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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1887)
n THE OMAHA DAILY BEEl : WEDNESDAY , MAY 25 1887. HALF. A MILLION DOLLARS , Tbo Amount Required to Build a Railroad - " road to Yankton , CHICAGO CAPITAL WILL DO IT , S ( f. Tlio Mooting nt tlio Hoard of Trade 4 Itoorm Last NlRiit A Mont Mb- oral 1'ropo'ltton Made Other Ijocal News. * * A Iloart AVIII DC Unlit. Nearly two hundred substantial bus iness men , of whom fifty are representa tive citi/cns of Ynt'kton , Wayne , Winner , West Point and other cities and towns northward , nnd the other ODD hundred and llfty members of the board of trade nnd representative Omahans , heard the proposition of J. K. Yottngand associates to build a railroad from this city to ' Yankton in eighteen months for $500,000 , at the board of trade chamber last eve ning. All rose and voted to accept that proposition if it should prove to bo sub stantial. If Mr. Young satisfies n commit- ttee who were named by this mooting that his proposition is made in good faith nnd that he has the money to carry it out ; that after the road is built It will bo operated in such a way that it will afford honest competition for Wayne and other Nebraska towns interested , with the Northwestern , and that it will bo by a company which will not discriminate against Omaha in favor of Chicago if ho can demonstrate these things to the com mittco the road will bo commenced in side of sixty days , and Omaha's great need of a north and south thoroughfare will bo answered. A wonderfully rich territory which is this city's rightful com mercial licit ! will be opened. The corn nnd hogs of the Missouri valley , the wheat of the Jim river valley nnil the cattle of the Sioux reservation will bo brought to the market of the gate city and exchanged for the f i nits anil products of the sunny south and old Mexico. 11IK MKirriNG. President Max Mo.yor , of the board of trade , call thu meeting to order at 8:30 : o'clock. The report of the committee appointed on Monday evening to confer with railroads and parties who had prop ositions to make regarding the construction ot a railroad from Omaha to Yankton was called for nnd in response Mr. 11. C. Patterson , the secretary , iniulo a verbal report. The committee had received no propositions from railroad companies. Hon. John A. McShano had appeared on behalf of the Milwaukee company and had nskcd the postponement of action on this matter until the question B of construction of a bridge across the Missouri river at this point by that coni- " ' pany had been determined by a decision from the secretary of war. If the secre tary of war should decide in favor of the ' Milwaukee company , it would at once commence the construction of a bridge to cost $300,000 , and 250 miles of railroad In Northern Nebraska. The committee was advised that J. E. Young , of Chicago , and a syndicate of capitalists had a proposition to present to the meeting. The report was received and the subject declared open for discussion. The lirst L speaker was Judge Campbell of Yankton. He dilated upon the richness nnd won derful possibilities of development of the country lying between his city and Omaha , wnlch a direct line would open. Ho declared that , an area two hundred miles square iu Nebraska and Dakota would contribute to the business of such a road and send over it moro hogs , and cattle , and corn , and wheat -'than arc now sent to Omaha by all other rereads. Omaha should bo the gateway "north nnd south as well as the gateway .cast nnd west. Its people ought not to rest content with being only the eastern termi nus of roads running to the west. He said that the time is coming when the north and south travel along the Missouri river will bo more important to the trade cen ters than the cast and west travel can be. With such a system navigation may play no unimportant part and Omaha may be come tlio distributing point of all the products of Mexico and of the north. It must not be forgotten by thu people of Omaha that the country north of them . Is growing rapidly and with wonderful rapiditv- richness. The time was when tno belt in which Sioux City and Ynnkton can be found was thought to bo i too far north for corn. To-day no liner I corn grows anywhere than tliero. The \ in hogs and all products is won derful. Farmers who came there poor a * " few years ago are now not only comfort- ubie , but have their bank accounts , tor "wheat the Jim river valley is unexcelled. By building n rairroad to that country you will obtain access direct to an area throe hundred by 'four hundred miles in extent. 'By construction of such a rail road Omaha may bccomo the exchange center of the gram and hogs of the north nnd tlio products of Mexico. It is h well known fact that north and c'poutli roads are always less blocked fiby snow than roads cast and west. Ho 5.then submitted the following proposition which had been linn : " To the gentlemen representing tliu Inter- esls of Omaha In Nebraska , anil Yankton in ' 4) kota , nnd the country between said places : o We , J.K. Yoitiin and associates , hereby propone to construct a line of railroad , and complete the same ready for operation within eighteen months from the time aid Is voted rtherofoie , providing the tieonle Incltullne \nnrt \ between said Omaha and Yankton shall contribute by bnbsltly the sum of $ SOU,000 to wards the construction of said railroad. The "sala 8500,000 thus voted and contributed by the people-aforesaid to Do exclusive of any .private donation by any person , persona or corporation which may be contributed toward thu construction of said railroad. J , E. YOUNG AND ASSOCIATES. Dated at Omahn , Nob. , May 24 , lht > 7. Mr. Her asked of Mr. Campbell whether the construction of such a road took with "it construction of shops in Omaha. To that Judge Campbell replied that such scorned to bo the inevitable effect of "tho construction of such a road , and vrhilb ho was unable , personally , to as sure the questioner of such a condition , ( .ho was satisfied there weru gentlemen 'hero who could do it. Mr. H. T. Clark said that ho know'of Mr. Young as the gentleman who is in charge of the construction of the .Omaha Southern. Ho regarded him ns reliable. The Omaha Southern , as was known , was now busily 'engaged in being surveyed anil built in Kansas. Behind the gentlemen named nro n large sandieato of heavy capitalists who believe in thu feasibility of a road from Mexico to the north , and who al ready have organl/.cd a company for its construction as far us Omaha. Mr. B. F. Smith stated that the syndi cate with whom Air. Young is associated is a very rich syndicate , being connected with the Georgia Southern , and Dululh and Lake Shorn roads. If they have placed themselves behind this project they ' . [ $ rntian business and are perfectly able to build A railroad. Yet there was another corporation ready to submit a proposition Jtuo Milwaukee and St. Paul ; and if they are successful m obtaining a fevrirnblu decision from"tho secretary of war there is no doubt but that they will construct a bridge across the river lieru and build a railroad to the north and northwest , not onlr touching Yankton , butgoing further north and northwest ) The road ought to be built this year and it ought not "to bo delayed. Yet ho wa ? tavor.iblu to wall ing n few days nnd give tlio Milwaukee a " chance to make a proposition. Hu knew that the company was surveying various , pTorthcrn rntitos. If they should not bo * granted a favorable decision by the socro- ' mijf of war tUoy certainly build a bridge - across the river , but In nil likelihood at some ether point than Omaha. Mr. Olnrk asked of Mr. Smith : "Is It probable that the Milwaukee would have nny object In building to Vankton when it already lias ft road di rect from Chicago thcrof" To this Mr. Smith replied that the Milwaukee had In contemplation three lines in the north and northwest if it should obtain permission to cross the rivers which it sought. Doctor Mercer then aikcd of Mr. Smith whether It was natural that the Milwaukee , with a road already into Vunktou and loading to Chicago , should tine any endeavors to make Omaha a ills- tributliiK point. To tins Mr. Smith was tinnblo to give a definite answer but ho expressed the belief that the Milwaukee would never discriminate against this city. Doctor Mercer said : "As far as wo are concerned wo want a road to the south and southeast as well as toward the north and northwest. I'coplo who have not looked into the matter do not understand that the Omaha Southern is an active corporation nnd already actively at work. Hy reason of adverse legislation in Kansas last winter which goes into ef fect on July 1 , the whole force of the Omalia Southern , of which Mr. Young is practically manager , is in that state , After that date , if this proposition is ac- copU'd , it will como here and tnovo at onco. When you get sucli a road as these gentlemen propose to build , you have a road not only to Yankton , but also to the gulf of Mexico , anil not a road which has a shorter line to Chicago. [ Applause. ! It will have no eastern point to build up at the expense of whole sale merchants of the young metropolis of the west. If this proposition is what it is represented to bo from responsible men 1 nm in favor of accepting it.1 Mr. Clark said that ho coincided with Dr. Mercer. Omaha wanted no road east and west , but ono north and south , and one that would not be but another to lay down goods in Omaha at Chicago prices , freight added. Dr. Miller rose , as ho said , not to argue the question , but endorse the position which Mr. Clark had taken. Ana before he said anything more ho desired to refer to the impression that certain leading citizens of Omaha Messrs. Murphy , liarton and Millard were antajjoui/.mg the Milwaukee road by connection with the Council 111 nil's nnd Omaha wagon bridge project. lie had talked with" Mr. Murphy but that even ing , and was authorized to say that neither that gentleman nor cither of the of the other two mentioned had any wed ded interest in any wagonwav and they would bo glad to see a decision made in favor of the Milwaukee company if such a decision would lead that company to build a bridge and como into Omaha. It was a matter of sincere regret to the speaker that the Missouri Pacific gave no promise of immediate intention to lake hold of this northern railroad , lln dif fered from some persons in believing that the moro Jay Gould had to do with this country the bettor tor us. 15lit he had been assured that while Mr. Gould intended to build a thousand miles of railroad in the northwest this year to keep up with the procession , Omaha and northern Nebraska were not included in the extension. Dr. Miller believed this proposition of Mr. Youug's _ to be a good one. If it were left to him ho would accept it in fifteen minutes. [ Applause. ] Ho also believed in offering liberal inducements to the Milwaukee. Now was the time to do it. In throe years from now it could not bo done , and it might bo live years after that before it could bo dono. Now $000,000 or $800,000 can bo voted for the two purposes just like rolling off a log. All collisions on these two projects sifould bo avoided. What now is needed is an old fashioned Methodist revival meeting on this subject. Uivo round subsidies and get tlio roads to build from Omaha. Enough will build to the city. We want them to build from it. Liberality of sub sidy and unity among all citizens will ac complish this. William M. Powers , of Yankton , made a center shot nt the proposition to delay until the Milwaukee bridge project was settled by saying : Mr. President , the Milwaukee road will bo able in two months to get to Chicago front Yankton in nineteen hours. You can judge what advantage a line by that road would bo to Omaha. " Dr. Mercer made a very forcible speech , in which ho decried the habit of always procrastinating upon such important matters. Ho had heen public meetings just as enthusiastic ) ns this ono , and just ns the iron was hot and they wore ready to strike some ono had made a motion to wait a day or a few days , and the whole project had died. Now ho wanted to see this proposition of Mr. Young's investigated , and , if it was made upon a responsible basis , ho wanted to see it accepted. To bring this subject to a head ho moved that a com- mitteu of snvon bo appointed to confer with Mr. Young and ascertain if his proposition was acceptable. The motion prevailed and thu chair appointed Dr. Mqrcor , W. V. Morse , II. T. Clark , W. a , Smith , George L. Miller , G. W. Linlhger and 1 > ! E. Her. Upon motion of W. V. Morse a vote of thanks was extended by the board of trade to the visiting gentlemen from the north and they were invited to como to Omaha in eighteen months over the now road. road.Mr. Mr. Wm. Davis then moved that it was the sense of the mooting that the propo sition of Mr. Young , if his conditions bo found favorable , should bo accepted. The motion was carried unanimously by n standing ygto and amid applause. The meeting then adjourned subject to call of the chairman. The Unn Club Shoot. There was a big turn out and a lively time at the gun club shoot yesterday af ternoon. The score was as follows : I'enrnao 01111 11111 00011 10111 0)101-17 Kennudy 10010 00110 00100 10111 flOlll-U Kins nm oooii inn ouow 10111-10 nay nm 11011 nm 11111 iiioi-- : . ' : ) FloM 01111 10010 01011 11111 OOJ11-IO llrewor 00101 Will 10011 10111 11111-17 Clnrk Will 11100 O'OIO 00100 10010-11 ( lorden , .0000) 01000 00001 OOOtO 11100- Dlmmock..Olioi moil 10:110000)1 : ) 11011-14 Koloy 10010 10000 1U001 10010 01000- cm iixxn oiioi oino ouooo 11111-13 Lnrkln OHIO 11001 01000 00110 10111-13 iiniiott , . .10111 nnoio ooooo ouin ooooo- Cotter OHIO lllll 10001 00111 11101-17 lluirhM 10001 10110 11000 00111 01000-11 Kruff 01110 ( WHO 00100 11000 11011-12 Howard 00011 00110 11100 00001 00001- smith omn 10111 11111 oioit 11111-20 Maysttct 11011 10011 10000 Ollll 01101 IS Kollogtf Ollll 100QI 10100 10000 01110-11 Lnno 10011 1100009000 11010 01101-11 1'ozzoni a Complexion Powder pro duces a soft and beautiful skin. It com bines every element of beauty and purity. Sold by druggists. Iho CAitlno. The Casino Concert garden , at tlio cor ner of Fourteenth and Howard streets will bo opened this ovonlne. Prof Franko.who will have charge of the mu sical part of the entertainment , has ar ranged the following rnoGiusi : Inanguratlnn March N. Franko , Overturn 1'rlnce Methusalen. SiraiiM. Waltz Dolce faralento Uelbrnelc. Selection Krinlnlo J acobowskl ( invotto O ran ? o Ul < monih Lantens. Itfiiilnlsceneos , ot La I'erichole..Offenbach 1'olka Geistonger Dial. INTKRMISSIOIC. Ounrtettis from Klcoletto * . : Vefdl. wnltz To Time Waldtettfel. Potpourri Pirates Sullivan. l'ltntatlnn : Echoes. . . * , Boetticw. ( inllop Fletlermnns Strauss. Visitors to the east this summer should not fail to order from the United States Hotel , Huston , a set of their handsome Mans and pamohUit edition of Boston and its attractions. Kncloso ten cents m stamps for postage , COLLEGES AND MISSIONS , Tha Presbyterian Assembly Viewing Two Great Fields of Labor. AN ENCOURAGING OUTLOOK. Judge Ewing's llcport on Aid to Col leges An Evening With Mis sion Workera Fraternal Greetings , Fifth Day. The assembly opened yesterday morn ing at 0 o'clock ' , the religious exorcises lasting until 9:30 : o'clock. Moderator Smith occupied the chair. The committee on church polity re ported that it had received several over tures suggesting the establishment of tri ennial assemblies. Tho. recommendation of the committee was that the project was inexpedient at this time. Dr. Marquis , from the committee on bills and overtures , reported that they liad received overtures from the presby teries of Now York , Now Urunswiek , Philadelphia , Dayton , Washington , Jer sey City , Niagara , St. Paul , Troy and Al bany on the subject of church union , and suggesting an answer to the publication of the circular from the house of bishops of the Protestant Episcopal church. He oll'ered the following , which was adopted : That. Inasmuch as no communication has been received by the assembly from the said honso of bishops , no response Is called for or appropriate. Wo recommend , however , that the general assembly express Us cordial sympathy with the growing desire among evangelical Chris tian churches for practical unity and cooperation ation in the work of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout all the laud. We also recommend , Tliat the general assembly proclaim to the Christian world Its statement ot the principles whereby , In its judgment , practical church unity can bo realised and maintained : 1. All believers In Christ constitute one body mystical , yet renl and destined to crow into the tullncss of Him whoulleth In all. 8. The unlvoisal visible church consists of all those throughout the world who profess the true religion , together with their chil dren. 3. Mutual recognition and rpcinroclty be tween the two bodies who profess the true religion Is the lirst and the essential 'step toward practical church unity. At the request of Dr. Marquis , Stated Clerk Roberts road the circular promul gated by the house of bishops. Dr. Marquis moved that it bo referred to the committee on correspondence. Dr. Drown amended that it bo referred to the committee on correspondence in conference with the committee on bills and overtures. Carried. The committee on polity of the church reported m response to"the overtures from a couple of presbyteries that they recommended the establishment of the new synod of the Indian territory. AdoDted. The stated clerk read an invitation from Max Meyer , president of the board of trade , inviting the commissioners to a ride over the Holt line to South Omaha and return. Thanks were returned and the invitation was referred to I ho com mittee on arrangements to decide upon a time for the excursion. Mr. Martin , of St. Louis , from the com mittee on concert in prayer , recom mended that the week of prayer bo from the lirst to the second Sunday in Janu ary ; that the last Thursday in the same month bo devoted to prayer for educa tional institutions ; that on children's day prayer bo offered for baptized ones and the conversion of youth ; that concert in prayer bo held in November for the Y. M. C. A. and kindred institutions , and that the lirst Sabbath in November boused for pr.iyor for the missions. The report was received and adopted. Dr. Hays , from the committee on home missions , said ho would not read the re port or the recommendation of the board of homo missions , but ho would strongly recommend that every commissioner and member of the church get the report and road it for himself. The committee was thankful for the fact that they had 1,405 missionaries , la boring 1,155 years ; 175 now churches , with a membership of 10,812 , and the ad dition of 7,010 members by certificates There wore 133,590 people supplied with the word of God , thirty-live schools and 212 teachers. ' The schools are all in a prosperous condition. Ho had no regrets to oiler save that there had been a failure to obtain the amount of money originally contemplated. Death had dealt heavily with their laborers during the year fourteen missionaries and two teachord being the victims ; among the former being Rov. llios. Hay. The wants of the board were not so numerous. New towns , sections , and districts were being opened up , requiring increased expendi tures and more laborers to carry on the work. Texas needs twelve , Indian Ter ritory sixteen , Iowa twenty , the P.acilic coast forty-live , Missouri , Kansas , and Nebraska forty-live missionaries , and other places in proportion. The com mittee calculated that at least 200 mis sionaries were required. Elders were charged to renewed cnorgy in the collection of funds for the board , which , this year , would require not loss than $800,000. The committee favored the holding of missionary conventions in the several sections ot the country for the moro satisfactory performance of the work in these sections. The committee recommended the appointment of the following gentlemen as a central com mittee to inspect the eldership and to ap point others to take m hand the raising of the fund of $800,000 for the board : Messrs. Warner Van Norden , Hon. R. N. Wilson , Goo. Junkins , E. R. Perkins , Win. Howard Not1 ! , Thos. Kane , S. M. Breckenridgc , W. W. Sperry , W. E. Dodge , Wnf. A. W. WhcelocV , W. S. Skidmoro and Archibald McClurc. An other recommendation of the committee wiwthat of a system of sustentation now in operation in certain sections of Now York , whereby each district may strive to support itself. The other recommen dations of the committco were these re lating to the work of the wpmon's cxccu tivo committco , urging the reduction of church requests and several others. Dr. Kendall , secretary of the board , was called and spoke upon the greatness of the work of his organization. He re ferred to the fact that the expense of-tho work wont on from month to month no matter whether the subscriptions came in or not. These expenses were about $50,000 per month. Some months the subscriptions did not como in as liberally ns in others , but the work could not bo allowed to drop. They had to wait and look for bettor months and more liberal contributions. Last year there was a pretty big debt of 150,000. Hut it was cleared away , although the speaker did not really consider it was a debt. Thov had a greater indebtedness , $210,000 , , of the same kind , but the doctor did not lese his sloop over it. Ho had boon ac- customna to such things. Ho then detailed how , when they had fallen behind apparently , the Lord , who loved His church better than they did , came to their assistance In the month of November by a contribution of 915,000 moro than had over been offered In that mouth before ; by a similar contribution in the month of December , a Jiko gra tuity In January , and an increase of * 33 , 000 in February , while in March there was an unprecedented Increase of over 190.000 , thus reducing that debt consid erably. The doctor had been told that it was not wise to run in debt when there was BO money to pay the indebtedness. lie felt just as his friends did in that re spect , but ho felt also that the work should not be allowed to drop. If it were it Would be disastrous to the missions. He doubt that tlioj always bo nbloito ifiud the funds they needed during thd o intervals , because they had friends whb wore always ready to loan thorn folEOOlR These men alwavs got their monoybaCk , and xvero always pleased for the Lord's ' sake , to accommo date when askoi ) tu.Jo so. John SehafF , of.Kansas City , then paid a tribute to the memory of Dr. Hill , the well-known millenary in tins section , who died suddenly last Saturday. Dr. Phraner of Ncw , York , Mr. Campbell - boll of Ohio , tyr. JJurrowa of Uoston , Dr. Cameron of Denver , Dr. Sheldon Jackson of Alaslja , siioko upon the mis sions in their respective localities. Dr. Hays closed Wio dobalo in a warm speech , sustaining tHe board and inspir ing everybody tb renewed effort to ralso the $300,000 for thV board. Ucccss , Yesterday Afternoon. The assembly was called to order by Moderator Smith at 2:30 : , quite a number of commissioners being absent. Dr. Welch , from the judiciary commit tco , made reports upon appeals from several presbyteries , being those in the case of Charles H. Ellis vs. Mrs. J. II. Patterson of Now York ; the deposition from the ministry of George N. Smith in the presbytery of Geneva , and of W. In- goldsby in the presbytery of Goncssoo Valley. The committco recommended that in these cases no further action bo taken. In the matter of the complaint of the Rov.-J. H. liaird against the synod of Pennsylvania , for its commendation of the submission of a prohibitory amend ment to the constitution of that state , the committee submitted a majority and a minority report. The former held that the action of the synod did not contra vene the doctrine pf the church and rec ommended that no further action betaken taken upon the matter. The minority report hold that the action of the synod was such as to warrant some attention and recommended tiiat a data bo set for trial. Motions were made to adopt both re ports. Dr. Hays questioned the advisability of acting upon a subject of such importance as that brought to their attention with so small an audience. Ho suggested that action bo deferred until later. The suggestion was adopted. The question of revising the record- tables to show communicants who had dropped away from church membership , been expelled , died or otherwise disposed of , was reported upon adversely by stated Clerk Roberts , on the ground that the ad ditional columns required for the work could not be introduced without sacrific ing some of the columns already in the table. The recommendation was adopted. Dr. Patterson , from the committee on correspondence , announced that Rov. J. S. Dotweilor , of this city was present ns a delegate from the Lutheran general assembly. Ho suggested that 4:3u : o'clock be made the hour to receive the gentlemen. It was so agrond. - Judge Ewing , from'tho standing com mittee on the Presbyterian board of aid to cpllugcs and , ncHdcmics , reported , showing the manhgc'mcnt of the board was in excellent hands. There were thirty-live institution * under the influ ence of the board ; th'o value of which was about $1,000,000. 'Tho , donations during the year had amounted to $37,880 , com ing from 1,701 chgrchqs. Ho offered res olutions giving'thanks to God for His blessing of the W0rk' < ln which they were engaged ; cordially recognizing the abil ity of the ofllcer's during the past year ; calling on all the .churches to take up an annual subscription for the benetit of the board ; commendtyjr to liberal givers the needs of the bofittj , .find suggesting the following clonrWhori : ' llev. ' Dr. John Hall , Now York ; uov . J. Nichols , Rev. W. H. H. Roberta , Upvv J. HWorcetor , jr , Rov. John IVKendall to till the va cancy caused by the retirement of Rev. R. F. Sample , D. L. , and the follow ing laymen : John S. McDonald , W. O. Hughart. Henry W. Johnson and Dexter A. Kuowlton , as members of the board. Dr. Ganso made a forcible address showing the advantages to bo derived from the board , the work it had done and the work , winch with increased means , it was capable of doing. Mr. Park , of Kansas , spoke in favor of the small colleges which are beimg estab lished throughout the country. They en abled young men of limited moans to ro- cove an education which could not bo secured without an outlay of not less than $700 per year. In most instanced , the young man who desires to study for the ministry has but very little means of his own and frequently is compelled to labor to supplement whatever assistance ho may nicoivo from benefactors as poor as himself. Dr. Shaw , of Jersey City , said the ob ject of the board was a growing cause , it was an honorable cause. It was uecos- oary that such an inrhicnco should bo extended througl out the country. They wanted to plant their Presbyterian cplleges throughout the land. The borrd was the youngest of the assembly , and ho wanted them to take it in their arms and cherish it and do everything in their power to make it a success. Francis B. Urown , D.D. , of Now York , a professor in one of the theological sem inaries , said that the young men who como to them from the younger and poorer colleges were made ot good stuff. They had not only consecrated hearts and a determined purpose , but also the intellectual gilts which enabled them to become energetic and useful workers for Christ. It was the experience of the Union Theological seminary that she does not got enough of thorn. It was but rarely that one of thorn ran the gauntlet of Princeton. McCormickLano ; and Au burn to roach us , but when ho did wo uro glad to receive him. Hon. N. R. Peckinpaugh , nf Now Al bany , believed there was a work to be done now by the ciders because the ministers could not reach it. Thn board needed to bo sustained not only by money , but also by encouraging words. They wanted this board to bo re membered in all their annual collections. Whenever the word frcedraon or homo missions was intcraiMOn that platform it was received with peals of applause. The same treatment ought to bo accorded the college board of relief. Dr. McMillon , of Utah , spoke about the college of Montana and the need there was of othorliatfU , ' higher educa tional institutions. ffiluire was not a place in the country where they had the same population and with so few institutes to accommodate the scholars as Montana. The report was then adopted. Rov. J. S. Detweileri was then intro duced as the delegate from the evangeli cal Lutheran svixAi , Ifcld in Harrisburg in 1885 , bearing /from , that body fra ternal greeting -to' .tho . - assembly. Ho road an address " setting forth this fact and "TtoDig into details with reference to. > the doctrinal points held by Lutherans That synod repre sented 4,000 ministers and over 1,000,000 communicants , and these , Mr. Detwoilor said , thought a great deal of the Presby terians and loved thorn , too. They loved them for the good they were doing throughout the country. They wished for organic union between all the denom inations , and ho felt that bis people would bo ready to engage in any effort to wage a more successful war against sin , the ilcsh and the dovil. Moderator Smith then accepted the greeting and voiced the sentiment of the assembly In the pleasure it afforded him to oxtondjhe right hand of friendship to Mr. lotwoTlor , and through him to the synod of which bo was the representa tive. tive.Dr. . Burchard , of the committee ort mis sionary board for frccdmen , to whom was recommitted the report offered by them yesterday , reported that they had received three overtures. The lirst of these was from the Presbjtcry of Washington City for the abolition of the board of frcedmen's missions and the transaction of Its atl'mrs by the boari of homo missions. The second end overture was from McClollan. and nskcd for a consolidation of both the above boards , The third overture was from New Urunswiek mid asked that the cansoll-latlon bo not encouraged. J ho committee recommended that no action bo taken with reference to the lirst over ture , and because of the objection which In some places obtained , ns shown by overtures two and throe , that a committee - too bo appointed to inquire into the man agement of the board of freedmen's mis sions and report at the next asso nbly. Calvin Stewart of Pennsylvania offered an amendment to inquire into the practicability of incorporating _ the boards of homo and frocdmon's missions. Ho said that the aggression made upon the frccdmen in North Carolina was con siderable ; in South Carolina it was less , and in the rest of the southern states it was lighter still. If those , boards could bo consolidated , the speaker held that they could arouse an enthusiasm such as had never yet been experienced in this country. No such work ns could bo then effected had yet boon done in this mis sionary labor. Among these colored people was to bo done the grandest work of evangelization imaginable , because behind them stood the millions of blacks in Africa , who , ho thought , could bo reached through their people in this country , and in no other way. From what hu know had boon done , ho felt that this work had but just begun. Dr. Hays said they might disguise it ns they .would they rind people who were opposed to this con solidation , who were oven supposed to giving to the fund if the consolidation should bo effected. If the joining of both these boards took place , the assembly would cut off the channel of supply from each. A motion was made to lay the amend ment on the table. It was carried unani mously. Adjourned till to-day. Homo Missions. There were about three thousand people ple in the exposition building last night In attendance upon the meeting in the in terest of homo missions. Half an hour was devoted to religious exercises , after which Rov. John Hall , D. D. , of Now York , arose and said that ho esteemed it an honor and privilege to be present and meet with them on such an occasion. The word homo was a sweet word. It included in its present sense a family of between 50,000,000 and 00,000,000 million people. They were gathered together ns Presbyterians , and in the few remarks which ho expected to make he wished to dwell upon the truth and purity of Pros- byteriamsm. In doing so ho did not wish to reflect upon those who bore other reli gious names , who. while of the same family , were of different parts of the household. There were two things which would tend to make the missions a suc cess. The first of these was natur ally which impelled ihoso who were surrounded by the comforts ' of wealth and' life themselves solves to desire to extend the same to others. The other was the desire to give for Ood's sake. Ho was bound to say that twenty years' residence in these United States with close and frequent in tercourse with people of other denomina tions had made him feel moro attached to the Presbyterian church. He then en larged upon the work to bo done in the homo mission Held by Presbyterians , how pastoi and people should work together , now failure to do this led to dispiriting consequences , creating dis tress and raising a barrier against the performance of the most laudable work. Ho cautioned churches to as much as possible rely upon themselves , and not depend upon the assembly or the board , or run to thorn almost as soon as they cot under way. That unfortunately was done but too frequently. These churches get organized by the presbytery and then look for outside assistance , or build their hopes of success upon the influence of some delegate whom they send , perhaps to a wealthy friend in a neigh boring city. In this manner a de gree of weakness is inserted in the organization which is likely to re main in it. If church members would only put into the affairs of the church the intelligence , energy and independence they put into their private a flairs , they would relieve the church from many n claim which is now made upon her. Rev. Dr. Irvine , of Chicago , one of the vice presidents of the board , then spoke , confining himself to the idea that it was almost impossible to determine from what place board relief should bo out off , BO greatly was it needed everywhere. The remedy ho proposed was for Presby terians everywhere to contribute so lib erally ns to make it possible for the board to establish churches everywhere. Aith that end in view , he suggested that by the centennial year they ought to raise $1- 000,000 for the missions instead of ? 800- 000. 000.Rov. Rov. Mr. Smallwood , of the Chcrokco nation , then sang in his native tongue , "There is a fountain tilled with blood , " after which ho offered prayer. Other speeches were made by Dr. Nel son and Dr. Hays. The Quintan Case. It is very probable that the killing of young Denis Quintan , near Spoorlo's park a week ago Sunday , will bo a matter of much moment in the courts. The Hon. M. B. Gannon , ono of the most eloquent and erudite members of the legal pro fession in Iowa , and a man of national reputation , has boon engaged to assist Mr. Simeral , county attorney , in the prosecution. This , it is said , is a prelude to Mr. Gannon's transferring his domestic and professional associations to Omaha. Municipal Matters. The council room was crowded last evening. The mayor's appointments were all confirmed , except the members of the board of public works. Those were laid over for ono week. The other busi ness of the council was very heavy but was purely-of a routine nature. She has the complexion of a peach , PozzoriTs Medicated ComploxlonPowdor did it. Sold by all druggists , Personal Paragraphs. Architect Hodgson has gouo down to his Kansas City ollicn. "Can't cat a thing. Hood's Sarsaparilla - rilla is a wonderful medicine for creating an appetite , regulating digestion , and giving strength. Butchers Assninblcrt. CmcAfio , May SJ. The second annual convention of the National liutchers' asso ciation met this morning with Thomas Armour In tno chair and Chris Urokase , of SL Louis , secretary. The stage of Central Music hall was elaborately decorated , flowers and polished horns completely covering the sides and the arched top. The different delations were seated under their respective banners , tJOO in all. Frequently accidents occur in the household which causa burns , cuts , sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcamo Oil Lini ment has for many years been thu con stant favorite family remedy. They Beonro the Bjy-jilar. SAN FJUNCISCO , May Sl. adice Toohy this moraine denied the writ of habeas cor * pus In the case of Jimmy Hope , the famoui burglar , and remanded him to the custody ot the New Yoric detectives , lie will probably bo takeu east lo-morrow. . ' TUPI'KIl TALKS. The Canadian Filiation Minister on t n tores 11 UK 'topic * . Nr.w YOIIK , May 'J4. [ Special Tclccrnm to the UiK.l ! Sir Charles Tuppor , Canadian minister of finance In Cituadn , at present visiting this city , expressed his views on matters which Interest the public. Ills lirst remarks were concerning tlio visit of O'Urlou to Canada , and while hu did not BO Into the subject very extensively , he made his re marks siitllolontly pointed. "Ono of the ad- vantaees which we think the Urltlsh system has over the American system , " ho said , "Is that both In Knglatu and In Canada parties treat the executive head of the nation as be yond criticism. Wo attack the responsible ministers of the day of Knulatid and In Can ada wo do the same thlnp. lint" and Sir Charles smiled gravely "wo don't nttnck the executive head of the country. Fiercely as a controversy mav wage between the two par ties , they all unite In sustaining the execu tive head , It notuially follows that wo dis approve very stroncly all parties and all classes of us , of the departure Irom that course by anv body comlnc Into the country to attack the Queen's runruM > ntatlve , and that in tcference to questions that ha\c no relation to Canada or Canadian affairs. At thn same time everybody deplores the fact tint if Mr. O'Brien had the bail taste and bad judgment to come to Canada on such n mis sion , hu should hive been mndo the .subject of violence by any Interference. Such a thing Is most unusual fur Canada , as It Is a place where the liecst speech on all questions Is tolerated. " Corncernlne the question of commercial reciprocity between the United States and Canada , Sir Charles had a treat deal to say. "It Is very much In the Intercut of the United States and Canada , " he began , "that there should bo thu freest commercial Intercourse between the two countries. Canada Is ready and has always been ready to promote that Intercourse to the fullest possible extent , lint , of course , wo are quite aware that unless wo can adopt the United States tarllT as between us and Knirland It would bo quite Impracticable. 1 mean that It would bo Impracticable for the United Mates to con sent to customs union or free trade between Canada and the United Mates , as that would leally mean free trade between the United States and KiiRlniid. A complete customs union Is simply Impracticable. It would bo quite Impossible for Caimtii to adopt a tarill so hostile to the mother country. I believe that , anxious as Is her majesty's eovern- montto avoid the slightest causa of dllTcronca with the government of the United Slates , the ttmo Is far distant when the government of Kngland will shrink In thnsllghtcst decree from giving a fair and candid consideration to whatever the claims ot C.uiada may bo."Q A Prominent Soldier Prostrated. SritiNOKiKi.D , 111. . May 21. It Is reported hero to-day that General Charles E. Llppln- cott. of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Qulncy , was prostrated with paralysis yes- , tordav. tordav.That That Tired Feeling The warm w oathor has a debilitating effect , especially upon these who are within doors most of the II mo. The peculiar , yet common , complaint known as "that tired feeling , " Is the icsult. This feeling can 1)0 entirely ovcrcomo by taking Hood's Sarsap.irllln , which gives new llfo and strength to all the functions of the body. "I could not sleep ; had no appetite. I took Hood's S.irsaparllU and soon began to sleep soundly ; could get tip without that tired and languid feeling ; and my appctlto Improved. " I ( . A. SAHFOIID , Kent , Ohio. ( Strengthen the System . Hood's Sarsaparllla Is cluractorlrcd l > y three peculiarities : 1st , the combination ot remedial agents ; Sd , the proportion ; 3d , the procen ot seeming tlio actlvo medicinal qualities. The result Is a meiliclno of unusual strength , effecting cures lilthcito unknown. Send for book containing additional evidence. "Hood's Sarsapaillla tones up my syitem , purifies my blood , sharpens my appetite , and seems to make mo o\cr. " .1. r. TiiOMl'SON , Ecglstcr ol Deeds , I-ow ell , Mass. "Hood's Bariaparilla beats all others , and is worth Its weight in gold. " I. LSAUUlMUiON , 130 Bank Sticct , Now Voik City. Hood's' Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Mailo only by 0. 1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar * exeellrn. eleninslinj > eltnegacomforta > i < t durability and are the reigning favorltef infailtlonablrelrel- ; . Our name 11 IJ . & .T.COUSI NS , on every sole. ( NEW YORK. THE I'EUKKOT SelfllcvolviiifCliiiriiDaslier Quickest Soiling Article Ever Invented. PlllCE OF DASHER , $1.2& Needs no talking , but realljr Is the I'rottloH Showing Artlclaun tho.Market. OMAHA , Neb. , April 23 , 18ST. This is to certify that we , the undersigned , have this day witnessed a churning byThe Perfect Self Revolving Churn Dashers , " which resulted in producing ! H pounds of first class butter from one gallon of cream in jnst one minute and fifteen seconds. W. 1. Wright , proprlotor "Omaha Dnlrjr ; " O. W. Wheeler , mummer "innalm Dalrn" I'uul II. Tote , Merchants'Natliirml Hunk ; A. I ) . Tnniallii.Vchr.ufca National lljnki Prof. Geortfo II. llitliburn , iiruprlotor "Omtliii BuHlneM CnllOKe ; " 1'rof , U J. MliVo. touch- cruf MHtnirtti ndt llnrrr MlrrUin , elltor'Titalia ijm'it. uui. "Bon" win j. nobin , it. \ \ . Azt . . nr n"World. " KmnkK , Jr * ' > , "ll8ri | cl' ' i.Y. .I.W.Hesrch. fr. J. W. Dynrl. : r. C. M. O. lllart , Jr. lUralltnn Warren. II. H. llnll.r Kl entnle , J. W , Itozpm.rA'il ottuta John Huilil. Ju * lcr. Chris Orff , ftirnlturo. State nnd Conntu Iil/ht9 for Sale , I'roflta mil tiurprtie You. AGENTS WANTED. Call or write to us at once. Qu ck bales and large profit' . Very truly , J. W. & A. POI-IIAM , Prop1 * . Hooml Cr un e Illock. K.l tb tt.runha , Nub , Lincoln , Neb. Thn licit known and raoit ixjjmlar lintul In the stato. Location central , appointments lirst clan. HnailqtiHrtorg for uonimorclitl ratm ttud II political and pulilla Kntherlnira. E. I' . IIOUUUN , Proprietor. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! OVER AJILLION DISTRIBUTED , CAPITAL PRIZE ; $300,000 , tuS.L . ; Lonlsnntn Stnto Lottery Company. Inoorpomtn.l h ? tltteili'turo In tw. for oiliici- tlonnl nnil clmrllnlilo pitrpoo' . ntul It * frinclil : < j miulo n part nf the present Unto roiiilltuUoii , In H , ! ' , I'TitnoTornliPlmlntf ' popular Tote. ltgirnml ( SliiRlo Number Dniwlnia Inkopluro monthly , nnilllioOrnml Soiiil-Anniml DriiuniKb reifularljrcvorj-six mouths ( Juiio iiuJ IJccom- I ) or ) . " \Voilo licrwlij-certify tlmt wo otipnrvfcfl tlu arnitiirf moms for nil thu Monthly ntul ioml-An- nuullrnwliiK9 of The Iioulaliina Stiito Lottery Company , ntul In prrson mntmiro mul control thoilriuvliivn thomsolvi" * , iiml tli > t the tumu urn conclm-ted with honesty , fnlrnu s uiul In KOO I faith tonard nil pnrtlo , mul wo mithor/u ! the Company to u e this eortltlcnto with fne-Mtn lies of ourslgnaturoi attached , in Us nJvortlsu- mcuta. " COMM1SEIONEH3. Wo the iindoralffiiod Hunk * nnd flnnkorJ will - , rny nil I'rlriM drawn In The I.oulilmm Stuta Ixittcrles which itmy bo proscntinl lit our coun ters. J. II. or.I.KSHY , ] > ros. Louisiana Nnttonul Ilk I > IiuitE : I.ANAUX , I'rcs. Sttitu National UU A. ItAl.mviN , Prog. Now Orleans Nnt'lllunk CAUL K011.N , 1'rog. Union Nutlunnl llunU. GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING. In the Academy of Music , Now Orleans , f Tuesday , June 14 , 1887. ' CAPITA ! , 1RIXL , 8tOOOOO. ; 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars Each. Halves SIO ; Quarters S5j Tenths $2j Twen tieths SI , MRT OF PIllr.KS. i Piu/.noFf ao.iflju . taw no 1 PUI/.KOK 11XOIKH3 ) . UK ) (0 ( M.OIKI is . riO.tiu sri.twois . iw.nj jo.noouro . JM.UI r. iMtix.r.soK n.oiwato . . , tw 21 1'ltl/.KSOr l.oouara . : . ' > , no KOl'KI/.KSOI' ' ( WOiifo . 6'I.OU ' AH ) I'UI/.IISOF1 ItOJiiro . 01.00 MO 1'UIZKd OK SiWnro . 1QJ.OO . 100 Ft 1709 of J 5i JO upproilumtiiiK to JMO,000 i'rl/oiiro . 50,030 ICO 1'rl/pnnf $ . ! 00ni > proxlmatlnf [ to $10,1,0 Xll'rlro itro . UJ.OW 103 I'rl/ufl of I0 ttppruxlmutln ? to fjO.OOl ) I'rbo nre . "O.OJO lEIIMI.NAt. l'lll/KS. 1.000 Prbos of $1UO decided uy. . . 100,000 I'tl/ottro . 100,000 1,000 Prl/PS of flOOdocldod by. . 1100,000 1'rizo aru . 100.0W aIC(5 ( rrlzosnmounlltifrto . $ lu5oUuO Kor club rules or any further Information iiprly to the unduralKnod.our hiindnrltlui ; must bo dli. tlnrt nnd nlunnturo plnln. Moro r.ipM return in. ill delivery will b ) iisoun'il Iiy your enclosing tin en- vi'ldiio lirarliiKyour full ii'Mrus. ' Bond roHTAli NOTKS expriM * moncr orders , of New York KxclnnifO In < jr Icttur. Currency bf express ( at our cxjiunso ) tuldu e 1 to Al. A. I ) Al/I'lUN * , NEW OIU.UA.VS , LA. | OrM. A. UAItriMV , WASIIINOTOV , D. c. Address RcaMercd letters to NKW OULUANS NATIONAL ll.VNIC XE > V OUI.UANH RV. AT Fl M R V. It Qenorul ThRt "l9 McauroiMrd Presence and of Karljr , who urc In clinrKO of the ilrnwlnit" , li airiiir- untco of ab"0lulii fairness and Integrity , that tin , nnil that no ono can posslb f illTlno * hat nuiubom will drawn I'rlia. ItKMKMIIIOH tint thu ii.ijriuunt of nil prUc.i Is IWAIIANTKMl II V KOI'll .NAIIIIVtl. IIAN'ICS Of N01T OTlcaiK.iiinJ tlu TirkcUiiionliinod hjr the president nf an lntltnllon , who * rhurtorr'il rlithtH nro riu'o * liked In tli 3 lilzhott onirHi therefore , beware of.anir liiilt-itluna or anony menu achumoi. EVERY LADY who desires n perfect CORSET FORM AND FIT should wear ono. mil oot Cibooi bii b.inr won. WORCKMEB CORSET CO. . ! U anil HO Birkit St. , Chlt.zt. PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " . The Original nnd Only Genuine. F fr n < 1UwtTl RiU > l > . Buriwof worthlfu ImlUtlont loiiiiwiiitbu u LADIES. * > k j / unu ia r " 'hlehMter * * n n li * ml Uke no olb ror ( u.lo. . lo lit mi'il lo > i ' r puUKltrl ( n l < H r br r Un mail. NAME PAPER. OhUhMter OLrralol Co. , nAmc Mafi ! M di.o. , rku.ic.,1'0. old br Urn irt t CTcrywhtra. Atk for 'Oh * " ' < Vt ICngll.l. " r jiiiirur l I'UIj. T t o W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. S'yllili , Durable , Kasy Flltlnc. Tlio lieHtff.l Mine In the Wollil. W. 1. . 1 > OC < 11.AS $2.5O SHOE r < | Uals llm 113 hhoi'H uiher- tlscU by other linn * . Our $2 SnoH mil ItOVS Rlvos m-cit P.itl factlon All IhoHlMivcHru mada In lluttnn , Coin-rens mid Ijimi , n I Myl.'H of ton. Sola by y.OOO ( loal < T tliouitlinut Ilio U.S. If foiirili-ilcr iloi-i not kurn tlieni , m-iiil itima on pontal to W. L. DOIHil.A * * , Itrorktiiii , Muss. BEWARE OF FRAUD.iroWfc { < " , Ku'K , , ! ; ! ! : utihrniptihtMH dealers aru offnrliitf other K < MK ] * > ' * mill" , autl when naked why my ntaniti Is not on fit tii Hi it I havu rtlHcontlimo , ! lla imr Tlll'l For sale by Kcllcy , Stiver & Co. , err Doilffo ami lath-Hts. ; Henry Surecut cor. Sowanl anil Sannders ats. _ This bountiful I'lnnd , nn < r famoni * i ono of tlii most iittrautlre mimranrresorli on the Kaitern ro nt llcnln l > H9a < n.i > | Uoclilr bir , ntr tlie coait of Maluu. bntweon tlio inulnUnil and ( imud Manan. Ithus unluircJ frontage of thlrlr-Dro uill8 .doo ly Indented by numiro'H ufrff. I'hnnnn nnil InlpU. wlil'u the Interior nboanili In lofty nnil denioly wooil'il Mill that ofl\i raru cunruii to the loren of the i > li > " ' "fha'cHW tlmt orerhan * the loa for many mllM urn truly xranrt. j"Un view of tbmn rulKhty and awa-ln. | iplrfn ' rock , towering ttraliiht up out of lb noa. Hill nl'norepir the rl Uor furt bo Jouriitbero. . The Hotels , to bo Opened July I , re thn flneit to be found entt of Doiton. They art beautifully furulBh .d ami appointed turouKhout , anil In bntb exterior nnd Inturlor hare an air of homullkj comfort and refinement iclilorn to be fonnl. There are urae forty mllm of roadi on the liluml , nnd the driven are varied ami Interesting 'Ihi tublfta are well equipped with well-trulnod svlilln and driving liortai. Ihobontlnirand flshlnzarooxcallont , anil cnnooi vrltu Indlnn ituldui , are ulwaya at hand. IIOW TU CJiT TO JA3irOIIKM,0 , Tnko tuoitrnmeriof the International J.lno. IIMT- Ini ! llnaton Monday\V iln d v and Friday at S..I ) n in. , arriving at Kastport tin following tnoratiuat B o'clock. An unnoxitffamer connects with all atonmorint in : tpurt forCaiupobollo. two mlloi dlitant. 'i'he uteaiuen of Ilia Internulhuial J.lne ari nw i idar ihellnt tcotiitnlMo tnnuier > from Ilniit'iii. llyru'luovla ' Jlnuim and to CnliKii thence by ntcannir down ttm beiutlful B CroU t\\ur \ , or by carnaicc tiiK lport CM ) nillu'K. llr elthor routehaeitaEO may bo checkea InrQu.'h toCampobultn. , . , , , From Harbor to Campobollo. Take itenmcr at liar Harbor Marhlan , wbnra carrlxnen may nlwiiyi be fount ! In romllnon Drlvu In liuliee , X mllei : tbunce by ferry to Campobollo UJ lulleil. Tli.iclrlTOUmiy uud rtullKtilfut. Application for roomi may bmnailelo T.A. I1AK- K UK , hot il nmnnxor. at the office o f the unUprjlKjied. Illintrnlol bonkn with railroad and Itoauer timetable - table > , planinf the hotrl and mapiofthe ItlanJ may be bad. a > well ai lull Information rj' artln the pronrrtr onanpllcatlon toAI.KX S. 1'OIU'KU. tinn. MnniKur Onioiubellg | lilaud Co. , Bt t SU llniton. Mail. . . . | n ? 8S "T' i'1"1ll"l ' ( KUctrlf.y-vU' HydlitcUj Ikruiiki. lnhim | < /iihftlllin4Vlu > oii Sti li& . U. . . . Ci m > t5U iiltli t tlx vfr-fiMJ4 > J ciik. Or lc < tliopro. m < lie tr ltolliirk lu. WorMMMtft- minrntl7riirtilliithrf inolitb H > tU4y lpbM4 . tumli 'The Sinden Cloctrio Co. I6KUStllilt Ckluuo.