Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1887, Page 6, Image 6
/ , ! ; " " , . , . ! , . , ; rr..w8v7r ' "v . ' . , e.nipfa. : .T Vrat. laa "wlsr"r . .q. , , , .p LF.x + { .34" y . . ' r THE OMAHA DAILY E : FRIDAY. MAY 27. 1887 , ' ' TILE DAILY BEE , . - . - COUNCIL BLUFFS ; , , ICE NO. 12 , PEARL STREET , - I dlrcred by carrier In miy pnrt of ( ho city nt twenty cehte per wuuk. 11. W. TILToic. Manager. TELEPaONFS : lppiNT..A Orrict , No , 4. NtrITEbt7olt No. : . - - M1NO1 : buNTiuN , N , Y.Plumbing . Few spring goods at Relter's , tailor. ] 'ark avenue solvers sv'cre bong flushed yesterday. Thin popular resort is the Mnnh attan 418 Broadway , Itudio & Ycnnwhio. The married ladies' progressive euchre , elnb met last ueiiisg at the resldencu of Mrs , W. C , Jamen. : 'rho weekly emoting of Manawa ( inn chub will take place at the driving park at 4 o'clock this afternoon. A proereasivo hearts party was given , last evening by Mrs. ltockwch and Mrs. Fuller at the residence of the former , The Bavarian band gives the second of Its Bayliss park concerts this uvedug. Several pleasing solos are on the pro. grnntulo. 'I'hc funeral of Mrs. A , U.1Vickens took place yesterday from the residencu of her parents , Mr , and Mrs , J. .J. Newton , on 1 entou sweet. The uool tournament will begin to. night at'I'ho iNnnhattnn and will last nine evenings. It is for the champiou ship of western Iowa tied has sonic seven or eight entries , City Marshal Guanella yesterday did Q' the liandsonie thing by Chief of Police Mtillen and Caphaim O'Brien. lie pinned upon the chief's breast a gold star , a beauty , and a hauulsome silver one upon that of O'lhrieu. 't'he gifts were duly ap predated , and were worthily bestowed. The city council meets Munday night , and tax payers are getting their eom Plaints In readiness to present. ' 1'he e are very few who elafui that they are as. Sassed far over forty percent of their real val nation , but the burden of complaint is that sonic one else is assessed less than they. The ladies of the Methodist church will f serve dinner and stippcr on 11Iondlty , r May 30 , Decoration day , at thu Blue F- Front , No. 508 Broadway , Diuner will be served from 11 a. m. tlllw p. nn. ; sup. h nor from 5 to 10 p. m. Strawberries and lco cream will be served at both dinner and supper. "The Devil's Auction" was presented a 1' ' second time at the opera horse last eve : ping , by Gilmoro's coupany : , lumbering , aixty or more. The grant spectacular was given in a manner far superior in all its detains than any previous prescn S tation in this city. The scenery is fine , and the mechanical workinirs magical. The acrobats , gymnasts and ballots arc sprightly and graeefal and more variety could hardly be crowded into an enter. tanment. Colonel E , A. Consigney , of Avocawill watch the hymenometer more closely bureafter. Only a week before the mare riago of Jacob Sims , the colonel was joking himn lit blsful i noranco of the approaching evunt.'e lie asked 'in why in tie world he didn't emarried nn the latter replied that lie might if lie got aulliciunt inducements oflered. ' 'here. upon the innocent colonel told him that if he WOllll get married lie would give him it barrel of his best flour. A week or ! so later the happy event was announced , and since then Consi uo has been waiting - ing for Shins to be a condition to use the flour. Mr. and 14r.s. Sims having now gone to housekeeping thin barrel of flour has canto along , the colonel gladljr keeping - ing his word , as ho is a great friend of Mr , Sinus , The present is a practical one , and is doubtless auly nppreciated. - - - Pcraonal Paragraphs , Hon. C. R , Bolter , of Logan , was inthe city yesterday. Mayor E. ltichart , of Neola , was in the city yesterday , Postmaster Lavenburg , of Armourwas In the city yesterday. H. S. Watkins , of Neola , one of the old : est citizens , was in the city yesterday. " C. S. Keenan and George Bogart , of Shenandoah , visited the city yesterdy. ; c Sam Noble loft last evening for St. Paul to close up the estate of his father , Dlr. 'Link , oiLemars , duo of the attor- nays who arc prosccutiug saloons , is in the city. C. li. Converse , of Oakland , visited the 4" , Bluffs yesterday in the interests of his h clients. Ur , It. Ludlam and Mrs. Dr. Reynolds , of Chicago , were at the Ogden yesterday , called hither by professional duties. J. SV. Green , who has one of the most Important carrier routes in thu mail scr vice , has gone to Davenport on a few days' trip. Green is the nnost accommodating - dating and faithful carrier ever on this route , and the business men appreciate ' his willingness to do extra service in 4 S order that they may be accommodated. S i" ' Limo plaster hair , coal , etc Council Bluffs duel company , No , 530 Broadway , _ na1 . Latest improved gasoline stoves at No 1104 Main street , W. A. S1'ood. ' llardman , Pock & Co. , wilt move into , their newW wareroom ometime this month. The front of the building is up and already some idea can be gained of the appearance of the place. It will be. ; ' when ttnished , one of the finest piano ' wareroons in the city-The Music 'I'rndo. The Mueller Music company No. 103 , Main street Council Blull's are the gen oral western agents of these celebrated k , pianos. , ' ° Drs. Hanehett iith , o111co No. 1 9 Pearl st , residence , 120 Fourth st , ' 1'cle r phone No. 10. - - ' - Tally One. When a dealer says he has a new thing in gasoline stoves , tt means another ox- perimmnt Ours is the old reliable Quick Meal. ! t has hover gone back on our guaranteo. COLE & Cot.E , 41 Main St. _ - - 'rhie Iltimblctontan stallion , Arbitrator can be seen at my stable on Fourth o i Bancroft streets , three doors south o f ltattenhanr's carriage repository. lbn i s a grandson of Rysdyke's llamblotonian n on the , ire side , and a grandson of Mou brine chief on the dam silo , the Re s knowledged principal products of speed and general purpose horses in America and Arbitrator is no exception to the rule , lie is a horse of great individual merit and speed , and for the purpose 0 ( convincing the breeders of high bred horses that he is all that is claimed o f him , I will spend hhu a ten or twenty mile dusts on the road to 600 pounds weight with any stallion owned in tln o country. Breeders of high bred horse s will nsake a note of this and carry it 1 their hats , as the owner of these horse s puts all the money lie has or can bor row into straight horses , and not int a , books , pamphlets nail wind , talkin g about heir forty.second cousins' per forinauces. Also Colonel Reeve , bred by W. H. H Colby , of Fort 1 od ; + , e In. , sired by Star t light , by Star of the lStost , dam by Con } ) M ) , Jr. , by Coupon , by ltysdyke's Han bletontan , l ids colt is a stranger lit a strange land , but his brooding le car tally nil any man cold wish for. lit great atl positive individuality , his tru and powerful stride , his wonderful con " stituiohal powers , and his powerfu steei converted triune work , Insure to hen a career that will placo' himu anop , thu grandest stallions in tine west. , ' D. G& x , . + TilE NEWS IN TIIE BLUFFS. Jonathan Jones On His Third Trial for Murder , A STRAY LAD CARED FOR. A Slight Manawa Accident-Quarrel- lug Over pried Apples-tVait hiig'I'or Bridge News-The Saloon Cases. On Trial For Murder. The trial of Joitnnthan Jones , on the charge of murder , opdod in the district court yesterday. ' ] 'Ids is an old case , but still Interests many , The bloody alriur occurred iii February , 1878. Jones lull David Roberts , ttlo deceased , were neighbors - bors In Ili eel Ioll township. They had sonic dllticulty and it is cluuned : that .Jones shot inn on the highway , killing hint ahuost instantly. Jones has been tried twice. On the first trial he was found guilty ah1 sentenced to fourteen years ha the pusitenliary. A new trial was obtained , aul on this second trial ho was found guilty and sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary. Another trial was obtained , and that ss now in proo gross , Attorneys Mynster and 1)aily are prosecuting , and Colonel C. It. Scott , of Omaha , with Lymlan & hunter , of this city , afro dnfundimg The jury to the case are : John Kitlering , .1. P. Hess , J. 1' : , Brooks , A. M Miller , C , C , Despnine , 1' . 11 , 1Villiains , ltobcrt 1Varburton , , James 1'esay , Join Booth , A hart , L. \Villianis E , La vskovski ? lost ot yesterday afternoon was spent in taking the testimony of ? 1r,1S , alter , tt'ho twice before hty : told on the seam : ll that he knew of tqe tragedy , lie saw front his house two tacit running , and thought there was tat accident. Soon after lie saw one of the nice , who is supposed - posed to be .Jones , going to Juicy' house. lie afterward found the other mum , Roberts - erts , lying in the road shot in the head. Roberts wits breathing , but did not speak and only lived a short time. There are several defenses outlined to Jones' behalf , One is that there is no evidence that lie shot Roberts. Another that if lee ltd shoot him it was in self- defense , and still another that Jones was insauo. Jones is now a man past the prime of life. lie sits apart from hits attorneys - tornoys , with a sullen look , apparently having as little concern in the case as if it was a cavil suit and between other par. tics. No one looking over the crowd in the court room would pick him out as the defendant. It is said that he is in a stupid condition mentally , and has no appreciation of the situation. The case is being sharply prosecuted , and twill be strongly defened. Every possible point Is being covered , and the legal battle will be in keeping with the importance of the case. .Plic trial will last several days. A Stray Gad , A twelve year old boy named Wesley Post , not being able to find his parents was compelled to spend Wednesday night in the city jail. It scans that young Post's parents ro- niovcd from Omaha to this city on Wednesday and the boy followed with the expectation of meeting his father at the Broadway ( iumuny Idiot which ho failed to do. Ile wandered up town and went to the city jail and was yesterday taken tarn of bMrs. Bradbury of the Essex house. - - + - - - A Manawa Accident. On Wednes evening Miss Jennie Conk , who was riding horseback , was thrown oil hump Back bridge into the railroad slongh. Near the bridge lay several logs , stud George Bebbington's horse shied to one side , striking the horse of Miss Cook , knocking him over. Miss Cook fortunately escaped with the sprain of a finger and a ducking , A Fight Over Dried Apples Yesterday a traveling mum , representing - ing Steele & Johnson , of Omaha , was showing tap samples in Jacob Apel'a store. The talk turned upon dried apples , and while the traveling man was discoursing upon the peculiar merits of some dried apples which ho liad for sale , Spal Miller , who was standing by , joined in the talk. He had been drinking some , and was not only talkative , but disagreeably so. Ile contradicted the salesman's glowing ac count of dried apples , and the salesman olrcred to back Ii ) the truth of his assertions - tions by a bet of 10 to $ L Miller at onto flew into a rage , and calling the travel- man u liar hat him. In the first round Miller got the best of the man of the grip , but the latter , rallying from the anox- petted onslaught , began getting in his Mier work , and in turn was worsted , both men being somewhat bloodied in the encounter. . - - - Waiting On Washington , "What Nava you heard from Washington - ton ? " The question was asked more often than auswered yesterday. Tao citizens are vary eager to hoar the result of the protest tiled by the Milwaukee & St. Paul road against the location of the Broadway wagon bridge. Thorn is a general feeling of confidence that there will be no permanent obstacle in the way of the Broadway Bridge company , and as to the future , it is conceded that the bridge will surely be built as planned. The annoying feature of the situation is the delay. Every day seems an ago to those who want to be certain before cecding with other enterprises dependent - ent upon the bridge being built. There were no tidings to be hind yesterday , but they were hourly expected. A BEE representative asked John N. Baldwin last evening , if lie had heard from Washington in regard to the hearing - ing before the secretary of war. lie replied - plied that he hind not and that lie did not expectany news for a few days. "It will take sonic little time to look over the papers in the case and I lhluk it will be taken under advisement. From a legal point I can see no reason for any four ; the Milwaukee railway certainly tins no right to the location. 1 prepared the brief hero for the attorneys at SVashing- too and have a lratty good idea of the condition of the case and am not alarmed , " Engineer Moore was then called on. Ha expressed himself satisfied that the ease would be determined favorable to the wagon bridge , and said : "I have not expected a decision before Saturday at least. You know there is a great deal of rod tape in SVashinqton City. " Mr. Moore acknowledged having received a tale ; + , rtau : front SYaslIngton ithe morn- fog , but stated that it was purely a buss- floss telegram , - Swearing at the naloone. The atlidavits have been tiled in the forty new saloon injunction cases. They are quite interesting documents , although there is a certain sameness which runs through mostof them. Tim affidavits are printed blanks filled in , and by them i t appears that two men , 11. Dnrvillo an d e A. P , NcLcreu , have been rounding u p e the saloons. They worked a little differ ant ( rota the other two whose afidnyi to formed the basis for the prcyious batch r of Injuactions. The former pair , it will e be rcmelnbered , partook freely , gottin C sway with enough drinks is one day , ac , , -1ah . s , : It . : fjI ' .1' "t _ , tai1 . l FlWL N _ lt hUFF cording to the ahlidavlls , to make any or dinary nian as drunk as if lie had swab loved a distillery , 'I'Imy explained their being still sober enough to sign the atli davits , by saying that they onlysipedlhe ) drinks tvtiieh they bought , 't'he ' new pair of workers saved themselves sonic , ' 1 hey did not tinyy all their drinks on one day , but have been buy1ng tat inherent places during the month. One would stand by and see the other get : t drink , asd in the next saloon would do the drinking tvhtlo the other stood by and served its a wit. floss , There are three or four allidavlts supporting each saloon against which an injunction is asked. One or two atlida wits are to the c11'eet that eitizeus , tvltose navies are given , were seen to ask for drinks and get them , 't'wo of the names thus dragged 1n are of proninmats who will not enjoy the notoriety thus giveil tlieilt No one seems to know who these two Inca are who have been sinking the rounds of the saloons. They are strangers - ers here , like the other , tvlm were hired to do this work. For some reason , best known to themselves , they did not drink at tune le ulin ' hotels , or at least do not make any allbl'avits agailist them. The Cermun hotels have already been obliged to close their bars , soul this last batch includes nearly , if not all , every place where driuks are supposed to be kept. The defendants arc to appear before Judge Carson June 1. A move is being made to have those ivlio have violated the previous injunctions - tions brou"ht before the bar. Certified copies of tiivse injunctions have been secured - cured , to be attaclwd to afidayits showing - ing that the injunctions have been disobeyed - obeyed , The penalties for thus violating these injunctions are heavy , and include both line and iniurisonment. The power is all an thin hands of the judgo. Ile can do about as he pleases , There Is no chance for a jury trial , and no appeal. If the judge decades that the injunction has been violated , he has simply to impose the line of $ i00suid send the transgressor to jail for six months , treating it as a contempt of court. SVith this sort of a club in sight the way of the transgressor is hard , - - - - - A Dig Ilinue Show. King & Franklin's circus slowed yesterday - terday to large audiences. They have located on the corner of Broadway and Eighth street , and will give two performances - ances today , it being the last day. The show is an excellent one , and far better than snort 50 ccnt shows. Their price is only 10 cents each. ' 11ie grand entre is a tine one , and the act of La Role on the wire especially worth mention. The trick pony is worth the price of admission alone , as is also every act in the show , - -Police Court Points. William E , Cramer was yesterday morning fined $7,00 for sleeping oft'a drank on a pile of lumber. J. McIntosh and .John Jensen was given a like amount each for being drunk and dis turbing the peace , while John Ross , an ordinarydrunk , was lined $7.00. The case of Johu Robtuson , ( lie Honey creek lishermanwas continued. CROCKERY LAMPS , GLASSWARE , -AND- FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , w. S. HOMER & CO. , , No. 23 . ) I1fLY ST , COUNCIL BLUFI'S , . . IA. LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , LIA. . , . , ; . ; , naments , as L well the . , newest nov- ' : goods. elttcaln hair , ; Hair goods ' madeto order MrM. C. L. Gillette 20 It in St Council Bluffs , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mall orders promptly attended to. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards nroaowuy , Council UIutTs , Opp , Dummy Depot Y tJ 1 R ' a rr H b horses and mules kept oonstantlyon hand , for sate at retail or in car load Orders promptly tilled by contract on abort notice. Stock soul on commission. Sat.UTRn & Bou v , Proprietors , Telephone No. 114 Formerly of Keil Sale , Stables , corner lit. ave. and 4th street. E. S. BARNETT , Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council BIulls. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty , R. RICE , N. D , Cancers and other Tumors Removed without the knite or Drawing o Blood. Over 30 years Practical experience. No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluff. . N SCIIURZ , Justice of the Peace. Ofice over American Express , . . . . . w" " d. Y wbsr. . SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTI . Special sdver'tisamente , such as Lost , hound 1o Lonn , For Snlo , To ] tent , R ants , hoarding , etc. , whit belneortud In this column nt the low raloorTEN CENTS PEtt LANE fortho arst Inser Ion anti c'lv'eContePerLint , foroach subeoqumtt insertion. Leave adverlisetuents at our otnue No. 12 Pearl street hoar Uroadway , Council Uluaa WANTS. FOIL SUd-A : span of Surge hbtck horse. , with imrnoss , weight ubout2OJ pounds. Sotind , gentle , and good drivers , tl'III eels one or both. Address : n. ii. Dhindcl , 325 lirond- way. Foil SALE-A good peddling wagon , or with trade for good buggy. Address : A. J. Man- l26 : ; Uroauwuy. Jj'Olt'i'ItADiL-A section of good bmtl in Lin- coin county , Neb for a stock of hnnl wnro. Addrest Odell Itros. & Co. , No. 1031'earl streo , Council Uhtlls , or turner Farnam and lath streets , Omaha. F OR SALT.-A nice pony mare , will drive stn gle or double unit good wader Biddle. S. T Preach , No. J5l'eurl street. STRAYED-Or Stolen = l'wo btrd dugs. Ono rod spotted. One rod with nickel plated dated cotter uimrkad "J II. I'oppe. Atlantic , la" Liberal rewnrd for their return to J ii. Peppe , No , lain Sixth etreot , Council tllulls. itEN'l'-Ono oaico and ono business FOiI 1 room near the now pcctotilce on Urondway , One live room douse , $12. 0.5layno , No , 829 Slxuli ave. F0lt SALE-A stock general uiorcbandlso In It good town In western Iowa. A first. class chance for env one wishing to engage In business. Stock will nivoloo about $ M10 and will be sold cheap. For further lnforinatlon bngturo of 61. E. bmltha & Co. , Omaha , or N. C. Phillips , Urokcr , No. 410 Uroadwny , Council illutfs , SALE-Or Trade-Six sections of good FOIL in Lincoln county , Net , . . on U. P. raliwsy. Call on or addreee Odell Bros..t Co. , 103 Pearl St. , Council Iliulfs. NOTICE-WIII pay the highest price for first- class cnst elf lady's , gents , and children's clothing , hoots , shoes , hate , eta D. Ooldstoin , Nos. 217 and 5 Uroudway. House Cleaning is to be done by nearly all the ladies in the spring , 'I Now is the right time to do this. For ladies , it is a disagreeable but unavoidable - able work , and womake the offer to do the most troublesome work of nil , that is TO CLEANT11E CARPETS. We clean the carpets , velvets , moquettes , brussels , or any other kind of carpets , without taking them up. We guarantee T11AT TIIE CARPET WILL BE I'EItFECTLY CLEAN , THAT TIIE CDI.OIIS AI1E RESTORED , and that no dust will bo left in the car- pet. We guarantee our work and -refer to prominent parties in this city. Send us a postal card and we will call upon you and explain in what way our cleaning takes plttco. G A. FIsiirit. No. 03 Sixth Avenue , Council Bluffs. ESTATE1 Vacant Lot. , Lands , City Resldencos and Farms. Acre property in western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for spring stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Room 6 , over Officer & Pusoy's flank , Ccu Ulufa OFFICER a PUSEY , BANKERS Council B1ufsIowa. Established 1857. Horses Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , gig or do'ible , VISE , Council Bluffs Ilsea complete tine of Midsllllh1il1le , Lsrgehatsittwhlto , black and all colors. .Pat- tern bonnets , hsts and toques , aepeclaity. No 1514 Douglas .t. , Omaha. C. R. ALLEN , Engineer , Surveyor , a u IS er No. 11 North lifaln St. City and county maps , of cities snd counties in western Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas. ORESTON HOUSE. Theonly Hole/in CougciI Bluffs Having a Fire Escape , end AU 1lfodcrsi Improveme11te. 215 , 217 and.219 Main St. MAX NOUN , Prop. , 1 TlE : TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. 2016) ) Sired by Almont No 83 , and "Register , " ( Standard No. 5819 , Sired by Tramp No. 808. These stallions will make the season of 1887 at the Coun- oil Bluff's Driving Park , For particulars inquire of or address , WADE CARY , Council Bluffs , Ia. Joux V. STOW ] . JACOB eiets SOME dl S/MS , Attorneys at Law , actice in the State and Federal Court. Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Reno Block , COUNCIL BLUYY9. .Mw.r WALKING Advertisements ! EISEMAN'S ' ' Store b ave tried all hinds of advertising tising in ilewspapers , loks ; , by llttnd-bills , signs , circulars , etc. , etc. , bllt the most successful - ful alvertisenent they ever put forth is a walking adver tiseindnt. 1-lave you seen them ? Of coarse yott have many a time. 1Ve refer to tllos walking advertisements so frequently seen on the strdets of this city and all over the western country - try in the shape of one of our Suits with a man or boy inside of them , 1Vliat a splendid advertisement - ment each one of these : All Wool Suits , $10. , 7J e have a large stock on ha11 f (111(1 they foul talfi fol' themselves. Sec thole. Four Button Worsted Imported Corkscrew Suits In all Shades , $12.50 , $14.00 , $16.50i$18.00 $20 and $22. 'p How they advertise us ! It is true we don't ' make much on thcs3 goods , but it is a sat. isfaction every time we see a customer buy one , we know that lie is oils. The fit and satisfaction our clothing gives him will cause him to return fortis neat suit as well as advise his friends to do likewise. We offer no bait with the hops of selling you something e183 wheli you reach our store. The same principal of BIG VALUE for your money applies - plies to every garment we offer. Our tailor-made clothing has proven a blessing to mankind - kind ; the high-priced merchant - chant tailor has been coin- pelled to divide his trade and give its the largest share. Our tailor made clothing are made by the same men who work in custom shops. In addition we will say that we carry more ready made clothing than all the other houses in the city combined. Dolt fool your tlnic a11d l1LOUcy away , conic to ( lie Popular Peo- ple's Store , toliere you yet fair mid square dedtug mud titore Chums the value j'or the 111oney. Iless gtiaUty graluf ar'nty stilts ivltlt buttons t'm'oty n tit , at $5.50. HENRY EISEMAN 7 Peoples' ' Store Nos1 314 , 38 , 318 and 320 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - IA . . . . Y - - - - r- ELECTRICITY , r RICHARDS' ' t o , 601 Mynster St. , Council Bluffs. One Square North of the P , 0 , Bu ild inge 1 1 ' e Dr. 1 Thursday & Saturday. b .i . , 1 . > . 6 , , tti n . I f 44rri 1.1. I Y K i t ' v ) I l } M4) ) i e , f . . , r. , ' 4. . . . yk. yk.K .l , II I II 1 r i IPgUhGl , , l , lpp , I , . ' , I i tan i 1 Electricity is a remarkable naturalagcut which has long been known and utilized as a remedy for disease and continued experience has enlarged its sphere of useful- zrr ness and improved its appliances by which it is employed until its utility a nJ virtue i has become second to no other known remedy , in the treatment of certain forms of disease. This agent is employed here in all its most serviceable fornis by the aid of Ytr large batteries , static machines , electric cabinet baths , electric % vatcr baths , the elec. tric chair and electrodes for treating all parts of the body. We are prepared to do ' all that can be done with these great remedies. In cases of Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Paralysis , Spinal Irritation , Rectal Diseases , Nervous Diseases in females arising " from Uterine disorders and many other chronic and subacute troubles , it stands at the head of all known remedies or methods cure. A thorough study of it for years and the successful treatment of hundreds of cases , after all other remedies had fail- edcis sualcient evidence of its great worth and perfectly satisfies us with its good ' effects on the diseased body. In the great hospitals and sanitarians of America and Europe , electricity is leading all other methods of treatment. In all leading colleges the professors are teaching electricity as one of the potent remedies and a special chair is appointed in many of them. Many of the ablest physicians of all \ schools are making a specialty of electricity to the exclusion of almost everything else. Thisgreat remedy has often fallen into disrepute by being recommended and used by persons , and physicians , perfectly ignorant of its properties and powers , who would as often advise and use the wrong current as the right one or depend upon it in diseast s for which it is not adopted. We are sure that when the people become educated in the use of electricity for many diseases with whichu the body is afflicted and find the great good therein , the medicines and patent righted nostrums - trums _ upon which they now rely will grow old and dusty on the shelves. Electricity is nature's great remedy and to fully understand and skilfully apply it is our effort and aimn in life. For further information call at the office or send for descriptive - , scriptive and illustrated pamphlet on Electricity and Electro Therapeutic Baths , b Y . DR. RICHARDS1 , 607 Mynster Street , Council Bluffs , Ia. Real Estate Broker and Dealers s Council [ Hairs Oaico , Illasonic 'll'Cmple. Omaha Ofilcc , No 111 t Nort4 pith etreot Particular intention shot to In- . seating rundv tirr non real- dmttis. Special bargains In Iota its nero property in Omrthit & Couu i cll Blnlrs. Correspondence seine- Iled. , i Music I No. 329 Broadway..Council Bluffs ! CO.'S ! ALSO PIANOS OF OTHER MAKES , , Este Organs , Cam & Co.'s ' Organs and Western Cotta e0r ans A few comments regarding ilia Estey Pianos , In every civilized country on tha globe the name of Estby is a household word with lovers of music ; it is a guarantee fortho exquisite quality of toxic in musical instruments , bearing the name that corn. ' f mands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm , FARM LANDS CHEAP S Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota Kansas , and ranging from ,00 to 1 10.00 per cre. School and tate lands in Minnesota on 80 ars' time S5 per eat interest , Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc , , given by P. P. ILA. LTSTI3.TJP , No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Frcidriksen & Co Chicago , SWAN & HARM4N , ( Suer essors to ) HAYS & GLLASON , Commission and Produce Merchants Dealers in Gr'oceriey and I'rovtslons. Srtivjitct/oft Guaranteed. No. 11 Sout. Main Street. r . .rte ' I 1 D. - cam I 6So-i' 9C ; ; r tCar lh 1t iti - ARb'EW1OE , ; 1 , Steam , Gas audWater Pipe r NEW YORK PLUMBING COflPANY , ' at 1 No 552 Broadway. - Council Bluff's , Iowa ; afuil Order Shalpped Protaptfy. ' , l . ' . . . ' ' ' ' ; ' % ti. '