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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1887)
Tijnw fv'f THE OMAHA IVAILY BEE : TUESDAY. MAY 24. 1887. ALL THE MS OF THE CITY A Pour-Year Old Girl Run Over and Ser iously Hurt. THE RAILWAY COMMISSION. The Wyoming Fenced A Ijtvcly Run * nwny Sisters of Chnrlty Mnke a 1'urchnie Other City Intelligence. Probably Fatally Injured , About 10 o'clock yesterday morning a little girl named Mary Knnc , aged live years , the daughter of o Polish laborer named Christ Knac , was run over by the cars and so badly inlurcd that it is believed she will die. The family live in a shanty on the river bank at the foot of Jones street. There is n railroad track immediately in front of the shanty and a number of cars were standing thereon. The child had a swing fastened to one of the truss rods of a box car and was swinging therein when an engine was attached to the cars and pulled them oil' their siding. The little girl was thrown on the rail , the wheels crushing her richt hand , cutting oil the fingers of thn left hand and grinding the left foot. She was removed to the bt. Joseph's hos pital. THK H\lIj\VAY COMMISSION. A Conference Ilotwcon Them and Unllrond Officials. All the railroad oflicials connected di rectly with trallic departments will meet the .state railway commission In Lincoln to-day. General Traffic Manager Kunball , of the Union Pacific , accom panied by Messrs. Shelby , Ulark and Jones will leave in the morning for the capital. They meet the commission at the tatter's invitation. After the meeting they will proceed to Denver. General Manager Potter and Messrs. Cummings , Dickinson , Hums and liupuc will not return to Omaha for two weeks. They will make a most thorough tour over the whole system. To represent the 1 $ . & M. railroad Gen eral Manager Holdrego and General Freight Agent Miller will go to Lincoln this morning also. THE WYOMING FENCES. They Must Co mo Down and Colored Troops Arc Ordered to Cheyenne. In accordance with the orders of the war department General Crook has or dered Company K. of the Ninth cavalry to Cheyenne and places them under the direction of the interior department , or land oflicials. Tito cavalry nro colored , and at present are stationed at Fort Mc- Kinnuy , Wyoming , near Buffalo. They will reach Cheyenne the latter part of this week. General Crook said : "Of course , it comes back upon the war department to assume the duty of protecting the inter ior department"ollicials. I don't antici pate any trouble , though. As the HIE : lias said , the Wyoming men are not fools. They will not oppose the United States government. The fences now will betaken taken down , and if the owners desire to save their property they will do so ; if they have no use for the fence material they will probably allow the laud oflicials to remove it. " A lilVELiY UUNAWAV. The Usually Sednto Steed of Drcxel & Maul Cuts a Caper. As the undertaking wagon of Drexel & Maul was turning the corner of Jones and Thirteenth streets about 11:80 : yesterday morning the front wheel of the yehi clc came off , precipitating Coroner Drexel and Charles iiachman to the pavement. The horse ran up Thirteenth street and near llarnoy ran into a butcher's wagon. Half a square further the frantic animal ran into a street car , breaking the shafts of the undertaking wagon and damag ing the street car. Hecoming detached , the horse continued his mad race north ward , liachman and the coroner were not materially injured , the chief damaao to the coroner being the wrecking of liis now $15 ice cream trousers. The driver of the butcher's wagon , Robert Bryce , was thrown out and his back injured not seriously , however. B18TEH8 OF OflAltlTY PURCHASE' . They Buy a Half Block at Tenth anil Custollar Street. The sisters of charity'who ' recently eold to M. II. Goblc , the convent property orty for 180,000 , purchased through John A. Creighton , yesterday , now property , from Elmer S. Dundy , Jr , and Fred Nye , The purchase is the north half of the block between Ninth and Tenth streets and facing on Castollar streets , Messrs. Duncjy and Nye purchased the property last November for $0,700 and sold it to day for $13,700. It is stated that it | is the intention of the sisters to erect at ouco a $30,000 structure. BEST GRASS IN FIVE YEARS. " \Vydmlnu Beef Food Looking Kino Douglas' Expected Boom. Mr. George Berry , superintendent of Niobrara Transportation company , oper ating from Children by way of the Elkhorn - horn railway extension , and from Doug las , Wyo. , to Fort Fottorman with mule outfits , was in Omaha yesterday on a brief business visit. He stated that Wyoming grass is looking liner than it has in flvo years. The heavy rains and warm weather of the early spring have caused it to grow to twice the height it has attained during four previous years. Cattle which came out of the winter in a condition to make excellent hat racks are as fat and sleek as they usually arc in July. Ho believes the shipments will bo larcer than has been expected on this account. Speaking of the progress of the Elkhorn - horn road , which is there known as the Wyoming Central , Mr. Uerry Bays there is little Uoubt but that it will go on rap idly this summer. Ho is credibly in formed that 150,000 tons of steel rails have boon contracted for by the Elkhoru company and a part of this humonso order is already on the way. The Cheyenne & Northern , which Is a Union Pacillc branch from Chovenno northward , is already near the Platte , and despite announcements that it will go no farther at present , Mr. Ucrry states that a contract has been let for twenty- lives miles more construction. This will take the road up the Platte canyon and roach the north of Shawnee creek , where n junction with the Elkhom road will bo effected. If this report bo c&rrect and Mr. Hurry is m a position to obtain informa tion of a pretty reliable nature the probabilities are strongly in favor ot the future construction of the Choycnno & Northern westward through the terri tory , by way of Douglas , or on the oppo site side of the river , until the oil country is tapped. It is not a secret that such was the original contemplation of the pro jectors of the road. There was really nothing in the country imme diately north ot Choycnno to induce its construction. The cattle shipments of the Platte valley and Fettermnn oountrj'.which the Klkhorn threatened to y auyrour.ia.iu , inducements. Beyond those the oil of the Swectwater basin is the prize. Mr. Herry stated , in addition to this , that Do Forest Richards , president of the First National bank of Douglas , told him on Saturday night that , within thirty days , that place would receive a decided boost in public estimation , and intimated that the basis for it was a hitherto un announced railroad more. A Fcellne Between Them. There is some feeling between the old real estate exchange and the new. The old exchange had a membership limited to fifteen lirms. The now started in witth eighty and has Fteadlly increased until it has considerably over a hundred. This stirred up the old and they have decided to take in more niumbors. Thus far it has increased to twenty-five. The new exchange is booming and a room 41x1)0 ) will be put aside in the exchange , corner Tenth and Fariiam , for an exhibit of builders' and traders' materials. It is expected that an excellent showing will be made and thnt the exhibit will bo ready for inspection within thirty days. Judge Bcrkn's Court. In the police court yesterday morning Judge Herka disposed of two dozen cases , mostly vagrants and cases of intoxica tion. Five were committed , about a were fined and the remainder dis charged. John Dcnson , James Bowman were fined $5 and costs each for fast dri ving , the one over the Sixteenth street viaduct and the other along the street. Jessie Sistoon , a disreputable woman who disturbed the pence , was committed in default of $5 and costs. Reported Fatal Accident. A telephone message from South Omaha at a p. m. . yesterday , stated that the dummy train which arrived there at 2:30 : jumped the trrck and the engineer was reported to be killed. At 3:30 : the news was obtained that the incoming dummy from South Omaha duo hero at 3 o'clock , ran into an engine on the main track. The dummy engine was derailed and the tender thrown into a ditch. No one was hurt. The Humane Society. General Smitli desires it stated that persons residing in remote sections of the ity having complaints of cruelty to ani mals to make may communicate to the lumane society until further notice hrough the telephone of the Excelsior office. Hereafter the Humane society , vill bulletin its proceedings each week , ho bulletin to bo placed in General Smith's otlico. Shameless Females. Belle Castcllo and Ada Mcndcn , two notorious females , were complained of by two men named Jacobson and Cum- imngs , who reside in the vicinity of Twelfth and Dodgo. It is said they are 'nmatcs of one of the lowest resorts in ho city , and flaunt themselves on the jidewalk to the disgust of respectable passers-by. Judge Berka issued a war- ant for tiieir arrest. Want Pay for the Material. The Bohn Manufacturing company yes- crday morning filed three suits in the clerk's office of the district court to recover rom as many different parties on building material sold and not paid for. The first is a suit against John Richards et al for $ ' . ' 91.73 , the next against Robert Stein ct al for $31)8.73 ) , and the last against Carl Sesscman ct al for $291.73. A Tall End Collision. Two Incoming Union Pacific freight trains collided sit Summit yesterday morn- neat about 5 o'clock. The forward train was unable to pull up the heavy grade at Summit and the second section ran into t. Auumber of cars were damaged and derailed , but no onu was injured. The track was cleared at 7 o'clock. The X'bss Case. The opinion of Mr. Popplcton on the case of Henry Voss , who claims that ho could not bo legislated out of oflico by the now charter , was expected yesterday. As Mr. Popplcton is out of town no opinion was handed down , but it prob ably will during the week. Mr. Voss says ho has no intimation of what the verdict will bo. > Edison Electric Light System Eslimacts furnished. GKO. W. COSTEI : , Paxton House , Omaha , Agent. Hunting for Her Hubby. Mrs. Eva Young , of 1300 Como avenue , Minneapolis , Minn , has written to the postmaster of Parkvalo suburb , Frank Robbins , making inquiry about her hus band , Samuel J. Young. The lady says she understands ho is somewhere in the neighborhood and slio is very anxious to learn something about her liege. Iooltinc Over Lake Mannwn. Messrs. II. B. Hudson , O. 11. Guidon and Guy Doano , of the Omaha Rowing association , went to Council Blufls at 3 o'clock ycsterdaay fternoon to look Luke Manawa over witn a view to preparations for a regatta next month. Perjury Case. Andrew Bovms agaiust George Zim- merleo , in a case for perjury , was on trial before Judge Uerka yesterday afternoon. The complaint alleges that Zimmerleo swore falsely in a case before one of the justices of the peace. Cottage colors ready for use In now and desirable shades. Alabaslino in various tints , the original and only per manent wall finish , supersedes calci mine for beauty and durability , and is easily applied. Paints , window glass , brushes , etc. , largest and most complete stock west of Chicago. Cummings & Neilson , lllSFarnam St. A Brlok Thrower. Yesterday afternoon a Rip Van WInlcIo appearing man who sells matches on the street was arrested by Ofliccr Michael Riloy. Ho was refused entrance to a res idence where ho applied to sell his wares and then he siezed a brick and tired it through the door. For Stile. A good brick machine in good running order. N. W. Williams , Council Blufis. Still on Trial. The civil docket of the district court was taken up by Judge Neville yesterday morning. The case of Heddloman against the Union Pacific was on trial. It is n damage suit , occasioned by the overflow of a stream crossed by the railroad com pany's lino. _ _ _ _ _ _ Nonrlnir Completion. The iron cages and cells of the now central station In the basement of thu annex building are nearly completed , and will bo ready for occupancy by to morrow. By Wednesday the entire base ment will bo in order. The Woodbrldgo Bros. , of this city , handle a line of pianos that are unsur passed for beauty of case , tone and ac tion , and the manufacturers date back over 30 years. Wo shall bo pleased to have you call and look us over. Wo can suit you in prices and terms. 215 S. 1oh ( St. Fine llorsca. . ' Dr. S. D. Mercer has just received a team of Kentucky thoroughbreds'Vfrom Lexington. They an ? considered bylocnl horsemen M ono of the finest teams to bo C o * FAMILY JARS. Big Trouble * In the Curran Family , \ \ hloh Should ha Stopped. M. M. Curran and family reside on the north side of Harncy street between Ninth and Tenth streets. The neighbors and police allc-gc they are continually at war , and the boarding house which they keep is n continual scene of fighting. The principal blame is laid on the wife , who is said to be in the habit of going away from homo with a strange man , and when her husband objects she ten ders him pugilistic attention. There Is an old Irishman boarding at the ) house called "Uncle. " who Is about eighsy years old , and who has quite a nice little pile of money. Sunday a sensation was caused by the announcement that Mrs. Curran hud left her home , it is alleged , with a stone cutter named Kane , It is nlso said bv her husband that she carried with her "f 120 of "Uncle's" money , together with a certificate of deposit for $1,120. At any rate Curran was of the opinion that his wife and Kane had gone 'or good. So it was that ho notified the police , stirred up the neighborhood nnd got very drunk this morning. He went > o far as to say the absent parties were ocalcd in a house of questionable repute { opt by colored parties near the corner of Capitol avenue and Twelfth street. About noon yesterday , however , Kane iwl the woman returned , that is , if , as the nisband says , they had ever gone away. \ general row was the result which was Apparently damaging to Curran. Ho claims that the ' whole household" as saulted him , and his wife hit him while lie was sleeping on the bed. The neigh bors say these continual ro\ys are getting lo be a nuisance and especial solicitude s felt for the young children who arc ex ceedingly bright and well behaved. Will Endeavor to Bring it to O in aim Mr. L. A. Garner , who has been for a ongtimo the joint agent of the Ameri can and Wells targo Express companies n Omaha , has been appointed supcrm- endcnt of the American Express com pany for Iowa. Temporarily his head quarters will bo m DCS Moincs , but ho will endeavor to transfer them to Omaha , as ho considers this city a more advan tageous point for transaction of the com pany's general business. Bad Man AVItli n Boer Glass. Charles Schmidt was arrested yosterdav afternoon on complaint of Fritz Mueller. Mueller alleges that Schmidt raised a listurbanco in his saloon on Vinton trcet , and in attempting to eject him the man struck the complainant witn : i beer jlnss , but missed him and struck Miss icrtlui Mueller and broke the finger of : ier left hand. Pnrnell Social. The Parncll social club will give a re ception and ball at Cunningham's hall lext Wednesday evening. This is to be a arc well May party , anil the managers of lie club propose to make it an enjoyable close of a successful social season. A Stolen Team. A. II. Mcgravo , of Missouri Valley , la. , las notified the police to look out for two sorrel mares , a buggy , buffalo robe and set of single harness which were stolen > om his stable on the night of May 10. REAIj ESTATE. Transfers Filed May 21 , 1887. Kobert Nelson et al to Simon Hof- inan lot 1 blkV" Sliinns 3rd add wd 3f50 00 Cityof Omaha to a'.mconTJossolyn ' 'JOxllM ft com at uw cor of lot 4 i blk 10 Omaha qc 1,000 00 John J Utteiistein and \vifn to .Mary Klllngwoud lot 5 Minion place wd 1,250 00 Frank K Ottenstoln and wlto to Lucv Klliugwootl lot G Marion vlncowd 1,25000 Clms E lieltterand wife to Clias B Denny et al lot 4 blk 3 Orchard lllllw d 1,60000 j 11 lluiiKute trustee to Amanda K Davis lot 8 blk U liudtoid iitucu w d MO 00 Ohas Larson and wife to Olof 11 Pearson w % lot 20 blk t ) Kountzo andHiithsnddwd 00000 Samuel 1C Felton and wlto to .Mrs Man- IJoach n 50 tt ot lots 11-12 blkaorcliaidlllll wd 1,600 00 I'dwm S Itowley and wife to Mary M Slirisck w' < lot 21 Tellium I'lsico , w d 14,000 00 Erastus A Itonson and wife to Cora 11 Sloinan , lot 17 to SO inclusive , blk 10 HrlpKS1 place , w < 1 2,50000 J 11 Hun 'ato trustee , to .las W Hopkins , lots 15 and 10 , blk 12 , Bedford place , w d 1,200 00 Jcaiiio K .May to .Julia Wcssells , lot 10 , blk 2 , Hawthorne mid , w d. . . . 1,500 00 Erastus A Henson and witeto Mad ison \ Johnson et al , lots 23 , 23 and 24 , blk 8 , Brinks' place , w d. . 4,800 00 E A Benson and wife to Madison Y Johnson et al , lots ? , 8 and 9 , blk 13 , Uriels'place , w d 4,500 00 Anna M (1 McCormlckctal to Peter N McllheUe , lot 2 , blk 4 , Deer Pnik , w d 1,00000 J 11 HutiKnto trustee , to Alphonso A Bryaiiton. lot 5 , blk "B/1 Bod- tordadd , wd 800 0 Thomas S McMurray and wife to Maberry E Patterson , lot 3 , Bon- tiold , w d 2,500 00 Isaau X. Pierce and wife to D. 0. Patterson , all blk 1 nnd lots 3,4,5 , 0 , 7. blk 2 , Plerco's sub div of lots ' 2. 4 , 25 , 20 , 28 , blk 1 , llorbach's 'add , q e 0,000 00 Daniel C. Miller et al to Geerce F. Brown , lots , blk 24f , Omaha , q c 500 00 Goorne K. Drown and wife to Peter E. Her , n e part of lot 5 , blk 2i4 , Omaha , wd 1,335 00 Emily J. UrlKBS to Peter E. Her , a part lot 2 , blk 21i , in Omaha , not taken by Omaha and s w r of w , 0 c . 1 00 Thomas lireimon et al to Horace hmiliiKton , lot 15 , blk 10 , Heed's Istadd , w d 4,500 OC A. S. Po.ter et al to Win. 11. Coub , lot 5 , blk 4. lot'J , blk : i , lot 7 , blk o , 1'ottur is Cobb's 2d an to South Oninlia , wo 1,050 ( X A , S. Potter to Fletcher Vosburch , lots 13 , 14 , bis 1 , Potter ite Cobb's 2d add to South Omaha , w h 1,150 OC Fletcher YcHlmrirh to A S Totter et al , lot 0 blk : t. lot 7 blk 0. Potter A ; Cobb's -d add to South Omaha , qe IOC Lewis S Heed and wife to Martin Quick , lots 11 and 12 blk 470 , Oramlvlow , w d 4250C Gee \V Aylesworth et al to Jas A Beverly et al , lot 20 , blk 45S , Urandvlow , ( j c 500 OC Francis 1) Cooper and wife to Mar tin Quick , 21 lots In ( irandvlew , lot 10 blk 43ii , In same , no 4,117 OC Jos Bailcer and wife to Martin Quick , lots 3 nnd 18 blk 471 , Uraudvlew , wd..L. . . 375 OC * DOWN FROMA BALLOON. Aeronaut Kltm Telia How Ho Aston IslicBtho Rural Settlements. The Argonaut : The descent of balloon in a remote backwooods settle munt Is almost invariably productive o _ amusing incidents. Landing once in a mountainous district in the state o Georgia , my companion and myself wen astonished at hearing loud shrieks am exclamations issuing from a house neai by. while in the doorway wo saw an ol lady down upon her knees , praying with Cioat vociferation. The whole neigh borhood had been aroused , and an earth quake could not have created greatci commotion. In the woods , not far from our landing place , wo found a bag o meal lying in the path. It had been dropped by some panic-stricken native. Farther on a fishing party had abandoned several strings of fish. Our comedy came measurably near ending in tragedy , for wo had a narrow escape from the shotguns of a gang of illicit distill. , crs , who took us to bo revenue pincers. On the occasion of a fecentj decent in southern Virginia n tiorbut colored 9atcbi ssfiW | ot tb gazed upon it in rapt admiration , ex claiming : "Dar comes ray blessed Jesus , walking on de clouds ! I take my chil dren out on 'de public roadl Sufiln' gwino to happen ! Hallelujah ! " and she went on shoutiiic till the truth was ex plained to her. Another Afro-American hearing mo him , started off at full speed , crying , as ho ran : "Gabriel's done called mo , I liunr him hollcrl" Very amusing was the experience of Elliot , in one of his descents. Ho had ascended from Charleston on n summer afternoon and was carried slowly down the harbor , lauding at last , just n nightfall , on one of the Islands. There was to bo a wake that night , and the dead ncgro.Dick by name , lay in the cabin , while a do/.cn live ones sat outside telling spook stories , when Elliot dropped down In front of them. There was a yell , a scramble , nnd In a moment all but ono had dlsappcaacd. He had been caught by the aeronaut's anchor and dragged som distance , screaming , piteously : "Oh. Massa Debit ! Massa Dobll ! I'so not do niggarl 1'so not do niggarl Dick's in dan ! Dick's in dab. I" NlKhtmaro , sick-headache , depression of spirits , and want of ambition are symptoms of a dis eased liver. The lungs , stomach and bowels are all in svmpathv. Life is onlv a living death. Dr. Picrco's "Golden Medical Discovery" acts upon the torpid liver , and effectually removes all these difficulties and disorders. Nervous feelIngs - Ings , gloomy forcbodings.aud . irratibllity of temper all disappear. W. M. Farquhar , of Scotland , is In the city en route to Cheyenne , lie is con nected with the Swan Land & Cattle company. i POWDER Ab < ? oiitely ! Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o purity , strength nnd wholesomencss. More economic than the ordinary kinds , and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low cost short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans Royal Baking Powder Co. , 106 Wall-st. , Ner York. OMAHA 13th St , Cor. Caplto ! flverm * TOR TUX TKKATMENT Or JH.L Chronic & Surgical Diseases DR. HIcWIENANIY. Propiletoi- . fiuteen jeari1 flosjiftal and Private Pructlce We Imvo the facilities , apparatus and reineille- fnr'the iiicccesful treatment of every form of dl - into requiring either medic * ! or surgical troatmeut , nuil Invite all to come and Investigate fur tliemiclroi r correspond with us. Long experience in treat Ing caies by letter enables us to treat many ca scientific/illy without seeing them WHITE FOR CIHOUI.AH on Defomltlci and Brace ; , Club Feet , Curvatures of th Bplne DISEASES or WOM N , Pllts , Tumors , Cancerc , Catarrh , Bronchitis , Inhtlation , Electricity , P rnl' yl , Upllcpnj , Kliliiej , Bye , Ear , Skin , Blood auc ] nil H n re I CM operations. llatferlcs , Inhnlers , Tirstcn , Trasies , ant nil kindH of Medical and Surgical App'.iaucen , man ufactured and for ule. The only reliable Medical Institutt miking Private , Special f Nervous Diseases rA BPKCIAT.TY. ALL CONTAGIOUS AND BLOOD DISEASES , from whatever came produced , succcssf oily treated We cau remove Syphilitic poison from the system without mercury. New reiterative treatment for lots of vital power ALL COMMUNICATIONS CONKIDKNTIAL Call nnd consult us or send name and poit-offlc : address plainly written enclose stamp , and we will nd you , in plnln wrapper , our PRIVATE "CIRCULAR TO M fir UPON PBIVATI , SPSCIAL AMD Nunvous DISEASE * . SlUINil , WlAKMIIS. HriKMATOr.HMUCA , lMPOV > . - cr , HTITIUII , OosonitnuA , QI.EKT , YAmcorzu : STRICTURI , AND ALT. DIUBAIXS or Tin QI/IITO URINAKT OBUAMI , or tend history of your cateic : an opinion , Persons unable to vlilt ns may be treated at Ihclr liomci" , by correspondence. Medicines and Instru ments sent by mall or express SKCUKRLY PACK ED FROM marks to Indicate contents or sender. One personal interview prr fcrred If con > eniont. fifty rooms for the ac > > r * . modation of patient * . Board and attendance r reasonable prices. Address li Letters to Omaha Medical aod Surgical Institute , Cor. 13th St. and CanltolAveOMAHA. . s > B. SOMETHING NEW. Warranted tonolther break down or roll up In wear. Icoe Ctnnlna without KiBO lUraptd on Intldi of Contt , TrjlIII U ! jy llil fir lMr pr itolfJ. CHICAGO CORSET CO. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. TAR DID PILESVU SALT ftHEUM and all eUln disease * . A n w metiiotl of torn- pounding Tar. A Cure cuarauteetl , or money refunded. Bold uy dniccltta. ami at the oQlco of TAR-OID CO. . 73 UKNlrHST , CMICiOO. l'tli > H # 1 , Lincoln , Neb. Tim best known nnd most popular hotel In the state. Location ccntrnl , appointments flrn clnss. Headquarters for commQrclal men and all politic * ! and public fratberlruri , .i' , uoauK.NrK > ? rUi SWEEPING REDUCTION , We want to close out our light weight suits now while there is a demand for them and no fc wait until the season is over. For that rea son we had a great mark down , of which the following are a few samples , One lot of fine worsted four button cutaway frocks , in neat silk mixtures , lined with silk serge and elegantly made , which formerly j sold low at $20 , now reduced to $16.50. | Several lots of fine worsted sacks , of same description , in differ ent patterns , bound and unbound , formerly sold low at 18.50 and j $17.50 , now reduced to $14.50 One lot of fine worsted four button cutaway frocks , light color , j silk faced , and equal to custom made , formerly sold low at $20now reduced to $15. 500 light and dark colored cheviot , pin check and various nobby spring suitings , formerly sold at $15 , $12 and $10 , now reduced to $12 , $10 and $8. Special attention is called to our line of summer coats and vests , in flannel , serge , mohair , alpacca and seersuckers , in all new and fashionable shades , and ranging in price from $1 up to $5.25 for coat and vest. A GKREAT BARGAIN , is our $3.25 mohair coat and vest. The same is sold elsewhere for from $6 to $7. All goods marked in plain figures and at one price. Nebraska Clothing Company , Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. i OMAHA RUBBER CO. , O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. HUBD THOMPSON , Sec. Treas Wholesale @ Retail. STOCK : : RTJBBER : : : : , "Flehnrind"Cottte , nulbs , Donclics , Hslr Crimpers , Nursery Slicctlug , Rpccnlumj. Air Pillows , Jlrushcs , Drill A Duck , Hulr I'ins , Kavyllnf ; * , Sportsmen1 ! Goods , Airllcds , Ilrewcr'slloee , Door Main , Hull , Oil Clothing , Mimipfl , Air Cushions , Caps , Dress Slilulila , Horse Covers , racking , Mntioncr's Gam , Antl Uultler * , Capes , Drlnklns ? Clips , Hose , It. II. .t P. I'o.l'ulls , .Syphons , . . Aprons , CnrrlRRO Cloth , Klastln Hands , Hose Couplings , P.rl.eilon Bo < Syringe. Spittoons , Atomizers , Cartridge lings , Elastic Stockings , Hose IMpos , I'cnclls. Swimming Jacket * liands , CathcUrs , . Erasers , Hose Heels , I'eu holder * . SytlngM'P.if.ctionHox,1 ' Bandage Gum , Clothing , Face BaR9 , Hot Water Bottles , 1'cssarles , Tlilmlilea , Baptismal rants , Copy Hook Sheets , Finger Cots , Haversacks , Piano Corcrs , Throat Hags. , < Halls , Carpeting , Flower Sprinklers , Ice Hags , Pipes , Tnhlnc , Bath Mats , Cement , Floor Scrapers , Ice Caps , 1'lye Stems , Tumblers , Bath Tubs , Clothes Wringers , Folding Palls , Inkstands , Plant Sprinklers , Toys. > lied Pans , Coats "Fish Brand" Foot Balls , Invalid Cushions , Pure Rubber , Tecth'gltlngBAradi , v Bed Sheets , Combs , Force Cups , Leggings , Pants , Tobacco Pouches , . . . . , , , , Pistol Pockets , Rolls , . . . B.B.&P.Co. Belling Comb Cleaners Fruit Jar Kings Lined Hose Trotting - . Belt Hooks , Corks , Funnels , Gutters , Jtuttles , Urinals. - \ * Bellows Cloth , Cork Screws , tins Tubing , Mfe Preservers , Knbbcr Dam , Umbrellas , J > Bibs , Curry Combe , Gloves , Mackintosh Goods , Itulers. Ventilating Soles , Blankets , Cuspadors , Gossamer Caps , Match Boxes , ItopalrlngCloth , Waoton Aprons , Boots & Shoes , Cigar Cases. " Cloth , Martingale Kings , Khaft Kubbors , "Wagon Covers , Boys Caps , CbalrTlps&Buffers , " Coats , Mats. ShoesBoots , Wagon Springs , Boys Coats , Diapers , " Waterproofs , Matting , Sink Scrapers , Weatherstrips , Bougies , Diaper Cloth , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing , Bracelets , Dolls , Gun Covers , Mittens , Shooting Coats , Wading Pant , Breast Pumps , Doll Bodies , Uutta Percha , Nipples , Sling-shots. Water Bottles , UrcastShlelds , Doll Heads , Gymnasiums , Nursing Bibs. Soling , Window Cleaners , Buffers , Door Bauds , Hair Curlers , Nursing Bottles , Sponge Bags , Wflhgcr Kolls , Boston Belting _ Go's. Rubber nnd Cotton Belting , racking and Hose. Sole agents in Omaha. Leather Belling- ; Pure Ouk Tnuned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION BOX SYKINGES. " Manufacturers of "FISH BRAND RUBBER GOODS. " OMAHA RUBBER COMPANY , 1008 Farnam St. , OMAHA , NEB. Mall Orders Solicited and will Receive Promut Attention. Stationary & PortableEngines1 Locomotive and Stationary Boilers , Tanlcs , Steam Heaters , ITot Water Boilers , Steam ( Generators , Steam I'amps , Doilf/e Wood Split Fulleys , Acme Shaftlmj. Wagons , Road Scrapers and Bale Ties Agents for the Improved Corliss Engine Prompt attention given to all orders. G-et our prices before buying. BROWNELLdCO. . , 1213-1215 Leavenwortli st , Omaha , Neb. * MALT WHISKEY Specially Distilled for Medicinal U o. IHI BEST TONIC 1 UNEOUALEDrorCOrJSUMPTIOK WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTSJHQESTIOH DB. XDW. L. WALLING , Sur ( ou In Chief , National Quui of K.J.writM : "Mr attanlloa w j f llod it vour K.jiton. Malt WbUkiy 1'J Kr. I.tlor , DrusyUt , of Trtaton and I buTo uied f w bollix with far effnet than any ) b v > had. I am noommtotUot your article In my practice , aoc find II vtry utliUctory. " BIWilZ CT 'nOUTICXI. h Otinla. bfti tkt BlfCKinrt * _ IIBXIH * MKHUILIU TtMiBUl Cf B9ttl . n Hi. 1.1UI. EISNER A MENDELSON , i ( lo ! . lieiu for Ib. U. 8 ) 316. 318 and 320 Raca St , Philadelphia. Pa. Goodman Drtip Co. henl.Agcnts.Omaha Nebraska. Men nfferlnsr from f < o tVlv r , * l' rb of tOrcllnr , etc. , resulting from In. discretions , cirerMi cr over * rk , cwr d withuui Utomuch the tr Katberi A placed In tin ka < U of tliolr Sous , fid" Iterate wltk _ _ _ _ , tarornullou of vlue.lo nil rath. HUSTON RMDV ( CO. 10 Park Plact , New York Mention Omaha Ilco. ri7i bV'lhli'Niw iMMtOTED k thliiptcilcpurpoM.Cciior , , -r .7 " " i nW. ootklnfcurrtuu of ttj dir.cilj through til .ik ptni.niur. Mo h.illh nd Vlon i Str.njlh. ilictrlt " > W C-l'llln.nctl or w forf lti . x > ( noib. UiMKitlinprottattnl.ovtr.lloihirbtlii. Wor | ct in.neTiUjcurtainlbn.monUii. h.ili f.mpkl.Hc. RELIABLE JEWELER. Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest Block. Price * the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted. Corner Douglas , and 15th streets , Omaha. Licensed Watchmaker for the Union Pacific Railroad Company- . DEWEY & STONE m aamsaaa.HmK\j'f \ ' fi K-arm FURNITU A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture- maker's art , at reasonable prices. New Model Lawn Mower Five Sizes , H'lll cut liljher ( jrass than any other. Jlas no equal for slmitUcltu , ditraltUUifand cane of operation. This is the latest Improved Ma chine in the Market. Low I'rtcea. Send for circulars , f 1JHIL STIMMEL & CO. . OMAHA , NKRUANKA. State AaciitH for farter's Jlayliw Tool and Jobbers of Binding Twine ,