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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1887)
- - ' . ' - TOWv.IF'TV ( THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MMONDAY , 3FA * 30. 1887 , ' rfHE LAST IDEA IN MONOPOLY , 31gautio Qrowth of the ' 'Trusts" ' System in this Oountry. fiMONOPOLYOF THE BEEF SUPPLY I'rnctlonlly nil llm Oront Necessities or hi To In till * Country , .Having only Air , Now Controlled by Combination * . New York World : \Vlicn capitalists combine in a business enterprise the combination is called a cliqito , a pool , a syndicate , a company or u trust , accord ing to thu circumstances ant ) the nature of the transaction entered into. If the combination is for a temporary specula tion In stocks or grain it is generally called a clique , hut is .sometimes dlgni- lied by tlio name of pool. A pool is , however , generally a combination of all competing corporation * for the purpose of maintaining rates and dividing the business or profits between them on nn agreed basis of percentages. An illus tration of this is the recent trunk line pool abolished by tlio inter-state com merce act. Tlie trunk line association lives and continues to maintain rales.but the pool is dead and thu roads can no longer divide business or profits. A syndicate is a temporary combina tion of capitalists for the purpose of carrying out a big business enterprise , and as soon as this is accomplished tlio syndicate dissolves or remains in the shape of a permuneiit and regularly or- gani/ed company. Thus the so-called Ives-Stayner .syndicate , which proposes to purchase the controlling interest in the Baltimore ) i\ : Ohio stock. When the deal is finally consummated tlie syndicate vri'l ' dissolve and the purchased stock will probably be held In the name f home permanent company or otherwise disposed of .so as to hold'it together for the purpose of controlling the railroad. A syndicate of capitalists recently pur chased the majority of tlio .stock of the Itkliinonil vV Danville railroad anil then of the Kasl lennessee. and then trans fer ! ed the purchases to the Richmond Tctminal company , which issued its ow n .stock to pay for the same. The pyndicato then disappeared. A com pany , as eveijboil.v knows , is a combina tion of capitalists legally incorporated by tlio legislature to carry on a speci fied business under certain restrictions. Till : ( HtOWTII OK "COMHIN'ATIONS. " The latest fashion in the financial world is to organize trusts , and it will probably not bu long before tliero will bo many such combinations all over the United States. The oldest and most powerful of trusts is the Standard Oil trust , a mighty aggregation of capital which absolutely controls the petroleum ( supply of the United States , if not of the world , and the methods of which hare just been exposed in the World. An other trust which has recently sprung into widespread notoriety is the Cotton- need Oil tru-t. A third combination is in prospect , which may rival the .Standaid in its .strength anil impot lance to the consumers of the I'mted States. This is a cattle trust , which hhall control nil the cattle ranches in the country , and not only the ranches , but the .slaughter houses us well , biich n trust , if .success ful in its operation , would soon have a practical monopoly of the fresli beef sup ply of the cntiro nation. Tito universal tendency of capital late ly has been towards consolidation , mon opoly. Railroads are consolidating into 'systemswhich stretch half across the continent , anil these systems are uniting into combinations. ' 1 ho coal producers combine to regulate production and to lix prices. The gas companies consoli date or combine so as to destroy compe tition and to create a monopoly which shall insure stability of rates. A few big Chicago packers can anil do lix the prices of pork products. Tlio price of wheat nnd Hour is often controlled by cliques in Chicago , St. Louis and New York. 1'our or live big firms in Chicago , with a combined capital of Sr > 0,000 , < )00 ) , practi cally control tlio dressed beef market of the country. There is little or no com petition among them. A perfect understanding - standing exists , anil they can buy the cattle for such prices as they choose to giro anil sell at such prices as thny choose to make. It is to suiiplant this combina tion that tlie Cattle Trust is proposed. It i.s a startling fact that the great ne cessities of life--such as light , fuel , dnof , pork , wheat and transportation , which in this nineteenth century 1ms become al most as much of a necessity ns tlio at- inosphore are controlled by cliques , pools , combinations and trusts , or in other words arn in the hands of absolute monopolies. If capitalists will now only organi/.e an "Atmosphere Trust , " the catalogue will lie complete. Were it not that the people through their representa tives IB the national and slate govern ments have begun to enact laws and crp- nto commissions to regulate and re-strain these combinations of capital , the out look wouhl indeed bo alarming. WHAT A "llil'hT" IS. It is not an easy task to describe what n trust is. In thn cases of the two pronn inont examples in this country a trust is nn aggregation of capital which proposes to obtain a completeascendency in the market for a certain commodity. This ascendency is obtained by so managing . tlie capital nt certain points , by so man ipulating prices nnd controlling supplies ns to crush out weaker and individual competitors ono by ono or to compel them to soil out to the monopoly. A trust company is an unincorporated company with a secret orgnni/ntinn , one of the cardinal principles of wiiose control is to pi vet he public as little information as possible concerning its business. Hanks , railroads , insurance companiesand otlior corporations publish annual statements of their finances and the extent and con dition of their business. Hut a trust novpr i Iocs that. The public would remain in profound Ignorance of the condition of tlie trust were it not for the evidences of increasing wealth which it exhibits by year anil for the investigations which n hi-iilo legislature or attorney-general Bometime.s makes. ' 1 ho attorney-general of Louisiana a few days ago made an onslaught on the Cotton-Seed Trust , de claring that as a monopoly it hail no right to exist in that state and that the fcrust is illegal and fraudulent ; that it had mover boon incorporated under the laws of any state and had no riglu to act as a corporation or issue certificates of stocks. lie demanded that the books anil papers of the company bo exhibited for exami nation. The demand was resisted by the tru t Judge Altligo , tlio vice-president claimed that ho hail no authority to re * coivo service or to stand in judgment for tiny of tlio persons named as composing the trust. The Standard Oil company has always resisted all legal efforts to open its books or to investigate Its nu"airri. Jndgo Houston , wlio tried the suit brought by the attorney-general , has Just decided that there is good ground for notion against tlie trust. There is said to bo , however , n consid erable element In the Cotton-Seed trust which is in favor of greater publicity in regard to Its affairs. Thu trust will hold its annual meeting in this city in tiic lirst week of July , when n statement may b'o made to the stockholders , nnd through them to the public. It will bo nn interest ing statement , as this trust is now one of llm most important companies in the rountry. The trust is said to have earned n dividend. Whether this will bo de clared nt thn. July meeting Is a question , fouio say that it'will lo , wlnlu others * * " * . - - - t -li a .i n snv thflt the money will bo held to fi < iht ivwsnits nnd crush out wtint little coin- lulltlon "till runmins , IMIOIITTIOS IS SKCUKCV. The secrecy which surrounds the ill'iilrs of thu trust N illiHtrnted by thu remark tniido to a \ \ orld reportur by a Kentlcinan who is a brother of one of the nine trustees of the trust. "I am a larco ( stockholder , " ho said , "and it is true that my brother is n triHteo , but I know no more of its alFair.s than you do. All I know Is that the trust Is u legitimate en terprise , and I buliovo in it so much that 1 buy as many of ltd certlllnates as I can whenever tlieru h a favorablu opportun ity. I helluva that there will bo n divi dend declared in .July. Of course , in controlling 00 per cent of all the cotton seed mills hi the country , the trust has a practical monopoly of tlni business , and the result of this unrjit"stionabiy will bu the maintenance of prices at u higher rate than would be possible under the old order of things. There Is a great deal of complaint among the southern planters at present in regard to the prices paid them for thu cottonseed. Complaints are un doubtedly the cause of thu hostile action of the attorney general of Louisiana. A little thought should eonvmcu tliu plant ers that their complaints are groundless. There has been a reduction in the price pahl for the seeds , 'out thu reduction has not been as great as in the price of cot ton it.solf , in which there is the freest competition- probably not so great as would have been thu ease if there had been no trust to glvo stability and regu larity to the trade. "It does not necessarily follow that be- the Cotton trust keups its business to itself tnat it is , as the attorney general of Louisiana alleges , a fraudulent con cern On the contrary , the evidences arc that it is a shrewdly managed business enterprise , dealing is a legitimate article of merchandise. " lint that the trust is a monopob' , and that its monopoly has been created by rough-shod methods , there can bu no doutjt. T. K. ( phoney , of Texas , ono of thu most conspicuous men in the Cotton seed trust , recently admitted that the monopoly had been created by using the big capital of the trust to drive men of moderate means out of the industJy. When the trust wislios to control a cer tain section of tlic country it iorces the opposition mills to sell out or close up by using the capital in such a way as to makethu business in that suction un profitable. The opposition claims that this is conspiracy anil tyranny , but iSir. ( . 'honey .say.s it is the policy imrsued by every business in every branch of trade whenever it can bu dono. It is deelared that since tlm trust began business the price ot cottonseed has declined from $11 to $8 per ton , while thu pneo of tliu oil has increased more than 00 per cent How much property thu trust owns is not exactly known. It is said that it con trols about one hundred and twenty nulls , or fully ! ) ( ) per cent of the entire produc tion. Not all of these mills are in oper ation , as thu trust only works a snllicient number lo supply the demand and is carctul not to create an over-supply. The industry is ono capable of irrcat develop ment. 'Cotton oil is now in increasing demand in this country and Kurope for use in the manufacture of lard , table oils , butterine and oilier substances. Kvory bale of cotton is said to b capable of supplying 1,000 pounds of soetl. anil at present the proditutionof only one million ijalei i ? used tor _ oil , while -Ibo annual yield of cotton is in the neighborhood of ol lirq.,00 ) ( ) bales. It is said that there is a profit ot about $1 , on every-,000pounds of the seed made into oil. According to this estimate , there is an annual piolit of i ? ' , ' , < > 00,00 ( ) in tlio cotton-seed oil produc tion , while thu business is capable of almost boundless expansion. Thy trust i.s controlled by u board of ninu directors , of whom John Scott ami ,1. 1. Maeauley nro well-known business men of this city. The headquarters of thu trust are in this city. The nrosident is John V. Lewis , formerly of. Cincinnati. nn : i-Korosnu "t'Am.nTiu'ST. " Ot thu proposed Cattle trust little is known in this city. The success of the Cotton-Seed Oil trust has been such as to naturally encourage the introduction of similar methods into the cattle business. U'ho CattU' ' trust , however , beems to be piop03Uil as a protest on the part of thu ranchmen against the existing dressed- beet monopoly of Chicago. Tlio con sumers have little interest in the matter , as the ranchmen's ' trust would probably bu as bit : a monopoly as that of the Chicago cage dres.scd-beof men. Thu Armours , Swift Ht Co. , the Fairbanks company , and Hammond it Co. , of Chicago , practically control the fresh beef supply of thu coun try. By an ably use of their capital , and under a perfect understanding between themselves , and by secret and special rates granted by tlio railroads , four or livu Chicago millionairs have been able to dietato terms to the ranchmen of tlio , to drive the slauglitorers of the cast out of the business and to .supply a large proportion of the national consumption. The live c-ittlo business of Now Kngland has nearly died out ; that of Now York has by the operations of the Chicago com bination been reduced to ono-lmlf. Form erly Kl.OOO to 11,000 li\o cattle arrived weekly in lids city. Now the average is from 0,000 to 8.000. Chicago dressed beef is supplying thu tables of the cast. Now tlio ranchmen who are said to have been losing money largely of late , ami who seem to bo completely at the mercy of the Chicago combination , propose to as sort themselves. The scheme suggested is that of a ' 'trust , " with a capita ! of at least ! f. > 5,000,000 , to which tlio ranchmen shall sell all their cattle , and in which they shall bo personally interested. If tlio scheme i.s over carried out it in proba- blu that the trust wilj dress its own beef , nml , relying on tlieinter-3tato commis sion to force the railroads to give equit able rates , will send the product of the ranches direct to the eastern markets. * Good Air. A liygicnist says In the St. Louis-Hlobo Democrat- seems to be thu hardest tiling in the world to convince people that the most essential thing to human existence is gootl air. It is the willful ignorance of people on this subject that is making n narrow-chested , weak-lunged race. The prevalent blindness of this point is something appalling. .lust watch a lot of workmen tearing down a building. They will stand couuhiiiix.'and spitting in the blinding limestone dust hour after hour , sowing the seed of con sumption and genciat disease , when , if they would try a moist .sponiro over thu nojo and mouth , thu air would reach the hums purilied of those dangerous atoms of dust. Again , go into any big room , a theatre , church or school hou e , whilu being swept , and you will see the janitor placidly inhaling thu dust in death-dealing gulps of air. Suggest the sponge to him , and he will laugh at you. It is this obliyiousne < s that allows the clerks to keep silent anil to submit to having the stores s\vent out during the working hours. If they had to buy the air they are forced to breathe , they wouldn't take it at any prico. It is because it costs nothing that they i > av no ' altcntion to it. If they had boon prop'orly alive to the importance of the question , they would have started a vigorous agitation for relief , when : v low weeks ago the Globe-Democrat called at tention to the subject. Let mo say this much for the clerks , however ; they do not have the dangers of the evil brought home to them verv strikingly , for tlio reason that the sweeping is done when the sun la low in the sky , and then the dust is not plainly seen floating about as it really is. Young nnd middlo-agcd men , suffering from nervous debility nnd kindred atl'cc- lions , a loss of memory and hypochon dria , should enclose 10 cents in stamps for lurgo illustrated treatise suggesting sure means of cure. Address , World's Dlsocnsary Medieal Association , Uuualo. ' K. Y ; . , ADDITIONAL COUNCIL BLUFFS. The I'ool 'JLotirnnment. The pool tournament , which began on Friday night at "Tho Manhattan" of Hu- dlo A : Yonawino , is becoming more Inter esting as the tournament progresses. There are seven players entered Hucc , Long , Hut/ , Dahl , Shafer ami liohn , the crack pool players , with an exception erse so , of Western Iowa. Kach evening three series are played , gamu being called at 9 o'clock. A series constitutes seven games ami the winner of a series has to win four games out of the seven. Kaeh player plays si\ series and the winner of thu largest number of. series is consequently the one who re ceives lirst prlzu. There are three pri/.es Thn opening game Friday night was between Helm and Hut/ and was hotly ' contested. Each player won three name's anil alter a hard fought battle Hut/ won the seventh trame. It was followed by Long and Hut/ . Long being defeated. Long then tackled Dahl who came out an easy victor. , Saturday night's games were Dalil vs. Fluee , Fluco vs. .Shafer , and Sliafer vs. Robinson. The winners were Dahl , Flueo and Sliafer. To-night's games will settle tliu contest , no doubt , as rcunrds the first and second placeus the acknowledged best players conic together. The games are Iiiitvs. . Dahl , neither of which have lost a game , and much interest is manifest in this se ries. Uotli are looked upon as likely can didates for lirst place , ami whichever loses thi series will have to contest with Helm for second prize. The Long vs. Helm series will then bu played , after which comes Dahl vs. Holm. 'J lie other games to bo played are : ( Loni ; vs. Flnce. Tuesday , MayiJl < Kluco vs. Itiitilnson. ( Dahl vs. Shafer , ( .Shafer vs. Holm. Wednesday , June l. . . < Itolnnsun vs. Hut ? ( Helm vs. Itubinson. I Hutvs. . 1 < 'Iuce. Thursday , Juno ! ! < Shafer vs. Lonjr. ( Dahl vs. Kohinson. I Flucos. . Helm. Friday , .hino ! ! < Pixlil vs. Hut/ . ( Itolibison vs. Long. Honor to tlio llcrnci. Yesterday tliero were interesting ser vices held in the cemetery by the Union Veteran's Legion , who marched to that beautiful resting place of the dead to pay mete tribute to the departed heroes. The services were in accordance with the ritual of tlio Episcopal church , and were conducted by KeT. . ,1. iUaekoy , rector of St. Paul's. He delivered an appropri ate and eloquent address. Hon. ( Jeorge Carson and Hon. Joseph Lyman also de livered brief addresses. A lloral wreath was deposited on the sacred snot dedi cated to the "unknown. " Tlio services throughout were very impiessivo ami were largely attended. Last evening the Grand Army of the Huoublic attended memorial Services at Hroadway Methodist church , where Kov. Dr. McCrearv , the pastor , delivered an address. For some reason best known to Super visor Underwood , Humpback bridge , on tlie road to Lake Manawa , has not yet been replaced by anew bridge , as ordered by the county supervisors sometime ago In all probability tlio work will beirin eon , as Supervisor Underwood has power to act , and it is understood tlie bridge will bo wider than the county bridges usually aie. lie Knew Her Sl ter. Dakata Hell Mrs. Dollinger , a Sioux- Falls lady , wholives on Twelfth street , heard a rap atthc front door the other afternoon , rnd responded to Iind a very distinuif lied looking gentleman , cx- tromely diirnilied and handsome. "Ah ! Airs. Dollinger , i believe , " ho saiti. "Yes , sir. " "Mynamo is llarcourt. I live in Huron. Mrs. Scott of that place is your sister , is she not ? " "Yes , sir. " ' AlUyus , I am very well acquainted with her , She requested mu to call and do a little errand lor her. " "Oh. yes ; won't you step in Mr. liar- court1 ' "Thank you. I believe I will. Very fine weather we're lirving ? " "Yes , sir. Take the cnsy chair. " "Thank you pray don't you put your self to any troublu on my account. " "Certainly not. Was my sister well when you left ? " "Quito well , I'm pleased to say Hy tl'o way , Mrs. Dollingor , 1 have a little work huro which I would like to slio\y , as I am sure you would bo interested in ' it , it is called''Daniel in the Lion's Den , ' and is by Kov. Thomas It Deuteronomy , and it conies in twelve parts exquisitely bound in cloth , leather , or extra Itnsiln , is finely illus'rated ' nnd should be in every library , and I am taking hundreds of orders , as you can see by examining this order book , and everybody is wild over it and all pronounce it the mos wonderful book written since the Holy Scriptures. It treats of Daniel in ten stages , when ho started to go into the den , when lie got a little further in , when clear in , when the lions came up to examine amino him , while they were 'making their survey , while they retired to con sult together , when they decided a post-mortem would be necessary , when they announced the result to Daniel , u hen ho convinced thorn that he would not consent to an autopsy , when the lions retired and Daniel got out , embel lished with numerous cuts , plans , maps , anil beautiful steel engravings , comes at $1 a part or $12 for the entire work , put your name down here and pay as you re ceive each part , eleven parts now ready- here is a fountain pen , write under Mr Hrown's name at the bottom of the page. " "Mr. llarcourt , " said Mrs. Dollinger , rising ntul suppressing her tears , "you'ru a mean , deceitful book airent ! Get ont of my house1" ' " 1'know , but just sign " " ( Jo on , or 1 shalj scream ! " "Certainly , certainly , if you insist ; no ollenco. Hut can you tell mo tlie name of the lady next door , anil where some of her family live ? Ah , won't oh ? I'll work another scheme , then , ( jood day , Mr.s Dollinger. good day ; glad to have made your acquaintance ! " Cum of llroni'liitli. Mr. K. Carey , of Erie , I'cnn. , writes as follows' I had bonchitis for over two years. My hfo was made utterly wretched by it. It was cough , rough , cough , until tit times I thought 1 would choke to death. I tried every remedy , it seems to mo some out side , more inside. Now ami then 1 would get slight relief , then back again it would come , woric than over. Last winter 1 starlet ! using Ai.u'ofK'sPouor- ) PLVSTI.KS and kept them on ; 1 felt bettor almost immediately , nnd have kept one on my chest almost ever since , using it a.s a chest protector. 1 cannot say too much for thorn , for I am cured of that disease. Thn Patent McOluino Business. A patent medicine man says : People have many ideas about the patent medi cine business. It is not a business that runs itself by any means , but requires brains , and not a little amount of thuni , cither , to make both ends come together. Where ono man succeeds in it , a hun dred fall. It takes some hard work and not a little money to establish a paying medicine , or liniment , or whatever you manufacture. Hundreds und hundreds of persons think they strike upon some thing that will bo a gobut nine times out of ten they novcr get more than ono lot in the market , and that never gets oil' . If you strike the right thing and advertise it well , you can make money.othurwiso i'ou can't. OMAHA \YHOIjig.UjR MAKIU2TS General I'roaijcc. Saturday , Mny 23. Tlic folloiviwi prlcci or4/vr roitwl loti of ro'/ic.i' ' / . u * MIen ( / tlic nut i Act toiMi/ . IHi n u Huttei runilniiH to arrive In very libeial quantities and far In evcess of the demands nl the local TiU.ill trade. Local runners and dniivinuu nro iilm'lni ; In a preat deal ot choice btitUjr , , which they tell diiect to the retail trade , and this cuts olC Just o much Iroin the commission houses. Tliu bulk of these rcfojpis Is selling at lOcd'Je , with tin1 Krcaterifoportlon nt thu li-ss price. An occ.islonm pac'kntre of the best Is Mild to the retail trade M 13,41 Ic. but it has to bu strict ly choice to tirlnc price. The shipping demand Is ( 'uwl and the ship- pel s are nlilo to keep the market cleaned up und prevent any accumulation of stock. linns The receipts have been a little more this ncek In pmportlnn to the dc- nuiiit tlmn Inst week. Tlio prevailing price has been lie thus far this wuok , but stocks have I'i'eii ' inuvim ; a little slow with a ten- dene ) to accumulnte. Yesterday there was a weak tocliiii ; on the market anil n Kuod many de.Ueis were loolilne lor a decline. To-day. however , the receipts were hesivj and eijus wcru M'lllm ; ccnurnlly at lie , with round lots at luj c. There are aKooimany st.uo cKi ! " U'ceUrd anil shippers would do well to candle their p cs and tlius avoid pavlm : ex- pie-s eh ir cs on stock that has to bo tin own away on Us arrival. Livi. I'oi i/iitv The receipts of chickens nre not heavy and the market Is tlrm. Old Jowls of Inlrsl-to sell readily nt 81 MffKLM ) . There have been no sprinc chickens in ot any account this week. Oood sl/ed spilnir chickens would si-11 well. A lew small ducks wure loceivcd and sold nt Sl ! . . " 0 per do/en. Uuri- : . Full clieildrus , single , lie ; full cieam Hats , twins , lie ; Young Amcilcns HKc ; fancy Swiss , IS : ; Swiss , Imported , ! ! . * ) cLlniburKor : , ir > c ; brick , lfK < n"e. ItHANs.-Interlor .stock,7."eO S1.00jooil ; ; clean country , liUU ( < tl. " . > ; mediuin , hand picked , SI luiitl.-iO ; hand picked nnvy , Sl..Mn.GO. . I'IIOVISIONS lintii , 12c : biv.ilvtast bacon , rib , lue ; breakfast bacon , plain , 10ljc ; ilrv salt sides , "V" * ! ; dried beet , loirillu , 10 ( < t ! 11 ; dried bed , ham pieces , 18c ; lard , 50 Ib cans , flkc ; laid , L'u Ib cms , Kalib.inks , 7e : lard , 10 Ib , Faubanks , 7'i.c ' ; laid ft Ib cans. F.ilibmUs , 7'lti ' ; Inrd , 3 10 e.ins , Fail- banks , 7'Hi' . I'or.vioiThere : is nstiong demand for old potatoes but vury tow coming In On ac count ot tlie .seaicity ot new potatoes , old potatoes uro still higher than last week. ( ioed stock sells quickly nt Sl.OOovl.lO per btisltul. New potatoes lia\u advanced on ac count of the bcaiclty and there aid \oiy few to be had nt any price. Homo grown. 1.0JJ ( 1.10 ; now potatoes , per bill , SMOiW1 ) ! } . OXION > . Thi'iu has bQi'ii no mate-rial change in market since last week. New southern onions per bbl , SI " > 0i < 5.oo ; new southern , S bush , crates , SI. SO. C.vnnvdK. The market is about cleared up ot all stock. Caliturnla cabhago , new pur Ib. ; iV- Nl w Vi oirAni.r : > . Local gnrdners arc now supplying tliu demand tor mo-4 kinds ol vegetables , such as top onions , indishes , let- tueo pie plant and peas , and there is not much sale toi stock ot that kind shipped in. l'eis ; aid being sold bv the gardaers direct to the Undo nt nbont ? 1.00 per bushel. Top- unions , pel do/ bunches lOQ-Oc ; ladishes , per do/ hunches 10(3 ( > oe. ; lettuce , per doz bunches , . ' > ( ! ( ( } } . > e ; pieplant , per ID , l'/e ' ; cu cumbers , per do/ , OiW/ ; wax beans , per two-thirds bushel box , S'J.fiO ; stiing beans , pel two tliiids bushel box , Sl.-j ; cauli- llowur , pel doSL7.VnU.00 ; new southern beets , per dozen bunches , .TJc. LhMoss Reports fiom Now Vork Indicate that the cheap lemons have buim mostly woiKed oil and that tliero Is a demand for gooil keeping stock Trices them uie ad vancing. The maiket here is about steady with an active demand. Messina , choice , per do/ bunches , Sl.iOnol.lW ) OKA veil s The soison.v for Callfoinla oranges is lapidlv drawlft ( ; to a close und only a lew mote cars ale exOccted to uirive. .Mediterranean sweets , S'l.MiW.7"Mes ( ; sina imperial , iaiicy , il.fil.fiij ; Ktverside , 31'J.Vft 1.50 ; Taper Kinds S3.0'J ' ; Los Aiuele- , ; ss ; 35t.i : ! . .io. A i Si.vvvniiiiis ! : : ! ! : The rocciuts have aver aged a little uneven tills week. On Wednes day thov weio verv lieiv'v. ' Tlio-.ii sold 0.11 ly In tlie morning went nt S7.lKi ) s.OO nor .stand lor choice stuck while later in the day In older to close out some lolti ns low ns ? . " > . ( ! 0 per stand. Yesterday" the rccelnts wore lltrht and haidly equal to tlie ili-nnnd. To- dav good stock Is moving at sJB.OO per stnnd. CiiKiiiur.s There Is a fair supply on the market and tliu average pucu lei 10-lb boxes is .W. UANA.VAS Tnoro is a fair supply ot choice ige bunches on the market. Larcebunches , per bunch , S3.00@4.50. TOM.VIOFS Thcio are a few southern tomatoes on tlie market ; 10-lb. boxes , Sl.OO. General Markott. \AnNisiiKS-Bairels , perBMlon ; furni ture , extra , S1.10 ; furnlttins No. 1. St.00 ; coach extra , S1.40 ; coach , No. i , 81.80 : Da- mar , extra. 51.75' Japan , 70ct asplmltum extra S.-.G : shellac , 83.50 ; hara of finish , bur PAINTS -White lead , 7c ; Krenclulnc , 12c ; Tarls whiting. iiKc : whiting , gliders , Vfo ; whiting , com'l , lye : lampblaclf , Gor- inanstown. 13c ; lampblack , ordinary , tto ; Prussian blua.V > eultrainarlnollte ; ; vandytc- brown , 8c ; umber , burnt. 4c ; uinoer. raw , 4c ; siouna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw. 4c ; JTans green. KKIIUIIIO.v. 1'arls green , com mon ? & flirome tfreen. N. Y. . 20e ; vormllhon American. 1N : inaian raw and butnt umbw , 1 ft cans , 1'Jc ; raw mid burnt sienna , 12c : vandyke brown , l"c ; ro- Imcd lampblack l2c : coach black and ( Tory black , ICc ; drop black. 16c ; 1'rusiun blue , 40c ; ultramnrlno black. ISc ; chromn croon. L. , tl. & 1) . . ific ; blind and shutter green. U. M. ft ! > . , lOc ; Taru green , 18o ; Indian red , I.'MJ ; Venetian ° red. i'c ' ; Tuscan. lEcs American voimllllon , L. < te L,20c ; yellow ochre. Sc ; U M. & O. I ) . . INJ : good ochrn. lOc : rwini dryer , So ; graining color , light oak , dark o V , \valnut. chestnut and sh. We L > RUnvv.xn MIEMICAI.S. Ac d carbolic , 'jfc ' ; ncld tartarlc , f > 'Jc ; balsam copaiba , per > , Mc ) ; bark saswfras , per ft , lOc ; calomel , per ft , 78c , chlnchonidla. per o40c ; chloro form , per ft , 'no ; Dover's powders , par n > , 81.85 ; epsom salts , per ft , 8 > i'c ; eiyceiine , pure , per Ib. - lo'tatt ' acetate , uer Ib. : iic ; oil , castor , Mo. i. per gal. , $ l.ftO ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , l.40oll ; olive , pergaL , $1.40 ; oil orlirannnm. 50o ; opium , 11.50 ; quinlnn. T. AV. . and K. A S , , per oz. 7'c ( ' ; potassium lodldo , per ft , 8 i.M ) ; sallcln. per m. 40C ; sul- tiUntamorDhino. per oz. . 5 ; sulPhur. per ft. 4c ; strychnine , nor o . 81. ' . ' i _ . , FAINTS iv uti.VhttoieaO. . Oraana.l' 1 . , C1 * " ! whlto lead , St. Louts , pure. < c\ Mar seilles , Rrenn , I Ib cans , 'Jc ; Kronen zinc , irreen seal , 13c ; French zinc , red seal. Uc ; French rinc. In varnisti nst. t. ate ; Konch zinc.75c ; Termilllon , Kngllh , in oil , 75u , red , lOe ; rosn pini : . 14c ; Venetian red , Cook- sou's , Ujfc ; Venetian red , American. ll/sc ; red lead , 7Kc ; chrome yellow , genuine. < iOc ; chroran yellow , K , I'-'c ; ochre , rocholle. ! ' , o ; ochre. Krnnch. SJfc ; ochre , American , l c ; \V Inter's mineral , li 'c ; Lcnigh mown , -Ho ; Spanish brovvn , 2Kc ; I'rlnco's mineral , j-Ureen butchers , SKQOs ; cured. 7c : dry flint. lifii''c ; drv salt , ' . , , creon call skins , c ; daiunced mcs , two-thirds pi ice. Tallow-Stfc. Gn > aso- I'nme whlto. c ; Yellow , 3 e ; brown , Jo. Sheou 1'olts. 'J.il7oc. ( MPIBITS Cologne spirits , \Bb croof , Sl.lOj do 101 proof , 81.U ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , Sl.l : do iss proofv 81. ; i Alcnhol. 183 proor. SJ.10 per wlno c.illon. Itodistllled , . , . , , v > * " * * yr'J\ * * > i > ii .mil mi 1 jut lv u s tti vv i3 nj domestic , 81.80 3. 0 ( } j in. imiiortod , 4.W yn.00 ; iloinostlc , Sl/ilwa. ! * ) , Ctmmpajtnps , linnortetl. wr case. SW.ooQ-iS.OO - ; American , red civso. SlO.OCkrtlfi.OO. HEAVY UARDWAKE Iron , rate Si'sJ ; plowstPelspcclafcast Hc .crucible stool.OXc ; cast tools , do , l-J < ii ; \\wib\\ \ \ spokes , pot set , 82.0003.50 ; hubs , per ect * l.'ir : tcllom. sawed dry , 3J.50 ; toiiu'iiBf , r cn. Jc : nxi'ls. each. 75c ; BQuaro nuts. put-Hli. 01(2710 ( ; coil cnnin , porlb. n fitl 'c ; nnllotible.vijli'c ; non wwdKos , 6c : crowbars , fie ; Harrow teeth , 4'c , pprlni ? stool. 7@9o ; ItuiAun' * horho sliooi. t4.7rllurdun' ; mule RIOM. ! $ V75. lint had wire. In car loK Sl.oo per 100 Ibs. Nail % rates , 10 to 60. 8MO ; stool nails. S2.-0. Sliot.Sl.nS ; ImcUshot , 81.CO ; , kepi , ; do. half kens , = 2.75 ; do. quarter kess , 81.50 : blnstlne. kegs , Silo ; tuw , per 10 feet. We , Lead bar. 81 > Ci-ocor'4 full. FICKI.KS Mvdiuin. In bbK SS.Od ; do , In half bbls , 84.50 ; small. In t > bK S'.KOO ; do , In bait bbls.8 > .PO ; Ktiorklna , in bbls , SW.OOjUo , In half bbls , SS.W ( iranulatod , 0\@OKc * . conf. A , fil < c ; white extra C,55 < ( 5 ji ! ; extra C , 5Sc : yellow 0 , fCd:4Kc : ; cut loaf , jMWdiired. OK''J7c. ' CoFKCKS-Ordlnary grade ? , 17'iQl ' o fair lkSl-'Scprlinpl- ( ; ' ; choice , 1 < ai-tHc ; fancy Kruon and jellow.U < 3 lc ; old eov- . , 4-aallon , New Orleans poreallon S inc ; manlo syrup , half bbls , "old time. " per uallon , 7Jc ; I cal- Ion cans , oer doz. tio.oo ; halt gallon. c na , ( Mi doz , (5.50 ; quart cans , 6J.IX * . OAXDV Mixod. S lic ! sttclc. CRA.cnF.ns-J rn ( nu' soda , butter and picnic.fisc ; creams , } < c ! eltruef snapsb > < o ! city sotl.x 7W. CANNED ( Joons-Oy tcr . < taniHrdi > crca ( > , SH.l.Vj(3.'A-i ( ; utrawborrle-i , 8 Ib. per ca. i' . Si.iiD : ra'ipberrli'.i. ' 'J lh , i > or ranS'J. . ft s.w ; Califor nin pears ,' , ; apricots , per casj , S4.f i ; Dcache * . t > p c.vw , SJ.K ( ) ; whlto chor- rid , | wr case , 50.00 ; jilinii * . per ra P. S\M ; blupbcrrleH porca o , Sl.s.oic ; plums'J Ib , iifrca o. jfJ.50 ; plnoaptMi' ? . a it ) , per cn o S .awt ) > .75 ; 1 Hi mn'kiTni. nor do81.10 ; 1 IDMlmon , pprdiiz , si. . ' > Oi l.Vi ; a In , KOOSO- borrlt's , pcrcnsc. SI.M ; 2 Ib strina boatn. per ca'i1 , 51.TO ; 'Jib IlinabtMln , per ca o ,' ' ) ; Sib marrow fat ( WAS , purcaso. SJ.4fKf2.r)0'J ( ; Ib rarly Juno peas porcasa. S2.7.M 3 Ib totnv tops. sa. 0.it2. ( U:2lb.cornS2.40 : ( J.'H ) . M AT cuKS 1'or caddie , a'nj ; squara cases , 91.70 : mulusquaro , II. ' * ; . l ry , 17.M I7..V7.50 ) ' | 17.W1I7.M 17 r 2.1.00 IIUAI1D3. i. 1 , com , si A . S10..V ) No. 2 , com , s 1 s . 17.M ) No. I , com , s 1 s . ii."iO : rr.NriNo. No. 1,4 & 0 In , 12fe 14ft , rotish . S10.00 No. s , " " ' . ' " . S1DINO. A , 12 , 14 and 10 ft . S3J.OJ 11 , ' . . ! iO.V ) c , " " " . ir > .oo 1) , " " " . 1'I.OJ rKII.INO AM ) 1'AUTIIIO.N. l tcom. , 5f in White I'tnu ( Vlllin ? . S'U.OJ ' Clear , % in. Norway Pine Colling . 10.00 KI.OOltlNOj A. 0 Inch , white nine. . gavoo C " " " . ii.M ! ! ) E" " " * ( Sol Kt-n'i ; ) . lt . ' 0 STOCK IIOAUDS. A 12 Inch s. Is . S4..00 No. i , coin. 12 In 9. lg. , 12. & 14 . 20.00 " " -id ft . 1'J.ft ) No.2 " " " " ] .jU ft. . . 1H.OO " ' " " 1C It . 17.0J litandSd. clear , 3s 8d , clear. 1 Inch. 9. a s S4S l > 4 , IJ-f. " l - JJ st-ltcr , 1 Inch , s. 2 s 1 > 4' , lj,2 } In U7.00 TOST ? . White Cedar , 0 In. . X * 12c : 9lu.irs..llo IIA'I liSS' : I'lCKKTS. O. ( } . Halts , 'Jii In. . 70c ; Kv ) , s. I s . 4Uc 1'ickots , I ) and 11 Hat . S21.0J I. IMF , K1C. CJulnry whlto llmu ( bes ) . 51.00 Akron cement . l.W Hair . . .HO LINCOLN , NEB , Ton llullrunus , niu ! iiinrn nro coming. 150 Trams Dully. Htnte fnivoralty , \ \ e < ! oan Linvcraltr , State Capl till. Mo toftlic Hni'lr.p'nt.oti Invn double 1 In prlro In lliolusll. mnntht. Acre-land , within i nulO ) ot the rlty .lucre iseil over twg humlreil percent. Lincoln l the t-rontnit Itallmail Center nf Us ace In thnnorld. lirlik lilockiiay | KtoMporoent Vacint otHlui\i > n\crniL d ItM per cent for annum on llm c ft , tor 1' your * * . l.lnrola Is a ureat distributing point , Soiuo wholo- f ilcilniiler * have undo primely lorlunc . llnlld ni * Rnineup In nil dlrcctlonn. lli : lno-i ; son- orally L-O nl. II mkurs , retail morchunts mochunlca , etc. . KCttligrich. A. J. OBOPSEY & CO. Itooin II , Klvliiirils IIIot-K , eal Estate Agents & Loan Brokers Harp for xale brick block * . tmjinCM lot . nil kind * of real estate. 1.- , ! > , 10 , ij , 19 , & 0 , bJO iind i > l J aero tracts f iruij and cncup lands. MONKV LOANED. 1NVKSTMF.NT3 MADE. HKKHHENOE8-Klr : t and Mniolii Nntl.c HanksllOTunior Tliuyer , Jud a Cubli , Itur. Dr. Cn-lebiun , Unco'u ; Hon itor S. M. Cullum , Illn | and ( Jcnoril lion. UirrUji. In linn n The only road to take for DCS Mnlnes Mar- fihalltown , CeJar Hiililrts.CllttDn. Plxou , Chica go , Milwaukee Hiid all points past. To thejmo iile of Nebraska , Colorado , vvyonilnK , Utah Maho , Ncvailn , Oroj.-on , Washington and Cull- fornln , it offers superior lulvnntnu'oa not posil * Mu l > y any other lino. Amonir a few of the numerous point * of BU- pnriorlty enjoyed liy the patrons of this rourt betweenOnmna niul ( liicajjo , mo Its two trains uilny of DAV COAl'UKS , which are the llncst Hint hnmiii nrt and iHKonulty can oronto. Iti I'A ! < ALRai.KBIMNO CAKS , which are modoU of comfort anil nleirnnro. Its I'AUIAIIl DUAVV- INH HOOM CAHS , unaiirnjiasotl by any , nJ Its wldolr celehrnti-d PALATIAI. DiNINO OAKS tlie o-iuiil nf which cannot bo fonnil rlaowhern At Council IlUillH the ti ulna of thu Union I'uclflo Ky. connect In Union Donot with those of tin ) Chicago & Northwoitnrn Ily In Chicago tlie trains of this line make cloae connection with those of all onitern lines. For Dntrolt , Colinnhim , Inrthuiiipolli. Clncla- nnti , Nln ara/alli , liuffnlo. rittsbur .Toronto , Montreal , noiton , New Vorit , I'hllrdelphlH , Ualtlmor * . WarhlnKton nnd all points : the onst , auk for a ticket vln thn "NOUTHWKSTRB.S " If you wish th bunt aooouimodation. All ticket oecntt sll tlcketi via tins lino. II. HUOHITT. K. P. WILSON , Uenl Manecer. ( ionl. PaM'r Agent Clilcngo , 111. W. M. BABCOOK. L H. HOLLKS , Wcitern Agent , City 1'ms'r Agut. Omaha , Nebraska. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THK Itost Route from Omaha and Council Jiliiffa to Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil Bluffs Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids Rock Island , Frecport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Maciikon , Janesv dle , Bcloit , Winona , La Croese , And aU other Important points Iast , Nortlicnl and outhcust. For tbrouKh tickets call on the Ticket Asonl bt KOI FHrnum iilrcct , ( In i'axton hotel ; , or al Union 1'acitc D pot. I'liilman Meepurt and the flnoet Dining Cur ! tm the world are run on the main lines of tin CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE Ic ST. PAUL UAII.WAT andererr attention U imlii to votutaaorii bj courteoui mploye nf the company. It. Mti.i.Em Oeanrul ManMter. J. r'.Tuutin , Aftnlft ant General lUnarer. A. V. B. CAJU-BHTEK , Oen r J F * t m * r ant 1'lrket A ent. QEO B. HiArronn , A § lsttnt Oeattr * ! PM longer and Ticket Ajrcnt. i. Omalid Jobbers' Directory. Agricultural Implements , PARKER , WtuiUvil * Hauler In Afirrlrnlturnl Implements , Wncnns , nuJ Iliupl * ' * . Jonp . . . Mroot . . . , balw , > eu vtl ) - nil IOlll.Oui.iiin I , Ni > h. LINING ER .P METCALE CO. , AijTinilttiral Implement ? , Wiuon , rarrlu'o ! , Ititfclrv lite. . VVholc li , Onuh . PARLINORiNDORl MARTIN WholrMleDoiltrii In Agricultural liuiileiuetits , ( Taaon nnU nuirelc * . ' .Vl. ' . ' . ' . 'Ji ninl'.u ; Jonasit Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , i'ianos nml Organs , 1511 liouk-li * Street , ( irar.ln. Builders' Hardware and Scales. Rulldors'JlardwnroA-Sralo UepalrSliop Uachanlci'Toolinnd lluffnln Scaloi. UJu Pouglni IL , Onialm , .Ncli. Boots and Shoes. v/ ) SEWED SHOE COMJ'AXr , Manufacturer * n < l Wbol * nlo Dealers In Hoots and Shoes' , Complete ttofk of Kuhhor tlooiln nlwari on lund Mi $ , 13th 1 Kt . Omium , Neh. A T. Au.tln , AKt > nt. ir. r. jHonsE tC co. Jobbers of ilootn nnd tfhocs. llll Karnaui > t , ( Innilm , Neb Mnnnfnctorj , plrr t , lloiton. Z. T. 1ANDSEY di VU. Whoicsalo Uubbor Hoot < and Shoes HuMiur ntul ( Hied tlotlilnt ; mill 1VU llooti and tiliuu6 , tjuutu u8t Coraur UlU tmJ Beer. AK t. for Anheuaor-Hush Hrcwinp Ass'n fipvclnl llrnnil Faust , IlurtwcldCr and STOltX ,0 ILER , Ijagpr lcor ? Drawers , 1531 North l th Street , Oranha , Nob. Butchers' Tools. LOUlfi JTELLEK , Unlfliers' Tools and Supplies , 38U9UKO CuilUKi of all klmln nlvra > s 111'lock. 1I1C Coffee , Spicss , Etc. Oumlia Com'o and Spice Mills. ToflH.OotTcO' , 8pire . llHklni ; Ponder , FI.ivorlniEtX < tracta , Lniiiidry Blue , Ink , II 11' . llll I Wireot , Oniuhn. Nob. ( SATES , COLK . ' MILES , Homo Coin-cam ! Spii-o Mills M'f'a : Co. Ooiree Ron t'jrn anil piro ( IrlnJ r * . Manufai tun > rs nfllnklnx ro.Tdor , Klaforlni ; istrnrt : . llliilnt. iir : 1 ry one ra n of nur 1 ft parknun lloinw Ulend llu i tud Off''e im < Howinl ft .ilia I'll : > ! Cornice. "WORKS , lohn Eponcter , 1'rop. Mannfnoturcr nf nnlvanliod Iron find Cornice. 9H Hnd 10.1 uiiil 10J N , 10th St. , onulu , Neb. KUEMP1XG .1 ! 1SOLTE , Wnnnfacttirors of Ornamental ( Jalvani/od Cornices , ws , > 'lnriti .MclnMpSk > llKlit , tc. 3108. 12t'i ' At , , OirmU.t , WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Specht , Prop. dnlvanlred Iron Tornlce" , etc. Hpwt'f Improved Tnt ont Mi'tnllo SKyllk'ht. HH und5lO H l.'lhM Dnmlm. Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jolibord of Carpets , CnrtaiiiH , Oil Cloths , Tings , I.lMOlimniB , Matthias , Ktc. 1111 Donclai ntnict. , S' . A. ORCJFARJ ) , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtain Good * . Kto. 1113 Fumam htrect , Omaha. Nob. Crockery and Motions. H' . L. WRIGHT , Agent for the Manufacturers nnd Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , I'blmuuyB , etc. Office , 31 ? South 13th BL Omaha , Nutu Commission and Storage. MI. X"II URLEY Commission and Jobbing. nntter , KKxsnnil Produce. rnnilermont8 Dollcitad. UoRdquiirlori ) for Humnwarc , lli'rry llon-n iinU Urnpo Ilnskou. 1114 DoOtfOBtruut , Omtiha. PEYCKE Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Provisions , Omaha. Neb. E. RII ) DELL , Storapo and Commission Merchant. BpecinUle * llutter. Ktx < . Clieose. Poultry , ( iurno , OyntfrH , Kir. , ntc 113 south Kth ilicot. WIEDEJlAN C COT Produce Commission ilorcliautB , Poultry , Duller , ( Inino , nulls , I'tc. 2W S. 14th st Omahn. Ntti , Coal ancf Lime. Qiu. r I.AiiAilll. l'rr . C. F. OoiinVAN , V. Pi i. J. A. .SlINiiKlll.ANl ) , Hue. and Troas. OMAHA COAJ , , COKE A LIME COMPANY , Johhers of Hard and Soft Coal , JJl South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob. , / . , / . Manufactiiro.i-rt of Illinois White Lime. And Shippers of Coal and Coke. Cemvit , Planter , Uine , Hair. Flro llrlck , Dr.iln , Tile nn < l Hnwcr Pipo. < mic . I'll ton tliitj ; . rarnam t. , Omnlia , Nib. Tnlniinuno hll. Confectionery. .F , P. FA MannfactiiriiiBrConfeutioners , Jobbers of Fvulls.NuU and Cliiara. 1211 Farnam SU Omabn. Cigars and Tobacco. Johhers of Cigars , 'i'oliarco ' , Uuns and Ammunition , 215 lo ! I H lltliot. , 1030 to 1U2I Farnam l. . Oiuiha , Null WEST < JFJtlTNVJIEU , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealers In [ .eat Tolmrros , Nos. 103 and 111) ) N. Ulb > tr ut , Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E.'SMITH < V CO , , Dry Goods , Fiirnishiiuf Goods ife Notions 11J3 and 1104 Douitlai , ror. llth St. , Oinahn.Nvb. Distillers. Distiller * of l.lqtinm , Alcohol und Spirits. Importers and Jolibcrsof Wlnciuiul l.l'juors. ' WILLOW KPRINGH1)IST1LLE > CO. nnd JLEIt , P CO. , Iraporl m and Jobbereof Fine VMnes iinrt Liquors. bolciu nut oturur ot Kennedy' * I'.KHI Inilln lilt- tiTBnml Ilomes'Ic 1 Iqu'im. Ill } llnrnuy Mt. furniture. JiirEY , ( ' STONE , JL-ilei.s ) ; lu Furniture. Farnam tl . Omnha. Nob. CHARLES Furniture , Nodding , Upholstery , Mirrors , etc. IW , 1203 und 1210 Knrnnm at. , Omaha , Croccrius , PAXTON , GALLAGHER .0 CO. , Wlioleaalo Groceries and Provisions , TO.Ttff.TWamlTllH IQlli r < t.Omaha , Neb. IlcVORJ ) , JS IIA 1 > Y ,0 CO. , Wholesale Grocers , I'ln nnd Leavennorth nt , , Oniah i , Hardware. LEE , FRIED ct ! CO. , Jobhern of Hardware and NnilH , Tinware'hcot Iron. Ktc. Acent * for ITowo frcalei , ami Miami Powdtrl o , Om haNi < t > W. J. IIROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprluet , Wajon Stock. Uardwnro Lumber , etc. 1JUS and 1311 Harney st. Oontia. Omalia Jobbers' ' Directory. , p ( annoy , Wholesale Iron and Stud , Wngon MM CiirrliiBO Woatt stuolt. tlrnrr HnMirnr Uc. .I ? niiiMJl l.tiitf nwurtU t. . Onmba , .Mali. iO'uns , o boss , Stoves , Itnmrcs , Fiminrp * , Tiles , M ntlviurntp9 , llu Ovxl 1UI untl Uil K.-un Mrput. Iron Works , J'AXTON A Iron Works ) , Wrought nml Cn t Iron nulldlni : WorV , Iron Mnlr * llnlllnit. ItrnniB nml Illntcrv Mi-atii l.i liu" , llruj Work , lit iivrM "numlnr , Mnchliin nn.l . IIIHI k nuth , fork. omienniVVor ! > , U. I' . Mr niiUlTtli licet. / / . 1C. SAII \ Kli. MauiifuctiirliiG : Dealer in Smokestacks , IlilUliltik" " . TinVvnM.I ( ii'nn til duller llmmlrluit , III i PmicltK Mri'i't Pin.ilm K It Sli.MV.VtM. r SW.UVAN. OMAHA WIRE , r IllOS WORKS , Miiniif rturpM of Ire nnd Iron Huilitic , Desk Kails , Wlnilnw ( luircl : , H * or stumK Wlr "Imn , HW 1IN 1'ilh ' , Unlor < liy innll iirmiiptlr iitttwil Mln. Lumber. OMAHA TV-MR EK Ionlo ) - . All Kind * of nnildlnjr MiUoriul lit 11th HtrootHiicl Union I'uclHo Truck , Onmh * . LO i 'is n R. 11) ron D , Denier in Lumber , Lath , Limo , Sash , Peen , iio. Y nlj Oortii'r7tli nml PouxliiBi Cornet Vlh nml IKiunlis. CHICAGO LUMliER CO. , Whoh'snlo Lnmbor , 8U S , l lh M reel. Omaha. Neb , IM'olpetinr , M n i0r. C. N. 1HETZ , Lnnihpr. IMli nnd CMIfornlK flreet * . Oranha , Nob. fRED W. OKAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Ktc. Cor.Mb anil lioiiflns ill , Om'i'iii Noj. UOAGLANI ) , Lumber. T. W. HAlTrEYJJLrMltER CO. , To Denlora Only. Offloa , IMV1 FartiMn ntrcpt.Oraalm. Cj'fAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood CnrpatB and I'arqnct Flooring. 8th and DouglM Otiinhit. JO1TXA. WAKEFtELD , Wholesiilo Ijiimher , Etc. Inipnrtt'd anil Anirrknn 1'orllnnil Cement Ptat4 Agent forMllunuki't ! llyiltnulle Ceuiunt tind Ito&l ( Julncv Whitel.lmn. Live Stock. WIGS'STOCK YAltDS CO. , Of Omalia. Limited. John K. lloyfl , H-iporlntPiMlant. Life Stock Commission. M. ItUltliE P .S' Live Stock Coiiiniission. Cloo. Ilitike , tlanaKor Stock VarUn.H Omaha. Telephone MJ. SAfAdE ! ' ( JltEEX" , Live Stock Commission JIurcliaiits , Etilpmcntii of liny nnd nil kliulH of Slock solloitod. I'nlon ' stock > ant , Oniahn , Neb. Millinery and Notions. I OliKlirEljDEIl , K CO. , Iniporters und Jobhcra of Millinery and Notions , 1313and Hli Iliinmr St.oot , Oinnlni. Nob. Notions. Wholesale Ponlcrf In Notions nnd Furnishing1 Goods , 4(11 ( ami < fli 8 Tonlh Ht , Omnha. Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY , llanufnctiirers of Overalls , Joint l'sntiKlilrt , Rtc. IIIKnnil 1104 Doinlns StroeL UinnbN , Nub. Paper Boxes ,7. L. , , . , . . , . ' of I'aper lloxot , 8.lltli St. Uiuina , Nabrmk4. OrJorj bj mtUn llQlUOaDd nlllroo lT < praaipl uUoatloa. PAPER CA U TESTER rAI'Elt CO. , Wholesale 1'iipnr Detilei-H. rarry M nko flock of I'rintlinr , WnippliiK nnd Writ- Inu paper hpei'lal nttt'iitloii uiti > n lu nir loud nr Onicrs nhlih nlll hu HhlpiKiil cllrocl fioiii inlllH. All ( inlurt lll riMelvu imraiuinl mil ntlon. Wo itinir- niitpii Kiiiitl Kuoil4 anil low prliv. llll nml 1111(1 ( llDiivl msi. Printing. KEES Joh Pyintors , Blank Itook Mukerar , And Hook Uhulcm. li > i and HM huiith Fuurtaantb itiott. OmHhi , Ncli. Auxiliary Publishers. DoaleratnTrpo , PrniiiHii nml Prlnli'rs'Supplies , Huuth Twelfth Mruot. ItltOlWELL , C CO. , Manufactttruri nnd Dealer * ) in , ItoilerH A ( icucral Mncliliiory tjhuu Iron work , Stunni I'iniiiiSaw MIIN , Acoia Hhaftlnc , Doilre Wood split I'ullara , llolilng. ott , AlBowagiiD , scrupcrs.uuJ balatlos. Tonworthil. Omnha CHUllCJltLL JTMr CO. , Wholesale I'limps , Pipe , Btonmnnil Wntor Hupplien HpnUiiunrtnrx fir MllBl hojBtCo'H ( Jol . llll I urnain ft .Uiiinhii. Net ) . U. , S' . W1XD EXifXKttntl PUMP COM T ANY. nallailnjr Wind Mtlmt pleain nnd Whtor Piipplloa , I'lumlilnK OooilK. HPltlnB. lloin. nil nml 1 J Far- naui ct. , ( Hunli i. H K K'llun , M.iuuutr. T U'phmi No. 2\o. \ A.L. STJtAXG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Enjfiiips. Etcam , Watur. Uallnoy ttnd ? llllliik' Hupplirr. I "to. WO , VKttvi'JH Karnam St. , Or.inhn , Nut. Safes , Etc. r. lioYEit p cor Agents for Ilnll'H Knfo > v LopU Co.s' Fire nnd llum'ur Proof fliNii , Tlmo I.oek > , Vaultf il Work ItUl tnrn m iUrunt ( luialm. Neb. Oniiilia Hiife Works. TilAniifucturoriof Kirn and IlurBlarl'roofSnrea , Vnull IJuorn , Jail Wiirlc.hliut > ri mid Wiru Work. Cor. HtU and J.i'.kko'i Htn. , Oiui.liii , Neb , Sash , Doors , Etc. Wholorale Maiiufaclureii of Sash , Doors , Itllnds mid Moulding , llianch oSIfO.Uili and Ir.ird to.tir .ha , > ' . MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Honlcl'jii'iHalrWorkanil ' Interlnrllnrd Wood Fining Just opened. N. K Kir dill and J.unveuwoi tUBls. , Nub. HU CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb , Tim liofet known nnd mn t poiuilnr liotol In IhoMlito Locution iM'ntral , ppnliitiii ntH llrot i'l.ts-1. llimil'inurlorHlor rouuiuirt'iiil men an < ] nil | . ( iliUcnl uuil public Kiitliuilni8 1HU ' KX.rr WE ME ! Kr ' * AKnME N , , f aM s A EN ONLV IJtHCkirun WtAKKttn , jir- , . , . . . uiui.mliil , i oihlrrurrcmi of > .l lrlt. > JU' lir dinrUIkrough nl , ik i > rtrtilor. ln lli inJ r\-.In linlih tn < t Vljc.n.uiSir.rjih. iltclilo Curtnl 'j'Vf ll lnl nllfrr we fjif.ll ( n r , h. ( lr l , t lm | raxmtnltufrr all cthtf Ultl. VOlllCIKIpt > Tnimtiily rurt'l ' In lht e moult , Sf ' ( l rimpkltUc. , uV Tht S nden EUctrlo Co , | 9 UOill : it. , ChUigi