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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. MAY 25. 1887. f All THE NEWS OF HIE CITK Meeting of the Western Academy of Homeopathists. 'THE CURRAN FAMILY JARS. The Federal Court Kotind Dead- Mi * * l < 'rntiko'H Mitslcalc The Poi - y i lice CoinrnUslon Wlnilovcr 1'lcntlH Guilty Other News. . The llotncopnthlsts. Beginning to-day nnotiier stream of strangers will Invade Umaha nnd ndd to tlio hiindrcits already hero In attendance at the Presbyterian general assembly. These latest comers are tlio delegates to the thirteenth annual session of the West ern Academy of Homoeopathy , which is to convene this afternoon in the Y M. C. A. hall in the Williams block , cor ner ot Fifteenth and Dodge streets. In connection with this convocation will also bo held tlio meeting of the Ncbrasku state homoeopathic medical .society , and Jolnllv they will compose an Important gathering. The Western academy emBraces - Braces nil the territory included in the western states , from Ohio to the Rockies , and a large number of delegates are ex pected. The ollieers of tlio academy are as follows : President , C. 11. Goodman , M. D. , St Louis ; Viee-Prcsidcnt , 0. Al. Uinsmoor , M. 1) . , Omaha ; General Secre tary , C. il. Uurgcr. Al. L.Hoonvillo ) , Mo. ; Prov. Secretary , J. 11. Miller , Al. D. , Ab- ingdon , HI ; Treasurer , G. W. Foote , Al. D. , Galesburg , 111 ; Hoard of Censors , \V. J. Harris. Al. 1) . . St. Louis ; E. H. Pratt , M. D. , Chicago ; h. . McClearv , M. I ) . , Monmouth , III. . O. S. Wood , M. U. Umaha , A. ( J. Cowperthwaite , Al. D. , Iowa City. la. The local lioma-opaths have appointed the following committees of arrange ments and reception : Committee of ar rangements , Dr. W. N. Parsons , Dr. A. W. llartupce , Dr. C. G. Spniguo , Dr. John Ahmenson ; reception committee , Ur. J. W. Harnsdall and Dr. G. W. Will iams. WEDNESDAY'S sr.ssiox. The opnnlng session begins at Ur,0 : Wed nesday altcrnonnwlth an unler of exorcises s follows : Addioss ot welcome to Nebras ka Dylr. C. Ii. Hart , president of thn Ne braska State Ihimieopathlc Medical society. Address of welcome to Omaha by Dr. C. J. Bpi iio. president of the O.iuha Homico- rmlhlc Medical .society. Response by Dr. C. II. Uoodnnin. president Western Academy of Homo'Opalhy. Appointment of commit tees , report of treasurer , report of bureau , as follows : Clinical Medicine-J. M. Crawford , M. IX , chairman , Cincinnati , ( ) . ; ( ! . W. Foote. M. IX , Galesburg , 111. ; T. S. lloyne , M. IX , Chicago cage , 111. ; Mr . M.V. . Porter , M. IX , Daven port la ; D. W. HarlHliorne. M. I ) . , Cincin nati , U. ; O. S. Kunnels , M. iX.lndlauapolls , Ind. Ind.Mutrrla Me.llca-C. N. Hart , M. D. , chair man , Denver , Col. ; W. L. Uroyfogle , M. D. , Louisville , Ky.S. ; S. Smytlie.M. Fx.Denver , Col. ; J. M. Kershaw , Al. I ) . , St Louis , Mo. ; O. Oumllach , M. IX , St. Louis , Mo. ; W. J. Uawkes , M. IX , Chicago , III. TIlUltSDAY MOHNIXO. , Ob tetrlcs-O. 8. Walker , M. D. , chairman , Bt , Louis , Mo. ; W. C. Richardson , M. D. , Bt Louis , Mo. : Julia Holmes Smith , M. D. , Chicago , 111. ; Mrs. M. U. Ordway , Wichita , Kan. ; KM. McAiTee. M. IX , Clinton , la. ; \V. D. Foster , M. D. , Kansas City , Mo. Gynaecology A. C. CowiKjrthwalte , M. D. , chamiwu , Iowa City , In. ; K. L. Ludlam , M. IX , Chicago , III. . L. . Ordway , M , IX , Wich ita , Kan. ; ( i. II. Parsell. M. IXOmahaNab. ; II. W. Itoby , M. IX , Topeka , Kan. ; C. J. illebee , M. IX , St. Pauli Minn. 1'aeuology M. T. Hunnell , M. D. , chalr- tnan , Kansas City , Mo. ; J. C. Cumimncs , M. D. . St. Louis , Mo. ; T. C. Duncan , M. I ) . , Chicago. 111. ; J , 11. Miller , M. IX , Ablngton , III. ; W. A. Kdmonds , M. D. , St. Louis , Mo. ; 'Irs. II. T. Wllcox , St. Louis , Mo. TIIUnsDAY AFTKII.VOON. Anatomy , Physiology and Pathology. A. B. Everett , M. D. , chairman , Denver , Col. ; S. H. Anderson , M.D. , Kansas City , Mo. : K. T. Bally , M. D. , Chicago. III. ; W. J. Harris , M. IX , St. Louis , Mo. ; IXT. Abel ! , M. IX. So- flalla , Mo. ; A. 11. Schott , M. D. , St. Louis , Mo. Surgery E. II. Pratt , M. IX , chairman , Chicago , HI. ; A. S. Everett , M. IX , Denver. Col. ; S.U.Pai sons , M. D. , St. Louts. Mo. : W. D. Foster , M. IX , Kansas City , Mo. ; O. A. llall.M. D. , Chicago , 111. ; W. il. Caine , Btlllwatcr.Mlnn. Ophthalmology and Otology J. A. Camp bell , M , D. . chairman , St. Louis , Mo. ; C. II. Vllns , il. IX , Chicago , III. ; J. T. Beaumont , M. D. , Minneapolis , Minn. ; H. W. West- over , M. D. , St. Joseph , Mo. ; F. F. Casse- day , M. D. , Kansas City , Mo. FIIIDAY MOltNKVO. Nervous and Mental Diseases. N. B Delarnator , Chairman , Chicago , 111. ; J. ' ! ' Bewmont. M. IX. Minneapolis , Minn. : J.M. Kewhaw. M. IX , St Louis , Mo. : H. 13. Fe- , Iowa , M. 1) . Chicago , 111. ; N. A. Pouuoyer M. D. , Kenosha , WIs. Sanitary Sclehce C. J. Burger , M. D. , entlrman , lloonvillc , Mo. ; W. C. Drake. M. D. , Nashville , Tenn. : W. J. Harris , M. IX , Bt Louis , Mo. ; Mrs. H. T. Wllcox , M. D. , St Louis. Mo. ; A. K.-lligboo. M. I ) . , Minne apolis. Minn. ; Mrs. M. Addle Hester , To- peba , Kan. s Pharmacy 11. K. Arndt , M. D. , chairman , \ Ana Arbor. Mich. ; T. C. Duncan , M. D. , ChVuuro , HI. ; A. McNeil. M.D.Now Albany , IndljT. P- Wilson , M. IX , Ann Arbor , Utah. : W. II Elder , M. D. . Terre Haute , lad ; ; J. P , Ueppert , M. D. , Cincinnati , O. 1 FIIIDAY AFTEJINOON. Legislation , Ueglstration and Statistics & .J.Donald , M. D. , chairman , Stlllwater , Mlnn.T. ; S. lloyno , M. D. , Chicago , III. ; J. H. Mosoloy , M. D. . Olatho , Kan. ; L. A. Bishop , M. IX , Fond du Lac , WIs. : W. II. Hunt , M. D. Covlnuton , Ky. ; L. Sherman , M. U. , Milwaukee , WIs. Beport ot board of censors , report of com mittees , unlinlshed and Miscellaneous busi ness , election of oflleers , time and place of next meeting , adjournment , THE CD UK AN FAMILY JAUH. Un. Ourran Telia Her Slilo of the Domestic DlITeronucs. , < Mrs. M. Al. Curran appeared at the s BEE oflico yesterday morning and put in a defense to the report published concern' Ing her boarding house and her elf. She denies , in tote , Cur fan's statements that she nb lentcd herself from homo to enjoy the lociety of a man named Kane or an > , other man. Slio says she wont to Council Bluffs on Sunday afternoon to attend tlio Wife of J. P. Staploton who had just Bvcn birth to u son. She returned Mon ty morning. Instead of taking the money unit certificate of deposit of the old man called "Uncle , " who is Alichao Pyno she says she had no money am that Curran coaxed the money and the Did man's watch from him and has botl itlll. Site contends that Curran never Worked to support her , but is half the UBSU sick nnd the other half drunk , and .when drunk ho is temporarily insane. He ia jealous of every boarder in the house , including "Uncle , " who is * lfthtyycarsold. She hasninochildrcn and bM always worked hurd , having kept u hotel in Plattsmouth and sustaining her- Milt nnd family hero by the same bus- , luesa. When she returned from Council Bluffs Alonday , "Undo" told her that > Curran had his money and watch. She : Hiked her husband to return tlio property to "Uncle , " whereupon she alleges that ho struck her with a spittoon and also hit tlm . old man. As evidence of having been ( truck she exhibited n small cut on her l head , nnd stated that the old man was 1 cut over the c.yu. Curran has left the r-house , and she hopes lie will not come back. She was nskml why slio didn't takq a club and tlrcss her husband down. She i that she was berry now that she Kane ArrcRtotl. A. 8. Kane was arrested yesterday on n warrant sworn out by u mun named Cur- ffMt. These are the persons concerned- in the row mentioned in Monday's HER. Kane is accused of disorderly con duct , but it is likely the county attorney will look into the merits of the case. Now Gorman Dally. Articles of Incorporation of the West- lichcr Courier Publishing company were placed on lilo in the county clerk's olllco yesterday morninc. The object of the cor poration Is to publish a German daily and weekly newspaper In this city. Tlio list of incorporators embraced tlio names of fiomo of our most prominent and inlluon- tial citi/.ens , and the new enterprise will bo launched under peculiarly fayor- nblo and auspicious conditions. It is backed bv sulliclcnt capital to insure its financial success ; the capital stock is H.xed at $10,000 , and half of It is already subscribed. Tlio Courier will bo a representative daily in tlio German language , edited in tlio true , loyal , liberal American spirit , nu American journal for the in telligent German-American citizen and his children , a news paper , in the truu sense of the word , printed in the German language. The lion. Ilriino T/schuck takes nctivo inter est in tlm now enterprise , and his name is a guarantee ! of good faith and solidity. Mr. Alfred Marsehner , who has made Omaha his homo for over two years and in that time has looked over the news paper field hero thoroughly , will assume the practical management of the Courier. Ho comes from Wisconsin well recom mended as a practical newspaper man of largo experience. HOIIH of VetcrnnH Drill. The junion Sons of Veterans are ur gently requested to meet in Gormania hall , Nineteenth aud Harnoy streets , on Saturday next , at 12.30 p. m. , in full dress , for the pri/.o drill. Those who are not supplied witli caps and lances should report earlier. The drill will begin tit 1 o'clock , and continue until the judges make a selection of the ono most profi cient in drill and deportment , to whom the beautiful medal of gold and silver will bo presented to the sons by the daughtcs of veterans , and Ma jor E. H. ( } . Suites , who has taken so much interest in ( trilling the sons will appoint from their number tlio necessary ollicors to command the company on Memorial day. This will be an interesting occasion , and all who are interested in the old soldiers' sons should attend. The medal above referred to has been made to order by Kdliolm & Akin , and can bo seen at their store opposite the postotlicc. Explanatory Cnrrt. OMAHA , May 23. To the Editor of the KF.E : Please insert the following as a cor rection of the statement under the cap tion , "Ptiget Sound Co-operative Col ony , " in the issue of this evening's HKE : I stated that between thirty and forty men and women of Omaha , most of them having families , had subscribed to the "Pugot Sound Co-oporative Colony"that they wore Saturday night organized into the Omaha branch , that while sev eral families would depart at once , the rest would wait until preparations had boon made for thorn , and that Mr. V. yoldo % vas tlio organizer and would deliver - liver his farewell address Sunday after noon. Otherwise the statement is about correct. Respectfully , Uii. M. S. KAUFMAN. Edison Electric Light System Estimaets furnished. GEO. W. COSTEII , Paxton House , Oniuha , Agent. Mualcnlo by Miss Frnnko. A miislcalo will be eivcn by Miss Rachel Franko , recently of New York , at Lyon & Iloaly's music hall , on Saturday even ing , May 28 , at 8 o'clock. Mr. Nahan Franko , violinist , and Mr. Martin Cahn , pianist , will assist. The following is the programme : I'llOOKAMME. I. Aria , La Sonmambula Bellini 3. Violin Solo Tartlnl Mr. Nahan Franko. ( ( dDas ) Hardekind..III Sclmtler 3. Soncs { ( o ) Ah I Can 1 Conceive It ? I P. Umlauft 4. Truhllnislled ; OsKar Well Soprano , Violin and Piano. 5. Aria , "Ulnaldo , " Handel 0. "Uiigeduld" Schubert Cottage colors ready for use in now and desirable shades. Alabastino in various tints , the original and only per manent wall finish , supersedes calci mine for beauty und durability , and is easily applied. Paints , window glass , brushes , etc. , largest and most complete stock west of Chicago. Cummings & Ncilson , 11181'arnam St. rioadcd Guilty , Yesterday morning thn case of W. R. iVindover , charged with forgery , was called in the district court. The prisoner pleaded guilty , and the case of Joseph Urown , charged with grand larceny , was called. Brown also pleaded guilty , whereupon the case of James Wrxchtel , also charged with crand larceny , was called. Wachtol pleaded guilty of petit larceny. The criminal court adjourned until yesterday afternoon , when the case of Edward Kerr , for shooting with intent to kill , was taken up. Attention , Knight * of Pythlni. All members of Park lodge No. 69 , K. of P. are hereby notified to meet at their Castle hall , northwest corner Fourteenth and Douglas street , on Thursday after noon at 1 o'clock , May 26 , to attend the funeral of our late brother. L. H. Wisby. Members of all other lodges are also in vited to bo present. O. P : TiiOMi-soy , C. C. Open Air Meeting. Tlio boys and cirls ol the Sunday School temperance army will hold a mooting in Jefferson square on Sixteenth strnet , between Cass and Chicago , this evening , from 7 to 8 o'clock. Tlio young crusaders will bo present in uniform and sing a number of their temperance songs. Addresses will bo delivered by Revs. Thomas Marshall. D. D. , R. II. Allen , U. 1) . , and J. A. Wordin , 1) . U. , of the Presbyterian assembly. Found Dead. Louis Wisbo , an old and well known contractor of this city , was found dead in his bed yesterday morning by his wife. Mr. Wisbe retired in his usual health the night before and his death is believed to bo duo to heart disease. Tlio arrangements for tlio funeral have not yet been com pleted. Mr. Wisbo lived at 1015 South Twelfth street , He was about fifty years of ugo. For Sale. A good brick machine in good running order. N. W , Williams , Council Bluffs. Held Tor Further Hearing. John Flynn and Charles Reilly , who were captured by Ollicors Cormack , Mc Donald and Martyn in the woods south of the city Monday afternoon , wore before the police judge yesterday morning but were remanded for further hearing. The stock of shoc\s found in their possession are believed to have been stolen at Sohuylor , Nob. , where a boot and bhoo store was robbed Saturday night last. Citizens Complain. The citi/.ons of Cuming street in North Omaha make a complaint that their neighborhood is not looked after properly by thn sanitary ollicors of tlio city. They want a general cleaning up iu that sec tion. NO OCCASION FOIt DISPUTE. The Police Comtnlsalonera ' Believe That the Council AY III Aid Them , The police and fire commissioners were in an equable frame of mind yesterday morning and feel confident that the coun cil will assist them , without much squabbling , by adopting their regu lations and authorising an enlargement of the police force to seventy or seventy- live men. Commissioner Bennett said yesterday morning : "We don't expect there will bo much opposition to our regulations when it is thoroughly understood that they are by no moans our own but an adaptation from the rules in cities of about Omaha's population. There is nothing original in these regulations. Cleveland , O , , is pat terned titter it to a great extent , and wo have only made such changes as are sug gested bv experience in Minneapolis , Kansas Ciiy and St. Louis. Of course , the council has nothing to do with tlio chief , or with any othei appointments or dismissals on tlio police force. They have only to approve the chief's bond , and it is conceded that the ono which ho has given Is good for twice the amount. All the trouble , if there has been a iy trouble of a perious character , has arisen from misunderstandings , and has been incited by friends of police of ficers who do not like the regulations. Any man who is in favor of good order will approve thorn , and I feel confident the council will. We want to work in harmony and want the council to help us toward reorganizing and increasing the police department to as nearly n first- class force as the city can alVoru. " United Stntcs Court. In United States court yesterday an in formal trial of the case of the First .Nat ional bank of Chicago vs Samuel Katz of Omaha , was held with tlio result of a judgment for the plaintill' . Katz ways for the pleasure of endorsing a friend's note. The case of M. Jones vs Sheriff Path- bun , of Dakota county , was ou trial yester day afternoon. Jones was a creditor of one Corey , at Pendor , whoso goods he at tached. On the attachment lie obtained judgment last year. In the meantime Corey made an assignment to Sheriff Rathbun. The question now is who is entitled to the money arising from tlio sale of tlio goods. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o purity , strength and wholetomeiicss. More' economic than the ordinary kinds , and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low cost short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans Royal Baking Powder Co. , 106 Wall-st. , Ner York. O.N.T GEORGE A , CLARK , SOLE AGENT. The BEST and HOST FOPHLAH Sewing Thread of Modern Time * . BEWAHE OF IMITATIONS , Sold at wholesale by Kllputrlck Koch < k Co. , Dry Good * Co , , M. 13. Smllli & Co. Pnxlon , UalliiKlicr Ac Co. And by nil Itctull Dealers. HAY FEVER. NOTICK Allsullorers from HayFovcrwho will use tlio Smuko Dull nnU "I > ot > eHntor"pncn- ago six weeks prior to August 1st , I88i , nnd Imvo the tlrst symptoms of tlio dlsonsu iinpoar lifter that dute. wo will HUKUNU TUB MONEY l.iisl summer this remedy was used ) > y ninny bullorers , and imve satisfaction la every case. "Carbolic Braoko" ( fives Immediate rollof In Catarrh , Asthma , llroneliUl mid Throat Alfeo- tlotu , ileuducuo , Croup , Colds , Lung ] ) lseu Cl , etc. , and If taken in connection with our Dobel- Itttor treatment Is warranted tocuro every case. A r'rco Test at our ollico parlors. Bent by mall on receipt of prlco , ( J. Sinalco Uall , f. , Uebellatorll. . CAIinOMO SMOKE I1AI.L CO. . 'Room 11 Crcigliton Ulock , Omuuu , Nob. EVELYN COLLEGE. For young women , Princeton , N. J. ' . Prospectus , full particulars , sent on ap plicaton to } . H , McElvaine. PIANOS CHIMBRING BIB VosedSons Instruments exchanged , rented anil sold on caxy payments , below Factory Prices , Instruments sUnhtly used at GREAT BARGAINS. Max Meyer &Bro Omaha , Neb. OMAHA ron rn THIITMINT or Chronic & Surgical Diseases DR. MoMENAMY , Proprietor. Bulecn jams' Hoitiiial nnd I'rlr&U ) Practice Wo hare tlio facilities , apparatus and rernedlcr for the lucceufal treatment of cterf form of rtl . i asc requiring cither medical or Burgles ! treatment , and lovlto all to come and IntcBtl tito for thcmgelm > < r correspond with us. Long cspcrlcDce la trent- Iii cmes lij latUr ecablci us to treat man ; ca n icientiflcalfy without urcln ? them. Wn\TK \ TOR CIKCUI.AU on Dcfomltlei and Ilroccn , Club Feet , Curratures of the Spine DIIEAIES or Won * * , Piles , Tumors , Cancers , Catarrh , Bronchitis , lubalatlon , Electricity , Parnl- .mis , fipllcpiy , Kidney , Eju , Xtr , Skin , Blood auc ] nil surgical operations. JJatlerlea , Inhalers , Ilrmcei , Trusses , an ) nil kind * of Uedlcal and Surgical Appliances , man ufactured and for sale The onhr tillable Mtdleal Inihtutt making Private , Special & Nervous Diseases . rA BPKC1AI.TT. ALL CONTAGIOUS AND BLOOD DISKASR1' , front n'haterer cause produced , eucccnf ally treated. We em remove Syphilitic poison from the system without uurcury. New rtitnratlre treatment for loisof Tltal power. ALL COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL C ll and consult us or send caste-nnd post-office nddrtij plainly written enelMe.Mamp , and we will tend you. In plain wrapper ? our PRiVAfEJblRCULAR TO MEr UPON PHITITB , SPXOUL AXDJIEKTOUI DiiBAtf. SsKtMii , WriKMiM , HnnmTOKBHaA , iMrovtr. cr , Brrnitis , GOXOKKHCZA , QUIT , Viiucocz- . STRICTURE. ARO ALL Dimim or TDK GBMT.I UIIINAHT OBSAMS , or tend history of your care . > 01 an opinion. Persons unable to rlilt us may b treated at Ihcli homes , by correspondence. Mcdlctaes and Inetrn tncnU sent by mall or express SECURELY PACK BO FROM marks to indicate tontenta or sender. Ono personal iuterrlcw prc for red if convenient. Fifty rooms for the a c.iu : modatlon of patients. Board'and attendance i' reasonable prices- Address ll ) ; ttsrs to Omaha Medical and Surgical Institutn Cor. 13th SI. in < ) Ctaltol4M OMAH * . . " OMAHA X29GFOT PALDI 1312 Douglass St. . SPORTING GOOD' ' 1887 Model. Windermere Tamils Bat Is the delight ol all skillful Tennis Play ers. THILAKKIK , QIEIMWOOD , OtKEYA , 'AVDRIH Ml MtS'OWi , making the finest ot Tennis Bats on the market , rang ing In price , from$1.50 to $0.00 each. ' Agents for Wright < t Dltson'i Wentworth Rocket , and W. < t D.'s Adopted Tennis Bill , Bpaldlng'sTradeMarkcd Tcnuls Ball , Striped Tennis Coats , Hats , Delta , Shoes , Stockings , complete Tennis Uni forms , and everything pertaining to Lawn Tennis. Catalogue free upoii application. Cols & Gorton , 1312 Douglas St. BONED WITH.KABO. The ONLY CORSET made that ran be returnwj by Its purchaser after TUttEK W l'.U.'ti WEAK It not found PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY In ererr rcipect. and Its price refunded br seller. Made In a varietr of Hjlet and prlcci. Sold by first- rlans dealers everywhere. Beware ; > f wortlile.s Imi tations. None Kcnulnu without Hall's name ou box. CHICAGO CORSET CO. . 102 FRANKLIN STREET. CHICAGO. York. FOB SALE. A full bloodeU Norman and u thorouirhliroil Cuhfiinnil Wuitnor Cl y. Calico was Imported by llORiin llrotlicre. Ottnwu , 111. . U 17 huml * lillfli ; Klrtli 7 feet a Inches , nnil weijrhs IWO Ilia ; ho has u record for heiivy horses of I min utes. Clity , H thoroughbred trotting ttiillion , and registered la Amerleiui Stml Hook , Is u chestnut , 10 ImiuU IIK | > I , weight 1-01. Alsa n rcffl'tored Clay colt I'or jmrtlculnro , nddri'si . T. II. HAKXi-S , itox 8J7 , OiaaJia , Neb. SWEEPING REDUCTION We want to close out our light weight suits now while there is a demand for them and not wait until the season is over. For that rea son we had a great mark down , of which the following are a few samples , One lot of fine worsted four button cutaway frocks , in neat silk mixtures , lined with silk serge and elegantly made , which formerly sold low'at $20 , now reduced to $16.50. Several lots of fine worsted sacks , ol same description , in differ ent patterns , bound and unbound , formerly sold low at 18.50 and $17.50 , nowredticed to $14.50 One lot of fine worsted four button cutaway frocks , light color , silk faced , and equal to custom made , formerly sold low at $20now reduced to $15. 500 light and dark colored cheviot , pin check and various nobby spring suitings , formerly sold at $15 , $12 and $10 , now reduced to $12 , $10 and $8. Special attention is called to our line of summer coats and vests , in flannel , serge , mohair , alpacca and seersuckers , in all new and fashionable shades , and rangmg in price from $1 up to $5.25 for coat and vest. A GREAT BARGAIN , is our $3.25 mohair coat and vest. The same is sold elsewhere for from $6 to $7. All goods marked in plain figures and at one price. Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. HURD THOMPSON , Sec. 2& Treas Wholesale © Retail. "WE IlfcT STOCK : ZR/CTBBEIR , "Fish Brand" Coats , llulbs , UouchcB , Hair Crimpers , Nursery Sheeting , .Speculum' , Air 1'lllovTS , llrunhes , Drill & Duck , Hair Pius , Nnvy lings , Sportsmen's Goods. Alrllcds , Brewer's lloao , Uoor Mnte , Hats , Oil Clothing , Stamps , .Air Cushions , Capg , Dreifl Shields , Horse Covers , Packing , fctntioncr'a Oum , Anti Haulers , Capca , Drinking Cups , Hose , II. 11. * 'P. I'o.Palln , " ' Syphons , Aprons , Carrlnpo Cloth , Elastic llnnda , Hose Couplings , Perftction Bos Syringe , Spit' , Atomizers , Cartridge ; Hogs , Elastic Stocking ! , lloso Pipes , Pencils , Swimming Jackets Bands , Cathctard , Erasers , Hose Heels , Pen holders. Syringes ' Box , Kandagc Gum , Clothing , Face liags. Hot Water loUle6tPc8sarlcs ! , Thimbles , Itaptismal I'auts , Copy Hook Sheets , Finger Cots , Haversacks , Piano CoTors , Throat Bags. Bulls , Carpeting , Flower Sprinkler * , Ice Bags , Pipes , Tubing , lluth Mats , Cement , Floor Scrapers , IceCaps , Pipe Stems , Tumblers , Bnlli Tubs , Clothes Wringers , Folding Pails , InkStnnds , Plant Sprinklers , Toys. lied Pans , Coats "FUh Brand" Foot llalls , Invalid Cushions , Pure Rubber , Tceth'glllnge&Padi , lied Sheets , Combs , Force , Pants , Tobacco Pouches , UUIUUB. Cupi * ggl-nf Il.ll..tI'.Co. netting , Comb Cleaners , Fruit Jar Kings , Lined Hose | , Pistol Pockets , Trotting Rolls , Belt Hooks , Corks , Funnels , Lace Cutters , Rattles , Urlnnls. Bellows Cloth , Cork Screws , Uas Tubing , Llfo Preservers , Rubber Dam , Umbrellas , Bibs , Curry Combs , Ulovcs , Mackintosh Goods , Rulers , Ventilating Soles , Blankets , Cuspadors , Gossamer Caps , Match Boxes , Rcp.ilrlngCloth , Wagon Aprons , Boots & Shoes , Cigar Cases , " Cloth , Martingale Rings , Khaft Rubbers , Wagon Covers , Boys Caps , ChairTlns& Buffers , Coats , Mats , Shoes Jt Boots , Wagon Springs , Boys Coats , Diapers , " Waterproofs , Matting , Sink Scrapers , Weather Strips , Bougies , Diaper Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing , Bracelets , Dolls , Oun Covers , Mittens , Shooting Coats , Wading Pants , Breast , Bodies , Perclia , , . Water Bottles , Pumps Doll Uutta Nipples Sling-shots. Breast Shields , Doll Heads , Uymnas'.umi , Nursing Bibs. Soling , Window Cleaners. Uullers , Door Bauds , Hair Curlers , Nursing Bottles , Spouec Hags , Wringer Rolls , ' Boston Belting _ 'Go's. Unbbcr anil Cotton IteUiuR , Packing and Hose. Sole ngcntM in Omalin. Leather lieftlng- ; Pure Ouk Tanned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION BOX SYKINGES. " Manufacturers of "FISH BRAND RUBBER GOODS. " OMAHA RUBBER COMPANY , 1008 Farnam St , , OMAHA , NEB. Mall Ordcri Solicited and will Receive Promut Attention. ia C oiig Co , 13OS EACH PURCHASER OF GOODS TO THE AMOUNT OF * "Will "be ZFresenrLted.witli. . eu THE SEW YORK AND OMAHA CLOTHING COMPANY 1308 FARNAM STREET. WEALTH. Ri fincn-n lH-.f T all iliwAinli thtlltrorjr mid | .r rtlr ' " iU l Mmlii > rritii < tl | hjM i"ii . ft ml iu all Unr uniimuiililt lny lotto llclr | 4-cttillie tu rinl In which , | | W/direr iflr ituJir * ixl jimrlUr. l > iu O-iTlb * Mfi.1 lllutlriilloii cf lite imxluii rliuiilof . . un | > rrc lrnlrl iuff i tiill e tiralmrul of tin-on icNr vu ml t iilllifl.l trwfr rtlirf for Hi * ino t KUr loori > i * iiMfwUiniitUii acrnin- | > ll\h H | au < l mrtt fctful | . ) I > MCIII | lit Hie | < crMin ol 1 R. Orifk * Uuiiut , wli l ltUhly trcomtmtitlwl \ > y Hit mitlutl ( roftr iWn t lionte mul uLroid. TO TIIOE M giEfit or iirmiit 8oit > l ktanipr r J iy on M uin liutrlmil | ( Jai ( frit n 4 htni ] > luni Uint wtilcli toptl ft rulllii > lor > - nf tlirlr < ! IM-JI > , > fajirln will ( ci'ri iW ) \ > y * ij > rc i ailvira by Utitr. Uunmltttlou ( l\v RiUconlUItfiitUt. Krj l' ' ) ' or 1) ititilt M CHIIOMC KI KtHEH AtTmluzIha VerroinKjfclem.Oen'to ' , I'rlutr/tn * ! Hrtroiluf | * live Orjcuw * , well * ftll oilier klnJiwl lttr of elltur M.K , CaltMiorivUnrH. Dr. QTTERBOURC , 0 FirK liniRSi Cr. Ulhaa4U df Hit. , U toU > . n. , J loiiiJ 7 ( h ISM * O iH * . Nni. CDCC trtr t rntt foluo- buod , ftDd kiLdr.d ffKilo . TiUI r ckt He. t Ufi. ( ' ' * ' * nfio " ! ' 5m ? 'A. B/OI.JN co. . _ * * ' w.kl. , . . 1DZAI. BROILING. Brollliif ; can bo done In tlio oven of tlie Chillier Oak ItanRa or St tvo with tlio Who Ciiu7o Oven IJour , muroputfcvtly than over Jlio live coals. j ay the steak , chops , hnm ir fish on n wheurollcror inuatiacl : , jilaclnL'It In an culinary l > ako van to catch the driii ] > lng < < . Allow Ittoromaln In tlio ovinvllhtlio iloor closed 16 or S20 minutes. No turnlne la icquired. At thu end of this tlino It will bo found nicely cooked ready to Bcr\o. THIS JSTIIU IIIUAT. WAV TO 1IHOII. MEATS. There \i \ no taint of coal-gas or smoke , nnd the meats at e nioro tender iind better In llavor than these broiled over thn coals. Tlio convrnlenco or biollliiK In the oven will lie appreciated by every liouse-keeiiiT , nnd adds another to the many icabons why the Charter Oak ] Jaii'o ( or Ktovo with tlm AVIro Oau/o Oven Door should bo preferred BEND ran IUOSTRATEO CiRCuuna HD Pniet Ltsn. to till others now in the market. CUABTEBOAK B10VK3 and EANGEffare SOLD IK NEBHASKA ai ( ollowi : MILTOK ROGERS & SONS OMAHA. TANNKI.I. & .SWLINIV. : KAIKBCRT. 1' . KENNEV. GOBBON. C.liin.Kft FAOKK , K ANKIIM. DAI.LAS fi LK'ISON , HASTISCS. N I. JOHNSON , , , N RT" H N" ' K. C. I1RKWKR , HAV SPBINGS. McCAKKERTV . , O'NKiLt Cnv. II. A1RU & CO. . NEBRASKA CITY , U IIAZI.EWOOI ) , . . . . .OscroiA. W. K. TEMPLE I ON , NELION , J.S DUKK. . PtATTkHOUlll. j , n. STURIJEVANT & bON ATKINSOH. A. I'HAKStiN , . . .brmuiso. 1. KASS&CO CIIAUKOM. J G. ( JRIIKN. . faTROiimunc. , KRAUSE , LUUKER & WELCH COLUMUUS. 1 A J'AUDEN&SON SuwRion , OLDS UKOS EUCAR. T1MMUWAM &IKAKER VKKDOM.