Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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AdMTtlsemeiitn under this html , 10 cent * | m
1m- for the llrst Innrtlon , 7 cents for each Mil *
* ( ltll | > llt ItlPCTtlnil , atlllfl.Mln 11IIC per month.
NoudvcrllMimcnt taken for IOMtlinn.25 cents
fOI thl ! ( list Insertion. SuM'll words Wil , llO
counted tn tin1 lines itii'y mu t run coii eeii.
lively mill imi't bPimid In advance. All udier-
tlfemi.'MtH mu t tin nandi-il In before line o'clock
| i. in , . Hiul under no elrciim lancc.s will they betaken
taken or discontinued liy telephone.
PaitlcpudvertiPlng In the e columns and hur-
Ing the nnswcis addressed In euro of Tnr. ttt.r.
will pli nfe ask [ oru check to enable them to net
their lettersin noiKt will bo delivered except
on iirnpontntlnn of ehrck. All nn wers to udver-
tlcerncnlp should bo enclosed In envelope !
All advertisements in thopo columns nro pub-
llpht'd In linth morning und evenlnir edition' of
'Jho Ilns , tlio clrculatlnii of which
aggregates inoro tlian 14f K ) papers
ilnlly. ninl gives thu iulvcrtl pr tlio
benefit , not only of tlio city clrctlliitton of Tim
llrr. tint n > o nf Coune | | llhillp , Lincoln , und
other filled und towns throughout this part of
tlio weft
TV ! ONKV TO LOAN on Improve. . ! city prop-
11 crty In sums of tOnoto \ ? 5OnO ut fli per
tent Interest SholesAi Crumb. ! )28 )
\IONKV TO LOANOn city tiiopctty In
i'l nuns of 1500 ninl upwards nt lowest rnli-s.
Money hlwujp on liiitnl. S. B. Campbell , ; ilu
South Sixteenth Ptrcit. 23
VXWOtn ) lonn ntB per cunt , Hums A Sump-
$ pen , 15HI lionglap § t 670
' . to loiin In law or innll amounts hy
_ \\iii II. l.ptich , I.WJ Fnrniiin. fi'i2 jl.'i
M ONKV 'I O LOAN O F Dm H .V Co , rc-nl
cetato und lonn agents , 1505 Furuain st.
_ G7I
111 ONKY TO LOAN * -I Irst tnortgau'O notes
J'l bought J. A. Hlcptimd , room 9 , Arllng-
$ BdOflO ( To loan on Oinuhn city pmpnrty ntO
pur cunt , 0. W. Day , a. u. cor. Kx. Hid.
M ONKV 'IO I/AN-On ) city unit fiirm prop
erty , low lutes Stewart & Co. , Itoom : j
Iron tinnU. B71
MONKV to lonn. cash on ilPluy.
J , \V unit K. L. Squire , 14111 I'urnum Pt. ,
I'lixton hotel building. 67ft
MONLV Flrpt mortgage notes. Tlio Douglas
county hank will tiny impure secured by
flrFt mortgage on city rouitj- . d',0
MONI'.V 'IO LOAN on improved real -8tato ;
no commission charged. I.eavilt Hum-
bum , llnom 1 I'rnlirhtnn Itlock. fi77 _
Gl'KU CUNTMonny to loiin.
Gregory \ Hadley ,
HoomB Inud 3 , Hi-dick block , 320 S. 1Mb Pt.
MONKV loaned on roslduneo propel ty. First
iiml second mortgagee bought. K. S. How-
ley , : IH South l.Mh struct. _ 2MJ25
TO LOAN Money Minn * placed on im
proved rcnl estate In city or county for
Now England I.onn It Trust Co , by Douglas
County bunk. ICth nnil ChlcagoM" ) fi7i )
MONKV to loon on Improved city property ut
B per cent. Money on hand ; ilonothiue
to wait. HRVO complete pet of ulistmct books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , iibatrncter
llnrrlB Heal EHtrtto and latin Co. , KO S , IMh st
MONKV TO 1.0AN-bythu nnUerslKnoU , wlio
ban the only propeily nrtrtnlzuil lotin
Keener In Omiihu. I mnaofllO to $100 miulo
on riirnUuro , plunoa , orwiini , horaua , wagons ,
mnchlnory , Ac. without removal. No ileluyi.
All biiBlnem plrlctly confidential. Loans to
miulo thnt Bny pnrt can bopnld lit 11117 Imo.ciich
payment rcdncliiK the cost pro rain Advnncea
inndrxin flnnwalchcH and diamonds IVrponfl
should carnfully coiiflldor whn tliny nrn dpiillnu
vtlth , as many now coneorni are dully comlnii
Into nxlHtunco..Should . you need money call
nd PPO me. W. iu Croft , Uoom i W'thncll
liulldlnK IMh and /
. - Financial Exchange.
N W. eornor of llarney and 15th sts. ,
over State National bank.
Ic prepared to miilio short time loans on any
available i-orurlly.
LOIUIB made on chattels , collateral or real
Long tlmo loans miidoon Improved rcnl estate
at current i ales
Purcliasu money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , mild or exchanged.
Short time loans made on second mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest , ut collateral
Heal cBtato to exchange for good Interest
bearing paper.
Cenernl financial business of all kinds trims-
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
any kind , without dol.iy or unnecessary pub
licity , rorbctt Manager. 1M _
$750OCK ) TO LOAN lit 1 per cent. \
Mnlioney , 150 ! ) Fnrnam. Cli'J '
ONEY LOANKDut C. F. Hcod & Co.'s l.onu
Ortice , on furniture , pianos , horseswagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar-
ticlcs of value , without removal. 319 8. 13th ,
over Illnghatn s CommlsBlon store. All lnisi-
neBB strictly eonfldontlul. 6SI
6 PF.H CKNT Money.
It. C. Patterson. 15th Ld Flamey.
| jUH ) SALK A iinnll business on luth street ,
JL' best location In the city. Address H 41 lice
O 111 co. 43S-Z
1OK SALK Kelt uaylng restaurant am' '
lunch counter In the city for imall amounl
of monoy. ( iood for J200 per month profit ,
lnUlro ! ( ] of McQavock & O'Conor , 13tli st.
FOH SALK Newspaper and Job olllco'lin
new and rapidly growing town in centra
Nebraska. Town has ono ratltond and grade
of another. Paper Is newly established in towi
feven months old , having over > ! 00 Inhaliltants
Will sell cheap. Heason too much other liusi
noss. Addrcia Verltas , Hep otllce. "M 2b
* 171Ht ( SALK- Hock of nuta , furs nnd gcntp
JL1 furnishing goods , etc. , Including a tlno lo
of i-olld walnut glanp hlmw cases eto , ln a Hour
ishlng city ot no thousand intiul'ltants. ' Cm
mo\o the stock II } oil wish It. Will take 8 to II
thousand dollars in real estate In exchange
Iniiulio of U. U. ( lublo , 1013 Hurney St. Oiuiilm
Neb. 35i | 30
Foil SALK A boarding liousu and furniture
doing good business , 40 boarders , gooi
reason for celling. ( all at Currlo & \ ollun :
15th and Capitol uve , K.xpositon Itulldlnir. 113
FOIl SALK -Lumber Yards- Twenty lumbe
yards In Nebraska for ante. Oood loct
tiou. Oood business. Ono of the proprietor
rolng back to Kurope to lire. Address Luir
aerman.curo Clowery.S. W. P. O. , Chicago. Ill
\\7ANTKD--To buy out a well cMabllshei
' tire Insuruncu agency ' in Omaha ; until
Hating terins to H 2ft lieu olllco. 31430 *
FOH SALK Meat Market doing good but
ness. Oood location , lleaaons for Belling
Address P 47. CP , 7'.iQ 30J
" \TOIJK OPPOllTUNITY TlnostocK ofgrocci
I- IPP , feed , produce , etc. . with a dully bus
ness of 1125 , on the best street In the city , fa
Male. ( Iood rea on for selling. ParrolUV U'l
llBingon , 1401 nouglas Bt. Opualra. 467
WANTED A person desiring to rngagc 1
an honorable paying tiiislnesa netting fi
to f 12 per day clear profit on stock of l' ! > t
S160. llest biislnnip men of this city given H
references. Call at once , or write , to Uoom :
Crounse block , loth at. , cor. Capitol avi
timalin , Ncli. It U !
FOIl SALK Very cheap , good brieK bnslnes
property in ( irund Uliiud , Neb. The grputet
bargain and best terms In this city. Oood rcii
ons for felling. For particulars address J. II
Woolley , Attorney Grand Island. Nel
F0l ! SALK- prolltable and wril cstabllshii
business suitable for a .Udy. Call and In
quire at Employment Uurcau , 21V n IMh sts.
IOST-Opnn face > ll\er watch , Klgln mov
i roenl , No Iii > : i8l2. The ttndrr # 111 receix
iillburiil reward by leaving at Max Moyei
JOS ! ' Kroma o cor lUth und Cumlng sts. ,
I buckakln pony , II years old , branded onle :
hind leg. Howard tor return. 223 23 *
1OST omowhcru"bct > ( t-en 20 und 4l'fh ' fo
t west arnam a luickiiKo containing pan
pice of hilks fastened to a card. I'lndur will 1
rewarded by leaving at S. A. Orchard's. 35' . ' 2
LOST-A green pocket Hook containing 1 dc
hir , 2go'il ' rings ono plain ln ldo nmrXi
ACS II ; lost M ) 21 , between franklin pt an
Fort Omaha , please return lo 2531 Fiunklm u
Huwurdylvon. _ 1151 ' 'ij
LOST On Klghtrenth , Sherman ave or lirai
nt. , "Sjioclllcatlons. " Pleuso return i
1UH4 North ieth St. . or I' . J. Crucdon. urcliltec
opera houbc. M. T. . .Murphy , contractor at
liullder. _ 348
FOUND A Bum of money. Apply to fnn
Childs. I.eaxenworth . . cor. IMlu 3782
TV I II.DIJHANT Cliulvoj ant from Iloston ,
1 < 1 reliable In ullaVulraof life , unitrs feparati
lorers. 322 N. Ititb Bt. room 1 Ml J2 |
First-class storage for nice fun
turn and bored goods Ferguson Fun
lure Co , , 715-71T-721 North Uth etrcct. 175
For household good * andgvnor
merchandise at low rates , corner Thl
' .eenth and Izard Btreeta , up town oftlco 5
South Thirteenth. Telephone fJi 4:7J14 *
T IHST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th H.
JL C87
TOHAOlf FlrM-i liiPS Ptorni-o for nice"t
S nlturo or boxed goods , at PilJ Dodec-Pt.
I > KHSONAL-Nt-iit and tusty nil wool hu lnoM
I tints (7 , Fine blue diagonal dress BUlts ,
110,75. ( nil nnil see them 01 write lor samples.
L O. . ( ones \ Co , American Clothiers , Hjy
Furnum M , omuhu. WA J 3)
) . - you want u dr lrnb'e ' , cen-
11 ally located ollico you can llnd It at .110
8 Kith M. 7H
I > KHSONAL-I'rl\ntn homo lor ladles during
1 confinement , ptrlctly confidential , Infants
ivlotitcd , uddrc'B K 12 , lieu olllco. M''j2 ' *
JM'.flSONAL llujcr , jep , owner will tuko
f.Vttl for the elegant oust Iront lot. Him *
scorn Place , If tnken nt once. < io " llr.n , , 41H S
15th. _ 7.1s 31
Mr . nr Nnimte V. Warren
ImiSOSAL ant. Mi dlcal and businnis Medium
Koom No. 8,121 North ICth st ,0tnuha. Neb.
HAVI5 good pnrtt lie Hants to rcnl rcsi-
donco ot 5 to 8 i oems or 2 or 'I ground Hour ,
furnHiied or rooms , neiir board.
ru < pond immediatuly. Cuku & Hillings , oxer 101
S. iiitli street. 415 30 *
rpo paitli n giving up linnsekcoplnir-Wo will
1 pell > otll finiiltuie . either tit private
sale or at auction , as jou ma ; desire. Call at
our olllcc , S K cor liith und Uoiiifl is. Urown As
Crolghton. 401 10
MIIS c7T ilIKOA" ( & "SONlimplnyment
ollice , niilS. 15th st It'iliroid lunor fur
nished promptly. Huliahln help furnished to
hotels , p staurantp , laundries , prlx ate liimilles ,
farmers , tie , on abort notice , 31ii S. 15th , up-
etults. 311 31j
X'OTICi : I huxo this ilnv iippolntpd Van
- illeurun .V : Compunv pole uifetits for my
proportl C. II , Deiiney , Omaha , Ma > 25 , Ihs7 ,
371 2S
VJOTICII- ' . ) , Illock 10 , Shlnn'R 1st "iuld , is
Mithdiawn Irotn pale by other uireiits.
Van lluren A Comeiinv aru tole agents tor the
same. Mrs. .1. K , Iu ) Lee. .i-'i 2 <
A TAN IIKI'IIKN A. CO Ari- sole MI lit- for my
> piopurty fiom May 27 , 1S87. V. U HO-SUCK.
3H 2S
APKOriTAIII.r anil pleasant tiUPiness for
lady or gent with u little money at 31i >
South 15th st , room 5. h'.i2 2s *
IjVMPLOV.MKNT , licntal and Collection
- Agency If jou want work , or to employ
blip , or have houses to rent , or accounts to
collect , cull on .M. Muytmrd , 317 South 1'ltli St. ,
Omaha. 30IJ25
r 15 per cent discount from
I Ptoto prices. Addicss Pnpi-t hunger ,
HII North Itth St. MAl-j-in *
C O Hit 1 SIM INDKNCK pollelted fi otii "sliigle
ladles wi hlng to come west. Mis ( i.
Henderson , Douglas , Wyo. 2M 3IJ
QTHAW HtttP Pimpedblenched und tilinmcd ,
\ > HIT , Ilouard A.McAusland. 741 31 *
CKSS POOLS , eilikH anil vaults cleaned , odcr-
lcs process. K. Kwlng , box 127 , eitv.
580 JIBJ
flOKKKNT Square I'lano $ .J montDlr. A
H06PC.1513 Douifine. n"3
FOH SALK-Thumb ylthorcry cheap. ( J.
Tleltinbrunnei's iniiku. Address It Ht.Uco
olllcc. 202
TO PHOPKHTY Oxxnpra-If > ou xvunl to sell
your property send full description with
price and tormsi to Hint's Orout Western Heal
Kbtate llureuti , Crelgliton Illock. Wo huvo cus-
tomeis for every bargain that la ottered.
q O parties having houses for tent , Hentiil
Agency , llonawu fi. Co . 15st , opiosite | post-
ofllco , Wu have turned over to them our rental
llbt. We recommend thorn Mcdigus liros.
NOTICK W C. King * Co. , house moving
and luising , Iciuu orders ut 13.1) ) IMorcost ,
UJ5 J4J .
FOKiKNT-Orgaii32 per montu. itomo.
IBIS nouirhu. C 'J
Ol. C.- House fin nnhhiL'goodi. all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Honner , 1315 Douglas xt. 1 < 00
F 1OK KEN'i' s'nuaro ' rmno , ft moatnlv.
lloipe. 151,1 DouL'l > in. ii 'J '
[ K you want to buy or sell fuuilturo , go to
L J. rorRUson's , 715 N. Ifiih. U'Jl
"I71OH SALE Oood draft team , well mittched ,
Jsoon > eai8 old luiiitio | WesteKV Vomit's ,
cor 14th and Howard. IL'O 4
P OH SALK- ( food bUk'iry or suldlo IIOIFO.
I'rieo $70. Dnqulro ol .1. llavllaiil. at
Hurl ) 'i st allies , on lutti und Cupltol ii\o. 4'o Jj
SALK Rood coon stovo. No H , eastern
nake. fit. with plpo and elbe $751. Ad-
drees No > Calwell et. Vf. llowon. : I178J
FOH SALK Ono high desk und ono snfo ,
nearly nuw , 513 South l.lth hi. 30.13s. *
"iTIOH SALK-AlmuTl horse , UBNTlMhl
J ± 304 23
FOH SALK Furnlturo and louse of six
rooniH in central location. Moro looms can
bo hud H ruiiutrud. Apply J. P. Schimnko ,
S 1,1th , St. _ : ; < J8 5j
H SALK flood work team , low price. 0 ,
Tulllold , 27th and L-iKe stieets. oi7 ! IAJJ
SALK Horse , humous and biiKk'y , foi
1 J7f > . James Slatur , 1017 Howard Bt. IJTtj'iJ
fj OH SALll Now conpo-ltockaway.prion JUO
J.1 owner Iciivinir city Can bu scun at Hlinp ,
eon's currliiKO lactory. 1409 UodRu tt. yi8 J4J
I.--OH SALK-SU 11. P. boiler and 8 IL P. on
I1 KHO ! 1'JKl His Fairbanks scaleH , oiju pah
.Maren , WIIKOII and harness , cheap and on ernj
terms. Sill H. 13th Bt. 1W !
F BAl.K New , light sidebar top buggy
cheap. Cole 310 S. 15th , loom I. V27
F OH a.M.K Ono six-foot upright bliicn will
nut ( .how cuse , Milton llogers \ Son. DOU
3ALK-4,000OixfHu7d HrlcliTT. Murray
< OHSALK-0 milch cows. K A Marsh. 'J *
N Ifith. 555
FOH SALK Drivers and draft horses , rear ol
1818 Chicago st , 154 J5
TpOH SALK-Urick. T. Murray.
\\7"ANTKD A live young man to speak a
> > thu door of thu Museum of Auttomy. 101
Fariiam Bt. 444 31 *
V.rANTF.D-Mono cutters. wTTl. Tyloi
Lincoln , Nub. 434-J. 2
i A tlrst-cluss milker. J. II. Hod
north of dual und dumb hutltiiUi.
270 2SJ
TMNTiITSa'hsiiien : to hnndlo the Ecllps ,
T T rencll , Just outunities ink in ona second
no utiriibion of paper , 200 to 500 per cent profit
territory frco , samiile forty cents ; no Indies
salary und expenses to computont salcamon
AddicSB The I cllpsu Pencil Mfg Co. , St Joseph
M o. \ itSi 3i >
ANTKD Driver for milk wagon. Appl
L 3012 Hamilton at. 2CU 2aj
) Two men on salary und expense
paid , upply lit once , 1417 Cats et. 3752j
\ \ rANTKD-- good posTrv cool ; male "or ( < .
i mak' , at Arcade hotel , 1211 Douil'iPSt
SM 38J
\\'ANTKD Flrut'Cluss barber , good wages
> stoudyjob. Addiess Molchor llro. Suppl
houfe. _ _ _ _ 1 8 2 j _
\V ANTKDTruck men , laborers und team
TT for ralli oud work. I ) . U. o'Kecfc' , 30'J a
Uth ft. 30S 2
"yfANTKI ) All e.Tperlpncod collector , on"
well uciiualnted with Iho clty.goodpalur
to the right man , must give good roferoncci
U. F. Martin , HI * S Kitliflt. 34U
AlfANTI'D Voting iniin or old man to mil
Ocowl , wages $ per month , board fin
nlshod. Apply corner 27th and Lake at
o'clock. SM 30J
VyAMKD laborers tor railroad work. E
f i AlbriRbt'ii Labor Agencj , 112i ] Farnam.
TVANTEIl Men for rnllfo"airwcirk In 'Cola
' rado. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Fui
naro. 894
W ANTKD-A noipnrenceU ! < iroc r-s deliver
man , mint bo wctll ao'iunlnted ' In the cltj
steady nnd reliable ; none clsonccd nuke appl :
cation. Wm. Fleming S ; Co. G07
"Vt'ANTKlT COM and pants mukor at J
i > \ aporu. 212 30 *
vTM "r K R An experienced collector wit
It references upply llotrtllers mercantile
Bcency , 1207 ! arnam st. 853
VANTljlT fa ilfant pards , paniplo fco t' .
AddrChiT. U.Oray , Fairmont , Fllraoro Ci
Nffo , 274 3IJ
A VrANTKD-A man of good cducatiiiu7o a
i ax traveling palcnuun with n tlrst-claf
house. Mutt bo nblo to give security. Hex 7C !
OiiiHba , IM J 1BJ
W' ANTBD-Men , Womsn , Hoys and Cirls fn
alight and profitable employment , N
picture buslncBs ; no humbug. H nd lOo for
valuable package to commence on. Only a fe <
hundreil will be dHtrfbuted. AddreiB Alban
Supply Co. , Albany , N.y , 8Uj2
ITANTr.n Flrpt-cln s fceond cook at Kuro-
> pcnti hotel , ( SJ S. loth ? t. 27323
" " "
I'ANTF.D-Iood ( plrl for gcnetul house
> worklnsmuilfnmlly. Apply 1I7S. Kith flt.
\\'ANTio-A : cbumbvrmuld. 012 . _ . .
> > 4W
\\TANTlD : mrfiir2iminrlc $ . Sinull futn-
> > Py. 320 28
\ I * A NTii-Sc.cond : ) girl , Mrs. 1'V dray ,
T i 2024 PoiltMns st.
\\TANTii-lmmcliiitfly : ) , llrtclas' ' < millinery
alo-iliidles and trimmers at It. M. Uctilus
\ tire , HIH HotlKla t. 3 7 ! is
WANI'FD goolcnrpet fewer. M. F. Mnr-
tin , 1)17 ) S. 1,1th 382 2s.
\YfANTKO-Cotnpetent soumstiCJ'J tit 7H N.
31 t t. 200 3S
\\rANTKD-A girl for i/cliornl housi-work.
at n w corner | stli and Lei\cnworth ; sts.
241' ' 2s *
\\rANTKD Flist-elassgirl for general house-
> worn , nouo other need apply , at 1717
( hlcngo ft. 1' " 2sJ
\\r.\NTKD flood girl for kitchen work , ( ii
1 > man preferred , at luis Furtium , 27J 2sJ
ASTii : ) ( iood , eomiietent jrlrl Mu t bo
irood cook. None other need npply , at
701 t npltol iiveliUP. _ _ ' 'ii7 "f
\\rANIKli Mcoyounir Klrl lih ri'foi"nct"
> ' to tend ii paper ttand ; exporlenerd Indy
dark and bookkeeper ; trirl to lioird at n hotel
mil mind a bab > : Housekeeper for u ivlilo ur
> v 1th daughter of 1) ) , nice pliue but .mall i e- < ;
'ook ' and mn p inamo family , peed u'fe ;
ook for boardltiir hoii-u. i''i ; I for m-tlintlon ,
L"l : thebipt plnees n the i-ity iiml the choice" !
'lrl- always to bo had at Mis. Ilrojra > V ! on , < IIO
Mint ! ) l.'ith. 4IH ) Sj
\ \ " ANTKI ) ( ilrls for Kenetul hou < u\\ork in
' ' every part ol tlio city , old and joiini ;
'lui llnd employment at my olllcc. I aui itiHlieil
o dentil for ( rood help cvcrr dnIn und out of
ho city.'o want cooK , ilisliwiislior' ' , pantry
Itlf , nurse uliU waittc-'ieJ , etc. ete. .lu t
come and M > P for } onrselvei < . Mr . lleriru A.
Son , 31tS ) l.-ith-t. I1IJ JhJ
\\TANTii--iood : ) ( ( 'trl atflllS , 17th slrtct.
_ _
\\/'ANTll-l : Irst jirl , 111.1 Capitol live.
JJ _ 71 M j _
\\'AYIT.I > - A wood irul lor geneuil house-
woift , I71H N Pith > . ( . ; ; ll
" \ \ rANTIIDllniiiLr ) loom trlrls at Canlleiil
> hou'o and Mock i\ulmiigo. : il-15 I
\ \ T'NTliSciiN ; ) at Dornn House , fX ! S.
> 1Mb "I , near M. Mary's live II7.I
" \\rANTii : -T o jrooil k'irltor ireneral
' i liiiiiaeivor'n , wood wn o" , small family , tit
1H7 ! Custst ' 'J
AY TANTKI > At I'lanter' " , two Klrlp. None but
e\pi ileneed wuitors uanleii. " ! ill *
\\'ANTKI-Cook and child's nuro. three In
' ' family ; liberal waKc * . Apply : ulRMHMiii
ft.,1 toll p. m. 318 ji :
\\rANTI'I > A ( food ( iciman or Ilohemlan
Klrl lor K'cni'ial hoiisuwork. A perma
nent place and good WIIKOS. Apply , Immeill-
itely , lit "SO S L'L'd st. , corner of I.eaienwortli.
\\fANlT.I ) A Kill for general housewoik at
> No : no s nth st. : w4 : ioj
"V\TANT1II ) A practical woman for hou o-
T keeper , waires $ " > per wecK. Apply bo-
twc'Pii 1- and 3 , Hli DoiiKliis. 'Jii-J
: ! ) Lndy iiKonts for Mi Cumiibell's
I'ombination underskirt and bustle , removable -
movable hooptor laundry. Aircints IIIIIKU f 1
each , and many fell Iuallv 1UO scAiiifltrcsucs
emplojed to keep up with order ? . Address
with "tamp. K. Campbell & Co. , 484V. . Itan-
ilolpji 8t.Cnicatro , 111 _ IL'I J'i _
\\J ANTKO-Oirlfor general housework , C'JO
_ > > S 1'Jth ' st. _ _ _ _ _ _ 15J _
\\rANTii : > Lady bookkeeper at 1' 1' .
> Meat Market. Uth Ft , near Wctxtor.
_ _ 70'i _ _
\\rA.STKI-tcconil Kill Immediately. Cull
' bet thohotimof n and 10 u in. orilto 7
p. m , -1-7 DodKO street. 'J5J
" \\rANTr.D Ladies to work for us at tnolr
TT own iiomos ; $7 to 10 tier week can bo
quietly mndo ; no photo-palming , nocanvim-
intr. Tor lull particulars plciiso addre-is at
oncoCieseent Art Co. , 1'J ' Central t. . fioitoo ,
Muss , Ittix.jl70. ! H | el. " ) *
\\ANTI'U ) liy u responsible youiur Indv , 11
' pO'ltloiMH city colleelor. or ill take eol.
loetlnir for sevmul linns. Address HAH ,
lleoolllce. : wi 3fj
" \\rANTii : ) A situation by a reslstorcd phup
T T iniicl-t witn live years experienco. Can
Klve bcBt ol references. Adiliuds box 37t , f had-
ron , Null. 237 31"
T\"ANTKl-A Volition bv a thorouith acT -
T countunt. Host of rofcrencod. Address
O K Ilee ollice. Sill
WANTED To rent u hou n ol U or 10 room * !
modern conveniences : ( rood nciu'hbor.
hood , Address "K 4i" : lieu office. 413 2
" \ \ ANTKD Agency hy n good busln as man
T with eaplialollicebuggy and first class iof.
ori'tiRO Applj to Iliiriihum .V Strlnirur , 151t
Dodge street , Omiltiu. 373 ! ' ]
\VANTF. | ) . To trade hind torn Mock of drugs
Address llox 11) ) , ( icnoB , Nob. J. A Os
borjie. 107 31j _
\\TANTKD-A Biilu In advance pavinent on n
' T lot , choice property. Address , H 'J. Ilee
onico. 115
'YIT'ANTKD 2 orl ! horse power englno , I'nn
TT hand Apply at Mlllard hotel ollico. 4fl
\T ANTKD A good dwelling house and lot ii
> > exchange tor u lurgo store building anc
fine dwc-lling IIOIIHC , and lurire trui't of gooi
lurmlng land close to the town. All 'Itinitei
in thu NF.part ot the state. Or pnrt land um
part cash. For piutlculurs upply to W. H A.
1013 WobsterMreet. _ 17 , ! :
' \\"ANTKD Kvoryono to know wo furnisf
' miilo hnlp tree uml fill ordurs promptly
Mrs. Urugniind Son , 31U S 15th , up fctuirs
73'J 3l _
" \ \ ANTKD A carriage ) m advance paymen
' on a ! ot , choice property. Address H II
line office. l'J5
"V\rANTKD parties wishing to buy or sol
' good business chances giro us u cull
Mrs. lirega i Son.31B S. 15tti si , upstairs.
310 31J
\\TANTKD-lly u single gonfTnTnonliy TuT
' ' nlsiied room in qulL-t tunllly. Acldresi
Elating terms und locution , P (12 ( Ilee olllco. V2I
VVT'ANTKD An organ m ndvunco puyinen
T on u lot , choice properly. Address H U
lice olllce . 10-i
\\7ANTKD- To buy n good spun of lurg
T horses. M. F Martin , BIT 8. 13th Bt. . ' 181 2
Tioubo" AddTesTl
22 , llccolltce 2fi028
\\'ANTKD Good riding pony , mare prc
> ' forrcd Cull P Milostone's coulyurd lie
twucn 5:30 : and 8:30 : p. m. 271 2 j
WANTF--Thrco ) or four unfurnished room
conveniently and dcslr.ibly located foi
light housekeeping. Call or address xrlth term
und location loom 7 llcdick blk 3111 2tj :
VIT'ANTKU To buy hou o and lot not eve
> f5,000. Convenient to M. .Mary's ux'o o
! arnam Rt cars. State location and cash prlci
No other answers noticed. Address 1132. llet
iW3 2PJ
AVIrANTKD To buy 8 houses which can bo r
moved. A. F. Mayne , ll'JS Dodiro st
W > To rent2 or3 unfurnished room
' with prlviU'go of using barn for hurt'
and buggy , must tie near V P depot , south pri
f erred ; address It 34 llco ollico300 30
\\7"ANTF.D- A pTuno ln advnnco payment o
' ' u lot , choice pioperty. Address H 12 , lie
office Jlij
\\f ANTKn-To e\cnanifO for stock of mei
' chaudise In u Us o town , n tlno stock fan
of IfiO acres , good house two good burns un
shedding , stock Bcule" , wind mill and evorj
thing pertaining to u good and well cqulppn
feeding ranch Address all communications t
N. llarnes , Central City , Neb. 27tf J 3J
WANTKll exchange u lot for ac6upla a
gooi ) driving horcos. It , C. Putlersoi
I5th nnd llarney. 8J2
" \\7 ANTKD A nowipnpcr. tmying circulatloi
T guaranteed from the start , for purlieu
lars address Hunk of Valley , Valley , Nob.
TV ams for railroad work
Labor Agenoy , 1120 Far nun
V-A soo-com ,
Dodge , t M.
A 0-rooin houifi in Oinebn View , | 20 pc
Anew 0-room house near I.ako Bt. , on 22d , fft
A 5 room houi-e , barn , good water , frill
barn. hrutiery. etc. , for $8 per month wit
privilege of 5 acren at 13 per ucre unt
Dec J , 1SS7. A. P , Musyn,13D8Dodguft.
_ _
"l/OH HENT-Houso of i ) rooms. Inquire c
J' * ; "arton , 3510 Capitol uvo. M6 2sJ
IJ1OH KENT Cottage of 6 rooms , Inquire t
J 2410Caa3Bt. 32J 28'
OH RBNT-5 acres In Ilellulr. line tract fc
gardening , house , stable , eto , Parrott t
\ \ llllaiUIOD , HOI 1JOUKU18 Bt , up-iiulrs , 28i 28
Foil HFNT 1 brick stores on .lonos ( t . neit
to Darker hotel In < | iilio at Mun-lhlll .V
Bhelby's grocerylsth and St. Mnry'e live.
710H HKNT New roo.n houses. .TO :
- Siurgis , 10 Croiifhlon block 1C32. *
FOH HKNTOr for .pule. Two houses nnd
lots on monthlv piuments. Co-operutlro
.and \ Ixit I'o. . an N. Ifith st. 13:1 : 34
? HF.S'T A ile liMili < Hut of plx rooms ;
1OH ; will tcksise on fu\orablo
erms. Call at 2.2 Fnrnatn. 410-J
HF.S'T ( iood barn , Ptiltuble for 7 horses.
2110 Maple St. Price t\M , 37ll !
OH HUNT One 9 r6om and one 7 room
dwelling , nil modern canM'iilcnccs. J. L.
Velsimns.SI'iS ' IMhM. IBS
IT'OH ' HKNT llaJcment well lighted and dry
Itllll Howards ! , Inquire of Shaw \ Co. ,
10 S liith. "N >
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IT'OH IIKNT-A nice fi loom house In Omiihu
* View. J20 lease by the yiur. A. F. Mujne ,
403 Dodge _ "l'.l _ _
17011 HF.NT-A Ptore on llth north of Dodsro.
I ? $ ! 5 per month. A. F Mnync , 1408 llodve ,
IJXilt HF.NT-3 new stolen cor. 19th and Mu-
eon sts. Inquire , llobt. Stein , 2I o. 12th
St. 22'.l 31'
FOH HKNT Pit st class ptorc In goodlocntlon
with cooling room lor cold etoruge , 119 S.
ith et. IM MJ
IJH ( IIKNT All or part of wurcliouse cot
JL1 13th and l/iird st. IM .lij
FOH IIKNT J-room house , 14th and Pierce ;
ii-rootn IIOIIPJ. lllli und 1 lerce , ICO
Foil IIKNTlloti'o of 10 rooms wltn all mod' '
ern c cmvenionces Iiociitcd three block'
"rom oreia lionse. Apply ut no cor Ititli ami
Dodge , up stall. . 147
Ul HKNT-2W California St. , f.'ll ; or foi
siiio. linmc'dlate posscjelon. lniUlii' | of J ,
F. Ilellns , I''OO Furimm St. 141
IJ1OH HKNT-2 stoics and 2 ll.lls wdh si-.iti
rooms , bath room nnd nil modern improve
mc-nts. nt the terminus of thu red and gteen
Mrcot cur Hue , by Paulson \ Co. , room 8
Hcdlek l-ulldlng. 120
I foil HKNT- > lnilile fiat ? , modern coiuen
lencos , for ollice or living purposes. Cnn-
trallj 'ocaled. ' Leslie \-Leslie , Cealtal plmr
inacj , H < th und Dodge. C.C > 1
OHHP.NT Stoioand pecntid Iloor on cot
J 1 Ifith and Vnrcy st. Imiulio ol Mrs F.
Lunge , tils S 1,1th. fcM >
1J1OH III NT Tlireo room house , 7inij Pacific.
For Hi-lit Six room house , 1101 S 7th.
For Kent -'I hree room house , lOFi N 2 Hit ( IS !
17\OH \ HF.NT-A store. Inquire 1412 S. MtiTsI
I1 Cuo. ! II. I'etor-on. > OU
IpOH HKNT Store and living npartmonts on
Cuitilng near SuundcrB st. Apply nt llurrlj
Henl IXute Loan Co. , : f.O S. I5th st. ii07
ir'OH ' HKNT Frumo Ptorn building , 20x ) ,
1 with living 4 roomson pull Sheridan st.wili ;
'niprovc : put basement under Ptoro to suit any
Jegitiiuiito bUBlnoss Wm , Flomlng & Co. . KOI
Douglas. 870
TTHH itKNI-(7ciod ( Inirn , sultabiu for font
J3 horses. Inquire at til7 s. 13th st. lH )
F OH HKNTWindow , good locality for Jen
tier or real estate. Apply to3j8 n Kith.
F IOH lll.NT 3-room IIOUBC , 703 Pacific.
HOH HKNT-Ilrick yards , T. Murray.
HOli 1 KKNT-Thrce room ItoiiBe , IIOO'J S 7tl
FOIt HUNT- Nice 7 roomed cottage , fto In
quire lit 1 11 N. 1'ith st. 413 31 *
InOH IIKNT LurKU front loom , furnished , a
17'0 Capitol avo. 407 MJ
Oil Itn.NTSmall furnished front parloi
and beilioom adlolnni'at ) 71H South lit I
st. between .lones and Lcnvcnworth. 4(15 ( 3SJ
TjAOU HUNT Two new furnUhcil rooms
-L South Sixth , bet Walnut and Division 8ts.
377 2 J
I7 > OH HUNT Pleasant room with good boat
: for two , nt 1S13 Chlcturo street. mi 2SJ
FOH III.NT-Ie ) irubio furnished sontheri
expmuro suitu ot rooms for two or fein
Kentleincn , with brcaklast and fl o'clock din
nei. Itoferences excriungcd. Address It 21
Iteoollico. 274'8 *
P'll Iir.NTNicely furnished room. 170
Capitol live. a6"fc ; *
F Oil HI.NT Nicely furnished first iloor roor
to 0110 or two gentlemen , 71" > Imvenport ft
flOH HKNT Furnished rooms ; modern con
1 venlcnccs. 628 S. 17tli M. 437-1 *
FOH Itr.NT-l will have lor rent .Innol.ii
best lesldent part of city , tluee block
from iiostollice , A few cholcu rooms , slnglo o
en suite , furnished or unfurnished ; or , if con
pulled at on co , "ill furnish to suit a pcrmnncn
tenant. Furnltmo will bo all now and room
kept In Ili8t-cla ° a condition. If convenient
give city roferenccs. Address. K 42 , flee ol
tlco. 441
Oil HUNT -Ware room cor. 13th and Call
itornla on licit Line , lor particulars en
qulrti ut Union Nat bank. _ 183
FOH HKNT Nlcely turnishcd parlor at HJ
South 15th sticet ; f 10 per month. 204 30J
I HKNT 1 luriro nicely furnished cas
iront room ; gas , batli , etc. , I'dii 3. 17th st.
391 30'
HUNT To upper ti out rooms connectci !
1 AIM ) parlor bed room ; gentlemen onlj
2123 Fainam. 3U ) 3J *
HKNT Dcslrnblo fiirnlshod souther
exposure suite of rooms for two or foil
gentlemen , with bicukfa t and 0 o'clock dlt
ncr Hotoicncu exchanged. Addie , H 2
Ileoolhco. 27131'
F > (1H ( HKNT Nlcely fuinlshcd rooms , 113
23d St. , bet. Douglas and Do Ige. .184
HKNT-Oftlecs In llcllman hulldingcoi
FOH and l.Itli sts.ln snllss or singly
For prices , diagrams and Information apply t
S.A. Slonuin , 1512 Furnam St. , Itoom 2.
F I OH HENT Elegant rooms , references n
Hiilrcd. 1H07 llougliis st. Ml
HKNT Eleven nice unfurnished fleeting
ing rooms. Separate or all together , i
building 310 S 15th et , 75
FOH KENT Office rooms in Ciruenlg blocl
corner 13th und Dodge. Davis i Hcthoi
Ington , .Mlllard Hotel Milliard room. 52tt
TJ1OH HKNT 2 store rooms in best city f
JD 4,000 population In Nebraska : 3 now rul
roads now building to it. Harrison , Ambler
\Vooiluy , 418 S. 15th Bt. , Omaha , Nob.
495 J 13
F I OH HKNT A furnished front room an
bourd for two gentlemen at 17" Dodge a
F OH HKNT Furnfiihed room , pnvoto fumll ,
S13 Pleasant t. 22il : tu *
F I OH HKNT-Furnishod rooms at IHIRDodgoi
988J !
HENT IicBlrublo unfurnished roon
FOH lor ofllco or sleeping rooms. 3
S [ 5th st. pJ76 _
FOll HKNT-Sultoof rroms ut 2102 St. Mary
avenue , corner Pleasant. 3S3
171OH HKNT Nine-room Hat centrally locate
X1 31.0 8 15th , U77
OH HKNT Nice furnished room. 2025 Fa
nam. Ufl.5
Foil HKNT Elegant largo room for2gcntl
men near businesn. all conveniences , pi
\ato family , HilJ Capitol live. 355 IJ
Tj < Oll HKNT Small furnlflhed room , raoilor
X1 conveniences. 3JO N. 15IB. 3IB 30J
FOH HF.NT-Nlcoly furnished rooms chcai
ttJfl South ISth street , I'pstaira. VI5
IOH SENT- Desk room. Knriulro Young
Dlackman , 214 S 10th st. .140
F IOH HKNT Throe room house west of Nor !
Uth St. , between Chicago nna Casi. C'JJ
F OH HKNT Nlcely1 furnlahcd room , Vf
Dodge at. ' ll'J
OH HF.NT.-Ono nlocly furnished room. A
modern conveniences , CIW N 17th et.
F IOH HKNT One furnished room. Ill S 18lh
18U r.
F IOH HKNT-Furnished rooms. Farnn
FOIl HKNT-Desk tooin. llrst oflicc to lu
over Merchants National bunk. 28 ]
OH HKNTKIegant otnco rooms , best U
cation in Omaba. 310 South 15th st. 03J
FOH HKNT Nlcaly furnished front roon
suitable for 2 gentlemen. 2511 St. Mary
nvc. T5'J
FOll S ALE -HOU3 E3---L OT3
Tj OH SALl A Fcctlon of good forming Ian
-T Addresa P , F , Duller , Albion , Neb.
123-28 *
11KUMAN Avccuc * . Lots 1 and 2 , Illock
Paddoci Place , for sale , 1113 50 pur foot ,
decided bargain , W. 1. bvlby , 1521 Furnni
bucceetor to Hugh * Eelliy. : 24
-1OttNr.U-2lntaKountz Place , 84x124 , cholco
J corner Walnut Hill , with 8 room tnodcrn
onto , burn , etc . , . f .1,700
room house Mlllard * Caldwell add . . 3.000
room house 2 lots , Hut r Oak . 3.WX )
Innseotn Place , lOJi 151 . 6.VO
lunscom Place. lOjx.Mt . 8'on
'holco lot Patrick add . " .KO
promo Park. ; flilfi7 . Z.HX )
lith street , near Nicholas , 0\140 . 13tX l
'orner and Cumlng , " ( lil.'J . 2 , w )
ornor 10th and Dodge , MxlU . . . 25iHji )
List your property for talu with Hurlii-r A
Itlrr , ItyjUPnt mini street. i > "A
HKHMA'N Aveniif. . tots t nndTliock i ,
' Pnddnck Place , for sale1 112.5' ' ) per foot. A
Iccldtd bnrgaln. W L Selby , 1521 I arnam.
lucccssor to Hush A. Selby. 2V.i 28
1OOIC at the Imrgulna tillered by Ncdd's Heal
J KMatc Kxchangu ,
140il Fainum st. , opp Paxton hotel.
lW ) , Sliltli dt. impiovi-il . . f 1 1 , 000
3xltl , ' , lmpro\eracuta sociatloo , 8-room
house . . . . . 4.00J
. 'il.'iO ' , 1mpro\cmcnt ii pOiMntlnii , Im-
proxpcl . . . . ( l,5on
) \lu'l , Held H 3d add , A room house . . . 2,560
iJ\lJI. ! N W cor IMh und Willlume , lin
proved , rents lor f HO per month , only 13,0m )
: 'ixl47 , S 13th st. Improved . 4.0IKI
> ' . \I4 ( ) , S lltn st improM'd ' . ; iSV )
Ox lit ! , California bet 20th and -MM , 11-
rooin houe , only . . . . 8,000
sx-room ! | hout-e and good lot , North
Otnulin . . . . . . 3,000
"he-mom house and good lot , North
Omaha . . . . . . 2.500
Seven room lieu e und good lot , tin-
provement assoelntlon add , only . 2,00il
< xl3. , Thoriieir * add . . . . fi.400
JlxlIK , S W tor 17lh nnd Douglas . CO.WO
Five room cottage nncl good lot , Shlnn'i
3rd . . . . 2,51.0
'nil lot on S.i u ink' r. " near Cumlng sued ,
I\IO ) 2 , ' > th and Dodue , n bargain.
! i'\13 , ' n w cor 14th and .luckson . KR.OOi )
itP4\r'rt3-7 , so cor 21th ami Furimm . . 3'i.WO
.Jxl 12 I urnambeU'th ' iindlOth . l-'iooo
> ) \r.'Auith I r lorn cottiigo. Omaha View 'J.'O.l .
iil\l27 MaMic-'s add , 4 room lioupe . 1,5V )
30 \ 133 'Jls't and t/itrillmpiove < l . . . . 1M"IX )
Sii\12i Hc-dii k Pit t U . 2,1)00 )
( l\lCI : Win lledlck's add . . l.-'OO
Ivlll Indiana st , bet29th and iilth . . . . l.SOO
TiOVJ'fl S lsth st , improved . -0.000
Improved and unimproved lots In all the best
idditlons to thocltj . \oiiarclookliigtoiii
mine or nn in\estincnt. It nil ! pnj jou local !
mil examine our Immense li t ot bargains. It
jou have propel ty to sell list it with lie , and
> u will push It.
Neild'N Heal F.stiite K\clianire ,
llOii Furnam street , opp PiiMon Hotel.
JUKKMAN Avenue. l.otH 1 and 2. llloek 1.
j Paddock Plner. for * nlefl12 fi'l ' per foot. A
ledled , bargain.V L. Selbj , Ib2l Fai num.
Successor to Hush \ Selliy. 25'l ' 2- <
HKHMAN Avenue , Lots 1 anil 2 , Illock 1 ,
l 1'addock Placefor pale , ? I12.50 per loot. A
leclded nargaln W L. Solbj' , 1521 Fainam
Successor to Hush \ Solby. 25'J ' - ' . ' '
1 I Kill , is a great chance 1K\112 ! feet in
IL heart of city. $ . ' 0,111(0 ( , woith double the
inonev , must be sold Ibis week See Cunning-
mm \ Her , rooms 0 nnd 7 , Arlington blk , lor
mrtlou.iuB , 211) ) 28
rHKXCHANK ) ( ; Will oichango farm Innd
In eastern Nebraska lor lots In Omaha
md Lincoln. Address Hot 491 , Fremont , Nnb.
tX)30 !
A P. TI'KKV , 13JI Furnam St. , makes Investments -
vestments for unit resident * a specialty
with guaranteed Interest or shuro ot profits ,
and takes full charge of property ; reference
given. 30
FOH SALK-Lotln Shlnn'aiUl addition , with
now ft-room house , with puntry and clou-
els , cistern und good cnllar. Will pell cheap tor
a tow days. Apply or address H.I,2012 CliarlCB
FOH SALK At a bargain , a most dcslrublu
homo for a small family within a mlle of
P. O , n block from 2 Btrrot cur lines and paved
streets. Inquire of K. K. Whltmoro , liovd'B
opera house 309
SHKHMAN Avenue. Lots ! and 2 , HlockT
I'addock Place.for Bale , $112.50 per foot. A
decided iinrgain W. L Sclbj1521 Fnrnum
Successor to Hush X Solby. 2.VI 28
pOH SALh 50 choicer lurms less than 20
1 ' miles westcf Oniulni. Address. ) II. Sllvls ,
Heal 1't.tttle Agent , Klkhorn. Neb. (141 ( m3HJ
SKLLCl'S , urotlio cnrbtully listed burguun
hunted down by Cake * Hillings. Our sam
ple ea o ;
3 lots with2houses , . ? , I. Hcdlck'B sub , only
block from Ptieet c ir line , lost 12) ) ft on 2
streets , big money hero for you.
lleuuty of Hartlett , fruit trees , flue view ,
only f 1.500 cash needed.
Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and
we'll muko It pleasant and protttiiblo lor you.
TENTH Street bu lnons property with track
age ? 350 per foot , cheapest ground on the
street. 1'attorson It Moore , Omaha National
HHiik. 47.
SIIHIIMAN Avenuii Lota 1 und 2 , Illock 1.
I'addock Place , for sale , f 112. ii ) tier foot. A
decided bargain.V. . L. Sulby , 15J1 Fainam.
SnccosRortn Hush ScHiy. _ 258 28
ONK IIUNDItnnTliouMjs for sale , location
and terms to suit everybody
r , lots In Meyers , Hlclmrds A ; Tildcn'a , 1100
a lot cheaper than others are held nt ,
12 lota lust north ofHiuindors & IlimobaUKh's ,
Highland 1'ark. f-1K ) and t'2 > oich , oaey terms.
John ( ; nlla heril7 : S. 13th Bt. ilW ill
295 J 2
WAN Co..l2l Dodgu Ptl
Heudquartcra for exelianife , farms for
Blocks , stocks for farms. You will always llnd
something to lit your ca o if you have any-
thliif ? to trade by calling on Swan & Co. , 1521
llnrt-'nlna !
\Vu shall offer for the next 110 days the li
barialn < i in farm lands ever made public In
Onmhu. Wo have 2HO farmp well Improved for
fsnlo on easy terms und at low prices.
> 0,000 acres oed land In Nebraska for ( ale
on IOIIK time and famlno prices.
2(1,00 ( 1 acres gtato Febool lands , well located
GOc to $ l.UU par aero , leases run 25 years.
Choice b.irKalna on Inaido propertips , 1m.
proved and vacant. S nnV Co , 1521 Dodue.
77H : il
llAltilAIN Onohuii'lrod feet front on
South Rlpvnnth Rt , corner lot , only 15,000.
r art on limn. V. L. Vodlckii,520 South Illth gt.
8'J'J ' '
SHKMAM Avenue. Ixits 1 and 2 , lllocU I
Paddock Place , tor ale. f 112 M ) per foot. A
decided bargain W. L. riilby , 1521 I'lirnji
Successor to Hush & Solby. 2VJ 28
SALK There is no part of the cltj
where Investments are so Milo as onVes
Dodtre street IIlK money will bo made there
Wuhavo II lots there Ior$4tni0 , and only fl.SCl
cash roiiilrrd | to buy tliera. They are Hi
together and will muko a beautiful homo foi
someone.Hhaw & Co.,570South ll > th st. 828
_ _
HKHM AN Avenu - J.otBl and a. Illockl
Pnddoek Place , for eulo , IH'J.W ) per foot. /
decided bargain. W. U Sulby , 1521 Farnani
Bucceesor to Hush & Sclhy. 259 28
SALK or Trade 35 irood Omaha lots lin
Improved ; will trade for farm lands. Alst
u Rood 4 room cottnire in Hitchcock's addition
Henry , IM'J I'arnam st. 2)8 ) 1
LINCOLN PLACF.-Wo huvo for sale clevci
beautiful lots in Lincoln Place , adjolnlnf
thol'ntrlck farm. Kuili & Belby , 1521 r'urntim
SHKHMAN Avnnuo. Lots 1 and 2 , Itlock 1
I'addock Place , lor Sale , I1I-.V | per foot. . '
dncidod bargain. W. U Sclby , 1521 Farnam
Successor to Kuish & Pclhy. 2.VJ 2.S
EL'SH Ic SKLIIV , 1521 1 arnam fat , olUir :
fi8 lots In Carthairo $ 751
35 lots In Lincoln place 7fr
7 lots In Orchard falll no
10 lots In Sheridan pluco 1,20
15 lota In Portland uluce try
55 lots In Iloyds 711
1 lot In Hcdtord place 07
1 lot on State st j , r *
10 lots on Lcavenworth 8t l,2i >
1W1 ft B 10th st.per foot 10
135 ft on B 10th ht per foot S
lulots InOkahoma Kt
4 lots on s Ifitti st 1,2U
: iou ft on s Ifith ht per foot 1 (
2 lots In Wilcox''d Kt
5U lots In OrlKinal plat
'lints in Hush & Selbys ad K ,
3 lots In S > nillcatn S O t&
4 lots In All'richta annex ,
4 lota In riilrmont place
Mots In Patricks . . .
2 lots In Paddock place cheap
2 IOIB In BnulUSct
Hush & Sclby , 1621 Fiirnum , 727
T 1ST your bargains with
JJ Hook ,
43531 1WW rarniim.
LINCOLN PLACH-We have lor solo clevci
beautiful lots In Lincoln Plucn , adlolnlm
the Patrick farm , llueh & : Selby , 1521 Farnam
Avenue Lots 1 and 2 Illock I
SHEHMAN Place , for tulo. f 112 .VI per foot. .
decided bargain. W. U Sclby , 1521 Fainam
Successor to Hush & Sclhy. 2.VJ 2S
FOHTV-TWO feet on State street . 175
Full lot In Founders V IlniHiliiuigh's add 17
Two jrood lota In Mcjera , It. * T. add , each. 7,1
B K. cor. In lloyd'R . . i'j *
Trackage In Puduock I'laco , cheap ,
Hootn2S , 1'iuton bulldlntr.
FOH SAt.K-4 Feetlonsof and worm f0 pe
acre. Will sell for II If tukun at ouct
Harrison , Ambler & Woollcy , 418 S. 15th st
Omaha , Neb. 4M 1 12
TM.MGDIATi : xalo will tnku 5 lots or less enl ;
-L 5 or 8 blocks from Kxcbango bid an
Union Stock yiirds on favorublo terms. Siiteei
houses under contract In same block. Iwan
what they are worth. I don't want fancy prioo
I want to ecll quickly. 1" U , Ilrancb. 123
rj HKCIOHV A H.MH.KY , Members
> . < Omnha
OmnhaHeal Fstnto Kxchunirc ,
Hoomp 1 and 3 , 320 South Fifteenth Mrcit.
Oood harunlns In need propel ty In Omnhu.
lliMlnpss I'ropc-rty :
22x1,12 on Fnrnam ptrcct , near ltb Mrcct ,
for ff.'Spor ftonl toot . . . .
32xlt2 : on Fnrnnm street , near l.lth Ptrcot ,
with 3-Ptory brick block , renting t IWO
pcrycnr . . . . 41,000
77xU2 on Fnrnatn ftteet.neur 20th street ,
two good dwellings theieon , one 7-
loom and one ' . " -room , all lor . . . . 40,000
Millf. , corner Dodito and llth U'eetsIm
proved und well rented , 1700 per foot
on Dodge street
3.1xl.l2on hodiui street , neiir 13th , D-rootn
brick house , II'-IHI per front foot
( rCxiiil on 12th Btrect , ncnr Dodge , Im
proved ami touting for JI.'iV per
year 12,000
22xlu : on Douglas Mtict,3-story brick
block , tenting 12,400 per j cur , half In
terest lor . . . . 9.001
44xlt2 : DougliiB ptreet.noiir I'ltli street : V\000
C'ixs3 ' ( , coi nar on Oth struct , liuprov ed and
inntlng for tIM per jenr 8,500
l'-2xH2. Leiiicnitoitti nnd loth , tin-
pro\cd CO.WW
fflxl.r. , coiner on Jackson street , Itn-
proxed and renting for fl/iim per rear. 3,000
4lxi'Ji , Jacksonnoui llth street 10,000
Ctixl32 on llth Pi , linprmcd und renting
for f 14)0 ) per yent . 2i,000 !
Ci'ixit2 : , Dutonpnrt ncnr IDth st , Improved
Mini routing tortHKJpur ytmr . . 2 * > ,000
132x13 , ' near F , P. passenger depot. , Wl.M )
102x131 nenr St Paul piipponger depot
eorrcr on California , 4 hoiifc.s , rent
Il.7'i0 .UXM (
44iM7ncat St. Paul passenger depot 11,000
14lxir,7 , llurney st near ' 'Olh pt , $2V ) per
front loot on llurncy Tcr'iiseasy.
f'2'i\I20 , corner on nlley , Saunders st
near Scwaid st , H houses . . 12,000
( flxlitt , Cumlng st. ' ptiiull houses tenting
J.MI ) per ypur. Terms einv 10,000
01 xl''O corner on Siuinders st 7tlH )
41 li'et , SiiundctB near Hamilton st . P.CiOi )
2tcet , Suunders near Hiimillon st . 3..WJ
tiflxftt. corner on South Ifith at , imgo
hou e lenting $720 per year . . 10.50)
IB124 , Leiivonwoilh Pt , hou o Ac . . 4/iOJ
115\125 , coineron Fiiinam st head of Vlr-
glniiiavrcottngi s lout JtiOO V5'iOO '
H\lriO. corner In J 1. Iliullck'tf add. fp 0
loom brick housesand I 7 room fiume
houses , lunsed now lor f 1,10 l per jeni . " .500
cjxllcavt iront lot. Urllllth .V Isiac's
add , near < t. Mury sine , double house ,
2 stcuics'j-rooms nnd bath , etch lent
fl.&mpor jc-ur . . 15,5 W
"fXl.'i on 2fith H , near Cunilnirs , one It
room ami one 7-rootu house , llents
fiits per year . . f'.OOO
iOxI''s1'j. Hamilton st , ni'iir ChaHcs ntono
storv hnuso , lingo burn , etc . . . fl.OOO
100U40 , .1. I. Hcdtcli's add , 10 room house 7.00 .
70\I4U , IMh st ncnr rinrh.n-room house 7,0"0
sdxl 15 , coiner Doduo mid 30lh st , cottage fi.-OO
75xt".0 , cast front , 1Mb st , c-otluge . 3,500
Full lot , south trout , In Hickory Place ,
onu 4-ronmnnd ono 3-room house , rent
f WJ per jeur -.fOO
5X12S corner , Patrick's adil , small doubt *
house on rearn-nt ing for { 20 pur month
and room on lot for t more . . . . 3WO ,
'fi\l87 ' , south fiout , imp Ass'n add , cot
tage . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
31x132,81 Mary's live , coiner lot , ffl.003
hoiiso.buuutilul luwn. llcst honu-ln the
mnrkot . . . . . 20.00J
' 5x140 , cast front. Park axe , ncnr
Lenveuworth , elegant 10 room house ,
new . . 15,000
00x132 , ponth Iront. Culllornlu St. , near
Crelghton Collogci , 11 room house , till
modern improvements , bnrn , currlugo
house , etc 10,000
fiOxl , 12 Webster St. . nonr Ctolghton Col
lege , 2 story 8 room house , bath , city
wuter. furnnco , carriage house , burn . 10,000
1x134 , Bouth front , on llarney street ,
good 2 Hory tf room house , burn , utc. 12,000
40x140,21st St. , ncnr St. Mury'p u\e .tlno
U room house , "KUht In town" 7,000
40x132 , liith Bt. . near Webster , room
house , bath , cellar , well , ilstern , gtia ,
etc1. . . . . . . . . . 7,000
! Kxl20 , corner Shinn's addition , ncnr
SatinuorH st , 10 room housu. cast
front . . . 6,000
50x150 , cast fiont , ( Joorgln nvn. , near
1'opplcton , room IIOUPC , city wntcr ,
cistern , etc , . . 0,000
0'Jxlllf , corner lot , couth IrontStiull's
! ! U addition , 0 room house , terms cniy (1,000 (
) xl4kWc-orni'r in Hurtlett's add .south
und dust front , 7 room cottage , beauti
ful lawn , bath , cellar , cistern , city
water , oto. . " ,000
31x140 , I'urk live near I.eavonwoith pt , 1
dory 8 room $ .1.000 hoitpo , Inrge ptoro-
room , closotH , cellar , porches , wutor
and gas . - . . . 6,000
50x150 , ( icorgia ave , Hanscom Place ,
story and half,7 room house , city water
and bnrn . . . 5.COO
33x112 , CSulllth * Isaac's add , near St.
Mary's uve , 5 room cottage , well nnd
cistern 4.500
100x150 , South front. Mayne st. Orchard
HIM , new 2 story 8 room house , 4WO
60xlOS South front , Shull's 2nd ndd , fine
lot. good cottage , burn , eto 4.00C
33x811 , east front on23d st , south of Cali
fornia st , 8 room bongo 3.80C
31'ixl'O , corner on 25th st , east front,6
room haiisu , collar , well , etc 3,100
50x150 , South front , Wnlnut Hill near
Lowe nvo , graded , 7 room house , citjr
water 3,000
31x140 , cnst front K. V. Smtlh'Bttctd.near
Clark st , 5 room cottage 2.KK )
30xli2wcst ! front , Armitrong'B Istadd ,
good 6 room cottnje. . . . . . . . 2.TOC
30th Bt near Davenport , fi room brick
houBO 2 , < S ] ( .
32x120 , east front , Put rick's add , 4 room
bouso , cellar , well , clatorn ; one-eighth
cash. : S.GOC
80x64 , east front on 25th st. now 5 room
houKo complete , S500 ciinh tV-OJ or
fl.OOlen-ih . . . . . . . 2,10 (
Oxllt'l W , A. Hcdicks ndd 4 room hoiiito
cistern , well , bain 2,50C
50x1:10 : Oichard hlllK roomhouan . . . . 2,0Jl
50x130 north Iront In Omuliii View , near
Stats ft,4 room house 2,0o (
50x120 south front in Omaha View , now i
room house . . . . . . . 1,70C
Cottages built to order enat of Orchard
bill and south of Omaha View for l.GOf
100x115 Furniim st near'list at 13,50 (
l'xl5V ) | CornerCumings nndI2d st 14,00 !
8S-X132 corner si I'nddock pluco 12KJ ( (
WlxiK : corner 241 h st High Bchool V.OiX
fiOx78 ! Cortlund place near St Mnrys 7..VX
Ono acre , fine , In Went Omnlin . . . . 7niK
KXxl50 ) finest corner llatiicoin Place . . 7,20 ;
100x140 corner , Kount/o 3d add fi.lXX
Sxl30corner Stewart vliico 5,00.
100x'0 cor 30th st npiinCal B.COI
100x132 corner Sunny Sldu 5 , < 0
lOOill/l Hanscom pi fronting park 4Mk
100x120 corner A S. Patrlekn add 3,8iH
75vl27'i ' Shinns add near Miundors 'VO
50x140 cor.1. I Hedlcks add 3.7.V
UOxl'12 cor BO and east West Omaha l.M ) ,
45x132 Corner l'uriium.leiomo park. . . 3..VII
120x100 corner State. Omaha View . . . . 3,751
48x1311 , cast front , Summit Place 3,3U <
114 fret front on Lc-ATonworth , corner M:0 :
104x114 , Lcavenworth Torruco 3,301
100x124 , corner PJulnvlow 8,001
Mxl-"J ) , Lakuut near Suiin-Jcrs 3,001
50x150 , oust front , ( iiioreln nve , near Pop 3,00 <
4SX134. . Furnam st , .leromo park 3Wi (
5.'xl2lSuunderii .st , ICount/opluao 3,001
50x150 , Delnwure bt , Hanscom Placet " , " > '
50x150 , Cnorgla uvo near Woolworth " , ' >
f.Oil.V ) , Virginia nour Popploton . . 2,551
50x175 , fronting Hamilton mid Charles BIB 2,5fli
50xl4Hsouth Iront ,'s add . . . . 2,5(11
50xl40J. 1. Hedlnk'B sub 2,50'
28X132 , Chicago near24thBt 2..VH
100x150 , eornor In Walnut Hill . . . . 2.41-
50x130 , best south front , Fostnr'B ucld 2,30
100x125 , corner State st , M II. AT. add . 2 , : i
50x181 , Sulphur Sprincs add , near Kith Ht .20
5 < ) xl30 , toutli front , Davenport near 30th 2,00
52x140 , Purk Plucc. fronting California It 2,0 > >
eOxllK.south frontShlnn's 3d 2,00i
Ffixioscorner 2Hth near Liik" 1,9V
50x121eornor 3Vth st nenr Luke . . . I.l'.M '
50x150 , ( icorglaa\e , Hunseom Plac * . . . . IA >
51x123 corner. Prospect Place . . . l.1
95\I3D , corner , Thornbnrg I'lucn . l.W1
4txl2'i ! , eornor , Lowu live and California st l.Ht'i
4SxlI5corner Locust nnar ICtb st I'HI
HWxl27 corner Iloyd's ad l,75i
100x125 Mvera K and T nnur Stiitu Pt 1,70
61x11,1 Paddock place , 2 lot ? , each . . . 1K )
40x125 Stnto st , front Omaha View 1,50
40x.uO Fnirmount I'laca corner . . . l,3t >
80xU7foiith front Lowu'a add . . . 1,10
50xlO'J Houth liont Imp. ASH. ndd . . 1.00
lyixlVi Walnut Hill double trout 1,10
50x125 Bouth trent McCormack's 10
50x130 Slidrldiin plnco trent Litavenworth 1,30
57xliW Kouth trent King's add. . . . 1,20
40x131) ) I'tica place be t lot
IxilB In Ambliir plaee , Orclmrd Hill , Wes
Hide , Lincoln place , Omaha View. Meyer H. 1
T. , Iloyd's , Schnver I'luco , Ki-kcrmunii pluci
Dupont iilacu , Thornbnrg , Kostur'B , llelfor
lilncn , Pmlnvlew , Carthage , West C.immpi
South Omnhn
and nil good mtditlons lhpr"to at very roiisoi
able priced. Como and fee tnniti.
( Iregory A Hudley ,
181 Rooms ! 3 , 32J S. 151 h Bt.
O UKl , IS'l f.f bargain * :
I.oweavc'1 lot . { I.r ;
fcowo uvo corner . 2,0t
Fornum H. coiner . 2'.VV
KariiMiu et. 1 lot ImprOTcd . ' /I.IK.
Furnam st . 3,0
Farnuiu st . 3,3 (
Lake Ktroet . 3,11
Platnvlnw . 1.4C
Wuimdor.s at.Oft .
Hiinndersst. 110 It Improved . 15,0 !
Pctuth lilthst 'Hft ' . 5 , & .
South st. 50 I50 . - . . r. , < n
Oeorgla ave 75xlV ) . 2,14.
Park uvo corner Wil40 Improve I .
Stevens I'luus.
There la not an addition In Ornahu that ra
boat It , nnil wo can toll you no cl' > tnuii l <
on eiisr lornia. It Is lust the place for u hunx
Aero I'rnpcrtr
110 ncros msid the cltv limits on cas
tcrms.Thcre Is money In It.
3 K acres opposite Koilnt/o Place.
llesldenco lot .
Vet , we bavo u largo lift of vacant and In
proved In till parts of thu city , und cun Ku
evcrhouy who wnntato buy ,
111 Slovene Droe , 101U Furiicm it.
\\TK- offer for a few days to cll n fine luisl.
II ne s p-opcrty for l.'s.txio 7 Ptorci tutlld-
tiers with Hats nlimo , now.'pavlng $ .i,7ix ) iicr
year. Will take good real eMutc in part pay *
mrnt , balance on easy terms.
Now tl room house In Walnut Hill fl.lOO , f \
ciinh , balance ca y trim * . Cull for terms.
Houses and lots on Park av , on tie rga av. ,
in Virginia av. , Hanscom Park , lliin-u'om
Place , and In fact u laruo list In all the mo. t
Icflrable portlonsof the city. K , T lladd .V
Son , 152.1 Fai nam nt. 43'J '
I 1ST jour houses and lots with ]
Hook ,
435 .11 IMu Fainam.
C1IIKPl.ors Vou c n niukn money on our
' Chetti Lots on the Milley north of ton n.
( I50tof275. Come and jeo them. Hoggs .V Hill.
412 .1 II
I/HIH SALU-lly Shaw \ Co. ,
I-1 510 S Ifilh sf.
! lou cs and lots in nil parts of t 10 city. Von
ran't allord to lent uheii you Know the price
unit terms of I his class cif property.
On licorgU u\enuiMte rmve a la'rgo piece of
ground for sale at less than Its vulua Ills
worth looking ut It jou want a nlco rcsldenco
Irfits for pule In dlirorcnt parts of thoclty.aml
J'ou ure sure to ninke money by dealing hit
us. Wo me hcadiiuaitcrs lor safe Investments.
1ST jourgood property with
\1 \ T. .1 Hook ,
435 31 l.'iC'.i ' I'm nam.
71OH SVI.P.-I oiler tor sale the "Munhiittiilt
Farm , " owned by me , mid consisting of
. ' 00 ncics on the se' ot MVIMHI 20 , nnd thu neVi
ol no1 ! of section 3. ° i , to n 12 , innge 12 , Hull
county , Nebraska ; 100 acres uiulc'r cultlxatlon ,
good sstoijliousc' , Htrtbic , c'orn cilb , granary ,
etc , etc , In itood outer. 'Ihi.s turm Is adinir-
ibh iidupti il tor slock taNcrs on urcount of ita
Mi'liilt ) to the large tangos on the Limp river.
In Immediate vlcinitr of church , Hchool. ami
oni ) lour ml'i B of Cuiio Million on thu II. & M.
liy. This farm u ill be cold b ) me lit person at
the ( 'ill/ens' National Hank , ( mind Island , on
.lime 15
C. K Kollf , 313 .lnck'oii st. , St. Paul. Minn.
31,1 3 *
I' you I lots llt (
IJ 11I' Hook ,
4'5 ! 11 1500
l SALK llent or tinde , Iho-room cottiign
In l'niilcOM'8 addition , Ten room hou o
nnd tlireo lots In l.ndwlek place1 , and other
pioperty. L. \ . Cium , 120 N. IMh M 40.1
\KXTKK K TIION1AS-lias the choicest lots
J In Lincoln I'laco.
5 cor. acres In Siioman's add $700 cnch.
3 lots In block ViSouth Omaha
Also U , block ivi , ami l't 2 , block in , 7 inSJ , 3
lit " 7 , cheap.
N ) acres bv Central City to s ll or trado.
1,120acies In a body near Stunton.
4S ) acres near Wlsner.
Also lots In lledford Phicu , Dclonos r.ddltlnn ,
Wet Cumliu : , Kruter's add on Cumlng sU Tlio
bos < lot In block C Shinn's addition.
Also luign lots In Shlloh.
f > act ( > s on Ames' avenue. ,
Also tracuairoclioiip on licit Line , for sah or
6 large lots on lliondwnj' . Council IllulTs
Lot 3blk 0 Imptovoment As-sociullon ,
W.2.V )
l/tHblk7 , Paine add , panic slc , corner ,
14,000 , Acc ,
I own the uhovo and can malm tnrms to suit.
Come and see. Dexter ! . Thomad , room f ,
Creighton lllocfc 75-5
IF you wish to pull anj thing chcai | llet It with
T .1 Hook.
4t5-31 : IM'l ' Karnam.
f plfK Apple of My l'ye"liomo only " block ott
JSt. . Mary's uvii cur line , convenient to tnisi-
r.css , built "not toradiiy but lor all time. "
llargiims In buslncs propcity.
l.lit with us for wo put thorn whore they keep
hot. Cake Ac Hillings .over 101 South l.Mh Kt.
r > o < >
Arrive I l.omo"
Unialia Onuilia
Depot 10th iitul I'letcu fc
I'aelhc Kxpruss : f > 0im ;
Denver Kxptcss 10Wi : am
M.ocal lllOOiun 0:05 : pra
Except Sunday.
1 ? . * M. U. It-
Depot loth ami I'acluc sts.
Mall ami Kxprnss 5:4r : pin 10:00 : mn
Nlilit Express 10:00 : ; uu 7-15 :
C. H. A Q.It. K.
Depot lOlli mil I'.i'iHic
Mail and Express 0:20 : am 0:00 : pm
' " ' Kxpre.ia 7:0" : > um bio : atu
K. C. St. J. A C. U.
Depot lOlh ami 1'nciliust
Mall 7:0.rMim : BMO am
Express 7:00nm : 8:50 : put
C. St. 1' . M. & O.
Depot 15tli and Wetiator st.
Sioux City Exptesa * -ifipm ) : 8:13 : am
Banutoit Express 10:40 : am * 4 : pm
UJalr 1'assenu'er 7:40pm : 5 : : > 5inu
* Exccut Sunday
Depot 15th and Webster st
Day Evpresa 0.2am 11:10 : AIU
NlKlit Kxjjrei , r > : ; .u pm 0:10 : pin
Lincoln Rxptcss 11:10 : um ( V.lO pm
Htninlni ; between Council lllulTsand South
Omaha. In addition to the. stations innn-i
tioned , trains stop nt Twentieth and Twenty-
fourlli streets , nnd at Suiiunlt , In Omaha.
\V outward.
I IMIIa. l. . . -olt
or Ui liu.IrVuiiitf u mil ilrcni.-llitnrit. run tiartuu nt
t ulictltJ ) lice. KI11KMtiilUALtiO.UafioloX , K.