Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FBIDAY. MAY 27. 1887 BPECIALNOT10E8 ; MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN-On city property In sums ol IW mill upward" at lowest rates. Money klways on hand. 8. B. Campbell. 310 Bontli Sixteenth street. 8S tfjn.cooto ' Ioanat6 per cent , Ilium ft Famp- $ son , 1610 Douglas t 670 MONKV to loan In largo or small amounts by _ XVm II. Lnnrli , 15TO Fnrnam. _ 3J15 _ _ ' . TO UAN-O 1' . Davis * Co rcol MONI'.V estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnnm st 671 MONKY TO LOAN -First mortgage notes bought. J , A. Hlrstnnd , room 0 , Arllng- Inn block. W J 12J / ) To loan on Omaha city property nt6 $600/)00 per cent U. W. Day , a o. cor. Ex. Hid.B7J B7J TVIONKY TO I.AN-On city nnil farm prop- J'L crtylow latcs. Stewart & Co.llootn3 Jron bank. 074 MONEV to loan , cash on dolay. J. W. and K. U E'Ulre | , 14L1 Farnam it , Taxton hotel bnlldlnir 076 First mortungo notes. The MONKV county bunk will buy papers eocurod by tlrst mnrtgago on city realty. 670 MONF.Y TO LOAN on improved real pstnto ; no commission chargol. Leavltt llnrn- hnm , lloom 1 Croighton Illock. 677 6 PlUl CUM1 Monny to loan. Gregory * lladley. Rooms 1 and 3 , Hedick block , U20 S. 15th flt 678 MONEY loaned on rpsldonco property. First nnd second mortgages bought. B. S. How- ley , .111 South 15th street. 2RAj. 6 LOAN Money Loans placed on improved - proved real estate In city or county for New England Loan It Trust Co. , by Douglas County hank.-lMh nnd Chicago sta. 679 MONEY to loan on Improved city property nt 6 per cent. Money on hand ; do not hnvo to wait Have n complete set of abstract books of Douglas county. 1. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. , 320 S. 11th st. ( M ) MONEY TO UAN-by the undersigned , who has the only properly organised loan nguncy InOmnhn. Loans of 110 to 1100 made on furniture , pl'inos , organs , horses , wagons , tnnchlnvry , &c. without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. IXJHIIS so tniido that any part can bopald at any Imo.each pa ) mcnt reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances tnail'tpn flno wiiluliea nnd diamonds. Persons hnuld carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many now concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see mo. \ \ . It Croft , Hoom 4 W'thnell Ilulldlng 15th nnd Hiirnoy o.l riMIEOmalin Financial Exchange , * N. XV. corner of Harnoy and 15th sts. , over State National bank. It prepared to make short tlmo loans on any avallublo Hcourlty. Loans mndu on chattels , collateral or real estate. Long time loans miidoon Improved real estate At current rnfcu. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short tlmo loans made on second mortgage , according to marginal Interest , nt collateral rates. Heal estate to exchange for good Interest lC rlnir paper. General financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Money always on hand for approved loans of Bny kind , without delay or unnecessary pub- llclty. Corbett. Manager. < B750,000"TOLOANatfl per cent Llmihnn P Mahoney , 1509 Farnam.r ( < C9 T\/fONEY / LOANED ut C. F. Heed & Co.8 Loan OUOlllco , on furniture , pianos , horscs.wagons , personal property of nil kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. 13th. over lllnglmm's rommlsslon storo. All husl- ness strlttlv confldontlal. 6S1 KPER ; CENT Money. J R. 0. Patterson. 15th asd Homey. BUSINESS CHANGES. A RARE ohanco to buy out nn"oid and well- established llrm , doing a good retail busi ness on ono of the principal streets in the city , lleason for Boiling party Is engaged In other IiuslnoSH which requires most of Ills tlnm. For further information apply to Nebraska Loan fc Iteal Estatu Co. , Hoouia 9 and 10 , Hollman build- Ing. 2 > 8 g > "I31OH SALE Or Exchange for biislnoss or JL' Btook goods , I no acres , Nebraska ; also Chicago lots. Would pnv cash dllforonco If nnv. Address It S8 , Hoe ollloo. UQQ 29 * L TpOll SALE NIce little business. Fruit , con- Y * - feetlonnry , cigars , tobacco nnd Ice cream. f 3ust the thing for a lady ; rent only (23 for fetoro nnd living rooms. Price ( JO. Mrs. llrogu > Bon , 310 8. 15th. 289 30J T71OK BALE-I will sell at a bargain n notion JL' store , with or without stock. Going away reason. 805 M. loth at. 270 36 * 'CHR 8ALE Drug stock , clean and now.prlce J-1 (1,600 , terms (50 monthly , 80 miles from Omaha , 10 miles from competition , country thickly settled with Germans nnd Americans. Address Frank MoKeuna , Grotna , Neb. 166 29J L A FINE paying restaurant business for sale - in one of the largest nnd most thriving towns of the Btnto ; (1,500 capital only Is noc- pssary. Address HO , Hoe olllco. 1C6 20J , T710R BALE-Lumbor Yards-Twenty lumber Jyards In Nebraska for salo. ' Good looa- Jlon. Good business. One of the proprietors frolng back to Europe to live. Address Lum- Clowory.S. XX' . P. O. , Chicago. 111. IOR SALE A general Block new (5,000 , atoro house nnd tot new ( l.VX ) . Centrally lo cated. A splendid opportunity to got m a new town , one-half cash hnlnnco tlmo. Address for one week Lock Box " 2 , " Mason City , Neb. 10327 TOOK BALE Part Interest In a well established X1 bakery. Chancoforn fine business with iimall capital. Call at or address Nw York bakery 1900 Ginning st. clly. voi 37J OK EXCIIANG B-Etock of general morchan- illse about 11,500 , stuck hardware about 1,000. XVant U cash. H. & U. , box 903 , Bhenadoah , la- 78.136 * fjlblt B'A'LE Meat Market doing good bull- JL' ness. Good location. Reasons for selling. Address. I'47 , Bee , 710 30J ' YOUR OPPORTUNITY-'frlnofitook of grocer * los , feed , produce , etc. , with a dally busi ness of (125 , on the best street In the city , for ale. Good reasons for selling. Parrott * Wll * jlamson , 1401 Douglas at. Upatairs. 407 * \1TANTED A person dcMrtng to engage In TT an honorable paying business netting (10 to (12 per day clear profit on stock of (75 to § 150. Best bUttlnosB men of this city given as references- Call at once , or write , to Room1 ! . Crounse block , loth st , cor. Capitol ave , Omaha , Nob. 408-Jll " [ TOR BALE X'ory cheap , good bricic business Jpropoi ty In Grand Island , Neb. The greatest bargain nnd best terms In this city. Good rea- ons for polling. For particulars address J. H. Woolloy , Attorney at Law , Grand Island. Neb. . _ 257J1SJ FOR BALE- profltablo and well established business suitable 'or a lady. Call and In quire nt Employment Bureau , 219 n 10th sts. LOST. f OST In Central park , buy borso.whlto hind JLJ foot , about 1,400 ; reward. Return to H. Jacobbcrger , corner Saunders and Clark. 2U727J T OST From B o cor 19th and Ciimtng sts. , a JLJ buckskin pony , U years old , branded onlott hind leg. _ Reward for return. 22828 * STRAYED-Or Stolen , from Bedford Place , Mny22d , ono Iron-Gray mare , five or six feai s old. branded 1 > . B. on loft hip. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of same tone ) no , Reese's Stables on Saundern st. 239 20 * STOBAOE. STOUAGh I or household goods and general merchandise at low rates , corner Thir teenth and I/ard street * , up town office 619 touth Thirteenth. Telephone662. 4S7114 ] * SlVRAGE-Flrst-class storage for nice furni ture and boxed goods. Ferguson Furnj. lure Co , , 715-717-731 North 10th street. 175 "jiHllbT-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th ft 681 ' FIrst-claii storiura for nice fur niture or boxed goods , at 1513 I DodEr-t axs CLAIRVOYANT. AKIHVED-Mrs. Dr. Kddy. of llolton. the world-renowned nnd highly celebrated queen trance clairvoyant of the Atlantic coast Mrs. Eddy is n seventh daughter , born with a double veil. Has the power of any two clair voyants you over met Tells your entire life , past , prevent and future , In n dead franco. Kvory bidden mystery revonlod. Tells lul names of her callers and the full names of youi futurohuebund or wife , with ago und date ol inarrlM * , and tells whether the ono you love U true or false. Gives advice on divorcas. con tested wills , ipounlatlon * . eto. Tells wbetbei locks will rite or fall. Tolls your life from era die to the Brave , and causes speedy and happj ruarriaires. Madame unite * the septratod lr. one half the time that every other cUirvoyanl can. HcmoTcs evil Influences , and by her ad vice gi\es good luck. Positively no Impoaitlon. Itovealsuvbrthliur , ( VOOO challenge to any me- rtlum who can exoel her. Hour * . 9 a.m. to ( p. in. , strict Parlor * at 40A N 16th slreet , uj two tllffata. Cut this out and call early. N. li. Thto ! Madame. ' ! Brit visit , ! ) iur < you f t ta riflht Munc and aumbwr , M7 M * MIU DPHANT Clurlvoyant from noston.n reliable In nil affair * ot life , unlten separated lovers. 822 N. IRth at room 1 691 m2S | J EHSONAL-Ncat and tnMy all wool lulls J7 , I'lno blue illagonal dress suits , $10.76. Call and sue them or write for samples. Ij O. Jones & Co , American Clothiers , 1JJV Farnnm at , Omaha. 9C3J30 IKH. ONA j-lf you want a desirable , cen trally located ofllco you can find It at 310 B 15th st P78 13EltbONAL-Prlvntp homo for Indies during J confinement , strictly confidential , Infants aloptcd , addre 8 E Illco oflicn. 6I9J2 * 1 > EHSONAL-Iluior , jes , owner will tnko | 2il , for the elegant east front lot , Han- Atom Plnio , If taken at once. Ooss Ilros. , 418 3 16th. 73S 31 Mrn. Or Nannt * T. XTarren PEIiaoNAI . Medical and bualn M Medium Boom No. S , 121 North 10th it .Omaha. Neb. OOO MISCELLANEOUS. EMPLOVMKNTKenlal and Collection Agency If you want work , or to employ help , or huvo houses to rent , or accounts to collect , call on M. Maynard , 317 South 13th at. , Omaha. 301)23 ) PAPEIIHANOING-16 per cent discount from store pr.ccs. Address Papurhnngar , 814 North ICth St. GflO-J-IO * rilAPr.XX'OHSI removed In four hourd com- -L plolel nt homo. Address , with stump , Prof. A. 1'ctcr , 114 Honroo eve , , Kochestor , N. V. 05927 * GOUKKHPONDKNCr. solicited from slnglo ladles wNhlnir to como west Mrs. O. Henderson , Doughu , Wyo. 2fl 3lj "WHY pny | 3Vl and $400 for u piano ot no particular morJt , when by adding JW moro yon can buy a Decker llro. , known the world over to bu first-class In every particular. Woodbrldgo llro. MJ2I A1'HOF1TADI < E and pleasant business for liuly or gent with a little money at 810 South 15th St. , room R. S'.rJ 2S " 1X71 ; ha\o n customcrfor n good corner lot In Vl 6hlnn'slst,2d urSd iiddltlon. What have you to otfor ? F. liarrott & Co. , 314M South 15th. 217 27 ALA1K1E amount of pasturage , well shaded and watered by numerous snrlnjs. Inquire at real cstnto otllcn ot Jas , E. Vnndnr- cook * Co. , No. 120 N15'hst 6W 3TRAXX * Hnts shaped , bleached and trimmed , 5 1415 Howard. A. McAusland. 74531 * CESS POOLS , sinks nndaulta cleaned. odor- Ices procoas. E. Ewlng , box 427 , elty. 680 JIOJ rpD KXCHANaE-Two lots , omt front , Im- JL provemcnta add. , pnco * > ) ,000 each , lor outsirto property , aui ea prnferrod or farm land. Frank McKomia , Gretna , Nob. Kit 29j FOR SALE XVInd mill , tower and tank com plete , in good order ; can be taken down nnd niovoj. Call on or address Klrkendnll , Jones & Co. , 1103 Hnrnoy street , Omaha. 91827 T71OKKHN1 Square I'lano J moutnlr. A J ? Bospe. 1613 Douglas. 689 FOR SALE-Thumb zither , very cheap , O. Tiofonbrunnor's mako. Address H lU.Iloo office. 202 TO PHOI'ERTY Owners-If > on want to Fell your property send full description wljli price and terms to Hart's Great Western Heal Estate llurcau.Crelghton Illock. We have cus tomers for every bargain that Is offered. Hllm'll o parties having houses for rent , Hontnl Agency , llennwa & Co. . 15st. , opposite post- ofllco. Wo have turned over to them our rental list We recommend thorn. McCague Ilroa. 690 NOTICE XV. C. King i Co. , house moving and raising , leave orders at 1320 Pierce st , Wo J4J "ITloit HENT Organs , 13 per month , riotpe , X ! 1613 Douglas. 68U Ol. -Houso furnishing goods , nit kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J. Ilonner , 1315 Douglas st 000 F IOII RKNT Hquaro jplano , ( t monthlv. Hoape. ISUDougUs. O.s'J FF rou want to buy or sell furniture , go to JL J. Ferguson's , 711 N. 16th. fl'JI FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 1OH SALE-30 H. P. boiler and 8 H. P. rn- 1' glno l,2J01bs. Fairbanks scales , ono pair Mares , wagon nnd harness , cheap und on easy terms. 619 B. 13th St 182 1 * F OR BALE-Ono high desk nnd ono safe , nearly now. 813 South l.lth at. 3012b F I OB BALE A small horse , 118 N. 15th. 304 28 * FOIt SALE Flno young matched team of horses , cheap. Weight 2,400 Ibs ; by God- dard & Moore , 211 North 16th at. > 26 R BALE Cheap fine young matched team J ? weight 2400-lbs , by Goddard & Moore , 201 N 15th St. 290 20J FOR SALE A flno driving horse , perfectly Bound ; worth (225 , will sell for (176 spot cnab. No real estate wanted in exchange. In quire of Ulunt & luipoy , 418 S. 15th at. 29728 F OH BALE-Housahold furniture , cor. Wil liams and 19th st. 30.26 * FOR SALE Tnreo Hansom cabs In good run ning order , nearly new , hat Ing boon used about three months ; arc of the latest design any very light and c'at originally (700. XVlll sell for (276 each. C. Scbuwackcr , 414 S. 3d st , St , Louis , Mo. 225 20 * HO will buy furniture of 4 roomhonac , house ) can be rented , call 1003 Douglas at. 227 23 * fOH SALE-A fine driving horse , suitable for * - family. Gentle and a good traveler , ( lea N. Hicks , 215 B 15th streot. 247 29 FOR BALE Furniture and fixtures of a 9- room house , rent reasonable and go od lo cation for rentingrooms. . Address R 19 , care of this ofllco. SJO 28J THOU SALE Furniture , nil good and now am ) -L cheap for cnh , in centrally located 10- room house , house can bo rented. Address U 7. Bee. 179 26 FOR BALE Two Hambletonlnn carriage horses , will drlvo single or doublo. Dr. F. XVackcrow , Omaha , Nob. Office 417 S 14th st 020 26 F I OH SALE-New , light sidebar top buggy , cheap. Cole 310 8.16th , room L 627 T71OR BALE One six-foot upright black wat < J nut show case , Milton Rogers & Son. 909 SALE-4,000,000 Hard OrlcK. T. Murray. TJ1OH BALE Buck board and open buggy. J Inquire 1.V57 N U'th. ' TUl-'teJ F OR 8ALE-6 milch cows. K A Marsh. 904 N 16th. 66.- > FOR BALK New coupe , Itockaway , owner leaving clly ; price (550. Can be soon at Simpson. 155 20j foil SALE Drivers and draft horses , rear of 1 1818 Chicago Bt. 164 ] 5 * TjlO IRSALK-Urlck T.Murray. 693 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Track men , laborers and teams for railroad work. D. C. O'Keefo. 309 B. llth st. 308 2 * \\TANTr.D Watch maker at Hubremim's , T > 203813th. 287 W ANTED Laborers tor railroad work. E.S. Albright'i Labor Agency , 113) Farnam. W ANTED Men for railroad work In Colo- rado. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Far nam. 894 w ANTED-4 brick moulders at C. 11. lllckel & Bon's brick yard , Valley st near 13th Bt 90537J WANTED An expo rloncek Grocer'i delivery man , must bu well acquainted in the clly , iteady nnd reliable ; none else need make anpll cation. XVm. Fleming & Co 607 V\rANTEI > Hoarding boss for railroad oamp Y > Allbrlght's Labor Airency , 1120 Farnam. S42 38 \\7ANTKD-Coat and pants maker * at J. 0 Yl Vapors. 813 30 * WANTED Driver foi milk wagon. Apply iU12 ) Hamilton it. S692BJ \\7ANTED-A flrat-class milker. J. H. lloch , TT north of deal and dumb luatltuto. 270 23J TANTED Flrst-clask gentleman stono- giaphcr. Valentine's Shorthand Institute. 257 26 \T7ANTKD-A good general blacksmith and a T > good carriage painter. Inquire of W. J. Broatoh , Omaha , or U. C. Walter , Norfolk. Neb. 197 tf6J W ANTED Flrat-claaa second cook at Euro pean hotel , 823 B. 10th at 273 28 WANTED Boy assistant bookkeeper ; can furnish four perions situation ! as book keepers June Ut J. B. Smith , 1613 Chicago st 19t 2t WANTED A first class barber Immediately , wages ( IS , uono but sober , first class man need apply. Address XVlll U Hill , Wahoo , Neb. tk 7 ] \7ANTED-50 sllont panls. sample fee (7. Addresi T. B. Gray , Fairmont , Fllmore Co. Neb , nt llj WANTED -Two gentlemanly lioys for car rlors on Dally Evening Bee. Apply at Boo office. 318 WANTED- man of good education to act astrnxollng salesman with n flrst-cta s house. Must bo able to give aocuritr. HOT 709 , Omaha. ISO .1 10J _ " \ \ TA.N ' 1 ED "A good pastry cook male or fo- > > initlo , nt Arcade hotof , 1J15 Douglas st. 288 28J U 'ANTED Flrst-clnss barber , good wages , steady Job. Address Molchor Bro. Supply \VS \ 2s ] WANTBD-Mcn.XX'omon , Hoys and Girls for n light and profitable employment No picture business : no humbug. Bend lOc for a valuable package to commence on. Only a few hundred will bo distributed. Address Albany Supply Co. . Albany. N. Y. 842 j. ! ' W'ANTED.-.FEBtALE ' HELP. ANTED-V Irst girl , loU Capltofovo ; 277 J Ij WANTBD-GIrl for general house work,1416 North 13th , between Clark and Grace. 3.10 27 * TITANTED A fatnalecookGerman preferred T T nt City hotel. 34J 37J \ \ * ANTED A good Klrl tor general housework - work , 1716 N 19th at 211 WANTED Dlnlng room glrla nt Canfleid house unj block Exchange. 3)5 ) I WANTED-Throa good sensible glrla toVash dished nt the Paxton hotel. Inquire lor the steward. 215 20J WANTED-A shirt pollaher at 1018 Baundors Bt. 209 88 * WANTED-Competent Boamstress at'718 N. 21 t st 200 33 \XTANTED-Twogood girls for general TT housework , good wages , small family , at 1917 Cuss st. 2J "V\7'ANTrD A joung lady to keep sot of TT books and make neraclt useful in retail drygooda nnd grocery atoro , Mra. Ilroga i Son.3111 b nth , upstairs. 3JO 26J WANTED-NIco girl or woman to board at hotel and take unroof ji chUtl. Young lady to attend a paper btand : 10 dmfnif room , girls ; ildlshwasherK. luundioss nnd conk for Central City , (18 and > 21 ; woman pastrycook for Kcnriiuy (25 tare paid , 3 uoincn to cook for anchcs , drossnmkors , sulrtiuakora , knlttcis and lots of work of nil kind.housework In every part of the city. Mra. Uro ra & tjon,31t ) S 15th , up stairs. 2'M ' 8HJ VVrANTKD Competent irlrl for general house T T work. Apply 1819 Loavonworth at. 2-14 2dJ Vi 17ANTED At Planter's , two girls. None but oxpeilenced waiters wanted. "WKI1 * W ANTED--n dining room girls. 0 dishwash ers , 3 girls for laundry work , 4 chamber maids , 100 ghN tor general houscnork. Omaha Employment lluroau.lit N. 18th st , 2U427 \\ANTED--A girl who Is n good cook and TT laundreba. Apply 20J1 Chicago st. 235 27 WANTED Nurse girl. Apply to 26J1 Daven- port Bt. UO 2BJ WANTED-OIrl for general houaowork. 130T Cass st U57 20J WANTED Two dressmaker's apprentices. Mrs. B. J. Enrle , 1009 Webster st 171-20 * WANTED A good Gorman or Bohemian girl for geneial housework. A perma nent place and good wages. Apply , Immedi ately , at720 822dst. , corner of Lcnen worth. [ IM WANTED A girl for general housework , at n w corner 18th and Lonvenworth sts. 3UI2J * WANTKD-Ono female cook and ono dining room girl nt the Atlantic hotel , CO' ) S. lOtn street , biatidlnavlun or Goimnn pretorred. 178 20J WANTED rirst-classgltl fortronoral house work , none other need apply , nt 1717 Chicago st. 118 28J V\'ANTED Good girls nt all tiroes for house * work , dining room , oto. Call nt the Miss Kennedy's now location , Ml N 15th st. 2M 29 WANTED Good girl for goncial house work. Mrs. L. J. Nodd.OU S. 18lh. 268 W ANTED Good girl for kitchen work. foi- ! man preferred , nt 1UI8 Farnam. 27J 2SJ "VITANTKU A practical woman for house- T keeper , wnircs 8" per week. Apply between - twoon 12 and 2 , 111j Douglas. Z'SJ ' WANTED Good , competent girl. Must bo good cook. None other need apply , at 1701 Capitol avenue. - 07 23 * WANTED-Lady agents for Mrs. Campbell's combination underskirt and bustle , removable - movable hoops for laundry. Agents IIIBKO (1 each , and many sell 12 nally. 100 seamstresses employed to keep up with orders. Address with stamp , E. Campbell & Co. , 4S4 XX * . Ran- dolphst.Cnlcngo , III. 121J 5 * WANTED A good house cleaner for two or three days work. Apply nt 1921 St. Mary's WANTED A girl to do mineral housework , must be a good cook. 1818 Webster st 909 WANTED-At Planters houao dining room girls , none but experienced waiters wanted. U51 2i > * W 'ANTED-A dlshwnslior at Millet's restnu- rint. 1004 N. Ibthst. 819 WA NTED-Glrlfor general housework , 620 8 19th st. . J51 \1ANTED Good girl for general housework ' except washing. Must bo good cook ; references required. XVaosl 6) ) a week. Ap ply Mrs. M. Gould , 9119 Douglas ft. 101 20j WANTED-Lady bookkeeper nt U. P. McatMarket Idthst , near XVebstor. 76'l W ANTKD Cook and dining room girt Muel ler's Restaurant , 1004 N. 16th st. 2il WANTED-Sccond girl Immediately. Call bet. the hours of 9 and 10 a. in. or 6 to 7 p. in. , 2427 Dodge street. 252 "TTTANTED Ladies to work for us at tnelr TT own nomes ; (7 to 10 per week can be quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass ing , ( or full particulars please address at once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central at. Boston , Mass , llnx.6170. SITUATION WANTED. WANTED-lly a competent bookkeeper , posting or other clerical work In the lore part of the day. Address H 25 , this oftlco. , 275 2u * " \X7"ANTED-Sltuntlon , by a young man at T v ofllco work of any kind , traveling on the road or house salesman with eomo nood'wholo' Bale house , Severn ! yean' experience , bent ol references from eeverul Chicago tlrms. H 23. Dee office , 25S 27J \VANTED-Sltuatlon as housekeeper bya thoroughly competent Gorman woman , excellent cook and manager ; no washing. Mrs Ilroga.316 South 15th. ' . ' 40 25J' ' WANTED A situation by a registered phar tnaclstwlth flvo years oxuprloncp. .Can Blvo best of references. Address box3i.t , Chnd < ron , Neb. , 25J31 * W'ANTED A } oung man wants to learn the barber trade. Address U18 , Uoo olriaa ; 203 87 * WANTED-Posltion as assistant bookkeeper or light sot of books to keep of ovonlngd Address P 60 Doe. olllco. 849-26 * ANTED A position as typo vrrltor. Ad' dress O 40 , lleo office 231 W IANTBD A position as type writer. Ad dress O 40 , Itee oOlco. 231 \\7ANTRD-A Position by a thorough no- ' countant Uost of references. Address O14 HoeolBce. 8l'l MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\rANTKD To buy few acres in good part ol ' cltyorwouM buy lots If cheap. Ownon only , no agents. H 29 , Bee. 30729 * WANTED Board and room by man and wife In private rurally , state price and location peed references , address U So Uoo ofllce. 2J7.26' ' \XTANTED-lo men wishing to trade. Call al Tf once. Active Real Estate and Property Exchange , 16 4 Dodge at gll 27 WANTED A rood dwelling bouse and lot lr exchange for a large atore building aqc fine dwelling bouse , and largo tract of gooc forming-land close to the town. All sltuatec In the NE part of the state. Or part land am Kirt cash. For particulars apply to XV. H A. II Webster street 17330 * WANTED Everyone to know we furnut male help free and till orders promptly Mrs. Broga and Son. 316 816th , up stairs. 739 31 * \VANTED-Anlco3or4 room house withli * ; iJX 5 ' 'locks of 13th and Dorcas sts , In quire 1730 S 13th. John Schaub. H4 27J W ANTED-To trade land for n stock of drugs W Addregj Box l , Geaoa , Neb. J. A. Oa borne. 107 81J TI7 ANTED 10 men wishing to trade. Call al TV onto. Active Heal Estate and Property Exchange 1524 Dodge St. 23127 \\7ANTED-Good riding pony , mar * pro ferrod. Call P Mllostone'i coal yard be tween 5.30 ana 6JO ; p. m. 2711 ) ANTKD-Good aecond-band wagon am double harniM. Iloavland'a L'b'r yard 854 XT WANTED-A piano In advance payment on a lot , choice property. _ AlJre > s R12. lleo office. 19'i IV"ANTFD A furnlshoa rlbuso.Address R ANTED A safe In adiHlnce payment on n lot , choice property , s ddross , H 9 , Ueo onice. ) irs WANTED To buy a 7 ofM room house to bo moved. Frank r.-Uoll , Ml south 2'ith ttroot- M < 20J ANTED-The oltt7on > f Omaha to know that the Omaha Employment Hurcau Is the most reliable employment olllco In the state , nnd can furnish frrtlass help for all kinds of housework. IluMIesit men supplied with first class help nt snort notice , free of charge Call at Omaha Kmploymeut Bureau , 319 N. Ifllh at' , Crouse Iloct4- | 29327 YIT'ANTF.O-A csrrlago In advance payment T T on a lot , choice propcrt > . Addreis R11 , Boo olllce. 19S WANTED An organ in ndvanco payment on a lot , choice property. Address RIO , Boo ofllco. 19i i "WTANTED To buy 8 houses which can bo re TT moved. A. F , Mayne , 1438 Dodge st 793 WANTED To excnango for stock of mer chandise In H live town , n line stock farm of li'fl acres , good house , two good barns nnd shedding , stock Males , wind mill and every- thin * pertaining to a good nnd well equipped feeding ranch. Address all communications to N. Ilarncs , Central City , Neb. V7UJ 3j WANTED liy n single gent , a ncady fur- nlihed room In qulot Ininlly. Addrexs tntlng torml nnd location , P 6J lice ofllce. B.'S WANTED To exchange a lot for n couple of good driving horses. It C. I'altorsou , 5th nnd Harnoy. 8 i \\7ANTKD 2 or 3 horse power engine , 2n't hand. Apply at Mlllard hotel olllco. 480 WANTIID A nowspiipor , paying circulation guaranteed from the start , for particu lars address Dank of Valley , Valley , Nab. \VANTFD-S ( two ) or 3 ( tlnoo ) furnished i rooms for man and wife , suitable for Unlit liousekokplng. Prlcoa must bo reasonable , but pay will no prompt and best of references given. Addrois S. II. L. euro of W. J. llr Mitch , ' 1209 Harnoy st , Omaha. 243 2T | W IvNTBD Tennis for railroad work , Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam. 01J FOR KENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOK HENT llasomont well lUhtednnd dry l 13Howard8t , Inquire of Shaw & Co. , 10 S HSth. 280 FOH REST B acres In llollnlr , Hue tract for gardening , housu , stable , cto. Pairott & Williamson , 1101 Dougliis st. lip-stairs , 28' > 28 FOIt HEN r 3 brick stores on Jones at . next to HnrKor hotel , Inquire nt Mulvlhlll It Shelby's grocery,13th nnd Bt. Mniy's avo. avo.29P28 FOH HENT Cheap , small store on Snnnders stsuitable for Ice cieam parlor. Inquire saloon S E cor Snundors and Clark st. 256 29J FOH HENT House of 8 rooms , ' ) closeta. hard and soft water , on 13th st-cnr line , $40 per month. L. Duggim , 1112 S 11th st 261 11OH HENT A nlcoO-room house ( n Omaha - View. 120 lease by the year. A. F. Mayno , 1408 Dodge. glJ F I OH KENT A store on llth north of Dodge , $25 per month. A. F. Maync , 1403 Dodge , * , U\ HENT House on Worth lOtli between Nichols and Paul , No. 1135. Inquire P. liocco , Fruit Commission , 8. 14th at. 255-86 * FOR KENT 3 now stoi Uficor. 19th and Ma son sts. Inquire , Hoqtv Stein , 214 So. 12th St , ro 23931 * FOH HEST First class sioro In goodlocatlon with cooling room fort cold storniro , 619 S. 13th St. lr , 134 30J F I OH HENT All or partll'bf warehouse cor 13th nnd lard at. ' T IB. ) 30j F I OR HENT ,1-roora housn , llth and Pierce ; 0-room housJ. 14th anUVPIorco. 100 T7XOH HENT House of lO.rooms with all mod- Jei n conveniences. Loi-niod throe blocks from opera' houso. Apply at uo cor 10th and Dodge , up etnira. il ( 147 F I OR RENT --Now 6 Mo3\ houses , f Sturgos , 10 Croighton'block. ' 169-28 * FOR KENT-7-roora 2-stacy bouse on Hamil ton and Campbell stst with stable , well and cittern , (30 per montbr Apply ChRS. Nober , 10th nnd Capitol ave' 149 2f FOR RENT-2903 California St. , (30 ; or for salo. Immediate possession. Inquire of J. F. Hollns , l.'Oil Farnam St 111 RENT 2 stores nnd 2 Hats with seven FOR rooms , bath room and all modern Improve ments , at the tormlnui of the red and geen atreot car line , by Paulson & Co. , room 8 , Hedick building. 120 TT'OK RENT Or for sale. Two houses nnd -C lots on monthly payments. Co-oncrutlvo Land i Lot Co. , 305 N. 10th st. 131 28 T71OH KENT Desirable Hats , modern convent - -t fences , for ofllco or living purposes. Cen trally located. Leslie & Leslie , Central phar macy , 16th and Dodge. ( ' .H RENT Store and second lloor on cor FOH 10th and Marcy st. Inquire of Mrs. F. Lange , 6'JS ' 813th. 889 FOR HENT Three-room houso. TOHiPacIQc. For Kent Six room house , 1103 8 7th , For Rent-Three room house , 1013 N2)th 633 F 10R RENT-A store. Inquire 1412 S. 1,1th st Geo. H. Peterson. 899 TjlOR RENT Store nnd living apartments on JCumlng near Saiinders st Apply at Harris Heal Fstnto and Loan Co. , 33) S. 1Mb at 097 FOR KF.NT Frame Btore building , 20x10. with lit Ing 4 roomson Phil Fhcrldan st ; will Improve ; put basement under store to suit any legitimate business XVm. Fleming & Co. , 1401 Douglas. t > 70 71OH RENT Good barn , suitable for four C horses. Inquire at 1117 s. 13th at. 033 F OR HENT XVIndow , good locality for Jew tier or real estate. Apply to 3J3 n 10th. 69J FOR RUNT 3-room house , 70J Pacific. 612 FOR HBNTv-Thlrd Boor , Kx30 , of brick build- Ing , 1108 Farnam street ; use of elevator. Inquire above number , upstairs. 061 RENT-Brick yards , T. Murray. n ORRENT-Three room bouse , 1109H B 7th FOB RENT BOOKS. FOB HENT-Desk roosn in office , No. 120 N 15th Bt. OJJ 171OR HENT XVaro room cor. 13th and Call- -IJ Ifornlnon flelt Line , tor particulars en quire nt Union Nat bank. 184 FOR RENT Office rooms In Oruenlg block , corner llth and Dodgo. Davis i llothor- Ington , Mlllard Hotel llllllard room. 520 POR RENT-2 store rooms in best city ot 4,000 population in Nebraska : 3 now rail roads now building to It Han l < on. Ambler & Woolloy , 418 S. 15th St. . Omaha , Nob. 495 J 12 ' HENT-A furnished "front room and board for two gotitlotavn at 17Dodao st , FOH HENT Furnished vfi1'1 , pnvate family 513 Ploatant St 826 Mr * T/1OR RENT-Large front Voom with nlcovo , -L also other rooms uadi&nard at 2212 Far nam. 3J129J : KENT-rurnlshed roVma at 1816 Dodge et F OR IlENT-NIco furnlskod room. 2025 Far -T- nam. . - - 965 F I OH HENT Nino-room C ! t centrally located , 316 S 15th , 977 F IOK RENT Elegant rooms , references re- quired. 1607 Douglas st * ? 301 FOH HKNT-Elovcn ntcJBntiirnUhed sloop , ing rooms. FoparateV all together , in building Hie B 15th st 975 * FOR HENT Desirable Kfurnlshod { roomn suitable for olHco or Heplng rooms. 3U H 15th St. T 978 F OR RENT-Nlcoly furnished rooms cheap , 60 South IBth street , Upstairs. 935 T1OU .iEN'T Desk room. Enquire Vonng 3 Blackman. 214 S 15th at. 540 71OH RENT luroo room house west of North ? llth st , between Chicago and Cass. Kti TTOIt HENT Desirable furnished sonthorr JL' exposure sulto of rooms for two or font gentlemen , with breakfast and 6 o'clock din ner. References exchanged. Address H 24 lleo olllce. 274 ga * CHR HENT Nicely furnished room. 19S1 X Dodre st 119 FOH KENT-Largo , nicely furnished front room , 829VJ B. 31st st BJO-26 * IjXOiniENT-Olllces m tollman oulldmgoor . JFarnam and 13th au. , in tuitea or alnglr. For prices , diagrams and Information apply to B.A. Sloman , 1513 Farnam st , lloom 3. 69S "CXJll RENT Ono nlooly furnlihod room. Al A modern eonrttnlenoos , COS N 17lh t FOH HENT Largo furnished room on flr t floor , XVater , ras , bith room , etc 2006 Divenport st 27J 27 * TOH RENT Newiy fiirnlihod eoullionat J-1 room * , one. wltn alcove and boy window. Convenient to Park avenue street car * . 6-'J Georgia avvnuo. ll < u 20J T710H RKST-Nlcely furnished room , 1701 .U Capitol avo. 2 02h I OR HKNT-jfwo furnlslicd rooms with JO board If doslied. Private family. Inquire - ro 7 * 19-a Fnrnam. _ * f > OK HETff VlirnUhod rooms , 701 S"l7th st. Jj 74J 20 * TJlOH RENT Rlogant furnished sultoof looms X : w tin ens and bath room In private family. Hoard ot necessary. 2402 Ht Mary s me 20126J OR RRST Nlcely furnlshel pnrlo7 t &a South 15th street ; (10 per month. _ > ( FOR RENT-Furnlshed rooms , 1821 Farnnm 170 F IOlt liENT Ono furnished room , HI S 18th 18926' TJ > OUHKNT 3 furnished rooms for gentle- JJ man only. Apply 6U N ItJth , over Miller's shoo store. 231 27 FOH KENT Desk room , tlrst ofllca to loft over Merchants National bank. 23J F [ KENT Furnlshoa room , 8 XV corSth i ? and Harnoy it 2S1 3JJ FOR UBNT-Hooins2203 Douglas. Mrs. .T. A. lUlll. 2.V129 F OK KKNT Nicely furnished llrst Moor room to ono or twogontlomenl715 linvonport st. F DUTY-TWO feet on Stnto street * 7M Full lot In Saiinders & Htmebaagh'a ndd 475 Two good lots In Mccrs , U. 4 T. ndd , each. 750 8.E. cor. In llo > d' 850 Trackugo In Puddork Place , cheap Hoom2i ) , l'n\ton building. TT1OII KENT Elegant office rooms , best loT - -T cation In Omaha. 310 South 15th at. 035 FOH HENT-Nlcaly furnished front room , suitable for 2 gentlemen. 2511 St. Mary's a\o. 75'J FOH HENT A suit of rooms for 4 gentlemen acquainted , In good locality , 321 N 14th St. 'T7 < OH HUNT Furnished room , 001) ) S 17th sT U IITO 27 FOR BALE--HOUSE9 LOT3. SEIjKCTS , arc the ci\rcfullv listed bargains limited down by Cake i Ullllngs. Oursara- ilc case : 2 lots with 2 houses , J. I. Itodlck'a aub , only jilock from stieot car line , 103xUI ft on 3 8t JOts , blir money hero for you. lleauty of Iliirtlett. fruit trees , Quo view , onlr Jt.W cash needed. Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market. Coino , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and we'll make It pleasant nnd proflttiblo for you. rpENTH Struct business pioporty with track- X age JloO per foot , cheapest giound on the street. Patterson & Mpore , Omiihn National Hunk. 47J SHEHMAN Avcnuo. Ixls 1 nnd 3 , Illock 1 , Paddock Place , for sale , H12.60 per foot A decided bargain , W. U Solby , 16:1 Farnnm. Successor to Hush It Solhy. 25'J 3d FOH SAM ! 4 sections of nnd worth to per aero. Will soli for $1 If taken nt once. Harrison. Ambler & Woollcy , 418 8. IMh at , Omaha , Nob. 49 } J12 DON'T read this unless you want something that will pay blgl Ixn 21) , Falrraount Place,60x121 , only tl.'SO. Iots 33 and : ) ! > , Falrmount Place , front on 3 streets. Hoom to build 4 small cottages. For nfow days at fl.bOOfor both. John Gallagher , 817 South 13th St. IM 21) IMMEDIATE sale will take 5 lota or loss only 5 or 6 blocks from Exchange bid nnd Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Sixteen hou cs under contract In Biuno block. Iwant what they nro worth. 1 don't want fancy prices I want to sell quickly. E. II. llrunch. l i SIIEHMAN Avonuo. Lots land 2 , Hlock 1. Paddock Place , for sale , J112.50 per foot. A decided bargain. W. U Sol by , 1521 Farnnm. Successor to Hush X Sclby. 259 Sj rpHE Apple of My Eyo"nomo only M block elf JL St. Mary's nvo car linoconvenient to busi ness , built "not fern d'iy but for all time. " Dargamg In business property. List with UB for wo put them whore they keep hot. Cake & Hillings .over 101 South 15tb st. C IOLLIERPLACB-McCaguodolo Agent 295 J SHERMAN AvoiiUb. 1/ots 1 and 2 , Illock 1 , Pnddnck Place , for sale , (112.50 per foot A decided bargain. W. L. Selby , 1521 Fnrnam. Successor to Hush & Solby. 259.28 & SELDV , 1531 Farnam st , offer : - 081018 in Carthage ( 750 3J lots In Lincoln place 760 7 lots In Orchard hill 1.000 10 lots In Sheridan place 1,200 15 lots In Portland place 650 65 lots in lioyds 700 1 lot in Bedford place 675 1 lot on State Bt 1,250 10 lots on Loavpnworth st 1,200 100 ft R 10th stper foot : 100 135 ft on sMOth Ht per foot , at 10 lots in Okahomu 650 4 lots on 8 lUtli st 1,20) 300 ft on a 10th stper foot 100 2 lots In XVIlcox 2d 850 fo lots in Original plat 3 lota in Hush i Belbys ad 650 motsinSvndlcatoSO 850 4 lots In Albrights annex 4 lots in Fairmont place 5 lots In Patricks . . . 2 lots In Paddock place cheap 21otsinSnulVs2il Hush & Selhy , 1521 Farunm. 737 PLACB-We have tor sale eleven LINCOLN beautiful lots in Lincoln Place , adjoining the Patrick farm. Hush & Selby , 1521 Farn'im. 609 \P LOTS-You oan moke money on our CHEP Cheap Lots on the valley north of town. (150 to (275. Come and see them. Uoggs & Hill. 412 J 11 / lOliE wants to sell \J 6-room house , now , good well , outhouse , cto.,1 block from cabin nnd 2 blocks from horse cars , 13,000 , terms very easy. Elegant homo on Virginia avo. , all modern oonvenlnnaes , T bargain nt $7,000. 2 splendid bargains on California rtroet , Cflx IM. fronting on both Sherman ave. and 17th st , 3 houses , Is n bargain. 2 6-room houses , now , good well , cistern , eto. , (4.600 , (2.000 cash , balance to suit. Lota 14/l.r and 16 , block 1 , Cotnor & Archer's add. to South Oinoha. At your own price : Lot 20 , blook'fl. ' Orchard Hill ( 930 140 lots in OmnVlii View , $450 up Slots in Kllby Place , ono a Corner 4,00 ( B2xlfi2'lflth'and Castollar. . 3,600 Lot 4 , block 23. Omaha View 1,200 choice land to exchange for any kind of merchandise , horses orcattlo. Como and see us. Goto , 316 S. 15th , Hoom 1. A DDRESS F. H. Orcutt , Council muffs , Iowa jt\ . for the choicest lot In Ambler Placo. Prim till Juno 1st only (800 , halt cash , balance glO per month. 721 27J HERE is a great chancc-lt2xl32 ! feet li heart ofclty. r-0,003 , woith double the money , must bo sold this week Boo Cunulng ham A : Her , rooms B and 7 , Arlington blk , tor partlou.ais , 219 28 SHERMAN Avenue. Lots 1 and 2 , Illock 1 I'addock I'laoe , for Sale , (112.50 per foot. A decided bargain. XV. L. Selby , 1521 Farnam Successor to Hush & Solby. 259 2) TJ > OH SALE Call lor particulars of our 19th F st now house and lot , 5Jxl40. XVoll. cistern bath , hot and cold water , grapes , trees. Fod.etc A beautiful home. (1,0X1 cash. Price (1,0)0. Orchard Hill.M It fronton Hamilton , (1,450 Washington Square , beautiful south front (2,600. Active Heal Estate and Property Kx change , 1524 Dodgu street 2 U 27 A P. TtlKEY , 1314 rarnam St. , makes In vestments for non residents a specialty with guaranteed interest or share ot profits , and takes full charge of property ; reference given. 3M THOR BALB-Lotm Shlnn'a3d addition , will Jj now 0-room bouse , with pantry and elos ets , cistern and good collar. XVlll sell cheap lo a few days , Apply or address U.D..29U Charles 601 GOKNER-'JIotsKountz place , 84x124 , choice corner XVolnnt Hill , with 8 room modern house , burn , oto ( . < ,7u < 8 room house Mlllard i Calilwoll add , . . . 3.0W 6 room house 2 lots , IlurrOak 3,80 ! Hanscom Place , 101x150 6,200 Han com Placo. 100x143 HM Cholcolot Patrick add 2,000 Jerome Park , 50xlU7 2.10 16th street , near Nicholas , 00x140 13,000 Corner and Cumlng , 7ffxt3i "TW Corner 10th and Dodge , 60x131 2.5'XW List your property for bale with Darker & Burr , 1509 Farnam street. IW T710R EXCHANGE XX'Ill exchange farm land JL ! In eastern Nebraska for lots In Oman and Lincoln. Address Uox 494 , Fremor.t , Neb 69030 S HERMAN Avenue. Lots 1 and 2 , Illock 1 Paddock Place , for saloI 12.50 per foot. A decided bargain. XV. L. Belby , 1&21 Farnatn Successor to Hush & Solby. 2iJ 28 TjVJH SALE Two largo lota on street car line -L they lie benutlfully nnd in nelirhborbooi whore lots sell from (700 tolWO ; owner U ale and needs money : this is a fact. Price ( IjOOO for both ! terms easy. Inquire private house 401 N. 15th at li-S SO * F OH SAtiE-vA. section of good farming land Address P. r. Butler , Albion , Nob. HAOLKV , Members Omaha Kpnt Estate Exchange , looms 1 and 3 , 320 South Fifteenth Street Good bargains In Rood property In Urnnhn. Business Property : xx3J ! on Furnatu street , near 12th direct , forJJJBper fronttnnt xl'B on rartmtn street , near nth street , with 3 story brick block , renting W.ovW PIT year 41,000 Txl,1J on I'nrnnm streetnear 20th ( street , two good dwellings thereon , ono 7- room anil one 9-rooiii. nil for 40,000 0x132 , corner Dndgo nnd lth ) meetsIm- proved HIU ! well rented , (700 pur foot on Dodge street 3xl.t2 on Dodge ctrect , near llilli , 6-room brick houstt , J.Wi per front foot COxwl on 12th struct , nonr Dodge , Improved - proved mid tenting for (1'AW per year 12,000 " 2x132 on Douglas Mri-of,3-story brick block , renting ( J.400 per year , tmlf In- torcst lor 0,001 4x1,12 Douglui streetnear nth street . . . 3'sOW 6flxs2. eorner on 9ili street , lmprood und tenting for ( JW ( per your 8,500 n2\U2. Luuvenuortn and luh. lui- . proved fO.OOO iflxl.K , corner on Jnckson street , Im proved and renting for (1,000 pui lour. S'slMO IxOi. Jacksonnear Ilth street . . . 10,000 MX I Won llthBt , linpro\o < l nnd renting for WOO per year 2 < 1,000 6x132 , Davenport near 10th at , Improved nnd renting for ( WO per year 8'i.tWO : xIT2 nonr II. P. p.usengor depot 30.0JO 02x13 : near St. rnul piusengor de | > ot corner on CallfoinU , 4 houpoa , rout (1.7W 20,000 4x1,13 near St. 1'anl piimotigoi depot . . . 11,000 41x167 , Harnoy st nenr 20th st , lijo per front foot on llarney Terms cmiy. C'J'ixlZi ' ) , cornur on Alley , Saunders st near Howard st , 3 holism 12,000 Ofixlfi' , , Cumlng st , 2 small houses renting f.V ) ) porjour. Torino easy 10,000 < Tl20 corner on Saunders nt 7 , X ) 1 feet , Ninndcrs near Hamilton st fl.Ml ) "J foot , Siunulors m nr Ilntnllton at 3WO : 06x60 , corner on South 15th st , largo house renting (720 per year 10,600 6x124 , Loavonuorth st , IIOIIBOo 4,000 15x125 , corner on I'limnm t hend or Vlr- Klnlnnvo.'J cottages rent JiKX ) 23,900 Improved. 04x150. corner In J. 1. lledlck's nd.l , 5 0 room brick houses , and 4 7 room frame bouses , leased now for (4.10J per jcnr 117,500 66xllJ. east front lot. Orllllth it Immo's add , near Ht. Mary s n\o , double house , 2 stmloF,0-rooms and bath , c , ch tent SI ,500 per your 15,590 02 x125 on "Htli st , near Ciniilnirs , ono 11 room nnd ono 7-rooiu house. Hunts $ ni8poryonr . . . (1,000 ( 00x1294. Hamilton at , near Charles st.ono Blory houao , large barn , etc. . . . . (1,000 ( 100x140 , J. 1. Hedlek'a itdU , 10-room lionso 7rjOO " 6x140 , Iftli st near Clnrk.R-room hou o . 7,000 # 1x115corner UoilBO nnd Mill st , cottage AriOO 5xlriO , oa t front , 18th st , eottnco 3,500 Full lot , south front , In Hickory Place , ono 4-tonraand ouo J-room housu , rout f.CiO ! per your 2.SOO 15x128 , corner , I'atrlck'smld , fintnll doubto house on rcarrontlnff for $ 0 per month niul room on lot for 4 moro 3,000 60x187 , south front , Imp AES'U add , cotta - ta < ju 2,000 lloildonces. 132x132,81 Mnry'n are , corner lot , f 8,000 hon elioautltnl lawn. Dust homo In tlio mniket 20.00J 7xllO , east front , 1'ark ave. near Lonon worth , elegant 10 room house , new 15,000 CCxl32 , south front , California St. , near Croinhtoti Collofto , 11 room honso , all modern Improvements , barn , carrlaso houso. etc 16,000 fiOxlB Webster St. , near Crelphtoti Col- lone , 3 Btory 8 room bon o , bath , city water , furnace , carrlHgo house , barn. . 10,000- , south front , on llarney street , Rood 2 story B room house , burn , oto. 13,000 40x140,31st 6t , near St. Mary'nnv * , line 9room honso , "KlirhtIn town" 7,000 40x132 , inth Bt. near \Vob tor , bouse , bath , collar , well , cistern , gas , etc. 7,000 62Hxl20 , corner Hhlnn's addition , near Sunnaers St. , 10 room house , east front 0,000 50x150 , can front , Georgia nvo. , near I'opploton/B room bouse , city water , cistern , etc C.OOO COxliW , corner lot , south frontHBiill's 2il addition , 0 room bongo , terms easy 6,000 60xUS'i , corner In llartlott's ndd , south and oust front , 7 room cottngo , beauti ful lnwn , bath , cellar , cistern , city wntor.oto 0,000 3'ixllO , 1'nrk nvo near I.cavenworthst , 8 story 8 room J.1,000 bouso. Inrjjo etoro- room , closets , collar , porches , water nnd gas . . . 8,000 SOxlTO , Georgia nvo , Hnnscom 1'lnco , story nnd half,7 room houEo.clty water nnd barn 5,000 33x112 , nninth & Isaac's add , near St. Man's nveS room cottage , well and cistern 4,500 100x150 , South front. Mayne st , Orchard Hill , new 2 story 8 room house , 4,500 60xlCS South front , Hhull's 2nd add , flno lot , good cottage , barn , eto 4,000 33xSt ) , east front on 23d at , south of Cali fornia t. Broom house 3,800 3lixW ! , corner on 26th st , east front , 5 room house , collar , well , oto 8,100 60x1 uO , South front , Walnut Hill near Lowe ovograded,7 room housecity water 8,000 33x140. oait front E. V. Smtlh's acid , near Clurk st,5 room oottugo 30xl3J west front , Armstrong's 1st add , peed 6 room cotlnjro 2,000 30th st near Davenport , 8 room brick . house 3,900 SJxI'JO , oa t front , Patrick's ndd , 4 room bouso , collar , well , cistern ; one-eighth casli S.500 80x01 , east front on 25th st , now 6 room honso complete , { VM cash JI.WO or f l.OOi ) cosh ,400 OxlM W. A. Kcdlcks add 4 room hourfo cistern , well , barn 3r > 00 50x130 Orchard hill 5 room house 2,0.10 50x120 north front In Oiutilm View , near State st,4 room house 2,0o3 50x120 south front In Omaha View , now 4 room house 1,700 Cottagod built to order east of Orchard hill and south of Omaha Vlow for 1,000 Vacant 100x135 Farnnra st near 3st it 13,500 l'Mxl5'J Corner Cumlngs and .lid gt 14,000 88xl.i2 corner Ifith st I'addock place 12,000 Wlxl32 corner 24th st High school 0,000 00x178 Cortland plaoo near Pt Mar/8 7,500 Ono aero , tine , in West Omaha 7,000 100x150 Qnost corner Hanicom 1'lnco 7 00 100x140 corner Kountro 3d add 6,000 98x130 corner Stewart vlaco 6,000 100x5) ! ) cor 30th 8tneirCal B.COO 100x132 corner Bunny Bide 5,00) lOOxlM ) Hansoom pi fronting park 4,500 100x120 corner A. S. Patricks add 3,800 75x127' tiliinns add near BaunderB ,700 50x140 cor J. I. Hodlcks add 11,750 HOxlTJcorso andoast West Omaha J.WO 45x132 Corner tarnam. Jerome park. . . . 3V)0 ) 120x100 coiner Stuto.Omahu Vlow 3,750 48x13(1 ( , east front , Summit Place 3,100 114 foot front on Iavenworth , corner. . n OO 164x114 , Lcavenworth Terrace 3,300 100x124 , corner Plnlnvlew 8.000 60xl2J , Lake st near Sauudors 11,000 50x150 , east front , Georgia nve , near Pop 3,000 4HT132 , Farnam st , Jerome park H.OOO 5-xl24SaundorastKouiitfopluoo 3,000 50x150 , Delaware st , Hansoom Place 3,750 50x150 , ( loorglaavo near Wooiworth 2MO 50x150 , Vlrjrlnla near Popploton 2,560 50x175 , fronting Hamilton and Charles ats 2,100 50xl4H , south front , Uartlbtt'a Hdd. : 3,500 54x140J.I. Itodlnk'B aub ,2aJ 2 xl.f. , Chlcniro ncar'.Mthst .2.500 lOOxlW. corner In Walnut Hill 2.4 0 60xU3. bcU sonth front , Foster's add. . . . Zim 100x125 , corner State st , M. li. A T. add. . . 2 ; > X ) 50x121SulphurSprmga add , noarliithst 2,200 50x1 * ) , south front. Davenport near 30th 2,000 52x14. ) , Park Placn. f renting Callfornln it 2,000 GOXI32. south front , bhlnn's 3d 2,000 Rfixliw , corner 2Hth near toke 1SV ) 50x121 , corner 29th st near Lake 1'iM 50x150 , ODorirlaavo , llitnscom Place 1,83C 51x123 corner. Prospect PUce l.HW 9'ixrti ) , corner , Tbornburg Place 1.R5C KlxlS1) , corner , l.owo nvo and California st I.KCO 45x11 cornorLocuit near Ifath st l.uoo 10 xl27 corner Hoyd'fl ad 1,7511 100x125 Myers H nnd T near Btato 8t 1,700 80x113 PitdJock place , 2 lots , encli 1KX ) 40x125 State 8t , front Omaha View 1,100 40v'00 Falrmonnt Place corner. . . l uiC flflxUIsontli front l.owo'8 add 1,100 50x109 Kouth front Imp. Ass. add 1,000 50x151 Walnut Hill double front 1,100 50xl2ssonth trent McCormncU'n 1,1,0) 50x130 Shdrldnn plnoe front Leavenworth 1 00 57x139 Routh front King's add 1,200 4 xl30Utica place best lot 1 , < 0(1 ( Lots In Ambler plaeo. On-hard HIM , West Bide , Mncnln place , Omaha Vlnw. Meyer It. It T. , Iloyd'i , Bohriver Place , KcKormnnn place , iJupont place , Thornhurg , Kostor'i , llodford place , Plnlnvlow , Carthage , West Richmond. South Omaha and all gooj additions thereto at very reason able prices. Cojuo and see them. Gregory & Iladlcy , 181 Rooms 1 and J , 320 S. 15th at. QUHL181 cf bargains : l.ownave 1 lot | l.coc > .owonvo corner 2,00 ( Kanminht , corner ZiW ( Farnanist 1 lot Improved w.ooi Farnam st , ; ) , OM Fur mil n Hi 3,30i l.ako street 3lot Denelseadd 20 ! Plamvlow 1,40 Saundorsst 2,00 ; Bnundoraat. 2JO ft Saundersst. Ill ) ft Improved 15,00 SeuthlSihst. nut 5,60. South Mill St. 50x150 6'KX ' Georgia ave 76\1V ) 2.CCK Park ave corner MxI40 ) Imnrovod. , . . . . . Bto\ena Place. There la not an addition In Omaha that car beat It , nnd wo can soil you an eloiruiu lo on easy terms. It la lust the place for a homo Acre Property. 110 ocrns tinlde the city limits on oo j terrni.TUore la money In it 3 H acres opposite Kountze Placo. lt aldenoe I/ota , Yes , we have a large lint of vacant and Im proved In nil parts of the city , und cuu Bill evorliodr who wnnti to buy. UT Bteveni lirot , IU3 Farnam it ' N * to . KiSl Oodgo St- \j Hcndiiuartem for oxohnnirrs farms for lock * , stocks for farms. Von will ahrnjs find something lo lit your CMO It > ou hn\a any- huigto trml o by falling on Swau A Co. , 11-1 ) odg i streot. lliiririilnsl llartiatnsl HnrgAlnst Wn sliall offer for Ihonoxt 30 days the blggost > arif Klnj in farm ItimU urer nuide pnbliu In ) mulm. Wo ha\o2iX ) farmr well tmpro > ed for snle on en y tei ms and at low price * . ZoO.OOO uures Rood land In Nebraska forsato on long lime ami tamlno priee * . .M.OO'i acres slut * school lands , well located , Octo SI. 00 per ncre , lenses run 21 je.irs. Choice bargaltis on liulrtn proiiortlrs , Im- iroved and viirnnt. HHAII . \ Co , 1531 Doiliro. _ _ _ _ t HRIIMAN A\rnuo l.ols 1 and 2 , Illoch 1 , C Paddock Place , lor cato , fU2.NI per foot. A Irclded bargain. XV. U Boltiy , 1521 FariiHm , _ \ jjelby. _ liiB 2 Oleo ! rholcn lots In Kendall's , for all , t',400. I'.nst front on Siumdcrs , J..OJO. Irfits 15 , IR , 17 , Darcnport sub. 8 , fronts alongside Kountrn Placo. caay terms , Mg iionoy , each f 1,500. Van ilcuron Place lot , II.JS ) . Choloo lot In Clarendon , for a few day $1WO ! > nnit 10 In N , Lono'ii add. , near Hanulton. . C0xl27. very sightly , each $ l , tO. Four choicest bonvelard loin , Croighton Height ; , If sold nt once , (2 , 00. Onlv best In S , All .add. to XVnlnut Hill , 1800 to f 1,1X10. IMxlSO 8. nnd o. cor.Valnnt Hill. * IOJO. Flno Creston lot Pleasant St. , f 1.500. 20 In 5 Kllby Place , nouo bolter , e. front fl.MO Other Kllby Place lot.s. ft.0 to f 1,750. Sinhtly 1front. . Potter's , II.BSO. Ihreo . fronts McCornilck' * 2nd , If sold soon , tor all , t.1,000. Farnnm St. , 60x187 , Rllt-cdiro , tS'M\ \ . iKit on Park uve , In Keos Place , very cheap at ? 4 , ' 00. l.ols In Jerome Park , Highland Place , 1'opple , [ on Park. Hanscom Place , Omaha Vlow , Itced'H 1st , Drake's , Mnrsh'a , ( IrilTon .V Isaacs' , Clifton Hill. Orchard Hill , Kmtnt/o Place , Weat End , I'lulin low and othur popular addltlonB. No troubln to show property. I ha > o money lo loan , nnd buy good first mortKitgo note * . Call on Hlestnnil , ttoom I ) , Arlington , west ot P.O. _ | _ Ml SI1UHM AN Avenue Lots 1 nnd 3 Itlock 1 , . . Paddock Place , fet salu. $112,50 per foot. A decided bargain. W. ISelby , 1521 Farnam. Successor to Hush & Selby. _ 2.VJ 2it IPOU BAIih 00 choice farms less than 20 A1 miles west of Omaha. AcldreMJ.II 8I1TU , lienl Fstato Agent , Klkhorn. Neb. C.4I m2BJ HAllflAlN Ono hundred feet front on BIO South Blovonth st , corner lot , only $5,000. Parton tlmo. V. K Vodlcka , 6 South 1'Hh RU _ . _ 8li ) " 1710K 8AM2 Thorn is no part of the city JL1vlioro Invest ments are BO safe as on XX'est DodiTB street lllg monev will bo made thoro. Wo have 3 lots them for ft. 000 , and only f 1,2(0 cash required to buy tliom , They nru Hi together and win mnko n beautiful homo for some ono. Shaw A. Co. , 570 South lilth st. R23 . 'vi * i * i. iia jtiiM iu&ii * i i > J 1 lot In Fnlrmouat Place , $1,100. House iidlot , 50x130 , cast of llanscom Park , only . ' .000. Cottage and lot , 38x130 , near Hansrom Park , at a bargain , 7-room honso and lot , 401127'i , on 2Tith near Cumlnga st , lor only J4.000. 'l\rma easy. Ono elegant 7-room house nnd 1 cottagoon lot , bOxnJ in Ouinha Vlow , for JJ.500. A bar gain. I lot In XVnsblnuton Sijuaro on very good terms. 1 lot In Van Camp'i addition for H Its value. r lots in Hb'hlnnd Park at n sacrifice. 1 lot on cnth near Turnings , at n bargain. Lota in Hammond Place , South Omaha Park nnd llnrllngton Place. X'ory low. XVo shall bo ploaacil to show you these and other bargains at any tlmo. Omaha Huslnesi Exchnngo.3li ( 3. 1Mb St. , Hoom 1. 295 27 TI1O11 SALH or I'rado ilT > good Omaha lots un- J3 Improved ; will trade for farm lands. Alao n good 4 room cottngo in Hltchcock'a addition. Hughes & Henry. 150) I'arnaiu st. 2IS 1 "IJIOH BALE A complete realdonco of eight J ? rooms , all modern conveniences , con- tially located ; largo lot with largo stable , nil In Al condition. Prlco J10.000. Also offer for Bii'oonoof ' thcnncst driving toami In Omaha , perfectly grntlo , with buggy and carriage ; and all the furniture , o'irpeta and household goods , at a bargain. This Is a splendid opportunity for anyone wanting a complete homo nicely furnished. Address K. I. , carp of this omen. 127-29 * PI-ACi : XVo hnvo for ealu eleven LINCOLN beautiful lots In Lincoln Pliico , a > ljoining thoPatrick farm. Hush & Sclby , 1&21 Farnnm , 609 SHEfiFfAN Avenue. Lots 1 nnd 2 , Illook 1. Paddock Place , for sale , $112.50 per foot. A decidedoargaln W. iL. Selby , IS.'l Farnam. Successor to Hush & Selby. 259 28 "ITIOU BALK At a bargain , n most deslrablo -L home for a small family within n mile of P. O. , a block from 2 street car lines and paved streets. Inquire of B. E. XVhltmoro , Ifoyd's opera home. not F IOlt SALE-lly Shaw & Co. , 610 B 16th st. Houses and lots In all parts of the city , You can't atford to rent hen you know the price and terms of this class of prrporty. On Georgia nvonuo wo have a largo ploen of ground for sale at less than Its value. It hi worth looking at If you want a nice residence property. Lots for sale In different parts of the clty.and you are auro to mnko money by dealing wltb us. Wo are headquarters for aafe Investment * . 653 SHEMAM Avenue. Uits 1 and 3 , Illock 1 , Paddock Plato , for sale , (113.50 per foot. A decided bargain. XV. L. Sclby , 1521 Farnsm. Successor lo Rush St Selby. 269 28 DKXTER L. THOMAU-Has the choicest lot ! In Lincoln Place. 2 cor. acres In Solomnn's ndd (700 each. 3 lots In block 61) , South Omaha. Also 9 , block 0 ] , and lot 2 , block 6 ] , 7 In 8J , I in " 7 , cheap. 80 acres bv Central City to Bill or tralo. 1,120 acres In a body near Stanton. 480 acres near Wlsnor. Also lots In llodford Place , Dolonos addition , XVest Cumlng , Koater'a add on Cumins Bt The boss lot in block C Shlnn'a addition. Also large lots In Rhlloh. 5 acres on Amos' avenue. Also tracRngo cheap on Holt Line , for sal * or lease. 0 large lota on Hroadway , Council muffs. Lot 3blk 0 Irapiovomont Association , 03x183 , Cot's blk 7 , same add , same size , corner , (4.000 , Ao. , tea , 1 own the above and can make terms to suit Come and BOO. Dexter L. Thomas , room 8 , Croighton Diode 753 SHERMAN Avenue , I/us 1 and 2 , Illock 1. Paddock Place , for sale , (112.50 per foot. A decided bargain. W. L. Eelby , 1521 Farnam. S ucoesior to Hush ft Pelby. _ 269 28 _ T OTS In Omaha View (1,176 to (1,500. Meyer" ! JU Richards & Tilden.s (800 to (900. "Fair- mount Place (800 to (1,860. llodford (700 to Here Is n "Snap. " 06x145. Head's 1st add south front Chicago st. I4,000-(2,500 cash. Houses nnd Lots. Lowes add J3.000. Omaha View (1,750. Mil * lard & Cnldwell's (2,800. Heed's 3d (2,550. Hurt st (8,500 and (9 .600. Capitol ld (13,5po. Tormi on abo\o easy. We have homes to sell on easy payment If you want any kind of property glvo us a1 call. Wo have u largo Hat In Omaha and South Omaha. . No trouble to show property , Our list of wild l iids is one of the best In the city. John Gallagher. 317 south 13th st 4.10 _ BARGAINS ! Lotl , block 1 , Armstrong's 2d . $ 2,200 Lot 19 , llurr Oak . . . . . 1,000 Part lot 31 , Him- Oak . 2JWO Ixjt 1.1 block 1 , lledford Place . 900 Ixits 8 , 9 , 10 , block 6 , llodford Place , all. . 3,000 Lot 4 block 1 , Hedford Place . 800 House nnd lot. Hedlord Place . KTiO fl lota Clltton Hill . 4.500 Lot .r > block 2 , Creston . 1,600 Lot and flno house , Capitol ave . 8,000 2 acres In Cole Brilliant , both . 1.200 f , acres In Cote llrllllant , all . 2,000 XV DO ft lot in llartlett's , per f t . 100 Vine lot. improved. Farnam N. 21th . 10,500 Lot34and 24 .Clark's add per ft . 150 lx > ts 15 Ac 16. Clark's add. per ft . 100 Lot 4 block 7. HiuiRtom Plnco , . i 3,500 Lot 20 block 7. llnnstom Place . 2.VXI Lot7 blocks , Hiiiiacoin PliU'o . 11.500 4 acres , Hlmebaugh ndd , all . 6,000 lOlots lUrUm LHIIO . (250 to 1150 Lot 1 block 4 , Hartford Place . 5 lots Hawthorne . (1,450 to 1.7M 2 lots Hotfinnn Terrace , each . 400 10 Iota Highland Park . (250 to 025 03x2rilimproved , Hurtmnn's add , . 10,0)0 I/1ti : block 10. Idiiao & Bolden'B . 8.6 > n H XV cor 17th nnd Ctmter . 4,100 10 acres , Kensington , per acre . ,150 Lots 6 A. 6 block A , Kendall's , both . l.KV ) l/t Hbloak H.Lowo's . 1,1V ) 7-xUI oust front M yno I'laro . 4,200 Lots2U22 block 4 , Orchard Hill , both. . . . ii.100 6 lots Orchard Hill . (750 UX ) NF our llth nnd Dodge . 4/1 / , WX ) 2 lots Oinalm Vlow . (1.100 to 1,4U ) Ix > tH In Park Place . ( l OOto 2.IKW House nnd lot Park Place . 1,800 Ijirge house and largo lot Park Plaoo. . . . 0,000 3 lots on Patrick nvu . each 1.7CO IVIxlMoor Pnrmcnter Place . 4/rt ) Lotll blocks. ltcud'83d . l.UOQ LotlOhlork II. Rccd'alat. . . . , . 4 0U 2 lots KeRurvoIr mid . both 200 IXt3bloik9Shllll'H2 < l . 3,000 Large liuuio large lot , Caldwell Bt . 6,000 I/it 4 Van llonron 1'lac . 1,200 Ixjts a.VIO block 1 , Windsor Terrace , nuch ! 1V ) 3 finest lots In May no's add , all . 1,1'fi Ix > t 4 block 2t ) . XVuinilt Hill . 1,500 Ixit7 XVatililngton 8 < | uuro . 3flW 1250.000 to Loan on City Property. VanBeuren&Go , . ' . Doiif/lan and 14Ut St ,