Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Substantial Welting Downs in the Wheat
Belt Rather Scarce.
No Ufc .Shown In Any I'nrt or the
I'royUlon I'll Cuttle Valttrn
liu\vcr On Account ol'lllu
CiticAfio , May ! i3. [ Special telegram to
the HKI : . ] The signal service map was
tinged nil over this mornlnc with the blue
pencil marks Imllcatltic rainfalls. Hut closu
examination sliowcd that while there had
been numerous welting down ? , substantial
rains had hecn very scarce. The map was
for forty-eight limns , nnd If the same rain
fall had appeared on two maps Instead of
one , aa would have been the case any other
day but Monday , It would liavu created no
hear sentiment. As It was the few minutes
befoio the onuiilni , ' wore trying ones for the
holders. Thu market once opened , however ,
the apprehension was plainly all on the other
side. Juno wheat opened at bbifc and sourt-
od up to bS c at once , not , cither , on any
forcing Iroin the clique brokers. Therowas
plenty of bear news , but there were plainly ,
too. plenty of shorts , and they were not feel
ing easy. At St. Louis Is said ,
only ! M7,000 bushels of contract wheat. From
Duluth last week S,000 ! ! ) bushels of
were shlupcd. Exporters said that them
wns n temporary pause In the
forelirn demand , but It Is explained
that foreigners have now bouu'ht HO freely
that their anxiety is a little relieved nnd they
mo prepared to wait 11 little. Still the mar
kets hcio , however , It Is expected , will start
them In ns buyers again , The visible supply
figures , when they were nt last made public ,
were about as anticipated. Wheat sliowcd n
decrease of only 1,400,000 bushels in spite of
the exports last week from Atlantic uorts of
'AUU.OOO bushels of wheat. Estimated car
lots for Tuesday show that the promised Min
neapolis and other northwestern wheat is en
route to a certainty. Inspectors' estimates
nro for the receipt to-mono w ofVM cars of
wheat nud 405 cars of corn. The St. l' . ul
road Is reported to have sent COO empty cars
to Minneapolis yesterday , nnd Is also reported
to have contracted to bring 200 cars ot wheat
from there every day this week. This talk
comes , of course , troin the bears and the
shorts , but the actual car lots are promised
tills we k , nnd this makes it look us If there
was touiu truth in the ptedlction. But , with
the exception of a great lot of spring wheat
headed toward tills market , all other news
was bullish. At New York it was said that
forty boat loads of wheat had been taken for
export. The exports of wheat nnd Hour
last week reached the enormous total
( Hour reduced ) , of 3,531,000 bushels. Clicjuo
operations wcro coiilined to occasionally peg-
gliigjunu wheat atMJfc. There was some
selling of Juno bv a clique bouse. Cudahy
was credited with large purchases of July.
July opened ntHT c. eased off to bTQST c
advanced to KTJie , and remained linn nt
about 87 > Vci37 ( c tor a long while , closinc
on the split.
Influences were all depressing to corn to
day , and the market weakened perceptibly
despite the firmness In wheat. The highest
prices ot the day wcro established at the
opening , and throughout the entire morning
session the tendency wnssteadlly downward ,
there being no reaction of moro than 1-iOc
from the opening to the close. Appearances
Indicated a pretty general liquidation on the
part of the lonus , and a talr peicentnge of
the selling to-day was for account of coun
try operators against cash. Juno broke
from yO' e to 88o and closed nt ! W ; < c , while
July sold elf from 40c toJO c and rested
nt < OM@IO > ( ; c on the split beller August
closed at 41 c.
Oats were exceedingly weak to-day , the
speculative market breaking sharply on re
ports of rnln In the and n better pros-
poet for the croo generally. There was a
heavy trade nnd largo offerings of long oats.
The August option showed the greatest
weakness. It opened J < c lower , broke a c
more and closed practically at the bottom , or
at2G % ( ( < < % June and July were -fcOKc
lower , closing at 227c respectively.
In the provision market there was no life
in any direction. Outside orders for both
cash and future property failed to show any
Increase over last weak , and In local circles
there was no improvement in the disposition
manifest to take nold. In both lard and
short ribs there was more or less doine In
the way ot chancing over near by contracts
to Inter mouths , but the now business tran
sacted was limited and featureless. Changes
In lard were made at a monthly difference ot
7J < 91Uc , and in short ribs at lO@l'-JJ < c. lUbs
were 5c lower at the opening under large
arrivals ot hoes , but this decline was recov
ered as the day progressed , and at 1 o'clock
prices stood -Xc higher than Saturday's clos-
Inir. Lard was steady and quotably un
changed. Pork was advanced to S' i.ou , an
Improvement of 50c for cash. May and Juno.
July was the favorite future In the trading in
lard nnd ribs.
AKTKIINOON SESSION Wheat was stronzor ;
JuneSSKc.July 87Kc. August rVttfc. Corn
was firm ; Juno 8SXc , July 40Kc , August
415fc , Oats were stronger ; May asc , June
2iWe bid , J uly 37Vc bid. tfork was quoted
at $22.00 for cash , May nnd June ; no trading.
Lard was advanced 2 > ( 'J5c ; Mar closed nt
-fi.07K , Juno nt J0.07 , July at 80.68. Short
ribs closed 5@7 > < c higher , or nt S7.22& foi
May. 87.35 for Juno , 87.35 tor July.
CHICAGO , May 83. [ Special Telegram to
the UEK.J CATTI.K. The big run of to-daj
on the top of the heavy supply of list week
wits more than the market could stand , hence
values went down at least 10@l5c below the
low prices of last week. Ono lot of stiller !
sold at 84.50 against 54.00 last week. One lol
of big 1,000 to 1,700 Ib. steers was hold al
84.80 , with 84.00 the best offer. Tha undeslr
able and rough but useful sorts , such as Col
orados and other westerns , probably sold 3 (
tj35c lower than any time last week. PJentj
of fat and useful stock went as low as S4.00 ,
There were lifty loads ot Texans among the
irosh arrivals , the best making nearly oi
good prices as last week , but ordinary and
common sold 15iOo lower. Native butch-
en' stock is about the same us last week
with the chances that cannlnc and othei
common stock will Hell considerably lowei
before the week Is out. There was no busi
ness of note In the stocker nnd feeder line
Iloos The market was active with n dowt
turn of about a nickel as compared with Sat
urdny. The Tohoy & llooth sort cost 5.05
A load or two ot fancy heavy sold at S5.13 > <
( 5.15 ; light light , 84.4064.60 , to averngl
'Z about 140 Ib.s iiuht assorted , averaging UK
Ibs. or better , 84.70@4.75 ; Yoikers.avcraglni
IN ) Ibs and under , 84.85ft4.l)0. )
Nr.w YOIIK , May 33.--fSDeclal Telogrart
to the UEK-I bTOCKS The stock luarke
was rather narrow to-day , about all the ac
tivlty centering In ono or two specialties
which wcro moved fast enough to more that
make tip for the dullness ot the rest ot tin
list. St. Paul & Duluth was the center o
speculative Interest and was traded In inon
heavily than for months. It opened at T
and before noon sold at T7K. Some of tin
heaviest traders In the street were buyers
The Ntory was that the old board of director
was to bo ousted nnd a now ono elected
which would favor a division of the surplu
of the company during the past uvo years
Grangers were inclined to be heavy on renewed
nowed reports of sources of complication
among the roads In the northwest. It wa
reported that St. Paul hud given notice of
reduction In rates from Omaha to Chicago
the effect ot which , It was claimed , would b
to Involve all the roads west of Chicago In
fierce rate war. The best operators soli
dangers and they generally sold otf , and a
noon vfcio about 1 per cent lower than 01
Saturday. Gould stocks were rather buoj
tut , Texas Pacllic being In especially gooi
demand. The talk was given out by Con
nor's brokers ttut It would sell up to 40 thl
week. At noon the market was rather weal
and ragced , sales to that hour aggregatln
111,000 shares. A strong bear raid was road
on the market In the afternoon and evorj
khlug on the list suffered a severe break. Tb
clfort ? of the bear ? seemed to bo particularly
cllrcUcd towards Grangers and Vnnderbilts.
St. Paul was sola In blc blocks by the D.ito-
inan party on tlio rate war In the northwest.
Mr. Connor was quoted as taking a very
bearish view of , the situation. Pacific Mall
was thrown over In larjjo quantities , a breali
of 2 percent In Its price being recorded. The
whole market closed very soft at the lowest
prices of the day. The total sales were about
2.V,000 ) shares.
OovKii.vunNTS Government bonds were
dull but llrm ta strong.
U. S. C's 1C. AN. W 12W
U. H. 4'Bcoupon. 129X do preferred..100
U. S.4K'9Coiip .110 ? , N. VIC 113 /
PAclllou'sofJ. ) . . ! ' . k ) . It. tt N 104K
CaimdaSouth'n. . fiaVtf O. T. 34'.T '
Ccntial Panlllo. . 40 | PacllicMall WJtf
ChlcaioAAIton.l54 ; P. , I ) . A K S7 ? <
do preferred..1C J 'Pullman ' 1'nl.Car.lftSH
( ! . , H. it O fi'JH'HcndlnK ' 4
I ) . , L. . .tV 1 7 > Kock Island W
1 > . .tl ( . ( } 3l < St. L. * S. F. . . .
Erie : ? do preferred. . . .
do preferred. . . . , o. , M.&at. i' . . . . w ; <
Illinois Central.,1"0 do preferred..l-M'f
I. , H. .Vs W .P. A O W&
K. it T : ' , do preferred..110M
Lake Shore ! > 7 Texas 1'ixolllo. . . . 34'f
I&N CS Union 1'acllic. . . . ( W'f '
Mlcliliran Ccnt'l. . \V. \ . St.tit \ I' . . . . 31K
AIo. 1'aclilc _ . . . do preferred. . 37
No. 1'acllic SB lW. U. Telegraph 77K
do preferred. . . . G-J > 'j ; |
MONEY ON CAM , Loaned at from 3' ( < ? 8
per cent ; last loan at 3)tf per cent ; closed of-
forrtl at ! ! per cent.
STKiti.i.Vd KxciiA.von Dull but steady nt
Sl.MKQ4.bii for sixty day bills , and 5l.b74
for demand.
Chicago. May 23. Kollowlnx quota
tions aietlio 2Kcloslna : ; ) ; ligurest
a l-'lour ( Juiet and unchanged ; winter wheat
flour , Sl.' : southern , S4.10W4.20 ;
Wisconsin. 8 : : Michigan foft
snrlnc wheat , S3.70C < ? 4.rx ) : MlDnesotabakers ,
8 .7i4.xj ) : ; patents 84.WJiil.aJ : low urades ,
Sl.yrxjj'j.y : . ; rye Hour , quiet at g3.ajQ3.4U ; In
sacks and barrels , S3(3b\ ( .
Wheat Strom ; eaily , opcnlnsj
becatno tinner , closing
ibovo Saturday ; cash , . bSVcJune ; ,
July , 87 c.
Corn Moderately active butcaslcr ; opened
it about Saturday's close and closed ? c lower
lor futuies ; cash , 38 u ; June , 3sl5-lCc ;
July , 40Xc.
Oats Active and rangcd c lower earlvbut
ater advanced somewhat ; cash , ti-W/c ; June ,
lOMOc ; July , 'J7 ! > lCc.
Kye Dull , atCOc.
liarloy-'Nomlnal at & 7c.
Timothy Seed Prime , S1.7.j@1.7C.
Pork Dull , with 50c advance ; cash and
Juno , SSLOO.
Lard About the aatno as Saturday ; dull :
cash , 50.05 ; June , SG.SO ; July , SO.'JO.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , S5.00i5.70 ( ; short
clear , S7.fiO ( )7.C5 ) ; short ribs , 87.0o@7.10.
Butter Weak ; creamery , 15@lSc ; dairy ,
Cheese Quiet ; full cream Cheddars , Vi\f \
llats , lo ( ! $ UHc ; youns Americas ,
lMil2e ( ! ; sklnis , tM7c. !
KICKS 1 < inn atlOUf@Uc.
Hltos-Unchangcdheavygrpen ; salted "Kc ;
luht do , 7 ( < j8c ; salted bull hides , Cc ; green
salted calf , fc ; dry Hint , W ( < jiic : : dry calf ,
3(414c : deacons , 40ceach ; dry salted , Oc.No.
Tallow Weaker ; No. 1 country , 3 C ; No a ,
% c ; cake ,
Kocelpta. Shipments.
Hour , bbls 17.COO 4,000
Wheat , bu C4.000 21,003
3orn , bu IKl.OOO ( J7.000
Jats , bu 171,000 170.000
lyebu 3,000 none
Uarley , bu 9,000 7,000
Now Vork. May 23. Wheat Receipts.
123,000 ; export8,2'.0,000 ; spot a shade lower ,
Zoning lirm ; options opened steady , later de
clined } t@J6c , and subseiiuently advanced
Jii@ " < c , closing firm ; ungraded red , D4/ , ' @
Use ; No. 1 rod , IW 'c ; No. 3 red , 05c ; No. a
red , WxV06)a'c ) , elevator ; 07@t 7 c , free on
hoard ; t 7Kc ,97Ji delivered ; June closed at
Corn Spot MOXc and options n shade
ewer , closing hrm ; receipts , 200,000 ; experts ,
iri,000 ; ungraded , 474Uc ; No. . 40c ; No. 2 ,
47 @l7Jfc , In elevator : 47 @ 4Sc , canal
alloat ; June closed at 4tjc. .
Oats Shade stronger ; receipts , 40,000 ; ex
ports , none ; mixed western , 34&iGu ( ; white
western , 8S@42c.
Putroloiim Steady ; United closed atG2Jfc.
KICKS Firm and In fair Inquiry ; western ,
fiesh. I3@i3 c.
Pork Dull and nominal.
Lard HUlier but quiet ; western steam ,
spot quoted at S0.97H@7.00.
Butter Quiet and weak.
Cheese Steady but quiet
Mllwnukcc. May 23. Wheat Strong ;
cash , 83 jc [ : June. 83 c : July , 85c.
Corn-VeakNo.3 ; , ita ,
Oats Kaslor ; No. 3 , white , SOc.
Kyo-Dull ; No. 1 , 573 < c.
Barley-Quiet ; No. 2 , 65 Jfj.
Provisions Easy ; porK , May , S14.50.
Cincinnati , Mny 23. Wheat Strong ; No.
2 red , H7c.
Corn Weak and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 41 ®
Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , S0@30 } c.
Hyo-StcadyNo.2. ; CGc.
Pork Firm at 815.50.
Lard Firm at 50.55.
Minneapolis , May 22. Wheat Strong
and active ; No. 1 hard , cash. Sic ; June ,
si > c ; July , 8JKo ; No. 1 northern , cash ,
80)fc ) ; June , bO c ; July , 82 > tfc : No. 'i ,
northern , cash , 7bc ; June , 7 Xc : July , BOc.
On track : No. 1 hard , SVfcj.No. . 1 , north-
. ( 3. J.
- - -
Uecelots Wheat , 15,000 bu.
bhipmnnts Wheat , 30,000 bu ; flour , 1,400
bbls ; wheat In store In Minneapolis , 6,748-
Oil : St. Paul , 810,000.
Ht. Louis. May 23. Whnat Strong nnd
higher : May , 83 } c ; June , 87c.
Corn Weaker ; cash , 3Sc ; Juno. 37 o.
Oats Dull und weak ; cash , 27 c ; June ,
27c.Hye5Cc. .
Pork S10.50.
I < ard-80.40@fi,45.
Butter Quiet and easy ; creamery , 17@16c ;
dairy , I3@icc.
Afternoon Board Wheat Firm and
hi.her ; May , 89@ift > Xc : June and July , 83K
@ 84)4'c ) ; August , b.(383 ( . Corn-Dull and
unchanged. Oats Nominally unchanged.
tfausasCltr. May 23. Wheat Weaker ;
No. 2 red , cash , 81c asked ; June , 8 % c ask d ,
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 34 'fc asked ;
June , 33c asked ; Julv , 34Vo bid , 35Kc asked ,
Oats-No. 2. cash , 37Jfc bid , 2-J c aske < l.
Lilvorpool , May 20. Wheat Firm ;
fair demand : holders offer moderately.
Corn Quiet ; demand poor ; new mixed
western , 4s } d per cental.
Now Orlenns , May 23. Corn Irregular :
mixed , Kic ; yellow. 54o : whiu , 5G < S57c.
Oits-Kasfer at sowsoj c.
Corn Meal-Quiet but llrra at 8.40@2.45.
HOK Products Dull and drooping ; pork
Bulk Meats Shoulders , 85.70 ; lone cleat
and clear rib , 57.25.
ChloaKo , Mar 23. Tha Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle-Kecelpw , 0,000 ; slow , heavy nm
lee lower ; shipping steers , V3.b5@4.5
stockersand loeders. S2.50M4.10 ; cows , bull :
and mixed , 82.00(33.80 ( ; bulk , S2.GO@3.1 ! >
Texas cattle , 2.80@3.b5.
Hogs Receipts , 23,000 ; active and &
lower ; rough and mixed , S4.GOC i4.95
packing ana vhipulng , K4.0035.15 ; light
84.60@4.00 : skips , $3.5O4.50.
Sheep Hecelnts , 4,000 ; steady for gooc
stock ; natives , S3.2.5@4,30 ; western. 3.5i
@ 4.1S ; Texans , 2.25 ( 3.CO ; lambs , | 4.50
National Stock Yar < U K t St
LnuU , 111. , May 23.-Cattle-Kecelpts , 4,000
shipments. 200 ; loner ; choice heavy natlv
tcer8.84.404.00f ; lr to good shipping steers
3.WX < < 4.35 ; butchers' steers , fair to choice
S3.50.25 ! ; feeders , fair to coed , 53.00Q
4.00 ; stockers , fair to good , 13.00(33.10. (
Hogs Hecelpts , 3,000 ; ihlpments , 1.000
weak and lower ; choice heavy , S4.UO@.00
packing. < 34. < JO ; Yorkers , medium t
prime , $4.00(34.75 ( ; pigs , common togood , 84.0
Kanias City , May 23.-Cattle-Recelpts
1,000 ; shipments , 100 ; glow but about steady
common to choice , J3.WXtt4.45 ; stockers , $2.6
fi3.30 ; feeding steers , S3.35Q3.fiOcows ; , SJ.Oi
iloes Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments. 00
weak ; common to choice , 14.1534.75
skips and pigs , | 3.50@4,10.
Fine watch and jewelry repairing a
Uubermanu's Co-operative Jewelry store
Saturday , May 23.
The Week.
The past week has by no means been en-
couragtna to cattlemen. The general mar
ket has been Mow and dull , and the bujcrs
very backward. Cattle owners have also
been slow to accept the low prices. The
week began with a decline of Sc tOc on hoe * ,
which were selling all the way from 84.20 to
Sl.ftO. This decline was regained on Tues
day and Wednesday. On Tliurs-day the mar
ket went ftc lower , but on Saturday there
was an advance of KXjUuc and an acthe
market. Tlirio has been a good demand tor
hess all the week , anil evcrytlilnz received
has met with ready fn\c. \
The receipts of cattle were to-day moio
liberal for the lirst day of the week , and
heavier than on Saturday by 500 head. The
market was dull ami dragging at about
steady prices ; however several fair-sized
bunches changed hands.
The week opened with liberal receipts of
hogs. The market was artlvuat steady prices ,
and everything was sold out early.
There were none In to-day and no demand.
lteccliu. |
Cattle . 000
llo S . . . . . . 2,000
Provnlllnjf I'rlcc * .
Showing the prevailing iiricea paid for liva
stock on this market :
Choice steers. 1.T03 to 1500 lbs..Sl.ira . :50 :
Choice steers , 1100 to W50 Ibs. . . 4.00ft l.20
Fat little steers UOO to 1050 Ibs. . . . iUiO&I.OO
Kxtrnchoicocows and heifers. . . . 3.40 ( ' : i,50
CJoo < l to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 3.1Vii3.3ti
Common to modluin cows . ; i..KM.10 ( ) : )
Good to choice bulls . 2.7.V < aiO
Ughtand mcdiumhoirs . 4.40f < S4.50
Good to choice heavy hogs . 4. . 0ZI.05 ( (
Good to choice mixed liom . 4.45 ( .5 >
ItcprcsiMitativc Sales.
HotiH Sold.
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the leading buyers on to-day's maiket :
Anirlo-American Packing Co 013
' } . II. Hammond & Co 4b9
jlpton 454
Total 1.S50
lold over
All sales of stock in this market are made
percwt. Uvo weUht unless otuorwiso stated.
Dead hogs soil at 'Xa par Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weUhlne less than lee Ibs.
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs.
and stags 33 Ibs. by theniiulio iusyjctor.
Uvo Stoclt Notes.
Everything steady.
Cattle dull.
Hogs active.
A. Ci. Buchanan , formerly with J. E. JJoyd
n the packing business , and Mr. Myersou ,
with Sheeley & Co. , were among the visitors
at the yards.
Geo. Xwiobel was In with n load of hoes
rom Sarpy county.
C. McCauley , Kearney , n heavy feeder
nnd shipper , was In nnd sold n load of cattle.
Mr. Cundall , of Cundall & Anderson , Au
rora , was hero with two loads ot cattle.
James Danley , Ashland , a well known
shipper , was In witli tivo loads or hogs.
The young gentlemen boarders at the Ex
change hotel are heartbroken. The young
ladies who have been wont to dispense hash
and pleasant smiles at meal time have van
General frotltice.
Monday , May 33.
Thefolloiinnn prices are Jar round loti of
produce , us sold on tne market to-au\i. \
The.week in the pronuce markets has wit
nessed some changes. There was a strong
elTort made by some of the commission deal
ers to advancu the egg market which was
partially successful. On the other hand
butter has been coming down. As the re
ceipts became more liberal there Is a smaller
proportion that brings top prices. After the
retail grocers have had their pick from the
receipts the balance has to be sold to peddlers
or shippers at very low prices. By reason of
the poor quality of the butter a great many
restaurants and similar places have been
forced into using butterlne. Poultry , as
will be noticed by the quotations iciven be
low , has been bringing better prices than a
week ago.
Eons The egg market has been somewhat
unsettled this week. As the receipts have
not been heavy , the dealers have been trying
to put the market up from lie to HKc. Only
nfewslngie case lots are golngatll c , while
the bulk is moving at lie.
BUTTER Choice butter Is being sold at 14
@ 15c , while good butter Is eoing ail the way
from 10@13c. Common butter Is being sold
nt 0@8c. Local farmers and dairymen are
bringing In a ( rood deal of good butter , which
they sell direct to the retail trade , and which
cuts oil considerable trade from the commis
sion houses. There is little or no accumula
tion , as shippers are taking all the surplus
POULTRY Old fowls are bringing a little
better prices on account of the llelit receipts ,
( iood large fowls have sold very readily at
S3.50 per dozen and in some Instances were
higher. A few sales of small stock have been
made at 83.35. There havn been a few spring
chickens in , but they are too small yec to
sell well. The best of them do not move very
readily at S : < .50@4.00.
POTATOKS There are very few potatoes of
any kind coniluc In. Good home grown stock
Is selling as high as 81.00 per bushel for small
lots from the store. Car lots move readily at
85@IQc. New potatoes are higher , owing to
the short crop south , and are selling at 35.00
Q5.50 per barrel.
ONIONS The market Is well supplied with
iinw stock at 84.50 ( 5.00 per barrel.
MKW VEGETABLES Lettuce , which has
been very scarce , Is now more plentiful. As
paragus nnd spinach are being supplied di
rect to the trade by the local gardeners.
Prices are generally lower. Top onions , pet
dozen bunches , I5 < i(20c ; radishes , per doien
bunches , 30Q25c ; lettuce , 30c ; pie plant , pet
Ib. 2Kc ; cucumbers per dozen 50c ; oystei
plants , per dozen , 30@0c ! ; wax beans , pcr <
bushel box , 3.50 ; string beans , per K bushel
box , S1.25@1.50 ; peas , per K bushel box ,
8LOO ; Caullllower , perdoz. , S1.75@3.00 ; new
beets , per doz.,50c.
LEMONS Messina , choice , per box , 14.50
O'IIANCJKS Mediterranean sweets , 83.50(9) ( )
3.75 ; Messina Imperial , fancy , 4.50 ; San
Gabriel , single box lots , $3.00 ; San Gabriel ,
5 box lots. 83.85 ; Klverside , 84.00 ; Papei
Kinds , 83.60.
BTitA.wiKimus : The receipts are liberal
and the market lower. Choice St. Loult
home-grown stock , per case , 85.ROaoo.
BANANAS Large bunches , per bunch , 83.5C
Q 4.50.
CiiKituiKS There are a few California
cherries on the market which are felling al
S3.35Q3.50 per 10-lb. box , according to th <
sl/.e and qualltvot the fruit
TOMATOKS There are a fnw southerr
tomntoes on the market ; 10-lb. boxes , SI.00.
PROVISIONS Ham , 13c ; breakfasi
bacon , rib. lOo : breakfast bacon , plain , 10) ) < c
dry salt sides. 8 } { < lsc : dried beef , regular. U
Oille ; dried beet.liam pieces , J3c : lard , 50-lt
cans , 7c ; 30-lb cans , Fairbanks , 7 'e ; 10-11
cans , Fairbanks 7c ; 5-lb cans , Fairbanks ,
7ftc : 3-lb cans. Fairbanks , 7Xc-
General Markets.
\JLBNisnEs Uatrels , per gallon ; rural
ture. extra , fUO ; furniture , No. 1. 81.00
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach. No. L 81.90 ; Da
mar. extra. 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; aspbaltum
extra 85c : shellac , IS.tO ; hard of finish
DBT PAINTS White lead. 7o ; French zinc
J2c : Paris wultlnir. Sifc ; whiting. Kllders
We ; whiting , convi , IMO ; lampblack , Ger
manstown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary. 80
1'iuulan blue. e ; ultramarine , lie ; randy a >
brown , 8c ; nmbor. burnt 4o ; umoer. row , 4e ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ! sienna , raw. 4c ; Parn
rrMn. genuine. * v. Paris Erceti. com
mon. ,22" rhrome ft ca N , y. , SOc ;
Termlllum American. IN ; : inaian
r T md bmni umber , l ft cans , IM ; raw and
burnt "lenna , c : vanflykfl brown , iscr -
lined lampblack 13 = coacn black and ( Tory
black , 10o ; drop black. 16c ; Prussian DIIIO ,
40c : ultramarine black. We ; chrome erocn.lj. ,
J * . * 1) . . iflc ; blind and shutter green , U , M.
* . , 16c ; Paris croen/lSo/ Indian red , lee ;
Venetian red , Ue ; Tuscan , sac ; American
> ermllllon , L. A 1) . , 20ct yellow ochre. 2c ; L.
M. & O. U. . ISc : ecod ochre. ICc : natJini
dryer , So ; eralnlng color , light oak , dark oak.
walnut , chestnut and ash. We- , . .
UnuosAXD i.iiiEMic i.i , A < jd carbolic ,
f'lc ' ; cld tartarlc , 5io ; balsam copaiba , per
ft , Mc ) ; bark sassafras , per tb , lOc ; calomel ,
per ft , 78c. chlnciionldla. per oz , 40e ; chloio-
form , per ft , MHS ; Dover's Powders , per n > ,
ei.25ep ; < tom calls. , per a > . Hc ; Blycurino ,
pure , perlb. Soo'ead. ' . acetate , per ft. Vile ;
till , castor , Mo. i , persal. , , , 11.50 ; oil ca-stor ,
No. 2 , per ( jal , 81.40oll ; olive , per gal. , 81.40 ;
oil orltranuum , 50o ; opium , f i.rx ) ; quinine.
I1. * W. and K. &S , , per oz. 70c ; potaoslnra
Iodide , per ft , Sl.50sallcln. ; Pcroz. 40c ; sul
phate morphine , per oz. 8f. 5 ; siilPhur , per
D.4cfitrychniniDrnz. : . si.'j. „
I'AINTS i.v on , White lead. Omana , PP. ,
O'fe ' ; white lead , St. Louis , puro. c ; Mar
seilles , Rrenn. I Ib cans , Sc ; Kronen zinc ,
croen . seal , 120 ; French zinc , red seal. Uc ;
French zinc. In varnish asst. 200 ; Fench
zlnc.75c ; vermllllon , Knellsh , In oil , 75c ;
red , lOc : rose plnn. I4e ; Venetian red , Cook-
son's , 2 fo ; Venetian red. American , ! > . { c ;
red lead , 7Ke ; chrome yellow , genuine , 200 ;
cbromo yellow , K , We : ochre , rochello. 3c ;
ochre , French , 2J/c : ochre , American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral. * X < \ : lA'iiigh btown ,
2Kc ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; I'rlnco's ,
HIDES ( Srcon biitrheM. 5Jf@Oo ; green
cured. 7c : dry llliit , llWl'-'c ; drv salt , 910c ;
ereon calt skins , tc ; damaged HKM.
two-thirds price , fallow . " ' c. Grease
Prime whlte , _ c ; yellow , 2'c ; brown , 2c.
Shcco Pelts. 2.5C976C.
BPIBITS Cologne spirits. xSS oroof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.1spirits ; , second quality ,
101 proof , Sl.ii' do lib proof. 81. jo. Alcohol.
183 proof , 83.10 per wine callon. Redistilled
whiskies , Sl.00yt.50. . Cln , blended .5u@
P.OO ; Koiitucty bourbons S2.ooao.00 , Ken
tucky nml Pennsylvania ryes , 52.00ao.50 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
Sl.W33.oo. Hrandles , imported , & 5.00@S.50 :
domestic , S1.803.00. Gins , Imported , 84.50
( .JO.OO . ; domestic , 51.25 3.00. Champagnes ,
Imported , iier case. S28.oo@:33.00 : ; American ,
red case. § 10.00(810.00. (
liKAvy llAKnwAnE iron , rate 82.S ) ;
plow steel specl rcast,4)ic'.crucible ) steel.'lHc ;
cast tools , do. VJfiJli'o ; wagon spokes , pei set ,
82.00 ( 3.50 ; hubs , per Bet , 81.25 ; tclloes.
eawed dry , Sl.60 ; tongues , each. 8Ue : axeK.
each. 73c : square nuts , per Ib. Ol71c : cell
cnaui , porlb. OKfiJl"c ; milloablo,8 ( J10e ; iron
wodKPi , Oc ; crowbars , Be ; harrow teeth , 4'ffc ,
spring steel , 7@9c ; Uurden's horse shoes ,
64.75 ; Burden's mule shoes , * > .75. Harbed
wire , In car lots , 54.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails ,
rates , lo to 50. SUO : steel nails. 82. o.
ShotSl.35 ; buckshot , 81.CO ; ltazudpowaer.
kegs , S5.1K ) ; do. halt kegs , ; . quarter
kegs , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , S2.lo ; fuse , per 10
feet. C5c. Lewi bar. SW
Grocer' > Fjidt.
PicKr.r.9 Medium. In bbls. 88.00 ; do , In
halt bbls , 84.50 ; small , In bbls , 89.00 ; do , In
halt bbK 85.00 ; gherkins , In bbls , $10.00 ; do ,
In halt bbls , 85.50.
SutiAit Granulated , OV@OXc ; conf. A , fl@
flXc ; white eKtraC,5 % ( 5fc ; extra C , 5' ' < ( ! g
5Hc ; yellow C , 4Bi@47ic : cut loaf , 0 @ 0c ;
powdered , OX"t7c.
' ' ' grades , 17K@lac talr
, ic ; choice , Ufijl'.i ' o ;
'ancy"greeri and j-ollow. 'JU@ ic ; old rov-
OANNEDGooDS-Oj'Stcrs.standard.percaso ,
S3.15Qi3.25 : strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. 82.30 ;
raspberries. 3 Ib , per case , 83. 5 > ,2.4. . > ; Califor
nia pears , per case , 84,50 ; apricots , per casj ,
84.60 ; peaches , tx" case , 85.00 ; white cher
ries , per case , 80.00 ; plums , per case , $3.50 ;
blueberries porcase , 8l.b5 ; ore plums , 3 Ib ,
per case , 82.50 : piueapnins , a 10 , per case
C3.20@5.5 ; 1 Ib mwjkerol. per ( | oz , 81.40 ;
1 ID salmon , perdoz , 81.50(21.5 * ) ; a Jo , goose
berries , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per
case , 81. vn ; 'Jib lima beans , per case , Sl.fiO ;
3 Ibmarrowfat peas , porcase. S3. tO ( < frJ.50 ; 3 It )
early June peas , par case. 82.75 ; 3 Ib toma
toes. S3. OfitfJ. 0:2 Ib.corn S2.4lMl3.f > 0.
MATCHES Per caddie , 3jc ; square cases ,
81.70 : mule * square.
STRUP No. 70 , 4-gaIlou kngs , 8l.a @i.o : : ;
New Orleans per callon 880c ; inaole syrun ,
half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal
lon cans , oor doz. 810.00 ; hall gallon cans ,
per doz. 85.50 ; quart cans , 83.Ga
O ANDY Mixed. SJOllo ; stick. SJ Qg c.
CRACKKHS Garneau's soda , butter and
picnic. 5xc ; creams , 8 > ici ginger snaps , ax < s ;
city soda. 7k.
Dry ljuniticr.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft ± 5 It 34ft
17.50 17.50 17.IW 18.50 IV.&O W.M 22.51) )
2x8 17.HO 17.50 17.50 18.50 1U.5022.6022.50
ZxS 17.60 17.60 18.50 IW.BO 23.60 K.60
tllO. . . . 17.60 17.60 17.50 18.50 19.50 22.50 33.50
2x12. . . . 1T.5J 17.50 17.50 18.M 19.50 22.60 22.60
< Xi-8x8 18.60 18.60 18.60 10.60 20.50 23 On23.00 |
No. 1 , com , sis . 819.50
No. 2 , com , si s . 17.50
No. 4 , com , sis . 13.50
No. 1,4 & 0 In , 12 & 14 ft , rough . 819.00
No. 2 , " " ' . ' " . 15.00
A , 12. 14 and 10 ft . 881.03
U , " ' " . 20.50
C , " " " . 15.00
D , " " " . 13.00
1st com. , % In White Pine Ceiling . 834.00
Clear , * ( In. Norway Pine Celling . 10.00
A 6 Inch , white pine. . . . . . . t . 835.00
O " " . 20.50
E" " * ( SelFen'c ) . 19.50
A121nchs. Is . 8 5.00
No. l , com. 12 in s. l g. , 12. A 14 . 20.00
" " " " 10 ft . 19.00
No.3 ' ' 12 , fe4ft. . . . . 18.00
16 U . 17.09
1st and 3d , clear , l incHs. 3i . 850.00
3d , clear , l Inch , s/3 845 1 > , 1H. 3 In 45.00
B select , 1 Inch , s. a a 30 ; 1 ,1 } , 2 in 37.00
White Cedar , 6 In. , > $ s 12c ; 9 in.qrs..llo
O. G. Batts , 2X In. . 70c ; Hx3 , s. 1 s . 4io (
Pickets , DandTH flat. . . . ? . 821.00
Qulncy white lime ( bcsj . 81.00
Akron cement . 1.65
Hair . 30
' '
No. 1 , plain , 8 and loin' . . . . . 810.00
No. 1 , plain , and 10 In . 17.00
Th onry rostdtotake for DCS Molnef Mnr-
hailtown. C d r Kaplda , CllnOn , Dlzoa , Chica
go , Milwaukee and all points cast. To tbepoo-
ole of Nebraikn , Colorado , Wjomlnr. Dt *
Idaho , NeTi-da , Oregon , Washington and Cali
fornia , it off r superior odvantaxes not poul-
ble br any other Hue.
Amonif few of the numerous points ) of su-
perlorltr enjoyed by the patrons of this road
between Omaha and Chicago , are Its two tratnl
a day of DAY COACHES , which are the finest
that human art and Ingenuity can create. Itl
PALACBBLK8PINQUAH9 , which are modeli
of comfort and elegance. Its PAIILOR DHAW.
1NO KOOM CARS , unsurpassed br aar. and Itl
Widely celebrated PALATIAL DIN I NO OAKS
the e < iual of which cannot be found elsqwhern
At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Pacific
Rr. connect In Union Depot with those of th
Chicago & Northwestern Iy. ( In Chicago th
trains of this line make close connection wtU
thnso of all eastern lines.
for Detroit , Columbim , Indianapolis , Clncln
nati , Niagara /alls , BuSula. Pltuburir .Toronto ,
Montreal. Doston , Mew YorK. Philadelphia
BaJtlraor * . Washington and all points tm th <
east , ask for a ticket rla thn
It you wlsk the best accommodation. All tlokel
agenU aafl tlcketl Tla this line.
OsmL Mantfer , OeaL Paw'r Af at
W. M. aABCOOE. ' L. R. BOLL ,
Ten Hnllrotdj , nmt more are coming. 150
Trams Dully.
Mute L'nlvorsltr. We lnyan University. State Cnl'l
Mo t of the nu lnps I.on hive ilnubtoil In price In
tbcliKlU iniiilh . Acre-l'iml , within S mllei
of the city , lncr < M cd over two
hundred percent.
Lincoln l the err > ntp t Hullroad Ccntar of Its nee
Inlhuworld , llrlik hlorkapu ? StoJUpcrccnt.
on Imvonvcr.'iited 10) ) pur cent per annum on lift
CUnTOlni iittro'atill trlhutlnz point. Homo whole-
snip itp'ilori hnri ! m ute iirlnoulT forliiiipi.
In nil direction * . lluslno" Ken-
orally eoi > d. n inkers , retull merchant * , mechanics ,
010.1 cctllrgrlch. _
A. J. .
Itnom IS , Itlcliard * Cluck ,
eal Estate Agents & Loan Brokers
Ilnvo for falo brick block ) , lm tncs < lot , nil klnd of
reiilcjtnte. 1,2 , ft , 13 , SI , 40 , SO.WJumlCIOacra trans
furras nnd cheap lnnd .
IIEFKIIKNCKS ! Klrst iintl Lincoln Nation
nankc.OoTornor Til nror , JmUo Cobli , UCT. llr. O.
Crcluliton , lilncolc. Hemtor S. M. Cullom , llllno
and lien , llir rls3i , In II in n
Runnlnc between Council Bluffs nnd South
Omaha. In addition to the stations men
tioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-
fourth streets , and nt Summit , in Omaha.
ChicagOiMilwaukee&SLPaulR'y '
The Btt Route from Omaha and
Council Bluffs to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil Bluffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madiion , Janesville ,
Beloit , Wlnona , La Crosse ,
Antt all other Important points Bast , Northoasl
and Boutheiut.
For through tickets call on the Ticket Agent
at 1101 Farnam streetla ( Paxton hoteloral )
Union PaolAo Depot.
Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Can
! the world are run on the mainlines of th
and CT ry atteatlon Is paid to MWMniers by
courteous employes of the company.
K. UU.LBB , General Manager.
J , Y. TUIMJU. Aealitunt Oensrai Uaxager.
A. V. B. CAarsiiTSB , Qenaral PaweBger aad
Ticket Agetrt.
QBO. U. HBATTOBD , Assistant Qmral Pa *
longer and Ticket Agent.
J , T.OIU.HE.General Uuverlntendeot.
Omalta Jobbers' Directory.
Agricultural Implements.
Afirrtcnlttirnl Inipleinents , Wnpons ,
Cirrlagcs and titled ) . Jonr utrfct , , totwcen t'tli '
ana ,0iu.ilin , .N f.
Agricultural Implements ,
WRgoni.ri > rrlo . nugtlcs Hie. . Wholetalc. O-n ha.
WholfMtcDr.iler * In
Afrrtculcurnl Imploiucuts ,
ITflponnnnJ Hucelci. HH.UW.i'U nmlKiT , Jonfs st
Artists' Matoriat.
Artists' Mntorlals , 1'lanos nnd
2M9 Donctn * f trcot , dninhn.
Builders' Hardware and Scales ,
Bnlldors'Hnrdwnre.V Sen lollppnh * Shop
MechaulCB' Tool * ami lluirnln SraU-5. KU DouvluitU ,
Boots and Shoes.
Manufacturer * ml WbolerntaDcalora In
Hoot g nml Shoes ,
Complete rtook of Itiibtutr Onmli ulwnrB nn hind
50i ) 3. Hill t. , OiiiBlm , Neb. A. T. Auitln , Acont.
lfr. MOltSE fC CO.
Johhrrs of Hoots nnd Shoes.
1111 Furnsm et , Omnlm , Neb. Munufsctorj , Hummot
Hrrrt. BoMiin.
Wholesale Rubber Uooti and Shoes
Itubtior nml Olk-il CUilhhu nuj R'lt lluott
and Sliooa. Southcaiit Coruor HUi and Douglua.
Agt. for Aiiheuaer-Biish Hrcwlny Ass'n
Hlioclnl nrands. Faust , Iludwolier and Krlnnccr.
Lasrcr Hecr Brewers ,
1W1 North l lh Street , Omaha , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
Tools and Supplier ,
Jausago CuBlngi o ( all kind * always In stock , lit !
Jonvi it.Omaba
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha COITGO nnd Spice Mills.
.Oon'ces.Splcei. Uaklng Ponder. FliTorlurB
tr ct § , Laundnr lllu * . Ink. Ktc. II It-It ) Banter
Homo Coffee and Spice Mills M'f'fir Co.
CotTpeRoaslcraand Spice Hrlndon. Mannfatturpri
of lUklnx I'owdcr , FlatorliiK inrnct : . illulnk" . Etc.
' ' of l-n Homo lllend llonrted
'I'ry ono catr inir - > parknce
OutToe. Md ilownrtl ft. . Ozu'bi. t.
John Epenctor , 1'rop.
Manufacturer of Galvanlied Iron an-J Cornice. 621
Hedge and IDS and 105 N. IQlh t. . Umabfc.Neb.
Mnnufactnrcrs of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , F1nal , MeUllc8kyllgbt , etc. 3109.
lit i t. . Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
GnlTanlKd Iron Cornices , etc. Bpoct'n Improved Pat
ent Mctallc t-kyllttht. M9 and till H. 121h Bl.nmhi > .
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Rues ,
I.lnoleumi , Mattings , Ktc. Ull Donglai itrtfot.
S. A.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlcf § , Curtain Goods , Flo. 1U3 Farnam street ,
Omalia. Nob.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers' of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chlmnoje , etc. Office , 817 South lth et
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Batter , Kggsand Produce. Consignments solicited.
Headquarters for Stoneware , llcrry Boxui and
lira 110 Baskets. 14U Dodge ilreet , Omaha.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , I'roduco and Prorliloni , Omaha , Neb.
W. E. MID'nELL ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Specialties nutter. Ezrv Cheeso. Poultry. Uatne ,
Ureters , Ktc. , Ktc. Ill Soutn lllh street.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , Game , Fruits , etc. 220 8. 14th it
Omaha. Neb ,
Coal ana" Lime.
Uio. h. IAiiAcii. l'r s. C. r.GoonuAX , V. Pies ,
J. A. BU.NDkKi.AHD , Sec. and Treas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
m South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
, / . J. JOHNSON HI CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Pnlpners of f'oal and Coke. Cement , Plaster ,
Umo , Hilr. Klre Brick. Drnln , Tlla nnd KewerPipo.
omce. Paxton Hotel. Fmniam st. , OHM ha , Ni.b.
Telephone Sll.
l > FAY jr
Manufacturing ; Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts and Clsars. 1211 Farnam St ,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Johbers of Cigars , Tohacco ,
Gnni Bud Ammunition , 21S to 223 8. lllbst. , 1010 to
11T ! KarniMQ St.Omtlia.Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine Cipars ,
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Not. 10 !
and 11(1 ( N. Mtb struct , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH ,6 CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing1 Goods ANotiona
1101 and 1104 DouKlm , cor. 11 tb St. , Omaba , Neb.
Distillers of I.lquore , Alcohol and Spirits. Importers
and Jobbers of Wlntiurnl Liquors.
CO. and ILER < t > CO. ,
Importers and Jobbercof 1'lne Wines and I.lquorm.
Bole m nuf eturor of Keanedf's Kill India lilt-
t r > and Domollc Liquors. 1112 llnrnwy Ht.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. U.BACK , Pro * . J.W.Hrnrnnn.8oc.ATr is
U. J. CAnsoN , V.l'rci. and Supt.
Office 213 P. llth St. . Omaha. Neb. Mnchlnerrnnd
Supplies for Manufacturing Cement Drain Tflo.
W. Honr.its , D. S. llAnitirscit
Pros. KSTAni.isnEii 1875. Vlco-l'rea.
Johhors and Storcra of Grain.
Bblp.nenti ot ilunlers fcolioltcil uml Biulnfactlon
tjunrnnlouil , Omalia , Nob.
Wliolcsulo Dealers in Furniture.
Farnam St. . Omaha. Neb.
Furniture , Ileddingr , Upholstery ,
Mirrors , etc. 120C.H06 and 12111 Farnam st , Omitha ,
Q mafia Jobbers' ' Directory.
Groceries ,
Vholrsalo Groceries and Provision- ,
N03.TlV-.707.7CTandilP.10tliyt.Oni ) ha.iUll.
McVORD , BMADY ,0 CO , ,
Wholesale Grocery i
INh nml I.rATennorlh ttt.Oranhft.
Hardware ,
Jobbers of Hardware nnd Nnll , '
Tinware , Hh el Iron , Kfo. Agouti for Itows Sc.lJlL
ami Miami ruwdmV.Omnlia.Nub. j
w. .r. BROATCH ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Stool ,
prlufo , Wason Clock , Ilirdinrn Lumber , vie. Mt
ml Ull llarncy M. . Omaha.
EDNEY r aiuitON ,
Wholesale. Iron and Steel ,
WjsonnndC rrlflRo Wood Stock , Itcarjr HiMnar *
Ktc. HIT mid I2I LfKTenworlb. St. , ( Unarm , Neb.
Stoves , Ranpt's , Furnaces , Tiles , ' '
Mautlci.Urnto , DrunKloodn. U2I and 13U F rns
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wroneht and C'nrt Iron Building Work , Iron PUIr *
1 Ulll 11 1 ! , m > xnis nml Ulrilvrs , Sionui Kniilnui , Drii <
Work , Unnural ( foundry , Mnchlno and HUcksnilHa
Vork. OHlc an J yyorlm. . ! ' . IQ.imdl'th ttieet.
T % II. MrMANtra. ( ! . St ) U.IVAN. "
Miinufactiirnrs of
Ire and Iron Knilinpg , Desk Rail *
Vlnilnw Ousrdu , Finn or Ptandu , Wlro Signs , Kt
1.IN. l < ilh. OrdPm hy mall promptly Httendedt * .
Do.ilo' All Kinds of -I
Jtuildinir Material at Wholesale. '
13th HtrBot anil Union Pact .o Truck. Omaha.
" "
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Utc. Tnrd > Corner Tth and Douglas ! Cornel
Vth nnd Douzlns.
Wholesale Lumber , J
11 B. llth > tr ct , Omaha. Nab. T.Colpetior , ManagOn
13th and California Htrocti , Omaha , Ntb.
FRED W. 01tAT ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Cthand Douglai ill. , Omaha. NoX
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1403 Farnau itrcet , Omaha.
9. R. LEE ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpels and Parquet Flooring. Bill and Douglat
Omnba. *
Wholesale Lumber , Etc. '
Imported and American 1'ortlind Cement , fitntf
Agent forUllwaukco llTJrnullc Comcutand lien
( Julncj Whltcl.lrue. ,
Life Stock.
" "
Of Omaha. f jf,1
Limited. John F. Bojrd , B'jpcrlntopdgnt , f " *
Lire Stock Commission. - ]
M. BURKE C SONS , ' , Jj. .
Live Block Commission. ' . 8Tv (
_ Oao. Iluikc , Manager < r c'
Union Stock YardB , B.Omaha. Telephone 6B . ja (
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
BhlpmcnUof on ; and all klnda of Slock tollclted.
Union Stocli Yanl . ( unnhn , Net ) .
Millinery and Notions ,
Imporleraand Jobberaof
Millinery and Notions ,
MIS and 1215 Harner Rt. cot , Omaba , Neb.
Wholeiale Denlori la
Notions and Fttrnishinp ; Goods ,
403 and < K > 8. Tenth Bt. , Omalia.
Mannfactnrera of Overalls , /
leans Pants , Shlrti , Etc. 1102 and 1104 Doujlas StreeV
Omiihn. Neb. ,
Paper Boxes
J. L. WILK1E , .
If annfucturer of Paper Boxes , ,
. Umatia , Nabraika. Urderi br malln
iiBd wllir MlT r pipl atteotlon. t
Job Printers , Blank Book Mukevai , >
And Book lllnders. KM und 10H Kouth Kourtoant *
itre t. Omalia. Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
DatleralnTjpe , Prcnei and Printers' HupplUs. 601
feoutli Twelfth Street.
ManufRCturon and Dealer * In
urines , Boilers & General Machinery
tiliet't Iron work , Htoum 1'umpr. Mlllj , Aon *
Sbaftlnir , Dodga Wood split Pullar * . Ualtlov. oto ,
Alsowacons , serapers.and balatUa , Ult-in5L .
tenwortli t. Omaha
"Wholesale Pumjis , Pipe , Fittings , >
BUamand Water Kuppllos. Ileailqiurturs IVr Mail
Koost Co'a Uoo > ls. llliraruam t. , < lniuliii. Neu.
Dalladar Wind illlis ; ricnm and WMer Rupplleaw
PlumblniiOood . Helling , llo c. I'W ' nnd UJJ fur-
Dim si. , Omnlm. H. K. Kelton , Manager.
Telephone No.i'lO.
Pumpn , PipoB and Kiiplues.
Bteam. Water , Itallwar and llllllnu Huiinlicg. EU |
MO , vaandlBi Karnam t..Oamlni , Nel. .
Safes , Etc.
Agents for Hull's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire and llurx'ar ' Proof ( Ufoi , Time l/icki , Vtult *
and Jail Work , lin ) Knninm trc ei Oumlia , N b.
Omaha Safe Works.
Uanufacturersof hTround IlarirlarProof Satci , Vault
UoursJnllWorkHhutter > and Wlru Work. Cor. ,
lHbandJuckiuuBtB.Omahu , Neb , V
Sash , Doors , Etc.
SaskUoors , Itllnds and
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , .
Uonld'jifi.HHIr Work nnd Interior Hard Wood KlnlsH
Justoutued. N. K. cor. Btlmiid I euvuuwurtbbl * . ,
_ omuba , Neb. _ J
Wholcsalo Pnper Uunlers.
Carry u nlco stock nl rrliitlni ; , Wrui' | > lnu and Writ *
Ink' i > ii | > nr. Uiii-iluliittenllon vlrun to nir loud or ;
ilori. whlrli will be HilpliO'l illrict fldnl iiillli. Alt'
iirdcr * will roCBlvu perionul ut enlloiu
untoa good voods anil low price * .
1111 und llllfl llous las St.