Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
? v-1IB THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; fljTOPAY.JUJSE [ S. 1887 SPECIAL NOTICES ; ' Advertisements iimlor this head , 10 cents po Ino for the llret Insertion , 7 cents for each sul > - rqui'nt Insertion , nndfl.Wn line per month. No nd\ortl ) tiicnt taken for Iosstnnn2.j cents for the first In PIT ! Ion. Hotcn words wll : bo counted to the lln < j ; they must run consecu tively nnd must be paid In advance. All adver- tl emcntn must bo liandrd In before 1 : ; o'clock ii. in. , end under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. I'nrtlCB ndvcrtislng In thcfo columns nnd hnv- Ing the nnswers niMrc sml In care of Tun HER wlllplrnso nsk fern chc'clt tornnblo thointogct their letters , as nonn will bo delivered except nn iitosontatlon of chrck. All nnsucrs to adver tisements should bo cnclo'od In envelopes , All ndvortl oments In these columns nro pub- llslicil in both morning nud evening editions of U ho IIK.B , the circulation of which Bggrcgatt-8 more than 11,000 pnpors dally , nnd gives the hdvortUcr the ficnetlt , not only of the city circulation of The UFF. but n ! . o of Council llliitrs , Lincoln , nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this part of HID wr t. MONEY TO LOAN. HONEY TO LOAN on Improved city prop erty In sums of ? l,000to f5OUO nt six per cent Interest , "holes.V Crumb. 320 M'oNfeV fo I.OAN-On city property In sums of I'lOO nnd upwnrdw ut lowest ruti'R. HoiU'y nlwjiyH on hand. B. B. Cnmpbcll.310 Boiith Sixteenth street. 8. ; 600COOtoloanntC per cent , Harris & Ramp- $ son , 1610 Douglas et 52L _ M ONEY to loan In largo or small amounts by Win B. Loach , 15VJ rnrnam. B52 JI5 [ ON BY TO LOAN-O F. Davis Co. , real L estate nud loan agents , 1505 Farnam Bt , ONEY ' 1O LOAN I Irst mortgage notes bought. J. A. lllcstund , room 0 , Arllng- ton block ? WJJ I2J , To loan on Omaha city property ntfl $600,000 cent. 'U , W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Bid. _ _ _ J173 _ MONlrt' io I.OAN-On city iiml farm prop. crty , low tixtos. btowart It Co. , Itoom 3 Iron batik. _ TITONE. ' to loan , cash on delay. XU. J. W. nnd H. TJ. Squire , MU Kurniim st , F nx I on hotel bulldlnv. 510 MONKY First mortgage notes. The Douglas county bunk will buy papers secured by Brut mortgage on city realty. 611 MONEY ' 10 LOAN on unproved real estate ; no commission charged. Louvltt Burn- hnm , Itoom 1 Crelghton Block. 512 6 I'lUlCENT-Monnytoloan. Gregory It Ilndlcy , Rooms land 8 , Itcdick block , 320 8. IMh St 513 MONEY loaned on residence property. First and second mortgages bought. E. H. How- ley , 311 South I'th street , 2MJ,35 TO LOAN Money Loans placed on im proved real estate In city or county for Now England Loan * Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , leth and Chicago sti. 514 MONEY to loan on personal property , furnl- turo or livestock. On account of no olllco or other expenses , loans will bo iimdo below usual latos- Address "II. , " ' . ' 521 CalUwcll St. , and will call nnd o.xamlno security. 6M 4 * MONEY to loan on Improved city property at 6 per cent. Money on hand ; do not have to wait. Have n complete set of abstract books ot Douglas county. I. N. Watson , nbstiacter Harris Itenl Estate nnd Loan Co. , > thst. 515 T11ONKY TO LOAN by tb undersigned , wno J.T.I bus the only properly orgnnl7od loan agency In Oinalm. Loans of $10 to $100 mndo on furniture , pianos , organs horgcs , wagons , machinery , 4c , without removal. No ilnlayn. All business strictly confidential. Loans po nndo thnt any part can bopald at nny imo.cach payment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances Inndn on fine watches and diamonds. 1'crsonn Bhould carefully oonsldor who they nro dealing ylth , as many new concerns nro dnlly coming Intn existence. Should you need money call f nd BOO mo. W. R Croft , lloom 4 W'thncll jlulldlng 15th nnd Harnoy. Bin rpllK Omiiliii Financial Exchange , N. w. corner of Hnrnoy and 15th sts. , over State National bank. Is prepared to make short tlmo loans on any nvallablo security. Loans made on chattels , collateral or real cstato. Long tlmo lonns mndo on Imorovecl real estate Bt current rales. 1'urchaso money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought. Bold or exchanged. Short time lonns mane on second mortgage , according' to marginal Interest , nt collateral rates. h llcnl estate to exchange for good Interest bearing paper. ( loncrnl financial business of all Kinds trans ected promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Money always on hnnd for approved loans of Snv kind , without delay or unnecessary pub- city. Corbott , Manager. 517 $ 1750,000 ' TO LOAN at 6 per cent Linali.ui Jlahoney , 1600 Farnam. 518 MONKY LOANKDatC. F. Hood * Co.'s Loan Office , on furniture , pianos , horsos.wairons , personal property of nil kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 819 S. 13th. over Ulnghnm s Commission store. All busi ness strictly confidential. 51B 'FEU CENT Monoy. It. C. Fattorson. 15th at.d Hnrnoy. 520 BUSINESS CHANCES. LIOUoALK Mont market doing good busl- , O. ' ness. Good location. Iteasoni for soiling. l-k S- * Address P 47 , Bee. 700 BJ * * " * " nAUOAlN-Snmll stock of groceries , counters , shelving and wngon on paved ttroot for * ( J50 for cash only , must bo sold at once. Address It. 84 Iloo olftce. IXM 6 TTOH SALK-Hotol furniture and flxturos In . ! ' hotel of 17 rooms , in town ot 'J.OOJ Inhabi tants. Have good reasons for selling. Address J. H. ( iroonu'8. Beatrice. Nob. 613 3J " | j > Olt SALE A ono half interest In a good JC general morchundlso store at Walnut Drove , Nob. I offer a great bargain to cash Customer. Ilenson for soiling. Ill-boalth. Ad dress J. C. Sanders , Walnut Urovo , Nob.U12 U12 3J fjlOlt RALE One of the best paying saloons J ; m the city. Forties meaning business , address nt once , 1162,11 eo olllco , 688 7 U8ALK No. 1 section of land In Oospor county , Nebraska , and 2 miles from 1C 11. StntlonT price $3 per acre. Address at onc'iT. ' 'U"41) ) . Iloo olllco. _ 47'J OJ HALK-Smnll milk dairy. Inquire 1218 N. llHh St. 641 s BANIUNO-An Pitabllshod blinking business In Knstcrn Nebraska for sale , for a few days only. Small capital and itood business. Ad- dregs It 48 , lieu office. < ftt J S' _ ' \/VANrRn / l > n''ner ' , active or silent , wits TV 14,000. Protlts not less than fl.OOO per rnonth. 1h\a \ U n first-class business and will bear Investigation. Address 11. X. 8. , Bee ofnce. 47A "VITANTKI ) ARoney by a good buslnoss man T f tilth capltal.onicp.biiRRy and Orst class tof- crcnoo. Apply to Iturnhara & Stringer. 1518 Dodiroitroct , Oiiiulm. 370J3 T710H SALIJ A small business on luth street , a.1 best location lu the city. Address U 41 lice pin co. 43 3 * GltOCnUV STOClC-Clean nnd fresh for salo. Parrott .S : Williamson. Upstnlr-i.UOl Douif las st. 467 "I7IOK SALK A boarding house and furniture , JL' doliiff good liuslnes.1 , 40 boarders , good ronson for pclllng. Call at Currlo ft Volltiin , 15th nnd Capitol inc. Kipuglton llulldlnir. ! Ui "I\7"ANTEU A person dcslrlnv to engage In ? nn honorable paying business netting f 10 to f 12 per day clear profit on stock of $74 to 9150. Host lm lnoss men of this city given at roferenof * . Call nt unco , or write , to Koom 1 Cronnse block , luth st , cor. Capitol ave , ( Upahn , Neb. 40S-J11 rOH SAL13 Very cheap , good linen biislnc ? ! property In 0rand Island , Neb. Thngruatesl liargaln and beet forms In this city , flood real - l > on.s for scllliifr. For pnrtloulnn address J. H , Woolloy , Attorney ntLaw , Grand Island. Neb , U57J13J | * nVU BALK A proUtnblo and well established * business suitable ( orn lady. Call nnd In quire at Employment llurcnu , 19 n Ifttli sts. LOST. T 08r Specllloattonsi for double house for 1) JLJ V. Sholoz. I'lndur Meno leave thorn a 1400 Karnani t and got reward. 658 3 FIVK dollars reward for return of trim ! with papers taken trom W. ( V T. II. room' ' r > n K'tlist. Iteturn In Wra. DladUh's drug store No questions asked. Party cnn keep clothing . uaJ < STHAYEO or Stolen Two sorrrl mnros , oni _ 4 yearn and one 6 yearn old. Younge < marked by cut at hcol. Uberal rownid at find Ing. Henry Comba , llth and Iznrd. 4.VJIJ " 1 O3T A dog , very largo bloodhound , dar ) * - * jrrny coat , white patches on chest and feet . Tr'titm lost imd briids collar on with "Ortoir" en f.ral.0l ( n I1' l'lea o notify or deliver to Itnlpl v > lodje kl , 309 Hurt meet. Uood reward. 673 3J f OBT--Hmall bay hone , weight V5J. brand 01 JLJ left hip. tall rubbed on. PoterOldun.nortl yororr n r ball ground * , $10 Howard. Jb" 4 * TOST On Eighteenth , Sherman ave hr draco - rt. , "tfjicrlllcatlons. " Plea o return to linv { Horth 10th st , , or P. J. Croodon , archltoct. opera house. M. T. Murphy , contractor and builder. ! HS TOUJTD , "I71OUND A sorrnl mare , 4 or 5 jears old. JL Owner can > ave same bv proving property nnd paying advcrtHng ami ctponso of Keep ing. Martin House , six miles directly north of 1 loronco. GOI f > J CLAIRVOYANT. MIW. DUKANT-Clarlvo ) ant from lloston.U reliable In nllatTnlrsof life , unites separated lovers. IEJ N. 18th it. room n 591 J23 | 8TOUAOE. STOUAOK For household goods nnd general morchHiull5o nt low rates , corner Thir teenth nnd l/nrd streets , up town olllco fill ) fouth Thirteenth. Teluphonofl'a ' 427J11 * STOKAOK rir t class storage for nice furni ture nnd boxed goods I erguron I'urnt- turo Co , , 7IV717-WI North ICth street. K5 ( IIUS'r-CLAS3 Storaso at 110 N 13th ft. TOKAOK Flrst-class storngo for nice T nlturo or boxed goods , at 15U Lodge-st. ) PERSONAL. PHUKNAL-A ) gentleman of means would Ilka thu ntviunlntnncu of joung Indv. Must bo stylish , bright , well educated mul of moans. Object , thenter , drives nnil plea nnt times lit lakes. Must bo ot good clmrnrtor nnd well con- neutod. Answers to ho received In runlldcnco. I'O. . Box 4SS. 631 IEItONAC If you wnnt n de lrnblo , cen trally located ofllco you can Und It nt U1Q S lr > th st. 78 IJEUSONAL Kent an.lta ty nil-wool business JL suits ? 7. I'lnu blue diagonal dross suits , f 10.71. Call and sou thum or write for samples. Ij O. .loneg . .VCo , American Clothiers , 13J9 I'limam ft , Omalia , UuU j 33 pEUPONAL-I'rlvato homo for Indies during 1 conllnomcnt , strictly conlldontlul , Inlnnts a-lontcd , address i ; 4. . lice olllco. S4'J2 ) T > EH80NAIMrsr Dr Nnnnl * V. Vfarrcn A. clairvoyant , Mrdlral nnd business Medium Boom No. B , Kl North IGth st. ,0m ha. Nob. MISCELLANEOUS. \\71LL the expressman uho took n trunk from the \V. C. T. U. rooms Wednesday ii in. call on A. J. Mill , freight , auditor's ollico , u. 1 * . hondqunrtors. 033 SJ rnWO dollars 111 buy ono do/en solid Mexican JL silver tea spoons at Moody's China Store , 802 North 10th St. KM S LADIES dcslrlmr domestic help can llnd It nt the Omulin f.mplojmcnt Bureau , 111) ) N Huh gt. ( ! 15 3 LIO parties Klvint ? up ImiisoKCopins lll sell i our furniture , ic. either at private "aloor at auction , us you may desire. Call nt ollico , 3 E cor ICth and Douglas , llrown & CrelKhton , 4UI 10 CANADIAN Employment Ollico Male nnd Tomato help furirhhod with situations ; re- 'Inblo help 8 out to all part * of Rtato If faro la mid. Mrs. llro a& Son , 310 go 15th. 550 3J BHOWN & WILLIAMS Well dlRpors All orders promptly nttendnd to. Leave ordoi s nt .1. It. Ilarnacles , under Douglas Co. Hank , Sixteenth nnd Chicago. 4M 5j EMPLOYMENT , Kentnt nnd Collection Agency If you want work , or to employ lull ) , or bnvo houses to rent , or accounts to Mlloot , call ou M. Maynard , 317 South lllth St. , Jmnhii. . 301J25 PAPEIUIANGINU 15 per cent discount from store prices. Address Pnpcrhnngor , 814 North Iflth Bt. COO-J-16 * 0 ESS POOL ? , sinks and vaults cleaned , odor less process. E. Ewlng , box 7 , eltv. 580 J10J Foil KENT -Square Piano j moutalr. Hospo.1513 Jioutrlas. 531 FOH SALE-Thumb zither , very cheap , 0. Tlofuiibrunnor's mako. Address It HiDeo olTlco , i02 ! TO parties having houses for rent. Hontal Agency , Dcnuwu & Co. . 15st. , opposite post- ollico , We have turned over to them our rental ' 1st. We recommend them. McCague Dros. 520 NOT1CE-W. C. King & Co. , house moving and raising , leave orders at 1320 Pierce st , > . - . 34J T7IOH llKN'T Organs , f3 per month. HOFPO , A 1613 Douglas. 621 OL C.-Houso furnishing goods , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J. Donnor , 1315 Douglas st 53i F Ion RENT Nqunro riano , ft moatnlr. A Hoipe. IMSDouulHR. KU JF yet want to buy or sell furniture , RO to . "erguson's , 715 N 16th. ( K3 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IjlOH BALK Ice. about 350 tons of clear lee L ? at Floroaco , KM , lies. 037 4j 1 011 SALE A bent In good condition. Apply 1 to F. Walway. 12 1'oarl st F Oll SAM ! Good driving mare and ono pair of luulue , cor. lUth and St Mary's ave. LOOOD piano for sale on monthly oaymonts for$7uplnno belongs to nn cstato nnd can bo seen at Max Meyer's music storo. < i7B4j F OH SALE Span tine matched bay driving horses. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th st. 670 FOH SALE Four gentle driving nnd saddle horses,2018St Mary's avo. 010 3 * FOll SALK Furniture of b-roomed house , all complete. House can be rented. Posses sion at once. 1503 Cuss. 4M F OR SALK ( Jood farm horse cheap. Ad dress It 53 , Dee oftlcp. 503 5 * FOll SALV-Cnttlo , six hundred bead , 1,3and 3 yoaroldstuots. Suitable terms. Strange Bros , Slour City , la. 4W 3 | 7UU SALK Good draft team , well matched , X : seven years old. Inquire Wcssel & Youngs , ear 14th and Howard. 4 0-4 FOU SALE Furniture and lease of six rooms lu central location. More rooms can bo hud If required. Apply J. P. Schmlnko , 4 ± 3 8 13th st. IMS BJ FOll SALK iloreo , harness and buggy , for (78. James Sinter , 1517 Howard St. 37 < J-'J Foil SALE New coupe-llockaway.prloo $150 , owner leaving city. Can bu seen nt Simp son's carriage factory , 1409 Dodge st 318 J4J F IOIl SALK-Now , light 8l < lebar top buggy , cheap. Cole 318 8.15th , room L 927 1T1OH SALE One six-foot upright blac * wnl- J-1 nut show case , Milton Rogers & on. IHW TmD SALE-4,000,000 Hard DrlCK. T. Murray. -D 740 'OU SALE-fl milch cows. Ii A Marsh , 904 N tilth. 65. ) F I OH SALE Drivers and drttft horses , rear of 1B18 Chicago St. 154 J5 * WANTED 4 oarpontors. Host wages. Mrs. llrega i Son , iiiu So. 1Mb. Upstairs. ftl'J 2 \yANTKD Flrat-cla .s blacksmith for general - ' eral work , btoady employment gii-iran- toed to the right man. None but good me chanic of good habits need apply. Cat ) in pur- pen or mldrosaVm lllocdoru , Platt Outer , Neb. K)4 ) 4J JflOUBALK-llrlck. T. Murray. 523 WANTED MALE HELP. rA.NTED-Uood blacKsmlth , K.3 S 7th. ( L'l 4 WANTED Two brick masons , must bo llrat class i\orkmon , witgui $ .50 pur day , 1 man to drive team , I man for private family. Oniuhu Umploymoiit Dureua , 111) N. 16th st. C45 3 ir AN TED Experienced dothlng salesman , 1 J. L. UratjdolSiS.- , 60J 6 Utb. C3I 2 \\rANTED-One ll t-class white hurbor , fit 1 Kiiaranteopcrureokat COo on the dollar. Steady Iph. Address John O. lllngm n. Grand Inland , Neb. oa ij WANTKl ) Good carpet layer at onco. IL JMartin. . BIT Boutti 13th st. r 3 WANTKD-Imkor at Clilcmro Uakery. 418 North llth at. 051 3J iTANTKKale ! mcn to handle the Kcllpso I'enoll. luet out , erases Ink In one. second , no abrasion of paper , 300 to IWO per cent uront , territory frco , sample forty cents ; no ladles , alary and oxpenics to competent salesman. Address Tdo Lcllpso I'enciliUffCo. , St. Joseph , "Q. KH 3J WANTED Competent salesman to solicit retail cigar trade. Goods truarrantcod. Address with reference. Baron * Co. , 1607 and 1003 B 1'ratt at. Ualllmoro , Md. MB J \\rANTBD-InteIllrent , reliable , enenrotlo men as eneclnl auants. W. F. Allen , Qcneril Ancnt Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of New Vorlt , No , 115 South nth treet. 551 \\7ANTr.D-Manlodojanltor work , np-plyS TI o'clock Saturday mutnltig. > tay 4. 0. e. Harrison. 41S 3 15th tt. 6T * " \\7ANTKD-An otperlcnccd collector with IT rofcrcnt.o < , apply llutrtllors uiorcantilo ngcncy , 1207 Farnam st. 85.1 WANTI1U Man nnil acqualntoil with the city who cnn turnl h good reference to driven grocer } waffon. Coovor & Watt" , 19th and St. .Maiy'Bnvo. _ 63.1 il * \\TANTii : ) GxDortcncod hat , cap and plovo TT salesman for Nobra ka and Northern Knnsas. Address , with particulars , H OJ , llco ollico. 6J ! ! _ \\ANnn-.Men : for railroad work n Cole r- T ndo , nl o men for railroad work In Ne braska. Albrlitht's Labor Agency , 1KO rurnatn. 471 \VANTttO Track moil , laborers and teams T > for railroad work. U. C. O'Keefe , ) 'J ' S. llllipt. rm : . ' _ " \\f ANTKD Carpontors. Innulro now church > T Mth and Lea\un\vorth. .M. T. Murphy. BIS _ "V\7ANTKD Two llrst class bakers at ( lullck's liakory , Bood wages paid. W. 1) ) . Oullck , Lincoln. Noli. 014 6J _ \\7 ANTKD-Mon , Women , Hoys nnil ( llrls for TT a light and prolltablo employment. No picture business ; no liumbuir. Send lOc for n valuable pankatte to commence on. Only a few hundicd will lie dl trlbiitod. Address Alhixny Supply Co. . Albany. N. V. _ 842 M' " \\rANTr.D-Oood carpenters by M. O'Connor , T T contractor , Sioux City , la. fi'K "J \\fANTEI ) A man of gooil education to act TT iistruvollni * salesman with n tlrst-cla s house. Must be able to give scourltv. lloi TG'J , Uniulia. ISO J I6j WANTED FEMALE HELP. \\rANTKD-2 dressniaUors for plain Pcwlnir. TT Apply to Mrs. Julia Stoln , 1111 Douglas st ( in 2j " \\7ANTii-Olrls : ) to sow , room C , IliKhrann > > uik. C45 2J WANrr.D-OIrl for General lioil owork , 141B M lUthst. IJ14 4 \ \ rASTiiWoman : cook for Central City , TT J30. Man cook for country holnl , $30. 1'nros paid. " pantry ulrls. Dinliie-ioom K\r , 14 and i5 per week , n laundresses. 5U girls for' general housework. Mrs. llrega& Son.nitlSo. 15th. Upstairs. C.I9 2 * ANTRD-Pcntnstross at the Mlsnt nothing 1'iirkn-H , lll'J runiiuii st. 01U - "V\7"ANTnn ( Jlrls to pack rraokors. Apply at TT once , tJarnoau Cracker fHCtory. i > )7 HJ A\'ANTiD-AchauibcrinaId. : _ 012 Uouarliis. V > 40 _ \VANTU1) Good girl at 014 S , 17th street. 310 \\'ANTr.D Vouner nurse Klrl to take care ol TT year old baby. Good wages. Apply "VM Pavonport st. U15 4 WANTI'O A good cook , Avashor and Ironor. Good wages. 8214 rarnmu at. f > Si4 \ArANTii-lrl ; for general housework at T T ITOa Douglus street. CM 6 > WANTr.n An oxporloncod saleslady In hosiery ilepartnion at J. L. llrandols * Son,505 S lUth ht. IVII 2 * " V\ANTii-nood : girl at n03"Vlrglnla avo. TT Mood wairus paid. 013 \\7ANTEn Working housekeeper for TT widower with two children on u farm , fiorniun preferred , Good wages. Mrs. Ilroini , 3111,8. 15th. OJ'J 2J YV'ANTED-A Oood girl , 20J S2Jr"il t.bu * > T twocn Furniim and Douglas. G.V ) aj \TfANTEU-GootI cook,20'l California st. > V O.-it 4J WANTED Competent woman for general housework. Must bo ( rood cook , small famllv ; liberal wacs. apply 3010 Mason st. 4')7 ' ) 'IJ rpo the Indies of Omaha Wo have fifl good J girls who want places In private families. Omaha employment llurcau. HUN. ICth st. Of , H WANTED--A nurse glil , Gorman girl pro- t erred , No. IIK , corner ' 3th and Dodge st. 4:1 2 WANTED-Good girl for general house workln sma'.lfamlty. Apply 117 S. lt > th at. \\rAiNTED Girl to do general hou owork. TT mitbt he good cook. 1818 Webster st. 057 WANTED-A good dining room girl linmo- dlatolyot Occidental hotel. 65'3 FllTV girls cnn nnd steady employment liv calling on Mrs. J. Lincoln , 60 ? S Uth. K02J ! " \A7ANTED-Awoman dishwasher , Southern TT hotel , corflth nnd Leavenwortii. &U 4J Y\'ANTED A good girl lor general housework - > work , 1710 N 10th st. 211 T\fANTr.D-2 girls at Doran IIouso , ' 422 S. TT ItfthstnearSL Mary's avo. 37J An experienced hand to operate TT button hole machine. Apply at once to Goo. Sthos , 1401 ! Loavonworth st. 4 * < i 2 WANTED A young woman to take care of ono child and assist in sowing. Apply 1021 St. Slary's avo. 4tU V\7"ANTED A good Gorman or Bohemian TT girl for geucntl housework. .A perma nent place and good wages. Apply , Immedi ately , at 720 B 2JJ St. , corner of Loavonworth. 163 WANTED-Lady agents for Mrs Campbell's combination underskirt and bustle , removable - movable hoops for laundry. Agents inaKo $1 each , nnd many sell 12 dully , I0i ) sennistrcsscH employed to keep up with orders. Addrps * with etamp , K. Caraiiboll & Co. , 484 W. Itan- dolphRt.Cnlcago , III. 121 J5 \\'ANTED A Orst-class laundress at 1'laiit- TI ers houso. 452 j2 * \17ANTKD-Dlnlnir room girl. ? 18 per month. TT Girl for kitchen. Union restaurant , 1217 Hnrney. 4C3 Jsl * \\TANTr.D-Good clean rcllntilo klrl about 14 TT years old to take care of child and help nroumi the house. Gorman preferred , Knniilro at 318 S 13th st. 531 AA'ANThD A competent girl at northeast TT cor 18th andLouvcnworth streets. Good wagon will bo paid. 511 4j WANTED Chambermaid at the Wlnflsor hotel. 547 2 \\7ANTBI1 ( ilrl for general housework at TT cor2tithand Loavcnwoith. J. W. Houquet. 542 2 \\7ANTED-Good girl for general hoiuo- T work , 2414 Hnrnoy street . ,5TJ < F ; \\7"ANTKD-Lady book-keeper at U , P. TT Meat Market. IJthet , near Webster. 701 \\7ANTKD-Lmlioa to work for tos itf'tnolr T T own nomos ; * 7 to 10 per woolt can bo quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass ing. Knr full particulars please address at onooCrescent Art Co. , IV Central St. . Boston , Mass , llox.5170. SITUATION WANTED. " \\7ANTBD-SltuntIon by a young man wheT T T neither chews , smokes nor drinks , u 68 Iloo office. 56T 2J \\7ANTED-8ltuatlon In wholesale house i T ? bill clerk or assistant book keeper h/ young man of good habits , nnd steady and In dustrioua. Imiulruof Victor Hi use , 1 > . O. * 617 3J TTTANTED-A aituatlon as hotel clerk or bar TT keeper. Spcnxs English and Gorman. IJost of roforences. Address It 50. lice olllco. WANTED-l'osltlon as accountant. Long ojmorlonco. City reference. Address 2400 Charles St. , Omaha. 53.J 2j \\7ANTED-A position as city salesman by a TT gentlomnn now on the rond. llcforoucos furnlghoa. Address It 47 Ilco olllco. 4VIJ2J \\7ANTED-A position tiy thorough ao TT countant. best of references. Address O 14 lice olllee. S13-J3 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\rAMl.P-Two young gentlemen to take TT tu-o nicely furnished rooms in company with two otherb ; reasonable terms ; good locu tlon. 1021 Chicago. C412TZ3 ANTED Small furnished room and bean 4 or ft blocks west of Barker hotel. State lowest price. Address It Si , llco olllco. fllT 2J " \X7ANTKD Iloora and board In private fmn- T T llv near business center or street car linoby gentleman nnd wife , references ox 'changed. Address giving terms , box 7IB , City 6.SQ gj \Y7ANTED-lly a single gent , a neatly fur T nhho.1 room In quiet tamlly. Address gtatlntf terms and location. 1' 6J Hoe ofllco. OJI \Tt7ANTED-An organ in advance paymoh TT on a lot , obolce property. Addrets HID Bee olllee. 195 T\7ANTBD-A Kood fivmlly to adopt nice boy TT baby , well bred. Inquire of Dr. Williams room 17 , Arlington block , 630 7j WANTKD-To buy 8 houses which can bo re moved. A. F , Mayne , 140j Dodge st 793 WANTED- piano In advance payment on a lot , choice property. Address K12. Ile office. ] J tl7ANTED-2or3hor o fifiSver engine , Snl T > , hand. Apply at Mlllurd liotcl olllco. 4IV L\7ANTED Two sent art < Jnrlngo suitable for T T real cstato business. ! C , K. Harrison , 18 8 13th St. 677 _ La _ t\7ANTED Sombody trv/atlopt n child 0 T > mor.ths old girl. UTOd hcnlthv child. Addr s USD . Iloo ollle. ' ' SUli * WANTED To rent a hoUM ot 0 or 10 rooms ; nioilcrn coiivciiloncoS ! good neighbor- oed , Address "U 41" llco dlW 411-2 fHj - - WANTED-Asafo In aavatvco payment on n lot , choice property. . "Address , It V. Ileo oinco. . ' 105 lATANTED To rent , houS of 4 or 5 rooms , T T gtnto location nnd torurs. Address U 07 , Joo. f t J2J l\7ANTKD A cirrlngo In advance payment TT on n lot , choice property. Address Ull , lee olllco. 1'Ji WA N ri ! ! ) Good room , or heilroom nnd Blttlnifrooin , within n block of Tax ton iQtel. Addicsi U5Q. lleooflloo 48J 2 WANTED-To buy nice team of carriage horses. Inquire of M. F. Martin , (117 ( S. 3th St. fiM To cTcnnngo for stock of merchandise WANTED chandise In n llvo town , n tine stock farm of 1HO ncrcii. good house , tno good barm nnd heddlng , stock scales , wind null and ovory- lilng portalnlng to a good nnd well equipped eedlng ranch. Adilro s nil communications to N. Ilarni-s , Central Citv , Neb. 27UJ 3J FOB BENT HOUSES nnd LOTS. FOUSALK-Honsa nnd lot cor. Siltli nnd rrnnkllnJ2aOO JlirtO to f W3 ca h. ? lfl9 per Uiartor. IIouso and lot on 31th and Howard , fj,25n , ? 25)cash ) , f-5 per mo. Few lor Urns. \ Co. . 1512 Douglas et. CIS U " 17011 UENT New brick store and barber -T shop , nso ! 5 room Hut with all model nlni- irovcracnts. Inquire n > v cor 13th nnd Wll- lams. 021) ) 7J FOK UENT 7-room Hat iinfuri.islioil,3 blocks west of I * . O , or will soil furniture with un = o lor ? 450 , Including rent to July Ut. Co * operation Land and Lot CoCo N luth st. IUO 2 IJlOll ItBNT Iln < omcnt about 40x12 . dry and light , cor. lOlh nnd Fin num. $ SO per mo. Fowler Bros. & Co. , 1612 Douglas Bt. 0(8 ( 3 FOU KENT 3-room house , 70J 1'aclBc. 612 TflOU UENT-llrlck yards , T. Murray. 441 UENT-Thrco room house , 11C01J S 7tU 1 315 ITIOIl UENT-Uarn , 1411 Cnllfornia Ft. I ? 5002 IPO 11 UENT Oood barn , sultnblo for four 1 ? horses. Inquire nt G17 f. 13th st. 1U1 UENT Store and second lloor on cor FOU Ifith nnd Mnroy st. Inqiiiro of Mrs. F. Lange , OSS 13th. fcS9 Foil UENT Ono now 7 room house situated on the no cor King and Cnffnmn streets , 1'ntrlck Bros , room 2 , Ailington blk , 6B3 10 FOU UUNT On July 1st , largo 9 room brick Hat , near Jclloisou Sqtiaic. Inquire cor. llith nnd I odgc , Slailolnip.ii & Noumnn. 6CO FOU UENT Good light basement for plumb- or or similar work , Burns Bros , 1 21 How- nrd. Ml fij "T7\OU \ UENT A nlco 0 room house In Omalia -t1 Vlow. J20 louse by the year. A. F. Majne , 1408 DoJgo 2C3 TTKIFTlENT A store on llth north of Doileo , Jj 835 per month. A. F. Mayno , 140S Dodgo. J i 2C4 house , Uth nndl'lctco UENT T-rootn ; FOU frrooin IIOHBJ. Uth aiiol'lcrco. 160 FOU UENT Desirable Mats ) mo'lcrn conven iences , for olllco or llvlmr ; purposes. Cen trally located. Leslie Sc LcslM ) , Central phnr- macy , Uith and Dodgo. f.r O.'il > OU UENT A ilcslniblo''ilat of six rooms ; 1r 1 lurnlshcd ; will loleiio on favorable terms. Cnll at 2,200 Farmumri 4JO-3 ItENT-One a room " 'nnd ono 7 room dwelling , all modern coealcncos. ( . J. L. \Vclstmns , 31' ) S lath bt. t 3o3 FOU UENT Basement w ll lighted and dry 1013 Howard st , Inquire of Shaw & Co. , 510 S Itlth. F 238 F OH UENT-Thrco room house , 7WK 1'acillo. For Itont Six room house , 1100 S 7th , For Itont Three room houso11015 N2Jth CS3 > OIl UF.NT Window , gooA loonlltv for low IT clor or real estate. Apply to 3Jl n Ifltli. - i i BW FOB BENT BOOMS. FOU KENT Furnished room , 220'J Dodgo. CI23 * FOU UENT Two nicely furnished rooms , suitable for two or three gentlemen , good locattyn ; reasonable terms , lft.1 Chicago Bt. 640 2 FOU UENT-1 will have for rent Juno 1 , In host resident part of city , three blocks from postofllco , a few choice rooms , single or en suite , furnished or unfurnished ; or , if con sulted at once , will furnlRh to null a permanent tormnt. Furniture will bo all now and rooms kept In first-class condition. If convovlent , give city references. Address , U 42 , Bee of- llco. 441 FOR IlENT Ware room cor. 13th nnd Call- Ifornia on Belt Lino. For particulars en quire at Union Nat. bank. 183 FOU KENT Nicely furnished rooms , 113 S. 2W St. , bot. Douglas and Dodgo. 3S FOU UENT-Oniues lu llollman Dulldingcor. Farnam and Mth sts. . In suites or singly. For prices , diagrams nnd Information apply to S.A. Sloman , 1512 Farnam St. , Itoom 2. FOU UENT Desk room A. . P. Tukoy 1324 Farinnn st. 573. TJiOU UENT Two nicely furnished front X ? rooms with board , also table board for two onqulrolDU. Farm an. 575. 2 , * pUHNISHED-room for rent 62J. S. :7th 574.5 RENT Furnished rooms for two or four FOU gentleman. Upper flat left hand side ISC. 1-2 St. Mnry'a nvo. (671 ( 7j UENT Two furnished rooms with first * FOU clnss tnblo bonrd If desired. Private fam ily. 1923 Fnrniltn St. BOO 7 | 7VU HENT Furnished front room for young JP ladles. 1822 Fnrnnin. 59'j TfOH 11ENT 2 rooms connected,8I2.J Farnam 595 3 TT OU UENT Nice largo furnished room , 1013 -T Chicago st. 693 3 ,171011 , HENT-Furnlshod room , 10.50. BOS S. JD 22d. Oil 2J FOU UENT-At 803 Howard et , pleasantly located sleeping rooms , temporarily - cant. 007 FOU UF.NT Front parlor N K cor 17th am1 Douglas. Mrs. Ilaverly. 0133 FOU HENT Suite of rooms at 2l03St Mary's avenue , corner 1'loasnnt. 383 -T7IOU UENT Nino-rocm Hat ccntrnlly locntod -C 310 S 15th , 977 OU KENT Two furnlshil rooms for light housekeeping..InqultWH Howard Bt. W 4r)6 FOIt UENT 2 small furnlBd rooms. $7 anc $ S , 2021 Ilarney , corner Ii , 07 ! 6J F I Oil IIENT-3 furnlsliedBbms , * B , $12 nnd 116 per month , IBIS KarnKst. fi'tj 4j FOU IlKNT Largo frontS m. bath , mod ern conveniences. 401 Jb 15th street. 495 3 TT1OU UENT-Furnlehcd roUs nt 1810 Dodge st E f ® OS3I ! ! ) FOll HRNT Iictlruble iitfurnlshod roomi suitable for otTlcu or sleeping rooms. 31(1 ( S 15th st. Uir m FOll KENT Front room fUtvnlsnod,3 windows and gas , for 2 gcntloraifc ; f 15 a montn , 5'3 Sllthst. 5TUU FOH HENT-NIco furnished room. 2025 Tar nain. UC3 FOKHENT-rtlcely furnl ijl rooms cheap 50 South ISth street , Upstairs. 9tf FOIl aENT-Desk room. Enquire Young 4 : Bluckman , 214 S 15th st. 540 FOU lU'.NT Throe room house west of North llth st , between Chicago and Cass. C'JJ Foil UENT Nicely furnished room. 1921 Dodge st. U9 FOU UENT Furnished rooms , 1811 Farnnra 170 Foil HENT-Elegant large room for2 gentle men near business , gas , bath and all con vonlenccs , private family , 1015 Capitol avo. 355 5J FOU IJENT-Largo furnished room , Morten son & Co. , 14141'arnam. 559SJ 1T1OU UENT Handsomely furnished fron J.1 rooms , n w cor. Farnam and 16th. 491 8 * " "IIIOK RENT-New furnished rooras.eth bet -I-1 vlilon and Walnut su. 4IB 1 TJ OU HENT A furnished front room and * - ' board for two gentlemen at l"-l Uodne it FOll lltTNT Klcuant rootni , reforencr * re- qulrctl , 1C07 Douglas st. iiOl FOll HIINT Klovon nlco untiirnlshed sleep ing room ; . Depurate or all toecthrr , In bullaintf aifl H 15th st. K5 FOIt UENT Onicc roonn In Oruonlg block , corner 13th and Doduo. lt.vlsHcther - ngton , Mlllard Hotel Itllllard room. 5J-J FOIt UENT Largo room suitable for four gentlemen ; also small loom for ono , with ms , bath , utc. llcleronces otcbnngcd. nin N 6th st. 6T(12 * lir.Nr 2 store rooms in beat city of 4MO ( population In Nohrnskn : il now rail roads bow building to it. Ilnrrl on , Ambler & Woolloy , 413 S. 15th st. . Omaha , Nob. 49.-i J 13 T710U HUNT Desk room , Hrot olVoo to left -i ; over Mcrclionts National banlc. 23J ijlOlt Itr.NT Elognnt onieo room , host lo- J-1 cation lu Omaha. 310 South 15th st. ( U" > FOB SAL . . .HOUSES LOTS. IP you have cash nnd wnnt real burualns come to JIurnham X btrlnger , 151d Dodge st. C.M 7 " \ON'T ml * * the sale of Hehevuo street loH , JSatunlay , Juno 4 , ' ! < 7. at the ilrnnrh olhco of ( ! oo. N , Hicks , ou llellevuo and II xlrocts , South Omaha. ( V'T ' 3 1/1011 SALE-ltont or trade , tlvo-room cnttngo J In Paulson's adtiltlon , Ten-room houxo nnd three lots In Luilwlolt placn , and other iroporty. U V. Crum.lZON 15th M. 4X ( ( \\i : Can toll for n few days only ' ' Lot 100 moo' * addition lor JO.IOX Lot 71 Olso's addition. J0.30J. Illock I lloyd's addition , tS.VJO. One tliltd ofuh. balance 1,2 and 3 ycar Hcmlugton A : McCcrmlck , 220 fcoutn nth St. 490 T\ON'T mles the pale nf Ilel'ovuo ' street lots , L' Satuiday , Juno 4 , ' ' . at the llrauch olllro of Gro. N. Hlcits , on llollcvue anil II trcets , South Omnlm. 037 3 TliOll \IiU-l lot In Shrlvor 1'laco nt a saorlllco C If sold this woolt. O. II. Ex. . 310 S 15th st , room 1. 553 2 lJAUlAlN Ono hundred feet front on BIO Eleventh st , corner lot , only 5.000. Porton tlmo. V. I. . Vodlcku.SJJ South l.Hb st. * 71OK SALE HoautirulFOUth front lot on 1'op- JL ? p1utnnn\o , llanscom 1'laco , J.'UO , only 'OJoaah It will pay you to Invostlgato this. ( Ico. K.lltcl.6. 0)73 FOKSALV-Eiigt fiont In Halm-tow. . $ I.TO Enst I rout lot , Kllby I'ltico UOO South front , Davenport street , In Lincoln 1'laco , corner , only 1"fO J5 feet on Cumlnira st. noar2"rd P.WH ) 4 lots In bhrlver 1'lnco , each 450 H. W. HuntrobR , i ; > 0. ) Kariium street. 570 IJ "I710H SALE A very geol 5-ioom -L well , cistern and hliado tree * . In Walnut Hillonly $2TiO If soli ) nt once , $130 cash , bal ance easy. This Is n splendid bargain. Omaha Ilusmess Hxcluuvc , 31D S. 15th Bt , Itoom 1. 694 2 BUItNIIAM * STUINOElt , 1518 Dotlgo St. . have always cash on hand for lots that must bo sold. - ' . ' 7 rpIIU Apploof My l'yo."bnmo only 'J block off JL St. Jlary'sa\e car line , convenient to bust * ncs < ! , built "not fern dny but for all time. " llanraitiH lu biislnees property. List with us for wo put them whore they keep hot. Cake & Hillings .over 101 South 15th st. 500 LINCOLN 1'LACE Wo have tor pale cloven bcautllul lots In Lincoln 1'laco , adjoining the 1'atrlck farm. Husli & Selby , 121 Farinm. C.l'J FOHTV-TWO foot on Stnto street . J750 1'ull lot In Saundcrs \ Himoliaiigh's add 475 T o good lota In Meyers , 1C. & T. add , each. 750 S. P. . cor. In lloyd's . 850 Trackage in I'uduock 1'laco , cheap . - Uooin20 , 1'axton building. 171 DON'T miss tno sale of Hcllovup street lots , Saturday , junu . 'H7. at the Ilrnnch olllco otGco. N. Hicks , on Uuliovuo and 11 streets , South Omaha. C37 3 UIINHAM A : STllINOKll , 1518 Dodge St. , liavo always cash on hand for lots Hint must bo sold. C. . ' 7 DON'T miss the sale of llellevuo street lots , Saturday , Juno 4 , * H7 , at the Branch olllco of Goo. N. Hicks , on Uollovuo nnd B streets , South Omaha. 0,17 3 T 1NCOLN PLACE Wo have for sale cloven JU beautiful lots In Lincoln 1'laco. adjoining thol'atriclc farm. Hush & Sclby , 1521 Farnam. _ | _ cai AHOlTSEforNothlng-As n special Induce ment we will give away absolutely frco a bouso costing $1,200 with the next 50 lots Bold inOmaha Heights. Quito a number nave boon old under this plan nnd you have an oqiial chance to get it. Adjoins Ft. Omaha on the west and an elegant depot will bo elected by August by the b.lkhorn railway now being built. Take a rldo out that way and then Invest in Omaha Heights. Clarkson & Uoatty , 219 So. 14th st. ( U5 5 _ AUQAINS offered by P. It. Ueldon It Co. , Ueal Ffitato nnd Loan Agents , Now 0-room hoilso and good barn , lot 53x132 , (2.700 , $400caih , bal easy , 7-room liouse , good barn , full lot , $2,500 , tCOO cash. . Slilnn'e 1st ndd , 110x131 , good 7 room house , well , cistern and city water , cheap. 75x13. ! ft , two largo houses , modern improve ments , ront.for $85 per month , 1 11 .000 , fo.OOO cAsh , bal easy. One block 1 rom st car , nlco 5-room house , (2,500 , (290 cash , balance monthly. fiOxUU , bcnutlful lot , nlco new house , near car line , $2 , 100 , $203 cash , balance monthly , 100x100 iect south nnd onet front , elegant hou < e til,000 , C.OOO o-tsh , bal to suit. Corner In Hcgans ndd. 4 room house SJ.'iDO ' , terms en y. 75x'l")0 Imp asao , house and barn , shade and fruit trees east front , f4OJOi cash , balance easy. llcautlful homo Idle Wild (0,000 , nlco shade trees. Nicest house , lot and barn , all complete In Hanscom place , $ B,70 , easy teims. Vacant lxts. 1 beautiful lot blkS'Amblor place , (700 , easy terms. ' - 1 east front lot In Klrkwood cheap , (1riOO. 1 west front lot In 1'lalnviow. cheap , f 1,403. 2 nice lots In llrennan ( I.VOO oaph , ( KOO cash. 2 lots 111 .loromo I'nrk near Farnam. line view , (2'uOO each. . 1 lot (5x157 Jerome I'nrk near Farnam , (2,200. e Iota in Shulls. add east fronts , (1 ,750 cacti. These are bargain's. 110x90 on Leavcnworth (170 per foot. Corner 63x121 Mursn add on Lcavomvorth , (9.000. 44xfifl'trnekaro on 10th st. S14.000 , VJ cash. ( W.xlir : trackngo on nth t. 20,000 , y cash. GilxllU near I ) i > , ilopot (10,000 , H cash. 45(133 1'mlclOCk J'lACO. ' (5.509. cash. Money to loan on city property. . - K H. Ilclden & Co. 691 4 IF you-havo caslv. and want iciil bargains come toBurnham & Stringer , 1518 Dodge st. OJJ 7 qiHIUTKENTH street car linn will take you JL wlljilua BliOrt.Uistanco of the brunch of- llco of fl , N. Hioka on llollovne Rtroot , opposite the park In South Omaha. Don't fall to attend the sale -Saturday at 2 p. in , of 50 of the choicest lots reserved In this addition , 837 3 IMMEDIATRsalowllltnko51ots or losi only 5 or 6 blocks from Exchange bid and Union Stock yards on favorable torms. Sixteen house ? under contract In snino block. I want what they are worth. I don't want fancy prices I want to sell quickly. E. U. Branch. ii : CHEP LOTS You can make money on our Cheap Lots on the valley north ot town. (150 to (275. Conio and see them. Hoggs & I1I1U 412 J U FOll SALE-Ily Shaw i Co. , 610 S ICth St. Houses nnd lots In all parts of the city. You can't afford to rnnt when you Know the price and terms of this class of property , Ou Georgia avenue wo have a largo piece of ground for sale at lost than Its value. It Is worth looking at If you ivant a nice residence property. Lots for sale In different parts of theclty.and you ore auro to make money by dealing with us. Wo nro headquarters for safe investments. 5.V1 FOU 8ALE-4 sections of and worth (8 per acre , Will sell for ( I If taken at onco. Harrison , Ambler & Woolloy , 118 S. 15th st. Omaha , Neb. 490 J 13 GUEATsaloof choice lots In the orlglua South Omahasyndlcatu at branch ollloo ofOoo , N. Hicks on llollovuo street , opposite the I'nrk in South Omaha. CJ7 il TF Sold at once will soil my farm of IB ) acres X ail Improved , for J3S < JO ; the host farm u Nebraska tor the money , mu ° t have (1,001 down , bal to suit. 0. U. Hazard , Hubbanl , Neb 513 4J 13UUNHAM - . S1IHNGEU. 1518 Dodge St. J-Mi ave always cash on Inmd for lots that mus bo sold. C2'J 7 P. TUKEV , 1321 Farnum St. , mukos in vestments for non residents a ipeolalty wlthgrimittnteed Interest or slmro ot protlw , nnd takes full charge of property ; reference given. 316 FOU SALK At a bargain , a most dcatrablo borne for a small family within n mile ol I * . O. , a block from 2 street car lines and paved street * . Inquire of B. K. Wbltmore , Iloyd'i opera bouio y DON'T mils the sale ot llollovuo street Ion Satuiday , Juno 4 , ' 87. at the llianch olllco of Goo. K. Hicks , on Bellvcue and U street ! South Ouiaftat , , 3T 3 EV\i \ A SELI1Y , WIarnamst. \ . , otter : CSIcM In Carthage . i . ( 750 V ) lots In Lincoln place , , . 750 lots In Orchard hill . l.IVO 0 lots In Sheridan place , . . . . . 1,200 Slots in Portland place . N' ) i.1 lot * In llo > d * . 700 lot In Bedford ploco . 1)75 ) lot on State t . , 1,2-V ] 0 lotson l.eii\enworth st . 1,200 00 ft s 10th st.pcr foot . . . 100 3i ft on s 10th t < t per foot . . . , 3) ) Olots InOkahoimi , . . , , . . . O.V.1 loMonslHttipt . 1,20) ) > iO ft on ICth ft per foot . % 100 ' lots in Wllcox 2d . SV ) id loM In Original plat . Hots In Hush .V Sclbys lid . 6.V ) A lots In Syndli-ato 8 O . WJ lots In Albrights annex . , . lots In Fairmont place . ilntfl In Patricks . . . . 2 lots Inl'addoek place cheap . 2 lots lnSmilli2d . Hush & Solhy , 1521 Faniani. 727 " * KljEl7ry , are tlio carefully ll toJ tiirgntns liiintcdtlo-fit by Cake & Hillings. Our sum- < lo case : 2 lots with 2 houses , .t. L Hcdlpk' * sub , only ilocK from fticot line , 103x121 ft on i ! streets , big money hero for you. llcauty of llartlett , fruit trees , tine view , onlv $1.500 cah iicrdod. Cheapen South Omaha stulT on the market Come , over lul , pornor Dodge nnd 15th , and we'll make It pleasant and protltablo lor you. \\TKolTor for n few days to si'lln line busl- > ness property for ( ji.uoo. 7stoto build- lies with Until above , now pacing (1,700 per year. Will takogood'teiil fstiito In pat t pay * nent , bahinco on ea < y terms. New it room house In Walnut Hill C.IOO , ( JOO ca h , balance caty teims. Call fortornn. House * nnd lots on Park nv , on Go > rgn av. , on Virginia itv , , llanscom Park , Hnnicom Place , and In fact n largo list In all the mo t Icslriibln jiortlonsof the city. E. T. Gadd & Jon , l'"l Farnam si. _ 439 l'iw ; ( lonulno Iargalns-Vlxl.i2 ! ! with 11 room house In line repair , barn , water , on mved street , Just 6 minutes walk Horn post- t.lllco , only (7,5ml , ? l.WO ca h. If Mild quick. Pour 10 acre tract ! ) lying boailtltully , all pint- : ccl and planted with ti cos , just adjoining High- ami park uhuro lots urn selling luadlly forf. ' > 50 , only ( * 0 per acre , 1-3 c-nili. Pine east fiont lot fr..Tl.lO with 3 10 room brick lioiiM ) : ) magnlllccntly IhibheO , bath 1001118. water , ga , electric bells , fiirniii'pi , ju or and all coin enli'iiPO < , rontliiif lor ( . ' , 'ViO per year , only f-'o,0)J,0Oeislt ( ! This Is n genuine bar gain , 10 minuted walK fioiu postoillcc. Can co lly bo rented for ( 1,000 per yi'nr. Two beautiful south front lots on Corby st Althln pistol nliot of Sautnlcrs 6t and Kount/o Place , ono block from Lnko st cars , only Sl.noOuach.S'i'UuiiMi. Cnn ell tour lot1 * In Clifton Hill at n very low figure. Call and Inquire about them , muet bo sold quick. Full lot in Saunilors ! c Hlmcbauub's ndd only $175. This n \ cry cheap : only (150 cash. 1 wo beautiful lots 60x15) ) each on Nicholas fit In Walnut Hill , only ( -,500 for both , ono third caih. Pull lot one-half Mock from Hamilton st In Orchard Hill , only 31.004 , o-isytormi Mitchell \ Loyonmarclf , MemboisNob II. K. Exchange , 1510 Dodge sc. 5HO 4 ' miss the Fiilo of Hcllovuo streets lot , DON'T , June 1. 'H7 , at the Brunch olllco of Geo. N. Hicks , on llollovuo and B streets , South Omaha , f37 3 FOU SAI.K-I oiler tor sale the " .Manhattan Farm , " owned by mo , and consisting of 200 acre * tin the seS of section 2 1 , nnd the neH ol no > 4 of Kcctlona'i , town 12 , range 12 , Hall county , Kobtuskn ; 100 acres under cuUlvnllon , good 2-story hoiiRO , stable , corn cilb , granary , cto , etc. , In coed order. This tarm Is ailnur- nlily adapted lor stock raisers on account or Its vicinity to the largo ranges on the Loup ilver. In Immedlatti vicinity of church , nchool. and only four miles of Cairo Station on the 11. & M. Ily. This farm will bo sold by mo In person nt the GUI/ens' National Hank , Grand Island , ou Juno 15 C. Ii. ICoiff , 333 Jackson St. , St. Paul , Minn. 31J 3' Nebraska National M , U. S. DEPOSITORY , OSTols. Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus 42,500 II. W. Yntps , President. A. E. Tou/.alin , Vico-Presidcnt. W. II. S. Hughes , Cashier , DiUEOTons : W.V. Morse , JolmS Collins , H. W. Yatus , Lewis S. Kcotl. A. E. ToiiK.ilm. BANKINJ ( OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th nnil Farnam Sts. A General Hankintr Business Trun sncte Lincoln , Neb. The beet known and most popular liotcl In the fllato. Location central , appointments first class. Headquarters for coniinorclnl men and all political and public irathcrlnirg. K. P. KOGOEN , Proprietor School , County and City BO3XTDS ! Wo will pny highest price tor same. Mndo at lowest rates. Correspondence solicited. STULL BROS. , LINCOLN , Nun. KLEIN HOUSE , Johnstown , Neb , The best accommodations for travelers. The best hotel in town. F. G. FRITZ , Proprietor. rvmxtllci for all dlfciitrl Ii I lu I lirory > wl | , r > c1lri I l > itfM > nti > rlurule < l ami riK | > rlnml lilt ) ririBiu , mid In nil l.ijra cuiiimunhUiktj li a II , fir ip > clillk > la curl In whlih , tliry ( llrrrt tlicU1 lludifl Hid prartlcfi. PR. On in. HDUliu U u lUiulriluii OM1.II nino'cm irtoolof cTl.lUI * . mul hU uni > rrcnlritlc < l KurcrM In ( lie lif.tiiirnl ot L'hmnlc , K rvom mul Hpnlil lriwiMUthKflfnliiii ( ) oti < dnful ai till n.llcri.v. . 'II , on | w ni who nrnl imillciil rrliof fur Iho mo t lK.llrll oriJJi M t wllinnil nn nrmiu * i , o - . wwuii. HlvllBlil Mr rrrutumtiKleU tf th meiluftl | rofcf Ion at homo Anil abroad TO TIIOSK II QffST or IICtl.TIIl Sen llami > for 1- * 4 v oriMan , * ti Iintf | > rtailtQiirBttnii ami Srniploni U.I nn lilrhi nl full liUlury ol llielr ili. v. ia Mill ( tvBiy lifTiil ) > r irri. | | ailvlra ! jr Klltr. Ktlsia ( M an > l ooiiliilriitlul , | i nnallor t/ mail IN llir.OIIUDISllStS sllie N'ervout Hjitem ( Irnlto , Urlu.ijr aiul Itr-produc * lire Or.mi , i til ai all ollirr kin lir < l CU > M of fltlirr in. UaIlviiefa.MriU. Or. OTTERBOURC , OrlllK llOCn.Sl Cvr. 13lha > llla < t ( KU. , OlolJa. a > . , 2 In Sand 1 Io 9 | > . n. Ouiiu , Nia , SCIENTIFIC 'URING 1-4-20 TAR DID PILES , Sfilt I1HEUM and all nhln diseases , A now method of eoui * ponudlni ; 'inr. A Cure gunrnntord , or mmmy rctiinclcd. Hold by dmcslttn , nnd nt thn nlllcn nf TAR-OlD CO. .73 ItHDOlPHST. CHICiGO. I'rlw , l. PENNYROYAL PILLS " ' ENGLISH. " "CHICHESTER'S . The OrlKlnnl and Only Ui-iinlnr. Hah and a1 at B U M . n.wti * of worthlr < lo.lutlom lailiMDiabla Ui LADIES , Aak > e f Iruic1t ' " CkUkMUr'i I Uai > and taaa . tatr.r lotlow It ( , imi [ . u ui fcr inl < iiaii < B I IIT br rttuni mull. CkltkMler Cbainlrol Co. , NAME PAPER. nAffiK " . ' . ' | ( ) | 'a. old kjr ri laU itrrwhtrfL. lii la ( l.khcflr U En Uair a iroi l a'lUa. T. ) . . -tiu * . VVEAK. UNDEVELOPED PARTS oUhtbuai anT iif2 ID < ! atrcDsUienril. Toll fatllfulaia Mot ( Haled ) lite. * .UU.Ml > lMI.OO.i ( > u.Ialu , h. Y. Kvnrtfi' Itcily | to nn Anuwcr. Auiorlcnn Ailvurtlsuri A oorrospondcnl who hail been rcnilinu the nticctlotcf nbout senators in otirltst : number was nu i'o wltntvis of the following occtirrcncoj At Now York city in the fsill of ' ! , K nso was tricil before .Itttljio Sutlicrlniul , n which tin ) Inw firm of Kvntts , South- ttnyil vV Khonto niipcurotl for tlio dofunsi * . "Mr. I'.rnrts in-ttlo tlio foncltiillnjr nrju > iit'tit , nnil thofanioof the great counselor ocured for him u consiilorablo niulionco ) f hiwyors from nol liborln court.In ultlltlon to many iiorson.i who hail no In- urost In the iiroott'dinus. Mr. Kvarts hail lioon speaking for sotno tours , anil wsxs ovlilontly noarlng his lororntlon. Ho bounn to stun up his argn * uonts nntl n kutl imprcssivuly wltat tnswor could bo niatlu to them. Again 10 placed the point * In Itii'lil array , anil igain asknl a similar ( lue.stlon. Tlien n Inni tiinu ho restated his casu with vivid tiloiitionco , and once uioro , in louiior ones , wound n ) ) with : " \Vliat \ is tholr answer ? " llo pans-oil. Yon could have hoard a tin drop. Snddunly the door of the court ooin opened , and a podillor , stinking his load and u feather duster into the room , cried out : "Urooins. " In a moment the room was ringing with mcontrollablo laughter , In which over * lody joined oven the judge on the bench mil the orator himself. Mr. Kvnrts , lowover , Kept on his feet , and was the Irst to recover composure. With his land raised to command attention , as lie roar subsided , ho said , solemnly : "That was not indeed , the reply which expected. Hut you may rest assured that when you do get their answer you will Iiml it equally frivolous and incense quent. " An American Article of most cari'fuland oilginal manufacture. Colgate's Uashmero liouquot Toilet Soap. Some Americans Atuoml , Chicago Mail : ( Charles E. 'tirlong. speaking of some of Ills ex * ) cnenccs in Europe , remarked that some of the most painful sights was the vul garity displayed by some American women there. "There tire women anil women , of course , " saitl he , "but it is > rotty hard on tin American to feel and : o know that wo are judged rather by , hose who are vulgar than by these who ire otherwise. T have seen women of .liis country at balls and receptions so eager to display their wealth that they wore diamond rings over tholr gloves.1 DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . 1707 Olive St , St. Louis Mo. Df tlic Missom i State Museum of Anatomy , St. Louifc , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New Yotk. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OP Clinic and DISEASES , More cspecia ily tlise arising from impru dence , unite nil so suffering to correspond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily with out detention doin business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their ( symptoms- All letters receive immediate attention JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an ' Essay on Marriage,1 with impoi taut chap ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or i gans , the whole forming a valuable medical "f treatise which should be read by all young men. Address , DHS. S. & D. DAVIESON , 1707 Olive St..St. Louis , Mo. ODO A tent ( Heirna : ln T ry town for Wo think your "TnnsllPi Punch" 5o olgarsu- peilor to most of our $55 cigars. They nro the smokers di'llglit , and nearly all of the drum mers UBO them when they cnn bo obtained. C. C. Cbalmeis , Irugfl | t , Smlthllold. Vrt. IDDBfSS , R. W.TAHSILL&CO..Z ABSOLUTE PERFECTION IN BAKINCt ANO ALL- MEATS ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR FOUND EXCLUSIVELY OK TUB MARVELOUS RESULTS a."f LOSS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS , TCI7 fmrpnnpla know the Rhrlnlnma of M ti ronxtedlu Aclo Anvi < n ! from thlrly > llvnlo forl7 pal cent. All mentunnlalnnftHveuty IIvn Mrcont.ot * & ! ! nnd onlr twnntr live per cent , of nll , | matlar. aau th lou Iliat I * m 'la ' lu Iho toj.llnz I mail * In tlio vni o. ratluu of tha julca , which I. the VITAL fAUTOV MrI Effect of the SOLID OVEN Door. A TEH iMiuntl Blrlolo. unjilluraor iroH-lon , will b < ttEDUckiilo bix | iounn nnd four ouncaa of HoaitoJ moat , showing n IOK of Ihruo ro nidi nn < l twoUu ouutoi of jtilco.hll8 the IOM In 87Kl'iT < -iit. f tha total trrliiht. It > hu the euormout Luas or t'llflli Its CIHT. F nut JUICK , Effect of WIRE GAUZE OVEN Boor , A TEN pouml Sirloin , uxnllum or ellono ! , will l' rnlucod to nlno pounds unil tilicht ounraaoi HonnUi ] tnnat , Hnowlnuu loaiiof DluUt ounc a of julco. Whtll thlaloniis flto p r cunt.of the total vnluht. Itshowi tb Tory m UlXMoriiDTiii.vrNiT.Hcr.MT. or JUicc SiND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS ANO PRICE USTI. CHABTER OAK STOVES and IIANOES are BOLD IK KEHBASKA as lollowi : MILTON ROGERS S : SONS OMAHA. 1 . KKNNEV , COKI.OK. DALLAS& LUTSON HASTINOS. E.G. DKKWr.U , IUv .SIRINI ; ] . H.AIKD&CO. . NKDJMKAC'ITY. W. F. THMI'LEION NFLSON. . STUUnr.VANT GcSON ATKINSON. KASS&CO CIIADRON. 411. , LUUKER& WELCH COLUMIII * . I.DS nROS EDGA . TANNT.LL&SWnENKY FAIKPURV. OE'ITLEft rAGr.K KNANKLIN. N J. JOHNSON NORTH BIND. j J. McCAKPEUTY O'Nnil. CITV. R HAXLKWOOI ) . O5MOLA. I S. DUKE I'tATT.MOUTII. A. IT.AKSON , HrenuNO. J O. C'.KF.f.N STHOMSDURO , 1 A PAnnr.NftsoN bumKion. TI.MMEKMAN & 1'KAKER V RBOW. . , uu r nl dlho ORQ lnth world veoeraUng a continuous ltrtr1ot Magn tGl 'a-rrrrtf. Befentlflc.l'owtrful. Iiui bl , foreitil a Kflecllte. ATol4 rudt. - ( if wrH-fioocurffl. HrndKUniu rnruaruphleu - AI.MI ri.r.ututv n ; i/r voji itiMKARts. "S. IJORH . UVINTCR. 101 W ASM AVI. . RHIBAnft. v > nri * Tnill KERTITA > / IUIAI ( l ( ir rrm , LULL all tfuU > a > < rntc 1 nlALi n .i d . - I 1 1 U U I 1 1 1 n bl t > ,7 Uu , . , t t Mal hv 4 , d kla < n4 aff U l Tilal p ck i He , | | UT. Kr. 1 1 a a. A.U. IIJN CO. ,