Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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AdvertlBernonls under tills head , ID cents per
Ino for the first Insertion , 7 cents for oftcli sub-
mxiucnt Insertion , tmld.Mn line per month ,
No niivortl oinont tHken for less tnnn 25 ccnti
for the nrst Insertion. Sovcn wordi vrll Ifou
counted to the line : they must nm contccti.
tlvolv nnd must bcimld In advance. All nilvcr-
tl'omentH must tie bunded In before 1 : ; ] o'clock
ii. ui. . and tmdor no clrcumManccs will they bo
tnken or ellncontlnucd liy tnlophono.
I'artlosndvertislng In these columns nnd hnv-
Inir the answnig addressed In care of THE UK *
will plcne nsk for n chrrk to cnnblfl them to got
their luttprs.m none will lie delivered except
on precondition of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In thece columns nro pul > -
llihed In both inornlnv "nil evening editions of
The Ilr.E , the circulation of which
aggregates more than 14,000 pnperi
dnlly , and glvos the advortl'er the
lipncflt , not only of the city circulation of The
llr.K hut nl o of Council flluffs. Lincoln , nnd
other cities and towns throughout this part of
the west ,
MONEY' TO I.OAN-On elty property in
sums of (500 nnd upwnrd * nt lowest rates.
Money nlwnys on hnnd. S. S. Campbell. 310
South Sixteenth street. B22
$ 1500,000 to loan at 0 per cent , Harris & Samp
son , 151D Douglas it 070
M IONI'.V to lonn In largo or small amounts by
Win it. Loach , 15W Farnnm. 652 J15
M ONEY' TO LOAN-O. F. Hnvls * Co .real
estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnnm st.
'MONEY TO LOAN First mortgage notes
1'V bought. J. A. Hlestand , roomsArling
ton block. 509J 12J
CJSOO OO To loan on Omaha city property ntO
T per cent 0. W. Day , a. o. cor. Ex. nid.
MONEY TO LOAN-On city ana farm prop-
crty , low latos. Stewart &Co.ltoom3
Iron bunk. 674
MONEY' to lonn. cash on delay.
J. W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st ,
Faxton hotel building. 875
MONEY' First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bank will buy papnrs secured by
first mortgage on city realty. 678
Tl/f / ONEY TO LOAN on improved real nstato ;
J'ino commission charged. Leavltt Hum-
bum , Hoom 1 Crelghton lllock. 677
6PEU CUM'-Monoy to loan.
Gregory & Hndler ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , Itedick block , 320 a 15th St.
rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on im-
JL proved real estate In city or county for
New England Lonn & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. ICth and Chicago sts. 079
TVTONEY to loan on Improved city property at
J'l6 per cent. Money on hand ; do notbnvo
to wait. Have a complete set of abstract buoks
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. , 320 S. 15th st.
\roNEY TO LOAN-bytho undersigned , who
AU has the only properly organised loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of (10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , Ac , without remoral. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that any part can bopald at any ime.each
payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
madn on flnn watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
and see mn. W. n. Croft , lioom i Wthnell
Building 15th and Harnoy. 863
milE Omalni Financial Exchange ,
J. N. W. corner of Ilarney and 15th sts. ,
over State National bank.
If prepared to make short time loans on any
available security.
Loans miulo on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans madoon Improved real estate
at current rales.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Short tlmo loans made on second mortgage ,
according to marginal interest , at collateral
Heal estate to exchange for good Interest
bearing paper.
( ionornl financial business of all kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott , Manager. .80
750,000 TO LOAN nt 6 per cent. Llnah.ui
> Mutioney , 150U Fnrnam. C09
MONEY LOANED at 0. V. Hood * Co. ' 8 Loan
Odlce , on furniture , pianos , horses.wagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 31B B. 13th.
over Hlnghnm 5 Commission store. All bust-
strictly confidential. 681
6 PER CENT Money.
R. C. Patterson. 15th aid Harnoy. csa
FOIl SAlK Drug stock , clean and now.prico
(1,500 , tormi (50 monthly , 3D miles from
Omnhn , 10 miles from competition , country
thickly Bellied with Uormnna nnd Americans.
Address Frank McKoana , Qrotna , Nob.
16f. 20J
T71OK BALK Cheap for cnsh only , n Mnnll
-L stock of groceries , invoice about ( ? 0l ) , on
paved street , block from itroot cnr. must bo
.laid at onoo. Address PiU , lice office.
it\\ > * * O -
A FINK paying roBtaurunt business for snlc
in one of tlio largest nnd most thriving
towns of the Btato : (1,500 cnpltnl only in nec
essary. Address It 6 , Hoe ollleo. 168 20 J
TOOK HALR-IjUmbor Yards-Twenty lumboi
-L yards In Nebraska for sale. Hood iooa
tlon. Uood business. Uno ot the proprietori
uoingbackto Kurope to live. Address 1mm
bcrman.caro Clowcry.S. W. lO. . , Chicago. Ill ,
8M 31 *
'TOOtt 8ALK Stock of groceries in first CIMI
J. location. Itcasonsfor selling , engaging Ir
other business. Address "P 70'r Bee office.
. 880-2V
TTKLI'INO HAND-noautlfully Illustrntod
fi-L contains nenrly aoo ndvortlsomonts fron
Indies and gentlemen wanting correspondents
8ent 3 months for 10 cents. Address llelplni
llaml. 70 La Bullo St. , Chicago , 111. 101 25
17IOH SALK-A general itock new (5.000 , iton
X1 house and lot new | 1,500. Centrally lo
cated. A spldndld opportunity to got m a nev
town , one-half cash bilnnco tlmo. Address foi
one wc k Look Uox "S , " Mason City , Neb.
fjlOUSALE-Fart Interest In a wellestabllshec
-L' bnkorr. Chance for a fine business wM
sm.-Ml capital. Call at or address Nw Yorl
tuUtry fuoa Cnming st , city. wi 27J
TjlOUEXCMANUK-Stock of general merchan
.V dls about (4,500 , stuck Hardware ubou
31,000. Want cash. U. 4 H. , box WH
fchenaJORh , la- 783 26 *
"TTlLTU BALK Meat Market doing good bust
Jness. . Good location. Iteaaous for selling
Address. P 47 , Bee , 7UO 30J
'iT'OH SALE Warehouse , on track , sultabli
Jfor ntoiniro or manufneturlng purposes
will bo sold nt n bnriraln If tnken soon. O'llorno
lloalck \ Co. , fill ! S 13th St. 807 25
* | > ARK chance to exnhango for stock of gro
, I vurlcs , 4'i ' ncrtM Impioved land I'i mlU"
Irom rontrnl City , Noli. Wiliu quick to II. H
tuclor , Kenrney , Neb. 11)9 2.'ij
'VOl'K ( IPl'ORTfNlTVTTno' ofnicer (
J , les , ficd , prodlirr-.i'tv. , lth nilully liutl
io. s of HS.un the t'e tsreej In the city , fo
HP | CioOil riMi niis for f 1'nrrottJ ; Wll
llHiiieon , UHI liutrli : > lit IjMHits. 407
* \rANi El > A ff vn . | . > i-Kif in en--ngoli
VT mi honornb.ii ] > < Inir u ness imitiiur $1
iojli PIT ilny rlcnr ' i-ili ; uninrk uf t7"i ti
flSO. lloU lii.ln.i ; s inmi n' th | * c'tv irlvim a
Toft'iunfC" . foil ur niiiiiir tti-lt" . t lioom I
s'rounsn lilOL'N , Iiith i . cor. Cnp'tol ' nv
UCBiilni. NVi > " 10S-ll ] _
'Tj'tTlt SALE * . fry OHO < p. irmid brii-u busm"os"
J property "n firiii.l . t < ' U'l , Srb. Tin" irrrates
1 > Mviiln nn.l li > < t ' " "U * nt "icltv. (1'iod ( rcu
for roll'ii" . 1'r ! - t' l-ir nldri' s ,1. H
) , . \tt nify m ! . . Hi and l.-iland. Nut
i'i tl ! S. ) ; K . \ ui. . it-i ui , , I von fit ihl3hn ! >
. ; hi.imrsnittiiiv M" fiidjoll rtf.d in
tjtllrc at im : | > ! ii.VMi''n . ' . . ' . - , v.J n I'lhHts.
VJTRAVltll-rrom u rcb lU'iicc , ' ! 'th ami Cn
O ifnrnin stj , a man oow , lini'ilud " ! ' n
right hip. Huwnrd for rmiiin < > ( 3 m to Ii
> Vikcley. : i7ii2IJ
V2""AVKD rS-ora South O naha , ilnrU ba\
V. ? heavr-eet mule ubout 14 huic : > t > n > l
jean old. Vliulor wlil n-liirn to 'liio * . Illi
iin . South Omahn , Neb. SJ > ! 21 *
STOKAOK For household goods andgvnert
mercbandls * at low rates , corner Thl
toenth and liard street * , up town onlce II
tomb Thirteenth. Telephone BC3. 4riU
STORAOK First-class storage for nice f urn
lure and boxed rood * . FerguMin Furn
turo Co. . 7171T7yl North l lh street. 174
S TOKAQI nrit-rluM storage for nice nil
ultur * or boxtd gcxxlj , at 1113
JIHUJT-CLA53 3wr.ago at 110 M Ktti ft
KS. .nURANT-CUrlroyant from Ooiton.i
r lliblj in all affairs of Hf , , unites par t <
TOM. as .V. icth st room 1 431
ABniVED-Mrs. Dr. Eddy , of Boiton , the
world-renowned nnd highly celebrated
queen trnnco clairvoyant of the Atlantic coast ,
Mrs. EJdy is n Sovunth ilatiirhter , born with n
double veil. Iliutlio power of nny tire clair
voyants you over mot. Tell * your entire lire ,
past , present and future , In n ( lend trnnco.
Kvory hidden mystery rovmlrd. Tolli full
names of her callera nnd the full nnmos of your
future Inubiuid or wife , with aia nnd date of
innrrlnito , nml tolls whether the ono you love Ii
trim or fnlso. ( lives ndvico on divnrcn * . contested -
tested will . speculation * , rto. Tolls whether
stocks will rue or fnil. Tells your life from crn-
dlo to the grnve. mid onuses speedy nnd hnppy
rnnrrlnirp" . Mndotno unites the ecpirated In
ono hnlf the time thnt every other cl rvoynnt
can. llomovcs evil Influences , nnd by her ad-
vlco glvos Kood luck. Poiltlvely no Imposition.
ItovenlM'Verthlnir , ( VOUO clmlluntro to any me
dium who can oreol hor. Hours , U to fl
p. in. , strict. Parlors nt 4M N liith slroct , up
two flight * . Cut thliout nndcnll enrly.
N. II , This Is Mndamo's first visit , Ho sure
you pot the right nnmo nnd number. 847 20 *
pEUSONATi-Nent nnd tasty nil-wool business
JL suits (7. I'lnc bluu diagonal dross suits ,
tH0.75. Call nnd see them or write for simples.
L O. Jones & Co , American Clothiers , 13'J'J '
Fnrnnm st , Omaha , IHJ3 J 'M
PEHSONAL-If you wnnt n deslrablu , cen
trally located ollleo you can nnd It nt 310
S 15th st U78
ti I'rivnto home for Indies during
confltieinent , strictly confidential , Intnnts
adopted , nddresi K42 , lice olllce. 849J2 *
1 > EKSONAtj-Iluror , yes , owner will tnko
$ - ' , < ! for the clegnnt enst front lot , linn-
scorn Place , If taken at onco. Uoss Ilros , , 418 S
15th. 7iHUl
PEItSONAIMrs. . Dr Nnnnla V. Warren
clairvoyant , Medical nd buslnosi Medium
Boom Mo. 8,121 North 16th St. .Omaha. Neb.
USEFUL INKOlt.MATlON'-Scnd ono dollas
to mo at 17 north IGth st. Onmhn , No-
raska , nnd by return mall 1 will Bond you full
nitructlon.s lor putting up e gs without ox-
jiense nnd with llttlo trouble , so as to keep
them untainted and perfectly fresh for years ,
" "o prove It set n hen nnd If the eggHuro spoiled
r tainted after 21 dnys Kettme I will refund
on double your money. I ) . Lathrop. No , 817
N'orth llltli St. , Omaha , Nebraska. 113 24J
TUN dollars for most words from letters In Co
lumbia. Lists with 50c to Harry Matthews ,
Inlon hotel , Oinulm , by Wednesday evening.
: < csult Saturday. 134 , 23j
PAl'EHIIANOINO 15 per cent discount from
store prices. 'Address Puportmngcr ,
N'orth 16th st. WW-J-16 *
rilAPEWOKM removed In four hours com-
-L plotel nt homo. Address , with stamp ,
I'rof. A. I'otor , 111 Monroe r.vo. , Koohester ,
N. J. U5'J 27'
OAHDINC5-At IW'J Furnnm st. Now "On r
land" cook stove No. 8-18 for sale. 805 25 j
WHY' pny < 3XI und $ tOO tot n piano ot no
particular merit , when by adding (50
nero you can buy n Decker Hro. , known the
world over to bti first-class In every particular.
IVoodbrldgo Hro. 809 2'J
APIIOF1TAOLE and plcnsnnt business for
lady or gent with a little money at 310
South 15th St. , room 5. 892 28 *
A LA HOE amount of pasturage , well
shaded and watered by numerous springs.
Inquire at real estate ollleo of Jos. E. Vanclor-
cook 4 Co. , No. 120 .N 15th st. D'J-I '
3TIIAW Hnts shaped , bleached nnd trimmed.
7 1415 Howard. A. MoAusland. 745 31 *
CESS POOLS , sinks and vaults cleaned , odor-
losi prooees. E. Ewing , box 427 , city.
580 J18J
10 EXCHANGE-Two lots , east front , Im-
-m. provoments add. , pnco (3,000 each , for
outside property , auros preferred or farm land.
Frank McKenna , Qrotna , Nob. 104 U9J
FOH SALE Wind mill , tower and tank com
plete , In good order ; can bo tnken down
nnd moved. Call on or address Klrkondall ,
Jones & Co. , 1102 Uarnoy street Omahn.
V18 27
TOOK KB NT Square Piano > J montttly.
JL ? Hoepe. 1513 Douglas. 6S'
TO PROPERTY Ownors-lf you want to soil
your property send full description with
prlco and terms to Hart's Oreat Western Heal
Estate Hurcau , Crolghton lllock. We have cus
tomers for every bargain that is offered.
TO parties having houses tor rent. Rental
Agency , Benawa & Co. . 15 . , opposite post-
office. We have turned over to them our rental
list. ' we recommend thorn. HcCagu * Bros.
NOTICE W. a King 4 Co. , house moving
and raising , leave orders at 13JO Pierce ft ,
895 J4J
TTloil KENT Organs , a per month , iloupe ,
JO 1513 Douglas. CS'J
Ol. C.-House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Bonner , 1315 Douglas st COO
F I OR RENT Square flano , It montn IT.
Hospa. 1513 Douirlas. Ct < 9
TF voi want to buy or soil furniture , go to
JL . "erguson's , 715 N. 16th. 691
7 > OH SALE-20 II. P. boiler andSH. P. on-
] . glno 1,200 Ibs. Fairbanks scales , ono pair
Mares , wagon nnd harness , cheap and on easy
terms. 619 8. 13tt > St 182 30 ]
TflOH SALE Furniture , all good and now and
X' cheap for cusb , in centrally located 10-
room houie , house can bo rented. Address B
7 , B o. 179 26
T71OR BALE-Plano A traveling gentleman
JC has a new upright piano , cost ( WO , will xel
cheap. Apply at onco. Address C 17 , Ber tf
nee. 108-24 *
"TT1OH BALE Two Hamblotonlan carriage
JL' horses , will drive single or double. Dr. F.
Wackerow , Omaha , Nob. Office 417 S Hth st
F I OR BALE New. light sidebar top buggy ,
cheap. Cole 316 S. 15th , room 1. 927
FO It SALE Ono six-foot upright black wal
nut show case , Milton Rogers & Son. 909
FOR BALE Tearh'of fine heavy mules. C. T.
Smith 1036 , south 2.1 rU st 830 25 ]
FOR SALE targe pony , agn 5. with new sad
dle , bridle , uta , for $00. Call nt 320 N lOtL
St. 749 24
TOOR SALU-4,000,000 Hard Brlcx. T. Murray ,
-S- 740
FOR SALE Hack board and open buggy ,
Inquire 1567 N 19th. 781.8JJ
FOR SALE 6 milch cows. E A Marsh. 901
N 16th. 565
1/10R SALE-A good sowing machine. Apply
1. Danbnum'B restaurant , 1511 Farnam street
150 24 ]
FOR SALE New coupe , Rockaway , ownei
leaving cliy ; price (550. Can bo seen al
Simpson. 153 20 ]
FOR SALE New 2nd band office desk. 1013
Farnam , up stairs. 182
F I OR BALK Drivers and draft horses , rear ol
1818 Chicago st. 154 J5 *
FOR BALE Span horses , double wagon and
double harness for f'JOO. Also a lot of posti
cheap. C. J Cumin , tij
TCTOHSALE-Urlck. T. Hurray. *
\XTANTED A good general blacksmith and c
V T good carnage painter. Incjulro of W. J ,
Broatch , Omaha , or B. C. Walter , Norfolk , Neb
107 26 ]
WANTED--Boy to work In store from 6 to !
In morning. Apply to M. Wollsteln d
Co. . 5JS. 13ths. . 11624 ]
T\7"AJ TED Laborers tor railroad work. E.S
T T Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam.
\\7ANTED A thorough bookkeeper who h i
TV n position and would like to workevoii-
Address It 4 , Bee office. 14925 ]
ANTKD-Mento sell Shetland Mountalc
ponies , fancy colors , little beauties
Sample ponv free on conditions. For furtbei
paitluuhiri Inclose stamiKxl self-addressod en
velnpe. Uyron Van Itaub , Uoerne , Kendall Co.
To aa. 1M24J
VTANTBlMen for railroad work In Cole
TV rniio. Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Far
nam. 894
\\rANTEn-4brlckraouldoraatC. U , llicko
IT i ; Son's brlck yard , Valley st near 13th st
. U05 37J
\\7ANTED-An exporloncck Grocer's deliver ]
t man , must buwHll MOiiuuintod m the city
steady nnd reliable ; none else need inuko appll
cation. Wm. Fleming & Co 607
WANTKD--floy. assistant bookkeeper : cai
furnish four persons situation * iu booh
keepers June 1st J. a Smith , 1613 Chicago st
WANTED-A man of good education lo ae
M traveling Mloaraaii with M Orst-elas
house. Must be able to give security. Box 7tK
Omasm. IM J 1 J
- e n add A 1 lint
WANTED-Salesman Ou aront earned$3,40:1 :
hory.up to sfyw , ia 'M-.I-.O. l x. UI
Now York. . , Ut-21 *
s , union men. 21st and
Foster. IW25J
\\-ANTED-First-ol.iM bnrbor , irood wnces ,
> stonily Job. Address .Molehor Bro. Supply
house. IM 23 ]
) 2 or 3 good ronvasscrs for the
' ' city. Inquire of A , a. Cook , Arcndo hoteL
\\MNTRO-.Mrn , Women , IJoys nnd nirTs tor
n light nnd prolltnblo employment. No
plcturo business ; no humbug. Send ) Uo for n
valuable paoKngo to commence on. Only a foiv
hundred will lie distributed. Address Altiany
Supply Co. , Albnny. N. Y. P 3 j. ! '
\\'ANTKD LnbororTfor H. 11. work. II , C.
' > O'Kei > re,3J'J Sollth , ft. 770 2 J
" \VAN1TD 4 dining room girls in city. $5 :
> > Inndrcss for 1'oo.itolla , fnro pftld ; 2 women
cooksn ; htile girl to mind baby nnd go home at
night : sewing girls , shirt rankers , housekeep
ers nnd glrs for general housework In o\ery
pnrt of thu olty. Jlra. llcrga & Son. 3in S. IMn
Bttcct , upstalfg. 1721 *
WANTKD-Nurse girl. Apply to Daven
port st. 150 2ftJ
W ANri'.D-UIrl for general housework , 1307
Cnss st , .157 lOJ
W ANTED Two dressmnkrr'o npprentlcos.
Mra. E. J. Karle , 18U9 Webster st ,
WANTHD-A good Herman or liohomliw
girl for general housowork. * A permn *
nent plueo nnd good wages. Apply , Immedi
ately , ut 720 8 22d st. , corner of Lcaveiiworth.
* \XT ANTED 4 foranlo cooks , 4 dishwashers , 8
TT dining room girls. 2 lady clerks for store ,
COglrN gcnernl housowork. Omaha Kraploy-
jnent Duruau , ll'JN. 10th street , Crounot block ,
_ 170 25
WANTED Ono female cook and ono dining
room girl at the Atlantic hotel , 009 S. lOtu
street , Scandinavian or German preferred.
_ 178 20J
" ANTED Hood girl for general housework
In prlvnto family. CO" 3 13th Et 15)25- )
W ANTED First-class girl for general house
work , none other need apply , nt 1717
Chicago Ht. _ 1'iS 2 J
WANTED Lndy neonts for Mrs Campbell's
combination underskirt and bustle , removable -
movable hoops for laundry. Arants mane $1
onch , nid | many sell 12 dally. 100 seamstresses
employed to keen up with orders. Address
vltii stump , K. Cnmrbull & Co. , 494 W. Unn-
lolphst.Cnlcngo , 111. 121 j , ' )
\\rANTKn A competent girl for general
TT housework. Inquire nt CCO Coif ax st ,
W 'ANTED Lndy stenographer ut Villon-
tine's Shorthnnd Institute. 100 24J
W ANTED-Laundross immediately nt 421 S ,
10th St. HI !
W ANTED Good pit I for general house
work. Mrs. L. J , Nedd , 041 S , 18th st.
IDS 24
WANTED A girl for general housework ex
cept washing. Apply large house In front
f Crolghton College. 135 24J
WANTED A irood house clonner for two or
thrco days work. Apply nt 1921 St. Maiy's
nve. 117
4 good wnlters , girls preferred.
None but first-class wiintcd. To such good
wngcs and permanent place will bo given.
Also , chambermaids and laundry girls. Apply
t once at NorrU Hotel , cor. ICtb & Webster.
WANTED 2 dining room girls nt Exchange
Hotel , Union Stock Y'nrds , S. Omahn. 1 or
particulars Inquire nt Cnnllold House. 113 24
WANTED A girl to do eoncrnl housework ,
must be a good cook. 1818 Webster st 'JG'J
WANTED At Planters house dining room
girls , none but experienced waiters
wnntea. USB 2c
\\7ANTED-Adlshwflshor at Miller's restau-
1 > rnnt 1004 N. lOthst. 819
\\7ANTED-A good white lady to work nt
Vienna Coffee house , south Tenth st.
next to Btophenson's 1H err barn. 144 25J
W IANTED-Glrllor general housework , 6JO
8 19th st 151
\VANTED-Good girl for general housework
' except washing. Must bo good cook ;
references required , Wages $ t 5) ) a week. Ap-
> > ly Mrs. M. Gould , 2019 Douglas st. 101 2GJ
W - book-keeper nt U. P.
Meat Market. Uth st , near Webster.
WANTED Good cook and second girl at
2427 Dodge st 519
WANTED Cook nnd dining room girL Muel
ler's Restaurant. 1004 N. 16th st. 251
WANTED-Second girl immediately. Call
bet. the hours of U and 10 a. m. or 0 to 7
p. m. , 2427 Dodge street. 252
WANTED Ladies to work for us at tnolr
own Homes ; (7 to ID per week can bo
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvnss-
ing. For full particulars please address at
once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central St. . Boston ,
Mass , Box.6170. B02Jel5 *
WANTED Situation as stenographer by n
young man IB years of ago. Address R.
15 Bee ollleo. - 1I4 ! 24J
\\7ANTKD-SItuatlon by a young man ntnny
' employment is used to hoi'sea and will
ing to work. Address R It Uee office. 180 26j
WANTED By a mlddlo-ngcd lady situation
as housekeeper in n .family withoutchll-
dron. Address for ono week box 169 , Syracuse ,
Nob. P8824J ,
WANTRD-Posltlon on assistant bookkeeper
or light sot ot boons to keep of evenings
Address P 50 Hoe office. ' . 649-26 *
TIT ANTED A position as type writer. . Ad-
TV aress O 40 , Bee office , SHI
WANTED A position as typo writer. Ad-
dross 0 40 , Boo ottlco. 231
\\7ANTED-A Position by n thorough ao-
TT countant Boat of references. Address
O 14 Hoe ottlce. 813
WANTED-10 tonm s for railroad work , (3.W
per day : 4 men cooks forcityj 1 man for
dairy. Omaha Employment Hureuu.llO N. 16th
street , Crounso block. 177 26
WANTED A good'dwclllng house and lot in
exchnngo-for a large store building and
line dwelling house , nnd largo tract of good
farming land close to the town. All situated
In the NU part of the stiito. Or'pnrt land nnd
pnrt cash. For particulars apply to W. H. A. ,
1613 Webster street. 173 30 *
WANTED Two or three furnished room !
for single gentlemen. Location must be
central. Address P 71 Bee. 100-24 *
WANTED Everyone to know wo furnish
male help tree and fill orders promptly.
Mrs. Bregaund Son , 310815th , up stairs.
729 31 *
WANTED A safe in advance payment on a
lot , choice property. Address , R U. Bee
office. 195
WANTED To buy a 7 to 10 room house to
be moved. Frank P. Roll , S31 south 25th
street- 803 26 ]
WANTED-Toams , teamsters and trackmen ,
D. C. O'Koofe , G09 S llth St. 145 24J
W'ANTED A nlco 3 or 4 room .houso within
4 or 6 blocks of 13th and Dorcas sts , In
quire 1730 S 13th. John Sclmub. 1(4 27 ]
WANTED-Two or three furnished or un
furnished rooms for very light housekeeping -
keeping for gent and wife In north part of city ,
rof. , eto. Address R 5 , Bee ottiee. 102 24J
WANTED-A sound , stylish horse aboni
1100 pounds weight , must bo fair traveller
and perfectly gentle. Suitable for a lady to
drive. Address 114 , lleo office. 14825) )
W ANTED An unfurnished room. Address
A. 8.,2015 Cumlng st. 143 24 ]
WANTED-To trade land for a stock of drugs
Address Box 19 , Genoa , Neb. J. A. Os
borne. 187 31J
AX/ANTED Board In private family for genT -
T T tloman und wife , north and wojt of P O ,
Address R 8 , Bco office. 180 81J
WANTED- piano In advance payment or
n lot , choloo property. Address R12. lleo
office. 195
WANTED-A carriage In advance paymonl
on a lot , choice property. Address Kll
Bee office. 191
WANTED An organ m advance paymonl
on a lot , choice property. Address It 10
Boo office. i 5
W ANTED-To buy 8 bouses which can bo re
mored. A. F , Mayno , 1408 Dodge st
WANTED-By a single wnt , a nea ly fur
ntihed room In qulot lamily. Addresi
stating ; tenai and location , P A3 Bae office. KM
TAf ANTED To txcbango a lot for acouplo ol
, ; . ! ? ? * driving howcs. U. C. Patterson
15th ana Haruey. ga
WANTUD Zor 3 horse power engln * , Su'
U nd. Apply at Mlllard hotel offlc * . 4W
WANTBU A newspaper , paying circulatloc
guaranumi from the start , for particu
lars tdJrcM Bask of Valley , Valley , Neb.
ANTED i'Ej for rnllroad work ,
W Albright's sNuor Agency , liaj Farnntu.
itr.NT-Jpri-roomcd house , Clmrlcs st. 1
Foil west of Saunders. Apply to W.
Arthur. Festne building , cor nth and
Howard . _ ilLE _
6lfilKSTH k clns * store In good location
F with odoliHtfroom for cold atomize , 519 S.
13th st. ' * ' ia 30J
Foil HENT-tiVU or part of warehouse cor
13th amllzanrit. 1 J aoj
- house. Hth ixnd I'lerco ;
0-rooui liousj. 14th mill I'lerco. 1(0
TOOK HENT-Jlnugo of 10 rooms with all mod-
* ? crnronvonfciio/3. Located throe blocks
from oporn bouse. Apply ut n o cor ICth ami
Dodge , tip stairs. 147
TJ10H KENT--Now fl rooji houfcJ , (50 !
* - Sturgoj , 10 Crolghton block. 169-28 *
TOOK KKXT 7-rootn 2-story house On Itamll-
-1 } ton and Campbell sis..with stable , well
and cistern , (30 per mouth. Apply Chns. Nober ,
10th nnd Capitol nvo 111) .MJ
KENT-MOT Caltfornln St. , (30 ; or for
Foil \ . Immediate possession. Inquire of J.
I" . Ilollns. leoa Jarnam St. 141
1011 KKNT-2 stores nnd 2 lintsiit \ \ seven
I room" , bath room nnd nil modern Improve
ments , nt the terminus ot the rod and gieeti
street cnr line , by Paulson A : Co. , room 6 ,
llodlck building. 120
OK KENT Or for sale. Two houses nnd
lots on rrinnthly payments. Co-onerntivo
Lnnd & Lot Co. . 2QJ N. 16th st lit ! 23
TOOK KENT Desirable flats , modern convenE -
E UMICOS for ollleo or living purposes. C n-
trally locntod. Losllo & Leslie , Central phar
macy , Ibth nnd Uodgo. P. > 1
HUNT Store nnd second floor on cor
FOK nnd Maroy st. Inquire of Mrs. V.
Lange , 6'I3 S 13th. 83'J
TjlOlt IIBNT Klght room housu well furn-
-C Isucd nnd contrnlly located' Also team of
horses and double carrhifo for sale. Address
P7 lice , . 477 25J
FOR nr.NT Thro room house , 70JH4 PaelOo.
For Ront-Six room house. 110U S 71 b ,
For Itent Three room housu , 1015 N 2Jth 6S3
OR KENT A storo. Inquire 1412 S. 13th st
Poo. H. Peterson. 898
TOOK KENT Store and living apartments on
.C Cumlng near Snundors st Apply ut Ilarrl *
Itcal I'.stato nd Loan Co. , 30 S. 15th st 697
TT1OK IlENT-rramo store bulldlnir , 20xV ) .
JJ with living 4roomson Phil Sheridan Ft.wlll ;
Improve : put basement under store to suit any
Jcglcimato business \Vm. Fleming & Co. , 1401
Douglas. 870
T7WH KENT Oood barn , suitable for four
JL ? horses. Inquire at 617s. 13th St. 93. )
OR RENT Window , good locality for tow
F eler or real estate. Apply to 3JS n ICth.
F I OR llbNT J-room house , 70J PaclQo.
FOR RENT Third floor , 2Jx80 , of brlok build
ing , 1108 Farnam street ; lisa of elevator ,
nqulro above number , upstairs. 681
T71OR RENT-Brlok yards , T. Murray.
JJ 446
FOR RENT Three room house , 11081J S 7th
TjlOR RENT Furn Ifhod room suitable for
X ? two ireutlomou. a E. cor. of ISth and
Lenvonworth. , H2-24 *
TT1OR RENT Hooms furnished or unfurnished
JL ? single or oi uItUn new house. Rooms have
never boon furulslled. 311 N. l.'th st.
114 25J
FOR KENT-Ondf/urnlshod room , S. W. cor.
feth and Harnoy. 115 24J
FOR RENT A suite of two rooms , with bonrd ,
in a privateriimllv , sultublo for married
couple. Doslrnblo ; location , ono block from
street cars Mefer.oncos roqulrod. Ready for
occupancy Juno 1.Address. . P. O. Ilex 271.
FOR RF.NT-Desk room in ollleo , No. 130 N
ISth St. , T ijl. 099
'OR RENT-i-Rlefeixnt room , bay window , gas
bath nnd all modern conveniences. A.
Hospo.315N. Vftlfci/ 670
HENT Wareroom ror. 13th and Call-
FOR ' Belt . Line. tor particulars on-
quire nt Unlon'Nat bank.
RENTOWie rooms In Qruonlg block ,
FOR 13th . nd Dodgo. Davis 4 Hethor-
infrton , Millar * Hotel Billiard room. 620
RENT 3 store rooms in best city of
FOR population in Nebraska : 3 now rail
roads now bulldlngto it. Harrison , Ambler &
WooUoy , 418 8.15th st , Omaha , Nob.49j
49j j 1
FOR'RENT-Furnlshcd rooms at 1810 Dodge st
888 ] 19
F1 I OR RENT-Nlco furnished room. 2025 Far-
nam. .865
F I OR RENT Nino-room Hat centrally located ,
316 S 15th. 077
10R RENT Elegant rooms , references required -
quired , 1607 Douglas st. 301
T710R RENT Furnished room with board ,
JL every modern convenience , 2535 St. Mary'e
nvo. 00 25 ]
FOR RENT Eleven nlco tfnturnlshed. sleep
ing rooms. ' ' Separate or all together. IE
building 816 S 16th Bt 075
RENT Desirable unfurnished rooms
suitable for office or sleeping rooms. 31C
S 15th st 076
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms cheap ,
60o South 18th street. Upstairs. 835
R1OR HENT-Deskroom. Enquire Young 4
Blackman , 214 S 15th St. 540
F 1OR RENT Three room house west of North
llth at. , between Chicago and Cass. G9.2
FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms with
board if desired. Private family. Inquire
1923 Farnam. 895-27 *
RENT-Furnlshod rooms , 701 S 17th 8t ,
740 26
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room , 1921
Dodge st. 119
F I OR KENT Two nicely furnished rooms
OJ1 S. 20th St. 125 25-
° R RENT Largo , nicely furnished front
F rR
room , 829H S. 21st St. 896-28'
FOR RENT Largo well furnished room with
bath and other conveniences , to gentle
man , call at 1924 Farnani. 853
TJ1OH RENT-Offlees in Hellmon rjullclmgcor ,
JP Farnam and 13th sts. , in suites or singly.
For prices , diagrams and information apply to
FOR RENT-2 rooms , one large double front
both new , bright , elegant Burroundlngi
Btrlctly nrst-elass. Within two blocks of post
ollleo Will lease to einglo gentlemen deslrint
permanent bouse. Heady Juno 1st , 67. Address
dross with references , R 3 , Bee office. 15J 25
FOR RENT Furnished rooms , 18.J1 Farnan
FOR RENT Furnished room for lor 2 per
sons , 1720 Capitol avo. 183 25 ]
OR RENT One furnished room. Ill 818th
.t > , 188 20' '
TTOR KENT-NiccJr * urnlshsd rooms , will
J1 good closet * and bath room , at No. 13I9H
North 17th , neaV * * * n car line. 91025 ]
FOR ItKNT Nowiy furnished southensi
rooms , onernttn alcove and bay window
Convenient to"Park avenue street cars. 62 :
Georgia avomnn " 190 20 ]
TJTOHTY.TWOJXfltTan State street 173
-L' Full lot In Saundera It Himobangh'B add 47
Two good Iota in Meyers , 1C * T. uad , each. 75
8.E. cor. inlloydK 8J
Trackage In Paddock Place , cheap ,
( .i iKoomZe , Paxton building.
F - - . RUNT EJejjant ofllco rooms , best lo
cation In Qjifliiv 310 South 15th Bt. 635
furnished front room
ntlcmon. 8511 St. Mary'
bcd room tor gentlemen
zBnrst. 863 26 J
F OR HENT-fcjiK of rooms for 4 gcntloraci
aocjuaintodTHiood locality , 22 IN 14th si
951 29 ]
F OU BUNT Furnished room , OKI 817th at.
1)50 27'
8ALX .HOU8E8--I.OTa.
CORNER-2 lots Kounti place , 84x134 , cbote
corner Walnut Hill , with a room inoderi
bouse , barn , eto. . . - . A I i,70 )
B room house Mlllard & Caldwell add. . . . 3,00
flroom house Slots , HurfOak 3so
Hanscom Place , 100x160 6,20
Hansoom Place , 100x243 8.50
Chpice lot Patrick add 2,00
Jerome Park. 50x167 " 2,10
loth street , near Nicholas. 60x140 13/XJ
Corner and Cumins ; . 76x134 25,00
Corner 10th and Dodge , 66x131 85,00
List your property for sale with Barker ,
Burr , 1609 Ftiruam street 063
ADDRESSF. II. Orcutt. Council Bluffs , lowj
for the choicest lot In Ambler Place. Prlc
till June 1st only $ * 00 , half canh , balance | 1
901 moLth. tti Tj
, _ - . A HAnljEY * ,
IJ Members Onmliu-ltonl Tslnto Exehnnep ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , 320 South Fifteenth Street.
Good bargains In good property In Omuha.
Business Property i
22x132 on Farnam Rtroot , near 12th street ,
lor (8i5por front toot
23x138 on Farnnm street , near Utli street ,
with 3-story brick block , renting ( J.OOO . .
per year , 41,000
77x133 on Knrnnm streetnenr 20th street ,
two good dwellings tlieroon , ono 7-
' room nnd onott-room , all for 40,000
68x132 , corner Dodge and 13th itreots.lm.
proved nnd well rontbd , (700 per foot
on Dodge street
3Jil , ] , ' on Uodgo street , nonr 13th , C-room
brick bou o , ( BMper front foot . . . . .
CCxt'O on 12th street , near Dodge , tin-
proved and renting for (1,200 per
your 12,000
SSxl'B on Douglas ftruet , 3-story brick
block , renting ( J.400 per yonr , half In
terest for 9,00)
44x133 Douglas streot.nonr l.ith street , , . . 3MUO
CGxS2 , corner on Bin street , Improved nnd
renting for (900 8,500
13133 , Louvenworth and H'tli , Im
proved 00,000
fCxlu2 , corner on Jackson street , Im
proved and renting for (1KQ ( per your. S'.OOO
44xii < l , Jacksonnenr llth street 11,000
Clxlit2nn ( llthst , improved nnd renting
far ( COO per year 16,000
66x132 , Davenport nonr 10th st , improved
nnd routing tor (600 per year SVOOO
132x13 : ! nonr U. P. iws engor depot 30,000
lUJ.xUU nenr St. Paul passenger depot
cort'cr on California , 4 houses , rent
( I.VK ) 20,000
\\1A1 \ nenr St. Paul piissengor depot. . 11,000
41x107 , Harnoy fit near 20th st , 12V ) per
front foot on Harnoy. Terms onsy.
2V4xl20 , corner on alley , Suunders st
near Sownrd 9t , 3 houses 12,000
6xliVi , Cumlng Bt , 2 funnll houses renting
50J per yonr. Terms onsy 10,000
Ixl'JO corner on Saunders st 7XX ( )
1 foct , Sniindors nenr Hamilton st ( i.UOt )
"J foot , Sounder nt-nr Hamilton st . . . . 3,300
CxfC , corner on South 15th st , Inrgo
house renting $720 per yonr 10,501
6124 , Leavenworth Bt , house > Vo 4,500
15x125 , coiner on Fnrnam st head of Vir
ginia ave , 2 cottages rent ( OUU 23,900
11x150. corner In J. I. Rudlck's BdJ , 0 0
room brick housesnnd ( 7 room frame
house' , leased now for (4.10J per year 37,500
; OxlU' , east front lot , Griffith & Isaac's
add , near St. Mary's no , doubt * house ,
2 stories , 0-rooniB and buth , each rent
81,500 per year 16,600
i2Sxl2 ! , > on 26th st. , near Cumlngs , one 11
room nnd ono 7-room house. Rents
( i8pnryear 0,000
GOxl2dM. Hamilton st , near Sen aid atone
story house , largo burn , oto 6,0X ( )
100x140 , J. I. Kedlok's ndd , 10-room house 7fiOO
. ' 6x140,18tn st nonr Clarkn-rooni house . 7,000
> 0xlir > , corner Uodgo and 30th nt , cottage O.SOO
6x1.10 , oust front , Ibth st , cottugo 3,5UO
; 'ull lot , south trout , In Hickory Plnco.
ono 4-roomand ouo 3-room house , rent
( IKS ) per year SfW
66x12 ? , corner , Patrick's add , small double
house on ronr.rcntlngfor (20 pormonth
mi.1 room on lot for 4 moro 3,000
00x187 , south fiont , Imp Ass'n addcot-
tago 2,000
132x132,81. Mary's nve , corner lot , (6,009
houso.bonulitul lawn. Best homo In the
market 20,003
75x140 , onst front , Park ave. near
Loavonuorth , elegant 10 room house ,
new 15,000
60x133 , south front , California St. , near
Crolghton College , 11 room house , nil
modern improvements , barn , carriage
house , etc 10,000
60x132 Webster st. near Crolghton College -
logo , 2 story 8 room house , bath , city
wilt or. furnace , carrlngo house , barn . 10,000
00x134 , south front , on llarney street ,
good 2 htoryVroom house , barn , etc. . 12,000
40x140 , 2lstst. , near St. Mary's nve. , tlno
0 room house , "Right in town" 7,000
40x132 , 19th St. . nonr Wohstor , 9 room
house , bath , cellar , well , cistern , gas ,
etc 7,000
52KxlCO , corner Shlnn's addition , nenr
Summers St. , 10 room house , oust
front 0,000
50x150 , cnst front , Georgia avn. , nenr
Popplcton , 9 room house , cltywuter ,
cistern , etc 0,000
OOvllW , corner lot , s-outh frontSnull's
2dnddltlon , 0 room house , terms easy 0,000
60xl4HH , corner in Bnrtlott's ndd , south
nnd oust front , 7 room cottnge , beauti
ful lawn , bath , cellar , cistern , city
water , oto 0,000
3'ixllO , Park nvo nonr Leavenworth st , 2
story 8 room (3,000 houso. largo store
room , closets , collar , porches , water
nnd gns 6,000
50x150 , Georgia nvo , Hanscom Plico ,
story nnd half , " room house , city water
nnd burn GC09
33x112 , Griffith & Isnac'R udd , nonr St.
Mnry's ave , 6 room cottage , well and
cistern 4,500
100x150 , South front , Mayno Rt , Orchard
Hill , now 2 story 8 room house , 4,500
60xlOS South front. Shull's 2nd udd , line
lot > good cottage'barn , etc 4,000
33xflu , oust front on 23d st , south of Cult-
' forntast , Broom house 3,830
31 SixKi ! , corner on 25th st. east front , 0
room house , collar , well , otc 3,100
COxlM , South front , Walnut Hill nonr
Lowe nvo , graded , 7 room house , city
water : . 8,000
33x140 , cnst front. 11 V. Smith's add , near
Clark st , 5 room cottnge 2,61)0
30xii2 : west fiont , AimstrotiK's let ndd.
good 6 room cottage 2,000
30th st nenr Davenport , 0 room brick
house 2 , 0
32x120 , east front , Patrick's add , 4 room
house , cellar , well , cistern ; one-eighth
cnsh 2,500
30x01 , onst front on 25th st , now 5 room
house complete , $500 cash $2,500 or
( l.OJOcash 2,400
OxUi W. A. Redlcks add 4 room houdo
cistern , well , barn 2,500
60x130 Orchnrd hill 5 room house 2.0JO
50x120 north front In Umuha View , near
Stats st,4 room house 2,0 < )0 )
50x120 south front in Omaha VIew , new 4
room house 1,700
Cottages built to order cast of Orchard
bill and south oC Omaha View for 1,000
100x135 Fnrnnm t near lst st 13,500
191x169 Corner Cumlngs nnd 32d st 14.UOO
88x132 corner 16th st Paddock place 12,000
81x132corner24th stHIgh school 0,000
80x178 Cortland place near St Marys 7,500
Ono acre , line , In West Omaha 7 , < XX )
100x150 flncst corner Hanscom Place 7,200
100x140 corner , Kountzo 3d add 6,000
98x130 corner Stownrt vlaco 6,000
100x150 cor30th Bt near Cal 5tOO
100x132 corner Sunny Side 5,00)
lOOxl&O Hanscom pi fronting par * 4,500
100x120 corner A. 8. Patricks udd 3,800
75xl27'i Shinns add near Bnunders ,700
50x140 cor J. I. Rodlcks add 3,750
llOxl'Bcor eo and east West Omaha V > UO
45x132 Coiner Farnam , Jerome park. . . . U.SOO
120x100 corner State , Omnhu VIew 3,750
48x138 , oust front , Summit Place 3,300
114 feet-front on Lrnvonworth , corner. . 3,1,03
161x114 , Leavenworth Terrnco 8,300
100x124 , corner Plalnvlew 3,000
50x122f.nkost near Saunders 8,000
50x150 , cnst front , Georgia nvo , near Pop 3,000
48x132 , Farnnm st , Jerome park 3,000
tV.'xl24 , Saunders st , Knuntre plnuo 3,000
50x150 , Delaware st , llnnscom Place 2,750
50x150 , Georgia ave nonr Woolworth 2,550
50x150 , Virginia near Poppleton 2,550
50x175 , fronting Hamilton and Charles sts 2,500
SOxHC , south front , Rurtlctt'8 add 2,500
50xl40J.I. Rodiok's tub 2,500
18x13-2 , Chicago ncar24thst 2.500
ICOilW , corner In Walnut Hill 2,400
50x130 , best sonth front , Foster's add. . . . 2,300
100x125 , corner State st , M. K.AT. add . 2'lifl
50x124 , Sulphur Springs add , near Kith st 2,200
50x130 , south front , Davenport ccnr 30th 2,000
52x140 , Park Place , fronting California st 2.00U
eoxl32south frontShlnn's 3d 2,000
86x108 , corner2Htb near Lako. . . . 1,950
50x121corner 2 thst nenr Lake 1W !
50x100 , Georgia ave , Hanscom Place 1,800
51x123 corner. Prospect Place 1.850
95x130 , corner , Thornburg Plnco J.ttO
46x121 , corner , Lowe ave and California st 1,800
45x115 corner Locust near 10th st l..ioo
108x127 corner Uoyd's ad 1.75Q
100x125 Myers K and T near State Bt 1,700
(6x113 Paddock place , 2 lots , each 1WK
40x125 Stalest , front Omaha View 1.50C
40x100 Falrmount Place corner 1,300
60x127south front Lowe's add l.liX
50x109 south front Imp. AFS. add . . . . . . . 1,000
60x159 Walnut Hill double front. . . . . . . . . . 1.1IX
50x128 south front McCormack's 1,00
50x130 Shdrldan place front Leavenworth 1.3IX
57x139 Bouth front King's add 1.20C
40x130 Utica place best lot 1 , (
Lots in Ambler place , Orchnrd Hill , West
Side , Lincoln place , Omaha View. Meyer II. 4
T. , Hoyd's , 8chnv r Place , Eckermnnn place
Dupont place , Thornburg , Hosier's , iledfon
pi ice , Plalnvlow , Carthage , West Cunungs
South Omaha
and all good additions thereto at very reason
able prices. Como and see them.
Gregory & llndloy ,
181 Rooms 1 and 3,320 S. 15th st ,
Members Omaha Heal Kstatu Bxrhnnge ,
Rooms 1 and 3 , 320 South 11th st
Omaha VIew , Stalest fronts for ( 1,50 (
Falrmount place , 50x121 , corner- \W.
Fnlrmount place 40xUO , corner 1,30
West Side Leavenworth Bt fronts 1,01V
West Hide , Kast ave fronts 77 !
Thornburg place 100x130 , corner 1,00
Thornburg place , fine east front ft
CatalpaplacaH5xllH , corner 1.9.V
Tabor place elegant lot 47x155 1,90
LoaTenworth terrace 114 ft on Leaven.
worth 3 , < W
Leavenworth terrace , 162x114 trackagoi. MX
West Omaha , 110x13 } east and so front. . . 3.6 *
West Omaha , 54x115 east and north front. 2.W
Bedford place 100x128 corner 1,701
nedford'pteco 50x128 south front t
Prospect plaoa 51ft corner on irrado 1H5 (
Proipeot place double front Hamilton st 2,50.
Cheap homes for all.
Qregory Ic Iladloy. 943
FOR 8ALK-4 sections of land worth Wp
aore. Will Mil ( or (4 If taken at once
Harrison , Ambler It WooUoy , 4la 8.15th it ,
Omaha , Neb. 499 J 13
A GOOD lot with a bnUdinc en it. near ik
and 16tb , 82.750. iasy : terms. A. t
" > ' - U. L. gflleo , UW Dodge , . iia
SWAN * to , . 1521 Dodge St.
Headquarters for exchange , farms for
stocks , slocks for farms. You will always find
something to fit ynurensolf you have any
thing to trade by calling on Swan A Co. , 1&2I
Dodge street
Dariraim 1 Bargains ! Bargains !
We shall offer for the next W days the blggpsl
bargains In farm lands ever made public in
Omaha. We haro2iM farms well improved lor
Bale on easy terms and nt low prices.
250,000 acres good land In Nubrnska forsalo
on long tlmo and famine prices.
20,00:1 : acres stale school lands , well located ,
We to (1.00 per acre , leases run 25 yuars.
Choice bargains on Insldo properties , tm *
proved and vacant. Swan ft Co. , IS''l Dodge.
778 31
Ollirce cholco lots In KondrtU's , for nil , ( J,4 < X ) .
Enst front on Saundert , ( -.0X1.
Lots 15 , 16 , 17 , Davenport sub. 9. fronts
alongside Kountre Plaro. easy terms , big
uionoy. onch (1,500.
Van Ileuron Place lot. $1,25) ) .
Choice lot In Clarendon , for n few days f 1VO
t ) nml 10 In N. lx > wo's ndd , , nenr Hamilton , .
C0xl27. very sightly , each ( l,2 0.
Four choicest bouvelnrd lots , Crcighton
Heights , If sold at once , (2,600.
Unlv best In S , * H . ndd. to Walnut Hill , (900
lo (1,0(10.
UiOxiW ) s nnd o. cor. Walnut Hill , f 1,000.
Fine Orrston lot 1'lpasanl St. , ( l.wa
20 In 6 Kllby Place , none bettor , c. front
Other Kllby Place lots , ( I.3M to (1,750.
Sightly i' . front. Potter's , (1,6V ) .
Three x. fronts McCormlck's'Jud , If sold soon ,
lor all , CI.OOO.
Farnnm st , Mx187. gilt-edge , ( S , ! > 0\
Lot on Park uvo , In Roes Plnco , vary chenp nt
Lots In Jerome Park , Highland Plnco , Popple-
ton Park , Hansootn Plnco , Omaha VIew , Heed's
1st , Drnko's , Marsh's , ( Irltfon Isaacs' , Clifton
Hill , Orchard Hill. KininUo Place , WoBt End ,
Plalnvlow and other popular nd lltlons.
No trouble to show property. 1 have money
lo loan , nnd buy good first mortgage notes.
Call on lllcsland , Room 9 , Arlington , west ot
P.O. 9S1
SALh-50 cholco farms less thnn 20
FOR west i , t Oinalm. Address J. H. Sllvls ,
Real Fflalo Agent , Elkhorn , Nob. C41 m2J ]
BAROAIS Ono hundred foot front on
BIO Eleventh at , corner lot , only (5,000.
Part on time. V. L. Vodlcka , 5-0 South 13th st
FOR BALE RlotB , 2 houses nnd ftirnlturo , 3
barns , horses , carriages , and sleigh , linmo-
dlalely at 424 8. 2iilh. 118 24 ]
P > OR SALE A section of good farming land.
Address P , F , Hutlcr , Albion , Neb.
123-23 *
FOR SALE-A ctimploto rosldonco of eight
rooms , all modern conveniences , cen-
Irally located ; Urge lot with largo stable , nil In
Acondition. . Price ( IO.OJO. Also otter for
sn'ooneof ' the finest driving teams In Omahn ,
perfectly gentle , with buggy nnd cnrrmgu ; and
nil the fin nlturo , carpets nnd household goods ,
atnbnrgnln. This Is n splendid opportunity
for anyone wanting a complete homo nicely
furnished. Address 11. L , cure of this office.
1U7 29
PLACE Wo have for snlo cloven
beautiful lots In Lincoln Place , adjoining
thol'atrick farm. Rush * Belby , 1521 Farnnm.
FOK BALK At a bargain , a most doslrablo
homo for a small family within a mile of
P. O. , n block from 2 street cnr lines nnd paved
streets. Inquire ot E. E. Whltmoro , Hoyd's
opera home. 300
A COMFORTABLE down town residence of 9
rooms , with furnace and bath rcom. otc. ,
full lot on 2Jth near Leavenworth , only (7r > 00 ,
easy terms. The lot will soon be worth the
price. Mead & Jaiuloson , 313 South 15th st
DEXTER L. THOMAS-Has the choicest lots
in Lincoln Plaoe.
2 cor. acres in Soloman's ndd (700 each.
3 lots In black 59 , South Omaha.
Also ! > , block00 , and lot 2 , block 65 , 7 in 83 , 2
in 97 , cheap.
80 acres bv Central City to sill or trade.
1,120 acres In a body near Stauton ,
480 acres near Wlsnor.
Also lots in Bedford Place , Dolonoi addition ,
West Cumlng , Hosier's add on Cumlng at Thu
bosa lot In block C Shlnn's addition.
Also large lots In Shlloh.
6 acres on Amen' avenue.
Also trackage cheap on Uolt Line , for salt or
6 large lols on Broadway , Council Bluff * .
Lot3blk 6 Improvement Association , 00x183 ,
Lot'sblk7. same add , same size , corner ,
(4.000 , &c. , ic ,
I own the above and can make terms to suit
Come and see. Dexter L. Thomas , room 8 ,
Crolghton Block 752
FOR SALE Uy Shaw & Co. ,
610 S 10th st.
Houses and lots In all parts of tiio city. You
can't afford to rnnt when you know tbo pnco
nnd terms of this class of property.
On Georgia avenue no have a largo ploon of
ground for sale at loss than Its value. It IB
worth looking nt if you wnnt a nlco residence
Lots for sale In different pnrts of theclty.and
you are sure to make money by dealing with
us. Wo nro hoadijuarters for Bafo Investments.
LOTS In Omaha View 1,175 to ( I.WO. Mover's
Richards & Tilden.8 (800 lo ( TOO. Fnlr
mount Place (800 to (1.850. Bedford $700 to
Here Is n "Snnp. "
C6xl45. Reed's 1st add south front Chicago st.
(4,000-$2,500 cash.
Houses nnd Lots.
Lowos add (2,000. Omaha View ? 1,750. Millard -
lard fcCaldwoll's(2,600. Iteed'sllil 52'i'iO. ' ' Hurt
Bt (8.500and$9.50U OnpUol add (13,5nO-Terms
on nbovo easy. We have homes to sell on easy
If you want any kind of property glvo us a
call. We have a largo list in Omaha and South
Omaha. No trouble to ahow property. Our
list of wild lands is one of the best In the city.
John Gallagher , 317 south 13th Rt 4:10 :
O URL I SI cf bargains :
Lowoavol lot $ 1,000
kowonvo corner 2,000
Furnamst. corner 22iOO !
Farnam st 1 lot improved yo.OOO
Fnrnnm st , 3,030
Farnnm Bt 3.300
Lake street 3,100
Dcnolsuadd 2,100
Plamvlew 1.403
Saundersst 2,000
Snundcrsst. 220ft
Saunderest.llO It Improved 15,003
Stutli 13thst. COft , , 5,500
South lAth st. 50x150 fi.tlOO
Goorglnave 76x150 2COa
Park av corner 80x140 ImproveJ
Stevens Place.
There Is not an addition In Omnbn thnt can
boat It , nnd we can soli you tin elegant lot
on easy terms. It Is Just the place for a homo.
Acre Property.
110 ncres inside the city limits on ensy
tcrms.Thcre Is money In It.
3 M acres opposite Kountze Placo.
Residence Ixns.
Y s , wo have u large list of vncont and Im
proved In all parts of the city , and can suit
ovorbody who wants to buy.
817 Slovene Bros , 1513 Farnam st
A P. TUKEY. 1324 Fnrnara St. , makes jn.
- * vestments for non residents a specialty
with guaranteed interest or shire ot profits ,
and takes full charge of property ; reference
given. 39H
FOR SALE-Lotin Shlnn'alM addition , with
new 6-room bouso , with pantry und cloa
ets , cistern and good cellar , will gell cheap toi
a few days. Apply or address R.D..29U Cliarloi
FOR SALE-Two largo lots on streetcar line
they Ho beautifully and In neighborhood
where lots sell from (7uO to ( I , HOO , owner Is Bleu
and needs money : this Is a fact. Price ( IOCX
for both , terms easy. Inquire private bouse
401 N 15tt > St. 185 25 ]
RUSH 3c SELDY , 1521 Farnam st , olfer :
03 lots In Carthago. . . $ 75r
35 lots In Lincoln place 7M
7 lots In Orchard hill l.Otx
10 lots In Sheridan place 1,201
15 lots In Portland uluce W
55 lots in lloydB 701
1 lot In Bediordpiacu fi7l
1 lot on State et 1-iV
10 lots on Ixjavenworth st 1,20
100 ft s 10th st.per foot 10
135ft on slOth at per foot , R
10 lots InOkahomu V
4 lots on e loth st 1,30
'WOft on slflth stper foot 10
2 lots in WilcoxZd 65
60 lots In Original plat
1 ! lots In Hush ic Selbys ad V
3 lots In Syndicate 8 0 8i
4 lots In Albrights annex , ,
4 lots Inl'alrmont place
Slots In Patricks
2 lots Inl'addouk place CIB ! P
8 lots lnSnulU2d
Rush * Folby , 1521 Varnnm. 727
DON'T read thU unless you wnnt Bomclblui
that will pay Mgl
Ixt25 , Falrmount I'laee , 60x121 , only ( l-r,1.
IxitH 3s und a'.i , Fulrimmitt 1'lncu. iront on
streets. Room to niuld 4 small eottnvoi , I'o
a f ow days at ( I , Wfor botb. John Oallazhei
_ _ _ _ _ _
IIJMEDIATK Rale will tsko . > fotii oMosTonl ;
5 or blocks from Kxchangu bid an
Union Stock yard * on favorable term * . Slxtuoi
bouics under contract In mmn block. I wan
what they mo worth. I don't want fancy prlee
I want to sell quickly. K. I ) . Urnnch. i.'J
fjlOR KXCII ANOK-WI11 exchange farm Inn
J- In eastern Nebraska for lot in Omuh
and Lincoln. Address Uox 49t , Fremoi.tN'nb
TIHE Apple of My Kye"nome only H blitok ol
Bt Mary's are car line , convenient to but ;
teas , built "not for a day but for all time. "
Bargain * la business property.
List wtb | us for w put them whtr * they kne
bot. Ck * nnimcs jorer 101 South 15tb at
OLUBRPLACMcCtt ueSoo : Agont.
TTKlt PALK-Ixits It and 13 , Mock 4. Kirk-
Jj wood , ( lvu each , X casli , balance 1 and
3 years. Discount for cash , address .Mrs , K.
Roberts , Fort Sherman , Idaho. 30321 ]
W0. SHRlVEIt ,
. Special Hnrgalns , 4 ,
8. fronllolln Myers , Richards * Til-
den's ndd . . . . . . . , $ 700
Sightly K front lot , Kllby Pliu-o . , 1,400
S. front lot on Hamilton nonr 2Vth . 1,800
22 , 44ortvift fronl on Saunders t
nmliou.A .
2 Miuth fronl lot * , corner , on Maple near
Snnndeis . . . . . . . . 3.GOO
RxOJ ? ; ! ft facing on Hurt and Cumtnga
near Sitnndcrs st. with 5 houses , very
ensylerms . , . , . 11,000
3 choice lots on 3jth st Just off of Fnr-
nam , oa t front , for all . 12,000
Cotlagu nnd full lot , east front , -iUh near . 3,1' *
OOtton 18th near Sherman street . 5,000
( M ft on 17th near Paul slrevt . 4.COO
75 fl , ea < t front , on Oeorirln avonuo. . , , , . 9,600
Lot.sln llodfonl Pisco i5 to . 1,00X1
55x155 ft on I/owo nve. near Farnara street l.WKJ
East front In Crosinn . 1,40(1
2 lotsonOass street nonr 3st | , both . . 8.S09
Nleo lot on Hurt nenr 2Mb street . 8,000
Lot In Kllbey Place chonp . . . . . 900
Two ot the finest Uils In Lowe's add ,
cheap nnd easy lerms . . . ,
Two lotsnnd coilnru In Lowe's mill . S.fWO
2 lots In Marsh's ndd , bolh . . . . . . 2 , 00
Good lols in Orchard Hill . .MO
Nlco lol In Reservoir add on Hamilton st l/dO
Fine south fronton llurdettost.near''fllh f.OOO
40 ft on Patrick ave . 1.6M
2 fine south front lots 3 MOCKS beyond
I.nkc St. , near Snunders , both . . . . . . . . . S,900
Full lot , corner , on 20th , with 2 Mores '
and 3 cottngos.for . SMOO
Very easy terms. uau
EliECI'M , arolho oarfc fully llxled btrgalnj
hunted down by Cnko & Hillings. Our sam
ple ease ;
2 lols wllh 2 houses , J. I. Rodlck's sub , only
block from Btteel car linn , 109x13) ft on 1
streets , big money hero for you.
llenuty of Hurllcll , fruit trees , flno View ,
onlrd.500 cash needed.
Cheapest South Omuha stuff on the market.
Como , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , anil
we'll make It pleasant and profUablo for you.
rpENTII Slrcel business properly with traok-
JL age ( iV ) per foot , cheapest ground on the
street Patterson & Moore , Omaha National
Bank. 472
INCOLN PLACE We have lor sale cloven
JJ beautiful lota In Lincoln Place , adjoining
ho Palrluk farm. Rush & Solby , 1521 Farnnm.
LOTS-You can make money on our
CHEAP Lots on the valley north of town. ,
150 lo ( Ji& . Cotno nnd see thorn. Boggs & H1IU
* LOI1ECIC , Members of Omaha
ha Real Estate Exchange , 150'J Fnrnam Bt.
Special HargnlnaCorner Douglas and Tenth
, treels , f21,000 ; ono-fourth cash , rents nt pros *
ml lor ( JiOO.
Twenty-two foot fronton Dodge nonr Thlr-
.eenlh , ll,0 < )0. )
Two lots nnd Ion-room house in J , T. Rcdlok
iub-dlv. . nl (7,500 ; cash (1,700 ; bnlnnoo easy.
Ixt 11 , block , Wesi Cuinlnir ad Jit Ion with
imnll house on easy terms , ( KK ) .
Ten lots In Lincoln Place ( IIVJ to (900. There
, s no better Investment ottered between Duv-
311 port anil California streets on Holt Lino. .
Snrlng Valley Joins the city on the south *
west , two miles west of stock ynrih. Wo offer
aero lots nt ( WO , 1-5 cnsh. Two-thirds of the
addition are old.Our prlco Is lower than any
ncro lots In thiit vicinity , and a largo profit will
bo mndeon the Investment.
Bowling Green Wo continue to sell lot ! In
JowllngOroonat(200foi Inside nnd (250 for
corners. Acron , (550 lo ( Oivi , 1-5 cash , balance
oasr. Howling tlreon adjoins the Patrick farm
and will Incrrae rapidly In vulue.
Nine room houau on Twunly-thlrd street ,
near California , for a short tlmo al (4.000 on
easy terms. Everything In first class order.
Marshall It Lobock , 1509 Farnam.
Telephone 73. 885 24
wants to sell
COLE house , new , good well , outhouso.
ole.,1 block from cabin and 2 blocks fronrhorso
curs , J 1.000 , lorms very easy.
Elegant homo on Virginia avo. , all modern
onvonlnncoB , n bargain nt (7OJO.
2 splendid bargains on California street , Oflr
Hi ! , fronting on both Sherman ave. nnd 17tU at ,
3 houses , is a bargain.
2 6-room houses , new , good well , olstcrn , etc. ,
$4,500 , (2,000 cash , balance lo suit.
Lots 14,15 and 10 , block I , Cotnor * Archer's
add. to South Omnhn At your own prlco ;
Lot 20 , block 6. Orchard Hill $ 000
" 40 lots In Omaha Vfow , (45J up
.j lots In Kllby Place , one n corner 4,000
81x102,10th and Ca tollar 3,600
Lot 4 , block Bl. Omaha View 1,200
20,000 ncros choloo land lo exchange for any
kind of merchandise , horses orealllu.
Como and see us. Cole , 310 S.TOth , Room 1.
FOR SALE There is no part of the city
whore Investments are so eufo as on West
Dodge street , Big money will bo made there.
Wo have : i lots there lor $1,000 , und only ( lStO
cash required to buy them. They nro al
together and will make a beautiful homo for
some one. Shnw & Co. , 670 South 10th St. 828
A NICE house nnd lot near Sherman aro. .
$2.850 , on onsy terms. A. F. Muyne's B ,
E. o'nco. 1408 Dodge. 571
- i
Almost Drowned.
A more serious nccitlont them Lalco
Maimwn has over before had occurred -
yestonhiy. Mr. E. L Smith had bcbn
asked to drive to the Inko to tnko n bar-
bur , by the name of llnnncn , tlicro on
some business. Mr. It. Ii. Weatcott had
go IK' along in the ridu. After they had
transacted their business they procured
n boat to tnko a ridoacross the luke from
Marks' to Kays' landing. The boat wa
n Rinnll shell , hardly hirco enough for the
party. Mr. Smith had pulled the party
across , and after they had looked over
tlio ground at that side of the lake they
started homo. Mr.Vcstcott took the
oars to pull back. When about in tbo
middle of the lake he went to change
places with Mr. Hannon , so ho could row
some , In changing , the boat uuset , ( md
the thrco boys , us well as the boat , wqnt
to the bottom. When Smith came to the
surface ho struck out for the sliorovbjit
was caught by Hannon nnd pulled bock
nnd down. When they came up they
caught the side of the boat and wbro
washed close to the shore , where ( hey
were pulled out. Wcstcott tried to swim
to the shore , but on account of tbo weight , .
of the water in his clothes he sank twice if
and was just going down the third time
when a long plank was pushed out ito
him. Ho grasped it and was pulled"to
the shore. Ho was unconscious nt the
time und had to be rolled on the beach
until ho became conscious. He was
wrapped in dry clothes nnd taken home ,
lie remained nt his home almost nil day ,
but was nblo to be around this afternoon ,
nlthough he compjnlucd of being very
wonk and sick from the eflccts of the
bath. The boys will not go near the
water the next time they go to the lake.
Mnnnwa'rt Dance.
To-nlcht the lirat hop takes place' at
Hotel Mnnnwii. Mr. Clark , the proprie
tor , has kindly granted the request of <
number of persons , who wanted n dance
before the hotel was completed , and < in
consequence it .should be well patronized.
Not alone because it is the initial a flair bf
the kind nt Lake Manawu but , as an > en
couragement to Mr. Clark ; to show him
that the public appreciate Ills efforta
in giving them n fine hotel , -at
WUat will without doubt become
on of the renowned sumtnor'4' sortftiaf
the wont , Some 450 invitations have been
sent out , and the hop will bo attendedby
none but the best class of citizens. The
well-known liavnrian band will furnish
the music and dancing will begin about
8:00 : o'clock Tickets can be obtainedHt
1) . W. Huslmell's , W. W. Chapman's ,
Moore & Kiplingor's and Kudio & Ycna-
winu's "Manhattan. "
O mill buses will leave for the lake from
Main and I'carl streets at I ! road way and
from the Ogdcn and Pmitie : houses.
. . >
m , -r
Tlio Jones Murder C HP. i ,
The old case m which Jones Ls charged
with murder was culled up for trial yes
terday. One of the important witnesses
was absent and the case wunt over , wtb ;
thu understanding that if the witness ar. '
riyed in time the case would bo tried to
day. If not , it will bo continued until
Wednesday of next week.
The public fountains of the city aro"b
ing put in condition for opening up , < Jt
seems that they need yearly repaint , arid
the extent of these repairs cannot b > 'i de
termined only as the work progress * .
As soon no they can bo put in reudiiiMS
for public use , tlio ( troaui will bo turned
on. f.
m . ,
The Dodgn Light Guards nro inaklno f
arrangements for celebrating FourUvpl
July by giving a grand military ball ted
drill. As soon as the prellmfnarioi an
settled they will bo niudo 'public by tb
Hut. , .