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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEB : MONDAY. MAY"HO. . 1887. NEBRASKA'S ' GROWING TOWNS Waftings Prom the Future Cities of the Interior. KEARNEY'S STALWART STRIDES. Itnrtlny'H Anniversary Ijtcrolscu At- kliisou SIHIniiH U'nrner'N IMeas- 1111 : 1'rohpcctH Fiillcrton'H Growth VulpnrnlHO A Good Word I'or Kearney. KI.AIIM.V , Nob. , May37. [ Correspond ence of the HIM. . ] ' 1 he , * tridcs of real es tate values in Omaha lias necessarily af fected realty interests in towns alont : the main lilies of railroads which arc tribu tary to our bitr sister. Kearney has just begun to dress up in line for her share of enterprises , though having remained passively quiet as to the proportions of iier lutnni outlook , many of her Improve ments are so fully developed that enter- j prising investors and manufacturers are appearing on the ; : iouml in order to begin with the growth which she is now enjoying. ' 1 he largo ami handsome hotel which Is now being constructed is a pardonable- pride to tlio residents here ; the very best of material will ho used in its erection and linish , tile liooring , steam heated , elevators and other modern conveniences will bo its make up , so tnat all who enter its wide doors cannot help but imagine they are really in a city of the lirst class ; nothing in the state outside of Omaha can compare with it for beauty , con venience or comfort. The canal , which has been so often mentioned by the local and state papers and which has attracted the attention of manufacturers hero and elsewhere , is the leading emerpriso here , from the fact of its , being able to supply and support many manufacturing industries' . While our state has an abundance of raw mate rial out of vv hich to make many articles of which our people are heavy consum ers , ellbrts to innKu it up nave been meagre and largely fruitless owing to the expense of power , which must bo pro duced largely from fuel. Though the Mate is well .supplied with streams , the nature of their banks , their annual over- How or lack of water has made capital slow to invest on tli-ir uncertain quan tities. In this canal all these dillieultios are beim : obviated , and a steady , certain supply can bo- relied upon at all times. Under its present construction there is hardly a limit to its power. While this country is receiving nil the rain it needs for ordinary crops , tin ! canal is so arranged that all lands to the south between it and the I'latte river can bo irrigated so that all eiasses of fruit am ! vegetable crops could be made a cor- lamty. which is surely a strong induce ment for cannini ; factories. The manufacture ot straw bo-irdwhich is used so largely among bmldeis , could be m.ule fully as cheap Iicio as in Wis consin or Ohio ; in fact , there is not an ar ticle in which water power < y agricul tural products arc prominent lactors , which could not be made more cheaply here than in thu eastern states with a lart'o consuming populace and excellent facilities. In addition to the valuable manufacturing abilities of this canal it will soon become a pleasure resort for excursion and pleasure parties. A tine pavillion and several row boats are now situated upon Lake Kearney , and a hand some little steamer will be another ac quisition in a few days. All the lakes have been well stocked with lish , so that even now much sport is obtained witli the line and rod when pot milted. The railway interests winch have long been neglected by the citi < /ens is now receiving their earnest attention with Haltering prospects , the Missouri Pacilic engineers have , within the past three days , been making surveys into the city from the south ami east , with the assurance that as soon as the Hastings proposition is accepted 01 rejected , that a liberal proposition would bo extended the people here for their con sideration. Negotiations are now peud ing for the Uock Island , also the North western railroads , a large part of the material of the Union Pacilic branch fron hero to Chadron is now on the ground winch wo arc assured \vill bo partiallj completed before fall. Thcso , with the two main lines of the Union Pacilic ami the H. iVM. . rends , will give her pcoph grand outlets in all directions. One of the largest roller ( louring milli in the state is in active operation , with t daily capacity of two hundred barrels which will ire largely towards concen tinting the wheat trailic of the surround ing country , which heretofore lias goni to Chicago through elevators along tin road. A good si/ed planing mill , sash , dee nnd blind tactory is kept constantly cm ployed with orders largely in advance o their ability to supply. The taxable valuation of property ii Jhillalo county for 1880 was $2,001,807.5' ranking fourteenth in wealth and twelft in population. The census of 1885 gav , , Kearney forty manufactories and sover.i If have been added since thatdate , shovvin B u larger number than either Hastings c U { Grand Island. ] , The crop outlook was never bettor an ' ' u larger acreage of corn has been pluntc than heretofore , showing that our peopl are preparing to give sustenance to tli great packing industries vv hich are grow ing up in our state. t uito a number of eastern people at , , , , visiting us and leaving various sums ( it money invested in Kearney real estal F which will return them several fold. ! Hartley's AiinlverNnry. UAUTI.KV , Neb. , May 20. [ Correspom enco of the Hii.J : : The town of Hartlc in the east part of Ued Willow count was formally opened , and the lirst lol sold Juno 'J ' , I860. .Now there are aboi 400 inhabitants and they are preparin for a general celebration on the comin lth ) of Juno , Mallalion , our splendi university , was opened in convenioi rooms in September ; about 100 studuu have been enrolled. If Workmen are excavating for tl u foundation of thu college building , Jut | | l > , work will begin on the foundatic nnd appropriate addresses will bo nm < by Dr. Lemon , of Omhnn ; Dr. Croiglitoi of Lincoln ; Dr. Hritt , of Hastings ; Go prior Tliayer , and several eminent mil istors and laymen. Uov. P. C. Johusc will be president of thu o Casion ami F. A. Leap , chi marshal. The band nnd Chor ; union of Hartley , will furnish n variel of music. Among other things of intcro will bo the awards , which will bo mai nsifollows : Duo town lot to cnnh of the following The ( irst male settler in Ued Willo county now living in thn county ; to tl lirst female settler ; to the person wt taught thu tlrst public school ; to the mi ister , of whatever denomination , wl preached the tirst sermon ; to the mini ter of any denomination who orcnnl/.t the first church ; to the oldest soldier wl served thrco years in the union nrmy ; the woman who gave the largest numb of soldiers , including husband and son to the union army ; to the soldier who r ceived the greatest number of wounds ; the Methodist minister who in his regul appointments has covered the largi ? ' portion of the state. a A scholarship for four years in Mallal university to the sons and daughters deceased union soldiers , loft wit lit means to acquire an education , who o roll to cuter at the be.giuuiug of next s < Mon ; thcsiuno to the children of deceased Methodist itinerant preachers. Onu livc-ncrn tract of Innil to the party who will a rcu to nut mulct contract within thirty day ? n line rc idunco. Flvu acres to thu parents wlio will build on i-aino within ninety days , and from their family nt the boKinnlnuof next term enter thu uruatcst nninlier of students to take thu complete coursu in the t.nivur- sity. sity.Rev. . A. Hartley , financial agent anil loader in the enterprise , will relinquish his one third Intcro-l in one hundred selected lot * , and if they are old , all the proceeds will be used to mil in erecting the college building. HuMness lots , rest- di'iico lots and live-acre tracts will lie sold at reasonable rates. This occasion is worthy of the attention of those desiring a homo in a beautiful town \\herotein- penmce , education , religion anil general prosperity prevails. AtkliiHon AiKiN nx , Neb. , MayCl [ Correspoml- cncu of the Hi.n.j Crops in this section are lookini ; line anil forward for this sen- son of the year. Corn is coming up and stands about throe or four inches high. Showers are frequent , and wo never had as bright : i prospect as thispring. . The Atkinson lleds is the name of our biM : > ball club , and while they have stood high for the past two years wo have this season a nine that is exceedingly hard to beat. The Hods will piny the Neligli club Moinliiy. May DO. Any club Unit would like to meet us just drop the secretary a card anil a prompt reply will bo given. Our cit > is having a great buildup boom tliis spring. Over 100 houses will ue put up here this .season. Carpenters and bricklayers aru in good demand at fancy prices. Tin- new Catholic church , MK100 , with spire 100 feet high , is nboiit completed. The building is grand and tin ornament to our city. Work will commence on the new brick bank , called Ciii/ens , at once. The si/.o is to bo 'Jl.\0 , two stories and basement. Several brick blocks and residences will bo built , water works and electric liL'lits are under headway. Lands are selling rapidly in our county and Atkin son teal estate is sought after by the east ern capitalist wit ! ) no small demand. \Ve want live business men and invite everybody thai wants to secure n good home to come to Atkinson. AVni-nor's IMcasIn l jv WAK.shit , NIII. : , May 23. [ Correspon- deuce of tiio Hir. : ] In describing our new city which is only live weeks old , wo predict for the "Town oftirner" a prosperous future. It is situated midway between Madison and Norfolk , on the banks of the Antelope Uiin and in the heartoJ the Klkhorn valley , where the soil is most excellent , the air pure and invigorating , the water sparkling and abundant and the people industrious and enterprising. Heing located us it is , it will get the patronage and support of the people living between the two points. Five weeks ago there was iiothinir here but the Union Pacific railway depot. During this time eighty acres has been hud out to city lots ; ; plats have been made and are be'iig ' distributed ; a now store building has been built , si/.e 22x0 ! ! feet ; our town hall is of the same size ; we have a lumber and coal yard , scales , stock yards , etc. The above is being operated by II. Warner iV Sons. Their store stock in cludes dry goods , groceries , notion * , hardware wagons and buggies , etc. A. J. Davis , of Tarmont , 111. , is erect ing a largo store building. G. A. Latimer is opening up a real estate and surveyor's ollice , and is doing u rushing business. Several other business blocks and resi dences will be erected soon. A scarcity of carpenters seems the only hindrance to thu work. In connection with our hotel , we need a livery stable ; a good blacksmith and carpenter would do well to locate hero ; a doctor and ijrugiiist would find a good opening , and , in tact , anything of a legiti mate character would receive the hearty support of the whole community. There is no doubt , from the pre.scnt prospects , that Warner will soon become an A 1 business town. Good inducements will be given to all who engage in busi ness. The present prices on all lots not on the main street are from $23 to toO , and those on the main Street live from sJ5U to § ( j , Money invested in this place will surely bring rich returns , and all persons desirous of changing locations or looking for a good business point , will do well to visit the new town ot Warner. 1 < UI.LKUTOX , Neb. , May 27. [ Corre spondence of the HKI : . ] Fullcrton does not boast much , but it is enjoying n steady , healthy , lively growth. Fifteen substantial residences have been com pleted tins spring and as many more arc under way. Work is rapidly progressing on a new brick hotel to cost , when conv pletad , $15,000 , and which will bo thor oughly in every particular. The Cedar creamery is now running and shipping 230 pounds of the lines ! creamery butter to Omalia daily. A petition is being circulated and geii' ' erally signed calling a meeting to voti bonds lor waterworks , for which 0111 natural facilities for u "plant" are uu < equaled. July -Jth will be celebrated in a splendu manner. Among the attractions will be the appearance of the students of thu Uenova Indian school , and a uniformed Indian band composed ot fourteen mem bers. bers.Fullcrton Fullcrton possesses a water powoi whereby a race of 500 feet secures a fal of nearly ton feet. Where in the wes can its equal bo shown ? Any one win will improve it would receive substamia encouragement. Fullorton'sadvantagessuminod up are Unequaled water power , niagmlicen surrounding country , loveliest town Mti in the , finest scenery in Nebraska ' 1 heso , with the labors of our onterprisiiij citi/.ens. and prospect for three additiona railroads , will double our 1,500 inhah itants the coining year. We want mor brick yards , factories , mills and businos houses. All such will receive substantia encouragement , but no ancient mos backs need apply. ValpnrnlHO Ilems. i VAU'AHAiso , Neb. , May. 2 ! ) . [ Corro ? pondenco of ttio UIK. : ] The question o waterworks is now agitating the mind of our business men , and they are corro ; pending with engineers on the subject. Our fellow townsman , T. L. llurtt , on of the first settlers in Sannders count } has lately received the lii > t installmeii of a largo fortune left him on the doat 01 an aunt. iMr. llurtt has the hcarc congratulations of H host of friends. The Omaha & Republican Valley Hal road company is leveling up its yard o this place , getting ready for the large in crease in business which will follow th completion of the road now building u from Kansas and connecting with-th Omaha & Republican Vulloy at Strom : burg. Memoir * of My Mfc. By John C. Fremont. A work covci ing fifty years of most eventful histor Superbly bound ami illustrated by orig mil steel engravings. The most beaut ful and popular book for agents. Ai dress It.V. . Lyon , Cedar Kapids , Iowa. Titian' * Venus and many others at the F.gyptian Mu = eu : of Anatomy , now open , luia Farnam M daily from S a. m. to 10 p. m. Friday from I to 0 , for ladies only. Transfer * Klleil Mny'JO , 1887. Ulliu H 11 Clark to Paul Nelson to 4 blk a. lot 0 blk B.Vo t Side \ \ d . . . . CO r.llcry H Hume to .tohn 11 Gibson , lot 4 blk lo , Bedford Place , wd . . . . . 1,100 Caspei V Vilest to K li and \Vm Pep per , lot 7 hi I : II , Lake's add , q o . 10 John \i \ McCniruo et nl to .Mayhorrv li Patterson , w > , lot 10 , Uonlleld , wd 1,2 0 John I iledick and wife to Mary K ( lllinoie , lot 10 , * . , discs' nilild. wd . . . 0,500 Henry .Schmidt and wife to llelnilrii K \V Schmldtlot7 , Henry Schmidt's sub div to South Uiniha. w d . MO 'Jas 1) ) Mcgc.ith to the public , plat of \Vlndsor Place , on \ \ W ft ot s TtW U ol nw ' 4 of s\v > 4 , ! W , 13 , ill. Ded ication . ( ice K darker et nl. to < ! \VJoncs , lot ' - > 0 blk ' . ' , Mayne Place , wd . 1,510 Gee \V.onc3 ) and wife to Alvndits 11 Mnytie , lot 70 block 2 , Mayne 1'lsicc , w it . 2,000 , Oeo K llaikeret nl to Ch.xs linhlwln , jr. . lot ' . ' 0 , block 11. Oiclmd Hill , \\d S50 Louis Stenim and \\llu to lleniy 0 Sautter , lot 27 blkO , Auburn Illll.sul 275 lleniy C Suittor and wife to .John I ! Shea , lot 27 , blk 0 , Auburn Hill , w d . 50 Ittchnril Marnell et nl to K , K iV M V it I ! Co , W ) itldo over nw'4 , SM ' ' , 13-10-11 , nnd lie' ' * of se'4 ' , nw'4 , so ' 4 , and s\\f , ne'4 ' , 11-10-11 , iiuiimtes Iur ref of w . , . B12U2 M A Clark et nl to same , dnnmnc1 ; for r ot w ovei (100 ( It ) sf , se . 'Jrt-lO-ll. C23 James liradv to same , damnu'os lor r ot \ \ , 100 ft over swK , sw , 16-10-12 . . 007 fcO Henrj A Kosteis to Mine , damages tor r ol w. 1W ft over lots 1 and 2 blk 5. Hi iKhton add . 1,000 Mi. Cieorxo li.ites to same , dam 11103 lor i otv , 100 ft o\oi se'4i see 'JO-1G- 12 . . . ; . . 50i bO ( .ieorco MeKen/loet al to same , dam ages for r ot w , 10J It over tas lot 10 In swij. m-if , 14-15-11 ! . 1,115 Charles Fleck to same , dnmncei for r ot w , 100 ft over ne'4 , ne , 21-1(1-11. ( . 200 Mrs H J Haukinsnn to same , dam- aces lor rot w , 100 It o\er nwV , HiMiill ) ' ( . ICG 50 Thomas Donnelly et nl to same , dam- nci's tor r ot w , 100 It o\er ek' , ne'4' ' , ! MO 11 ; and s\\4x. ' n ' 4' , 10-10-11 . U33 Mnry Overlander et nl to same , dam ntes for rit-ht ofny 100 teet over s w U so.li4 1011 . 50 Isaae Street to same , damazes for rltfht of way 100 tret over e U s'i ' , 41011 . 205.05 James ( ! Chapman to same , damages lor right nt way i00 ! leet over sw ' , ' , ; ! 13 . liOl.CO Jns ,1 lro\vn ( to same , damiiKes lor ilKhtot way over 100 leet over tax lotSlse'4 sw'4 : ilr > ll . 1,075 John Smiley et al to same , damages for rlcht of way 100 feet over v'i sw Jf.SlSlS . . . . . 14,250 John T Cioft et nl to same , dninnirrs for iluht ot vv.ij , 100 feet ovei tax lots SJ , 111 , 20 , 21.BW ' 4 livv } , JUBU . Cb20 ChasC raiimileeet el to same , dam- aires for rif'ht of way. 100 It over lots U10 11 12 blk 1 nnd lots ID to'Ji indu- biveblk2 , Gates i\c \ Hemplo's add , 5,000 Wm T Seaman and wile to James Demttsoy , west KU leet ot north 60 ft , Iot4 blk 4 1 , bhinn's add , w d . 3,000 Ualthas Jetter and wlto to Jonathan 11 Johnson , lot D blk : : , Jettei's add to South Omaha , w d . 200 Union Stock Yards Company to Corn E Davenport , lot 1 blk 7 1st add to South ( ) malia\\d . 100 Union Stock Vaids Company to Olin N Davenport , lot 1 blk ( i 1st ndd to South Omalia , wd . -100 Union Stock Vords Company to Arthur C Davenpoit , lot 11 blk 7 1st ndd to South Omaha , wd . 400 Arthur C Davenport ami wile to Fran cis A Davenpoit , n U21eet bcfrinnini : at sw cornel ot lot 1 blk II b K Honor's add , wd . 1,500 Fred Daivil to Gee Vradeubur ? , lot 18 blK 10 Hnnseom Place , vvd . 2,550 James A Woodman and wllo to Paul Wack , undivided ' 4 interest in lot 1 Lovett it Woodman's sub-dlv of lots 1 and 15 blk 'JO Wllcox's : M add , James L Lovet. et al to 'au , lot 2 Lovett it Woodman's subiliv. wd . 500 Christian KUlelbar and wife to Anna Lut/u , lots 1,2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , and 0 blk : ; 4 Millard , wd . 230 Augustus Kount/e et al to John Du- sold , lot blk 1 K Plalnvlow.wd . C50 Allen K Kilby etnl to Krnest 1'evcko ' , lot Ibbllc2 Kilbvl'lace , vvd. . . . . . 1,000 John Diisold nnd wife to Ishmael Urlnk , lot 1 , block 12 , 1'lainvlew , w d 1,500 Floienco C 1'roclor and husband to lj 1' 1'iiiyn , south 50 loet ot lots 11 and 12 , block 2 , Hillside add No 2 , w d. . 4,200 United States to John LaWrence bO in201 15-13 patent . Narclsse Surpienant and wlto to Harty D Keed , lot ii : , block 2Vil - cox jeeond uduition , vv d . C Klea/er Wnkeloy and wile to August Heiueu , lot 4 , block "C , " Omaha , wd . 2,00 ( Harry L ) Itiu-d to Maicelmo Surpre- nnnt , lot 15 , block 2.Vilcox , \ second addition , w d . ' . C K Mayno and wile to Albert X Meals , lots 11 aiull2 , block 0 , , vlay lies addition , w d . : GeorKe K U.irker et al to James G Miner , lots 2J and 21 , block 2 , Mayno place addition , wtt . 2,50 ( 0 K .Mayno and wife to Uobert C Hay ct al , undivided one-sixth intciust Inlets lots 11 nnrt 12 , block Mnynos addi tion , wd . 1C001 Anna Hay to Carl Sesemann , lot 15 , l.aiuliays' addition , w d . 1,401 Kithl Hev James O'Connor to Catha- riuo Nash , 14'i by 31b feet , beirin. at northwest corner of lot 2 , block 'J , Lowes second addition , vvd . 4,501 Charles W. Hamilton nnd wife to An dres G Dauielsun , lot 35 , Sunnyside , wd . COI .Martin T Murphy and wile to Kiwi W Gray , lot 1 , block 211' < J , w d . 17,5W John L MeCa ne nnd otheis to James 11 Hams , east K ot lot 2 , bloek'Jl , deed . 5U : William H Carney to Orrin W Pick- ard , all that part ot the south yt ot so'4 ' , sec. 25 , raniro 15 , townstiip 12 , Jylux iouth ol Saddle creek , and part of sec. 30 , townshiu 15 , range 12. q c . : Oirin W I'ickaid and wito to GeoiKO N Hicks , Hi 'J MOO acies in sec. as , township 15 , ramie 13 , vvd . 11I3I5 ( Lewis S Keed and others to Samuel S Campbell , blocks 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , Uie- voort 1'lixee , vv d . 22,00 Klmer C Hrovvnlcu to Lewis S Keed and otheis , 40 acres in sec. b1 , town ship 15. ran e M , vvd . 28,00 Peculiar in medicinal merit am wonderful cures Hood's Sarsaparilla Now is the time to take it , for now it wilde do the most good. _ Commissioners to ( Assembly The Chicago A : Northwestern railvva1 company will sell excursion tickets ti clergymen and all others in attcmlanci to I'resbytonan assembly at groatlv re duced rates to points in Dakota and Mm noiota. Full-particulars on application W. N. lUiicocK , General Western Agent , 1111 Farnam Strecl _ Cottage colors ready for nso in nev and desirable shades. Alabailino ii various tints , the original and only pei nianont wall hnish , supersedes calci mine for beauty and durability , nnd i easily applied. Taints , window glass brushes , etc. , largest and most complet stock west of Chicago. Cuinmings i Neilson , 1118 Farnam St. The child of Richard Cody , of the U. I shops , died Sunday morning , age 7 months. Funeral will take pine Monday morning at 9 o'clock , from bt and Nicholas streets. Special Notice Merchants , raanufacturors and othei desiring to odor Special Prumiums to b competed for at the next fair , to bo hel Sept. Cth to lOlli inclusive , will have tli same advertised , without charge , in Hi now Premium List of the Omaha Fair an Imposition association , by notifying tl secretary not Inter than Monday uc.\ May 30 , at noon. J. II. McSiiANK , Secretary. A Mrxtdtono in Demand. C. Tuckott , of St. Louis , says In tli ( lobe-Democrat. That madstone of nut ! is in great demand nil over the countr ; anil it's all owing to the mere mention < It in the ( ilobo-Dcinoorat. Last wcc Joseph Mayer , a farm hand , in the en ploy of M. J , Marlotte , Sulphur Spring Juuursou comity , "was bitten by a mi : dog , \Vbilc securing thu brute ufUr : it Ut bitten two valuable hores. The dog was shot immedintuly , but Mncr waa in n errtblu condition , his arm , In which the bite was locatiid , being swolen to nn en ormous si/.o. Alnyer drove all the way o this city to lind the mndstono and I applied it live times. Four times in suc cession it adhered to the wound , and Irew oil'n bright yellow pus , and at last vould not adhorc Ho returned to the arm , the inllamation died away , and he s now getting along very nicely. This powder never varies. A marvel o nirlty , strength and whoesOincnes ] . More conotnlc than the ordinary kinds andean- ot be sold in competition with the multi- udc of low cost short weight alum or ihosphatc powders. Sold only in cans toyal linking Powder Co. , 100 Wall-st. , "Jer " York. York.HANOS CHICKE VosedsSons ' , rented and told on cany txtijincnttt , below Factory Prices , Instruments sHahtlij asi-d al KREAT BARGAINS. Max Meyer & Bro Omaha , Neb. N A I3th JtCor Capitol Hvcnue TOR THI TIIBATMFVT OF Ai.1. Chronic & Surgical Diseases DR. MorflENAMY.Propitotoi- . fluteen jiars' Ilosnliul nnd I'rlvuM I'mcUco tVcb.a\o the facilttU' , apparitu * snd rcmecllp- rarthsfncGcasfiil trcaliuanlof s. iy form ot dl - "fine ri'niilriluf tUU r' ijr c-iKicnl Ironlinet.t , ind Invite alltl c"nf nnn lnV -ate ' fur lliomsch w nr correspond llli ug Lang viptrlriicu In trent IIIUCASC8 by letter cntbles ua to treat muny casi > < iciiMitificnllv without eoeln ; them WUITK > Oll rmOUI.AK on Dcforciilict uni ) Ilrnrcii , Club Foot , Curturei of the Hplnc DnEiSKS or WOMIIK , Piles , Tumors , Cancirf , Catarrh , Proncliitii , Inbalnlton , Klectricltr , I'nral- Yiln , Epllouoy , KiJni-y , fiju , Ear , iklu , HlooJ anj IlHttcrlrK , Iiil iturii , Bracei , Trniiei , tn < nil kinds ofAlCulcal ana Sur ltal Appilauccn , man ufactured uud for le. Tha only rallablc nladlcal Institute making Private , Special f Nervous diseases 1 rA RI > CIAITY. ALL CONTAGIOUS AMI ) III.OOD PISKASK' ! , \hatevcrcauieprortucfdnuccosffully lifiitfi ! \V ° . UU 51.411310 iiyphllitlo poiion from the gytKin without m rcnry. New reitoralire tre&truent for Ion of iln ) powrr ALL COMMUNIUATIDNS CONI'IDItS I'lAI , Cell nnj coiunlt u or lend came nud post oftld adilros plainly written enclose Blimp , and will send you , In plnln wrnpucr , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO tf.EK I'POM I'KIVATE , SlTCUI. AND N RtOl' DlSBAS. * , SitvrtAi. WEAENII * , HI'CCHHTOKP.IILK * , IUTDI cv , Hti-nitis , OoNnmsiiisA , OLKBT , VAHIPOT r fiTRICrl'KK , AID AU , IIIHBAIII1 ( If THB fiKMT > I'RINAKT OuuAMi , or ttnd history uf your ca > e/ < i BII opinion. I'crnoua unable to vl lt us may be trcatwl at Ihel Iminet , by correspondence Miiliclnes and Instri. nionti itnt bj mull or enirea * HIU'UKKI.Y I1CK III ) FKOM ODHEUVA't marks to Indu ito conlenti or fender. One ptr'oml intmiew pn fvrrnl If ron\onli > nt Kifly rooms for Ihc K t.m modallon of patient" Board nnd nttenduutu rcanotiablu pilccs Addnes pi ! I.ottiru to Omaha Medical and Surgical intltnl3 , Cor. IStliSI nnd Caoitnl4vc OMAHA > - " CEORGE A. SOLE AGENT. The nr.KT and MOKT ( Sewing Thread of Modern Times. BFAVAltK OP nQTATlOXS , Sold ut wholesale by KHlMitrii'U liocli & Co. , Drj < io Mls Co , , n. K. hinilli A : Co. I'axlon , < iiilliiKlivr iV < 'o. Anil l > y nil llutull l etilor . MnwALssss I IIUL * I Ilinbl i , , , U.i.i , IMH Mynliu..J d Vlodrxl iffetlloM TiUI r ku > lie. mlw I ' "M ! UU. A.O , OLIN Cy. . _ > $ . ' _ ' & 1..g.b ; wl'Ul SUCCESS Gf our clearance sale last week lias induced us to purchase some lots of goods which were offered by the manufacturer3 at a great sacrifice. We own them fit less than actual cost of material and we will sell-them on this basis. Some will be genuine surprises and cannot be adequately described in an advertisement. They must be seen to be appreciated. Boys' Sailor Suits , of indigo blue flannel , with fine embroider ed collar , sizes 4 to 12 , worth $2.50 ; at $1.25. Bovs' Union Cassimere Suits , in neat and tastv mixtures * plaited and Norfolk stvle , worth $2.75at ; $1.40. Bovs' all wool fancv Cheviot Suits , inelegant patterns , plait ed and Norfolk stvles > sizes 4 to 13at $2.50 , $2.95 , $3.25 and $4fiillv worth double the monev. . Bovs'Knee Pants at 25c , 35c , 5Ocaud85c > An immense line of school and Bovs9 Suits , sizes from 12 to 18 , in fancv cheviots , cassimeres and flannels at one half the regular prices. FOR DECORATION BAY we offer Men's G. A. R. Stilts of fine flannel , one of the best makes , warranted all wool and Indigo blue , well yotteti up , and either straight or round cut , as f/ood a suit as is sold everywhere for from $12 to $ t3 < tit $7.75. We request all our patrons ivlio can conveniently do so , to maJcc their purchases on Saturday during the day , as the rush in the evening Is so yreat that we cannot do justice to all. All goods marked in plain figures and at one price. Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. OMAHA RUBBER Cd , O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. HURD THOMPSON , Sec. % & Treas Wholesale ( j ) Retail. insr STOCK IRAJBBER : : : : , "Coals , Ilulbs , Douclici , rlnlrl rliiiporH , Nursrrj sheeting , "pccnltinn , Air Pillows , Drill .V Duck , llnlr 1'iiis , Ny ItfiR" , SjiortMmun'B Goodn , llrcwcr'3 Hose , Ihior Mut-i , Hate , Oil Clothing , Stumps , Air Cushion ! ) , Caps , Die x blik'Ule , ilorse Covers , racking , SlMtloncr'e Hum , Anti Itanium , Capua , Drinking Cups , Hoac , II. II. Xl * t'o.l'alln , bynhons , -Aprons , Carriage Cloth , Klasllo ItiimlH , HOBO Conpllugi ! , Peiltction Bon Sytinja. faplHoona , Atomizers , Cartridge Hags , Klnallo blocking ) , Hose I'lpes , IVnclls. SHluiinlntr Jarketn Bands , Catheter * , Kraxcrs , Hose Uecl0 , Pou IioldcrB. Sytingf I 'Patftction Bon , llHiidngo Oiim , Clothing , Kiic.u llnga , Hot Water DottlesIVseuriei , Thimbles , Haptitmial 1'uiite , Copy liook Sheets , Finger C'otfl , Haversacks , 1'lano Covers , Throat Hags. Carpeting , Flower Sprinkler. , In ; Haga , Pipes , Tiiblnff , lialh'Matfl. Cement , Floor Scrapers , Ice Caps , I'lpe Mcmi , Turn blurs , Until Tubi , Clothes Wringers. rohllng 1'ailu , Ink Stands , I' Sprinklers , Toys. Ik'il 1'ans , ConU'Tlsli llraad' ' Keel lialls , linnlhl Cushions , I'ure Itubber , , , I'ants , Tobacco Touches , Heel Shecto , Combs Torce Cups H.II..K. I'.fo. Helling , Comb Cleaners , Kmll Jar Kings , llnee , I'lilol Pockets , Trolling Itolls , Roll Hooks , Corks , Funnels , I.ace Cutters , Uattlvt , Urinals , Hollows Clolli , C'orlc rrc\VB , lias Tubing , Life I'rcecrvcrs , Kubbur Dam , Umbrellas , lllbs , Curry Combs , ( ilOVC9 , Mackintosh ( ioods , Uulcn Venlllating olca , Hlankctv , l'u p.vdors , Uossiuner Caps , Mutch lloxci , Uup.urlngCIolh , Wilson Aprcmi , Hoots it Mines , Cigar Caecx , " Clolh , Miirtlngalo. Kings , Shafl Itubbera , WugonCuNera , Hoys Caps , ChnirTlpsA-Huffcrs , ( -'oats , Mats , Slioe'C ' Hoots , Wagon springs , lliys Couta , Dlaperp , " WaterproofiMMtlniTt Mnk Scrapers , Weathi'r strips , lioiiKles , Dinner Cloth , fJnlter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing , Hrneelets , HolH. ( JunCo\ers , Mltlens , bhoolnifc Coata , Wading I'.inta , llroasl I'umpa , Doll llodlcs , ( Jutta I'ercha , Nipples , Hllng sliola. Water llottlcs , llieastMiields , Doll Heads , ( iymnna'.uma , Nursing Bibc. Soling , Window Cleanorf , lltillers , Uoor JIauds , Hair Curlers , Nursing Hollies , frpoiuo K.igs , Wringer Itollt , Loston Itclthic --ro's1. Knliliur ami Cotton licltinj ; , IMckitiK ami Hose. Solo ncciils in Omalia. J.eiitlicr Ituflln ? ; Pure- Oak Tanneil. JIamif.icturera of "I'KKl-'KUTION 11OX SYICLNGLS. " Manufacturers of'TISII HRAX1) ItUJlIiKIt GOODS. " OMAHA RUBBER COMPANY , 1008 Farnam St. , OMAHA , NEB. JIall Orderi hollcltcd and will IleoelTe I'roniul Allenlion. * - ) U. S. DEPOSITORY , 3SToTs. Paid up Capital . $250,000 Surplus. , . . . ' . 42,500 I. W. Ynlf ! , President. A. E. Tou/.alin. Vico-Prcsitlont. \V. 11. S. Hushes , Cashier , iV. V. Morse , John S Collins , 1. W. Yatus , Lewis S. Kced. A. E. Tonxahn. UANKINC OFFICE : THE IRON BANK , C'or. 13th and Farnmn Sts. A General ISankiti' ' Itusini'ss Trans autc DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . 1707 Olive St , St. Louis Mo. Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo , , University Collide Hospi tal , London , Giescn , Germany and New York. Having demoted tlioir attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous , Chronic and DISEASES , More espccia ilv thse arising from impiu- dence , in\ite all so suffering to correspond \\itliout delay , IJiM-ases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily with out detention from business , and without the me of dangerous drills. Pa tients \shosu cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms' All letters receive immediate JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FKEE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and P.iysical Exhaustion , " to which is added an 1 Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise M hich should be read by all young men. Address , DHS. S. & D. DAVIKSON , 1707 Olive St .St L"uis. Mo. PiLHS , SALT RHEUM end all nl < ln dlaensea , A new inetlioit of oui- tioundlDi : 'iur. A Cure RUbrnnUc < d , or memoir rrfiiuili l , hfilj liyilnicuMn. mul nt tlin fcQlco ot TAR-OID CO.,73 IMDOIPHST. CHlCAQO , l'rl Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class agd medium grades , including STEINWAY FISCHER , , IANOS LYON&HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or tlmo payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on thqir goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects in materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 1305 & 1307 FARNAM STREET * New Model Lawnfflow Fti'f Sizra. Will cut ItlffJirr grant Hum any other , Jlat normal for niini > licltfr , ditrablliti/ and case of operation , t Tliis is the latest Improved Ma chine in the Market. Low I'rli'1's , Send for circulars , PHIL STIMMEL & CO. OMA IIA , XKIUtA SKA. Stilt0 siyents for 1'ortcr's llai/lnu Tool and Jobber * of Jlindluji Tivinc , EELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest block. 1'rice * ilie loweht. Repairing a specially. Wuikvarranted. . Corner Douglas and 15th streets , Omaha , Liient-ed VVatclunaker lui the Union 1'acificRailroad Companr.