Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Dclrmul by carrier In any part of the city at
twenty cents per w uk.
H. W. TILTOX , . . . Manager.
NIOIIT Kiinou No. 23.
N. Y.l'lumblng Co.
New spring goods at Ilelter's , tailor.
M. Nogle , for disturbing the peace , is
In jail.
The board of equalization have con
cluded their labors.
Charles Hall Is In jail for window-
breaking while drunk.
The regular monthly meeting of the
city council takes place to-night.
The trial of Jennings for assault on the
Main street bartender on Thursday night
will take place to-day.
Kven with the now seats put in Bayliss
park there is not enough seating capacity
for a day like yesterday.
The rustic house having been com
pleted in Fairmont park , the visitors
yesterday found jt a refreshing retreat.
Three prisoners , found guilty at this
term of tlio district court , are to bo sen
tenced by Judge Carson this morning.
There was a row at Achtor it Ghniss'
saloon , on Broadway , about 2 o'clock yes
terday morning , and several arrests were
Judge Aylcsworth will find a large
amount of business to transact in the
po'lco ' court this morning. Some twelve
or liftpen cases are tu bo tried.
There was no game yesterday between
the M. & K.'s and the Omaha Greys , as
thn Greys did not show up. The M. tic K.
nine played a picked nine instead.
The A. O. H. will probably go over to
Omaha to attend the laying of the cornerstone
ner-stone of the new clfurcli at connec
tion with Creiyhton college , on the 20th
* The warm weather yesterday reminded
the citi/.ens that summer was at hand.
Many people visited Lauo Manawa and
quite a number enjoyed a batito in the
lake. Last night the soda fountains and
Ice cream saloons wore taxed to their
utmost capacity. The thermometer
reached 92 degrees yesterday afternoon.
It is proposed to give Miss Nellie
Hatcher a benefit the 23d of this month.
She certainly is entitled to one , both on
account of her ability to entertain any
audience , and on account of the liberal
ity shown by her in assisting in various
entertainments for the public benefit. If
such an expression of public favor can
bo arranged , the house will be crowded.
Four fresh young men yesterday sat. at
n table in ono of the hotel dining rooms
at dmncr.und after considerable loud talk
begun to "guy" the girls attending the
tables. Some ono patted his foot on the
lloor and it was taken up almost
instantly by everybody in the room. It
had the desired effect , and the "fresh
four" discontinued their disgraceful
Jonathan Jones is now locked up in
the county jail awaiting his sentence for
manslaughter. Thus far ho has been mi-
able to furnish the necessary bail , and it
is thought that he will not do so. When
convicted on tlio first trial ho was sen
tenced to fourteen years in the peniten
tiary , and served one year of the term
before ho got a new trial. The experience
of being taken across the state will there
fore be no new ono for him.
Frank Clark hopes to have the Hotel
Manawa opened shortly. The lathing is
all completed and plastering will now
begin as well as the painting. The cook-
inn ; utensils have nil arrived from the
east and the furniture is all purchased.
Among those who already are securing
rooms are a number of Omaha mer
chants. The rails for the Manawa
motor line are arriving , and in a couple
of weeks the line will bo running , much
to the comfort of those who are unable to
have their own conveyances.
Aljout 2 o'clock yesterday morning
Officers Unthank and Beswick noticed u
man and woman seated on a bench in
Bayliss park. Thev quietly stole up be
hind them , but us tlio police call sounded
just then they were compelled to answer
the call from their own whistles , much to
thd discomfort of the couple on the
bench , who were only a few feet away.
The city council may bo compelled to do
as the city fathers of Baltimore did , if
this is carried too far. In Baltimore there
is an o'rdinanco airainst kissing in the
public parks.
Every agent claims to sell the best
Pianos under the sun. The Mueller
Music Co. are no exception to this , but
then they can prove any such assertion ,
They Sell the celebrated Hardman Pianos
and Century Organs. Nouo liner in the
market. _ _
. Special Bain or Kill Gloves.
A special sale of Kid Gloves takes place
to-morrow morning , commencing at
o'clock at Eiscmau's People's store.
100 do/en Alexandria Foster Bros.
Harris' , Santee Marie and other populai
kid gloves to bo given away at OOo pei
pair. Those are fresh , now and populai
4 , 5 and 0-button lengths , in sizes from
5J to 8 , in all the new tans , browns , drab
and black shades.
Only two pairs to rach purchaser.
Never before in the history of kid
cloves has there been such bargains as
those now offered by us. Regular retail
prices of these cooas are from $1 to f l.GC
per pair , while wo soil them al 50c.
Special bargains in other departments
to-morrow at
People's Storo.
The largest stock and best rofngeratoi
mado. Dry air. economical , finest finish
at Cole & Cole , No. 41 Main street.
For the state firemen's tournament al
Sioux City the Sioux City & Pacific rail
road will sell excursion tickets Ju' . > " 7. t ,
uuG iHTG tor ron'rid trip. Fironior
2l } uniform traveling in a body , 1 com
per mile each way. Firemen's paraphor
niilia free. Train leaves union deuot al
7 p. in , and arrives in Sioux City at 10:4 : (
n. m. , ranking connection with all lowt
lines. Full particulars and tickets a
city oftlce , No. 431 Broadway , and ai
That What'a the Matter.
J. G. Tip ton has residences of nl
prudes , and within the roach of every
body. Don't tro wandering aimlcsslj
through the world , but see him and buj
a homo , and lix yourself comfortably be
fore old age creeps on you , and anothei
boom runs over you , and property ceti
so high you can't got it. Putafewuol
lars away in the little homo and it make !
a good savings bank. That what's the
Remnants of prints , muslins , shirtings
lawns , linens , traveling , tickings , ginc
hams , etc. , at Goldberg's , No. 18 Mult
utrcut on Monday.
Omnha people will save money by buy
inc the Quick Meal stove on this side
Wo are Gulling lots of ( roods to Oman :
customers. Get our prices. Cole & Cole
Drs. Hanchott & Smith , ofllca No. 13
Pearl st. , residence 120 Fourth st. Tele
phouo No. 10.
J. W. & E. L. Squlro make beautifu
abstracts of title , and deserve the succos
they are enjoying. . .
Latest improved gasoline stov es at N
KM Mala street , W. A. Wood.
Kev. 0 , W , Orofts Tells His People About
the Ministry of Sorrow ,
A Cnso of Heartless Treatment of n
Mother The Monthly Showing of
the Police Jones tti Jitll Wait
ing to lc'bontciicclt
Sermons anil Services.
At tliu ( JongroHfttlonsxl cliurch yestor-
ilny morning , tlio pnslor , Hov. G. W.
Jrofts , preached a must excellent and
lintcUcitl surmon on "Tlio Ministry of
sorrow. " Ho clioso as his tuxt "Now
no chastening for the prudent sectucth
to be joyous. " ,
The sermon abouiulci ) in rhetorical
jcauties , anil was closely listened to by
si lurgo congregation. Ho reasoned large
ly from analogy , snowing how m the re
lation of parent and child the truth of
the text was illustrated. No child could
understand that it was love that prompt
ed punishment. A father who foil called
upon to punish : i child , explained that it
ciuf-ed more pain to inlllct the
jiunishmont than to receive it. "Then
lot ns change places , " was the natural
reply of the child. Yet , all children
on reachinjr manhood's estate could look
back and sec that punishment had been
given in love and for their good. A child
could see love manifested only in holi
days , in toys , in being given the right to
do a it pleased. It could not FCC
love in the rod , yet it was there. Love
came sometimes clad in coarse garments.
Itseommamh seemed harsh. The llowery ,
sunshining path , with the singing of the
birds , seemed often to be the path to betaken
taken , and love seemed ought but love
in directing tlio feet away from this
tempting path to one dark , thorny and
beset with trials. The proof of love could
not bo complete until after the stony
way , the prickling thorns , the clouds
and the cold had been left behind -
hind , and that better beyond reached
which love had seen could never have
been reached by the path of llowors and
The necessity of this dislplina of trial
and sorrow was seen in human life. For
the earthly parent to indulge the child ,
to shield from all trial , to refrain from
all correction , would result to the child's
Injury. Such n pampered , petted idol of
the household was unfitted 'for the stern
struggle of life. It made lifo like the
llowcr m the conservatory , unable to
stand the chilly blasts which must sweep
about it when the time comes for its be-
intr placed in the open garden.
Drawing room accomplishments were
not to be dispiscit , but a development of
character was of infinitely more valuo.
This must come from trial.
The ( lowers arc beautiful , but
there should bo n deep striking of the
roots , which would keep the life and con
tinue the growth long after the llowor
had faded and the leaves fallen.
Character got its strength from contest
and chastening. Character wa. the great
boon. It was the only thing worth gain
ing and keeping.
The results ofjchastcning were wonder
ful. 1'aticnce was but one of the fruits ,
yet were it the only one , it would amply
recompense for all the sorrow caused by
the chastening which produced it. it
was a wonderful virtue. Christ was the
wonder of the world in all ages , and
largely because ho was perfect in pa-
ticnco. Other virtues , precious as gems ,
were gained by the ministry of sorrow ,
it was dillicnlt to realize it , and the fact
never would bo fully realixed until the
river was crossed and the gates wore
thrown ajar. Then looking back upon this
earthly career , the purpose of chastening
would bo seen clear. God loves man ,
and us a heavenly father , follows out the
principle of love , which is seen to a lesser
degree in the earthly parent chastening
his child not in anger or for revenge ,
but for the child's good.
There were services of an especial in
teresting character at St. Xavier's Cath
olic church , yesterday. Bishop Cosgrovo
was here , and confirmed a class of eighty-
seven. The girls dressed in'puro wnito.
with wreaths and veils , presented a charm
ing appearance , marching in n body to
and from the church , under the charge of
the sisters , whoso black robes appeared
in strange contrast to the procession of
white. A largo number of boys were
also continued , anp they also marched
to and from the church in a body. They
wore bright colored sashes. Rev. Father
Daxacho , of Omaha , was hero also.
Bishop Cosgrovo goes to Honey Creek
to-day to bless a now boll there.
Next Sunday being children's day there
will be a special service in the Congre
gational church , in which the children
will take part. There will bo music , reci
tations , responsive readings , etc. The
ordinance of baptism will also bo ad
ministered to such children as are pre
The walls of the now Catholic church
are going up rapidly. There have been
some changes in the plans , by which
pillars will be used instead of trusses for
the roof. It IB decided that they will
bo stronger and more ornamental. The
cost of the church when completed will
reach at least 140,000.
There is to bo built n now house for the
Driest. It will bo Just west of the church
and will face Fifth avenuo.
Mnnsvwa Mineral Water.
The question now arises whether min
eral water has been discovered at Hotel
Manawa or not.
The facts as learned last night by a
BEE representative are that two carpen
ters have been cured of kidney troubles
since they have been at work on the
Hotel Manawa , and the only cause of thn
euro they attribute to the luiflkine of iiie
water. _ "
Jicforo Iho foundation for the hotel was
begun , Frank Clark , the proprietor , had
a drive well sunk. The water had
rather a tjueer taste , but it was
thought that the well had not
been sunk deep enough. One carpenter
who was unable to work at his trade for
twelve years was employed to do chores
while the foreman of the job was troubled
with kidney disease. They arc both now
able to do as much work as any of the
carpenters and called Mr. Clark's atten
tion to it , stating that they believed it was
caused by the water they had been drink
ing.Mr. . Clark , when approached on the
subject last night , stated that the facts
were just us he had received them , and
begged that they bo not made public as
ho intends to-day to send samples of the
water east for analysis. But the BIK la
not given to keeping things quiet. The
above facts are given as received.
Should the water bo discovered to con
tain valuable properties the future suc
cess of Hotel Manawa is assured. With
the beautiful lake and its surroundings
and a line mineral water the capacity of
the present hotel will necessarily have to
bo increased and possibly several othcis
may bo erected.
The Coming Races.
The Horseman says of them : Horse
men in search of a profitable campaign
through a popular series of associations
djirinft the months of Juno and July , will
do well to read the programmes of the
Iowa circuit and tlio Iowa-Dakota sum
mer meetings , with a grand purse total
of 130,000. The old Iowa circuit has al
ways enjoyed a high reputation , official
Judges , prompt payment , honest racing
urn courteoui and efficient executlrc
* iave been 1(8 ( distinguishing features. This
vear the circuit consists of Cedar Kapids ,
Marshalltown and Council Bluffs. Cedar
Kapids comes up fresh and smiling with
a new track and gives the opening meet
ing on Juno 31 , 22 , ' . ' 3 and 21. Marshall-
town follows on Juno 28 , 29 , 30 and Julv
1 , and Council Bluffs takes July 4 , 5 , 0
and 7. The programme of the three
meetings I * identical. The trotters will
compote in the 2:48 : , 2III. : 2J3 : ; , 2:33 : , 2:89. :
2:20 : and 2:23 : classes. Tito pacers will
settle their Issues In tlio 2:33 : , 2:25 : and
treo-for-nll classes. The purses are all
f COO each , and the ontrv list closes for
the circuit on Juno 13. The Iowa circuit ,
is of yore , will contribulo a choice chap
ter to the sporting annals of the year.
Kcported Honrtlcggncas.
A case Is reported of a son and his wife
neglecting to care for his aged mother ,
who is dying at his homo.
It seems that the mother of a John
Johnson , who Is above 80 years of age , is
in a dying contition at his homo on
Twenty-second avenue , between Ninth
and Tenth streets , and that the family
wilfully neglect to give the old lady
proper care and attention.
A BEK representative yesterday learned
of the neighbors that Mrs. Johnson has
been slowly dying for the past two days
and the Johnson tamily have gone away
and neglected to care for her. They
claim that the house , which is located
only a few feet from the YVabash stock
yards truck , is in an unhealthy condl-
tioa and needs the attention of the health
Arrests Unrlnu May.
The following are the arrests made by
the police force in May :
Drunk no
Vnirniicy 34
Assault 3
Assault and u.Uterv. 1
Distuibanco of peace 2o
Cnrrylue concealed weapons i
Suspicion i
Lnrcony 4
Kiicitlve from justice 1
1 llecal llshlni : i
Threatening to kill i
Hutx'lary i
Insane i
Kuslstlnic an ofllccr 1
Assault with intint : to do great bodily in
jury 7 1
Tectdlliig without license 1
Total 116
A Saloon How. .
A row of quite largo proportions oc
curred about 2 o'clock yesterday morning
in Barkhauscn's saloon , on upper Broad
When tlio police arrived the place was
locked tip and the crowd still inside of
the saloon. As the police could not get
in without breaking down thu door , they
went to the residence of 'Squire Barnctt ,
who issued a warrant , after which the
police bceurcd Charles Sanderson , who
was allowed , finally , to go upon ins own
recognizance until to-day.
It appears that the entire crowd was
drunk and disorderly , and that several
lights were had before the police ap
Personal 1'araitrnphs.
F. B. Evans , of Maine , is at the Pacific.
C. Ilarwood , of Boston , is at the
Waiter Johnson , of Sandwich , is at the
F. Silsby , of Little Sioux- , was in the
city yesterday.
Jack O'Neil , of i'laltsinonth , was m the
city yesterday.
H. W. Uodgers , of Chicago , was at the
Ogdcn yesterday.
H. B. Davis , of Racine , Wis. , was a
Pacific guest yesterday.
George W.Vatson , of Sclma , Ala. ,
was at the Pacific yesterday.
George F. Holloy , of Oshkosh , is a
guest at the Bcchtcfe hotel.
Al Noble left last evening for St. Paul ,
whore ho expects to make his future
Paul Bouquet returned yesterday from
a trip in Nebraska. During his trip ho
visited Hastings and saw C. S. Clark ,
the well-known "newspaper fiend , " for
merly of this city , who he reports us
doing well and looking tino.
Wo have sent several large bills of
goods to Omaha parties this week. They
bay they can buy of us and save 20 per
cent on gasoline stoves and refrigera
tors. Cole & Cole , 41 Main St.
Kindness in Its Sweetest Form.
Boston Courier : A young lady belong
ing to one of the oldest and richest fami
lies in Cambridge , who teaches a class
composed mostly of shop girls in one of
our city Sabbath schools , last Sunday ,
noticiuir that one of her scholars looked
unusually worn and tired , proposed to
her that she take a vacation of a day ,
offering herself to supply her place at the
store. The girl was naturally a little re
luctant at first to accept such a sacrifice ,
but was prevailed upon , and promptly at
8 o'clock the lady reported at the store
for duty and remained until its closing ,
utO. The fact that the store was a con
fectionery establishment , and that as
many candies as the salesgirl could cat
were considered lawful perquisites ,
might at first seem to detract from the
nobleness and unselfishness of the sac
rifice , but that the position was in fact a
very hard and exacting ono will appear
when it is known that the store was con
nected with an ice cream saloon , and
among the duties ot the candy clerk was
the washing each day of from 125 to 1GO
napkins ,
Special advertisements , such a * Lost , Found
VoLoan , For Bale , To Rent , VVj-'t ; in1 ; !
( "
etc , , will 1)1 ; ; , ; . , " , , n h ! ; column at "the"low
ratOOTTEN CENTS PER LINK for the first Inner-
Ion and i''Ive Cents Tar Line for each subsequent
Insertion. Leara advertisements nt our offlco
No. 12 I'carl street , near llroadwny , Council
\VANTED-A good ( rlrl tor kltuhon work.
Apply to Xo. lit I Mill street.
A situation with Rome wnolesael
firm as traxellnj ; salesman or assistant
bookkoeptr. Address W. Q , No. 1WJ Chicago
street , Omaha.
OH HUNT Eight room house. Inquire ol
F W. T. Colo. Mi Pearl street.
FOIl HALK-Two work horses. Prlcn $100
andfto. Ono year's time on satisfactory
siicurity. Apply to Horace Kveret , Council
lllulls. |
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. Apply at TO } Sixth avenue.
ANTKD-A good Irish setter. Bhcp Hobbo ,
WiMain : street.
Jheonly Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a fire
Escape ,
f And All Modern Improvements ,
215 , 217 and 310 Main St.
MAX M01IN , Pro p.
Largohati In white , black aad all color * . ; P 4-
tern bonnets , huts and toques , a specialty.
KolBlt Douglas it. , Oaaha.
JVb other house In this state can
show such a large and complete
stock or ( five the prices me quote In
this list. A wholesalestocliamonnt-
ini ) to $17tiOOO to be sold at less
than wholesale prices.
Prints , Percales and Sateens ,
Good iinalitif Vi'lnttt , Xc , iic and -Ac
per nurd.
llent vitality Slilrllnn and .Draw
1'rlntn , .HMC/I an Mcrilinac , Choce-
coes , Allcnn , AiHcrlcannKtchiHontl # ,
etc. , at tic. Sold elsewhere at Sc and
We.Aincilcan Satccna , yard niidc,10c.
Imported Sateens , luc , 2Oc and
Shift Ing and Drew Percales , He ,
7c , S < ; and We. Itcynlar price 10c
TliotwandHof pieces to select from
In both Imported and domestic
A- > roil Ulnfilutin * , 4c , Sc and tic.
JDfess Giii'jliitiii * , 4c , > c and tic.
Jleitfrcms , Lancas ci-s , Xorman-
dlcs , yl/m > .i/ . ' j/s , and other brands
at fie and We.
Imported ( llnyliains , 12\c \ up
wards , of which ivc have a great
variety. '
Crinkled Seersuckers in plaids ,
stripes , combinations and chain-
brags , Gc , 7c , tic , We , J2c and 15 ( .
Cher lota and Shlrllnys from Gc
upwards. A fall and complete line
always on hand.
JJrown sheetings and Muslins , 4c.
Yard wide Lawrence , "L. L. " and
other brands , 3c.
ftest yard wide Indian Ifcad
Shietlng , tic , 7c and fie.
Ilrown and Bleached Pillow Cac ,
8-4 , J-4 , W-4 , 12-4 , at less than
ever before , '
Illeachcd Muslin , yard wide , 5c.
Lonsdale anil similar brands ,
yard wide , tfj fo 7c.
Wamasntt , Pride of West and
other brontls , JOuto 12c.
A discount given to piece lots.
Lawns and ; White Goods
from 3c Dpiards.
Latest Styles Domestic and Im
On Monday , June 6iti ,
Of all Iclnd * of Dress and Wash
Goods , fit almost any price.
t3TTerseis. ; Wraps. Salts , wade
up Dresses , etc. , we are selling
cheaper than ever.
People's Store ,
Nos , 314,316,318 , , and 320
Justice ot the Peace ,
416 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
In Amber ,
ctc.JIair Or
well as the
newest uov-
olticflln hair
> Hair fifonas
mudcto order
Mr .C. L. Gillette
29 llnln St. , Council HlnfTs , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to ,
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
NO. 83 MAIN ST. ,
* _
JR. RICE , 31. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knile or Drawing o
Over 80 vear * Practical experience.
No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Council Bluffg.Iow * .
Sacrifice Sale !
Eiseman's People's ' Store
During This Week.
IfJO dozen Ladies' Lisle Ihrcad
Ifosc , 2Sc ; regular price fiOc.
1OO dozen fall regular Inuraht ,
inclndlnu black , % uc ; reyttlar price ,
50c.HOO dozen best LMc Thread , 3Sc.
25 dozen Silk Hose , A' } to ! ) \ at 7Sc
to $ J.Xo.
Misses' ' and Children's '
( iOO dozen all sizes , 4 to A'J at Sc ,
Sc and lOc.
tiaO dozen at 15c , 2Oc and 2fic.
Full regular.
80O dozen Lisle Thread Ingrain ,
and French lilbbcd , at # < > f ; all sizes.
These arc great bargains.
&TThls sale lasts all this wccJ : ,
and be sure you attend It.
& GO'S.
In refurnishing your house re
member that we carry a complete
line of Carpets , Oil Cloths , Curtains
and Upholstery Goods.
All new goods , choice and low
Come in and get our figures before
buying. Only exclusive carpet house
in Western Iowa.
2f. B. Samples of Carpe's sent
upon application and the very low
est prices guaranteed.
Council Bluffs Carpet GeNe
Korses 8 Mules
For al ) purposes , bought and sold , at retail
nd in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin-
pic or do'ible.
MASON WISE , Council Bluffs
Star Sa/e Stabfes and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council UlulTs , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses and mules kept constantlyon
hand , for sale at retail or in car loa d
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SHLUTEB & BOLEY , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 11
Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corner
1st. avo. and 4th st
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and
Farms. Acre property In western part of city.
All selling cheap to make room for spring stock
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Rooms , over Officer 4 Pusoy's Bank , Cou
Engineer , Surveyor , MapPublisher
Over JVb. 12 North Main St.
City and county maps , of cities and counties
in western Iowa , Nebraska andKansas.
STONE A my ,
Attorneys at Law ,
actice in the State and Federal Courti
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
Justice of the Peace.
Office ov r American Express.
Harkness Brothers.
Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
A large stock of fine white summer good y *
and wash fabrics. . . *
A New and Fine Assortment of Parasols , Sun ,
shades and Umbrellas ,
Summer Corsets and the Noted Little
Jersey Corset.
Department is ye t well stocked and invites the attention
of everyone about to furnish a home. Also oil cloths ,
matting , rugs , mats , etc. Do not forget the number ,
Telephone 163.
o. cr.
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council Bluffs Ollleo , IMunonlu
Temple. Onmlm OHIce , No 111
North 10th street.
Particular attention given to In
venting . funds for lion - real-
dents. Special bargains In lots &
uere properly . in Omaha & Coun
cil Blulfr. . Correspondence solic
Swanson Music Company ,
No. 329 Broadway Co uiicil Bluffa
Estey Organs , Camp& Go.'s ' Organs and Western GottageOrgans
Steam , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway. - Council Bluffs , Iowa
trail Orders > VMj P"J < * ' > " ft " ! /