Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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The Bears Fooled On a Supposed Reserve
Force in Satisfied Shorts.
t'rovUloriH Dull Cattle Decline * tlio
In\voRt for Vcnr Ilown Turn
In lings More TnUcThftti
CiucAoo , Mny Ufi. ISpcclnl Telegram to
the J > ir.J : The thoroughly frightened wheat
bears climbed energetically today , the atti
tude of the clltiio | betokening , as It did , a
prcnt restore force In the satisfied shorts
that they hnd niadu a mistake In supposing
at the man In the Mr was In an unsubstnn-
\1 shape , and they Immediately set about
filling in tholr contracts. They bid Juno
from SSXSMi&c without getting anything
worth mcntlonltiK. Thecliquehouses helucci
the shorts blil the market up on themselves ,
hut not nddlnic greatly to their lines of prop
erty. Uetween 8'Jc ami b'J o considerable
business was done. At the outside figure
there was a halt , but In a few minutes the
price went to We. The clique brokers sold n
Jnrge quantity of wheat to the bears above
b ! Kc , nnd on the down-turn Irom OOc they
fed It out rapidly. The market declined
rapidly to b'.ic. a rattling business being
done on the break. During the last
hour and n halt of the session Juno
ranged Mi BJip , nnd nl ID p. m. icstcd lit
bt'Jfc. ' Wlillo .Itino wns advancing ! , ' < Jnly
Improved Xe from thu Inside price of the
morning , viz , bGjtfc. Trading In the month
wns brisk but in the aggregate not of exces
sive volume. The clique Mouses were gen
erally credited with getting rid of iibout
' Juno the early bult'o
l,5'JOOOo bushels of on
nnd whun the reaction followed they also
told considerable July. The general lizures
were steady but not specially higher , neither
were they nctlvo on the whole. ThoiiKh there
was morn excitement than business on the
' market excited and
'change to-dav the was
higher on manipulation uud lirm on statis
tical position.
The speculative corn markets ran alone ; In
a monotonous rut to-day. The niaikct was
destitute of interesting features nnd the
price changes were within narrow limits.
July ranged between 40c nnd 40'fc , but dur
ing n greater part of the long session it wns
either 40 } < e buyer or seller. The snecuhitlve
markets may be described as lirm but nltnost
lifeless. The afternoon rnngo was as C
iiSXc for June , 40Vc.for July , and 41-tfo lor
August. The receipts were dull nnd practi
cally unchanged.
Dullness Is still the leading feature ot the
provision market. No increase was reported
in tlio number or volume of outside orders
received for cash or tuture property and In
local trading ciicles there certainly was no
Improvement In the disposition shown to
tnko Mold. Operators of nil classes simply
adhered to their old conservative policy , yet ,
considering tlio light movement nnd the con
dition of the hog market , which wns well
supplied nnd lower , the product was sur
prisingly well suppoiled. The holders , at
nil events , wore In nowise Inclined to press
the trade with offerings In the absence of
buyers nnd ns n consequence prices fulled to
suffer any material change. The opening
was n little heavy but the trade promptly re
covered from the depression uud both Inrd
nnd short ribs stood at 1 o'clock n trillo
higher than Inst night's Until quotations.
J'ork wns nlso advanced to 81.00 or SSL75
for cash , May and Juno. In Inrd nnd short
ribs trading wts : largely con lined to tlio ex
tension of outstanding contracts.
AFTKUNOO.V SESSION Wheat wns easier
JiilySOa@bCcAuitistb5Jc. Corn wnsn.ulei
but steady. Juno sold at 8sJ8 : ! ? < ? c ; July. 40
< < ! 40 > < c ; August , 41c : May. S7e. Onts
were steady May sold at nhout - < ic ; June ,
2fi fi2fl > c ; July , 87Jfc. 1'ork wns nominally
nt 5:2X75 tor cnsh. In May and Juno there
wns no trading. Lard wns stendy nnd closed
at S0.57K for May , 80.00 for June. 80.70 for
July , 8G.IO for August. Short ribs closed
for May nnd Juno nt 87.20. for July at 37.80
nnd for August nt 87.40.
CHICAGO , May 80. fSpeclnl Telegram to
the HER. ] CATTI.K. Business wns slow
from tirst to lost , and for the first day this
week there was no essential decline , as com
pared with the day before. During the past
four days values have declined at n rapid
rate and are to-da > 40@50c lower than a week
ago. On the ordinary run fat cattle values
went the lowest yesterday for the class of
stock referred to , than at any time In several
years , and during the week so far the treat
bulk of the best cattle has sold within a range
of 84.i5'i4.50 ! and plenty of good nnd useful
steers at $3.804.10. The highest for the week
until to-day wns S4.GOtf4.C5 ( for premium
steers thnt would average 1000 Ibs
nnd upwards. To-day a I'ittsburg dealer
paid 14.00 for a load of cattle. He seemed
to want them right bad and thnt Is the high
est for the week. Native butchers' stock Is
40@50c lower than last week , the bulk of the
decline taking place during the past day or
two. There were GO loads of Tcxans among
the fresh arrivals , and n lot sold about the
same as yesterday , yet values on this Class
are also 40g.r ( > 0c lower than n week ago today.
Shipping steers , 1.830 to 1.500 Ibs. . 84.80(3 (
t.M ; 1,800 to 1.850 Ibs. . S4.00t34.40j 050 to 1,800
Ibs. , 8.75 : ! < < ? 4.'J.'i : acnrot extra 4'J. ' ' ) Ibs stock-
Ms and feeders sold nt S2.2.rx < 34.15 ; cows ,
bulls nnd mixed , $2.00 < ft3.70 ; bulk 82.50 ®
1UO ; Texas urnssers , 8-.75di3.x ; ) ; slop-fed
steers , 83.80@i.75. :
llous Uuslness opened rather slow with
another down turn of 15t < C10c , making a de
cline of ir > @eoc for the week so far. Later
there were more liberal and unexpected or
ders , HO that there wns a Might rally at the
close. Mixed sold at S4.70@4.hObo3t : assorted
heavy and Philadelphia 84.05 5.00. Four
loads of singing sold nt $4.M > . Light sorts
averaged Sl.OOOTl.K ) , including \orkers
which sold at 84.70 .80 ; light and pigs at
Ghluaffo , May 20. The Drovers' Jour-
Dai reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 0,000 ; Steadier and
stronger ; shipping steers. $3.75@4.CO ; stockers -
ers and feeders , S2.25c4.10 ( : cows , bulls
and mixed , $ 'J.OOfuH.7U ; bulk , S2.50@3.10 ;
Texas cattle , f 2.75&I.75.
Hogs Receipts , 26,000 ; active and 5c lower ,
closing strong ; rough aud mixed. J 4.00(54 (
4.00 ; packlugandahlpplng , I4.SOS5.10 ; light ,
4.50@4.bO : skips , KUXX < J4.40.
Sheep Hccelpts , 8,000 ; stronger ; natives ,
S8.00@4. : ; western , 83.50@4.35 ; Texans ,
8'.25Mf.75 : ; lambs , 12.00(34.75. (
NntionM Stock Yard * Kant Ht.
Louis , 111. , May 20. Cattle Kecelpts ,
1,800 ; shipments , 9,500 : raster ; choice
heavy native steers , ; fair ,
to coed shipping steers , 83.00 )4.80 )
butchers' steers , fair to choice , 3.50&4.85 ;
feeders , fair to good. I3.00O4.CO ; stockers ,
fair to good , 2.00@3.00.
Jlogs Rpcelpts , 5.000 ; ihipments , 2,000 ;
market 510c lower ; choice heavy and butch'
ers' selections , 84.WK35.00 ; pack Ing , fair tc
ooi ) , 84.75(34. ( K5 ; Yorkers , medium to prime
5 4. . ' 0(24.70 ( ; pigs , common to good , 93.7501
4.80 ,
Hansaa City , Mav20. Cattle Receipts ,
1.800 ; shlpmenUi , 1,000 ; a trillo strong foi
shipping ; steady for common and butchers
bteers ; common to choice , S3.CO < 34.25 ; stock-
cis , 82.GO@3.80 ; feeding stuerti , 83.-J5ffl8.UO
cows. * .0(5 ( ( < i3.75.
Hots Hecelpt * , 11,000 ; shipments , 4.00C
strong and actlvo ; common to choice , Sl.lOfd
4.75 ; skips and pigs , I2.MX34.00.
NKW YOIIK , May SO. [ Special Tclcgran
ot the UF.K.I STOCKS Cousolldatctl Gas ab
sorbed the attention of traders at the openlni
this morning and several largo operator
were reported to be Betting out ot line. Stoc )
was bought some time ago In anticipation o :
nn Increase In the rate of dividends and the
result was that a break of 3 per cent fron
yesterday's closlntr price was recorded be
forenoon , St. Paul Jfc Duliitu contluued It
upward course , advancing another 5 pci
cent making a total gam this week of abou
2t per cent The rest of the list was Orru
but showed no Indications of any specla
movement London prices were generally
ehnde better than on yesterday , aad buyln
of Heading was good enough to cause a frac
tloual advance In It A story was curren
that Ne w Kn viand was cornered. It was nl
letted that members of the directory ua
UVca dlffeient newt on a certain matter an
that the bear partr In the stock bad sold
themselves Into a hole. Very little Interest
was taken In the ( irangersindlt was thought
the operators would not attempt to trade In
them to any extent until after the result ot
Tuesdays' meeting of the managers Isknown.
It was announced that at the coming annual
meeting of the Northwest directors the usual
dividend would be declared on common and
preferred stock and tnat there would bo no
"melon cut" or any now Issue of stock.
Heading was buoyant , the boards close ad
vancing 1 per cent on very largo transactions ,
Manitoba moved up \ \ { per cent , and the
tone of the whole market became decidedly
strong. It was reported that the Cummlngs-
Unce-Thomas crowd had arranged to make
a trip of Inspection over the Lake Erie &
Western and a point was given out that a
boom would bo started In the stock at the
samotlme. Kallroad earnings for the third
week of May showed largo gains and tills to
gether with the prospects of the settlement
of the dlllorcnces among the Granger roads
caused the market to close with something
of a boom. The total sales were about
UOVKIINMKXTS ( Jovcrnmont bonds were
dull but steady.
JJ. S. r's c. &N. W . 12 (
u. S. 4's coupon. 12flt < do preferred. . . .lfil
U. S. 4K'scoup .1105 < N. Y. C .
Paclilcrrsot'n.i..iuri ! { ( > . it. &N . ioi } <
CanadaSouth'n. . T. .
Central rnclflu. . 40l Pacific Mail 5. " k
Chicago * Alton. 1W ) IP. , I ) . , fe K %
do preferred..m IPulluinn Pal.Car.1,17
C. , 11. AQ 14i ! 'Rending ' 45f ? (
! > . , L. A W 1 7 M' Hock lsltnd : ; . .
Krio Hii/i do preferred. . . . i *
do preferred. . . . 75 0. , M.ASt. P. .
Illinois Ontrnl..ii7 : do preferred..121 %
I. , U. & W 24 St. I' . fc O ta
K. &T 83tf do preferred..117
Lake Shore l)7 ) { Texas Pacllic. .
L. &N os f Union Pacific , - . ,
Michigan Cent' ! . . otK\V. : , \ , St. LAP. . . . 21
Mo. Pacllic 11UJ < ! do preferred. . W {
No. Pacllle 82'V. ' \ . U. Telegraph 77Jf
do preferred. . . . tfl\ \
MONEY ON CAM , Kasy nt 3(35 ( percent ;
closed olTored nt ! l per cent.
PltlME MKUCANriLE PAl'EK 50 per
STKiiu.s'o ExciiAxnK Dull but steady ;
S4.b.for sixty day bills , nttd 81.87M for de
mand. _
May 2fi. Following quota
tions are the SiO ; : closing figures :
Flour Quiet and unchanged ; winter wheat
Hour , S4.i'4.0 : ! : southern , S4.104.'JO ;
Wisconsin. 84.20@4.0 : ! ; Michigan soft
spring wheat , $ U.70i ( , < 4.30 : Minnesota bakers ,
83.70 ( 4.SU ; patents , S4.503KSJ ; low grades ,
Sl.l > 3 < < 4' ! . 5 : rye Hour , quiet at S3.25Q3.40 ; in
saeks and barrels , S(4M.70. : ! (
Wheat More active nnd excited but firm ;
opened tlio same ns yesterday's close to Xc
higher , nnd closed nuout * < c higher ; cnsli ,
BStfc ; June , 86 'c ; July , SOXe.
Corn Quiet but steady ; opened a shndo
firmer tlian yesterday's close , and closed ' < c
higher for futures ; cash , 37e ; June , Sb.Vc ;
July , 40 1-lOc.
Oats Opened firm with a slight ndvance ,
which was lost nt the close ; cash , 20c ; June ,
KGXc ; July. U75-iOc.
Itye Dull ntSTiKe.
larley--Nomlnnl nt 57c.
Timothy Seed Prime , 81.71X81.74.
Flax Seed Sl.l" > W.
Whlskv S1.10.
oPork Quiet but firm ; cash nnd Juno ,
Lard Closed steady nt nbout yesterday's
close ; cash anil June , SO.CO ; July. 80.70.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , S5.f > 0 ® " > .70 ; shoit
clear , S7.fiO@7.05 ; short ribs , J7.20.
Butter Lower ; creamery , 13 > , @ 10Xc ;
dairy , liiyjl.i c.
Cheese Weaker ; full cream Cheddars. 8@
8Mc ; Hats , 8M-iOc ( - ; young Americas , "
skims , SKQCc.
Eggs I'irin ' ntlOJ/aiic. (
Hides-Unchanged ; heavy green salted 7c ;
light do , 75/iJSc ( ; salted bull hides , 6c ; green
salted calf , B ; dry Hint , 12l3c ; dry calf ,
13f < 14c ; dearons , 40eeach ; dry salted , lOc.
Tnllow WenkerNo. ; Icountry , 3Xc ; No. 3 ,
2c ; cake , SKCsS c.
Kocolnts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 17.COO 8,000
Wheat , bu 115,000 7.000
Corn , bu 150,000 204.000
Oats , bu 100,000 3,000
Kye.bu 1,000 3,000
Barley , bu 13,000 21,000
St. IjouU. May 28. Whnat Higher ; cash ,
69Kc ; June. 87c ,
Corn Dull ; cash , 37J c ; June , 3Cc.
Oats Nothing doing.
Pork Quiet but steady at 815.50.
Lard Dull but lirm , 56.37 -
Whisky $1.05.
Butter Kasv and drooping ; creamery , 15(5 (
18c ; dairy. l < % 15c.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Easier ; May
80c bid ; June , 845fc ; July , 83Vc ; August
83 83'c. Cora-Quiet , OaU-Nomlnnl.
itanyaH City. May 20. Wheat No. 2 red
cash. 73if@73Xc ; June. 72Kc bid.
Corn-Stendy ; No. 2 cash , 82) 0 bid , 32c
asked ; July , 83c bid.
Oats Nominal.
Liverpool. May 20. Wheat Firm and
demand fair ; holders olfer moderately.
Corn Quiet but steady ; domnnd poor
new mixed western , 4s Id per cental. '
Now Orleans , May 20. Corn Dull and
weak ; mixed , 51 } @ 52c ; yellow , 53@51c ;
will to , 5C@57c.
Oats-Quiet and weak at SO&'SCVc.
Corn Meal Dull and lower nt S'l35@2.40.
HOK Products Easier but not quotably
lower ; pork , 810.50.
Bulk Moats Shoulders , 65.70 ; lonz clear
and clear rib , 87.25.
New York. May 20. Wheat Receipts ,
233 000 ; exports , 101,000 ; spot M@ o higher
and active ; options opened firm , advanced
HJfc , but near the close weakened and de
clined K@Xc , leaving off beavy ; ungraded
red. SXlUMWKc ; No. 1 red , l Kc ; No 3 red ,
5W@ 5o ; No. 3 red. 97 c ; elevator ,
delivered ; June closed at U7Mc.
Corn-Ueceipts.125,000 ; eiports,43,400 ; spot
firm and moderately active ; options a shade
lower , closing dull and heavy. Ungraded ,
47 48tfc : No. 2,47Ko In elevator ; 48(0480 (
canal atloat ; June closed at 47c.
Oats Hecelpts , 37,000 ; ex ports , 057 ; mixed
western 34j3ee ( ; white western , SSJc. .
Petroleum-Steady ; United closed atCStfc.
Pork Steady and In moderate request
Lard Lower and beavy ; western steam ,
spot , 80.00.
Butter Quiet and weak.
Cheese Firm and In good demand.
Eggs iBrni and demand fair ; western ,
fresh , 12X@18c.
Milwaukee , May 26. Wheat Strong ;
cash , 84c ; Jun * . 84 ? < fc : July ,
Corn Dull ; No. 3 , 86 } < c.
Oats-Steady ; No.2white ,
Kyo-lilgher ; No. l.Olc.
Barley-Firm : No. 2 , 57c.
Provisions Dull ; pork , May , 814.50.
Clmclanatl , May 20. Wheat Strong nnd
higher ; No. 2 red , SSc.
Corn Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 41c ,
Oats-Quiet ; No. 3 mixed -MJk'30c
Rye-Scarco and firm ; No. 2 , CCc.
Pork Steady at 815.50.
Lard-Easier at SO.45.
MlnnoapoiU. Mar 20. Wheat Very
strong and active ; No. l' hard , cash , 8lJ < o ;
June , 82c ; July , 83Uc : No. l northern , cash ,
BOXc ; June , Hie ; July , 82Xc : No. a. north
ern , cash , TO c ; June , bO o ; July , 81Kc. On
track : No. 1 hard , 83c ; No. 1 northern , t Hc ;
No. 3 northern , Ulc.
Klour Firmly held ; patents , 84.50 < < HCO ;
bakers' , 13.6033.70.
Kecelots Wheat. 11S.OOO bu.
bhipments Wheat , IW.OOO bu ; Hour , 13,400
Thursday , May 20.
't no receipts of cattle were light tbnre being
only about half as many In as yesterday.
The market was dull and slow and lower ,
The buycts are not at all anxious to take the
cattle on the present market and on the othei
hand the owners are slow to part with their
cattle at tlu ) low prices.
The run of hos was liberal , the receipts
being the bame at yesterday , Tim markel
opened active. at a decline ot 5 < < ? 10o and
, nearly everything was sold at an early hour
The market U holding up remarkably well
ala considering the heavy lecclpta.
c- lliere were a few to and sold.
il- Receipt * .
clogs. . . 10
id Shoop. . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . , . W
ir' T i
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing urlctiJ paUt for II va
stock on this market :
Choice steers , 1303 to 1500 Ibs. . . . 84.10(34. ( CO
Choice steers , lioo to UVi Iba. . . 4.oofT U5
Fnt little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.50 ( < < : J.05
Extra choicccowsnnd heifers. . . . 8.ta3.40 : !
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 8.15cM.3U
Common to medium cows H.OJ@UO !
Uood to cholcn bulls 8.7.V < tl.20 :
Light and medium lion 4.204.uO <
Good to choice heavy liozs 4.0ji4.oo
Uoodtocholce mixed hogs 4.30i ( < 4.40
Ilcprcscntntivo Sales.
8Tiius. : :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
10..1137 83.60 111 . . .1800 ? aS7j
1..1250 8..VJ 111..1210 8.95
0..1002 3.5' I1.147U ! * 4,00
1 . . .1100 8..V ! SI..12'J7 4.00
M..i:33 : 8.00 90..18SS 4.00
2-J..1074 8.85 y0..1272 4.05
13..1115 3.S5 1..1070 4.10
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4. . . . 1007 S3.40
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..KWO S3.b5
D. . . . 472 83.50
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
7. . . . bH ! S-.50
40. . . . 01 S3.50 47. . . . OS 83.50
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
14S..N17 100 4.'JO fS..878 4034.45
81..107 ' "JO 4.80 78..Sit 40 4.45
CO..190 "HO 4.-JO 70..HI4 M ) 4.45
711..821 180 4.SO 54..2WJ 40 4.45
04..829 180 4.W ! 05..812 120 4.45
74..818 120 4iO ! 00..251 ! 100 4.45
07..844 200 4.5 : ! 54 . . .257 4.4' %
81..1M : 01..850 100 4.47K
05..2M 120 4.85 01..20' ! bO 4.47
50 . y'A ! . : 01..257 4.47M
5S . .224 40 4.S5 01..2.V10 ! 4.50
70. . .8JO 40 4.35 53..871 bO 4.M )
58.'J2T , 120 4.5 ! ! 57..277 bO 4.50
75..IDS 4.H5 O1..80n 40 4.50
5l..8ki 120 4.IS5 ( . . . .853100 - > .50
75..825 4.37K 03..800 4.50
79..212 4.10 G0..8J 40 4.M )
05..85(1 ( ICO 4.40 01J..20i 40 4..W
a.-/J-.Ti 40 4.-IO 07..271 40 4.50
04..257 120 4.40 IVJ..201 4.oO
127..212 bO 4.40 07. . . 2S : ) 1MO 4.50
09..831 100 4.-IO Oil..870120 4.fO
00..200 100 4.-IO OS..259 40 4.50
07..257 bO 4.4) ( W..215 100 4.50
O7..2.'it 40 4.45 52..2'J5 ' 4.55
70..210 40 4.15 ! . . . .809 80 4.50
00..80i 180 4.45 fi0..870 M ) 4.fiO
57. . . 8.2 80 > 00..847 4.50
07..277 4.45 M ) . . .8VJ 4.50
71..249 100 4.45 Ml..8 ! > 7 40 4.5j
C.'i..847 bO 4.43 6i..8ll : 40 4.55
07..240 40 4.4-1 57..878 4.55
61..2IW 200 4.45 OS . . .881240 4.C.O
5S. . . .8 l'.l bO 4.4" > G5. . . . ! M ) 120 4.00
00..804 4.45 00..2S')120 ) 4.0'J '
04..879 80 4.4 > SS. . . . ? 120 400
71..82S 120 4.45 01. . . . 800 4.02
Live Block Sold.
Showing the number of hogs nnd cattle
bouzht by the leading buyers on to-day's
market :
Anglo-American Packing Co 4,233
. 11. Hammond & Co 478
Lipton 32'J
Total 5,0113
Held over 370
G. 11. Hammond & Co 207
Lobmnn & Kothchlld 19
Shippers i :
' "
Total 420
sinir. :
Local 3
Showing the number of cattle , hois nnd
sheep shipped Irom the yards during the day.
No.'cars. Ht. Dest.
8 N. W Chicago
5 N. W Chicago
4 C. , B. A Q Chicago
All sales ot stock m tins market are made
percwU live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at % c per Ib. for all woigliU.
"Skins , " or hogs weUhlng less than 100 Ibs ,
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDs.
and stags 80 Ibs. by tlio nubile Inspector.
lilvo Stoclc Notes.
Hogs lower.
Cattle slow.
A few sheep sold.
Al. Dexter , Blair , was here and marketed
two loads of hogs.
W. Bays , Valparaiso , marketed thirty-six
head of 1,272 pound cattle nt 84.05.
D. A. Handy , Loup City , was In and sole
a load of hogs at satisfactory prices.
W. B. Morrison , York , came in with two
loads of hogs which were sold on the market ,
George Wall , St. Paul , was here with tlfty-
tour head of cattle which averaged 1,339 and
brought 83.00.
Mr. Klosterman , of Spelts & Klostcrmnn ,
David City , was In with a load ot hogs and
four loads otcat'.e.
Lee Martin , 1 ork. wns In with a load oi
hogs and a load of cattle. Nineteen head ol
cattle averaged 1,200 nnd sold nt 83.87) .
II. Chapman , county treasurer of Washing
ton county and Frank Ilnrrlman , ex-treas
urer , were among tlio visitors nt the yards.
Mr. ( jammer , of the Oskosh Land & Cat
tie Co , St. Paul , was In with live loads o
cnttlc. Ninety-six head averaged 1,838 aud
sold at S4.00.
General Produce.
Thursday , May 20.
/olloicmfi prices arc for round lot * of
produce , as xoid on tne marhc : to-da\j \ ,
Eoos The market l weak at lie.
BUTTEU The receipts of butter are heavy
The bulk Is selling at I0gl2c ( with an occa
slonal package ot very choice stock at 13 < g
POUI.THV Old fowls are bringing a llttl.
belter prices on account of the light receipts
Uood large towls have sold very readily a
88.50 per dozen and In some Instances were
higher. A few sales of small stock have been
made at 83.25. There havn been a few spring
chickens In , but they are too small yec to
sell well. Tlio best of them do not move very
readily at 83.50@4.00.
1'OTATOKS Homo grown stock Is In de
mand at 81.00@1.10 per bushel.
ONIONS The market Is well supplied with
new stock at 84.50 5.00 per barret
NEW VEGETABLES The local garden-
am supply Ing the demand largely and there is
not much sale for stock shipped In. Top on
ions , per dozen bunches , Ioc $20c ; radishes ,
per dozen bunches , 10@20c ; lettuce , 30@i5c : ;
Sie plant , per Ib. l W'-ic ; cucumbers per
ozen 75c ; wax beans , per X bushel box ,
82.50 ; string beans , per % bushel b < Tx , 81.25 ;
peas , per bushel 81.00 ; Caullllower , per doz. ,
81.75 ; new beets , per doz. , 50c.
LKMONR Messina , choice , per box 84.50
© 5.00.
OKANOES Mediterranean sweets , 83.5068
3.75 ; Messina Imperial , fancy , 4.50 ; San
Gabriel , single box lots , 83.00 ; San Gabriel ,
5 box lots. 82.85 ; Riverside , 94.00 ; Paper
Kinds , 83.50.
8TKAWUE1HIIK8 The receipts are liberal
and the market active. Choice St. Louie
home-grown stock , per stand , T2 quarts ,
BANANAS Largebunches , per bunch , $3.50
@ 4.50.
CiiF.nniKR There are a few California
cherries on the market which are selling nt
S2.253.50 i > er 10-lb. box , according to the
size and quality of the fruit.
TOMATOES There are a few southern
tomatoes on the market ; 10-lb. boxes , 81.00.
PROVISIONS Ham , 12c ; breakfast
bacon , rib. lOc : breakfast bacon , plain , 10 > < c :
dry salt sides. 8H < 9V/c ; dried beef , regular. 10
@llc ; dried bc t. ham pieces , I So ; lard , 50-Ib
cans , 7c ; BO-lb cans-Hairbanks , 7Vc ; 10-lb
cans , Fairbanks. 7c ; 6-lb cans , Fairbanks ,
' " - s-jij Fairbanks .
- cans. , 7Kc.
General Market * .
\ABXisnts batrels , per gallon ; furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. JLOO ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach. No , t , 81.20 : Da-
nar , extra. 11.75. Japan , 70c ; asphaltum
extra 85o : shellac , 5r50 ; hard of finlin ,
DRY PAINTS YPhlw lead , 7c ; French zinc ,
12o : ParU whiting , 2Ko : whiting , gliders ,
Wo ; whiting , corn1 ! , Ike : lampblack , Ger-
manstown. 12e ; lampblack , ordinary. 80 ;
Prussian blue,55oultramarine ; , IVc ; vandyit-
brown , se ; umber , burnt 4c ; umoer. raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c : ilenna , raw , 4c ; Parn
gre a. Jjenulne. & < . Paris ireen. com
mon..2 ' rhrorae * rean. N. y. . 90o ;
Ytmillion Arciericau. l c : inaian
rmw and buint uuiber , i tt > cans , 1'zc ; raw and
burnt ilonna , I3c : Vandyke brown , I3c : rt-
fined lampblack lfe coach black and Ivory
black , l c ; drop black , iflo ; Prussian DIUB ,
40c ; iltramarlno black. iSo ; chrome groen.L. ,
M. * D. . idc ; blind and shutter men. L. . M.
* ; D. , 18c ; Paru rreen , We ; Indian red. We ;
V enetlaa red. Oc ; Tuican , 22c : Anericai
vermllllon , L. * D. , 20o ; jcjlow ochre. Co : L.
M. * O. 1) . . l ! < c : eoodf oiviro. lOc : oatanj
dryer , 8c ; graining color. Hsul oak , darko\c \ ,
walnut chestnut and shU'Jc. . . .
DnuosASD yiiEMtoAi.8. Ao d carbolic ,
f ei acid tartaric , 6 % ; balsam copaiba , per
B > , we ; bsrk easiafra * . per Tb , lOc ; calomel ,
per ft , 78c.chlnchonldla.iper z- < * J ! chloro
form , per B > . ROc ; Dovers powders , per n > ,
81.25 ; cpsom salts. , per Tb , ! JKo ; Blycorlne ,
pure , per Ib. Sue'Cl1 ' * ' nceJate. Per ft. 2ic ;
oil , castor , No , i. pergat. , , , 51.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gL , 8l.40oll ; olive , Per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orlganuuin. 50o ; opium. . 8t.50 ; quinine.
P. A W.and K. * S , , per , Oz1. Utc ; potassium
Iodide , per tt , 81.50 ; sallc'lLiPcr ' oz. 4nc ; sul
phate morphine. Dor o/ . S'.5 ; sulphur , per
ft. * c : strychnine nor oz/SOJ. , ;
FAINTS IN OiL-Whltwii-ad. OmaUa.P P. ,
C'fn ' ; white lead. St. Louis , pure. > c ; Mar
seilles green , l Ib cans. 2c : Frencn zinc ,
reen , seal , 12c ! Frt-nch zuc.-rod | seal. Ho ;
French tine. In varnish as-it. 200 ; Kench
zinc. 75c ; vermllllon , English. In oil , 75c ;
red , lOc : rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2 > fe ; Venetian red , American , i c ;
red lead , 7Wc ; chrome yellow , genuine , 2i > c ;
chrome yellow , K. We : ochre , rochello. 8c ;
ochrf , French , 2540 : ochre , American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral. "Xr. : Lenigh blown ,
2Kc ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; t'rlnce's rclneral ,
r.s ( Jreon butchers , 6fgOc ! ( ; green
cured. 7c : dry Ulnt , n l2c ; drv salt
creep calf skins , 8c ; damaged i ides ,
two-thirds price. Tallow : : # c. Grease-
Prime white , o ; yellow. 2 c ; brown , 2c.
SheoD Pelts. 250i7 ! .
S Cologne spirits. 1.8S nroof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof. 81.1spirits ; , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.1 1 ; do 188 proof. H.tfj Alcohol.
IBS proor , S'J.10 per wine gallon. Uedlstllled
whiskies , Sl.00iil.50. Gin , blended .503
domestic , Sl.80-33.oo. Gins , Imriortcd84.50 *
( < { 0.00 ; domestic , 81.5(33.oo. ( Champajtnes ,
Imported..vr caso. SJW.oOQ33.Oo ; American ,
red case. S10.OOM10.00.
HEAVY HAnnwAiin iron. , rate S3.S ) ;
sawed dry. Sl.50 ; tongues , each. 80c : axels.
each. 75c : square nuts. Pur Ib. Ol71c : coil
cnain , per Ib. G fft > l"o ; m.Allcablo. luc ; iron
waders 6ccrowimrs ; , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4 c ,
rprlng steel. 7@yc ; Burden's horse shoos.
1 4.75 ; Uurdun's mule shoes. $ " > .75. Barbed
wlro , In car lot" . S4.0T per 100b \ * . Nails ,
rates , lo to 60. SVO : steel ualls. 82. o.
ShotSl.Vi : ; bucUshot , Sl.Co ; iiaz-nd' powder ,
kegs , 85.00 ; do. halt kegs , S2.75 ; do. quarter
kegs , 51.50 : blasting , kefs , 52.10 ; fuse , per U
feet C5c. Lead bar. SI ?
Grocer's fjUt.
PICKI.EI Medium , In bbls , 53.00 ; do. In
halt bbls , St. 50 ; small , in bbls , 80.00 ; do , in
halt bbls. 55.00 ; gherkins , InbbU. 810.00 ; do ,
in halt bbls , 85.50.
SUMAH Granulated , Cis@CKo ; ; conf. A , 0@
Ok'o ; white extra C.S es c : extra C , 5\a (
W < e : > ellowC,4 f@4 c ; cut loaf , OJ Q05fc ;
powtlcrcd. OKd$7c.
COFFEKS Ordinary grades , I7 ai"e fair
l' ( ai'J < cprlme.l- ; ( ic ; choice , l.QlU
fancy green and yellow.M ( & Ic ; old irov-
. ,
CANNED Gooifl-Oystersstandardper case ,
$3.15ft3.2.5 ( ; strawberries , 21b. per case. 82.80 ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , 82. 5 ' , 2.15 ; CalMor-
nta pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per casj ,
4.0i ( : uoaches. per case , 85.00 ; wliite cher
ries , p r easy , 88.00 ; puims. per case , 83.50 ;
Dlueberrles porcaso , 81.S' ) ; ore plums , 2 Ib ,
per case , 82.50 ; plneapotas. ' > ID , per case
S3.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib nihJkerci. per doz , 81.40 ;
1 ID salmon , per doz , S LStxa 1.55 ; 2 lo , goose
berries , per case , 81.75 ; ajb string beans , per
case , 81. ' " ; 21b llmabeaiis , per case , 81.00 ;
8 Ib marrow fat peas , per caso. S'i .05W.502 ; Ib
early June peas , per case. 82.75 ; 3 Ib toma
toes. 53. 02. 0aib.corn : 33.40 2. W.
MATCHES Per caddie , a.Vj ; square cases ,
81.70 : mule square. 81.20.
Svnup-No.70 , 4-gallou kegs. . S1.21.SO ! ;
New Orleans per gallon 3S@40c ; made syrup ,
half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal
lon eans , oer doz , 810.00 ; hall gallon cans ,
per doz. 85.50 ; quart cani , S3.0n.
OANDY Mixed. 8K < aiic : stick. 8K@9 c.
CBACKKIIS Garneau's -soda , butter aud
picnic. 5 } < c : creams , 8Uoi ginger snaps , Ho ;
city soda. 7 . _
No. 1 , com , sis . S19.r > 0
No. 2 , com , si s . 17.50
No. 4 , COIU , Sl B . 13.50
No. 1 , 4 & 8 In , 12 & 14 ft. rough . $19.00
. a " " ' " " ' "
No. , . 15.00
A , 13. 14 and 18 ft . 582.03
U , " " " . 20.50
C , . ' . 15.00
U , " " " . UOO
1st com. , X In White Pine Cellini ; . 834.00
Clear , % In. Norway Pine Celling . 10.00
A 6 Inch , white pine . ! . S35.00
C " " > . 29..10
K" " - ' ( SelFcn'c ) . 19.50
A 12 Inch s. Is . . . . . . . . 845.00
No. l , com. . 12 In s. 1 s. , 12. & 14 . 20.00
" "in ft . l'A03
No. 2 " " " m , t 14 ft . 18.00
" " " " 16 tt . 17.0J
1st and 3d , clear , IK inca , 8. 38 . 850.00
3d , clear. 1 Incli. s. s s7 > W , U. , a In 45.05
B selvcr , 1 incli , s. 3 s a ) ; IJi , IK , " In .UO
White Cedar , C In. , s 12c ; 0 ln.qrs..tlo
O. O. Datts , ! ij < In. , 70c ; X\3 , s. 1 s . 40c
Pickets. DaniTllilat. . . . : ! . S21.0J
Qulncy white llmu ( bus ) . 1.00
Akron cement . l.C > >
llalr . SO
No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 in. . . . . SI0-00
No. 1 , plain , and 10 In . ; . . . . " .00
When Jacob Schnaelkopf , the million-
niro tanner of Buffalo , took his wife
around to look at a 500,000 res'uloiico
which he recently bought , her only
criticism was that she was afraid if slio
lived there she "would have to keep a
girl. " _
Th only road to take for Ces Molnes M nr-
lhalltowa , 0 dar Raptiig.qilcOD , Dlxon , Chica
go , Milwaukee aud all points cunt. To the people
ple of Ifebraiku , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah ,
Idaho , Nevada , Orofron , Washington and Cali
fornia , It otlari superior/ advantages not posil-
bio by any other line. _ _
Amonur a few of the numerous point * of su
periority enjoyed by tlio patron * of thli rood
between Omaba and CblMtro , ure III two trulns
day of DAY COACHKSV.whleh are the Hnest
thHt human art and ImrTmulty can create. It *
PAIjACBSLKKl'INO CAHH. which are mod el j
of comfort and elevance. Itfl PAKLOK IHAW
ING KOOM CAHS , uns rpi9scl by any. nd Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DININO OAKS
the equal nf which cannot be found elsewhere
At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Pacific
Hy. connect In Union Depot with the e of the
Chicago & Northwestern Ky. In Chlcnjo the
trains of this line mnke close connection with
those of all astern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincin
nati. Nl g amalls. . Buffalo , Plttsbtirir.Toronto ,
Montreal , Uoeton , New Vorx. Philadelphia ,
Baltimore. Waahlnifton nnd all points t the
east , ask for a ticket via thn
' 'NOimiWESTKBN. "
If you wtah the best accommodation. All ticket
ajronU Mil tlcketl via this line.
GenL Manager , OonU PaM'r Arnt
Wet rn Av nt. City 1'aii'r A Bt ,
Omaha , Nebraika.
Office , 1411 1-tlFurnara.
B. aotk audCallfornla SI
Ten IlftllronJj , nml more nro comlnr { , ISO
Trams Dully.
State unlrertlty , Weslermi University , Stale Capl
Monof the nutlr.ftM T.nti hire rtniiMM In price In
thcla'ttJ month * . Acre-land , within 3 miles
of the city .Increased over two
Immlrcil percent.
Lincoln l the crentot Kaltmul Cmtor of lt nee
Inthnnorlil. llrlck blick pny ft tn ill percent. Vaoint
otslmvi'dveriiittfd 10J per cent per nnnuin on lift
c ct. for I1.1 year * .
l.lnwiliiMi ( trout ilWrlbullne point. Pome wliDlu-
mlii ile iler linvomuleprlneoly fortum-n.
lliillcllrm K < > lncii | > ln nil direction * . llu lno K0n
rrallynowl. Ilinkcrj , retail merchants , raoclmnlcj ,
etc. , KottlnRrlcli. _
A. J. .
Ilnnm < lt , Illfliard * Itloclc ,
eat Estate Agents & Loan Brokers
or n 1c hrlctc block * , bn inc i lot . nil klnil" of
real entitle. 1 , 2. 5. 10 , 2J , 40 , bO , WJ mid 010 ticro tracts
fnrraj and cbcap limds.
UKFiUKNCK3i-Plrit : and Lincoln Nation
nanln.UoienmrTh iiyor , JucUo Cobb , HOT. Dr. C.
I'riMittilon , Miico : Somtur S. M. Oalloin , llllao
nml Den. II l'"il M In llii n
Arrive Leave
Omaha Omaha
Depot 10th and Pierce sts.
Pacllic Express 7:50 : am 8:20 : pm
Denver Express 5:20 : pin 10:55 : am
Local Express 11:00 : am 5:05 : pm
Except Sunday.
B. & M. K. It 11.
Depot loth anil Pact tie sts.
Mall and Express 5:45 : pm 10:00 : am
Night Express 10:00 : am 7:45 : pm
C. H. & Q. H. K.
Depot 10th and Pacific bts.
Mail and Express 0:20 : am C:00 : pm
Chicago Express 7:05 : pin b40 ; am
K. C. St. J. * C. B.
Depot 10th and PaciUcst
Mail 7:05pm : 8 MO am
Express 7:00 : am 8:50 : pm
C. St. P. M. & O.
DepotlSth anil Webster st
Sioux City Express 4:45pm : 8:15 : am
Bancroft Express lOMOam4:45 : pm
lllalr Passenger 7:40 : pm 5:35pm :
* Exce.ut Sunday
Depot 15th and Webster st
Day Express. 0.25 am il:10 am
Night Expres 5iOpin : : 0:10 : pm
Lincoln Express. 11-.10 am. . 0:10 : pm
Kunninct between Bluffs and South
Omaha. In addition to the stations men
tioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty
fouith streets , and at Summit , In Omaha.
Broad Trans Omaha. Sheol'ys Stock
way. fer. Yards.
C:15 : 0:27 : 6a :
0:40 : 0:47 : 7:05 : -7:17 : 7:25 :
7:40 : 7:17 : 8:05 : 8:17 : 8:25
8:40 : 8:47 : 0:05 : 0:17 : 0:25 :
0:40 : 9:47 : 10:05 : 10:17 : 10:25 :
10:40 : 10:47 : 11:05 : 11:17 : 11:25 :
11:40 : 11:47 : 12:05 : 12:17 : 12:25 :
12:40 : 12:47 : 1:05 : 1:17 : 1:25 :
1:40 : 1:47 : 2o.- : 2:17 : 2-25
2:40 : 2:47 : 3:05 : 3:17 : 3:2.5 :
3:40 : 3:47 : 4:05 : 4:17 : 4:25 :
4:50 : 4:57 : 5:15 : 5:23 : 5:32 :
5:15 : 5:53 : 0:15 : 0:22 : 0:33 :
6:30 : 6:37 : 7:00 : 7:11 7:18 :
7:25 7:32 : 10:00 : 10:12 : 10:20 :
0:08 : 0:15 :
10:25 : 10:33 : 11:20 : 11:32 : 11:40 :
11:45 : 11:52 : 12:05 :
Stock Sheol'ys | Oiuaha. Trans Broad
Yards. fer. way.
0:15 : 0:2-3 : 0:35 :
0:50 : 0:58 : 7:15 : 7:28 : 7:35 :
7:50 7:5S : 8:15 : 8:23 : SiSi
8:50 8:5S : 0:15 : 9:28 : 0:35 :
19:50 : 0:58 : 10:15 : 10:28 : 10:35 :
10:35 : 10:43 : 11:00 : 11:13 : 11:20 :
11:50 : ilM : 12:15 : 12:28 : 12:35 :
t2:50 : 12:58 : 1:15 : 1:28 : 1:35 :
1:50 : 1:58 : 2:15 : Q.OU 2:35 :
% 2:50 : 2:53 : 3:15 : 3:2.8 : 3:35 :
3:50 : 3:58 : 4:15 : 4:28 : 4:35 :
4:50 : 4:5S : 5:15 : 5:28 : 5r : :
5MO 5:47 : 0:05 : 0:18 : 0:2.- : |
0:40 : 0:47 : 7:00 : 7H : 7:20 :
7:25 : 7:33 : 8:15 : 8:23 : 8:35 :
lee ( ) ; loan 10:20 :
10:30 : 10:33 : 11:20 : 11:33 : 11:40 :
11:45 : 12:05 :
LINESLeave Arrlv
depot depot
0. H , I. & P. : 7:15 : a m 0:15 : a in
All Trains run Dally. 9:15 : a in 5:25 : pin
6:40 : pra 7:00 : pin
C. & N. W.
. . . . 915a ; m 0:15 : a m
All trains run dally. |
6:40 : p m 7:00 : p in
C. B. & Q.
AH trains run dally. . . . ] 9:35 0:35 : a m 0:15 : a m
: p m 7:00 : p m
C.M.&SI. P.
All trains run dally. . . . . | 0:15 : a m 0:15 : a m
: p in 7:00 : pm
K. C. St J. & 0. R
Except Saturday. 10:00 : a in 10:35a : m
tExcopt Monday. 4S:55pm : 5:30pm :
W. St. L. A P.
All trains run daily 250pm ; 12:15 pm
8 C. * P.
Alltrains run daily. 7:05 : a m : a in
8:50 : pm
ChicapMilwaub&lPaulR'y , ! '
The Btet Route from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil Bluffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Beloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other Important point * Ilaat , Northeast
and Bouiheunt.
FortkroUKh ticket * call on the Ticket Agent
at HOI Faruam otrcut , ( In Paxton hotel ) , oral
Union Pftcllo Depot.
Pullman Hleepcra and the finest Dining Cars
Lm the world are run on the mainllnu * of the
nnd every attention Is paid to paas nguri by
rourtaou * employes of the company.
it MO.I.BK , Qeneral Manucer.
J , Y. TuauB , Aulftmit Gen ral Manager ,
A. V. It Ouu'XNTEH , Uentral PaaeBg r and
Ticket Agent.
OKO. n. HBATTOKD , Assistant Oaneral P *
( onger and Ticket Agont.
J , T , OLAIIK , Uoneral Suoorlntendeut.
< & < t4 *
Omaha Jobbers' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
Wholtule Drain In
Affrlcnltut'Rl ImplcmcntH , Wngnna ,
C rlage tuJ tlii l f. Jonei Mreel , b lirr u Vth
ami UUhOmn a , .N b.
Agricultural Implements ,
\ragoni.r rrli > e < . llugtle * . Kto. , WhoUinU , Oiiuha.
Agricultural Implements ,
PTnironj nd Uuielcs. 1)01 ) , SOS , mi ami W7 , Jonet fit
Artists' Material.
Artists' Materials , Pianos nnd Organs ,
IMS Douglfti Strctt , Onuha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Ucchaulct'TouU and HulTnlo 8cat . 1IX ( > l > oulai it *
4 _ [ Omaha , N h.
'Boots and Shoes.
Manufacturer ! ami WUoIfsalcDcalon la
Boots and Shoes ,
Complete Mock of Kuhlior Courts always on hind
kit ) M. tlnt..0qialia , HctnA.T. Austin. Amint.
Jobbers of Jlootg nnd Shoes.
Utl Karnatn it. , Omalin , N h. Manufactory , Summer
rtrei't. Huston.
Wholesale Rubber Boot * and Shoes
Uilhliur niul Oiled Clotliliu d l' > lt Hoot *
nntl Shoes , aoutheuit Corner Hth nnd
Ajyt. for Anheuger-Biish Hrcwinf , ' Ass'u
liil Itrandn. Fault , Hudwelier nnd Krlantter.
Lager Ilcor llrowers ,
1521 North Hlh Street , Omaha , Neb.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
lauiago Cuiliigj of nil kinds alwayiln > tock. 1J1S
Coffee , Spicet , Etc.
Omaha Coirco and Spice Mills
ToBt.Corfeei , Spleen , linking Powder. FluTOrl
tracti , Laundry Illue , Ink , Klc. 1IK-1G llnrrey
StreetOmaha , Neb.
Homo Coffee and Spire Mills M'f'jr Co.
Coffee Routers ud Spite Qrlndir , Manafactureri
ofllaklui : Powder , KUTorlni : Kitracti. Hlnlnit. Ktr.
Trvonoranf o ( our 1 B > parkneellotno Blend lloatttd
OifTce. H v llownrd n.-Omihn. v t.
John Epencter , Prop.
Manufacturer of Oalvsnltcrt Iron ani Cornice. 921
Dodio and 10,1 nnd 105 W , lOtu ai. , Omaba , Neb.
Manufacturer ! ot
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Klnalr.Metallct < kyllKhtetc. 3108.
12t'i it. , omnba.
C. Specht , Prop.
Snlranlred Iron Cornlcea , etc. Hnrct'i Improted Pat
ent Mi'taltc t-kylluht. UK and 510 8 l.'th nl.mnha.
OaiAilA CARl > ET CO. ,
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtain * , Oil Cloths , Rues ,
Linoleums. Mattlnga , nto. 1H1 Donglat atfeet.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain Oood . Kto. 1U3 Farnftui Street ,
Omaha. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturcrn and Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , 317 South Uth t
Omaha , Nob.
Commission and Storage.
I ) . A. HURLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing.
Bntter , Kgunanil Produce. Conslgnmemi aollclttd.
Ileadquartora for utonewaru , llerry Dorcff and
Uritpe naskets. Hit LodostreetOmaba.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Produce and ProTlslons , Omaha. Neb.
W. E. RITthELL ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Specialties llilltcr. Ett ( . C'hoeso. Ponltry , Game ,
Oysters , Ktc , Ktc. 112 South Hth street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , lluttcr , Qame. Fuilts. etc. 290 B. lltb It
Omaha. NuU.
Coal ana' Lime.
UEU. I . I.AiiAon , I're . C. F. QOODUAN , V. Fret.
} . A. BUNDIUI.AKD , Hoc. nnd Trvaa.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
309 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
, / . , / . tlOUXSON l : CO. ,
Mannfacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And phlppcm of Coal and Coke. Cement. Plaster ,
Utne , II lr , Flr Urlck , Drain , Tile and Hewer Pipe.
Ofttco. Pniton Hotel. Karnum > t. , Oinittia , Neb.
Telephone 811. _
F. P. FAY& CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of FruitsNuts and Cigala. Ull Fnrnam SU
Clgart and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco.
Qant and Ammunition , 215 to 223 B 11th tt. , 1010 to
IK ! Fanmmst..OmiliaNeh.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
And \Vbolesalo Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Noi. 109
and 110 N , tlth street. Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH , K CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnisliiiiir Goods & Notions
111)2 ) and 1104 Douitlim , cor. llth St. , Omaha.N b.
' '
Dltllllera of Liquors , Alcohol and Pplrlti. Iniporten
and Jobbers of Wines ami Liquors.
CO. and ILER .15 CO. ,
Importer ! nnd Jobbertof Fine Wlurs end Liquor * .
Boloinanufxotureriiof KfnnojT'n K l India lilt-
ten nnd luurslc : Uquorx. 1112 Homer Ht.
W. Hoci-us , I ) , S. lUiiKineit ,
I'fCS. rSTAnl.lSHKDlh'S. VlfO-i'lPS.
Jobbers and Storers of Grain.
Bblpraentft of ilt'uluta hollultcil niul Kiitiiituetlun
' Uniuliu , Nub.
Wholesale Dealeis in Furniture.
Farnatn it. . Omaha. Neb.
Furniture , ileddinjf , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 1JU6 , 1203 nd 1210 I'arnam St. , Omaha.
- *
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
No ; , 70J.707 , 7U8 and 711 . IQtlt St . Omaha. Xeb.
McCOiiJJ , AD Y t CO7
Wholesale Grocers ,
Utu aoJ Learenwartk its.Oonb4.
Omalia Jobbers' ' Directory.
LEE , FRIED r CO , ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nailn ,
Tinware. Shf l Iron , Kc. ! Aitnls for Howe Dealt *
and Miami PowderiV.Omnha.Ncb.
Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Steel ,
Bprlngg , Wagon Flock , Hartlwaro Lumber , etc. 11
and Ull llarney St. , Omaba ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel , -i
WMonand Carrlaie Wood Stock. Ileaty llaMwar * \
Ktc. HIT and I2I l.tntrnwurlh t. , Omaha , Neb. I
Stoves , Ilaiiffpg , Furnaces , Tllca ,
Mantles , Uratci , llnus Goods , l.ttl and 1321 l' rniu
lit rest.
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrontbt and Cast Iron UutUlnn Work , Iron Slalrft
llallTiiK , Beams nnd Ulrdors , Steam Rnnlnes , UraM
Work,0tnoral Irgundry , Mactilnii and Illacksmltll
\fork. Office anjwuiks , U. P. lljand lllh street.
U.K. SAH'YJtJt ,
Mnniifucturiiifir Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
HrltUihiKB , TnnV .nnd Ccno-al Itnlli-r ItepnlrlnK ,
Kin Dounlas streetOiiuiha.
SlanufHCturers of
ire and Iron linlllnir * , Hcsk Rails ,
Window ( lujirdn. Kloncr Hlnnd , Wlro Sl ni , Ktd
1J1N. HHh. Order , by nmll promptly attended to.
Dealer' * All Kind * of
Bulldinp ; Material nt Wholesale , J
13th Street nnd Union I'aoiHo Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Limp , Sash
Doom , Kto. Yardi Corner ? th and Duuglai ) Corn * !
Vthnml Douiliti.
Wholesale Lumber ,
8118. Hth ( trcct , Omnha , Neb. r. Colpetter , Manage * ,
13th and California Street * , Omaha , Nth.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Ctb and Douglas sts. , Ouiaha. Ne > .
To Dealers Only. I
Office , 1403 Famam street , Omaha.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets add Parquet Flooring. Slh and Douglal
Wholesale Lnmhcr , Etc. |
Imported and American rorltitmt Cement. FtaM I
ActntforMllnauket ! Hydraulic Cement and Best
tlutncr Wliltel.ltiui.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John K. Boyd.
Lin Stock Commission. '
Live Stock Commission. i$3 i \
Oeo. Ilurke , ! . . - . . . . „ „ .
nnlonfltoeli Vardn.H. Omaha. Telephone 682.
Live Stock Commission Merchants , [ , ' " - ' .
Shipment * of any and nil klnrti of Slock solicited.'J
Union Stock Yanlr. Omaha , Neb.
Millinery and Notions. '
Importcra and Jobberi of
Millinery and Notions ,
1713and 1215 llarney SUeet , Omaba , Neb.
Wbolatale Dealer ! In
Notions and Furnishing : Goods ,
40.1 and 4U ( 8. Tenth Ht. , Omaha.
T f
Overalls. 'K A
* *
( vfifTft J TV/3
Manufacturers of OvornllB ,
Jeani I'mnti , Sblrti , Etc. 1102 and 1104 l > ou < ; la.i Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Paper Boxes
Manufacturer of Paiier Hexes ,
B.UthSt. . Ucaaba , Mtiruika. OrJen br matin
llolt anit wlllraHlT pr Dip ( attaatloa.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry n nice stock or 1'rlntliiK , Wniplii | ] ( { nnd Writ-
Inn iinpur. Bii | > cliil utlvntluii ulvi'ii In car luud of
o.'iorx , which will be nhl | > i > o > l dlroct from mills. All
Oldurs will lucclvo iicnuniil : itiviitl n. Wouuar-
nnteo xuod inoils aim low prlct-i > . UK nnd HUH
Job Printers , Blank Book Maker * ,
And Book BlnUeri. 1U ! and IDA Boutb. Fouitoontk
Uriel. Omaha , Neb.
Anxiliary Publishers.
OMlenlnType , Proiiti and Printera' Supplies. MM
Houth Twelfth Street.
Manufacturer ! and Dealer * In .
nsrlncs , Hollers Ac , ( icnoral Mnelilnory " 1
Blieel Iron work , HIM MI ruiiiif..Suir Mllli , Acm
tihaftlnir , Dodfa Woodipllt rulltn , Balllnir , lo ,
Al > o wagoni , scrapers , and balellta. IJ1HJIJ L .
venworthtt. Oinithn
Wholesale Pumim , Pipe , Fittini ? ? ,
Btamand Water Supplin. lleailijunrtor * for Mut
Fo itCo'ri Uo\x1n. llll Barnaul > t , , Omaha. Not ) .
U ll rt T Wind Mllii ; nteam and Wktcr Fu
FlumblnK Uofte. neltlng. Iloiit. Ola and VU
naui it. , OuiHha. B. K. Krlton ,
Tolephnne No. IO.
A , L. STRA NO CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes and Engines.
team. Water. Hallway and MIIIInK Supplies. KM ,
MO , iraand m harnam Bt.)3iahn. Nob.
Safes. Etc.
Agents for Hitll'H Safe & Lock Co.s'
rir * and HuM'ar Proof S f i , Tlrao I.orki , Vault *
and Jail Worn. 10JI K ni n utrnet Oinalia , Neb.
Omaha Kafo Works.
Uanuficlureriaf Klreand HanlarProof Bafei , Vault
Uoort.Jnll Work.hhutivrn and Wlru Work. Cur.
Klh anil Jackiuu Sla. , Oiiiahu , Neb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A 'inSBROWM CO. ,
Whol ia1e Manuficturcti ot
Sasli , DOIII-H , Itlinds and MouldliiffB ,
llraoch otrice,12lh and Itard fU.Oeisi3.y _ ! i > .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Bllndi ,
Uould'jiei.Stalr ' Work and Interior Hard WondPliiIlk
Juit opened. N. K.cor. Slli uud l. vcn orthHui.
Omutu , .S'eb. V
-n l