Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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THS OMAHA DAILY 1BEB : , " . JUNE 2. 1887. U
The Shoits Bccomo Very Anxious and Bid
the Market Up.
DcllrcrlcH or Wticnt U litcr Tlinn
\VHH Kxpcctcil Corn Knlrly Ao-
tlvo anil HlKlicr OntH I'lrincr
Mnrkct Quotatloiiw.
CiticAflo , Juno 1. ( Special TclcRrain to
tliu UKI : . ] Juno wlicrtt soared to OlMc tills
morning , nnd thru settled back to bi } < c , find
rested at fc'Jc at 1 o'clock. The opening tnnles
were at l , Vc , an advance ot l ? < c over nlKlit.
Anxious aborts bid the market up to ( UUc ,
and theru were trades at UlKc , but the olllcial
reporters failed to catch them. Irwln , ( Jteen
& Co.eru sellers from the very opening ,
and on the biilRi ) cot rid of a great deal of
uraln. They sold on tliu advance , and they
kept selling on the decline , following the
market down to 8Xc. That liruro ( proved to
bo the bottom , and It was leached not far
Irom 11 o'clock , The market then tinned up
to b'JKc. Thercaltcr , until 1 o'clock , the
price of Juno ranged between bO oiimlHSXc ,
restlriR at b'Jc. Irwln , ( Jieen & Co. are sup
posed to have sold ncaily ,000tOO bushels ,
for nearly all of which they found pur
chasers above b'Jo. A tujubt r.mged at b4Xf ?
b3c , nnd rested on the buttom. hater fu
tures were dull , with a tendency downward.
As compared with yesterday's rlolnjr , the
1 o'clock range shows a gain In June and
July of 'i\c. ' Thd new crop futures re
main practically unchanged. The volume ot
transactions was largo and the market was
very nervous.Vlien the clique house abovementioned
mentioned began parting with a portion of
its June holdlnus , the crowd went at July In
n perfect frenzy. The speculative offerings
ot that delivery were enormous , but thu mat-
ki'thold remarkably bteady , bieaklng only
% c from the extreme to | ) . The deliveries of
wheat on Juno contracts were lighter than
expected. Considerable grain drifted In upon
clliiuo houses yesterday and this morning.
They weio prepared to take and pay tor
every bushel in Chicago warehouses. Irwln ,
( Jreun At Co. got some , lloienfeld & Co. got
n little , and about ,000OUO bushels
landed with Kershaw A : Co. Ono
house ( not a clique llnii ) which had
fjOO.OOO bushels coming only got
10,000 bushels. Another , which had R.10,000
bushels coming , only received 'JO.OOO bushels.
A good deal ot wiieat delivered went "cioss
lots" to Kershaw. The receiving houses , as
n rule , had more wheat goiim than coming ,
and numerous little lots stalled Irom these
sources. Armour Is understood to have de
livered out a large amount. The clique ap
peared to have more money than there was
use for , and judginir Irom appeatauces It Is
modciatcly Independent of the local banks.
A vast amount of New York exchange is
floating around to-day. It is literally a drug
on tlio market. Cables were quiet , and with
the exception ol St. Louis thu outside
markets were rather soft , though price
changes were small. The relusal ot the
NoitliWChtern and the bt. 1'aul roads to ac
cept more wheat for Chicago just now on the
plea of want of storauu is signllicant. It
is pretty good evidence that the
wheat clique lias as much intluonco
with the railroads as with the wheat shorts.
If tills is a Standard Oil crowd bullinc
wheat , as seems altogether probable , It Is to
bo remembered that Uockafufler , Flayer , and
two or three others of them arc railroad di
Corn deliveries on maturing Juno con
tracts were only moderate to-day , and they
were mostly by ilutchluson. The speculat
ive ! market was fairly active and stronger ,
all of tliu Icadinc futures closing at 1 o'clock
at the highest puces ol the regular session ,
and JiMkc above yesterday's latest bids.
Seller duly opened at iKUrfc , touched 3'JWc ' ,
then cased otf to U'.i c , and just before the
close Improved sharply to : ! 'J > $ c , while Au
gust sold up from 40 > fc to 41c. Seller Juno
closed at ilT c.
Oats were tinner In sympathy with corn ,
prices for li'adlnc futures showing an ad
vance during the rccular session of > { c. Juno
closed at S.rY'J5Kc , July at W > % ® Mc , and
Auctist at Sflk'c , which were the outside quo
tations established.
In the provision market the opening of the
now month failed to stimulate business
Short ribs went relatively mete actlvu and
better supported than lard , and at 1 o'clock
were nmnnXc higher than last nluht's
closing. Lard was also advanced liXc. Poik
was quoted at S'ii.OO for June , a decline of
& 0c.
0c.APTKUNOON SESSION .Wheat was tin.
settled. JunoBliXc , July StS isOMc. Aug
list K < Kc. Corn 7K@UHc for J tine. July 8' ) c
bid , Anenst 41c bid. Uats opened firmer
but closed steady. Pork was neiclected and
nominal. Juno was quoted at S'JS.OO. Lard
was 2Xc higher. June closed at 30.42K. July
at SO.C5 , August at 80.05. Short ribs were
CHICAGO , Juno 1. ( Special Telegram to
the UKK.I CATTI.K The market was bet
ter Monday , it was better Tuesday , and It
was bettor to-day. Salesmen have been a
little chary about quoting the advances each
day , but prices to-day , compared with the
lowest prices last week , weio SOQS'ic higher.
Such cattle as vtero soiling to-day at § 1.50 ©
4.00 , were sold last week at $4.5f34.u. ! borne
choice 1,377 to 1,384 Ib stlllers sold at S4.CO ®
4.C5 , with some averaging 1,404 Ibs nt $4.55
and twenty tall cnds,105 S3.75. Choice
to extra native corn-fed cattle sold at S4.GO@
4.80 ; rough and thin cattle were quoted only
fueady to-day , but the market was better
Shipping steers , law to 1,500 Ibs.
4.80 < i$4.bO ; 1.800 to 1.3AO Ibs. , 84.'JO@
4.t > 5 ; UM ) to 1,800 Ibs. , S&OOf/M.HS ; stockerf
and feeders. J2.MW4.00 ; cows , bulls anc
mixed , I'-.OCQ'I.OO ; bulk , $3.0@U5 : ; slop fe <
steers , 54.00 ( < $4.fi5 ; Texas crassers , S3.GOtf
.VJ5 ; corn-fed cattle , & : i.25(34.10. (
Jloos Uuslness was active , with llttlo erne
no cliMiigo in prices. 'Ihero wore fair ship-
pine orders and packers were liberal buyorw.
Common mixed sold ut S4NXi < 4.h.r ) ; the best
mlxbd , Kood butcher weights and assort 01
heavy. S4.l 5iZ5.10 ( ; Hunt sorts sold all tlioa \
Trom S4.50 to 4.tO ; Yorkers , S4.70g4.bO for ICO
to 1MJ Ibs. averages , closely assorted.
Ciilcnu-o. Juno 1. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle- Receipts , 8,000 ; stronger. Shipping
uteers. S8.00i4.bO ( ; stoekers and tct-itcrs
S ! > 504.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed
* OpiOO ( : ; bulk , S'J.70.t3.15 ( ; Texas
cattle , 8ifiO < 3-UO.
Hogs Kecelpts , 1P.OOO ; averaged steady
rough and mixed , (4.00 5.10 ; packing aiu
Shipping , 4.655.10r light , S4.50 ( < Sl.bO
6klk S3.00@4.50.
Sheep Ut'ceipts , 8,000 ; weaker ; natives
8t.00i..t4.10 : ; western , Sfi-SO .I ; Te.xaus ,
S'J.7iXi,20 ; lambs , | iWity.7r ( > .
City. June 1. Cattle Kccelpts
1.000 ; shipments , UOO ; strong nnd a slmdo
liigher : common to choice , fj.50oi4.25 ; stock-
cis and feeders , iCOiai,75cows : ; , 52.ooc i2.75
HOBS Koot'lpts , 14,5XJ ; shipsiipntf , 1.000
steady to So lower : common to choice ,
@ 4.05 ; skips and pigs , S'&KgUK ) .
Nntioiis l Stock YardH Kast St
Ijotilv , III. , Juno 1. Cattle Receipts
2,000 ; shipments. 1.100 ; firm ; choice heavy
native steers , S4.40@4.GO ; fair to good ship-
pine steers , S3.UOM4.35 ; butchers' steers , fair
to choice. y. < Viil4.25 ( ; teeucrs , fair to good
splectlons. S4.S54.P3 ; packing , fair to good
> 4.75(3l.b5 ( ; Yorkers , medium to prime. S 1.50
< 24.0 ; pigs , common to good , 5S.7&QJ4.15.
NKW Yonic , June l.--Spcclal [ Telcgran
to the llKK. | STOCKS The virtual settle
mentof the troubles among the Urango
roads caused the stock market to open with a
show of strength. The Grangers and coi
stocks wcro bull cards , and In regard to th
latter the feeling was very bullish. Kendlnu
was quoted assessment paid ind was bid u
1 per cent In addition , selling as high as 53.
Some enthusiastic bulU predicted 200 fo
Ltckawannn this year. The friends of head
lug claimed that It would bo paying cash
dividends before the close of Ihe cucren
year. The Uould stocks were all firm and tb
,1 nil u KB of the roads ( n the southwest wcro
cpotted exceptionally good. Manhattan
novcd up a point and the Field party wcro
vlllng puts on It at 169 good for sixty days.
Some commission houses were , however , ad-
Islng customers to operate with caution. It
was claimed that the talk had been all on the
mil sldo for months and that the market re-
nalncd dull and failed to go up. Some of
ho more venturesome traders put out lines
of short stock on the expectation that there
votild be a break In prices before there was
uuch of an advance. After the spurt ot nc-
Ivlty and strength at the opening the market
elap ed Into dullness. Chicago advices re-
lorted that the Granger roads had settled all
heir ( inferences In the noithucst except the
natter of grain rates from Minneapolis to
Chicago , this subject having been referred tea
a committee of freight agents. Tlio result of
ho meeting was generally Interpreted as
K'lng very favorable to Iho stock market , but
owing to the small amount of business prices
emalned about unchanged. Strong bull
tolnts were out on some of the fancy stocks ,
lotably Denver .fc Hio Grande and Lnko
Srlo t Western. The market closed steady
at a slight concession from the best prices of
ho day. The total sales were about 210,000
Uovr.u.VMr.NTS Government bonds were
lull but steady.
. : : i' < ; .
CanadaSnuth'n. . 0 % O. T.
Cential I'aclliu. . 4'4 ' ' I'ncilicMall fil < f
Chicago & Alton.l.Vt I' . , I ) . & i : 3\tf
do prefeired..1T ( ) 'Pullman ' I'al.Car.l.'ii
C. , H. .to 14M 4'itcading 5'J %
D. , L. AMV 1SJ'4 ! ' Kock Island IHO.JJ
Erie " 1 1 do preferred. . . .
do preferred. . . . 71' ' , 0. , M.&St. I' . . . .
tllllnolsOiitral.127 do profcricd..l2. "
I. , 11. As W 24 St. 1' . * O M
if. &T : tn < do preferred..lids'
Lake Shoio ! i7jr Texas Pacific. . . . 34'
L. ifc N ' 08 Union I'acllic. . . . C2
Michigan Ceii't'lV. W. . St. L.tP. . . . 20jf
Mo. I'acllic do preferred. . oi' ( '
No. 1'aeilic W. U. Telegraph 77
do preferred. . . ,
* Kx-lntcrest. tEx-rlghts. Assessment
Mo.Niv : ox CAM. Easy at 4X@ < per cent ;
last loan 5 percent ; closed ollered at 4 per
PitiMit MEIICANTIM : PAPER 5 ( < iO per
STKIII.INO KxciiANon Dull at S4.83tf
for sixty day bills , and 34.tCX for demand.
Clilcnco , Juno 1. following quota
tions are the 2iW : closing lictires :
Flour Qulctand unchanged ; winter wlicat
Hour , Sl.U.r ® 4.iO ! : soutliern , S4.10@4.UO ;
Wisconsin. S4.uo@4.o : ; : Mtchluan soft
sprlnc wheat , SU.7X ( ! 4.:50 : : Mlnnesotabakers.
S3.70a)4.j ( ) ; ) ; patent ! ) , 84.50I.8J : low grades ,
S1.H.J'J.U5 ( ; rye ( lour , quiet at a.2.5 ( < i3.40 ; in
sacks and barrels , SH ( < tti.0.
Wheat Active , early , and feeling excited
and unsettled ; Jline opened % @ " ) { c hlEher
ind closed % c. liiiiher than yesterday ,
July rated stronger , closing ? < Idelier than
yesterday ; cash , bUJbc ; Jnly.bC 7-lOj ; August ,
Corn Ruled quiet and firm , fluctuated
within } e. range and closed KX above j es-
tcrday ; casli , 3 e ; July , 30&c ; August ,
Oats Steady and no material chance ; cash ,
5 c ; July , 20iMOc ; August , 20 , ' c.
Kyo Dull at5lc.
H-irley Nominal.
Timothy Scad Hi Imp , S1.75@1.77.
Flax Seed-81.12 .
Pork-Dull , and 2550c lower ; cash and
June , $211.50.
Lard Firmer ; cash , SG.42 > ; July , SG.55 ;
August. 80,05.
IJnlk Meats Shoulders , S5.00il5.70 ; short
clear , 87.10(37.15 ( ; short ribs , 80.71.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 13@17c ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm : full cream Cheddars , 7J4/ ( ! < }
c : Hats , b ( < 8Kc ; younj ; Ameiicas , bK
" 84c ; hkims , 3@0c.
Eirgs Jtrm atlliJZUHc.
llldes-UnchanKcdheavy ; green salted 7fc | ;
llitlit do. 7 f@Sc ; salted bull hides , Oc ; preen ; dry Illnt , 12lite ; dry calf ,
! ( < 514o ; deaoona , 40ceach ; dry salted , lOc.
Tallow Unclianccd'No. ; 1 country , 8'c ;
No. 2.2c ; cake , 3) < f@3c.
Uocolnts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 39.000 22,000
Wheat , bu C 3ooo if.,000
Corn , bu 501,000 4b2.000
Oats , bu 328,000 227,000
Uyo , bu 4,000 2,000
Uarloy , bu 23,000 9,000
St. Louts. Juno 1. Wheat Firm and
higher ; cash , Site ; July , 02Wc.
Corn Firm ; cash , 37 , ( u3Wc ; July. S"fc.
Oats Steady and lirm ; cash , 27 > c ; July ,
Pork Steady and quiet at 815.00.
Whisky-Steady at 81.03.
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 14@17c ;
dairy , I0@14c.
Afternoon boarrt Wheat , firm and qulot ;
July , b2s'B2Xc : Atteust , b2/vb2fc. ] Corn ,
strong ; J ttly , aT c. Oats , very quiet.
Kaunas Cltj- . June 1. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2led , cash , 71J o bid ; July and August ,
no bids.
Corn-Steady ; No .2 cash , ao'/c , 31c asked ;
July , iUHc ; August , 33c bid.
Oats No. 2 , casli , 28 'c asked.
New York. Juno 1. Wheat Receipts ,
48,000 ; exports , 1CO.OOO ; spot K@Jfc higher ,
and less active , closing weak ; options vari
able and Irregular , lower : ungtaded red. OlJ
( OTSKc ; No ! l red , O.'Oio ; No. a red , l)7@97Kc ) :
elevator. ( teK ; delivered , OSc , f.o. b. ; No. 1
red , 'JSJf ; No. 2 , July , closini : iimyfe.
Corn Spot a slmdu stronger and fairly ac
tive ; options h'O&.j'e ' bettor on deliveries
after June , closing steady ; ungraded , 47 ®
4SVC : No. 2 , 47c ; elevator , 47V@47 c ; afloat
and July closing at 4Sc.
Oats A trliio better and moderately active ;
receipts , 51,000 ; exports , 45 ; mixed western ,
84fn36c } ; white , ! Bft c.
Petroleum Steady ; united , C2Kc.
Kegs Steady aud demauu lair ; western ,
Port Dull and unchanged.
Lard Fairly active ana higher ; western
steam , spot. StU.Xuro.bO.
liutter liull and heavy.
Cheese Qulot and llrru.
Minneapolis , Juno 1. Wheat Unset
tled and dull ; No. 1 hard , cash and June ,
bOKo ; July , b2 ; August , 83 } ; No. 1 northern ,
cash and June , 795-sc : July , 8Jo'Nn. ; 2 north
ern , cash , 78c ; June , 79c ; on track , No. 1
hard , 8lWtfS2c ( ; No. 1 northern , 81c ; No. V.
uorthetn , TUe.
Flour-Quiet ; patents , 4.55(31.CO ( ; bakers' ,
Roceluls Wheat. 119,000.
Shipments Wheat , WJ.OOO bu ; Hour , 17,200
bbls ,
Milwaukee , Juno 1. Wheat Unsettled ;
cash , & 'J fc ; Juno , bStfc ; July , 84 , ' ' ; Soptcm-
ber , 83 J .
Corn Dull ; No. 3 , S6 > { c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2. white , SO
Uyo- Weak ; No. l. 5 - .
Barley Knsier ; No , 2 , 57Kc.
Provisions Weak ; pork , June , 314.50.
Cincinnati , Juno 1. Wheat Firm ; No.
U red , bSe.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 40c.
Oats-QuIetNo. ; 2 mixed ,
y-aser ; . , e.
I'rorlslous Qulot ana unchanged.
Wednesday , Juno 1.
The receipts of cattle were light to-day.
the market was about .ste.uly on most grades
with a little stronger fouling on good medium
Vi ( tight corn fed steers.
The receipt of hogs were very liberal to
day and as compared with yesterday there
was a gain of i.soo. Th market opened
strong on heavy hots and one choice load
reached $4.70. Light and medium hoes were
about steady. The maiket closed about So
lower. 'I hero were a good many buyers on
the maiket but on account of the heavy run
thora were a few lelt over.
Shrp. .
Them was nothing doing on the nirrket.
Cattle . 4fjo
Uob's . „ . „ . 0,500
I'roYAillng Price * .
Bliawln thtpravaUtng ) prices p M for llvo
liockon tblsmarknti
pholco iteara , 1300 to 1500 Ibs . , , . 14.00684 , W
Chnlco steers , UOO to tK-o Ibs . . . 3,90 ® LOQ
Fat llttlo steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.50 < 23.S5
Extra choicccows and heifers. . . . :
( food to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 8.1.V ( 3.35
Common to medium cows H.OOQ3.10
Hood to choice bulls 2.7.Vct3.20
Llehtand medium boss 4.rOM4.40
Good to choice heavy hops 4.55\S4.G3
Good to choice mixed heirs 4.40&4.50
Itcprcsctitattvo Hales.
Ijivc Siook Solil.
Showlnctliu number of head of stock sold
on tliu innikct to-tlrty
Anelo-Amerlcnn I'at'kliiK Co 3,028
( } . II. llniniiiuiitl ifc Co 020
Llpton 010
Sqiliros * Co O.V.
llnrris A ; Fisher 71
International Packing Cu Kt
Clarke lirus 75
Total 5,433
( J. II. Ilammond iV : Co 131
Clixrke Hros 74
Harris it Fisher 25
Local 34
Total 201
Showing the number of c.iltlo. lioi'-i nnd
sheep slilppM Irom the yards during tduUay.
No. cars. Kt. Dcst.
2 N. W ChlcaKO
11 C. U. & Q Chicago
1C K. 1 lollct
C N.V Chicago
1 C. B. & Q Chicago
All silos ot stock in tins market ara made
pcrcwt. live wolnht unless otlicrwisn statuJ.
bead hnis sell at4 \ < s per Ib. for all woltfht-j.
"Skins , " or hogs weUhlni : loss than 100 IDS.
no valuo. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs.
and stags 801 bt by the nubile Inspector.
Hotel Itcclstcrs Carefully Destroyed
When Full.
New York Muil and Express : "What
becomes of all the old hotel registersV"
txsked a reporter of the clerk of si tash-
ionnblu uptown house. The clerk hail
jiibt opened a now travelers' autograph
album with the date inscribed with a
mighty llourish , and was casting the old
one into a corner. Ho welcomed the lirst
new arrival on the new book , cave him
the coldest room in the house , blew up
two bell boys for lighting in the hall ,
quieted a guest who was kicking for
more blankets on his bed and said :
"That's like the fourteenth century
question about what becomes of all the
pine. We don't keep them. We won't
let any one else keep "cm if we know it.
Hotel registers arc as carefully destoyed
as if they were dynamite cartridges that
may blow the house up at any moment.
We cut the backs out and sell them to
bookbinders. The leaves we either buru
ourselves or sell them to some one whom
we know will wind them up into paper
stock at once and Without saving a page.
Why are we so particular about that ? lie-
cause every time there is a big divorce
suit some hotel register is called upon
to beat * witness to something unpleasant ,
and wo are tired , oi it. The last divorce
suit in which this house was innocent
ly mixed up took every old regist
er wo had nnd most of the clerks and bell
boys to court , and interfered so much
with business that it was hard work for a
guest to rake up anybody about the house
to wait on him. A man had registered
there under eleven dillercnt names , and
they tried to make us identify him under
every name. It was an awful nuisance ,
and didn't do the house any good , cither. "
"Don't you make any excptionsto your
rule ? "
"Oh , well , if one of those autograph
i'tends can convince us that ho is not
hunting up evidence of some kind , but
only wants to paw around lor some great
man's signature , \yo let him go through
the book before it is destroyed. lint it is
seldom that we grant the request. Wo
have to refuse a great many imoortuuato
people , too. There was an excited man
from Hoston here not long ago , who
wouldn't believe that we didn't nave the
registers , and ottered f5,000 for one. He
thought he had discovered that his
wife had been hero when she was sup
posed to bo visiting her aunt in some
country town in Massachusetts. If ho
had ollcrcd $50.000 ho couldn't have got
that register , because it was half-way
through the paper mill by that time , lie-
sides the possibility bf annoyance from
the courts , the keeping of registers used
to make trouble , because they took up so
much room. A lirst-class hotel in Now
Yorxcily will use from six to a dozen reg
isters ayear.and in a few years they would
hnvii a storeroom full of them. See ? "
Men infTtrlnt from I.o.t Vlcor.
IVcrtau. Debility. ( . .cC ot
WEAK IlATrlttpnivnl. lr MBlMr
V > rcll < > fi , etc. , reiulllDg from In.
1 discretions , eictuat or overwork ,
ured lhi.ui Hlamucb
l > r Falhtrl Aplirod In Ihe UmU
nf tWIrKon. . jr lUpldc.ltti
Infoimnlon Of fHue-tonllincu.
MARSTON RIMIOf CO. 10 Park Place. New , York.
Mention Omuhn Dee.
Hpeelallr DUtllled for
MeiUclnal U e.
( ion In Cbi r , NaUankl Quttt
of N.J. , wrltMi.
"Mr ttuntio * WM aJIM It
Tpnr ttjiloD * Mill Wnltkoj b ]
Kr. I tlor , Drngittt , of Trentaa
and I b r. tji < d a fiw botU
will fcr t lt r ff. t tbia j )
h b d. I trn n mtmuiUol
font rlltl * In mr pncUct. uii
aud II mjr u.U
K7Tkt Qllllk. ktl tk. llntl n
_ . lull an * MIMUIUOI
- ; . - r. . ,
Ttt-ilaCi e ! litlU. > ui Ltktt
| ( l < Ij.tu h , lit 0. f ) ,
W6. 818 ud ISO Rac Si , PiiWiltkit. P * .
oodmaa Drtiir Co. Banl.ARents.Omahi
Hebra k .
t Ute delude a paar eillfercr into the belief
that sntnc worthless liniment will cure
rheumatism and neuralgia. Honesty Is ( he
best policy In the manufacture of proprie
tary articles as in all Other matters , and the
fact that the ptop/letors of Athlophoros
have never claimed fqr It even all its mer
its would \varr ; . - . ( has not a little to do
with its wonderful- popularity , and he
thousands r ! grateful testimonials received
by them show that , , tleir ) policy has been
wise at vrcll as right. .
Experience has atnply demonstrated that
mere outward applications arc worthless.
The iJ : < yasc ; has its -teat in the blood and
any remedy to be successful must deal
with the obstructive acid which poison and
'ntlaincs it.
Atlilophoros acts on the blood , muscles
and joints directly. It takes the poison out
of the blood and carries it out of the sys
tem ; it invigorates the action of the muscles
and limbers the stiffness of the joints. It
reaches the liver and kidneys , cleansing
Ihem from irritating substances , and if fol
lowed up after the rheumatic conditions
cease , it will restore these organs to rcgu-
Lr. W. D. Bryant , Cainsville , > s-
I bought a bottle of Athlophoros for a
lady. She had not taken all the bottle be
fore she was so far restored as to resume
icr household duties. She had been con
fined to her bed for three weeks , unable to
turn herself. Tilt , disease was inllamma-
tory iheumatitm. She has not had a re
currence of it since. Atlilophoros is all that
E. Moore , Stahl , Mo. , says , 'Four bottles
tles of Athlophoros cured ttic of rheuma
tism two years ago , and I have not felt a
pain or ache since.
Every druggist should keep Athloplio-
ros and Atmophoros Tills , but where they
cannot he bought of the druggist the
Atlilophoros Co. , 112 Wall St. . Now York ,
will send either ( carriage paid ) on receipt
of regular price , which is $1.00 per bottle
for Atlilophoros und 60c. for Pills.
For liver und kidney ( ll > oa ps , dyppopsla , In-
illiri'Stlon , weakness nenous debility , illsciisct
ot women , con ttpntlon , liondncli' ' . uniiuiu
blood , etc . Athloplioio ! rills tire unequalled.
Warranted to nolthor break down or
roll up In wear.
lost fienulna without KAUO 'itimprd on Initde of Coritt ,
Try lit It will fott yon nftfhlng If < f protatf it.
Embody the highest exellencies in Sliape
lincssCoinfort and Durability and
arc the
Reigning' Favorites
n fashionable circles Our name is on eve
ry sale. y. & T. COUSINS , New York.
Or Black Leprosy , Is a disease which is considered
Incurable , but U has yielded to the curative proper-
lira of SWIFT'B HrEcino now knnun all over the
\\orld Da S. S. S. Mm. Bailey , of West Somcrvlllc ,
Mncs. , rc r Boston , was attacked fcvcrnl years npo
tilth this hideous bind ; eruption , and nns treated liy
the best medlcnl talent , who could only Bay that the
dlaeasc was a epcclca of
and consequently Incurable. U Is Impossible to dc-
ecrlbc her sufferings. Her body from the crown of
her head to the eolcsof her feet w&s a macs of decay ,
masses of flesh rotting oH nnd leaving tjrcat caTltlcs.
Her nngrrs festered and three or four nalla dropped
on at one time. Her limbs contracted by the fearful
ulccrntion , nnd for several jcars ehe did not leave
her bed. Her wclctit was reduced from 125 to 0 Ibs.
IVrliups name faint Idea of her condition can be
cleaned from the fact that three pounds of Cosmo-
line or ointment were uoed per vtcclc In dressing her
cores. Finally tbo physicians acknowledged their
defeat by this Black Wolf , and commended the suf
ferer to her all-wire Creator.
Her husband bearing wonderful reports of the nta
of Hwirr's Sptcirio ( B. 8. 8. ) , prevailed on her to
try it as a last resort. Khe began Its use under pro-
Uit , but soon found that her system was being re-
lieied of the poison , as the sores assumed a red aim
healthy color , aa though the blood was becoming
pure and acthe. Mrs. Bailey contlnutd the 8.8.8.
until last February ; every sore was healed ; ehcdii-
corded chair and crutches , and was for the first time
in twelve years a well woman , Her husband , Mr ,
C. A. Bailey , Is In btmncts at 17K Blackatone Street ,
Boston , and will take pleatnre in giving the detail !
of this wonderful cure. Send tons for Treatise on
Wood and Skin Dietaset , mailed free.
Tus SWIM Sricirio Co. . Drawer 3. Atlanta. Gt *
Thconly road to ta > , for DCS Molnoi Mnr-
lhalltowa , Cedar HanUU , Cllatln , Dlxon , Chica-
ro , Milwaukee and aU'rolntB cunt. To the poo-
Pie of NebratkH , Colorado , Wyomlnsr , Utah
Idaho , Nevada , Oror6nr Wnshlnston und Cali
fornia , H otTari superior advantages not poeil-
ble by any other llnel i.f
Amontr afew of ttienum roui point * of su
periority enjoyed by the patroni of thli road
between Omana and Phlcairo , are Ita two trains
a day of DAY COACUK9 , which are the finest
that human art and Uaonulty can create. IU
I'AI-AfKSr.KBI'INOCAKS , which are models
or comfort a * ) olegnnce. Its H.MII.OH nit AW.
INO UOUM CAUS , unnurniiasod by any , and Ita
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS
tne equal nf which cannot be found eliowhore
At Council BlutlR the trains of the Union I'uclflo
Hr. connect In Union Depot with those or thu
Chicago & Northwcitorn Ity. In Chlcajro th *
trains or this line rauke close connection with
those or all eaitern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Niagara Vails , Buffalo. Plttsburir.Toronto ,
Montreal , Boston , Now VorK , Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington and all points m th <
cost , ask for a ticket via the
. . . "NOKTHWK8TBBN. "
If you with the best accommodation. All ticket
agent * Mil ticket ! Tla this lino.
UenL Manager , OenL Ptm'r A ent
" " '
* * ' '
WetMrn Agent. . City Ptm'r Accat.
Oman * , Nebraska.
Ten llallroatia , and more arc coining. UO
Trains Dnlly.
btnte unlvcriltr. Weslcynn University , StRto C l > l
Mo < t of the nmlr.pM Lot * rmvo rloiitilnl In prlco In
IheInftll month * . Acro-tnml. within ! miles
of the rltjr .Incromcd over two
hundred percent.
Lincoln l the sronton llnllrnnil Cantor of It" nc
In tliH world , llrlclc blocks pnyS to 31 t'Offnt. Vacant
ot Imvi-Rvorngcil llJ | > or cent per annum on tint
C Lincoln M n Kro't tll lrlbutlne point. Some nliolo-
rnlu ilr iler * hnvo ra ulo vrlncelr fortune. .
lliillrtlnir iro'nir ni lnnll tlrecllon . llu lno i iron-
emlly eoml. lliinkJM , rctnll merchants , mectiunli'i ,
etc. , KCttluKrlch.
A. J. .
ICoom .11 , Kicliardx Blot-It ,
eat Es fate Agents & Loan Brokers
llnro for > alc brick block" , lm ine loK nil klml * of
rciil c < tntf > . I , 'i , 5,101) , 10 , SO , WO an J WO ucro tracts
farms mul cheap l.unln.
HKF r.HKNCKSl FlMt mul Lincoln Null
Hunks , Cover not Th nyor , Jutlxe Cobb , llor. I ) r
Crvlithloi : , Ll\\coloi Senito'8. . M. Cullum , 111
and Oonunil Hen. 11 irrlion , Imlliitm
Chicago , Milwaukee &SI , Paul R'y '
Tin Bet * Route from Omaha and
Council JBhiffa to
Two Train * Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil Dlufls
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CcdarRapids ,
Rock Iiland , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesvdle ,
Ucloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all ether Important point ! Bast , Northeast
and Southeast.
For thrcuffh tickets call on the Ticket Agent
at 1401 Fnrnam street , ( In Faxton hotel ) , or at
Union Poclflc Depot.
Pullman Hleepurs and the finest Dining Cars
l the world are run on the main lines of the
nnd T rr attention Is paid to MMngort br
courttmni employe * of the company.
K. Mn.t.BB. General Mnniicer.
J , F. Tuourt , Assistant General Manager.
A. V. IL CAUPKNTKH , General PaMeager and
Ticket A ( rent.
GRO. i ! . HBAFronn , Assistant Oenwral Pas
senger and Ticket Agent.
J. T. ObAHK , General Buucrlntcndeut.
Hunnin ? between Council Bluffs and South
Omaha. In addition to the stations men
tioned , trains btop at Twentieth and Twenty-
fourth streets , and at Summit , In Omaha.
i heave Arri v
I depot ' depot
C. R.I. AJ1. : 7:15 : n m 11:15 : am
All Trains run Dally. 0:15 : am 5:2.5 pm
3:40 : pin 7:00 : pm
C. & N. W.
All trains run dally. . . . . j
i m
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
L J ' . I ItKEll ,
\YboleinU Dealer In
Airrlcultnral liuplcnicnts , Wapons ,
and llu glen. Jonc < Mro t , tctwi < uu Vti ]
an lUth.Onnha. Nub.
G Ell & AfKTCALi ? CO. ,
Agricultural Implements ,
tVazon , Carrlaei ( , nugelf. Klc. , Whole .ilp , Om'ha.
Wlioto ntolon1fr In
Aprlculiunil Impluments ,
and Oucilen. WI.WHj nnil'.CT , Jone * t
Artists' Material.
Artists' Mnterlnls , IMniios and Orsrnns ,
: I3 IKmnIni Ptroct , ( ) ni h .
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Buildors'Hardware A Scale lU'P&li' Sliop
UechaiilcB'Tuulianil HurTalo Solui. 1105 Duuslnl U
w Otnaba , Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
Unoufacturen and > Vbol ale Dealers la
Hoots and Slwey ,
ompletA tock nf Itubber ( InodB alwart nn hand
Mb H. Mlh Bt. , Omaha , N < A. T. Austin , AKvnt.
w. K MonsKle co.
Jobbers of ] Iootx and Sliocn.
1411 Karnaui t , Omnhn , Neb. Minufactor ; , Sutnmet
trri > tll ( > nton.
Wholesulo llubbor Uooti and Shoos
Kulibur mul Ollnl clDtliln ; mul IVIt llootl
anil SU ot s , aouttiuaat Corner HtU uud Uouitlai.
Beer ,
Agt. for Anheuscr-Uush Itrewintf Ass'n
Special nrandi. Fauit , lluiltclscr ami KrlnnKcr.
Lnjypr Ueer Urowcrs ,
1531 North Hth Btroct , Omnlm , Neb ,
Butchers' Tools ,
Butclicrs' Toola and Supplies ,
Sautago Cailiim of ill klndi nlwnyiln > tock. 131 !
.lonf ( i.uinlm )
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Coirvo and Spice
Teai. Ooffpo , 8plce > . Baklne Ponder , Flavorlni ; Kr-
tncti , Ijiundry Hlue , Ink , lite. 1414 1C Ilarrey
Street , Onmba , Neb.
Homo Coffee and Spice Mills M'f'ff Co.
Coffee Roa-ier and Spite Orlndort. Manufacturers
of llaklnii I'owdcr. lltinrlnic Kitract' , Illnlnn. IHc.
Trronecm of onrl-a packimollom "
Ounce. HINllownnl l. . omi'jn. N > b.
John Epencter , Prop.
Mannfaaturer of Onlvnnlio * ! Iron and Comic * . 823
DoilRO and 103 and lei N , 10th Oranlia , Neb.
Manufacturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Klnnln. MelnllcSkylight , tc. 310S.
12th Bt. , Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
Galvanlttd Iron CornlceB , etc. 8pect' Improved Pat
entMotallc Skylight. 'M and 610 H Kth t.maha. )
Jobbers of
Carrots , CnrtaiiiH , Oil Cloths , liners ,
I.tnoleuniB. Mnlllngl , Ktc. lill Koug'as itrect.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlof i , Curtain Goods , Kto. 1O3 Karcaui btreet ,
Omaha , Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers ot
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chlmnoyi. etc. Office , 117 South lth et
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing1.
Butter , Ecgnand Troduco. Consignments solicited ,
Headquarter ! for Ktonewaru , Hurry HOICK nud
Uraiio llaiketi. Kit DotlKomieetOmaha.
RIUDLE < 0 ItliiDLE ,
Storage and Commisjion
Fpecliltlo llulter. * . Cheoio , 1'oiltry , Ciaruc ,
Oysters , etc. , utc. US S. 14th bt.
Commission Merchants.
FrultB * I'roduco and lroTlilona. Omaha , Neb.
c co. ,
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Foultry , llutUr , Onmo , KiulU , etc. iJO 6. litblt.
Omaha , Neb ,
Coal anif Lime.
dcu. r. I.AHAUii , I'res. C. F.BOOPMAX , V. Pies.
J. A. StlNiiEitLAND , Boo. and Treua.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
X South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob.
,1. , / . , /OJINNON l ! CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Litno.
And Shipper ! of Coal and CoVe. Cament , Planter ,
IJme , Hair. Klro Brick , Druln , Tile nn < Sewer Pipe.
OIHce , I'm ton Tlotol. rarnam St. , Omnha , Nvb.
Telephone Hll.
Confectioner/ .
ConfectionerdTco. . ,
Mannfacturinir Confectioners ,
Jobber * of FruitsNuts and Cicala. 1211 farnam SU
Cigart and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
QUBI and Ammunition , 315 { of a 8 llth at. , 1090 to
UB4 rarnam Bt. , Omiha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cierarn ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tnbsccos , Nos.lU3
and 110 N. ' 4th strict , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. MrrTr.K co , ,
Dry Goods , Furnlshincr Goods & Notions
1103 and 1104 Douglas , cor. llth St , Omaha , Neb.
blBtlllonnf Liquors , Alcohol and Spirits. Importers
and Jobbers of VNnesaml Llifuors.
CO. and JLER cfi CO. ,
Importers and Jobbercof Fine Wines and Mquors.
Belu ni nuf oturer § o [ Kenuedy's Cut Inilli till-
turianaUouies'lcl Iquori. 1112 llarney Ht.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Kiiruara Bt. . OioatiH , Nch.
Furniture , Hodding , " Upliolstpry ,
Mirrors , etc. HQ6.1208 and UIO Fnrnmn > ! . , Oniaria.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Noc.70ri.TO.70i'and7llS.10tUfct , Omaha. .Neb.
Wholesale Grocern ,
1'tn and Leavenworth sts.Ouiha.
Jobbers of Hardwtiro and K
Tinware , Mifet Iron , Klc. ApcnH for Ilnwe f tnles ,
and Miami r > , .1srt o. , Omnhn , Nrb.
w. >
Heavy JiurdWure , Iron and Steel ,
\Viron Etock , Hardware Lumber , etc. ltd
aud nil Ilirptr ! . . Omaba.
malla Jobbers' Directory
EDXE I' , P Gill HON ,
Wholesale Iron nnd Stool ,
* M 3'1 < > ! Wood Block. Henry llnrdwur *
Kc. ( 1217 and l l.fgTcnw orth it. , pninhn , Neb.
Ganges , Kiirunc'CH , Tllca ,
Mantlet , liratci , UnMttood * . 1331 nd 13X1 Farna
Mrcet ,
Iron Works ,
Iron Works ,
WroiisM and Cast Iron Hdllillne WorV , Iron Plnlr * ,
Ilalllni ; . llcnins mid Ulnlorj. snenm Knslncj , llrnu
Wiirk.tldii-ral riiuinlry , Machlno ami lllnrkMiiltb
Vor > . umconnJWiirkii.tJ. I' , lly. ami 17th Mu-pl.
/ / . ic. sAirriTt , '
.Mumifiiptuvinir Dcalt'r in Snioko Stacks ,
Itrlulilnu' , T'inkx.iincI ( ionornl Iliilli-r llopiilrlnc ,
Ml ) IKiiuliix Mrcct , ( > ! imtm ,
Mnmi fnctiirfr * of
ire ntul Iron HnlHnira , Desk Raila ,
\Vltulow ( UintilK. flutter fUnniKVlro SUn , Itttl
m N. liltli. Onlcru I > T mull promptly Mtondmlto.
OMAHA itTMiiER co.t
Denlo' ' . . All Kind * nf
flullilinr ? Material at Wholos&Ii } , ,
lath Htrcot unJ Union Paclrlo Truck , Onmba ,
" "
/ . ( ) LTJS Jilt * 1 1) FOllTT
Denier in Lumber , Imtli , Lime , Suslt ,
Doori.Kto. YnnU Oorncr7lh nnd Douglas : Corner
Vllinml Doiuliti.
_ _
Wholesale Lumber ,
3U 8. Uth ctrecl , Oiuahn , Nob. r.rolpetrer , MannKCrt
C. X. DI ETZ ,
] "th ntul Cnllfornln Wirepin , Onnhn , Neb.
jfjtKn w. ait AY ,
uinbrr , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Rto.
Cor.Otb nnJ noniilai its. , Oiuniia , No1) .
T. ir. iiAitntyisUMiiER co. ,
To Dealers Only ,
Office , 1(03 ( Fnrnnm ttreet.Omnhn.
CHAN. 11. LEE ,
Hardwood Lnmbc ? ,
Wood CnrpotB and 1'arquct KloorloR. 9lb nnd Douglnl
Wholesale Lumber , Ktc.
Imported nnd Arncrlrnn 1'ortlnmt Coniont. Ptnt (
AKtnt for MIlwHiikcu Ilydrntillc OuitMit nutl ncet
Uuliicy Whilel.lme.
Life Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F.BojJ , Superintendent ,
Live Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Ono. llurkn , Manitgrr
Union StocK Yards , H. Omnli * . Telephone t87.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of any iintl Ml kinds of Block Bolloltoil ,
Union htotk Vni-dii. Oionhn , Neb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
HlSand ll'irillnrncy St.ool , Omaha , Neb.
J. T.
Wholeralo Donlcri In
Notions nnd Furnishing Goods ,
4ftl ncl 40i 8. Tenth Pt. . Omaha.
Overall ?
Mannfaeturers of Overalls ,
leans 1'ants , Shirts , Ktc. lift ? nnd HOi Douglas Street ,
Omaha , Nob.
Paper Boxes
, / . L. W1LK1K ,
Manufacturer of Pajier Hoxoa ,
B.UlUat. , OmnbH , Nabrnska. Ordari by la
I UIKdtna will r otlT8 prompt atuatloa.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry a nko Mock nf Printing , \VniiiliiK | | nnd Writ *
lim impt'r , HIICI Inl attention given to cnr load or
oruorti. wlilrli will lie shliipoil direct from mllln. All
orders will iccolvo porxunal iit'cntlnn. ' WocimrJ
iintuo Rood ( roods ami low price" . Ill ) nnd lllld
Job Printers , IHank Book Makevar ,
And llook Hinders. 10) ) ami 103 South Fourtocutb
Btraet. Omnha , Neli. >
Auxiliary I'ubllsliorB.
Dealer * InTjpo , Promts nnd Prlntcri' Supplies. 609
Houth Twelfth Street.
ManufacturerB and Dcalom In
nqrlne < i , Hollers ti General Miicliiiiory
Bliool Iron work , Htonm I'umpn.SUIT MUM , Aoraoj
Hhaftlnn , Dodge Wood ipllt rulla/f , Ueltlac , etOL
Alaowagoni , ieraperian < lbalotl . UlMUSliB * .
Tenwortlm. Ouiulm
"Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Btearaand Water Suppllei. Headquarter ! for Matt
Ku3BtOo'i Oooll. lllllarnniu it. , Olnnhn. Ncu. . ]
tlallidar VInd Mill * ; ntoam ami Wfiter Rnpnllei , j
yiumbmir ( loedii , tlultlnz , llos 911 unil MO Far-
uaiu it. , Oiualm , 8 , K. tollon , MnuiiKcr.
TelephiineNo. 210.
. < . L. STRANG CO. ,
I'umpH , Pipes and Eiiirlnofl.
Stoam. Wnler , Hallway and Milling Huppllc. ' . K19 ,
920. u < l Wt tarnaru 11. , Omaha , Nel > .
Safes , Etc.
r * T/ | VfltP / * / >
J * Jf I. IjJt cljt , ,
Aponts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s *
Fire and llinti'ar Proof Hifai , Tliuo IxjCki , Vault *
and J ll Work. Wt > t urn im struet Onmh , Neb ,
Onialia Sal'o Works.
JUnufactureinof Flronnd BurclarrroofHiifcs , Vnull
iioori , Jnil Wi.rk.Hliutleri ! and Wlru Work. Cur.
lUbundJiickiuiiMH. , Oruah.i , Neb ,
Hash , Doors , Etc.
jif. A . DISItROW CO , ,
Wholesale Uanurarturors of
Sasli. DOOI-H , lilindB and Mouldings ,
Ilmncli o&iru,13tli and IwJ Ht.Uasay ! ! ? ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MonM'u .utuir Work ami Interior Harrt Wood Klnlih
Juit ocuueU. N. K. < ( .r. 8th mul I.cavtnivurtliBH.
Ori.nhu , Neli.
: r y ixbiiioitdthr *
* J ! InillKnilont or
nitniiii.'jcirri'iliii Ihrr 'iniiiiiii hi-Vlr i ViiniiaitMe. tlina
The Gmden FUetrie Ca. IC9 LsSillfil.i Chliot
' ' JlucpttloJlclU
Il'ruM rointlntd. UuarADKcaia *
cnlj ur.a In the world freoerttlnji
tcvntlnnoui Xln-lrla it Xnon l6
rent , HclftitlOcI'uwertul , Ifurabltu
_ . .ill * .d Ktftcllrt. ATfld fraud * .
AI.HO KieoVwnrilELTnrott1J'uicl ! * ii ! . *