OMAHA TATTY STTNDAV. JTTNTR fi. 1Sft7 TWTCTATR THE HELD FOR EVANGELISTS , According to Dr. Helwig It Oovora the World , r CHRISTIAN CHURCHES WANTED , Zbcy Arc tlio Only Means of Solving the Momentous i'rutjtrina of Intemperance , Socialism nntl Annrcliy. Church Extension Meeting. The church extension anniversary oc curred In tlio evening. Hev. A. W. .Lilly , I ) . D. , of York , Pa. , prcshlud. Kev. K. F. liurtholomcw , of Carthage , 111. , and Her. P. A. Hollinan , of Denver , Col. , assisted in the opening religious gcrviccs. The first speaker was Hov. J. 13. Hclwig , D. 1) . , of Springfield , O. , who spoke substantially as follows : In the anniversary exercises of this evening - ing my remarks , In the first nlaco , will refer to the extent of the fluid for the op erations of the board of church extension ; and in the .second place tliey will refer to the cultivation of that field. A congregation few in number and feeble in material ability and then also without a house ot worship and that congregation must neccssarilv have a precarious existence. Hut , on "tho other hand , a congregation , though few and fcoblii , but possessing a house of worship , and that congregation can hardly bo dis banded or destroyed. Our first inquiry is , "What Is the ex tent , the nature and the significance of the field which has been given to the Lutheran church , of the cultural synod , and which our board of church extension Is expected to cultivate ? And what , also , are the facilities for tiie rapid dtbsominu- tion of the truths of the gospel of Christ in this country , such ns are not found in the other nations of the earth ? " Notice for a moment , in the first place. the physical conformation the form of the country in which God has given us our work to do. In Kurope , for instance , the mountains occupy the central portion of the country , forming on either side rivers which flow in opposite seas. So also in Asia. There , lee , the mountains divide - vide the continent , tilling from either side the rivers which pour themselves into widely separated oceans. There trade and commerce and the sympathies of the people also How apart. But not so horo. On our North American continent the mountains rise up on cither coast , and from these the land slopes into ouo great central valley , and throughout which our two imperial rivers run ; and into these their thousand thributarics flow , making but ono vast middle conti nent more than three million sqiutro miles in extent. A country as largo as fourteen German empires ; as largo as fif teen French republics ; as largo as eigh teen kingdoms of Sweden ; as largo as twenty-lour times Great Uritnin and Ire land ; as large as twenty-five Nor ways , as largo as twenty - seven Italys ; tifty times England and Wales ; ninety eight times the land of John Knox , and 208 times the homo of the Dane. .Belgium and Switzerland and Ireland and all tlio Netherlands would scarcely make more country than Ne braska. The field , then , for the operation of the board of church extension comprises every community where the people are dcstituto of the gospel , all over tins land of ours. And in its moral and spiritual material or elements of people it in cludes all nationalities. The establishment of Christian churches \vlth all that pertains to them , is the only way to solve the threatening problems of socialism and anarchy , intemperance , Sabbath desecration , and so on. If wo arc to preserve what wo now have , the various denominations of Christianity must be moro for the evan gelization of our cities than they huvo yet done heretofore. And wo should never fail to remember that not individ uals only , but cities and nations arc saved or they are lost , just in proportion to what the religion of Christ does for them. And hence also the duty to know and to supply the moral and spiritual necessities of the times has never been so great in. the history of this country as that duty is at the present time. It is so often said : How noble it is for the missionary and his family , and his little band of Christians , to contend with the discouragements , which come from worshipping in sheds and barns and shops , and in show rooms and dance balls , and so on , as the necessity of the case so of ten is , if there is to bo any pub lic worship at all. Yes , that may bo noble on the part of the missionary and bis little band of Christians , but is it noble on the part of a great church to compel them to do so , when it is within the ability of that church to enable them to do [ otherwise ? In such a cause our benevolence should abound , that our general synod Lutheran church may arise and build as duty de mands , and as before God's Judgment throne , she will wish she had done. lr. Helwig is an eloquent and im pressive speaker. He was followed by Rev. W. M. llaum , D. D. , of Philadel phia , who in his usual happy manner howcd that the continued exlstonco of the church extension society and its com petent board is a necessity growing out of the over expanding character of Lu theran church work. It was mainly in augurated by the laymen of the church , and is justly interpreted as in harmony with the mot hods of Providence in all thn past history of our church. It adapts itself most advantageously to all the other activities of the church , and by past successes and usefulness justifies the prevailing disposition to enlarge its oper ations and expand its capabilities. This Elea for combined oflort should not , owover , be regarded as necessitating or even suggesting the dltuinuation of indi vidual influence or effort , but accepting it as it is , with all its requirements , indi vidual and concerted action can be com bined for happiest results through the es tablished agency of this society. Hoy. J. C. Zimmerman , the secretary of the board of church extensions , in a five- Biinuto speech , gave a few instances of the great material value to the church of the cause represented by the board. Mr. Zimmerman is the right man in the right place , and with his energy and ability to present the claims of his cause , the inter ests of the board of church extension should be rapidly advanced in the Lu theran church. After the gathering of offerings for the cause presented during the evening the benediction was pronounced by Key. Dr. Orb , president of the synod. Roy. M. Valentino. D. D. , senior pro lessor in the theological seminary at Get tysburg , will preach the sermon to-day , and Hov. S. A. Orb , D. D. , president of Wittonbiirg college , Springfield - field , O. , will preach in the evening at Kouutzo memorial church. An Afternoon Hide. The usual service preparatory to com. munion wuro held at 3 o'clock , Hoy. Kl Huber D. D. , of Philadelphia preaching the sermon. At the conclusiou ot the re ligiouP services at 0:30 : o'clock the members bers of the Nebraska Heal Kslato Ex change provided about 100 carriages , each carryng from four to six | > crsonsfor the purpose of showing the city to the members of the convention. All except those who wcro loft standing on the stops for want of room in the carriages cnjoyei this diversion very greatly. The line o march was down Hartley , to Tenth , to Farnam , up Farnam to Sixteenth , to Kountz Place , whore the processioi broke ranks and scattered in all direo Uou * . Tlio reporters were fortunate HAYDEN BROTHERS , New Dry Goods House , 116 and 118 S. 16th Street. First Special in Dress Goods MONDAY , JUNE 6tli , BOO while bed spreads , large size , crochet and Marseilles , at 75c , 7cUiic ! ) , ? 1.15,11-25 and $2. Ono lot of fringed Turkey red table clotlH. 7-1 , II-1 and 10-t , your choice of the lot for 5'Jc each. Only two sold to \ customer. 250 dozen fancy Turkish towels , also ) lain unbleached and bleached ; some ire slightly soiled , lOc , 12jc , I5c , 25e , mil , ' ! 5e each. Here is a bargain worth looking af ter. 4-1 ! pieces of scrim for curtains at 7jc. lOc and I2jc per yard. 10 pieces madras curtains , elegant style ; onr price this week lOc a yard ; worth 25c. 163 pairs lace curtains in'ccrn only , atl.75apairtocloo the lot , worth louble. 200 pieces linen crash for towels at ic , 7c , He , ! ) c , lOc , 12Jc and 15c a yard. There arc some extra values in this lot 75 dozen 16x28 red bordered damask towels , lOu each or $1.10 a dozen. 100 dozen 20x37 all linen huck towels reduced to 9c each or $1 a dozen ; 1 doz. only to a customer. 1)0 ) dozen 20x45 all linen huck towels , extra good value , I'Jc ' each or $2.25 a dozen. 200 pieces of bleached and cream col ored table damask ; also Turkey Bed at 25c , 30c , 35c , 40c , 45C , GOc , 55c , G5c and 75c a yard. Compare our prices with prices you iave been paying and you will see that t pays to buy your table linen at Hay- Ion Brothers GENTS' ' HOSIERY. 100 dozen Fancy Striped Hose , 7c per pair. 20 dozen Imported Balbriggan Hose , without seams , 15c , worth 25c. 100 dozen Fancy Cotton Hose , regular made , at 19c per pair ; worth 25c. enough to fall to the share of Major T. h. Jlarkson , behind whoso noble grays they wore rapidly carried over about twelve miles of the streets of Omaha , to various ) ltices of interest , returning in duo time jonvinced that they had seen something of what is now a wonderful city , nnd ono ; hat is destined and deserves to take _ high rank among the uictropollton cities of country. TIIE NORIUS HOTEL. Kept On European Plan. There has long been need of a well- kept and moderate priced hotel near the St. Paul depot. B. F. Norris , the popu- ar restaurant man , appreciating the sit uation , has secured a lease of the second and third stories of the handsome new sriok block recently erected on corner of 10th and Webster streets , comprising over fifty large , well-ventilated and well- lighted rooms. These rooms have been handsomely furnished with new and stylish furniture. The entire house is fitted up with the softest carpets , which cover even the spacious hallways. The entire building is lighted ! with incandescent lights. A cool , nicely furnished reception parlor has boon fitted up on the second floor for the convenience of guests and visitors. The spacious dininc room and culmery department are on the ground floor. The table is supplied with the best the market affords , which is prepared in a palatcablo form , first-class help is employed and everything that can add to the conven ience or comfort of guests is attended to. Although scarcely opened , the guests embrace some of the best families of the city. The Norris hotel is what it is claimed to bo , a pleasant home for fami lies aud parties wishing good hotel ac commodations at moderate prices. Every mother thinks her own baby is the nicest thing on earth , except those beautiful residence lots in Benson , on the Motor Line , that Mayno is sacrificing at | 250 to | 500 , one-tenth cash , balance in three years. Prices to be Advanced. On the 10th of Juno the price of lots in Maploton will bo raised $50 each. Brown & Crelghton , sole agents , southeast cor. 10th and Douglas. For a good investment buy ono of those choice Hoflman Torracc lots. Terms easy. Prices | 400 and $450. Ne braska L. & R. E. Co. , Rooms 9 and 10 Holluian Building , 13th und Faruam , Jti t Hear Them Howl. "Forty years ago my cabin stood right here whore Mayno's ollico is , and from my door I could hoar the wolves howl ing every night. Mark my words , you'll hear more howling right hero before long. " "What ! Wolves hero agaiu ? Non sense 1" "No. not wolves , but howls of rage from those who neglect to take advantage of Mayne's bargains. Just think of it ! Aero tracts in l7enon for less than good sized cemetery lots bring in less accessi ble neighborhoods , and splendid resid ence sites for f250 to f500 , one-tooth cash , balance easy torms.'J Horses Kor Sale. Some extra good roadsters , young and sound ; nNo heavier work horses. Wll. PnESTON & CO. , 610 Pierce Street , Omaha. Only a few lots loft in Hofimau Ter race , the great Lcavenworth street addi tion. Nebraska Loan and Real Estate Co. , Rooms 0 and 10 , Hellman Budding , 13th and Farnam. For a good investment buy one of those choice Holfman Terrace lots. Terms easy. Prices $400 and $450. Nel braska L. & H. E. Co. , Rooms 9 and 10 , UcUuiiin Building , 13th aud Furuaia. -rrr HAYDEN BROS The New Dry Goods 116 and 118 South IGth Street. First Special Sale in Dress Goods. MONDAY , JUNE 6tli , Silk warp Paris Angola cloths , new shades and illuminated effects , I'Jc ' a yard former price ; J5c. Fancy pin checks and plaidsentirely new at 12c } , former price 37c. All wool bunting , I2c } , former price 25c. 25c.Stripod.flgureil anil plain grenadines new shades , 224c , former price 4 > 5c. 44 inch all wool camelet suitiiigs.-l.'Jo . former price 75c. 44 inch all wool sateens 39c , former price C5e. Clinch Kyber suitings , 65c former price U9c. 27 pairs combination suitings 29c , worth 4.5c. 27 striped combination suitings 22jc. worth 29c. A job of mohair suiting to bo closed at 12c } a yard * . 42 inch black brocades 35c , worth COc. Dross llobcs which wore $3.50 , now § 2.90. Dress Robes which wcro § .730 , now § 4.95. Those Street The streets of Omaha are to bo desig nated by signs showing their names and numbers sometime but inthe mean- : imo strangers.and even people who have ivcd in the city for years , find it dillicnlt to locate themsflves in many parts of the city and the most prudent course to pur sue is to stop into the otllco of C. E. Mayne. 15th ana Harnoy streets , where you will find polite and gentlemanly salesmen who are thoroughly acquainted with all the streets and alleys in Omaha and in the additions , as well as South Omaha and Benson , and while they arc showing you the city they can point out to you some of the very choicest invest ments in the city. In Briggs1 Place ; in Orchard Hill ; in Benson ; in South Omaha , and all parts of the city. Only a few lots left in Hoffman Ter race , the great Lcavunworth street addi tion. Nebraska Loan and Heal Estate Co. , Rooms 9 and 10 , Hcllman Building , 18th and Furnam. The South Omaha Land company have appointed C. E. Mayne solo agent for the sale of their lots. Ho will show the prop erty and furnish all desired information upon application. [ Signed ] W.A. PAXTON , President. He Wan Excusable. Paul Bently , the boy who was arrested the other day for driving off a horse and buggy from in front of the exposition , says he could not resist the temptation to drive to Benson and look at those beau tiful residence lots that Mayno is soiling for § 250 to f 500 , one-tenth cash , balance in three years. _ Hoffman Terrace , lots $400 and f 150. Terras easy. Nebraska Loan & Real Es tate company , rooms 9 and 10 , Hcllman building , lUth and Farnam. A Bargain. I have for sale at a bargain 20 acres situated on the main line of the B. & M. H. II. , and near the new South Omaha depot at the terminus of the dummy line. Plenty of good , clear spring water , and an elegant grove of native timber , suit able for a summer garden. W. G. ALUKIQIIT , 218 S. 15th st. Common sense will teach any man that with Harnoy , Farnam , Douglas , Dodge streets , Capitol ave , and Davenport st. , running through Briggs place , with the street car line on Farnam , the cable line on Dodge and the station of the Belt line at the Farnam st crossing Briggs place is the place to invest. For sale by the C. E. Mayno R. E. & T. Co. , 15th and Harnoy. Hoffman TcrracoTlots f400 and $450. Terms easy. Nebraska Loan & Heal Es tate company , rooms 9 and 10 , Hcllman building , 13th and Farnam. The now directory shows Omaha to have 100,000 population , an increase of nearly 80,000 in a year. This is the best showing of any city in the United States , and Omaha is yet in her infancy. There never was a better time to make invest ments in real estate than to-day. The future of Omaha Is now secured and in vestors are sure of : i good roturn. Call at the ofllco of the C. E. Mayno R. E , & T. Co. , cor. 15th and Harnoy st. , and get posted on the city and its improvements. Architect * and Bupcilntondenta. Hodgson Bon , 26 Iron Gunk , branch and Kansas City. Orchard Hill. Five choice lots in this beautiful addi tion for sale at a snap bargain. Must bo sold at once. Nebraska Loan and H. E. Co. , Room 9 and 10 Hellman Hld'g 13th and Furnam St. "Over 150,000 Happy Thought Ranges in life. " Forjsale by 0. F. Gardner , 719 North IGthSt , Dress Hobos which wcro $10 , cow $3.50 Dress Kobos which wore § 21 , now $10 Dress Uobes whicli wcro | 3) , now $12.50. We will agree to match any sample of above poods In ( innlity , at ono half the price named in this or uny other market and we nsk that customers put this to the test. SHIRTS. 100 dozen Gents'Laundricd Shirtswith double backs , Too ; worth § 1.25. 50 do/on Gontb' Unlaundricd Shirts , with double backs , at 49c ; regular piico , 75c. 75c.A lot of slightlv soiled White and Col ored Shirts closfng out at about half former prices. GO do/en extra quality Unlaundned Shirts , with Now York Mills muslin and line linen bosoms , at B5c ; wortu 85o. Underwear , 30 dozen Gents' Imported Balbriggans in Shirts and Drawers , at 75c ; worth $1. 60 do/.en Balbriggan Shirts and Draw ers at 35c ; worth 50c. 50 dozen Summer Merino Shirts and Drawers at 50c ; worthiToc. 20 do/.en Imported Pin Stripe Balbrig gan Shirts closing out at 75c ; worth double. 100 dozen four-ply Linen Collars at 8c ; worth 15c. 50 dozen four-ply Linen Collars , in Jarcc srzo , at 3c each ; worth 15c. 50 doznn four-ply Linen Cull's at 19c per pair ; worth 5c. 100 dozen four-in-hand Percale Neck ties at 4c each ; worth lOc. 50 dozen SatinlinedNeckties , in all styles , at 19c ; worth 3"ic. 35 dozen Patent Wire Buckle Suspend ers at 25o per pair. These are the strong est made. 23 dozen Turkey Rd Handkerchiefs at 5ceach. Worth double. Bpcclnl Bargain. House and lot in north part the city , $1,800 , terms easy ; must bo sold at once , as owner intends to leave city. Ne braska Loan and Real Estate Co. , Rooms 9 and 10 , Hellman Bld'g ' 18th and Far nam. _ _ _ _ C. E. Mayno has returned from his fishing excursion and frankly admits that he didn't catch a fish. A man cour ageous enough to tell the truth under such circumstances is entitled to a little hatchet and must bo believed . Ho says South Omaha Syndicate lots are the best investment that can bp made to-day for business or speculative purposes , and Briggs Place the best for hue residences. For a good investment buy ono of those choice Hoffman Terrace lots. Terms easy. Prices $400 and $160. Nob. L. & R. E. Co. , rooms 9 and 10 , ing , 13th and Farnam streets. No expense has been spared by the C. E. Mayno R. E. & T. Co. in preparing their abstract books which are inst com pleted. They are complete and accurate and can be relied upon. Leave orders for abstracts of title at their oilice , cor 15th & Harncy st. For n good investment buy ono of those choice Hoffman Terrace lots. Terms easy. Prices $400 and $450. Nob. L. & R. E. Co. , rooms 9 aud 10 , Hcllman build ing , 13th and Farnam streets. Call on the C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. for complete und correct ab stracts of title to real estate. Ollico cor 15 & Harnoy st. Chestnuts. "Why arc peopln who have Invested in Benson lots like Ireland ? ' ' asked George Washington Jones. Everybody gave it up. "Because tlieir capital is doubling ( Dublin ) , " explained the would bo joker. "Pshaw ! " exclaimed the Irish giant , "everybody knows that. Benson's bound to double in value as soon as the Motor line starts running. Now can you tell mo why people who don't invest in Ben son resemble Ireland ? " "Give It up. " "Because they're green. " Only a few loft in Hoflman Terrace , the great hcavenworth street addition. Nebraska Loan & Heal Estate Co. , rooms 9 and 10 , Hellman Building , 13th and Farnam. The C. E. Mayno Real Estate & Trust Co. can furnish complete abstracts of title to any real estate in Omaha. Ofllco cor. 15 & Harnoy. Only a few loft in Hoffman Torracc , the great Leavcnworth street addition. Nebraska Loan & Heal Estate Co. . rooms 9 and 10 , Hcllman Building , 13th and Furnam. . _ _ _ _ _ Carefully prepared abstracts of title furnished at the C. E.Jtluyno Heal Estate & Trust Co. . 16 & Harney st. The Record Advertising Company. A corporation with otlices in the lead ing cities of the country , has opened an oitico in Omaha at No. 1513 Faruam street. The company advertises real es tate , business chances , personal prop erty , rents , positions of trust , etc. , by placing them on record books in their ollico for the public to inspect. This method of advertising is designed to facilitate business of all kinds by bring ing together buyer and seller , landlord and tenant.empioyor and employed , etc. , and , by reason of its effectiveness and cheapness , has become very popular. Hoffman Terrace lots $400 and f 150. Terms easy. Nebraska Loan & Heal Es tate Co. , rooms 9 and 10 , Hellman Build ing , 13th and Furnam Sts. Huvo your cleaning and dying done at Dye Works , 1000 Farnam st. GLOVES. 100 dozen Ladies' Fabric Gloves , em broidered backs , to bo sold in this sale at 12Jc pnr pair ; worth 2'iu. 100 dozen Ladies' Fabric Gloves , fancy backs , 17o ; worth Hoc. 50 dozen Silk Taffeta Gloves , in all the new tan shades , 3.To ; worth COc. 50 dozen Lace Mitts in black and colors , 25e ; worth 40c. 50 dozen Silk Jersey Mitts,33e ; others ask OOc. > 1 HI ' 11 > Ladies'Fine Lisle Thread Hose , 41e ; worth 75c. Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose , Richelieu Rib , 44c ; reduced from § 1. Ladies' Fine Ualbriggan Hose , black only , FAST COLOK , 35c per pair ; reduced from OOc. Just received another lot of those Brown Balbriggan Hose , double heels nnd toes , and regular made , 15c per pair ; worth 25c. 50 dozen Children's Corduroy Rib Hose , all sizes , 21c ; worth 40c. Misses' Ribbed Hose , all colors and extra strong , 23c per pair. Sweeping Reductions in House hold Goods to Close the En tire Stock , Iron Stone China Cups and Saucers , 80c a set. Extra heavy hotel Cups and Sancors. Iron Stone China Tea l'ots,22c ; worth 75s. 75s.Iron Iron Stone China Plates , in all sizes , 5c to 7c. Regular price lOc to 15c. Bread and Milk Bowls at 5c ; worth 15c. 15c.Real Real Dresden China , complete 106 pieces , dinner set in gold band decora tion $20.85. Regular price $ M > . Artistichaml-paintcddeconited Iron Stone China dinner sot , 100 pieces , W3.85. Fully worth $23. A. T. Kcnyon & Co. This popular book store , located at corner of Douglas and lJth ( sts. , although scarcely moro than ono year old is ono of the fixtures of our city. Its founder , Mr. A. T. Kcnyon , finding the business too largo for his personal supervision has taken in as partners Messrs. H. M. and S. W. Jones , two bright young men of wide experience in this line in the eastern cities. The now firm propose doing a retail and jobbing business in everything usually kept in a first-class book store. Their stock will include an elegant line of fine stationery , oflice and commercial stationery , standard and re ligious works , blank books , periodicals , all of the latest publications as published and articles suitable for presents. They will also keep a line of A > m. Hicks gold puns. Their line of pocket books and leather goods is the best in the city. This firm is composed of young men whoso enterprise , push and experience have created and will maintain one of the bust book stores in the west. Attention is called to their card in to-day's BEE. Hoffman Terrace lots $400 and $450. Terms easy. Nebraska Loan & Heal Es tate Co. , rooms 9 and 10 , Hcllmau Build ing , 13th and Farnam Sts , Omaha's Marvelous Growth. This fact stands unchallenged , that Omaha has to-day the greatest ratio of growth of any city in the United States. It has the greatest ratio of increase in population. It has the largest ratio of increase in buildings. It has the greatest ratio of increase inl value of real estate. It has the largest percentage in bank clearances. It has the greatest increase in business generally. It has the largest increase in real estate transfers as shown by the abstract books in the otlico of the C. E. Mayno Heal Estate and Trust Co. The C. E. Mayne Real Estate and Trust company have in their oflico complete abstracts of title to all real estate in Omaha , which show that for the first four months of 1887 there was an increase of fully four hundred per cent over the first four months of 1880. Persons desiring reliable information relative to the growth of the city and its future prospects and the best place to make Investments to insure a speedy and satisfactory return , cannot do bettor than to call at the otlico of C. E. Mayuo , 15tn and Hurnoy streets. Buggies always ready to take you out to Manhattan , $250 to $500 per lot. Ncdd's Real Estate Exchange , 1400 Far nam St. To the Trade Only. FIIOM LAHGK RECKIITS wo are able to offer Fancy Messina Lemons from single box to car lots AT CLOSE KKJUKKS to casher or prompt time buyers. Special prices on lots 25 , 50 or 100 boxes or full cars. It will pay to open correspondence with us NOW before the thermometer and prices go up. All fruits in season. BHANCII & Co. , 1121 1 arnam St. Leaders in Oranges , Berries , California Fruits , etc. _ SUMMEIJ HATS IN' GKKAT VAKIETV. AT F. H. falIA EU'H , 218 N. 10 HI STUKKT * P. V. Atwnter & Co. Are selling the Perfection Gasoline Stovo. This steve has given unqualified satisfaction. There Is no question about it , tins is the best stove on the market. They are selling a do/.ou or so of the best make refrigerators at cost , to make room for a largo invoice of Builders' Hardware , Mechanics Tools and House Furnishing Goods. Their stock is com plete and of tl > o best quality. Step in und see their now store aud handsome stock , at 1005 Howard st. Manhattan Is the place to invest to double your money. For sale by Ncdd's Real Estate Exchange , UOO Farnam. Greet variety of hand decorated Tea bets at ? . ) . t3 and upwards. Hand decorated 10 piece Iron Stone China Clrunbvr Sot , $3 ; worth § U. 12 piece set , $5 to $7.50. Mirrors and Picture frames at one- third regular prices. Large deorated Hand Lamps , com plete , 57e , o'Ju and ( J'Jc each. Worth < rl.2o to $3. Lai'src double thick block ( in Wash Unsin. Exf ra large kitchen Wash Pan , 15c ; worth ; { 5c. Double thick block tin Milk Pans , Cc , 7c nnd lOc. Each worth 15c to 25c. Ladies' ' Gauze and Balbrira UNDERWEAR. Ladies'Fine Gauze Vests , 25c ; worth 40c. 40c.Ladies' Ladies' Fine Balbriggan Vests , silk stitched , 35c ; worth 50c. Ladies' Lace Trimmed Balbriggan Vests , low nock , short sleeves , 39c ; worth COc. 50 dozen Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Vests. 73c : worth $1.25. 100 dozen Children's Gauze Vests , 5,8 , 12c : medium and largo sizes at a small advance. * CORSETS. 100 dozen Ella Corsets , 33c ; worth 50c. 50 dozen Elsie Corsets , 50o : worth 75o. 50 dozen Myra Corsets , 75c ; worth $1.25 50 dozen 300-bono French Woven Cor set , 97c , aud Is equal to any $1.50 corset. 50 dozen Beacon Corsets , only $1.00. This is considered the finest corset in the market for the money. J Ladies' Muslin Drawers , tucked , 25c. Ladies' Fine Muslin Drawers , Torchon Lace and tucked , .file : reduced from 75c. A nice line of Night Dresses , C'Jc , 75c 83c , $1.00 , $1.23. SAHONY THE PHOTOGItArHKK. An Exemplar of This Urcnt Artist , AV. W. Cronyn , In Oiniilin. Hundreds of passers-by on Farnam street , despite the crowd nnd the rush , arc found daily stopping in the alcove immediately off the sidewalk at No. 1820 , a short distance cast of fourteenth street. There is nothing remarkable in this fact except that those who thus stop and gaze arc among the finest art critics in the city , and the articles which attract them are the photographs of Cronyn , who is now doing the finest photographic business in Omaha. The entrance to his studio , which is occupied by competent artists , is lined with the most beautiful photo graphs in the town. They nro the won der of photogr-nphic admirers and re mind one of the renowned Sarony of Now YorK. The pictures are , besides , the cheapest , for their merit in the west. Cronyn has the finest and most discrimi nating patrons , the most competent and accomplished artists in town. In pass ing , stop and sec these beautiful pictures and learn at what reasonable rates they are made. Cronyn. 1830 Farnam , near fourteenth street. A New Enterprise. Having to-day commenced business at the above address , as Public Accountants and Export Book-keepers , wo beg to so licit at your hands the perusal of our Circular. Everything incidental to the clerical work of your business can betaken taken charge of by our Firm , and wo are in a position to quote figures in the way of remuneration for such service , as will make it an object for any firm to confer with us on the subject. The division of partnership interests , opening up : uid bal ancing of sets of books and general ma nipulation of accounts of any description will bo made a special feature. Respectfully , w. j. CARTER & co. Omalia , Neb. , Juno 1 , 1837. > - Still They Come. The state agency for Iowa and Ne braska of the Travelers' Life aud Acci dent Insurance company , of Hartford , has boon removed from DCS Moines , la. , to this city. Charles A. Dean , state agent , is temporarily located with Dis trict Agent Hawks , in the Arlington block. On the completion ot the Hamgo block thq headquarters of the company will be located there. Manhattan is the place to invest to double your money. For sale by Nedd's Heal Estate Exchange , 1400 Farnain. Attention ! Madame T. I ) . Iavs. ) : 1(511 ( Howard street , having secured the agency for Omaha and vicinity of the French system , ( introduced by Madame Ivcs , of Now York ) , for cutting and lilting dresses , ( will tit any form without a change ) , in cludes the only perfect French truss used by all leading dressmakers in Paris , New York and Boston ; also the only sleeve system that is absolutely perfect. She is now prepared to teach the system at her rooms as above. All arc invited to call and examine its merits. California excursions leaving Omaha Juno 7 and Juno 21 at 11:10 : p. in. via Mis souri Pacific , Texas As Pacific and South ern Pacific railways and choice of routes returning. Hound trip fOO from Omaha , good for fcix months. Stopover privileges allowed. For further information call at 218 South liith St. Manhattan lolsatf'WO to-500at Nedd's Real Estate Exchange , MOO Farcam st. For Rent A 7-room tlat. J. 11. PAimoTTB , 1000 Chicago st. Estimates for glass furnished by Cum mings tk Neilson , jobbers of Plato , Win dow and Ornamental Gmss , Paints , Oils , etc. , HIS Far until St. StrnntfCM1 Guide. - For the bcnollt of strangers who com plain of tlio dillictilty they u.\parictico in locating tlii-ir whereabouts in Oniahn. owing to the conspicuous absence ol street sign * , wo publish tlio following condensed city guide : THK HKRALD is directly opposlto Mavno's ollico , THK OPKRA HOUSK is ono blocK north of Mavnu's. POST OFF1CK , thrco blocks north of Mnvno's. EXPOSITION BUILDING , four blocks north of Mavuo's. SOUTH OMAHA , dlroctly south of Mnyno's , Is tliu great packing center. Cliolco business nnd residence lots in the syndluittii lauds should bo secured at once. Prices advance in n few days. HKIGGS I'LACK. directly west of Mavuo's ollico. Splendid residence sited on Furnnni , Dodge , Douglas and Harnoy streets. Mayno is solo agent. ORCHARD HII.L , northwest of Mrtvno's ollico. Some choice lots there for sain by C. K. Mayne , HKNSON , northwest of Mavno's ofllco , is the only place readied by tlio car lines whore aero tracts can bo hud nt very modorutu prices. MAYNK'S ' northwest corner 15th and Hiirnuy streets. Bargains in all good lo calities. Gentlemanly salesmen and frco carriages always on hand. Arnlittcott anil Hitiorltitn-irtonrj. | Hodgson & Son , L'tf Iron Ihink , brunch offices Minnctijiolis and Kansas City. Hosciiiun't's Restaurant , Saloon , Kuropcan Hotel. Finu rooms with all modern improve * incuts for commercial travelers. The best bowling alloy in tlio city. Police. Highwaymen stopped Mr. F. J. Sackott near his re.sidonco the other night and rulicvuil him of his Waturbury und 50 couts , nil the cash ho hud on hand , hav ing just invested in home of May no's rare bargains In Benson on the Motor Line. Splendid residence lots can still bu had in beautiful suburb at § . ' 30 to § 500 , one-tenth cash. Answers to C'orrrHpotidents. Ei.MKit A straight Hush docs not beat four of u kind unless pcrviously agreed upon. Nothing bcals four aces except those elegant lots in Bnnson that Mayno is sacrificing at § 250 to § 500 , one-tenth cash , balance in thruo years. X. Y. / . There is no "boom" ' in Omaha. The price of real estate has not kept pace with the increase of popula tion , and a decided advance in the price of such desirable residence sites as Brigg's Place is certain. J. J. CHICAGO Write to the C. E. Mayno R. R. & T. Co. They are agents for Brigg's Place , Benson and South Omaha and have bargains in all parts of the city. Cheap Telegraphing. "What's the rate to Toledo ? " inquired a customer at tlio" Western Uniou conn * tcr yesterday. "Thrco hundred dollars , ono tenth cash , balance in three years , " replied Doyle , who hud been reading about the splendid residence lots Mayno is soiling in Benson on these terms. Beautiful Hcnnnn. Wo do not refer to the gentleman whose name this addition boars but to the finest , mo t beautiful and picturesque suburb of Omaha. This property is going rapidly and if you do not secure an interest you will niako a mis take. Married people , as well as single , who arc bucking u desirable place to establish a homo , are turning their attention towards Briggs' Pluco as presenting nu merous opportunities nnd advantages nnd are rapidly buying up the lots ro- mniiiiuc unsold in this desirable addi tion. Manhattan lots at § 250 to § 500 at Ncdd's Heal Estate Exchange , 1400 Farnam st. Rental Agency. To got prompt pay and good tenants , leave your houses with J. 11. PAKKOTTE , 1000 Chicago st.Q If you have not seen Manhattan go to Ncdd's Real Estuto Exchange 1400 Far nam and they will bo pleased to show it to you at any time. Joseph Uosonstein , the reliable fish dealer , has rumored from 039 N. 10th st. to 218 S. 12th st. . between Faruam and. Douglas. Telephone 204. St. I'hllomena's literary Society. > The St. Philomcna Htcrury society lust night elected the following olliccrs for 1887 : President , William Doran ; first vico-prcsident. Miss Nellie ( .Survey ; BOO : end vice-president , Miss Mollie Ifcclon- secretary , M. J. Scnnlun ; treasurer. Miss Li//.ic Dwyer ; trustees , P. C. Ucafcy , T. J.O'Nuil und John Mullcu. Stockholders' Notice. Notice is hereby given to the subscri bers to the stock of the Wcstlichor 'ouner ' Publishing Company , that a meeting , for the purpose of perfecting ind completing the organization , will beheld held on Monday. June Oth. 1887 , at 7:80 : o'clock p. in. , sharp , at thoMillard hotel , n the city of Omaha. Mm. CasHldny'H Funeral. The funeral of Mrs.Phillip Cnssiday tool ; place this morning , the remains being ntorred in St. Mary's cemotcry. The .mil bearers were Thomas Kyan , P. Me- Jovcrn , Michael Duo nnd Joseph Toner. , - The funeral was ono of the largest ever 3 , iclcl in the city. The lutes ) addition to the French lan guage if 'lUisvigum , " a compound > f tliu words "biscuit , vinndc , hgunic. " It is an edible concocted on the syntom of .ho famous snusngo of the German army. It is for the Kronen soldier. GO AS YOU PLEASE. The Greatest Athletic 'Event in > * c- braska's History , Commencing nt MMnljflit , Fiinlnr , Juno fith , uml cuntiaiiliiK uninterruptedly lor Hi liourf. nt tliu Exposition Building , Omaha , The most noted I'eilestrirnsof ttiocountiy will compote ) In u ( li > -.n-j ou-'lc ! § o ixdcbirlnn mutch , for tliu National Clmmplonihip. Van O'Leary , Frank II. Hurt , Anil otbur innn ot Intcrtiutlonid rvputiitfnn , ' tlif lending | ilf tidt)8 : or Nfhruukii , anil Admission " 5c. Musio oy tliu Musical Union Orchestra. Klcctlon Notice. I , William J. llroutch Mayor of tb ? City of Omalin do liornby ulvo notice liat nn nnnuul election will ho hold n tlio City oi Oinatiii on the Cth dny of June , 11-87 IsuM ( Into bolni ; the lint Monday In June , | 8b71 to nlcct nlno | li ] inoinucrfl of ttio [ tonrd of l.diieiitlon for the City of Orminn , 'Hint tbn ii-spectlve polling places for inlil election filial ! lie as follow K. iHt. Ward -1'nclHo fitrect School Dulldlng- [ Hotwerntitb.&IOthKtrcctK.l 2nd. Ward Hnrl man Bchool Ilulldlntr l th trecl between Wllllnmtt & Htckey. Jrd. Wurd Ilodifo Street bcliool flulldlp ? [ 3. K. Corner I Itli , A : llodito , ] 4th. Wanl IllrhUcliool llulldlnK. Mb. W rd-I.uko Street School Dulldlng [ Corner ll'th , . V I.ako8trrot.l . Cth. Wnrd-I-onif School llulldlnir [ Corby 7th' , WHnl-yiicaley Bchool Dulldlng [ Clark Place on ( leoiBla Ave.l bill. Ward lrd Mreet Bchool Ilulldlng i lizard Street between lUlb , i Zuth.l A Dili. Wan ! 1'iirnain Hri'et School IlullJIntf. Mayor.