Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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r . Martha Stoddard Baea a SalooaUt's Estate
for Her llnsband's Death.
Articles of Incorporation Rccktcai
OunrtlliiB 1'ollce Court The
Unrlcy Crop Brief Men
tion Lincoln Locals ,
trnoit TUB nr.B'a MKCOMT nunr.xu.J
Another test under the Slocumb
law was commenced In the district court
yesterday , JutJjje Found hearing the case.
The petitioner is Martini Stoddard , who
BUGS Joseph Whitman , administrator of
the estate of August lloppo and others ,
for damages , in the sum of $10,000. The
petition In this case cites that tbu plain
tiff's husband prior to his death was a
fltoni : mason by trade ; that Ills wages
nvoraced at least one thousand dollars a
year , which ho used to provide for the
nialntainanco of his family ; that her hus
band was both sober and industrious but
on the 7th day of April 183,1 , , the day ot
the city election in Lincoln , ho bccamo
Intoxicated and remained in that condi
tion for nearly two weeks thereafter. The
wife alleges that the following persons ,
then engaged in selling liquor , provided
linr husband with the same during this
time to wit : August lioppc , John Drown ,
Iludolp Shafer and Schwartz and Mayer ,
lurther aflldavit is made that the result
of this long protracted spree was the
death of her husband , caused by delirium
tremens brought on by this excessive
The defence is not fully outlined In the
papers on lllo but the course ot the trial
portend ? that they will attempt to prove
that Stoddard was not nti industrious or
n sober ruan and also that he did not pro
cure the liquors that threw him in the
tremcns from thcso defendants.
The following call has been issued for
a , meeting of the republican state commit
tee :
Them will bo a meeting of the republican
central committee nt the Capital hotel
n Lincoln , June 8 , 18S7 , nt 8 o'clock p. in. to
elect a chairman of the committee to (111 ( the
vacancy caused by the death of lion. A. J.
Weaver. A full attendance of the committee
Is desired to transact other business of Im
portance , WALT M. SKKLKY , Secretary.
The members of the state committee
nro : Ishatn Heavls , Falls City ; C. H.
Willard , Auburn ; George' W. Collins ,
Tawneo City ; W. L. Wilson , Nebraska
City ; John 11. Becker , riattsmoutli ;
Charles H. Dewey , W. F. Uochcl ,
and John T. Clarke , Omaha ; Lo
renzo Crounsc , Fort Calhoun ; L. D. Rich
ards , Fremont ; II. C. liroruo , Norfolk : D.
W. Hasson , 1'onca ; E. M. Love , Ains-
worth ; C. E. Suiunor , Schuyler ; N. T.
Arnold. Osceola ; S. U. Uryau , Ashland ;
Walt M. Seoloy , .Bennett ; U. II. Oakley ,
/Lincoln ; U. S. Norval , Seward ; W. T.
Scott , York ; John Janscn. Geneva ; M.
A. Uatighorty , Crete ; S. II , Craig , Wy-
jnoro ; Erasmus M. Correll , Hebron ; A.
C. Hosmor , Red Cloud ; W. P. Shockey ,
Jiovyiinl ; Josjiua Cox. Ilampton ; J. N.
Paul , St.'l'nul ; W. U. Morse , Clarksville ;
E. C. Webster , Hastings ; E. D. Ensol ,
lloldregoj Frank C. Ootulon , Arapahoe ;
, A. W. Squires , Walworth.
The candidates for the chairmanship
have not developed to any great extent
jxs yet , and there nro a great many good
Hamas on the list from which to select.
a. The Northwestern Christian and Chan-
tauqua assembly , with headquarters at
'l ' eng Pine , Mob. , has tiled articles of in
corporation with the secretary of elate ,
Betting forth the objects to be the provid
ing ol suitable accommodations for Chris
tian scientific educational and temper-
unco associations , the purchase ol
crotinds , erection of buildings , etc. , and
llio providing of ways and means foi
holding assemblies. A capital stock oi
$50,000 it ) provided to conduct the busi
Hess , and. the following citizens have
ntlixcd their names to the articles ; C. H
i'rady , George W. Martin , J. 8. David
Hon , W. L. Whitmoro , Goomo A. Smith
C. U. Glover. G.W. . Uwinnell , J. M
Mead , J. II. Skinner , W. J. Cartwrlght
iA. . Whitmore and J. P. Huwkhurst.
The man who is employed by the city
With other assistance furnished him , t <
guard the city prisoners , has demon
Btratod his total unlitncss for the positioi
niul ho should bo discharged at once
The other day ten men were placed ii
his charge to work out fines on the stroe
and yesterday one of them , with n lone
Borne look , approached the judge in th
moi nine court and related that his nin
comuamons had cut and run and h
nlono was left. He thought as long a
nil the rest had escaped the judge uugh
as well lot him go also. It was statei
by one of the police that on
day the guards , three in numboi
came in at night , bringing between then
two men , all the rest of the men havini
been allowed to make their osoapo. It n
of no use for the police judge to asses
flnoH agamit tramps and ragrants to rlc
the city of their presonoo , when the clt ;
hires men to watch tbo prisoners , wh
lot them walk olVat their leisure. Whei
tramps are taught a lesson with A bal
and chain , or given a bread and vrato
dlot for a few weeks , they give the city
wide berth , and the police judge no
been doing his whole duty in this line
However punishment loses its terroi
when a man with a $35 tine can walk o
without hindrance.
The soeno in police court yesterda'
was animated. The afternoon of the da
before , a gang ot the toughest specimen
soon for many a day were drinking an
lighting and begging beer , in the roar c
the row of buildings opposite the B. is N
depot. Two telephone messages wer
sent in to hoadquaitors , uml three oft
cors rounded up nine num who were u
( or sentence. Yesterday these of tli
party who pleaded guilty were given W
and costs , and the others $ 'J5. Foi
plain drunks and ono man who ox In I
nod pugilistic qualities were fined $8 an
costs each.
District court yesterday was engage
in hearing civil cuses. The information
for the criminal trials have not yet bee
Senator lliggins , of Cass , . was In tb
capital city yesterday , transacting bus
nens between trains. The senator is i
the midst of his constituency tilling th
soil , and reports crop prospects llutte
The 0. & M. commence a series <
excursions Sunday , the objooth
point being the watering place of Mi
ford and Shogo Island. Excursion trait
will run from Lincoln , Suward and into
mediate points.
The now Lcduvitto block that is to rl
on the corner of P and Eleventh stre
has progressed and the bricklayers anew
now commencing the walls. It will bo
handsome structure.
A change of lime will be made on tl
B. & M. commencing Sunday by whit
the time between Lincoln and Omal
will bo reduced , the trains reaching th
place at the .same time , but leavii
Omaha later.
The "Devil's Auction" is the next i
traction at theFunko opera houso.harii
tht'ir dates on Friday and Saturday ov
iimus of this week.
"Hcggjir Student1' attheopei
hotisnudnesaay evening attracted
large audience and was uTideutlv great
Ex-Governor Nance , ol Osceola , w
in Lincoln yesterday renewing old ac
quaintances formed when ho occupied
the chair of state. Mr. Nance seems to
bo out of politics and enjoying life.
Franklin Sweet , of Mcrrick county ,
and Representative Matt Miller , of Itut-
ler county , were among the members of
the recent session who were looking
after business in Lincoln yesterday.
Ono of the nuisances that , however ,
has laudable results as a consequence , Is
the moving of old buildings through the
streets to make room for now struc
The now Commercial National bank ,
recently organi/.ed , has secured the cor
ner room In the Unrr block now in
progress of construction , the room to bo
In readiness for the bank by October 1.
A prominent grain man who has mt-
mcroiu elevators along the line of the 15.
& M. , reports that in a number of places
out in the state the barley crop is greatly
suffering from the ravages of chinU bugs
and in a good many instances Holds have
been plowed up and planted in corn.
The board of trade will hold a meeting
Saturday evening to take steps toward
assisting in carrying the bonus for the
now court house , the election for which
occurs the coming week.
John Fawell has been appointed ono
of County Clerk Uilos' deputies , and will
enter upon his duties in that capacity
Juno 1.
Nine additional base ball clubs were
organi/.cd in the city yesterday and the
returns ore yet incomplete.
In making the assertion that 1'o/zonl's
medicated complexion powder is entire
ly free from injurious or deadly poisons
wo do it upon the authority of a thorough
chemical analysis. It is ono of the oldest
face powders in American market , and
is used in the famalics of so mo of our
most prominent medical men who have
personally acknowledged to the proprio-
or that they not only considered it harm-
ess , but esteemed it highly beneficial in
very respect. Sold by all druggists.
Had n Narrow Escape.
Detroit Free Press : llenrj Kennedy ,
thirty-live years old and colored , was
arraigned before Police Justice llaug the
other morning , charged with disorderly
conduct. The testimony of the onicor in
the case went to show that the prisoner
had imbibed enough beer for u grown
person , and was engaged in exhibiting
iiis astonishing smartness to u number of
persons who were coldly unappreciative.
A murderous looking knife was found on
the prisoner , together with three boxes
of matches.
"What were you doing with this knife
about yout" inquired Ills honor.
"luso that to cut myco'ns wid , jodgo. "
"To out your corns with ? "
"Yes , san. "
' Troubled much with corns , arc
you ? "
"And thcso matches ? Were they to
kindle a lire on the altar of young love's
holy sanctuary ? "
"Is'pec' dey war , jcdgo , yourhonah ;
yes , sah , dat's what dey was for
sah. "
"That makes you guilty of arson ,
then. "
"Sah ? "
"That manes you guilty of arson the
intention constitutes the crime , fully as
much as the act itself. "
The prisoner seemed to realize his
desuorato situation , and with an effort
said :
"Jedgo , I got dom matches for to light
my pipe wjd. " His honor frowned , and
in a severe tone asked what ho was doing
with the knifo.
"Jcdgo , 1 was carrying it fur anuddor
man. "
"Hal Carrying it for another man ?
Intended to muracr him , I suppose ? "
Kennedy fairly gasped as he replied :
"No , Jodgo , yer honor. He's a shoe
maker dat fixes our shoes on do boat.
Yes , ho is , Jcdgo , sho's yor bo'n. "
"Prisoner , you have been lying hero. "
"Yes. sah. "
"And 1 don't know whether to sentence
you to four years' solitary conlinement
underground or"
"Silence ! or let you go. "
"Lot me go dis time , Jcdgo , your
honah. Jist dis once , Jodge. yor honah. "
"Hut not any more times ? "
"No , sah. "
"All right ; you can go. "
The Philosophy of Life.
The philosophy of Francis Bacon is the
philosophy of life. "Despiao no now ac-
cidcntin the bodv , " said ho , "but HSU
opinion of it ; in sickness principally TO-
Bpeot health , and in health action. "
There arn many so-called slight affections
which men think it bravo not to notice ,
It is not bravery ; it is folly. As Bacon
says , "despise no new accident in the
body. " BHANUHETH' & PILLS will remove
effectually and at once a thousand and
ono of the little ills of life that often , il
neglected , take years to euro. Be sure
to nave with you always a bo x of BUAN
London is a Illg Town.
St. Nicholas : If any ono were to wait
one way through all the streets of Lon
don he would be obliged to go a distance
of 3,000 miles , or as far as it is across
the American continent , from Now Yoii
to San Francisco. In our approach te
this city , as well as in our ramble :
through 1U streets , wo shall not bi
struck so much by its splendid and 1m
posing appearance as by its immensity
Go where wo may. there seems to bo nc
end to the town. It is fourteen miles one
way and eight the other , and contains i
population of nearly four million pee
pie , which is greater , indeedthan that o' '
Switzerland or the kingdom of Donmarl
and Greece combined. Wo arc token
on good authority that there arc mori
Scotchmen in London than in Edinburgh
moro Irishmen than in Dublin , and more
Jews than in Palestine , with foreigners
from all parts of the world , Including :
great number of Americans. Yet then
are so many Englishmen in London that
ono Is not likely to notice the presence o
those people of other nations.
This vast body of citizens cat over }
year 400,000 oxen , . 1,500,000 sheep
8,000,000 chickens and game birds , not t <
speak of calves , hops , and different kind :
of fish. They consume 500,000,00 (
oysters , which , although it seems like t
largo number would only give , i
equally divided among all the people
ono oyster every third day to each per
son. There are 300,000 servants in Lpn
don , enough people to make n largo city
but as this gives only ono .servant to cacl
dozen citUens , it is quite evident that :
great many of the people must wait 01
Used br tto United ButM GowBment.
Xadart 4 by U 'k * Us ol lust Great Unlversltle
and i'ubllc Food AnalrfUaaTbeStronc trure9l
and moetUoalUxlul. lit. Hlc * * * to * only ll kln
Ammonia , Um * o
t cot coaUla
. . . tfvtrmftm VanlllA I Jimnn. fit&
It K At < RHTATR e = J
Transfers Filed May 25 , 1887.
John F Hoyd ct al to C H Howes , lot 0
blk 3 13oul& Sharp's add to South
Omaha , wd S 1,000
William T Seaman an wlte to Stephen
W KMley. w : o feet of o 111) ) feet of n
half of blk "H" Shlnn's odd , wd 3,500
John 11 Duller anil wife to Morris Mor
risen , s 100 foot of lots 1 and 2 blk 2
Campbell's add , \\d 4,500 ,
W J \ \ aKoncramt wife to 1111 llancr ,
lots 0 nnd T blk 4 liuy < l's add , wd. . . . 1.100
Frank Heller to Mary K Jordan , nw
fAMM feet uf lot 31 Hurr Oak. w d. . . . 1,200
Itobi'rt P Uosuorth and wife to .Marc
A Upton , wGH feet of lots 21 and ttl
blklOSIiull'88dadd. wd 0,000
Wilson T Graham to 1) Ii Thomas.Iot
UShlloh , w d 2,500
South Oiunha Land Company to
Adolph 11 Gladstone , lot 1 blk 73
South Omaha.\ul..l 300
'Ihoinas U Lucas to Henry Grebe , lot 8
1)1 K 1 , lot T blk 4 , lots 3 to 8 hlk HI , lot
1 blk 15 , lot 7 blk 10. loti 1. 3. and 3
blk 8.1 , lot 7 blk 31 , lot B blk 35 , lots 2 ,
G and 7 blk : xi , loU 1,3.3. 4 , 5 and 0
blk M , loin I and 3 blk 7 , Florence ,
Collector's deed 1
Kedcdicatlon of table land by Maritar-
et J. Cooper et al
Iiels Clirl-nlanson and wife to Charles
M. Pratt , west 40 feet ot lot 8 , blk
13 , Omaha View , w d 1,700
Ada llllpyet al to Anna L Moore ,
lot U , blk "S" Snlnn's 3d add. w d. . 2,750
Milton U ( ioble , trustee to Edward
1'ritcliard. lot ! M , blk 7 , Bowline
Giccn.wd 325
Wni K Allen and wife to Cordelia K
Gilbert , lots 14,15 and 10 , Crescent
1'nrk. wd 0,700 ,
1) C Patterson and wife to Isaac N
1'lorce lots 1 , ! ! , 8,0,11,13.13.1 l.blk 2all
blk II , Plereo'sMibdivof lots 83,85'
47 , 8 * , blk 1 HolmbaiiKh's add , ( i c. . 7,003
John A McShamt to Daniel Itabcock
lots in , U , 15,10 , blk 80 , West Side ,
wd 2,050
Jas G Meeath and \slfo to May J
Ueattv , 10 acres In 880,15 , 12 , less a
strip o.i tect wide along east line , w
d. . . . 7 3,500
Andruw Hollmolstcr and Mjifo to Saiah
A Glenn , lot IU , blk 8 , ( Clarendon
add. wd 3,250
Kdward Kosowater et al , to Win W
Williams et al , s halt lot 1 , blk 153 ,
wd ! ,16,000
Tlios Bronnan etal to Warren M Rog
ers , lot 10 , blk 8. Biennan Place ,
w d 3,000
Madison Gouldini ; anil wife to John
Ke/.nlchek , lot 3J , Clark Place , w d 1,250
West Side Building association to
Jolm M Dougherty , lot 3. blk 0.
Uanscom Place , w d 2,000
Samuel SchlcaiiiKor ct al to Samuel S
Smith , all of blk 10 , Schlcslnicr'H add 7,000
Murk Hanson and wife to Franzlska
NKrlllng. w 44 feet of lot 3 , and 83
feet lot 4 nlk 2ttJ , Omaha , q c 1
FranzlHka M. KrllinK and husband to
Charles B Brown , north 44 feet of lot
3 , and van 8tcet ot lot 4 blk 203 ,
Omaha , wd 15,075
Louts C btltle otalexeciitors to llemy
K Cady. lot 0 blk 20 , and lot 19 blk
117 , Florence , q c 300
Mvln F Maunders ot al. trustees , to
Pierce C HtmebauKh , lot 11 blk
Sannders < k Hlmcbaiigh's add , w d 250
i V Morse et al to Kuth Atkinson , lot
47 , Auburn lllll , w d 400
ranilska M Erllinic to Charles U
Brown , west } f ol lot 3 blk 80SOma
ha , wd 0,325
Allen N Fleming and wife to John 11
Krck , lots 12 , 13 , 14 and 15 blk 5 ,
Plalnvlew , wd 2,400
iinltlt 1) Downs to Arthur .East , 40
acres In 'M , 15.18 , q n 10
lerbort L Anils ct al to the Public ,
plat of Otis Place , subdivision of
lots 4 and 5 , MnylielJ , dedication. . . .
Eunice D Pattee and husband to Gee
J Fox , lot 3 blk 78 , Omaha , w d 9,000
Ymcls C btlll and husband to Otis
11 liallou et al , lot 5 blk 10 , Ambler
Place , wd 3,500 ,
ane Pickard et al to Arthur East ,
southeast # northwest \i 30-15-1 ,
w d 17,000
! E Mayno and wife to Samuel E
Pelton.lots B.ll and 13 blk 2Otchard
Hillic 1
Alfred P llopklus ot al , executor and
ccexutrlx , to Herman Delss , lots 1 ,
2,3 and 4 , Mlllard & Caldwell's add ,
deed 10,000
Jnlon Pacific Hallway Company Ifr-
W C B Allen , west if northwest'i/ ,
and lot 1 , section ltf-15-10-08 , 3s
acres , wd 159.50
Jnlon Pacific Hallway Company to
W. C. B. Allen , wesf-f north west ) {
19-10-10 , 80acrcswd 200
Charles A Westrand and wife to Ed
ward G Glennlot 13 blk 2Clarendon
addwU 3,300
Nightmare ,
sick-headache , depression of spirits , and
want of ambition are symptoms of a dis-
mscd liver. The lungs , stomach and
jowcls are all in sympathy. Life is only
i living death.Dr. . Pierco's "Golden
Medical Discovery" acts upon the torpid
ivor , and effectually removes all those
difficulties and disorders. Nervous fcol-
URS , gloomy forobodinir.sand irratibility
of temper all disappear.
Amntina Blundnra In Speeob.
A California editor wrote "Old Gifts in
Now Lights , " and it appeared in print
"Old Girls m New Tights. "
A little boy in Sebco , Mo. , remarked
the other day that "tho scaitcst thing
my mother ever saw was a nnako. "
A New Orleans banker , who was fond
of using Latin to enrich his conversation ,
was asked ono evening by a ladv in a
hotel where ho had been. ' 'Oh I just out
side in the cuspador walking pro and
con , " ho replied.
A Chinaman recently sent the follow
ing telegram to a Pacilio coast railway
olllcial : "I ahippce you two carload hog.
No catchee pass. Whattoo matter ? .Ah
Fool. "
Among recent instances of misused
words wo hear of cholera morbus being
turned into "mollorr corbus" and of a
local light bidding soruo one howare ol
"inundations" in .
religion. 'Amusing ,
too , is the unintentional perversion of a
well known line "From Iceland greasy
mountains. "
A Rookland ( Mo. ) reporter wrote ;
"Tho well trained und cultivated voices
of the choir showed to the best advan
tage in the anthem 'When morning pur-
plea all the sky. ' " The choir were horrl'
tied on the appearance of the paper to
find the title of their star plena to be
"When mourning puppies fill the sky. "
WJIKN the face is haggard , tho'chocl
hollow , and the form lank and dubilit
atod , the party concludes ho is the victim
of a wasting and mysterious disease
when the simple truth is , his digestive
organs are in bad order , if ho would use
Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cor
dial and Hlood Purll'mr , lie would look as
well , and feel as hearty as the healthiest
of us , ho needs bracing up , vitalizing
that is all.
Ninety Years and Upward.
The oldest printer in Canada is Will
iam Brown , of Tivcrton. lie is ninetj
years of ago , and did book work in Scot
land for half a century.
William Ingham , of Danube , N. V. , ii
ninety-three years of ago.
The combined ages of the Nelson Rls
tors , throe in number , of Sutton , N. H.
make 334 years. They were born in tlu
same town in which they now live.
Although Harvey Sandersonof Spring
geld , Muss. , is ninety years of ago , lit
goes to and from his business as regular
ly as In his youth.
Mrs. Miriam Bennett of Glendola , N
J. , who died lately , was ninety-one yean
of age.
After living to be ninety years of agi
without tbo measles , Mrs. Sally Shackle
ton , of Delaware Station , died of them
It l a Cartons Pact
That the body is now more susceptible ti
benefit from medicine than at any othe
season. Hence the importance ol takini
Hood's Sarsaparilla now , when it will a
you the most good. It is really wonder
ful for purifying and enriching the blood
creating an appetite , and giving a health ;
tone to the whole system. Do sure to gc
Ilood'n Saraaparilla , which is peculiar t
Among the living ladies of the white
liouso is Mrs. Dandrldgo , formerly known
as Mrs. Betty Bliss , a'd.xughtcr ' of Presi
dent Zaclinry Taylor. Mrs. Dandridge
gracefully dispensed the hospitalities of
the mansion during her lather's lifetime
iiiul has recently visited Washington.
110111X0 FIVE .1,0X0 YKA119.
NixrllLooMriEUOtus. , Jan , 2. 1330.
Hop BlTTEltsCo.t
I l"li tosajr to roil that I hare been lulTerlnir for
theliuttlTO roars "Illi n tcrnre llchlntc nil otor. I
h Tp hrarlof llnti Illttan nnd hare tried It , IIIITO
meil up jour bottle * nnJ It Imdono nio moro good
than all the doctors nml mcJIclnei that they could
tiie on nr w th mo. 1 nm old nnl pour but fool tn
t > lo. s you for aucli roller Io\i\ \ jrnitr mcillrlnu nnd
turmnnt nftlio doctor * . I lute had lltluon doctor *
nt me One nsvo me oven ounces ot oliitlnn uf
nrionlc ! another took fonrnuarlmt ulood front mo.
All th r could tell wit * tint It nainkln Icknoii ,
.Niiw , utter llioo four boltlo < of your mcUlcino , 1 m
well and uiyi tlitlt well , cloui itnd uniuciih ni nror.
Wo confc i ihntwa nro ricrfecUr Hinoioil nt
tbo nin of jroiir Hop llltu-rs. We naror hml nnj-
thliiK iiko It , and tUT r liotrdot ttia like. Tlio wrIUT
I Men ton ( linn bei'n nalllnit dniK horu nmtrlf thirty
ye < r < . nnU Itai Been the run of Uo < teiti'r' < , vinegar
nnd all othur bitter * nnl pitantmcdlclnon , but nen > r
did any nf tham , In their ue < titiiyi , noitln to hnrotho
run thnt Hop Illtton ti TO. wn can't itft mioiizh
iiithuti , we nra out of them half thotlmu.
tram loiter to HOII Hitters Co. , from IIKNTOV ,
MHVrua ACe , Wliolc ilel > ruBiHst8 , Cloreland , U.
Qoon roll nAlHKS-"Wo nro nlonod to iny that
ourlnbywnf pjrmin ntljr nirwl of n ecrlom pro-
trarteJirre uUrlt/ thu bowcU tir tliu u nof flop
lllttors uy Iti tuoihor , wlilcli at the luino time rp-
Moroil her to pcrfuct houltli and otroiiKtli. " Till
Tha moit womlarfnl nnd mnrvcloiis succen , tn
omen wher persons nre > lck or plalnK nmty from a
condition of ralicrablcncii thtt no one knows what
nils them ( prodlnblo patlunt * for doctors ) , la obtained
br the tuo of llou Hitters. They ucnln to curd from
tru tlrKt done , nml keep It up until perfect licalth and
rustured ,
"I bollcve it to ba nil wromi nnd ovpn wicked fur e'er
Kymun or ottipr public moil to bo led Into itlvlnit tettl-
nionlall to quack doctors or vllu stuns callnd modi-
clnrs. hut wh3ii ranlly nirltortoii5 urllclo ! < miilo
upot wmmon Tsljiiblo remedloi known to nil , nnd
tlmtall pliyilclmu U MHI I trust In dally , wo ahoiild
froulyco tiniond It. I tuerotoru chucrtullv and Ixiirl-
lly commend Hop Hilton for the uood they have
dunu mo and my frlumli , llrmly builevliitfllicy liuvo
noc'inin ! for rmilly u , 1 it III not iiu without them. "
11LV. K , II , W Utllh.V , SCIplO. N. Y.
AfXi ! ( > ArcotrvT. "To iitm It up , sit lone yean
ofledrd len alcknes i nnd pnirjrlnx.c ntlnu * WJ. per
yeir , total JI W. nil of wlilcli wn Bloppi'il by lliu'e
iHiiilns ot llci | ) llltturs tiikcn hy my wlfo. who linn
dona her own housework for u ye ir since vritliont ttie
lo < tofnd ir , ant I want ever > bt > ilr to know It lor
tholr bcnvtit. " Jolts WebU. . , llutlor.
If you are sick Hop Hitters will surely aid
Mature In nmklnir you well when all oHo falls.
If jou urocojtlvo onlyspoptlo.or nro nulTor-
Ing from nny otlior of tbo numerous Ulauusus
of the Btomnoh or DowuN , It U your own futilt
If youiomnln 111 , for Hop lllttors Isa sovorelgQ
romcxlr In all such compmliits.
Tf you are waiting nwny with nny form of
Kidney dlscaso , stop tomptitur Donth tills mo
ment , and turn for a euro to Hop lllttors.
If you nro nervous use H op Ulltors.
If you are n froiiticntor , or n resident of n
mlnstnatlo district , barricade your system
against the scourge of all countries malarial ,
epidemic , bilious and intermittent fovurs by
the use of Hop Hitters.
If you liavo rough , viuiply or sallow skin
tmd lireiuli , pains niul ncli&S | nnd feel mlsornblo
Konornlly , Hop Hlttera wm'Kivo you tnlr alilii ,
rich blood und awootodt brcntlt nnd health.
That poor , bodtlddonjlnvalld wtfo , sister
mother or dtuiphter , cun Tj'e. made the picture
of health with Hop Hitter * , ' costing but a trlllc.
Will you lotthom sulfor ?
In short tltoy euro nil dl onsc * of the Stomnch
HorTols , Illood , Llvor , NcrVoj , Kldnuyg , Hrlsht's
Disease. $1000 will be paid1 tor a ciiso they will
not euro or help , _ * _
Th ONLY COMET tn < l i that cnn b
br IU purchaser after TIIKKU WJ
WE A It If not found
In OTerr respect , and IU price refunded by teller.
Made In a variety of styles na prleei. Sold by Brit-
rlans dealers ercrywhere. Beware of worthleia Imi
tations. None genulnewllhout Mall name on box.
AOV Broadway , New York.
durahillty and ar * the reigning
favorileinfai > lilonal > ! eetrele > .
Our tune is I J.4T.COUSIN8.
erery sole. ) NEW YORK.
NOTICE All sufferers frcm Hey Vovor win
will UBQ the Bmokollall artJ'"Iobullator"nftcii
are six weeks prior to lA'igust 1st , 1837 , nm
Imyo the first symptoms qf tfifi dlsrmo appon
after that ditto , we will REFUND THK MUNK'
Lnst BiimmertbU remedy vrus ugo < l lijman' '
sultorcre , and gave satlsfriMlon la every case.
Carbolic Smoke" Rives Immediate relief I
Catarrh , Asthma , Uronchlal anil Thront Arte
tlons. Headache , Croup. Co ids , Lim ? Dlscnie
etc. , and If taken In conncclinn with our Debe
later treatment Is warranted to cum every cas
A Fro * Ten at our office parlors. Bent b
raai : on receipt of price , $ -1 Bmoko Ball , $
Itobcllatorft.CAHUOMO 8MOKR UALIj CXX.
Boom U Crcigbiim Ulock , Omaba , Neb ,
TMs bfnutlftil Inland , now faraom a < onuof the
t nttriictlroflilniuierro < irt < <
llp In I'am.tnianniHUT btr.olT the coast ot Mnlnu ,
between thi ) mainland mm ( lr Til Mitimn .
Itba ashore rrnntnKO of thlny-flrfl ml e , deeply
Inilontoilby numerous ntf s , clift ni4 nnd Inlets , wnllo
Ihn Interior ubosnrt" In lofty find ilcn cly wooded
hill * that oltor ran ( .harms to the lorori uf the iMi >
turo uuo
'IhorlliT' thitorcrlmnit thosoa form.iny mllp tiru
tmly irriinit. Tun view uf lhce inluhljr anil Hwe-ln.
npirlnK rock * , towering < tmlglil up out of the oa ,
will alone repay the vl ltor furtho Journey tliurc.
The Hotels , to be Opened July I ,
arotha finest to be found out of llixton. They nrn
benulltullr ( unililioJ HnJi > t > iHilnto > l throughout , nnil
In hothoitorlor unit Inlorlnr Intro antlr of homctlk
comfort nnd rctlntmiont seldont to lie found.
There nro Homo forty miles of roads on ttto Isltn 1 ,
nnd thti ilrlrp * nro vnrlel nnd tnlerestlnt. Tin
ntnliln * nro "I'll o > ] uli > peil with well tmluoJ sadjla
nnililrtTlnu liorscs.
ThBbnittlnannd ( l < lilni nro oicpllonl , and cmoci
itlth Indltn culle . nronlwnysut hnnd ,
now TO < IIT : TO cAMi'oiun.Lo ,
Take the ulenrnprs of thr International Mno. lonr.
In llo < ton Monil y\Velno ilaT und Friday at S,1J
n. ru. , iirrlrlna at lU t | > ort the follonlnir morning nt
B u'cliu k.
An nnflr tp mor connects with all itp.imcraat
Kuitport lor Uxruuobcllo , two miles cll l nt.
Thostoann-rs of the Intcrnutlonal Line nra new
nnd nro I ho rtnc t const wi. o ntnimorn from Huston.
Drra I novli llojton an 1 Mulnoor Kaiturn It. It. to
Callus : tlicnccby stcnmor down the boiutlful BlOroix
rl'or , or by cnrrrnxo toKi tport (21) ( ) mil js
llr oltlior rnntobngK B tuiy be chocked througa
From Har Harbor to Cainpnbollo.
T/ikn ntpamer at lliir Harbor for Mi chla . whcra
carrlnR < ! mur alirays bo found In roidlne . Drlvo tn
l.nbcc , U milt's : thunco by ferry to Cumpobollo ( ij
mllH i The rirlre U i > a y and dulluhtftil.
Application for rooms mar bomaditto T.A. HAH'
ICKIl. hotsl manager , at the oaico of the urvlcriUned.
llluitrated books with nillroid nnd ttriracr tlmo-
tnblos , plans of the hotel nnd m ip of the lilnnd
nny linlmd.ns well its full Informntlon rpoirllnx
the pnipcrty onaindlcntlon to AI.KX S. I'OIITKU ,
( ion. Mannaer Cauipobollo Inland Co . 'f ! BUltoSl. ,
Boston. Muss. _
Dy Dr. Sncdlltor's motluxl. Noopcratloni No rain :
No Detention from bunlness. Adiulod to c < ilISron (
as neil an iuo. n pooplo. llundrudi ot iiutojr.ipa
simoiiliUoi Hi \libtiiin i.'io.i/ uUs
Room 0 , 1GH Douglas St. , Omaha , Nob.
Paid up Capital . $250,000
Surplus . 40,000
I. W. YalP'J , President.
A. E. Touznlin. Vice-President.
W. H. S. Huehos , Cashier ,
\V. V. Morse , John S Collins ,
"I. W. Yates , Lewis S. Rood.
A. E. Tou/.alm.
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
A General liaukinjr Uusincss Transacte
and all nkln discuses. A new method of torn-
paumlinu Tar. A Cure cuamutocd , or inoucy
refnndpn. Hold bydrmrcUtn , nnd nttnoomcoof
TAR-OID CO. , 71 MJIMlrMST. CMIUDO. 1'rteo ! ,
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo.
Of the Missouri Stale Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Clinic and
More especia ilv thse arising from impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been Trojirlotor"A
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
should not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms- All letters receive immediate
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address ,
1707 Olive St..St. Louis , Mo.
teirradiM ft * ill dljcuMlt Itolhtnrr > wl i
tpmnrtftf tlmatw1 iMlcsperfenrfldphjftittitmi. And In all
Urn oorniuwnllta. th r hira tllr tuHnUlu la rirrl In
which , Ihtj direct ( fair Btudk AIM ] iirirtk * . UK. Orrvn *
ou < ! Il a luKtoml Ilkulrtlioa at II * nxufem Ktaolor
IwvljIIMfl. in I hUumtmvleQfnt tllirrbAlult'elirAtnutitor
thnnlr , XnrwiBil 1 > ix < lIU e < < r < ( talhMx ) Uiii < >
drrftjl flt Hit flitlvrin , ! Tim * * IHTMIIII Mho unit mnliCAl
r ! if foe llM iMOft Ivlittle onilttuKi , wlllfliul * ncouii.
lilljirfl And urrcurul | hjtlclnu lii lh i r on of ItiuOrnck *
M > IIBO. wMlihlihljT iruoiuiitrndcd by th nwdktl | > iufer
mil t Iu > ui and abroiul
Totnosn ix 41 IST or niiLTni
8 nil Umkf > mlUu , lroudAH [ !
| r L-MAy < n | quttlAn *
ftrm'itnni LJ.toi , Mlilrfi lour ! n futlltiilorjr ofll > .irdl i > *
Heti-no ) wit ( rrrrvwler ) Lv iiirc | , | A < Ilraiy \ Itltir.
Coiuulutlgu l > c mij court K iillal , | rMli llor by malt
Affecting Hie Nf rvun , Kyitem ttcntto. Urinary Atul Hcproduc *
Ilv. Onon. , u , will > all oilier klnilral tavaof elllwr Ka.
, , .
CaUonoruMr , Dr > QTTERBOURQ ,
OrriCK IIOtKHi C r. Ill" and D.J , . Hta. ,
UI3 . > . , 3U9 MU8 > .aa. Ou . KM.
lacr lli na or
P .o OC - a _ aHi rJi usTno
- * lr"
tlaap < eifloDurpoiaCDItKor
' " " * " " " " ' -
, . _ r'-
nliel imim * , ,
* l-i-t unuouimild aoolhlnituninli f
Electric , f-lji * Ity UncUj throufh aJl wiak parti.nttor *
ligtham'JY Vta haajlh and Vliuroui Itticglh. Cladrie
CurnDt j \ ? -f UiniUnllTor furftt ] .ooo lataaa.
OrMlattInpr T aagtf ortr n otkarkalta. Wont cu > f par *
tnintnll/curadlilkrranonUia. fala4pi phlal4 . * alaDiD
The Bandea Eleclrio Co. 169 LaSallc U Chloja
Th * Orl lBB ! mmA Only a malBe.
ri Eatlakla. Bavin > t wariklcH Imlutliu
a. Msapess. y
nrm. Bclontlflo , Powerful , purabl *
f.rtatU cud F.fl cUTe. Atold Iraodj
OT rnooomr < A. B wtv <
ALn BLJEoritio iir.i.T * ran
Dt. HQBNE. UVIXTCJ. 101 KdA3t : AY : .
Lincoln , Neb.
The licit known and most | > opillut Imtol I
thomnto. Locfttkirt central , appolntmenti Arf
class. HoaJijuBrtors for commorelul muo n
all uoliUool ( tad public Katherlnirt.
B. I' . BOaOBN , Trojirlotor
"A remarkably well rrcucrvrd woman I HomarkaMy well preferred I Looki tike
though ahn'a ality , Ey-iill She must hate used Bapollo all her life I"
It 1 a 9olld. hamtiomo cake of House which him no pqual for > U Pconrlnftirarrioiri t-
ccpt the laundry. To u o U Is to value It. What will Rapollo do J Why It will clenn Jiilnt , make oilcloths -
cloths bright , amlcho the floor ) , tables and ehelrn a now ai'i'carancc. It " 111 UVo the Rrraso off the
m hc and off the pota and pans. You ran ncour the knives and forks with It , and make the tin
thing ) ehlno brightly. The waxh basin , the bath tub. even the Rroasj kitchen rink will bo ai rlcau M
new pin If you use Sapollo. Ono cake will prove all wo y. Ho n clover housekeeper and try It
Beware of Imitations. Thcro h but otin Sapollo. No. 11. [ Cojij right. March. 1R77.J
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
IB Death to Consumption ,
Malaria , Sleeplessness ,
Chills and Ferori Or Insomnia , and
Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation ,
Indigestion , Oi Food ,
Dyspepsia , Teu Years Old ,
Ouiffloal Fereri No Fusel Oil ,
Blood Poisouiag Absolutely Fax * .
This will certify that I have examined the Belle of Bourbon WliUkjr , received from
Lawrence Ostrum & Co. , and found the same to be perfectly tree from Fusel Oil and
other deleterious substances nd strictly pure I cheerfully recommend the tame for
Family uie and Medicinal purpose * .
J. P. BARNUM , M. D. , Analytical Chemist , Louisville , Ky.
For sale by druggists , wine rncrchaats and grocers everywhere. Price $1.25 per bottli
If not found at the above , half-doz. bottles in plain boxes will be sent to my address
in the United States on the receipt of six dollars. Express paid to all places east of
Missouri River ,
LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale and Distributing Agents ,
RILEY C DILLON , Wholesale Liquor Dealer * . \ Omaha ,
families lupptlcilbji GL DS1ONE BROS. < B CO. , Omaha.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Price * the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas nnd 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union
PaciflcRatlroad Company.
New Model Lawn Mower
Five Sixes. Witt cut higher grass than
any other. Has no equal for simplicity ,
durability'at id ease of operation.
This is the latest Improved Ma
chine in. the Market
Low Prices. Send for circulars.
8t te Agents for Porter's Haying Tool
and Jobbers of Binding Ttvlne *
The Best and Safest
Vapor Stove Made.
C. W. Sleeper , head of St. Marys' Av
enue ,
Iloltuca & Smith , South Omaha.
VfMt aUding Detachable
OT Better tbau
c or Hom.JP
and guaranteed never to
break * Prtcet Jkx.25 *
Ferule byleadlag wbclcue and retail etUb-
413 liroadway , N , Y. , Manufacturers.
$3 SHOE.
BtjrlUh. Durable , E.ny Pitting.
Tha best gj Hhne In the World.
W. 1..II0170LA *
SIIOE FOB ItOYS ritrea great satlnfactlnn. AH
tneahpvoaro nivln In liulton , UnrRrrnri aiirl Lanis
alUtjrliHi of to * . HnM bjr , oot ) dealen tliouKhout th
ftlUfiW. .
BEWARE OF FRAUD.v.lL'i'eV ' ' at'0 ;
lintcruMitotis * | uoalnrti are otTerlUff utucr goodn aa
Iiilno , rtnd when axlcefi why inv Htanip Iji nut on the
thoftn , > ttta that I haru dlxoonllnuid Iti i . THIS
IS KAI.HK. Take tiuua rfprmentuil to lw th *
"W. Douglas 8liop8 , " mil sa IIHIIIX , warrunt
and iirlro nrH Hlnmix'd tin iMitloiu i > f eacfi
W. L. DOUdCAS. Ilruckton , Musi.
For sale by Kelley , .Stisrcr & Co. , cor
Dodge and isth-ats. ; Ildury Sareent
cor. Seward and Saunders sla.
Decker Brothers
OOA Acoat ( atari-nail enlTl w.nta4 in mrtrr town for
It la the unanimous opinion of mp customer *
th it your Tanslil'g Punch l the boat Re clirar
they hnve over unioVod. Meny claim that It U
aa troml a Iho maJorUy of thoao ut 10o.
0. C. Clmlmurs DniKelst , Hmlthnold. Vo.
IIBIE.S , / ? . W. TANSILL & CO. ,
Application For Pardon.
Notice Isburob } ' lvot > that on the Ttlt dnjr nf
May , 1M7. an aiipllontlon will be Mlcd wllli bla
o ceilonoy. John M. Trwj'tr , Kovernor nf the
stut * of Nrbratku , for the pardon of I on
Perrl. Said I'errl wns convicted ut ti ) Jitn *
1DH5 , term of Douglas county diotrlut court for
tbo crjme of ihootlnv with Intent to kill.
m-U-l M M. B. MAUTlNOVlCIi , '