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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY MAY 25. 1887. > THE DAILY BEE , fff COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. JiBtllTcrtd by rnrricr In any part of the city at twenty cents per week. H. W. TILTON , - Mana or. ' Tit.KrilONC3i : j'BtPiwrPROrricr. No. 13. C. KKIIIT KIJITOII No. 25. MINOn MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. 'i ' New spring goods at Holler's , tailor. | Additional Council Bluffs news on the iT seventh page. f OTIicrc was a Rociul of the Harmony mis- ' Blon last evening. The popular resort is the Manhattan , 418 Broadway , Hitdio As Vetiawinc. A good girl wanted for general house- L Work. Mrs. II. W. Tilton , BKK ollico. Thco. Lund is preparing to make some improvements on the North Main street tables. Duqettc & Co. expect to get into their new store , thu Bloomer building , about the 1st of Juno. Permit to wed has been given James 1) . Gray , of Uttumwa , Iowa , and Nellie Bedwcll , of Omaha. Jiihtlco Burnett yesterday officiated at the wedding of A. M. Hay and Louise lysrt , both of Omaha. The Union Veteran legion is to attend memorial services in St. 1'aul's church next Sunday evening. The Grand Army of the Republic will attend services at Broadway Methodist church next Sunday evening. Colonel D.iiley was yesterday present ed by E. N. Overtoil a fine hatrack made of nine finely polished horns. The store lately occtipieil by Mr. Jones , on Broadway , as a hardware establish ment , is being thoroughly refitted and greatly improved. Mr. Joseph Uratinn.of Alton , III. , has nrrived hero with the new organ for St. Paul's church. The instrument will be put in place at once. A son of Mr. Corbally , on Oakland avenue , is suffering from the bite of a doc , which nipped him through the hand as ho was plajing near his home. 1. W. Cooper has again irene into Mis old business of sign writing. Ho has decorated the White sou ing machine window with as fine a design as is in the city.Tho The Manawa hotel folks arc fixing grounds for the M. iV K. b.iso ball nine. These grounds are to bo put in the very best possible condition , and it is expected there will be some lively games there this season. Daniel Ferguson , who is emnloyed by Mr. Foster , the florist , is sullermg from a broken 'rib and otiier injuries , us the re sult of being thrown out of his wagon. He is well advanced in years , but it is hoped that ho will rapidly recover. "Grogan's Klcvation" dimv less than a ten dollar house last evening , and those present got their money's worth , for the cash was handed back to them and the play declared off for lack of an audience. The previous evening had proved enough for Council Bluffs. Mike Kildaro , having been lined for disturbing the p.oace. by having a racket with Bill Walters , yesterday caused Wal ters to bo arrested on a like charge. Ho claims that Walters was as much of a disturber as he , and wanted to see a square deal all around. Some of the Omaha rowing association members have looked over the grounds about Lake Manawa with a view of erect ing R club house , the Counuil HI nil's row ing association having offered them the grounds next to their own club house. It is very likely that the proposition will bo nccoptsd and n meeting for that purpose is shortly to be held. A Pointer. We have handled the Quick Meal gaso line stove for years. It has stood by us , and we stand by it. Why do other dealers change stoves every season ? COLK & COLK , 41 Mam street. Had to Pay Him J. G. Tipton wont to Missuri Valley yesterday afternoon and employed ; i gentleman to keep his real estate office while he was gone. The sente.iian ; ! charged him a week's salary , and told him no was letting him offchcnp at that , as ho had done a MON rn's work. Ho said ho didn't propose to contend with the crowd ho did tor nothing , and had no oc casion to wear out his old clothes. ; . Office of Mulholland & Co. , removed to " in under the Citizens' bank. Telephone No. 102. Leave your orders for ice. Personal Paragraphs. ' A. G. Parish , of Emerson , was in the | city yesterday. P. P. Johnson , of Red Oak , was in the city yesterday. R. li. Sinclair , of DCS Moincs , was at ( the Pacific yesterday. H. F. Clarke , of Bellcview , Nob. , was at the Pacific yesterday. N. J. Williams and wife , of Glcnwood , were in the city yesterday. A. G. Parrish , of the Emerson , Iowa , Chronicle , was n welcome caller at the BEG office yesterday. . , J. H. Bogges , 1) . J. llutchinson , Mrs. . Doyle , Mrs. Goshen and daughter , of Shcnandoiih , were in thn city yesterday. lr. C. L. Wright , of Madison. Wis. , was in the city yesterday visiting his friend Ira Hendrieks. He is thinking .strongly of locating here. Mr. Charles Bell , who has been the ac countant at the now United States build ing during its construction thus far , has resigned his position. E. A. Troutman is reported as his successor. Rev. Dr. Cleland , of KcoKuk , formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church hero , surprised his friends and old parishoners by putting in an appearance at the recop. tion tendered the new pastor , Rev. Dr. Phelps. The Rev. G. W. Croft has gone to Cedar Rapids to attend the state association of Congregational churches. Ho will bo absent about ten days. His pulpit hero L next Sunday will bo tilled by an old \l \ friend ot his , Rw. Mr. Weller , of Los r Angeles , an able preacher whom all will * gladly listen to. J. WE. . L. Squire make beautiful 1 abstracts of title , and deserve the sue- r cess they are enjoying. * I EVENING CHATS. u J. G. Tipton says tint at the request of , great many laboring people , like himself - self , who have to labor regular hours , ho 4 has consented to keep his ollico open f from half past suvon until half past eight r > of evenings , so that they may have an op portunity to call on him and talK real eitato. 1 'Lime , cement , plaster , hair , coal , etc. , Council Bluffs Fuel company , No. 5U'J Broadway , telephone . ' Probably Fatal Acolilont. Yesterday forenoon a borious and per haps fatal accident occurred to an old gentleman named Bybuo , who lives in Hazel Del township , of which ho is ono of tha oldest settlers. He was riding to this city , in company with his grand daughter , in a democrat wagon , when , in ( going up the lla/ol Dell hill , the seat , went backwards , throwing the olti gen tleman out. Ho struck on his head , ren dering him unconscious , and the injuries ' com to bo very serious. He was taken ' S k to his home , and at last accounts ha a * in a very precarious condition. TESTING THE NEW ALARM , The Tire Bell Kept Ringing All the Day , THE SM-OON INJUNCTIONS. Detective Vnnnlcp Is Acquitted A Buclilon Until null Narrow KB- cape at Blniiawn Selling Property. A M or I ( in uo .lumper. About a month ago Denuty Sheriff Clattcrbuck arrested S. E. IJurdickon the charge of disposing of mortgaged prop erty. It was claimed that Ktisscll < fe Co. , of Silver City , had n mortgage on Hur- dick's horses and his crops , and that Hurdick sold the property and skipped. After the arrest Hurdick was placed in jail at Carson , but succeeded in breaking out. Since then the olllcers have had thuir eyes open for him , and yesterday Deputy Sheriir Hooker , of Carson , got track ot him , and after a hot chase cap tured him. Hurdick is a jrood runner and bounded over barbed wire fences with the greatest of ease , but was at last run down , but not until several shots had been lired to shake his ner\es. Ho was brought to this city and lodged in the re volving jail , from which he will not es cape ho readily. Hurdick has been in this aort of scrape several times before , but has always before this got out of them. 1'our instances arc recalled , one nbout seven j ears ago , when ho was ar rested for disposing of mortgaged prop erty , gave bail and disappeared. Abofit three years ago ho was arrested on a similar charge , but the matter was set tled. Two years ago J. W. Kodcfer caused his arrest on a similar charge , but this also was settled. His friends arc .said to have tired in helping him out , and will now let him help himself if he can. Testing the Fire Alarm. The tiic bell was riniring all of yester day. There were more lire alarms turned in than on any day in tha history of Council Bluffs , and all of them false ones. This was the result of the testing of the new Richmond lire and police alarm. Chief Temploton , of the lire department , went the rounds and turned in the vari ous boxes , and the police calls. The aldermen were stationed at the several department houses. Aldermen Metcalf and Hammer were at No. 1 and No. 'J , Alderman Wells at No. 4 , Aldermen Keller and Danfnrth at No. 3. Mayor ( Jronewpg was In the city marshal's of fice. where the police calls came in. The test was very satisfactory. Nearly every box came in exactly riglit. There was an error in the bending o box 11 , and box 18 came in with nine straight .strokes , instead of one and then eight. The er rors were slight anil were few , and the officials seemed well satisfied. Thcro has been some talk about the system not being an non-interfering one. When the Gamawcll and the Richmond were contending for the contract the Gamowoll claimed to have n non-inter fering .system , and pressed this point as an advantage over the Richmond , but the committee on examining into the matter found that there was no such thing as a strictly non-interfering system in 110 anywhere. If two different alarms were sent in at exactly the same second , they would interfere by any of the systems m use , but it would not hap pen within the range of probabilities that such a close coincidence should occur. One would be an instant quicker or slownr than the other. The test yesterday was an informal one. The city can now , if the test is deemed thus far fcatjsfactory , accept the system on the conditions of the contract. Hy these conditions the city is to pay ? . " > 00 within sixty days. Then in six months the second payment is to bn made , and the balance to bo paid in a year. The company in the meantime is under $3,000 bonus as a guarantee that the system gives satisfaction for two years. These bonds are to be signed by residents of this county , and although they are not filed yet , must bo filed before any money is paid by the city. In other words the city has ft guarantee covering the system or two years , and has ono year to try the ystcm before it makes its final settle- iiont for it. The Saloon Injunction * . The notices in the new injunction cases tgainst the saloons cause no little stir. The notices are all to the saloons not in cluded in the previous batch. They arc called upon to appear tor a hearing on he 4th of Juno in the district court. I'hcs'o cases are brought before Judge 'arson , Judge Thornoll having had the other cases. The suits have been com menced in the name of a private citizen , Instead of the state , and this citi/en is A. Overtoil. This difference in the form of the action may cause new questions to arise. It is said that tno purpose in thus bringing the suits , was to avoid certain complications arising from bringing of suits in the name of the state. In these latter cases it has to be bhowu that the county attorney either refuses or neglects to prosecute the suits. Then a private eiti/.cn can bring action in the name of the state. The county attorney , Col. Daily , has not been mked to commence proceedings , and has been wholly ignored in the matter. The suits are private ones , so the question of his neglect or refusal will not enter into the matter. These now cases are to bo fought as earnestly and shrewdly as pos sible , but there scorns to bo little clmnro for the defendonts in the district courts. Their only hopes , beyond thnt of tempo rary delay , seems in the federal court , which has not rendered its opinion yet. It is said that some of those who wern proviouslyonjoined have been selling liq uorn , and that they will soon bo served with notices to appear and show cause why they should not bo lined for con tempt. It is daily expected that such violators lators of the injunctions will be brought before the bar. Cheap storage in cither small or car load lots at Nos.SVand''O Pearl street , J. It , SnyJer. Latest improved gasoline stoves at No 504 Main street , \V. A.V ood. The IJotecUvo Free. The trial of Vaunico for obtaining money under false pretenses came to a close yesterday. In the course of the trial it appeared that Vannico had been employed by the Russell manufacturing company to shadow one of its traveling men named Young , who was suspected of playing poker on the road. Mr. Har ris , the manager of the company's busi ness hero , says that the investigation re sulted in a complete vindication of Mr. Young , it apnoaring that some malicious person , desiring to make trouble for Mr. Young , having written an anonymous letter making the charge. Mr. Young was found to bo free from the vice of poker playing , and is still iu the employ of thn company , and fully trusted by them. The jury was out butn short time and brought in a verdict acquitting Vannice. The young man's mother , who has been a close attendant upon the trial , was overjoyed with the result. Drs. Hanchett & Smith , oftlco No. 18 Pearl at. Residence , 120 Fourth st. Tele phone No 10. WALKING SEDAN'S People's Store Have tried all lands of adver tising in newspapers , looks , by hand-bills , signs , circulars , etc , otc. , but the most success ful advertisement they ever put forth is a walking adver tisement. JIavc you seen them ? Of course you have many a time. We refer to thos walking advertisements ro frequently seen on the streets of this city and all over the western coun try in the shape of one of our Suits with a man or boy inside of them. What a splendid advertise ment each one of these : All Wool Suits , $10. We have a lanjc stock on hand and they will talk for themselves. Sea f/tcm. Four Button Worsted & Imported Corkscrew Suits In all Sh : < 1c ? , $12.50 , $ I4,00I6.50I8.00 120 and $22. How they advertise us ! It is true we don't make much on tht S3 goods , but It Is a eat- sfaction every time we see a customer buy one , we know that he is ours. The lit and satisfaction our ilothing gives him will cause him to return for his next suit as well as advise his friends to do likewise. We offer no bait with the hope of selling you something sj when you reach our store. The same principal of BIG VALUE for your money ap plies' to every garment we offer. Our tailor-made clothi g has proven a blessing to man kind ; the high i riced mer- ihant tailor has been com pelled to divide'his trade and give us the largest shaie. Our tailor made clothing arc made by the same men who work in custom shops. In addition we will say that we carry more ready made clothing than all the other houses in the city combined. Don't fool yoitrtlms and money away , come to the Popular Pee ple's Store , where yon act fair and square dealing and more than the value for the money. Beat quality grand army suits with button * thrown In , at $8.5O. < fc GO'S. Peoples' ' Store k 314 316 318 and 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - ' - I A GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa . trail Orders Shipped Promptly. SPECIAL NOTICES. XTOTZCB. PpeclRl advertisement * , uch ai Lost , Fotnd jolxinnFor Biilo , To Kent , Wonts , lioimllnir , to. , will tioliiiortud In thli column Ht the lotr rutuof TEN CUNTS PElt LINE forthe Dm luser- onnnd i''lvoCent rorLlnefoi-ench subiorjuont nsertlon. Lcaro ntlvcrlUomentg nt our offlco Jo. U I'corl strait , near Uroadwar , Counuil Bluff * . WANTS. CTOU SALi : A nlco pony ranro , will ilrl\c Bin- L ( flu or double ami good under mddlu , S. T < 'rcuch , No. 'M 1'enrl elti'i-t. CTHAVr.D-Or Btolen-Two bird dog . Ono O rod ppottrd. Ono rod with nickel plated )1ati > tl ollnr innrkcd "J. H. 1'opiio , Atlantic , a. " Liberal reward for their return to J. H. 'uppo , No. Iril7 Slitli Blioct , Council llluiri. FOR HKNT-Ono office unit ono buslncsi room near the new poctofllce on Ilroaduay , One the room house , $12. U. Mnyno , No. KJ Slxuh nvo. Oil TltADE- goctlon ot good Innd In I.ln- coin county , Neb. , for n stock of hard- aro. Address Odoll llrog. i Co. , No. 10" l'e rl treot. Council HIiifTs , or corner Knrnnm and flth streets Omahii. Foil SALE A stocK gcnornl merchandise In a K od town In western Iowa. A flrst- laps chunco for nnv ono wishing to cnKiigo In uislntaa. HtocK will invoice about $ HOO and will bo sold cheap Tor further Information nquiroot M. K. Smith & Co.Omahn , or N. 0. 'lumps , flrokur , No. 41U liroadway , Counuil ilu irg FOIl SALK-OrTrailo-Sli eectlons of ( food land In Lincoln county , Nub , on U. P. nllwuy. Cull on or nddiii4i Odoll Bros. * Co. , 011'carl et. , Counuil lllutN. NOTICn-WIll pay the highest prlco for first- class cnst-oir Indy'p , Kcnts and children's lotliiiiK , boots , shoe . hats , otc. 1) . Uoldstolu , fos. ! J17 and -"JH lltoudway. House Clrnnlnc s to bo done by nearly all the ladies in he spring. Now is the right time to do this. For adies , it is a disagreeable but unavoid- iblo work , and wo make the ofler to do he most troublesome work of all , that is TO CLEAN THE CARPETS. Vo clean the carpets , velvets , mociuettes , irus.sels , or any other kind of carpets , without taking them up. We guarantee THAT THE CAIU'KT WILL UK PKKFKCTLY CLKAN , THAT THE COLO1IS AUK HPSIOKKD , and that no dust will bo left in the car- ) et. We guarantee our work and refer o prominent parties in this city. Send us a postal card and we will call ipon you and explain in what way our leaning takes place. G. A. FisiiKit. No. G2H Sixth AvenueCouncil Hlull's. REAL ESTATE Vacntit Lots , Lands , Ciiy Bosldonccs find arms. Aero property In western part of city. Ml selllntf'chcitp to raako room for spring Stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Hoora 5 , over Officer & Pusoy'ii Hank , Ccu lllutlg. r E. S. BAItNETT , Justice ot the , Peace , 415 Hroadway , Council Bluffs. lefers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. OFF1CEU < C FUHEY , Council BluffsIowa. Ebtabllshed 1857. Horses Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pair * of fine drivers , sin- pie or do'ible. MASON WISE , Council Bluffs Has a complete line of I * 1 1 IMP I.nrpo hats III white , liliick and nil colors. Pat tern bonnets , huts and toiiuoa , n specialty. No 1514 Douglas st. , Onuilia. C. R. ALLEN , Engineer , Surveyor , MapPublisher Jfo. 11 North Main St. City and county mnpB , of cities nntl counties In western lown , Nebraska and Kunsus. OBESTON HOUSE. The only Hotel in Council Bluffs Haying a fire Escapt.i And All Modern iMprftvements. 215 , 217 and 210Main , St. MAX MOHN Prop. N. Justice of the Peace. Ollico over American Express. The Best and Safest Vapor Stove Made. C. W. Sleeper , licad of St. Marys' Av- enne. DHolmea & Smith , South Omaha. If you are thinking of purchasing acarpet , call on tin. It In a pleasure to show goods and wt have the goods to shotv. We are the only exclusive carpet house in Western Iowa , and and our stock in consequence ts be yond comparison with houses that pretend to be In the carpet bus incss We guarantee to sell all goods as cheap as ( hey can be sold and leave us a small margin. No big prices. Our specialty is Carpets and we can yon glre prices that will surprise you. you.A A fall and complete stork of Drapcrlen and Upholstery always on hand. We also hare the finest line of Ilnyi ever seen in the wcit , i anting in price from RO cents to as many del lars. lars.None None but experienced carpc ktycrs and drapers employed , and all work done under the immediate supervision of our Mr. Stochcrt. N. It. Samples of Carpets 'sent upon application and the very low est prices guaranteed. COUNCIL BLUFFS Carpet Company , No. 405 BROADWAY , CROCKERY LAMPS GLASSWARE , , - AND - FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , NO. 23 MAIN ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : I A. LATEST NOVELTIES In Amber , TortoIscShclI etc.Hair Or unmcnts , aa well as tlio newest nov- elticfiin hair goods. Hair ( foods madcto order Mra.C. L. Gillette 20 Main St. , Council BlullH , Iowa. Out of town work solicited , and all mail orders promptly attended to. THE TROTTING STALLIONS , DR. ARCHIBALD ( Standard No. 2915) ) Sired by Almont No 83 , and "Kcpistor. " ( Standard No. 5813. Sired by U'ramp No. 308. These stallions will make the season of 1887 at the Coun cil Bluffs Driving Park. For particulars inquire of or address. WA1JK GARY , Council Bluils , la. It. RIVE , M. D. Cancers end other Tumors Removed without the knitc or Drawing o Blood. Over 30 vears Practical experience. No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. Star Sale Stabfes and Mule Yards Broadway , Council Uluffs.Opp Dummy Depot § s Horses and mules kept constantlyon hand , for sale at retail or in car load Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SHLUTKK & BOLKV , Proprietors. Telephone No. 114 Formerly of Keil Sale. Stables , corner lit. avo. and 4th street. JOHN Y. STOHC. JACOB SIMS STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at Law , actice in the State and Federal Couits. Rooms 7 and S Shugart-Beno Block. . COUNCIL l BARGAINS IN NEW GOODS Harkness Brothers , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la A large stock of fine white summer goods' and wash fabrics. A New and Fine Assortment of Parasols , Sun. shades and Umbrellas , ALSO A FULL STOCK OF YOUNG LADIES' CORSETS , Summer Corsets and the Noted Little Jersey Corset. CARPET Department is yet well stocked and invites the attention of everyone about to furnish a home. Also oil cloths , matting , rugs , mats , etc. ] ) o not forget the number , No. 4O1 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Telephone 163. o. cr. Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Bin IP * OIHt-c , Maionlc Temple. OnmliH Ofllcc , No 111 \orlli Killi direct. Particular attention given to In venting I'll ml * for lion - renl- dent * . Special bargain * in lot * ft nere property In Omaha iV Coun cil llluflb. Correspondence solic ited. Swanson Music Company , No. 329 Broadway Con neil Bluffs ESTEY PIANOS , GAMP & CO.'S PIANOS , j ALSO PIANOS OF OTHER MAKES. i Estey Organs , Gamp& Co.'s ' Organs and Western CottageOrgans A few comments regarding the Estey Pianos. In every civilized country on tha globe the name of Estt-y is a household word with lovers of music ; it is a guarantee ? for the exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments , bearing tliu name that coin' mands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm. FARM LANDS CHEAP Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from fVOO to $10.00 per aero. School and htato lands in Minnesota on 10 years' time 5 per ent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by . . . - , IE * j- No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Towa , agent for Frcidrikseu & Co. , Chicago. Successors to } HAYS & GLEASON , Commission and Produce Merchants , Dealers In Groccrlen and ProvMon * . Satisfaction Guaranteed * No , 11 > S'oii ( Main Street ,