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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1887)
' r ' ' ' , . ' ' ' . ' I . OMAHA D ILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAITA. TUESDAY AIORNING , MAY yi : 1887. NUMBEK JM7 MflWFUS F011 TI1F \1IFN \ ILUillmO 1U1V iilu The Country Generally Perpetuates tlio Memory of its Fallen Death GARLAND STREWN GRAVES IIiislnrsH Gcurrnlly Sua | > uiiilpd In City Village and llnmlet Momoilal Jny Sorv IreH In Nrbrnuku 411(1 ( llsMllUI'C. : ( . At KrushNeb. . ' May IX ) . [ Special Tele- giam to the Bi.r.J ' 1 ho decoration day ser vices were thu grandest and most successful over held in Kearney. Hutuheds of coun try people were In town and most ot the elty turned out to make the day a success. With the exception of a bilsk bree/u Norn the north the weather could not have been Uetter. Fullv 1.000 went to the cemetery , canylng with them many beautiful Moral tributes. The prettiest were two Moral designs - signs sent by his friends In Philadelphia to placu on Captain Crawford's iti.ivo. In the atternoon a ur.ind piradu was held , when nmnv civic societies joined in and marched to the rink , vvhuie MUD speeches were made Caplim Blick and Majoi Calkins. Colonel Ira Marston acted aschlel marshal , assisted bv Hon. A. ( i Scott 'I lie vvholo atfaii ol the dav passed oil without accident. At Coliimhim. COM viiu-s , Neb. , May 30. [ Special Tele gram to the BEI : . ) Memorial services weie conducted at the M. L. church jestcrday and were Intcrostlm : and Impressive. Kev. L. , ) . St. Clalr preachlin ; thu sermon , beautiful , touching , and full of tendeiness. Today Baker Post No. 0 assembled at the opera liouso , which was tilled to Its capacity. The oxerelses were varied and In good taste. Sev eral pitrlotlc songs and hymns were sunir. ' 1 lie address by H. C. Uiissell , commander of tbo depirtment , was n plowing and uiacetul tribute to our dead patriots , and when the cenotaph was strewn with Mowers a sol- emu fiush rested upon the assembl ) . Many were in A column was foimed nnd marched to tlio cemeterj and decoiated fourteen giaves of the o who peacefully slept In the silent city. Loviui : hands ami lie , nts , Binding dolt liugeis to weave artistic designs , were also placid on tlio graves ol home of the wives and mothers ol the soldier- wlio test by tholi side or neai by. May such incentives to patilotic decoration never dii out Horn oui American customs. At McC-'ook. MrCooic , Net ) , May ! . ( Special Tele irrnm to the Bl K. | McCook's people al joined witlt the ( ! . A. U. post of this eltv today to observe Decoration Day. Kldei Johnson , ol Indmnola , delivered the oratior followed bj Major Helm In a short addles" , The vvi atlier was line and thu turn out large , At Grand Inland. ( ir.Avi ) 1st A n , Neb. , Miy ! ! 0. fSpecIi Telegram to the DM . I Decoration day ser vices were to day attended by quito a iargi crowd , notwithstanding tlio wind storm thai prevailed all day , lilling thu ah with dust. At Norfolk. Nonronc , Neb. , May HO. | Special Telegram - gram to the Bnr.J Memoiial day was appro prlatulv and succcssfullv celebrated , a laigi crowd joininu In thu parade and public sei- vice. Including thu ( iiand Army. Klromen Odd Fellows , Uoou Templars and schools. At Sioux City. Sioi-x Cirr , la. , May ! 0. [ Special Teh gram to the Bi K. ] Memorial day was ob served hero to-day on a vcrv oxteiislvo scale The weather was lather unpropHioiis , benn cloudy , damp and chlllv. Most of the bus ! ness houses closed early In the day and n general participation in the le and exer clses was indulged in. The paiado civil nnd military organisations , tire department lodges , etc. was ono ot the tinest and larges evei seen lieic on a slmlku occasion. At tin cemetery an Interesting piogramme of music addresses and formal exercises ot dccoratlni tbugiaves was listened to. dcorgo I ) , i'er kins , editor of the Join mil , and C. K. Marks Lsq. , delivered the addiesses. At IIOH Moltl ! " ? . lis : Moi.vfS la. , May : ! 0. | Special Tele gram to tlio Bii.l : : Memorial day was ob served Hereby a largo nnd Imposing paradi of civil and military organl/atlons nnd i Kiinei al closing of all the business houses dm ing thu afternoon. Tlio exeicises weio unde the direction of tlio Sons of Veteians , nt ( besides thu decoration of giaves In Woodlam cemetery there was an oration by Johnsoi llrlgham , edltoi ot tlio Cedai Baplds UepuL Bean. DAV KI At Now York. Nnwouic , May SO. Business was ver ; pcnerally susDomled in this city to-day , OIK' ' the streets were thronged nt an early hou with dense crowds of people waiting will oagcr expectancy the coming of the nsua decoration day procession. Thousinds o people were visiting the tomb of ( icnor.i ( irant. The procession , composed ot mllltl and veteran organl/ations. was reviewed h ( iovornor Hill , nccomiianled by Cimieral Mierlilnn , Slierman , Sickles and others. 1 Is estimated that Ti.OOo people weio in line. I'.arly In the day Mrs. Giant stood at th tomb of the hero of Appomattox nnd eutei liu placed her personal token of Mower upon tlio bteol casket within. Through tb narrow spice Idled with follairo hers was th only offering nt bloominc Mowers. All el was heavy leaved and daik green. The : Mis. Grant went away to hei home , n < to bo present when the publl Hhonld como to the services then There were offerings -troin tlio vlceio of China , thrnuiih his minister hero , froi the Lojal Legion and many others Tvvent thousand people were thnio when the sn vices began at 4 o'clock. Grant post < Broolyn was In charge , assisted by the Megan gan and Hamilton posts. Kilty colore ladles In uniform m.irchul to the tomb wit llowers. Theio were appropriate ei vices a ( roidlng to tliu G. > \ . U. ritual. John Hlu Thompson. D. 1) . , now of Washlnuto squaio M H. church , delivered the oration. At Siiintlleld. | SriiiNRFiKi.n , 111. , May ! ! 0. Imposln memorial ceremonies were hold hero tn-di ; A great number of visitors from outsit points attended the exerclset. . A largo pn cession ot ( iiand Aimy posts nnd other o ganl/ations marched to the cemetery crottm Alter brief services at the soldiers' mom incut the column moved to Lincoln's mom inent. Senotor Cullom welcomed the vi Itors and vcteians nnd deilveieil n brh oulocy upon thn mart ) red president. H was followed by othei speeches , after whlc a number of handsome Moral tributes wci placed on the tomb. At AVnnhtictnn. WASHIXC.TON , May SO. The services i the tomb of Genpral Logan at Bock Cre < rrmetery were picturesque nnd Interestln The Logan guard of honor had charge of tl services , assisted by t-iugestlons from Mr Logan. Such a profusion ot Moral tributi lias rarely been seen. National Drill Prlzo Award. WASIIINOTOX , May 30 ( Special Telegra to the Bii.l : : Studied from a sectional stan point , the award of prizes In the nation drill which closed to-day prudent some intc estlnggeneraJitlos. Now Eimland took b ono honor and the Bock Island nattalic stood third In the battalion compctltlo This distinction has value equal to that the boy who was first in a class of on There were but threa battalions compcth and thfl third position won no money. TI south took thirteen prizes , aggre atli (14,725. These awards were as follow Uest regiment , Virginia Nation stand cf colors ; best b ; tallon , Washington Light Infantry , S3.000 ; Loulsvlllu Lccion econd best , il.VX ) ; best company of inlantry , Lomix rllles of Ala bama , SOTO ; thlid , Belknan rilles , Texas ; lonrth. National rilles , Washington : lilth , San Antonio rllle * , Texas ; second best com- iianv In Gatllng gun practice , Louisville It ittery : second best In Xouave drill , Mem phis Xouaves ; second best In cadet drill , Mai ) land Agricultural college cadets. 1 liu Indiv idu tl prl/es tor excellence In Infantry null , were nken by Private Stock. San An tonio rilles ; Sertrcint Conrad , Washington Ilu'lit Infantry , and Serce int Wagner , Louis ville Legion , respecttvelv. Tlieso prl/es wrro awarded , it must bo remem bered , by United States army ot- licers , and go on merit strictly. Thu noith and wist took six prles. 'Iho second best company In infantry drill was cimpanv 1) , of St. Paul. Indianapolis and Mllvv uikeo bitterles took llrst and second pii/cs , Cincinnati ( lallitii : compiny took a hrst ml/o , the Mlchigui cidets came out ahead and the Ciilcmoouav us wuro with out ilvals. I'ho agmescito in money taken bvnortliein compinies was s7,7f > 0. Bufoio the war the U"st drilled militi i was In the south and it seems to bu tliero still. 7ijiimrt Kufiluti friiiic } ( ( 1 But ssi is , May SO. [ Xew York Herald Cable Special to the Uu.J : Tlio authori ties are cemtemplatlng nieasures for lighting nil theaters , houses and stage by electric light to minimize the dang < > r of tire. Gragon , French piefect ol police , is coming lo Bins- scls to study the nrchitecttnu of two or tlirco ol our nuw theaters , admiiably planned with a view to security. Kelwaid Dupont , director of ( the Belgian royal museum of natural history , and a well- known geolou'lst , stait-i shortly tor the Congo te > gather materials of a scientific description tiom the Daik Continent. To-day the suspension of woik Is general throughout Belium , owing to tlio Whitsun tide holidiv. To-morrow will show whether the strike "ollup es or Is to bu prolonged. Thu general belief Is that It will greatly diminish to-mor- ow , alterwnrd rnpielly subslele to breakout igain later with ineieased violence and far vider etlect. Tlip Trptipb Ministry. P Mils May PiO. It Is reported that Piosl- entGrevy , In order to avoid certain eleteatot ho new ministry on any Important Issue , vlll close the session of tlio chamber of dep- ities June r > th. At a meeting of the cabinet is tirst constituted General SaussieT an- lotinced Ids intention of withdrawing tliu nilitary bill , ills colleMgues opposed such iction on the giemnel that it would > o inconsistent witli tlio dignity ot lie e'ountiv , but General Siussior persisted n wltlidr.iwing the bill anel was obliged to siiriouelf r thu war poilfollo. A me'eting of the ministeis was held to-day it President Gtuvy's reslete-nce. 'Hie Mnal composition ol tlio cabinet is not yet entirely settled. Hcrcdla has re-ji'cteet the portfolio if the minister of public woiks , and houco- ortli this dppaitment will bu combined witli ho department of commerce. PAKIS May SO. It is olllcially stited that I'lHsidetit Grevy has sinned the teillovvini ; iiblnet : Bouviei , premier and minister of malice and posts ami telegraphs ; Fallieres , nterior : Flourens foreign affairs : Spuller , .wbllc distinction : Ma/an , justice , ( ieneial I'erron , war ; Barbuy , marine : Daudesme. public works , Barbe , agricultuio. LATHS De lleredlahas has accepted the Mice ot minister ot public works anel Dan- trcsmu that of minister of commeice. The Pope's T JloMK , MnvI'iO. The Vatican , repliiiK to : he icqucstof an Interpretation of the pojiu's ccent allocoution , has sent circulars to the , > apal nunclons abioad , stating that nlthoimh the popu's declarations are moderate , notli- 'tig would bo changed , and It the Italian gov- inmiMit desires peace- the pope is disposed o treat on the basis of a restoration ot his temporal power. The Opera Comiijue Vlctlmi. Pvuis May ! 50. Services over the remains nt tlio victims lecoverecl from the ruins ol the Opera Comiquo weio held to day in the cathedral of Notre Dame. The edihce wa * tilled witli an Immense throng , including many distinguished persons. Two .hundred thousand persons lined the louto to the cem etcry. The pibcc.ssion was a mile long. The Navnl Credit Adopted. llovir , May CO. The clumber ol demitle < 170 to 49 adopted the naval credit ol MJ.000,000 llres. Tim mono ) will bo expended on Iron clads , torpedoes and torts. Tut ciedit is lo extend overa period ot ten years , The T/oekod Out Stove Moiililr-ri. CiitrAc.o , Mav 30. The follow incdlspatcli was received to-day at the headquarters ol the fctovo Founder's National Defense asso- iatiuu : ST. Lon < 5 , Jfo. , Stay SO. Henry Crlbben , President of the S. F. N. 1) . Association : Wo now have a lull force of moulders and arc manufacturing all tlte uoods needu-l tc supply our trade and request the immediate retuin of our patterns. | Sined | Buinor. AND BIACII MKO. Co. On lecelpt of the telegram President Cilb- ben at once telegiaphed the following ordei ; D. M. 'Ihomas , Secretary , Cincinnati , ( ) . ; Order the return immediately of the liiidgc nnd Beach Mamifacturlnc company and other patterns now in the hinds of the de. fenso assocl ition to the rpspectivo foundrh" to which tliuy belong , and inform member ; to resume operations when ready. Hi. MIY Cmmir.x , President. 1'iesident Crlbben savs tills order virtual ! ) ends the loin ; lockout nuainst tlid stove moulelcrs , and that it will bu but a short turn until the stove toundilcs throughout the country will ha\u rcsnmcel active operations The I'rcHleluntlnl Party. SAIIAVAC L\KK HOUSK , May 80. Prcsi dent Clovclanel , alter breakfast at b a. m. went with Colonel Lament ami Dr. Kosiimi down to the laKe to troll tor ( tout. Tin president caught ono line largo trout Alter ellnncr the president and Mrs. Cleve land , Colonel and Mrs. Lament , Dr. anet Mis Ittisman , nnd Hleldle , of the Saranic Inn eliove In bnckboards seventeen miles to Boy brook house to try brook tiont hsliinir. Tin tiout preserve was opened aarly to give thi president a chance to try the fishing bofon the hsii bad cen the My. Just belore snnsc the president cast the Mies , and when h came in to supper , pioudly exhibited a eatcl of a handsome speckled trout. The- Sixth G.IHVII UUcovori-el. HI.IINDO.V , la. , May 30. [ Special Tele pram to the BKP..J Another gas well wn discovered hero this morning at a depth o 120 feet. It Is now burning , throwing up Mamo from ten to twelve feet high. This I the sixth well that has been discovered at thi place. DrownoelVlillo Hathlng. Dns MOINI s , la. , May SO. | S | > ecIal Tele gram to the BEK. | Tlw twelve ) car old so ot Jacob Antrim , living two miles west o this place , was drowned while In bathln last night. A Mongolian Kxoelus. SAN Fnvxcisco , May M. Five thousnn Chinese left Hong Kong for America durin March nnd April feulnc the new treaty c Dcnby would eiutiil them ot some ot thel iirivile es. 'Ihe Jaitinusc naval denartmcii has divided to mike the standing Meet cor sist of lift ) war ships anet several cruisers. Weather Indication * , Fe > r Nebraska : Warmer and fair wcathc : preceaed In eastern portion by light loca rains , northerly winds becoming variable. 1 01 Iowa : Local raln % nearlv statlonar temperature , vvinels u-eneially northwesterly For Kastcrn Dakota : Warniei ; tai weather , northwesterly winds becomlu variable. Senutor Sttnrmnii t Cine Ae5o , Ma > 30. Senator Sherman sper tiio day here quietly , and thin evening a tended an informal reception at the Unlo 'Ihere was 110speecli-iuaklug. LASIIID TO THI ; KIGGINU. i'rool'I'oHltlvo of 1'arramit'n Position In Passlnn the Mobile liny r rl . Ni-w YOHK , May SO. [ Special 'lelegram to the BIX. ! 'I'ho Tribune this morning publishes articles which It thinks conclu sively settles doubts as to whether Admiral Farracut was lashed to thu tigging In the Mobile bay light. It shows that Farragut was lirst lashed to the port main rigging for a short time and afterward , during another phase of the combat , was secured to the port mU/en rigging. The hrst lashing Is provoel by ( Jtnitermaster Knowles , who passed the rope around the admiral. The second lash ing Is proved by the testimony of Captain Watson , who secured the admiral in this instance and linalty , an extract trom a letter written by Farranut to his wife now pub lished foi tlio llrst time , proves the best pos sible w Itness. Farraetit himself sav s that lie was twleu lashed to the ligging. Yesterday a ropoiter calleel to see Loyal i'.irrau'Ut , son of Aelmlril Farrajut , nbout thu latest story ellscte-dlting thu Incident depicted in Pa u's picture1. Fnnagut was not nt Mist disposed to consider serlousljt the latest attempts to discredit the Incidents de- picteel In Pace's picture anil iccoidtd b ) vari ous historians and writers. "Periodically. " lie said , "like measles 01 whooping cough , there is Inllicteel upon thueounti ) a new ver sion of Ibis incident nt the passaco of tlio forts In Mobile bay. " He knew that Page was painting the picture. "Pairo used to cherish the piece e t nine which ntv lather used In illustiatlng how ho was fastened to tlio rliiging. Of course my father would never havei eione anthine of the sort , or as- stiim-d that position , If tlio incident weio Mctltlous. Father never took anv exception to the attitude in which he was deplctcel or to the rope lashing. It may be said that ono thliik ! is lacking to make tlio ev Idence totally unassailable , and tint In tlio admiral's own evidence. 1 have found among mv mother's papers a portion of a letter tiom tbenetmlral In which he alludes to the incident bilelly , but In such a fashion tint no room is lett for any misunderstanding as to his meaning. This is what ho vviote my mother about the Inci dent : ' 1 told vou that Watson lashed mo to the shroud ; so hu did. 'Ibis was in a part ot the mi7/en rigging. Drajton sent a quartermaster to secure me. 1 was so much Interested In what was irolng on around that 1 diel It mechanically. ' "This letter was written on September 2. " , Ibfi4. 1 have no reason there-lore to makpaii ) change at all in what 1 said about the inci dent , in the life 1 wrote ot mv father. These statements were confirmed bv Captain J. C. Watson , now staying with Farragut , and a letter siciied by thu qmrtermaster ot tlio Haitford , anel James Smith , ciptalu ot tiio Haitlord'b ml//en top. " UUUGIOUS CONVENTIONS. ProcccdinjiH of the Unltod Pre-sby- iM anel Haplistw. , May SO The Woman's American Baptist Homo Mission society met this morning anel listened to an address by Mrs. J. N. Crauso , president of the western branch , and others. The Missionary union has ngieed to hold an anniversary in Cincinnati next year If nn Invitation Is extended by that city. Dr. Henry M. King , of Albany , has been chosen to deliver the anniversary sermon. The Homo Missionary Society held its lifty-hfth anniversaiy this morning , i'resldcnt Colgate presiding , The report ot the corresponding secretary was read and received and rofeireel to various committees. Under tliu care of ttie society are now eleven incoiporated nnd six unincorporated institutions of learning , located in thirteen Mites and tenitoiies , having 122 teachers and 2.'SO puplK Also six thooloulcal seminaries with an endowment ot ovei M.OcO.OOO. The repoitof the trc.isu- lei was lead , adopted and oidered audited. At the afternoon session the subject of church benelicence was discussed by laigo numbers ol delegates. The report ot the committee on that subject be ing presented and adopted. The report of tlio committee on forelen popula tion was presented by Kev. J. B. Thomas , of Dubuque , lovvn. nnd adopted. The anniver saries will probably close with tomorrow's session. The secretary's report slietvvs the ; total le'ceipts foi thoyeartoboS.V)2Hl."i , being Sl..0,000 more than any previous vear. Tliu expenditures in general art ) as follows : Feir mlssionuues' siilaries , SUOifi7 ( ; foi te.ielieis' salaries , ! sVJ.2Gl ; for special educa tional purposes , S41.441 ; in gilts lor church tdifico works , Si ! > ,2'J7 ' ; lor expenses of administration , S10,0" > i ) ; tor collecting and supervising agencies. l.'i.bOO. bociety operations have been conducted elur- Inir the past ) eai In lort-itvo states anel tin- rltones , also In Ontaiio , Manitoba , British Columbia , Alaska nnd in three stntes of the Mexican republic. The society aids In the niaiiitonanco ot olghtcen established schools of ceiloied people. Indians , Mexicans , nlso several schools for Chinese ono In Utah uiul three lu $ i : .lco. iarthiinkc : | In Mexico. CITY or MIMCO : ( vlnGalveston ) , May SO. Up to 10 o'clock this morning no second shock of earthquikehns been experienced. A very heavy rain tell dining the night anel cooler weather prevails. The shock was much felt in the high buildings on Clnco De Mayo street , occupied by the United States consul general. Kxamlnatlons are now beine mndo of thereof roof tops by olliclals on account of the elaiv irer aiising from rotten beams supporting heavy tiles. Recently in tlio palace of jus tlce , vvheio the courts sit. the roof fell in Luckily Iho room was unoccupied nt thu time of the earthquake. The shock has created fresh alarm about the safety of roots In build- incsof cicat age. Reports coming In from various points in the southein part of tlio republic show thn' ' the earthquake ot Sunday mornlni : wa > felt veiy generally. It Is universallj stated that the shock was severely felt In Jalapa. Cordova , Kshcran/a , Fla cala Tehnacanii , Puebla and Oaxaea. It has been aseertalneil that the acqueducts here were cracked In gemio places and a curloii1 phenomena is reported. Water lirst heatee anel afterwards cooled. Conhrmatory evl deuce has been iccelved of sulphurous gasso : being perceptible nt various points. rho Tarlrr Question. Pmr.ADi-MMiiA , May SO. A special to tin Times from Washington says Secretary Fair child Is seriously contemplating a movement with the appiobation of the president am his colleagues , looking to the conccntratloi of the democrats in the house of representa tlvcsand senate upon n measure of tarit reduction , After the experience o the past two congresses , the preslden Is convinced that but one cours remains open to the democratic party , am that Is the formation of a bill In consulta tlon with such men as Bandull and Carlisle and ottieis representlnu diverse pc Mtions of democratic sentiment on ill subject , for the purpose of bringini them together on some coinmoi ground of ocreeinent. Tne president ha seen for some time that tliu issue will b made on the tail If , and has urged that I would bo morn sagacious to uct to work a once and prepare a bill to bo submitted t coimress as a ineasiuo of administration p ] Icy than to let the question continue to pla havoc as a tnu brand In the ranks of the party About tlio Yachts. NKW YOIIK , May SO. ( Special Telegram t the HEH.I The Tribune says : Although the test which the Thistle was put In he race with the Irex.Genesta , Sleuthhoundaui other Enzllsh Myers from ttio south end t Harwich on SaturdayIs regarded as a crucln one , the Scotch boat , nevertheless , did wel enough to make American yachtsmen allttl anxious for the safety of the American cur One thine It did prove , that the yacht hn been built In Great Britain , that It can gc along pretty well In an extremely light wine but to da this it was necessary to adapt i modification of the "skimming dish" tv po lype which U to become popular I the kingdom since the ridiculous tax em th beam has been removed by thu vacht racln association. What thu Thistto will do h rou ti weather Is still a mystery , Among tU N'ew York Yacht club members there Is still inlimltcdconlldcnce In thu atillUy of Amer- can yachts to hold the cup. They are plac- ng a gicat deal of coniulpiico In General 'alno's new steel yach' , nnel believe that slip vill be much faster than the Mayflower and othei sloops of her cUsa , A Quaker Defaulter. BUTiMoitt , May SO. [ Special Telegram o the BKK.J For the fust time probabl ) In he history of the Society of Friends In this ountry , the treasurer ot thoQimkci meeting las turned dutaulter. Kdwln Blackbuin , reaaurerof tlio Friends , Lombard stieet , has ) een exposed , a elellclt of about 80,000 hav- ng been disclosed In his accounts. Black- turn w as thought to bo ono of the most trust- vorthy men In the city. He Is over sixty- ears of aue , anil has a wlfo and two ditigh- eis. When he was called upon recently for chi'rch funds , ho confessed that ho hid Useel lie monev witli thu Intention , of course of unking good the eleliclt. Hu assisted the committee in examining tlio books ami show eel when nnel how ho hail diverted thu unel to his own account. For vears Black- Hirn has been enir.iged in tlio Insurance bus- ! less. The congiegatlon Is much tineve-el > ver HIP atfalr , anil will not pioseciite. Ho vlll make o\cty effort to rcstoio tlio money. Unltoel PrcHbyturtnnR. Piui.ADKt.i'iiiA , May 30. In the cencral assembly of the Unlteel Presbyterian church of North America to-day the report of the committee on education was read. The com nitteo submitted among other things a reso- iition that tha board bo directed to continue he rule that boncticlarlcs shall not use to- > acco After a long ami spirited debate , elur- ng which It was unsuccessfully endeavored o Include professions In thu rule prohibiting ho use of tobacco , the report of the coinmlt- ee , Including the tobacco clause , was aeloptcd. _ A Now PaHtor Kor Columbus. Coi.t'MiiiK , Neb. , May SO. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnr.l The Presbyterian church ot Columbus yesterday called Kev. K. B. Hubbell to tlio pastorate at a salary of SUOO per year. The now pastor Is n voung gradu ate from the McCormlck theological insti tute ot Chicaco , of line delivery and pulpit eloquence1. Ibis is his hrst pastorate and will infuse new vitality In tliu Presbyterian chinch hero that for some time past has been on the wane. Tito sermon of luv. ! Huhbell yesterelay was ono of great force nnd gave evidence of a high mental character. First Burglary. Nii.ioii , Neb , May ! X ) . | Special Telegram to tlio Br.K. ] The lirst snlo blowing overdone done In Neligb was done last night , and tlio men who pcitormcd the Job were evidently experts. The safe of K. W. Dp Witt was elrllleel , the door blown open nnd nbout SN ) in money taken. Some checks notes anel other valuable papers were not disturbed , Forty KPRS DUprtncd or. Giitxi ) 1st. V.ND , Neb. , May SO. ( Special Telegram to the BKE. ] At a picnic at Sand Kio * , three miles west of this city , yesterelay afternoon , forty kegs of beer weio Imbibed by the crowd. A tliree-cornereel light was in- elulged In , and tlio son of John Seler was knocked down and bad his arm broken. A Shook at NOOAT.FS , ArU. , May SO. There was a shock of earthquake hero this afternoon about 1 o'clock which In its severity created much excitement , though no damnco wn done. Ten minutes afterwards tlioro wns another shock , but It was very light. Last evening a terrilic drv cvclono visited this city. It came from tno mountains on the west slelo of town and swept away a great many Mexican jacka's and unroofed soveial morn substantial bufdiuzs. No ono was in jured. PapcrM Served on SAN FIIAXCISJO. May 80. The wherea bouts of William Klssano have been dolin- Itely learned. A deputy United States marshall - shall went to Sonoma thrcodaysairo commis sioned to servo a subpcrna on him in the Chemical National bank case to recover on certain alleged forged notes in possession of the bink- . The eleputy found him at his ranch anil scived thu papers on him. Ho says the feeding in Sonoma county against Kiss.ine's prosecutor's is extremely bitter. i Collcucn. CiurAno , May SO. The Rush Medical college - lego and Noith western Dental and Surgical colleges have been formally amalgamated with the Lake Forest unlveisity , and It i * expected that tlio telescope ol tlio Chicane Astronomical society will soon bo removed te > Like Forest and mounted In a new ob- seivatorv , to bo built lor It , with all modem appliances. Arguments In the Iloko Case. PI-ORIA , May 30. 0 | > eiilng arguments wore made to day in the Hoke cn e by States At torney Nle > haiis for the ppoplo and Leonard Swett , of Chicago , for thu dutense. Speeche- bv either counsel will be made to-morrow , anel the case will probably be given to the juiy IE thu afternoon. Three Men Drowned. Cr.KVKf.ANn , May 80. A hshing schoonei occupied by four men was taken in tow by r steamer to-day. In some way the small boat lost her rudder and the 8toamcr pulled i under the water , throwing all four men out Tlueo wt-re drowned. The UelHtonMIno Disaster. KniNiiuiuiH. May 30. Sixty-two bodies have thus far been recovered from thoUdstor coal pit. AN OKTIIOEPlCAIj DISCOVnilY. The Remarkable ImiiKuaKo Used b ] the Hottentots Now York World : Ono of the moet re markable discoveries in the science of Ian guage has been made by thu scientists at tached to the Gray library at Capo Town Capo of Good Hope , South Alrica. by i sclentihc analysis of the Hottentot language Hottentot speech is cltaracterl/ed by pe culiar click sounds which irave the early nav igators the impression that these treatuu" were not human beings , but a hluhly d < veloped species of apes. It Darwin's tlieo ries bad existed at that tlmo they would havi been thought to be tin' missing link betweui the human race and tlio animil creation. Thn analysis of the clicks shows that thusi sounds are caused by the manner In whlcl consonants are formed In the Hottcnto language. The vowels are the same as li other languages , and consonants are formee with lips , toncuo and teeth ; but Instead o expressing the consonants by breathing , tin Hottentots produce the sound by breath Ing It. ' 1 his may seem Impossible at Mrst , but a lit tie practice will demonstrate that all tin consonants we use may thus bo comblnee with vowels and distinctly heard. A suck 1m : or click sound results which , thougl stranse , Is not altogether unknown , for mos persons use the sounds , and often oxpres pity by placing the tongue a.-alnst the bad of the teeth. This forms the Hottentot let ter "t , " which tollieeanioas our letter "t,1 except that the air is sucked Instead of belnj exhaled. In driving horses most persons use sonu of the Hottentot clicks , which are distlncti1 heard anel icuulre very Iittlo vocal effort. Th letter "b" In English Is formed by placlni the lips tozethor and breathing out : In Hot tontot the lips occupy the same position am tlio breath is Inhaled. This Is one of th sounds often made to drive horses. The namu of the celebrated Zulu chlcl Cetywayo , Is pronounced with the clicks a If spelled "Ketch-vvh . " By what mean this name has been written "Cctvwayo" Is mystery , as the. Round Is totally ditferen from that which la expressed by this orthof ranhy. This analysis shows that the Hottentot have been an Isolated people in cause tbo lirst principles of their spei-c ( Hirer from those ot all other races ot men The subject opens the widest ranso for con lectures as to the origin anel history of tin race , anil the facts are so strange as to cvei color with omp probability tlui wild , well fancies of Klder Haggard In his nuvc "blie. " CADDAOR AN EASY WINNER , Che Great Scullini * Race at Pullman Results in the Defeat of ilaulan. BEATEN BY FOUR LENGTHS. A Heavy llnlnstorinntul ItotiKli Water J'lptentH Hood Time ItoliiK Alndc Omaha Wins Another On mo. The G.iMtlnitr-tluntnii Kaon. CHICAGO , May ! ' 0. [ Special Telegram ti ) lie HKIJ.I Tinco hundieel yarels liotu the In'.sh ' at Calumet course tills evening , Noel lanlan , the oarsmen , turned tin Instant rom the pelting rain only to see a defeat. Ihooars'if tlio treat ex-champion dtoppeel neivelpssly Into the choppy water as with a hooping head ho pulled alone dejectedly lirough tlio rain , six loniths behind the win- icr. Several thousaiul dienehed people on he banks sent up wild shouts foi Gaudan1 list as the sun burst thtough the clouds. When the two oarsmen Mrst came out on tuo course , ready for a threo-milo pull to decide who should be called the cliamplon of America , anU carry away S'j.OOO ' In stakes , .he sky was gloomy , but still did not threaten rain. A moderate brec/o was blow ing , which roughened the water slightly , but this did not delay the start. At the outset ll.inlan ook the lead , pulling a short , nerv ous stroke of about forty-two to ; he minute. Gaudnur followed sharply jehlnd him , using his familiar long , steady sweep , of which lie pulled probably thirty- eight per mlnnto. During yesterday and ; o-day gossip among knowing ones been that If Haitian succeeded in making the tuin iirst ho would never bo caught , because , it was said , his stroke was a lasting one. On the otl.ei hand , it he was beaten to the turn , It was thought ho had no show , because In all big races he has rowed he has no\cr recov ered the lead after being.oiice beaten. ( ! reat , therefore , wete the expectations ol llanlan's iricuds to sco him Hearing tlio turn rleaily ahead of 'laudaui and gaining all the time. Just about this time , while all eyes were straining attei the blue and spulet specks In the distance , the wind freshened iimt de\eloped to < iuile a bree/e , which lalsed nasty , ehoppv seas. Added to this the rain he an coming down and in n minute - ute was driving before the wind in sheets , llanlan reached the turning buoy lirst , nearly two leiiL'ths in Imnt of Jacob. Ills time hero was 10.0J. The champion's stroke had been reduced by this tlmo to nbout tliiit\-li\o per minute , and ( iaud.iur , alter loumling to e.imo down to about the same. llanlan stopped an Instant hero tor some puinoso , but aid not lose the lead , llo kept well to the front and Irom the start until on- tcilni : the third mile , when he commenced to show deckled signsot exhaustion. Sounevon did Ills stroke become and such exertion did It seem to icquiro for him to keep up that man ) believed his boat was leaking or had shipped one of the choppy seas. Uaudaur lit this time was rowing with tlio same niagnilicent sweep he had taken at the outset , but seemed now to Incivaso it sliL'htly. With machine-like precision ho parsed the poor , struggling Hnnlin. A boat's length of watei between them could soon be seenthen nnother , and nt last onemoic addi tional. ' 'Haitian's beaten , " cried a number. "No , no. " shouted another , 'Seo him spurt , " and apurt llanlan did with a vengeane'c. 1 ho multitude on shore and alloat , icgardless ot lainloosed hats and umbrellas In the all and stai ted to yell , but thocheeisellcdon their lips , however , llanlan couldn't stand the pace and again Gaudaur's great sweep began to tell. It was then that Halin lay back toi an instant and , tinning his luce 1'iom the rain , shot a glance over his shoulder at Oaudatir. That glance was enoii h. llo saw himself badly beaten , Ciaudam having gained a lead of lullv six lengths , Sce-im : Haitian Minemlei all hope ( iaudiur then magnanimously slackened his speed and crossed tlio line loin lengths in advance , having made the three miles In 1USO : , break ing tlio recoul which ho himselt in.ido airalnst Teenier on lake Calumet tlueo years ago. vi < o 1UM. : On all sides exclamations ot aelmiiatlnn lor the teat were heard , coupled with conjecttiic as to what might Invc been done had the conditions been at all tavorable. llanlan was surrounded by reporters on the slip pery ashore and intei rotated ; ns to his opin ion. "Though 1 was lairly beaten , " said be , "I don't think the best man won. " Asked what ho meant , tlio ex-clumpion grow vciy taciturn and would onlj siy that lie was out ot condition and suffering from a severe ce)1d , which "nailed" him just when tlio water be came tlio roughest , ( iatidaur stepped up with R smile on his sun-browned countenance and ssld"Tlut was the hardest moot over rowed. 1 just had to do my level beat , and 1 did it. " Tnis was ti lie , .is a look at the time recoid showed that llanlan , though beatennot only cave ( iaudaur a great struggle , but broke the record himselt , he coming in in 1SL ! ) : His backer. Duryea , has taken courage from this and says ho will tend llanlan to Aus tralia to beat Jteach and then como back to defeat Uaudaur. Durvea sa\s Haitian's boat was Interior to his opponent's In the choDpy be a , and that this contributed as much as an\ thing to the chaiiL'o in the race after rounding the turn , llanlan feels much biiuhter to-nUht since learning tnat lie had surpassed the world's best previous lecord if ho didn't win the lace. Ho gets 51-lOt ) ot the gatoiecelpts. CHICAGO , May 30. ( Tress ] Jacob Gauehur to-day defeated Ncel llanlan , the great ex- champion oarsman , in tlio race for Hio cham pionship ol Ameiiei and 35,000 a tinea mile pull on Calumet Like. When iliotwomcn hist came out on the course the watei was a little lough , but this had no deterring iullnence. and tlio start was made with piomptness. llanlan was at once a trille In the kail , pull ing a short , quick stioke forty-two per minute , Gaudaur kept close to him with a long , steady sweep about thirty-cluht put minute , Gradually llanlan forged ahead and at the end of the Initial mlle was lull } n length in iuhar.ce. It had been said If llanlan could lead to the turn ho was nearly a certain winner , but othcrwlso IIH would never catch up. Hetoro the tuin was reached the wind suddenly freshened and rain began to pour. The lake was soon lumpy from and to end and the down pour was al most blinding. Haulm turned hrst , twc lengths ahead. Time 10:0. : . Ho was null- IIIK about thlitt'-hvo strokes per mii.uto and rounding to , ( iaudaur struck about the same , eait. Haitian kent well to the trout until entering the third mile , when ho comnioneil to Hag. His strokes became uneven and his rowing seemed to le- qulro great exertion , Gaudnur was lowing mairnlliccntlv , with ( the simo long , stead ) swicp , butifaster. He soon passed llanlan ( list one , then another and at the last thru lengths between them could be seen , Han- Ian then made a tremendous snurt for averj short time , but could not stand the pace. Hi lay hick an Instant and glancing over hi * shoulder sivv himself beaten , ( iaudaurv.i' six lengths away from him. ( iaudiur then slackened his speed and passed the stand an easy winner by four lengths , Time , 20:29. : It was n hm performance under the adveise conditions. Alter the race Ilaulan fald ho did notthinl- the best man won , although ho acknowledger himselt fairly berten. He claimed to havi been suffering ftom a severe cold , which told on him at a critical time , daudaur said tha i It was the hardest race ho ever rowed. Han Ian pets40 per cent of the SV-oO which were the total gate receipts. Tin figures 20:29 : were taken fiom the presl dent of the Fanagut club , who was under stood to tw the tlmo keeper. ' 1 ho turn keepers on the referee's boit , however , agree that the three miles were made In HKO This has been declared oftlelal , ( iauduai therefote , broke ttio record , the best preview- - lime being his own against Teenier over tin same course Wi'A. To-night It Is announced that Hanlan alsr broke the prev Ions record , having finished u 19H. : ! His backer says ho VA til send Haitian to Austialia and If ho defeats lletich wil once moio pit him against Goudaur. HOSH Defeats llnsnior. Niw : Yomc , May 80. Wallace Ross am George Hosmer rowed a single near Flnshlni thU evening. The announcements were lo a three mile race tor sWO. | Thu Start wa made in choppy water There were three urns and the announcement was made by the judges that the llidt hilf was nade In T 12. On thu first uin lioss fouled both llosmer and ho stake boat , but secured thu lead and held t to the tnd. winning by two tert In what wasannouueed at HOY The Judges were tot In a position to see the linish. A man In ho bo it told them about It. 1 he time Is coi- ect. 'llm pxplmatlon of tills phenomlnal tlmo must he lound In the measurement or ion-measurement of the course. Om ntm Victorious ST. Jon , Mo. , May ! > 0. - [ Special Tele gram to the Br.i.-The ] homn team lo-d the Inal game ot the Omalii series to-dav by costly eirois nt eiltlcal moments nud by timely hitting In the sixth Inning by the visitors , lloth lloilj and Hirel. pltolied with about equal elfort , but tlio snperloi snjv- ) ort u'lven to the Conner , won the game. In .hu absence of liilmuiccom , who was hint \esteidaj , t'kotter tiled to plav second , but U times made a soriv failure of it. Sunday's " one handed catch of .Messltt's long hit "in thu sixth inning was thu leatuio ot the game. Attendance , 9,700. Score by In nings : Omal.a . 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 h St. Joe . . . o i : i o u o o o t ft L.irneel runs St. Joseph ! , Omaln S Two iaMi hitsbund.iv , Hardlne , Ike , W ilsh , Itadei , ll.irter , Kourke , llealev " . Left on : nses St. Jo epli 5 , Onnha 7. Double pli > s Itourke , Messett and DvvjeiVulsh ; , Mes- sett and Dwver ; Kiehme > er , .Messett and Dvvvor ; I'kotter and Isaicjon. hlruekout Hi Klnet 2. llcaley r . liases on bills -St. Joseph 5. Ouiiha 1. Passed bills tlnullng 1. Wlht pitch -Healev 1. Umplro-Deaglo. I'linu ot came 1 hour and -n nnnntes. City Whin Two GIIIMPH. KASSs Cn \ , May ! > 0. [ Special Telegram to thelir. | Two games were plaved be tween Kansas City and Hastings to-day , moining intl afternoon , Hastings winning the moining exhibition game by good batting and better all aiound playing than they ha\o lieretotoro exhibited , Hohrer , the captain of the nine , doing some line work. The score t > y lnnlms Is as follows : Kansis City . 'J 00000010 3 Hastings . o o o i a ai : i * 12 Karned runs Kui as Cit > 2 , HistiiiL's 5. Two base bits Mansell , l.auman and Nicliol-on. Homo runs ,1. Manning and LauuiHii. I'irst base on balls Kansas City - ' , Hastings 2 Sttuck out Hy Kaes 4 , by Daniels 't. Double pliv. Kohrer and Kels- Ine. Lelt on bises K.insis City 7 , Hast ings n. First base on errois Kansas Cllv 4 , Hastings : i. 1'asstd balls-Kinzle 1. \\lht Hitches Kaes 1 , Daniels 2. 'lime of game J hours and 15 minutes. Umplrolluiley. . Hatti'iies For Kansas City : Kaes and Kin- /ie. I'oi Hastings : Daniels and Kbrlght. The atternoon contest was the third ot-thu rhiiiiploiistilp series , and llastlims , though deleated , plajed excellent o.ill. Kansas City also plaved a more vigorous game than in tlio morning and had little dilllcultv in winning. Daniels the H istings pitcher , left the box In the seventh innine and was succeeded by Nicholson. 'Iheiewereno special featmes except an unexcusiblo ( imr by AIcKim , the Kansas City pitcher. Itobior .main distin guished himsell , scoring two out ot the three inns made. 'Ihe lollovving Is the score by Innings : Kansas City . . . .1 0 2 0 1 4 0 n 0-11 Hastings . o o i i o o o o i : i Earned runs Kinsas Citv n. Hastings I ! . Two base hits McKeon , Uassame.u 2 , Man- sell , Itelslng. Home inn .1. Mannlne. Kirst liiio on balls Kansis Cit > ! ! , llastlims 1. I'list base on enors Kinsas , Citj .1 , Hastings 1. Struck out Bv MoKim U , Dy Dinlels 2. 1'assed bills Bv ( Staves 1 , by Kbilnht 5. Double plays Welch , Kohrer and Kelsing. Wild pitches-Daniels 2. Hit by pitcher Kohrei. Tlmo of irame 1 hour and f > 7 minutes. Umpiie Hurlev. Biitteij Koi Kansas City : McKlm and ( ! ra\es. Foi llns- tiii.rh ! D.inlele , Nicholson and Kbnght. At tendance , 2,000. Tlio American AsHooliition. BKOOKI v , May 30. Morning game The game resulted as follows : Hiookljll . 0 1 0 0 2 0 ! ! 0 1 7 bt. Konis . 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 8 NKW VOKK. Miy ! iO. Afternoon gamu St. Louis . ° . . ' 0 * 0 Brooklvn . 0 0 1 0 0J 0 0 03 1'itchcrs 1'orter and Caruthers. Ba o hits St. Louis is. Iiookl ! > n 11. Krrois St. I.onls l.lliooklyn 2. limpirc Kniu'ht. Ci I.\M ) , Alaj : ) . Moining game The came icsultcd as follows : Cleveland . 1 ! l 0 0 2 1 Ii 0 0-10 Metropolitan. . . .000100000-1 Atternoon game Clevehnd . 0 00001120-2 Metropolitan. . .1 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 18 The u.unu was called in the eighth inning on account of a stoim. IMtcliprs hwoeney and Schaeffcr. Ba = o lilts Cleveland ' . ' , Metiopolltans 2.1. Krrojs Clcveltntl 7 , Metiopolltans 5. Umpiio McQuado. I'liu.ADi'i 1'iiiA , May SO. Morning game Thu game lesulted as follows : Louisville . 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Athletic . . . . . ' . . . .0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 H Attornoon game Athletic . 1 U 1 0 0 1 1 0 1S Louisville . . . 0 1'ltcheis Seward and Uamsuy. Base hits Athletic 10 , Louisville 11. Knors Athletic 0 , Louisville 7. Umpire Cuthbert. BAJ.HMonr , May IiO. Thu game to-day between Cincinnati and IJaltimoio resulted as follows : Baltimore . 5 0050001 1 12 Cincinnati . 2 0 0 0 o o 0 0 oJ Pitchers Seeiad and Kllroy. Base hits Cincinnati fi , Bnltimor in. KiroiH- ClncInnatlO , Baltimore i. Umpiie Valeii' tine. _ National Iion < ; iio Oniuns. Xi.w YOKK , M'ay ijO. Morning game The game between Nuvv Yolk anil Chicauo to day resulted as follows : New Voik . I 1 5 l 1 1 0 1 0-11 Chlcairo . 1 2 a 0 0 1 2 II 0-U Afteinoon uame Nuvv i'oik . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 I Chicago . o * : I'lteiiers Keefo and Clarkson. Bi o hits- New York 7 , Chicago 0. Errors Now Yoili 2 , ClncigoO. UmpircQuest. W \sm.\niov , Maj : .0. Morning game- 'I'he game between tlio Washington am' Indianapolis teams to day resulted as fol lows ; Indianapolis. . . . ! 0000000 0-1 Washington . . . .1 12000220-5 Afternoon game- Washington . . . .I ! 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0- . ' Indianapolis . o 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 * ( Pitehers bhaw and Morrison. Base hit ; Washington b , Indianapolis Hi. Krrors- ashington 2 , Indianapolis ! ! . Umpire 1'oweis. I'll ISIIIT.O , Mav RO. Morning gimp- ' and 1'hil.v The itamo betwcun the I'ittslmrg ( lolphla teams to-day resulted as follows : I'lttshurg . 0 00010000 1 1'hlladelphla . 0 0002000 * ' , Afternoon game I'lttstmrg . o i o o o o o o n i ridladolpnia . . o- 1'iteheis Morris and Casoy. Base lilts- Plttshnrg 10 , I'hlhidolphia 1 . T.nors- rittshurg 1 , 1'lladelphla 5. Umplio- Doesciier. BOSTON , May 30. Morning game Tin game between the Boston and Detroit team1 to day resulted as follows : Boston . 1 - Detrolt . o * ! Afternoon game Boston . Detroit . 0 0020000 1 ! Pitchers Mudden and Twltchell. Base hits -Boston ! i. Detroit 11. Kirots llo toi 5 , Detroit G. Umpire Pierce. Lincoln DofoalH Letxvenwortli. LKA.Vh.Vwouiii , May 30. ( Special Tele gram to the BIK. : I The following is the re suit of to-daj's Leavonworth-Llncoln iramo lH-avPiiworth..O 52001000- Llncoln . 2 - ' Buns eained Leavenwortli 2 , Lincoln ' - Two basu hits Itojnolds , Slmllei and llovvc ' 1 hri'o haso hits Drisohel , lleckle > 2. lloui runs i'coples and Dolun. Struck out B Sw aiUel 2. Miller it. Batteries Swart/el am Itej nolds. Miller and Dolan. Umpire llunl Tlmo Two hours. _ Huron nt Iiatonln. L vroxi A , May 30. Owing to a heavy rail the track was almost in a dangeious corn ! tlon and slow. The attendance ) was small. Six furlongs : i'at Dalj won , Vivian sec oml , Billy Smith third. Thno-lrt J"f. Six furlonga : Lakcwood won , Fait Thompson second , Loa tltlfi , Time l'J2'i. : Six furlongs : ( iovernor Hoboits won , 1'ouy 1'astor second , Billllant thltd , Time 1 2t'j. ' Colts and goldlngs , tvvo-.v ear-olds , live fur- ongs ; haiitolino won , Autocrat sccoudi Cant Steel tldid. I'lme los. : Tor maidens , three-year olds and upwards , oven fuilonu's ! i.ottlo Wall won , Galatta second. Overtoil third. Time 1 : oi > > { . Tor threeeatolds that hare not won at bis meeting , ntilo Voltlieut won , liosa seeml. . l.uko Alexandei third. Tlmo 1W. : For three- > ear olds and upwauK one mlle and event } j.udsj Kaloolah won , KlglU second , Wunderoo third. Time 1M. : Iho < loromo I'nrk Sirlnc | . . Nrw YOIIK. Maj ! W.- | Special Telegram othoHiti I The biggest crowd that Jerome 'ark ever hadj-athered to dav at ttie opening > f the spring meeting. Full ) 20,000 people vero piesent. 'Iho weathci was lovely and he track fast. 1'ivo fiiiloncs : Ichl Ban won , Tampero eeond , 1'atioctes third. Time 1:01' : . Mile and sixteenth llpashi won , llullalo second. N'elllo Van third. I'ltuu ! : . ' > . ' . I'oMlham handle tpt ono and otic-qunrtcr liliesOrilhmme won , War Kaglo second , Stoiiebuck thlid Time 1:10 : . Thieo-joai olds , mile : Hanover won , Stockton second , llelvldcre third. Tlmo IMllV . 'linee-quarleis mile : Young Duke won , . < luo Line second , i'ettlcoat third. Tlmo llfi. : llm nder of Hhio Llr.e nuule a com- ilalnt of foul against \ oting Duke , which he judges allowed. It disqu.illhcd Yonn ; ) nko and placed Blue Line hrst , I'etticoat second. Steeple chase , full course : Mystic won , ) ! sturbuice second , Abraham third. Tlmo Not given. _ Hoauh Knees. Nrw YOIIK , M ly 3)Tho ) Bilgtiton Beach ace association began its season at the ipuch course to day , there being a largo at- endnnce. 1'ivo lurlangs : Boll Blngor won. Hojor second , Kacquett third. Time 1:01. : Mutuais > alil 371. Tluce fourths mlle : King Arthur won , MeBovvling second , Nellie Thomas third. Three quarters of a mlle : Winona won , I'ipsuv second , Ariel third. Time , lilO'f. 'lliree quaiters ot a mile : Bramhleton wop , ien Thomson second , Peter bmg third. lime , 1 ifi'j. ' Olio and one nmrter mlles : Herbeit won , lainuni second , Ward third. Time , Jll1Miituils : it ild illV.'O. Seven fiiilongs ; Adoneus won , Slislo orbes second , Lord Buaconslleld third. rime , L.JOJv An Amateur Itnuo Arrnnncil. Ciurio , May : ! 0 A scull race wasar ranued heie to-day between James Donohno , ot Dneitpott , la. , and Jacon Corbett , of the Chicago Fairaguts , to take place at Davi'n- tort hi August. i\ch Is an amateut ot na- reputation. Tlip It oxVliiH. . LOSDOV , Ma > HO. 'Iho thlily-Ilvo miles jacht race oil llnrwicli was won by tlio Irex n 4 hours and 12 minutes. The Wendur inlshed ? hours r.'i minutes , the ( ienest.i 4 mills 3"i minutes. Thistle 4 hours r > 2 minutes , Neptune 5 hours'minutes. . Unwell the lllcjolo Clinmplon. LONDON , May r,0. llovvell won the bicycle Wolverhampton to-day. AVarren Winn. MiNvnAi'oi.ig , May : : o. A larco crowd as- Rembled at Washington park to-night to see .ho tvvo-ounco glove light , Qneensbury rules , between Tommy Farren , ot Louisville , the champion * fp.ithcr-w eight , mid Tommy Dan forth , of New York , foi t.00aud the entlro gate receipts. Both men appeared in perfect condition. I or ten rounds they were pretty evenly mitchcd and it wan give and take , with the odds , if nny , in laver of Warren. In the last three lounds Danforth was plainly briten , gamel ) until the sixteenth round , when bo was laid out tor good by n blow on the juuiilnr. Wanen fought at 118V pounds and Dantoith at 117' ' . Tjocal H.-IMC Hull. A very exciting game of twelve Innings was plaved between the ( iato City and 0. K. Maj no teams yesterday. The score lesultod in 15 to 12 in favor of the lirst named club. J'hu playing on both sides was eood. At the ninth inning the scoio stood 12 to 12. It was not until thu tweltth Inning that the liato Citv club undo tlioir three runs. Hur ley's pitching wa a strong teaturo of the game. _ Fall Imnlcs VH. Sour Mash. The Falrliinks lard ichnory base ball nine and the Willow Springs sour mash nine nlaycd a gimoot base ball yesterday on tlio bottoms north of the railroad bridge. The Kairhinks undo a score of 111 to 21 for the distillery. The friends of the nines were gieatly Intoiested in the game. and Union J'aolllcs. The Moulders and the Union Pacific's plajed a game of base ball vestcrday on the old giounds. The game was very excttlutf and lesulted in a score of 20 to 25 in laver of the Moulders. Noregattiwas rowed by the Omaha rowIng - Ing club on Cut OIT lake yosterdav. A num ber of the meniLors visited Lake Manavva. Omnhn Run Cliih.Shoot. The Omaha ( iun Club shot at clay pigeons M'steiday from live Uajis. The following is the score : Kuy . moo oilli 01111 11111 onuo-18 llnnllll . . . . UHll 11111 01111 I11IU 10111- 1'itly . . llllX ) 11101 11111 OHIO OlllU-18 Ilirtlonl . . . (10111 ( 01011 1WWO (111) ( ) 10 inill-,12 Hre ur . OHIO 10111 11011 OKI ! I OW10-15 llrook.T . liiOIOOnoil I Kill 11110 10111(1 ( H llu-lK- , 10011 10111 10101 01(111 ( 1)1100-15 ) MuhbB . 01011 01 10' I 11101 01010 11011-15 Field . . lOim 10111 11010 lOHIO 100I1-13 ItolerMii . .11000 11010 HOOD 11001 11101-U ronroBu 11110 11110 10111 00101 11101-18 I.iuie . 11101 11010 OHIO C01II ) 10101-15 iiiiiktt . . UHKKI TKIIOI ) ocooooomi lomi n KcllOL-u- . . < U ) OU O KII ) 01INXJ ( KIKK ) I line 4 Kemieily 10011 110000010 10011 IICiOJ-10 Klmlmll . 01011 lllll 001HO 11110 10110-16 hmltll . . . IOJOO 1IOH Mill 11101 01110 13 Cotter . 01101 01011 11100 11110 11111-17 John Hardln won the badgu , scoring 21. Clti Gun dull. At the irrounds of tbo ( iate City gun club , Itlvervlevv p irk , the club held a club shoot Sunday attcinoon. Tvvcnty-hvo blue rocks were shot at and the score icsitltcdas follows : Knap ) . 01111 1111100)11 Hill 01111 20 Cliristilllisoil . OUOO 00111 11101 11110 Hill 18 .1 Himinnn 11011 11001 11101 01111 11111 81) ) K llumimn . lllll 01011 01100 11110 11110 IS Mmpson . lllll 01011 111001111011110 10 Alileiulorf . . .11100 10100 ( lUKHl 01001 10101 11 .lolllisoil . . .00010 101 10 11010 11110 11010 U llolioit . lllll 01111 0)011 ) 01111 10I01-1K /Mir . lllll 11011 lllll 111)11 ) 11011-23 hinder . lllll 1I1DO lllOt 10)11 ) 10101-18 ( Ukin . . . . 10110 11011 IXHOI 11110 11011-17 QUOQI OtQii 01010 00111 joon-ii Not OH. Messrs. 1'enrosp , Hardln and Petty ap pointed a committio of ladies josterdayto decorate the graves ot the following lament * ed Kportsmen : A. Lovuland , ( ieorgo Crovy ell , ( i II. Collins , Ma lor riiornburgh , Mat Harris , and Dr. McCIellan. Tlio Pen rose A llanlin rlllo club com menced practice \esturday with twelve mom- tiers. Their range Is exu.'llent and located about anmrtei ol a mile up fiio river from the city limits. The next shoot occurs on Friday. Friday.'a 'a Iliilldlut ; , Si. Lot is , May SO. At half past tvvclvo to daj the three story brick building , No. 4U and 110 North 'llilrd street , collapsed and several men are supposed to bo burled in the debris , hoveral men sitting near the wln dews made their escape by jumping. The work ot digging for the o bulled under tlio building lias ahead ) Ixgun. One man , August Stlllins , has been takdn from tha debus brMtl ) ciuslud , but is still llvlni , ' , Stni Is l-'or Home. Loviiuv , May ! < o. Daniel Manning ltft ) Bournemouth for Liverpool to-day. He la Well.