Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    Mrs. Ohules Mantella , of Iowa , Lodges
Her Husband in Jail-
1'rcpnratlotis ft ml I'rotnlscB for n
Bplcndlil Fair In September People
ple Who Figure lit the Courts
The New Chief of Police.
A Smooth Scoundrel.
At lOo 'clock yciturday inoriiinj ; Charles
Mnntolla was arrested on 11 warrant
sworn out tlio evening before by Mrs.
Lottie M. Mantulla , of IJloomlield , Iowa
charging him with forgery and being a ,
fugitive from justice. From information |
furnished tlio authorities it developed
that forgery Is not the least of Mantollo's
crimes , It apecars that the forgery
committed by Mantella was in
surreptlously securing a check which had
been sent Mrs. Mantulla by her father ,
signlnc his wife's name to the check ,
drawing the money and appropriating
it to his own use. The check is for $ MO ,
from the First National bank of ( irant
City , Neb. , on the Commercial bank of
Chicago. Last ScDtcmbcr Mantella mar *
ricd the coniplaiuatit who was the widow
of a phyMcInn anil the daughter of n
Methodist minister Hov. C. K. Harrotin ,
of Grant city Missouri. Mantella repro- '
Rented himself as a United States detec
tive and ingratiated himself through a
plausible story and a rather cleTcr ad
dress. Several mouths ago licseeured pos
session of certain property of Mrs. Man
tella , left by her former husband , and
came westward on pretense of business.
Ho landed in Omaha with about $1,000 ,
and hug been stopping at the St. James
hotel. Since his advent ho has gambled
considerably , at times with varying suc
cess : but the bulk of his money has re
cently disappeared. All this time he haa
been writing loving missives to
Grant city , where his wife had gone ,
telling Mrs. Mantella to address him at
Salt Lake. Laramlo and St. Paul , claim
ing to bo in each place on business , be
coming suspicious Mrs. Mantolla iotind
that the postmasters of the places
mentioned had orders to forward
mail addressed to Charles Mantcllu to
the St. James hotel at Omaha , and this
led to further inquiries , which culmin
ated in the sharper's arrest this morning.
During his stay at the hotel Alantolla
paid ( fevoted attention to ono of the
chambcrmaidsnnd it is said was engaged
to marry her. Tlio police are informed
that Mantella has a wife and three or
four children living in Kansas ; that Man
tolla was formerly a conductor on the
Santa Fo railroad , and that ho is an old-
time bigamist. Mantella is a man
of probably thirty-livo years me
dium height , dark hair , eyes
and moustache and is of Italian ex
traction. He is suave , and from his cell
at the central station replies to questions
evasively. He insinuated that his arrest
was duo to spite , caused by the fact that
ho had left his wife and had not commu
Sv nicated with her for a number of weeks.
Svf Ho will be held until a requisition from
Iowa arrives. Mrs. Mantolla is an intel
ligent woman , very respectably con
nected and with her friends is determined
that everything shall bo done to nring
Mantella to justice. If she doesn't her
father , who is here , will.
"Where Litigants Have Pressed Many
Suits for Attention.
In the district court yesterday morning
the jury in the Jamieson case retired , and
after having been out for some tuna ,
decided that it did not have all the
instructions it wanted and wore accord
ingly brought back to court at 3 o'clock
in the afternoon. They wcro enlightened
as to Severn 1 points nn.l again retired.
Tom Huby pleaded guilty to the charges
of grand larceny before Judge GroiF , and
was returned to jail.
To-day Tom Wolff , charged with arson
will bo tried by Judge Grolr.
The case of Bcn/.on & Johnson against
the Kelt Line company was argued
yesterday in Judge Hopowcll's court.
Judge Churchill , yesterday morning ,
was engaged in taking the testimony in
the case of the West Point Uutter and
Cheese association , and thought that ho
would bo engaged for some time in the
The jury in the case of Mahoney vs.
Thompson , tried Tuesday , as referred
to in the UKK yesterday morning , re
turned a verdict for the pfamtiffof $1,007.-
In the suit of Dayton vs. Withern , the
verdict returned was for the plaintiff.
Assistant District Attorney Uartlott yes-
tordny morffing moved for the dismissal
of the old case of liabcock of Colorado , on
extradition , and G. Miles , for selling
.liquor without a license.
The case of Mitrnan , charged with
manslaughter , for the killing of a rail
road foreman at Millard a year ago , will
bo called next monday.
Judge McCuIloch was engaged yester
day morning in hearing the case of Hnppc
TS. Julius Trotschko for n commission of
$175 for selling the latter's saloon to Mr.
Fcppendick. the present manager for
SS.QUO. Judgement was rendered for the
The Work Now Dolnc Done tu Slnke it
A Success.
The manuscript for tbo premiums foi
the Omaha fair , was yesterday morning
sent to the printer. The work will bo ox
peditrd to the greatest degree. The prize !
offered are more numerous than over before
fore and will bo found to have been sug
gcstcd with discriminating euro. Tin ;
year the cover of the book , will have i
handsome emblematic design being vor.i
tastfully suggested and artistically exe
cuted. Secretary J. H. McShano
through his assistant Mr. Glbbs , this
morning informed a HKK reporter that
a number of popular attractions had
been secured , among them be
ing chariot races four horsoi
abreast , which will take place
every day of the fair ; mala and feuiali
aeronauts , who will make an asconsioi
daily in gas and not hot air balloons.
The entries for the colt stakes closci
last night , though a couple of days mus
elapse before alf of thcso entries shall-
known , because any entry which bear
the postmark of to-day must bo received
no matter whether its receipt may taki
place a couple of days hence. ' Thosi
entries are for two , three and four yean
old. Mr. Gibbs says that the prospect
of the fair are most promising , in lac
more so than those of any fair which ha
thus far been held hero.
Cblof-nC-Pollce Soavoy Snyi ho wll
A rumor was llontmg about the street
yesterday afternoon that an action was t
bo tiled in the district coui
against Chief-of-Polico Seavoy fo
usurpation of oftlce. No ono r
pcared to be cognizant of the partlc
who proposed making suit. A visit t
the district clerk's olllce resulted J
no information. The reports wet
that the chief of pplico , having knowlcdg
ol the suit , was about to present h
resignation to the board of polic
commissioners. A reporter for the UK
at Ul lie k leisurely 01
gaged in olDcn work. Hn was asked if
there was any truth in the rumor. In
substance he said that there was
nothing in the report that ho
would resign. Tapping a copy of the
city charter with his pencil , Captain
Seavoy said that ho was chief of police
by the authority conveyed b y that act to
the board of police and hro commis
sioners ; that knowing he was chief he
proposed to continue in the
exercise of his duties. The board had
chosen him aye , knew that ho was
chief and acting in this belief ho would
contlne to discharge the duties of his of
fice until the board of commissioners
informed him that ho was
no longer required. The agita
tion over the head of the police depart
ment does not cause him to be in the
least perturbed. Capt. Scavey is more
calm and collected than any man iu the
city. _
Tlio Syndicate Again nt Work N nr
Hnitth Otnnlin.
The Ihv-Croighton coal svniilcnto has
leased tlio l.xrgo trnct of land north of the
town of South Omaha and between the
yards and the Missouri river , and arc
now boring for coal. Tlio lease on tlio
land , secured from IMackman & Child ,
provides for the privilege of mining
should coal bo found in sufficient quanti
ties to justify the enterprise. The men
have been at work several days , but were
delayed at a depth of about thirty feet by
striking a woody substance than which
there is nothing harder for a drill to pass
through. A depth of about one hundred
feet was readied yesterday. Should the re
sults of the prospecting prove as satisfac
tory as the previous boring , the syndicate
will at once build tracks trom the stock
yards to the coal fields and begin the
mining of coal. Workmen are also en
gaged in digging into tlio cliff near the
11. & M. at South Omaha , where some
timoago such favorable indications were
discovered of coal in paying quantities.
Cottage colors ready for use in new
and desirable shades. Alabaslino in
various tints , the original and only per
manent wall finish , supersedes calci
mine for beauty and durability , and is
easily applied. Paints , window glass ,
brushes , etc. , largest and most complete
stock west of Chicago. Cummingd &
Ncilson , 1118 Farnam St.
It Increases Nearly $1OOOUO Over
Mny or Imst Your.
The books of Collector Calhoun's
ollicc , for the month of May of this year ,
have just been figured no by Mr. Valen
tine , with the following result :
Spirit stamps S 105.7 .90
liner stamps lC,7J'y : ;
ClL'ar stamps 4 0.05
Tobacco stamps lo.i.iio
Special tax 8 ,755.41
Penalties 47.50
Total S 271,003148
The receipts from tlio same sources
during thn same month of last year wcro
$180,039.20 , showing an increase in this
year of $00,401.19. This is considered as
unprecedented in this line of the service.
The increase in tlio sale of special taxes
this year was ? &yjl8.97.
Edison Electric Light System Estimates
furnished. GKO.V. . COSTEI : ,
Paxton House , Omaha , Agent'
The I'ollco Department.
To the Editor of the BEE : I have observed -
served with much interest the action of
our city council relative to our now board
of police commissioners , and have also
noticcd-tho stand taken by the city news
papers as to the organization and gov
ernment of our now metropolitan polico.
At the time our now charter was before
the legislature , it seemed to bo the gen
eral dcsiro that our police commissioners
should bo appointed by the governor and
that the control and management of our
police department should bo kept en
tirely free from political influences.
Even the Republican was loud in itt de
mands that the police commissioners
should bo appointed by the governor.
Now , what is thonsn of having a police
commission to manage our police de
partment if they are to be hampered and
controled by rules and regulations made
by the city council. The w'.iolo thing
might as well have been left in the hands
of the council in the first placo.
J have taken pains to ascertain the
opinion of many of our citi/.ons upon
this subject , and so far have failed to find
a man who was not of the opinion that
the city council should leave the manage
ment of the police department to the
nolico commissioners , where it belongs.
If the members of the council dcsiro to
carry out the wishes of law abiding citi
zens they will do all in their power to
help the commissioners to organize n
first-class police force , instead of putting
impediments in their wny. It strikes mo
that the commissioners are the only ones
held responsible for the management of
the police force , and not the city council.
Recure Your Accretion Deeds.
Treasurer Rush sent in n communica
tion to the council Tuesday night , which
was later acted upon by thn council , its
suggestions ought to bo understood by
people who have recently bought
small parcels of real estate
in this city , and allow thn
deeds to which lie in the oflico of the city
treasurer. Those strips and parcels
are those formed by the narrowing of
certain streets and are always bid in by
the owners of the adjacent uroporty , who
thus secure either front , roar or bide ad
ditions to the lots nt reasonable rates ,
Mr. Rush has now several hundred
deeds to property of this Kind which ha
would like to have called for immedi
Track Laying Itaplclly.
Tuesday there was some lively wori
done in track building on Curaing street ,
west of Kennedy. It was extended to
Lowe avenue ny evening , where it con'
nccts with tlio track leading to IScnson ,
The city railway company's track runs
to a point a few blocks east of Kennedy
street , and it is thought that the lattci
company has been shut oil from an im
portant thoroughfare and territory. The
officers of the latter road claimed not tc
know who it was that had headud then
The Falcon.
The latest addition to the Knights o
Pythias in this city is that of Falcon di
vision , uniformed rank , which wai
formed Monday night It is otn
ocred as follows : Captain , Charles P
Ncedham ; first lieutenant , John M. Me
Mannis : A. Kinkel , second lieutenant
( ieorgo Strykortrc surer and Ed Theism ;
A Building Annotation.
The North Side Building associatiot
tiled articles of incorporation yc&tcrda ;
morning with County Clerk Ncedham
The capital is 44,000 , and the incorpora
tors are A.V. . Patterson , W. U. Croft , G
S. Sttong , N. H. Ours , David Oglesby , C
R. Sherman and U. P. Camp.
Tlio I'rcclnct
The assessments trom the sovcrn
county precincts are duo at the office a
the county commissioners on Alomta ,
noxt. Three of them have already ai
nvoct. On and after next Monday th
commissioners desire taxpayers to call fl
their oflico and
i - -
v >
The Royal Baking Powder Declared
. Superior to all others.
> -
Tlio fact that Royal Baking Powder ia.'in all respects , [
the best baking powder offered to the ipublic has been' '
established beyond question.
Prof. II. A. Mott , when employed by the U. S. 'Govern-1
ment to analyze the various baking powders of the market
to determine which was the best and most economical , after
an extended investigation , reported in favor of the Royal ,
and it was adopted for government use.
Prof. Mott has continued his examinations of baking
powders sold at the present dy , and now affirms it as hia
deliberate judgment , arrived at after most thorough research
and a careful examination of the principal brands of the
market , that the Royal is undoubtedly the purest and most
reliable baking powder offered to the public. Prof. Mott , in
his recent report , says :
"The Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure , for I
have so found it in many tests made both for that company
and the U. S. Government.
" I will go still further and state that , because of the
facilities that company have for obtaining perfectly pure
cream of tartar , and'for ' other reasons dependent upon the
proper proportions of the same , and the method of its
preparation , the Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the
purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the
public. DK. HENRY A. MOTT , PH.D. "
Late U. 8. Government Chtmht.
The City Treasury Secures tlio Old
Money Order C'lork.
Mr. F. P. Gritlloy , chief of tlio money
order dupnrtniont of the postollico , 1ms
been appointed deputy city treasurer
under John Rush , and will retire from
his present position on the first of next
month. This retirement has not boon
brought about by partisan reformation.
It has been siifjsesteil solely by
the desire of Mr. Gridloy to
improve his position , and of Mr. Hush to
secure an able and experienced assistant
Mr. Gridloy will bo missed from his win
dow in the postolhce , where for twelve
years ho has always been present , atul
ready and capable of courteously attend
ing to all tlio patrons of the department.
In those years it is estimated that $50-
000,000 of the people's money have passed
through his hands.
Ho will bo succeeded by William P.
Spatl'ard , formerly cashier of the Union
Pacific at the local freight station , and
more recently bookkeeper in the smelt
ing works of this city.
Ho Wa a Partisan.
John Christopherson , in charge of the
transfer of mails at the Union Pacific
depot , has been succeeded by William
Spaulding , the papers from Washington
to that effect having been received last
night. Mr. Christopherson has been in
active service for exactly twelve years
and two months , and proved a faithful
and cllicicnt employe of the government.
Somctliinc About the Hoard or Public
Worku' Olllcc.
The bond of St. A. U. Balcombo as
chairman of the board of public works
was approved Tuesttay night by the coun
cil , the sureties being Louis Reed and
Harry Reed , the amount being $15,000.
The bond of C. E. Mavnc , was also pre
sented and approved , his sureties being
Dr. S. 1).Mercer. Louis Reed and John
L. McCaguo. Tlio amount of tlio bond
is $10.000.
Louis Ilcimrod's bond for the same
position in $10,000 was presented to the
council at its meeting last night and up-
proved , Henry Pundt , and Max. Meyer ,
being sureties.
Chairman Balcombo yesterday morning
was looking around the court house , en
deavoring to lind some nook in tlio base
ment of that building to which the office
of the board might bo 'moved , seas
as to be near the city engineer's
ollico. Ho holds that the latter
official is so intimately connected with
the board of public" works that the offices
of both should bo contiguous for mutual
convenience. The present oflico is pretty
generally conceded to bo convenient to
nobody , especially when entrance to it
in the morning can bo had only during
the hour before noon.
A Non-Partisan School Board.
To the citizens of Omaha : Whereas ,
the new law for the government of pub-
Ho schools in metropolitan cities contem
plates a material change in the election
'of the board of educators by separating
the election ot Us members from tlio
election of municipal , county and state
ollicors , and by expressly requiring that
the public schools bo closed on said day ,
and the elections hold in the respective
school houses in each ward :
Thurcfore.wc , the undersigned citi/.cns
of Omaha , itcsirdus of elevating the
standard of our public school system
upon a piano that will remove our school
management from all connection with
politics , and rehovo member's of the
board of education from the obligations
imposed upon party candidates ,
hereby call upon all citi/.ons who dcsiro
to co-operato with us in the election of a
non-partisan school board , to moot at
the board of education rooms in Masonic
building , corner of Sixteenth street and
Capitol avenue , on this evening.
Juno 2d , at 8 o'clock , for the purpose of
placing in nomination nine candidates
for membership on the board of educa
M. Hcllmin Milton Honors
William Wnllnco .1. II. Mi Hard
Alvin Hnuiutera K. H. Davis
K. Kospwatcr < ! eo , W. Amos
John F. Coots Snmui'l ,1. Huwcll
( } . A. Llndquost I ) . Kennlston
Jolin T. Hull K. W. T. Seaman
\V. V. Morse llonry I'unilt
J. S. Caulileld Luther Drake
Andy Uorden GeorRGO , Ames
Dr. J. H. Conkling James \V. Ssxvauo
( en. C. Towlo 11. L Howard
Jr. l > . S. l.eUunrlns J. S. ( iibson
J. F. Shecly Augustus Pratt
John It. Cox H. Kountzo
C. Hartmnn and others. .
O. K. Davis Dangerously III.
Yesterday morning P. L. Pcrino , of this
city , received a telegram from Waukcsha ,
Wis. , announcing that O. F. Davis , ono
of our oldest and best known citizens ,
was ill and in a critical condition at that
place. This announcement will bo news
to many of our people who did not know
of Mr. Davis1 absence. Ho has been in
Wnukeeha since March last. Laving gone
waters of Ucthcsda springs. Ho is ac
companied by Ins wife and brothers , and
grave tears are entertained as to his re
The Paxton Hutldlnu Celling.
Workmen are now busily engaged in
putting in ono of the stores of the Paxton -
ton building , on b'arnam street , the first
fire-proof ceiling constructed in
Omaha. Ironi strips , like clamps ,
are extended across the joists and thuso
are made to hold hollow tiles , about two
inches in thickness. The space between
the rows is cemented , thus preventing
llames from passing through the inter
stices. The coiling is attracting the at
tention of inauj passors-by.
The Uyroii Recd Co.
The Byron Reed company filed articles
of incorporation with the county clerK
Tuosilay. The capital stock is $200,000.
The incorporators are R-yron Reed , John
Campbell , Johu ; H. Levy , F. B. Johnson
and A. L. Reed. !
James Creightpu is building three brick
flats of two-story and a basement each ,
on Davenport street between Twelfth and
Thirteenth streets. They are to bo finely
constructed and of beautiful design , by
Cloves brothers , and will cost $12,000.
Chances In Hcvcnuo Olllce ,
D. W. Keistor , bookkeeper in the reve
nue oflico for the last two years , has been
succeeded by John C. Calhoun. Mr. Cal-
liouu will bo succeeded by Mr. Hello r , of
West Point , Nob. _
Transfers Filed MayUl , 1887.
James E Lone ot i\l to Lizzie M Tuttle -
tle , north half lot 7 , blk 7 , Shlnn's
add , w d 3.200
Samuel GeonroT Criss-
inau , lot 7 , blk a , Donloso's add , w
' ' * ' ' ' '
F M'Eliis'and wifeto Oeo'r'co'lYs'iiaier
lot ll , blk'2. Orchard Ulll , wd 3,850
Timothy W White to David M Uro , lot
IS , Millard & Caluwoll's add , w d. . . . 4,500
Omaha Heal Estate and Trust com
pany to Isaac H Uiiult , lot 17 , blk a ,
Catalpa Plnco. w d 1,800
Mnx Mover et nl to Jennie S Osilvio ,
Intl , blk 14. Manhattan add , wd. . . . 373
N O Nelson Manufacturing company
to Oberlln N Hixmsoy , lot 13. blk 13 ,
Patrick's 3d nUU , w d 1,150
John Simmons and wife to Harry A
Arnold ct al , 190x132 feet , com
mencing 132 feet north and f > 'J4 foot
east of southwest corner of m\ ' } {
notfO , 15 , 18. wd 1,000
Louis Schrouilor , trustee , to Morris
Morrison et al , ,5l acres in lu , 14,13 ,
wd 4.50
George W Workman and wlfo to Liz
zie S Hardy , north 40 feet of lot 1 ,
blk 3 , Howeryllill. w il 1,100
C E Mayno to John M Westorliolcl , lot
4 blk 5 , Mayne's ruul.w d 3-J5
Charles F Kalis to Katlo llonder , lot 11
blk 20. South Omntm.wd 1,000
City ot Omaha to Hans Thomson ot
al.lOxCO feet , beginning 00 feet north
of southwest corner of lot 5 blk W % ,
n c US.50
R 0 Pattoison and wife to Eiuteno W
Montgomery , lots 4 and 21 blk 1 E
side add , wd l.SOO
Arthur Farar and wlfo to Michael
Donnelly , lot 10 , Nelson's addition ,
w d WOO
Bessie L Itoot to Wm Stndolumn , lot 4
blki. : Creston add. wd 1,300
A J llaiiscom anil wlto to Lovl F
McKennn. lot 31 blk 20 , Hanscom
place , wd COO
John L Brown and wlfo to Lorena F
Gardener , lot 25 , Tornico add , w d. . 4,800
South Omaha Land Company to
Henry Splcle , lot 1 , blk 74 , South
Omaha , w d -500
Gustavo B llengon and wife to
Charles D Woodworth , undivided %
Interest In lota blk 4 , Hosier's add ,
w d 1,200
Charles U Denny to Sylvester A
Huntoon , lot 18 blk 2 , Hanscom
place , wd 2,000
O N Ramsey and wlto to L V Morse ,
et al. lot 13 , block a2 , Patrick's 2nd
addition , wd 1,800
LiUlier Drake etui to John A Monroe
et al , lots 7 , nnfl 8. block 1 , subdivi
sion of John I Redlck's addition n c 5,000
Delols P Beard to John K Hazard , OJi
acres In 10,15 ; 13 , ( | c vv l
A E Touzalln and wlfo to Malcolm
McKlnnon lot 10 , block 3 , Hillside
No. ! ! , wd WO
Chas H Keltose et nl , to Gee B Ayres :
lot 7. block 3 , Oreston addition , wd 1,500
Gee H HOCKS ct al , to Oliver H Nixon ,
a lots 0 , and 7 , block 20 , Omaha View
extension , w d 2,000
Chas F Fahs to Sarah A Plormont et al
lot 11 , block 8 , lirst addition to South
Omaha , wd 1,200
Jacob Sedlacek and wife to Va
clav Plvonka , lots 1 and 2 , block 11) ) ,
Wllcox'sbocond addition , w d S.OOO
Lucy A Plumb , to Jas E Ensign , east
25 feet of south t& feet of lot 2 , block
18 , S E Rogers' addition , w d 1,250
Gilbert Kustln und wife to Rasmus
Nelson , lot 2 , block 1 , Rustlu's addi
tion to Plalnviow , w d 2,000
Helen E Freeman to M Jeannette
Rochner , lots 111blU S , west side ,
wd 6M
P 0 lllint'bauKh and wife to Edward
( i Merrill , lot 11. blk 3. Saunders ic
Illmebaiinh's add , w d 450
Win L McCaguo to John F Flack ,
lots 11 , 12,13 and 14. Catalpa 3d add ,
wd 3.700
John D Creluhton and wife to Simon
Lehman , lot 3 , blk 20 w d 9,200
Arthur 11 Lee and wife to Win 11
Schuyler , lot 2 , blk 2. West Otnalm
w d..iM j < MV ( * u" ' > ? S ?
Of our clearance sale last week has induced us to purchase some
lots of goods which were offered by the manufacturers at a great
sacrifice. We own them a t less than actual cost of material and
we will sell them on this basis. Some will be genuine surprises
and cannot be adequately described in an advertisement. They . j
must be seen to be appreciated. I
Boys' Sailor Suits , of indigo blue flannel , with fine embroider
ed collar , sizes 4 to 12 , worth $2,5O ; at $1.25.
Bovs' Union Cassimere Suits , in neat and tastv mixtures ,
plaited and Norfolk stvle , worth $2.7 5 ; at $1.40.
Bovs' all wool fanov Cheviot Suits , inelegant patterns , plait
ed and Norfolk stvles * sizes 4 to 13at $2.5O , $2.95 , $3.25 and
$4fullv worth double the mouev.
BOYS'Knee Pants at 25o , 35c , 50oand85o *
An immense line of school and BOYS' Suits , sizes from 12
to 18 , in fancv cheviots * oassimeres and flannels at one half the
regular prices. *
In Men's Underwear and Hosiery we offer some of the greatest
bargains ever shown. As a special we mention to-day 150 dozen
'Fine Gauze Undershirts selling at 15c apiece can not be bought
for less than 30c , same quality. Real French Balbnggan Shirts
and Drawers at 45c each , etc. , etc.
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price.
Nebraska Clothing Company , ,
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. |
O. H. CuRTis Pres. - J. KURD THOMPSON , Sec. ® & Treas
Wholesale @ > Retail.
"FishBrand" Coats , Bnlbs , Douche * . Hair Crimpers , Nursery Sheeting , Spocnlnmi ,
Air Pillows , Brushes , Drill & Duck , llnlr 1'ins , Navy lings , Sportsmen's Good * ,
Air Beds , Hrowor'a Hose , Door Mats , Hate , Oil clothing , M.imiis ,
Air Cushion * , Caps , Dres Shields , ilorso Covers , Packing , Stationer's Gum ,
Antl Hauler * , Cnpci , Drlnklnif Uups , Hose , B. B. A P. C'o.l'ixlln , S ilioii > ,
Aprons , Carriage Cloth , Klastln llnnds , lloso Couplings , Peil.ction Box Syiing. , Spittoons ,
Atomizers , , , Hose , Pencils. Bnlmmlnt Jackets
Cartridge lings Klastlo Stocking * Pipes ;
Hands , Cathctvrs , Erasers , Hose Heels , Penholders. Swing M'P.rf.ctionBoi ,
, , . Water BottlesPessaries , Thimbles ,
Bandngo Gum Clothing Faca lings. Hot
llaptlsmnl Punts , Copy Hook Sbocti , Finger Cots , Haversacks , Piano Covers , Throat Hags.
Balls , Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Ice lings , Pipes. Tuhlng ,
Bath Mats , Cement , Floor Scraper * , Ice Caps , Pipe Menu , Tumblers ,
BathTuhi , Clothes Wringers , Folding Pails , Ink Stands , Plant Sprinkler * , Toy * .
Bed Pans , Coats "Flili llritnd" Foot Halls , Invalid Cushions , Puru Rubber , Tcctli'gltlngiiAPad * ,
Bed , , Force , , Pant . Tobacco Pouches ,
Sheets Combs Caps Leggings *
B.B.AP.Co. Belting , Oorab Cleaners , Fruit Jar Kings , Lined Hose , Pistol Pockets , Trotting Itolls ,
Bolt Hooks , Corks , Funnels , Lace Cutters , lUttles , Urinals ,
Hollows Cloth , Corkscrews , Gas Tubing , T.lfo Preservers , llnbbcr Dam , Umbrellas ,
Bibs , Curry Combs , Gloves , tlnckintoih Goods , llulcrs , Veutllntlog Soles ,
Blankets , Cunpadors , GossamnrOaps , Match Boxes , UcpairlnzCloth , Wacon Aprons ,
Boots & Shoes , Cigar Cases , " Cloth , Mnrtlagalo Kings , Shaft liubbcrs , Wagon Covers ,
Hoys Caps , ChalrTlps&Bnffors , " Coats , Mats. Shoc A Boots , Wngou Springs ,
, , " , , Sink , ,
Boys Coats Diapers Waterproofs Matting Scrapers Weatherstrips
Bougies , Diaper Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing ,
Bracelets , Dolls , Gan Covers , Mittens , Shooting Coats , Wading Pants ,
Breast Pumps , Doll Bodies , Gutta Purcha , Nipples , Slingshots. Water Bottles ,
HrcastShlelds , Doll Heads , Gymnasiums , Nursing Bibs. Soling , Window Clcnners ,
Uufters , Door Bauds , Hair Curlers , Nursing Bottles , SponxoBags , Wringer Kollg ,
Boston Inciting JCo's , Rubber and Cotton Bolting , Packing and Hose. Solo npcns ; ( in Omaha.
Leather BcfitM ? ; Pure Oak Tunned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION UOX SYRINGES.1
Manufacturers of "FISH ItKAND RUBBER GOODS. "
Hall Order * Solicited and vtlU Ilecelve Promut Atttwtloo ,
1 3th 81 , Cor. Ctpltoi Avcnui ,
ron rni TBiATvrNT or JU.L
Chronjc At Surgical Diseases
PR. MoMENANJY. Propvtotoi- .
Sittetn jffHrt1 Hii'jmal and rrlrate I'racuco
Wo Imve tlia facilities apparatui and remedies
for the inceeesful treatment of e ry form of dl * .
rase requiring either medical or tur lco ! trentraeul ,
Und Invite nil to come aud InYcttlRftte for thomielrx
nr correspond with ill. Long experience in trtnt-
Inpcasenfoj lettur cn bl i us tu treat many CMM
tclf ntiflci'ly ' without teeing them
WHITE ? < ) ! ! ClHCUfjAIl on Deforaltlet and
Ilrnccf , Club Fret , Curvatnrei of the Hplnc
II ) I ES or WoMiir , Plica , Tnmorn , Cancer * ,
Catarrh , Uronchltla , Inhalation , Electricity , 1'nrat-
jrtla , Kpllejuy , Kidney , Bye , Bar , Skin , Blood uwj
all turelcal operations.
n tlorle § , Inhaler * , Ttrncri , Truiies , nnl
nil kimli of Medical and Surgical Appliance ! , man
ufactured and for idle.
Ilia only reliable fjodlcil Inttitut * making
Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases
' rA BrECIAr.TY.
from w hatcvercauie produced. euctfiifnlly treated.
Wo can rcmoro Syphilitic poison from theiyittm
without mercury ,
New reitnratlTa treatment for loti of vital power
Call and consult us or end lame and poll-office
nitdrcss plainly written enclose stamp , and we
will * end you , In plain wrapper , our
SiMiNii. WciKmaa , HriHMATOKRiKii , IHPOVKV
UKINART OuoAMa , or a < nd history of your cane for
an opinion ,
I'eraoni noatilc to rlslt us may be treated at their
homes , by correspondence. Uediclnea and Instru
ment * aent by mall or cxpreiB SBUUHKLY PACK
BI ) FKOM marki to Indicate
content * or lender. One personal interilew prc
fcrred If convenient. Fifty roorni for the accom
tuodatlon of patleuta. Board and attendance at
reasonable prices. Addnit 1 11 Letter ! to
Omaha Medical and Surgical instltuto ,
Cor. 1 3th St. anfl CiniloUvo. . OMAHA. VD
Decker Brothers
Display at tholr warerooms , 1305 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be , found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with tholr most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials and workmanship.
New Model LawnMower
I'ive Sixes. Will cut hlyher yrtma than
any other , lias no equal for Hlinpliclti/ ,
durability and case of operation.
This is the latest Improved Ma
chine in the Market.
Lotv J'rlccs. fiend for circulars ,
State Agent * for Porter's Jfaylnn Tool
and Jobbera of Jllndlng Twine.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , SilverwaiV
The largest stock. I'rice * the lowest. Repairing a j > ccI.-Uy. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 16lh streets , Onulia. Licensed Watchmaker Tor I he Union
I' acificRailroad Cornpartf.