Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this bout,10 ) cents par
toe for the Ortt Ini crtloti , T runU for each aub-
oqueiit insertion , and $1.Ma line per tnonth.
Nil nilvcirtl oiiicnl tnkcn for Io9ithnn2li cenM
fortho first Insertion. Sovti wonU wll Ibo
counted to tliu llii'it they mint run ronieuu-
tlvelv mid mint bonnld In advance. All ndvcr-
tNomcnlM tiui t ho banded In before I : .n o'clock
ii-tn. , and tmilor DO clrctiiiutnnoos will they bo
takrn or discontinued by telephone.
Parties ndvertiilnv In tliewi columns nnd hnv-
Inirtlie imwiiri addre od In cato nf TMK HK
Trill plon o ink foru cheek to onahlo thorn to trot
their notio will bo delivered except
mi presentation of check. All mnworn to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelope1) .
All advortt'cmontR In those columns nro puln
llshcd in both morning and evening editions of
Qlio Iir.r. , tlio circulation of which
Hggrcgntos innro than 14,000 papers
dally , nnd giro * thu hdvorU'er the
benefit , not only of tlio city clrctilntlon of The
UKK but nl o of Council muffs , Lincoln , nnd
other cities nnd towns throughout thla part of
thu west.
TO LOAN-On city property In
sums of $100 nnd upwards nt loweit ratwi.
Money always on hiitnl. a. 8. Campbell.311) )
Boutli Sixteenth street. KM
,600,000 , to lonn at 0 per cent , llama ASamp-
t win , 101 Ilonglai it 70
M \ONKV to loim In birifn or small ntnounts by
Wm I ) . Ixmcb , IWJ Furuiun. 652 ] ir.
ONBV TO I/JAN'-O I' I ) vH A Co , real
estate and loan agents , I&05 I'nrniiiu t.
MONIIY TO LOAN I'lrst mortK"KO notes
botiirht. J. A , HlcMiind , room , Arllntr-
Ion block. 5IWJ12J
/ To loan on Oinohn city property tfl
$800/MO cent. O. VT. Day , s. o. cor. Kx. Hid.
MONKY TO I.OAN-On city nun fnrm prop-
erty , lowintcs. Stewart & Co. , Hcmm 3
_ _ _
Iron bank.
MONEV to lonn. cnsb on df lay.
J. W. nnd K. ! ' . &iulro , 1413 Karuaia it. ,
Tajtlon holol bulidlntr. C7S
M ONBV I'lrit uiortitinfe notes. The Douglas
county bunk will buy pupors iccureil by
tuortpnio on city reiuty. 070
"MONEY 'TO IAN on improved real Dilate ;
J."i no commission ctiaruod. Leuvltt Ilurn-
hnm , lloom 1 CroiKhton lllook. 617
6 J'Kll CUM' Money to lonn.
OreKory & Hadlny ,
Room ! 1 nnd 3 , Hcdick Dlock , 320 S. 1Mb ft.
TO IX5AN Money loana placed on un
proved real estate In city or county for
New HnKlnnd Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bnnk. 16th and Clilrngo ita. _ 878
MONiV ; to loan on luiuiovod city property at
6 per cent. Monoyonhand ; do not have
to wnlt Have a ootnploi * set of abstract books
of DoufrUf count * . I. N. Watson , abstractor
BairliKeal Estate and Loan Co. ,3008. l h st.
. _ BHQ
MONKY ' 1O LOAN bythonndonlgiiwl.wlio
bus the only properly orirunlrod loan
ngoncy InOnmha. Loaniot $10 to $100 made
on furniture , plnnof , orgnni , horses , wiufona ,
nnchlnery , &o , without removal. No delays.
All huslncis strictly confidential. Lonns so
niulo thnt nny pnrt can bo paid at any Imo.euoh
payment rediiclnB the cost pro rntn. Advances
W rondo on line watches and diamonds. Persons
ihould carefully consMcr who they nre dealing
with , as many new concerns nro dnlly coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
nil fee mo. W. It. Croft , Koom 4 W'thnoll
Ilulldlng 15th nnd Hnrnuy. 893
aillKOmahii Financial nxobaiiio ,
N. W. corner of Harney nnd 16th sts. ,
over State National bank.
I * nrt'parc < I to make ehort time loans on any
available security.
Lonns made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time Innns made on Improved real estate
At current rnk > 9.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Hecurcd notr-a bought , noldor exchanged.
Short time lonns miulu oncocond mortgago.
Recording to marginal Interest , nt collateral
Heal estate to exchange for good Interest
bearing paper.
I ( leuernl llnanclal business of nil kinds trans.
Acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money always on bund for approved loans of
Pny Kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Oorbolt , Manager. 1S8
$750.000 TO LOAN nt II per cent. Llunhan Ac
' Mnhonoy , 1501) ) Vnrnani. _ 609
ONKY LUANKUut 0. F. heed A Co.'g Loan
, on furniture , pianos , hoisoa.wairona ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar
ticles of value , without rVIHUTllI. U19 I s. 13th.
over Illnglmm i Commission store , All bust-
ness strictly confidential. em
61'KH CENT Honey.
K. C. I'nttergon. 15th aul Ilarney. 88 *
T71OH BALK Hardware Tuslnoss In best loca-
X1 tlon in Grand Hnplds , Michigan ; a story
Mono building. Kent 1100. H lock in good con
dition nnd will invoice $3,000 to $10.000. Will
pell at discount to good buyer. Addreel owner
> 1. L. Swift , Oritnd llaplds , Mich. U a-3J
T710H HALi-Lumbcr : Yards-Twenty lumber
J- ' yards In Nebraska for snlo. Good loca
tion. Good business. Ono of the proprietors
polnghackto Kuropc to live. Address Lum-
lierman.caro Clowory.S. W. P. O. , Chicago. III.
_ _
FOH HALK-8tock of groceries In Hrst clus
location. Iteasnns for oelllng , engaging in
r other business. Address "P 70 , BeooUlco.
9SO-2 * *
HELPING IIAND-llenutifully Illustrated ,
contains nearly 1)00 ) advertisement ! from
Indies and gentlemen wanting coTreipondonU.
Kent 3 months for 10 cents. Address Helping
31 nnd. 70 Ln Snlle 3t. Chicago , III. 101 25
T71OH SALB A general itock new (6.000 , itnre
Jhouse and lot new $1,500. Centrally lo
cated. A splendid opportunity to get in a new
town , one-half cash balance time. Address for
enoweek Look llox " 2 , " Maeon City , Nob.
FOH SALK-Choap for cash only , n ft mull
stock of grocorloa. Invoice about $ t > 00 , on
raved street , block from street cur. must bo
old nt onco. Address 134 , Bee offlco.
UM 33'
TjlOHSALK-Part Interest In wall established
J ? baknry. Chuncofora nne builncss with
mallonpltnl. Call at or address Nw York
bakery 1008 Ciiining st , city , 001 27J
FOU FA'CIIANH5-Siockof general morchan-
disc about 14,500 , stuck hardwnro about
f 1,00'J. ' Want U caih. II. & K. , box V03 ,
bhenndonli , la- _ 73. ! a6 *
FOli BALK-Meat Market doing rood bull-
ness. Good locution , lloasons for lolling.
' 47 , Boo , TOO 30J
_ iK Warohoiiso , on track , suit able
JJ for storage or nmniifaeturlng purposes ,
will be sold nt n bargain it taken toon. O'lloruo.
Hotlolt A Co. , M3 S 13th It. M7 25
'IOR BALK-Or trade for city property or
JJ funn.a $3WX ) stork of Jewelry-can be
ecu at nny time. MoUullooh & Co. , 1IWJ
yarnnin st. Omahn , Neb. 689 * 3
* OAHUclmnco to oxnhnnge for stock of gro-
J V cerlvfl , 40 acres improved land ISi miles
from Central City , Nob. Write quick to H. H.
t Veeley , Kearney , Nob. C49 * 5j
YoBinl1irdHTlIjrm'.KIno stock of grocer-
leg , feed , produce , etc. . with a dnlly bull-
DCS3 of $125 , on the best street in the city , for
fate , Quod reasons for selling. Parrott-V Wll-
lamion , 1401 Douglas it. Upgtalrs. 407
\trA NfKP-A perton dTclrTnir to engage in
TT nnhonorable paying business netting $10 I
to $13 per day clear priint on stoclc of $ * 5 to
I1HO , Host buslnoss men of this city given ns
reference * . Call nt once , or write , to Koom 1 ,
Crounso block , ISth st. , cor. Capitol ave ,
Omalin.Neb. 408-JU
TciOH SALU Very cheap , good brioc bulncji
X1 property In Or and Island , Nob. Tbogrentcit
bargain and host tcrmi In thu city. Uood reti-
on for selling. Far pnrilcniari tutdresi J. H.
Woolley , Attorney atLawGrand Island. Nob.
267J V.'J
TTlOltSAI.K A profltnbln and well fitabllsbed
Jt business suitable tor a lady. Call and In
quire at Employment Bureau , 219 n 11th ste.
CJTUAYED From my rcildencol9th and CH !
V7 tfornla it * . , a roan cow , branded "li" on
right hip. Howard for return of IKIIIO t ) ! ,
AVukeloy. 07 2IJ
CfritAYKD From South Omaha , n d'afk"lT 7
O hnavr-Ect mule about 14 hands high and :
years old. Finder will return to TIIOH. lllg
Bins , South Onittlin. Nt > b. . fc9i 24'
STOHAQU For household goods nndgonora
mcrchnndlie at low rates , corner Thlr
tunth and Uard ittveti , up town oniro 511
t-'oiHhTblrt oath. avitphonetda. 4S7J14'
STOBAQR-Flrst-eUai torare for nlco fur-
nlture or boxed gooili , at 1513 Dodgf-it.
JfllHST-CLASS Storaee at 110 N 13th .
XTIU. DUlUNT-CI rlToj ant from lloiton.u
f U reliable ID all alTalrl of Jlf , unltei itptratec
Um * . m N. 18U It .room 1 591 B > |
ARIlIVRD-Mrs. Dr. Kddy. of Oottnn , the
world-rnaownod nnd highly celebrated
queen tranca clairvoyant of the Atlnntlo coast ,
Mrs , Hddy n n seventh daughter , born with a
double veil , llmthc power of nuy two clair
voyants you over met. Tell your entire life ,
pa t , present and future. In n dead trance.
F.very hidden mystery revcnlcd. Telli full
namns of her callers nnd the full nnmos of your
future husband or wife , with age unit dnto of
innrrlnno , and trll whether the ono you love Is
true or false , ( livusiulvice on dtvorcoa. ooa-
tested wills , speculation * , etc. Telia whether
Mocks will rise or fall. Tells your life from cra
dle to the grave , and cnuso.i speedy and happy
marrloffcf. Mudnmo unite * the lopvrated In
ono half the time that uvery other cla'rvoyant '
can. Hcinove * evil inllucncei , and by her nil'
vlco give * good luck. Positively nn Imposition ,
llevonlsi'vcrthlnir , $5,000 challenge to any me
dium who can excel her. Hours , 9 n.m , to 0
p.m. . strict Parlors at 40 N Ifith plroet , up
two nights. Cut this out and cnll rnrly.
N. II. ThUllMiKlamo'iurst visit , Bo sure
you got the right numo and number. 817 2A *
TJEHSONAL-Neat and tasty nil-wool buMncss
J sults.17. Flno blue diagonal dreii suits ,
I0.75. Cnll nnii see them or write for samples.
L O. Jonca Sc Co. , American Clothiers , 1309
Fnrnam fit , Omaha , Vu3 j 3 ]
IEKSONAL-If you wnnt n dnflrnblo , cen
trally located onice you can Und It at 313
8 16th st TS
pKHSONAfj-Prlvnto homo for ludlo * during
1 confinement , strictly conHdonilal , Infanta
B/lotitcd , udilrc. 8 K 42 , lice otllco. 8I9J2 *
IJKIISONAL-lluyer , yes , owner will take
$2im tor the elegant east front lot , Han-
icom Plticu , if taken at onco. Ooss llros. , 418 8
15th. 7M8J
IJKH50NAL- man of some forluno of
about 40 , who o bond Is culled CHSHO ! | by
painters freks thu acqunintunco of n tn-autlfti
wealthy Indy. Herman preferred Adiir * > < 1'
57 lU-o olilco , TOI 3IJ
- Mrs. Dr Nannie V. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical "nil builneu Medium
Boom No. 8,121 North 16th st. .Omaha. Neb.
TTSii''UL : ' INFOHMATION-Sond ono dollar
\J ut mn it 817 uortti 10th it , Omnbn , No-
hrnskn , nnd by return mall 1 will Bond you full
Instructions tor putting up ottira without expense -
penso and with Itttlo troub'e ' , so as to keep
them untainted and perfectly fresh for years.
To prove It bet n hen nnd If thoerKS nro spoiled
or tainted after 21 dnya sottuur 1 will refund
you double your money. D. Lnthrop. No. 817
North liitli at. , Oumho , Nubruakiu 111 2lj
TUN dollars for most words f rora loiterIn Co-
lunibln. I.isti wlthCOcto Hairy Mntthc a.
Union hotel , Omaha , by Wednesday evening ,
lieiult Saturday. ' 134 X1J
PAPKHHANOINO 15 per cent discount from
store prices. Address Pnporhnnger ,
814 North Kith St. CW-J-1C *
TIAPPAVOHU rouiovud In four hour * com
pletal ut home. Addreii , with ittunp ,
Prof. A. Peter , lit Mouroo avo. , lluehcstcr ,
N. Y. Oi27r
FOR HKNT Lnrne plato glass window with
irood offlco sjuico for $50 per month , nt
Hid lioilKo , Aln nice ollire spaces for rent at
f 10 nnd | 20 each In line locution. Mltoliell
toyonmarok 161B Dodifo st. 4 2 2:1 :
BfAlthlNf ( ( ATr Vl Knrnam st. Now "Or
land" cook steve No. S-18 for sale. f 5 2j J
WHY pay ? 3W and S400 for n piano ot no
particular merit , when by lidding ? .V )
more you can buy a Decker lira , known the
world over to ha llrit-claia In every particular.
WoodbrldKe llro. 80J 2'J
APIIOFlTADIiK and plonsnnt business for
lady or Kent with a little money nt 31U
South Uth st. , room 5. 8W s-
ALAKni ; amount of pasturage , well
shaded and watered hy numerous springs.
Imiulro at real eitato o 111 en of Jas. 12. Vandor-
cook A Co. , No. 120 N 15th st. 6'JS
JTHAW lints shaped , bleached'and trimmed
3 lltSHonnrd. A.-MoAusland. 745 81 *
CUSS POOI , sinks nnd vaults cleaned , odor-
Icsi proccgt. K. living , box 427 , cltv.
680 JlflJ
FOH SALK Furniture of a 6-room
with privilege of renting houio , will be
sold nt n bargain if taken ut onco. 1114 Call
fornla. ' WW 23
FOll SALE Wind mill , tower and tank com
plcto , lu good order ; can bo taken down
and inoveu. Cull on or uddros * Klrkondall.
Jonca & Co. , 111C iiurney street , Omaha.
U18 27
TO K KB NT Square Piano U montnlr.
Hospe. 1B13 Douglas. < > 89
TO PROPKHTY Ownors-lf you want to sell
your1 property * und full description with
price and terms to Hurt's Oreat Woltern Honl
Fatnte llureau , Crelghton Hlock. Wo havu cui-
tomors for every bargain that Is offered.
TIO partioi having hou < for rent , Kcntal
Ag ncy. Renawa & Co.,15it. , opposlta post-
offlc0. We have turned over to them our rental
list. We recommend thorn. McCague liros.
NOTICE W. a King * Co. , house moving
and rawing , leave ordars at 1320 Pierce if ,
85 J4J
TjlOR KENT Organs , $1 per month , rtofpe ,
J ? U13 Douuldt. 889
Ol. C.-HOUIO furnishing goods , all kinds :
cash or installment ; lowest prlcei at J.
Itonnor , 1315 Douglw st 900
K BENT Square flano , $ i montalv.
Hoipe. 1513 Douglas. U89
LF you want to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. rorguion's , 715 N. Uth. 091
TCTOH SALE-Plnno A traveling gentleman
J- has a new upright piano , cost ( .VH ) , will M )
cheap. Apply at ouco. Audreys U 17 , Ber if
flee. 108-84 *
T7KH SALB Two Hamblotonlan carriage
JC horses , will drive single or double. Dr. t.
Wackcrow , Omaha , Nob. Office 117 S 14th it.
020 mi
1OH BALK New , light sidebar top buggy ,
cheap. Cole 3U1 3.15th. room 1. 027
FOR SALB or trade A goo 1 mare for saddle ,
work or light express. Fowler Bros. & Co ,
1612 Douglai. 138 23J
H SALE Ono six-foot upright black wnl-
nut show cu30 , Milton llogors & Son. 009
T7WH BALK Team of flno heavy mulos. C. T.
J Smith 1038 , south 2Jrd at 8.M 25J
"ITIOH BALR-IJtrgo pony , age 5. with now snd-
JC die , bridle , otc , for $ WCull at 320 N lutl ,
St. 749 24
TI10U SALB-4,000,000 Hard Brick. T. Murray.
JL ? 748
FOB BALE fluok board nnd open buggy.
Inquire 1567 N l th. 7U1-2.SJ
F OK 8ALE-6 milch cowl. U A Marsh , 904
N lHh. ( 555
P OH SALE New 2nd hand olilco desk , 1013
Farnum , upstair * . 182
F I OH S A 1J > - Drivers ami draft horson , rear of
1818 Uhlcngo st , 1M ] 5
FOH SALB Span horses , double wagon and
double harness for $ ' . ' 00. Also a lot of posts
cheap. C. J Ciman , to-i
T. Murray.
WANTED-Hoy to work In store from 6 to 9
In morning. Apply to M. Wollsteiu A
CO.IMS. ( 13th I. . 116 24J
W ANTKD > lento toll Bhft'.nnd Mountain
ponlci , fancy colon , llttlo boautlos.
Haraple ponv free ou conditions. For further
particulars Inclose stamped lolf-addressod en
velope. Ityron Van llaub. Boorno , Kendall Co. ,
Texaa _ 104 24 ]
V\rjTN 1' KD A n v nis to represent tbo National
TT Library association , oxporlirnced book
Hgenta , tcachon and school suporlntundnnts
prrrcrrod. The won Um Huh pleniantorthan
cniivudng for boots , and energetic workers
arn making from $2.1 to $50 per week. Address ,
with rofcroiicpa. National Library association ,
1(0 ( 81 UULrt.4 CliloaifpLni _ . 812-83'
\\rAiTED-Two : Orat-clMa barberl. hlghcit
' ' w ngei paid to the right party. Apply to
A. I. I'Ddeland ft Co. , DarDeri Supply Home ,
1304 Pouglli. lT43-t3
\\fANTKD-Mon for railroad work In Colo-
' ' ratio. Albright's Labor Agency , J120 Far
nam. 894
W'A5TfKD-4 brick mouldora at IX B. Blckel
.V Son's brick yard , Vmtoy et near I3th et.
UUa 87J
\ \ ANTED An exporlencokUrocer'i delivery
' mnn.mtiitbu w llno < | unlnted m the city ,
steady iind rollnblo ; nonevlsonoeil make ippll
cation. Win. Flomlng & Co. 607
" \\7ANTKD-Stendy Toungraan at the Mlaflt
T t Parlors , lliu Sarnam St. 110-23
\\TA NTED-IO teamiter * for the w it thip to-
> > nlfbt. D. UO'Keofe.UO'JS. UtUSt.
lll- *
\\7ANTID-A man of rood education to act
T > atraveling aaleimaa with a Brit-elasi
houn. lluit be able lo f IT * leourltr. Box 7 ,
Oinaba. IN 3 It )
A NICE , competent young man wanted at
oncofor one otthe loading retail cigar
It ores on Farnam nreeL Age , 15 to SI. Ad-
drets llox "H 2 , " U la oBco. _ 1334
\ITANTF.D-8aleiman can add A 1 lino.
VT Hmall fcamplri. One gent earned $ J , 400 :
others tni to $ i,000 , In 'WJ. P.O. box. 1371
Nowork. 124-iM
" \\7ANTKD Klr < t class canvas or to soil sonp-
TT Inn solely on salary. Apply to H. Ilnrpcl ,
220 North llth ot , room If , from 4 to Op. m.
WANTED An energetic man to sell our su
perior brands of machine oIK to dcnlera
nnd consumers on commission. Address J , U.
TlmmlngACo. , Cleveland. O. Wl gl *
WANTBD-.Mcn , Women , Boya nnd Girls for
n light and profitable employment. No
picture business : no humbug. Bend lOo for a
valuable pnnnge to commence on. Only n few
hundred will IM ) distributed , Addrosa Albany
Supply Co. , Albany. N. Y. 843 J'J'
W ANTKD Laborers tor railroad work. 15.8.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam.
\ \ ANTKD-Laborera for H. It work. D. a
O'Kucfo , 30-J So .llth Bt. 770 2IJ
\\fANTKO-2 woman cooks. 1 pastry nnd I
T > Hcoond cook for Kearney , faro paid :
woninii cook for Central City , $ T < .OJ , gooi
place : 4dlnlng room girls for Pocntella , $2i ) 00 ,
faro psld ; taundrcsi In city,2 nurse glrlt : dish
washer ! ! : cnok and 2nd girl , $ . * 0 nnd SIS , and
lota of nlco pltices In private fnmlllca Mrs.
Berga & Bon. 3IU So 1.1th.up-italra. H72.IJ
WANTKD Lndy agents for Mrs. Campbell'
combination underskirt and buttle , re
movable hoop * for laundry. Aconta mane $1
each , and many lull 12 unity , 100 ae msires c3
employed to Keep up with order * . Add res ?
with stamp. K. Cntmbcll & Co. , 434 W. Han-
ilolph St. . Chicago , III. 121JV
" \\7ANTKD-A competent Kir ) for ironentl
> T housework. Imiulro ut OCO Collnx Ht.
. ISH.'ft.
WANTED A girl for penoral housework ex
cept washing. Apply large houie In front
of Crolullton Collepo. 135 24J
WANTKD-A irood houie cleaner for two or
three days work. Apply ut ia2l 81. Mary'a
nvo. 117
"VITA NTH I ) 4 tree < l wnitcrx , ( rlrls preferred.
T None but llrst-clnss wanted , To such xood
AvrtRos iind permanent place will bo K'VOII. '
Al9OclmmbermHl < lR nnd laundry ttrApply \ \
ut once nt Norrla Hotel , cor. lOtd Sc Wcbitor.
WANTii : dlnlntr room wlrls at Kxclmngo
Hotel , Union Stock Ynnls , 8. Omubn. I or
lartleulars Inquire at Cnnlleld lloiisu. 113 21
WANTKD nirl to wnlt on ice cream Parlor.
Only those who have had oxporlenco
need apply , Gco. L. Dean& Co. , 132J nnuirliis.
U'.U ' . ! . !
W ANT ! ' , ! ) A girl to do o-enornl housevvork ,
mint be n good cook. 1U1KVelister st 'JG'l '
W ANTED-A dressmaker atUlC Howard St.
1)44 ) 23
WANTF.D-A girl 15 or 1 years old In smnll
family to help around the bouse. Apply
o 19)1 ) Hnrney st ait-2.1 *
WANTP.D At Planters hoiiso dlnlner room
girls , none but experienced waiters
.runted. 051 2fi
\\7ANTKD-Olrl. Must bo good cook nnd
InundrcM. Smnll family. Good wages ,
.leferences. 1113 Georgia nvo. Ul'J 23 *
W ANTKD-fllrl for kitchen and dining-room
work. Apply at 419 Ninth st fl'll 2J
W > ANTUO-Ulrl Ol'J N. 19th st. Must bo
good cook. 007-23 *
VTANTKD A dlshwiislier at Millor'a tc tauT -
T rant. 1004 N. ICthst. 81'J
WANTKD A good experienced girl for
general house work. 1415 Jonest. 827
WANTKD-Lady book-keeper at U. P.
Mont Market. Uth st , near Wob-tor.
7fi'i '
l7ANTriU Oood cook and second izlil nt
T 2427 Dudgo at. 6111
W ANTKD Cook und dining room cul. Muel
ler's Itestaurant , 1001 N. 10th st. 251
\\7"ANTKI-Second girl immediately. Cnll
TT bet. the hours of 9 and 10 n. m. orOto 7
p. m. , 2427 Dodge street. 25.
" \\7 ANTKD Ladies to work for us nt tnolr
V T own Homes ; $7 to 10 per week can bo
quietly made ; no photo-palming , no canvass
ing. For full particulars please address at
once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central Bt. Boston ,
Muss , il.ix.5170. IK)2jol5 ) *
\\7ANTKD-By a middle-need lady situation
V f us housekeeper In a family without chil
dren. Address for one week box 16 ] , Syrncuso ,
Neb. 06S24J
WANTED Hy a thorough dry goods man , a
position , ( lest of references fiom Boston
and Chicago houses. Address A 31 , Bee olUce.
112-2J * ,
WANTED Situation oy an experienced dry
goods salesman who has bad gnvoral
yours experience In buying goods for the
spring and fall trudo , 1 speak English nnd Ger
man langUHgc * . Best of ret by people who
have known me for 23 years and have it good
recommend. P 65 Bee ofllco. b91 2'lj
7ANTRD One good second-hand derrick
Addrodi , with price , otc , . Bee olilco , P (6. (
. . ' '
l)7.r.-'JTl' )
WANTKD Situation by n bright young
Swede ns coachman , has the best of references - '
onces , is willing to make himself generally
useful nnd work for moderate wages. Mrs.
Brogn & Son , 310 So 15th , up-stalrs. 133 23j
WAN1ED Parties tired of paying rent to
buy cheap homes on easy terms of Fowler
Bros. A Co. , 1613 Douglas at 133 2JJ
ANTED PnatureWor cow , gone dry , nnd
TT yearling calf. Fowler llros. St Co. , 1512
Douglm. l ; 23 ]
\\TANTF.D By graduate of Chicago Lnw
TT School , admitted to the bnrposltion na
clerk In law 01'real estate office. Address H. J.
H.,5''Portland oulldlngChicago , lit 1SS23 *
WANTED-Posltlon as assistant bookkeeper
or light sot of books to keep of evenings
Address P 50 Hoe otllco. 649-20'
WANTED-Posltlon in private family , or
doing general work , Address II. W. Wat
son , city. 090 23J
WANTED A position us type ffrlter. Ad
dress O 40,1 lee office , 11
W ANTED A position as type writer. Ad
dress O 40 , Boo ofllcc. 231
\\fANTED-A Position by n thorough no-
TT countnnt Boat of rofcrencos. Address
O 14 floe olilco. 813
WANTED Two or three furnished rooms
for single gentleman. Location muat be
ccntrnl. Address P 71 Boo. 100-21 *
"IXTANTKO Everyone to know wo furnith
TT mala help free and fill orders promptly.
Mrs. Broyu and Son , 310 816th , up stairs.
729 31
WANTED To buy a 7 to 10 room house to
bo moved. Frank P. Uoll , 831 south 2UU
street- 86820J
WANTED-To buy 8 houses which can bo re
mevod. A. F , Mayne , 1408 Dodge At
WANTKD By a single gent , a nca'ly fur.
nlshed room In quiet lumlly. Address
stating terms and location , P 82 Boo offlco. 029
WANTED-To exchange a lot for a couple of
good - ' - ' --"lowca. B. C. Patterson ,
16th and Harnoy.
WANTED 2 or 3 horse power engine , 2n < l
hand. Apply at Mlllard hotel offloe. 4 il
WANTED A nowipapor , paying circulation
guaranteed from the start , for particu
lars address Bank or Valley , Valley , Neb.
W ANTED Teams for railroad work ,
Albrlght'i Labor Agency , liao Farnam.
10It KENT-290J California St. , $30 ; or for
calo. Iromeillate possuMlon. Inquire of J ,
F. Hellns. 1208 Farnam St. 141
" | 7 > OHHKNT-A furnished house. Fowler Brot.
C 4 Co. , 15U DoUf las , 133 53J
THOR HBNT-I stores and a Hats with seven
J- rooms bath and all
- , room modern Improve
ment * , at the termlnue of the rea and green
street car line , by Faullen it Co. , room 8 ,
Bedlck building. up
CXB HENT-Or for lale. Two houses and
J.1 Iota on monthlr paymentl. Co-oneratlvo
Land A Lot Co. , IQ.'i N. 18th * U 13J 28
F OB BKNT-NJ 1 N 17th it References.
Enquire between Hand I p. m. 1362UJ
CXR HBHT-Desirable flats , modem convon-
Jlencei , for offloo or living purposes. Cen
trally located. LetlleLetUe , Central pbar-
aaoy , Itth and Dodga. rfit
OHHENT-atoreana teoond Boor on eoi
or § -F-
K.v. . IIRNT Eight room houjo well furfl-
-L' Uhod and centrally located' Alio team of
horses and double carriage for lalo. Address
P7BC8 , ± , , i 477 25J
T7IOH HRST-Throe room IWUso , 709H Paciflo.
-C For Bent Six room hoil 4vll04 B 7th ,
For Kont-Threu roomhaufC > ; lDl } N20th 033
moil HENT-7 room hotilu"lt > Omaha View
C Blunt * Impoy , 418 8 UtVat 8J7 2.1
F1 n HENT-Aitore. Ilk ! 8. Mth st.
Ooo. H , Petereon ,
"IJIOU KF.NT-Store and inriaff apartments on
-L1 Citming near Saunders MijApply Ht UarrU
Heal Estate and Loan Co. . aalB. lith st. 607
OK UKNT-Framo rtojbulldlnir , 10xM ,
with living 4rooms.on PB Sheridan stjwlli
Imprare ; put basement under store to nut any
legitimate builneii Win. Fleming * Co. . 1401
DouglM. 870
"ClOU HKNT Uood burn , suitable for four
J hones. Inquire at 817 ft , 13th st. 9JJ
OH KENT-Wlndow , good locality for low
cler or real estate. Apply to 3u3 n Hit h.
"fflOH KENT-3-roora House , 7UJ Pacific.
A 513
OK KENT Third tloor , 22x90 , of brlok buildIng -
Ing , HOS Farnam street , use of elevator.
Inquire above number , upstnlrs. Ml
FOIt HUNT Latnst styled ( I room house- : nil
conveniences. S. K. cor. GUi uud Division ,
i in if i '
HKNT-llrlck yards , T. Murray.
F OH miNT-Threo room house , 110 ! i S 7th
TpOll HKNT Furnished room suitable for
JL t o Kcntlomcti. S. K. cor. 6f 18th and
I.cnvcnworth. 112-21 *
FOIt HKNT Itoams fiirnHhod or unfurnlsliod
MiiKle or onsult. In now houe. Hoonis bnvo
never boon furnished. 311 N. Uth st.
Fen HKNT One furnished room , S. W. cor.
Mh and Uaraoy. 115 2IJ
FOR RUNT Nicely furnished front room
with board , suitable for two gentlemen , nt
002 South Kith St. cor. Bt. Mnrj's nvo. 730 23J
"I710K KENT A milto of two rooms , with board ,
-L In a prlvut * fnmtlv , suitable for mnrrled
couplo. Deslrnblo locution , ono bio OK from
streetcars Kefc-rc'iicci required , Koady for
occupancy Juno 1. Address , P. O. lloz 371.
7HItKNT-D ik rooai in o nice , No. 120 N
. 15th St. BW )
I'Oil HKNT Elegant room , bay window , gns
bnth and nil modern conveniences. A.
Io pcnn : N. 17th. 1170
F"OKllTlNT Ware room cor. 13th nnd Call-
ifornln on Belt Line , tor particulars cn-
ulro ut Union Nat. bank. 18d
FOIt HKNT-OIHco rooms In Ortionlg block ,
corner Uth nnd Dodge. Davis 4 Hothcr-
ngton , .Mlllard Hotel Illlllnrd room. 52D
FOH RKNf 2 store rooms in best city of
4,00(1 ( population In Nebraska : ' > now rail-
onda now building to It. Harrison , Ambler &
A'oolley , 419 S. 15th at. . Omaha , Nob.
< 05J12
FOH HENT-Furnlshod rooms at IBlt ) Dodtro st
888J 11) )
F I OH HENT-NIco furnished room. 202R Far-
nam. ft"i !
F I OK HKNT Nino-room flat centrally located ,
3103Wth. ' 0",7
IjlOH HKNT Klognnt rooms , references ic-
- ( inlred , 1P07 Douglas at/o E01
FOH HKNT Furnished room with board ,
every modern convenience , 2535 St. Mary's
avo. . . WM 25J
FOH KENT Klovon nlco unfurnished sleep-
Ing rooms. Separate or , { nil together. In
: no s 15th st. , un
FOH KENT Dcslrublo uaturnlshod rooms
suitable for oftlooor aluvplng rooms. ; I1U
S 15th st . P78
F OH HKNT Nicely furnlsdied rooms cheap.
tiOfl South 15th street , Upstnlra. 9J5
FOB HKNT niogantly furnished room for 1
gentleman near buglneN. All convotii-
iticcg ; private family , 1613 Caj > . ave. 213 2-1J
FOH ; tHNT Desk room , v niulrc Voung
Blackmail , 214 B 16th at' , 540
H HKNT Three room npuao west of North
llth it. between Chlca qp and Casa. C'JJ
17011 HENT-NIcclv ftirnlihsd rooms , with
J' good closets and bath room , at No. 134UH
North 17th , near gruon car line. 910 23j
FOR HENT Two furnished rooms with
board If desired. Private family. Innulro
,923 , Farnam. 80j-2T
T71OH HKNT Four furnished rooms In Kstiv
X ) brook building , 408 north Idth t 3rd Moor.
89M3 *
E OH HKNT-Furnished rooms , 701 S 17th 6t.
741) 2fi
FOH HENT-Two unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping , with privilege of using
cooking stove , $10 per month. Intnilro at
Itoom 2 , Paxton block , cor. 15th nnd Fnrnnm.
131 23J
TCT10H HKNT Furnished rooms , apply after 4
-E p. m. , 1124 Pierce. 132 .TJj
F I OH HENT Nicely furnished room , 1021
Dodge st. 119
T710H HENT-Two nicely furnished rooms ,
JD Oil S. 20th at. 125 25 *
FOH HENT-Largo , nicely furnished front
room , 829K 3. 21st St. 890-2
F'OH HKNT Largo well furnished room with
bnth and other conveniences , to gentle
man , call at 1924 Farnam. 852
TTIOH HENT Furnished room with use of pir
lor.510 Fnlrvlewist.82itb. ! 831 2.IJ
POK RENT Furnished room at 5.T7 Pleasant
street. 888 2J
T71OH HENT-Otllues lu Helnnan oulldmgoor.
J-1 Farnnm and 13th sts. . In lultoa or singly.
For prices , diagrams and information apply to
8.A. Slomun , 1513 Farnam it. Boom 2.
TD1OH HENT Klegnnt offlco rooms , best lo-
JP cation in Omaha. 310 outb 15th at. tV >
FOH KENT Nicaly furnished front room ,
uitablo for 2 gentlemen. 2511 St. Mary's
nvo. 759
F I OH HKNT Hoora , Albright's Labor Agency.
1120 Fnrnam. 702
FOH HENT Furnished room tor gentlemen ,
with board , 2015 Iznrd st. B6J 25 j
TCTOir HBNT Nicely "furnished rooms suit-
-L able for two gentlemen , 151U Hnrney at.
042 23
F OH HENT A suit of rooms for 4 gentlemen
acquainted , In good locality , 331 N Uth at.
> OK KENT-Parlor nnd bedroom , 1558 N. 18th
Street. 91 23 *
F IOlt KENT-Vurnlehcd room , UO'J S 17th at.
850 S7
/10HNRR-2 lots Kount/ place , B4\124 , cholco
V corner Walnut Hill , with B room nioditrn
house , barn , eta ; $ t",760
U room house Mlllard Cnldwoll ndd. . . . 3,000
II room house 2 lots , llurrOato. IIHM
Hanscom Plnco , 100x150 f.f 5'JtM )
Hnnfcom Place , 100x243. . . .3J.1. 8rxiO
Cholco lot Patrick ndd : 2,000
Jerome Park. 50xl6T.TT 2,100
loth street , near Nicholas , WxItO 13,000
Corner nnd Cumlng. 78H3J/ . 21,000
Corner 10th and Dodge , MXA. ] . , .
List your property forvtale with Barker Sc
Burr , 1509 Farnam street. 085
E XAMINK ourLlst-
70x120 , n corner near Cumlrlg'st , and
37th ; . . $ : i.OOOOO
Mxl32a Corner on Jonosgjl 1 2S.OOO 00
60x140 on B. 15th it .11 U.OOO 03
MHilGOon Saunders st . . . . .IT B.rXiOOO
22x140on Botlth 1'Jth Bt M.I l. 00 00
100x110 on South lath , u cornar 13,000 00
CtJilX' , a corner on Ixmvenworth and
14th ! 31,000 CO
X3ixlU , a corner near Leavenworth Rt. 12,000 OU
50x140 and * room cottage , $2JpO ; $ COO
cnih , balance on eaiy term
lExl'JS , a corner on 8 llth at 0,00000
McGnVock & O'Connor , 310 813th at. 024I
FOR Sale or Trade
House and lot In Walnut Hill.
lot * In Donooker'i.
1 lot la Pelbnm place.
1 One lot in Hanscom Place.
Lota In Highland Park.
Karma In Iowa and Nebraska ,
Good paying Drug Store ,
liono and Bnvry and ItMtaurant.
By F. Barrett & Co. , 314H 8.15th. 918 23
SWAN * Co. . 1UI Dodge 8t-
HendQuartcri for exchange , farms for
stocks , stocks for farms. You will always flnd
aomethintr to nt your case If you have any
thing to trade by callln on Bwan 4 Co. , 1 1
Dodge street.
Bargains ! Bargains 1 Bargains !
Wo ahull offer for tbo next 30 dayi the biggest
bargain * In form lands ever made public In
Omaha. Wo have 300 farmii well Improved for
ealo on * a y terms and at low uricci.
50,000 acres good land In Nebraska for saloon
on long time and famine price * .
, S > .OqOacrei lUte ichool landl. well located ,
We to 11.00 per acre. Ua ei run U years.
Choice barren * on inildo proportle * . im-
pro id and vacaat. Bwaa * Co. , 1631 Dodge.
Olhroo cholco lots In Kendall' * , for nil , $2,400.
Rait front on Snundcr * , $2OM.
LoU 15 , IB , 17 , Davenport sub. S. fronU ,
alongside Ko nt70 Place , easy terms , big
money , each $1,000.
Van llcuron 1'laco lot. $ ! . : & ) .
Choice lot In Clarendon , for n few days $ tVV )
Band 10In N , Lowe'a add. , near Hamilton. .
COtK'7. very sightly , each JI.2W.
Four choicest bouvelard lotc , Crctshton
Heights , if sold at once , $ J,600.
Only best lu S. * H .add. to Walnut Hill , $330
to $1,0X0.
100.1150 e. and o. cor. Walnut Hill. 11,000.
Vine Crr ton lot I'leasant St. , $1,500.
21 In S Kllby Plnce , none better , o. front
Other Kllby Place lots. $ UW lo $1,750.
Pightly < . front , letter's , $ l , .Vi.
Thruo. . fronts McCormlcli's 2ud , if sold soon ,
for all , $3,000.
Fnrnnm St. , 80x187 , gllt-edgo , $5,500.
Lot ou Park live , in Hoes Place , very cheap nt
Lots In Jerome Park , Highland Place , Popple ,
ton Park , Hanscom Place , Omaha View , Heed's
1st , Drake's , Marsh's. ( IrltTen A Isanm' , Clifton
Hill , Orchard Hill , KounUc Plaeo , West Knd ,
Platnvlow nnd olhor popular additions.
No trouble to show property. 1 have money
to loan , nnd buy good first mortgage notes.
Call on Hlestnnd , Boom B , Arlington , west of
P.O. | t'31 '
17OH SAIr-5Q choice farms loss than 20
K miles wcitof Omahn. Address J. H. Sllvls ,
Itcal Kstato Agent , Hlkhorn , Nob. 041 m aj
BAHOA1N Ono hundred feet front on
South Glnvonth it , corner lot , only 11,000.
rarton time. V. L. Vodloka , 5JJ South l.ith it.
FOH SALB Slots,3 houses and furniture. 3
barns , horse * , carriages , and elolgh , Imme
diately nt 421 S. 20th. 118 2lj
DON'T read this unless you want something
thnt will pay big !
Lot 25. r'alrmount Place,60x121. only $ l , 50.
Lots 34 nnd Si" " , Falrmouut Plnce , front on 3
strrote. Itoom to timid 4 small cottmrca. Fern
n few dnya at $1.MWfor both. John ( Inllachor ,
317 South lllth Kt. 1-M 21) )
F OH PAtiK A section of jrood farming land.
Address P , F. llutlur , Albion , Neb.12.12S
12.1-2S *
FOR SAM' A cnmploto residence of oivht
rooms , all modern conveniences , cen
trally locnled ; l r u lot with luigeFtubln. all In
Al condition. Price $10.000. Also otfor for
en'c ' ono of the finest drlvlntr tenmi In Omaha ,
perfectly jrontlo , with hupKy nnd cnirmiro ; and
all the furniture , onrpets unit househom fronds
at n burualn. This la n splendid opportunity
tor nnyono wanting a complete borne nicely
furnished. Address H. 1. , care of tills oftlco.
137 29 *
I1NCOI.N PLACR-Wo have for sale eleven
* beautiful lots In Lincoln Place , adjoining
thePatrlck farm. Hugh A Bclby , 1521 Farnnm.
M ! )
TJEAO thH splonaid lUt.
XV Gibson , Aylesworth A nonnmln | ,
1513 Kurnura st.
For 6 days only-
Lot on lioutrnvs st , 40x113 , with C-room house ,
etc , $ . -.100.
Lot in Hawthorne , 49x109 , cor 33d and Dnvon-
poit , U-room house , $3,1)00. )
3 lot ? on Slierumn nvo. 127xir . t\0t .
Lot on lith and PUul , 45x140 , tt-room houae ,
ctc. , JVX ) .
la ; loot on 16th 3t- near Fnrnam.
Ulbson , Aj-losworth * Ilonjamln.
1512 Faruam st
FOIt BALK At a bargain , a most dcslrnblo
homo tor n snmll family within n mtlu of
P. O. , a block from 2 street car lmei nnd paved
ptroola. IniulrootU. | K. Wbltmoi-e , ( lord's
oporn bouse nov
" \\7ihnvo : two lots In Allbrifrht's Choice which
IT we will ozehnncro for peed buirtry.
Holmes & Moronrty , 1320 Douglas at. 437
ACOMKOHTAI1LR down town residence of 0
room1 : , with furnace and bnth room , etc. ,
nil lot on 2dtli near Lenvenworth , only S'-'iOO ,
ensy terms. The lot will soon be worth the
price. Mead & Jamieson , 318 Souih 16th at
DKXTRlt L. THOMAS-llns the choicest lots
In Lincoln Pluco.
2 cor. ucrca In Soloman's ndd $700 each.
3 lots In block TO , Boutli Omaha.
Also 0 , block 80 , and lot 2 , block 63 , T m8) , 2
in U7 , cheap.
BO acres bv Central City to soil or trado.
1.120 acres In a body near Stanton.
4H ) acres nonr Wlsnor.
Also lots In Hcdford Place , Dolonci nddltlon ,
West Cumlnir , KoHtor's tvld on Cumlng st , The
'ioss lot In block C Shlnn's nddltlon.
Also Igi-k'o lots In Shlloh.
S ncrcs on Amos' nvcnuo.
Also tracKayo cheap on lielt Line , for salt or
8 large lots on nrondwny , Council niutfs.
Lotublk 0 Improvement Association , 00x183 ,
LotSblkT , enmo add , game size , corner ,
14,000 , &o. , Ao ,
I own the above and can make term * to suit.
Come nnd icp. Dexter L. Thomas , room B ,
Crelghton Itloclc 753
L. PIEI130N. Itoom 3 , Omaha National
J.L. Bank building , sells ronl estate. If you
want your property sold , pond mo a descrip
tion of It I will show It and sell It. I havu 00
neros near the Northwoitorn purchase , with
peed Improvements , which is on the market
for n few days at $300 per acre ; easv terms.
100x150 , east front , in block 6 , Hawthorne ,
runs from 35th to 3fltn street , is very fine , only
$ ,1,500. H cnsh , balance 1 and 2 years.
100x130 , Orcnnrd Hill , a corner , 12,100.
Lots 2 nnd 5 , In block U , Cnrtlnuro , onch , $700.
3 Clifton Hill lots at n sacrificeowner going
Call nnd look ovnr my list. J. L. Pleraon ,
Itoom 3 , Omaha National building. 000 23
9 room house , city water , gns , 1113
Park nvo $ S,001
7-room house barn , well , cistern , 8I3 S
22d st 7,000
7-room house , well , cistern , near Park. . . . 4.000
7-room house , Sf rent , 2714 Cbarlci it 4.000
C-room bouse , east front,2020 N 28th st. . . 2,700
4-room house , Omaha Vlow 1,500
UK ) tt fronting park on Park ave 6,000
60 ft on Virginia nvo north of Lonvenworth 7.WO
1 lots In Windsor Terrace , each 400
Sholes & Crumb , 140H Fiirnam at. 9,1123
A SNAP We hnvo on elegant house iind full
lot In Ilnnscom place for sale nt u great
bnrgnln , east front 9 rooms , every convenience ,
lot nicely sodded , large cellar , good barn , etc.
A charming homo , for price and terms call on
Cotton , Eastman 4 Wlnstanley , real estate nnd
loan agents , 120 N 15lh st , 453 23
MARSHALL Sc LOHECK , Members of Oma
ha Heal Estate Exchange , 1501 Farnam Bt.
Special Bargains Corner Douglas and Tenth
streets , 524,000 ; one-fourth cash , rents at pres
ent for f ! KK ) .
Twenty-two feet front on Dodge near Thir
teenth , 11,000.
Two lots und ton-room house in J. 1. Hodlck's
sub-div. . at $7,50i ) : cash $1,700 ; balance easy.
Lot 11 , block 3 , West Cumlng addition with
small house on easy terms , $ . ' 00.
Ton lota in Lincoln Pluco $ IJV ) to $900. There
Is no better Investment offered botwenn Dav
enport und California streets on Bolt Lino.
miring Valley .loins the city on the south
west , two miles west of stoek yards. We offer
aero lot sat $ "jOO , 1-5 cnsh. Two-thirds of the
addition are sold. Our price U lower than any
acre lota In thnt vlolnlty , nnd a largo proQt will
be made on the Investment.
Bowling Qroen Wo continue to sell lots In
Bowling Green at RJOO fet Inside nnd $250 ( or
corners. Acres , $550 to ? * . 1-5 cnih , balance
oasv. Howling Gr M n adjoin * the Patrick farm
nml will Inorrso rapidly in value.
Nine room house on Twenty-third street ,
near California , for n short time at $4.000 on
easy terms. EverythingJn first class order.
Marshall & Lobeck , 1509 Farnam.
Telephone 73. h83 24
wants to sell
5-room house , new , good well , outhouse ,
elu.,1 block from cable and 3 blocks from horse
cars , t'.000 ) , terms very easy.
Elegant homo on Virginia avo. , all modern
conveniences , a bargain at $7,000.
2 splendid bargains on California street , MX
ISO , fronting on bnth Sherman ave. and 17th st ,
3 houses , is n bargain.
2 6-roora houses , now , good well , cistern , etc. ,
$4.600 , f2.000 cash , balance to suit.
Lots 14,15 anil 10 , block 1 , Cotner & Arcker'a
add. to South Omaha. At your own price :
Lot 20 , block 0 , Orchard Illi ) 990
140 lots In OmaliH View , $450 up
5 lots In Kllby 1'lace , ono a corner 4,090
81x1(12,18th ( and Cintollsr I1.B9) )
Lot 4. block 23. Omalm Vlow 1.209
20,000 acres choice land to exchange for uny
kind of merchandise , horses or cattle .
Como and see us , Coie , 310 S. 15th , Koom I.
FOH BALK By Shaw & Co. ,
810 S 10th st
Houses and lots In all parts of ttio city. You
can't afford to rnnt when you know the price
and terms of tblsclassot property.
On Georgia nvenuo we have a largo plcon of
ground for sale nt leas than Its value. It la
worth looking at If you want a nlco residence
Lota for sale In different pnrts of the clty.and
you are lure to make money by dealing with
us. We are headquarters for safe Invoitinonts.
BAHOA1N I offer for a few days 2 flno lots ,
ono on Virginia are of 75ft on car line ,
and one ot M ft on Pleasant st bet 8t Mnry'i
ave and HarnoyRt ; those are flno lota. 0 T.
Morton , 111 b 14th at Pal 23 * '
LOTS in Omaha View $1,175 to $1,500. Meyar'a
Richards & TllJon.s $500 to $900. Fair-
mount 1'laco $800 to Jl.MO. Bedford $700 to
( BOO.
Here la a "Snap. "
60x145 , Itotxl's 1st odd south front Chicago t ,
$4,000--.WO cash.
Houses and Lot * .
Lowes ndd $ J.OOO. Omaha View $1,750. Millard -
lard 4sCuldwel's$3SOO. ! Hec-d'UH $2,550. Burl
Bt $8,500 and $ V,50ft , rMpliol add $13.5flO. Terms
on above easy. Wo have homes to soli on e ij
If you iranl any kind of property Rive us a
cell. Wo have H large list In Omaha and South
Omaha. No trouble to show property. Out
Hit of wild lands li one of the best m the city ,
Jobs Gallagher , 617 eoutu I3tk H t *
RUSH A SHLllY , HU1 1'arnnm t. , often
( W lots in Carthage . $ 7W
35 lots In Lincoln place . . . . . . 750
7 lots In OrcUtrJ hill. . . . . . . . . 1.000
10 lots In Sheridan place . 1,200
15 lots In Portland place . 650
6) lots In Ilojrdd. . . . 7U )
1 lot In Bedford place . . . (175 (
1 lot on State it . 1,250
10 lots on Lonvcnworth st . 1,200
lot ) ft s 10th stpor foot . 100
l.Vi ft on 1 10th nt pur foot . , 31
lolots InOknhoma . A.X )
4 lotsonsiotli st . 1,101
. * M ft on loth st per foot . HM
2 lots lu Wllcox 2d . MO
M lots lu Original plat .
niots In Hush & Folhjs ml . fViO
Z lots In Syndicate 8 O . WO
4 lots In Albrights annul . . . . . . . . . . . „
4 lots InKHlrmont plnco .
5 lots In Patricks . . . .
Z lots lu PttJilock plnco choup . . . . . .
2 lots lnSmilM2d .
Hush A Bolhy. 1521 Farnam. 727
ADDKKSS 1' . H. Orcutf , Council muffs , lown.
for the choicest lot In Ambler Place. Price
till June 1st only $ WO , half cush , balance | 10
poriiotth. 724 27 J
T > F.S I UKNCr. BAHlAlNS-60Tir.O , Hnnfcom
-Li Place , ca t front , with elegant modern resi
dence , beautifully Mulshed , every convonlonco ,
lot nicely lodded ; good barn. Take an hour to
Invostlgatothlslf you nro looking for n bar
00x140 Park Rvonno with beautiful modern
roildonco , $12,000.
01x142 with nuwlO roomed house. All mod
ern Improvements , on California street , $ i > ,000.
Two full lots with lu roomed housw , ovcry
convonlonco. Armstrong's addition , 510,000.
50x140 , Id-dick's snbdlvlMon , solcndld nine
roomed house , modern. $ S,000.
U2xl25 , Nelson's addition , good ten roomed
benne , barn , city water , etc. A grent bargain.
$4.200 , easy terms.
103x110 , Windsor Pbkco , with 8-roomod house
nnd good barn , $ " .000.
noxU2 , Mlllnrd Place , with 7-ioomod house ,
barn nnd alley at rear , n snap nt 95,500 , easy
60x142 , Hanscom I'lnoo. onsl front , with flno
iO-roomcd hotiFo , good burn , alley nt ronr ,
Full lot and .Vroomed cottage , collar , barn
, nd well , J1.70J.
50x1 40 , roomed house , cellar , bath room ,
: lty water , burn , do. $7,000.
50x )0 , with nlloy at renr , nlco 8-rnoraed
louse , east front on Lowu nvcnuo , $3,800 , cash
' 5ro.
50x150 , south front. Walnut Hill with good 7-
oomcd house , $3/iOO.
Wo hnvo sovorul now cottages close to city
'orRnlaon e.isy terms , ISi story , with slated
oofs , city water , i % * .
5Uxl81 , Otelmrd Hill , nlco 8-roomod house *
onth front , on Hamilton street , $3,000. Easy
50x150. Walnut Hill , south front , nlro seven-
oomed house , lot nicely eoddod and fenced ,
f3TOO. 1'nsy terms.
: axl0. ) : with 5-roomod cottapo and nbotlt f , " 00
worth of good furniture , for $ ' 1,200.
31x140 , wlthi-roomed cottage , south front ,
1.700. Cunh.$2. < iO.
Wo have bargains In vacant lots in all addl-
Cotton , Eastman & Wlnstunlcy , Henl F.itato &
Loan Agents , 1-0 North 15th st. 051 23
IMJIRDIATK snlo will tixko.r > lots or low only
5 or 8 blocks from Exchange bid nnd
'Jnlon Stock yard * on favorable torras. Sixteen
houses under contract In game block. Iwant
what they nro worth. I don't want fancy prloos
" wnnt to sell quickly. 15. n. Brnnch. 12J
imoitHXCIIANOK Will exchange farm land
J ? In eastern Nebraska lor lots In Omaha
nd Lincoln. Address Box 491,1'reuior.t , Neb.
ono so
rpIIP. Ai > plo of My Kyo"homo only 14 block off
JL St Mary's nve car line , convenient to busl-
r.ess , built "not fora day but for all time. "
llnrgams in business property.
List with its for wo put them where they keep
hot. Cake & Billings , over 101 South 15th at
TJV3R SALE Lots 11 nnd 1Z , block 4 , Klrk-
.1 wood , $1,500 each , ; < cash , balance ! and
2 vtnrs. Discount for cash , address Mrs. K.
"ooorts , Fort Sherman , Idaho. 36V24J
SKLKCTS , are the carefully listed bargains
hunted down by Cake & Hillings. Our sum-
pie case :
2 lots with 2 houses , , T. T. Hodtck'a sub , only
block from street cur line , 104x12) ) ft on 2
streets , big money hero for you.
llenuty of Hartlett , fruit trees , flno vlow ,
only ? 1.WO cnsh needed.
Cheapest South Omaha Bluff on the market.
Como , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and
we'll muko It ploaiant and protltablo for rou.
TENTH Street business property with track
age 93.V ) ] > er foot , cheapest ground on the
itrcot Patterson & Hoore , Omaha National
Hunk. 47J
LINCOLN PLACE-We have tor sale eleven
beautiful lots In Lincoln Place , adjoining
the Patrick farm. Huib & Selby , 1521 Furnnm ,
McCuffUQ Solo Agent.
CHKAP LOTS You oin make money on our
Cheap Lots on the valley north of town.
f 150 to 275. Come and see them. Uoggs & 11IIL
412 J 11
FOR SALB 4 sections of land worth fC per
acre. Will sell for 14 If taken Ht once.
Harrison , Ambler 4 Woolloy , 418 S. IKth sU ,
Omaha , Nob. 4W j 13
A GOOD lot with o bnlldlng en it , near Lake
and 18th , $2,750. Rnsy terms. A. F.
Moyno'a H. 12. ofllco , 1404 Dodge. 473
50 feet , Hartley near 20th , per foot J3tO.
fiO feet , Harney near 24th , per toot , $240.
8A feet.lnckson near Uth , per foot , C1M.
22 feet , Dodge , Improved , per foot $525.
bargains In lledford 1'laco , Hnwcs' Addition ,
O.lse'9 , Fnlrinount Place , Myoroa , Illchards &
TlUlcn'8 nnd Pelham Vluuo. F. llarrett & Co. ,
314H S. 15th. 017 23
Wo. ,
Special Hargnlns ,
S. front lot In Myers , HicharUe ft Til-
den's add - . $ 700
Sightly K. front lot. Kllby Pluco l.soo
S. front lot on Hamilton near iWth 1,800
22,44 or on ft front on Saunders st. near
2 south front lota , corner , on Maple near
Sannders 3,830
88x300 ft facing on Uurt and Cumlnga
uonr Saunders st. with 6 houses , very
easy terms 16,090
3 choice Iota on 3Ath it , just off of Far-
mini , east front , tor nil 12,000
Cottage nnd lull lot , otxst front. 29th uonr
Douglas ! > , KO
cotton IHthnoar Sherman street 5,000
80 ft on 17th near Paul street 4 , W
75 ft , cast Iront , on floorght nvenuo 2,800
Lots In Itcdford Place f t25 ! to 1,000
Mxl.Vi tton Ixiwo ave. nonr Farnnm street 1,850
East front In Cre-ston 1,400
2 lota on Oass street nenr Hist , both 3,209
Nlco lot on Burl ni'ur 23th street 2,000
Lot In Kllbey Plnoo uheup VDO
Two of tbo finest lota In Lowo's add ,
cheap und easy terms
Two lota and cottage In Lowe's add 3.500
2 lots In Marsh's add , both VIM
Good lots in Orchard Hill ' . 'ft ' )
Nlco lot In Hosorvnlr ndd on Hamilton st l.WO
Fine south front on Iliirdotto st.ncnr 28th 2,000
40 ft on Patrick ave near 2Mb 1U50
2 flno south front lota 3 blocxs beyond
Luke st , near Saunders , both 2,800
Full lot , corner , on 20th , with 8 stores
nnd 3 cottages , for 1,000
Very easy terms. BS9
O UK LI SI cf bargains :
I.owonvol lot | I.iVfl
howoavo corner 2oiX )
rnrnam st. corner Z'i'M
Farnam st 1 lot improved uo.ilOO
Fnrnam st 3,010
Farnnm et 3Ki
Lake struct .1,100
Dundee mid 2.00
Plamvlim 1,40) )
Saunders st 2,000
Pnundersat. 2 ft
Saundcrsst. 110 tt Improved I5.0IU
Seutll 13that. fflft 5.C33
HouthlBth Ht. Wx15U n/flO
lloorgln live 75xlV ) 2U)3 )
Park nve corner OxI41 improved
Rteven * Place.
There Is not nn nddltlon In Omuhn that oun
boat it , and we can Roll you an elegant lot
on easy terms. It Is lust the plnco for n homo.
Acre Property
110 acres jnfldo the city limits on easy
terms/There Is money In It
3 H acres opposite Kountze Place.
Hesldenre LOIR.
Yes , wo have a largo list ut vacant and Im
proved In nil parts of the city , uud can suit
overboil/ who wants to buy.
617 Btevena Bros , 1511 Farnam at
SEVEN Beautiful lots 2 bloeka wo l of B'Uin-
dors st\noar LaUe Et. , $1,400 each , 42x112
fee' .
Orchard Hill lota at a bargain.
2 linn lots in Vinton Place only $1,230 each ,
easy lermH.
Good lot on Hamilton st- , with C-room
house and Darn , only $4.000.
Beautiful full lot (5x120 , corner on Cnldwrll
with ll-room bouic. Qua , city water nnd barn ,
$0.00 , for fowdnvH.
: ) lots on Urant st , south fronts , 4xl20 each ,
$1TOO onch.
Lot on Parker at. , with 6 room homo , writ ,
barn. H block from street cttrs , $ VOO. ' ' 'his
should bo Investigated.
Full lot In Saunders & Holmbntitrh'H mid only
$475. Mitchell & Leyonmarck , 1518 Dodge st.
P. TUKEV. 1324 Fnrnam et , makes investments -
vestments for non residents a specialty
with guaranteed Interest or slmro ot profits ,
nnd lakes full charge ot property ; reference
glyet } 390
. . SALK-Lotm Bhlnn'aSd addition , with
hew e-room house , with pantry and cloi-
intern and good cellar , will Bell cheap tor
diys , Apply or BddrcMlLU.,2912 Chariot
Member * Omahn Heal Kstnto Kxchnuip ,
Itoonn 1 nnd 3. 2J South I'.th st
OmnhnMow , Stalest fronts for . $ 1.53d
I'nlrmount plnco , 50tl2l , corner- . laV )
Fnlrinount plnco 40xlOT , coriiBr. . . . \,9\i \
West Side Lcnvonworth st fronU . l.OM
Wrst Side , East nve fronts . . . . 77R
Ihornbtirg plnco 100x130 , corner , , , . . , . , , Iflfti
Thornburg place , tlno east front , , . , . . sa )
IMtalpa Place Wxllii , rornor . . . ! , ! > > )
Tabor place elegant lot 47x155 . l.OOJ
Loavonworlh terrace 114 ft on } < avcn-
worth . 3,003
Lenvenwotthterr.ico , 182x111 trackngo. , 3,3)0 )
\Vust Omahn , 110x13) ) cast nnd so front. . . 3.50J
We < t Omaha , MrISS on t nnd uoitli front. 2.WJ
Bedford plnculMxl corner . 1,700
lledford place 50x123 south front. , . * > 1
Prospect ploco 51ft corner on grade . 1.S.V )
1'mvpect plnce doubln front Hamilton it
Cheap homos for all.
Gregory & llndloy. 012
"K10H SALE There ts no pnrt of the city
-L' where Investments are HO info as on West
Dodiro street. Ill * money will bo made there.
Wo have tt lota there for $1,000 , and only $ IICO
cash roiittlrnd to buy them. They are al
together and win make a beautiful home for
gome one. Shaw & Co. , 670 South lath st. 2
A rl'ORTiduio nnd lot near flhormnn ave , [
t$2S50 , on easy terms. A. F. Mnynn's R.
li. olilco. 1408 llodgq _ 671
A Mother , Though 1'oor , nofitsioi tha
KaniltiRn of a I ) * < iEl > tcr'a Crime.
There is an old liousn on the west sldo
of Ki hth struct , just below Fine , says
the St. Lou.sUlobo-Dc [ mour.itt that stands
back in n recess , ns though trying to
avoid the attention of uassurs by. Ladies
who know anything at all about it usually
pass on thu-otlitir side of the slroot und
avert their eyes from the lace-curtain
windows , where , at times , a number ol
.young womun , with bleached itnir and
suspiciously ruildy cheeks , were seen
dressed in gaudy gowns , looking out at
tlio passers by. Hits was the abode , for
more than llftcrm ycixrs , of the notorious
Kato Morris , who tiled a few days ago.
Yestunlay the auctioneer's rod flag wan
raised tit the doorway , and through thu
halls and chambers a motley crow
tramped in and out , while the auction
eer's voice called out in n monotonous ,
mechanical strain the bid * that were
made. More than one-half of his audl-
cnco was composed of colored people
who lived In the neighborhood , or who
had boon commission by their mistresses
to purchase something. Many of
the deatl woman's kind were
there , too , and in some ol
their faces could bo read a look of pity na
the various articles of furniture and
clothing were brought underneath the
hammer. In the buck parlor wcro fully
a dozen milliners' boxes containing bon
nets , pink and white and dark luted
things , none of which seemed over to
have boon worn. The reporter remem
bered ono as liavlnir been seen on Ktito
Morris ono night wneii situ came to the
Four Court , her white hands sparkling
kvith diamonds , and bailed out ono of tier
ompanions. There wcro strings , too ,
) f house robes , of silk and soft stutls ,
hat bold for a song , The auctioneer
attuned his eloquence to hid
Audience , and addressed them m fa-
niliar slans us ho whined their praise.
Hold that dress up. Jack. " "Look at it
iow ; ain't It a aaisyv" "There's not
been a thing soltl hero to-day that you
couldn't houk for twice the money. "
'Toon-aif ! toon-nit' ? ( two anil a half )
goin' , coin' gono. Now , hoist up another
ono. Look at that ! 1 tell you what , it's
hummer , " and so on. It is said that
orris loft little or nothing besides hoc
Household and personal ellecU. She had
been ill for over a year and had spent
most of her ill-gotten money. She came
originally from Nor York state , where
her mother still resides , and to whom the
body was sent for interment. It ( s said
she is poor , but hag refused ! to touch a
) enny of what will bo realized from yes-
.onlay's sale.
A full blooded Normun and a thoroughbred
liiliouund Wiuiiur Clay. Cation was Imported
by Dcgnn Brothers , Ottawa , 111. , is 17 hands
high ; girth 7 foot il Inchus , and weighs 11.00
Ibs : ho has u record for heavy horses of I mln-
utei. Chty , a thoroughbred trotting stallion ,
and registered in American Stud Book , la a
chestnut , 1(1 ( hands high , weight I-Oi. Allo a
registered Clay colt. Vor particulars , addrou
T. II. UAIlNhS , Box 807 , Omaha , Nab.
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy ,
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention '
More espeet ally thte arising from Impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay , Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily with
out detention from business , and without
the use of dangerous drugs. Pa
tients whose cases have been neglected ,
badly treated or pronounced incurable ,
ihould not fail to write us concerning their
symptoms- All letters receive Immediate :
attention. .
And will been r.y a
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , ' 'Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
' Essay on Marriage , ' with important chap
ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or
gans , the whole forming a valuable medical
treatise which should be read by all young
men. Address.
1707 Olive St..St. Louis , Mo.
\VHU gliding Detachable
Sprlngra * 0r Better tUa
* Wlialebone or Hem ,
and gruaranteed never to
break. Price , $ x a5
For ule by karflng wactcsile and retail cttab-
413 Broadway , K. Y. , Manufacturers.