Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    r i
- AiUertlfotnontR underfills hnnd.10 cents po
Ino for the tint Insertion , 7 cent * for oncli sul > -
pcquont Insertion , anil fl. Ma line pur month.
No nrtvortl oinont taken for less tnnn 26 conU
for tlio firm ln nrtlon. Seven words wll Jlio
counted to tlio linn : Ihov must run eonsecu.
tlvoly a in ! niii t bo nnld In oilvanco. All adver-
tl'Gtnctitri mu t lie linndcJ In nofore 1 : .TO o'clocic
p. m. . and under no circumstance * will they be
idlcnn or dlnconllnurd liy tolupliono.
rnrtlcRadicrtislnir In tlitfo columns nml hnv-
IIIIT tlio eiuwon ndilrMSfil In cnro of Tnrllii :
vlll picnic Mk for a chock to rnnWo them to ( fet
Iliolr letter' . in none will bo delivered except
on iiro'ontntlon of check. All nnswrrs to ndvcr-
tl'fmrntd xliould be onclosnd In envelopes.
All nilvorttti-metiM In there columns nro put > -
Ilslied In both morning mid cvcmlng editions ot
Olio Ilr. , the clrculixtlon ot which
brogates moro tlian 14,000 pnpfrs
rl nily , nnd plvos. the mvortl ) er the
rll ) cnoflt , not onlj of the city clroulntlon of The
Br.r. tint nUo of Council IllitlTs. Lincoln , nnd
other cltlei and towns throughout this part of
the west
TYIONEY TO LOAN on Improved city nrop-
, l'lerty In sums of 1.000 to M.OOO nt li per
cent iHtcrcM. HholcgCrumb. . KO
ONHY'TO LOAN-On rlty property In
H suind of t.lOU nnd upnnrd * lit lowest rntcn.
Money j > l nyn on bund. 8. B. Campbell. 310
Boiith Sixteenth street. 623
WO.OOOto lonn ntfl per cent , Harris SPnmp-
f ROD , 1615 DoiiKlu it M7
$ M ONKV to lout ) In largo or small amount * by
\Vm U. Loach , IGITI Far num. 653 J15
fONRV TO 1XMN-O K Pivls Co. , real
L estate and loan HKonts , 1&05 farnuiu st.
ONKV TO lOAN Flrst mortgage notes
bought. J. A , lllcstnnd , room 9 , Arling
ton block. MUJ 12J
d 500,000 To lonn on Omaha city property otO
tP percent. O. W , Day , s. o. cor. KHid. .
WTVT ONiVTO LOAN-On cltv and farm prop-
f 1 > L crty , lowiatcs. Stewart * Co. , Hoom 3
Iron bank. 50U
MONEY to lonn. cash on delay.
J. W. nnd K. L. Squire , 14U Kurtmm st ,
'rniton hotel building. _ 510
MONF.Y First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bunk will buy papnrs secured by
Brst mortgage on city ronity. _ 611
MONEY MO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission chiirifod. Loavltt Hurn-
) min , Uoom 1 Crulk'hton Hloclc. CI2
6 P UOUNT-Monoy to loan.
Urogory & Hadloy.
Rooms 1 and 8 , Itcdick block , 320 B. 15th St
ONEY loaned on residence property. First
nml second mortgages bought. K. 8. How-
ley , 314 South l.'itli slrout. _ fiOJ25
TO LOAN Money J.onns placed on im
proved real cstato In city or county for
Hew Knglnml Loon & . Trust Co. , by DougJa *
County bank. IBth nnd Chlrngo sis. _ 514
TV1TONEY to loan on Improved city property at
A'l6 per cent. Money on hnnd ; do not have
to wait Have a complete set of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. , N. Wntnon , abstractor
JIarrlslleal Estate and Loan Co. . 3208. 16th st.
TV1ONKY 'JO LOAN bytho nndorslgnod.who
4--1 nns the only properly orirnnl/cd loan
Mcncy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to (100 mndo
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , &c , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
undo that any part can bopald nt any lino.ench
payment i educing the cost pro rata. Advances
/nadrion nnowaluhcs and diamonds. Persons
nhould carefully consider who they nre dealing
with , nsmnny now concerns arc dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
ml see my. W. H. Croft , lloora 4 Withncil
llulldlng K\h \ nnd Harnoy. BIB
ETohango ,
N. W. corner of llarney nnd 15th sts. ,
over ftnto National bank ,
Is prepared to make short time loans on nny
Available security.
Loans mndo on chattels , collateral or real
Long I Imo loans mndo on improved real cstato
nt current rales.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Hi'Ciircd notes bought , cold or exchanged.
bhort time loans innau on second mortgage.
according to marginal Interest , nt collate ! at
Heal citato to exchange for good Interest
( lonernl financial business of all Hindi trans
acted promptly , iiulctly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
pny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott. .Manager. _ _ fii7
\ iBTSn.OOO TO LOANntO per cout A
_ M" ' ' ° " "r. > SO Fnrnam. _ 613
MONKY LOANED at C. F. Heed & Co.'s lxan
Ollice , on furniture , pianos , hoi ses , wagons ,
personal proi < erty of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th.
over lllnghum s Commission ( tore. All busl-
tte s strictly conndcntlal. 619
PKlt CENT Money.
it. 0. Patterson. 15th and Hnrney. 680
: NALK Ilnrbor shop furnlturo. A complete -
ploto 4 chftlroutllt or utmost now furni
ture , etc. , will bo sold whole or In part. Having
toiiKht the shop nnd furniture ut IBth und Fur-
ham will soil mine ntn bargain. Cull ntsil ! S.
llth [ his wpok. Also thrco good bnrbcrs
wanted by Monday , Juuo 13 S. 1'attursou
l.inniol. Mi 7j
TTIOUNUHV nml Miiohlui ) shops to sell or to
. * exclmiiKo lor land or city property. Will
Boll innchlnory nud tools scpurtito. Cnn bo ro-
Diovod. Cull on or nUdross Hammond ft Gib-
eon , 1514 UouKlns ft , Umnhn. 851 11
OC01DI.NTAI. Hotel property for snlo. Tills
vnlunblo property , corner of luthuiid now-
fnl streets , Is offered tor snlo ; CO feet on 10th
pnd'U fuel on Honurd. If not sold will bo with
drawn from market on the 10th lust. Apply on
the promises to John I. I'aiitor. HU 13
\\/ANTKI ) A liuly or Rcntloman wisliliifr nn
IT honest bUBlness , prolltsfs to $14 oveiy
flay , only FIDO rciiiuiod , will cxchaiiKo ( or
lock or trnde ; t\\o best bunks of Oniiilui RUoa
M U'furoiicoR. Cull or write to Olllco No. 1. No.
Ill ) North lllth street. Oinnuii. Nob. 40S 11 ]
"l/IOH BALE Mont market dolni ? .pood bust-
noss. Good locution. Iteasoin for selling ,
1 47 , lloo. 790 8J
AM ! Unoofthu best paying ealoous
Jin the city. I'nrtlo * moanlug bualnrsa ,
nddrcga ntonco , H68 , llceonico , 686 7 *
GtlOCKUV HTOCK Ulean nnd fresh for s > nlo.
ParrottA Williamson. Upstalr6l401 Doug-
Jaijt. 467
fjlOK SALE A boarding house and furnlturo ,
A xlolnff peed iJiislnoss , 40 bonrdort , eood
reason for polling , ( 'nil at Currlo & Volluni ,
JSth and Cnpltol u\p , Kxpuslton llulldlner. XJ'J
It 8A1J ! Very chonl ) , Kood bncn business
property in Grand Islund , Neb. Thoprpntcst
IiaiKiiln nnd best terms In this city. Good ron-
oqs for celling. For purilculnra nddress J. H.
Woolloy , Attorney nt Lnw , Grand Ifllnnd. Ni eb.
. DD'llANT Clarlvoy ant from
rvllablo in nllnffalrior life , unites separated
irs. Ita N. IBtli st. room fl ' 631 JM |
IT OST-A small Irntlior pocuot book contain-
tf-i ingbotuoon * and I'J ' , lost on St. Mary's
bvonuo or 15th t. between tbo llattlo of
llettysliurgnnd IMh nnd Farnim. Kinder will
( receive thanks and reward by returning panic
l I * 0. Kwoil Mlth EJliolm , V Akin , opp. post
pl lllco. IJli ) 7J
f OSf , Struycd or Stolen , dark brown horss ,
i welght l.OW ) pounds , no alioes on front fot-t ,
laultoron with rope , nu-o tlvo years , llttlo spot
\Hutr oir of right ihnuldor. Kinder please ro-
iLurn to Peter Gees hotel. A. A. Stewart
8CT 7 ,
T A Ifgnt bay tnare , lame in right hind
foot. Hctinnto l > 'ituik Poohac , 82d st , be-
kwecn Chicago and Cuss. wr v *
JTHAVKD One black nnd ono brown horse
Jand ono black undone sorrel maro. Hoturu
to 1151 N. 16th st. Liberal rtwnrd. 7H5 VJ
GrHAVED Or StolenHrown horao 15 hands
K5 high with heavy tunno nnd lull , with large
car on heel of right hind foot Liberal ro-
vrnrd paid for his roturu to Webster bnrn on
tith nnil Loavonworto. _ Kit 81 _
I.OST OH STOLEN-Abny horse , whlto hind
J toot , rope marks on hind legs : lltM Ibs.
II. biicobbiurgor , cor. Saundurt nnd Clark st.
_ 753-11 *
T ObT A drop f rom a diamond car-ring , A
JLJ liberal rewanl will bo paid for Its reoov
ryBt _ 1T13 Hard atroot. 750-7J
* T OST On Kluh'tei'iuii , Sherman ave or uriico
JJ t. , "Specifications. " Pleuso return to
11 H North ieth it , or P. J. Creodon , architect ,
opera house. M. T. Murphy , contractor and
ImlMcr. 848
S'1X)11A ) K For household poods nnrtseneriil
racrclmadlto ut low rules , corner Tbtr
tcenth and Uard streets p town office BIS
L 9utAIi'Jrt ' uP'U.TelophonoM3. ' _ AJ7114 * _
J- laTOllAQK-WrRt-claM storage for nlco fujm
> turoana boxed voodi. ienruton Fnnil <
.lure Co , , 71V717-731 North Itlu street. 176
" " - "
AS3 Storag * at 110 N 13tU .
STOnAGH First-class Storage for nice ftir-
nlluro or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodce-st
MISb MINNlTKIms removed her drossmnk-
Inir o tnblhmunt ! from 1717 COM to 02JS
18th. All friends nro cordially iarlted to call.
JJKHSONAI. .Neat and tnsty nil-wool
cults t" . I'lnc blue dlnironnl dress suits ,
f I0.7 * > . Call nnd BOO th m or write for samples.
I > O. Jones & Co , , American Clothiers , 1J09
Fnrnntn ft , Oinnlia , VJ3 j 3) )
" Tr.KSONAti If you want a desirable , coii-
trally located office ) ou can find It nt 318
B 15th au U73
\ \ ANrii : ) Kitty younjf men to correspond
> with fifty Iholyyounir ladlos. i-'ond 10
cpnu. silver , for the flat. Address , American
Corresponding Ilurcnu , Ilex 180 , Clarkebunr , W.
Vtt. 791 K'
PiitSONAL-MI : M. E. Mussor. ot Phllndcl-
phln , 1'n. , is prepared totako n limited num
ber of pupils lu vocal uud Instrumental music.
Miss Muster Is 11 urndunte In music nnd has had
cars of successful otpurlcncu as n tci.chor.
tecldenco 1315 Cnpltol ave. 843 9 *
13EH ONAf , 1'rlvnto home for Indies durlnfr
1 contlncment , strictly confidential. Infants
adopted , nddre < s K42 , Ilco onion. BlSJyil *
PKllfiOKAL-Mn. Dr JJanma V. Warren
clairvoyant. Mcdlctl and business Medium
Boom No. 8,121 North ICtb t .Omaha. Neb.
A LI * parties In nny part of the olty who cnti
accommodate- borders wll I do well to ndvor-
Ixo for them In our Itccords. Wo only clmrgo
'a cents per month and Rtvo the parties full pnr-
'Iculurs. llccord Advortlslng Co. , inu rartiam
609 8
BOARD nnd lodirln ? for I or 2 respectable
men In prlrntn tamllr. 14.50 per week. HJ7
Divisional , cor. Hurt. 817 bj
IMA1IA Lnundry , C01 north IRtn st , shirts
10 cents , collars nnd cuirs UQ : Indies drcitus
nnd family wnshln ? , cliuapust In the city , llrst
class worK. WJ 7 *
GiniANIt'MS-rOo per dor. for one week , nt
1723 S. 11 til St. Henry 11. Uircnpfort.
o putties Blvinp up hoiiioneepinp Wo will
sell jour fuuilturc , &c. cithnr at prlvnto
snlo or nt niictloti , uf you mny desire. Cull nt
our olllce , 3 i : cor Ifith nnd DouiMns. Itrown it
Crulirhton , 4H ( 10
T71011 KXCHANOK-Two lots In South Omnhn
J-1 tor horsus. Address 3.13 , Uoo. 7J1 'JJ
EMI'LOYMIINT , Kcntnl nnd Collection
AKOIIC } ' If you wnnt woiK.or to employ
IK Ip , or hare houses to rant , or accounts to
collect , call on M. Mnynard , U17 South Vlth St. ,
Oinnlnu 301JJ5
PAPr.llUANaiNO- > per cent cllfcouut from
Moro prices. Address 1'npurhangor ,
811 North Ifith St. Gt/-J-16 )
"VfOTlOE Wo have nppolnted Chns. L. Hnrt
-l-'i solo for all owned .
- - ngont property by us.
All other njrents will cancel snino from thulr
list. IlohrbatiKli Dros. Ml v
0 POOLS , Pinks nnd vaults cleaned , odor
less process. K. Kwlng , box 427 , cltv.
_ _ : 580 JI8J
mo AOnNTS-From this date. Juno 7th , the
- - prii'u on my frouth Omalia property is ad
vanced { 50 per lot. Thoo. Olson. 8GO i
1ADIES or pcntlomen who desire positions ot
Jtriist should place their names on our re
cords nt onco. The advertisement co ts only
M cents per month until ordered out. No com-
mlslons. llccord Advertising company , I5U
Furnnm st. Hl ) 8
"IJKAL USTATK ngonts tnko notice. Lot 3 ,
JXblk lp ) , Shinn'i 1st add Is withdrawn from
the market. T , O. Cloir. 859 9
FOUKEN'l yqunro Hnno | ( J montnlr.
HoRpo.1613 Douirias. 62t
O parties hnvlnsr houses for rent , Uontnl
Attriicy , Ilonnwn & Co. . I5st. , opposite post-
onico , Wo hnvo turned ever to them our rental
list. We recommend them. McCnguo llros.
F OIlltKNT Organs , 12 per month , ilonue ,
1513 Douglas. 521
Ol. C.-Houso furnishing goods , alt kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices nt J ,
Ilonnor , 1315 Douglas st 62" >
wishing to retire from or enlarge
J- their business can advertise for snlo or lor
n purlnor wuntod very chonply and olfocciinlly
with the Hecord Advertising- . , 1 > 13 Farnnm
st. Identity withheld if HO desired. Olllcos In
all loading oltlos. 802 8
F1 IOlt ItENT Square piano , Si momnlr.
Hospe. 1613 UouifIII . 524
f F you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
L J. Ferguson's. 715 N Iflth. 6.3
FOH SALE Cheap , n kitchen rnngc nnd base
burner. Apply tor 5 dnvs between 1 nnd
S p. m.,230.1 Farnam st t > 52 11
T710H SALE Sawdust at saw mill , 2d and Pop-
JIJ ploton avo. 790 12 *
FOH SALE A tine carrmso horse , suttablo
for family driving. Goo. N. Hicks , ' 15 S.
15th street. Ti.1 S
TmOH BALE Span flno matohod bay driving
J ? horses. C. F. Harrison , 118 S 15th st.
FOH SALE rurnlluro of 8-roomod house , nil
complete. House can bo routed. Posses
sion nt once. 1508 Cans. 4'JJ
F 10H SALE Now , light sidebar top buggy ,
cheap. Cole JIG S. 15th , room 1. V27
FOH SALE Ono six-foot upright blncK wnl-
nut ehow cuso , Milton Hogors & Son. UU9
F IOH SALE-4,0W,000 ( Hard Brick. T. Murray.
FO SALU-O milch cowd. U A Marsh , 001
N 10th. D5. " >
plOHSALK-Urlok. T.Murray.
17ANTF.D 8 or 10 ? oed brick layers , cor. 22d
> and Doiiffhis ; city work ; good wnxos.
I/ANTED Hey nboiit 15 to 18 years old to
T cnrry foot route on Evening Ilee , 8J3
l'ANTED-At , European Hotel , 1 nrst-cln s
T waiter man. 810 o
\TTTANTED--A good tailor to do pressing nnd
TT repairing at oneo. Call at lUOi ) 1'arnam
VI * ANTED Immediately in wholisale house
TT assistant bookKooper. must have expert
enco , strictly accurate and first-class penman
salary 50 per mouth. Average writers und
college graduates need not answer. Address
" 818 , " lice ollice. 840 8
\\fANTKn-Flr3t-clnss wood turner and
T scrollfnwypr atSlmmonds , Hooves & Co. ,
I'laulnir Mill , S lllttl st. - & ! i V
\\7ANTED-Filtor nnd machines ! for chll
TT droll's shod work. Apply H. Jonch *
Howard Et , cor of 18th and St. Mnry's avo.
" \\7"ANTEI ) A photographer to make vlowg
T T of Omnhn buildings. J. W. & E. L : Squire
1413 Farnam street. 84)7 )
IT'ANTKIiGood tinners at onco. Jacob E.
> TruloIJt Co.7th and Loavonworln.
WANTED -Good wagon maker at once
Good wages , steady work. U , E. Itoztrs
" 4th and Cuinlnui. fill bj
\\7 ANTKD-nokur at Chicago Hakcry. 110 N.
TT.llSt. 710 7j
\\TANTED-50 men for R. R. work. Applj
' Ingram & Kussell , UK)7 ) Farnam st 811) ) 9
" \ TT7ANTEDGood experienced man to work
TT butter. Addrosslt 7SIIoe offlco. 630
\VANTKD-Iutolllgcnt , rollabtp , cnorgetlo
T T men us bnoclul aironts. W. F. Alton
Ocnorat Agent Mutual Life Insurance Com
puny of Now Vork , No. sis South 13th street.
$100 paid per month to men to cell our Roods.
1)V. . McLnue & Co. , llurllnston , IOWA.
6i > OJy2
\\-ANTED 3 coat makers nnd S pants
M makers. A. Knllsh.'Jltt 815th. o'JO
"VITANTED Carpenters. Tniiulro new church
T > Mill und Loaenworth. . M. T. Murphy. 618
\VANTr.n-Menforrnilrond work in Color-
' ndo. also men for railroad work In Ne
braska. Albrlxut'a Labor Agency , 11M Tarnam.
_ _ - _ _ _ 471
WANTED Good carpenters by M. O'Connor ,
contraulor , Sioux city , lu. KM 7J
\\7"ANTED-A man ot Rood education to act
astraxelinu salesman with n first-ohm
liouso. Must bo able to give socurltv. Itox 7e ,
Omitha. 189 j IBJ
W"ANTKpDlshwasher and itcond girl a
Jacob s , 1004 K ItSth. ,02
A\T ANTEU-Good girl at 614 S , 17th street.
WANTED-Dretsmakert at Mill Mlnoloks'
at 623 B 18th U mo gj
\\fANTEU-A flrst clau girl to do houso-
rwll < rM * " woefc C4U
Tl * ANTED- first class girl to do hou T > -
TT wot-k. Wages $5 per week Call nt office ,
11 S/12tb st. M4 8
WA NT E [ i Dining room girl and Latin dress
at Planters , 1608 Dodge st. CCJ 3J
\\7Alfrr.D-2 girls nt Dorun House , . ' - ! S.
TT lith st , near St Mary's ave. 073
WANTED To moot demand for competent
booK-keopnrs. I will Instruct three porous
ous and wait for half pay until situations nro
urnlshod. J , D. Smith , lOU Chlcngo st. 720 11 ]
tTT 7ANTED-6 dining room girls , 4 dl h wash-
TT chambermaids. 2 girls for laundry ,
girls for Ice cream parlor , also we have
ilnccs In prlvnto families for girls. Omaha
Impioyment Hurouu. 85 ? B
WANTm-Nurse clrl.Oerrann or nol.cmlnn
preferred. Apply to Mrs. Prince nt
Windsor Hotel. KIT 7
w ANTKD At oncp. two npprontlco jrtrls for
dressmaking. Cull at all ) North l.'tu at ,
787 8
\\7ANTED Host of wnpos paid to a competent -
> tent cook and laundress. Mrs. J. M.
rhurston,2 8 Fnrnam. 7M
tVANTBD-Oood second irlrl it KM Vlrfrmlix
avo. flood wages paid. 613
WANTP.n A ( flrl lor general housework.
Apply 2511 St. Mary's nvo. W19 9
W 'ANTF.D A Hrst class girl to do house
work ; wages 15 per week. Cnli nt olllco ,
511 S. K'th st. M4 8
W ANTED At Kuropcan hotel , ono nurse
Klrl Immedlntcly. 83.1 0
\ \ fANTKD ETperlcnced second plrl , wanes
L > 4. Mrs. McCormlck , Wl N 1'th. 833 J
WANTKD-Oood cook nt old Uronnpll hall ,
eia s Kith. P30 3j
WANTED Colored woman for trcncrnl
housework Iramodlately , 1118 Davenport
st , wages 1150 per week. 8319J
W ANTKD A peed girl for n small prlvnto
fnmlly , 240'J Capitol nvciiuo. 8417 *
W ANTKD A young woman to tnko. cnro of
one child nnd assist In sowing. Apply
1021 StMnry's nvo. 4 < W
W ANTKD A good Gorman or Dohommu
girl for general housuwork. A perma
nent plneo nnd good wngos. Apply , Imrncill-
ntely , at 720 8 ssa St. , corner of I.cnvcnworth.
WANTED-Lady book'kpoper nt U. P.
McatMarket. 13th et , near WcTtMer.
" \\7ANTKD-Olrls for cenornl housework.
dlnlngroom work , laundry work , oooks
nnd 2 llrbt-class tucond girls. Mrs. liregn > V Son ,
dlO 8 15th St. , up stairs. b'M 7j
\\TANTKD I.ndios to work for us nt tnolr
TT own nomos ; ? 7 to 1J per week can bo
quietly mndo ; no photo-painting , no canvass
ing. For full pnrtlculais ploate address at
once Crescent Art Co. , IV Central st. Boston ,
Mass , Hoi.6170. mr > Jo15 *
\\rANTKD-Situntlon by n No. 1 pastry cook ,
H GS , lloo olllco. b/J ! )
WANTED Hy n lady of nxporlcneo , sltun
tlon to nurse sick pereon. Iteleroiiccs
exchanged Address S. 10 , lloo olllce. '
WANTED-Sltuatlon as n traveling salesman
in northern Nobrnakn by n man posted
In tobnt-co und jrroOory tinde. Address W. C. ,
Ilco olllce , Omnlin. 1\tt \ 10J
\\7ANrED Situation In ilrujr store byjounc
1 > man who has tnKon Junior course In
phnrmacy. Address C. E. 1) . . Ilo.x 376. Council
IllulTs. 7fr9 7'
TITANTED Hy n competent person , sltun-
T tlon ns housckpopor ; relerenco ex-
chnnjrcd. Address S IB , llee. b7 8 *
W ANTKD Situntlon ns tnuolmjr snlcRiunn
for llrst-clnss house. Address 8. 9 Hot
onico. 770-7 *
"V\7"ANTKD Situation ns collector or other-
V wise in morcnntllo houses wull norjiinlr.tod
In city ; cnn furnish conveyance HdeMiod. Ad
dress S 7 , lloo. 747-7J
\\TANTKD--AnyKlnrtofwork for six peed
heavy teams with drlvois , f 3.50 per day.
Mrs. llroga & t-on , 310 S 15th. 88J 7J
W ANTKD Hoom nnd board In private am-
lly within 5 minutes walk of trio c"oiam
houso. Address stating term , S 10 , llec.
C = 3 88J 0 *
\\7ANTr.D Two rooms with board or nonr
TT good boarding place about July 8th , for
gentleman nnd daughter , will furnish onn
room , good neighborhood , within blocks of
car line , private family preferred , charges
moderate. Koforonces exchanged. Address
S 14 , care Ilco olllco. 70 }
WANTED-Teams for railroad work. Al
bright's Labor Agonoy , 1120 Farnam. 743
W ANTKD Day boarders at 1312 Chicago St.
718-10 *
W ANTED To buy 3 houses which cnn bo re
moved. A. ! ' . Mayno , 1403 Dodge st
W ANTKD 2 or 3 horse power engine , 2nt
band. Apply at Millard hotel olliue. 430
V\7ANTKf ) Two sontod carriage suitable for
T > real estate business. C. P. Harrison ,
418 S 1Mb st. , 577
W ANTKD-To buy nice team of carnage
horses. Imiulroot M. F. Martin , 017 S.
13th st. IKS
FOR HENT- room boarding house on 18th
st , Kent ? -8. Tlxtuics for silo , $350. Co
operative Land A : Lot Co. . 205.N. lUth Et. Hi8
FOU KENT Nlcoofilco spnco on Dnduo s i
opposite I' O , t0 ; per month. Mltcholli :
Lcyonmatck. 8 > > ) 9
FOH HENT 7-room Hat ; furnlturo for sale ;
18-room boarding house , good will , lease and
f in nlturo , $1,500.
House forsaio with loose of ground forSyrs ,
| 2 .
n first-class restaurants for salo.
2houses tor rent or s.ile on .monthly. pay
ments. Co-Operative Lnnd & Lot Co. ,
7 < * 8 8 TK& N.ldth it
HGNT-Orsale , 3 houses south of U. P.
depot , 1 and 5 rooms , Inquire at 80S N 13th
street. 7SC 8j
Foil RI'.NT A flrst class corner srrocerr store
with counter and shelving , on paved st
and street car lino. This Is a good opportun
ity for somollro business man. Apply at the
olllco of Morse & llruner , 1005 remain it. ' , ,
' 6Cl 7
FOK HENT-New brick store and barber
shop , also 5-room lint with all modern Im
provements , Inquire n wcorlUtband Wll-
lliims. OJ17J
FOH KENT 0-roora houie , 703 Paolflc. .
llENT-Brlok yards , T. Murray.
imOB RENT Three room house , 1108U S 7h
F IOll HUNT Good barn. sultablB for four
horses. Inquire at 017 s. 13th at. IUJ
POIUIENT Store and second floor on cor
18th and Marcy Et. Inquire ot Mrs. F.
Lange , 803 S 13th. SS9
"IT10R HENT Ono now 7 room liousj situutoj
X' on the no cor King and Coffman streets ,
Patrick llros , room 2 , Arlington blk , 5C5 10
T710H HENT Hnsomont well lighted and dry
JD IBM Howard st , Inquire ot Shuw & Co. ,
FOll HENT Three room liouso. 70"V4 I'ttolOo.
For Kent Six room house , 110J S 7th ,
rorHont Three room house , 1015 N2Jtta C83
HKNT Window , good locality for low
cler or real estate. Apply to 3Ji n 16th ,
F IOR KENT-Furnlshod room. 1312 Dodgo.
F IOH ItKNT linudsomo , furnished front
room , bath , etc. , SU. 2211 Seward at.
"JjlOH HENT Very room forl Kentle-
Jman near business , iras , bath nnd all con
veniences , private family , 1H1S Capitol nvo.
ITIOH HENT 2 nicely furnished front rooms ,
J-1 with board. Terms moderate. 2)11 Hurt
street. 752-11 *
T710H HENT I'leasaiit rooms , good boardiras ,
J bath , do. 611) ) 1'leaaant st. 754-8 *
"IT1OR RBNT-W re room cor. 13th and Cull-
X ? Ifornla on Belt lane , tor particulars ou-
qulre nt Union Nat bank. igj
FOH RENT Unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping. Imiulro a ± i a IBth. 818 gj
Oil HENT Lartre front room with alcove ,
Nicely furnished , suitable for two pentlo-
menS454Podyest. 793 1IJ
OOH KENT-Lar ? front room , newly Turn-
J.1 uhod , flrlt ooor , Bit North 17th street.
ICWll nENY-Furatiboa room at 1818 Dodge si
n.KNf-Lnrgo Jroirf toom. bath , tnoJ-
crn convcnleuccs. 401 f. Kth street.
t fl ! 5L _
ITlQIt HEM'-Furnlshed * > 4i , 18.60. MU s.
JL1 22d TfT ° tJ
FOH HUNT Furnished room and board , 320
N 15th St. MS 12 *
_ ,
ITfdltllENT-Pleasant furfcfthod roomi wltli
-L1 use of bathrooms , torjbi reasonable. 812
S 19th. } 817 9J
F llt'.NT-FurnUhed dbm suitable for
two Kentlcmon , nt 191' ' ) ) oatfo st , F33
FOH lir.NT Elcyant roomi , . rurnlturn nnd
liouso now , overv modern convonlonco ,
1700 Uodgo street , fioforqup s required.
F IOR ItKNT Bulto of two furnished rooms ,
miCii ! , cor 18th St. 8I5U *
FFOH KENT Furnished rooms , OH suite or
FF sltinic , with modern conveniences , liefer-
ciicos exchanged. JI15 , N. 15th et. 850 PJ
F I Oil IIENT Desirable unfurntshod rooms
suitable tor office or sleeping rooms. 310
_ fast. 7t
FOR RENT-Nlcely furnlshcil rooms chpap ,
508 Bouth 18th street , Upatnlrs. ff.a
FOIl aENT-Doskroom. Enquire Younif &
Blackman. 214 3 16th st. 541) )
FOH HENT Three room house west of North
llth at. , between and CMS. tea
FOU KKN'T rurnlshed rooms with use of
bath. 1703 Dodge sU d73 8J
FOH RENT-Onices lu Hollmnn bulldinircur.
Knrnnm nnd Mth Bts. , In suites or singly.
Tor prices , dlaKrams nnd luformntlon apply to
B.A. Slomnn , 15U Fnrnam st , Uoom J.
O HENT Desk room A. 1' . Tukoy 1321
Fix nmu st. 57J.
TT10H Hi'.NT ruriilahod rooms for two or four
-L pcntlemnn. Upper Hut left hnnd sldo 18" 1-U
St. Mary's nvc. 1571 7J
HKNT Two furnished rooms with first-
class tnblo board If duslrtd. I'rlvuto fam
ily. 1J2J Furnatn st. C03 '
OU HHNT Nino-room Hat centrally located ,
310 S 15th. ! > 7T
OH lir.NT An elegant front room with or
without board. Address , S. 17 , Ilee.
8 5-0
T71 0H HF.NT-Nlco furnished room. 2023 Fnr-
-t ?
FOR RENT Furnlshcu rooms , 1118 Howard.
004 8J
IjlOKHEN'l A largo nmvly furnished room ,
closet , luitli nndfas , south and enst front ,
tin S. ' 'Oil ! et. . C7J
Fr" HKNr-.Noatly furnished rooms. 1710
Cass St. 695 9J
HKNT Nicely furnished room , 1921
Dodge St. , 119
FOK KENT A furnished front room nnd
board for two gentlemen at 1722 Dodco st.
IJ Olt HKNT Elegant rooms , references re-
X1 quired. 1C07 Douglas at 301
FOH HKNT Eleven nleo unfurnished Sleep-
lugrooms. Separate or all together , In
building 310 S 15th st 975
FOH HENT Olflce rooms In Oruenlg block ,
corner 13th nnd Dodgo. D&visi. llethcr-
Ington , Mlllard Hotel Milliard room. 520
FOH HKNT 2 store rooms in best city of
4,000 population In Nebraska : 3 now rail
roads now building to it. Hlmlson , Ambler &
Woolley , 413 B. 15th st , Omaha , Neb.
FOH HKNT Ono nlcelyVhfurnlshod largw
front room , No. 1703 Culiforula , suitable
for two gentlomen. > n 714 luj
10H HENT Desk room , tfrst oHlcoto left
over Merchants National bank. 820
V\7K Have three splendid now cottages for
gnlt- only Hi miles frortr P. O. . lli etory
with li linn rooms and largo hull , slated roofs ,
bay windows , city water , otc/chaimlng homeg ,
splendid loc.illtv , price { 3,2 > 1 , cash | 5CO , bal-
r.nco to suit. Knstman A M'lnstnnley , Honl
Kstate nnd Loan agents , 120 North l.Mh street.
7l > 3 8
SPFCIAL-GOxlXi ft lot Inside ot the ono mlle
. _ limit. fl , : o. Worth y5M of nny man's
money. Uood a room noti o on I'opploton nvo ,
n splendid homo for somoMVdy. Call nnd get
prlco nnd terms. 20 lots Jn licdford Place , 40
lots In Moyors , Hlchards ft lilden's add , 15 Ir.ts
In llojd's add. 1 lots In Orchard Hill addn lots
In Drown Park at n bargain. 2 lots In Wnlnut
Hill , tlno trackage at $1.000 o-ich. 1 Ono south
front lot In Foster's add * 200. A good 5 room
hoi'so with basementcollar , cistern , woll.bnrn ,
etc. , 5 blocks from the rod car Imo , for $2,500.
one-third cash and the balance In 1,2 nnd 3
years. This place is Tory cheap , and ought to
be taken at once at this prlco. Wo havn about
one hundred houses and lots for snlo on very
easy terms , and ono ot the Urgost lists ot prop
erty in Omaha. ( live us a rail. F. F. Williams
\-Co. , lot and Chicago st. , near Douglas Co.
bank. 688
BUHNHAM & STHINOEH , 1518 Dodge St ,
have always cash on hand for lots that must
bojold. P.7
IF you have cash and want real bargains
come to Ouinham & Stringer , 1518 Dodge st.
a37 !
IMilEDIATr. sale will takoo lots or loss only
5 or 6 blocks from 1'xchango bid and
Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen
houses under contract In same block. Iwant
what they are worth. I don't want fancy prices
I want to sell quickly. K. 11. llrancli. 122
B 10 I1AHOAI.V Ono hundred foot front on
South Eleventh st , corner lot , only J5.00-J.
Purton time. V. L. VoJIckn.S.'J South Uth st
pLAKKSO.V & I1EATTV ! ] Rprtlbl bnrirnln.
W fco. lUthst.,50\.Ml ! , ri.OJO , cln-o to ISiovvnell
Hall , nnd has good coitavo noinn ; cn .y terms.
LIIHO st , 121 ft. on I.uko st coiner , f.1,500.
lloyd'a addn. , n f aw choice lots and ono block
ot ton lots tor siilo at prices that will make the
Investors blgmonov.
llnii'com Place , 150x150 , corner Georgia nvo.
nnd Hickory , for f 1,000 , and { 1,000 cash will
swing It ; Is worth J5.0UO.
Fni-nnm St.,22 ft. near llth.
Douglas , near 20th , 00x132 , $3.900.
Douglas nnd Sih , corner , 132x132.
Hlvtueuth corner Davenport , 132x132 , finest
business pioperty inthe city , choup.
Ylrginln avo. and llouard , corner. C9zl40 ,
$7.XW. (
Howard , cor. Phil. Sheridan , 123x123 , fine
plecoto Improve.
t'-t. Mnry's avo. , 00x132 , improved , elegant
Eighteenth und Spruce , 105x140 , corner , cheap
at jT.uoo.
Fnlrmount , 75vl21 , cor. 2Sth nnd Grant , good
corner to improve.
B40 ncros on now Northwestern Hy. , adjoining
Omaha Heights.
So. ietlisl.,4.'xl40. ? ( ! , COD
60. mn st. , MI no , jj.onu.
Ho. IGtll st,50x140. { 5flOa
Park Place , 2 cholco ncros , cheap.
Cnllfoinla st , line corner. 13Sxiu : , ? 20OM.
Omaha Heights , Lots | JOO to 1575 , one-fifth
cnsh.n house costing Sl/iuo Is given away with
every 50 lotsjsold ; adjoins Central Pnrk where
lots nro selling nt f'no , nnd wo will hnvo n 11,509
depot In Omnhn Hclgnts by August , therefore
now is the time to buy. Clarkson 4 lloatty.219
Bo. 14thst. 763-7
"VI7K have throe spiondld now cottages for snlo
> T only 1M miles from P.Qr. | 1M story with (1 (
line rooms nnd largo hall.1 slated rooln , bay
windows , city water , otc fcharmlng houses ,
splendid locality , price fl.Jtel. eash f50) , bill-
nnco to suit Kastman &o\f'lnstt\nloy. Honl
Kstato and Loan agents , 120 north 15th t-trcct.
* y 70J 8
/ \NK Hundred houses foriwile : t rms nnd lo-
V7 cation to suit every bed v lots In nil pans of
city , acres. John Gallagher , (117 ( South lllth st
r 815 19
ELKCTS. are tun carefuliz. llstej birga'.ns
ti'intcd doirn by Cake i ntlllngj. Our sam
ple case ;
2 lots with 2 houses , J , T. ItedlcVs cub , only
block from street car llnoil'J1il2J , ' ft on 3
streets , big money hero for ran.
Heauty of Bartlett. fruit'rcos ' , flno view ,
only { 1.500 cash needed. li ,
Cheapest South Omnhn smfT.on the market
Como , over 101 , corner DcnUo and 15th , nnd
we'll make U pleasant and ptomablo for you.
CHEAP LOTS-You cm make money on our
Cheap Lots on the vtllor * north of town.
{ 150 to 1275. Como and BOO thoui. Doggs & Hill.
412 J U
TpOH SALE-NIco 7-room house with lot
X ? MxlW , in the most doslrablo reslJonce part
of Omaha. Elegant cellar and largo cistern ,
Irult and shaao trees , nice barn. City wntor
In front of house. No finer lot In Omahn.
View unsurpassed. Price 13,200. { 1,000 cash ,
bnlauco 1.2 and 3 year * . Call at prlvnto house ,
401 N. 15th 8t 8C5 7J
SPECIAL llargaln until Juno 15th , news
room house , pantry , closets , cellar , barn ,
300 bbl cistern. In Omaha Ylow. very sightly.
Price , f.VOI. Casli.rW ) , bal. $ i > per month.
Hammond & Gibson , 1514 Doupluast. m 11
SEE our cheap list
88x132 , a corner on 13th st < 7,000
100x132 , a corner on 13th st 13.CO )
nexllZ.acornoron Jonosit S8.000
132x133 , a corner on S llth st < HSX )
60x132 , a corner on Curnlng at 2tOX ) )
83V4xlJOonSaundorsst , 6,500
S B front lots In Hawthorne add 3,000
2 lots In llaker Place , f or both . . . but )
75x163 nnd a 0 room cottage on IStbst. . 3,000
Mctiarock A O'Connor , U18 South 13th st.
LINCOLN PLACE We have tor sale cloven
beautiful lots In Lincoln Place , ml Joining
the Patrick farm , Hush A Solby , 1541 i'arnnm.
CC9 .
T710HTY-T\VO feet on State street { T50
-L Full lot In Saundcrs & Hnnelmagh's add 475
Two good lots In Meyers , 1U it T , add , each , 750
S. K. cor. In Hoyd's MO
Trackage In Paddock Plaeo , cheap
Itoom 23 , Paxton building.
UHNIIAM & SIHINOF.Ii , 1518 Dmlgo St ,
have always cash on hand for lots that must
bo sold. C.a 7
P. TUKEY. 13't Furnnm st , nvikol Investments -
vestments for non residents n specialty
wlthiruatnntpod Interest or share ot prollts ,
and takes full charge of property ) reference
IF you have cash and want real bargains
come to llurnham & Stringer , 1513 Dodge st ,
623 7
FOH SALE Lots in Fremont , Neb , at auc
tion. Koducod rates on railaonds. For
particulars see largo display advertisement In
this morning's lloo. A7. > 7
TIHE Patrick Farm nnd Conkllng Place.
Query : What hat tht , Patrick Farm got to
do with Conkllng Piaeo ? Answer : It Joins
Conklmg Place on the welt and north , amV
practically surrounds It , and the owners of the
Patrick Farm will grade und pave the streets ,
build 4 first-class brick residences on every
half block , and will put water , gas and son er-
ago in tlio addition , and will commence work
on their cable line within 24 hours after their
franchise Is voted next Monday. Ihcro will bo
n "city" adjoining Colliding Place on thU farm
with n cable line to It running along three Mdos
ol Conkllng Placo. What Is the moral ? It Is
this ; Conkllng Place Is tlio handsomest , best
located and most accessible property In the
western portion of the city , and Is > ory cheap
now , only $ V > ) to $750 for corners , and { Wo to
f ttuO for Insldo lots , und nllords , both buyer
lor lmpio\cmcut and speculation , the host
advantages for n homo nnd surest prollls of
any property or Invastmont before the public
to-day. The Improvement of the Patrick Farm
nnd rapid transportation thereto , will uiako
Conkllnv Plaeo lots very deslrnblo , and thuy
w III go up w Ith n rush.vo hnvo In n quiet sort
of n way , sold 50 of thcso lots to representative
citizens ot Omnha and Kansas City , nnd hnvo
loft 110 very choice lots to odor nt present
prices until .Inly 1st. Ono-ntth cnsn , balance In
u equalsoml-nnnualpavmontsat 8 per cent For
further particulars calHipon or addicts J , A.
( Irlihth. solo n''ont , rooms0 : and 21 , Hollman
lliillillng , llilh ami Karnain. Cttl
Wl ! hnvo three splendid new cottages for
calo only Ui miles tiom the P. O..1H story
with 0 Hno roams nnd largo hall , slated roofs ,
bay window , city wntor , i-to : rharmlng homes ,
splendid locality , prlco (3,230 , cash { 500 bal
ance to suit. Unstmnu Wlnstnnluy , Heal
Estate and Lonn agent , 120 North 15th street
708 8
Foil SALE-lly Shaw & Co. .
610 S 16th St.
Houses nnd lots In all parts of the city. You
can't nlford to rent when you know the price
mid terms of this class of property.
On Georgia avenue no have n largo pleco of
ground for sale at less than Its value. It la
worth looking nt If you wnnt a nlco residence
Lots for sale in different parts ot thcclty.nnd
you are euro to make money by dealing n Ith
us. Wo are headquarters for safe Investments.
WH. GUEKN.215 S. 13th St. , olforstho fol-
lowing bargains :
7 beautiful lots 21x'JO to 10 foot alloy on
Leavonworth St. , corner of 20th st. This Is the
best and cheapest business property on the
Lot99x120. east front on S. 10th st. Ono of
the llnoston thost. , f 11WO : easy torms.
One of the finest residence lots In Clark odd. ,
64x128 , { 6.400.
Cor. ot Loavenworth nnd 2th avo. , 141U on
Lcavenworth and 123Si on 25th. Grout bar
gain. $ IJ,0)0 )
llrown Park nnd South Omaha lots from { 100
to { 1,000. W. II. Green , 215 S. 13th st 711
AT1EXTION Wo hnvo parties alwajs londy
to trade city property or farms for any
kind of merchandise , Eastman & Winstanlcy ,
KO North 15th street. 793 8
FOH SALK-11 ohoico lots in Cllftoa Hill ;
very cheap for n short time.
8 of thn bc t lots In Caithago add.
13 lloaiitiful lots In Orchard Hill.
Some cholco lots in baundcrs & Hlmcbnugh's
Would llkoyou to call and see me about Im
proved insldo property that will pay any ana
wanting a good investment to Investigateeomo
nnd list your property with mo , I don't belong
to any ronl estate , exchange nnd try to handle
nothing but bargains James Stockdalo. 113N.
16th Ht OlIIco with Hall & Co. 5b9 0
rpHE Apple ot My Eye"homo only M block off
X St Mary's nvo oar line , convenient to busi
ness , built "not for a day but for all time. "
Hargams In business property.
List with us tor wo put thotn whore they keep
hot. Cake & Hillings over 101 South 15th Ht.
ATTENTION Wo have parties always ready
to trade city property or farms for nny
kind of merchandise. Eastman & Wlnstunloy.
120 North 15th street 793 8
LAND Seekers Attention. You will no
tice by the latest advices Irani the
northwestern counties of the recent sales of
iluto school lands , ranging from $7 to { 20 per
acre. Wootfcr 20 sections of cholco lands In
Tp. 9,10,11 , nlong the line of the U. & M. H. 1C ,
between 1 rontlor and Lincoln counties , nt 50o
to SI.2.1 porncro. Our louses have 21 years yet
to run , and the annual rental Is only $19.20 per
section. Tnis Is u rnro opportunity to secure a
cheap 040 acio farm , exempt from taxes tor24
years. ' / cash , balnco In ono year.
This oiler will only hold good for the next 30
tswan & Co.Land agents , 1511 Dodge St. ,
Members of the Nebraska Heal Estate L'x-
chnnve. 73U 8
"V7"OU cnn make money by Investing n few
X dollars in thosu linudsomo nnd valuable
lots in Fremont , Neb. , to bo eold at auction.
For particulars sco advertisement in this
morning's Hoc. 078 7
OUT THIS OUT.-I ha\o two houses and
twenty-five lots close to center of city ,
which I will fell on terms to suit anyone , or will
trade it , ns this Is ruy on n property I cnn make
any arrangement nocussary. Call on or address
Peter Wiltr , 9J4 north 27th 703
LINCOLN PLACE Wo have for sale cloven
beautiful lots In Lincoln Place , adjoining
thoPatrlck farm. Hush & Sclby , 1521 Farnam.
FOH BALE-Four of the best residence lots
In Pnrk Place , for | i,000eacheryousy
terms. It will pay you to look these up. Ono
olepautlot , lu OM Ambler Place , { 830 , easy
terms. .
Two acres In Braokllno at $900 each , snap.
Iwoot tho-uoHlots in.letter's iidd to fcouth
Omaha for S 776 each If taken nt once. 100 ft on
Leavonwortn st. lustoir Park ave , atflOOpcr it ,
look In to this. Two beautiful east iront lots in
Mavno Pluco on 23d street , cheap. Wo have the
best lota in Conkllng Plaoo , which wo can sell
at pi Ices bplow any in that addition. Call nnd
let us show ) ou this property. Wo nlso hnvo
bnrenlna nil over tharlty. List your property
with us. Knillng & Pomoroy , 410 S 15th HU
A TTENTlON Wo have parties alnnys loady
-TV to trade cltv property or farms for any
kind of merchandise. Kastman & Wlnstnnioy ,
12.1 . Noith 15th street 7938
FOH SALh AfOQj.homo. n largo house In
Ilartlett's add , rents for { 103 per mo , will bo
sold at n bargain this week. Apply to W. U.
Leach , Vfft Farnam. K)3 ) 7
KESIDIINcn BAHGAINS-Elogant 10 roomed
brick , beautifully finished , every conven
ience , * 10OJn.
51x110 , Itcdlok's subdivision , corner lot
splendid 9-rooioed bouse ; modern , { 3,000.
GOx 140 , Pnrk avenue , corner lot. with ek'gant
modern roi-ldonco , f K',000.
t Tl42. California utret't , with fine 10-roomed
lieu o at a bargain at $9 , < X)0. )
50x13 : ! , Mlilanl Plnuo. 7-roomcd houso. with
barn nnd alloy nt rear. { 5,50) ,
50x110 , cast front , Georgia avenue , 9 room
house with barn , etc. . $7,0 Kl.
62x125 , Nelson's addition with good 'J-roomod
houso. born , eta , { 4,200 , .
50x15' ) , nicd south front. Wamnt Hill. Lot
nicely fenced nnd sodded , $ J,1CU : easy torms.
50x140 Paulsons addition with eight-roomed
house , cellar , bath room , city water , barn , eta ,
JsxlX1) Ilnnscom Place , nlno-roomed house
built to Bull purchaser , ( I.OiX ) , terms to uit.
Wu have an elegant , modern residence In
HnnscomPlaco with lull lot , good burn , city
wutor , tjc. , Jot nicely sodded ; If you arc lookIng -
Ing for n bargain take nn hour to Investigate
this , to be sold nt a great bargain If taken thU
Five-roomed cottage with about { 500 worth of
peed furnlturo.lot 30x119 , { 1,200.
30x180 MlllarU & CutdneU'8 , 7-roomo 1 cottage
with ilm < barn and alby attho rear , thU is a
snip at 1 1.20 J , easy turnis.
3 30 , Mlllard it Caldwell , with 6-roomod cot-
tngo , cellar , city water , eto , { J. V ) .
Wo have three splendid now cottages for
sale on cosy tnrnis.only 1 y miles from postolllce
History with d line rooms , largo hall , slated
roofs , bay windows , city nutor.ota : clmrailn *
homes , splendid locality : prlco { 1,2V ) . cash
{ 50) , balance to suit ; iWxluO. Patnck's2nd ndl. ,
nlco 5- room cottage , JJ.OXl , terms to suit
liargnlns in vacant lots in all additions. Wo
have parties always ready to trndo city or aero
property for any kind of moroliundHo.
Kasttnitn .V Wlnstanloy , Heal Estate and Loan
Agents , 120 Noith :5th : street , 797 u
V\TE offer for a few days to sell n line bust-
TT ness property for J2J.OOO. 7storo bulkl-
intrs with iluU above , now.'paying $ J,700 per
year. Will take good Toul estate in part puy-
ment , balance on easy tiirms.
Now 6 room house In Walnut Hill { 2,100 , t200
cash , balance eusy terms. Call for terms.
Houses and lots on Park av. , onQoirgaav. ,
on Virginia AT. , llansoom Park. Hanscom
Place , and In fact a larg * list In All the most
desirable port Ions of the city. B. T , Oadd *
Son , 1513 Farnam K , m
Jr. nAMMOND-Bpeclnl bargain * . SI per
. cent on Investment , business property in
Pouth Omaha , Prlco 17,809 ! cash , Htnls for
{ 1,500.
Iradc Will trndo full machine shop for
Improved or unimproved property ni a bar
Two I'-room hou'e < for snlo , to bo removed
before October , bet ISth nnd luih sts , on Far-
( Iront Ilargalnl Saloon with bnr flttnres
comoleto , ice house , Ao. , together with
grocery store nnd fixtures. Drinking trough
for horses. 2 full lots , tro-I , etc. { J,50d ; f > 00
cash , Iml. to suit.
( Irent Opening , llccr Qnrdcn , Dancing
Platform , good liar , tight board fence ,
arch gateway , Ac tlrnintntrcy Park. { 1,300 ;
3 < iO cash , bal to suit.
Improved nnd unimproved property In all
parts ot the city. In addition to my own
extensive list 1 have as n member of the Ne
braska Heal Estate Kiclianito access to the lists
of 110 other real cstato firms In tlio
city , all of whoso properties 1 have
indexed ind nvnllublo , consequently
In whatever local'ty ' you may doslro to
purchase It will bo next to Impossible to miss
finding Just what you want J. r. Hammond ,
112 South lilth st. 82J
ATTENTION have parties nlwnys rendy
to trade city property or farms lor nny
kind of merchandise. Eastman & \Vlnstunloy ,
ISO North 15th struct 793 8
IjVDlt SALK-Hont or trade , five-room "colt ago
JL' in Paulson's addition , Ten-room house
nnd three lots In Ludwlck place , nnd other
property. L. V. Crutn.liU N. 16th st. 4ai
\\r K Can soil for n few days only
T Lot 10A disc's addition for { 0,40) .
Lot 71 Olso'fl addition , { 0.3M.
lllockl lloyd's nddlllon , { 8.500.
One tlilid cash , balance 1,2 and 3 years.
Itumlngton & McCorintck , 220 Soutu l.'itli St.
AHLINGTON-FIno south front lot. $1,200 :
12 lots in Hedlord Place , 20 lots In lloyd's
add , 10 lots In Meyers , lllchnrds A. Tlldcli's add.
povonil lots In Hrennan PlacoIlurr Oak , Hrlggi
Place , Hrown park , Uuker Place. Crostou , Curt-
luik-e. Conkllng Place , Clifton Hill , Crcfchtun
Heights , Clovordnle , Catalpa Place , CUiveland
Place , Douglas add , Drake's mid , Domiiun
Pliite , I'alrmont. Ilnnscom Place , Hillside No. 2 ,
Hillside No. 3 , llaitnmn's add. Hlglilandpaik ,
Hitohcock's , CO foot front on North Itltli street ,
north of Meholas et , south front
corner on 28th nnd Capitol ave , 50x135 for { S.MXL
I.otsln Jerome park , Kllhy Place , Kltknood ,
Koiint/o Place , Kount/e & Hutli's add. ,
Kount7o's 2nd , Kount/o's 3rd , Kount/o's 4th
Blip. , Luko's add. , nloo corner 0)\115 ) In l.owo's
ndd. , { 1,010 south fiont. Elno south front In
1'oetoi'A nild. , { ,300. Ono601t. south fiont lot
on Decatur St. lu Heed's 3rd lor { 1,100. I ots
in nil of the best additions In und to Omaha.
Wolmvooroof the best and largest lists of
good property to bo found 111 the city.
A good 6 room house No.2'il7 Popplcton nvo.
that must bo sold , and would Ilkoto get a good
reasonable olfor from someone ; this place can
bo bought right. Wo hn\o u very complete
list of residence property too largo to enumer
ate Givousncnll If you nro looklnir ior nn
investment. F. F. Williams & Co. . Kith nnd
ChIc.igo 313 , near Douglas county bank. Ml
EUSH .VriKLIlY , 15J1 1 arniuu st , oiler :
M lots In Carthage ( 750
85 lots In Lincoln place 750
7 lots III Oichard hdl 1.000
10 lota 111 Sheridan plnco 1.20J
15lots in Portland nlaco 550
65 lots in ItojdH 700
1 lot ill Bedford place 675
1 lot on Stalest 1.2.V )
10 lots on Loavenworth st 1,21)0
100 ft H lOtli Kt.por foot UK )
13) ft on s 10th st per loot at
lOlots InOkahomn A50
4 lots on Ninth st 1,2IM
300 fton H Itlth st per foot 100
2 lots III Wllcox2d 650
W lots in Original plat
! 1 lots In Hush & Sclbys ad tT.O .
3 lots in Syndicate S O b5d
4 lots In Alluights annex - .
4 lots In Fairmont place
Mots In Patricks
5 lots in Paddock plnco cheap
Hush & Bolby , 1521 Farnam. 737
WE Have throe splendid-new cottages for
sale only li ! miles fiom P. O..H4 story
with 0 flno looms and lane hall , slated roofs ,
bay windows , city water , otcchaimlnp : homos ,
spiondld locality , prlco f3,25' ' ) . cash if500 , bal-
unco to suit. Eastman & Wlnstanloy , Koal
Estate and Loan agents , 120 North 15th street.
FOH SALE 4 sections of nnd worth { C per
aero. Will soil for { 4 If taken nt once.
Harrison , Ambler & Woolley , 413 S. 15th st , ,
Omaha , Nob. 49) J 12
& STH1NHKH , 1518 Dodge St. ,
have always cnsuoii hand for lots that must
bo sold. 62J 7
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,030.
Lonlsanla State Lottery Coiuimny.
Incorporntoi lirtholcglilaturo In 1W , for educa
tional und clmrltHblo purposes , and lt Irunulilio
mndo n part of the prcucnt ntuto constitution. In ISn ,
bran orerwholmlnx popultr Toto.
Its G rand Single Nurabor Di awlngs take place
monthly , nnd the Grand Soml-Annual Drawings
regularly every six months ( Juno und Decem
ber ) .
"Wo do hereby certify that wo supervise the
arrangements for all the Monthly nnd Soml-An-
nual Drawings of The Louisiana Stnte Lottery
Company , and in p-rson manage nnd control
the drawings themselves , nnd that the samoaro
conducted with honesty , fairness and in good
faith toward all parties , nnd wo authorize the
Company to us * this cortlftcnto with fHC-slm-
ilcsof ourslgnnturosattached , in its advertise
ments. "
We the undersigned Hanks and flankers will
pnjr all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana Stnto
Lotteries which may bo presented nt our coun
J. li. OOLESIlY.Pros. Loulslann Natlonnl Hk.
1'IKKHK l.ANAUX , Prcs. Stuto National Ilk
A. nALinviN , Pros. Now Orleans Nnflllank
CAUL HOII.V , Pros. Union National Hank.
In tlie Academy of Music , New Orleans ,
Tuesday , June 14 , 1887.
100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars Each-
Halves SIOj Quarters S5j Tenths 52 ; Twen
tieths SI ,
LIST OF rni7E3.
1 PHI/.R OF jnoo.iw ) Is . JIM oo
IPHI/.KOt' IW.OUOiS . . . 1UO' 00
1PK1/.KOK 60'XiOI ' . fill m
IPIU/.KOr 25,0001s . 25-00
2l'ltr/.lSOF lO.OilOnro . 3)0' )
riPHIX.KSOH1 S.OWniO . 83 OJ
2-iPltl/.KSOF lfWJBro . 2i 01
2HPHI'/KSOF ) 30Jnro . . . . . 01.00
f/HJ PHF/.IJS OF 200 nro . 10J.W
100 Prl es ot f.Vxl upproxlmntllig to
{ 'WJ.O.X ) 1'iUoaro . 50,030
1DO Prizes ot $ .fW appioxlmntlng to
I10J.OJO VrUo nro . 00,000
10 } Prizes of $2 0 approximating to
J50.0JO Prl/H nit- . 20,000
1.000 Prl/osof 5100 decided by. . . JTI 50,000
Piizo nro . , . 1W.OW
1,000 Prl ) ot JIOO decided Uy.lOO , > W
Prlzo uro . 100.010
3,13 < 1 Prl/cs amounting to . ? lf)5l ) > 1000
For ( lubr.itpaornny further Information aprly to
tlio untluisltnort. lour bindnrltlu ? inu t l/o dis
tinct unit Dliinuturo plain. JIOKI rapid return mall
delivery nlll bj as onil bjr your oncloiliu nn en
velope boarinir rour full utldruim.
Sdiiil I'OSTAli KOTKS. ipre monor onlorj , or
Nun Vork i\chnnir : In nrdln irj Icttor. Curroncjr by
czprcM ( t our exponsa ) mlilosso ' lo ,
, , , , „
NKW Oiti.uANs , LA , ,
AtltJreaa Keytatcrcil letters to
11 V. Af V AV R V l7 OoneruU ThU | ilia Hodiirciard and of
Eiulr , who nrolnrlnr a of tlia rti-jwlnn , ti aijiiar-
untcc of aliwluto f.ilrnen rnd liu 'rlty , tlml ISO
cbuncoBroullcrinnl , nn > l thnt no one c-tn paolti'r
dlrlna nlmtnnuiuorii wllldrntr a 1'rUe.
UKMKMHKU Unit tlio p.iyiai lit of all prUCJ Is
Ol'AllA. > n.K [ ) 11V HUH S.\iO.SAI. | IIAMlayf NO
UrloKiu , nndlho TlckuUnrt alnad LT iho projllont
of nn Imtltullon , HhOJJ cli.Hluriirt rlcliU nro racuit-
nltcd In th9 hUlicit rnurn : therefore , beirsra of an/
lailtatlani ornnoujmoui cUoiuut
lliu a 1'ul Ultfcrcnl from nil
&lb ir , U mnihktio. llb Flf.
uJu > ui > K iulllncentera < Ui u
lltilf to all p ililun < c ( tlio
boOrwlilIt iln.boll Inthtcup
presses back ike Inlen-
fines Juat an a person
r. Hrtrfilziiti.n.Maretl.eller.
and nltfl.lnn. ) a rudteal core
anil rh 6 tontlirmall -
I'rnclnmntlon nn < l Election Notice ,
Juuo 2,1S87. lly | virtue of the authority In
nio vested. I. William J. Uroateh , Mayor of
the City of Omaha , do hereby proclaim to the
qualified voters of solil city , and the re
spective \vanlfl thereof , and \otlng districts
therein , that on Monday , the 13th dnv of
June , A. 1) . lS7 , a special election In said
City of Omaha will bo held at the following
places In said cltv. to-wit :
VI11 > > T WAlll ) .
Votlnit District No. l-At S.V. . Cor.
Tenth anil .lours.
Votlnit District No. 8-At X. E. Cor.
blxth and 1'lenv.
Vutliiit Dlstiict No. 3 At Eleventh St. No ,
4 Engine
sr.roxn w.\un.
Voting Dlsttlet Xo. l-At S. TP. Cor.
Sixteenth and l.envcn\\ortli Sts.
Votlnit District No. 2-At N. E. Cor.
Sixteenth and V In ton Sts.
THItllt WA1W.
Voting District No. l-At 017Capital Av.
Voting District No. 2-At SOS S. Twelfth
rox'iiTit MAiin.
Votlnc District No. 1 At Planters' House ,
Dodge St. , bet. Sixteenth and Seventeenth
Stx.VotliiR Dlstilct No.2-AtlS03 St. Mary's
A c.
Finn wAiin.
Voting District No. l-At 600 N. Sixteenth
Streiit. '
Voting D Istrlct No. 2-At N. E. Cor. Six
teenth ami Sts. % - '
Sl.XTIf WAlll ) .
A'otlng Dlstilct No. 1 At IMS Samulers
Street. i
Votlnc District No. 2-At S. W. Cor. 4
baundcrs St. and Ames Ave.
SKYKNTIl WAlll ) .
Voting District No. l-At N. W. Cor.
Ttt'onty-nlnth Ave. ana Woolworth St.
VotliiR Dlslilct No. 'J-At Qucaloy's School
K1OI1TI1 WAlin.
Votlntj Dlstricl No. 1 At 2017 Cumlng St.
VotliiK District No. 'J At 2407 CumiiiK Ht.
Voting District No. I At store of Charles
J. John.son , ' \\onlviilnUi and Kiunam.
Voting District No. 'J At lloiUiuan Ulock ,
Cor. Werner Ave. ami Kuroka St.
Tlio polls of salit election will bo open at
8 o'clock In the morning and will continue
open until (1 ( o'clock In tlio afternoon , and at
Niltl election the lolloping question and
mopnsltlon concerning tlio Krnntlni : of a
Iranchisu to the Metropolitan C.xblo Railway
Company of Omaha \\ill bo submitted to said
electors of said city , to-\\lt :
"Shall consent , right ot way and authority
bu given totnoMetiopolltnn Cable Hallway
Company of Omaha to construct , maintain
anil uiicnito a utreet lallwaylth ears pro-
pulled by electricity , compressed air , horse
imwcr or cable , or by such oilier motor asmay
hcroatter bo shown practicable , except sto.un
locomotives , fur the operation of Htroot rail-
way.s , with suitable turnouts , connection !
ami turn-tables , In the City of Omaha , on
and through the following slrccts In sale )
city , vU : Mason , Marcs' , Lca\onnortli
Jones , Jackson , llowuul , Harnoy , Farnam ,
DotiKlas , Dodge , west of Twentieth ; Capital
Avenun , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , Call-
lornln , Webster , IHirt , Ctiming , Hamilton
and 1'/.aid , all between Elovcnth stieet and
the city limits on the west : Eleventh street ,
Tw elf Hi , Fourteenth , Kilteenth and Six
teenth between Mason and Cumlng , and
Eleventh , Twcltth , Fourteenth , Fltteenth
nnd Sixteenth from Mason to Vlnton streets ;
VIntou liom eleventh to Ureon , Seven
teenth , Nineteenth between Howard and
Iz.ird ; Twcnty-llrst , Twenty-second nnd
Twenty-third between Dotko and l7ard , and
one ot Its termini slml ! bo at the Intersection
of two of the previous above named stieets ,
and the other near the west line of the south
east quarter ol Section W , Township 15 ,
KatiKo 1 cast In Douglas County , Nebraska
All votes "Vcs" on said question and
proposition flmll bo regarded and considered
ns in liivor ot mantlni ; said iranchl o and all
\otcs "No" shall be regarded anil considered
us against crantlug said franchise.
_ j _ j In WitutS ! ) Whereol , I have hero-
I unto set my hand and caused Iho
aiiAi , ; goaj 0 [ saa | yuj. | O Q dtiixed the
' ' day and year hrnt above written.
\ \ ii.T.TAst J. HHOATCH , Mayor.
Attest : J. if. SoUTiiAKu , Ulty Clerk.
I S d lot
Iho Mnticnlinn AVlio Has ncounio a
Motnticr of thn Now York liar.
A few Oaj'H ngo the fact was chronicled
in these columns , snvs the Hartford Courant -
ant , that the Now York Icgislntiiro had
passed mi not ntUliori/.int : the stiprumo
court of the state to wnivo the alienage
of Hong Yen Cluing , a native of China ,
but now a resident of New York , and to
regularly admit and license him to prac
tice as nn attorney nnd counselor m all
the courts of the state , provided , of
course , ho passed the usual examination
mlmiltinj : him to the Imr. Hong Yen
Clmng came to this country with
tlio second detachment of Chinesu stu
dents about thirteen years ago. Ho was ? j
lirst sent to school sit Northampton. Ills * 2
chum was Chang Mun Yew , who has ! $
made n splendid record fur himself since
lii.s ictiirn to Chinn , having ttiKcn the
highr&t ollicial position secured by nny
of the boys who worn educated in Amor-
ieu Hoiig Yon Chang was soon faont to
Mr. Stobbms * school at Springlicld , after
which , in 1875 , ho came to Hartford tuid
entered the high school , where ho at once
took a high stand. While attending
school ho boarded with the family
of Mr. William B. Smith. Clmng
did not remain at the high school
to graduate , but went instead to the pre
paratory school at Andovcr. In 1879 ho
entered Yale , where ho was ono of the
foremost students in his cluss , taking
from the first a high stand in scholarship.
His chum nt college was fllun Yew , who
will be remembered ns ono of the most
popular coxswains Yule ever had. In 1881
the Chinese students wore recalled , nnd
Chang wont with them , very much dis
appointed and chagriniicd nt not being
nb.Io to complete his studios. Ho wont ,
however , with the determination that ho
would return us boon ns practicable to
resume his course. Upon reaching China
ho was placed nt a naval school , lie
soon tired ot the monotony of his life nnd
managed to obtain his release. His then
visited his aged mother , but only to say
farewell for n second tune. 15y means of
small savings which ho accumulatedand
through the assistance : of friendshu soon
found himself in possession of n suflicicnt
hum to bring him to this country. At this
juncture occurred an accident that will
illustrate Ills character. A student friend ,
who , like himself , had been recalled , im
plored for assistance to enable him tc
reach his home in : i distant point in
China. Chang willingly loaned him his
entire capital , and then , fur the second
time , set out to obtain funds to enable
him to complete his education. Ho finally
secured enough to get him to Shanghai ,
from which point he suited for Honolulu ,
where a brother of his had built
up a successful business. Hero ho
entered u law olileo nnd showed himself
so apt a student that nt the end of n year
ho was ollcred n salary of $1,800 to re-
main. He was anxious to become better
grounded in law , however , und so re
turned to the United States. Ho entered
Columbia law school in 1&S5 , nnd again
became a leader in his class. At the time
cf his graduation , which occurrad n year
utro , lie received special mention for pro-
h'ciency shown in the examinations. Ho
passed labt summer in this city as the
guest of Dr. Oliver C. Smith , nnd ho was
hero also durinir the summer of IfjOfj. Ho
was with Messrs. Hyde , ( Jrosg A : Hyde
during his sojourn in Hartford , and at
tributes much of his subsequent
success to his work under them.
Last fall ho ndurned to New York
nnd entered the olllco of n loading
law llrm in thnt city. It was hero that
Chang was met with the most difllcult
obstacle that had yut confronted him.
He desired to become a member of tlio
Kings county bar , but was prevented
from taking the examination by the pro
visions of the Inw relating to Chinese
emigration. A well known judge became
interested in his ease , nnd succeeded in
securing the passage of the bill already
ulludcd to , which mndu it possible for
Chung to be admitted to the bar , The
examinations have now been successfully
pasied , anil ho is n full-Hedged lawyer ,
It is moro than probable that ho will re
ceive a largo share of the patronage of
the Chinese population of Now York , and
his many friends in this city will vrisU
him every success In his profession.