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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1887)
fHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. JUNE 3. 1887. A STATE REAL ESTATE SALE Nebraska Lots in Lincoln to Be Auctioned Off To-day. A RAILROAD INCORPORATED , XIic Oxford ft KnnnnB , a Tlrnnch Mne or the I ! . A ; M. Ilnfltlncs' Llfo IiiHiirnrico Company Other Capital City New * I THE BEE'S LINCOLN tlUREAC.l To-day occurs the sale of the ! JOU state lots inLincoln , and it will bo watched with a great deal of interest and by many buyers. The appraised value of these Jots Is considered low , but that fact will luako the sale of the entire number all Hie moro probable. Some of the lots are fine , and some on the banks of Salt creek nro very poor , but they will all be sold. The terms are reasonable , only one-third payment being required down , and ns many of the lots are viewed with envious eyes , the bidding will bo spirited. The proceeds of the sale will bo used to beau tify the capitol grounds , and the amount will bo sufllciont to make the grounds the linmlsonicst In the .west. A IIIJA.NOH LINK. The articles of incorporation of the Oxford & Kansas railroad , a branch line of the B. & M. system , were Hied yester day with the secretary of state. The line Is to have its business olllco at Oxford , nnd the road is to run from that place to the Kansas line , and presumably run through northwest Kansas to the Colo- ratio line or beyond. The capital stock is llxed at $1,700,000 for this branch , and the familiar names of G. W. Holdrcgo , J. ( } . Taylor , C. D. Uorman , C. J. Green. Thomas Miller , 1' . S. Eustis and W. A. llipgms appear as the incorporators. The Union Life Insurance company of Hastings has tiled amended articles ol incorporation with thn secretary of stato. The capital stock under tlio amended ar ticles is fixed at $100,000 , in shares of $100 each , and the proviso inserted that the Clock may bo Increased to $1.000,000. The company s Indebtedness is limited to 1C per cent of the capital stock and its busl ness Is conducted Ly a board of trustees nnd the ilato fixed for the commencement of business under the old articles was July , 1883 , und under the amended aril- c'es ' Juno 1 , 1887. The Incorporators art JJavid L. MeElhinnoy , Charles H. Doit rioh , Alexander II. Cramer , Morris L Alexander , Jacob Fisher , L. Lotla , John IA. Casio , and Thomas E. Farrell. STATE HOUSE 1TEM3. > The Buffalo Gorman Insurance com' jmny. of Buffalo , has applied for adrnis felon to transact business in Nebraska , und boon furnished the requisite formulate to follow. The auditor's oflicmls wore figuring the amount of principal and interest on county bonds yesterday that countio ; have to meet the present year , and corti lied statements will bo forwarded to the difloroutcounty oflicials at onco. Auditor Babcook has gone to Vallej county on a business trip for a few days Dr. Hopkins ol Wyoming , the state veterinarian for that territory , was in Lincoln yesterday In consultation will Vim Nebraska live stock sanitary coinmis fiion ever the quarantine questions nnd The admission of cattle to Wyoming , through Nebraska. Captain Hill went homo to Beatrice yesterday , to attend the high school tonimcnconiont in that place. Attornoy-Gonoral Loose lias moved hi : family from Sownrd to Lincoln , and ha : vocomo n resident at the capital city. NKW STUEET JtAlLWAYS. The action of the rapid transit line in commencing to lay track for their road lias aroused the plans for other strcol railways nnd they promise now to be fluickly formulated and work on then : commenced. At the oilico of Harris S Harris , on Wednesday evening , a meet ing of the incorporatorti of tno Capital Heights street railway was held and the following directors elected : W. A. Har ris , J. A. Rollins , H. P. Martin , W. S Uottsford and S. Spraguo. Fourteet thousand live hundrnd dollars was subscribed /scribed nt the mooting for the building o : the line and the company voted to com juonco work ns soon ns tlio franchise wni granted. The line of the road is to b < from the center of the city out Handolpl utreot to what will become Fortieth streei in East Lincoln. [ WOUK FOlt THE 1IOAUI ) OK TIIADE. "It occurs to mo , " said a member ol the board of trade , who recently dopes Itcd his membership fee , "that there ii otlior work for the board to engage ii stsido from the work of establishing i freight bureau and the lowering of ratoi for the wholesalers. " The board of trade in the idea of this member , is worthy o ' n broader interpretation than at pro'son is asoribed to it , nnd in his opinioi should embark in much necessary worl in other directions. There has nnthinj materialized as yet in the ndvertisini way and no work has boon given attention tion outside of the ono of m rates foi wholesalers. If energy is not arousot the board will lapse again into a lonj Bleep. AKTKUT1IK BANQUET. General Hawkins. Major Brown Colonel Luddington , Captain Furny am other Omaha rnmnbois of the Loya Legion , who attended the banquet at the Capital hotel , departed homeward yes tordny highly delighted with their tri ] nnd tno elegant banquet to which they sa down. So impressed wore they with tin latter that they unanimously passed rcso lutions of congratulations to Mr. Brown thu steward of the hotel , for the elogan repast. On the 24th of June the members bors of the Nebraska commandory of th Loya ! Lemon in Nebraska have an iuvl tation to attoud the annual gathering o the Kansas commandcry and they wil Attend in large numbers. This gathorin ; .will be held at Leaven worth on the lilt of Juno and as the Kansas legion was in stituted by thu Nebraska members the ! reception on the occasion of tha tirst re union will undoubtedly bo of the mot nordlal character. A special train wi be chartered for the trip and It is oj pocted that the number from the Ne braska Loyal Legion who will atton will at least be fifty. The paper road : ' this mooting lust hold at Lincoln wn upon the Pun Kidgo campaign and wa prepared by N. S. Harwood , of this city It will bo published. A11OUT THK CITV. The building of now lines of street rai way und the rapid approach of nctu : paving has Increased the real estal transfers and sales are increasing. Mi Goodman , of Omahaand Mr. Stevens , < Crete , were among the heavy purchase ) of recent dato. Judge Pound yesterday heard a case ii volving the title to a tract of valuabl land in the vicinity of West Lincoln. Tli case Is ono of the Judge Hilton ones tin wore traveled through numerous court ; Judge Pound lias taken it under advlsi niisut. The Burr versus Carr case w still in the hands of the jury at noon ye : ten ! ay. Mr. H. T. Clarke of Omaha and als equally of Lincoln was the succossft competitor in the bidding for paving i thu rity and was yesterday by the couno raving committee awarded the coutrac whloh will bo ratified ut an early day , th material selected , anil the work con moncod. T ; t Hurglars pilot ! their avocation at Wea Liuroln Wednesday night , entering dozen or moro houso.i and helping then solves to the watches and loose change c Iho inhabitants. A half-dozen watche were gone , aud numerous aunts of mono y 1 ranclnc from ten dollar ? downward. It was West Lincoln's Initial experience with burglars. UofocrtMalono , the driver of hose cnrt No : 2 In the paid department , was mar ried yesterday to Miss Dridgct Owens , Hov. Kttlior Kearney performing the ceremony. The llro nopnrtmont boys nro busy now snicking and ottering con gratulations. Thu police court lapsed yesterday Into n state of quietness that was unusual. Hut one old ollundur , who face has long been fntnlllar to the court , was up for a hearing and was quickly disposed of with the usual fine. The next entertainment on the boards for l-'unko's opera house is Itoland Kccd In "Chock , " the date for the appearance being Wednesday evening , June 8. lli'cd Is always a fnvorito in Lincoln. The oilico of the city engineer Is now located over the Dr. Child drug Btoro building. The new addition to city headquarters is needed sadly for city oIlicoH. The temporary frame building located in the rear of engine house No. 3 will bo removed to the csty waterworks park and used as a city hospital. The Brand on Odin wns not more fearful than are the marks of kln diseases , and yet Ur. 1'iercc's "Golden Medical Discovery" is a certain euro for all of them. Hlotchcs , pimples , eruptions , pustules , scaly incrustations , lumps , inlhunod patches , salt-rheum , tet ter , boils , carbuncles , ulcers , old sorns , are by its use healed quickly and perma nently. Qiinor Things a Wire Rccnlln. Sun 1'ranciseo Examiner : "When 1 first knew Mrs. John W. Muekay , " said Henry Thompson , n gray-haired pioneer of Siskiyou , yesterday at the IJaldwin. "she was a little bit of a bare footed girl nt Good Year's Bar. She couldn't have been over twelve years old then. Jt was in 'I'M , and she used to walk around among the miners and watoh them clean up the gold. She enjoyed it as much as any of them. "Her father , Colonel llungorford , who now lives near hos Angeles , lived there then. Hut three or four years after , when ho moved to Downiovillo , his aughter became the reigning belle of the town. 'It is strange what rv llfo-timo brings forth. Now , at the time I speak of. I was worth more money than anybody else in the vicinity of Dowmovillo. Now I've got next to nothing , while the bare footed little girl , who has long since been Mrs. Aluckuy , is the richest lady in Paris , and her daughter is ti princess. "Tho days looked just as bright to me , in those early mining times , and prom ised just ns much as they did to John MacKity , Flood , or any of the rest of the Californians whoso fortunes are now so stupendous. 15ut the lightning didn't strike mo. I had a good many mines , but didn't find pay in any one of them , BO am running my little ranch up in Sis kiyou , and 1 guess I'll have to bo con tented. I don't see any other way to do. II 1 make $200 or * 00 a year over my expenses - penses , that's about as good as 1 can ex pect , while John Alackay , who used te tumble into his bachelor couch tired and weary in his cabin up tliero , now manip ulates u thousand and one big things , has rm Atlantic cable and a postal telegraph , the lutter line of which runs across mj little ranch in Siskiyou. 'That wire often starts mo to thinking about those things. Whenever 1 see it , H recalls old days , and oftentimes I laj awake at night thinking about the as founding changes of n brief life. Il throws mo into a reverie , and 1 wonder i ! the possibilities to my children are as great to them as they wore to Mackay. "Yes , it does maKe mo a trifle sad. A man hates to waste his life , doesn't liel lint I think if I had it to do over again I'd start into business in some promismp town. 1 might not get very rich , but ] think it would bo better than going oui into a lone region in the hills and risking everything on a venture. The sure , safe things isn't so bad a thing after all. " She has the complexion of a peach , Poz/oni's Medicated Comnloxion'Powdc ] did it. Sold by all druggists. The Duchess of Gallle'ra and 83,000 01 her countrywomen have presented a po titiou to the municipality of .Genoa , ask ing for the restoration of the statue o the Madonna above the gates , in tin recognition of the preservation of tin town during the recent earthquakes. Pozzoni s Complexion Powder pr < ducos a soft and beautiful skin. It com bines every clement of beauty and purity Sold by druggists. % A Pittsburg sonmambolist walked of of a balcony the other night , fell abou twenty feet , was picked up and carrici into the house , and then after a time hi awoke. The shock of the fall , wtilcl sprained his foot and bruised him gcncr ally , did not rouse him from his souiu sloap. If your kidneys are inactive , you wll feel and look wretched , oven in the mos cheerful society , and melancholy on tin lolllost occasions , Jr. J. II. McLean' Liver and Kidney Balm , will set yoi right again , f 1 per bottle. The Baltimore Sun says that . Borrj Wall always carries with him when hi travels an assortment of walking sticks which cost him over $100. Mr. Wall am his canes have recently boon in Baltimore Old Louis Frldotts , sovonty-yoar-oh citizen of Fall River , imagined that h covld walk on air. Ho tried it the othe day by walking out of an open window and now lies dangerously injured. The National Disease Downed. Hundreds of so-called diseases undo various names are the result of indigo ? tion , and when this one trouble is re moved the others vanish. The bee known remedy for indigestion , accord ing to thousands of tcstimonals , is on that has been used in the United State for moro than fifty years BKANUKKTII' i'n.ii , . These Pills will euro the wors form of indigestion or dyspepsia and b their use the national disease is casil conquered. A calf belonging to D. B. Stevens , c of Cassvillc , Wis. , was picked from th track by a passing train and carried o the cowcatcher to a point opposite th stable , when it jumped oil' , not in th least harmed. MOST PERFECT MADE UMK ! by the United BUtes Oovernment. Xndoruxl by tha heads ot the Great Unlverdlttei and 1'nbllc Food AnaljaUMTne btronBe4tl'ureM anil uioitHoalthfuL lr. Frlco'a the onlyBaklni I'nn-der that doc * cot contiln Ammonia , Lime o1 n Dr. Price' * Extracta , Vanilla , Lemon , etc. 7. WUCK UiKIhO T1UAI < OP Mouopolr and Kimotrneiit. llldck Dlamnml. Slnco the 5th of April , when the Inter- tutu commerce law took cH'cct.tlie coun- ry Ims boon treated to u most extraor dinary spectacle n trial of strength bo- ween the power of the covernmunt on he one side , and that of the railroads on ho other. As yet it appears an open question which side will bo victorious , while the commerce of the country Is compelled In the meantime to shift its best it may hi a sea of uncertainty , iwaltln the termination of this battle royal. The law proposes to subject railroads o certain conditions in connection with he transportation of passengers or mer chandise , yet in consequence of the unbijjulty which characterizes some ilattscs of thu eiiHetmunt a wide range Is oft for the interpretation thereof. 'Clause lumber four anpears to be the most un satisfactory to the commercial world , as ho construction \\hlcli has been placed thereupon by nearly , if not all , of the railroads , though to bo expected from heir standpoint , is certainly cal culated to make the law obnoxious : o the pcoplo at large. Tins s without doubt the best means that coulu bo adopted in order to manufac- uro public opinion in favor of the repeal of that section of the bill wlinn con gress again meets. Is it not possible , lowuvor , that these tactics may over reach the desired object , and that the ) owcr of government may bo .strong enough to assort itself by not only modi ying the clause referred to so as to make t absolutely clear in all its bearings , but jy placing its interpretation beyond the reach of sophistry , depriving u of all Miporlluous technicalities ? The section of the enactment treating upon the long and short haul provides that no higher rate of freight or fare filial ! bo charged tor the transpoi tation of freight or passengers for a short distance than for a long one. it docs not say that as much nlay not bo charged , but no liigtier ratu. This leaves the matter to thu discretion of the roads , and as nothing is mentioned concerning a maximum or minimum rate per mile , they can charge as much for 200 or 1500 miles , if so tlioy select , as lor a 1,000 miles , only not moro. If the law aimed at a positive recognition of bona lido values , a graded sealo would bo no dillicult matter to establish , and the present more or less arbitrary inter nrctatiou that has been nuulo by tlio rail roads leaves some hope that congress will realize its power in the promises by changing this clause coniinensurato with the demands and best interests of the commerce and industries of the country regardless of fictitious representations. Fussing over some of thn unimportant features of the law , it must bo admitted that the striot prohibition of railway pools and the discrimination between largo and small shippers have many points in their favor , provided railroads would show an inclination to accept and adopt them in good faith , ly this evi dent , however ? Sonic of the provisions may be taulty and antagonistic to the trim interests of business. Is it as much the law , however , as tlio peculiar inter pretation that is given to it , and would it not bo moro in itccordnnco with broad business principles to make an ell'ort toward adjusting apparent shortcomings somewhat in compliance with the regu lations prescribed and in consonance with the spirit if not the actual letter of the enactment , in order to demonstrate at once where the pruning knife may bo applied with justice and equity to all ? Nothing has been done as yet to follow such a course of action ; on the contrary , ovcry movement made appears to be < u- rccted toward proving the impractica bility of the measure. Instead of equal- i/ihg rates pro rata on short and long hauls , by cutting down the former , rates for terminal points have in many in stances advanced to an outrageous hgtiro , so as to become absolutely prohibitory. This tlio law evidently does not moan , and it is questionable if the pcoplo will calmly submit to such domineering policy , such nn exhibition of misapplied power in opposition to thogooU intention of government. The enactment in its present form is evidently incomplete and requires revis ion , yet it has awakened a desire in the minus of American people for something in the shape of inter-state railway clear , compact and comprehensive as to withstand equivocation or sophistry , tml it is to bo hoped that congress at its next session will so amend the present meas ure as to give it the desired perfection. Thirty years ago the pro-slavery b.trons of the south had acquired such dominance in the all'airs of the national government that it made them arrogant and they at tempted to rule supreme. What was the result ? Is it to bo supposed that monop olies \yill faro otherwise when by chi canery or brute force they propo.'o to dictate ? Now JcHoy Names. liloomliold ( N. J. ) Citixon : If any cor respondent prefers llogtown ( which is reached by mail from Hahway ) ho must surrender Sodom , embraced in the cir cuit of Hunterdon county. If ho wants Sacamae in Passaio lethimeschow lloca- mic in Utlrliugton. There is aVhisk > Lane in our own purview , which ought to bo ncaror than it is to Tumble in Hun terdon , Uagtown in Cumberland , Keck- lesstown in Durlington and Double < trouble in Ocean county. You can abide at Comical Corner , Coontown , Hum Tavern , Crass Castle ami in two Tattle- towns ono of which hails from Ocean county. Unexpected Bog may set a fel low agointr , via Skunktown , for Sextons town , and ho can pass through t\vc Scrabbletowns on his way. Picklotown , Postcrtown , Onoy's Hat , Long-a-coming , Goosetown und Beatitude , convoy the traveler through a maize of prosaic Franklins ( eight ) , Fairvlows ( live ) , and a host of others which go in pairs and trio lots , while Feobhttown has apparently desired no duplicate. Thcso are but samples what Now Jersey can do > whei she is pushed of to her inventive trumps She can even furnish us a Hell's Kitchot in Ocean county , but she has only i single Point Pleasant for the entire state fighting Finn. Boston Herald : There is a hot-tern pored little fish , known as Betta pugnav and kept as a sort of domestic pet uv tin Siamese to display Us prowess for tin Mongolian amusement. When in a stati of quiet , its dull colors present no remarkable markablo sight , but if two be brought together , or if ono sees its own imago ii a looking glass , the little creature becomes comes suddenly excited , the raised I'm and the whole body shine with motalii colors of dazzling beauty , while the pro joctcd gill membrane , waving like a blacl frill round the throat , adds something o grotcsquoness to the general appearance In this state it darts at its real or ro iloctod antagonist. The Siamese keep thcso ( ishc in globes llko goldlish , and thu Malays often staki largo sums , or oven thu freedom of them selves and their families , on the prowos of u particular Betta. That Tired Feeling A fillets nearly every ono iu the spring The system having become uccustomct to the bracing Air of winter , is wcukonct by the warm days of the chancing sen son , and rapidly yields to attacks of dis ease. Hood's Sarsapanlla is just tin medicine needed. It tones and builds u | every part of the body , and also expel all Impurities from the blood. Try it tut season. . ITCniNO FIVE LfJWo YKA118 , NiirnLboMrini.ii , Miss. , Jan. 3 , tSSl. IlOP DtTTEHSCo.l j 1 trl h to sar to rou thnt I hare been iulTerln for tie lint nre roirswlthrt cen-ro Itclnnx nil over. 1 invp heard of lion Hilton and hart ) trio III , HI-ITO ifed un nmr liottles and It hi rlon-j nio moro Hooil h.m nil the doclOM and < , inp Hint tlior roiiltl 1-0 on or w th mo. 1 ntn old nn I poor but fi'ol to ile 9jrou for ucli a relief from four medicine nnd orimnt nf the doctor * . 1 lure Inid llfteen doctor * lit me. One iinro me i ( > Ton ounce * of solution of rionlc ! nnothur took four iiunrtB of blood from mo. All tlior could tell VTM Olnt II win nklii sltkneM. J < ownfterthe o fourliulttotof your mcdldno , I m tell und tiijr kin 19 well , clomi nnd xmnoih n over. . -IIC.NUY KNOC1II ! . Onon \ VomKitoM no6n ArrnontTT . \\o toiifuo thnt wo nrq tio'fectlr utnnzeJ nt he run of jour Hop tlllli-r < Wo never hml nn ) . Unit II kn It. nmlnsvt-ruoirilof the like. Tno nrlli'r been eollliin ilfiu. hero nemrlr thirty j-oiir , nnd hm eon the rise of , Ilo tcttur'i > , and nil other hitters nnd intent na-dlclncj , uttt nnvor itiT 10 noli iiiiien io. , irom HI..STO \ Co .WhoiCBtlo Dnik'il4ts , Cleveland , O. Ooon roil tlAiUE * "Wn arc ( ilotieil to my that ptirhibi-wa < imminently curcil of n sorlou * nr - tnute < lfrro < ulirltf of the bimcN lir the u eof Hop Hitters hy Its n oilier , which at tlio dime time r . loroil her to periect health and stronitlh. " THE I'AUINT.S , MisiitAm.KNiss. : The most wonderful nnd innrrelous success , In ca cs wliero tier on nro sic * or pining nwny from n condition of mlsoruulcnosi tlmt no ono knows what nils them ( protimble patients for doctors ! , la obtnlnol br the u < o of Hop Hitter * . They b'zln tocnri troiu tlio first ilmp. und keep It up until perfect health ami Btrunittlils restored. WICKKI ) l'Oll CUHiaVMHN. "I bollovo It to bo Hll wronu nnd even Ickod for c ! r Ryinon or other public men to bo led Into ulvlnit tosll- mon'iils to qimck doctors or vllo stuffs eiillJd moill * elms but wlunnreally meritorious nrtlclo Is nuulo up of common Tiljiiblo reniedlo known to nil , ninl tliat all \ihy-lrl \ ins uw iiinl trust In ilnllr , wo should Iroulyco iimuinl It. 1 tlieroforo cliucrfnllr ami lioiirt- Ur roramuml lion Hitter' for the ennd they Imve donu tun iiml my frloml' , tlrmly liclluvliu thuy Imvu nnufiml | lor f nn'ly ' n o. 1 will not be without them. " -ULV.E. u. WAHIILN , Soiplo , N v. AioiACiilTXT. ! "TiKiim It up , M Ions ycnrs of liuilriU leu sIcknotK un I milTdrliu , eiMtlni ; $ Jil. per your. totiiHI.W ) , nil of which v , 11 ntiippcil by tlneo liiittloi ni HOD Hitters t iken liy my wile , who Inn done her nnn hou oworlc for i > oir nfnco without the IOH of a iliiy. unit 1 wiint ovcryhxlr to know It tor their bcneilt. " JOHN WEEKS , llntler. NIVIU : ror.dET THIS. If you nro sick Hop Hitters will surely aid Nuturoln iimkltii ; ) ou well \\lion nil else fulls. If you itroco'-tlvo or iljspoptlc.or mo suitor- IIIR from imy other of the numerous ( licenses oftliof-totn.tchor uowcH , It Is your own funk If youiunmlii 111 , tor Hup lilt tot 3 U n sovereign rcincilr In all such compinlnts. If you nro wnstln&r & iiwuy wltli nny form of Klilnoy illscnsc , stop tempting Uonth tlild mo- nieiit. nnd turn lor n euro to Hop Hitters. If you nro nervous use H op Hitters. If you nru n frequenter , or n resident of n inlnsnmtlo district , barrlcitdc your sjstcin ngnlnst tboscourtoof nil countries inulurlul , opltlomlo , bilious iniJ Interiulttent lovrra by tbo use uf Hup Ititterd , If you lia\o roiijih , Dimply or sallow skin bail lirouth , piilns niul nclies , iiml feel niHornblo Bcncrnlly , Hop Hitters will KIVO you filr aklii , licit blood nnd snoctost broatltnnd hciilth. Thnt poor , bedridden , Invttlld wife , slater mother or dium'litCT , can bo mndo the picture of hou ; ? wph Hop Hlttora , coating but a trlllo. Will you lot thorn suffer ? t In short thov euro nil dlsMisca of the Stomneli llowelg , Hlood , Ijlvor , Nervijs Kidneys , Hriht'a ) ; Disease. (1000 will be pnlJfor acaao they will not cure or help. * . A Natural , Palatable , > Reliable Remedy InTAHHANTSSEI.T7.Kn > A CMrtnln cure tor > ounmintolil ( ; KorConitlpillon will il ; mrl And InilliruitUm qnlclilyxtuit , HIcU H > nilaelic , too. w II aniinilcpurt. When TAllltAiNT S 8ii.T/hlt e is I eon tried. FoRlADiESMlSSESaCHILDREH Embody tlif Mghrtt exreltrn- cicnlniili < i ] > enne > acainfortantt durabilitynntlaretherclgnlng favorites In ftt Monnl > lerlrel : ; , Our name ij I J.&T.COUSI NS , on ccry sole. 1 NEWYORK. With sliding1 Detachable Springs * C2 Better thai * Whalebone or HoriiJ 3 nnd guaranteed never to break. Price , $ For sale by leading wholesale and retail estb- mhmcats. MAYER , STROUSE& CO. 413 Broadway , N. Y. , Manufacturers. CORSETS BONED WITH KABO. The ONLY COUSBT made that ran ba returned bj iu purchaier after TIIKEE WKI'.lt'H WEAR If notrounU PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY In ererr respect , and tti price refunded br letter. Made In a vnrletr of tyln and prlcet. Hold br nr > t > rla dealer , ererywhere. Bewamnf wurtlilei. Iml- UUoni. None uenulno without llall'name on box. CHICAGO CORSET CO. , tO2 FRANKLIN STREET. CHICAGO. AO * Hroadwar , New York. OlUg 10 , 13OS EACH PURCHASER OF GOODS TO THE AMOUNT OF 92.5O T TIll "be 3PresenLted.witla : , a * Ticl et THE NEW YORK AD OMAHA CLOTHING COMPANY 1308 FARNAM STREET. HAY FEVER. NOTICK All siirforura Ircra liny Fever who will usu the Smol.o Hall nnd "Iet > ullntor"pnou- ngoslx Moods prior to Annual 1st , IbST.iiiid IIHM ) the llrst symptoms or the tllscnso uppcnr niter thntdiilo. wo will IlHKUNi ) THU MU.NUV ln t summer this remedy WHS used by miuiy suUoruis , and puvo snttarnotlon laovury case. "Carbolic Smoko" ( fires Immediate rellof In C'ltnrrli , Astlimn , llronclilal and Thront AIToc- lions , llcmluclio , Croup , Colds , Lims Dieemoa , otc.nnd Iftiikui In conned ion \\ltli our Dcucl- liitortrcntmi-nt la nnrriintfdtncuioovorjrcnsu. A Pico Test ut our olllco purlins. Sent liy mall on icculpt ot price , & . Smoke Hull , f- , Uobolliitor * j , H10IJC 8MOKEiMj , Co. , Itoom 11 Creigliton Ulock , Onmlm , Nob. The Best and Safest Vapor Stove Made , C. W. Sleeper , bond of St. Marys' Av enue. Holmes &Smith , South Omaha. THs beautiful.Hand , now famous in onaot the most Httractlvomtmmerreiorti niitnoKmorn oomt lloiln I'limitmiuiuoiMybir. off tba conn of Mnlno , betnaim tlio mulnlund unit ( irand Muimn. . It ham Hhoro fnuitnuo of tlilrljr-nvo mils' , noeiilf InclentoJ bj nutneroni lur . rhn < ni anil inli'tt , whll tha Interior nbouuds In lofty nnd tlenionr woudud hllla that olTor rara charms to tlio lovers of the pic- turet quo. ' 1 lie ulilH tlmt OTDtlianz tlio ecn for ninny mllon are truly unind. Tlio view nt Iliuso nilKhtjr nd uwo-lii- cpirinL'TucUn , toworlnif ttmlziit up out ot the aoa , will alone rupiy tlio vlnltur/urtUo Journey tliero. The Hotels , to bo Opened July I , are thn Uncut to tia found oust of no.iton. They are bvnutlfully ( urnlsUed nnd npnolntod tiuoushnut , n < i Inbothuxtorlornndtntgrlnrlinruanulr of lloraollk-JX comfort tin I rulliipmantftoldom to be found. Tliero aru ROIUU forty mlloof rend < tn the lalttnd , nnd the drlTOi are viirloa iiua lntur Htln . Tliu ntublca urc well eiiulppod with wull-trulned gaddla niid < 1rlTlnKliorie < 'ItioLoiitlnaund tl' lnenrocxcollont , and canooi with Indian t ! > Udes , tire ul wuynHt hand. HOW TO IJKT 10 CA.MrOlIKI.I.O , Take tlio iti > : imcrs of tholntornitlonal I.lno. loav- Ini ! notion Mondiiy\VednBiduv unil Krlilny at SJ1 ; u in. , urrlvlnu at Knstport tlio [ oliowink' morning at 8 o'clock An annex atcamar connects with nil tonmor nt Kixtport forCnniniihullo , two nilloi ulitiint. 'Ihostcmiionof Ihe International Line nra now und aio ilio Hno tcoiiitwlso cto imuri from Ilnston. ByrallKOTli Itoitoiinnl to CillHtii thencoby steamer clo'vn fie bomtiful SCrolx : ilvor , or by c irrlico to i : istport I.M ) nillus. Ily olthurriiutobaiiKaiie may ba chcckoJ throuna ° Vrom Bur Harbor to Camiiobello. Take stoumur at llur llarhor ( \lHdiliH.Mhuro c.irilnci'a niiiv iilniiyj be found In roullnorii llrlvo to liuhec , 24 miles' llionco by ferry to/JiuiiioucllolJ [ ( mlloo. The drive H onsy and ilulltfhtful. Application for room * m ly bomndeto T.A. UAH- K'KIl , liotnlmiinncer.nt tliao'llcoof tlio underjlunud. llhi't'ttted bookn wih | rallrotd and stoiuner tlino- table * , plans of tlio Intel and ninpjoftlio Uliunl mar holiad.ns well ni full Infnrniutlon rc'iur.lliu the property onanpllciitlon to ALKXS. I'OHI'Klt. nn Manaitor t'ampobollo Island Co.i7 auuoSt. . lloston , Muss. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. RtylUh , Durable , Eauy J'lttliiL' . Thu hi-btU RhoH In the \Vurld. W. L. 1IUUUI.AH _ tlia S3 thied by ether Unas. Our SHOE Ton 1JOYS fire * irre t ratltfactlnn. All thoaUivuaro inado In llutton , ConurRH and iJioo , nil ntjrlM of too. 8oM liy 'JOO dralen thouRliout tliu U. B. If your .Icaler < lwn tint kern them , ernd inmo on JKWUI to W. I. . DOUflLAH. llrockton.MiiM. RCU/1DC HE CDAlin " lia * cu"10 tu > "T DtWAKC Ur rnflUU.knnwItdso that M.ino . unscnipiitoun ilealem are ofterlni ? ntlier Kuods as nilim.aml whpit nnkitl why my ntainp Is nut nn thu Blioeii , ftito that I have uUcoiitlnueil lu u > . Til IS IH fALSK. Take noun r | irrientd to b * th. "W , L. IKmglaa hhcwi , " unloM iiiinni , nirruul : < i nnd iirlcn ur ktainixil cm bottom of iatli hoe. V.I , . DOlKif AS , Itrockton , Mn . For sale by Kcllcy , Stlffcr & Co.cor JDodsre and isth-sts. ; Houry Sargent eor.Soward and Samulors sta. A WISE CHILD. 'Uothtr Laura , why do you quarrel with Willlo 7 I thought you irtto playing keep bonia with him. Laura Yes , Slamma , I was , but ho would not gctrao a cahoot Sapollo. aud I liad iny liouao-clcan. lug to do. and I wou't play with him. Ho h not iilco llko papa la to you. "The branches may bo trained , but not the trunk. _ Teach children the art ol cleanliness , and how to use usoSAPOLIO. . It Is a solid cake of Scouring Soap. Try It. ' No. 14. [ Copyright , March , 1877.J New Model Law n Mover Five Sizes. Will cut lilffltcr grass than any other. J fat no equal for simplicity , durability anil ease of operation. This is tlio latest Improved Ma- chiiio in tlie Market. Prices. Send for circulars. PHIL STIMMEL &CO. OMAHA , NKIlltASKA. Slate Agents for Porter's Haying Tool and Jobbers of Jilndlng Twine. Lawrence Ostrom & Co. FAMOUS "BELLE OF BOURBON. " IB Death to Consumption , Sleeplessness , Chilla and Favon Or Insomnia , and Typhoid Peyor , Dissimulation , Indigestion , Ot Food , Dyspepsia , Ten Years Old , Feren No Fusel Oil , Absolutely Twra. The GREAT APPETIZER This will certify that I have examined the Bel'e of Dourbon WliUky , received from Lawrence Ostrum & Co. , and found the same to be perfectly Iree from Fusel Oil and other deleterious substances ind ( trictly pure I cheerfully recommend the same for Family uie and Medicinal purposes. J. P. IJARNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemist , Louisville , Ky. For sale by druggist ? , wine merchants and grocer * everywhere. Prke $1.25 per bottle If not found at the above , half-doz. bottles m plain boxes will he sent to cny address in the United States on the receipt of six dollars. Express paid to all places east of Missouri River , LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky Wholesale and Distributing Agents , RICHARDSON DRUG CO. , and \ DILLON. Wholesale Liquor Dealers , ] Omaha , iedbjQLADZIONE BROS , a } CO. , OmaAdb RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. 1'riccj the lowcot. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted. Cor ner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed YVatchm-ikcr for the Union Pac ificRailroad Companr. AS BRIGHT1 S DISEASE , DROPSY & Diabetes are Ciireil bj Ihe Jsafisl Mineral Spilfg Water Denthi from them uraiarrlncos. Nl cb rio . lrlc- turoi. proitulo gland , Turlcorolo and hlndder ami chronicdlsuiiHeicaiipu them aud limit ba cutod by thQ Auhol Medknl Uurfnu Kuropuun nnd Arucileuri ipocljl'it ' physlclan'i loculund Interim p"lf net tom. cill-s or the tutTurert mu Ion. Old i > hyilclun' ndrlce HuUboolr. with | initlculiir < iimlcutei free HI ii'Jl Uroadway , Now ifork. WTS. pttiRlttttdnu * | . Of Pltort , -1 - n InteHT. t < S tinufimmild. uolhlr | ctirrcnu eV kftcttiefJL * Ity d ijrlly Ihrouih ill , , , k full rt.lor. lniiN.m /V..i.i.i i aiul Vltnittiiilirirtih. ilicuic Curnnl OVJf < llln.i i.i : i'r 11,100 In cub. tilttt il ImprottnitutfOTrrftllnltiir hr'.li. VV&r tti ip f iaiB > ilyrurtdlnlhn > tin Mbi. kHlnl r rfiphUl4f. i.m : > 1 b * Bicden Eloctria Co. 169 L Sitc | ! . , Chlo.g *