Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1887, Image 1

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The President to Take an Extensive Trip to
the Pacific Coast.
Ilio Tonr to Ilo For Political Pur
poses , Information and Pleasure
A Grand Swing Around
tbc Circle.
Cleveland Coming Went.
Pim.AUKM'iuA , Junes. A .special to the
I Bulletin from Washmzton says : There is
every reason to believe that the promise
which the president recently made to the St.
Louis delegates that he would , If he could ,
visit their city next fall , will bo kept , and
that the visit to that city will only bo com-
paiatlvely a small fcatuio ot a eroat and ex
tensive trip which ho has been planning , and
the arrangements for which will he consum
mated on his return to the white house. The
president has seen but little of the United
States. Ho hus during hln lifetime
traveled but llttlo outside of the
Btate of New York. Ho has never
been In the we t at all , but ho has
made up his mind of late thai It will bo to
Ills personal and political advantage to make
nn elaborate journey this jear. His wife
has persuaded him to do BO ns a matter of
pleasure , and several democratic politicians ,
chief among whom Is I'ostmaster General
Vllai , have uruedhlmtodo so as a matter
of practical politics. They told him that the
democrats of the west nnd northwest are
anxious to RCO him and that his piesenco In
some of the states may have an encouraging
effect on the party organization. A cabinet
officer remaikcd to htm before his departure
to the Adirondncks that In a jear of peace
and prosperity like this ho could make
such a tour as Monroe mndo In
1818. nnd the remark had a pleasIng -
Ing elfect on the president's mind
It was In contemplation of such a trip as this
that Cleveland made his promise to the St.
Louis delegation. The fact Is lie Intends to
go a great deal further in the direction ot the
setting sun than .St. Louis. If the president
can make his niiangements , lie will leave this
city In the first week of August , and will
probably remain away until the Hist ot Octo
ber. lib will travel In a special car , contain
ing the members of his Immediate household
anil two or three cabinet ofliccrs. The Inten
tion Is to go clear ncioss the continent to the
I'aellic coast. The principal cities on the line
of the route will belsltod In Ohio , Indiana ,
Illinois , Mlssouii and .Minnesota , Post-
mnstcr-ticnciat Vllas is particulaily anxious
that hu should make n good Impres
sion in those states In time tor the tall
elections. The piesident is curious toexploro
the territories along the line of the Noithein
1'aclhc railroad , and It Is now on his plan to
go up as far ns Portland. Ore. It Is probable
that In going and coming on this long two
months' journey the president nnd his party
will \lslt Philadelphia , Pittsbtirg , Chicago ,
St. 1'niil , Portland , San Francisco , Omahn ,
St. Louis. Louisville , Cincinnati , and other
Important cities , in order that he nmycomo
In contact with the people nnd especially
with the woiklng politicians. I'ost
master General Vilas , who is porhnps
the most ardent and Industrious second
termer In the administration , will , when the
proper time comes , leave nothing undone ) to
work up the journey lor all It is worth as a
Bvring around political circles.
Democratic politicians In the various states
through which thn president's party will
pass , will be Instructed to stir up popular on-
thuslasm in order to bring about a good ef
fect on the autumn elections. The president
Is determined that this journey .shall be
made entirely at his personal expense.
A Ilcply From Ijamar to Senator Van
IVyck'H hotter.
WAMHINOTON , June 2. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIK.J : Renders of the BKK will
remember that a short time ago Senator Van
\Vyck wrote to the secretary of the Interior
calling attention to the manner of making
elections of land by the 1 ! . & M. railroad.
lie asked the secretary to set tin the matter at
once by such means as would relieve the sot-
Uers In Nobrnska from the possible conflict
with the corporation by cnlllng the company
to account nt onco. In response Senator
Van Wyck , just before leaving for Nebraska ,
receded the. following letter from the socre-
tniy , which will explain itsolt : "In re
sponse to your letter ot it-cunt date asking
that the claims of K. L. llemenway and
othois a'-'alnst the U. fc M. railroad in Ne
braska bo speedily disposed of , 1 have
to ndvlso yon Unit tlio matter of
the linnl adjustment of tlio grant for said
road Is now under consideration
In this department. I see by n lettoi ot Sep
tember 10 , IbbO , that the commissioner ot the
cencral land olllce , after receiving certain
facts pertaining to said grant , recommended
that legal proceedings bo Instituted to re
cover the lands patented to said company In
excess of the quantity to which It was en
titled ; that the company's selection of such
tracts north of Its line of definite location ae
have not been patented bo cancelled ; that
Much tracts still wlthdtawn , but not selected ,
bo restored to settlement and entry. These
recommendations will bo passed on with
proper speed. It is now believed the cominc
decision will furnish n rule whereby nil in
dividual claims can be adjusted. "
Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram
to the BEE. ] Nebraska pensions : Herman
V. Harman , Columbus , Increased ; .1. Squires ,
Albion ; Robert Irwln , Rock Ulutf ; K. L ,
Evans , liays Centre ; Jos. Raphlto , Grand
Island ; Win. T. Hall , Carleton ; Henry Nye ,
Knierlck ; S. S , Auchmoody , Omaha ; Franc ! '
Carpenter , Hnmboldt ; Chas. H. Stone , Wood
River : N. P. Uaker , Widioo ; Stephen Gil
bert , Nenmtia City : Lewis Wnrron , Lout ;
I'lno ; Chas. NellBrovvnvlllo. .
Iowa pensions : H. u. Smith , Strawberry
Point ; II. W. Welch. Elliott : J. 11. Porter ,
Beacon , Increase : | KobeitT , McDonald , Wesi
Grove ; David W. Sims , Clailnda ; J. J ,
Kllngonsmlth , Ncvlnvlllo : John Summei.s
Aleona ; J. T. Johnston , liedtord : J. R. Do
mar. Helknap : Win. H. Price , Spirit Lake :
J. Javncs. Snrlngbrook ; Joseph MulUins
Shambaiiilr William MeGruder , Marvville :
Robert Lvle , Humboldt ; K.C.Stevens. Wash
Ington : Clmrles C. Young , Manuoketa ; R ,
H. Cross , Newton ; U. F. Jenkins , Irwln :
David Sharp , East Des Molncs ; Conrad Hart
rick. Kookuk ; H. F. Jared , Corydon ; Dennli
Keefe , Hayes : George A. Day , Manchester
William J. Turner , Bedford ; Ell Hryant
Centervllle ; George H. Hughes , llolkna ) ) ; U
F. Spry , Indltnoln ; Samuel Thorlngton
Bertram : Giles Lnhne , Garrison ; C. H
HrooK , Mnrshnlltown : George O. Brovvn
Mason City.
_ _ _
Now Proo Delivery Town * .
WASHINGTON , June 2 , The following
named places , meeting the conditions ot tin
, act of congress , the free delivery system wil
bo extended to them on July 1 : Illinois-
Belleville , Cairo. Danville , Englewood , Free
port , Jacksonville , Mollne , Ottawa. Iowa-
Clinton , Mar halltovvnMuscatlne , Waterloo
Mexican reunion Claim * .
WASHINGTON , June 2. It Is uow cstl
mated at the pension office that the numbc
of Mexican pension claims will not cxceci
30.000. Eighteen thousand , of which nnm
ber 3,000 are widows' claims , have nlread :
been received , nnd 2,200 certificates buv
been Issued. It has been determined to In
crease the force of the division having thes
cases In charge so that they may be turne
over at the rate of SOOpcr dleui.
The Nation's Money.
WASHINGTON , June 2. A statement prc
pared at the treasury department shows ther
was a net decrease of 34,471,300 In circuit
tlon during the mouth of May and a net In
crease ot S10IW,78U ) In cash in the treasur
during the same period.
The coinage of the mints during Ms
amounted to 5 1,802,575 , ot which S-YJOO.Cl
were standard silver dollars.
Postal Chances.
WASIUNOTON , Juno 2. [ Special Tulcgrai
to the ltKK.1 A postoftlce has b on eatal
Ushed at DaMe , Pace county , Iowa , an
David J , Padcu appointed postmaster.
The Mouse Valley Work Opposed Djr
Orlmn. Safe Theaters.
[ Copyright 1S17 hy Jama Ganlaniennrtt.l
Uitussni.s June 2. [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to the BKK.J The house of
representatives continued to-day the debate
on the Mcuse fortllicatlons. Frcro Orban ,
resuming his speech , maintained that fortlli
\\oiildiiicreasotliudaiigerof Invasion
Instead of lessoning. The Belgian forces
would ha\o to be dispersed to protect so
many forces , and all gtcat warriors , from
Frederick down to Napoleon , have been
against such dissemination. Frero Orban
urges the numerical strengthening ot the
army , which would light on open ground If
Uclginm were Invaded and retire behind the
ramparts of Antwerp pending European In
tervention If beaten. The debate will con
tinue and perhaps end to-morrow , most prob
ably by the adoption of the bill.
'I he builders of the now "Flemish theater"
here are taking wisdom from the Paris dis
aster. It was already started with materials
mainly of stone nnd Iron , but every piece of
wood necessarily used Is to bo made abso
lutely Incombustible. The grand circle Is to
have two very wide flights of stairs. Each
upper tier Is to have Its own separate broad
stairway ; hence thcro will bo no meetings of
human tides In case of a panic. The stage
folks are to have three entrances or exits ,
and the audience nine outlets , while each
story is to have external balconies , upon
each of which twenty-live doors will open ,
and these balconies connected by easy stair
ways to the ground.
Knitted Ity Savages.
LONDON , June 2. Advices from Sierra
Leone say that native warriors under three
chiefs Invaded the British settlements at
Sherbro and Snltyus. pillaging and burning
the villages en route , torturing and killing
the native inhabitants and taking 'MO pi I-
soncrs. On entering the British terrltoiy
the marauders tried to capture the French
factory nt Sulymot and the English factory
on the Manon river. The native laborers
and police desperately resisted the savages ,
who were compelled to retreat , leaving many
of their number dead.
Buck Taylor's Fall.
LONDON , June 2. The Injuries received by
lluck Taylor , who was thrown from his
horse In the \ \ lid West show yesteiday , con
sist ot n simple fracture of the thigh and ho
Is progressing favorablv. Many Americans
have c.llled at the hospital to Inquire attor
him and to leave their cards. Among the
number wcro Minister Phelps , and White ,
secictary ot the legation.
Protection In Hpnln.
MAiinii ) , Juno 2. A strong protection
movement Is developing In Spain. Senators
and deputies representing farming nnd man-
ntactmlng districts and men ot all parties
arc uiglne the government to take early
steps to pass a law looking to protection of
native Industry by Imposition of higher
duties on lorclcn cereals nnd cattle.
Chamberlain's Warning.
LONDON , Juno 2. Chamberlain , respond
ing to an address presented to him by the
liberal-unionists of Manchester to-day ,
warned the working classes Against the false
ness of Glnditonu's statement that homo
rule was an Issue between the classes and the
masses. The success of Gladstone's policy
would destroy the country and ruin the
working classes. _
The French Army Bill.
PAIIIS , Juno 2. In the deputies to-day , n
motion by Uishou Frcppel to postpone tlio
army bill debate till next session was re
jected bv an overwhelms K majoritv.
Premier Rouvier said the go\ eminent In
tended to maintain the measure as a neces
sity In the Interest and for the honor ot the
Kapiolanl Welcomed to
LONDON , Juno 2. Queen Kapiolanl and
suite arrived nt Liverpool to-day. A royal
salute was llrcd. The mayor and a guard
of honor composed of police nnd soldiers
met the roynl party at the wharf and escorted
them to the Northwestern hotel In state uro-
cession. ( Jueen Kapiolnni wilt proceed to
London Monday.
KvlctioiiH lii Ireland.
Duni.iN , Juno 2. Evictions nt Rodjke
began ngaln. The sheriff is protected while
doing his work by n force of policemen nnd
troops. At ono house , in which the Inmates
were barricaded , the ollicers tnado n hole
through the walls withcrowbatsandreino\ed
the futnltnre. There was great excitement
in the district.
The Manchester Cup ,
LONDON , Juno 2. ' 1 he race lor the Man
chester cup of 2,003 sovereigns was run at
Manchester meeting to-day. It was vvon by
Cnrlton wltliGuilp second nnd Radius third.
There were fourteen stnrters.
The FloodH In Hungary.
PESTH , Juno 2. The Hoods In Hungary
are subsiding. Largo tracts of land are still
submerged and the loss by destruction of
crops will bo enormous.
Steamship Arrival * ) .
QiiKENbTOWN , June 2. ( Special Telegram
to the RUE. Arrived The Montreal , from
New York.
PHILADELPHIA , June 2. Arrived The
Vaterlandlug , from Antwerp.
Sexton For Lord Mayor.
Dum.iN , Juno 2. The Pnrnelllte mcmbnis
of Dublin corporation have selected Sexton
asthulr candidate for lord mayor.
Iloyalty GOIIIK to Dublin.
LONDON , Juno 2. Prince Albert Victor ,
eldest sou of the Pnuco of Wales , will go to
Dublin June 27 as the queen's representative
at the jubilee celubtatlon there.
Gladstone Startn For Wales.
LONDON , Juno 2. Gladstone has started
for Wales , where ho will deliver n series ot
addresses in favor ot homo rule for Ireland.
Jacoulni's Successor Appointed.
KOMI : , Juno 2. The Observatoro Romanls
announces the appointment of Cardinal
lUmpolla as papal secretary of state ,
Parnoll's Health Improved.
LONDON , June 2. Parnell has returned to
London much improved by his short sojourn
Sexton Seriously III.
LONDON , June L Sexton is seriously 111 al
Now York's Defenseless Harbor.
Nivv : YOIIK. JunuS. At a meeting of the
New York chamber of commerce this atter-
noon ; the defenseless condition of New
York harbor was considered. It was sug
gcstcd that , In event the government ( lit
nothing , the cltr should proceed to defeui
itself. The purchase ot eight or ten rams foi
the defen se ot the harbor was recommended
It was decided to consider the subj ect at tin
next regular meeting : . A resolution was
unanimously ndopted endorsing the action
of Secretary Whitney in providing for a
naval reserve of merchant seamen. The
chamber decided to appoint a committee ot
the chamber of commerce of Duliith , Minn. ,
J nly 20 , to consider sonm needed Improve
ments of the canal at tlio Sault St , Marie ,
and recommendations to congress will b <
adopted In reference to Improvement.
Another Unco Arranged.
CIIICAOO , Junes. At a meeting betweei
Edward lianlan nnd J , A. St. John In tin
Inter-Ocean ofllco this evening another raci
was arranged between lianlan and Gaudau
over the sauie course July 2J. stake If 1,000 1
side , but may be raised to 52,500 If Haulai
An Important Move Or Episcopalians
In New York.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram
to the IIK. ! : | Tuo building of a great Protes
tant Episcopal cathedral In New \orkClty
has long been a favorite project with the
church authorities hero and the many liberal
and charitable members of that prosperous
and flourishing denomination , The scheme
has been pushed quietly for the last three or
four months and the trustees have made pro
gress enough , as they think , with subscrip
tions and promises of support to put the plan
now before the public. Bishop Potter Issued
an address last night setting fonh the needs
and purposes of the now cathedral. It will
be broadly national nnd popular In character
nnd services , and a most noble and striking
ornament architecturally to the city. The
bishop's address was Issued rather unex
pectedly late last nleht , and so secret has the
plan been kept that It will como as n surprise
to most of the chutchmcn oven In this die
cese. The new building will be called the
Cathedral ot St. John the Divine. The few
details , except that it must be built In
some conspicuous and fitting part
of tlio city , have not been du-
cldcd upon. Tlio structure will probably
cover two ordinary blocks nnd will , of
course , bo many > cars in building. The
style will be gothlc , but no designs or plans
have yet been drawn. It carried out on the
scale promised the Cathedinl of St. John the
Divine will be nbout tour times ns largo ns
bt. Patrick's. The choir will bo built lirst ,
pcihnps. It nlone will cover ns much ground
ns old Trinity. The whole building , Itlscs-
iinaied , will cost 50,000,000. Several hun-
lieit thousand dollars have already bean
nised by subset iption. The glveis are not
ill ot the Protestant Episcopal church. 1) .
iVIllls James , a I'resbvtcrlan , fur instance ,
his put his name down for 3100,000 , and
ther subscriptions aie looked forward to
oulicleutly from Methodists , Congregational-
sts , Baptists , Unitarians , and men of all
reeds and faUh who may find Interest
inongh in the great building simply as a
: > lece of much needed architectural art.
The United Prcsbytcrlana.
PHiiADin'HiA : , Juno 2 At the evening
esslon of the United Presbyterians an nt-
empt wns made to reopen 'the Instrumental
music question , but a series of resolutions
offered by Rev. Dr. Carson to this cud were
aid on the tablo. A resolution offered by
Dr. Cnrson that "It Is very desirable that
his dlfliculty should be , If possible , speedily
nnd satisfactorily settled , " was , however ,
ndopted. The nscmbl \ then consideied the
nnpenl from the synod of lown on the question
of instiumentnl music. A ie3oliition was
adopted that the appeal be sustained , be
cause the lower couils passed judgment upon
the memorialists unheard. The judlcinrv
committee reported relative to the second
appeal of James Dawsou and otliers , liom
the synod ot Iowa that no further action
was necessary. The leport was ndopted.
The committee on bibles nnd overtures re
ported relative to the memorial lookinirto
a union with the Reformed Presbjterlan
church , recommending the appointment of n
committee of six to cotiOi with n similar
committee nppolntcd bv the Refoimcd
Presbyterian synod , now meeting In
New burgh , nnd tnat a delegate be ap
pointed to proceed forthwith to carry trater-
nal greetings to the Reformed Presbyterian
synod and to report the action of tlio synod.
The report was adopted and a delegate ap
pointed. Delegates wciu nlso appointed to
the synod of the Reformed Church of Amer
ica , and the Associate Reformed chinch , and
representatives to the next general assembly
ot the I'reabvterian church in the United
States to be held in Phllndelphln in Mny
18S8. After n tew remarks by the moderator
ho dissolved the assembly and called another
to meet In Cednr Rapids , la. , the fouith
Wednesday of May ,
The Sunday School Workers.
, June 2. Thn day's business of
the International Sunday School convention
was opened by a resolution to substitute
"Tho Sabbath" to indicate Sunday , which
was referred to the executive committee.
After some routine business had bcon dis
posed of , the subject ot "Bettor Organi/a-
tlon" was taken up and discussed In ton
minute speeches by seveial delegates from
various sections of the country , tno sub
stance ot whoso remarks may bo summed up
as nn appeal for more money and more
workers In the organ ! ? itlon line. Although
the work Is In a llouilshlng condition It
should be pushed mere vigorously than it has
In the afternoon the convention split up
amicably , the prnnaiy workers holding n ses
sion nt Km well hall. Routine business oc
cupied the other bianch. An enthusiastic
meeting was held to-night , the various
spcakcts receiving much applause , allusions
to temperance nnd the new south bnlng
especially well received. Durliiir the pro
ceedings It wns announced that the execu
tive committee would send a cablegram con-
gratulatlni ; Queen Victoria on her jubilee In
recognition of her earnest defense and ad
vocacy of the Christian religion. " ( Sod Save
the Queen" was then snug by the audience.
Reformed Church Synod.
CLKVKIAND , June 2. The general synod
of the Reformed church , at Alaon , O. , to-day ,
completed its or.-anl/ation. The synod will
consider several Important questions.
Railroad Mat tern.
BOSTON , June 2. No testimony was taken
to-day by the Pacific railroad commission , the
time being occupied by members of the com
mission In examining the books of the Union
Thirty suits have been brought against the
Boston & Piovldeuco Railroad company by
those injured in the recent disaster at Bus-
sey bridge. The damages claimed aggregate
SrniNnFir.i.D , III. , Juno 2. Articles of as
sociation were hied at tlio otllco of the sec
retary ot state to-day for the Pekln & Dan
ville Railroad companv. It is intended to
construct a railroad trom Pekln. tlirouiih the
counties ot I'a/ewell , McLean , Dewltt , Piatt ,
Champaign and Vermillion to a point on the
eastern boundary line of the state of Illin
ois , where the Bloomiugton & Western mil-
road crosses the lino. The capital stock is to
boSWi.OOO. The incorporators are C. W.
Fall banks and Otto Giesham. of Indianapo
lis , E. b. Stewart , J. R. Mason and Will
Beckvvith , of Danville.
Panic in a Church.
CHIHUAHUA , Mex. , Juno 2. A terrible
panic prevailed hero yesterday afternoon In
the Catholic cathedral , caused by the falling
of a candle , setting lire to ono of the altars.
The day belne n religious holiday , the church
was crowded to overflowing , principally
with women nnd children. At sight of the
smoke the crowd became franntlc nnd the
usual scenes of terror-stricken , struggling
humanity followed. Seveial children were
killed and quite a number of women severely
_ _
Orovor and David.
NKW YOHK , June 2. A special from Al
bany says : President Cleveland and his vvito ,
it Is now definitely known , will bo guests of
Goveinor Hill at the new executive mansion
upon their leturn from the Adirondack wil
derness. It Is thought the president will ar
rive here J uno 1 1. He w 111 remain hero sev
eral days.
A Thief and Forcer ,
GUANO RAPIDS. June 2. The latest In
vestigation shows that Judge of Probate
Follett. whoso disappearance was men
tioned , Is said that ho Is not only a thief , but
a forger. His defalcation Is not less than
830,000. Several bank certificates are held
hero to which Follett Is said to have forged
A Pointer to Divorced PernonH.
OTTAWA , Out , , June 2. The senate which
for two days has been wrestling with the
question of divorce , yesterday decided that
a divorce obtained lu the United States Is ot
no effect in Canada.
Short On Local Option ,
LANSING , Mich. , Juno 2. The final veto
on local option for counties has been taken ,
show lug four short ot the required majority ,
TUo bill will bo reconsidered.
A Rattling Mill Up tin Hudson Between
Files and Beagaii.
lisavenworth Detents Omitha In a
Well Played Game By a Score of
O to n The Thistle Again
Victorious Sport * ,
The Fllofl-ncagan Fight.
Nnw YOIIK , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram
to the BKE. | 1 he third attempt to effect a
hard trlovo fight between Jack Files , of Chicago
cage , and John Reagan , ot Brooklyn , for
51,400 In stakes. Bate receipts , nnd n $30 nsldo
but , which ttio pugilists made between thorn-
selves In fie ring , was successful last night.
The men fouzht for nearly three hours In n
dancing pavilion thirty miles up tlio Hudson
nnd Rcngnn won by a knock-out blow on
Flics' jaw In the forty-fourth round. About
100 spectators were present , although the
greatest efforts \\cto made to keep the place
of mectlnciand | the departure of tlio excur-
slun steamer with tlio men and their backers
a profound secret. The battle was one of the
best over witnessed , iltotii men fought coolly
nnd carefully , it seemed after the terrible
rally In the tenth round that Reagan could
have won oatltor had ho gone In to force
matters , but a careful adviser who stood In
his corner would allow him to tnko no
chances. Once Flies' second told him to rush
the llghtlngtlilnkini : Reagan was daied , but
the youiiirster could hit with the veteran
every time. The men shook hands at the
call of time for the first round at a little after
midnight. Both held very high guards.
Keagftii led three times bofoio
Files responded at all , but he avoided each
attempt of his opponent with rase. Files
straight-countered once hard on the mouth
of licaan , who beautifully ducked a wicked
lelt-hamler a second later and then forced
Files to the topes , banking at his body with
both hands. The seventh round found both
men btill cautious , but Files sent In his right
and won the lirst knock-down. Reagan
sprang up and rushed In , but Files had the
best ot the exchange , foicing his man to the
topes , amlhls filends : were jubilant wlmn
the men went to their corners. Files got In
n splendid left-hander as they met lor the
next lound and \von fust blood tliu double
e\ent trom Rcnsan'b nose. Files" friends
were uproarous ns ho sent Reagan's blood
Hying with another blow on the nose. Rea
gan's eje v > as now black and swollen and
Files' check cut nnd bleeding , as his lett
side. They sparred a moment and cut rluhr
In and loughtthc hardest round of tlio battle.
The exchanging In the middle of tlio rlns
was terrific. They exchanged both hands
and the spectators held their breath and
shouted themselves hoarse alternately. Files
had the best of it , but could not cct In that
knock-out blow that ) he was dying to land.
The excitement was Intense. ' 1 he next hard
round was the thirty-third. Tht > re was
great lighting. Files Mas lowed to the
opes. Kcagan won his lirst knock-down in
he thlrttourth round , pushing Files to the
rope- , and knocking him cJear outside ttio
ring. There was good work in each of the
following rounds. Tracoy asked Power ,
Reagan's second , in the forty-second round ,
lor a little resin tor his man's feet. The re
quest was readily crantcd. This round was
a good one , but only play to the succeeding
one. Kenyan had things his own way now.
lie bangeii Files on ttiu jaw and sent him to
the ropes as he pleased. The veteran , with n
lump on his cheek as large as a potato and
blood streaming frpoi his ears nnd mouth ,
responded gamely. > The Brooklyn boy was
all too strong tor poor Files in the forty-third
round. Tiaeev claimed loul so often that
Reacan was given very little chance to do
any fighting. The forty-fourth round lasted
less than two minutes. Files \\as rushed
from one part of the ring to another , and a
right-handed smash on the jaw bent him to
the lloor on his head. His stiucl ; the
tloor , and when the tune keepers said ten
seconds were up ho lay there still , Three
cheers were given for Johnnie Reagan , wel
ter weight champion or Ameilea. The men
wcio hurried aboard the steamer and her
lines cast ( iff. Thev had been at it four min
utes short of three hours , anil It was now al
most daylight. Files'hands weio badly in
lionvcnworth lie Victor.
Undoubtedly the best game that has boon
played on the homo grounds tills season took
place yesteulav afternoon between the Letiv-
cnworth and Omaha nines , resulting in a
score of 0 to5 in Invor of tlic Conner. Unmo
was called promptly at 3.X : ) o'clock , with the
Omahas at the bat. The lirst Inning resulted
in geese eggs tor botli sides. The securing
of two runs each In the second Inning
aroused the enthusiasm of the spectators.
From that time on the playing was remark
ably good by both teams , aim at the end of
the sixth Inning , when the score stood C to 4
In favor of the Omahas , odds were wageied
on the homo nine. In the eighth Inning ,
however , safe hits by the visitors netted two
runs , and a whitewash for the home team In
the ninth settled the game. Some of the
playing on both sides would have done credit
to any of the national league clubs , among
which being a long running catch by Genius ,
ind the catch of a foul lly by Krehmeynr.
Two remarkable left-handed stops were made
bv two ot the visitors hi the eighth Inning
Whltehead and Beckley and which were
really tlio ones tnnt turned the tide. The
base stealing of Bailer was the greatest fea
ture of the contest , ho bringing In two runs
which would not otherwise have boon made ,
only for his remtrkablo faculty of sliding
several kct ami golnt : In under the baseman
when ho had the hall in his hinds. He also
made a tine running catch ot a high tlv In
lett held. The umpiring of lingan was en
tirely satisfactory , not a protest being hoard
during tlio game. The attendance was be
tween 700 and MO. There was much com
plaint at the close at the miserable facilities
jnovldcd bv the street car company for reach
ing the city. The companv should have a
large number of cars In waiting , so that people
ple would bo enabled to get down town in a
tew minutes after the close ot the contests.
Tin : scoui : .
Leaven worth..0 2000203 0
Runs earned Oinnlia 1. Leavenworth 1.
Two-base hits-Swift , BecKley.
Three-base lilts Kouike , Dilschel , Pee
Home runs None.
Lett on bases Omaha 7 , Leavenworth 12.
Double and triple plays None.
Struck out-Healy 5. Swartzel 3.
Bases on balls Hcaloy 3 , Swartzel L
Bases on balks None.
Bases given for hlttlns man with ball
llealy 1 , Swartzel 1.
Passed balls Uixttcr 1.
Wild pltches-llealy 2.
Bases stolen Omaha 7 , Leavenworth 4.
Time of game 2 hours.
Umpire Ilayan.
Lincoln Defeats St. Joe.
LINCOLN , Keb. . June l.-SpeclalTelegrnm [
to the BKK.J The opening game between
the St. Joseph and Lincoln clubs , on tbc
new grounds of the latter , was chniactumed
by heavy batting nnd many errors , especially
on the part of the visitors. There was a
noticeable freedom from kicking ncnlnst the
umpire. The OASO with which thn homo
team won did not allow the game to become
exciting In any inning. Miller and Dolau
were the Lincoln Inttery , and Wtesfnlffe
and Jumbo for tlio St. Joes. Following Is
the acoroby Innings :
Lincoln . 0 4-21
St. Joseph . 1 1031400 1 11
Topeka Defeated fly Denver. , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram to
the BKK. ] The ilrst game of the second
series ot Western League games was played
hero to-day between Denver nnd Topekn ,
The following Is the score and summary :
Denver . o 1003030 3-10
Topeka . 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 fi
Runs earned Denver 0 , Toppka 3. Two
base lilts Smith , Gorman , Maeallar , Stearns ,
Tebcau , llognn , MeSorloy , Uriels. Homo
runs Smith. Double plavs McSorJev to
Smith. Bavso on balls-Off Hognn 2. lilt by
pitcher Hoirnn 'i. Passed balls Brlcgs 2 ,
Gunsou 1. Struck out Hognn 1 , Conway 2.
Left on bases Denver 0 , TopeknS. Wild
pitches Conwny 2 , Honn2. Eriors Den
ver 1. Topi-ka R. Batteries Topeka , Conway
pitcher , Gunson catcher. Denver , Brlggs
catcher , Sllch pitcher.
Knntni City AVIns Acnln.
llASTi.vns , Neb. , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Bti : : . ] Kansas City won Its
fourth consecutive championship game from
Hastings to-day by the rank pitching of Me-
Laughlln of the homo club in the fourth
Inning. Hn 'tings otitbatted the visitors , se
curing ten clem hits , with n total of twenty
bases , while the Kansas City's made hut live ,
with a total of ten. The following Is the
scoio by Innings :
Hastings . 0 0240020 2-10
Kansas City . 1 0090050 * 15
Runs earned Hastings 7 , Kansas City 3.
Batteries McKhn and Graves ; McLniighlln ,
Mlchebon and Reeves. Umpire Deaglo.
The National Iicasnc.
lNDiAXAi'oi.isJnno2. The game between
the Pittsburg and Indianapolis teams to-day
resulted as follows :
Indianapolis . 2 00000010-3
Plttsbuig . 0 0203001 * 0
Pitchers Klrbv and Galvln. Base hits
Indlanape.'bl1) ' , Plttsburi : 12. Errors Indl
anaoolls I , Pittsburg 1. Umpire Pierce.
WA HiN.iioNJunn2. The game between
the Washington and Now York teams to-day
resulted as follows :
Washington . 0 10210010-5
NowYoik . 0 00000210 3
Pitchcis-Whltney and Welch. Base hits
Washington 10. iSew York 9. Errors-
Washington 0 , Now York 3. Umpire-
PHILADELPHIA , Juno 2. The game be
tween the Boston and Philadelphia teams
today resulted as follows :
Boston . 0 2
Philadelphia . 0 00000000-0
Pitchers Madden and Ferguson. Base
hits Boston 7 , Philadelphia 7. Errors Bos
ton 1 , Philadelphia 4. Umpire Doescher.
DnruoiT , Juno 2. The game between De
troit and Chicago was postponed on account
ot the so gy condition ot the grounds.
The American Association.
BIIOOKLYN , Juno 2. The game bptweon
Brooklyn and St. Louis to-day resulted as
follows :
Brooklyn . 1 10000012 6
St. Louis . 1 3 0 0 0 1 2 3 * 9
Pitchers Font/ and Harkins. Ba o hits
St. Louis 14 , Brooklyn 13. Errors St.
Louis 5 , Brooklyn 4. Umpire Knlcht.
BALTIMOHI : , Juno 2. The game between
Baltimore and Cincinnati to-day resulted as
follows :
Baltimore . 1 0102110 1 13
Cincinnati . 1 02001300-7
Pitchers Kilroy and McGlnnls. Base hits
Baltimore an. Cincinnati 12. Errors Bal
timore 5 , Cincinnati 7. Umpire Valentine.
NKW YOIIK , Juno 2. The game be-
ween tiio Metropolitans and Cleveland was
postponed on account of wet grounds.
The Nnrthwcfltcrn
LACHO-SE , Wis. , Juno 2. The game to-
lay between the Laciosso and Des Molnes
clubs resulted as follows :
Lacrosse . 10
DPS Moines . 8
Pitchers Kennedy and Campbell.
University Men Win.
IOWA CITV , la. , June 2. The state univer
sity base ball club defeated Davenport by a
core ot C to lu.
Imtonln Park Knees.
LATONIA , Juno 2. The attendance was
large , the tiack muddy and the weather fair
In the afternoon. The following Is the sum
mary :
For three-year-olds and upwaids , mile :
W.ll.H.vvoii , Uncle Dan second , ElUa Carter
third. Tlmo l:5tjf. :
Fortlneo-year-olds and upwaids , slfur -
lones : Panama vvon , Cntalpa second , Sour
Mash third. Timu l:24jf. :
For maiden twoearolds , live furlongs :
Colamore vvon , Vnttell second , Tommy Col
lins third. Time llljf. :
The fourth race was a walk-over for
Jacobin , the other entries being scratched.
For three-v ear-olds and upwards , seven
furlongs : Hornpipe won , Wahoo second ,
Gioy Cloud third. Time 1:37. : Before the
start Lady Max iccolved a kick from Wan-
deroo which bioko her right hind lee above
tlio knee joint. The judges decided it a race ,
but all bets on Lady Max were off. The
owners will endeavor to save Lady Max for
a brood maie.
Jerome Park Races.
Jr.itOMK 1'AitK , June 2. The { attendance
was very Ik'ht , the weather bright and the
track stiff. The following Is the summary :
Seven fuilongs : Bess vvon , Connemaia second
end , Alf Steel nndJonnlo B dead heat foi
third place. Time 1.H :
For two-year-olds , half mile : King Fish
won , Now or Never second , Prince Royal
third. Tlmo-51 .
For three-yeai-olds , mlle and furlong :
Rustler won , The Minority second , Queen
Eh/abeth third. Timo-aiOJtf.
Ono nnd three-sixteenth miles : Linden
vvon , Philj Lee second , Enigma third. Time
-2:13K. :
One and one-eighth miles : Nelllo Van won ,
Brown Duke second , Blue line third. Time
2:01. :
n Handle in , steeplechase , short course :
Tomahawk won , Jim McGowan second ,
Klllarnoy third. Tlme-345K. ;
The Thistle Ag.iln Victorious.
LONDON , Juno 2. The race under the
auspices of the Thames yact club to-day
was vvon by the Thistle , with the Irex second
end , The tace was over the same course
over which the roval Thames match was
sailed jcsterday. The distance was fifty
To-day's performance confirms the uni
versal opinion of the Thistle's splendid ca
pacity , Some experienced Ilngllsh yachts
men say she Is tlio finest lacing yacht afloat ,
The Walklne Match.
The work of laying the track for the six-
day go-as-yau-pleaso pedestrian match next
week at the Exposition building was com
menced yesterday morning , and when the
workmen retired last night their labor was
almost completed. A number of the pedes
trians and their trainers Insnccted the track
last evening , nnd pronounced It first-class In
every respect. The track will bo completed
and turned over to the entries today , and n
number of them will perform their dally
trainlnc on it until the great match begins nt
midnight Sunday , George Huffman arrived
from Bellwood yesterday , and Cunningham ,
Hoaelnnd and others are expected to arrive
to-day. _
The Challenge Accepted.
To the Sporting Editor of the BHK : I will
back Mcllenry Johnson , the Black Star , to
light Peter White or any other colored pugi
list In Nebraska. As an earnest I will de
posit S2Q In your hands until articles can bo
signed. I will only stipulate that the fight
shall be lu private. Eu. ROTHKUV.
A Great Game.
The greatest ball gnmo of the season will
take place on Juno 12. The contest will bo
between the Ktcreotvpers nnd pressmen. No
pools nre selling on the game , nut money Is
being freely olfered for the privilege of seeing
such athletes as J. H. I'eenov and Jake Bay-
nor ruu around the bases. The nines selected
ore as follows : Storeotypers Eacnn. Wat
son , Black , Couolly. Buckley , Rouzco ,
M'Grath , Fecnoy nnd Kelly. Pressmen-.l.
Rnynor , Doc. Clinton , Mat. Itnvnor , Frank
Wallace. Vred. Young , Col. Casscl nnd
Messrs. Wood , George nhd Jnck. There
\\lll bo an eclipse on Snndar , Juno 12 , on ac
count of too many meteors Hying through
the nlr. _
Thn Do * Molncn A Fort Dod n Turned
Over to the Hock Island.
DKS.MOINI.S , la. , Juno 2. ( Special Telegram -
gram to the Utcr. . ] The formal transfer of
the Dos Molnes it Fort Dodge railway to tlio
Rock Island under the terms of the now ton
year lease took place to-day , The directors
of the Fort Dodse held their annual meeting
nnd elected the following officers for the
year : President , Charles N. Glhnorc , DCS
Molnes : vice-president , A. M. Flower. Now
Yoik ; secretary. John Given. Des Slolnes.
It l.s expected that In a day or two the Rock
Island management will announce the super
intendent and other olllclals of the new
system from Keokuk to Ruthovn , nnd It Is
generally understood that the present super
intendent ot the Fort Dodeo , Mr , Gil more ,
will bo the man.
Iowa IllhernlatiH In Session.
DES MOINKS. la. , Juno 2. ( Special Telo-
crain to the UEI : . | The Ancient Order of
Hibernians for Iowa held n larzo nnd enthu
siastic meeting nt Iowa City. Fully 1,000
members of the order trom nbrond wcio pres
ent. Hon. S. M. Falroll , ot lown City , deliv
ered the nddrcss of welcome , nnd the main
speech of the day was made by lion , John F.
Finortv , of Chicago. Ho was followed by
Hon. M. V. Gannon , United States district
attorney , ot Davenport. Other speeches
were made by Father Haves , ot Georgetown ,
nnd Hon. J , P. Irish , of California. The fes
tivities continued through the evening nnd
great enthusiasm nnd sympathy for the
cause of homo rule wcro aroused.
Iowa Firemen's Tournament.
Sioux CITY , la. , Juno 1. [ Special Tele-
cram to the BKK.J Extensive preparations
are making for the state firemen's tourna
ment , to bo held hero next week. Every nr-
\vi5oment for the comfort of visitors Is
being made , nnd the largest attendance of
any previous similar occasion In this state Is
Another Sawdust Swindle.
NEW YOUD , Juno 2. R. A. Tnpper , who
says ho is n Sunday school superintendent In
Falrfield. In. , complained this morning that
ho had been lobbed of 8200 , but subsequently
confessed that he came to Now York intend
ing to buv counterfeit money. Tl.o
swindlers robbed him by replacing tils satchel
with another in n saloon.
A Huge Combination to Roost the
NEW YOIIK , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram to
the Br.r.J Ono of the greatest commercial
combinations of recent years wns ellccted In
this city yesterday. It Involves the control
of the entire rubber Industry In America , nn
Industry which has already assumed Immense -
monso proportions and which will undoubt
edly Increase at an accelerated rate now that
the scheme of consolidation has become nn
established fact. The scheme does away
with the business of about 200 Importers and
masses the buying power in the hands of ono
brokerage house alone , allowing the other
twelve brokers to go fishing. Besides this It
fixes the pi Ice of crude rubber and consequently
quently the returns to the rubber cutter for
his labors nnd the revenue to the owner of
the land ? . It nlso compels the jobber In rub
ber goods to pny the trust what Its malingers
consider a fair return for the capital nnd
brains employed , but does not oust the job
ber altogether fioin the trade. It
leaves him to piey upon the retailer , who In
turn will compel the consumer to stand
and deliver or get his feet wet. Lastly It
regulates the pay of over 25,000 wage earners
to suit the Ideas of the trust nnd leaves the
larger time to ponder on that classic maxim ,
"What nro wo going to do about it' " ' The
trust , according to the plan proposed , wns to
bo formed by tlio absolute surrender of every
mill In the countiy. The central company
then be managed by three tiustees with un-
unllmltcd powers. As the meeting in thlscity
representatives ot riibbcrmanutnctoiles from
all parts of the country were present. After
talklne all day the trust was formed with a
working capital of 83,500,000. Messrs Ban-
nlgan , Alden and Meyer were chosen as ex
ecutive directors with unlimited power nnd a
salary of 340,000 a year. It Is understood.
Some idea ol the magnitude of this prbject Is
I mulshed by statistics showing the growth
ot the lubber Industry In America. Tlio Im
ports of ciudo rubber hnsrisen from 11,000,000
pounds a tow years ago to 27,000,000 pounds
in IbNJ. The industry to-day icpresentsan
Investment of about S'iO,000.KK ) nnd an an-
nii i trade ot over $10,000uoO. ( ) Upwards ot
25,000 workmen are nlso employed.
Shot Down By SolUlcri While Trying
to Escape.
SAX ANTONIO , Tex. , Juno 2. [ Special
Telegram to the BKE. I Samuel O. Reed was
killed by a file of United States soldiers yes
terday. Reed was a man not over thirty
years of acre , well bnllt , well educatedphysic-
ally powerful , and the scion of ono of the
best families of Alabama. Ho enlisted as a
privnte soldier In the United States army
and was subsequently stationed nt Fort
Brown , near the mouth of the Rio Grande.
tVccompanled by a comrade named Williams
ho dcfcrtcd nnd crossed to Matamoras , where
ho killed and robbed a rich jeweler by the
name of Block. Ho and his companion wcro
arrested and condemned to death , but
escaped. Reed went to California nnd
Ari/.ona , slow a couple of men
there , and finally drifted had : to
San Antonio , where ho was arrested on the
charge of desoi tlon iind turned over to Ilia
military. This nation , for some reason ,
wished to keep him , nnd the authorities of
Matamoras , where ho Is under sentence of
death for Block's murder , wished to get hold
of him so they could shoot him. The United
States held him , however , and yesterday
Reed , under liravy guard , loft his prison for
the hall where the military court sat On
the way ho made a desperate effort to escape.
He paid no attention to the command to halt
and was lirccl upon. At the crack of the cnn
the deserter bounded Into the nlr and fell.
The bullet entered his right side and passed
thrnuL-li. Ha Is mortally wounded. There
were nine men In the dctnll and nil ot them
fired upon him. Only one ball struck him.
In n deathbed confession Reed admitted his
Identity with the murderer of Block , which
ho had up to this time trenuously denied.
The PrcNldont'H Anniversary.
SAKANAC INN , Juno 2. The anniversary
of the wedding day of President nnd Mrs.
Cleveland dawned beautifully at Saranac
Inn. When Mrs. Cleveland sat down to
bieakfast she found a llttlo cluster of four-
leaved clovers at her place. Slid and the
president were heartily congratulated upon
the anniversary and vein wished all man
ner of happiness and good luck.
At 10 o'clock , atte-r smearing their faces
liberally with fly ointment , the president ,
Mrs. Cleveland anJ party went oil fishing
for the day.
On reaching the ground trolling vvas begun -
gun , and Mrs. Cleveland caught the first lish ,
A heavy shower came up alter lunch , which
put an end to the sport , utter Mrs. Cleveland
had taken live fish. The president caught
nothing. The party returned to the cottage
s mewhat damp , but Jolly. During their ab
sence the lady friends ot Mrs. Cleveland
had decorated thu cottage beautifully in
honor of the wedding anniversary.
A Couple of Infernal Machines.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 2-I'olIco Captain Wil
liams nnd Inspector Byrnes were rt-clpltants
of Infernal machines from unknown sources ,
Captain Williams had a narrow escape , the
machine belnir nbout to explode when In
dropped It into a bucket of water. The othei
was carefully opened and inspected ,
The Irish Editor Given n Qrand Bccoptiod
in the Metropolis !
Lruisilovvne's Action Denounced la
Very Forcible IiatiKtiago Coin *
inotitH on John Hrl hl's Latcat
Letter on Irish Affairs.
* v
, O'flrlon In Rothant. 4
Nr.w YOIIK. Juno 2. O'Brien arrived here *
from Boston this afternoon. After dlniui *
In private ho was conducted to the Academy
of Music , where n most enthusiastic rcccptloq
nwnlted him. The auditorium vvas packed
to Its utmost capacity. Mayor Hewitt , cx
Mayor Grace and other prominent cltueiiS
occupied seats on the stage , which vvas deco
rated with Intertwined English nnd Irish
Hags. As soon as O'llticn appeared a storm
of applause arose and lasted for suvcial mlu
tttcs. On being Introduced by tlio chairman ,
O'Brien spoke feelingly ot thu extra '
ordinary extent of American sym
patliy which had been stirred up by
events In Canada. Lansdownc , he satdi
has been a more successful npostld
for Ireland nnd the Irish cause than they
could ever be. They could only toll thn tale
of tils deeds In Iieland , but these deeds anil
Lansdow lie's mob had told the tale all the
world over. The horrible moments spent la
Canada , the speaker said , lie lightly in bli
memory when ho remembers those Incidents
have Illusttatcd the true character ot Lans
downism and the terrible evictions whlcH
nro now belnir perpetrated lu Ireland. Lans-
downn hns said everything ho can through
the press , and O'Brien believes the most
bitter partisan dare not stand up and say
Lansdowne has hlmselt denied n slngfa
Referring to John Brlght's letter road In
Birmingham , O'Brien said : " 1 lonrct tliathU
lite is ending In bitter winter rather than In
thu glorious sunset In which Mr. Gladstone's
Is ending. Bright disapproves of my uils
slon In the same breath in which ho calls
Gladstone n traitor. ( Cries of shame. ) 1 am
not sorry to bo In such compnny. " ( Loud ap
plause. ) Lansdowne , said the speaker , no
satisfied with being damned as a landlord
lias added to Ins guilt that of nn instigator 01
crime and outrage. Ho inspired those vvhc
carried out his outiages , and they
were the men who joked them
selves Ilka jackasses to his carriages.
He know tha outrage vvas to bo perpetrated !
by thn same "gentloniPii" volunteers who
betiavcd so Mallantly at the battle ot Ridgo-
way. [ Laughter. | Four hundred of these ,
with their sldu arms on , wcro of the mob who
tried In the dark at Kingston to murder ns.
" 1 charge Lansdowne hero to-night with
that crime. Ho answered our demand lot
fieo speech with revolver shots. I ventuid
to think we shall not hear for some time any
more trom tlio London Times about Par-
nelllsm and cilme , nnd , bv the war , 1 shall
have something to say about Lanadowno and
cilme. " The representatives of the American
press , ho said , vvoie literally and truly the
saviors ol himself and party. The mob
would have trampled them to death had ID
not been for this powerful shield of protec
tion.Mr. . O'Brien devoted somn time to an expo
sition of the condition of allalrs In Ireland ,
etc. , nnd was followed by Kilbrlde and
others. Letters of regret were received and
read trom ox-Senator Conkllng , ex-Governor
Hoadloy , Governor Hill , nnd Archblshou
Corrlgnn. Resolutions were adopted de
nouncing In forcible terms Lord Lansdowne
and the Canadian outrages against O'Brien.
They declared the sympathy of the entire
people with Ireland In the struggle tor homo
A Lnr o Elevator Completely De : j
stroycd By the Flamco. ; ]
COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , June 2. | Special Telegram - ' ]
gram to the BKK. ! About B o'clock this i
evening the large elevator belonging to E. J. ]
linker vvas discovered on fire , and so rapid * j
was the prozrcss of the flames that the buildIng - I
Ing vvas soon enveloped in dense smoke and j
was ono vast sheet of fire. The Hro depart- > j
incut vvas soon on the ground , but nn Inexcusable - , |
cusablo delay In procuring water soon J
placed the lira beyond control. It was ovl < I
dent that the huge stiucturo was doomed to 1
destruction , and although three etrenms of ,1
water were turned on thu llames the building 1
and its contents were destroyed In forty-live I
nlnntes. The loss on thobuildlnir is 31,500 ; 1
.nsmanec , § 700. Them was about $7,000 1
worth of agricultural machinery stored In 1
the building belonging to Krans BIOS. , upon * 1
which there vvas si,000 insurance. This Is a 'I
severe loss to Kraus Bros. , this beine the > ' |
tliinl time they have bcon burned out in I
seven years. The origin of thu fire IB un"I
known , there having been no lire In the I
building , and It Is generally believed to be 1
Incendiary. It has been suggested it might I
be from spontaneous combustion , as a large I
quantity of wool nnd household goods were 'J
stored In the building Although the ma- i |
chincry hns been left In the elevator , It tins bj
been used for n storage warehouse for several - I
oral years past. I
Crops Invigorated By Rain. -J
McCooK , Nob. , Juno 2. | Special Tcloernra . t'l
to the HKK.J The crops of this part of No- jl
braskn were never In better shape. A line 'I
mm fell this evening nnd is still falling ; 1
with prospects of continuing all nightwulcu , I
insures Uno crops. J
niohnrdHon Back In Jail. 'I
Oni ) , Nob. , Juno 2. [ Special Telegram to I
the BKE | Richardson arrived on the train -I
at 1 p. m. In charge of Sheriff Pedlcr and , I
wns placed In the county jail. I
Governor Sawyer's Inaugural. I
Coxroni ) , N. H. , Juno 2. Tlio Inaugtira- I
tlon of Governor Sawyer took place to-day I
and with the usual ceremonies. A no table < |
feature of the occasion vvas a procession , I
compiisliiK the entire military force of the I
state. Governor Sawyer was escorted to tlio I
state house by the militia whcro he delivered I
his InaiiL'urru address. Tliu governorrecom,1
mends legislation providing for it ten hour I
law , and weekly payments , and lor nrbltraI
tlon of labor troubles. He advocates prohlhl- '
tory temperance and tree text books lor pub- I
lie schools. I
Revolution Talk In Mexico. < |
CITY OF Mr.xico ( via Galveston ) , Juna I
2. Despite the fact that the organs of tbo , I
clerical party ridicule the reported plot to Incite - I
cite revolution and place Don Carlos on the -I
throne of Mexico and that loading politicians I
of the liberal party assert there is no founda- I
tlon for the story , the Monitor Republicauo , I
nn influential liberal journal , contains ; |
to-day a leading nrtlclu which claims ,1
to have special Information tor its basis. I
The tone Is Intensely hostile to the clerical I
paity. Thoaiticln hints at a vast ornanl/a- I
tlon with tlio cleileal party for the overthrow -I
ot the republic , and Retting up in Its stead a ,1
mnnatchy , with Don Carlos on tlio throne. I
Thn writer says some Spanish residents , In- I
fatunted with that wild hope ot restorinc '
Spanish ascendancy , nro implicated , "but. " I
he adds , "the prlmn movers nre the priests , I
the game who In 1HT/I betrayed the country to '
the Fiench and would not hesitate to do the I
same to-dnv If they could attain their selfish I
ends , " The writer calls on the government < I
to lay asldo Its tempnrl/lng nnd keep n stern
watch on the movements of these men. The I
nrtlclu hns excited much comment nnd the reply -
ply of the clerical press Is looked tor with I
great Interest. + m
National Building Truila Meeting. I
CIIICAOO , Juno2. At n meeting of the I
Buildlnc trndn council to-night n commlttoo I
was appointed to Issue a call to nit building I
trades unions In the United States to send I
delegates to a conference In Chicago Juno CO I
to tnko action towards forming n national
organl/aton ! to counteract the action of tUe
national bulldent. I