Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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DtJlmed t > 7 currier In unj pnrt of the cltr at
twenty cttoti per week.
H. W. TU.TOK , Manager.
NlOIIT r.DlTOIt NO. 23.
K. y.Plumblng Co.
Now spring goods at Roller's , tailor ,
The popular ro.sort is the Manhattan ,
418 Broadway , Hudio & Yenawino.
The Y. M. C. A. bud another of their
pleasant social entertain incuts last even-
The citl/cns in the vicinity of Avenue
G and Kighth street are petitioning for a
, f Dr. Kichards , the electrician , has put
| | ' in a $500 electric bath into his looms ,
No. C07 Mynstcr street.
The district court opens at Red Oak on
[ f Juno 7. The trial of Ur. Cross is ex
pected to take place this term.
A rase of scarlet fever is reported at
the residence of F. J. Starr. There seems
to bo little of this disease troubling the
city now.
Little Klsio , aged only six weeks , the
| ( laughter of Hairy anil Anna Hilary , died
i Suntiay and was laid at rest on Decora
tion Day.
The Acme club will entertain a sociable
nt the residence of Mrs. A. S. Beck on
Glen avenue , Thursday evening , June ti.
All are cordially invited.
The funeral of Miss Gertrude Schenck.
ono of the pupils of St. Francis'academy.
Was held jestcrday. The school attended
in a body and mulched to the cemetery.
The Manawa gun club is to meet this
evening at the county clerk's olliec at 8
o'clock. All members , and those desir
ing to become members , are requested to
be present.
William Wise has been released from
the charge of breaking into John Ham
mer's liousc. it appearing that he is do-
inented and not altogether responsible
for his wanderings.
The city council meet next Monday
hight. The alderman met as a board of
equalization last evening to hear com
plaints , and will meet daily until the
work is completed.
Mr. J. Mueller was on Monday mar
ried to Cassa K. Fuller , Rev. G. W. Crotts
pfllclating. The many friends will heart
ily congratulate , and the brightest and
best of wishes are expressed for them.
The Wall-Wesley excitement wasspeed-
ily disposed of in the police court yester
day morning. Dr. Wall pleaded guilty
to ueing drunk , and was lined. Mr. Wes
ley was charged with resisting an officer
nnd waived examination , giving bonds in
the sum of $500 to await the action of the
Brand jury.
The bill for two carriages , $7 , for the
use of the oil } ollicials on Decoration
day , has been allowed , Alderman Wells
alone voting against it. lie has not made
public his objections , but it is supposed
that ho has the idea that city ollicials can
ns easily furnish their own conveyance ! )
on such occasions as can private citi/.cns.
The city does not seem to got very
good returns from its advertising. It ad
vertised for bids fordoinga largo amount
of street grading , but only got one re
sponse. That ono was only a bid for
doing the work on ono bloek , and the
bid was unaccompanied by any bond.
The clerk has been authori/.ed te spend
some moro money in advertising.
The police yesterday received a tele
gram from a Logan lady asking them to
look out for her husband , who was headed
this way. and to hold him. The husband
nnd wife had had some domestic troubles
and the man had skipped. It seems that
she wanted the police to hold him until
she could get to him and cllect a recon
ciliation. They declined to spend their
time in such service.
Latest improved gasoline stov cs at N ,
504 Main street. W. A. \ \ ood.
A Scir Locker.
A good joke is narrated as making Joe
MatlocK , of Crescent City , its victim , on
decoration day. Joe had occasion to run
up stairs in the city jail building for : i
few minutes , before the procession came
along. He entered a toilet room , and
thoughtlessly shut the door , which unfor
Innately for him locked itself on the
other side by a spring bolt. About the
| J eame time that ho discovered himself n
| 1 , prisoner , the jailer down stairs heard the
music of the coming procession , and bur
ricd out of the building. Joe rushed U
the window , and commenced hallooing
to passers-by to como up stairs and un
lock the door , but they would look up and
laugh , evidently taking him to bo some
crank who had boon put in there for safe
keeping , and pass on. It was an hour 01
[ V more before ho succeeded in getting intc
It the free air again. Hereafter in visitin ;
If the city he will look at both sides of over ; ]
door before passing through.
If Cheap storage in either small or car
ls * load lots at Nos. 22 , 24 and 20 Pearl streo
J. 11. Snyder.
J. W. & E. L. Squire make bcautifu
Abstracts of title , und deserve the success
they are enjoying.
BiT Special communication Bluff Cit\
If lodge , No. 71 , A. F. and A. M. , Weducs
day evening , Juno 1. Work on sccont
degree. Visiting brothers cordially in
Vitcd. By order W. M.
Drs. Hanchctt it Smith , oflico No. 13
1'oarl st. , residence 120 Fourth st. Tele
phoao No. 10.
Changing HOUHON.
Mr. C. W. Hunt has resigned his posi
tion with the Moline , Milburn & Stod
dard cnmtmny , of Omaha , and ha
accepted a position with the well knowi
house of David Bradley & Co. , of Counci
Blulls. "C. W. " has been on the roail fo
years , and few have so largo an acquaintance
anco or so many friends throughout hi
territory , which for several years pas
lias been in Nebraska and western Iowa
The announcement of the change wil
como with surprise * , but the traiio wilt
\t wiilcomo him quite as heartily as the rep
f rosontativo of the live and extonsiv
* house of David Bradley & Co. , as who :
with his former employers. Mr. Hunt i
to bo congratulated , , on becoming assc
culled with such a libuso , and the linn in
less so on securing the services of so wcl
known and popular a salesman.
Personal Paragraph * .
Charles McNelly of Los Angeles. Cal
is hero visiting his sister , Mrs. B. S. Tei
Sheriff Garrison of Logan , was her
yesterday subpcunalng witnesses In th
case of Graves charged with horse stea
Rev. Frank C. Haddock , of Bagley , la
was in the city yesterday. He is a son c
the late ROT. George C. Haddock , wh
was murdered at Sioux City.
| f F. M. Stewart , of the firm of Stewai
Bros. , grocers at Neola , was in thoclt
attending the Decoration day exercise ;
and ordering a lot of goods for the sun
mcr trade. Ho made a pleasant call i
the BKK olllee , and reported that the bu
incss outlook at Neola was tlattcring.
William K. Roach , the master co(1pc (
smith of the government , has cot tl
work so far along on th6 new icder :
building hero that no now leaves for Ha
tltnoro. Hurry Grahl is left to attend 1
1U completion.
The Oase to Bo Carried Up to a Higher
Court AS a Tester.
Opinion on the Is'cw Tire Alarm
The Pool Tournament The Jones
Trial Htlll On Point * , Per
sonal nml Pithy.
The Flshnrlo * .
John Kobiuson wasbeforctludgo Ayles-
worth yesterday morning on the charge
of lishing with a fcoino in the waters of
Honey creek lake. The evidence on the
part of the prosecution was clear , and no
attempt was made to even weaken it.
Justice Dunkle , Who represented the
cause of the fisherman , and who Is the
secretary of their association , stated that
thcv had decided to leave the matter en
tirely in the hands of the judge. Their
purpose was to carry the case up and
test the legality of the law. If Honey
creek lake was under controlof the state ,
and the law was constitutional , the llsli-
urmon would obey it. Judge Aylosworth
recalled the fact that two other llshcr-
men had been tried before him and found
guilty. The lowest possible line had been
imposed , on recommendation of the
prosecution and the promise of the lisli-
crmen that there would bo no more
offenses. It was supposed that an appeal
would bo taken then. tor .some reason
no such appeal was taken , the ILshcrmcn
preferring for Fonio reason to wait for anew
now case. Under circumstances ,
and the prospect of tiio case being
appealed , the judge concluded to awing
to the other extreme and impose the
heaviest line possible , ? " > ( ) and costs. The
appeal bond was fixed at $200.
The iishermen , together with the two
Justices of the peace at Crescent , have
joined in an association , and have issued
a manifesto , which sets forth as the cause
of grievance that "tho Sporting club and
Fish 1'iotective association , of Council
lUull's , have coustitued themselves u
police authority , and have wantonly
arrested two of our brother fishermen ,
carrying away their fish and nets ; that
said' association is trying to stop our
business as Iishermen and citi/.cn.s by
destroying our business and the property
interests interested in said business to the
distress of ourselves , wives and chil
dren. "
The purpose of the fishermen as
declared in their resolutions is "to eon-
test the right of the Council Blurt's asso
ciation to destroy our property. " A
resolution has been adopted pledging the
members to refuse support to any man
for the state legislature who will not
pledge himself to the resolutions. The
whole has been put in the form of a cir
cular closing with the following earnest
and chaiacteristie appeal :
Hrotlier PMicrmvn : The time has now nr-
rlvud lor us to arise and stay the hand at this
ruthless destioyer ot our property ! It e.\n bu
done. All woaiit N , that the Iishermen put
their .shoulder to the wheel and work faith
fully. The- Lord und justice are on our hide ,
and wo will win. Our commissioner
> oasts Hint ho has dollars \\liero we h.u
ents to carry on this llsht. Will we stand
Ills Insult'.1 This nsscitiot ) that ml lit and
noney makes rlchtl No , ne\er !
Hrotlier FlshcimenVe : are men I We
ire entitled to our rights and privileges , the
nme ns the richest In the land. So , why
teed \\c he oppressed or cast down ? All
heir hopes lay in our beim ; unable to raise
units to cairy this impoitant matter throupli
o lin ill judgment. 1 imploie of every honesl
lard-worklni : hshorman to lve us his aid ,
ind In tills one act wo will torever ilestrnj
our ush commissioner's assumed autl.nrity ti and destroy our propc-ity , without tin
trial or the sanction ot the law.
Alnrmcil nt tlio Alarm.
It is said that if Alderman Mctcalf I mi
iceii present at ttie council meeting Mon
lay night the Richmond lire and police
alarm would not have been accopted.Tin
resolution was passed by a vote of tlirci
o two , Aldermen Lacy and Wells bcint
n the minority. If Alderman Mctcal :
lad been there to have cast his vote will
.hem the resolution would have beer
ost. As it is the system is accepted , am
within sixty days the city will have U
uake its first payment on it. The Richmond
mend company will have to file bonds t (
; uarantco , the system for two years bo
ore it can demand any money. No sucl
jonds have yet been tiled.
Alderman Lacy has been against tin
[ Richmond system , first , last and all tin
time. He docs not consider the , test ai
satisfactory and makes the predictioi in bail weather and in the wintoi
months it will not work as well. Ho is :
jroat friend of the Gamowell and has
[ ought the introduction of the Richmond
Alderman W ells says he has no fight ti
make against the Richmond nor in iti
favor. He thinks , however , that there I
no cause for haste in accepting the sys
tern. He wants to see the system testei
in bad and cold weather. The Richmom
company has been in no hurry to liavi
the alarm tested and ho could see no rea
son why the city should ho in such a burr ;
to accept it.
Alderman Keller explains that the cit ;
has caused delay in the completion of tin
system by changing the location of th
boxes and by increasing the number o
boxes. The city has broken its part o
the contract , arid hcneo the compan ;
could not bo censured for not complot
intr the system within the time named ii
the contract.
MavorGroncwog had no advice to giv
the aldermen as to whether the s.yster
should bo accepted or not. Ho cautioner
them , however , about looking upon th !
first acceptance as being an informal one
and depending upon the guarantee fo
the future. The acceptance , in his opin
ion , should not be hastily made , asitwa
an important matter.
Tlio w ! C. A.
An Important business meeting of th
W. C. A. will bo hold at Mrs. .1. . At
kins' , 540 Sixth avenue , Wednesday
Juno 1 , at 3 p. in. It is earnestly dcftire
that all members bo present.
Mus. M. F. ROIIKKI : ,
Corresponding Secretary.
Ihn Jones Trial.
The Jones trial continues in the dl
trict court. That Jones killed Roberl
there seems to bo little doubt , and tin
feature of the case is not being eontcste
very hotly. The burden of the detcns
seems to bo directed toward the estal
iishmont of the fact that Jones was insaii
at the time. An effort Is being made t
t-how that Jones lived happily with hi
wife until Roberts became intimate , an
this coming to the knowledge of Jono
his mind not being strong , the domcst
troubles throw him into one of these coi
ditions of insanity by which his lifo liu
previously been marked when laborin
under excitement. The state was ycatc
day aften > 9on introducing evidence i
robuttul , and was becking to she
that Jones was not consii
ercd insane before this all'ai
and that Roberts was in no way rcspot
sible for the domestic ullliculty , but th :
Jones himself was the cause of all tli
trouble. The Introduction of the ev
donee is being sharply contested at overstep
stop , and thorn are some hot legal ski
miihes , which form the most fnteres
Ing portion of thn trial. Jones sits d ?
after day in the same chair , apart fro
the other participants in the caso. Wi
downcast head , und a look as if ho w
more asleep tu'aa uwake , ho apparent
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from | 3.00 to
0.00 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on SO years' time G per
nt interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
3 = . OP.
No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Frcirtrlksen & Co. , Chicago.
Successors to }
Commission and Produce Merchants ,
Dealers in Orocci'tc.t and J'rovlalonH. Satisfaction Guarantee
Ab , 11 Soul * Main Street.
ways no attention to anything which is
transpiring. If ho is not insane ho Is
certainly .such an expert actor that ho
could maku a fortune before the foot
lights. It seems impossible that ho could
sit so seemingly iudilVerent were ho in
his right mind. One can never catch the
slightest indication that ho either hears
or wants to hear any of the evidence on
which liis future liberty depends.
All orders for cake , bread , etc. , for the
Woman's exchange , should bo loft with
Mrs. Krb , 80'J avenue , chairman of
committee for Juno.
Virtually Settled.
Tlio pool tournament at the Manhat
tan , although it lasts until Friday night ,
is virtually settled as regards the pri/.es.
Dahl having defeated Hudson , instead of
Hutas the name has appeared through
mistake , and also Helm losing the games
with Dahl gives Dahl without doubt lirst
prize , he having won every scries so far
and the players ho will hereafter meet all
being inferior to Hudson or Holm. Hud
son lias only lost one series and that with
Dahl makes him certain of second pnzo
while liohn will without doubt receive tlio
third pri/o. So far Helm has lost two
series , one with D.ihl and one with Hud
son , and if ho wins the other series , throe
of which ho has yet to play , it will give
him third pri/o.
Still In llio King.
J. G. Tipton yesterday sold to an
eastern iruntleiiuin , the -outh half of lot
fourteen , bloek three. Street's addition ,
on Hroadway. the property of A. P.
Laugmado. 1 ho lot is in Streetsville , and
has a .small building on it. Tipton says
the good work must go on , that ho sees
no reason for alarm about the bridge en- , but jf wo fall down with it , all
we can do is to jump up , spit on our
hands anil break out in a new place.
That this city is too largo , too loyal to
itself , too enterprising , to let a little
obstacle like that stop the wheels of pro
gress and prosperity.
Rich smelling bottles in enamel work ,
heavy chasing or plain glass , with diam
ond-sot top , sometimes costing as much
as SoOO or $ ( ! ( ) ( ) , are among the luxuries
which the jewelers now oiler.
All gentlemen who enjoy well poliMicd
collars unit culls should have them done
up with Kolectric Lustre Starch.
The Mueller Music Co. have a ? 1,000
stock of lireworks on hand. They have
commenced shipping. Send in your or
ders early. Wholesale only.
In accordance with the growing cus
tom oi displaying gems to tlio best ad
vantage , very line chain nccklasses ,
scarcely distinguishable , to which ricli
pendants arc attached , arc much in
DIE. J. II. MrLnAN's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood I'urilier , by its vital
izing properties will brighten palo
cheeks , and transform a pale , luigcard ,
dispirited woman into one of sparkling
health and beauty. _
Spccln ! ndroitlsomcnU , such M Lost , Fo.mcl
'jo Loan , Tor S.ilo , To Kent , Vtonts , noarJInir ,
cto , Tvill tiolnBorlod In this column nt the low
ratoofTEN CUNTS PKil LINE fortlioniec tnser-
ion uii J t'lvo Cents per Line foi-cnch subsequent
insertion. Leave ndvcrlldomuntg nt our olttuo
No. U I'eurl stieot , mmIJroaUwur , Council
\\7ANTKD Two experienced corset rankore.
'T LOCK box 1115 , Uod Oak , lown.
ANTP.D-A oed Irish setter. Shep llobbo ,
801 ; Main street.
W A"sc'c6na co6k ht "Jiochiolo's
T7UH lir.NI lood jmntiircs for $1.25 per
Jnero In I'ottawHttiuiilound Harrison coun
ties. Apply to Horace Everett.
for the return of my old
hay linrso. Lump under chin , Krny Inlrs
ubout bend. Julius I'uul , No. KOI Htt ) street.
lU'.NT-Ono ollico imil ono business
room near the now postolllco on ( { roadway ,
Ono the room house , $12.
O. Mnyno , No. 823 Slxuh nvo.
FOU SALK A BtocK merchandise In
a good town In western IOWA. A tlrst-
clnss clmnce for unv one wishing to enicaite In
buHlnuss. htocK will mvolco about $ .M00 and
will bo sold cheap. For further Information
Inquire ol M. K. binlth & Co. , Omaha , or N. C.
Phillips , Ilrokcr , No. lit ) Ilroadwny , Council
BALK-Or Trade Sir sections of good
FOU In Lincoln county. Nob. on U. P.
railway. Call on or adtlrusg Odoll Hros. & Co. ,
10J I'earl et. . Council Illuir-i.
NOTICK Will pay the lilirliost price for first-
class cn t-olf lady'o , Kent" , and children's
clothinir , bouts , shoes , hats , etc. D. Uoldstoln ,
Nos. 217 and -"H Uroadwny.
House Gleaning
is to bo done by nearly all the Indies in
thu spring.
Now is the ripht time to do this. For
Indies , it is it Uisi : ; recabln but uimvoiil-
nbln work , ami wo make the olVor to do
the most troublesome worlc of all , that is
Wo clean tlio carpets , velvets , mo < nicttcs ,
brtisiels , or any other kind of carpets ,
without taking ilium up. Wo guarantee
and that no dust will bo left in the car-
pot. Wo guarantee our work and refer
to prominent parties in this city.
Send us a postal card and wo will call
upon you and explain in what way our
cleaning takes placo. G. A. FISIIKK.
No. GW Sixth Avenue , Council lilutl's.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Established It 57.
( Standard No. 2015) ) Sired by Almont Nc
83 , and "Register , " ( Standard No. B813 ,
Sired by Tramp No. 808. These stallion'
will make the season of 1837 at the Couu
ell Bluffs Driving Park.
For particulars inquire of or address ,
WADE OAHY , Council mutts , 1 .
Vacnnt Lots , Lninls , City Residences nnd
Farms. Acre property In western partgf city.
.MleollltiK cheap to make room for ipnotr stock
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Iloom 5 , orcr Ofliccr & I'usoy'a Ilauk , Cou
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Hroadway , Council Bluffs.
Lcfcrs to any bank or busine'is house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Korses S Mules
"or all purposes , bought inul sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
fiotn. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin-
pie or double.
MASON WISE , Council Bills
Attorneys at Law ,
dice in Hie Stx'e an I Federal Courts
Rooms 7 and S Slnigart-I3eno Block.
JVo. 11 Forth Main St.
City anil county imps , of cities nnil counties
n Wfbtcru lown , Nebraska mid Ki
The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a fire
And All Modern Improvements.
215 , 217 anil 219 Main St.
It. RICE , 1U. n.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knite or Drawing e
Over0 ! ? vears Practical experience.
No. 11 I'earl St. , Council Bluffs.
Justice of the Peace.
Otllee over American Express.
Has a eompleto line of
r i ll'ir
11 Millmcj'v ' ,
.nrBOlmtslnwlilto , blnck nnd all colors. "I'nt-
crn liotmctH , huts und toquox , n specialty.
No 1614 Douglas St. , Oiimtm.
lu Amber ,
etc.Hair Or
nnniGiits , at
. well as the
* " "i newest nov-
if cities in hah
Jlair goods
madcto ordei
Mrs. C. L. Gillette
M Mniu St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Om
of town work solicited , ami all miii
orders iiromptly' . ttoiided to.
J'rlciptrcru Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co.
JN'O. 3.V MA IX ST. ,
COUNCIL liLtlFJ8 , : : I A
Star Sale Stabfes and Mule Yard
lirotulway , Council UluCTa , Opp U'umray Ucpc
Horses and mules kept constantlyo
hand , for sale r.t retail or in car lotx
Ordera promptly tilled by contract o
short notice. Stock sold on commissloi
SHUTTER & BOLEY , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 11
Formerly of Ketl Salo. Stables , corm
lit avo. and 4ch st
& GO'S.
Peoples' ' Store
Thin department is now brim fall }
if all tlm latent utt/les and prettiest
xtttcrns produced thin season.
To ci'cnlc a boom for this week me
> /'ci' the following extraordinary
xirfjains :
At 3c Per Yard
500 pieces choice Lawns ; worth
At 5c
3 cases good Lawns , 32 inches
wide ; worth lOc.
At 8c and lOc
The A'cry best yard wide Paci
fic Lawns , sold elsewhere
for 12Ac to IGAc.
At 12c and 15c
100 pieces , 40 inch wide Fig
nred India Linen , our own
importation , and exclusive
patterns , equal to anything
you can find for 25c per yard ,
at 12ic and 15c.
3c Per Yard ,
5c Per Yard ,
5c Per Yard ,
8c and lOc Per Yard ,
3 cases Oxford Sateen , elcg.-in
pattei n ,
At 5c Per Yard.
100 pieces yard wide Foulard
Sateens ,
At lOc Per Yard.
2 Cases Extra Fine Choice
French Patterns Sateens
At 12c , 15c and 20c
White and Ecru Box
Patterns at About
Half Price.
p rm >
ffl 10 ,
People's Store ,
Hos , 314,316,318 , , and 320
N. Jt. Prompt attention ylven al
mull orders , andnatnpleachccrfiiltu
lied up on appllcatl \ i .
Harkness Brothers ,
Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
A large stock of fine white summer good ,
and wash fabrics.
A New and Fine Assortment of Parasols , SUB ,
shades and Umbrellas ,
Summer Corsets and the Noted Littld
Jersey Corset.
Dopirfctmnt is yet well stocked and invites the attention
of everyone about to furnish a home. Also oil cloths ,
matting , rugs , mats , etc. Do not forget the number ,
Telephone 163.
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council BlufTri Office ,
Temple. Omalia Olllce , > u 111
North Killmfrcut.
Particular attention given to In-
veNtiitg ftiiiflii 1'or non - resi
dent * . Special iMircaiiiN In lot * &
acre property in Omaha & Coun
cil lilnffr. Correflpondencc solic
Swanson Music Company ,
No. 329 Broadway Council Bluffs
Estey Organs , Camp & Co.'s Organs and Western GotlageOrgans
A few comments regarding the Estoy Pianos. In every civilized country on thp
globe the name of Estoy is a household word with lovers of music ; it is a guarantor
for.tho exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments , bearing the name that com *
mands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm.
Steam , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Mail Orders Shipped. , ' 'in pily .