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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1887)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 25 , 1887. LOWER PRICES FOR WHEAT , . A Blight Decline in Leading Futnres From Monday's Quotations. _ _ _ _ BOTH BULL AND BEAR NEWS. Corn Aunln Weak on Favorable Crop New * Oixti Dull and lAwer Provisions Quiet And Weak- Quotations. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. CuicAfio , May 21. ISpeclal Telegram to tlio UKK. ] Last nlclit , on the curb , the feol- ln | { In wheat was so very strong that the crowd , iintlur Ilutcliln.ton's lead , \vcro pay- fc9tf(3B'Jj ; ( c for June , and 88l , SS3 fc for July wheat This morning they sold a cent lower. Some of the old heads remarked that the curb was seldom so strong that the open- IniC the next morning was weak , yet the nlarm was so general that last night there was wry little realizing. The local rains and showery condition generally Increased the number of realizers at the opening this morning. When It was .seen that the clique was not In the pit this morning , there was a rush to sell by tlie smaller tallere , and great haste to short the market by the big bears. The receipts of wheat 410 cars , n very large liare of which came In over the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul and Chicago & North * western railroads bore out apparently the prediction that the recent rail cut on the big ( rangers was going to bring a great deal of northwest wheat hero at once. At Site , how ever , the Juno option was pegged. There was Just about as much bull news as over for Ihu outside. From Now Orleans 1(53,000 ( bushels of wheat cleared tor France yesterday. At New York an Immense export business was going on , which promised as big results as yesterday's shipments from Minneapolis , only 07,000 bushels made It look as It the talk of Io00,0oo bushels starting from there this week was a big blutT. Then the estimates on to-monow's receipts put the wheat car lots at 17ft , a big fall i ni : off Irom to-day. Now York was lull of sensational stories about the Chicago cage deal , but representatives hurc seem to be taking things comparatively comfortably. July declined tobTJtfc. . August opened at W yc , sold to MXe , and down to H-Ufc , The leading futures closed the morning session from Xc to ; < lower than yesterday. Corn was again weak. Crop reports were all favorable and advices from the corn belt Indicated Increased movement to the con suming markets. There was free selling by miscellaneous longs and at % @Xc decline. The shorts took hold freely , out the market closed tame at 1 o'clock at almost Inside fig ures. July opened at 40Xd$40fa brokn to 40'f'r ' , and closed at that point. September closed at 4'J c. Cats were dull and lower. The decline of jestetday caused by rains and heavy reports ' - seemed to discourage trading. May nnd Juno held their own at the closing prices on yesterday. July declined J < c anil AiiKUSt de clined KC. Alny closed at' > Kc. June opened nnd closed at3nl . August opened at 87c , reached U7 c and closed at ' Jfc. } 1'rovlslons were quiet but weak and prices declined UK ® ' * ' ! on lard and 7 > < fc on short ribs and closed tame at inside figures. The receipts of hogs were largo nnd the Indica tions favored an increased run for to-mor row. There was plenty of product offered but buyers wore conspicuously absent July lard bold at SG.Ti fi.bO and closed at 0.70. July short ribs opened at S7.w : sold to S7.B7K and closed at 1 o'clock at that figure. Mess pork was slow at unchanged prices. SESSION The wheat market was rained savagely on the afternoon board , June selling ; down to 87\'c ; and July to Hie. Juno closed at 8"Kc and July at bG/c The excitement occasioned by the raid was heightened by arrangement of the machinery of the "indicator , " which made It appear that the market had broken He In thirty sec onds. For once the crowd was too much for the clique , and took the market awav from It. Corn was easy ; June , ! Wjfc bid ; July , 40c : August 4U4'c bid. Oats were easier ; May about B5Jfc ; Juno. ! ' ' < ; July. 87c asked. Pork remained at S2U.OO for cash ; In May or June there was no trading. Lard was quiet and steady , closing at 80.G2W for May , 80.03 for Juno and 80.75 for July. Snort ribs closed at 2 } c lower , or at S7.17 } for May , 97.15 for June and $7.25 for July. CHICAGO M VIS STOCK. CHICAGO , May 34. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.I CATTLE. business was rather slow and there was but little or no change In values as compared with Monday , If anything a shade lower as a general average. Stock on sale was better than Monday , and wai selling within the same range of prices. The receipts consisted of about 6,000 natives anil 8,000 Texans , the latter selling lodlta lowc than Monday. Native butchers' stock Is on the down turn. From this tlmo along untl the close of the Texan season all manner o bulls , cows and holfers will have to be bough cheaper In the country to make any money hero. The stocker and feeder trade was again dull. Tlio sales made are barely worth mention Ing. The pens were overcrowded with veul calves. They are selling at whatever prlcer salesman can not. Shipping steers , l. : 0 U 1,600 Ibs. . S4.ti.r > @ 4.55 ; 1,200 to 1,850 Ibs , * 4.104.50 ; 050 to 1.200 Ibs. . S3.1KX24.30 stackers and feeders , 33.WX54.10 : cows , built and mixed , S3.OOQ3.bO ; bulk S3.CO@a.OO : slop fed steers , 54.50 : Texas erassers , S' . ' . 8.25 ; feed cattle , 83.3X34.05. lions Husmess was active with a sligh upturn at the opening , later down again and closed about a nlckle higher com pared * with that of the cluse yester day. The Tobey A Uooth sort cost 85.05 ( < . t.r .10. A load or two of fancy heavy sola at S5.1S } ; < { 5.15 ; light light , 84.40 ( $4.50 to average about 140 Ibs. ; lieht assorted averaging 100 Ibs. or better , 84.70 ( < 4.75 ; York ers averaging 100 Ibs. and under , 84.85 < < t4SW. IjlVK STOCK. Chicago , Mav 34. Th Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : CattlewJteecipM. 3,000 , ; slow and un changed ; shipping steers , S3.iKX34.55 ; stockursand feeders , S2.bO(34.10 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , * -J.OOSA80 ; bulk , S'J.OOQJ.OO ; Texas cattle , S3.lKKJt4.50. Hogs Receipts , 18,000 ; opeened fie higher and closed weaker ; rough and mixed , S4.0004 4.C.packing ; and shipping , I4.05Cg5.20 ; light , S4.MKif5.00 ; skins , JfS.50$4.50. SheoD Receipts , li.OOO ; stronger ; natives , i3.00@4tO : ; western. S3.50@4.SO ; Texans , * 2.25&i.bO ( ; lambs. 14.5005.75. The Drovers' Journal special cablegram from London quotes smaller supplies and prices one-half higher ; best American steers , dressed , MXil per Ib. National Slock Yard * Bast St. Ixmle. III. , May W.-Cattle-Heceipts , 3 000 ; shipments , COO ; easleronTexans andashado stronger on natives : choice heavy native 8tMr8.S4.4 ) < X < J4.liO ; fair to good shipping steers , 83.WXiM.85 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , 83.40(34.30 ; feeders , fair to good. 83.10(3 ( 4.00 ; stockers. fair to good , 92.1X33.10. Hogs KKcelpts. 3,400 ; shipments , 700 ; a shade stranger ; choice beary and butchers , 84.115(35.10 ( ; packing , falrr to good , 84.MM3 4.00 ; Yorkers , medium to prime 84.COXg4.70 ; pigs , common to good , 84.00(34.18. ( Kantian City , May S4. Cattle Receipts , 3,300 ; shipments , 700 ; weak and shade lower : common to choice , 83.75Qf4.45 ; stockers , 82.60 @ 3.8u. Hoirs-ltPcelptK , 12,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; opened weak , closing firm and moderately ac tive ; common to choice , 84.15 4.75 ; skips and pigs , S2.5O34.10. F1NANOIAU NKW VOIIK , May 24 , [ Special Telegram I to the Ur.K.I STOCKS The stock market 1 was active to-day and from the opening the course of prices was In favor ot belne bear ish. The severe raid of yesterday made buy ers cautious and served to frighten a good many timid holders tuto selling. St. Paul & Duluth again electrified sellers with a sharp advance , but after a gain of 3 per cent It quickly dropped back to the openlne price. The feature of the day , however , was heavy and there was a continued selling of long stock. Vanderbllt'i and ( rangers were of fered so freely thtt the bulls made no at. tempt to oppose the downward tide. North western broke 1 per cent , and the report was that a good many people , who have been Identified with the long side heretofore , were telling oat Caiumwk was reported to ha > been a largo seller of Cake Shore , and In fact allot the largo bpeiators were repreiented ni favoring a drop In the market Connor , Cnuld's broker , was a large seller , and he claimed that he was going out ot the market for a while. There was nothing new about rate cutting from the west , but the situation was regarded as critical and not much hope was entertained that the managers at their Thursday's meeting would be able to com promise matters. The latest London prices were all olT X to 1 per cent , exercising a de cidedly weakening Influence on Vandcrbllt's and the Trunk line stocks. At noon the market was soft and the feeling very bearish , sales to noon bring 118,000 shares. During the afternoon the market dragged heavily , nearly everything sagging off more or less. The news from the west was more than ever bearish , the tradio manager of the Durllne- ton A Northern being quoted as saying that on June 1 that road would reduce the rates an all classes ot business between Chicago and St. Paul 40 per cent At the close the market was weak at a slight reaction from the lowest point of the day. Thu total sales were about 225,000 shares. OOVEKXMKXTS Uovernment bonds were dull but steady. YESTEIIDAY'S QUOTA.TtON'9. MOXRT ON CAM. Easy at 3J < @ 5 per cent ; closed offered at 4 per cent. ritiUE MEHCANru.K PAPER 50 ( ( per cent. STKHM.NO EsritANOi : Dull and un- chanced ; 54.85 > f ( jl.bO for sixty day bills , and Sl.bT i for dcmatid. 1'llUUUCfc } MAKK1ST. Chlcnco. May ! il. Kollowln' < quota tions aiethe 2:30 : closing ligures : t Flour Firm and unchanged ; winter wheat tlour , 84.2.ra4.iO ( : : southern , S4.10 ( 54.0 ; Wisconsin. S4.20Q4.30 ; Michigan soft aprlne wheat , S3.70c 54.30 : Minnesota bakers , S3.704.JO ! ; patents , 84.50i.8.J : low srrades , 81.l 5Coy2. 5 ; rye Hour , quiet at SS.85QB.4U ; In Barks and barrels , S3.70. : ! Wheat Weaker feeling : Juno opened % a higher and closed laC oelow yesterday. July opened l * < c hi lier and closed IJffc be low yesterday ; cash , Sryfc ; June , 87 c ; July , 80c. Corn Weak ; opened Ji'c lowo. " than the close yesterday and closed , @ % lower ; cash , 37j c : Juno , 38Kc ; July , 40c. Oats Advanced warly , but larer lost , ad vanced and closed firm ; cash , 25Jfc ; June , 26' < c ; July. 27c. kye-Dull at 5fa. llarloy-'Nomlnal at 57c. Tlmotliy Seed Prlmi' , Sl.72dl.70. Flax Seed-81.121.13. Whlsky-81.10. Pork Steady and unclianRrd ; cash and June , 2.1.00. Lard Quiet but steady early , later de clined ; cash , 50.C2J. ; ; June , 86.65 ; July , Uulk Meats-Shoulders , 85.60 5.70 ; short clear , S7.60@7.C5 ; short ribs , 17.15. Butter Drooping ; creamery , 13 > , @ 17c ; dairy , 12@16c. Cheese Dull ; full cream Cheddars , 9TO ( tlata , 9 ( < 510cif ; young Americas , 10 ; skims , 6C < iOc. IIIdes-Unchangedheavy ; green salted 7)c ; llebt do , 75ii ( 8c ; salted bull hides , 6c ; green salted calf. 80 ; dry Hint , 12l3c : dry calf , 13@14c ; deacons , 40ceach ; dry salted , lOc. Tallow Weaker ; No. Icountry , 3Xc ; No. 3 , 2jfc ; cake , SKQJ C. C.Kecolnfs. Kecolnfs. Shipments. Flour , bbl * . 21.COO 80,000 Wheat , bu . 102.000 15,000 Corn , bu . 198,000 Oats , bll . 268,000 206,000 Hyebu . 1,000 4,000 Barley , bu . 18,000 4,000 Bt.Loula. May 24. Wheat- Weak and lower : cash , 88c ; June , Sfic. Corn Weak ; cash , 37Jfc ; June , .Tfi' c. Oats Weak ; cash , 27kc ; June , 27'c. Pork Firm at 815.50. Lard-S6.45. Whisky-Steady at 81.05. Butter Quiet and easy ; creamery. ITQISc ; dairy , i3@lCc. Afternoon Board Wheat Weak and lower ; June , 80 > c ; July , 82 % 8a8'c ; Au gust. Ki ! ; H2 c. Corn-bull and easy. Oats -Very diflet.Olty. Olty. May 24. Wheat-Quiet ; No. 'i red , cash , and June , 71c bid. Corn Lo wer : No. 2 , cash , 33c asked ; May. ! i3c bid , 83) ) < fc askea : June , ' Oata June , 38 > c asked. Liverpool , May 24. Wheat Firm ; demand poor ; holders offer moderately. Corn Dull and unchanged ; new mixed western , 4s > d per cental. Now Orleans , May 24. Corn Easier ; mixed , 51 @ 52c ; yellow , 54@55c ; white , 50 ® 57c. Oats-Quiet and weak at 30@3CKe. Corn Meal Dull and lower at 83.35@3.40. 11 OK 1'roducts Easier but not nuotably lower : pork , 816.50. Lard-86.5006.02W. ' Bulk Meats Shoulder ! , 85.70 ; lone clear and clear rib , 87.25. N w York. May 24. Wheat Receipts. 248,300 ; exports. 192,000 ; spot tirm ; options opened a shade better , later ruled easier and declined K ® Inclosing heavy at bottom rates Corn Hecelpts , 147,000 ; exports , 21,000 ; spot steady and more active ; options Jl&Jio lower , closing heavy ; ungraded , 47 48 > ic : No. 2 , 47X@472t'c , In elevator ; 48c canal afloat ; June closed at 47 % ; . Oats Steady ; market M@Kc lower and moderately active ; mixed western , 34@36c ; white western , 33C442c. Petroleum Steady ; United closed at OSJ o. Eggs Dull and weak ; western , fresh , 12 ® 12Wc. Pork Dull and weak. Lard A shade lower and dull ; western steam , spot , Jd.UT . Butter Dull and heavy ; western , 12O18 } < c. Cheese Dull and declining. Milwaukee. May ! M. Wheat Higher ; cash , 83c : Junn , SJ' ' c ; July , 84 > < c. Corn Weak ; No. 3 , : t7c. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , white , SOc. Itye Higher , at f > 9c. Barley Strong : No , 2 , 57c. Provisions Quiet ; portc , May , 814.50. OlmclBnatl , May 24. Wheat Strong and higher ; No. 2 red , 87@b7Xc. Corn Dull and lower ; No. 3 mixed. 41c. Oats Weaker ; No. 2 mixed 2l30c. Hye-FIrm ; No. 2. 66c. Pork-Firm at 815.50. Lard-Firm at 86.55. Whisky Steady at S1.05. Mlaneapoilsj , May 24.- Wheat Active and strong ; No. 1 hard , cash , 8l > { c ; June , bljfc ; July , 83Vc : No. 1 northern , cash , 80Kc ; June , boVc ; July , b3tfc : No. 'J , northern , cash , 78Uc ; June , 78c ; July , $ OX < s. On track : No. 1 hard , 82Jic ; No. 1 , northern , 81 @ 82u ; No. 3 northern , t < 0c. Flour Firm ; patents , | 4.45c$4.55 ( ; bakers' , ta.WQ3.60. KeceiDta Wheat.148.400 bu. Shipments Wheat , 87,000 bu ; flour , 15,000 bbls. OMAHA HVlTsTOCK. Tuesday , May Si. Cattle. The run of cattle was liberal to-day , and as compared with yesterday , there was a gain of 400 head. The market was lower but fairly active , considering the heavy run of stock. Ilogi. The receipts of bogs were heavier than fox several months past. There were a few loads sold earlv In the moraine , before U was known that the receipts were so heavy , at nearly yesterday's prices. The general market , however , was 5 < rtlOc lower. The market was active at the decline , and every thing sold readily. . Sheep. There were a few In , but none reported sold. Receipts. Cattle , l.soc Hogs. . ,7,100 Shttp , . . . > 20t Prevailing Price * . Showing tlio prevailing vtlcea paid for live fllockon this market : Choice steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs..84.15ftt.05 Choice steers , 1100 to 13.V ) Iba. . . 4,00@4. ' 0 Fat llttlo steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 8.tXX ; .00 Kxtrachoicecowsamlhclfors. . . . 8.40M3..W ( looiltocliolcocorii.fcdcows. . . . 3.l.Vic.1.iO : Common to medium cows S.lXK n.lO Uootl to cholco bulls 2.7. ' > M3.10 Light and medium hoes 4.3 < X < ( .40 Uoml to choice heavy hogs A.M H.m Uood to cliulcu mixed hogs 4.40 ( < t4.W Ileprcscntntivo Sales. Live Stock Sold. Showing the number of lie s and cattle boiiL'ht by the luadiiiK buyers ou to-day's market : Anirlo-Amerlcan Packlnc Co 4,011 U. II. Hammond & Co 4iO : Llpton 05' ! Chicago racking and 1'rovlston Co 7-JH Total 0,7 i Held over CATTI.I : . ( . 11. Hammond t Co 55S Lobinan it Kothchild llh W. It. Wilson 47 Williams & C 10 Local 13 Total 7M Left over Shipments. Showlnsr tlio number ot ctttle. hos and sheep dhlpp.'d Irom the yards during tue day. CATTLE. No. cars. lit. Dcst. 17 K. 1 Chicago 5JI C. , H. Q Chlcaco 1 C. , 13. &Q 1'erclval , la HOOS. 7 . .K. I. Chicago All sales ot stock in this market are made percwt. live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead ho ssellat Jfc per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or hogs weigliinc less than 100 Itis. no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDS. and stags 80 Ib-i. by the nubile lus uotor. tilvo Stock Notes. A big day. A heavy run. Hoes all sold. t&Cattlo lower. Hogs take a drop. J. Warner , Herman , was in with two loads ot hogs. F. P. Van WIckel , of Kennard , was In with one load of ho.9. S. S. Soars , Aurora , was at the yards with three loads of cattle. I. Manlon , Wabasli , was here and marketed two loads ot hogs. John K. Kogcrs , Wabasb , was among the visitors at the yards. J. Uoodall , Dewltt , inrne In with a load of hods and two loads of cattle. H. Smith and and A. Alldritt , Friend , sold four good loads of cattle on the market Mr. Ta > lor , of Taylor & Weyant , Silver City , la. , came In with two loads of lioxs. . Lancaster and W. V. Lancaster were in with ten loads of cattle and two loads of hogs. II. Ford , Hromtield , a frequent shipper to the yards , was here and sold two loads of hogs. J. V. Wedergreene topped the market with a load of UlH-lb barrows from his yard at Oakland , Neb. Mr. Thompson , the well-known shipper from Council Bluffs , was here and marketed a load of hogs. . K. W. lilack , the well known shipper of riattsmouth , was in with two loads ot hogs and one load of cattle. J. Farrell , a North Demi feeder , was here and marketed a load of cattle. Sixteen head averaged 1'i'X ) , and sold for 84.00. T. 13. Herd , manager Lance Creek Cattle company , was In with ulcht loads of corn-fed western cattle from the feed yards at Central City. One hundred and forty-three head averaged 1'J.VJ untl brought $4.20 , the top of the market. It Is to be doubted If in the history of these yards there was ever as heavy receipts of nogs that were all sold before night. There have baun heavier receipts on a tew occa sions , but never was there as good a market at the same time. Notice was given to the commission men that O. A. Dorranco has been appointed to act in the place of the president of the stock yards company. This will relieve Congress man McSliano ot looking after all the details of the business. I. M. Jones was in with a load of hogs be longing to O. M. Scars , a very successful breeder ot Poland China hogs at Aurora. There were 57 liojs , which averaged 807 pounds , and brought S4.G5 , the top of the market. It pays to have good hogs. 1) . Guerney , Alma , was In with five loads ol corn-fed cattle that had been dehorned when placed In the feed lots. The object was to make them feed more quiet. Mr. Ourney Is very much pleased with the experiment , and has reason to bo proud of hl success. They were about the linest bunch of cattle seen In these yards In a Ionic time. They were sold to the Hammond mend packing house at terms withheld at the request of the purchaser , OMAHA WaOLKSALE MAUKET8 General 1'rotlucc. Tuesday , May 24. The /olfouiuijT prices are for ruiuul lati of produce. < ix sold on tne market to-aav. uEaos The egg market has been somewhat unsettled this week. As the receipts have not been heavy , the dealers have been trying to put the market up from He to HKc. Only a few single case lots are going at Hxc , while the bulk is moving at He. BUTTKit Choice butter Is being sold at 14 @ 15c. whll good butter Is eolne all the way fromlO@12Kc. Common butter is being sold at G@3c. Local fanners and dairymen are bringing In a eood deal of good butter , whlcl they sell direct to tbe retail trade , and which cuts off considerable trade from the coin mis sion houses. There Is little or no accumula tion , as shippers are taking all the surplus stock. Poui.Tiiv Old fowls are bringing a little better prices on account of the lleht receipts Good large fowls have sold very readily a * 3.w ; per dozen and in some Instances were higher. A few sales of BumH atock nave been made at 83.25. There htv ! been n few spring chickens In , but thpv are too small yet to sell well. The best 91 tbem do not niovo very readily at sirAS4.0 : . . . PorXTOKS Thorq nrq.yery few potatoes of any kind coming In , ( Jbodhome crown stock Is selling as hlitli as.31.0i . ; per bushel for small lots from the store. Cat lots move readily at RXiWc. New pot.itoes nro higher , owing to the .short crop south , and ure selling at 35.00 ( g5. SO per barrel. ONIONS The marketjls well supplied with nnw slock at S4. : > 0 ( < per barrel. Ntw Vr.OKTAiiLViH Lettuce , which has been very .scarce. Is hotf moru plentiful. As- jinrasus and spinach fire being supplied di rect to tbe trade by the local gardeners. Prices are generally lower. Top onions , per dozen bunches , IJC't c ; radishes , per dozen bunches , 20@S.jc ; lettuce , . ' ! 0c ; pieplant , per Ib. 2Kc : cueumbenj wir dozen .We ; oyster plants , per dozen , 30@fye ; wax beans , per K bushel box , S2.M : string beans , per , < bushel box , Sl.Ki&l.AO ; peas , per & bushel box , Sl.OO ; Caiilnlowor , pcrdoz. , Sl.'oft'-.OO ; new beets , per doWe. . I , KMO.NS Messina , choice , per box 14.50 (35.00. ( OiiANor. < ! Mediterranean sweets , sn.5va ( H.7r > ; Menslna lni | ( rl\l : , fancy , 4.50 ; Sau Gabriel , slnglo box lots , S3.00 ; San ( labrlnl , 5 box lots. S2.8A ; Klverslde , 14.00 ; Paper Kinds , 83.50. SJTR.vwiiKnutKS The receipts are liberal and the market lower. Choice St. Lutils home-grown stock , POT case , S5.MXai.00. BANANAS Largebuuches , per bunch , 13.50 @ 4.50. Cnr.iiitiKs There arc a few California cherries on the market which are sell'ne ' at Si25i ( < : UjO per 10-lb. box , according to the bl/.o and quality of the fruit. TOM ATOHS There aie a fnw southern tomatoes on the market ; 10-lb. boxes , Sl.oo. PROVISIONS Ham , lie ; breakfast bacon , rib. lOc : breakfast bacon , plain , 10'ic ' : dry salt sides. K9Wcj dried beef , regular. 10 Mile ; dried beet , ham pieces , 13c : lard , .W-lb cans , 7c ; 20-lb cans. Fairbanks , 7'c ' * ; 10-lb cans , Fairbanks , 7c ; Mb cans , Fairbanks , 7 ; ' c ; 3-lb cans. Fairbanks , 7Kc- General Markoti. \AitMisiiK9 Batrels , per gallon ; furni ture , extra , 51.10 ; furniture. No. 1. Sl.OO ; coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 91.90 ; Da- mar , extra. 81.75 * Japan , 70c ; asphalt urn extra ste : shellac , 33,10 ; hara ol linlth , SI ISO UBV PAINTS White lead , 7c ; French zinc , 12c : Paris whiting , ajfc ; whiting , gilders , SJfc ; whiting , com'l , IMC : lampblack , ( ! er- manstown. 1'Jc ; lampblack , ordinary. Be ; Prussian bliio,55c ; ultramarine , l 'o ; vandyk- brown , He ; umber , burnt 4c ; umoer. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , gonulno. * > ? Paris erccn. com mon. 23" fhrome grPC ! ! . N. V. . ' 20c ; Termlllion American. Ifc : inaian rav nd butnt umber , I n > cans , iiw ; raw and burnt sienna , ISc ; vandyke brown , l."c ; refined - fined lampblack I2c : coach black and irory blacU. 16c ; drop black. ICc ; Prussian onto , 40e : nltramarino black. iSe ; cliromo crcen.L. , H. A D. . 16c ; blind and shutter crei'ii , L. . M. A D. , lOc ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian red , 15c ; Vunetlan red , IV" " ! Tuscan , iMc ; American vermllllon , L. & D. , 20o ; yellow ochre. 2c ; U M. & O. I ) . . I'VJ ! good , ochre. 10r : oatnni dryer. So ; graining color , light 0 k , dark o : k , walnut , chestnut and ash. 1'Jc. Ur.uoRAND t > iiEMic\i. ) . Ae d carbolic , c c : acid tartarlc , 5'Jc ; balsam copaiba , per H > , M > c ; bark sassafras , per Ib , lOc ; calomel , , . oil , castor , No. i , per gal. , 81.50 ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , J1.400ll ; olive , per gal. , 81.40 ; oil orivanunm , 50c ; opium , $1.50 ; quinine. I' . A W. and K. A S , , per oz. iOc ; potassium . . , 6'ifp ; whitfl lead , St. Louis , purec ; Mur- sellloii , grcnn. 1 Ib cans , tic ; Kronen zinc , crecn seal , 12c ; Frt'ncli zinc , red seal. He ; Frenrli zinc. In varnish ast. . 20c ; Fenca zinc.T5c : Termillloh. Knglish , In oil , 7.x : ; rod. IOc : rosn plnk < ' 14cj Venetian red , Cook- son'rt , SJi'c ; Venetian rod , American. iKc ; red lead , ? Kc : chrome yellow , genuine , dc ; chrome yellow , K , We : ochre , rochollo. : ! c ; ochre. French , 2 c : ochre , American , IKc ; W inter's mineral , . 2 > n ; l.onigh mown , 2Kc ; Spanish brown , 2 > < c ; t'rlnco's rclneral , ( Sreen butchers , 5'fQOc ; grcon cured. 7c : dry flint. iii ( 12c ; drv salt , 8 10c ; freer , calf skins , . He ; damaged wes , two-thirds price , Tallow-SJfc. Grrase- Pnmo white. " cyeuow ; 3 c ; brown , -Jc. Sheep Pelts. 2."xat5c. ; 188 proor , 8A10 per wine irallon. Kedlstllled whiskies , 81.OOM1.50 ( Jin , blended .503 iMX ) ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.00(90.00 ( , Ken tucky mid Pennsylvania ryes. 8iOO , < { 0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 81.soa3.0o. lirandles , imported , 85.00@s.50 ; domestic , 81.K033.00. ( iins. imported , 84.50 040.00 ; domestic , 81.25rd3.oo. Champagnes , Imported , per case 828oo@33.00 ; American , red case. 810.004J16.00. HEAVY llARnwAitK iron , rate 83. ) ; plow steel specla'cast,4Hccruulblo8teel'iXc ! ; ; east tools , do , J2OW wagon spokes , pei set , 13.00(33.50 ( ; hubs , per set , 11.25 : telloes. aweddrr. 51.50 ; tongues , each. 80c : axols. iach.75c ; square nuts , per Ib. 01CJ71C : cell 14.76 ; Burden's mule shoes , $1.75. Barbed wire , in car lots , 5f4.0 ( ) p r 100 Ibs. Nails , rates 10 to 50. 8UO : steel nails. 82. o. Shot,81.35 ; buckshot , 81/X ) ; iiazatd powder , tegs , 85.00 ; do. half kegs , 82.75 ; do. quarter kegs , 51.50 : blasting , kegs , 52.10 ; fuse , per 10 'eet ' , C5c. Lead bar. S Grocer1 * f/ist. PICKLES Medium , in bbH , 88.00 ; do. In half bbls , S4.50 ; small. In bbls , 80.00 : do , In lalt bbls. 85.00 ; gherkins. In bbls , 810.00 ; do , In halt bbls. 85.50. ON 3O DAYS1 TRIAL. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS Has a Pad different tram all others. i cup fhapo. with HIf. uljnstlni ; tlalllnctntcr.odapbi ll.clf to all p * > ltloiia ot Ibe xxiy wtlllc" " > ball i thcup resses back the Intea- ines fuat as a person SCIENTIFIC URING 1420 MORTH- 1 WESTERN RAILWAY. The only road to taka for DCS Molncn M"i\r- ihalltown , Cedar HopldsCllnfn , Dlrun , Chlca- KO , If llwaukec and U | x > Int8rVHt. To tbe pno- nle of Nebraikn , Cplqtarto , Wyoming , Dt h Idaho , Nevada , Oretron/ Washington anil Cnll- fornla , It oI ( r § uporlor 'advantairei not posil- hie by any Other line. < . Amonira few or the numerous polnU of iu- porlority enjoyed by the patrons of tbls roud between Omaba and ( "bloano , are Its two trains ndnr of DAY COAI.'HES , wblcb are the Ilne t tlmt human an and laifonulty can create. Its PALACB8LB8PINO CAUS , which are model * of comfort and eleirance. Its HAH IX ) It DKAW- INO HOOM OAKS , unniirimssed br any , and Its widely celebrated PALATIAL niNlNO OAKS tbe wjual of which cannot bo found elsewhere At Council BlutTs the trains of thoUnlon Puclflo Itr. connect In Union Depot with tbos * of the Chicago * Northwestern Hy. In Chicago th * trains of this line make close connection with those of all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbna , Indianapolis. Cincin nati , Niagara /alls , Buffalo. I'lttsburs-.Toronto , Montreal , Boston , New Vorx. Philadelphia , Baltimore. Washington and all points m the east , aak for a ticket rla thn If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket atronts tell tickets via this lino. H. HUOHITT. I. P. WILSON , QeoL Maoatcr , Oenl Paw'r A < ent 680' - ' W. M. BABCOCK. IU-L. a BOLLM. Western AKent. City 1'ass'r Actal. Omaha , Nebraska. LINCOLN , NEB , Ten Ilallroaut , ami more nro cornier. ISO Trnmn Dally. State unlTCrtltr Unlterclty , State Or' ' tnl. iln.tof the tliiflnpM Iot barn doubted In price In the last 13 month * . Aero-land , within ? miles of the city Jnerrniol over two hundred percent. Lincoln It the urmtmt Railroad Center of lt "k-e In Uif world , llriik hlni'k | u\r Sto'.M'Crront. | Vacant nts havr averaged 1W per cent per annum on first " 'i.lnroln ' in HKre trtl lrlbntlnir point. Some whole- idle tie ilen hnrermde princely fortune ItulldlnKfiKolnir up Hi all direction' . llu lne nsn- frallj Bond. Bnnkeri , retail merchant * . mechanics , etc. , getting rich. _ A. J. OBOPSEY & CO. Itooin .11 , ItloliartlN Hlofk , esf Est ate Agents & Loan Brokers Hare for alc brick block" , bn ines < lot' , all Hindi of real e tnle. 1 , 2 , ft , 10 , J , 40 , ffl , i.M iul OW aero tracn faring niid cheap Innd * . AIO.NHY I.OANKP. INVESTMKNTS MAllK. IlKFKUK.NCl&fe-PlMt Hnd Lincoln Nation BunkvioTernor Th aTcr , JmUo fobti , Her. Dr. 0. Crclfihtnn , l.tucoe Haiilnr S. M. Cnllora , llllno and Hon. II i-rlni In tUn n CHICAGO SHORT UNE - OF TUB The Best Haute from Omaha and Council Bluff * to THE E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun cil Bluffs Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidi , Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubtique , Davenport , lgint Madison , Janeeville , Deloit , Winona , La Crosse , And ai ! other Important points Bast , Northeait and Boutbeaat. For tarough tickets call on the Ticket Agent htltOI Farnam iilreet , ( in Paxton hotel ) , or at Union Pacllo Dojiot. Pullman Hleeporn and the finest Dlnluif Cars bl the world are run on tbe main lines of the CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & Sr. PAUL KAH.WAY , and erery attention Is paid to psnengers br rourteoosemptojes of the company. 1C Mit-LBB. General Mnnasrer. J , F. TDOUB , Asslttatit General Manacer. A. V. B. CAHPEKTEK , General PaMn er and TlrketAcent. GEO. i : . Hr.Aironn , Assistant O o ral Ps > icriFnr and Ticket Agent. J. T. CLAIIK , General Buutrinttn-tut , Omaha Jotters' Directory. Agricultural Implements. CUUllVllILL VAKKKtt , WholfiiU Dctltrln Arrlcnltnral Implement * , Wngoni , n4 nnfilri. Jnnti > trf U b two n Wth nai01hOni h . N b. e MKTCALF co. , Agricultural Implements , W iioinC rrlm > i , rtvinln , lie. , WhoUnalr , Om3k . Whole tile Denier * In AgricnHHral linplcruonts , ff fen nd Bunln. 001 , Wt , W6 indtOT , Jan * ! it Artitt $ ' HaterM- . _ " "JfTJlOSPK , , fti. , Artists' Matrrlals , Pianos and Organs , ; M3 Douiilns Builders' Hardttart end Scales. HLVEltA UGH C TA I'LOJJ , Buildcrs'HardwareiVScalo Ucpnlr Rhop Mochtnlce'TooliHtiJ Hufftlo ! . 1106 loul IU , k ( > m li , Ntt > . Boots and Shots. "JUKERWAN HA\D "SEWED SHOE COMf AXT , M nu ( ctur r § and WbolcuU niln ID Boots nnd Shoes , Complete ttock of Ribhar Uooili nlwiyi on bin * Mfc 8.13th it. , Om li . Neb. A. T. Auitln. An nt. w. r. MOUSE ee co. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. 1411 F rn m t. , Omnha. N b. Minufuctorj , Bvimm i treet. Uunton. , T. LIXDSEY 4 CO. Wholesale Rubber Boot * and Shoes Klllilior nnil Olll'd DIothlllK Rlltl 1'clt lluot * ud bhoci , tioutbcaat Coruer lith and DouglM. Beir , Jlf. KEATIXO , . for Anheuser-Bush Brcwinp Ass'n Special llranJi. Fault , Bndwelier nnd Erlaniier. STORZ tC ILER , Laffor Beer Browci'Si 1S1 North 1Mb Street , Omnba , Neb. Butchers' Tools. LOUIS HELLER , Hutchers' Tools and Supplies , Sauiogo Cailuxi of all kinds alwajilu atock. Hit Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLARKE BROS. C CO. , Omaha Corrto and Spice Mills Tea.Oottrtt , Pplce . llaklnK I'owder. Flirorln tracla , Ijiucidry Illua. ink. Kic. lilt lOllarce/ Street , Oamh/i. Nab. GATES , COLK A MILES , Homo Coffee and Spire Hills M'f'sr Co. CoITceRegular * and Pplou OrlTulor * . tlanafaiturerf of llaklni ; I'owdcr , KUtorlnv lOitrnrt' . Illulng. Ktc. Try nne ca of iiur 1-Tk pitcknve Home Ulend Koattvd Cornice. EAGLECORK1CE WORKS , John Epencter , 1'rop. Marnfneturer nf Galvanized Iron nr.-l Cornice , OH Dodge and 103 and 10& N , 10th it. . Omaha , Neb. D BOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Window * , Klna'.MciallcSkllKlitvtc. ' 3108. 12tu it. , Ooiaua. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spccht , Prop. Galvanized Iron Cnrolem , etc. Sprct' Improved Pafr ent Mitallckrlleht. ( . MH and 610 8. IVtli at..tmah ) . Carpets. O HAIFA CARPET CO. , Jobbirs of larpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , BUSTS , Mnoleunis , Mattings , Etc. Ull Douglai itroet. S. A. OKCJtARlT Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Matting § , Curtain Ooodi , Kto. 1O3 Farnam btreet , Omaba. Neb. Crockery and Notions. Agent for the Itauufacturera nnd Importer * ot Crockery , G lassware , Chlmnen , etc. Office , 317 South llth rt. Oaiatia , N t > . Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbingr. 3ntUr , Kcgaand Produce. Conilir.mema lollclted. Beadquartera for Hliineware , nerrj Boxi'i and Urape lianketi. lilt UoJgcmreetOmaba. PEYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Provisions. Onjaha , Neb. W. E. ItlD'DELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Bpeclalilcs muter. Egg * . C'heese. Ponltrr. Cam * , Ojttors , Kir. , Ktc. lUhouia lllh street. WIEDENAN cC CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , Uuttcr , Qame , Fiults , etc. MO 8. llUiafc Uraaha , Neb , Coal antf Lime. Oiu. r. i.AiiAiiH. [ * res. C. F.aonnuAN , V. Pies. J. A. HUNIIIHI.AKD , Bee. and Treaa. OMAIIA COAL , COKE < K LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 3W South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nob. Manufacturers of Illinois White Limo. And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Cement. Plaster , Uine , llalr. Klre Ilrlck , Ilraln. Tile anil 8ewer Pipe. Ofllce , I'aztou notsi. Varimm rt. , Omnha , .Nvb. Telephone CU. Confectionery. ' j\ FAY < & Manufactnrinp ; Confectioners , Jobbers of t'ruUs.NatsundClcaia. Ull t'arnam BU Omaba. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER C CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Guns end Ammunition , JI5 torn 8 llth St. , 1010 to 1IR4 Karnam st..Ornih .Nel ) . WEST < C FRITSCIIER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Noi.lM and 110 N.'Jib street , Oiiaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH 0 CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods < t Notions 1105 and 1104 Douiilas. cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb. Distillers. Distiller ! nf Uquors. Alcohol and Pplrlts. Importer ! aud JotibcrsofVlnesan > i Liquors , WILLO W SPRINGS lilSTILLE' Jt CO. and ILER C CO. , Importers and Jobber ! of Fine Wines and I.lqnon. Bole manuMetnrrritnf Kvnnedjr'n East India Hit ters anil Domvi'lc Mqunr > . UIJ llarner St. Drain Tile , Etc. 4. II.BAi'Kii.Prri. J.W.nrnrnjin.Rec.ATreos K. J. CAIISON , V.l'ftB. nnd Cupt. THE UNION IITDRAULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Office 213 P. lllh st. Omnba. Neb. Machinery and buppllcs for Manufuc luring Cement Drain Tile , ELEVATORS. \V. , I ) . B. I'rcs cHTAii.ismi ! : > ISn. Vli-o I'itu , OMAJ1A ELEl'ATOltmitl GRAIN COMPANY. Jobbers and Storurs of Grain. Shipments of iluulur.8ollcltc < l nnil xutiutuctlon guuraiituuil , Onmlin , Nob. Furniture. Jt EWEY .0 STONE , DcaluiH in Furniture. Furiiani It. . Oinalm. Neb. CIJA It L KS SHI P Furniture , Itoiltling , Upholstery , Ulrrou , etc. Karnam it. , Omaha. Omaha Jobbers' Directory. < Croctritt , A ij7AG Wholesale Oroeertcs and Provision * No.tK.7g7. . 70 * 711 S. 18th Si. Oa h . K b. McCOttUlt.KADrte CO. ] " Wholesale Grocers , ' * . . _ Hardware. Jobbers of Hardware nnd Ntlls , T.nware.KhMtlrim , Mt . Aient * for llowa tcal ) 4 ami Miami Puwdtrfn , Om lia.N > b. " W. , r. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron mid Steel , Spring ! ) , Waton ? tork. Hardware Lumber , etc. 1M ' and Hit lUrni-r it. , Omaha , j * annoy , Wholenalo Iron and Steel , WmoniMid Carrlati Wood Stock , HCBTT Ita Ktc. UlTandllh ) Lamemortlnt. . llmaha. Ntb. MILTOX ROGERS t * SOJfS , ' Stoves , Rnnjres , Furnaces , Tiles , Manllti , Uratti , Ur M ( loodi. lai and 1319 Famaal Sir t. < _ _ . " Iron Work . . Iron Works , : Wrontit and Call Iran BallJIor Work , Iran PUIrc HallTui , Baaioa andUtrderi , Hteam KBilnri , Hraal WoraUnaral Foundry , Macalne and Illackinmtt \fort. omtt aal Woraa. P. I' . By.and 17th atixt. . "T\Ti. MCMANUS. c. SUI.UVAN. OMAIIA WIRE C IROX WORKS Manufacturera nf ' Ire and Iron Hailing , Desk Rallf , Window ( iuard * . Flower ! < tnniH. Wire Slfni , Ml * 1.IN. UHh. Ordf r IIT mall pnimiUlr Kltcndi'dU. Lumber. OMAHA T UMBER CO. , IeaU' ' _ All Klud of , rulldliig1 Material at Wholesale. ISIh Street and Onion Paelle Track , Omnba. LOUIS IIIt ADFORD , [ ) calcr in I/iimlior. / Lath , Lime , Snsh , wort , Eta. Vanlii Cornrr'th and Uuuclai ! Cornef Btb and Douxlat. CHICAGO LUMBER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , ' HIS.HthstreetOmahaNab. .Colpclter , Manner. 'C , N DIETZ , Lumber. 11th and California ftrecti. Omaha , Neb. If RED W. GRAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc. Cor.Ctb and Douglas sts. , Omalia.NsX JIOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. one * , 1403 Farnam street , Omaba. C3AS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and Tarqnet Flooring. 9th nnd Douglal JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American Portland Cement. Rtnt4 Aient ( orMlloHtikce Ilrdraullc Cement uad Bust yulncy While l.lme. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Boyd , B'JperlnUtdtat. Live Stock Commission. M. BURKE C SONS , Live Stock Commission. Oeo. Ilnrke , Manaitar Union Stock Yards , B. Omaha. Telephone tW. SAVAGE rf > GREEN Live Stock CommiRsion Merchantg , Shipment * of an ; and all kinds of Block eolloltad. Union Atock Yards. Omaba , Neb. Millinery and Motions. I. OBERFELDER C CO. , Importers and Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1513 and 1215 Harner Sl.-eet , Omaha , Neb. Notions. Wholesale Dealers In Notions and Furnishing1 Goods , 403 and 40J B. Tenth St. , Omaha. Overalls. JfU COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , leans I'ants , Bhlrts , Ktc. 115 ? and 1104 Don-las Btree/ Umaha , Neb. Paper Boxes J. L. WILK1E , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , I.HtmSt. , Uaalia , Nabrailu. Orders by inailis ll lt4a > wlllr * elTiir ospt atMiUoa. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , $ Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry n nlco ntuck of rrlnlhig , Wrapplnx and Wilt * Inn paper. Hpcvlul attention VVIMI | to rar loader on era , whUli will liu ( hippoil dlrci't from iiillla. All ordera will receive per un l iitic-ntlon. Weunar- nntee good xooila ami low prlcoUll and 11119 Printing , Jolt Printers , Blank Book Maker * , And Dock hlnderi. 100 and 1CB Po'utb" FourteonJ * ' itreet. Omaha , Neli. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNIOJl Auxiliary 1'ubllnliern. Dealers In T7pa.Pre > ses and Printers'Supplies. M South Twelfth Street. , BRO II'NELL C CO. , Manufucttirers and Dealer * la s , Hollers & ( Jenoral Mncliinnrf Bhecl Iron work , Rtuam Iump .8itw Mills , Acme Hbaftlnv , Dodxt Wood svllt Pullsrs , Ualtlni. etu , Alsowagoas , serapers.aad balailes , UU-Ulib * * * Tenworthnt. Omaha CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , * \ Wholesale PumpH , Pipe , Fittings , : \ BWamand Water Ruppllti. Hiadquartera for UaJt t Fo3tlUo'aUou4a. llllVarnain > t.Uinaba. N b. " ] U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMT COMPANY. DalladsrWInd Mllm : rlcam and Water HuppIIM. Plumbing Goods. Hultlnii. lloie. t > 18 and I'JJ Far * uau St. , Oianba. H. K. Keltnri , Uauager. Telephone No.210. ' A. L. STRA NG CO. , I'nmpH , Pipes and Engines. Btcam , Water , llillwor and Milling Bupplicr. KMk tOO , iraandlC4arnam St. , O.iiahn , NeK _ Safes , Etc. P. BOYER < 0 CO. , Agents for Hall'H Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire and llurg'ar Proof finfn , Tlmo Ixirks , Vault * ail Worn. IMl > amain lre t Omaha , Neb. _ G. ANDREEN , Oniiilni Kafe Works. Uanufactureitnf Klru and Hurclarl'rnnrRafpii , Vuull lvor > , Jnll Work.hhuliera and Wire Work , l.'oi. KtbanUJaikioiihiii. , Umkbtt , Nib , i Sash , Doors , Etc. j W.ioleialc Manufacturers of Sash , DoorH , liliniln and Moulding , llisnch o.Ticu.lZUi iiu ! trit ; . , Oisshx , ve > > . BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'jiKn.Ktair Work and Interior Hard Wood KIiiUI Juitoueiivd. N. B. cor. 6ih una I menworthBt * . Vmaba , ( ; , , . , - . . 'i ' ' , ' . . . . " ' ' ' " ' ' " i