Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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llTcred toy carrier In nnj part of the city at
twenty cents per wook.
H.W.TILTOW , Mannfcr.
BCMUBCS Omcr. No. .
MIGHT Eon oit No. 23.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
New spring goods at Ileitcr's , tailor.
Wanted At the Pacillc house , u cham
ber girl.
Judge Aylcsworth was out of the city
yesterday , and Justice Schurz occupied
thi } bench.
Three vagrants worn yesterday sen
tenced to tliu county jail , the menu to bo
broad and water.
Regular meeting of the Fidelity Coun
cil , No , 150 , Hoyiil Arcanum , at 8 p. m.
Business of Importance.
Dr. 1'inncy , who takes a great interest
in fine horses , ia about to erect a line
large barn at his farm for his thorough
bred stock.
Joe Scott has been having some more
trouble with his family , and a complaint
has bcon lodged iijrainst him for disturb
ing the peace.
Colonel Jesse Harper , of Danville ,
111. , has been secured by the Knights of
Labor to deliver an address on the
Fourth of July in Hayliss park.
The Congregational social at the rcsi- ,
denco of D. W. Otis last evening was a
very pleasant nll'air. Airs. Otin , Airs.
Walker and Mrs. Cowlcs entertained the
The moonlight nights cause tlic police
to be on tlio special look-out for burg
lars. The records show that there are
many more lieu cbrenkings when the
moon is beaming.
The Moore & Kiplmgcr club is to play
the Omaha ( trays next Sunday on the
grounds at Manawa. The game is to be
called at 20. : ! ! The grounds have been
put in line condition.
Squires' addition is having a boom all
by itself on account of the Union Pacific
cable line and the removal of forty-live
families from Omaha depending on the
Union I'acilico transfer work. ' A lot
can bo had now for $3JO. This tall they
will be $1,000.
Mr. Allen , the map publisher , says ho
expects to have tjiu new maps out this
month. He has just made the last cor
rections , bringing the now additions up
to June 1. The mans will thus faith
fully represent both cities tp to date.
Warren Hough , of Crescent , one of the
justices of the peace , says that ho was
made president of the lishcrmcn nssooia
lion there without his seeking or wish ,
and ho is taking no active part in it. Hi
is neutral on the question involved , ami
objects to being put before the miblic in
the light of an earnest opposor of the en
forcement of the lish law.
Drs. Hanchett ib Smith , oflieo No. 12 ,
Pearl St. , residence ISO Fourth st. Tele
phone No. 10.
J. W. & K. L. Squire make beautifn
abstracts of title , and deserve the success
they are enjoying.
Noisy Salvation.
While the city council was in session
the Salvation Army , whose headquarters
are opposite the city building , were mak
ing considerable noise. It is customary
for the army to have a great beating of
drums and blowing of horns just before
entering their hall for their evening ser
vice. As this was a disturbance to the
council , then in session , the mayor re
quested the chief of police to see that the
annoyance was stopped. Chief Mullen
made the request known to the Salva
tion Army , and the fellow with the big
drum and the lifer promised to stop until
they got further down the street , where
the noise would not bo so annoying to
the aldermen. They either forgot the
promise or disregarded it , and when the
I drum was pounded in front of the city
building , and thotife was made to shriek ,
Chief Mullen quietly arrested both musi
cians , and kept their instruments for
their appearance in court. Justice
Schurz gave the young lifer , a mere boy ,
a fatherly talking to. Ho urged him to
continue his ellorts to lead a Christian
life , but advised him not to try to con
vert sinners by such horrible sounds.
Ho had bettor go to his private chamber ,
and tlioro worship , and if ho had any
friend who was a sinner take him with
him , and try to convince him thus of the
error of his way. He believed this would
bo a more successful way , and certainly
more satisfactory to the city council.
With this a vice ho lot the young lifer go.
The drummer was an old man , and the
justice thought ho ought to know better.
Not long ago the Salvation army had
some boys lined for disturbing their
meeting , and it seeraed no more than fair
that the Salvationists should bo lined for
disturbing other folks' meetings , even if
the council was not u religious gathering
in any sense.
Personal Paragraphs.
II. M. Witt , of Nelson , was here yes
A. J. Anderson , of Carson , is at the
C. II. Daniels left last night for San
United States Attorney D. O. Finch ,
was in the city yesterday.
A. Harris and J. W. Davis , two Avoca
promincnts , visited the Ulufl's yesterday.
Mrs. S. B. Noilson , of Falls City , Neb. ,
is hero visiting her sister , Mrs. W. II.
Treynor , on First avenue.
D. W. Lamphero , of DCS Moincs , part
ner of J. K. Graves , the Manawa motor
railway builder , was in the city yester
Latest improved gasoline stoves at N ,
604 Maiu street , W. A. \ \ ood.
Jailed For Stealing.
On the night of May 10 there were stolen
from the barn of A. II. LcOrow , at Mis'-
souri Valley , a team of sorrel mares , a
top buggy , bull'aln robes , harness and a
saddle , Mr. LcUrow o lie red a reward elf
f 75 , but had no clue whatever of the
thief. The MKK uavo the news of the
robbery , and it was read by I. M. Soars ,
of the UEE force in Council UlulVs , who
about a week ago discovered one of the
horses with the saddle and robes In a
livery stable above the Ogdeu houe.
Sears acquainted J. D. ( Hirrison. the
Bhcriir of Harrison county , of the facts ,
and the two were satisfied they had dis
covered a part of the stolen property.
Mr. Leirow ( identified them as being
part of his property and upon informa
tion obtained bears and the sheriff were
satisfied that suspicion pointed to one
Charles Neil , a hanger-on about the
gambling'houses of this city. They
tracked Nell to Lincoln , Neb. , and
Sherill' Garrison left for Lincoln , but
only to find his man had left the day be
fore. Last night Soars and the livervman
saw Neil in the upper end of the city and
immediately informed the police. Olli-
cers O'JIrhm and Stevens , with Deputy
Marshal White , surrounded the place
where Neil was and closed in on him
He was lauded in the city
jail to await the arrival of Sheriff ( Jam
son. This morning Neil will probably
bo taken to Logan.
At the time Neil left te horse , etc. , at
the livery stable , ho soIuTAttornoy Wart
a horse , buggy and harness , but the ;
were not part of the property stolen
from Mr. Le Grow.
The Arguments Being Made in the Jones
Murder G&se ,
Warrants Issued For Searching fin-
loons nnd Numerous Humors
Afloat HnUatlon Soldiers Ar
rested A New Drop Curtain.
Drawing to n Close.
Yesterday , in the district court , was
taken up with the arguments in the trial
of Jonathan Jones for tbo killing of
David Roberts. Although the tragedy
occurred years ago , and there have been
several triah of the case , still thcro has
been more publio interest manifest than
is iibiial under such circumstances. The
interest has been awakened largely by
the sharpness of the legal contests. The
state is represented by Colonel Daily
and W. A. Mynstcr , while the defense is
in the hands of Colonel C. K. Scott and
Lyman & Hunter. Mr. Mynster made a
strong opening argument on the part of
the state , and was followed by Judge
Lyman on the part of the defense , lie
finished his argument yesterday fore
noon. Ho reviewed the evidence care
fully and logically. The interest of the
auditors centered , however , in the argu
ment made yesterday afternoon by
Colonel Scott. Although a resident
of Omaha , it seems that Council
Hind's has a claim upon him , and take
undo in him. The argument made by
him was closely listened to and was a
masterly one. Having every detail of
the evidence closely in hand , he wove
these details into a close wub of logic ,
and beautified it by some pleasing
dashes of wit and sentiment. Ho lias tint
happy faculty of giving grateful bits of
rest to the jurymen by thuso occasional
, and thus enables them to
end their attention the more closely to
the solid arguments and the essential
links of reasoning. Ho has a sarcasm
which cuttcth sharper than a two-edged
sword , but yesterday lie did not use his
favorite weapon as freely as is his wont ,
but it was evident that it had not been
allowed to rust in Nebraska air by the
keenness with w'hieli he cut in pieces
one or two of the witnesses whose testi
mony was peculiarly obnoxious to him.
He dwelt at length upon the evidence
showing that Jones had always been of
weak mind and subject to melancholy.
Ho pictured vividly Roberts as entering
the homo as the destroyer of its peace
and honor. Ho appealed strongly to the
fact that few men have so well balanced a
mind as to bo able to act with reason when
the knowledge came to them that the
connubial couch had been delilcd , and
they had been plunged in sorrow and
shamo. The strength of the argument
was placed upon the insanity of Jones ,
and the natural effect of domestic trouble
culminating in the knowledge of Roberts
having despoiled the homo. His sum
ming up of the causes leading to Jones'
insanity , and the testimony on this point
was very strong. Ono of the brightest
bits of sentiment was the tribute paid by
im to motherhood , in commenting upon
lie testimony of the aged mother of
"ones. Who better than a mother could
ejl the condition and the changes of the
lind of the boy whom she had nourished
vith such tender care ? He pictured
iiothcrhood as next to the purity of God
limsclf. It was only a mother who
otild wound with the rod and then heal
ho wound with her tears , loavmg no
Those who are so familiar with Colonel
Scott's characteristics were much amused
t u personal allusion thrown into his
Argument. He said ho was not a brave
nan. He had been called a coward
ften and had been imposed on a great
leal because ho was always dodging anv
onllict or trouble. The fdea of his well
cnown aggressiveness being thus humor
ously treated seemed , however , too much
or him to continue further in this strain
ml ho dropped his allusion by saying
'Yes , I'm a quakcr when it comes to
ighting. That is , if a man strikes moon
ho right oheok , I roach out for his left. "
In Judge Lymun's argument yester-
liiy morning there was ono little inci
dent which amused the old settlers , am !
hose who were familiar with the ground
work for the allusion. Durimr the prog
rcss of the trial it was shown that years
go Jones was badly frightened by some
ndiiins coming to the house. This testi-
nony had been introduced to show the
jondition of Jones' mind at that time ,
nut the effect which the fright had upon
lim. Mr. Mynster , in his argument for
he state , made much sport of this "In-
lian scare , " as it was called. Judge
Lyman , in referring to it in reply , viv
( fly pictured the early days of this pur
of the country , and how at one time
there were Indian troubles , which did
not come any nearer than Mis
souri , but which , nevertheless , caused
no little excitement here. He
said that ho had boon credibly
informed that ono young man hero was
so afraid that ho might be called upon to
carry n gun , and enter an Indian war
that he had jumped out of the window of
his mother's house and Hod for Canada ,
not returning until quiet was wholly re
stored , and ail fours alloyed. There was
many a smile that went the rounds of
the court room as Judge Lyman nar
rated this incident of early life in Coun
cil muffs , and there seemed many who
know at once for whose benefit the inci
dent wa ? narrated , and Rttw snugly the
coat fitted at least ono listener.
This morning Colonel Daily.tho county
attorney , will make the closing argu
ment. There will bo much eagerness uu
the part of all to hear it. Ho is so en
thusiastic and the light has been so hard
a one that he will doubtless bo at his
best. It is expected that the case will bo
given to the jury this afternoon.
The Jus : or Not.
Thcro was considerable commotion
among the saloons yesterday. Thcro
were many rumors afloat , and there was
a general getting ready to meet emer
gencies. Some of the saloon men have
left the city , fearing the result of the
documents which are said to be out
against them. There have been some
search warrants taknn out , they having
been issued by an Oakland justice. It is
expected that some of the places wilt
soon be pounced upon , and the propriet
ors are making ready for such a searcn.
During the night liquors were carted
away from some places. There were
other saloons which have been selling
liquor right along , in which not a drop
of beer even could be bought yesterday.
It seems conceded that the saloons must
close , and there is much bitterness of
feeling. There are no upon threats of
violence , and no bloody scenes are ex
There has been some talk of buying up
informers who have made ntlidavits
against the saloons. On the other hand
it was being talked , yesterday , that this
would do no good , for as soon as these
informers were got out of the way thcro
would be new ones , who would have to
bo bought off. It would bo a constant
drain to keep these informers off , and the
business would not pay for the expense.
It is expected that there will be some
now developments to-day , and the serv
ing of search warrants will probably add
a now and interesting chapter to the his
tory of the couteat ,
The federal court of DCS Moincs was
looked to as liable to make some favora
ble decision in regard to the saloou ques-
lions pcnding' , but the court ad
journed last Saturday without passing
upon these questions. This prop of hope
is therefore knocked from under the
saloon. It is not probable that any deci
sion will bo reached before next Sep
tember. _
A Juke on Joker * .
Of all the jokers in Council Hinds ,
Rtidlo & Ycnawlno are considered on
top , but they will probably now remain
dormant for some time to come , Last
night a friend of the gentlemen by chance
obtained a blank search warrant , and as
the principal topic for some time past
upon the streets has been the injunction
and search warrant cases , he concluded
ho would ill ! out the warrant for Rudio
iV : Yonawlno. After filling the warrant
out in the best legal phrases at his com
mand , ho quietly walked to the Man
hattan and informed the proprietors
of the existence of a searcn warrant
for their place. They at once became
indignant at the idea of any living per
son.susiicctlng that liquor of any descrip
tion had ever been on their premises. He
informed them that he found the docu
ment with others lying on the desk in
the city clerk's ' odlce ; that he stole it
through friendship to them and began
to read the warrant. The last few lines
of the warrant showed it a fictitious one ,
but as ho saw they took it so seriously he
concluded the reading and omitted "the
latter part. The indignation of Rudio &
Ycnawino was beyond description. They
had sold buttermilk , lemonade and tem
perance drinks , but as everyone who has
ever entered their place is aware , they
never had any intoxicants. This
was too much for them. The
idea of having their business
hurt by the serving of a warrant was
enough to make them 'red-headed. " Mr.
Rudio then dictated in an excited man
ner the following for publication this
morning :
We , late last night , Icnrncd that n search
wiurunt hnd been Issued by Juil o Ayles-
worth. of the superior court , upon informa
tion filed with him.V'o will both make
aflidavlt that there never 1ms been n drop of
liquor or intoxicant of any description on
our premises.
[ Signed. ] (5ro. Kunio ,
F , 1' . YKNAWINH.
The card was signed by each member
of the firm iu person , enuwine asked
the advice of several of his friends while
Rudio walked the floor and twisted his
mustache nervously. All at once Rudio
donned his hat and coat , starting out in
search of Mr. Jacob Sims , tiie prohibi
tion attorney. He returned shortly and
excitedly asked if any ono knew where
Jake Sims lived. ly ! this time
a number of persons had been given "tho
tip , " and his democratic friend , E. A.
Troutman , replied that ho did , where
upon Rudio and Troutman jumped into
a hack and hurried to the residence of
Mr. Sims. Troutman being acquainted
with Sims had a private conversation
with him first and gave Sims a pointer.
When Rudio was introduced to Mr. Sims
it was a pitiful sight. Ho begged and
pleaded , but to no cllect , as Mr. Sims
could give him no information. Colonel
Daily , the county attorney , was also
sought , but could ofl'er no consolation
ami in consequence both Rudio and
Yenawino were unable to sleep last
night , and not until this morning will
they be aware that it is "only a joke. "
Every agent claims to sell the best
Pianos under the sun. The Mueller
Music Co. are no exception to this , but
then they can prove any such assertion.
They sell the celebrated Hardman 1'ianos
and Century Organs. None liner in the
An Event of the Season.
Much to the delight of the theatergoing
ing public is the announcement , through
the BEI : this morning , that Dohatiy's
opera house is to have a bran new drop
curtain in u few days. The management
is preparing to paralyze the public on
the first sight but this announcement will
prepare them for the sliocK , which will
now bo greatly lessened.
The curtain is being put up by cxperi
cnccd hands in the east , and it is to bo
hoped will have no such representation
of 'Council Bluffs in early days" as the
ono that now acts as an apology for a
curtain Mr. Dohany will at once pro
cecd to take down the ' 'doer and 'geese"
upon the arrival of the new curtain.
No idea of what the now curtain is to
represent can bo obtained from Mr.
Dohany at present ; ho simply smiles and
says , "wait until you see it , " and wait
it is.
Omaha people will save money by buy
ing the Quick Meal stove on this sido.
We are soiling lots of ( roods to Omaha
customers. Get our prices. Cole & Cole ,
41 Main St.
Kor American Heading.
London Truth : There has been such a
rush of American ladies lately , all pant
ing to be presented to the queen that a
most uncompromising circular has been
issued from the American legation , in
which Mr. Henry White announces that
there can bo presentations from the dip
loraatic circle only under special circura
stances , i. o. , when the lady is a person
of genuine distinction , whoso position in
the United States justifies her attending
the drawing loom under the auspices of
her minister. It has become absolutely
necessary to take steps to restrict the
number ot American "entree" presentations
tions , as it is not the custom for any o
the foreign ministers to present ofliclally
unless under special circumstances. The
feverish yearning to "bond knee" a
Buckingham palace , which possess so
many American ladies , arises from an
extravagant notion that attendance at n
drawing room will inevitably produce an
invitation to the jubilee entertainments
but thcro are now some American :
Haunting about London who could assuri
their country-women that it is ono thing
to attend a drawing room , but quite an
other to get an invitation to the palace.
Two Composite Photographs.
The senior class at Harvard is excited
over a composite photograph , which is
now being taken. The last returns re
port ninety-nine sitters , with 138 still to
come. The artist is asked the same ques
tions by every sitter : "Is it to appear in
the Century or the Police Gazette ? Will
it have a full beard or a clean faceV He
patiently explains that everything tones
down and fades away until the average
mouth nnd the average nose and eyes are
produced , and that oven' though ten or
fifteen might have regular Kossuth
beards , these beards would molt away
before the beardless faces of the other
200 odd classmen like snow in spring.
The last diagnosis , however , encourages
the class to believe that thcro will bo a
moustache on the picture. Since then
bets are up on whoso moustache It will
moat resemble. A Matthews hall man
proposed taking this senior "compo" and
that of U ellesloywhich will soon appear ,
and making a composite of the two ,
which would be the grand national average -
ago typo of the coming American.
Sam Jones' Idea ofa Preacher.
Norristown Herald : Sam Jones , the
revivalist , says : ' ! don't want to know ,
for I ain't headln'that way. I'm going
tp let them fellers as are coin * there
lind out. " It was supposed that the mis-
sien of un evangelist was to snatch "them
fellers" who are heading that way , and
put them on the straight and narrow path
leading to the other place.
As Robert Burch , of Rock Creek , Cal , ,
was watching the clouds during a severe
thunderstorm a flock of wildgceso passed
over his house. As they new ulonjta
Hash of luhtning seemed to pass through
the Hock and six of them fell to tuq
ground dead ,
t ' i j _ : . i
Thn Little Maw Failed to Turn the
Other Check He Apologized and
Thcu. l < 'otifcht.
Chicago Tribune ; "Look here ; you
can't run against' me In that kind of
wayl" exclaimed a largo , red-faced man ,
with bristling Imlr and whiskers , to a
iiioek-lpoking frllqw of average stature
who had accidentally brushed against
him iu hurrying across West Madison
street , near liaised , Saturday morning
last at an early hour.
"I beg your pardonsir"sald the meek-
looking man , in a deprecating way ; "if
I ran against you it was accidental. "
"Well , it didn't look like it to me. "
blustered the red-faced bully ; "and 1 tell
you right now you don't want to do it
" 1 have apologized to you for it sir , "
was the reply : "what more do you
"I don't want any of your lipi That's
what 1 don't want/ ' vociferated the bully ,
crowding the iuoll'onsivo and apologetic
man almost ofl'tho walk ; "for two cents
I'd chug you one right now. "
"I'm in a hurry'rplcadcd the smaller
man ; "I have an engagement "
"You'd better have an engagement , 1
can tell you. "
"I have to meet a person in ten min
utes , " persisted the meek-looking man ,
glancing at his watch , "but I think I can
make it in about eight , and unless 1 am
mistaken 1 can convince you in two min
utes that to take an apology is the best
and sometimes the safest way to settle a
matter of this kind. "
With this remark ho shot out his right
list with the air of a man accustomed to
gestures of that nature , and landed it
witli precision and force on the nose of
the big bully.
"I can generally spare time from an
encasement"ho continued , as lie planted
a blow with his left on the big man's jaw
and adroitly dodged a heavy lunge in re
turn , "to polish oil'a chap that needs it as
badly as you seem to. 1 think I'll give
yov another right there , " said ho , medi
tatively , as ho delivered a crushing blow
on the nose again , "which will be accom
panied by the claret , not necessarily for
publication , but as a guarantee of good
faith. "
The big fellow , taken by surprise , and
dazed by the vigor of the attack , struck
out awkwardly , but without ctlcet.
"I have less than a minute to spare. I
must hurrv , " said the smaller man , and
he planted a blow under his burly an
tagonist's car , stretching him at full
length on the sidewalk. Then , looking
at his watch again , ho was off before e
crowd had had time to collect. The big
man slowly arose to his feet and slunk
away , with a disposition to let the matter
Another Chapter In the History of the
Heroine of lilt tie Lost lllvcr.
San Francisco Examiner : A year ago
a wonderful story of the gallant light of
Theresa Tallert , w'ith mountain lions
while defending i her Hock of Angora
goats on the Little Lost river was circu
lated far and widoin American and even
French papers. The story set forth how ,
late one evening in her cabin in the foot
hills of eastern Idaho , she was awakened
by animals racing around in the
stockade adjoining ; now she arose , and
with a hand-ax and her dog lindcer , she
stole put in the moonlight to IInd the
lions in pursuit of her goats ; how , noth
ing daunted , she attacked them and cut
ono to the bone with her axe , injured
others , and caused the whole , some six
"n all , to llco over the stockade wall. But
Jie next morning'the brave girl discov
ered that the throats ot many of the herd
lad bcon cut , for fifty of them lay deaden
on the ground.
"Wen. our girl's been making another
record , " said A. J. Bruner , of Houston ,
Idaho , to an Examiner man yesterday ,
'and she got in her work in line style ,
: ho usual way with her. She never lets
up on a job until it's completed artisti
cally. "
"What's she been doing now ? "
"Had ( mother riejit with mountain
ions. You see , a year a o after Theresa's
ight with them , O. B. Hawley and other
raisers of Angora gouts , those who had
suHerod losses , put their heads together
and organized a posse to kill them off
They killed a great many and pretty well
cleaned them out. it was thought. For
some months thereafter there were very
few of them seen around , and these were
very wary. Lately , however , the lions
liavo come to the front. The foothills
Jiavo seemed to bo swarming with them.
They again invaded the stockades and
sucked the blood of the goats whose
throats they cut. Miss Tal-
lerl. who had lost some
more of her Hock , and knew that the
lions came around thorp quite often at
night , got a couple of Winchesters and
loaded them with buckshot a few nights
ago. Then she dug out the chinking be
tween the logs on the side of her cabin
next to the stockade , and from this port
hole she took up her station. Well , in
Jive nights in this way she killed thirteen
mountain lions , and she says she is not
through with them yet. Her herd of
goats comprise some 500 in all , and per
haps thirty or fifty have been killed in
the last month or two. "
Miss Tallert is a German girl who has
been ranching on the Little Lost river
for three or four years. The country
round tlioro is good for Anpora goats ,
and she got her start by working first for
wages for A. J. Bruner , who is the big
gest grower in that region.
The princess of Wales in having her
daughters taught dressmaking has deter
mined that they shall make some of their
own gowns as an example to poor , but
proud , gentlewomen.
Iu Amber ,
etc. , Hair Or
iiaruents , aa
well as the
newest noy
Hair good
madeto order
Mri.C. I * . Gillette
29 Main St. , Council BlurTt ) , Iowa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly.attended to.
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JV'O. 23 MAIX ST. ,
Theonly Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Fire
Escape ,
And All Modern Improvements.
215 , 217 and 310 Main St.
MAX MOUN , Prop.
& GO'S.
Peoples' ' Store
This department ts now Itrlmfulb
of all the Intest styles and prettiest
patterns produced this season.
To create a boom for Hits week we
offer tlic following extraordinary
bargains :
At 3c Per Yard
500 pieces choice Lawns ; worth
At 5C
3 cases good Lawns , 32 inches
wide ; worth lOc.
At 8c and lOc
The very best yard wide Paci
fic Lawns , sold elsewhere
for 12.\c to 16Jc.
At 12c and 15c
100 pieces , 40 inch wide Fig
ured India Linen , onr own
importation , and exclusive
patterns , equal to anything
you can find for 25c per yard ,
at 12Ac and 15c.
3c Per Yard.
5c Per Yard.
5c Per Yard.
8c and lOc Per Yard.
3 cases Oxford Sateen , elcgan
pattern ,
At 5c Per Yard.
100 pieces yard wide Foulard
Sateens ,
At lOc Per Yard.
2 Cases Extra Fine Choice
French Patterns Sateens
At 12y2c , 15c and 20c
White and Ecru Box
Patterns at About
Half Price.
IAN d CO.'S '
People's Store ,
Nos , 314,316,318 , , and 320
JV. It. Prompt attention given al
mall orders , and
samples cheerfully
hed upon application , .
O , CT. OOXiB 5T5
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
C'otinoll liliilfr Office , ITIiiKOiilo
Temple. Oiniiliit Olllceo 111
North Kllli oil-cut.
Pnrtlfiilnr attention Klvcti to lit *
vCHthiK t'liiulu for neil - resi
dent * . Speelul bur Kill IM In loin V
lu-rc property In Omaha V Connell -
ell Hind's. Correspondence xolle-
Swanson Music
No. 329 Broadway Council Bluff *
Estey Organs , Camp& , Co.'s ' Organs and Western GotlageOrgans
A few comments regarding the Estey I'ianos. In every civilized country on the
globe the name of Lsti.y is a household word with lovers of music ; it is n guarantea
lor the exquisite quality of tone in musiciil instruments , bearing the uamo that com
mands conhdence , admiration and enthusiasm.
< _ / < 7ot < rev > -v ; 0"Mx' tre C
p y tj ( ji
) flj
Steam , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa
Mail Orders Shipped iVj
SpecliO advertisements , such RS t/ost , Found
rioLoanFor Sale , To Hont , Wants , Itoiinllnif ,
etc. , will bolneorle.l . in tlila column itt tlio loir
ratoof TEN CUNTS PElt LI NE for the first loser-
ion nnd i'ive Cents TorLlnofovcach subsequent
Insertion. Lvuvo advertise mcnts nt our olHcu
No. U 1'earl street , near Urosulirnr , Council
FOH Itl'.NT Klplit room house. Inquire of
W. T. Cole. Mi I'earl street.
Foil SALE Two work horses. 1'rlco $100
nnd $40. Ono yonr's time on s.itisfactory
SHOurlty. Apply to Horace Everct , Council
WANTED A Kood Klrl for poncinl house
work. Apply ut 70'J Sixth nvenue.
\\7A NTID-A : peed Kin , work light. Apply to
T > No. 231 Vine street.
ANTED A good Irish setter. Shop llobbo ,
901 Muln street.
FOll SALE A stocu trcnoral merehnmllfio In
a Kooil town In western Iowa. A first-
class cbnnco for unv ono wis-hlng to cntcnKO in
business. Stock will invoice about tbtXI and
will bo sold cheap. 1'or further Information
Inquire ol M. K. Smith & Co. , Omaha , or N. C.
Phillips , Rroker , No. 419 Ilroadway , Council
lllulls. \
FOll SALE-Or Trade Six sections of peed
land In Lincoln county , Neb. , on U. P.
railway. Call on or Hddrem Udell Bros. 4 Co. ,
IK ) Pearl St. , Council llluffti.
House Cleaning
is to bo done by nearly all the ladies in
the spring.
Now is the right time to do this. For
ladies , it is a disagreeable but unavoid
able work , and we make the oiler to do
the most troublesome work of all , that is
Wo clean the carpets , velvets , moquottcs ,
brussels , or any other kind of carpets ,
without taking them up. Wo guarantee
and that no dust will bo left in the car
pet. We guarantee our work and refer
to prominent parties in this eity.
Send us a postal card and wo will call
upon you and explain in what way our
cleaning takes placo. O. A. FISIIKII.
No. 02:1 : Sixth Avenue , Council Hlnfls.
Vacant I.ols , Lands , City Hcsldoncn and
Farms. Aero property In western part of city.
All soiling ehciip to make room for spring stock
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
lloomD , over Ofllcer & I'uscy's Hank , Cou
Justice o ± the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Blufft.
Refers to any bank or business Iioube in the
city. Collections a specialty.
( Standard No. 52915) ) Sired by Alinont No
SW , and "Krcistor. " ( Standard No. fi812.
Sired by Tramp No. ! i08. These stallipns
will make the sca on of 1887 at the Coun
cil Ulufl's Driving 1'urk.
For particulars inquire of or address ,
VYAUE CAIir , Council Uhilfr , la !
Horses & Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , in
gle or do'ible.
MASON WISE , Council Bluffs
Attorneys at Law ,
acticc in tlic State an 1 Federal C ourts
Rooms 7 and S Shugnrt-Beno Block.
EngineefSufveyorMapPubliSucr , ,
No. 11 North Main St.
City and county mnps , of cities and count lei
In western lomt , Nebraska and Kansas.
Council UlulTs.Iowa.
Established 1657.
R. RICE , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the Unite or Drawing o
Over 30 vears Practical experience *
No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Justice of the Peace. '
Oillce over American Kxpress. *
LnrKO huts In white , black and all colors. 1'at-
ttrn bonnets , hath nnd toques , u specialty.
No 10H Douglas St. , Omittm.
Star Ja/e Stables and Mule Yards
, Council Ululld , Opp Dummy Depot
f 5
s S
Horses ttnd nmlcs kept constantlyon
hand , for sale t retail or in car load
Orders promptly tilled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on eomminsion.
Sni.irrEH & IloLUY , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 11
Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corue
Ut. avo. and 4tU st