Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1887, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SIXTEENTH YEAB. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MORNING , MAY 25 ; 1887. NUMBEK 841 BUEFALO BILL'S ' BIG CARD The Nebraska's Statesman's Shovr the Great Attraction in London , EVERYTHING ELSE ECLIPSED. The Wild Went Cartoon the Latest Thing in the Illustrated Press The Colonel Impresses H's ' Opinions. A Talk With IlnrTalo mil. ( rnpiHuMS.V7 by Jilincs Oonloit Ittnnttt. ] LONDON" , May 21. [ Xevv York Herald Cable Special to Iho DKK. ] Although Ihls is Iho queen's birthday and the com mons Is at fever heat againand the names of the sovereign and many statesmen are In all mouths , Dulfnlo Dill remains the most talked nbout mnn of the hour. Si. Stephen's Ito view presents n cnrloon paraphrasing his dhow. Salisbury Is driving an attacked coach , Inside of which Is Cross Manning , Bersford on top , and Smltn and Dalfour all presenllng revolvers. Gladstone , as lied bhlrt. with Harcourt and a Inrgo numherof liberals whose faces nro easily dlstlngulshn- blo through the paint and feathers , are of the pnrty of attacking bravo * , whllo Harcourt n the captain of the cowboys , Is Icadltu lovvard Iho rescue of his follows in hunllng shirts composed of unionists , in the van of whom Is Joe Cham berlain. Moonshine nlso piosents n cartoo Ills In eleven sketches of Dutfalo Dill , clth ( = In his tent , or plaiillng Ihu stars nnd stripes on Iho lop of St. Paul's , or dining nt Marlboro bore house , or In the gallery of the commons , etc. All Ihe city and piovincial newspapers dally teem with stories about him and inter views , ( It Is roservcd for your correspondent to question him on nn omitted topic his ideas about England nnd the English. Ho repudl- nttd the ttllo now nllllerallvely given Iho American exhibition as Dutfalo Dill's Ba/aar when I found him to-day in Iho ccnler of the Indian camp within Ihe Imposing square- built tent , with a lingo bulfnlo head over the canvas , whose Internal fillings and comforts can not huit prldo * by comparison to many u drawing-room or boudoir. DIM. I.IKl.S THE n.VClMSII. "Yes , I like London and the English. Why not ? I have been splendidly treated here , nnd not ns n showman , but ns n gentle man and soldier. I went about everywhere before wo opened hero from the house of lords downwards , nnd spent several hours during Iho debalo In Iho commons. I think the taller very like our congress. It seems tome mo to have the same little wrangcls and alspulcs. I was greally im pressed with the eloquence of Gladstone , Churchill and Sexton , who nro grand debaters. I spout some tlmo visiting llio theatres , nnd must confess they are far ahead of American theatres in the details of stage managements. In America things nro done qtiickly , tlmo not being tnken to smooth everything and put thotn in mossalc , as It were , as In England. English audiences seem very appreciative nna kind. I would like to say , ihough , that no man , not even a brother , could have donu'moro for strangers nnd his business than that greatest of great actors , Henry Irving , has done for me. DUMIIItrhD WITH VICTOIIIA. "What do I think of Ihe queen ? What could 1 think ? She was so lovely to us , just llkoagood natured mother , not fonnal In any way. She asked us many questions about our early frontier life. In which she teemed girlishly Interested. She expressed warm pleasure to mo and promised to pay ns another visit" TIIUK I1UCKINO nilONCIIO * . . "You have scon the adverse criticisms of Rome newspapers nbout j our show. What do you think of these ? " "Well , In Iho first place , this Is not a show , but an American exhibition of frontier life , which Is the reason why so many educated English come. As to the so-called trained bucking horse which some papers talk nbout , I am qulto willing for nny one , even hu//ars or dragoons , to come at nny time and Iry llio animals. A few days agon parly of hard-riding ind across country frehtlemcn came and expressed n desire lo Iry those horses. I offered to nllow them to ride during our exhibition , but they preferred ex perimenting privately , lo which I consented. It wns rare fun , for they were not on the horses' backs for n second and came to a different conclusion nbout the horses being trained , A number ot the aristocracy have ridden In the Deadwood coach during the Indian attack. The first lady to venture was , ; however.Miss 1'aset , of Charles Wlndham'a i- companj. " ONK UOU.ND OK rr.KASURK. "Do you receive many Invitations to luncheons , dinners nnd receptions ? " "Innumerable. In fact" putting his hand in his pocket " ! am obliged to keep this diary to refresh my memory. " He then read mo a long list fiom the diary that would make ninny would-bo fashionables wild with delight. 1 saw his Sunday engagements In cluded luncheon with Madame Nevada , dln- nei with Lady Mnndovtile , and supper with n party of gentlemen friends and a few M. IVs. "My list , jou see , " said Mr. Cody , smiling as ho eloped his book , "Includes grand balls , receptions , parties and dinners. Indeed , a number of ft lend * are talking .of starling a DulTnlo Dill's cloven o'clock simper , so my tune has been , with business and pleasure , fully occupied from morning to nl ht. " TIIKV Ilia' O.V T1IK UACINO. "What difference , Kan } , do jou find be tween j our audiences nt Madison Square and with the Enzllsh ? " ' They nro nhout the samo. Thny appreci ate and applaud almost the same points , ex cept , perhnps the English , who nil have great lo\o for athletics , take more kindly to our horse racing and shooting. Dy the way , as nn Instance ot Englishmen's IQYO for horse racing , there Is hardly a night but some at- | , t tcndant reporls lo me bavin * overheard gen- * l tlemen nuking bets , sometimes heavy ones , V * on their fanc > horse 01 ndur , when our races ' * commence. " "Aro jou going to sco the English Derby f next \Vedncsdaj ? " , "I would very much like to , but business , must bo attended to. Desldes , that day Is , - ' our fashionable , full prlco day. Of course , \ t my Impressions nbout the Kiullsh people are jet slight and not of a largo variety. " A PKCIPUD HIT. As I left him there awaited outside a score ot favored gentlemen and ladles expecting Introductions.Vhtther \ the American exhi bition accomplishes an Inculcation In the EmlIsliXf ; ) respect for lr.ins-Atlanilc Inven tion , art , science * fabrics , etc. , or the oppo site , may be a subject for discussion , but cer tainly DufTalo Dill's ' cntcilalnmcnt must se cure fine profit ) for month * ! , nnd good divi dends to the stockholders In the enterprise. A Very Cloo Corner. iropvilgit/7t > v./J'ikai ' Uonlin llftmcH , } MAciusTr.n : , May1 ! ! ! . fXcw York Herald Cable Special to the DIK.J The Lancaihlio cotton spinners association to-day resolved to call a general meeting of the trade to con- elder the desirability of running shoit tllue In order to counteract the speculative corner In cotton In Liverpool which Is forcing up Ihe prlccsof cotton until Lancashire splnncra have to work nt n decided loss. The trade Is very depressed and Ihero Is bitter complaints nbout this corner. The Pope on Ucliglous Peace. UOMK , Mny 24. 'Iho pope In nn allocution jesterday referred to the religious peace In Prussia , which ho said , ho had matin every effort to attain. Continuing , the pope said : "Thanks to the equitable and paclllc senti ments of Emperor William nnd his counsel lors , the Prussian government has re moved most serious Inconvcnluncles and then accepted very practical conditions of pence whlcti some ot the former laws against Hie church have repealed and others mltl- galed. Something remains , hut we must re joice at what wo have obtained and above all In regard to the free action of the pope In the government of llio church in Prussia. God crant that Italy , which is pccullaiiy dear to us may share the splril of peace , with which wo nte animated , inward nil nations.Vn earnestly desire tint Italy shall put aside her unlmpoy dlffeienccsvvlth Iho papacy , vvhosn dignity Is violated , chlully by n conspiracy ot sects. A me ins ot obtaining concord would ho to establish the pope In n position In which ho would be subject to no power In Iho enjmmcnt of lull and real liberty which would be tar from injuring Italy , and would powerfully conttibtilu to her prospcrltj. " The French Ministry. PAIHS M iy 21. In view of Iho failure of nil combinations to effect n settlement of the ministerial question , President Grovy has re called I'loquet and appealed lo tils patriotism to form n cabinet. Floquctasked foi twenly- "oui days to consider the matter. M. Floiiuet confeirud to-dav with M. Lock- oy , M. dianet. General Doulangur and M. tcrthelot. If M. Floquet accepts the tnsk of 'orming n ministry ho will assume tlm posl- on of minister ol the inteiior , M. Kouvlcr will be minister of finance , nnd M. Flourens will oe urged to retain the foreign portfolio. The radio its will support M. Goblet for pros- dent of the chamber of deputies if M. Ho- inel becomes premier. The lurn affairs have nken is considered n viclory for Doulnngei. ' > a France says M. Etlenne will be mlnlsler ) f public works , M. Sans-Leroy , or M. Vieto nlnlstor of niiicullurcM , Dossetiemlnlsler jf justice. Admiral Aubu , minister ofjmarlno nnd M. liourcu minister of foreign nffnlrs. The appointment of M. Douice will be made only In the event of M. Flourens finally declining the foreign portfolio. Dynamite ami Coercion. LONDON , May 24. A dynamite bomb was xplodea under Ihu police court at Hcbburn , Durham county , lastnlghl , parity dcslrojlng .he building. The oulrago Is attributed lo he slrlKers. Uorihwlck , conservative member of parlia ment and proprietor of the London Morning Post , In an nddress to his constituents last night , said that after the Whltsun recess the [ overnment proposed to force the passage of .ho Irish ciimcs act amendment bill within n specified period , whether or no all nmond- nents of the bill were disposed of. Htrilcc Outrages. DIIUSSEI.S , May 21. Outrages In connec lion with the strike still continue throughout Delglum , and in consequence of nightly socialistic demonstrations In Itnihsels , pro- : esslons and gatherings In the public stieets lave been piohiblted. The Charleiol strikers attempted to carry out their threaleued march on Brussels , but were chanted by gend'.nms just ntter stnrt- 'ng nnd dispersed. Xo blood wns shed. Khot at the C/ar. ViKNNA. May 21. Tlio Ta blatt lias re ceived n telegram from Odessa staling that thec/ar returned lo St. Petersburg from the Don CossncKscountry three dnys earlier thnn ho intended lo. This was due , Iho dispatch snjs. to nn attempt made by a student to kill him Wednesday night , during the festivities at Xovo Tcherknsk , by tiring at him ns he rode by in a carriage. The Irish Plan. DunuN , May 24. Father Uyan , of the Horbertstovvn branch of the Xatlona' ' league , and Father Stallery , who vvero imprisoned for refusing to give testl many In relation to the plan of cam paign , were released lodaj' . Their release Is duo lo the decision of the court ot appeals In the case of Father Keller. German Affairs. , Mtty 21. Urgent business qucs tlons have arisen in the imperial forclgi : office and Count Dlsmarck , Imperial minis ter of foreign affairs , who is at present visit ing Earl lioscberrv In Londonhas been sum moncd to return to consider them. The American Cardinal. DUUI.IV , May 24. Cardinal Giboous ha been Iho guesl of Judge Tlgho at Dallindtno several dajs. Ho has returned to Dublin nnd will sail fo America Thursday. The Egyptian Question. CAIIIO , May 24. It Is believed England and Turkey will propose a conference of the powers , lo settle the forms of Egj pilau capit ulation bj the new convention. Treaties Approved. BnnMN , May 24. The relehstag has ap proved the International treaties for protec tion of works of literature and ait and of submarine cables. Manning to Hoturn Home. LONDON , May 24. Hon. Daniel Manning will leave Bournemouth Monday next for Liverpool. He will sail for Xewoikjline 1. Ills health Is much improved. A xnw Miirnun. . How Uullilcra Arc Ailvlscil to Sit Down on Strikers. CHICAGO , May 21. The executive board of the National association of builders left this evening after Usuini ; an address to the Builders and Traders exchange of Chicago and nil affiliated bodies of the National asso ciation and to the geneial public. An en tirely now method of dealing wilh llio work men Is evolved and a course of wholesale lockouts advocated. Thu complete cessnlion of woik in all Ihe building trades ol Chicago as Iho answer lo Iho brlcklajers' demand for Satuulav pajlng. Is fully endorsed by the board. 'I he miesiion is staled to have been Inconsequential in itself , had it not been preceded - ceded by u long series of usurpations by the trades' unions. After commend- IUJT to contractors in other cities the course pursued by the Chicago builders , the board proceeds to enumerate llio "encroachments" thai must bo reconquered by omplojcrs. First Is the concession by which Ihu unions nro able lo pievent workmen not members ot Iho union trom obtaining work. The other encroachmenls are Ihe arbltrnrj' powers ol walking delegates , restili lion of trio num ber of apprentices , and the requirement that foremen shall bo union men. All branches of the Xntionnl Builders' association nro ad vised to assume Ihe same attitude ns Iho Chicago cage men If the K.suo Is forced upon Ihem- The addiess closes by su gc-stlnij that every exchange throughout the country adopttho platform given , which advises the creation of a bureau of record where any and all workmen may put themselves on record as assenting to the Chlcaeo oxcngc's principles of Individual liberty , and by andthrough which such men be Kept at work and protected. After a certain time stops should bo taken to make such workmen members ol llio national builders' association , "thus Instituting for the lirst Hum n union wherein emplojer and emploveglmll be joined nnd their Inleresls considered as common , asthcyshovld bo. " General Duryea Stricken Down. XKvvYoiuc , May 21. General Abram S. Durveallio old timeXouavo commander , was stricken down by paralysis loday. The shock Is not expected to prove fatal. Mnjor Poore "Worse. WASIIINGIOX , May St. Den : Perely Pooro Is somewlml worse to-night. NOW'UNDER CONSIDER A F10N The Interior Department Looking Into the B. & M , Land Qrants. A DECISION EXPECTED SOON , Gnrluml Hnys lie Docs Not Want a Judicial Position Telephone C.iso s Tlio National Drill The n. fi ; M. Grants. W\vinvmov. May 24. Secretary Lamnr , in icsiranso to tlio letter from ex-Senator Van Wyck , who nskcd thnt the claims of cer tain persons against the Dtirllnutou > Missouri Hiver Hallroad In Nebraska be speedily disposed of , states that the linal ad justment' of the grant of this road is now under consideration by the department , and that It Is believed that the forthcoming de cision will furnish a rule whereby all indi vidual claims cnn be ad justed. Girln ; nil's Telephone Talk. WASIIIMI ro.v , May 24. [ Special Telegram to the Hi. r. . I Attorney ( leneral Ciarlnnd to day talked freely with n icnortcr for thn ns- soclntcd press recnrdin ? his supposed candi dacy for the vacant position on the supreme bench. After sa\lii' , ' , "I do not want the place and would not taku It , If olfeied me. " Mi. Uarlnnd set forth his reasons nt some length , lie does not , ho said , undervalue the place , but teels he Is not e ual to the strain ot htteen jeais of such seveio work as must ellipse befniu he would be eligible foi retire ment. ills health has not been vciygood ( luing ) the last lew > e.m , nnd his constitu tion Is now woin nnd enfeebled bj the severe attack of sickness ot March , Ibso. Ho has n hicli Idea ot the requirements ot the callbio of the supreme bench , and feels , in his con dition , he would be untiuo to duty to accept such n trust. Uesldes , alter his last reelec tion to the senate he made up his mind to retire - tire from public lite nnd place at the end of thnt term , and will carry his resolution Into effect. The president wns made aware of this resolution when ho offered Mr. Carland the place on the Intel-state commission. Mr. Cnrlnndhas no Idea who the president will appoint. _ The National Drill. WASAI.NOTON , May 24. The competitive drill of infantry bCh'nn a few minutes east 10 o'clock this mornlnr. The competing companies were limited in numbers to twenty-four men each , with three olllcers nnd two guides. The programme of manciures wns toboL'iven ench company commander ono bout before the tlmo nlluted for the cnips' appearance , and thirty minutes were allotted to each company to complete Its pro gramme. Company A , First Minnesota regi ment , made the lirst appearance and per formed its work creditably. Next came the Seley Citl/cns' corps , ot Rochester , X. Y. , whose line appeirance and excellent prnitico weie matters ot uennral comment. The third of the competing compnnlcs , the Muscatino ( Iowa ) Killes , captain C. F. < ! arlockwas marched to a central position. The soldiery appearance of the men , their showy nnd tasteful uniforms , and the remarkable ac curacy of their performance throughout , won them much applause. The company completed Its programme with some time to snare a fact of which its members are Justly proud. Company A , First battalllon ot Vir ginia trooiis ; the State Guard of Virginia ( colored ) ; the Vicksburic Southerns , and companv A of the I1 irst Yliglnla icgiment , piesented a line appearance and met with hearty applause. The Interest in the day's pioccedlngs culminated In the performance ot Keck Zouaves , ot Johnstown , X. Y. Tholr skirmish and bayonet drill and unique evolutions In close oidei weio marvels of precision. A furious thunder nnd wind storm came up about 4 o'clock nnd put nn end to the proceedings. The roof wns blown off n Inrgo part of the gr.ind stand and the canvas rocks , forts nnd .var vessels were tipped o\ei nnd scnttercd. Arguing The Telephone Case. WASIIINOTOV , Mny 24. Principal Exam iner Drown of the patent olllce , to-day heard arguments on behalf of Prof. Bell In opposl lion to the application ot Prof. Gray for permission to amend his original application tor a patent in the celebrated telephone In terference case upon which n decision ad' verse to Gray was tendered In 187S > . Hoscoo Conkllng nnd James J. Morrow appeared tor Doll , and Cnsey Young for Gray. The latter declined to make any argument In suppoit of his application on the ground that the law and rules of the patent ollice provide that all pending applications for pitonts and nil amendments must ho kept In the secret archives until interference Is declared or re fused. Xo notice should have been given Hell as was Kxamlncr Drown. The change or amendment now proposed by Gray Is to insert the word "metallic" before the word "dnphr.-uin" In the original ilalm for n telephonic receiver. It is stated that It the application Is granted the amendment will so broaden the scopo-of Gra > 's Inven tion ns to result In new Interference , and hence In n reopening of the case In which , in 1W , Dell was declared to be the prior in- vontor. Decision was reversed. Singular Hinoko Sign. WASHINGTON , May 31. [ Special Telegram to the DKI : . ! The Post of this city has this remailuhlo story this morning : "Durins : the tiring attendant on the exhibition of tiro- works at the drill ground last night a most remarkable phenomena piesented itself. The smoke from the grounds drifted upward In a cloud , which rested Immediately over the white house nnil foimed as pei feet n profile of the head nnd bust of Geoiire Washington as was ever seen in any art gnlleiy in the country. This icmarknblo sight wns wit nessed by two ( numbers of the Louisiana rlllo corps , C. 1. Hover and Private Louis Dover , who wuio accompanied by n well known citl- 7cn of Washington. " The sale of Intoxicants at the Lamp has bevn enlliely prohibited. Pensions Granted Westerners. WASIIIVOTON , Ma > 24. iSpeclal Telegram to the DIK. : | The following Nebraska pen sions were granted to day : William S. Mot- ter , Genoa ; James P.Gllllland , Chadron ; 11. Worster , Ed ar ; K. Mundorf , Fletcher ; II. S. Waddcll , UUerton ; T. IX Hill , Kearney. The follow inn pensions were granted for lowans : J. ( ! . Crist. Ntima ; C. W. Free man , Ashton ; J. U. Kltz : Hall ; S , P. Fey , Tlpton ; C. O. Dailey. Washington : Joseph EdgliiEtnn , Kldora ; James C. Sowdcr , Hus- sell : F. M. Wolfe. Linden : K. Luckenblll , Dubuqile ; David hampson , Newton ; Itiehard Spencer , bhennndnah ; Calvin Stanley , Mt. Ayr : George W. Slunro , Oitumwa ; X. W. M. Kitchens , Praliic. Postal Changes. WASHINGTON , Mny 24. [ Special Telegram to the llr.i : . | The follow ing lown postmast ers were appointed to-day : David Moven , Holmes , Wright county , vice Isndoro Gooder , resigned ; John 1) . Lenon , Panorn , Guthrlo county , \lco John E. Wagner , re moved. _ Resigned His Post. WASHINGTON , May 21. Kdron S. Dins- moro , whr has been an employe In the exec utive mansion for about twelve years , and who is acquainted with nearly every promi nent man in the country , whose businois has called him to the whlto house , has tendered bis resignation. Western Patent ! . WAS UNGTON. May 2-1. [ Special Telejram lotlie Drr.J Iowa nnd Xobraska patents were issued to-day as follows : Munn Davis , Waboo , Xeb. , end gate for wagon ; Charles II. Guy , Postvlllo , la. , sawbuck ; Warren T. Keasser , Fairmont , Xeb. , assignor to the Sound Valve company of Chicago , 111. , bal anced oscillating valve ; Orrln A. Shott , as signor to himself and H. Stivers , Osceola , la. , check rowing attachment for corn plant ers ; Archibald Stewart , Keoto. la. , ditching machine ; Jesse 0. and W , L , Thompson , Ormanvllle , In. , folding box or crate ; Fred erick Wlllo , Cleimoiit , la. , wagon bolster stake. Iho Presidential Party. WASHINGTON , Mny 24. According to pres ent arrangements , the president will leave Washington Thursday evening In n special car nnd proceed direct to Strnnr.c lake , In Iho AdirondackHn will bo accompanied by Mrs. Cleveland and Colonel and Mrs. La in on I. _ _ _ _ _ Victimized Ills Own Family. rnii.ADKi.rntA , May 21. Xorcom L. Se quin , manngcr of tlio Philadelphia Umbrella company , has loft the city , leaving , it is al leged , a deficiency of ? S."ioooin his accounts. Sequin's victims nre mostly members of his own family. SPOUTING N U WS. Lincoln's Cluh Changes Hands. LINCOLN , Xeb. , May 24. [ Special Telcirram lo the Dm : . ] The Lincoln ball club passed into tlio hands of n strong sjndlcnto tonight. It is now on a solid basis , and no money or pains will bo spared to put the club to the front. The s > ndlcatc assumes the Indebted ness , and guarantees lo run Iho club nnd letnln the franchise In Mncoln. The stock holders simply surrendered their original slock. The Northwestern League. DKsMoiM-s , In. , Mny 24. [ Special Tele gram to the DKI : . | Des Molnes has found llsgrcal pitcher , and his name is Hulchln- snn , whom Chicago has tried in vain to gel. Ho pitched n winning game for the homo learn lodaj' , healing Oshkosh by n score of Ole 2. Hiitchinson wns the Vain cot- lece champion pltchui , nnd 1'iesident Spalding - ing went Irom Chlcigo to Cedar Itaphls to engage him , but failed , ns ho prolerred to play with Ues Moines. Coming fresh from nn olllce , ho played n wonderful game , strik ing out seven men and pitching with terrific speed to the last. Old bail plnvcrs say that he Is destined to make one ot the great est pitchers In the country , and he aston ished overjbody bv his ellectlve work In this his lirst game of the season. The fol lowing Is the score by Innings : De Molnes 2 1 0 0 1. 2 0 0 0-0 Oshkosh 0000 0100 1-2 National League Games. DOSTOV , May 21. The game belwcen Iho Boston nnd Indianapolis learns to-day re sulted as follows : iloston 1 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 11 8 ndianapolls..2 100 3 0010 0-7 Pitchers Con u ay and Dojle. Dase nils loston 19 ; Indianapolis 11 , Errors Boston ; Indianapolis 4 , Umpire Quest. WASIU.NOIOV , May 24. A heavy ratn- itorm set In aleut half an hour before the ) etrilt-Washiiiglon ) game was to commence o-dav , and the came wns declared off. PIII.AIII.IMIIA : , May24. The result of the bet ween the Philadelphia ami Chicago earns to-day was as follows : Jhlcago 0 000020000000 2 Philadelphia 1 002001000000 4 Twelve Innings. I'itchcrs Baldwin and 3asuy. Dase hils Chicago U ; Philadelphia 0. Errors Chicago5 ; Philadelphia ! . Urn- > Ire Doescher. XMV YOIIK , May 24. The game be- wcen Xow York and 'Pitlsburjj lo-day nsulted as follows : \cwYork 3 00000100-4 Mllsburc 2 0'0 ' 1 0 2 0 0 * C Pitchers Georco nnd Galvln. Daso hits \evvYoik 11 , Plttsburf ! lu. Eirors Xew fork0,1'ittsburg 3. Umpire Powers. The American Association. CINCINNATI , May 24. The game to-day bo- ween Cincinnati nnd Baltimore resulted ns ollows : Cincinnati..0 0000000 : tO 3 lallimoro 0 001000201 4 Pitchers Smith anoXKilroy. Dase hits JinclnnaliO , Daltirnom 10. Errors Cinclu- latlT , Dnltimorn2.Uiifujro Jennings. ST. Louis , May 24 * TUejcame between St. ouis and Diooklyn ted ir resulted as fol- ows : , St. Louis > . ! 0 < 0l2 00231 0 Drookljn 0 OB000020 2 Pitchers Caiuthers andToole. Daso lilts St. Louis 10 , Drooklyn 14. Errors St. Louis 1 , Brookbn 4. Umphe Medart. ijOt'isvn.r.i : , Mav 24. The came between Louisville and Metropolitan to-day resulted as follows : Louisville I 00000210-4 Metropolitan 0 00202001 5 Pi tellers Chamberlain and Cushman. Dase ills Louisville 13 , Metropolitan 12. Errors Louisville 4 , Metropolitan 1. Umpire Mc- Qiiado. Ci.Kvnr.AND , May 24. The game to day between Cleveland and Athletics resulted as follows : Cleveland 0 3 0 0 0 fl 1 3 0-12 Athlbtic 3 0404200 * 13 Pitchers Monison and Wevhlng. Daso hits-Cleveland 23 , Athletic 20. Errors- Cleveland C , Athletic 6. Umpire Valentino. The American Trotting Association , CincAOo , May 24. Among those present to day at the meeting of the American trotting association were W. It. Mer- rlam , of St. Paul , piesldcnt ; J. H. Slolner , Detroit , secrelary ; I ) . C. Dea- nmn , Ottuiuwa , la , vice president , and several others. The meeting this morning was an Informal one , but It is said very lin- poitant businessSvill coma befoio the associ ation before it adjourns. Thn Epsom Meeting. Loynov , May 24. On the lirst day of the Epsom summermeetlngllu' Woodcoto statics , tliree-tourtlis mile , for twoearold , was won by a neck bv Baron .do Kothchlld's lilley. It. Combscolt , Simon Pure second. Lord Chol- mondely's liily , Polly Door , third. The Texan Train Rnbhcra. AUSTIN , Tex. , May SI. The chief of po lice arrested a man In this clly last night sus pected of being one ot the train robbers. It Is reported he has mndo some startling dis closures , which will Involve well-known men nnd Implicate nt least ono olllcer ns having planned and engineered the whole affair Irom the beginning , Conference ol tlio Powers. CAIKO , May 24. It Is believed England and Turkey will propose a conferenca of the powers lo settle reforms of the Egyptian capitulation by the now convention. 1JIG HAIL WAV D One or the Greatest Schemes Ever Ctrnod Out in the West.I NEW YOKK , .May 24. A new railroad dcnl In which tlio Atchlson , Topeka & Snnta Fo is said to be Interested U now under way which railroad men state will prove one of the most Important schemes over catried out in the west It Includes the purchase of tlio St. Lou Is A Chicago railway running from Springfield. Ill , , to St. Louis and now ex tending its line to Eureka. HI. , making di rect connection wlth.Atclmon and the Lake F.rlo & Western. This ould give the Atchl son a through line from { Chicago to St. Louis and make Its system entirely independent. F. E. lllnckloy , formerly president ot the Chlcauo A ; St. Lams wad , which was pur chased by the Topeka Jt. faantn Fo denies that the Atchlson ctmipaiiy Is Interested In the St. Louis and Chicago roads. His denial does not convince thojq who believe In the dual. I Patsenger'AjtcJus' ' Meeting. XEW Yonic. May 24.4-Tho meeting of Iho transcontinental truffle association was i ost- poned until to-morrow. A meeting of the trunk line passunrtr agents was held this af- lern eon , and admitted the Baltimore & Ohio , nnd the Ontario A : Western roads Into the combination nnd innde special excursion rates for the summer. i Yellow Fever nt .Key West. WASHINGTON , Mny24. . Surgeon General Hamilton has received official notice of the existence of yellow fever at Key West , but thinks tlio situation- riot sufficiently alarm- Ine for action on the part of the govern ment. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Generally warm'jTalr weather , light variable winds , generally southeasterly. For Iowa : Fair wiuther , nortflVe-sterly winds , becomliu variable , ne.arly.statlonery , followed by rising temperature , For Kasteru Dakota : Warmer fair weather , Winds generally southerly. - u _ _ - -i i . .jrt'.Z- SOME PLAIN ANGLO-SAXON , Egan Sends a Strong Reply to a Letter From King Harmon. HE ONLY WANTS A FAIR TRIAL. Robert llawkc's Disinherited Son After Ilia Share of the Property- Terrible Hall \\jinoic-Ne- - braskn News. Kgnnliar mon Corrcstiotiilence. LINCOI.V , Xeb , May 21. [ Special to the DKI : . ] Mr. Patrick Egan has received n ic- ply from ! < lng Harmon , nnd Mr. llealj need not nsk In parliament If Harmon has not received the lelter. King Harmon's letter reached Mr. Egnn to-day nnd Is ns follows ; Inisii On irr , Gnr.Ai QI'KKV St. , Lon don , May 1'J blr : 1 nm directed bi Colonel King Harmon to acknowledge the iccclpt ot j our letter of the 2.M tilt , , and to say that It is impossible to make any conditions In rela tion to > our return to Ireland , 1 nm sir , jour obedient servant , Mn. PATIIICK KUAN. L. C. Dow DAI.I , . To this letter Mr. vesteulay. upon receipt ot the same , foiwarded.lhe follov/lng replj : LINCIII.V , Xob. . Mny 21. To Col. L' . U. King llannon , tlndei becretao for Ireland - land , Dublin Castle Sli : 1 ha\o to nc- knowledge leeelut of jour letter dated the Uth lust. , and to sa\ that your leplv cannot bcri'gnidiMl otlieivvlso than as a diplomatic attempt to evade the proposition contained In inv letter of Aiu il2' > . I did not nsk lor "nn > conditlous1' In relation to mv return to Ireland. I sought nn opportunltv to meet under fair nnd reasonable conditions the gross charges which \ou and > our friends were uttering ncnlnst me , nnd 1 only olfeied to retuin to Ireland for thnt purpose. i now again through jou the chal lenge , that if Dublin Castle-of which > ou nro the most active ofticlnl has nny chnrge ot n criminal nature against mo , such charge bo publicly formulated , and that arrangements be made to zivo mo a fair ttla ! befoio a jury of the city of Dublin either common or special the crown undei taking to exeiclso only the same number of challenges to which I will be en titled , in which case I nm prepared to nt once proceed to Dublin nnd meet nny accusation that can bo brought against me. The attacks being made upon my good name by yourself , > our co-workers in moral assassinations. Major Saundcrson , the Mar quis ot Hartington nnd others are mean , 1ing , biutal , couardU , and only equalled by the .atrocious attempts at actual assassination made against the life of mv trlcnd , William O'Drlen , In Toronto , Kint'ston nnil Hamil ton , bv jour brother thugs ot the lo > al omngo conspiracy. If > our government will not act upon this offer , the public will know- how to nppiecinte nil } repetition by > ou or jour friends ot such \llo calumnies against me. I am , sir , j our obedient servant. PATIIICK EOAX. Thn Railway * at Kearney. KEAUM.V , Veb. , May 24. [ Special Tele- ernm to the Dnr.J To day the Missouri Pn- cltic railway engineers commenced the loca tion of the line fiom this cltv running toward Mindcn. It seems a settled fact that the Missouri Pad lie will commence work on this line Inside of thirty davs , so say olllcinls ot the company. The Union Pacllic engineers weru hero tills week nnd have located depot grounds on their Wood river line out of Kearney and ro now platting the towns. Thnt load will he finished up at once. Kear ney's boom Is bleger than ever and largo blocks of real rstato are daily changing hands at dully increasing llgures. Heavy Hall Htorm. \ 7MORI : , Xeb. , May 24. [ Special to tlio BKK. ] This morning at 2 o'clock a very de structive hail storm passed east of here , com pletely destroying the small fruit and many corn Holds. The path of the storm was nar row. but it completely destroyed all fruit and vegetation alonir Its path. On Westley Leur's Tarin , thiec miles cast of here , the hall drifted live feet deep in the draws. At 10 this morn- jne the furrows In listed corn was yet level full of hail. There is much damage done. The storm was also soveio at Liberty , twelve miles east , nnd much damage was done. "Wants Moro Than a Shilling. XEIIRASKA CITY , Neb. , May 24. [ Special Telegram to the DKI : . ] Suit was commenced to-day by William Hawko to contest the will of the Into Robert Hawko. William had mar ried a lady against his lather's will nnd was cut off \ \ Ith the proycrbinl shilling unless ho leaves his wife. The estates In litigation ag gregate upwards of half n million dollars nnd will PO hotly contested. Hon. J. C. Watson nnd F. H. Cieland represent the plaintiff. In the will the fstntes have been equally divided between the foui sisters of the plaintiff. Free Transportation Declined. LINCOI.V , Xeb. , May 24. [ Special telegram to the DI-K.I K. O. Morohouse , of the Fre mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road , while In the city to-uay , tendered to the railroad commissioners a special train equipped with nil accessories for their proposed trip over that company's lines of road. The commis sioners , through Judge Mnson , declined the special train , statlnir thnt they had no special privileges to ask and desired to accept none. They were going for the. purpose solely of meetlnz the people along the linn of the road nnd would travel as the people did. Coal Near Falls City. FAI.I.S CITY , Xeb , , Mny 24. ISpeclal to Ihe Due. ] Mr. Challls , a perfectly rollnble farmer liing about eight miles southwest of this city , reports striking an eight-foot vein of coal , at a depth of nlnetj feet , whllo bor ing a well. A shaft will bn sunk nt once by Mr. Clinllis nnd his nek'hbors , and the qual ity and extent of the vein dclinltcly deter mined. _ No Criminals to Try. KIAIINKV : , Xeb. , Mny 2 . [ Special tole- grnm to the OKI : . I District court opened to day , Judge F. G. Homer presiding. There Is no jury this term , but the whole week will be given to disposing of n great amount of equity business tli it has accumulated tor the pnstvear. lluffnlo county has no criminals in her jail snve tioardeii from sister coun ties , hence there Is no need for n jur > Imme diately. Fairmont's Doom. FAIIUIONT , Xeb. , May 24. iSpccial tole- eram to the DRK. | The building boom has struck Fairmont. The Masons have decided to erect a mammoth brick block. To-day lo cations vvero found for the two largo wnrd school buildings. The wnter works sj stem is nearly completed. The Kansas City A Omaha depot foundation Is laid. Over tlrreo hundred acres of land have been platted. - * Struck ny Lightning. XnnnASKACirY , Xeb. , May 2J. [ Special Telegram to the Dr.K.I The barn of Xew ton Hall , in Wvomlne precinct , was struck by lightning last night and destroved , killing some valuable stock. Mr. Hall was seriously Injured In endeavoring to save some piop- eity. Loss , 83,000 , with small Insurance. A Dootor'H Sitlcldr. GII.MOKK , Xeb. , May 24. [ Special Tele gram to the Df.K.j Doctor Duttcrtuld , n well-to-do farmer residing about two mllcA south of this place , committed suicide by hanging himself this evening. 'Iho cause Is unknown. Injunction Denied. XEW YOIIK , Ma > 24. Jnde Dartlttt de nied jesterday the application mndo by n stockholder of the National Mont company for an Injunction to restrain Marquis do Mores and othei trustees from disposing ot tlio property of the company. Ho stated ho would grant an order to snow cauac why they should not bo enjoined. BMOOT SPOUTS. The Southern Presbyterian Protest Agnln t Organic Union , ST. Loins , Mny 24. In the southern Prcs- bytcrtnn general assembly to-day the ques tion of organic union came up. Dr. Smoot , of Texas , chairman o ( Uio special committee and nroiuescntattvoof the minority sldo of the question , made n long speech agnlnst union or co operation. Ho attacked the mi nority repoit , den > Ine Its clntm that n mn- lorlt ) of the prosbjtciles were In fiuor of closer relations. Ho nKo tlmitcht that the dictation of the basis of union disrespectful lo tno northern atsemblj anil said : "Ihev hn\o too much honesty and principle to accept thine conditions. " Ho advised the abandonment of the position. Ho had heard to Iho etlecl that the northern church would not acctdo to Iho condition , but hav ing piopo ed It the southern church would have the advantage In tlio public mind. The church of God should not play politicians and ought not to trick ono another. Dr. Smoot wns followed by Colonel Living stone , of Gcorgln , In behalf ot the maloilly ruport. Dm Ing his speeh ho gave Di. Smoot a very sharp poisonnl scoring. IlAl'TISr ANNIVERSARIES. DBJ'H Se nton of the G.uhcrlng at Minneapolis. : Miy 24. The lirst annual mectliiL7 of the Baptist annlversirles was held this moinlngat 10 o'clock , It being the tenth annual meeting of the Woman's Bap tist Home Mission society. A largo assein- blj of ladles was present nnd the opening oxorcNes vvero earnest nnd Impressive. Mis. J. Sumlerlnnd , president of the Minneapolis branch , delivered Iho nddiess of welcome. Mrs. , I. N. Crouse , president of the soclely , spoke hilelly In reply. Iteporls were received from Iho Xew England soelely , ihesoclctj of the east and the society of the west , showing they were In a nourishing condition and the branches were growing rapid ! ) . Iteports were nlso rend Irom Ohio , Michigan , Illinois nnd Xew Yoik. Encouraging leports were nlso received trom branches In Now York , Chicago , Cincinnati and other cities. The last low moments of the morning session were devoted to short talks. Mrs. MoirU. of Gloucester , Mass. , told about a "baby band , ' an oreanl/alinn of very voting children , who weru being taught what homo missions were. Each child , no matter how > ouug , can be come a member ot the band by paying a small sum yearly. In this manner Ihev hoped lo educate the chlldiou to giving to homo missions. At the afternoon session the devotional ex ercises were Iedby"AuntLU7lc"for so well Is she known the programme gives no olher name. The president then announced the re > ! Ulsr committees. President Crouse then mnde an Interesting nddress , reviewing what had been accomplished in the society In the ten .vears it had been organised. Mrs. H. G. Duidette , corresuondlne secretary of the so ciety. submitted nn interesting abstract ot her annual report. She said the number of branch societies organized during the year is 231 , maKlng n tolnl of 1,411) ) . There was n re markable progress amonu- foreign born citi zens , colored people and Indians. The report of Iho treasurer showed Ihe con- tribulions lor t lie j ear amounted to S5CU1 : ! nnd the balance for last year nnd contribu tions of goods made a lotal of S > 4'i. ; : The cash dlsbinsements were S30.0H , leaving a balance of S.'i.K'ii in the treasury. Goods , valued nt S14 , IT. ! , were distributed. Trndlnp school recelptH were 3C , W > 0 and the expendi tures S l,3 < Xi , leaving a balance of Sl,7r > . ) . Congregational Association. Si'iiiNOKii'.M ) , 111. , May 21. The forty- fourth annual meeting of the Congregational association of lllinolsconvcncd this morning. All Ihe Conuregnlioual churches in Ihe slalo are represented by their pastors and lay delegates. _ THE U. P. INVESTIGATION. First Day's Session of the Commission at Boston. DOSTON , May 24. The Investicatlon Into the affairs of the Union Pnclbc by the Pncihc rnilwny commissioners commenced to-day. the hrst witness examined wns Comptroller O. W. Mink. His testimony wns wholly to the system of bookkeeping In use by the cor- poinlion nnd Ihe methods 'of keeping the vnrious accounts. The question of allow ances In determining the net earnings under the Thurman act for mileage was gone into horoughly , and President Adams , in behalf of Mink , detailed the policy of the company n relation lo Iho samo. The amount re ceived from the branch lines at Omaha iinder the constructive mllengo rule could not be accurately ascertained , but Mink bought It was n large sum. In response tea a query fiom Littler , crowing out ot a sug gestion by Adams the latci stated that the company would willingly pay 8500,000 per annum more to the government than it Is pajlngnovv.llf It could bo relieved of the present syslcms of Investlaallons by the government to which It Is continually sub jected. "Wo are now overridden with an Immenxe amount of statistical Information we are bound to furnish to the government and our stockholders. " In response to a query from Judge Dilllon , ho said the constructive mileage rates on the branches were not lixcd with a view lo affectIng - Ing In the least the amount of the net re ceipts to Im paid over to the government. In the afternoon Judge Dillon explained his relations to llio Union 1'ncilic company , stating that he received a salary of 810,000 per annum. Ho believed thnt no company in the country paid less tor legal services tnan Iho Union Pacific. Vouchers tor money paid for legal services were Ihon produced nnd examined by Iho commission. The question of the amount paid under the "constructive mileage" account on the various roads wns then taken up. Adams said one principle of railroading was construLfive'mileaKO. He had been actively connected with railroads tor twenty years , and had not seen n day when thai wns not recognized ns n principle between lines In nny part ot tlio country. It was nlvvavs the custom to say thai Iho road which picked nn business and turned It over to the main line should have an allowance made to It a constructive allowance and ho deemed It to bo light. The amount of money out ot tlio constructive mileages } stem that was charged off from the main line to branch Hues during Iho jear iss1) could only bo given by golni through every contract , 'llioquostlon was postponed until Omaha was readied. The commission went Into executive session lo examine Iho accounts , O'nrlen nilltorlully Atraokml. HAMILTONOut. . , May 24. The Hamilton Spectator , In IU account of what occurred last night , asserts Hint Ihu shots wer lirud from O'Drien's carriage before Iho nltacklug party had touched a trigger. O'Drlen said this was Iho meanest and most malkn state ment vet mado. "In your opinion now , will this statement affect the remainder of your tour ? " ho wns nsKcd. "So far , " ho said , "as It lelates to Canadian cities , which 1 have had to visit It m iy Imvo n most dangerous nnd alarming losult. See ing its downrlghl falsehood , it must have been written wlththu sole purpose of inviting an attack in Montreal. " O'Brien lay In bed until midday , acting on tbuaUvIcuof his phjslcinns. Ilnke's Ttial Itcgun. PfoniA , III. , May 21. The case of Iho people ple ngilnst J. Finluy Hoke , the former book keeper of tint Men hnntV National hank , lor alleged turnery , on Hut indictment for which was procuwl : Ills uxtrndltlon trom Canada , was laLon up lodayin the clicult court. Eight jurors had ooen stcuied nt adjourn ment. _ On i ) Juror Short. XKWonh , May 24. In the Snnip trial after the twelfth juror had been seemed to day. the prosecution challenged Foreman lens and ho l f l his seat. Thu vacancy was nol tilled at adjournment. Arrival * * . Xr.w YOIIK , May 2J. ISpeclal Telegram to the Dm : . | Aulvcil The Elbe , from Uro- QuKEVsrow.v , May 21.--Arrved ! Tlio IUI- tic , from Xew York. CAUCIIT AFTER MANY YEARS. Au Escaped Iowa Murderer Onptnrod After Eighteen Years of Liberty. m NO WITNESSES TO THE CRIME , Sioux City Saloonistt ) Prosecuting r Law nnd Order Attorney An Inane - ano Womnn'H l-'roaK Fatal Darning nt Atlantic. After Klghtoen Year * . SIDNT.Y , In. , May 24. [ Special Telegram to the Din : . | Sheriff Jones came In last night from Kay count ) , .Missouri , with William Debout , who was Indicted In this county In 1NV for the murder of Itlchard lllllon the 2Tth of March , mv ) . Some tlmo In October of the same .v ear Uebout made bis escape from llio county jail nnd tins been nt Inrgeever slmn. Debout and Hill were em- plojedon lliofcny boat owned by llebout'a fuller running belvveen Eastport nnd Mebraskn City. 'Iho evidence on tile with the Indictment shows It lo hnvo been a de liberate murder , but U Is doubtful whether ho can now bo convicted , as In the eighteen } oars that liavupissed all the six witnesses have either died or left Iho country. Debout was recognl/ed by his foreman who formerly lived In this county. Salnonlnts After an Attorney. Siot'xCnv , In , Mnv 21. [ Special Tele gram to the DKK.I G. H. CummliiL's , presi dent of ( he Sioux City Law and Older league , was tried In a justice court lo-dny for Iho nllegcd crime of barrotiy , consisting in stirring - ring up sulU and qunnels against the liquor Interests. A largo crowd was in nllendnnre nnd great Interest was. manltested In the pro ceedings. 1'ho attorney for Iho defense moved to dismiss the case on Iho ground that the justice court was nol Iho proper one lo Iry the case. The motion was , niter considera ble argument , ov erruled. Quite n number of wllnesscs were examined , among them being Justice Campbell , to prove that Mr. Cuin- mlngs had been conneelod with the prosecu tion of nil the cases brought agaiusl Ihe sn- loonlsts nnd other liquor men , nnd for Iho further purpose of showing thai this wns In the direction of contentions between lh Untied Slates nnd Its subjects. County Clerk Dolton Is nlso subpiuunud , nnd considerable of the afternoon was occupied In brinclnc his records Into court , as the defense refused to consent to nn nbstrnct being taken. The case is still In piogre's. " Wandered Away While Insane. . XF.WION , In. , May 21. [ Special Telegram lo the UEK.J At 2 o'clock this moinlng Mrs. Lewis Fehrlelson , wife of n prominent lum ber dealer of this place , In a lit of temporary Insanlly , cot up , put on a thin wrap and a pair of stockings , slipped out of the house and was not missed by her husband , till about n o'clock In the morning. As soon ns she wns missed he began to search the house , but no Iraco of her could bo tound. The near neighbors seniched tor her until about noon , when a general alnim wns given. About 400 persons bcgnn the search ip earn est. The country was tiavcrsed for miles mound Ihe low n. About 4 p. in. the wns tound ncni town in n thicket tiylnit to find her way home. She has been out of health forsomo tlmo. There Is hopu ot her re covery. 4 Judge Roger'H Funeral. > ? DAVKNi'om1 , la. , May 21. [ Special tele gram lo the BKI : . I The obsequies of the late John X. 'llogeri were hold Hi Is afternoon with a very largo attendance from the bench uul bar both In his own district nnd other Kirts of Ihe state. The remains will bo taken o Xow York for Intorrmenl. Judge Kouers Tnsthe attorney who single handed won the great light which made Council Bluffs in- tead of Omaha the eastern terminus of the J n Ion Pacific road. Stabbed by a Drunken Man. OSKAI.OOSA , In. , May 24. [ Special Telo- grnm to the Deo.J Asa Wlllard , the foreman if Wright's livery stable , was stabbed la > t ivenlng by a drunken barber named W. jang , living at Excelsior. Lang was ab * > lve. and aimed n blow with his knife nt WII- ard'N heart , who Interposed his arm , thereby laving his lite , though It IH tented his arm will ha\o to bo amputated. Lang has not i et been captured , but the country Is being icourcd foi him. Another Iowa Gaa Well. MAISSIIAI.I/IOW.V , la. , May 24. [ Special Telegram to the DICK. ] Whllo boring for valor In an old well near Slale Centre , this county , a cavity was struck at a deuth of 100 feet ana a volume of gas came up with a roar which blazed when lUhled. Wnler followed o within three feet of the top , but gas still bubbles through with a bumming sound. The Car Drake Tests. Dimi.iNOTON , la. , May 24. The general test of Ihe car brakes closed todaj.and the conleslants will now go inlo ipeclal tests , with the probability of closing Ihcm this week. All contestants have withdrawn ex cepting the Wcstlughouse , Carpenter and Eames. _ lon-n If oinojopathfl. Dr.s MOINFB , la. , May 21. The annual meeting of llio slate homa-opathle medical association began here this afternoon. An address of welcome was delivered by Gov ernor Lai labce , to which icspoiiHe was mndo by Dr. Dickinson , of Des Molnes , president of the as'orlation There Is a largo attend ance from outside of the elly. A Young Lad ) Fatally flumed. ANAMOSA , la , Mny 24. [ SpecialTeleirram to the Dii5. : ] Miss Blanche , youngest sister of C. H. Monger , editor of Ihe Aiiaino : i Journal , In some unknown milliner got her clothing nine nnd the phjslclnn sajs she can live but a short lime. Smallpox In ' S.vI'll v NCI ( o , May 24. Tim quarantine ofllccr this afternoon discovered a fiesh case of smallpox on the steamer ( iaclic. The de velopment of this case will prevent the < Ie- paituic of 1,100 Clilnesoln transit for at leas twoweiks. _ _ Thn Good Templars. SAIIATOOA , X. Y. , May 2i.-The thirty- third annual session of the rluht worthy grand lodKo of ( iood Templars convened in this city tuts iiHiinliu' . The session will tonllnuo tor ten da } s ami will ho one of the most Impoitant c\ei held by thobodyns the riuestlon of the leunlon of its two branches wluchwero separated two years iigo by the secession of MIIIIO trans-Allanliegrand lodges will count up < nr action. The brancli of the older sometimes called "Tho English bianch" or 'vecedcrs" are repiesented by a delegation of iwont-ono tmin across the At lantic. Tin ) union committed of conference representing both branches held n secret session yesterday , \\hltli Is reported to lia\0 been fnvoranlo to the reunion pioposltlon. A Choutaw Jtnhelllon. PARIS , Tex. , May 24. News was received hero yesterday of trouble that has caused foui deaths , and which Is HUcly to cause more bloodshed , Over In tt u Choitaw nation. Two wcckb ngo two men named Wilson , who were full-blooded Choctaw Indians. wore killed In a row over the election of deputy sheriff. Slnia the kllllni ; the Bherllf- elect has been mlsslni : , and Friday morning the bodies of three men were found near Denkvllle , onuot which Is nupuoscd to bo the nnvvly elected sherlH. Ills friends , all armed , nro waiclilnic for him and It Is feared tlicio will bnan outbreak. ' "llio hun Do iMnvo. " IticiiMOND , Vn. . May 24. The i ndjcurned slno dltk