clear spring water , and an elegant grove of native timber , null- able for a summer garden. W. G. ALUHIGHT , 318 S. 15th st. Attacking n Postmaster. Marshal Biorbower Monday night re ceived a dispatch from Superior , in Nuc- kolls county in this state , stating that N. J. Spohn , the postmaster at that place had been assaulted. A later dispatch said that he had been soverly Injured by two men and that the attack was made while an attempt was unkertaken to rob the olllco. Marshal Bicrbowor dispatched Deputy Stewart to the scene , who will arrive to-day with the criminals , The South Omaha Land company have appointed C. E. Mayne sole agent for the ale of their lota. He will show the prop erty and furnish all desired information upon application. TSlgned ] W. A. PAXTON , President. Locked Up to Cool Off. Several days ago a four-year-old boy was badly bitten by a vicious dog owned by M. Bernhurdt , 810 South Twenty- fourth street. Judge Borka ordered the dog shot. Bornhardt refused to allow the animal to bo killed and Mr. B. was ao cordlngly locked up m central station Monday night He was still stubborn yesterday. _ An Old Itosident. C. E. Dewey , formerly of this city whore he was associated with the Uniot Pacldc acd the smelting works , Is now ir the city on a short visit of business. Mr Dewey is now superintendent of the Phil adelpbia emeltw a KetQjiUQ ) , THE coimrs. 31ie Buntnoia Occupying Judicial At- tton Yesterday. ' Yesterday morning J. L. Williams , of Vesta. Johnson county , ill this state , was brought into town and arraigned be fore Judge Untidy , in the United States district court. Ho was charged with Bonding improper matter through the mails. He was lined $100 nnd costs , Tills was the lightest penalty which could bo inflicted upon him. Judge Davidson , of Tccutnsch , appeared for him , simply stating the facts of the case. Williams is a merchant in Vesta. Some time ago his wife became estran ged from him through the wiles of a fellow named Robertson , a railroad hand nt the place mentioned. Williams for gave her after she had repented of her crime and consented to again live with her. After they had returned to one an other Williams one day intercepted a letter Irom Robertson to his wife , sug gesting further infidelity on the part of the latter to her husband. The lattar immediately wrote n note to Robertson telling him what ho thought of him for his dirty work , aud this was the reason of the line. In the same Court the jury was work ing upon the interest in the case of Cul ver vs McEllcr. In the county court yesterday morning Judge McCtilloch called his docket , and nearly nil the cases were continued until July. In Jutlgo GrotV's court the case of Bud- dcnstcin vs. Mittman was given to the jury.Arguments Arguments yesterday morning were being made before Judge Neville in the case of Molquifit vs. Riley. Emma Hull , In the district court , sues for divorce from her husband on the ground of adultery. Fred Amos' Business. There was a rumor on the streets yes terday morning that Fred Ames had pur chased the building and site of the Omaha Savings bank , but in an interview with Mr Wilbcr , it was ascertained to be un founded. Mr. Ames , though owning 50x 60 feet immediately west of the bank , which he purchased at a remarkably low tlguro , is unwilling lo pay f 10,000 for the building and ground asked by the bank people. The deal may yet bo settled , however. Ames' building on Ninth , Tenth and Jones' streets is progressing slowly , the contract , yesterday for the iron work was lot to Usher & Russell for $18,000. To the Public , Wo , the successors to Zehrung. Thorn ton & Co. . will carry on the business of selling White Sewing Machines and sup plies for all machines , and hope to merit a share of the dealers' trade in Iowa und Nebraska. Wo want two good salesmen on salary. THE TIIOHNTON MACHINE Co. A Barber's Ill-Luck. David Knight , a barber from Iowa , ar rived in Omaha Monday night m search of employment. Ho had a valise with a ; rcat number of razors and other articles , lortnining to the tonsorial art. Ho sought lodging in the Gladstone block mil during the night some person entered lis room and robbed him of his tools , i'lic police have the case in baud. CALIFORNIA EXCURSION. Burlington Route. Another first-class round trip excursion to San Francisco and Los Angeles will eave Omaha Thursday , Juno 23,10 n. m. GO for round trip. Tickets good for six months. Apply to H. Duel , Wit Farnam street. Railroad Note * . The Missouri Pacific Railroad com- > any's steam shovel is being put in work- ng order at the new depot grounds , bo- .ween Nicholas , Grace , Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. The business car of the St. Paul & Omaha road arrived yesterday afternoon. F. M. Whitman , general supcrintsndent , and parly are on board. Edison Electric Light System Estimates 'urnished. GEO. W , COSTEH , Paxton House , Omaha , Agonf Dancing at Their Jubilee. Henry Hornborgor has just returned rom a trip to the cast , the feature of which was his attendance upon the jolclcu wedding of his father and mother at Mnrshburg , Ind. His father is seventy and his mother sixty-iivo years of ago. The jubilee was extensively commemo- rnled , the ngcd couple themselves taking > art in the dance. Police Court. Twonly-nino cases were before Judge Berka ycslerdny Iwenly-nino common , overy-day cases drunks , vagranls , sus- ilcious characlers and disorderlies. } omo were fined , some sent up and others were discharged. There were no : ases of especial interest. Three More Blocka of Cable. The cable company has finished the aylng of its tracks , and the paying with ; ranito of Iho snmo between the rails , from Tenth lo Thirteenth street. Supor- ntcndent Cannon said this morning that the remainder of Iho block would bo pushed as rapidly as possible. Estimates for glass furnished by Cum mings & Ncilson , jobbers of Plato , Win dow and Ornamental Gmss , Paints , Oils , etc. , 1118 Farnam St. A Little Fire. The alarm of tire at 11 o'clock this morning from box 43 called the 09 de partment to a burning coal shed in the rear of the Union Pacific headquarters. The damage amounted to about * 15. In making the assertion that Pozzoni's medicated complexion powder is entire ly free from injurious or deadly poisons wo do it upon the authority of a thorough chemical analysis. It is one of the oldest face powders in American market , and is used in the famalics of some of our most prominent medical mon who have personally acknowledged to the propric- or that they not only considered it harm- ess , but esteemed it highly beneficial in very respect. Sold by all druggists. Complexion Powder is an absolute necessity ot the refined toilet in this cli mate. Pozzoni's combines every element of beauty and purity. Ex-senator Warner Miller has turned his back upon tbo men who preferred liiscock to him , and , with his family , is looking at the tranquil glory of the Cali fornia stars. _ The French nrn joining the rattle brig- ndo. Eighteen thousand head of cattle were recently boughl by a French syndi- cale from Iho Hunter & Evans herd in Montana for frlOO.OOO. Princess Dolgouriki , widow of Czar Alexander II. , is now one of the chief lenders of Parisian sociely. Her recep tions are noted for the high literary and artistic rank of the guests. John Boyle O'Roillv esteems the late Lysandcr Spoonrr one of the grcatesl Americans Inat over lived , whoso form the coining century will enshrine in marble. A workman in a vineyard at Nnpa Valley , Cnl , , committed suicide the othoi day by jumping Into a cask of wine am POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varlt'g. A marvel of pur- ty , strength ntnl wholcsomcnois. Mnro econ omical tliun the nrdlimry kliuls , nnd cnnnot bo sold la competition with the mnltlttldo of low cost short wolKlit alum or phosplmto powders. Sold only In cans. UOVAI , IJ.VKINU I'owunn Co. 01 Wall-gt. , N. Y. A Natural , Palatable , Reliable Remedy In TAIIIUNT'S SKLTZKK you behold A certain cure for jounKnndoM | ForConMlputlon will iloimrt Anil IndlKt'itlmi quickly start , Hick Ili'iumche , ton , will innn ilepnrt. When TAIIUANTSSKLTIUU eus b.outried. T0 TUB TKI1TJIB11T Or tl.1. Chronic & Surgical Diseases PR. MoMWAMY , Proprietor. Bliteeu jear Hospital and 1'rlyate Practice Wo bare the facUluci , apparatus and remedies for the cuccfiifnl treatment of every form of din- < nie requiring either nedlcal or § urglc.il treatment , ftud luvltc all to corneand Inreitlgatu for thomicUw or correspond with DI. Long experience In treat Ins cases by letter enables us to treat many caiM scientifically wlthnnticelng them. WHITS 7On cmOULAK on Dcfornltloi and Uracei , Club Feet ; Currntnres of the Splnu DiiiitBS or WOMH , Pilei , Tumors , Cancan , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , 1'aral- yIs , BpUeuiy , Kidney , Bjrn , Bar , akin , Blood and all surgical operations. Batierlee , Inhaler * . R cr * . Trusses , nn1 all kinds of Medical and SnrgUal Appliance * , man ufactured and for salt. . The only rillabla Medical Inititule miking Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases rA . BPECiAi/rr. ALL CONTAGIOUS AND BLOOD DISEASK8 , frota whatercrca i'ej > rodticod , uccis fully treated , We can remote Sypailltlo poison from the lysteic without mercury , New reitoratkYatrMtment for lose of vital power ALL COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL Call and consult n * or send came and post-offlci address plainly written enclose Btamp , and we \rlll send yon , In plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEtf trro < < PnirATB , BPIOIAL AMU HBHTOUS DISIASEB , SlMINAL WlAKHISI , BriRMATOURllOlA , IMTOVEN- cr , STPHHIS , Goxomniicsi , QLKIT , YARICOCZLS , STBiotURB , AND ALL DH > EASBI or TUB QIKITO- UHIXART OROAXS , or send history of your cae lor BD opinion. P rions unable to visit na may be fronted at their homes , by corr < pondence , Medicines and Instru ment * lent by mail or express SBCURKLY PACK BD FROM OB8BKVATlON.no marks to Indicate contenta or tender. Onq personal interview prc fcrred if convenient , fifty rooms for the accom modatlon of patients. Board and attendance at reasonable prices. Addro sl > Letters to Omaha Medical and Snrgical Institute , Cor. 13thSt and CanltoMve- OMAHA MSB. PIANOS CHICKERING VosedSons Instrument ! ! exchanged , rented ami sold on easy payments , below Factory Prices. Instrument * sUffhtly used at GREAT BARGAINS. Omaha , Neb. O.N.T. . . . GEORGE A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The BEST * HOST FOPCLAD Tbrcad of Modern Ttoe * . BtrtVABE OF IMITATIONS. Sold at wholesale by Hllputrlck Koch St Co. , Dry Good * Co. , M. E. § mlth & Co. Paxton , UHllaglier 9t Co. And by all Ketull Deulvri. MM ( M ) a ) ( ti . THE GREAT SUCCESS Of our clearance sale last week has induced us to t purchase some lots of goods which were offered by the manufacturers at a great sacrifice. We own them at less than actual cost of material and we will sell them on this basis. Some will be genuine surprises and cannot be adequately described in an advertisement. They must be seen to be appreciated. Boys * Sailor Suits , of indigo blue flannel , with fine embroider ed collar , sizes 4 to 12 , worth $2.50 ; at $1.25. Bovs' Union Cassimere Suits , in neat and tastv mixtures , plaited and Norfolk stvle , worth $2.75at ; $1.40. Bovs' all wool fanov Cheviot Suits , in elegant patterns , plait ed and Norfolk styles , sizes 4 to 13at $2.50 , $2.95 , $3.25 and $4fullv worth double the monev. BOYS'Knee Pants at 25c , 35o , 5Ooand85c- An immense line of school and BOYS' Suits , sizes from 12 to 18 , in fanov cheviots , oassimeres and flannels at one half the regular prices. In Men's Underwear and Hosiery we offer some of the greatest bargains ever shown. As a special we mention to-day 150 dozen Fine G-auze Undershirts selling at 15c apiece can not be bought for less than 30c , same quality. Real French Balbnggan Shirts and Drawers at 45c each , etc. , etc. All goods marked in plain figures aud at one price. Nebraska Clothing Company I Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omaha. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. KURD THOMPSON , Sec. $ & Treas Wholesale > Retail. "WE O-AJE ZR/Y" I2ST STOCK Fl h Brand" Coats , Hulbs , Douche * , Jlnlr Crimpers , Nursery Shoctlug , Spcenlnmt. Air Pillows , liruaho * , Drill A Dock , Hair Pins , Navy Hags , Sportsmen's Goods , Alrltcdi , Brewer's II aao , Door Mat * , Hats , OH Clothing. Stumps , Air Cushions , C p , Urcus Shields , llorso Coven , IMPklMir , , , . . . ' . ' , , r Anti Haulers Capes Hose B. II. A e. C'o.I'alls Sjxihons Aprons , Carriage Cloth , Elastic Jlanda , Hose Couplings , Petdction ! Bo * Syringe , Spittoon * , Atomizers , Cartridge Dags , Klnstlc Stocking * Hose Pipes , Pencils , Bwlmtnlng Jacket * Hands , Catheters , Erasers' , Hose Heels , Pen bolder * . Syrlngei 'Pirfsction Bob , , UBH , Hot Water BottlflBPessaries , , liandngo Gum Clothing Face Thimbles Baptismal Pants , Copy Hook Sheets , Finger Cots , Haversack * , Piano Cover * , Throat Ba'rs. ' Batle , Carpeting , Flower Sprinkler * , Ice Hag * , Pipes , Tnblnir , liuth Mats , Cement , Floor Scranorg , Ice Cap * , Pipe Stem * , Tumblers , Ilnth Tubs , Clothes Wringers , Folding.Pall. , InkKtands , Plant Sprinkler * , Toys. Ued Pans , Coats "Flsli Brand" Foot Halls , Invalid Cushions , Pure Robber , Tceth'gRlngeAPad * . Hod Sheets , Combs , Force Cups , ' Pants , Tobacco Pouches , R.Il.&P.Co. BeltingComb Cleaners , Fruit Jar Kings , Lined IIo'so , Pistol Pockets , Trotting Rolls , Belt Hooks , Corks , Funnels , Lace Cutters , Rattles , Urinals. Bellows Cloth , Cork Screws , Oas Tubing , Mfo Preservers , Rubber Dam , Umbrellas , Bibs , Curry Combs , Gloves , Mackintosh Goods , Rulers , Ventilating Sole * , Blankets. Cuspndors , Gossamer Caps , Match Boxes , Repairing Cloth , AVagon Aprons. Boots & Shoes , Cigar Cases , Cloth , Martlngalo Kings , Shaft Rubbers , Wagon Covers , Boys Caps , CtialrTipeA Buffers , Coat * , Mnts , Shoes Ik Boots , Wagon Springs , Boy * Coats , Diapers , " Waterproofs , Matting , Sink Scrapers , Weatherstrips , Bougies , Diaper Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing. Bracelets , Dolls. Guu Covers , Mittens , Shooting Coats , WadlugPant * . Breast Pumps , Doll Bodies , Gutta Perchn , Nipples , filing-shots. Wntor Bottles , KrenstShlelds , Doll Heads , Gymnasiums , Nursing Bibs. Soling , Window Cleaner * . buffers. Door Bauds , Hair Curlers , Nursing Bottles , Sponge Bags , Wringer Rolls , Boston Bolting"Go's. . JJubber nnd Cotton Belting , Tacking nntl Hose. Solo agents in Omalin. Leather IJcfllnff ; Pure Oak Tanned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION BOX SY1UNGES. " Manufacturers of'FISIl VRAND RUBBER GOODS. " OMAHA RUBBER COMPANY , , 1008 Farnam St. , OMAHA , NEB. Mall Orders Solicited and will Receive Prompt Attention. ia C iing Co , 13OS EACH PURCHASER OF GOODS TO THE AMOUNT O 92.5O T77"ill "be . .FreseiCLtewltln. . a , Tlcfeet j THE NEW YORK AND OMAHA CLOTHING COMPAQ * # 1308 FARNAM STREET. RUPTURE CURED. By Dr. Snedlker'i method. No operation ! No Pain ) No Detention from builness. Adanted to children as well u grown people. Hundred ! ot autoirapu luonlalioi fit * . \Hijiimiii urio.i/ojaJlj tlal. CONSULTATION Fit E IS. PIIOF. N. O. COOK , Room 0 , 1514'Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. 10 bnlr on. lu tbo world ccninUi ( r < * r - rm ( . BclentUc. Powerful. UuraLle , _ , , TComforublo ud BCcttr . ATGld fraudi , Orcra.ooorurea. ndHtuaprorctiniihld , ALKO EllEO-fBIC 1IELT * FOB Blaeinltll. 11. HOuTuYUiai. in WAUU rt. fiuius > NewModel Lain Mower Five Sixes. Will cut higher graatthan any other. Ha * no equal for simplicity , dui-abillty and ease of operation. Tliis is the latest Improved Ma chine in the Market. Low Prices. Send for circulars. PHIL STIMMEL & CO. < OMAHA , NEBRASKA. te Aaents for Porter's Jfaylna 2'o | and Jobber a of Binding Twine *