Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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I' 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BI ® : TUESDAY. 3UY 31. 1887.
5 * i I T MIT M a Tl M"B-g "BTTTTT'l r " " Trrir 11 i i ! MJM a n r TMB
A Gentleman Who Admires Mrs. Lanctrji
But Wet the Newspapers.
k Efforts to Plnco It on n Commercial
, Hasls A Survivor r n Jle.bcl
liultct anil n Dangerous
' Operation ,
A Much TatUcil-of Man.
Mrs. Lily Lnngtry will arrive In Omaha
tills morning nnd will appear nt the
opera holism this evening in "A Wife's
1'crll. " Hy 11 sliango coincidence tliuro
la already in tlie city .1 gcnlleman who
fans horeloforo received a notoriety which
lie regards far from onviublu in cornice-
tlon with MM. Laugtry's previous tour
In this country. This gentleman is Mr.
Harry Oolrichs , of Oolrluhs , I ) . T. , mana
ger of the Anglo-American Calllu com
pany , and ono of thu most thoroughly
enterprising and host knotvn eutlluiiien
of llio west.
Mr. Oolrichs is an old acquaintance of
Airs. Langtry , having known lior before
slio aspired to honors before thu foot
lights. He mot her at Cheyenne when
fcho arrived thuro throe years ago on
her transcontinental trip and accom
panied her to the coast. The gossips and
the enterprising newspaper reporters
made a gay lothario out of him and
clothed him in the ideal garb of tlui cow
man of the plains , dubbing him "Mrs.
Langtry's cowboy lover , " before whoso
impetuous , wild western way of wooing
Freddy Gobhardt's polished hauteur-
csquei style of lovc-maiiing paled into
tnost Insignificant moonbeams. The Police -
lice Gazette linaiiy pictured it all out
mid that capped the climax.
The truth is that Mr. Oclriehs Is from
ono of the Knickerbocker families of New
York City , and is a most highly cultivated
tuid polished gentleman. Ho stands
. six feet one inch when ho lifts up
Ms Head and weighs WO pounds.
Ho is a splendid specimen ot
physical development , and knows how to
take care of himself on foot or in the
Ho was very indignant over the stories
published concerning him by the San
Jrancisco papers , and subsequently republished -
published by many other journals. One
funny feature of it was that the Demo
cratic Leader of Cheyenne , in whicli Mr. *
Oolrichs hold § 000 stock , gave special
publicity to tlio reprinted articles. Mr.
Oelriclis drove into the city the next day
and gave his stock away to Dave .Miller ,
a jeweler of Choyenno. Miller beluga
personal friend of the proprietor of an
opposition paper , the Sun , presented part
of the stock to him. The
Lender was worried a good deal
before the management succeeded in
buying the stock up.
It is stated that Mrs Langtry likes
flowers. Mr. Oclrich's wouldn't confess
it. but ho could tell a good story about
that particular taste of the Lily if he
wanted to. An itemized bill in the court
records at Cheyenne shows thai a New
1'ork llorist collected the modest sum of
150 from Mr. Oolrichs tor lloral tokens
during the brief season the latter was
paining the sobriquet of the "cowboy
lover. "
It is a somewhat strange coincidence , it
may again bo remarked , that Mr.
Oolrichs is In Omaha at tins particular
time , but that is only a coincidence lie
assured a reporter last evening , as bis
business called him hero , and ho will
leave for Lincoln to-day.
An Effort to Open n nig Trndo Be
tween Mexico and Omnha.
Gcorgo Johnson , secretary of the Mex
ican Commercial exchange of St. Louis ,
arrived in this city yesterday on a mis-
Rion which seems worthy of the con-
lidoration of Omaha business men. His
uim is to induce Omaha wholesale men
to make an elVort for n portion of the
Mexican trade especially now since the
Missouri I'acilio has direct communica
tion with this city and its rates have been
reduced. Mexico lias removed all tariff
from Imports from the United States ,
letting it remain standing as regards
other countries. Thus it is that English
exporters are now shipping their wares
to St. Louis so as to have thorn get to
Mexico more cheaply than by direct
pcean carriage. The inter-state com-
tnorca law of has no olloet beyond
the HioCJraude , and consequently Mexico
is offering all inducements possible for
' shipments of merchandise from this
country in return for its exports of hide ,
wool , palm oil , gold silver , etc. The
Omaha smelting works are members of
this exchange already , and are doing a
big business in Mexico.
Mr. Johnson also represents the Kl Co-
tnorcio del Vallctho ( Commerce of the Val-
Joy ) , the loading Mexican trade organ of
the west which will be printed in the Span
ish language. St. Louis and Kansas City
are numerously represented , and only one
more city is needed and that is Omaha.
An effort will be made to obtain member-
chips for the exchange which now has
50 members and is under the manage
ment of the Hon. John F. Cahill , consul
of the Mexican republic at St. Louis and
editor of the journal named.
Doparturn or the Typoci-nphloal Del
egates to Buffalo.
This evening Messrs. J.H. Lewis and W ,
II. Gonsolus , of Typographical union No ,
100 , delegates to the International con
vention , leave for Chicago , wnen , after r
short relay , they will start for Builalo , N
Y. , the place of meeting. It is unneces
nary to statethat the representatives wilde
do the craft and the city orcdit , ami nci
their part well in ono of the most im
portant typographical conventions evci
hold in this country. Both are young
active , thorough going men , who luivi
the confidence of as line a constituency ol
printers as there is in the United Stales
nnd there can bo little doubt of the favor
able impression Omaha's representa
tives will maku on the conven
tlon. Several invitations have already
boon received by Messrs. Lewis and
Gonsolus to excursions , foals , etc. , ami
there Is but llttlu doubt but that the pee
pie of Butt'alo intend to treat the visitinf
delegates right royally. The HutlaU
Printing Ink company will give them su
excursion on Sunday next down tin
Niagara river with a collation at Sheen
water. As an indication of the import
ftnco with which the Omaha inlluonco I
regarded , It need only bo mentioned tha
they have received hundreds of letter
from delegates all over the union re
questing their opinions on certain Im
uortant questions which will como be
fore the convention. Omaha Is now re
patdcd as the leading city in typographl
cat matters west of St. Louis , and it i
certain to make its strength felt wit
such delegates as Messrs. Lewis an
Coft'eo K tat littles.
Europe and the United States for th
past four years have absorbed oyr
11,000,000 bags of coffee per year , whil
the average yield of the world has bee
About 10,000,000 bags. All the old sui
plus has upon more than used up , and
ebon crop is staring the trade in th
.lace. Last year's crpp of llio and Saute
. were 0,000,000 bass : Java , 1,250,000 bag !
total , 7,250.000 bags. This year's Uio an
II Banloi crops are 4,000,003 bags ; .Javt
' ' '
750,000 bags ; total , 4750,000 ; bugs. The
to'al shortage in Hlo , Santos and .lava is
3r > 0,000 ( ) bags. The estimated shortage
in crops of all other cotlees is over 1,000-
000 bags. Total shortage of this year's
crop , II,100.000 bags , The above figures
are higher than generally estimated. The
visible supply of the world , all kinds.
May 1 , 187. . was ; i)00,000 ( ) bagsestiinatid
crop of the world , till klntls , for 18S7 ,
7.77ii,000 , bags total , ll.075.fOO bags.
Some authorities estimate this year's
crop at l.OOJ.OOO bags less than
as given above. The available roast
ing coffees of the world , old crop , which
is all that can be used for roasting for
nearly ono year , does not amount to
-1,000,000 bags ; while the average stock
carried In Kuropo and the United States
is about 5,000,000 bags. The visible sup
ply of the world is 1,000,000 bags less last
year with its full crops. It can be readily
seen that there will bo no coffee left ono
year from this summer , unless the con
sumption falls oil'very much. Consump
tion is not falling off , neither are there
any indications of it. One pound of coffee -
fee properly made up will yield 100 cups
of the beverage. At present prices It
will cost 1 cent per cup.
General George . Harrington's Kn-
Held Mullet And Its History.
General George . Harrington , of the
Stein manufacturing company , of Roch
ester , N. V. , is in the city , and carries
suspended from his watcli chain an Enfield -
field rillo bullet , neatly set in gold. The
bullet was shot into its possessors anat
omy in the second day's light at Gettys
burg , when ho was leading a cavalry
charge of the First division of the Army
of the Potomac. It passed through his
left lung and through ono of his kidneys ,
lodging behind that organ. Seven weeks
ago it was cut out by Dr. Livennoro in
Chicago by an operation that was both
skillful and dangerous.
D Although troubled nt various times by
the presence of the bullet , suffering occa
sional hemorrhages , General Harrington
did not experience serious effects until
thn'o months ago. In endeavoring to
cross the Missouri river in a small boat ,
below St. Joseph , a cake of ice struck the
skiff and overtvrned it. All aboard had
to struggle ashore. In the extraordinary
endeavors which ho made on that occa
sion General Harrington toro the bullet
from its resting place and immediately
thereafter suffered such excruciating
pain ho had to submit to the dangerous
General Harrington has so ninny
friends in Omaha that the peculiar inci
dent possesses almost a local interest.
Ho passed through Omaha with Gen
eral Albert Sidney Johnston in the
expedition against the mormons , and
sinso then has frequently visited the city ,
spending several weeks unon a number
of occasions. He is rapidly recovering
his health and is glad to bo rid of the
ounce of lead he carried nearly a quarter
of a century.
George Brown nnd fllitch. Fleming
Accused or Stenlint ; n Watcli.
Mrs. C. Siuart and Miss Mary Fisher ,
residing at 1003 Douglas street , snugly
csconsed themselves in a hack driven by
George Brown , at 10:30 : last night , and
were driven to a saloon on Fifteenth
street , where they were met by another
man and the quartette sat down to a table
in a wine room to enjoy a "small bottle. "
At 11:15 : o'clock Mrs. Stuart and Miss
Fisher were anxiously hunting a police
man. They found Officer Dick Burdish.
to whom ISfrs. Stuart stated that she had
been robbed by the two men of a gold
watch valued nt $125.
Ollicer Burdish kept his eyes open for
a hackman who answered a de
scription Mrs , Stewarts gave and
soon found Drown Ho took the
latter aside and whispered in his
ear that ho would like to see the watcli.
Brown said ho didn't know anything
about it , but subsequently owned to hav
ing it , and wont to the hack where it was
co'ncoalcd under the seat. Ho claimed
that Mitch Fleming , of No. 3 hooks , of
the lire department , was the man who
gave it to him to keep until it should be
called for. Fleming could not bo found
last night. Urown was locked up.
School Election Convention DolcgatCR
The I'ourth Ward Republican club held
a meeting in Gcrmania hall last ovonipg
nt which the president , Mr. Webster , oc
cupied the chair. The following dele
gates to the republican convention to
nominate school' board candidates were
chosen : E. Hanoy , 11. W. Breekenridgo ,
E. Wlutoham , F. E. Moores , II. T. Clark.
T. J. Crea and T. Kinniston. As altern
ates J. A. Wakelk-ld , M. Goldsmith and
N. Shelton wore chosen.
Messrs. Kenniston and Nickolas were
elected as judges , and E. Whiteham and
James Carpenter as clerks for the
primaries. _
to Tuno.
Salurday last William Kinkald , the
well known railroad contractor , had a
horse stolen from his camp near Flor
ence. He pursued the thief as soon as
ho was informed of tlio affair. Riding
night and day ho came upon thu lliief a
few miles southwest of hlkhorn station ,
in this county. The display of a very
neat litllo revolver caused the man lo
abandon his illegally obtained property
and to skip over the prairie grass like an
nntelopo. Kinkurl returned homo with
his horso. The man's name was Cannon.
Hero is a case where the revolver was
mighlicr than Iho Cannon.
Small Fight.
There was a miniature battle of the
Boyne at a new saloon just opened at
Florence on Sunday night. At ono time
It looked as if the "croppies" would have
to lie down sure. The proprietor asserted
himself with two largo revolvers , and the
railroad graders who were in iho melon
became somewhat meek. The appear
ance , however , of a prominent railroad
contractor settled the whole dilUculty anil
no blood was spilled.
Kqulno Eccentricity.
Yesterday Joe Withorow was driving
his spirited horse up Sixteenth strcel and
al Iho same lime leading another horse
behind the buggy. The latter horse be
came frightened at the asphalt stuani
roller and jumped inlo Iho roar part ol
the buggy , upsetting it and nearly caus-
in } . ' a sfcrious runaway. Mr. Withorow
jumped to the ground and very fortunate
ly saved himself from injury. The vehicle
was badly smashed.
nolioniliiu Tumors ,
Next month there will be a convcntior
of all the Bohemian lurners In the worh
ut Prague. It will bo ono of the mos
prominent atblotlo events known ii
modern limes. A largo number of delegates
gates passed eastward today for Chicago
whence a special train will convoy then
to Now York. On Saturday they will sai
by special sloaraer to Brooklyn. Nobrask :
semis several delegates , Mr. Moravii
being Iho representative from this clly.
Tlio llluo anil Gay to Mingle.
o KVANSVII.I.K , Ind. , May SO. A grand Interstate
r ter-stato reunion of union and confcderat
o soldiers will bo held hero next September , ;
week before the assembling of the natlona
11 encampment under the auspices of the
An Ohio Oyolonn.
, O. , May 30. A cyclon
pRssod over here this afternoon doing urea
damage to trees , fences , etc. The spire o
the Catholic church. 200 feet bleb , was blowi
i over and tbo front ot the church wreck"
There was n big rush for Langtry seats
at the Boyd box olllee yesterday morning.
She appears to-night in "A \ \ ifn's
1'oril , " and the indications point to ono
of the largest houses of the season. .
Till : tUKAhd ,
The Ideal Comedy company opened a
week's engagement at Met/'s Mimmcr
garden last night In a now musical
comedy entitled "Bubble ? . " The audi
ence present manifested their approval
o ! the good music , funny situations' ' , etc. ,
by frequent applause. Miss Kitty Avdcn ,
the star of the company , acquitted her
self creditably as did ul.o Miss Lindu-
man , of German theater fame. Messrs.
McDonald , Miles , Vigas ami Weed , were
very good , in fact the entire cast lent
able support and should good weather
favor the company their engagement
will surely prove a successful one. Same
bill to-night with entirely new music.
Ho Defile * the Assertion that He
Slnppqd n Woinnn ,
Tom O'llrien , the well known hack-
man , was not in pleasant humor last
evening , which Is something unusual , for
the smiles generally play around his
Grecian-cut features like buttorllles
among the blossoms. The cause of his
ire was that the newspapers had stated
he had struck a woman at a road house
on Sunday night. Tom puts up his
strong right hand and doth solemnly af-
lii m that such was not the case. Ho says
that ho and a brother backmaii named
Dave Benton went northward on Sunday
morning for a day's pleasure. They were
at the Lake house and then came to
Hilj's road house. Hero he
invited the entire party to drink
among thorn being two women from the
citv. Just after tne "Here's to yon" had
lost its echo amid the gaudy frescoes of
the palatial bar room , and ceased to
play a resonant tattoo on the aetcssellated
lloor , a man appeared in the doorway.
He advanced not across the portals , biit
called one of the nymphs. As soon as
she approached , the stranger made some
insulting remark , and knocked the glass
of ( ianibrinus nectar from her hand.
Then some rich , rare and racy conversa
tion followed. O'Brien seemingly being
the only man with money in the party ,
ordered on another round of liquids.
The man at the door told the woman
by his side that she must not
drink. She said she would , whereupon
ho struck her in the face. Then the
Irish blood of O'Brien became hot and
ho downed the woman hitter In great
style. The latter arose and presented a
gun and tired. Luckily it was a blank
cartridge or there would have been a
wake. O'Brien , being unarmed , re
treated into the bar-room. All the others
ran pell moll out of the bar-room. The
stranger approached the door with a re
volver in each hand and tired four shots
at Tom. Luckily none took effect. 'I'liis
man is said to bo a rip snorter from Rapid
City , Dak. This , O'Brien says , is the true
version of the affair.
1'ernonnl Paragraphs.
J. C. Cook , assistant clerk of the late
legislature , is in tno city from Lincoln.
E. Rosewatcr is absent in Chicago , at
tending the annual meeting of the. west
ern associated press. Ho will return the
ast of the week.
Harry Counsman has resigned his posi-
ion as postal clerk , to take effect Juno 1 ,
ind has accepted a position in City Clerk
Southard's oliice.
G. F. Swift , the Chicago pork packer ,
s in the cjty accompanied by Mr. Gard-
lor , who lias the plans of the big pack-
ng house , which is to bo commenced at
Mr. John Widener , head clerk' of Ros-
enborry's planing mill , is colebraljng
the arrival of a daughter , regulation
voight and strength. The mill shut down
n consequence.
Mr. 1' . Connolloy will leave1 the latter
part of the week for Ireland. Mr. Con-
lolley's parents live in county Monag-
tan , and ho has notboon there for thirty
years. Ho will bo gone for a month.
J. Chase , of Weeping Water ; Dr. J.
? rico Nelson , of Lincoln ; George Mead
ind , W. E. Dornngton , Percy Popoon ,
j'ulls City , and Edwin Sharpo. Douglas ,
yyo. , are at the 1'axton among the ar
Thomas Douglas , the popular loader
> f the A. O. H. oand , leaves to-day for
Uahfornia on a two months' pleasure
trip. During his absence his brotncr
James , a thoroughly capable musician ,
will take charge of the band.
Doctor Galbraith returned yesterday
from an oxtumled trip in California , Ore
gon.Washington territory and away up to
t'ugot Sound. The doctor is looking
splendidly and says that he never felt
better in his life and never had a more
pleasant vacation.
S. F. Jenkins , an enterprising shoe-
icaler of Cheyenne , left Omaha , where
ho has boon in attendance at the Presby
terian assembly as a commissioner from
the liouldcr presbytery , for Chicago last
evening. Ho will attend the National
Sunday School association in that city.
Fatal Boiler Exploflion.
HUNTING-TON , W. Va. , May SO. Three
men were killed and a dozen or so badly in
jured by the explosion of a boiler in the clu-
vntor at the loot of Thirtieth street this
TlieSklfT WAR Drnnfc. Too.
MONONOAHEI.A. CITY. 1'a. , May 30. A
skill containing three miners capsized In trie
river this afternoon , and the mon were
drowned. All wore Intoxicated.
A Postal Clork'K Haul.
VIENNA , May 80. A postal clerk named
Zalcnskl absconded with registered letters
containing bank notes to the amount of
Hits of Philosophy.
Every farm should own a good farmer.
How much the wife is dearer thau the
brulo. Lyttleton.
The way of every man is declarative of
the end of every man. Cecil.
Angels do not toll , but let their good
works grow out of them. Hawthorne.
Receive yo-ir thoughts as guests ; your
desires as children. From the Chinese.
Only the dcau can tell what death has
been. It may have been many times an
ecstasy. Mrs. Whitney.
Three osentials to a false story teller-
good memory , a bold face and fools for
an audience. From the Welsh.
Compliments are H coin that people
pay a man to his face ; sarcasm , what
they pay him behind his back. Home
No city bred man has any business to
expect satisfaction in a pure country life
for two months , unless ho has a gcniu.-
for legislature and oren laziness.
Man has subdued the world , but woman
has subdued man. Mind and muscle have
won his victories ; love and lovuliues ;
have gained hers. Gail Hamilton.
Disorder in a drawing room is vulgar ;
in an antiquary's study , not ; the black
battle stain on a soldier's face is not
vulgar , but the dirty face of a housemaid
is. Raskin.
Ridicule is like a blow with the fist ; wit
like the prick of a needle ; irony , like the
sting of a thorn ; and humor , the plastci
which heals all { hcso wounds. From the
The first wealth is health. Sickness i ;
poor spirited ; it must husband its resources -
sources in order to livo. Hut health an
ewers its own ends , and has to
runs over and Inundates the creeks am !
neighborhoods of other men's necessity
Emorson. . - '
A Pathetic Nigbt Soeno at Ballovuo Hos-
The Ono-Ijcjiccd Alan's Opinion Men
Who Coitio Itcgiilnrly for Treat
ment Tlio"Sonklnu Out"
Now York Commercial Advertiser :
The gray light of morning was strug
gling through thu mist thai hangs round
tlio Kast river every night now when the
wind don't blow. The streets arc most
deserted at Ihal hour , and up around the
big gloomy walls of Bellevue hospital
and the cheerless preoincU of the
morgue it didn't seem as though lliero
was any more human life anywhere than
there was in those twenty-eiglil grim
colVms laid out side by side In that low
building out over the water. There was
somebody ahvo in that part of the city ,
though , for after a while there came the
sharp clatter of hoofs down Twenty-
sixth street and a cab shot out of the mist
and ran al a rallling pace through the
open gale of Iho hospital , up to the broad
stops that lead to Iho oilice. The driver
gel down and whisllc-l sharply on his
lingers , and a heavy set man , with one
leg , a crutch and a kindly looking face ,
stumped out of the basement door. He
looked in at the cab window and shook
his head. Then he whistled on his lingers ,
too , and three or four stout attendants
came out and stood about llio cab door.
The one-logged man opened llio cab
door , nnd by degrees a pair of legs , en
veloped in a pair of fashionably cut
trousers and kicking wildly , came into
view. One of the stout attendants grab
bed each leg , and by and by , assisted
somewhat unsteadily .by iwo rather dis
heveled gentlemen in the cab , they drew
oul Iho genUeman to whom the legs be
longed and set him , whirling his arms
around like a wound-up automaton , on
bis feet. Ho was or had been it rather
prepose sing looking young man. His
atliro was of Ihc latest fashion , a diamond
mend pin glittered in his scarf and a
old watcli peeped out of his pocket. Ho
nd yellow hair tos.Mid all about bis un-
bonneted head and bis eyes had llery
runs and glared frantically around him.
le tottered about unsteadily tor a mo-
netil , and Iheii whooped with all his
"Take it away ! " ho yelled , with great
vigor. "Tako il away ! Don't you see
t's mad ? Look outit's ; going to bite me !
My God _ ! There' . ' * two of them now ! and
shivering and crouclung , ho clung pili-
! ully lo one of -unsteady gentlemen
jy his side. /
"Take hint in Moikc ; , " said the one-
egged one ; and tliqaUendants ( , grasping
: ho struggling violim , throw him on
.heir shoulders and Jjoro him in the base-
jnenl door. i t
The one-legged rpan skipped nimbly
ifter him , anil going behind a big tjland-
.ng . desk in ono corner , opened a book
.Hid prepared to wyUe.
'That's ho got , MpiHe ? " he said with a
Dronounccd Harlemaccent. ,
Moike's big hand wnt into the howl
ing young man's trouvers' pockets.
"Wan of them nUver match safes , r.
brass kay , by the , a pool chick ,
an' that's awl , coptuil' ' this super an' the
sparkler here. By .nio soul , not a cint ,
and mind the togs..he's got on , will
ye ? " .r
The one-legged man entered the inven
tory rapidly in the big books , putting
down ono gold wateli for the
"supc& " of the unlettered Mike ,
and. one diamond ring for his
"sparkler. " Thou he wrapped the ef
fects up , and marked the parcel and put
it into the safe.
The attendants shouldered the young
man again and bore him , still beseeching
them with shrieks of terror to "tako it
or "shoot it , somebody shoot it , "
through the basement out into the little
plot of ground in the hospital inclosurc
that in the summer takes on a doubtful
green , down into another basement to a
door , where they knocked with their
toes. A little , old white-headed man
with trembling hands and a clean-shaven
face opened tlio door anil led the proces
sion into his room , where ho had had
many such a procession before. It was
a long sort of corridor with wooden-
barred cells opening out of
it on both sides. There
wore some stout wooden bars
at all the windows , too. Some of them
had been hammered and some had been
gnuwed. They did not look very pretty.
Some staring gentlemen who were loung
ing nervously about the settees ut the fur
ther end of the room in various stages of
dishabille anil convalescence , had at oim
time or another taken their turns at the
gnawing and hammering , though they
looked Harmless enough then. One of
them wore a light and airy attire con
sisting of a failed red flannel undershirt
and a pair of trousers that it is to bo
liopcd had seen better days. Ho was sit
ting next to a rather refined looking
patient in a Prince Albert coat and dark
trousers , who was twitching his hands
and smacking his lips incessantly.
The attendants bore their burden into
tlio little wooden barred cell near the
door. The old man whipped out a broad
leather belt with two steel handcuffs lixed
in it and a steel rin fastened behind.
The attendants took oil the young man's
coat and vest in a jiffy , slipped the bolt
around his waist and forced Lis strug
gling hands into the steel handcuffs.
Then they passed a broad leather thong
through the steel ring in the back of the
bolt and strapped the young man down
to the bod. The old man came up just
then and poured a soothing dram from a
bottle down the young man1throat. .
After a while ho stopped yelling and
dropped off to sleep. " v
The one-legged man mopped his fore
head vigorously with a red handker
chief , and said "whOD ? ! ' like a man who
had done his hard work faithfully , but is
a little tired of it.
"How many alclioholic patients have
you had in hero to-night * " asked the re
porter , who had followed the procession
from the doorway. f
"That makes thiijtilpn. They were
brought in by friends , and the rest came
in the ambulance. That's a fair night's '
work for such cases.
"Do ninny people bring suffering
friends herewho huvo/i homes of their
own ! " P > i'
"Lots ot them , ftlhny of them are
wealthy people , too.'aijja could aflbrd to
bo treated at it privAUi asylum if they
wanted to , and that young man who just
came in has been hero twice before. Ho
has plenty of mojioy and used to havi
social standing. He won't have cither
pretty soon. "
"How many more times will ho
como ? "
"Ho's young nnd had a powerful con
stitution onco. I'll give him twice or
is three times more. That wil
inish'him. Of course , everybody who
comes hero hain't cot the delimit
trcmons by u great deal. Some have
only been on loug sprees and foci badlj
broken up. Otnors have the shivers
Some r-o just crazy drunk , and their
friend * take them here rather than lo
them go to a police station. Wo have
regular customers Some wealthy mei
I know who have been hero twenty times
Their frii'nds have orders to take them
bore when they reach a certain poin
in their cnps. The world would bo
iilghtlly surprised If I could toll you the
lames of some of our patients , They
are great people in the metropolis as soon
ns they lo.ive our care. "
"Why do they como hero If they can
afford to go to private asylums1' ' rashly
isked the reporter.
"Why , " shrieked the one-legged man
mil the white-haired man in chorus ,
'why , becan o the treatment's bettor ,
hat's why. Yes , sir , " went on the old
nan , the pride of the artist Hushing his
vrinkled I'aco a little , "wo give better
reatment than any Turkish bath or any
ither soaklug-out establishment in New
fork. We have had more to do lately
I Kin any of thorn , too. Turkish baths for
oaking out intoxicated gentlemen are
lot as popular uow as they used to bo.
'eople would rather comn hero to tlio
lospltal and bo under the care of phy-
icians. There is no danger of siilVeriii"
rom the carelessness of attendants in the
cooling-oil' room at a hospital. Besides ,
ou save a lot of publicity. You don't '
; now who may linil out you've been to a
mlh house to bo soaked out , while at tt
uispital , yon know , there are thousands
of things you can bo treated for besides
icuto inebriety ; see ? "
"Perhaps tlio fuel that the hospital is
rce and the bath isn't has something lo
lo with it ? " suggested the reporter.
"Not much. Our tirst-elass customers
lon't care a rap about that. They could
'o wherever they wanted to. After
liey'vo been here once they are pretty
sure to give orders to be taken here
igain if they need anything of the kind.
Eh , Rieketts ? " with a punch in the ribs
of the one-legged man.
"You bet , " said RicketLexpressively. ; .
"How long does it take for a man to
soak out. ' as you call it , under the hos-
> ital practice ? "
"Well , you'd bo surprised to see how
nucli ditlurcnco there is in that. Some
coufmncil old tanks that are chuck full
of liquor will bo out as chipper as larks
n three or four days. On the other
land , some young fellowswho have only
wen in the business a few years , won't
get out in as many weeks. It all ilennnds
on the capacity of the system to absorb
urn. The first thing w'c do is to get the
nan quieted down until the worst effects
of the alcohol have a chance to pass off.
Then we drive the stuff out of his. system ,
mil tone his broken-down stomach tin.
We have to put the belt on and tie thorn
town to the beds when they are in a con-
lltlon to tear things. That only lasts a
'ow hours. When they get convalescent
.hey can go anywhere they please about
the ward.1
"Do you give them liquor when they
ire raving for it ? "
'Sometimes wo have to , but we never def
f any substitute will do any good. Wo
can generally get along with 'hypcrdor-
nnc injections and bromide , without
using any alcohol. "
"Corrigan , old man , " broke in the one-
o ged man at this point , "why wouldn't
i nice , quiet , high-toned place for gentle
men to sober off in the proper way be a
jood thing ? You could command all the
jest custom , and I could take the pro
ceeds. I'll loll you what I'll do ' ,
But he didn't. ' A little electric signal
jell near the door rangsharplyjust then ,
ind the one-logged man stumped rapidly
iwny. There had been another rattling
n the street a moment before , followed
by the lanniiar sound of an ambulance
The reporter went after the one-legged
man as rapidly as he could , and when ho
jot back to the desk by the basement
leer the attendants were just carrying
nto the big elevator a bundle of maimed
and bleeding flesh , out of which looked a
white and ghastly face.
"Run over by a beer wagon enter-
; cncy ward , " said the one-legged man
without looking up from his book. The
sun was shining brightly now. The one-
egged man turned a page in his new
book , nnd another day of ghastly experi
ence began at Bellevue hospital.
Wall Paper nndVall Pnlnt.
For parlors the fashio.iable colors in
paper for this season are usually almost
white. In some cases a pure wlnto forms
the ground. The most ulegant varieties
Include one in silk , formed by uniting
lliis matorjal to a paper background and
then printing the design. It is $24 a roll ,
or about ? ! ) a yard ,
A lace paper in white is among deli
cately effootivu wall hangings. It is
suited to the boudoir or to the decorated
\yalls of dainty chambers. For more
simply decorated chambers largo use is
made of papers in soft pink or in light
blue , with fresco tintmgs carried out in
corresponding tones.
Another style shows designs of Renais
sance character in while on a neutral-
tinted ground like gray or olive. The
impulse in the direction of Louis Xl\
and Louis XVL styles has not diminished
the requirement for English wall papers.
Those are used as in recent years with
either the scintillating effects of mica
backgrounds or in quieter tones.
Another channel has been widened for
the industry of wall decoration. The
work ot mural painters is now limited to
public buildings.
Many walls are now painted in the
lower stories of dwelling houses. In
many cases the painting is on canvas , ap
plied in panels to walls and coiling.
The simplicity of painted walls is the
secret of their good effect. An approved
piece of work of this character executed
at Newport is illustrated. This is tlio de
coration of a music-room in coloring of
white and yellow. The dado , extended
to the height of the frieze , is formed in
square panels in enamel white. The
frie/.o shows on a yellow background a
delicate scroll design in relief in Hat
white. The coiling , arranged with the
effect of being slightly covered , is cen
tred by an oval in robin's c/jg blue. The
ceiling spandrels are designed in charac
ter with the frieze in scroll work , the flat
white forming a harmonious contrast
witlt the enamel white of the wainscoted
Rich arrangements are introduced
with decoration in white and gold , wbicn ,
to be tolerable , must bn exquisite. The
style is desirable because it is worked out
with care and by hand. Knowing ones
are horrified by deirradatious of a fanci
ful Rococo stylo. "While and gold. " as a
representative of severe taste asserts ,
"should be in Louis XV"i style ; but to
take a kitchen chair , paint it in white
and gold , and put a couple of bows on it
is dreadful horrid , horrid. "
Canriee , nevertheless , to much further
lengths supplants noble conformity to
law. The periwig or pigtail style , which
grow out ot the Rococo under the foster
ing care of Louis XIV pervades in spots.
Says the Buffalo Courier : Although
the tact is not generally known , many of
the homein ! Buffalo are rich in curios
from every part of the world. Tn ono
residence is a tall Dutch clock , found by
Its prciUit. possessor in a remote part of
Norway , not far front the North Capo.
Among other ingonius attachments it
has a Hot of chimes that tinklu twelve dif
ferent pnalm tunes , ono before tlio strik
ing of each hour , Ttio time-piece is very
ancient , and singularly enough appears
to bo homesick , for it has an incurable
propensity of getting to fast , in an earn
est endeavor to catch up with the lime
of > lay in Holland. Another old clock in
the same house has a front panel made
from olivewood cut on thu Mount of
olives in Palestine. Thcso arc just men
tioned incidentally. A catalogue of all
the rare and beautiful objects owned by
Buffulonians would till a whole nowa-
paper page.
Mary Stewart , a negro woman of Talia-
ferro county , Georgia , has invented a car
coupler that is said to bo simple and
about perfect. She says thai the idea
came to her like a dream and she made a
model , according tn her vision , out of old
"oyster cups. " 'Mrs. Stewart wits the
first slave born to Alexander II , Stevens.
An lutrrefttlne Story or tlio
Dnyrt of Klorliln.
Tallahassee Fla , Tallahassecn1'nor
to the discovery of steam , as applied to
the purposes of navigation , ami before
llio modern rngo of scicntilic exploration
and survey had led men to penetrate to
thu uppormo > .t ends of the earth , the
greater part of Florida was unknown
The everglades were untrodden , save
by ( infrequent bands of wandering Semi-
noli ! Indians , and even their trcsspas iM ;
in that wildnerness was held In check by
the reptiles which swarm In the oo/.y
There was no inducement-- nothing to
pay should the patient mariner dream
of threuding the Intricate navigation of
coasts , deeply and variously indented as
they are , studded with tlioiinands of Is
lands ; home of the pelican nnd cranes ,
the osprey , the eagle and the screaming
sea gull. Each river mouth , too , witli
sand and soil washed from the land ,
abounds In treacherous shoals.
'Thus coasts and interiors alike were
admirably adapted for and did become
the haunt and refuge of the lawless the
savages , the .smuggler and the pirate all
of whom frequented these parts unmo
lested , carrying on Iheir doproilalions far
and wide.
On the easl coast of America and on
the Spanish main , we read that Captain
Kidd was pirate king , but hero on the
west of Florida , winch now we
have good reason to expect will soon be
come the garden spot of the world , and
where wo now see fair and prosperous
cities spring into being ; here , I say , was
the headquarters of a pirate chief , who ,
judging by the following narration , sur
passed in daring and savage cruelty all
that f have ever heard ascribed to
Captain Kidd. My informant was an
ancient negro named Antonio Pcpino ,
who died in Tallahassee nt the ago of 117 ,
shortly after the late war. His own his
tory and recollections would till a good
si/.ed volume. He was born in the island
of Jamaica , and at _ tlio ago of sixteen
was valet to a British ollieer , who was
then stationed there. On the bieaking
out of the war of independence , Antonio
accompanied his master to this continent ,
taking part in numerous engagements ,
among others that of Hunker's Hill. At
the close of the war ho drifted to tin1
south , linally taking up his abode at St.
When there he entered the service of
the Spanish governor of the fort , who so
far trusted him as to employ him in car
rying dispatches between there ami the
1-ort of St. Marks , a service ot considera
ble responsibility and attended with con
siderable danger at that unsettled
We talk of the severity of Florida win
ters now-a-days , old Antonio could tell
of a snow storm , the severest be ever ex
perienced , which , in 1802 , overtook him
on one occasion , between St. Augustine
nnd St. Marks. But to return to our
Ho described traveling by land nnd by
sea as dangerous in this extreme. On hfs
Frequent journeys ( generally made on
liorsuback ) lie had to beware of hostile
Indians , and also the buccaneers , who
did not eonline their operations to the
ocean only , but it was well known that
they had .stations some distance from the , so well fortified by nature and art
as to bo well nigh impoiiatrablc.
According to Antonio's tale , tlio notor
ious pirate chief alluded to above had
such a stronghold on the shores of Gor
don's bay , only accessible through a se
cret passage or canal cut by the pirates
through the outside peninsula. Curiously
enough , while surveying there a few
weeks ago. we came upon this canal ,
which leads through the side of the town
of Naples to a deep natural basin beyond.
The basin beyond , sheltered and dec ) ) ,
gave a secure anchorage to the pirate
lleel , while the fort ashore could be gar
risoned by the pirate crews. They found
it good policy to ally themselves with
the Seminoles , then enraged at the occu
pancy of the Spaniards , and such an alli
ance proved most formidable , as the
unfortunate governor at St. Augustine
found to his cost.
In spite of tno danger attendant upon
the voyage between Cuba and the
continent , ho kept up constant communi
cations with the port of Havana , nnd
having hitherto always made the journey
with safety , ho was induced , at the earn
est solicitude of his young son and
daiigutcr , who at the time were nearly
grown up , to let them start for the port
of Havana.
Never was a decision attended with
more fatal consequences. The pirate
llotilla attacked the vessel in which were
the children , and after a short , sharp
struggle , the vessel were overpowered
and fie children taken prisoners.
Arrived at their stronghold on the bay ,
the pirates deliberated as to the best way
of turning the important capture to ac
count. Summoning their Scminole allies
to the council , tlioy at last decided on tlio
bold stroke of marching on Fort Augus
tine. and calling on the governor to sur
render. In the event of his refusing ,
they would Ihrcaton to put his children
to death.
Little did they know the stern stuff of
which that old soldier was mado. In
front of the fortress walls , according to
their plans , thoylirst produced the girl , and
threatened to destroy her if their demands
were not complied with. The staunch
old governor replied that hn would "hold
the fort. " Bullied for tins time they
again came forward , this time with the
son , who , they believed was his father's
favorite child ; still the governor refused.
They then had te resort to torture.
In full view from the. ramparts the mis
creants led out their captive , and tightly
binding round his head the knotted cord ,
through which was travcrsely thrust the
barrel of a pistol , they deliberately pro
ceeded to thrust this round as a lever , the
cord cutting through the skin into the
very skull. The screams of the victim
were heard within the fort as he implored
his hither to yield.
But no , the governor would not treat
with them at all. Sorely tried as he must
have been ho doubtless know that no des
pondence could be placed on any treaty
made with such treacherous and cruel
enemies , ilad ho yielded , the probabil
ity is that his submission would simply
mean the torture and massacre of bis
whole command.
Enraged at his persistent refusal , the
rullians HO increased the pressure of tin :
ligature that the boy foil lifeless in the
hands of his tormentors. It was after
wards found that the skull was actually
Maddened by the sight , the governor ,
heading the defenders , made a furious
sally from the fort , routing the pirate.s
and Indians , who broke for the woods ,
leaving the dead body of thu son , but ,
unhappily , carrying off with them the
Prolonged but fruitless was the chase
after tlio llendish crow. Too well they
knew the t'oresl labyrinths , and in deep
sorrow and dejection tlio pursuers re
turned. A rani was afterwards made on
the pirates on Gordon's bay , but all too
late. Their stronghold was abandoned ,
and the poor captured girl no more was
seen or heard off.
Such was the talc as told by the old
negro eye-witness and participant of
those tragic events , and hard it is to
day , looking p.t the quiet waters of the
lovely land-looked bay , to roali/ed thut
midst these scones fo fair , such bloody
deeds were done , and at such a recent
( tiitn.
tiitn.The [ old canal cut across llio beautiful
site selected for the future city of Naples
and the slight remain * of the old fort , h
all that Is left to remind us of its former
occupancy by the daring buccaneers.
Who knows but thixt , the treasures of this
second Captain Kidd yet lie buried aloii
the line of this old canal * Editor Tulla-
An Interesting Sketch of tbo Famous Au
thor , Who Wan of African Descent.
Ills ICnrly .StrucultiH for Itccognltlou
of Jits Talent , mill the Klnnt
Xrlnnuili * of His
Ambition ,
Aloxandro Dumas , the elder , was ol
African descent , lie was born on July 21 ,
ISO' ' , in the village of Vilars-Cotorets. Hn
grandfather , a Frenchman , the Marqui *
do la Pailletne , was governor of Sail
Domingo , and married a negress tunned
Tionnetlo Dumas. The marquis returned
to Franco , taking with him his son , a
bright mulatto , the father of thu subject
of this sketch. The young man took the
name of his mother and entered the
French army as a private soldier , and
soon rose to the rank of general of a di
vision. Ho died , leaving his son with his
widowed mother to maku tin * best of life1
without money. Aloxandro began his
studies under the Abbe Grogoiro , who , it
is said , found it impossible to teach him
arithmetic , and with great dilllculty
taught him a little Latin. This was duo
to young Dumas' ' craving for outdoor
sport , which caused him. to neg
lect his books , and not to stupidity.
At the ago of eighteen ho began the
study of law in the ollico of a notary in
his native village. Leiiven , who was at
that time in iix'ile , resided in the village ;
ho formed the acquaintance of Dumas ,
and , seeing that he was ambitious , ad
vised him to write drama * . Dnmns
thought it was a good idea , and straight
way applied htniM'lf. In an incredibly
short time three dramas were produced ,
and were offered for sal'j to the direetor.s
ot the Paris theatres , and were rejected
by all. This did rot ills-courage Dumas ,
however. His new acquaintance Louvoti ,
returned to Paris , and Dumas was anx
ious to follow him. but the young author
was poor and could nol pay the tare. He
was determined , nevertheless , to see and
know the aetors of Paris , so ho planned
a pedestrian expedition in copartnership
with a fellow clerk , who was also a child
of impcciiniosity with n vaulting ambiti
on , arid both proceed lo walk to Paris.
Dumas and Ins partner carried each a
gun , which they used to shoot game on
their way. They were succCBSful at
shooting , ami the game they brought
down they sold to a game dealer , and
Urns earned inonev enough to pay for
food and lodging along their journey.
When Dumas entered the great city
his friend Leuven received him with
open arms and gave him a ticket to hear
Talma , the then great actor.
Dumas was specially privileged
to go behind the scenes between the act
and converse with the , ietors. Talma saw
him and at once pronounced him a
genius , and bade him return to his na
tive village and enter his study , jvhero
the "angel of poesy" would nnd him.
Acting upon tins advice Dumas retired to
the village where ho was born , and con
tinued writing dramas. Ho returned
.shortly afterward to Paris. He had a
little money which his mother gave him.
He had letters uf recommendation to
some of the old generals of the empirea
few of whom received nini coldly , but in
General Fey ho found a warm friend.
The general introduced him to the duke
of Orleans , who made him ono of his
secretaries and gave him a salary of
1'JOO , francs. While employed as secre
tary to the duke , Alcxandre applied him
self to the .study of Shakespeare , Scott ,
Goethe , and .Schiller , and soon began
again to write plays , some of which were
brought out by several managers of thea
tres. His success us a writer Houmud as
sured to him , and he wrote for hi.s mother
to como to Paris , and the couple took up
their residence in humble apartments in
thy Faubourg St. Denis. Ho is said to
have been a dutitul son.
For a time after this , contrary to his
expectations , his success was very poor.
Ho finally wrote a tragedy that pleased
the director general of the theatres , who
promised to bring it out , but before this
was done , the director left for the east ,
and the person who took his place re
fused to have the play brought out. Du
mas complained ; the censor asked him
what ho did for a living. Dumas re
ferred him to the duke of Orleans and
his 1.201) ) francs , whereupon ho was told
to stick lo his situation.
Dumas's next play w.-u entilled "Henry
III. , " and was broughl out under the pro
tection of the duke of Orleans. It _ was
very successful , and he received for it the
sum of 50,000 francs. This was quite ( a
lift for Dumas , and ho , in consequence ,
moved from his humble lodgimrs and
took up Ills abode in the rue do I'Univer
sity , where ho lived in elegant style ,
upending bis money ns freely as it came.
After the success of "Henry 111 , " ho
brought iorward "Christine , " a play
thai was once rejected , which also had a
big success. After the French revolution
he brought out his drama of "Napoleon
Bonaparte1'and that of "Charles VII ; "
then followed other plays , which had in
stantaneous success.
llio larger Dumas's income crew the
more extravagantly he lived. He built
at St. Germain his famous Villa Monte
Cristo. He brought to France two aich
itects from Algiers to decorate , at a great
expense , ono room in the villa after the
fashion of the east , and put them iindor
obligations in the form of a binding con
tract not to execute a similar design in
Europe , There were twelve reception
rooms in his house , lie kept birds , par
rots , monkeys , and a line breed of horses.
From lT l ) to ISKChc issued sixly volumes
which Qfound ready market at enormous
profits. A theater was built napccially
for the production of his plays. Ilo vis
ited Spain and -Africa , taking with him
bis son Alexandra , jr. , who now lives in
Paris. Previous to ins death Dumas ex
pressed a desire to visit the United States
but lie did nol like to be reminded by
prejudiced minds that ho was a descend-
anl of an African.
Apparently Texas has .1 genuine cnse
of wild man. He appeared perfectly
naked , carrying an ax , and chasing
every person Im saw. Ho laughed "a
wild , lioariio laugh , " and , straddling a
crosH-tic , lloated down the Dublin river ,
yelling and laughing. Thai night ho was
capturncd in a fodder house and now
lies in the Fort Worth jail.
licit Tllt.l .Imvll It
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VliUVI'Afl' KITTJJVM. IlKAI/l'liri/l.
in.l 4'ninfnrlnlile ( ) ot H evtir wuni. bold tj all