Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1887, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDA * . MAY HO. 1887 , THE JAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Deltrcrcd by carrier in uypi > rtof thocltjat twtnty cent * per wcok. JI. W. TJLTO.V , Manater. TKI.nPHONES : BrPKr OmcE. No. 4J. NIUIIT KIIITOU No. n. MINOIt MENTION. N. Y.Plumbing Co. New spring ooJs at Keller's , tailor. A. llesnen is in jail for beiu drunk. Work is being pushed on Hotel Ma- nawa. The boat club have ordered four pleas ure boats. Additional Council Bliill's local on Seventh pine. : Oflicers O'Hrion and Stevens now go on day duty. The arrests ( luring the past week aver age two a day. There was a picnic held at Lohan's park yesterday. The popular resort is the Manhattan , 418 Itroadway , Huilio A : Venawine. Another cottage Is being erected near the Hotel Manawa , making three in all. The two oldest children of M. K. Myers , who have had scarlet fever , are improv ing The Manawa gun club will liavcn shoot nt the driving park this afternoon at 2 o'clock. August Fieselnian , living ea t of this city , lost two cows during the recent Btorm , both bomir struck by lightning. The Council Hlull ! ) Rubber Stamp man ufactory is a permanent institution. CJivo it your orders. Address 707 Uroad- way. way.When When the improvements in progress in the road to ( iroendale arc completed , it will bo one of the linest drives about the city. city.Three Three full suits of clothes and an extra pair of pants have been stolen from Michaels' boarding hoiibc on liroailway. Mo trace of the thief. W. J. Iliggins , who was arrested by Deputy Marshal White , charged with sU-aling a wateli from the St. .loo house , v will have a hearing this morning. r The postollico will bo open from 8 to 11 o'clock this morning and from 7-HO to 8 this uycnini ; . Mail will bo collected once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Miss Nellie Wheeler was yesterday ac- cldently thrown from a horse on Madi son street She was attended by Or. Montgomery who is her guardian. She remained unconscious for some time but her injuries are not of a serious nature. The boat club have sent W. II. Ohio- macher cast to procure more shell boats. Ho left yesterday for Cedat Kapids , Clin ton and Dixon , 111. , for that purpose and will purchase a four-oared shell , also a four-oared baige. All classes of St. Francis' academy are dismissed until Tuesday afternoon on account of .Miss ( JertrudeSoheiik's death. The funeral , Tuesday , 9 a. m. , fiom St. Francis Xavier's church. The following shows are booked at Dohany's in Juno : K. T. Stetson' . ? com pany , omj week , beginning .Juno ( ! ; Ji-f- leris Lewis on the Ifith , and Kd llarn- gan's company on the ! ! 0th. Whether the merchants will decorate their buildings generally to-day remains to be seen. So tar , the show windows of Messrs. Harkness Bros. , the Council Ulufl's Carpet company ami J. Goldberg W arc all the decorations to be seen. Soldiers and citi/.cnsl Do not forget to attend the dinner and .supper given to-day at the llluo Front , No. fU8 Broad way , by the Methodist ladies. Dinner will be served from 11 a. m. till 2 p. m. Supper from fi till 10 p. m. Strawberries nnd ice cream at all hours. Dinner and supper 25 cents each. Ice cream and strawberries 2u cents. The Hamblutonian stallion , Arbitrator. can be scon at my stable on Fourth or Bancroft btrcets , three doors south of Uattunhaur's carriage repository. He is n grandson of Uy.sdyko's Hainblctonian on the hire side , and a grandson of Mom- brine chief on the dam side , the ac knowledged principal products of speed and general purpose hor&es in America , and Arbitrator is no exception to the rule. Ho is a horse of reat individual merit and speed , and for the purpose of convincing the breeders of high bred horses that he is all that is claimed of him , I will speed him a ten or twenty- mile dash on the road to GOO pounds' weight with any stallion owned in the country. Ureeders of high bred hordes will make a note of this and carry it in their hats , as the owner of these horses puts all the money he has or can bor row into straight horses , and not into books , pamphlets and wind , talking nbout their forty-second cousins' per formances. Also Colonel Hoove , bred by W. 11. II. Colby , of Fort Dodgo. la. , hired by Starlight - light , by Star of the \ \ est. dam by Coupon pen , Jr. , b > Coupon , by Uyhdvke's Ham- bletonian. This colt is a stranger in a strange land , but his breeding is cer tainly all any man could wish for. His great and positive individuality , his true anil powerful stride , his wonderful con stitutional powers , and his powerful steel-converted frame work , insure for him a career that will place him among the grandest stallions in the west. D. GUAV. I'ernonnl T. 1) ) . Baldwin is home from the east. D. S. Lake of Shenaudoah is an Ogden guest. QC. S. Williams of Sturgis , la. , is at the Ogdon. Charles liolink , of Jefferson , is at the Ogden. C. W. La Fuo , of Lemars , is at the licehtele. Ueorgo W. Hewett , of Orange City , is in the city. C. T. Matthews , of Baltimore , is a guesl at the Ogden. George Kdmunuls , of Buffalo , N. Y. . is nt the 1'anlic. W. F. Coleman , ol Akron , O. , is a guesl at the Pacific. (5. ( G. Lawrence , of Jefferson , is a guesl at the Ogdun. Mrs. C. C. Crispan of Loveland , is vis- Uing the family of Fred Lout/.ingor. In every trial beside other stoves the Quick Mi-al beats in baking and onovun point. Sen it ; try it. COLI : & Cote , 41 Main street , sole agents. Mrs. George II. Champ now coos to Belvidoro , III. , to attend the wedding ol her friend , Miss Foote , and from there she will go to her old homo m La i'orie , Ind. , on a visit. Mrs. W. W. McCJuaid who has been visiting Mrs. C. 1) . Uoyd through her re cent Him'- : , has been called to her homi in St. I'aul by a telegram announcing the illne.-s of her daughter. F. A. Sprague , of the Sandwich nianu facturing company , has been a "p.v" toi two years past , but is now a "papa , " tin second boy arriving yesterday. The littli follow begins life enthusiastically , am with twelve pounds of active , promising boyhood. K. Shawvan , of Dennison , was in tin city yesterday , en route for Stuart to do hvor the addicts there to-day in conncc tion with the decoration day services Mr. Shawvan is a young attorney of lim Rbillly , and will doubtless give the Stuar folks an address worthy of the occasion The Centaur wnd Acme Bicveles ar ) old by the Mueller Music Co. They an is line n road wheel as there ta in. th narkct' . " ' ' POLLITICS IN MOTION , The Local Trouble In the Building of Undo Gain's ' New House. SUNDAY MEMORIAL SERVICES Decorative E\crclncH To-liny I'roy- re" * of ttic Pool Tournament Sundry Sunday Items. Molngg In and About tbo IJIufTs. A I'ollllcnl lltilldlni ; . A kettle of political llsli ho. " been stow ing : it thu new government building , and has now reached thu boiling point. Few of the clti/.ons who have watched admiringly the stone walls rise In their beauty and grandeur arc familiar with the political complications and the per sonal controversies in the unwritten his tory of the work. If thu circumstances attending the erection of thu building are of like char acter with the local events which have como to thu knowledu of thu Hi : : : , it is evident there arc more politics than bricks in Undo Sam's new house. Mr. O. J. King , of Corning , was first .Dpointcd as .superintending architect , lis only weakness seems to havu been hat ho was a republican. Mr. I'usey , , vlio as congressman had much to do fu lUcnring tliu aupropnation for the build- ng , is said to have felt it to bo his duty ; o have one of his brother democrats se cure the sj ? a day , which this position ) ays. Mr. King stepped down and out , uid Mr. Maxon , a democrat , stepped into ii place. A. night watchman for the building thu d and well known citi/.on , " ( .id" Kob- i on , as lie is familiarlv called , was chosen , it being deemed well that a dem ocrat should have this income ot ? 00 a nonth. The duties of this position are mplied in the name , but they are not , 'cry arduous. It seems that it was nee- .ssary to have onic one to look out lest ome mischievous boy should run away iVilh onu of the stone walls , or some Irunken fellow should tip over thu tower , 'laving thus provided for two of the .tauncli . democrats , the victors seem greedily to reach after the rest of the polls. When Mr. King was given the poMtion of superintending architect , Mr. C. K. ' 5cll was appointed as his clerk to keep he books and accounts Mr. Hell s a worthy young man n , jrotlior of M K. Hell , the supervising rchitect of the treasury at Washington. The young man has lilted the position cry acceptably , an'l when Mr. King was upplanted by the present democratic superintendent , Mr. Maxon , Mr. Hell was retained. Mr. Ma.xon has apparently been very friendly to Mr , Hell and fully satisfied with thu manner in which Lis ; luties havu been performed , but Mr. Hell s another one who is unfortunate enough o be a republican. Besides being a republican. Mr. Hull is said to havu been so foolish as to .liter complaint in accordance with lis ideas of his duty. Ho did tot think that Gid Kobinson was Dcrforming the duties of night watchman is ho should , and on calling Hobison's attention to thcc matters , war at once opened between them. Hell reported "lobinson to Mr. Maxon. Thu latter re el-red him to Mr. Puscy. Mr. Pusoy advised Hell very friendly to go right nlong and do what he deemed to bo his iluty in regards to reporting causes of complaint coming to his knowledge. Mr. "Jell did so , and made final complaint , nsisting upon Robinson's discharge. Mr. Maxon is said to have been per suaded by Mr. Pusoy not to take any steps toward securing Robinson's dis charge , as the latter was a democrat , and tersonal and political reasons forbade. After complaining in vain to Mr. Maxon and the local leaders of the ieniocracy , Hell wrote to Washington , stating the causes of complaint , asking for his removal , and declaring that if Kobuibon was not removed , no , Bell , would resign. As soon as this letter reached \ \ ashington a telegram was re ceived instructing Maxon to remove Ilobinson. Since then Milt Holiday , one of the attaches of the democratic paper , of which Postmaster Uowinan is tliu owner , has been tilling the position but has been deemed by the democratic leaders is only a temporary substitute , they being intent on securing Robinson's re instatement. Postmaster Howman's mis sion to Washington some weeks ago is said to have been in Robinson's interest. The vials ot wrath arc now being poured upon Hell'.s head for his action in thu matter. For a republican to hold any position about the government building was , of itself , a grievous outrage in the eyes ol Messrs. Pusey , Howman ct al. , but when this republican dared to utter what he deemed just causes of complaint against a democratic employe , his sins became unpardonable. Mr. Maxon seems to have had no wish or cause for seeking Hell's removal , but the local lead ers of the democracy so or dered , and ho hud to obey. A letter was prepared for him to sign , recommending the removal of Hell ami the appointment ot a democrat. He was urged to sign it , but nrotcstcd against the injustice of it. The pressure has been kept upon him for several months , however , and doubtless there appeared before his eyes the vision of the possibility of losing his own oilicial head should ho refuse to comply with thu demands of the ox-congressman and the present post master. Dr. Maxon seems to have been too conscientious to be willing to sign a recommendation lor the removal of a re publican who was performing his duties faithfully , but as a compromise to consci ence he was at last prevailed upon to sign a letter to the department stating that ho "had no objections" to such a change being made. With this sort cf quasi en dorsement of thu superintending archi tect , the section bosses of the party made another appeal to Washington. It has resulted in Mr. Hull's head being taken oil'at last. It is understood that ho has been thus removed to make room for K. A. Troutnian , n pet of tliu party , who as a great friend of Howman , Pusoy , ct al , has been well cared for. He has been city clerk , alone losing that position , was given the deputy United States marshal.ihip , and now another place is provided for him. The change is expected to bo mad c with the opening of the incoming month. The move to follow this is the re-instato- mcnt ot Ilobinson , and then with the po sitions tilled with tliOMj selected b\ Messrs. Pusoy and Uowman , they will doubtless bo satisfied. Just what benctit accrues to the govern nient , or to the city , which takes such pride in this building , by those changes made purely for political purposes , does not appear. It also seems strange that the monopoly of distributing the partj patronage should bo given wholly intc the hands of Messrs. I'usey and Howman Latest improved gasoline stoves at No 504 Main street , W. A.ood. . Cheap storage in either small or car load lots at No * . 23 , 24 and 20 Pearl street J , K. Snyder. _ J. W. & K. L. Squire make bcautifu abstracts of title , and deserve tliu succesi they are enjoying. Drs. Hanchott < fc Smith , ofllcc No. 19 Pearl st. , residence 120 Fourth bt. Tele phouo No. 10. Lime , cement , plaster , hnir , coal , etc. Council Hlum > Fuel company , No. &S ! Uroudway , telephone ISO. & GO'S , Peoples' ' Store LAWN WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. SPECIAL SALE DURING THIS WEEK. Tills department is now In'lm full of all tltc latest sti/les and prettiest tturns pivodiicetl tins season. To create a boom for this week me > /J'er the folloivlnu extraordinary At 3c Per Yard 500 pieces choice Lawns ; worth Oc. At 5c 3 cases good Lawns , 32 inches wide ; worth lOc. At 8c and lOc The very host yard wide Paci fic Lawns , sold elsewhere for 12. ic to At 12c and 15c 100 pieces , 40 inch wide Fig- ired India Linen , our own importation , and exclusive patterns , equal to anything you can find 1'or 25c per yard , it 12Ao and 15c. WE ALSO OFFER : GOOD PRINTS AT 3c Per Yard , BEST PRINTS AT Oc Per Yard. GOOD GINGHAMS 5c Per Yard , BEST DOMESTIC GINGHAMS 8c and lOc Per Yard , 3 cases Oxford Sateen , elegant pattern , At 5c Per Yard. 100 pieces yard wide Foulard Sateens , At lOc Per Yard. 2 Cases Extra Fine Choice French Patterns Sateens At 12c , life and 20c PER YARD. ALSO SPECIAL : BARGAINS WHITE GOODS ! White and Ecru Box Patterns at About Half Price. NRY EISEMAN ( fi CO.'S ' People's Store , Hos , 314,316,318 , , and 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL U LUFFS , - - - I A X , Jl. rrompt attention given at mail ortlert , and samplescheerftilli jitrnit-hed upon application. FARM LANDS CHEAP Fanning land's In Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas and ranging from fi.OO to 10 00 per ncro. JSehool and xtato lands In Minnesota on 30 years' tnno 5 per cut interest. Lnnd Huyer.s fare free. Information , etc , given by No. 55 , ) Hrondway , Council HliifTs , In\va , agent for Freidriksen ft Co. , Chicago. ( Successors io ) HAYS & GLEASON , Commission and Produce Merchants , neuter * In Groceries tint ! I'rorlsions. Satisfaction tiuttrantccd * A'o. 11. &oit Mttln Street. TME TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No 2)15) ! ) ) Sired by Almont Xo : it ; , and "Kcgl-tiT. " ( Standard No'J. . Sired by Tramp No. 1)08. ) The-i1 stallions will make thu reason of 18S7 at the Coun cil Hlulls Driving Park. For particulars inquire of or address , WADE CARY , Council Hlulls , la. JOHN V. STONE. JAL'Oll blUS STONE < 5 SIMS , Attorneys at Law , notice in the St.xtc and Con rts Rooms 7 and S Shngart-Heno Hlock. Cot'NC'iL Hi.UKfS. OFFICER .C I'USEY , Council Hlttirs.Iowa. Established 185T. It. ItlCE , M. I ) . Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the knile or Drawing o Hlood. Over0 ! ! vears Practical experience. No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. jv. SCIIURZ , Justice of the Peace. Oilice over American Kxprcss. line a. complete line of lid 11 Millinery , I.nrpo huts in white , blnck nnd nil colors. .Pat tern bonnets huts mul toqtius , iidpecinlty. No 1514 Douglus St. , Omnhn. LATEST NOVELTIES hi Amber , TortoiseSlicll etc.Hair , Or naincnts , us s , , * well as the * O | newest nov- cities in hair I' goods. Hair goods imulcto order Mrs. C. L. Gillette 20 Main St. , Council lUull's , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to. SPECIAL NOTICES. BdvertlBomonts , such in Lost , Found 'joLonn , For S.Uo , To Hunt , ftnnts. Honnlltitr , etc , will ho Inserted in thU column ut the low ratool TEN CUNTS 1'IUl LINE foritio Orel Insor- ionnnd I'ivoConti Per LI no for each subsequent insertion. Lci\vo nilvurllsOmiMits nt our olHio Nil. U I'curl gticct , near ilroadwjr. Council Uluffs. WANTS. reward for the ictiirn of my old IIIIKHAL - buy horse. Lump under chin , trray hnlrs uljout bead. Julius I'mil , No. KOI Utiistreet. WANTUD To engage twrnty-flvo straw berry pickers for the Konpon. llotfin to pick next Tuesday. I > . J. Smith , South 1'irat street. WANTKD I'sstry cook at Hcchtcl'B hotel , Council IllullH. " | jKK SALK A span of lartro Mack horses , -I ? with harness , weiKht ntxnitU'.HW pounds. Sound , ifontlc. nnd Rood drivers. Will sell one or both. Address : A. | J. Mundcl , 3x'5 llroad- way. F OK SALE A KOml pcddllnir wagon , or will trndu for frond liuygy. Address : A. J. Man- dflUU6 Urouuwiiy. TTOH TllADK A section of ( food Innil In Lin- 4 coin county , Nob. , for u Hock of hard ware. Address Odi'll llros. & Co. , No. lit ] 1'earl utreo. Council Illullp. or corner Fai-niuu nnd Ifith streets , Omiihn TKAVKD-Or Stnlim Two hint doKB. Ono S roil spotted. One rod ith nickel plated plated collar miirkod "J. II l'op | | > , Atlantic , la. " Liberal reward for tliolr rotuin to J. II. 1'oppo , Xo. I.'IT Sixtli street , Council Illuiru. > OIl ItKNT-Ono olllco and ono buslnt' s IJ room iH'ixr the now postollico on Ilroadway , Ono Iho room liousi * . $12. (1. Mnyne. No. R.HJ Sl\uh nvo. "IJ OIl SALK A stocit Konornl merclmndlso in -L n Kood town in western Ioi\a. A tlr t- cliiss cliunco for anv one wishing to I'Uk'iii.'O In liusliu'93. Stock will invoice nbout fM and will bo sold chenp Tor further Informntlnn Inciuirool M. \ ' . . SMiilth * Co , Oiimtm , or N. C. riilllips , llroker , No. 11U Drondwiiy , Council JllulU. FOU SAL-Or ! Trade Six sections of Rood land In Lincoln county. Noli , on I' . P. rnllwiiy. Cull on or inVlrt-83 Udell llro * . & Co. , lO'l I'eiirl st. , Counci NOTICK Will pny the liluhost price for first- class cnM-olf lady's , Kents mid chlldrun'a clothmir , boots , Hbocs , lints , etc. I ) . Coldstelu , Nos. " 17 nnd s Ilroudwuy. JInitHO Cleaiitnc ' is to bo done by nearly all the ladies in the spring. Now is the right time to do this. For ladies , it is a disagreeable but unavoid able work , and we make the oiler to tlo the most troublesome work of all , that is TO CLKAN THK CAUPKTS. Wo clean the carpets , velvets , mo < iuottcs , brussels , or any other kind of carpets , without taking them up. Wo guarantee THAT THK lAHt'KT WILL III ! 1'KHKKUTLV CLKAN , THAT Till : COI.OKS AUK KFSrOHKD , and that no dust will bo left in the car pet. Wo guarantee our work and refer to prominent parties in this city , Send us a postal card nnd wo will call upon you and explain in what way our cleaning takes place. U. A. FISIIKK , No. 023 Sixth Avenue , Couucil Ulutl's. Jf yon arc thinl > iny a carpet , call on us. Jt is a pleasure to shotv tjoods and ivt- hare the yooils to , s//oiw. / We are the only exclusive carpet house in Western Jtni'tt , antl tindtmr stock In consequence is t > t i/ond comparison n-ith htnises that pretend to be In the carpet business We tjnttrtintee to sell all aoods as cheap as they can lie sold and leave us a small maryin. No bitprices. . Our specialty is Carpets and we can i/on aice prices that will surprise you. you.A A full and complete stock of Draperies and Upholstery always on hand. We also hare the flnctf line of liny * crcr seen in the ii'et , ranyintj in price from > 0 cents to tts many dot- Ittrs. -iVoiic but experienced carpe Ittyers and drapers employed , and all work done under the immediate supervision of our Mr. Stockert. JV. / { . Samples of Curpc's 'sent upon application antl the very low est prices guaranteed. COUNCIL BLUFFS Carpet Company , No. 405 BROADWAY , Council It I u MM REAL ESTATE , Vacint Lots , Lnnd" , City Rpoldencps nnd Fnrnis. Aero piopcrty \\ostern tmrt of city. All selling oh cup to nmko room for pprinsr stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Room 5 , over Ofliccr & I'UBoy's Hank , Con HluITs. E. S. BAItXETT , Justice ot the Peace , 410 Uroadway , Council Binds. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. Horses g Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select fioin. Several paira of fine drivers , sin gle nr do'-blc. MASOa WISE , Council Bluffs CROCKERY , LAMPS , GLASSWARE , - AND - FINE POTTERY. I * rices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , JVO. V.V MA IX .ST. , COVXC1L MLUMS , : : 1A. C. B. ALLEN , Engineer , kvejorMapPublisher , J\'o. 11 Xorth Main St. City and county maps , of citlos anil counties in western lown , Nehraika and Kn ORESTON HOUSE. Tfieonly Hotel in Council Bluffs Having a Fire Escape. And All Jlodcrn Iiiiiirnrr.nunit-i. 215 , 217 and 210 Main St. MAX M01IX , 1'rop. Star Sale Stab/es anil Mule Yards Urondwuy , Couucil lllulls , Opp Dummy Depot _ _ Horses and mulct > kept constantlyon hand , for sale nt retail or in car load Orders promptly tilled by contract on short notifo. Stock sold on cnmmliion. . SiiLi'TKK iV lioi.Kv , I'ropnetors. Telephone No. 114 Formerly of K il .Salo. Stables , corner lit. uvo ; and lih street. ELECTRICITY > DR. RICHARDS' ' Electric Bath Rooms and Offlci No. 607 Mynster St. , Council Bluffs. One Square North of the P. O. Bu ilding Treatment and Baths Given Ladies by Mrs. Dr , Richards on Tuesday , Thursday & Saturday. Electricity is a remarkable nauiralagcnt which has lonj ; been known and utilised as a remedy for disease and continued experience has enlarged its sphere of useful ness and improved its appliances by which it is employed until its utility a n.l virtue has become second to no other known remedy , in the treatment of ceitain forms of disease. This agent is employed here in all it's most serviceable forms by the aiil of large batteries , static mnchhfcs , electric cabinet baths , electric water Uath , the elec tric chair and electrodes for treating all pail ; , of the body. We are prepared to do all that can be done with these yrcat letnedies. In cases of Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Paralysis , Spinal Irritation , Rectal Diseases , Nervous Diseases in females arising from Uterine disorders and many other chronic anil subacute tumbles , it staiuls at the head of all known rcmcdice or methods cure. A thorough study of it for years andthe _ successful treatment of hundreds of cases , after all other remedies had fail ed , is sufficient evidence of its gi cat worth and perfectly satisfies usith its good cll'ccts on the diseased body. In the great hospitals and sanitarians of America and Europe , electricity is leading all other methods of treatment. In all leading colleges tlie professors are teaching electricity as one of the potent remedies and a special chair is appointed in many of them. Many ol the ablest physicians of all schools are making a specialty ol'electrieitv to the exclusion of almost everything else. This great remedy has often fallen into disrepute by being recommended and used by persons , anil ph\sicians , perfectly ignorant of its pioperties anil powers , who would as often advise and use the wrong cuirent as the right one or depend upon it in for which it is not adopted. We ate sine that when tin1 people become educated in the use ot electricity ( or many diseases with which the body Is afllicted and find the great good therein , the medicines and patent righted nos trums upon \\hich they now rely will grow old and dusty on the shelves. Electricity is nature's great remedy and to fully understand and skilfully apply it is our cllbrt and aim in life. For further information call at the oflice or send for de scriptive and illustrated pamphlet on Electricity and Electro Therapeutic Baths , by DR. RICHARDS , GOT Mynster Street , Council Bluffs , la. o. cr. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council ISIulfr Office , 9IiiNoiifc Temple. Omaha Oilice , J\o 111 Xorlli I ( fill Ntreet. Particular attention given ( o In- vehtint ; funds lor non - resi dent * . Special bargain * In l il < * fc acre properly In Omaha \ Coun cil KluUN. C'orrctpoiuleuce itcd. Swanson Music Company , No. 329 Broadway Council Bluffs ESTEY PIANOS , GAMP & CO.'S PIANOS , ALSO PIANOS OF OT11KK MAKES. Estey Organs , Gamp& Go.'s ' Organs and Western GottageOrgans' A few comments regarding the Estcy Pianos. In every civilixed country on the globe this name of Esti y is a household word with lovers of music ; it is a guarantee for the exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments , bearing the name that com mands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm. 1 i * 2 GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa Mnil Onlera Shinned 1'roniiitly. ui j' a.i.tn6 ' ,11 . . , : 'iAi 'iAiV