Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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r 11
Bat Very Little Business Dane in Any of
tin Options.
Speculation In Corn Active lint at
Ixiwttr I' Wednridny
Onti BrinpatlilzR Wltti Corn
Market Quotations.
CHICAGO , Juno ! ! . ( Special Telegram to
the Hin.1 : Tlicro was llijlit trading In wheat
to-day , though there was more than usual
cxcltnmcnt In the pit , and the uiarKct
throughout was nervous. Juno was lirmly
held , but the tendency of later futures until
Into was toward lower prices , and the 1
o'clock closlncs were below those of yester
day for the whole list exceot the "clltjucd"
month. The outsldo markets were all weak
and lower , and a bearish sentiment xecms to
govern at this time. The Atlantic port
clearances show up lan'c. Juno wheat
opened up at M.fc ) , advanced to fa'Jjtfc , settled
back to BOJfc , and remained oe gud at about
b'JXe during the latter part ot thu lontf ses
sion , resting at that li 'uro at 1 o'clock. No
very largo amount ot business was done In
Juno in the pit , though there was more or
less uosslp In circulation of private settle
ments on a basis ot faOftiUKc. Yesterday
400,000 bushels sold for May weio settled prl-
vatcly on a basis of S9c for St. Louis ac
count This sort of thing Is doubtless KottiR
on to a considerable extent In June * , but to _
what extent there Is no means of knowing.
July opened at bGJJc , sold up to bOc , and
declined to WJfc , and closed at the bottom.
August ranged M , ' < c HlpM , and b3 @SXc ! low ,
and September b OtSJ c. the 1 o'clock
prices being at tlm lowest point. The clique
was conspicuously out of the market to-day.
In the .speculative mailtet for corn to-day
there was quite aetlvo trading , a liberal busi
ness bolng tiansactcd by room trai'ers.and '
on orders. Most of the scalping crowd went
homo long of the market last night , but the
weather conditions and receipts did not ap
pear favorable for a bull turn , and so thcio
was a very general desire to unload. Thu
increased olTerlngs hnd a softening elTect ,
and after a pretty linn start the market weak
ened , the 1 o'clock quotations for leading fu
tures being } { ( $ % c under yesterday's clos-
Juno closed at37Xc , August tit40 > .fo and
September at 414lJ c.
Oats displayed lair activity In a specula
tive way mm the market sympathl/ed more
or loss with corn. The feeling early was one
of strength , but the opening prices wcro not
maintained and the 1 o'clock closing was
rather easy at substantially the same range
as was current last nlirht. July closed at
lOXC ! 26Xc on the split , alter selling off from
2Ccatthe opening to2Ge. August sold
from " 6 > fc to'.MJ c and closed on the split ,
with September quoted steady and un
changed ul'M .c.
The provision pit Is still a quiet section o
the lloor of the board. A little more than
the usual interest was developed to-day , bu
the Improvement In this respect was duo
more to the stronger tcellng prevailing than
to any special Increase In trading. Lard
closed practically at yesterday's prices. Jun
pork was lirmly held at 823.00. In both Ian :
nnd short ribs July , August and Scptembei
were the leading deliveries. The casn prod
net was In bettor request , llo s were In
Rood supply and linn for heavy otTcrlnira.
AHTKH.VOON SKSSION Wheat was higher ,
Juno bU.Kc , July WWc , August 83Kc. Corn
was firm. Oats were steady. Pork was
quoted at 823.00 for June , with other deliver
ies nominal. Lard sold htrong. July 0.55 ,
August 80.G5 , September at S0.75. Uliort ribs
closed 2'c higher , or at S7.32K for June ,
87.27KQj7.30 tor July , 87.40 for August.
CHICAGO , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram to
the IlKE.l CATTI.S The receipts to-day
were moderate and for the week show n de
crease of 8,600. This Is why prices are stron
ger and the only reason , though there Is just
a little better outlet on the coast. There was
a goodly attendance of buyers from all points
and the market was again higher. Prices
to-day were about UStitoUo above the low point
of last week. This represents unite sharp
advances , and as It has been pretty well
announced through the country there Is dan
ger of the market going wrong acaln.
Prices will Improve with anything like rea
sonable supplies. Shipping steers , 1,850 to
1.500 IDS. . 84.4004.00 ; 1,1200 , to 1,850 Ibs. , 84.10
(34.75 ; ttVJ to 1.200 Ibs. , S4.00@4.40 ; Mockers
and feeders , 9-.50Ct4.00 ; cows , bulls and
mixed , l.75@uo : ; "bulk , f3.GO'J3.00 ; Texas
grassore , 83,750:100 : ; fed cattle , S3.30 4.10.
Hogs The market was active , with little
or no change in prices as compared with yes
terday. All the packing linns were buying ,
and there was a talr shipping demand. At
the close , however , there was less strength
than at the opening and quite a number were
carried over by speculators. Common mixed
sold at 84.80Q4.85 ; bust mixed , good butcher
weights and assorted heavy , 4.0.rxil5.10 ; light
sorts sold all the way from 84.50@4.S0 ; York
ers , | 84.70 < ; { 4.SO , for lGO@ltl ) averages ,
closely assorted. _
Chicago. June 2. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Hecclpis. 0,000 ; strone and 5@10c
higher. Shipping steers , 84.CKX34.UO : stack
ers and feeders. 82.50(34.00 ( ; cows , bulls and
mixed , 1.75@3.75 ; bulk , S1.75Q3.70 ; Texas
cattle , 83.75(34.10. (
Hogs Receipts , 20,000 ; steady ; rough and
mixed , S4.fiO4.9. ; packing and shipping ,
4.B5@5.10 ; light , 4.55Li.75 ( ! ; skips , $3.00c ( }
Sheep Hecelpts , 0.000 ; dull and S@10e
lower : natives , 3.l5Lf4.50 ( ; western , 83.50 ®
4.45 ; Texans , 2.75@4.75 ; lambs , 11.00(25.75. (
National Stock Yards Ka t St.
Lout * , III. , June 3. Cattle Jtecelpts ,
2.000 ; shipments , 3,400 ; active and stronger ;
choice heavy native steers , I4.45@-1.CO ; fair
to good shipping steers , S4.00@4.40 ; butch-
ersrsteers , fair to choice , I3.70Q4.25 ; feeders ,
fair to good , 83.104.00 ; stockcrs , fair to
good , 2ilO ® 3.00.
Hogg Hncelpts.ROOsblpments ; , 1,000 : easier
knd weak : choice heavy and butchers'
( elections , 84.tsV34.95 ; packing , ( air to good. ( ; Yorkers , medium to prime , 84.50
84.C5 ; pigs , common to good , S3.70@4.40.
Kansaii City , June 2. Cattle Uocelpts ,
500 : shipments , none ; strong and a shade
higher for good shipping and dressed beef ;
common to choice , $3.50 ( 4.25 ; stockers and
feeding steers , S2.COi,75 : ; cows , S2.00@2.75.
Hoes-ltecelpts , 0,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ;
Itroug and higher for irood to choice : com
mon to choice , 14.15(34.70 ( ; skips and pigs.
| 2.80@4.00.
NEW YOIIK , June a. [ Special Telegram
to the UKK.I STOCKS The stock mnrkci
was very soft to-day. London prices came
In M < 3K Per cent lower all around , and the
bears seized the opportunity to depress th <
market by offering some of the unsupported
stocks down. Fort Worth & ' Denver City
gold off sharply , and a drive at 'Pacllio Mai !
carried It down 3 per cent lllchinoud Ter
mlual dropped IK per cent , and all the fane ;
itocks were dropped K@l per cent on selling
orders. The story was current that Uouli
was very 111 , and another that be was nbou
to start on a trip to the south. An attemp
was made to raid Gould stocks on thcsi
reports , but not much of a decline was sc
cured. There was a good deal ot talk abou
light money , but the best Informed house :
advised their customers that there was noth
Ing to fear from this source. The Granjen
broke In sympathy with the rest of th
market Northwestern , however , was hel
very steady , In anticipation of a very favoi
aolo statement to be submitted to the directors
ors at the annual meeting unlay. On tin
start It was reported that the surplus for th
year would amount to 83,000,000. At nee
the market steadied. The boars , bowovei
wcro greatly elated at the break In price is
nnd claimed that tired holders would now t
compelled to liquidate , and that a lowi
market was likely to be made after to-daj
The pressure of long stocks carried ever y.y
thing down until within half an hour of tt
ll 8e. whea covering by uhorta caused a fra
tlonnl rally , There was no news of a bearish
nature , and the belief was that the market
was forced down by soiling orders ot bears ,
aided by stop orders from timid longs. The
close Wns unsettled at nearly the bottom
prices of the day. The total sales were
about 000,000 shares.
UovKnx.MKNTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U S. C's 1C t NV \ 125'iJ
' ' ' ' ' ' '
If ! S. 4'a'coii'poti ! 129 1 'do pro'fcrrod. . . . 1 Y
U. 8. 4k'8coup..lO' > HN. : Y. C 113
PiicilctVsot ! "J5. . usi'fO. ' II. &N 103 .
Canada South' ! ! . . C3'd'O. T. .W *
Central Pacific. . 4'J ' 1'aclllcMnll 52 } <
Chicago A Alton.151 ) ! . , I ) . AH 37
do il'tillman 1'al.Car.lM,1
C. , 11. AQ 148 lKeadlni , ' filj <
1) . , 1 * & W 13S-V Kock Island 130
1) ) AU.O 81 % St. L. AS. F. . . . 41 Jf
Krie B4' ' < do preferred. . . . 81-'if
do preferred. . . . 7ix : C. , M.ifcSt P. . . . 2K
Illinois Central. . 127 do prof erred. . 124 ] f
1. , II. .t W 23 St 1' . A O
K. & T : \ \ * tdo \ j referred..Il."i5 <
Laki ) Shore l 7f Texas I'acilic. . . . 83' (
J > . AN G7U Union Pacllic. . . . Gltf
Michigan Cent'l. . lUJflNV. . St. LAI' . . . . WV ) ;
Mo. rncllle 109 do preferred. . K %
No. I'acilic 32J < W. U. Telegraph 77
do preferred. . . . W\ * Assessment paid.
MO.NKY os CAM , Kusy at 40 per cent ;
last loan 4 pur cent , closed olfered at 3 per
PltlME McItCANTII.E I1 A PE It 5QO per
STKIIM.VO ExciiAXon Dull and steady
at S4.S5K for sixty day bills , and 84. 0 for
Clilcnuo , Juno 2. Following quota
tions me tin ; 2 : ! > o closing figures :
Flour Firm and unchanged ; winter wheat
Hour , 84. @ 4.30 : southern , 54.10(34.20 ( ;
Wlhconoin , 84.20@4.W : Michigan soft
snrlnihuat , S3.70(44.30 : Minnesota bakers ,
$3.7 < ) C ! 4. : ) ; patents , 84.50354.Sd ; low grades ,
Sl.C.j.y.r. ! ( ; rye dour , quiet at 83.23Q3.4U ; In
sacks and barrels , 8.ftjH.70. )
Wheat Active and unsettled ; Junnopened
K higher and closed Jc above yesterday ;
July opened a shade higher and closed about
the Fame as ycsteulny ; cash , fcUc ; July ,
bO.Yc : August , bii ; .
Corn Fair trade reported ; ruled firm
early , became weaker , and closed Jfc under
yesterday ; cash , : i7 c ; July , 3'J c ; August ,
40 13-16c.
Oats Firmer and { @ ? ( higher ; cash ,
tfe ; July , 209-lGc ; August , ' .
Jtyo-Dull at 5lc.
llarlcy Nominal.
Timothy Seed Primp , 81.7S@UO.
Flax Seod-8t.U > i.
Pork Unchanged ; cash and Juno , 823..V ) .
Lard Moderately active and stead v ; cash ,
80.45 ; July , * G.55@0.57K ; August. $0.05.
Bulk Meats-Shoulders. 55.0005.705 short
clear , S7,50@7.55 ; short ribs , 87.25.
Butter Firmer ; creamery , 14@l7c ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 8j/ ( < ?
8J/c ; Hats , 8 ( < iSKc ; young Americas , b }
( MUc ; skims , 3Q4c.
EKKS Vmn at HU@12c.
llldes-Uiichangellieavy ; green salted 7 fc ;
llitht do , 7fiSc ( ; salted bull hides , Gc ; green
salted calf , o ; dry flint. 12C4ite : ; dry calf ,
13il4c ( ; deacons , 40coacii ; dry salted , lOc
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 3 ? c ;
No. 2,2Jfc ; cake , S OS'fc.
Kecolnts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 9.COO 22,000
Wheat , bu 191,000 5,000
Corn , bu 202,000 339.000
Oats , bu 107,000 151,000
llye , bu 1,000 4,000
Barley , bu 3.000 11.000
Now York. Juno 2. Wheat Receipts.
101,000 ; exports , 319,000 ; spot lots declined
X@c { and options K@Jc , closlnc steady
with a reaction of X ( ' ? ( ic ; ungraded red ,
USj.Cc No. 1 red , 93 > fc ; No. 3 red , 94Mc ; No.
2red , Cc In elevator , 97K@)7Jfe ! ) delivered ,
OTifc Ireo on board ; July , closing at 05 > fc.
Corn Kecelpts , r.1,000 ; exports , 117,000 ;
spot steadv but moderately active and op
tions steady ; ungraded and mlxi'd,4G < ( ' (4Sc ;
No. 2 , 4GK@4To In elevator , 47Xe alloat ;
July closed at 47Kc.
Oats Hecelpts , 71.000 ; exports , GOO ; white ,
M@Kc lower ; mixed , steady ; mixed westeru ,
8lcoiJc ; No. I white , 40c.
Petroleum Firm ; united closed atC2 ?
Pork Dull and weak.
Lard A trlllo stronger and moderately ac
tive ; western steam , spot , SG.SO.
Butter Dull und barely steady ; western ,
fresh , 12@l7c.
Choose Dull but rather weak.
i Firm ; demand lair , western , fresh ,
Milwaukee. Juno 2 , Wheat Strong
cash , 83Uc ; July , 84 : September ,
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , ! JO > c.
Oats Easy ; No. 2 , white , SOc.
Kyo-Dull ; No. 1. 57) < c.
Barley Lower : No. 2 , 50c.
Provisions Quiet ; pork , June , ? 14.00.
Cincinnati , Juuo 2. Wheat Ea'ler ; No.
2 red , b7@88c.
Corn-Firmer } No. 2 mixed , 40WJ < c ,
Oats Easier ; No. 2 mlxc'd , yji&iti'fa. '
Hye-Qulet ; No. 2 , or * .
Pork-Quiet at $15.00.
J ard Firmer at S0.0. : !
WhlsKy-Firm at 1.05.
Minneapolis , Juno 2. Wheat Weak
No. 1 hard , cash , 80) < c ; July , 8l ? c ; August
83c ; No. 1 northern , cash , 70 } < c : July , to < o
August , 82c ; No. 2 northern , caoh , 78 > fc
Jnly , 79c ; AuRiist. 81c ; n track , No. 1
hard , 8lWc ; No. 1 northern , 80MC Wc ; No
2 northern , 70 } 3SOc.
Flour Dull ; patents , 84.45 4.50 ; bakers' ,
Koceiots Wheat , 125,000.
Shipments Wheat , 47,000 bu ; flour , 15.KOC
Kt. Loulfl. Juno 2. Wheat Quiet und
lower ; cash , 87c ; July , 8f Xc.
C orn Easy and lower ; cash , ST.-i'c ' ; July
Oats-Dull ; casb,27tfS27 ( c ; July. 33c.
Pork S15.00.
Whisky-Steady at 81.05.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 14@17c ; dairy ,
Afternoon Board Wheat , higher : July , S3
@ 83Kc ; Auuust , 815 @ 81c , Corn , barely
scady. ; Oats , nothing doln ? .
Kaaia * City. June 2. Wheat Steady ;
No. a red. cash , 71c bid ; August. fiTWo bid.
Corn Steady ; No. a cash , 31 c bid , 81xo
asked ; July,82Xc.
Oats-2S c asked.
New Orleans , June 2. Corn Dull ,
weak and lower : mixed , 51351 } < c ; yellow ,
63 < 354c ; white. 55a56c. (
Oats-Dull at 36 > 36Xe.
Corn Meal-Dull at 82.35@2.40.
UOK Products Dull and unchanged ; pork ,
I.ard-Ilefined tierce , 56.37K.
Bulk Moats Shoulders , 85.80 ; long clear
and clear rib , 87.35.
Liverpool , June a. Wheat Firm and
demand fair ; holders oiler sparingly ; red
western , spring , 7s 3d@7s 4d per cental ;
winter , 7s 5d7s 7d per cental.
Corn Steady and demand fair ; now mixed
western , is Id per cental.
Thursday , June S.
The receipts of cattle were extremely Ilcht
today. There was i very fair demand for
good corn-fed steers , and owing to the light
run and the favorable reports iroui eastern
markets , the market hero advanced lOc. The
market Is now fully 20 to 25c higher here
than It was a week ago.
The mn of hogs was liberal today , and In
addition to the fresh receipts there were 15
loads of stale hogs , making a total ot over
G.WJ hogs on the market. The market opened
uctlvti with a good demand for good heavy
hogs , nut the buyers were very slow to
look at the light and light-mixed loads. A
very few of the lirst and best loads sold
brought about yesterday's prices , but the
general market was 5c lower on heavy and
lie ) lower on light and rough hogs. Although
there are a good many very good hogs com
ing In , there ) are also a good manv light and
sklpy hogs that go very slowly. The market
closed early with everything sold.
10 There was nothing doing on the market.
ir- Receipt * .
t- Cattle. 20C
lioga „ 5.20C
lien Prevailing Price * .
Showing the prevailing prices paid for llvo
slock on this market :
, Choicesteors , 1300to 1500 Ibs..84.1004.23
bo Choice steers , 1100 to 1350 Ibs. . . 4.00(3UO
cr Fat little bttwrs 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 8.05&3.U5
cry. Extrachoicecowsand heifers. . . . tt.25M3.39
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . a. 15/33.SO
yhe Common to medium cows. . . . . . . . 3.00M3.10
he Good to choice bulls. . . . . 2.7.Vi3.2.1
ic- Light and medium Itogs
Good to choice heavy hogs 4.50M.CO (
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.30&4.45
Representative Hales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
C. . . . U7U 175 10..118J 4.17K
1..11SO 3.75 1C..127S 4.20
10..10HS 4.10 20..1178 4.20
14..1079 4.10 17..1337 4.3'
1..10501.10 20..1 i'J 4.25
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2. . . . MX ) S2.M ) 4 . . . N 83.00
1. . . . 7tO 2.75 1 . .1000 3.00
Xo. Av. Pr.
49. . .1409 81.15
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..1810 53.00 1..1TW ) S3.25
No. Av. Pr.
10..10J1 3.15
No. Av. Pr.
! ! . . . . 1'JIX ) S3.00
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
75..159 J51.2J OS..270440 84.4)
78..214 SO 4.25 72..21 13) ! ) 4.15
( VS..243 2S ) 4.2. * . bO..249 100 4.45
77..1M ) bO 4.25 00 . . .2)4 ) 40 4.41 ?
OS..214 4.30 75..254 bO 4.45
70..210 400 4.0 ! ! ( VI..S51 100 4.47
77..I9i 120 4.o : ; rM..2iii r.'o 4.w
U3..107 100 4.W OS..2IW KO 4.50
70..213 40 4.35 00..271 40 4.50
74..210 100 4.S5 OK..257 40 4.50
bC..21.'l 120 4.35 01..257 40 4.W
77..2-JI 4.Ci : 01..209 1IX ) 4.50
70..201 -I3 00.50 bO 4.50
fcO. . . . ! > 7 40 4.l"i ! 04.'iM 40 4.5'J
b2..xos bo 4s : ; ca..soo 40 4.50
50..2J5 4A5 01..217 bO 4.50
70..U24 40 4.35 bO..259 210 4.50
79..210 bO 4.35 74..251 40 4.50
59..230 bO 4.iK ! Oi..2..8 120 4.50
77..227 200 4.10 0l..2li : ItiO 4.M )
09..2o : ; : KO 4.10 wIM
CO..210 KO 4AO O9..2 ( 120 4.50
72..228 4.10 5-I..299 bO 4.52J
71..241 4.40 07..291 100 4..V.
Ob..218 80 4.10 59..2HU 210 4.55
G0..25 : ! 4JO 75..201 4.55
05 . . .251 200 4.4(1 ( 57..2111 40 4.55
CS. . . . . ! 4.40 01..279 40 4.55
59..217 120 4.10 00..29 120 4.55
70..3J7 SO 4.40 70..2S5 40 4.55
72..2.M ) 120 4.40 00..29S SO 4..5
O4..2i8240 440 O2..2b0 4U 4.55
OS..237 40 4.421 * 03..259 bO 4.110
OO. . . . ! ! . ' ! ; ) 4.15 5S..29I 4.00
01..245 40 4.45 72..250 120 4.00
78..2.-X ) 120 4.4 > ( K ) . . . . 274 120 4.110
70. , .2 0 W ) 4.45 53..312 100 4.00
75..WI 4.45 C5..2S5 4.00
04..233 120 4.45 57..279 100 4.00
03..535 200 4.45 04..283 40 4.00
00..210 4.45
Live Stock Buhl.
Showing thu number of head of stock sold
on the mat ket to-day
Anirlo-Amerlcan Packing Co 4,203
( } . 11. Hammond is Co 307
Lipton 775
Squires & Co 55
Chicago Packing Provision Co 590
Other buyers 107
Total 0,303
G. 11. Hammond it Co 13S
C. Burr : >
Local 19
Total I'JO
Showing the number ot cattle , lie s and
sheep shipped Irom the yards during the day.
No. cars. Kt , Dcst.
a C. B. &Q Chicago
10 U. 1 lolint
3 N. W Chicago
3 C. U. A (2 Chicago
1 . .U. 1. Stewart , la
All sales otstoclc in this market are made
perewt. llvo weight unless otherwise ) stated.
Dead hogs soil at % a per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weUhiug less than 10J IDs.
no value. Prugnunt sows are docked 40 lus.
audstagsSO Ibs. by thooiibllo
Livestock Notes.
Cattle higher.
Hogs 510c lower.
Light hogs slow sale.
Everything sold out.
Good heavy hogs sell quickly.
Mr. Paris , bookkeeper for Keenan A lion-
cock at Chicago , Is heio.
W. L. Nash , Kearney , was at the yards
and marketed two loads of hogs.
T. J. lilckey , anew buyer In the now town
of Urotna , came In with a load of hogs.
Fremont iloy , Silver Creek , an old shipper
to tliebO yards , was hero with a load of hoes.
John K. Stewart , a well known feeder , was
here nnd sold a load of cattle of his own feed'
Mr. Ellis , of the firm of Wlnholtzcr A Ellis ,
Oileans , was in and marketed two loads ot
W. U. Ellis , Friend , came In with a load of
cattle of his own feeding , which sold on the
J. K. btowart , Friend , was In and sold
load of 17 corn ted steers that averaged 1337
at $4.25 , the top price ,
E. M. Lipsoy , a well known stock man o
Lincoln , was here and topped thu market
with a load of liiG9 pound steers.
E. M. Klchardson , with Palmer A Klch-
inond , llvo .stock commission men , of
Chicago , was among the visitors at the yard.s
P. Unltt , Seward , one of the heaviest cattle
shippers in tlm state , was In with a load o
hogs , lie saye ho will come here with all his
cattle as soon as the new packing house is
Thomas Mortlmcr.the newly married mem
ber of the linn ot Wood , Bancroft A Co. ,
Madison , well known feeders and shippeis ,
was In looking over the yards and took two
loads of stockcrs home with him.
Emli ; Ingwersen , cattle buyer for Swift &
Co. , has returned to buy cattle on this mar
ket , lie has orders to buy as many of their
kind of cattle as are offered at the market
price. These cattle will be shipped to the
Swift packing bouse in Chicago until the
house hero Is ready to slaughter them. Mr.
Ingwersen made himself very popular during
his stay hero a few months ago and his le-
turn lias given general satisfaction.
General Produce.
Thursday , JuneS.
The folloimna prices arejor ruund tots o
produce , a * sold on me market to-atiy.
BUTTKII Butter continues to arrive In
very liberal quantities and far In excess of
the demands of the local retail trade. Local
farmers and dairymen are bringing In a
great deal of choice butter , which they sell
direct to the retail trade , and this cuts otf
lust so much from the commission houses.
The great bulk of these receipts Is selling at
10@12c , with the greater proportion at the
K'bS price. An occasional package of the
best Is sold to the retail trade at 13(3Uc ( , but
It has to bo strictly choice to bring that price.
The shipping demand Is good and the ship
pers are able to keep the market cleaned up
and prevent any accumulation of stock.
EGOS The receipts have been a little more
liberal this week In proportion to the de
mand than last week. The prevailing price
has been lie thus far this week , but stocks
bare been moving a little slow with a ten
dency to accumulate. Yesterday there was a
weak feeling on the market and a good many
dealers were looking for a decline. To-day ,
however , the receipts were heavy and eggs
were selling generally at lie. with round
lots at 10 > { c. There are a gooi many stale
eggs received and shippers would do well to
candle their eggs and thus avoid paving ex
press charges on stock that has to be thrown
away on Us arrival.
CHEESE. Full cream rheddari , single ,
14o ; full cream flats , twins , 14o ; Young
Americas , 14Wc ; fancy Swiss , 18c ; Swiss ,
Imported , 25cLlmburger , 15c ; brick , 15(3lGc. (
BuANs.-Inferlor stock,75c@S1.00good ; clean
country , 81.00Q1.25 ; medium , hand picked ,
81.4W9l.50 ; hand picked navy. 81.50C41.GO.
LIVB Poui/riiY The receipts of chickens
are not heavy and the market is linn. Old
fowls of fair size sell readily at $3.25@3.50.
There have been no spring chickens in of
any account this week. Good sized sprlnc
chickens would sell well. A few small
ducks were received and sold at 3.50 per
POTATOES. There IB a strong demand for
old potatoes but very tow coming In. On ac
count of the scarcity of new potatoes , old
potatoes are still higher than last week.
Good stock , sells quickly at 8l.OOQl.10 per
bushel. New potatoes nave advanced on ac
count of the scarcity and there ara very few
to be had at / price , Hjpme grown , 81,00 < 3
1.10 ; new potafofa her bbl , & < X > < 80$0 ,
ONIONS. There lias been no material
chance In market slncqla t week. New
southern omims per bhl , Jl.500j5.00 ; now
BOiithnrn , * bush , crates , Sl.50.
CAIIIIAOK. The market Is about cleared
np of all slock. California cabbage , new per
Ib. 3Vc.
Ni'.w VKOKTAIIM : * . Local gardncrs are
now supplying the demand for most kinds of
vegetables , such as top oulofis , rniUslic ? , lettuce -
tuco pie plant and ticatsi and there Is not
much salu for stock of tlijtt kind shipped In.
Pens am being sold by tlio ifardners direct to
the trade at about ? t.0p tor bushel. Top-
onions , per dobunche.s 10Q30c ; radishes ,
per doz bunches 10m ! > 0c ; lettuce , per do/
bunches , 30@35c ; pieplant , fcer lo. lla'c ; cu
cumbers , per doz , GO < jl7ici ; wax beans per
two-thirds bushel box , S2.50 ; string beans ,
per two-thirds buMiel .mix , 81.25 : cauil-
llouer , per doz. 81.&fri-.TO ; new southern
beets , per dozen bunches , SOc.
LKMO.N8 Keports tiom New \ ork Indicate
that the cheap lemons have bemi mostly
worked oir and that there Is a demand for
good keeping stock. Prices them are ad
vancing. The market licit1 Is nboiit steady
with an active demand. Messina , choice ,
per dobunelir.s g4.WOf5.00.
OitANOKH The season for California
oranges Is rapidly drawing to a close and
only a few more cars am ovneotrd to arrive.
Mediterranean sweets 83.50Ttfa.75 ; Mi-s-
slna Imperial , lanny. $4.a.XiN.50 ; Ulversldi- .
8l.2.XiTl.50 ; Taper Kinds , S3.50Los ; Anseles ;
S3.25Q3..V ) .
bTHAwiiKiiniKs The recelots ha\e aver
aged a llttlo iinovcn this week. On Wednes
day thev were very heavy. Thnsu sold
early In the morning went at S7.oOyi8.00 per
stand for cholco .stuck while later In thu day
In older to close out oinu sola as low as
S' per stand. Yesterday tlm ircelpU wore
light nnd hardly equal to thtulumnnd. To-
dav pooil stock Is moving at S .OO per stand.
CIIIKIIIS ; : : There Is n fair supply on the
maiket and the average price lor 10-10 boxes
Is S3.50.
BANANAS Thcio Is a fair supply of choice
large ImiH'hos on tlm market. Largcbiinches ,
per bunch. S3.00S ( 1.50.
ToMA'ions There are a fnw soutliprn
tomatoes on the maiket ; 10-lb. boxes , Sl.oo.
I'ltovi-sioNs. Ham , 12c ; broaktust bacon
rib. 10 ; biiMkfast bacon , plain , lOJ c ; drv
salt sides , bJ SJf ; dili'd beef , . , lOCj
11 ; dried beef , ham pieces 13c ; lard , 50 Ib
cans , o ; < c ; lard , 20 Ib cius Fairbanks , 7c :
lard , 10 Ib cans F.ilibanks " ' < , c ; laid fl Ib
cans. Fullb.tnks , 7'fc ; laid , 3 Ib cans , Fair
banks , 7 > ( dc.
General Market * .
Hiurels , per gallon ; Furni
ture , extia , SI.10 ; lurnltnre. No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach , extra , SI. 10 ; coach , Xo. 1 , S1.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , SI.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asnhaltum ,
extra , b5c ; shellac , fr3.50 ; hard oil finish ,
Dr.v PAINTS- White lead , 7c ; French /Inc ,
12c ; Paris whiting , 2 > c ; whiting , gilders ,
2Jfc ; whiting , com'l , Ijjfc ; lampblack , Cer- !
manstown , 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ;
Prussian blue,55c : ultranmiine , Uc ; vnndylcu
brown , be : umber , burnt , 4c : umber , raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Piuls
ereen , genuine , 25c ; Paris green , common ,
22c ; chrome green , N. . , 2Uc : vcrmlllion ,
American. Ibe ; Indian , raw and bin nt
umber , 1-lbcans , 12u ; raw and burnt sienna ,
12c ; Vandyke blown , 13cj refined lamp
black , 12c ; coach black and ivoiy
black. lOc ; diop blnck , 10e ; Prussian blue ,
40cultramailne ; black. 18c ; chronic grccniL. ,
M. * I ) . , 10 : blind and shutter green. L. M.
As 1) . , lOc ; Palis green , ibc ; Indian icd I5c ;
Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscan , 22oAmerican ; vermillion -
million , L. A : 1) . , 20c : yellow ochre , 2c : L.
M. it O. D , Ibc ; good ochre , ICc : patent
dryer. 8c ; graining color , Unlit oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and ash.TJc.
Dinuis AMI CiiKMicrAV.s. Acid carbolic ,
OOc ; acid tartarlc , .We ; balsam copaiba , per Ib ,
50c ; bark sasafrass. per Id , lOc ; calomel , per
Ib , 7Sc ; ehlnchoniilla , pero/,40cchloroinrm ; ,
per Ib , 50u ; Dover's nowilers , jier Ib , $1.25 ;
upsom salts , perlb , 3Kcjglycerine , , pine , per
Ib , 30c ; lead , acetate , perlb , 21c ; oil. castor.
No. 1 , per gal. Sl. . " > 0 ; oil , castor. No. 2 , per
gal , S1.40c ; oil , olive , per sal , Sl.50 ; oil , oiie-
aiirnun. 5c ( ) ; opium , S l.fiO ; quinine , P. it W.
and It. ifcS. , per : 07 , 70fl ; potossium , iodide ,
per Ib , 5f3.50c ; salicln , per 07 , 40c ; sulphate
morphine , per 07 , S3'25 ; sulphur , per Ib , 4c ;
strvchnine , per o81.20. .
PAINTS IN On-Whlto Und , Omaha , P. P. ,
OJ c ; white lead , St. LVmls , pine , 7c ; Mnr-
sjilles , green , 1 Ib cans , 2o : French ,
green seal , 12c ; French1 zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zinc , In varnish asst. , 20c ; French
7.lnz , 75c ; verinillioii , English , In oil , 75c ;
red. lOc : rose pink , 14ctVenotlan ; red. Cook-
son's , 2J-ic : Venetian'red. American , lj < c ;
red lead , 7Wc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c :
chrome yellow , K , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ;
ochre , French , 2Vc ; ochre , American , IJ c ;
Winter's mineral , 2' < ; c ; Lcnlgh brown , 2ic ;
Spanish brown , 2 } c ; Prince's mineral , : tc.
Si'iniT.s Colocno spirits , 188 proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof. 81.13 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof. 81.10 ; do l&S proof , S1.09. Alcohol ,
IhS proof , § 2.10 ner wine gallon. Red dis
tilled whiskies , Sl.0n@1.50. ( iin. blended ,
S1.59@2.00 ; Kentucky Tiourbons , 82.00@000 ,
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.0D ®
0.50 ; r.olden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
81.50@3.00. Brandies , Imported , S5.COM8.50 ;
domestic , S1.30@3.00. ( iins , imported , S4.50 ®
0.00 ; domestic , Sl.iTO.SOO. Champa nes , im
ported , per cnso , S28.00@3S.OO ; American ,
rod casp. SIO.OOWVHH ) .
HIDES Orcen butchers. 5J @Oc ; green
cured. 7c : dry flint , HCJl2c5 drv salt , 10c ;
reen calf skins , Sc ; damaged I ides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease
Prime white. He ; yellow , 2c ; brown , l e.
Sheep Pelts. 25O75C. j1
HEAVT HARDWARE iron , rate 83.70 ;
awed dry , 8l.t,0 , ; tongues , each. SOc : axels ,
each. 75c : siuare nuts , per Ib. Ola71o ( : cell
cnain , per Ib. 04 } < ai3c ; rnalleable.saiOc ; iron
wedces , 6c ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth , 4Yc ,
spring steel , 7@9c ; Burden's horseshoes ,
$4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. $5.75. Barbed
wire. In car lots , ? 4.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , 10 to 50. S'V.'u ' : steel nails. 82. 5.
Shot,81.33 ; buckshot , 81.00 ; Hazard powder ,
kegs , 85.00 ; do. half kegs , S3.75 ; do. quarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , 53.10 ; fuse , per 10
feet. CSc. Lead bar. 813
( Jpoccr'g List.
PICKKI.S Medium , in bbls , 87.00 ; do In
half Dbls , 84 00 ; small , in bbls , S8.CO ; do , In
half bbls , 84.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , 80.OJ ; do ,
In half bbls , 85.00.
SUOAH Granulated,6Xf36Xe ; conf. A,6r ( $
; white extra C , 5J < ( 5fc ; extra C. 5 } $ < a
; yellow C. cjflc e ; cut loaf , % @ % ;
powdered , CK@fc.
CIKFIK : Ordinary grades , 1920c ; fair ,
2Kfl c ; prime. 22@13 ; choice , ! U < 34 ; fancy
green and yellow , 20@21c ; old uovernment
Java , 23(3'toc ( ; interior Java , lK ! 2c ! ; Mocha ,
23@24c ; Arbuckle's , roasted 27c ; Mc-
LaiiL-hlln's XXXX , 27 0 ; Dllworth's , 27c ;
Red Cross. 27 } < c.
Th only road to take for DCS Molnes Har-
thalltowa , Cedar JlaplcJi.xriltOn , Dlzom , Chlca-
to , Milwaukee and all points pant. To tbe peo-
pis of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoralna" . Utah.
Idaho , Neraxla , Oreiron , Washlnirton nnd Cali
fornia , tt offara superior advantages not possi
ble by any other line , i
Among few of the numerous ; point * nf su
periority enjoyed by the patrons of tbli rood
between Omana and Chlcajro , are 111 two train )
a day of DAY COACHE9 , which are th * finest
that human an and Ingenuity can create. Itl
PALACKBLKIPINOCAItS.whlati are model ]
of comfort and elegance. Ha PA HLO H I ) HAW.
I NO KOOM CARS , unsurpassed by any , and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DIN1MJ OAHS
the equal of which cannot be found eltowhem
At Council Bluff * th * trains of thoUnlon Pacific
liy. connect In Union Depot with Ihos * of thu
Chicago * Northwestern lly. In Chicago th
trains of tkls line make close connection wltb
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Niagara/alls , Buffalo. Pittsburgh/Toronto ,
Montreal. Botton , Mew Vorc. Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington and * J > points IB thi
east , ask for a ckt via thn
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
agent * * * U tickets via this line.
QML ManswOT , nenL PS'r Agent
" 80' "
W. M. BABOOO * ' "V . B9LL.S ,
Wra Agent. City PaMTr Agnt.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Ten Ilnllroaus , nnd mora arc coming. ISO
Trains Dally.
Stntc unlvcrsltr. Wcslojnn Unlvcrilty , State
Mo t of Iho nnclnp" I.ot < hive doitblotl In price In
thotnutU inoiitlu.crol.imt. . wltliln'J lullci
of the cltjr.lnrrencil orcr two
liunilrnl percent.
Lincoln l the Krpiti > t Knllmut Ontor of ll nee
In Uin wurlil. llrlrk lilork < piy ; 8 toJIporrrnt. Vnount
oUhavcTVonccil lUJ per cent per annum on lint
' , n srf'al iU trllintlnir point. Some whale-
r.iloilonlrr < li.ivo mule iirliH-clT Mrtiino. .
Hnlliline'ifH'nB n ilnull illrei'tloii' . Ilii'lne" aon-
orally nonet , Jf * . retail inoich.inls , mechuiilri ,
etc. , tc
A. J. .
Itooni .11 , Itioliardo IlUtfk ,
eal Estate Agents & Loan Brokers
HBTO for snlo Iirlck block ) , biifiiic ? lot . all kinds of
roil ejtnte. 1 , Z , 5 , 10 2J , n ) , 0 , V-M anil OU acre tracts
larmi and elicap lanil .
HKF IKINCIS : : ! First unit Lincoln Natl
nH k , ( ; overnor Tlmyer , JuiU'O Coljb , Hc7. 1) r
Crclittilun. Ma colci Sonito1S. . -M. Culloni , 11
and ( lenoral Don. II irrlion , liullann
The Best Route from Omaha and
Council Blurt's to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil H hills
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids ,
Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Ditbiiquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Htloit , Winona , La Crosst ,
And at ! other Important points Bast , Northcnit
nnd Southeast.
ForthrouRh tickets call on the Ticket Agent
At 1401 Farnam street , ( In Fazton hotel ) , or at
Union I'aolio Dopot.
I'nilmrin Sleepers and the flnast Dining Cars
! the world are run on tbe mainlines of tha
nnd every attention Is paid to paMeagcr * by
coui-t ou employes nf the company.
It. Mttt.EB , Qenenil Mamwrer.
J , F. TaoKCit , Asslftnnt QenertJ Mansrer.
A. V. H. CARVENTUII , GenereJ PaMemger and
TiPkot Agent.
Gno ; ; . Hr.AFTonn , Assistant Qcoeral
sender nnd Ticket AKOIII.
Arrive Leave
Omaha Omaha
Depot 101U and Pierce sts.
1'acltio Expicss 7fiOnm : 8:20 : pm
Denver Express 5:20 : pm 10:5.5 : am
Local Express lliOOiun , 5:05 : pm
Except Sunday.
13. & M. K. II. H.
Depot lotli and I'aciUo'sts. '
MallandExprosa fi:45pm : 10:00 : am
Nluht Express 10:00 : niu , 7:45 : pm
O. H. & Q. K. U.
Depot 10th and I'liolliost' ) .
Mall and Express 0:20 : am 0:00 : pm
Chicago Express b:40 : am
K. C. St. J. < fc C. H.
Depot 10th and Pacllic st
Mall 7:0ripm : 8:10 : am
Express 7:00aui : 8:50 : pm
C. St. P. M. A O.
Depot 15tli and Webster st.
Sioux City Express " 4:45 : pin 8:15 : am
Bancroft Express 10:40 : am * 4:45 : pm
Jilalr Passenger 7:40 : pin. 5:35 : pm
Except Sunday
Depot 15th and Webster at
Day Express 6.a-amil:10 : am
Night Express 5:3U : ptu 0:10 : pin
Lincoln Express 11:10 : am 0:10 : pm
Kunninc between Council Bluffs and South
Omaha. In addition to the stations mentioned -
tionod , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-
fourth streets , and at Summit , In Omaha.
liroad- TransOmaha. . Sheel'ys Stock
way. fer. Yards.
6:15 : 0:27 : 6:35 :
6:40 : C:47 : 7:05 : 7:17 : 7:25 :
7:40 : 7:47 : 8:05 : 8:17 : 8:25 :
8:40 : 8:47 : 0or : U:17 : 0:25 :
0:40 : 0:47 10:05 : 10:17 : 10:2,5 :
10:40 : 10:47 : 11:05 : 11:17 : 11:25 :
11:40 : 11:47 : 13:05 : 12:17 : 12:25 :
l'J:40 : 12:47 : 1:05 : 1:17 : 1:8.1 :
1:40 : 1:47 : B:05 : 3:17 : 8:25 :
8:40 : 8:47 : S:05 : 3:17 :
3:40 : 3:47 : 4:05 : 4:17 : 4:25 :
4:50 : 4.ri7 : 5:15 : 6:23 : 5i2 :
5:45 : 5:52 : G:15 : 6:23 : OKJ : :
6J7 : : 7:00 : 7:11 : 7:18 :
7:32 : 10:06 : 10:12 : 10:20 :
9:08 : 0:15 :
10 A5 10ii : ! 11:20 : 11:32 : 11:40 :
1U45 11:53 : 13:05 :
. , i heave Arn v
CONNECT1MQ LINES Transfer Transf
| depot | depot
C. K. I. & P. : 7:15am : f : i5ain
AH Trains run Uaily. 9:15 : a m 5:25 : p m
6:40pin : 7:00pm :
C. A N. W.
. . . . . 915am ; 9l5a : m
AH trains run dally. ]
640 ; p m 7:00 : p in
C. D. & Q.
AH trains run dally. . . . ] 9:35am : 9:15a : m
0:35p : m 7:00p : in
C. M. & St. I' .
All trails run dally. . . . . J 0:15am : 9:15ara :
0:40p : m 7:00pm :
K. C. St .1. & 0.
Except Saturday. 1000 ill 10:35 : am
tKxcopt Monday , 5:30 : pm
W. St. I , . 4 P.
AH trains run daily 215pm ; 12:15 : pm
AUtrJnsrunVflr. . 7:05 : a m : am
6:35 : p m bfiOpm ;
Ofnafia Joiiars' Directory
Agricultural Impltmtntt.
"vlluTtCiYlLL 1A KKEX ,
Wbot * ! lK' k r In
Agricultural Iniplcnicntii , AVa ons ,
C rl ftrj ud llniili < > . Jones itrcot , txtnveu Mb
nil ICtb.Oiimha , N t > ,
A ricultnrnl Implements ,
\VngontC rriiuo . llugulf s. Itte. . Whol lp , Om h .
Wholcialo Dealers In
Agricultural Implements ,
tVmton an < r niif | > lc . jPI.HM.Mi anil 107 , Jonei it
Artists' MaterTaT.
A. 1WSPE , Jit. ,
Artists' Jtnterinls , Pianos and Orpnns ,
UI3 liovislnd f > lrectOm h .
Builders' Hardntart and Scales.
Mech ulCi'Toul ml IlulTalo Sf lo . 1106 Dougliti IU ,
. oimlift. Nfb.
Boots and Shoes ,
" '
llanufacturtri mil Wboleinlo Doalon In
Hoots nnd Shoos ,
Compli'to ftock of Rubber OmuU clwayi on hind
tcv S. Utli t.Umnlii , Ni'h. A. T. Auitln ,
C co.
Jobliera of Jiools nnd Shoes.
lilt K niMU it. , Ouiahit , Neb. Manufactory , Snmmot
itrf tlli ton.
Z. T.
\Vliolosnlo Rubber Hooti and Shoes
Kuliliur niul OIU' < 1 ClmlilMK "IU1 Felt lluoll
Hud bhoo , SoutUeaat Corner UtU und
At. { for Anlieuser-Uush Brewing Ass'n
filicclal llramU. r u t , Hudwelier and Krlanirer.
linger Beo.r Growers ,
1M1 North Iflh Street , Omaha , Neb.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Jausago CmlDR ) ot all klndi lw jiln itock. 1115
Jone. ft.oiuaha
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
CO. ,
Omaha Corrvo and Spice Milln.
, _ .OorToo < , Spleen. Il klni ! rowder. nnvorlnc _
trcti , Laundry Illue , ink , Ric. 1IU-1C llnrrer
John Epencter , Prop.
Manufacturer of nalvanltod Iron and Cornice.
Dodge and 103 and lOi N , 10th it. . ( ) mah . Neb.
Manufacturer ! of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer WlndoHi , Kinal .Met llc6kjrllnht , tc. 310B.
Ut'i it. , Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
OalTanlted Iron Cornlcoa , etc. Bni ct'nlmproTCd Pat
ent Motallo Skrllgbl. M8 and MO H. I'-'lli at.malia.
CO. ,
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleum * , Mnttlnga , Kip. Ull Doiiglai itrect.
Wholesalo'carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Matllnf i , Curtain Ooodi , Elo. 1U3 Xarnara btreet ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
w. L. WRioirr ,
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lampi , Chlnineyi , etc. Office , 117 South llth it.
Omiba , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Bntter , Ecus and Produce. Consignment ! solicited.
ileadquarteri for titonewaru , Horrjr Bozoi and
Urape llaiketi. Ull Uodgeitreot , Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Sueclaltlei Butter. K ir * . Chceso , Po Hry , Oame ,
Oysfrs , etc. , etc. 1128. lllh St.
Commission Merchants.
Frulti , Produce and lroTliloni , Omaha. Neb.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , llutter , Uanio , Kiulti , etc. 230 B. mhlt.
Omaha , Neb ,
Coal ana" Lime.
QIo. r.LAiiAiin , I'rei. C. F. SOODMAN , V. Prei.
J. A. KONDEUI.AKD , Bee. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
303 South Thirteenth Btreet , Omaha , Neb.
, T. . / . , / /O//XSOAr : CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Phlpperi of Coal and Coke. Cement , Plaster ,
Urae. H lr. Flro Brick , Drain , Tile anil Hewer Pipe.
Office. Paxton Tfotot. rarnam it. , Omaha , Ntib.
Telephone Ml.
Mannfactnrlnjf Confectioners ,
Jobber > of FruUi.Nnti and Clf ait , Ull Farnam Bt.
Cigart and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Ouni and Ammnnlllon , Hi to 123 B. lltbit. , 1CBO to
11)24 ) Farnam it. , Omiha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. IM
and 110 N. Ula strict , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH d5 CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1102 and 1104 Douglai , cor. 11th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Rplrlti. Importer !
anil Jotiberiof WlneiaoJ l.lijnari.
CO. and ILER < CO. ,
Importers and Jobber ! of Fine Wlnei and Liquors.
bolemanufiietureriof Kenned , ' ! Bait India lilt-
ten anil Uomeitlo I.lquori. Ill ] llarney HI.
Wholesale Dcalei a in Furniture.
Farnam ft. . Omab * . Neb.
Furniture , HotUliiiK , Upholstery ,
Mlnori , etc 1206,1208 and 1210 Farnam it. , Omaha.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Noe. TU.TOT , 1W ana 711 H. 10th Ht , Omaha , Neb.
McCOltD , UMADY ft ) CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
l.'ln and Learennortb n.Ora lui.
B CO. ,
Jobliern of Hardware and NallH ,
Tinware , Hheet Iron , Ktc. Agenti for Howe .Sculei ,
ami Miami FuwJerru.OmahaNib.
w. j. B'ROATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Waion Stock , Uardwaro Lumber , etc. 1299
and Ull llarue/ . , Onmtia.
Wholesale Iron and Ktcel ,
Wacon and Carrlaie Wood Block , Heary Hardware ,
Etc. UlTaiiU Wi Lcavenwurtbit. , Ou > aba , Neb ,
Omalia Jotters' Directory.
Stoves , Ranfires , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlci.U rates , llratinoods. lai aud 1313 Farnui
Btrwt ,
iron Works.
Jr c riE
Iron Works ,
Wroiifht and Taut Iron nulKIInu Work , Iron "Inlrs ,
llalllnit. llenuis and ( llnlert , steam Knulncs , llram
\Turk , utnpral ITounilrT , Machine ami lllnrkKnilttj
\fork. UBlce an 1 Works. H. I' . Uy.and Kill meet.
II. K.SAU'YKlt ,
Mann rapturinprDonliT in Smoke Stacks ,
lltltchlivTnnk , nil ( Icnc'nl llnllor Itoiinlrlnir ,
I.Ui Hiiniilaotri'ot.Oiii.iliii
K. II. MrMANim. r SDt.J.tVAMT"
Hiinufiicturcn of
Ire and Iron Knllini's , Desk Rallfl ,
Window ( luard * . flower Staniin , Wire Slum , Hlo
IS.1N. UHh. Order , hr mall nnmiptlr atlcndodl * .
Dealc' . . All Klmliof
nuildtnir Material at Wliolesnlo.
tli Street and TJnlon Pueino Track. Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
DOOM , Lie. Vanli-Cornrr'th and Douitlai ! Conier
Vth and Douzlai.
Wholesale Lumber ,
81 1 S. llth itreet , Oiuaha , NebF. Colpctier , Mannpor.
13th and California Street * , Omaha , Neb.
JltEDW. Git AY ,
L umber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto.
Cor.Ctb and nouglai its. , Omaha. Nu ) .
To'Dcnlers Only.
Otnee , 1403 Farnaru street , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpeti and Parquet Flooring. 6th and Dooglal
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American Portland Cement RtatC
Agent for Milwaukee Hydraulic Cement and Beit
Wulucy WhlteLltnc.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Bord , BuperlntccdOat.
Live Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Oeo. llurke , Manager
Union Btoet Yards , B. Omaha. Telephone M2.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
iblpments of anr and all klmls of Stock solicited *
Union Stock Varda. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers ntid Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions , s
1215 and 1216 Hnrncj fH.cet , Omnha , Neb.
f. T. "JiOBiNSOXr'OTIOJf - CO. ,
Wholeialo Dealori In
Notions nnd Furnishing Goods ,
403 and 403 B. Tenth St. , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls , '
( an ! Panti , Shirts , Etc. 1102 and 1101 Douilas Street.
Omaba , Neb.
Paper Boxes
,7. L. WILKIE ,
Manufacturer of Taper Boxes ,
B.HthSl. , uaitaa , Nakraska. Orders br mallii
ll lt ana wlllraotlTlnroaipt attention.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
'urry a nice stock of Printing , Wrapping nnd Writ *
1 7 paper , Hpcrlul uttcntlon itlven to car load or
era. which will bo ililpped illrnct from mllla. All
rdcrs will iceclTO pcrsonnl at'entlon. Woifiiar-
untee gooil goods anil low prleoi. Ull und 11119
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers ,
And Uook Hinders. lOi nnd 108 fiuuth Fourtoanth
itreet. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary PiibliHlinrs.
Dealers In Typo , Preises and Printer * ' Hupplles. (09
South Twelfth Street.
Pumps ,
Manufacturera nnd Dcftlcru In.
iifirincs , Koilcrs & ( icncrnl Mncliinery
Sheet Iron work , Htc/im I'umpr. Saw Mills , Acin *
bhaftlnti , Dodge Wood npllt Pulloja , Ueltlnic , ( ,
Aliowaioni , icraptn.and&aletlei. Ull-Uuliea >
TenwortnsU Oniaba
Wholesale Pumps , ripe , Fittings , 3ij
Btcarn and Wiler _ 8uppll i. Headquarter * fur MaH "H
KooitCo'i Uoo < ll. 1111 faruam it. , Oman * . Neti.
DalladaTWInd Illlis : nteam and Water SnppllM ,
flumblnc Uoods. Heltlni , lloie. Kl and WU Far
nam st. , Omaha. H. K. Felton , Maaa er.
Telephone Nu. 210.
Pumps , PipcH ami f'nprincs.
team , Water. Ittllwar and Milling Hnpullcs. EM
WO , m ana 4 Farnam St. , Uoiaha. Neh. .
Safes , Etc.
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock CO.B'
rtre and llurslar Proof Safes , Time Locks , Vault *
_ and Jail \York. V l t'arnam street Omaha , Neb. _
C ? . ANDREEN , *
Omaha Safe Works.
tlanufaetnreriof Dre and BoreltrProof8af s , Vault
Doors , Jull Wiirk.Hhuticrs nnd Wlro Work. Cor.
lliu and JackaonUts. , Omaha , Nab ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROW .15 CO. ,
Wboleiale Manufacturer ! of
Sash , Doors , Uliiuls and Monldlnjrs ,
llrnneb oMce , UlU and liard its. , Ocsb : , N-b.
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'jiKS.Stalr ' Work and Interior Ilurd Wood rinlskj
Just uueued. N. B. cor. 8th and
Omaba , Neb.
r.y Dr. 8nedlker'i method. No operation ! No Pilnj
Kn licti-ntlnn from tuilnuii. AitauteJ to children
as well as itrown people. Hundred ! uf autoiMpa
, | injiiUI < n i Hl Ml n in MM i.'iu./o > 1 1 li
i-itor. \ . i . COOK ,
Room (1 ( , 1.11-1 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb.
S'J'ATK AGENTS Hll Till' .
Decker Brothers