Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1887, Page 4, Image 4
* . * % i - * -v " * frA. * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY. MAY 30 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE , PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TEHMS Of SUIISCIltrTIO * < ! Dnlly ( Mnmlaif Killtlon ) IticlwlliiB Uundftjr HKK , OMH Yonr . tK > V FnrBlxMontlM . 6 ( rurThrpn Months . 2h J'lio Onmhii .Smiilny HER , inullod to nnjr address , Una Vcnr. . . . " W nmr-K. NO , on Axn M1 PAtmv PTIWFV ttrw VOIIK orrrrK , llnovi . Tiiini'vr. IIIMIIIIMI omcE , No. lu ruuiiTiR-un BIH T connr.5PONDr.NCE ! All communication" ! rclntlnif to news nmlodl torlal innttur ulumlJ bo uU'lrussud to thu Kui roil or TUB DEK. IIIISINKSS t.r.rrtns ! All Imtlnoss lutlum anil rmnlttnncut riiauld In ililroniixl to TUB llt I'uiu.istttMi COMCAST OMAIU , Draft" , chock * mul poitofflrti order to bo lutvlo puyublo to thu ordtr of thu con-puny THE BEE POBLISHIlTcIPW , PBQPaiftOBS , E. ROSEWATER , Entrnn. TI1K HAIIjY IJEE. Sworn Statement of Circulation. State ( it Nebraska , 1 , County of Dnindan. f ' s > ( ! i' < > . II. T/.scliucK , secretary of The Hei Publishing company , does solemnly SWIM tlml thu actual circulation of the Dally liei for tlio week ending May 27 , ISW7 , was a follows : Saturday. Mny 21 11.37 .Sunday , May ' -J3 13.07. . Monday. May ai 11,37 Tuesday , Ma-'J ! . Wednesday. May 25 13,77 Thursday. May'JO 13W Friday , May 27 U , ) Average 14.0. > OKO. H. TrnrcK. . Subscribed and sworn to beloro inu till Sist day of May , Ibs7. N. 1' . Kr.n. , [ SKAL. ] Notary I'ubllc. ( loo. II. T/.schuek , holni ; lirst duly sworn ik'poM'S and hays that ho Is serrelary ot Th lire Publishing company , tliat tlio nctun Rvcrngo dallvcltuulntion of the Dally Dee fo the month ot i , U-1)A ) roiiins ; lorhint IB.VI , iu. ! iScoilcs ; for .Inly , ihsr , , l'JU4 : copies for August , 1S--6 , tt-Wl ! copies ; for HeptPin her , 11M1 , iiu0 : : ! conies ; for October , 1-K 12.h9 ' copirs ; for November. IHSO , i,3l : ! copies ; for December , 1S.SO. 13,237 copies ; fo January , Ibb7 , 10,200 cople.s ; for February 1BS7 , U.IOS copies ; for March , Ifct37 , 11,40 copies ; for April , lbS7 , 14.iUl : copies. ( ! io. : II. T/HCiii'CK. Subscribed anil sworn to before nio this 711 day of May , A. I ) . , IW. ISKAL.I N. 1' . Kiir. , Notary Public. TIIUIK is a line opening for ugood call inut tntiknr in France. r MA.IOU IJr.x : PIULUV : Poour. is dead f Ho took bis colon with him. 5 , Tin : Italian Riveria continues to havi the shakes. Wo would suggest a big dos of qtiinino. Sror building tinder boxes nnil fir trans , whether of frame or bricl veneering. OMAII v continues to bo the great rclig ions center of tlio United States. NUN on the programme is thcLutuurngenuni synod. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIIKKK is no indication that the ro.i estate boom will let up. Now real cstal agents still continue to sprout in Dinah more profusely than weeds after May shower. THE old Fargo , Dakota , insurance com pany , according to a recent dispatch , ha assists of ? 5,000 to pay liabilities of $125 , 000. This is even worse than the old concern corn at Beatrice was a short time ago. m THE authorities at Helena , Arknnsai have flccurcd requisition papers for Kis sane , the Sonoma millionaire of Call fornia. William will probably got anothe chance to deliver a prepared iinproinpl speech to a judge and jury. WHEN the HUB stated that Senate Liuiuger is on record against the couvtc labor contract bill it told the truth. Mi MeShano's chronic liar only adds insul to injury when ho asserts that Mr. Lir ingcr voted for the bill. Let him produc the record or stand self-convicted as libeller. Piioi-'issou Wiooixs , by whom a lonj. suffering world allows itself to bo hun bugged. l as hail the unadulterated impt donco to venture another prediction. W had hoped there was some clause of th intor-stuto law which would choke ofTth predicting professor , but it appears th : ho yet has sway. OMAHA should build moro brick bulk iups and fewer frames , linck and ston buildings create an impression of stabi ity and solidity that frame structures u matter how costly cannot give. Brie houses are lets liable to cause a disa trous conflagration. The only drawbac in Omaha to-day is the excessive cost < brick and stone. Wo must have eheapt brick and an extension of tlio lire limi over the entire area within one mile < the court house. WHV don't MoShano's editor produc a statement from Hon. C. J. Smyth I sustain his slanderous charge about th penitentiary convict labor contract. M Smyth is a democrat and nol likuly to b partial to n republican paper. Ho he the conlidoncn of the workingmen ( Omaha and is on record as a steadfai opponent of the convict labor contrac 2li 2 bill. If McShano's editor can induce Mi li Smyth to contradict our statement m an liA. particular wo will plead guilty to tl A. charge , otherwise the workingmcn wi believe him to bo a slanderer and an in mitigated fraud IT is reported that the Ohio friends ( Governor Forakor are again angry bi causo-of a repetition of the charges thi the governor is disloyal to Senator She man. These sensitive person ? ! , who ai doubtless the same that came to the d. . fonso of the governor a oouplo of moat ! ngo , are more likely to do him harm thn good by their oxeossivo zual , since sue exaggerated solicitude is apt to invite dl trust. Doubtless the bust reason thai has over boon to question the loyalty < Forakor to Sherman was found in tl fact that these friends of the govorm I manifested an almost indecent cage ir ness , under the circumstances , to maui Btl facluro a boom for him. It doo.s not a ] Bl pear that they ever received any c th couragumont in this from Forakor , at : it is undoubtedly unjust to suspect hi ; of any other than the most hearty d < sire to promote the chances of She wan. Ho is on record as an u qualified supporter of the senator for tl republican nomination in 1833. and straightforward political record thus f justiltca conlldonco in the sincerity i Governor Forakcr'a present profession Wo have no doubt no will bo safer stand upon this record , so far as the par nt largo la concerned , than to depot upon the vindication of his too scnsitlv And fot'Vout friends. A Few Fnots. The Uir. : Is avowedly an nntl-monopol ; The llr.n Is notoriously a paper given ovc o runnlm : local alTalrs. The HIM : has bcon remarkably silent on th 'as monopoly question. The editor of the Hii : : has been scon no ess than four times In the last week In cloa onsultatlon with the president of the ga nonopoly. Hear ! hear ! Mm A. .1/r\S/iiiitc' / Sheet. Hear , oh hoar , a few cold facts. Th Ir.i ; is now and always has been oppose o monopoly In every shape and fort vliurc honest competition is practicable Hit it will never knowingly countonanc or connlvo blackmailing schemes , eve mder the pretense of breaking down a odious monopoly. When the bogus ga' company , inrorpc rated by certain parties last year , aii icaleil to the council to take away th ranchiso of the existing gas compan mder pretense that it would give Omah relief from exorbitant gas bills the UK iirncil monopolist and opposed the ban accd scheme. When Mayor IJoyd votoe , ho lirst ordinance granting a franchis to tlio new gas company the Hr.n com nentod on the veto as follows ; Mayor lioyil's veto of the ordinance gran ni ; the right of way through our streets an alleys to a corporation which proposes to c < abllsh gas works in Omaha , in competltioi with the existing company , causes much m 'avorable commiiiit.Vohavonot load tli uayor's veto In full nor have we been abl .0 . procure a copy of the vetoed ordinauci On general piinciplcs It would bo unlalr 1 grant promhcuou- > rlglits-ot'-w\y \ 'to paitk who propose to build as works in Omah ; because such a grant in the hands of unprii clpled adventurers or schemers mlirht bo use as a means to levy blackmail on tiie oxhtin gas company. If , however , the ordlnanc contains piovlsions that would prevent tl nlsuso of thi ) grant , coupled with re.isonabl guarantees that the new company will eiec works and supply cheaper g.ts to the public theio Is no valid excuse lor a veto. While wo doubt whether Omaha Is larfi Miough to support two gat compin es , it naiulestly the Intctest of our city to secut competition or such concessions fiom tl gas company In the matter of rates as wi imku competition unprofitable. The old council sustained Mayn Lloyd's veto and a new ordininui : ; was u Lroduccd in the present council. Tli 15ii : : promptly oxprosscd its views in tli following editorial : \ material tcductlon in the price of gas always welcomed by any community. Tin Omaha wants cheaper gas cues without haj Ing. The reduction of GO cents per 1W Ceet In. the price ot her gas supply whit Is promised by tlio now gas company Is powerful Incentive for granting a franchis Wo would , however , venture some silage Lions to the council which should be ei bodied In the gas ordinance : 1. Tlio franchise should bo limited ' twenty-live or thirty years , and subject t repeal In case of violations of contract 1 the cas company. Thu ordinance , as Intr duced , is practically perpetual. 2. No riifht of way should bo grante tlnough any paved thoroughfare except i alley crossing- * . All pas mains should L laid in the alleys and nil connections wit building should bo made from the main laid in the alleys. Omaha has expended so' oral million dollars for paving and we coul better afford to submit to high priced gi than allow our paved streets to be torn u and ruined by gas tienches. To dig ditcht on Farnam , Douglas or llarnoy streets ever twenty-two or thirty-throo feet wotil simply ruin the whole pavement The no1 s company should bo required to lay 1 mains In thojalleys , and the old compai should hereafter bo restricted to the alle ; where now mains nro to bo laid. I'rovlslii should also be made to require gas compatii to pay tlio cost of. repairing pavements ; streets and alloys damaged by dlggiii trenches for their mains and laterals. And now for a few Bolder facts. \ \ plead guilty to the charge that the editc of the HUE has held several conferenci with Mr. l rauk Murphy , president of tl gas monopoly , within the past ten day Duo of these conferences was to asce tain whether the gas monopoly wou volunteer to reduce its price of gas , so i to give Omaha cheaper gas without tea ing up its paved streets. Mr. Murphy expressed a willingness ' reduce the price of gas within a voi short p'jriod. and assorted that the pn joctors of the now gas company coul not furnish gas for $1.25 per 1,000 feet , bi merely wanted a franchise to sell out. Unmindful of this assurance the oditi of the BEE has personally urged mon bors of the council totreduco the price < gas and out down by changing one-ha of the city street lamps from an all uigl service to a moonlight schedule. 15 thu coldest of cold facts is thu disclosut made by a certain councilman that prc motors of the no , v gas company had si apart a liberal supply of gas stock ft members of the city council and tl editors who are clamoring for cheap gi and crying "Down with monopoly 1" Further particulars will bu made pul lie in duo tiuio and a calcium light wi bo thrown on the venal editors who a prowling around the Omaha salooi after midnight setting up jobs ai boodle schemes. Hoar ! Hear ! ! Hoar To Koplaco the Canons. The evils of the caucus system , suppl mented by the abuses which almost inv riably mark thu course of conveutio that are thu creation of the caucus , a well understood by all familiar with t methods of politics. Whatever may furmi ly have been now managed t expression of the caucus frequently , ai perhaps as a rule , misrepresents the tr .sentiments of the party. It is the battl ground of factions , it is the pathway which self-serving demagogues make thi way to unmuntcd recognition , and il the nursery of those vices by which t heelers and strikers in politics profit. ! much has this system degenerated in t respect of the better class of voters , tl : quite generally the caucus is Ignored them , and being thus surrendered to t worst elements of a party ( convo ntiu are composed of an irresponsible class delegates who have only their person tidvautagca in view , and most of win have their price , which may he a cons cration in hand or the assurance of . turo reward. Corruption , In whatev form , that begins in the caucus is c largud in the convention , and the win machinery is manipulated chiotly by class of politicians who would bo powi less if they went directly to the wh < body of voters of tlie party. All this has boon repeatedly point out ana dwelt upon , but the old systc still vnry generally prevails , with h ( and there certain restrictions and rogu tions that may lesson , though they dor wholly remove , the evils. Those will gotten rid of probably only by abaudc ing the system , slnco the nttoiupU to form it have not been found as satisfi tory in results as waa hoped for. Wo c J . _ ; ervc that the republicans of Cuyahogn county , Ohio , are proposing to do this ind to adopt what It known as the Crawtord county plan. " This plat vas put in operation sovcral years age jy the republicans of Crawford county 'ennsylvanla , and was found to work sc satisfactorily that It is now in force gen rally throughout that state. It has beet iitopted also in several Ohio counties where it has given entire satisfaction This plan simply is , that bcforo cvurj election , instead of holding caucuses am onventlons , each party has a prlmarj election. All the candidates for olllci ire before tlio pcoplu and are voted upon -The republican candidates who re ceive the majority of the votes of thn1 party are inado the candidates of the par M on election day , and are then votcii ipon by the dti/ons nt largo as opposed to the candidates of the other parties. Tlic course to be pur sued is thus explained bi the chairman of the Cuyahoga count ; ) republican committee : Shortly bofon the election the committee will issue : [ iroclumatlon calling upon the republics voters to assemble on a given day tc vote upon the party candidates and ox ilain tlio way in which thu balloting is tc be dono. All republican candidates wil bu requested to notify the conimlttco be Tore a certain time as to whether or no : huy desire to have their names go bufon the voters of the party at the primary election. Thu committee will then havi two sets of tickets printed at the uvpunsi of thu candidates , ouu for thu legislative candidates and the other for the count ; ) candidate * . On the legislative ticket wil be found llio names of all the known re publican candidates for Icgiolntivo lion ors and on the county ttclu-l will bo tin names of all republicans who wisl to compute for the county olliccs1 , the list being properly grouped. Those ticket will be given to the ward and townshi | commitleeincn , and will bu the HH\\ \ \ oiliciully correct ballots. On the day o thu primary olectmn the polls will hi open during a reasonable length of time from 2 o'clock in the afternoon until 8 it the evening. A voter , on receiving tin tickets , will erase sill tlio namu.s but thosi of tlio candidates for whom hu wishes t < cast his ballot. Should be be satisliei with uono of the mon who have bcci proposed to the committee as candidates blank lines will bo provided in the ticket upon which ho can write the namu.s o thoio whom he thinks should be the can didatus of the party. When the polls an closed , thu judges and clerks , who wil bo appointed by the county contra committee , will count thu ballot and forward the tally sheets to tin committee. The latter will as soon a possible canvass the returns in tlio satin mannur as they are now c\nvissed : by tin board of elections. The nainus of th candidates who have received the great ust number of votes for the dilVuren olliccs will be placed on the ropublicai ticket to bo voted upon on election day This plan would consume mon ! timi than by the old way , and pohaps bi somewhat moro expensive , but oxperi cnco with it where it has boon tried ha .shown that the re MI Its are moro satlffnu tory. it greatly reduces , if it doe.s no entirely destroy , the power of rings am factions to make up "slates" and "li tilings ; " it cuts down to a very smal margin the chances of those chron'n place-hunters who have to IOOK clnell. to the rabble in politics for nrufor ment ; it discourages the uH'orts o the demagogues and the business of th political heelers and strikers ; It shuts th door against a great dual of corruptioi that is common under the caucus am convention system. It ailbrds to ever , man who desires public ollico a full am fair opportunity to go before the poopl and demonstrate his popularity , and 01 the otliur hand it allows every voter t indicate who he prefers for any publi position , regardless of whether such poi son is named as a candidate or not. Cci rainly if under this whin the voters d not select worthy and clean mon th fault will bo wholly with themselves since they will have it in their power t defeat combinations to foist upon thei unworthy and corrupt candidates. On the Dual. A Now YorK paper throws .some ligli on the great Chicago wheat deal , furthe developments in which ate expected to b made on nuxt Wednesday , which will b another delivery day. It will then b determined whether the corner is to b carried on through Juno and the short unmercifully squeu/.od. It is stated tha a few days ape the clique recoTvod romil tances from Now York and Cincinnati amounting to about $0,000,000 , whic brought the total sum now involved i the deal up to $21,000,000. The holding of the clique in grain and options -aro c ; timated to amount to 45,000,000 bushels and as it is understood $1.15 is the iigur aimed at , if the corner is successful , th clique will win from $ " ,000,000 fc $9,000,000 , a very handsome profit for tli speculators , in which the farmers and th consumers of the country will not shari The mystery respecting the principal in this deal is not cleared up , but it 1 quite certain that several Cincinnati mil ioualrus are in the pool , and also tli Standard Oil crowd. The Nevada ban people are probably connected with i and Armour is thought to bo assisting tli manipulation by turning all of his whcr away from Chicago , though ho is undoi stood not to bo in the syndicate. No' ' York is behoved to bo represented In th clique by Kdwurd Cottrell , the heaviei speculator in the produce exchange c that city. The syndicate owns tc day about all the wheat at Chicag ( Now York , Toledo , St. Louis ami Sa 1'YAiicIseo , and probably half the stock i Liverpool , and has complete contrc of markets for this .staple a over thu world. The visible suj ply of wheat winter and spring in tli United States is about -11,500,000 bushel and this is decreasing at thu rate c nearly 2,000,000 bushels a week. In on way und another the syndicate has coi trol of all this vast product. The ind cations now are that the corner will I maintained and that the shorts will t badly hurt. But the trouble is the coi sequences will not stop with the gamble ; whose misfortune it is to bo squeeze * and for whom nobody can have any syu pathy. If tlio price of June wheat forced up 20 cents it means dlsastc to many merchants and failures in th grain trade everywhere. IT is to bo feared that the record mat by the Into legislature of Now YorK wi not redound to the advantage of the r publican party of that state. It waa m torlously and Impudently corrupt , no in the way of taking small bribes or casl contributions of boodle , as \ \ as the ca ? with the cheap boodlera of some otlie1 legislatures of tin } present year , but ii rendering service to wealthy corporation which could repay with largo rewards. AI though openly charged In the press will corruption , no notice whatever was takci of the allegation ? , which would indi catc that pretty much the entire bed was infected. Furthermore , the refusal t confirm thu nomination of Colonel 1'rci ( Irani as quarantine commissioner mad plain the fact that the bos'ibin of the "M Too" Platt crowd was complete a development thai will nu sit well on a great man ; republican stomachs in Now York Whatever may have been the motive o Governor Hill in nominating Colone ( Irani , the fact is unquestionable tha Platt Iras no proper claim to the olllc which ho continues to hold by reason o the obstinacy of the republican senate .lust al tins time il is unforlunulc for tin republican party of New York that tin additional source of dissatisfaction am discredit has been inlllctcdupon it. An. . 1'lntt has not helped the matter by olVor ing to resign on thu condition Ilia Colonel ( Irani shall bo appointed. Tin : long threatened suit again- < ( lould and Sage , by bondholders of th Kansas I'acitic railroad company , prom i us to be. rich and interesting , liouit and Sago were trustees of the company consolidated mortgage , and in the fainou deal inquired into by the Pacific ruilroai investigating committee llusy enriehei themselves haiidsomely. When ( Souli and Sago were lately on the slantl an were questioned touching this triiitccslii their answers wore followed with cqua attention by a committee of the bond holders , who are seeking to gut prope foundation- , for their suit for damage- ; They churn to have what evidence i necessary to make ( lould and Sage ( ii. gorge some of their fortunes. Tli elastic conscience and automatic ineinor of Mr. ( iould will here be given a Hold t show themselves at their bust , and Mi Sage , who po.-sussos the happy ecrut c knowing how to swallow himself , wil also , no doubt , make an exhibition thn will cause the Irionds of Ananias to sc thai Ihuir lamented friend did not knoi thu elementary principles of lying. Wr. do not wish lo muddle with th business of the police commission , bu we iiobiro to impress upon them that the never can expect to succeed in any rail : cal improvement of our police forcu i they .start oul by retaining all the subor dinate ollicers that have served uiulr Marshal CummiiigH , The trouble wit our police force has been a slack disc pline , caused chiejly by the casy-goinp devil-inay-curc-wyy of thu officers of tli force. The now clijuf of police cannc bring about the de-fired reforms unless h has competent anil eflicient aids wh enter into thu spirit of the new departur and will take pride in the soldierly bcarin and genllemanly conduct of our polici men. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STATI-TANo TI JitliTloiv. Nebraska Jottings. Tim Noligh board of trade is grease for business. Grand Island is threatened with an other daily paper. The Falls City cannery will begin operations orations this week. Tim IXchango hotel in Ashland is heap of 'jurnt ruins. I'lattsmouth hopes to wear a new dope in iho sweet by and by. A $10,000 block will add considerable t the shape of Columbus this suasou. Thu city council of Grand Island ha declared war on houses of ill-fame. lloldrogc has cornered a firebug. II touched thu insurance companies to often. Thu only genuine Indian club in th statu is at Genoa. It is a knotty pcaoi maker. The slatn institute for the feeble mimic at lieatrice , opened up last week will lifly unfortunates. Crctq will brighten up this season wit the Missouri Paciiic extension and a electric light system. The -season of hickory-nut hail is pasl None smaller than geese eggs will rccoiv paragraphic mention. Captain Warren , of Wahoo , is laid u with countless sores and battered bones the result of a runaway. A gang of burglars made several proli' ' less raids on thu residents of Walioo la * week and left the town in disgust. 1' . Kdgchill , of Fairmount , was caugli on horseback by a lightning Hash an severely , though not fatally , burned. Robert Spieor , a fourteen-year Edga boy , became attached to a runawa mule's halter and was dragged to dcatl A $25,000 hotel and mammoth foundr are among the latest additions to Davi City's enterprise. Uoth nro sure thing ! Wahoo is ready to give a franchise t any company that will furnish tint cit with a direct pressure system of watt works. A baud of forty gypsies are picking u dollars and clothes-lines in Ihu noighboi hood of Blair by stufling the superstition with "revelation1 ! . " McCook has induced Cincinnati ca | italists to start a creamery in that oil * , The plant will cost § 7,500 and will Ij completed in thirty working days. An agent of the Omaha Southern roa has been feeling thu pulse of Plattsmout on the bonus question. No alarmin ; symptoms of liberality arc reported. A mob of Wahooafers full upon a pai of swindling quack "doctors " , compollin them to give up * notes obtained froi farmers , and fired'thorn out of town in shower of hoots. Grand Island is stiffening with pride a its starch factory advances in substantin and shapely height' , tt will bo in runnin order by fall and employ 100 hands. Th will materially lieFp the town to polls Hastings. The West Point Progress objects to th mako'iip , methods and opinions of tli HEB in ono pnragni ph , and .slices th next four from the t Doming columns < this paper , 'ihu Pr < igrcss is a clippc from necessity. The Colorado Banitjiry board nccoptc as a bluiV the threa of the Nobrask board to retaliate in kind , and decline to withdraw the quarantine against Ni braska caltlo. The state boaril must no' ' advance to batllo or coral their heifers. The Grand Island & Wyoming Contn extension of the li. & M. has steppe short at a point 103 miles west of Hi vonna. The construction gang has bee transferred to Central City , where tli company has staked out another brand Hill Stem , an impudent tramp , wr kicked out of a house in Plattsmouth fc demanding broad or blood. Who brought into court an hour afterward h produced a cortillcato that ono of li Jungs was alluded. It was evident tli hoot made him weary. The York Republican is no longer temperance organ. The W , C. T. L ladies have crimped its pretensions an outlawed it as an organ of sobriety an morals. With the tomporancu colum gone , the Republican relapses Into its natural maudlin level , Churches and school houses , a hnppl blending of figures and futures , arc mill tiplylng in the valleys and uplands of tin statu. A combination of the rod ami tin goldeii rule , properly applied , Insure ! peace , plenty andParadisu. The talk of division of Ouster county , and the unseating of lirokon How , Is rls ing in the temperature. When tin scheme comes up lor arbitration at the polls , Itrokon How promises to set on II with sutllcicnt emphasis , "thai Hie nuM generation will not forgot it. " John Router , the swindler who disap puared from Table Hock several week ; ngo , has left several cash reminders bu hind. One of ihu Pawnee cily bank : contributed sf',000 , to his pile on a forgei note , and thu banks of llumboldt am Table Hock wure confidcncud by the same means. The Cedar Hliills News , by K. K. San ders , is the latesl candidate for subscrip tion favors and fat ads. Cedar Hlutls i ; in Saundurs county , on the Lincolt branch of Iho Klkhorn Valley road. The News declares il is "earth's choicest spot u rich country and a live town contin ually on Ihe move. " The Hastings Independent whisper : into the oars of Iho Lincoln Democrat " \\lioiiHnsllngs guts Iho Missouri Pa cific , Ihu Ivunias City , Wyandottu < X Northwestern ; the Rock Island ! und one or two other roads , which arc pretty sun of coming here , it will give Lincoln tinge go by and be next in importance U Omaha. " Ilnttington furnishes a specimen o : brutality to a dumb boast that entitle- Charley Miller to n fat burth in the pcni tentiary stone pile. Miller found a neigh lor's ) horse on his land. Armed with tin \ \ ruth of ; i maniac and a fish spear , hi pursued and butchered Ihe animal in : i horrible manner. Hu was arrested am bound over lo the district court for trial Yunkton's railroad delegation tc Omaha wore caught on the fly , home ward bound , by a Milwaukee short stop , lohn McDonald. Thu tack-liaiinner car rier pressed their hands warmly shoveled -olid and labial refreshment1 into them , and with nods and winks- hint ! q. t. told them to keen quiet for : dav or two and let the Milwaukee gel iti wind. Finest L. Putnuv of Oakilale has fallen in love with thu law since hi escape fron thu paternity of the Anderson childfor tin murder of which hu was tried and ac quitted at Neligh. Ho has entered suii lor damages amounting toVJSO against I. ilowell , S. C. Fail-child , H. F. Admin and ,1. F. Hoyd. Ol this amount fcSSOwil satisfy the anguish sulVered and renew hi : reputation , thu remainder for costs. Hustings can never bo forgiven foi punishing her neighbors with a map Thu inllietion , however , did not sto * there. It has spread to other towns anc is likely to sweep thu statu. Hluo Spring- anil Wymoic are out with a combination map , like a footprint , in a mud-pnddlt \\ilh railroads piercing il from evur , point of the compass. The twins hav'i passed the spanking period andlhuircon ( lition is hopeful. Thu editor of Ihe Sutton Register re eently tickled thu ribs of Aldurinnn Shir ley. The latter laid in wait for him caught him at the town postolliuu , am tell upon his neck and wept with jov The sidewalk in the vicinity groaned nm creaked under the weight and vigor o the embrace. Shirley done up Hrowi and left him a neatly turned pair o black and tan optics. The Register i : enveloped in gloom. Rule is a Misionri point , enjoying all the benefits of driftwood commerce lloal ing by. Since the work of bridging tin river began , the townspeople have do Hut the robes of antiquity for thu toga of en terprisu , and thu result Iris been a cheer jug combination ot growth and prosper jt.y. Last Thursday evening a mass incut ing was hold and thu preliminaries ar ranged for the erection of aft 5,000 hotel a ? 10,000 school , a pork packcry to cosl $100,000 , and also to sink a coal prospect hole. There was a wild time in Wymore a few days ago and an exhibition of an atomy that wreathed the town in blushes. A wild-eyed disciple of Bacchus named John Ax , and a woman of .similar brand , were arresled for disturbing Ihe peace Both showed lighl with tliuir mouths ami declined a burth in the cooler. The woman actually stripped for the fray , This nude departure lillud the officers with dismay and tightened their grip on her back-iuur. A street car was chartered , blinds put up and Iho froth , ing ruliu of Kvo , robed in an apron string , saluly jailed. The secrcl of tlio sudden departure ol the state railroad commissioners from Norfolk is out. A meddlesome merchant who had no regard for their lundcruusi- toward Lincoln fired at thum a series ol stunning questions to this olluct : Why i. it that goods from Chicago to Lincoln are hauled from Fremont to that point , a distance of lifty miles , froo. while the rate trom Fremont lo Norfolk , seventy- nine milus , is 5) cunts pur hundred ? The commissioners were knocked gpccchlus.x by the shot und the kind hcarlud con- duclor hurried them homeward to re cuperate. . Iowa Items. Plans for Sioux City's railroad bridge have boon forwarded to Washington foi approval. Senator Allison istodolivor the univer sity oralion at Iowa Cily in Juno. Hi will speak in Ihu camnus grounds. A small insect is attacking the straw berry ciop in Washington county und many line beds of strawberry vines an almost destroyed. Dr. K. L. Mansfield , ono of the oldest and most prominent business men oi Cedar Rapids , dropped dead Thursday while riding in his buggy. Between 200 and ! > 00 business men o Dnbuquo have manifested a willingness to become members of a board of tradi and sucli an organization will soon bu ef fcotcd. A horrible murder was committed ir. Jefferson township , near Oskaloosa , las1 Wednesday. John Fall and wife wort murdered by robbers and their housi burned. Thursday afternoon a Dubuque mai named John Krieger , employed al Ihi saw mill of the Standard Lumber com pany , was crushed to death by having timber fall upon him. The hoimepaths of the state gathered in convention in Dos Molnus last wool- ami discussed ways and means to throw the race to the graveyard. It was a nota' blu gathering and divided tlio honor.- wild the eonvonlionof undertakers. Boll bodies suumed linked by uncommon ties ol tenderness. Millions of voracious worms are a work on thu shade trees of Forl Madison and unlois something is done to satmt ( their greed the trees will in a short time bo stripped of their verdure. Thu worms are from un inch to an inch and a half in length , Dakota. Barnes county pays throe cents apcc ! ( foi gopher tails. Arrangements are being made to open thu Black Hills marblu deposits. ' 1 iioj nro said lo bo grual in cxlont and tine in quality. The Bismarck tqwn'counoil had a puri tunic altack last Sunday , and in conBo qumicu the Sunday laws wuru vigorousl ) enforced. Fargo's now hotel will bo built of brick is to bu four stories high and supplim with an oluwitor and all modern con vemences. Tlio cost Is estimated ai $100,000. , The Bankers' association of Dnkot.i closed Us nidotlng at Watertnwn with f grand banquet Wednesday. Piudlicld was chosen as the place for holding the ncx annual meeting. Crop prospects in thn Black Hills com try are the brightest in the history o that region. In consequence of poor health Judg Thomas was compelled to go east , an the Rapid City term of court will not b held until .Inly. Thu hotel llarnoy of Rapid City. jti completed at a con of § 50.000 , hat bee leased for live years , and will soon b thrown open to the public. The organization of the Rapid Cit.y Wyoming Western : railroad compan , has been completed. The directors ar Kuguno B. Chapman , of Rapid City John C. Green , ot Omaha ; John 11. Chav man , of Hannilml , Mo.i Andrew .1. Sim moil * , Adulbert Wilsie and John 11. Kiiiu of Rapid City. The capital stock of th company is $1,000,000 , all of which i paid up , thus guaranteeing thu construe lion of the line so far as is now projected The articles of incorporation de.signat the route of thu compain 's lines us west ward from Rapid Cit.y to the \ \ yomiii ; line , with su J extensions in Croo county , in Wyoming , as may be deeniei nuees-tary , Iheru aru also'to bu nortl and south lines run through all the Blac Hills counties. A NICKLE-PLATED CORPSE. Tratisl'oriiilni ; n Dend Holly Into Itcnlitlful Hint ne. Now York Mercury : "Doctor , " a yotin , physician recently returned from niakinj the grand lour was asked , "what was th most remarkable thing you saw n Kuropo * " " 1 have no nusitalion in at : swuring that question , " ho rejoined "By far thu moil interesting and ru markableight that came under my ob scrvallon was a nicUu-pluled corpse " "A nieklu-plalud corpse " ' repeated hi audience ot tivu , in wide-awake ama/.u ment. "What are you giving us , doc tor" " The group were standing in Cable' Broadway place , and when a goneni moistening of lipluid been performei the Kuropuan tourist proceeded in sul stance as follows"Klectro or nickc plating is thu latest and promises to b by far thu most popular form of dealin with the dead. The corpse that 1 sav so treated was that of a young man a : only son , whose doting parents had tii body thus preserved. 1 had heard of th casu in London , ami as 1 am much intci ested in llic Mtbjuct ol thu disposition o the body after death I obtained a lotlu : of inlroduclion and was favorci with a view of the brilliant bod.y The method is bnully this : The body 'i washed with alcohol and sprinkled ovc with line graphite powder to insure th perfect conduction of electricity. It i thoii placed in a bath of metallic solutioi containing a piece of metal silver nickel or gold to be used. To this i attached the positive polo of a stroiij battery , the negative polo is applied ti the body , and a line film of thu metal a once begins to cover llic body purfuctl' ' ami evenly. This may be kept up till th cor.ting attains any desired thickness. "To tills process there docs not appua to bu any valid objection. In uflect i transforms the body into a beaulifti slalue , in which form , features and eve : expression are perfectly and starthngl ; preserved. Thu body , being licrinuti cully sealed within its niutal .inulosurc merely dries up and assumes the aspec of : i mummy. This method obviate many objections which have been urgei against other methods of disposing of tli dead , and al Ihu sumo time meets th wishes of tliosu whoM-scntimcnl , if noth ing else , inclines them to favor the or dinary way of burial. "The young man whose corpse I sav Ihus treated aceitlcntly shot himself las partridge season. Hu was engaged to bi married to a very loving and amiabl young lady. 1 was told thai shu paii regular visils lo his brilliant remains as religious enthusiasl would visit , u shrine Ordinarily the body is covered by i shroud of embroidered work of thoyounj lady's handiwork as il lies in ils long oval iron urn. " A Put-Up Job. M.Quad : We left Memphis al abou S o'clock in Iho evening , and among tin deck passengers I noticed a couple , mai and wife , who ga/.ud around as if the ; had never seun a steamboat before. The ; had an old coiicu sack with somu cloth ing in it , but no other baggago. Thcj moved about in a timid way , and boll Buemcd much afraid of Ihe water. The boal had uol gone live miles dowi Ihe river , and Ihe large number ol passengers had not vet setllud down when Ihero was an unearthly shriek , foi lowed by the cry of "man overboard ! . Thu boat was stopped and hur wheel ! backed , and after two or thruo minute : it was learned thai one of Iho couple 1 have mentioned the husband had fallei overboard. The woman "took on" in thi wildest manner , crying and moaning and wringing her hands , and when askei liow it happened , she replied : "He just dun full over full over fcl over ! " By that time It was uscloss to think ol lowering a boat. There was a swift cur rent running , and as Iho man had no cried out Ihuro could be no doubt of hi : being drowned. Every ono pitied tin woman , of course , and whun somobodj look on" his hat and dropped a live-dolla bill into it , it was a "go1' all around. / hundred dollars was raised for her in fit teen minutes , and she wunt ashore at Ibi firsl landing made by the boat , lugging f bag of clothes witli nor. I went down ai far as Hcrnando , Miss. , and stopped oil ihcro for two days , taking a sccom steamer down on thu third night fron the above occurrence. When I won down to the levee I saw a couple with at old Rack between 'em who reminded mi of the pair on the boat , and i also sav thum come aboard. The resetnblanci astonished me , but it had to go for a co ucidencc. Thu stoamcr pulled oul about II o'clock , and had nol boon under wa ; hall an hour when Ihero was a loud shriek , followed by the cry of "Mai overboard ! " It was a repetition of whu 1 have related before , excupl Unit semi of Iho passengers had gone lo bed , anil Ihe silk wirsu didn't count up over $10 The hat was passed to mo , but I dcclinui to chip. The "recent and griof-striukui widow" left iho boal al Iho first landing und I wenl lo bed with Ihu feeling ihu curious coincidences were mighty thicken on thu Mississippi riyur. 1 left the boa al Helena , and m-.ulo a three day's slay and was ready to take another bo-it on Iho down Inp , when 1 ran across thin siilf-sami ! couple at thu luvee , wuitint for thu s.iiiu ) boat , 1 walkud up lo them and said to the man : "Come , now , this is a niiuaro deal , anil I give nothing away. I've seen yon drowned twice , and I'vn soon Ihn 'widow' go ashon- with a breaking hoarl thu same nunibor of times. Tull me hov , yon play il and I'll give you a 'V. ' " "Lul'n BOU Ihn money. " I handed il ovur , and hu stowed it uwuj in his pookct men rupliud. "I've gel on a rubber lifo nrescrvoi under my clothes , as yon sen , and I gun craily make shore within a couple ol miles. Stranger , don't give it away. We are poor but honest people. " I snltunnl.y agreed that I wouldn't , bill 1 think thuy rather mistrusted mu , lei thuy waited ovur to catch u boal nuxl A 1) ) ( > U Milken Oil' With tlin Artlilclnl Mini ) of JIU lloni-luolor. Pittflburg Dispatch : A moat hullerou ; thing was wltnn-nod on Jane street last evening , Tlicru was a light , in which : i big dog , a little dog and a eigar-makui with a wooilcn leg ligured prominently First , Iho little dog secured a bone. Hi was munching it in quint onjoymenl when Ihu big dog citmn along and al tempted to secure it. The little felloe was nol to bullied , and a llvuly light fo lowed. Just as the row wa nt a most Interest ing stage , neither dog buying secured any advantage , a man with a ' 'peg" leg came along and assumed the row of pence-maker. Standing on his dis abled member and using hit .lound limb , he gave the bone a kick and "until whirl- ng away. A second later ho was lying in thn muddy gutter the blgdog liavlngyankeil the wooden leg from its fastenings ami ga/ing sadlv after his insensible but useful limii'ai it disappeared around n neighboring corner , borne lit the dog'rf mouth , _ i i X.YTt'isi : usually makes a gallant fighl against disease , and when helped by Dr. .1. H McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier will eradicate it from the system. FREAKS OF A MAGPIE. Itvna Komi of Holil-lni ; the IOB and 1'urforiiiitiK UmlloHH MUolunf. As soon as it saw either of the dogi busily engaged upon a bone. Juckytlboy devoted all his intellect to thu task of robbing that dog of its bone , says J. G. Wood , writing of a pet magplu In the Youth's Companion. Watching his op portunity white Ihe dog's altontiou was given to the hone , ho would quietly slip behind the animal and administer n sharp peck to its tail. The aggrieved dog woulit naturally yelp , drop llic bonu , and make a dash al ils atsailatil. Then Jackytiboy would flutter away a fuw puce * . , and , when the dog turned around to regain its property , would give another peek at the same plasu. Then the dog made another attack , and when the animal had , by a series of a-isaults , been decoyed to a distance , Jacytibov Hew to the bone , sei/.ed it and iiiiide ol ! with its booty. The dogs , however , sometimes turned the tables on the magpie. Whenever Jiickytiboy had been given , or , as was most likuly the case , had stolen inoru meat than he could consume at the time , ho was in the habit of hiding it about tlio premises. Here thu dogs' noses stood 1 them in good stead , enabling them to snuff out and devour the hidden stores. When hu had succeeded in robing the dog of its- bone , his nevt idea was to hidu it in sonic secure place where ho wi\s sure thai Iho dog could nol tind it. So hu generally made his way into ono of thu bedrooms and pushed the bone eare- tully under pillow. DAs to the mischief which ho did for pure mischief's saku , theru weru no bounds to its extent and vurictv. For example , while the coachman was looking after his horse Jackytiboy filled the whip-tube with earth and little peb bles , so that when the man tried to his whip he found it fixed HO llrnily that it could not bo takun out until thu tube hud _ boon takuu out and omptiod. Watching the proceedings of a carpen ter who was engaged on the prcmisos afforded him thu keenest gratification. yhun thu man used the center-bit Jacky- tiber ninsl needs help him by picking oul Ihe lillle shavings from Iho hole. Having Ihus proved his harmless nature , hu dropped somu tacks into the man's car as he stooped ovur his work , and as ho s'artcd up , snatched off his spectacles and lluw away with them to the treasure- house. On ono occasion he removed all the pins from thu cushions in which they had been placed. He did not , however , carry them off , but stuck them into the sponges , pushing thoni into thu smallust holes , and forcing llionj com pletely out of sight. The disastrous re sult ot this freak may well bo Imagined. If a ghv/.icr were employed on thu greenhouses it was ncce ary to capture Jackytiboy and fasten him in some place where ho would nol suspuul what was being done , as otherwise hu invariably scooped out the pntly while It was soft , and so made the gla/.ior's work of no effect. Ho always kepi a sharp eye upon small candlu ends , and whenever ho found ono hu used lo drop il inlo iho lirst mustard- pot thai hu could find. Soldier , Malilcu nnil Flowor. [ A piece for Little Miss Trolly to speak nt .school on Decoiation Uay.J "Swcctheait , take this , " a soldier aald , "And bid mo bravo nood-by ; It may bnfall wo ne'er shall wed , lint love cau never die. "He steadfast In thy trolh to me , And then whnlo'er my lot , ' .My soul to God , my heart to theo' Sweotheait , forget mo not ! " The maiden took the liny flow'r And fed It with her tears ; Lo. lie who loft her In that hour Came not In after years. Upon the Held a demon rode Mid shower ot llamc and shot , While In the maiden's heait abode ' The llow'r forget-uiu-not. And when ho came not with the rest s From out tliosu years ot blond , Closely unto her widowed breast She piessed thu withered bud. Oh , there Is love , and there Is pain And there is peace , ( iod wet ; And these dear three do live aialn In sweet forgel-me-not. 'Tin to his unmarked crave to-day That I should love to RO Whether ho wore the blue or cray , What nuud that we should Know ? "Ho loved woman , " let us say , And on that hallowed xpot , To woman's lov that lUes for aye , We'll strew for ot-mo-not. Kucene Field. T11K PKRFECT Quickest Soiling Article Kvor Invooto'L ' ril/Ci : OF DASllKJt , Neodsno talking but really Ii thn I'mtlleU Arllcluon theMnrkot. OMAHA , Neb. , April US , 18S7. This ii to certify that we , the nuclei Mailed , have this day witnessed a churning by ' 'Thr Perfect Self Revolving Churn Dasher * . , " which it-suited in producing ! Jlg pounds ol first chits butter from one gallon of cream in jnet one minute and fifteen i-econds. W. ] WrlKht , proprietor "Omuli i Dairy ; " O W Wliceli-r. imtnuKiT "oiiiiilm Hairy " I'.iul II Tit , ' , MurcliHiiU' Hunk , A. Il Tinuilln , : ; ol > r.u < Nntlmml llnnk , I'M ? , ( Jc-nrno It. lUthtiurn. iiruiirlolor " ( ) rn hn MiiMnPM C.illok-s : " I'rnf. U J. IlliVn. tHit-h- eror. K'irtliknrli Ilorrr Ulrrlim. lllor"Plliliti ! Sflu'il. IIIil. "lloo" Will J. % It. II Ajt ' . " . lircim"Hoi-All * J K. llyin , Woria. Kniuk K. Dr J W. Menroli , Dr. J W Dyenri. Dr. C , M. II. llnirt. Dr. Hamlltnn Wiirron. II. U , llnll.reilaiMI * , J. W , Ur > jiir , railo taW Jnlm HnUil. Jownlnr. Clirlxlirr , furnllurii State and County iiltiltta'or .SVifc , 1'rojltn mil Sni-iu'lxe Vtni. AGENTS WANTED. Call or write to u * at once. Qu ck sale and large profitr. Very trul } , J. W. & A. Pom AM , Prop's , lloo ml Croonie Block. N.lWb lUOmiba , Nub