Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    f H
Mnrvln lluchltt Elected President of
tlio Hond.
CHICAGO , Juno 2. The annual mcctltiR ot
the Chicago & Northwestern railroad was
hold hero to-day. The following olilcers
were elected ! Albert Keep , chairman ot the
board of directors ; Marvin Ilii-'hltt , presi
dent ; M.L. Sykes , vice-president , treasurer
nnd secretary. Directors and odlccrs for the
various branches wore elected , Mr.
Ilughltt belm ; chosen president of all the
lines. The report of earnings , etc. . for the
fiscal year etidlnz May HI , was submitted as
follows : dross earnings , i'jo.nvj.uv.i ; operat-
1m ? and other expen.-es , S'JO,2TiW : ) ; : net ,
80,083,001 : dividends for the year , Including
1J per cent on preferred and 3 per cunt on
common stock , S.'U44r > oi ; surplus , S2KJO.a'J7 ,
The election of Mr. lluuhltt to succeed the
rotlrlnn president , Keep , was not unexpected ,
and Is not believed to herald any change in
the policy of the road.
Shorinnn'H Boom.
CiiioAtio , .Iuno2. Senator John Sherman
airlved from Spring-Held this morning. The
senator was feullnjj very well and expressed
himself as well pleased with the reception
tendered him at the Illinois capital. Sen
ator Sherman hold a brilliant reception In
the parlors of the Gland Pacllic hotel to-
nlirht. About 4,000 persons were present
durlmr the evening who wished an oppor
tunity to meet Senator Sherman personally.
For each ho hnd a pleasant word and hand-
Rlinkc. .Man v prominent people were In at
tendance. When the .senator withdrew from
the crowd ho was pursued to his room by a
small auny of ncwspat'or ' mm. Ho said ho
was going straight to his home in Alatislicld ,
there to retire to private life.
Omnhn Freight Itatci Klxcd.
CHICAGO , Juno 2. At a meeting of the
llnrs members of the western section of thu
Western and Northwestern railway freluht
bureau to-day It was decided to continue In
effect the 2T c rate on pncklng house product
between Council liluirs and Omaha and
Chicago ; also tho20c late on east Iron water
pipe between the saino points. Action was
i : taken to establish a late of 2'Mc nor 100
IE- pounds upon wrought Iron pipe , car loads ,
1 nnd to provide a rate on empty boxes ,
Chicago to Omaha , ot "Oc ucr 100 pounds ,
minimum weight 2,090 pounds i > cr car.
Action was taken regarding tlio rate on hard
coal and the rate uns established nt S.'t.W per
net ton from Chicago to Council Dlullg and
Will Ask mi Advnnco.
PiTTsmrno. Juno 2. The officials of the
Amalgamated association of iron and .steel
workers are busy picparlng for the annual
convention and wage conference next week.
The workmen have decided to asktfor an ad
vance In wages of 10 per cent , 60 cents per
ton of an Increase over the present wages.
The manufacturers claim that the condition
of trade docs not warrant an increase In the
scale , while the workmen hold that tlio good
times of last year and tlio prospects for the
luttiro iully justify an advance.
A Uronk in tlio Dykes.
VIKK.VA , Juno 2. The breaking of the
dyke of the Thelss river has resulted In the
submerging of litty miles of Altold plain ,
near S/cgdln. It Is estimated that thu damage -
ago will reach 1,000,000. Thousands of ani
mals are crowded Into a small space and people
ple arc leaving their homes in boats. The
Itor/.anu canal. In south Hungary , has over
flowed its lianlis lo nil enonnoiis extent. In
llanat there are 300,000 acres Inundated.
A Ijlviily Church Festival.
LITTM : UOOK , Ark. , Juno 2. A dispatch
from Conw.iv , Ark. , savs : During a festival
at a church In Harvey township , Dan and
Albert Mabey quarreled with Tom Mlddlcton ,
a rival of Dan's In a love affair. Tlio brothers
called Mlddletou out of the church and at
tacked him with a knllo. Olheis joined in
the affray and several shots were fired. Dan
Maboy was fatallv shot and Middleton will
not live. Albert Maboy Is believed to be ser
iously injured but cannot bo fouud.
Fx-VIco President Wheeler Dyinn.
AI.IIAJ.-Y , N. Y. , Juno 3. A special to the
Journal Irom Malone , N. Y. , says cx-VIco
President William A. Wheeler Is dying. Ho
Is unconscious and while he may live sev
eral days , his death at any moment would
not bo unexpi-cted.
TnoY. H. Y. , Juno 3. A dispatch from
Malone says there Is no change In the con
dition of ex-VIco President Wheeler , 'iho
physicians say death may occur at any mo
ment and yet ho may live several days.
A Ijynchlnc Prevented.
HKADINO , Pa. , Juno 2. During last night
A crowd of determined men loft Annvillo for
Lebanon , to lynch William Showers. They
were Joined by 150 men from Lebanon , and
marched through the sheets for the purpose
of storming the jail , but wore finally In
duced to disperse. Showers insists now that
the children wore- murdered by a man
Known as "Cowboy" Hoffnaglo. who was
married to Showers' daughter. HoiTnaglo is
at large , but may bo nrrosted.
Illinois Plouro-Pnouinniiln.
SfiiiNOFiKLT ) , June 2. A committee of
stockmen representing the loading cattle
growers of tbo state presented resolutions to
the governor to-day stating that pleuro-pneu-
monla exists in the state onlv In circum-
rcrtbed districts of Chicago , The governor
Is requested to have other states , which have
quarantined airainut Illinois , modify their
regulations. The governor agreed lo comply
With the request.
Plonro-Pneitrnonla in Nn\r York.
NEW Yonu- , Juno 2. The dairy commis
sioners visited the dairy farm of Edward
Brady , In We.stchestor county , and found his
herd suffering from plcnro-pneuuionla. They
made 'nn appraisal of the animals and
awarded Brady 812,000 for 200 head. The
cows were all killed and their carcasses
burned. The barns and stables where the
animals were housed have been ordered
burned. , _
, AVenthor Indications.
For Nebraska : Local rains followed by
fair weather , lower temperature , northwest
crlv winds.
For Iowa : , Southerly winds becoming
variable"fair weather , slight changes In torn
For Kastern Dakota : Local rains , sllcht
changes In temperature , winds becoming
noith > ve"sterly.
Itooinlng lion Butler.
BOSTON , Juno 2. A Butler club was
formed hero to-day. General Butler was
sent for. and In a brief speech thanked-lts
members for their expression of good will ,
nnd said ho was with them socially. Ho
could not see any political field for them.
i > lift had no Intention , ho said , of entering
politics ngaln , unless an emergency should
demand It.
Gladstone Kntlm ltistlcnlly Rooolvod.
LONDON , Juno 3. Gladstone- arrived at
Swansea this evening. He was cnthusias
tlcslly welcomed at all places at which the
train stopped en route. Mr. Gladstone made
Blx minute speeches In reply to addresses ,
> 'after which ho excused himself as his voice
was fatigued.
FatM Ilntlrond Collision.
BtiiMiNOHAM , Ala. , Juno 2.-Two freight
trains collided this morning on the Louis
ville & Nashville. The engineer ami fireman
were killed outright , as was also a negro
tramp , whllo another tramp was fatally In-
Fourteen MUII Massacred.
ST. PKTEUSIIUIIO , Juno 'A A Were dis
patch says the Afghans murdered fourteen
Bokharan oltlcltUs at Kerkl , because they re
fused to Incite the Inhabitants to resist the
Itusslan advance.
A Colored Choke.
JACKSON , Hiss. , Juno 2. WIIIara ! Stecle ,
i colored , was hanged to-day for the murder ol
" Nelson Potter , colored , last August. The
* murder was committed for robbery.
The Emperor Welcomed.
- BEUU.V , Juno 3 , Kmperor William , no-
f eompanled by Prluoo William and Prince
> Leopold , arrived at Kiel to-day and was wel
; coined with greatest enthusiasm.
' 7j II us I noun Fall urn.
NEW Yonic , June 2. Gustavo Herzo ? ,
'i' ' KUWWVML" fS"nd < ASSeU' 5WlDU ° :
Second Day Session of the Lutheran Gen
eral Synod.
Eloquent Sermon Ily I/ . Rhodes
Itoport on Foreign Mission
imat Night's IntnrcstlnK
The Lutheran Synod.
The session opened : it 9 o'clock yester
day mormnir with the singing of a hymn
and a prayer by Hcv. M. Valentino , D.
D. , senior professor in the theological
seminary nt Gettysburg , I'a.
After the roll call and the reading of
the minutes , the synod proceeded to the
election of oflicurs. Prof. E. S. Hrcidon-
baugh , Mr. G. NV. Lclsenring and Mr. J.
A. Spiolmuii were appointed as tellers
and the ballot was tnkun according to
the custom of this synod , without nom
inations. Uuforu the committee was
ready to report , the hour for the delivery
of the president's sermon arrived and thu
business was suspended for this purpose.
The liturgical service was conducted
by Kev. 11. L. Itaughcs , I ) . D. , of Gettys
burg , I'n , , a former pastor of the Lu
theran church in this city. In this he
was assisted by Huv. T. C.'Uollhcimcr , D.
1) . . of Heading , Pa.
Dr. Kliodus thi'n jrcachcd an eloquent
sermon of which the following is an1
outline :
Tilt. HIIODr.S' Sl'.ltMON.
The doctor preached upon the subject of
the Holy Spirit the souico ot the church's
power , taking tlie following text : Xachailah
iv 0 , "Not by niUht nor by power , but by
my spirit , salth the Lord of hosts. "
Onn of tht ) most surest I vo of the prophe
cies , as they pertain to the kingdom n ( our
Lord , is tint of Xaclmrlnh.- consists oi'a
serins ot visions , adapted to the anxious
mind of tni' prophet , and to the disconsolate
temper of HID people. The truth Is now
brought to their notice with n now emphasis ,
and after their symbolic method , which was
especially agreeable to the Jewish mind.
In the present chapter wo have the vision ot
the candlestick. Associated with the wor
ship ot Lioth the tabcinaclo and the temple
we can easily see how It would at once stir
in the prophet anil in the people hallowed
iimmurles , and Impart to both now energy
and hope.
Without attempting to clve any Interpreta
tion of this Vision In detail , wo notice that
It was meant at ouco to lobnko and onrour-
agu ; to attire them that as .Joshua had been
luinstated as the rullidoushcadof the nation ,
to /erilbbabul their divinely rvcognUeu
civil leader , and tliat notwithstanding his
hesitancy and weakness , the temple should
bu built by his hands. The power was'to beef
of Cioil , lint of man , therefore the woik wns
not to fnll because Zcrubbabol did not prove
to hi1 a very worthy successor of David.
The prophet Is reminded that the sureever
adequate , ami supreme source of the church's
power Is not in the human Instrument , but
in the llolv Spirit , that divine personal
personal piespiu-q who works In men , over
coming all hindrance , and so glorltvlng
human weakness that it becomes tlio sublime
mastery of power.
The lesson lor us , In tills Instinctive vision
Is not difficult to hud. There is ; a singular
Illness In my text , not onlv on account of
the event to which wo have come , but , its
well , In view of the time In which wo are
living , and of much thatsecuis dominant In
the church. The whole church , not except
ing the ministry , has become more or less in
fected with the dominant material spirit of
the timo. 'iliere Is need that > ho ttiouulitand
faith of the chinch bo lifted tin Irom the ma
terial to the supieme source of power.
Lot us notice lirst these forces which op
pose from without. The present time Is
charactered by hostility as well as Indiffer
ence. Thu attack is as often subtle ana
noiseless as It Is loud and open. It comes
troni lilyh places M well as from low , and
carries with It tho'dignity of culture and so
cial rank.
In such a dense atmosphere of unbelief , so
tolerant , so agreeable to the llcsh , the tend
ency to Infection Is .strongand wo have need
to take heed , for often when ltdoos not affect
intellectual assent. It quenches the Inward
Should not the church ask why Is this pos
sible ? Hold up tbo great promises of God ,
and Interpret tills opposition correctly and
what does it moan but a church strong
enough in visible might and power , but
sadly weak'In the supreme source ot strength.
Her resources of strength nro Infinite , but
she does not rlso up to ( 'lrd herself with
them. It would scorn that wo have been
taken In the snaio and deceived by the glare
of that visible greatness and might which
mark the age.
In addition to the opposition of which I
have spoken , there conies to us fiom the
siuio quarter , at once a responsibility and an
opportunity , which as yet the church has
hardly commenced to master. It Is the ques
tion 01 the multitudes. To say that we nave
no responsiblllty'boyond the children of our
fathers and our faith. Is narrow If not
wicked. The attitude of the multitudes is
not so much one of hostility as of indiffer
Our orders and forms to which so much
time and ellort have been given , anpeal to
the outward sense of men , It they over get
In sight ot them : but our faith ana self-de
nial , our practical , sympathy and holiness ,
appeal to the hearts of men , whether they
ever come in sight of our forms or not. It Is
not something external , but Christ In us that
will arrest the notice and break the heart of
the millions unto contrition before the cross.
It can novftr be done by the might and power
of mere machinery. For the good word
method , I would supply another , imean the
word consecration. Whether wo bo ministers -
tors or members of the church this excel
lence Is at once'the evidence ot the Spirits'
presence , and the Illustration of Ills power.
But , alas ! It Is not so much the opposition
Irom without as the hindrances within that
retard the progress ot our Xlou. We need
ourselves to awake and arise , to wait on the
Holy Sphit , to strike the til in from our eyes ,
toascond the high hills whom the air is clear
and bravintr. and'to'ononour souls to the do-
scondiuz Ilklit. Wo.need it that wo
may learn'jto" look upon men more
after the " Spirit , and less
alter thu llcsh. It I could 1 would send
every minister In. the general synod to his
closet to plead for the Holy Spirit , that the
wasted lamps oil bur watch-towers might bo
suddenly replenished aud that Xlon might
arise and shine.
It Is with dlfridenco and grief I como to
speak of the second and greatest hindrance
within our church. I refer to our divisions.
The palntul fact wrt must lace , and as It Is
without the least warrant In holy scripture ,
und Is productive of untold ovll wo are
solemnly bound to labor and pray for its re
moval. If , as the apostle says , we are made
a spectacle to the angels , what a spactaclo wo
must bo in our unseemly separation and an
tagonism. Alas I that Imnds that should
bo clasped In Christian love , and in united
endeavor for the honor of God , .should rather
bo employed in weaving a crown of thorns
nbout the brow of Christ. Blessed bo God ,
good men everywhere are crowing weary of
the separation , and selfish Isolation ot those
who claim to represent the body of Christ.
There are'growing signs of unity amongst
us. It must be so it the blessed .spirit bo with
us. for lie Is a spirit of unity. We should hall
with joy every sign of the church's greater
oneness , the more when It breaks upon tlio
confusion and distraction of our beloved
Lutheran Xlon.
Finally if the supreme remedy and source
ot strength are In the Holy Spirit , and not
In any might and power of ours , wo may
well llnicor a moment to speak ot the method
of securing Its presence. Until wo know
how to pray , until it Is a dear delight to us.
wo shall not know the spirit , nor bo endowed
with his power. If the church was mightier
In prayer , If her uplifted voice was for a
double portion of the spirit , what a delUht-
ful change would bo manifest. God would
come suddenly to His temple , and /Ion
would arlso and slilno. The church on her
knees , not In the battlo-liola of controversy ;
the church on her knees , not stooulng with
Infamous coquetry to mammon ; the church
on her knees , not bowing with sectarian pre
judice on Sundays , nor on week days to so
cial iespectabllltybut : on her knees pleading
for the presence and power of the Holy
Ghost Is at once the method and phophecy of
her triumph.
At the conclusion of the sermon the
synod adjourned until 3 o'clock in the
Synod opened at 2 o'clock with prayer
by lluv. Win. M. Baum , D. D. , of the St.
Matthews cliurch , Philadelphia.
The teller reported that WM BO
election for president or secretary , but
Ihat out of 10' ' ballots cast for treasurer
Mr. Alo.x. Gobhart received 155 and was
consequently elected. Another ballot
was taken for president nnd secretary.
The ballot for these olllccrs had been so
scattering that Dr. Rhodes announced
that it was impossible to elect all the
members of the synod to these two
The teller reported that Uov. S. A. Ort ,
I ) . D. , president of \ \
Springfield , O. , had received nlnoty-ilvo
out of 150 votes cast for president nnd
was therefore elected.
No ono having received a majority of
the votes for secretary another ballot
was taken which resulted in the election
of llov. W. S. Frees , of York , Pa. , by 109
out of 150 votc.3 cast.
The newly elected ofllccrs took their
places. As Dr. Ort , the president elect ,
was introduced to the synod by
the retiring ; president he saiu ,
1 thank you for the honor you have con
ferred upon mo by electing me to this
position. I will endeavor to discharge
the duties of the ofl'ieo faithfully. Wo
should give faithful attention to the
work wo arc doing. Tliu Lord's business
is the most important that wo can cngapo
in. Lot us ask you to transact the busi
ness in the fear of Hod.
On motion of Hev. 11. L. Bangher , D.
D. , Hev. W. 11. Rosonstengoi of Grand
Island , Nob. , was appointed German re
porter , and Kov. P. II. Hanson , of Den
ver , Swedish reporter of the proceedings.
This was called for by ono of the Gor
man delegates at the morning session ,
who thought that a German secretary
should bo appointed. The president ap
pointed Huv. William M. linuni , Jr. , of
Canajohurie , N. Y. , assistant secretary.
Thcophilus Smith , Ksq.of Philadelphia ,
reported for the hymn book publishing
committee that the total amount of roy
alties duo the general synod was $1C&.U3 !
and that the indebtedness of the synod
to the board was § 1.417.11 , leaving a bal
ance of $ . ! 05.81 duo the synod , llov. II.
Hangher , D. D. , in behalf of the commit
tee on publication of a Sunday school
hymn and tune book , reported ihat the
Augsburg songs had been published and
nearly 45,000 copies had already been
The special order for the day being
called for the twenty-fourth bien
nial report of the board of
foreign missions was read in a
clear and full voice bv thn secretary of
the board , llov. George Scholl , D. D. , of
The receipts during the past two years ,
ending March HI , 1887 , from all sources
for the general fund were $02 , IWUO , an
increase of $1,019.47 over tlio preceding
two years. The total receipts , together
with the balance carried over from the
previous report , made a woiking capital
for the board of § 03.711.23 The expend
itures aggregated $08,574.88 , leaving a
balance of * 5,10 ( > . ; )4. ) The board also
holds invested funds to the amount of
$ ! ) ,010.00. The treasurer has also received
cash contributions amounting to $5,43 ; ) 41
toward thu India college. But one leg
acy lias boon received during tlio past
two years , amounting to $1,000.00 , from
Mrs. Anna C. Hutu , of Chambcrsburg.
Pa. , and the American tract society had
also sent ? 100.00.
The receipts of the Children's Mission
ary society have dropped oil' ? 012,87 since
the last report. The contributions of the
schools amounted to $4,334.78. The form
of tbo Missionary Journal has been
changed into a twenty-page magazine ,
and thu circulation has. increased to 14,000
reirular subscribers.
The United Synod in tbo south has cooperated
erated withtho board during the past two
years contributing toward the support in
India of llov. William P. Swartz , and for
other objects , the sum of $3,541.48.
The Woman's Homo and Foreign Mis
sionary society now embraces 425 auxil
iary societies , organized into twenty
Hynodical societies , having a membership
of 11,12 ! ) , and their receipts for all objects
are $23,078.32. Of this amount they have
turned over to the boaid $7,001.28. The
society is now supporting in India , Miss
Anna S. Kuglcr , M. D. , Miss Fauniu M.
Dryden and several native Zeuan work
ers and n number of girls schools.
After twelve years of faithful service
in mha , Rev. L. L. ( Jhl has returned to
this country for a period of rest , and is
now studying at the John Hopkins uni
versity in Baltimore , with the view of
preparing himself for oflicial work
among the high caste classes of India.
During his trip among the churches ho
has secured in cash and subscriptions the
sum of $15,459.18 toward tbo erection of
tlio India college building and the hos
The board has now employed llov.
George Scholl , D. D. , as socrptary , who
has resigned his charge and now devotes
all his tii'io to the work of the society.
In March last the young men in the con
gregations were asked to ruiso $3,000
toward building in India a mission house
to bo known as the .Nichols Memorial.
Already $1,000 has been contributed.
Hcv. E. M. Hublor is now" under appoint
ment as missionary to Africa , and will
likely sail early in the autumn. „ Eight
other young men have , sineo the
death of Rev. Nichols , offered
thesr services for the foreign field.
Kev. W. P. Swartz sailed for India
July 11 , 1885 , and Hev. and Mrs. John
Nichols sailed May 21,1885. Mr. Nichols
died of typhoid fever December 17 , " 1880.
Airs. Nichols has since returned to this
country , and Rev. W. P. Swart ? ! , with
the approval of the India conference ,
has also returned for a brief period.
The report of the India mission shows
that thcro are lit Guntoor. and the sta
tion connected with It , 4 , ordaincu mis
sionaries , ordained native pastprs 3
cvanirolists , 17 catcclilsts , , ,08 village
preachers , 81 prayer houses , 81 ( villages
containing native Christians. Thqru are
connected with thcso mission stations
0,530 baptized members , including chil
dren , 0,810 communicant members , with
a total of 10,011 under Christian instruc
tion. ( ,
During 1885-C the accessions to the
mission wore 2,500. Of thcso I741Yoro ;
by baptism , 200 from other missions , 157
backsliders reclaimed , 453 from other
villages. The losses for the same period
wore 1,051 , 220 by death , 45 by excommu
nication , 1547 uy backsliding , 423 by re
moval to other villages , 11 going'to other
At the close of 1830 there were 1,081
candidates for baptisni. The beneficence
of the native christiuns in cash , labor
and provisions amounted to $2,550.31.
. In the Luther mission college and its
branches there are 11 teachers with 410
students from whom have been collected
fees amounting to $1,804.75.
The results of two years work in
India shows that from 1883 to
1885 , wlilln the number of Luth
eran ministers in the general synod
increased less than 3 per cent , the evan
gelistic workers in India have increased
20 } per cont. During the same time the
membership of the homo church has in
creased less than 4 per cent while the
India church has increased 73 per cent.
The communicant membership of the
India misson is now equal to the com
bined membership of fifteen of the dis
trict synods connected with the general
The educational work is represented by
145 elementary schools , employing 147
native teachers with nn attendance of
2,178 pupils.
On the 23d of January , 1787 , .an event
of marked importance took place in the
setting apart to tlio gospel ministry the
converted Brahmin Prabala Hamachan-
dragga Grau , by the rite of liconsurc.
This opens to the mission a now evenuo
of usefulness in reaching the highest
caste people of India.
Concerning the mission at Muhlonburg
in Siberia , the missionaries jvero reported
to bo in good health. On the Oth of last
April the council of the mission church
of Muhleburg took action , making iho
congregation self-sustaining ; at tho.
laoio Uma electing u Uitjir uostor ,
Rev. David Davidson , a native , who has
boon educated at the mission and w'.io
was ordained ft Jew years ago. The
chapel destroyed by n tornado in 1835 was
speedily rebuilt , and eight and one-half
months after „ Its destruction the
now structure , 30x40 foot with a wing
15x18 feet , was dedicated.
The statistics of the mission show that
there are 123 pupils in the schools. 87
communicants , connected with the
church , with 1001 scholars in the Sunday
school , The contributions of the natives
in 1880 amounted to $050. A new congre
gation has been organized in the Interior ,
nnd the mission is exerting marked inllu-
enco on the natlv'jo1 chiefs and surround
ing tribes. f
In connection with the mission thorn are
100 acres of land under cultivation , hav
ing ' 21,000 coll'eo trees , and the sale of
co'fl'eo during the last two years amounted
to$2,113.)5. ; )
On motion of Mr. J. M. Ktnniiugcr the
hours of mooting were lixod at 0 a. m.
nnd 2:30 : p. m. , and adjournment at 11:30 :
and 4:30. : The evening services during
the convention will commence at 8
Tlio recommendations of the board of
foreign missions were considered then by
item. Resolutions referring to the death
of Dr. Kemp , of Baltimore , Ind. , a mem
ber of thu board , aud Kuv. John Nichols ,
the missionary who recently died in
India , wore adopted. Considerable dis
cussion wus elicited by the recommenda
tion setting forth the tluty of organizing
children's missionary societies , wliieh for
years had been a successful method of
securing money. It was finally adopted.
The synod expressed gratification at
the co-operation of the united synod in
the south , and at the expressed willing
ness ot a number of young moil to enter
the foreign lield as missionaries.
The consideration of the report was in
terrupted by tlio arrival of the hour for
The following committees wore an
nounced :
Devotional llov. S. Detwciler , llov. E.
Hubur. D. D. , aud llov. J. F. Shearer.
On lloport of Hymn Hook Publishing
Committee Huv. W. M. Baum , D. D. ,
Hev. ( } . W. Kndurs , Mr. J. M. Kmtninircr.
On Minutes of Last General Synod-
He v. E. K. Bell , KovM. V. Stupplobeen.
Mr. Charles Goosey.
llov. N. Van Alstine , of llaymcrtown ,
N. Y. , made the closing prayer.
As this was foreign mission day the an
niversary of that board occurred last
evening. The devotional services were
conducted by Hev. W. M. Baum , D. D. ,
of Philadelphia , in this he was assisted
by llov. II. L. Buughor , D. D. , of Gettys
burg , Pa. , who reail the scripture , and
a former missionary to India , llov. J. 11.
Hurpstor , of Canton-O. , who oll'ered
prayer. The speaker of the evening was
llov. Luther Kulilman , of Baltimore ,
Md , , who delivered an interesting and
eloquent address.
Ho announced his subject as the broad
question of Christian missions wliich
could bo best stated as Christ for the
pagan and the infidel and the \yorld anil
the world for Glirt jt. | After giving com
parative statistics showing the magnitude
of the conllics of forces in the world said :
How shall we adjust ourselves to this
conflict ? 9
The Christian church was never con
fronted by so inanyj problems as at pres
ent. Wo have inne.rited the unsolved
problems of the past , ' There arc signs of
revolution everywhere. The world js
moving from beneath upward. This is
not the cry of tha imasscs after God.
They have become weary of bearing burdens -
dons that grow out of social and political
institutions that can ho longer be borne.
The church is in Jact responsible for
this condition of ulYuirs. In the midst of
thcso things the church must live and
toil. „ f
A largorqucstion'than all the questions
of the day In society , is that of the
world's evangelization.In the prcsunta'
tion of this cause tlio 'minister must bo
cvermindful of this relation , and bring
it before those to whom wo speak. Chris
tianity has brought civilization , and it
should recognize its obligation to Christi
anity , center to circumference. Their
vices can be found m all lands.
We , as ministers , must realize the
depth of the impurity and its hopeless
ness separate from protcstant Christian
ity. Some people talk about natural
goodness and pagan virtue. They apply
the teaching of evolution. They tell us
wo should introduce elements of civili
zation and thus elevate the degraded.
This is a gosoel of dirt no example in
history substantiates this theory. Kvcr.yv
where a movement downward and back
ward is manifest. The Bibjo places the
origin of man in Eden , not in barbarism.
Education and culture alone cannot cast
out the evil in man.
A rich man recently pave $25,000 to
evangelistic work. Ho know that this
was a'good way to insure the stability of
his possessions. Tlio appeal must go
forth in this direction nnd demand of civ
ilization the support of Christian mis
To point out the depth of the degrada
tion of those to whom wo send mission
aries is unnecessary. The apostle Paul
has done this in his description of the
natural man.
Heathenism unwashed in the blood of
Jesus is corrupt , for the religions of
heathenisms afi'ord no help to these pco-
Slo , but have helped to degrade them ,
co the rcsultsofMohammcdanism. Half
of the people of Asia adhere to that faith
nnd are still in a melancholy condition.
The results of the Hainan Catholic mis
sions do not atl'ord us a reason to suppose
that the Protestant church can leave this
work to them. The sooner wo realize
this the bettor for the world.
Missions do not relate ulono to spiritual
interests ; they should be sa presented as
to challenge the support of secular lifo.
To trace the relation of Christianity to
business progress will bo difficult , but it
is necessary. Christ said. "Go nnd make
disciples of all nations. " The church
savs wo are doing this. See what lias
boon dono. See our workers , thu mis
sionaries that nro lifting up the torch
that lights the world's gloom , but the
church docs not yet understand the
breadth of this commission. Wo apply
this to the Christian ministry and a few
Godly women. Thfliolo church is in
cluded in the responsibility. The church
should devise some way of pre
paring men for tci c work in less
time than is now used m the preparation
of students for the ministry in this coun
try. Our watchword must bo progress
larger achievement and outlay m the
work of foreign missioiw.
The speaker continual nt still greater
icntrth in forcible presdjtation of his sub
ject , holding tbo attention of the largo
audience to the conclusion of his address.
After the cpllcction of offerings for the
foreign missions , the benediction was
pronounced by the prudent of the synod.
The New r.ift-iiimii.
llov. S. A. Ort , I ) . Ujhe ' newly elected
president of the gcinjral synod of the
Lutheran churchwas born in Lowistown ,
Pa. , in 1813. At the 'ago of fifteen ho en
tered the freshman class at Wittenberg
collegeaud graduated with highest honor
in 18(53. ( After graduation ho was tutor
ono year in the college and then nccopted
a call from the First church at Findlay ,
Ohio. In 1803 ho wus chosen professor
of mathematics in Wittenberg college.
Six years later at the urgent solicitation
of the board of homo missions , Dr. Ort
went to Louisville , KyM to take charge of
a feeble mission in that city. Here lie
labored with eminent success until 1879 ,
when ho accepted a call to St. James
Lutheran church , Now York. Ono year
later ho wus elected to the chair of sacred
philology in the theological seminary of
Wittenberg college , and in 1882 was
chosen the successor of Dr. Holwig as
president of thu institution , Ho received
the title of Doctor of Divinity at the ago
of tuirty-tureo , Aa a Umcuer in the col-
lego Dr. On. lias few equals among the
great educators in this country. Even
when a young man ami during his first
service at the college ho was regarded by
the venerable Dr. Sprcoher as one of the
mosfclTieiont and capable teachers in the
Lutheran church. In the pastorate ho
soon rose to prominence , established a
largo congregation In the city "f
Louisville , and became widely
known as a profound scholar
and eloquent preacher of divine
truth. Devoted to his church , loving
her polity , and loyal to her distinctive
doctrines , jot charitable and fraternal
with other denominations , ho has always
held a high piano In the esteem of those
with whom lie Is associated in Christian
work. Dr. Ort has had great success as
president of Wittenberg college , has had
the Gratification of seeing a magnificent
building erected free from debt and also
of raising the curriculum of instruction
on an equality with the best colleges in
this country. As the presiding ollicer of
the general synod ho will relloct credit
upon that body , and by his executive
ability will do much to facilitate thu busi
ness of thu convention.
The Nebraska Passenger and Ticket
Agents' association met in the passenger
olllco of the B. & M. headquarters yes-
terdn3 * forenoon. The various roads wore
represented as follows :
B. & M. 11. 11. , by P. S. Eustis. general
passenger and ticket agunt ; Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley , by J. 11.
Buchanan , general passenger agent ;
Union Pacific , by O. P. McCarty.assistant
general ticket agut ; St. Joe & Grand
Island , also ropresntud by Mr. McCarty ;
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis it Omaha ,
by O.Briggs. general agent at Omaha.
Mr. J. Francis , assistant general passen
ger and ticket agent of the B. t&M. , nnd
secretary of the association was also
present. This was the regu
lar monthly meeting of the
association. The matters considered
were the applications of various societies
for rates for their stated meetings.
An excursion rate of 2 rents per milo
for July 4th between all stations not over
200 miles apart was agreed to.
run OMAHA UNI : .
The conductors and brnkcmon on tlio
pas enger trains on the Omaha line are
to uniform at once.
Two of the employes at the St. Paul &
Omaha depot have been appointed
special policomon.
A great quantity of milk is brought
into the city each day by the Omaha
road , mostly from Mills and Calhoun.
Calhoun , on the Omaha road , sixteen
miles out of Omaha , is getting to bo a
favorite plucu for picnics to bo held.
There are line croycs there and attrac
tive scenery. Trains are frequent. It is
the homo of ex-Congressman Crounso.
Till : UNION" I'ACiriC.
Tlio BIE : was misinformed rcirarding
Mr. Potter's arrival. Ho is in Portland
and will not bo hero for ten or twelve
days.Mr. .
Mr. Cummmgs will return from the
west to-morrow evening.
A. E. Touzalin has been in Omaha dur
ing the past two days looking after im
portant interests.N ith him was his pri
vate secretary , Bert Watson , an old
Omaha boy of popularity. Last evening
Mr. Touzalin left for the east in iiis
special car.
Meeting or the G. A. II. Committee
lnfit Night.
The joint committee of arrangements
of the G. A 11. on Memorial day mot at
the Arcade hotel last night. It was re
ported that the expense occasioned on
Memorial day was fully covered by the
amount of money in the hands of the
treasurer. A number of bills wore re
ceived and ordered paid. A resolution
was passed thanking Judge Hartlett for
his address on Memorial day , Mayor
Broatch , Chief of Police Seavey , Fire
Chief Galllgan , General Crook and stall' ,
General Wuoaton , Daggett , the military ,
and the press for the courtesies extended ;
also the citizens of Omaha fet their lib
erality : to Marshal of the Day Wirth and
his assistants ; the ladies of the floral com
mittee ; Mr. Brigham and the vocal quar
tette ; to Comrades Sattcs and Sawhill
and the junior sons of veterans. A special
vote of thanks was tendered Comrades
Campbell and Casey of the Arcade for
their kindness. The committee , there
upon adjourned. _
Desperate and Dangerous.
Late last night as the overland train
was pulling out of the depot and its rate
of speed wus fully fifteen miles an hour a
stranger seized ono of the iron braces of
the roar Pullman car and swung himself
underneath the car and onto the truck.
It was ono of thu most daring and
dangerous feats ever seen in railroad
circles hereabouts. Officer Duff Green
saw the man near the train and when he
made a rush for the Pullman it was
thought ho intended to commit suicide
and the officer ran to stop him. The
train was going at too lively a speed ,
however , nnd the man swung himself too
quickly on the truck for capture.
The Knton-Cronyn Case.
The third chanter of the Eaton-Cronyn
photograph gallery dilliculty was re
vealed yesterday in the district court ,
where Cronyn filed an appeal bond and
asked for an injunction against Eaton
to prevent the latter , in the meantime ,
from using , the gallery. Tlio injunction
was grnntcffby the court and the case
made returnable on the 12th inst.
.Third Ward RepiihlicnnR.
The Third ward republicans met last
evening and elccled the following candi
dates to bo voted for at the primaries to
bo held tills afternoon from 1J > to 7
o'clock : Julius S.Cooloy , Ilichard Gam
bol , Charles Whorer. C. J. Mentor , J. O.
Adams , Dr. W. K. Lavender. The. primaries -
marios will be hold in the Dodge street
A VIclouH Hog.
A four-year-obi boy of Robert Bennett ,
living at 810 South Twenty-fourth street ,
was severely bitten by a vicious dog yes
terday. The dog will bo shot by the po-
The Union Lifo Insurance Company of
Hastings , Neb. , now in its third year , has
paid all losses in full. Premiums may bo
paid as needed or annually. All the ad
vantage of old lion insurance is secured
at reduced co > .t. Policies will bo paid in
full , for which the plan of insurance and
tlio securities of the company fully guar
antee. A live and reliable agent , who
can give first-class bank reference ,
wanted in every important point in Ne
braska. For information address the
company at Hastings.
Ilravttif .
Councilman Frank Kaspor yesterday
morning swore out a warrant for the ar
rest of Andrew B , Moore , charging him
with wilfully destroying shade trees ,
Lightning struck the house of Andrew
Pear , near Independence Hill , Vu. , the
other day , and killed Ins two daughters ,
his five-year-old boy , and Luther Wright ,
who had taken refuge from the storm.
Two other children were prostrated , but
will recover ,
To kill a dove is a * sign of death to the
negroes of Louisiana.
The American exhibition in London
fit * the longest bar uvcr built ,
A Los Angeles Paper's Ohargo Against His
Two lown Men Who Wore on Hie
Mnko Powell's I'nrtnor Wanted
Serious Cutting AITroy
Lust Night's News.
Attacking HU Character.
Both of the other morning newspapers of
Omaha contain a reprint this morning of
nn editorial paragraph in thu Los Angeles
Times of May 21 , which is as follows :
"Omaha's nowlv appointed clilel of police
Is a man with a record. A tew yeais ago
ho was cltv maishal of Santa Darh.irahen >
ho forsook his wife and child aud absconded
with a married woman from San Fianclfeo ,
ami now , after all these years Ihat ho has
been as wholly lost sight of as If hovero
dead , ho turns up as one of the guardians of
the public peace and morals of thu nourish
ing city of Omaha. Kvll deeds do not al
ways meet the punishment that they merit ,
forthodovll has not jet toigottoii how to
put on n f\lso : livery ; but now and then a
man who ventures In a sense of faneled * > o-
curlly to accent a public ollice , liuds Hint thu
blaclc suddenly stands up and coufionts
him. "
rinr.K stAvnvniNns : : : IT AVIIOU.V.
A reporter for the UI.K saw Chief Sea-
vey last evening , after the article above
quoted had been copied from the paper
publishing it , which Pat Ford was exult
antly hhowinir around , and read him
tlio copy. Ho was not at all perturbed
and remarked :
"Well , sir , there's nothing in it.
There's no truth in it at all. It's a lie in
every particular except as to thu fact
that 1 was mar.lial at Santa Barbara. 1
left that city with the respect and good
opinion ot the reputable citizens ; and
with the enmity of thieves and black legs ,
and some saloon keepers. It is the same
gang hero who are at thu bottom of thu
light against mo now. If there had been
anything like this against me it would
have too quickly found its way into print.
No such statement was over beloio pub
lished about mo. 1 don't want to say any
more. 1 want to sec what the paper
which is lighting mo lias to say Let
them go ahead. Wo will see wiio will
como out best. "
The paper containing the statement
was sent to this city and given to Pat
Ford last evening at 1) ) o'clock. Ho im
mediately proceeded to give it us wide
circulation as possible.
Two lown Men Charged "With
Itrihery and .lailod.
Two men named A. P. McIIewsrt and
11. Darnvelle , from Iowa , wore arrested
last evening on a warrant sworn out by
Justice Anderson , chargmg thum with
accepting a bribe to refrain from appear
ing as complainants against Council
Blull's saloon keepers. The arrest was
made by Constable Edgerton at the in
stance ot two detectives of this city.
The ollicors were very rctieciil concern
ing the matter and desired to
entirely suppress publication of the
arrest. Enough was gained from the
prisoners , however , to indicate that the
prisoners have been aotmtr as saloon de
tectives in the Blull's. They have filed
information against a number of saloon
keepers of that city for selling liquor.
Yesterday they are charged with having
como to Omaha and here having met
some of these saloonkeepers , from whom
they received money in considerable
amount , in consideration of which they
agreed to not appear against the liquor
Neither of the prisoners would talk
after they had reached the jail , and only
claimed that they "guessed they Wouldn't
got it harder than some other people
would. " _
County Attorney Simoral Files In
formation Against Him.
County Attorney Simoral filed an in
formation against E. A. Powell , accused
of obtaining $1.500 from the Commercial
National bank on an endorsed draft
which bo fraudulently secured Dr. Dins-
more's signature to , lasfovcning , and against tlio unknown man who was
with Powell and acted as bis accomplice.
The accomplice will bo arrested on a re
quisition which has already been ob
Jailer Mijlur knoxys a good deal nbout
Powell , which ho will not at present dis
close. lie assorts , however , that ho
knows this is not the first time Powell
lias "turned" sucti a "trick , " and that
he has boon in jail before in Kansas and
escaped in a very mysterious manner.
Ho regards him as a thorough scoun
Charley Alston Badly
Cut. HID Assailant * Arrested.
Charley Alston , a one-legged colored
man who carries around wlonorwurst ,
"olo fat hen" and other edibles in a bas
ket for the all night workers/wos cut
last night in theTivoli garden in a shock
ing manner. He claimed that he'was sit
ting down and was assaulted wion | in
that position. His right check was cut
open from his- eye to his nock and
another cut was inflicted on the wide of
his mouth. The loss of , bfood'wns great.
The wounded mall claimed hj.s assailant
was a white num. Subsequently a printer
named Abbott was arrested and taken
before him. Alston identified him as tho-
The AVcildlne oT lion AInrti and Alisa
Mnudn ItnCco.
At the First Mctliodist church hist
night at 8 o'clock the wedding of Benja
min Marti and Miss L. C. Maude Hecco
occurred. The groomsman was Mr. W.
II. Newball and the bridesmaid was Miss
Carrie Adams. The ceremony was per
formed by the llov. Charles Savadgo in
thu presence of the numerous friends of
the contracting couple. From 0 o'clock
until 12 a reception was hold at the Bar
ker hotel. Thu reception was largely at
tended iind was a brilliant afl'air , the par
lors of the hotel being filled with thu
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Marti. The
present * wore numerous and beautiful.
An elaborate collation was served by
Manager Dutch of tlio .Darker , after
wliich Mr. and Mrs. Marti left for a two
week > western trip. Upon their return
they will at oneo begin housekeeping in
their own residence on the westsido.
"I * Huron Hcliimonsk ! nnd
Ml s Anna llallornn , of Omaha.
PlatUmoiith Journal : Judge Uussoll
solemnized a marriage ceremony this
morning nbout which there clustered
more or less minutiiu of interest. The
parties were S. W. U. Schimonski aud
Miss Anna E. Hallorun. both of Omaha.
The groom is a gentleman of slender
build , sixty-soven years of ago , with
small chin beard and mustache as white
as winter's snow , wiulo Ids whitening
head was tlngnd with a vanishing shade
of brown. He is u citizen of Omaha ,
but formerly lived about thruo
miles fcOHtli of Dollovuu , , whore he
lias extensive real estate DOS.-
ecssiou * ud U reported , to be quite
wealthy. Report says that ho Is I
Prussian baron , but that all intercourse
with his family was savored on account
of a former marriage.
The bride Is u most buvom brunette of
twenty-eight years , was somewhat richly
attired and lives in Omaha , but was
formerly , it Is said , a resident of Lincoln.
The matrimonial aspirants came down
from Onuha on thu DoO : K. C. train ,
accompanied by Ed Shaw , of Omaha ,
who attended ( Item in the marrlagu service
vice- boon after their arrival , a Journal
scribe being called upon as a witness.
' 1 ho ceremony occurred at 10 a. in , and
the happy eouplo repaired to the Perkins
house to await thu 0:1 : ! ) train north.
They 1'nok ( ho Non-l'nrtNnn School
Itonrd Convention.
The non-partisan meeting at the rooms
of the board of education last evening
was packed by a crowd of partisan
roustabouts , whom " "
among were "ilodgo"
Coolny , Mike Meauoy , Dan O'Koefo ' ,
Blackburn , Wlgnlnsuiid Moriurlty. They
wont there for the purpose , and suc
ceeded in accomplishing It , of breaking
up the meeting ami preventing action
by it. By actual count ninety-six per
sons were prudent. W. V. was
chosen chairman and Mr. Foivsyth sccro-
William Wallace obtained the floor
before any ouu had an opportunity
and said that tlio convention ought to
have been called after the republican ! *
and democrats bad nominated their
candidates and ought to select nine out
of their nominees.
By apparently previous arrangement
Mr. Mnrmritv was immediately on Ills
feet when iVlr. Wallace concluded and
ondor.M'd the sentiment ol the last
speaker , llu asserted that it would
bo folly to put a ticket in
the field before the parly conventions
had been hold , llu inquired by what au
thority this meeting had been called , any
Mr. Powell said that ho was one of
these who called the meeting and ho con
tended that the meeting was called by
proper authority. He handed the call to
SeorotTy Forsyth , who read it.
Henry Gibson then succeeded in
raining the Hoar and spoku at
length. Ho asked the pertinent
question why had the charter been so
passed that it separates the school elec
tion from the political election and places
it one month later ? The manliest purpose -
pose was lo .separate it from polities. It
was plain that it bad boon the inten
tion of ( he legislature to make it possible
for women to vote , and till. * could only bo
done by separating the school election
from the city election. If liu had his way
half the school board would be composed
of ladies.
This sentiment was applauded by iho
ten or twelve ladies who wore present.
A motion was then made to proceed to
the nomination of nine candidates for the
.school boaid. Immediately one of the
partisan interloper ; moved to adjourn.
Mr. Murtinovifch said that the motion to
adjourn came from tho. same crowd wliich
had defeated the purpose of the last
meeting and which was hero for the same
object. Some confusion thuiuupon ensued ,
but thu chair put the motion to nominate
candidates and thus stopped the talk.
The chair declared the motion , which
was voted upon by acclamation , to bo
lost. A division was called for anil re
sulted in a count of ! ? ) in favor of pro
ceeding to nominate and 51 against.
A motion to adjourn until to-morrow
night for the purpose of .selecting , from
the eighteen nominees put forward by
the two parties , niuo who should bo con
sidered as non-partisan candidates , was
Joined tlio Mn.jorlty.
William Regan , two years and seven
months old , son of Mary A. Kegan , died
yesterday at 707 Pierce street. Tlio re
mains will bo sent to Vail , la. , for burial.
A year ago Mrs. Hegan was widowed
and eight mouths ago she lost another
William Dyer , nineteen years old , died
at St. Joseph's hospital yesterday of
heart He has a brother in the
city who , until recently , lived at Eigh
teenth and St. Mary's avenue , lie was
in the hospital three days.
Dentil of nira. IMiiIip CnsHldy.
The name of Philip Cassidy , bo famil
iar to tlio old settlers of this county for
years , is vividly called to mind now. It
comes with sorrow , because it is the an
nouncement of the death of the widow of
the household. Mrs. Cassidy departed
this lifo yesterday morning , at the ripe
ago of seventy-live. For thirty-three
years she and her husband have boon in
this county , and their names wore house
hold words with the oid settlors. The
funeral will take place on Saturday , from
the family residence.
District Court Cases.
The following now cases have boon
commenced in tno district court :
Henry A. Noycs vs E. P. Seymour and
the unknown heirs of E. P. Seymour , to
quiet title in thn southeast quarter of the
northwest nuarter.of section 0 , township
M , Douglas county.
Max Moycr ot al vs Evans ot nl , case
on appeal from the county court.
J. L. Kaloy , of Hod Cloud , is in the
Dr. N. B. Larah and W. F. Canally , of
Nebraska City , are at the Piuton ,
J. W. Webster , Sam MeClay , J. A.
Walton , J. ( i. While and I. 1. Imhou" ,
well known citizens and ollicialu of Lin
coln. nro in the city examining
certain improvements in tlio metropolis
with a view of adopting them in the capi
tal city.
Joseph Norris , delegate to the Interna
tional llorscslioers' convention hold at
Dufl'ulo , returned homo yesterday. Ho
brought with him some sample sheen
made in the "champion" mutches. They
nro about the worse specimens over ham-
mcicd , and can bo soon at Watson Drorf.
shop on Harnoy struct.
The following Nebraskans , among oth
ers , are in thn citv Eli Plunimor , Lin
coln ; Samuel M. Chapman , Plattsmouth ;
J. L. Kalev. Hud Cloud ; J. P. Smith ,
Schuylor ; W. A. Moars , John Clark ,
Albion ; August V. Kautz , Fort Niobrara.
Fell From a KuufTolil.
A. D. Daufman , a carpenter , foil from
a scaffold yesterday afternoon on - North
Twenty third street , striking on his head
and shoulders. He received a gahh oil
his head and was fiorioucly jarred.
l HllllllP.
The Commercial hotel on South Ninth
btreet has changed hands , Mr. John K.
Stilling assuming the management yes
terday. Mr. Stilling was for five years
connected with Duncan & Co. . and will
thoroughly overhaul and renovate the
Commercial. _
who clcfelres u i > < Tffct CORSET
should ueiirorlu. will oH ? li tk kll. Ul. ( .
NOKClVTUt COUCT W. W u4 t'.t ferkit St. , CklMl.