Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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TETIVS or suti'scrttrrtov !
Dnlly ( MornI.iff Kdltlon ) Including Bundny
Urr. , Ono Year. . . . . , „ . , . < tlO 00
ForBlx Month * 610
XorThrun Month * 2 Ml
Tim Oinnhit Sunday UKK , mulled to any
iulilro < < s , Ono Yonr , . , . , 2W
OMAHA orncs. No. mi ANH 911 FAIIVAM STiterr.
oonnrsroNiitscB !
Alt communlcntioim rolntlnir to news nnd cill-
torlid tnnltur Hlioukl bo auaroiscd to tbu Kui-
Ton or TUB UKK.
All liuslnMi luttorn nod remlttancoAshould 1)0 )
ddrcMod to THE Dee I'uiii.isniNO COMCANT ,
OMMM. DrnftK , chucks nnd po tofflco orders
to bo inn'lo payutilo to thu oriltrof thu company ,
E. ROSEWATER , Kntron.
Sworn fitatonicnt of Circulation.
Btato of Xctirnska. I
County of Dnuxlns.s ( < 8l
( ! co. 15. Tzschucif , secretary of The Uco
I'liblhlilnR coint > auv , does solemnly swear
that the actual circulation ot the Dally Hue
for the week ending May 27 , 18S7 , was as
follows :
Saturday. May 21 Kmr.
' -2 1WI75
Htinday , Mnv2
Monday , MnySl 14.375
Tuesday , MavSl llWj !
Wednesday. MayS.'i 13,775
TmiMdnv. May 20 in.tioo
Friday , Maya ? 14t'OU '
Avcratre 14.032
GF.O. j < . T/.RCIIUCK.
bub'crlbcd nnd sworn to before mo this
23st dny of May , lt&7.
[ SEAL. ) Notary Public.
Oco. U. Tzsclniclc , bcln ? llrst duly sworn ,
deposes and says that ho Is secretary of The
Duo Publishing company , that the nctiml
average dally circulation of the Dally Hoe for
the month ot May.ltW ) , 12,439 copies ; for June ,
ISfcO , 12.208 copies ; for July. WSO , 12il4 : copies ;
for August , 18s , 12-lW copies : for Septem
ber , IbSO , l.U30 ) coiles ) ; for October , ISSrt ,
12,1SO ( copies ; for November. 1880 , lilH3 :
copies ; for December , IbSO. 13,237 copies ; for
January , 18S7 , 10,200 copies ; for 1-obruarv.
18S7 , 14,108 copies ; for March , 1B87 , 11,400
copies ; for April , 18S7,14 , : o copies.
GKO. U. TzscirtrcK.
Subscribed and swnrn to before mo this 7th.
day of May , A. I ) . , 1887.
ISEAL.1 N. P. FKIL , Notary Public.
MH. SKAVEY remains chief of police at
this writing.
EDITOU UitAMY'a presidential boom has
taken its departure.
EF OK POUCK SEAVEY appears to bo
giving ccnernl satisfaction.
LET the citizen * of Omaha cxort every
cflbrt to secure the Lutheran college.
A uintUEH monopoly is now announced.
The world scoma running to combina
IT is said that slowly yet surely the an
nual passes arc again finding their way
into the pockets of politicians.
O'UitiEN has not been stoned for sev
eral days , nnd ho Is already complaining
of the monotony of Canada.
THEKE has been fouud in Iowa , an
abundance of natural gas. What is the
reason no search for it is made iu Ne
braska ?
ASTUONOMEUS claim thit the star of
liothlohem cannot bo seen. It has cancelled -
celled its date. All stars hayo happy
plans of advertising.
IF thcro is any importance to bo at
tached to the floating rumors , and some
of them apparently well-founded , thcro
will bo dozens of now railroads built in
Nebraska this year.
SENATOR VEST'S physician has ordered
the Missouri monument to take a rest.
This same learned opinion has been en
tertained by a long-suffering constitu
ency for many , many months.
THE residence of General J. Warren
Koifor at Springfield , O. , was burglarized
Saturday night and most of his silver
plato carried off. It is a pity that the
ccnoral was not stolen. The burglars
evidently had no use for brass plato.
WHILE the farms of Texas and south
ern Kansas are drought-burned and barren -
I ron , Nebraska's agricultural districts
show Holds of growing grain , and every
indication is favorable to a good crop.
Those seeking locutions should make anole
nolo of this.
] < ROM the musings of a scavenger wo
take the following philosophy : Filth and
dirt nro ui league with every influence
i \ * which breeds disease , invites epidemics ,
nnd produces pestilence. Cleanliness is
the enemy of all these scourges. Aa a
rule the healthy city is a cleanly city ,
and the unhealthy city is the city with
dirty alloys , filthy streets , unwashed sew
ers and n surface putrid with decaying
D-t garbage. The only way to secure clean
liness is to remove all that is opposed to
it. This in within the power of clues to
do , and it la the duty of city authorities
to do it.
THEUE Is a largo amount of political
clap trap in circulation , a part of which
involves Senator Sherman. Ono example
of this is the statement coming from
Albany , professedly on the authority of a
gentleman who had been in conference
with the Onio friends of Sherman , that
the senator is organizing a New York
campaign in his interest , to bo managed
By Lev ! P. Morton , who the story says
Sherman wishes to bo his companion on
the presidential ticket in the event
of his nomination. It is not im
* ' < probable thac when the proper
ft time arrives Mr. Sherman and | his
friends will make some effort iu
New York , but the senator is too shrewd
a politician to handicap himself by an
attempt to carry Mr. Morton or any
body else. The etVort that ho will make
to secure the nomination wo believe will
bo made in thu open , straightforward
way which has characterized his entire
political career , and that bo will
engage in no compacts or en
tangling alliances of any sort , and least
ot all would ho make the grave mistake
of oven implying a preference for any
man for the vice presidential candidate
in advance of his own nomination.
Should ho be nominated ho might con
cede the importance of selecting a citi
zen of New York for the second place ,
as doubtless republicans generally would.
Hut oven in that case it 11 questionable
whether ho would indicate a preference.
People who attach any importance to
statements of this kind in vol vine Senator
Sherman do not give him the proper
credit for the political judgment and
foresight which ho unquestionably pos-
The FaPlVicrs fc'avoi' tti
The qUGsllou of commercial union be
tween the United States and Canada has
been growing in popular consideration
in both countries , since Congressman
Huttcrworth , a little while ago , eluci
dated his policy and plan to an assem
blage In New York , on the Invitation of
representatives of Canadian interests.
The author of the bill introduced in con
gress , providing for trade reciprocity
with the Dominion , may at least con
gratulate himself upon having set the
two peoples to seriously thinking upon
and discussing the subject , whether any
thing now practical comes of It or not.
Interest in the question at this time to
somewhat keener in Canada than with us.
Thorn are obvious reasons for this , one
ot which is that reciprocity or commer
cial union would effect n ready settle
ment of an issue which Canada can
not surrender without a good deal
of humiliation , nnd cannot maintain
without the certainty of more or less
serious damage to her commercial inter
ests. In her present condition Canada
can ill afford to make any sacrifices of
this kind. She has an enormous debt for
so poor a country nnd It is increasing.
She needs every source of revenue that
she now has from which to squeeze out
enough to meet current expenditures ,
nnd to weaken her in any way indus
trially or commercially would be a
severely fell allliction.
It is this situation that causes a largo
number of the Canadian people , and par
ticularly the farmers , to strongly favor
the scheme of commercial union. More
over , the farmers believe that such an
arrangement would operate directly to
their benefit. They have experienced no
advantage from the protection policy ,
and they are entirely ready to see
it abandoned so far as it
affects trade relations with the
United States. The leading agricultural
province of the dominion is Ontario and
it is said the million and a quarter of
farmers there are nearly unanimous for
commercial union. They are dissatis
fied with the prevailing condition of
things , because the national policy of
Canada will not allow them to dispose
of their products In a market that lies at
their door , but compels them to seek one
8,000 miles away. The experience of
these farmers during the past two years
has been discouraging. Shipping nearly
everything they had to sell to England ,
the acgrcgato result has been a loss.
What profit they have realized hns been
obtained from live stock and commodi
ties exported to the United States.
Furthermore , as would naturally result
from this state of things , the farm
ing land has decreased in value ,
the total shrinkage in three
years , according to government
valuation , amounting to nearly seven
million dollars. This decrease and the
cause of profitless farming is duo , it is
claimed , to the unfavorable character of
England as a market , and the restric
tions placed upon intercourse with the
United States. The farmers of Ontario ,
almost to a man , are satisfied that tiioy
will fail to lift thcniselvcs out of their
difiicultics until they obtain unrestricted
trade intercourse with this conntry , and
in their organizations this question takes
precedence of all others.
The determination of this question docs
not , however , rest wholly with the farm
ers , and oven they may bo divided if it
should bo made n party issue. Wo
pointed out some days ago a few of the
objections and obstacles that any plan
of trade reciprocity or commercial
union must encounter , and if not
absolutely insuperable those must at least
tend to postpone indefinitely any ar
rangement. The protected manufactur
ers will of course steadfastly oppose any
change , and they will have with them the
very considerable element which would
regard an assimilation of the Canadian
tariff to that of the United States , thus
discriminating against England , as a
policy of supreme disloyalty. Yet it is
conceded on both sides that such an as
similation would bo an essential condi
tion of commercial union. It is not dim-
cult to indicate the advantages to bo ex
pected from an equitable system of trade
reciprocity , not the jug-handlo arrange
ment that formerly existed , between the
two countries. Propinquity , the mutual
Interests of neighbors , and sound princi
ples of trade , are arguments in its sup
port. But they must not bo expected to
immediately overcome the hostility of
special interests and the even more obsti
nate antagonism of national prejudices.
The discussion of the question , however ,
will at least have an educational value
for the people of both countries.
Au Opportunity to tioarn.
A displeased correspondent of the Now
York World , wrote to that paper , and
asked it to answer , if it could , "what un-
patentcd American industry is a
monopoly in this country ? " So this ques
tion the World replied :
If our cbrrespondent Is really skeptical on
the subject , we advise him to go into Penn
sylvania , buy some oil territory and set him
self up as an Independent producer , refiner
aud shipper of oil. Ho will very soon acquire
knowledge enough to satisfy him as to the
exlstenro of one monopoly.
If ho desires to extend his search for In
formation , lot him then buy some coal lands
and undertake to mine and ship to market
this article of universal uso. lie has a per
fect rlcht to do It. "Competition Is the life
of business. " Let our doubting friend try to
compete with the combination that abso
lutely controls the production of coal and
arbitrarily Ilxos Its price , lie will come out
a wiser and a poorer man.
Thcro are many other cases that could bo
cited , but they are matters of common knowl-
eilip. The tendency of the times is towards
gigantic combinations of capital In dilTttrent
lines of business for the purpose of abolish
ing competition aud controlling the market.
Their success effectually prohibits Individual
enterprise aud loaves the public at their
If the correspondent wants further in
formation lot him conio west como to
Nebraska , and gaze upon the workings
of both patented and unpatentcd monopoly
ely industries. Wo can show him where
railroad companies not only own coal
mines but whore they fix a price that is
beyond all reason and make the same
price within 100 miles of the mines the
same as they charge 400 miles farther
cast. Wo can show him where unpat-
cnted limo is owned and handled exclu
sively by ono railroad company and ped
dled all over the ntato at the same price-
distance making no difference. Wo can
show him whore salt from great salt
works is sold in the same manner. Wo
can show him how unpatontcd dealers
got special inducements , and how out
rageous freights are charged on unpat
entcd rallroadi.
Wo can show hint unpatcnted mom-
foots of the leglslaturo--unpatcntcd be
cause there is no idea in them to patent
who are controlled and monopolized by
shysters and sinners of the rallroguo
SVo could show him "unpatcnted Amer
ican industries which are monopolies,1'
by reason of the aggressions of great
corporations , until his eyes would water
and ho would gasp for breath.
Come west , young man , and grow up
with the country and while growing up
learn the ways of the world as they are
here presented.
A Unanimous Verdict.
The papers of Nebraska , almost with
out exception , have hurried to the de
fence of Governor Thaycr. John M.
Thaycr Is too good a man nnd is too
well known by the old residents of Ne
braska , to bo harmed by the vicious char
acteristics nnd methods of newspapers
edited by grudges , dyspepsia or hatreds.
The inward obliquities of the conductors
of the papers attacking the governor arn
well known , The governor is doing his
duty , nnd if the press of the state voices
the sentiment of the people , ho is giving
excellent satisfaction. The Nebraska
Signal no doubt expresses the opinion of
nlno-tenths of Nebraska's people as fol
lows :
The governor , In making his police ap
pointments , was guided by his usual good
judgment , and the masses throughout the
state approve them and the views ho ex-
piessud In his letter to the commission as to
Its duties are the views of the people. Tlio
services of Governor Thayer to the republic
and state , In the forum and in the Held , can
not be blotted out from the memory ot Iso-
braskans by the harsh crltlcsms and vllo epi
thets , born of personal disappointment.
There is no honest man in the state
who will believe 'that Governor Thayer
attempted to do anything but what in his
opinion was for the good of Omaha.
The self exposed editors who are urging
a personal warfare upon an honorable
and worthy man will accomplish nothing.
To Suppress the Pistol.
It appears that in Washington too
many concealed weapons nro carried by
the residents of that city. The Washing
ton Post is excited over the practice of
carrying revolvers on the street , and
demands a suppression of the dangerous
The Atlanta Constitution , whoso editor
has recently been elected vlco president
of the United States by the New York
Herald , offers as the only solution to the
perplexing problem the suggestion to
make it it penal offense to manufacture
or sell pistols. In support of Us proposi
tion it says :
Perhaps our contemporary Is not prepared
, to go so far. Why not ? Our suggestion Is
'directly In the line of the precedents estab
lished In our legislation concerning other
evils. In prohibition districts , for Instance ,
It is not unlawful for a man to drink whisky.
Wo simply make It a penal olTcnso to sell It ,
and , In some places , to manufacture It Let
us apply this method to the matter of con
cealed weapons , and got after the man who
make or sells a pistol , Instead of making It
hot for the poor devils who carries It. The
suggestion K at least worth considering.
This is rather queer philosophy to como
from a district where the "honan" of men
has been maintained a thousand times
by the pistol. To abolish the pistol
tel means farewell to the boasted
chivalry of the south. It would mean
that roughs and desperadoes would bo
obliged to carry murderous looking
knives and billys and slung.shots and
sabres and scythes. The Atlanta" paper
forgets that in all states andclciosand vil
lages , where laws are rnado , there is a
statute prohibiting ' ( he carrying of con
cealed weapons. Pistols and coffee ray
go together , but whisky and pistols make
n bad combination. A pistol is a good
pocket-piece on many occasions , and if
the law is enforced , as it can bo , there
will bo no great danger. Unless a man's
life is in actual danger , and ho knows
that a positiyo throat has been made to
attempt to murder htm , ho has no busi
ness to carry a firearm. Aud nine cases
out of ton where a man carries revolvers
unless n threat of violence has been made ,
it will bo found that ho is a coward and
would not shoot under any circum
stances. Let us hope that our southern
contemporary will hereafter discuss the
Navy or the Fourth of July.
TIICKE is a demand on the treasury for
notes of small denominations far exceed
ing the supply , and owing to the nearly
exhausted appropriation tor printing
silver certificates relief cannot be had
until the beginning of the now fiscal
year , July 1 , when the appropriation for
that year will become available. There
was a similar experience last year ,
with tbo consequence of a good
deal of annoyance to the busi
ness of the country , more particularly
in the matter of paying wages. There
does not seem to bo any good reason why
the appropriation for this purpose should
bo pared down so fine , and in view of
changing conditions in the demand
which cannot bo anticipated there should
bo a liberal margin allowed the secretary
of the treasury in this particular. A general -
oral scarcity of small notes , which is the
currency of the workignman and the
retail trader , may become a quite serious
matter , and since it may bo easily obvi
ated it ought to bo.
THE Ohio State Journal is in favor of
the proposed general celebration of In
dependence day , and it suggests that the
old fashioned Fourth of July oration ,
"now dressed to make it accord more
with the great strides the nation has
taiccn within the last quarter of a cen
tury , should bo brought again conspicu
ously to the front. " This seems to bo
thoquito general sentiment this year.
Omaha must not bo behind other locali
ties in manifesting a similar feeling , and
the promise is that It will not. Let there
bo n grand outburst of patriotism all
along the lino.
"The spirit of opposition to the inter
state commerce law , which grow out of
the determination of the railroad com
panies to construe it in the light of their
own advantage , " says the Philadelphia
Kecord , "is dying out. It is dawning on
the minds of the shippers , both for long
hauls and short hauls , that while the
railroad construction waa necessarily the
first application of the law , the inter
state commerce commissioners and the
courts will have the final say. It will bo
time for a conclusive judgment when the
law shall go Into operation under the
ruling of an impartial tribunal. "
GENERAL BEN BUTI.EK , the cock-eyed
coddosa of reform , has recently given a
few morsels of counsel- a class of grad-
tiatlng attorneys. , The venerable fraud
talked upon his own experience as a law
yer , and advlco llbwcd freely. Ho failed
to Impart to the young men just starting
out In the world any Information con
cerning the politldal pampalgn.
Gr.KF.RATj \ AN Wvcic has arrived at his
Oleo county farm. Ho is said to be in
excellent health , and the politicians of
the railroad'school are already uuaasy.
STUUDY John Sherman , In addressing
the Illinois legislature , failed to morallzn
on the evil of long sessions , aud did not
advise the Suckers to adjourn.
A GCKMAX writer has found that the
present year Is the ouo hundredth anni
versary of the birth of the waltz. The
waltz is very lively for its age.
ELLA WHEII.IR Witcox , the poetess
of passion , whoso verses have bncn read
by almost everyone in this country , is
hovering near death's door.
The Cincinnati knights are to hold a grand
picnic Juno20.
A ladles' assembly of knights has been or
ganized In Wheeling.
Tbo San Dicga ( O.\l. ) knights elected a
full ticket at the recent election.
The Chicago ship-carpenters expect soon
to have an assembly of their own.
District Assembly No. 41 , of Ualtlmoro ,
now Includes the entire state of Maryland.
The New Haven knights will form a co
operative association to run a grocery store.
Thollolllday ( Pa. ) knights will shortly
start a co-operative store with a capital of
The Chicago boot and shoo knights have
organized a co-opcrativo shop with 25,000
A Mississippi assBinbly fines any member
caught Intoxicated SJ for the llrst otfenso
and $5 for the second , and for the third offense -
fonso the penalty Is expulsion.
John W. Hayes , of the general executive
board , has received 83,000 for the loss of an
arm while employed by the Pennsylvania
lailroad company several years ago.
Mrs , Emma Smith Is master workman of
an assembly ot temalo stitchers In Chicago.
District assembly No. 24 of Chlc.ico , will
have an excursion and picnic on June 27.
The Knights of Labor lecturers are greatly
encouraged In the west with the development
of a more intelligent comprehension of the
purposes ot the order. The western knights
take more Interest In lectures , libraries ,
books , papers , etc. , than do those of the east
ern states.
There are now nearly 10,7001oeal assemblies
of knights that Is , that number of charters
has been issued. The Jowa farmers arc coin
ing Into the order .steadily. . The Titusvllle
knights aio building a hall. New assemblies
are being organized , In Virginia. Catholics
are Joining the knights in largo numbers In
Canada slnco the Issue of the notlco that
knights might receive the sacrament. An
other national district Is being formed of
painters , wall-pajn'r hangers , brushmakers
afid kindred . New York and some
other eastern citlusr.
Brains nnd Character.
Ucatricc ttcc Lance.
Governor Thaycr chose wisely In his selec
tion of the now judge for this district.
Thomas Apple et , of Tecumseh , whom ho
appointed , Is a gentleman of brains and ster
ling character , and ls > admlrably fitted for the
Solemn Truth.
Ifcbtatlta City Pi en.
It really looks as though Editor Itothackor
and the oougar on horseback In charge of the
Herald are making more kinds of tools of
themselves , In their attacks on Governor
Thayer , than was supposed to bo within
their capacity. That sentence may be a little
tangled , but there is a solemn truth in it just
the same.
This Is Disappointing.
St. Jlaul Pttmcer Press.
The Kansas City papers assort that their
new city directory , about to bo published ,
will reveal a population ot 150,000. This is
disappointing. Fiom the sky-scraping talk
of these journals durlbg the past six months
ono would suppose the population would
foot up not less than 600,000. Evidently Kan
sas City can't keen up with Ht Paul.
Mtands In With the People.
Tlntianil Journal.
Quito a number of republican and most all
democratic papers of Nebraska make war on
the Omaha Bin : , liosewatcr. Its able editor ,
continues to Keep the Jii ! : : buzzing nil the
same , with the latest , freshest and most re
liable news of the nay. Its circulation con
tinues to Increase and crow In popular favor.
Uosowatcr stands In with the people and Is
no tool of corporation , hence ills popularity.
Can Wo Dolleve This World of Ours ?
Can wn believe this world of ours
Is but a snare that wo must shun ,
Grasping the thorn and not the Iluw'ri ,
Scokliu' the gloom and not the sun ?
When by swnet music's voice Invited ,
Omtht we In scorn to turn away ?
When with the joyous dance delighted ,
Are we to blame it we delay ?
Must wo renounce each art and science ,
As wo would shun some hateful spell ;
And from each social fond alliance
Turn to the cloister and the cell ?
No , It Is not to gloom and terror
Vlrtuo will IIy from harmless mirth ;
Kind to misfortune , mild to terror ,
Blessing and blest she walks the earth.
Nebraska Jottings.
Free postal delivery has been ordered
in Beatrice and Hastings.
Broken Bow complains of an influx of
peddling sharks with packs of snide
Surveyors of the Ii. & M. are reported
in the vicinity of the Cheyenne river ,
heading for the Hills ! .
The Elkhorn Valley-is plowing a fire
break on both sidesof thu road between
Long Pine and Douglas , a distance of 33J
miles , 'js
The limit of base humiliation Is reached
with the name of Omaha tacked with St.
Joe at the tail end off Itio league race. Alamo
lame excuse in ily'tnio screens a multi
tude of ciphers. i K
A sud feature of .T coration day exor
cises in Albion wasih * sudden death of
Samuel Johnson , a &o ' of thirteen. The
boy was in the procoM on with a number
of school children , in a faint and ex
pired in a few minujup.
A syndicate of Botf i speculators have
purchased 1GO acrcsjof land near Grand
Island , paying $100 pt * acre. The deal
has turned louse a ilSlaco of rumors of
railroads , shops and ; other great futur
Enthusiastic prospectors are digging
iron ore and copper from the bowels of
the earth In Ncmaha county. The find
is reported to be thirty feet thictc , and so
pure that it can bo beaten into tin wafers
and served hot.
Hon. Low May. the lone fisherman of
Fremont , has closed his professional
career. The presidential fish stones
from Saranao lake have impressed him
with the utter folly of competition while
Cleveland is in the wilderness.
There is a radical defect in the under
pinning of a man who , having success
fully withstood the breakers of fifty
years , goes off to a shady QTOVO and do-
liboratuly hangs himself to got rid of his
wifo. William Sledschlag , a resident of
Madison county , is the latest victim of
* iiJGn 4ai
domestic torment. And yet the dlrerco
courts of the country are holding c.\rr. |
sessions to keep up , with the rush.
A pleasant family doubling up took
) > lace near Scotia , last Sunday. Air. B.
S , Madison and his sister , Florence Ella ,
were paired with Mr. B. C. Dennis ami
sister , Frances Emma. The dual knot
was tie.d by Squire Daily and the appar
ently happy couples have settled down to
home rule in the young town of Parnell.
Lieutenant Patten.of the Twenty-lirst in
fantry , has Invented a self-regidterlng
taruct , which Is now being tested at
Sldnev barracks. It Is similar in sl/.o
and shape to the ordinary target. It is
made of iron plates , three-fourths of an
inch thick , arranged on four planes , and
covered with paper. Thu essential
feature cf the target lies in the enuticl-
ator system , by which fifteen different
signals are obtained over four wires
that connect the firing point with the
target , and promptly register each shot.
Thu work of markers is thus dispensed
with and the dangers of nllo practice di
linva Items.
Hcrndou has six gas wells spouting.
The Journal remarks for the edification
of rivals that Sioux City proposes to bo
the first city in Iowa.
Muscatitio bums are for the first time
groping In n wilderness of prohibition.
The last brewery has been corked.
Heal estate transfers in Sioux City and
Woodbury county during the past live
months amounted to four and a half mill
ion dollars.
During the last term of court at Altis-
catino the city was mulcted in the sum
of $2,300 , as damages for injuries caused
by defective sidewalks.
F. Aprisz , of Burlington , sent his family
to church Sunday morning and when
they wore away lip unproved the oppor
tunity to hang himself to a rafter , and
was stiff and cold when discovered. Ill
health and melancholy was the cause.
A great lawsuit has been commenced
by the Wcstinghouso Car-brake company
ngainst the Carpenter Car-braKo com
pany for Infringement of patent. The
suit rises out of thu exhibition of air
brakes near Burlington the past three
A prominent minister in Aberdeen
works for ills board as a base ball um
A colony of about 200 Bohemians will
arrive in Bowdlo this week to settle in
the immediate vicinity.
The Pierre Packing company will
begin the erection of a commodious two-
story brick packing house next week , to
bo completed by December 1.
The corner stone of the Dakota Con
gregational college at Hcdtield will bo
laid July 4 , and Mio buildinc will bo com
pleted so as to open in September.
The Yankton board of trade has agreed
to pay G. A. Archer f 1,000 on condilion
that lie will erect an oil mill in that
town , and the proposition has been ac
cepted. Work is to commence at once.
Otnahn nnd Vankton.
I'an/.fim / I'rem ,
Under the arrangements inaugurated
nt Omaha , Yankton and the Jim river
valley are to be given a much more do-
slrablo rail connection with the south
than had been contemplated under any
of Yaukton's previous long continued
efforts to procure a rail line to Omaha.
The most wo had over hoped for was a
spur of one of the great southern systems ,
moro particularly of the Missouri Pacific
or the Burlington & Missouri. But the
proposition of the Omaha Southern ,
when carried out , will cive Yankton an
important place upon a trunk line which
will eventually reach across tlto inter
vening northwestern and southwestern
states to the gulf. Operating in connection
with the great Manitoba system of the
north , the twin lines will cross from the
northern to the southern boundaries of
this great country , affording a readily
practicable interchange of the commodi
ties of every latitude under tlio flag of the
republic and drawing upon the foreign
domains which bound our country upon
the north and the south. Wo need not
remind our readers that Yankton's po
sition upon this artery of commerce will
bo an advantageous ono. With the plans
of the builders carried out this line alone
will make Ynnkton a great city. It is
the Manitoba and the Omaha Southern
here clasping hands across the Big Muddy
which are to bring about this dcsirablo
clnuiiro in our material condition. In a
contemplation of this prospectmere local
trade and traffic sinks into insignificance
and our provincial ambitions are swal
lowed up in metropoljtan aspirations.
At the Omaha meeting Mr. Young pre
sented evidences of his financial stand
ing entirely satisfactory to the million
aires who on the spot voted three hun
dred thousand dollars in aid of the pro
ject. Yet with the careful methods of
successful business mon they are now on-
ga < ed in a full investigation of the
claims of the syndicate and when their ,
committee is through they will know to"
a cent just how much capital stands be
hind the Omaha Southern. Then the
final contract will bo made and commun
ities will bo notified that they are ex-
.pooled to make good their promises.
From Mr. Young's letters of credit and
identification placed in the hands of the
Omaha committee there is no question
in the minds of the Omaha gentlemen
as to the strength of the coiupanho
represents. Extensive capitalists of Now
York and Chicago ar > 3 in tlio syndicate
and their purpose is far reaching nnd
founded upon business principles. They
are building railroads where they think
railroads are most needed. They nro
constructing a line in Nebraska and
Kansas ( the nucleus of their intended
system ) and have already built a road in
Georgia and Tennessee and another in
the Michigan pineries. Their ultimate
design is to group those fragments
together Into a system with the Omaha
Southern as its backbone. With un
limited means this is practicable. It has
been found that many of the capitalists
interested in this enterprise are financi
ally connected with the Manitoba sys
tem , so it will bo a natural course of
events that the two operate in harmony ,
ono reaching to the far north and the
other to the far south. It would seem
that Yankton is particularly fortunate in
securing a position at. tlio junction point
of the two systems. It could hardly hope
for anything so advantageous out of the
multitudinous : moves upon tlio board of
railroad manipulation.
MB New Use for Mother Huhbards.
Savannah News : llio other night a
novel game was played on Conductor
iiarrisof the down fast Georgian railroad
train. When the train stopped at Union
Point Captain Harris noticed two negro
women get aboard , and ono of them
was dressed in a loose Mother Hubbard.
When ho wont through the car ho failed
to find ono of the women , and upon
questioning the negro she said that some
body had snatched the other girl's ticket
away and she got off. The captain did
not suspect anything wrong , but when
the train reached Barrett the missing
woman came from under the Mother
Hubbard of her companion unnoticed by
the conductor , but to the amusement of
the other passengers who saw her when
she ruado good lior exit from under the
loose-made dress.
On Friday , May 0 , William Shearer , of
Now Westminster , II. C. , killed J. C.
Muir. On Saturday the murderer wss
indicted ; on Monday the trial beuan , and
was concluded that week. Shearer was
convicted and sentenced to be hanged
on July 81.
.fr * . -
Stray Loaves From ItfportorJnl Note
J , M. McDonough of the Herald , who
won fame lit O'Neill , Is a young man
who attracts attention wherever ho goes.
Tins Is because Mau \ , as the ladles
would put it. "an awfully nice fellow. "
Ho has a distlnguo air in fact , all the
requisites for making an Impression upon
the heart of femininity. Yet it would bo
unjust to term Mr. McDonouuh a inashor.
lie Is BJ many dogroivi i amoved from
this commonplace individual as an In-
camk'soont electric light Is from a tal
low caudle. Mr. McDonough went to
see Langtry the other night and
created a great sensation , Ho wondered
why so many opera glasses were leveled
in ids direction by tlio ladles and why
the men stared at him with varvlng ex
pressions on their faces. It finally be
came too much for Mr. McDonoticrh's
serenity and he retired to n convenient
mirror to see if his necktie was disar
ranged. As ho passed out tlio mystery
was explained by ono usher pointing him
out to another with the whisper , "Thoro
goes Freddy Gebhardtl" The audience
had caught on to the remarkable simil
arity in appearance between Mr. Mo-
Donough and Langtry's Freddy. Thuy
thought it was tlio devoted ( iebhardt
quietly taking in from the body of the
audience thu appearance of his fair
inamorata. Mr. McDonough did not
feel ilattercd.
John Droxcl and Mike Maul are part
ners In the full acceptation of the term.
They are linn friends as well as being a
lni.siiic-.s firm. Each belonged to a differ
ent secret society and each joined the
other organisation because the other
man belonged. They sleep together , go
out to see a man together , cat together ,
and as far as practicable stick together
throughout the day. Recently Mr. Drexel
acquired a little walking stick wiln an
alligator head ; straightway Mr. Maul
procured a black thornu cano. Tlio
friendship between the two has led to
their being called the modern Damon
and Pythias. It is generally believed ,
among those who know them , that the
secret of their confirmed bachelorhood is
duo to the impossibility for one to break
away from the other.
< > #
The reporters have arranged for
another tilt with the advertising men nt
a game of base ball. Tlio game on Tues
day afternoon was replete with ridicu
lous features. The score ot 23 to 11 in
favor of the "ads" contributed a great
deal toward the soreness physical aud
mental which the "reps" fcol. They
are growling deeply as they mourn their
bruised and swoolen hands and shnlllc
their stiflcncd joints along in search
of the elusive item. They will challenge
the "ads" and bo prepared next time
with thnir strongest material to over-
lastinglv knock their victors into figura
tive "pi. "
While the city council is endeavoring
to down him , ward politicians are
rustling to aid nnd abet aldermanic
scheming , and the general public is agi
tated over the captious efforts to over
throw the commissioners , Cliief of Police
Scavoy unobtrusively and with exceeding
calmness proceeds with the work of or
ganizing his department. And to these
who are acquainted witli the the work
ings of the old and tlio now , a great im
provement is already notieablo. Chief
convoy is a man of quiet determination
and starts out well. If ho continues to
the end as ho has begun ho will make a
chief than whom there could bo none
Hut Llttlo Business Done in Them
Thomas Wolf was on trial before Judge
Grolfthis morning on a charge of arson ,
the house burned being ouo of O. U. Sol-
den's near Thirteenth and Center street.
The lire took place on the 12th of last
The cigar makers international union
brought suit to perpetually enjoin llcn-
dricks & Frick from using n fac-similc of
the table of iho union upon the cigars
which tliis linn makes. A temporary in
junction was granted , Henry Millholen
and Jacob Jaskalik going ontho bonds of
the defendants for future hearing.
Another suit of Bonzon & Johnson
against the Bolt line was in progress before -
fore Judge Hopowell yesterday morning.
The plaintifl's yesterday , in their appeal
from the award of appraisers , received a
vurdict of $2,075.90 , tlio award being $800.
Judge Dtindy was confined to his house
yesteday by iljncss. There was consc-
qucutly'no SUSMOU of the United States
court. _
\\llili TllKY IIOLiD OVEH.
A Rumor That Six oT.thc School Board
Will Hold Over.
It was rumored yesterday morning that
Mr. Coburn had received an opinion from
Mr. Lane , state superintendent of edu
cation , which was upheld by a private
opinion of ouo of the most
eminent judges in the state , to
the ctlcct that the six members of
the school board who were latest elected ,
had a right to hold over after the en
suing election. Tno opinion was read
by Mr. Coburn and _ afterwards for
warded to thu judge in question in Lin
coln for his approval. When this opin
ion returns it is understood that several
of the members who wore among the
last six elected will take some steps to
retain their office.
O. f. Davis Dyliicr.
P. L. Pcrino of this city received an
other telegram yesterday morning , an
nouncing that O. F. Davis of this city was
dying in Wnukcsha , and to look out for
another telegram announcing his death.
As mentioned in the BEE of yesterday ,
Mr. Davis has been in Waukesha since
last March , where ho went to avail him-
6olf of the curative properties of the min
eral waters at that place.
Untli-Kdcii Sociability.
On Friday evening of this week the
ladies of Beth-Eden Baptist church will
give n social and literary entertainment
at the St. Mary's avunuo Congregational
church. Hov. II. L. House , the now pus-
tor of the former church , and his wife ,
will ha present. The programme will
consist of vocal and instrumental music
and recitations.
Cruelty to Animals.
Property owners in the vicinity of
Twenty-second and Douglas streets com
plain that the graders in that vicinity
shamefully overload and beat the horses
at work on the contract. Ladies who re
monstrate with the men thereabouts aru
repulsed with tcorii and prolano lan
guage. The matter has been reported to
the humane bociety.
Filed a Now Ilond.
Superintendent of Buildings Whitlock
yesterday tiled a now bond and was sworn
into ollico by Judge Berfca. Under the
new charter it was necessary to select a
new inspector , the council re-elcctlngMr ,
Whitlock to the position. Ilunco the new
bond and oath of ollico.
PncllUtlo NrerooR.
George Phillips and H. A. Fields , two
colored gentlemen of pugilistic tenden
cies , ! ud.a. \ liHht yesterday , at a saloon
on Ninth htrc'ot , near Dodge , in which
Phillips pol. a whack on the head thnt
laid Open his scalp , Tlio iiion were ar
rested , and palil $10 nutl costs c'noh for
tliuir amusements.
The First Order.
Chief of 1'ollco Seavoy yesterday Issued.
the llrst formal order front his depart-
mont. It notifies Captain McDonald to
sou that nil lovvd women , saloons , cab *
ami hacks , expressmen , etc. . who should
pay licenses are brouniit to tiino.
Hound to no to Oninlia.
The St. Paul ( Hobo U already Jealous of
Omaha's proposed Y mill ton lino. It says
the business of Vankton naturally belongs
to St. 1'nul , and she Is not likely to clvo up
what Is hers by right Omaha HKE.
Yunkton will hardly concede Itself to
the ownership of St. Paul or even admit
tiny great sympathy. The
feeble tie could bo severed without ft regret -
grot on our part. St. 1'nul and the St.
Paul newspapers have nlw.iya been the
unrelenting enemies of Yaukton's pollti-
cal preferences and have never lust an
opportunity to take tliu sldo of those
who opposed us. Whllo polities and
trade do not run in the same channel
men who are interested in tradu are also
Interested In politics and would much
rather take their business to an all around
friend than to onu whieli stabs their
aspirations witli one hand while reaching
for the cash in their pockets with the
other. St. Paul may claim that the
tralllo of this section belongs to that
commercial center , but it will have noth
ing beyond the empty claim after the
Omaha road is finished. Yankton owoa
St. I'aul no coed will. Besides Omaha
will bo eight hours nearer and will have
200 miles the advantage in distance. The
business of the southern Jim valley is
bound to go to Omaha. Yankton 1'ress.
Chambers' Journal ? "You look , " said
a Irishman to a palo , haggard smoker ,
"as if you had got out of your grave to
light your cigar , and couldn't Hud your
way back again. "
A schoolmaster , describing a money
lender , says : "Ho serves you in the ores-
out tense , he lends yon in the conditional
mood , keeps you in the subjunctive , ami
ruins you in the future. " A close ob
server of human nature remarks ; "Time
marches on : with the slow , measured
tread of the man working by the day. "
A French author is charged with the pre
diction that Franco will throw herself
into the arms of the liberating sword.
This is not quite so bad as the democrat's
speech : "Wo will burn our ships , and
with ovary sail unfurled , steer boldly out
inlo the ocean of froedoml"
A clergyman on board a ship began a
sermon m the following manner : "Dear
friends. I shall embark my exhortation
on the barge of my lips , in orJer to cross
the stormy ocean of your attention , and
In hope ot arriving safely at the port of
your curs. "
A learned counselor in the middle of
an ell'ecting appeal in court on a slander
suit , treated his hearers to the following
llighl of genius : "Slander , gentlemen.
like a boa-constrictor of gigantic size and
immeasurable proportions , wrap the
coil of its unwloldly body about its un-
forlunats victim , and hcudless of the
shrieks of agony that come from the
uttermost depths of its victim's soul
that rolls in the heavens it finally
breaks its unlucky neck upon the iron
wheel of public opinion , forcing him first
to desperation , then to madness , andlln-
ally crushing him in the hideous jaws of
mortal death. "
A young American lawyer employed to
defend a culnrit charged with stealing a
pig resolved to convince the court that Uo
was born to shlnn. Accordingly , ho pro
ceeded to deliver the following brilliant
exordium : "May it please the court and
gentlemen of the jury , while Europe is
bathed in blood ; while classic Greece is
struggling for her rights and liberties ,
and trampling the unhallowed ultarn of
the bearded infidels to dust : while
America shines forth the brightest orb
in the political sky I , witn duo diffi
dence , rise to defend the cause of this
humble thief. "
"Pray , my Lord , " said a gentleman tea
a late respected and rather whimsical
judge , "what is the dlllbrcnco between
law and equity courts ? " "Vury little in
the cud , " replied his lordship. At com
mon law you are done for at once ; iu
equity you are not so easily disposed of.
The former is a bullet , which is instan
taneously and charmingly effective ; the
latter is an angler's hook , which plays
with its victim before it kills it. The one
is prussioacid , the other laudanum. "
Millions of I'ostnl Cards.
Chicago Times : At the postal- card
factory in Castlclon , Pa. , between two
and three tons a day are manufactured
the year round. The largest order over
filled for one city was 4,000,000 cards , or
about twelve tons of paper , for Now
York city , where they tiso about 0,000,000
cards a month. Chicago comes next ,
with about 3,000,000 cards in the same
period. There are 4r)0,000,000 ) postal
cards manufactured annually. Two-cent
postage did not lessen the use of postal
cards , but checked the use of their growth
some little time. The check hits boon
overcome , and the public are using more
postal cards every day.
A man in a car on a Maine railroad
thought that ho felt a bug crawling on
his neck , and grabbed for it. Then there
was a scream , and the man found him
self clutching the back hair of a woman
who had boon sitting behind him with her
back to his.
Quickest Selling Article Ever Invented ,
NoetfinolaUlnz. but really Is Uml'roUloit Hhon-lnj
Arllolo tin the Mxrket.
OMAHA , Neb. , April ! W , 1887. This is
to certify that we , the undersigned , have
this witnessed ' -The
day a churning byThe
Perfect Self Revolving Churn Dashers , "
which tcsulled in producing ! Jl , pounds of
first class butter from one gallon of cream
in instone minute nnd fifteen seconds.
W. U Wright , proprietor nninha Pnlriri" O. W.
Whnclur , mnniiKur "umaha Dulrjj" I'nul U. Tile ,
MerclmiiU'iNntliiiml Hunk ; A. I ) . Tmu-iiln , Nuliriika
Nntlmml llnnk : I'rof. ( jeorxn II. llnthliuni , iironrlnt'ir
OninlutlltiiilnoHiUollcKei" \ ( . U J. IlluVn . latch-
Harry Mlrrlum , olltor "
Mlltll-HIil.-noo" Will J. Dobljs It. U. At
J.K. Urun."Wirlil.1 ( Krunk 1C. ( irHOiil ) r
Dr. J. W. Honrcli. llr.J. W. ll/iaru
Dr. 0. M. I ) , linn. llr. Itntnllton Wurrnri.
II. It. Hall.real oiuto , J. W. Itok'oM.rinl uiWlo
John llurtd , JO'.TOIcr. C'lirlsOrtf , ( unilluro.
( Hate unit Cottntu JHtlM * for tittle ,
I'l-ojltn Will Sitrin-lne You.
Call or write to us at once , Qu ck talcs
and large profits Very truly ,
J , W. Si A. POI-IIAM , Prop's ,
llooml Crociua Jllock. N.lUUi
* kW.