Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    * t- "
1'he ' Ancient Order of Hibernians Hava a
Great Mourning Session.
Iho Board of Education Nebraska's
Traveling Men In the Board
of Trade City News In
The Qncon'fl Birthday.
One of the most unique and original
burlesques over arranged in this or any
other city was enacted by the members
of the A. O. H. at their hall In Cunning
ham block last evening. U was a mock
celebration of the anniversary of Queen
Victoria's birth.
It occurred on the twenty-third al
though the queen was born on the
twenty-fourth of May , 1310 , aud is consequently
quently sixty-eight years old to-day.
The reason for anticipating this im
portant event , said ono enthusiastic
Irishman whoso father and forefather had
been great sufferers under the rule of
Victoria , was that "it would have
been a good thing if the queen of Eng
land had died before she was born. " The
real cause , however , was that the hall
had been engaged by another party for
thi.s evening , before the committee on
arrangements was aware of last even
ing's entertainment being inaugurated.
There was a largo crowd present includ
ing the most prominent Irish ladies and
gentlemen in the city. The hall was
neatly decorated , with a largo black flarr ,
bearing the inscription in "orange" yel
low , "All hall to the queen of famines
and coercion. " The meeting was called
to order by Peter Dowdall , president of
tbo A. O. H. , and on motion James Con-
nolloy was made chairman of the oven-
ing's entertainment. Patrick O'Toolo was
chosen marshal and under his direction
the society formed in line nnd mysteri
ously to the uninitiated in the evening's
work proceeded to the street , parading
around a block. It was announced that
dirges would bo played by the band , but
instead most enlivening Irish airs were
rendered. This was taken to moan that
the Hibernian marching inusio means
funeral chants to England. At least so a
prominent citizen said. On the return
to the hall the invited guests were aston
ished to find a costly casket placed in
regular funeral order in the
Center of the room. In it was
nn ofllgy corpse with a mask rep
resenting Queen Victoria with R nightcap
for a crown. The procession passed
nround the casket in the most solemn
manner to the dirge music of the band.
Inntcad of a birthday celebration with a
cradle it was a death solemnity with n'
cotlin. Then came the speeches and
nnd other exercises of the evening. It
was observable that personally tlio queen
Was generally commended , but her government -
ornment received the hardest knocks
ever given at a meeting in this city. She
was "called n mere ilguro head and gov
ernmental pen , " but happenings during
bcr reign , especially duringfammotimes ,
as Mr. C. M. O'Donavan said , the sultan
of Turkey , contributed 10,000 and
was forced to take back 0.000 , because
Victoria only gave 1,000 for the suffer
ing Irish. During the evening
"telegrams nnd cablegrams , " all
directed to the executive committee of
the A. O. H. , were received from the fol
lowing persons : Charles Stuart Parnoll ,
Gladstone , James G. Blaine , Senator In-
galls , Grover Cleveland and others , ex
press ! ng regret at not being able to at
tend the obsequies.
Tlio principal spcch ofo the evening
Was that of the Hon. John Rush , city
treasurer. Lack of space prevents oven
n synopsis of ono of the most patriotic
speeches over delivered by an Irishman
in this city. Ho was followed by Mr.
Winnehan who was particularly eloquent
devoting his main attention to home rule
in Ireland. Mr. C. M. O'Donovan gave a
chant in the Irish language and also
epoko at length detailing historical facts
bout Ireland entirely unknown to the'
ccnoral public. County Commifsioncr
D'KoetTo who is a veritable thrush
Bang several songs as did Messrs. Burke ,
Phclan and Shiverwhile Josopc O'Connor
by earnest request delighted the audi
ence with an original Irish jig. The en
tertainment was interspersed with splen- by the A. O. H. band n lavish
supply of refreshments was served. At
I midnight the "black flag" was raised over
che hall and the following resolutions
adopted :
Having assembled to discharge a solemn
duty devolving upon us as American citizens
Of Irish race aud birth ; and
Whereas , The uncalled for coercion meas
ures now pending In the parliament of Great
Britain are hut a repetition ot past tyrannical
legislative measures ; therefore be U
Resolved , That we , ns Irish-American cltl-
ecus , without personal animosity towards
fcer Urlttanlc majesty , deplore the enactment
or toleration ot such tyrannical legislation in
this aeoof Intelligence ; and belt further
Resolved , That a copy of these resolutions
fee transmitted to the lit. Honorable William
X. Uladfttoue and lion. Charles Htewart Par-
Brll , aud copies furnished the press of the
f Ity. C. M. O'DONAVAN ,
RlOllA.Hl > O'KKEFK ,
It was determined to cremate tlio olligy
corpse , because real estate was on such a
boom in Omaha the purchase of a lot
Could not bo thought of.
Important Sleeting of Omaha and
YanfctoB Iluainem Men.
- The first meeting of members of the
board of trade , business mon of Omaha ,
aud delecates from Yankton , Wayne ,
IVisret , West Point aud other places
along the proposed route of the Omaha
aud Yankton railroad was held in the
Board of Trade hall last evening. Ita
purposes wore of a preliminary nature ,
aud the way was well prepared for an
enthuelaslio mooting which will be held
At the same place this evening.
Mr. Max Meyer called the meet-
to order at 8:80 : o'clock
SB stated the object of thu meeting to
bo to hoar from n delegation of gcutlo-
men from Yankton and Wayne regardIng -
Ing the proposed Omaha and Yankton
Hon. A. B. Slater , of Wayne , said that
they bad come to bear aud not to speak.
After he had spoken his brief sentiments ,
lie desired to bear from the gentlemen of
Omaha. Ho said that Omaha was reaching -
ing out to the west nnd northwest n
thousand miles , whllo tlio city was al-
miost an entire stranger to a fertile terri
tory which lay right at its doors. All
that the people of Yankton and Wayne
toaired was that Omahn should nmct
thorn half way. Ho understood that it
would take money to build n railroad ,
but they were willing to pav their share.
Ho was sorry that Major Hanson aud
Mr. Young , who represented Chicago
capitalists , were not present , but they
would be at the meeting to-night. Sixty
miles north of Omaha lay H fertile , un
broken Held. If a railroad could bo
built f rom Omahu through it , in five years
It would become eight times as populous
as Ilia now. If a road could bo built to
compete with the Northwestern road
Micro would bo such a Hood of oommorco
' -to Omaha from that country that it
'Would ' give the city nn impetus which
Would leave Kansas City behind.
The speaker then digressed to state
thtrt ho was not nn entire stranger hero ,
llu bad n friend present who , through
v tlio columns of the BKK , had made him
well known. He said , "I have done
ottilng oncarth ! but what I can face , and
* 1 always will. " He then quite sensibly re
turned to the topic at hand nnd said : llAU
* wo itsk is that wo may bo mot by you half
h" W y. " lie continued that there is no
yl&ee on tba Missouri river which affords
1 a * oaoap and My A crossing as at Yank-
: . . tea. The Mtopl * of Ynnktoa my they
w-fe < xhey
have the means to do it. The money that
should be given as a subsidy would
barely pay for the right of way tor the
road. It was , in his opinion , a very
cheap manner to got an iron link between
the fertile country of tlio Missouri and
the Jim rivers and Omaha.
Dr. George F. Miller said that no bo-
lleved ho could say on behalf of the people
ple of Omaha that thu gentleman from
the north nnd his associates were met
with a hearty welcome. The construction
of a road north and northwest was a
subject of agitation seven years ago.
The people of this city were not blind to
tlin richness of the country nortli of
them. Mr. Gould wanted to construct
the road five years atro but ordered it
commenced froml'apillion.
[ Hero the speaker gave way for the
proper reception of about twenty gentle
men from Yankton , Wayne and other
places , who are hero in the road'c inter
est. ]
lie , continuing , said that Mr. S. H. 11.
Clark opposed commencing the road at
I'apilhon , and was successful In delaying
work until other events made it undesir
able that the project bo carried out. It
threatened to cnt Omaha from the rear.
Recently the agitation was resumed , and
at one time it appeared probable some
thing would come of it , but again
the project hud lapsed. There
is but ono opinion regarding this
road to Yankton but ono. The only
difllculty seems to bo as to the manner.
The speaker related a conversation with
the editor of the DEE , in which it had
boon agreed that they did not care who
thould build the line , and that they would
favor the giving of a liberal subsidy. The
only condition was that the Northwestern
should bo forced to give Yankton , as well
as Omaha , equal and decent treatment.
The speaker's Idea was that Omaha needs
this road so badly that a liberal subsidy
should be given for a road on throe con
ditions : First , that a part of this road
should bo built this year ; second , that it
should bo built to Yankton ; thirdly , that
tlio company which operated it should bo
powerful onongh to go to Mr. Hughitt
and force him to make concessions. The
reason whv a part of this road should
bo built" this .year is that now
the country is in such an
extraordinarily prosperous condition
that raili oads can bo built easily , while
in three years from now it will not bo
possible , in his opinion , to secure the
money. Ho was anxious to sco a very
large part of this line built before snow
flies. Ho was familiar with tlio ideas of
Mr. Gould and Mr. Clark , and ho had be
come somewhat discouraged , lie spoke
of them because ho understood that all
of the gentlemen from the north o.xcqpt
Major Hanson , had corresponded with
Mr. ( Jlark and were here in the interest
of an extension of or connection with the
the Missouri Pacific. Ho regarded the
road to the north the capstone of the
railroad system of the city. He believed
that Omaha should get her own. In the
north the city's wings were clipped. She
ought to rise and claim her rights. The
city could vote a million of money and
make $10,000,000 by building that
road. He wanted the press of
the city to not quibble over
the manner or moans , but to
keep in view the necessity of the road.
Ho did not want three points to bn lost
sight of , vi/ : That Omaha must have the
road ; that it must be built at once ; aud
that it must be controlled by a corpora
tion strong enougli to force the North
western or any other roud which paid
tribute to the Vanderbilts to make equal
nnd decent terms or do no business.
Judge Crawford , of West Point , raado
a quiet but very logical and forcible
speech. He said that Omaha did not
realize her greatness , nor did she realize
the future which is bcforo her. She
ought to be the trade centre for all Ne
braska. She ought not to let a ere at part
of her territory pay tribute to and build
up Chicago. The Elkhorn Valley wanted
direct communication with this city. To
obtain it the people of that valley are
willing to do nil they can financially.
They look to Omaha for the greatest
proportion of the assistance tor & rail
Dr. Miller moved that the president of
the board of trade bo authorized to call a
meeting for this evening to meet the del
egates from the northern part of the state ,
and Yankton and discuss the project of a
railroad to the northwest.
Hon. John A. McShane said that this
topic had long boon agitated by Omaha
business men. He said that two ques
tions had arisen : Whether local capital
ought to be invested in construction of a
railroad to Yaukton nnd the road then
left at the mercy of a powerful corpora
tion which already acctipied a portion of
tlio field ; and whether foreign capital
could bo obtained to build n system of
railways from Omaha to the north aud
the northwest. At the tirst question local
capital bad become afraid ; aud ior the
latter proposition as yet no large rail road
corporation had been found to guarantee
the con struction of such a road. At
present thcro are surveying parties of a
railroad corporation in the northern and
northwestern part of the state and the
only thing nocessaay is to induce citizens
of Council Blurts aud Omuha to
abandon a project to build a
bridge. It is the differences over
the location of that bridge which stands
in the way of immediate construction of
the road. He believed this railroad cor
poration should have an opportunity to
decide upon its bridge location and then
have a chance at the construction of this
contemplated line.
Colonel Chase said that until Mr.
McSbano had snokon he had the idea thai
the city of Omaha was unanimous upon
the project of building a road north
ward. But now the question arose
whether Omaha was to take hold of this
aud build this road , or whether a committee
mitteo was to bo appointed as has been
appointed before , and nothing done. Mr.
McShane bad been appointed as a chair
man of ono of these committees , but his
committee had never reported. Mr.
Hitchcock , of the World , nail also been
chairman of a committee and worked
hard , but his committee did not report.
Now it was Omaha's business to take
hold of the project and push it through.
The motion men prevailed.
Mr. Slater suggested that n committee
bo appointed to ace Mr. Hanson and the
Chicago gentlemen and ascertain what
proposition they had to make.
Finally a motion to appoint a commit
tee of seven from Ornalia and one from
each other point represented was adopted ,
the business of the committee being to
confer with all parties and railroad men
who may have propositions to make re
garding the construction of the road ,
and to report at the meeting this evening
The chair appointed the following committee
mittoe from Omaha : C. F. Goodman
H. T. Clark. D. C. Patterson. John A.
Harbach , G. M. Hitchcock , Adolpli
Meyer , B. F. Smith.
I- rom other points the following were
selected :
Wayne Hon. James Britton.
Yankton Wm. M. Powers.
Bcemer Albert Bcemer.
West Point Judge J. C. Crawford and
John D. Noligh.
Wisner A. R. Graham.
Hurtingtou John H. Filton.
Blair I ) . H. Clark.
St. Ueleua-B. C. Nessar.
St. James Samuel Lemon.
Mr. Max Mwyer was declared by a rote
of the meeting the chairman of this com
mittee. but declined.
A telegram to Mayor Broatch asking
relief for Htiflbrs from a colliery disaster
at Mantis , B. C. . W B read.
The meeting then adjourned until this
Immediately nfusr the general meeting
adjourned Uio committee selected met
and organized by electing G. M. Hitch-
cook chairman and D.C. Patterson sec
retary. Arrangements for their work
were made and the committee then ad-
The Work Done Yesterday by the Presby
terian Assembly ,
'our Thousand People Endorse the
Work of the Presbyterian Bu
reau of Mlsilona to the
On motion of Dr. Marquis , the sessions
of to-morrow and Tuesday morning were
xtended to 12:30 : o'clock , to enable two
ommlttecs to hold their meetings , com
mencing at 10 o'clock , during th o two
tours aud a half allowed thorn under the
The following telegram was received
rom the assembly in St. Louis and read
by Clerk Roberts :
The general assembly in session at St.
,0111s have received with joy the greetings ot
ho general assembly at Oiimhu , and cordially
cturti their brottiorljr salutations. For our
irethrnn'd and companions' sakas , wo will
low say : "Peace be with thee. One Lord ,
no fnitli , one baptism , one Uoil and Father
ot all who Is above all. "
All matters relating to the mutual action of
he assemblies Imvo been referred to n special
oniiulttco , whoso icport has not yet been
nade. O. B. MTRKOKAII ,
Stated Clerk.
Rev. Marvin II. Vincent , of Now York ,
gave a succinct account of the origin ,
iso and present condition of thu consoll-
lated mnga/.ino known as the "Church
nt Homo and Abroad. " The number of
ouies of the lirst number issued was 55-
(00. ( Since that time the average clrcu-
atlon has been 30,000. The circulation
ast April was 27Jt)8 ! ) , of which 1,03'J ' were
complementary , leaving a paldaubscrip-
ion for . " > ,7rJ. Thu circulation at date is
0,1)30. ) The receipts of the maguilua
luce the issue of its lirst number in
January wore $379S.o. : ! Dr. Vincent then
nstitutcd a comparison between the com
bined circulation of the two other maga-
Jnos now discontinued and the success
vhieli seemed to await the now cousoli-
lution ,
Judge Ewing moved to accept the re-
> ort.
It was so carried.
Dr. Nelson , editor of the magazinewas
called. Ho said that he thanked the
assembly for the courtesy it had shown
lim , acd ho really saw no necessity for
lis saying anything , especially after the
excellent report made by Dr. Vincent. Ho
would avail himself how cver.of the oppor-
unity to state had bean sustained
> y the committee with the greatest feei
ng of brotherly love and cordiality. Ho
could desire nothing more than ho had
eceiveil at their hands. The lirst num-
) cr of the magazine had been issued bo-
ore the gentleman took charge of it.
Since that time lie had endeavored to
lisohargo the duties of editor as well as
10 could and as rapidly as ho could learn
what was wanted of him by the commit
tee. Ho hold in his hand the lirst bound
copy of the first volume , which it af
forded him the greatest pleasure to present -
sent to the moderator , with the hope that
.hut gentleman would place it in his li-
jrary whore it might long bo found as an
evidence of what misjlit be done in the
cause of religious publications.
Judge Ewing then took the floor nnd
offered amendments to the following of-
'cet : That the magazine be numbered
monthly , consecutively aud continuously ,
Beginning witli number seven , the issue
ior July ; that the word "monthly" to
inserted after the word "published" on
the title page ; that the emblem of the
cross around which twines 11 mixture be
tween a snake and a boa-constrictor bo
removed from the first page and another
substituted and that the corporate namn
ot the association be published with the
ollicors aud their addresses on one of the
last pages. <
The last two of these amendments the
committee accepted , but opposed the in
sertion of the word "monthly , " as sug
gested in the lirst page of the cover , because -
cause , they claimed , they had accepted
an engraved design for the lirst page of
the cover on which the words now on
tbo original cover were so symmetrically
arranged that to introduce other words
would destroy the handsome appearance.
It was then moved that the word "Pres
byterian" be inserted in ( ho titlo'making
it read , "Tho Prosbjtcrian Church , at
Home and Abroad. "
Gco. W. Bainura , of Indianapolis , said
that there was an overture before the
committee relating to this subject.
Another delegate moved to amend to
raako the name "Our Church , " which
was followed by others but without re
ceiving seconds.
A vote was taken on Judge Ewing's
amendment relating to inserting the
word "monthly" in the tirst page of the
cover. The amendment was lost.
Mr. Baiuuui moved to lay tuo other
amendments on the table.
The motion prevailed.
Dr. Marquis thought it would bo well to
settle these questions at once and thus
save time. He read a letter stating , with
reference to the fact that missionaries
were receiving copies of the magazine
gratuitously , that those same mission
aries , in many instances , received more
money than others who were obliged to
pay for the periodical. The suggestion
accompanying this was that the maga
zine be furnished free to all clergymen
receiving less Mian $700 per year.
The matter was referred to the com
Dr. Marquis moved to then take from
the table the motion which had lately
been placed upon it.
Thu motion prevailed.
Dr. Hayes said that ho wanted the mo
tions divided. They comprised a couple
of subjects and ho had a right to ask for
the division.
The chair hold that thcro was but one
subject under consideration.
Dr. Patterson , speaking upon the in
sertion of the word "Presbyterian" in the
title , asked if there wore not other Pres
byterian churches in the world , oven in
this country ? To have the name cor
rectly indicative of this assembly , it
should have the full corporate name , as
follows : "Presbyterian church in the
United States of America , at homo and
abroad. "
Mr. Stubbs of Indianapolis thought the
names suggested , out of place. It ought
to bo short and expressive. Ho favored
"One Church. "
Mr. Sheppard believed that they could
not now meddle with the nauio without
injuring the magazine.
Dr. Henry was not in favor of the
change. Ho was pleased with it at liral
and was pleased with it now. Ho in
stanced a case where theiiamo of a mag
azine had been changed and had died as
a consequence. It had been something
like the 'Christian at Work , " and was
cliamjod to read "The Presbyterian at
Work. " The name killed it.
Editor Nelson said that ho was not re
sponsible ior the namo. Perhaps , if ho
had had anythiug to do with its selec
tion , ho would have chosen another.
But he had not had anything to do with
his own name. It was his mother who
selected that. If he could have done so
bo would have given himself his mother's
maiden name. Whether ho was n differ
ent man because bo had not the name be
would not have given himself , ho did not
know , Aud yet , ho knew of a few names
which he might : give the magazine
to which lie Jtuow at least few people
would agree. But them , It waa more oaa.r
to select a name to which people would
abject than it waa to Hud otto with which
they wguU fee pleaeed ,
Mr. .WMTW : tail tkva WM dimtUfac
Ion with the name all over the country ,
and that sooner or Inter it would have to
bo changed.
The previous Question vraa called for
nnd ordered. c'
A vote was taken on Inserting the word
'Presbyterian" ' in the title , and the same
was lost.
The report of the .committee on niatta-
ziiio was then adopted.
On motion of 'M.r. , Roberts , as the adop-
Ion of the report , made the committee
ho managers of < thb < affair , it was ordered
.hat their future' xpenscs bo paid out of
the receipts of the magazine.
The committed , on judiciary reported
through Dr. Welch' , in the matter of the
oxcptiou of J. B. Roberta , that the action
of the latter bo sustained.
The same committee , in the matter of
the appeal of Rev. A. R. Day , from the
lecisfon of the synod of Iowa , deposing
lim from the ministry , reported sustain *
ng the decision , and recommending that
.ho action bo final.
The same committee reported in the
appeal of Rev. J. H. Baird from the de
cision of the synod of Pennsylvania. Ho
took exception , during a political can
vass , one of the questions of which was a
prohibitory amendment to the constitu
tion , to the following wordss "Wo en
dorse the constitutional amendment aud
iray for its submission to tbo people. "
These words wore endorsed by the synod.
1'iio committee on judiciary reported that
the action was merely Rti expression of
opinion and that it was not binding upon
either individuals or the church , and
hat no further action bo taken on the
llov. Mn Baird , who was present , was
given ton minutes in which to explain the
> bject of his appeal. Wo said that
10 expressed before thorn as the last
court of Christ their king. Ho had been
warned that ho would get into trouble ,
oven since ho find come to this city , if ho
should press his suit , because it might re
sult in the taking of action which might
ntorfero with organic action between the
old and now churches. The endorsement
o which he oxcoptcd had been made in
the midst of ono of the most exciting
campaigns which ever took place in the
state of PonhsyKinia. Ho was covtain
that ho could discover four errors in that
statement , in contravention of the con
stitution , Ho was opposed to that meth
od of endorsing tins species of alleged
reform which , like the car of Jugger
naut , was rolling through the country
nnd overwhelming its adherents , a re
form which did not point the sinner to
Christ , but Instead sot him to voting at
the polls. They might do that as indi
viduals , standing upon the street corners ,
but not standing in the church as minis
ters of Jesus Christ. The question ho
raised was that the church of Jesus
Christ had no right to recommend
xny action of that Kind to her people.
When she did aim stopped outside nor
province. She was excluded from mak
ing any and all laws -but was not
estopped from indicating and upholding
those which are tluj laws of heaven. He
requested a hearing'in the manner laid
down by the book. * ; '
Dr. Marquis , whovoccupicd the chair ,
said that the committee on judiciary had
gone ocyond its authority in us recom
mendation that the * , matter was ono of
opinion. The duty of ( ho committee waste
to report simply or not whether the matter -
tor was in order ' ' 165 : a hearing by the
assembly. . „ , i
Mr. Patterson tlen ( , moved that the re
committed to the judiciary committee.
Carried. ' '
Dr. Marquis called Dr. Henry to relieve
lievo him in the chair , the latter gentle
man having retire being a Pennsylvanian -
vanian , when Uie action of the synod of
that state was in question.
As Dr. Marquis 'descended ' from the
stand ono of the commissioners named
McDonald asked him j.1 ho bad taken Dr.
Henry's place in the chair. Dr. Marquis
replied that ha had.
' 'That accounts for the decision , " re
plied McDougall , referring to Dr. Hen
ry's holding that the judiciary committee
had exceeded their authority in the prem
"Tl'O decision was my own , " loudly re
sponded Dr. Marquis. The assembly
seemed to understand that Dr. Marquis
had been insulted by Mr. McDougall's
assertion and loudly and long applauded
the former's denial. If Mr. McDougall
meant what ho said as a joke ho must
have felt mortified that , as a jokist , ho
failed badly.
Adjourned till 0 o'clock to-day.
Yesterday Morn Inc.
The Presbytciitin assembly met yester
day morning ut 0 o'clock. The usual time
was spent in devotional exercises.
On motion of General Shields a resolu
tion was adopted and ordered spread u pen
the records of Friday last , setting forth
the adoption of the resolution then intro
duced , affirming the plan of organic action
between the assemblies of both north and
south churches. When the news of Fri
day's work was transmitted to St. Louis ,
it appeared that the resolution was
spoken of only as being ' 'approved. "
The southern assembly did not think that
term strong enough , and , that informa
tion being sent here , the above action
was taken , and the records made to
show that it had been "adopted. "
Stated and Permanent Clerks Roberts
and Moor reported upon the progress
made in the mutter of reprinting the
records of the assemblies from 1835 to
180'J. They said that the work was being -
ing satisfactorily done and would soon
be completed , thus giving a perfect sot of
minutes from 1700 to 18UU , the time of the
The committee on the amendment of
rules twonty-throo and twenty-six , re
ported. The former was left as it was ,
the latter was amended by striking out
all after the h'rst two sentences.
Dr. W. C. Burcliard of Ailoghouy.from
the committee on missions among freed-
jnon reported , showing that in the south
there are 7,000,000 freedmen and 280 mis
sionaries , nn increase of fourteen over
the number of labt year.- There are 817
ohurchos , lltteon more than in the
year before. These oburohcs have a morn-
boruhip of 15,580 , viUjia .Sunday school
attendaace of 15,7Wrl Eight more of
those churches durfiifrthe year became
supporting. In that time Ife3 additions
were made to church , membership , 470
more than in the preceding year , an av
erage of eighteen to ouch minister. The
work being done is most encouraging.
Yet , while there are 1,430,000 voters , 1-
005,000 of these can neither road nor
write. These iilitcraOJ voters control
one-sixth of the electoral vote ,
and one-fifth of Iho congressional
and senatorial positions. There are
eighty-eight parochial schools in daily op
eration , with 10,000 scholars. The higher
educational institutions were doing
well , a noted instanbo'Af which was the
success of the mstitfito'endowed ' by Mary
Allen nt Crockett , ; Tix. , which started
with one student inr an old cabin , and
which now has an attendance of eighty-
six , forty-eight of whom are hoarders.
The total receipts of the board during the
year were f 118,297.07 , and the expondl
tures f 120,228.10 , leaving an indebted
ness of $14,131 ; the burden of which has
been borne by the treasurer. All the
ministers' and teachers' salaries had been
paid up to April 1. The colored people
ho claimed had an intelligent sense of
what the presbyteries 'were doing for
them , and appreciated it highly. He
then closed with the following resolu
tions :
Itaaolved , That we commentl the board lor
its htlelity. ellloluucy atid energy * approve
their minutes ot last year and recommend
that the work be pushed forward , as rapidly
a * possible. , . ,
That the assembly record Its appreciation
of the work of Or. and Mr § . Borland in se
curing for Scotia Seminary Its present high
position among educational Institutions.
That welwUai a BiuniilcenUglKU ot the
Uuiw , Womaa't Work for Woman , and we
ask th hearty co-opcratlonof all our churches
In the educational woric of the board.
That all our ministers bo urged to acquaint
tholr people with our work amotii ? the freed-
tnon , and apmml to them to devise liberal
things In aid of this causn.
That llcv. S. .T. FUhor , llov. Jno. M. Richmond
mend , Jtev. J. P. K. Kumler 1) . ! > . . ami
Messrs. John C , McCornls and Hobt , S.Davis
whoso terms of service expire with this as
sembly , ho re-elected members of the board
for the term of the three years.
Dr. Allen , of Pittsburg , Pa. , secretary
of the board of frecdmcu's missions , was
called to the stand. He is a tall , portly
gentleman , nnd for thirty minutes enter
tained the assembly in a masterly man -
uer. Ho came to speak to them as a
southern man who had been a slave
holder , wlioso father had been a slave
holder , aud whoso grandfather even had
owned and driven slaves. Ho know the
colored men from childhood , Ho had
met them in their cabins , in tholr
schools , in the plantation and on the
fields of rice and cotton , Since tholr
emancipation they had passed through
ono of the greatest transitions in history.
Uy that emancipation they hud been
freed from the bondage under which ,
they had labored for 200 years. Three
years after that emancipation they had
mien admitted to citi/anshlp nnd loft in
that bewilderment which ensues when
n transition of so much moment takes
place with an individual who is imublo
to npnrcolate it. The country
in the emancipation of these people had
Introduced n now element into the gov
ernment. History was authority tor the
( act that no class of people appreciated
freedom in less than a generation. If
that were true , the frecdmcn had to bo
raised to that plane of appreciation , aud
as soon as possible. If they could not
raise themselves , it was the obligation of
the Presbyterians to help them. The per
petuity of the country depended upon
the intelligence and morality of the col
ored pooplo. Sooner or later , if permit
ted to continue in their prnsout condition ,
these same froodmcn would undermine
the foundations of the country. Among
them were 1,420,000 voters , of whom t-
005,000 , could neither read nor write.
Thyso illiterates held the balance of
power in eight states of the union , con
trol sixty-live of the 305 congressmen and
sixteen senators. These wore facts *
which ought to appeal to
the patriot as well as the poli
tician. If a good government be found
in this country twenty-live years from
to-day , it will bo because there will be an
abolition of the neglect now prevailing
with reference to the education and
morality of the colored man. The hands
that control so many ignorant votes must
bo guided , and that guidance must bo
done by people who do It at the peril of
their country. Here is a now element in
troduced into the government of the
country. Will the country stand it ?
The speaker then referred to the man
ner by which the foundation of the Wash
ington monument was strengthened by
building another foundation around it.
The support was then sulllciont to hold
the structure which now looks down upon
every other monument and cathedral
tower in the world. The govern
ment of the United States was
like | that foundation. Was
it able to stand the weight of the now
element which hail boon introduced into
it. Ho thought not , unless It received a
pew nnd stronger foundation which
could be given it only by the education
and morality of the freodmen. When
the fathers of the constitution framed
that instrument they never dreamed
that in less than a century 7.000,000
slaves would be emancipated , and of
them 1,000,000 bo admitted to voto. And
yet the negro possesses the best elements
of citizenship. He was of a peaceable
race. The southern people knew that.
The speaker was in the south in the war ,
when even all the old men had gone to
the war , and there were more than 20,000
negroes left behind. They could have
done anything they wanted with
the defenseless people loft behind.
Yet , not ono of them raised a hand to
commit an act of retaliation or revenge.
They know that if the union army was
defeated they would bo slaves for over ,
and if the union urmy were victorious
they would be free. But no instance can
bo found where they wrought one act of
malaoe or rovengo. On the contrary ,
they aided the northern soldiers. When
the boys of northern parents were escap
ing from rebel prisons it was the negro
who showed them the way through the
wood , hid thorn away in day-time in
cabins , and when faint with hunger aud
exhaustion shared their last hoe-cake
with them. They wore not breakers of
the law. They had no organized societies
to desecrate the Sabbath. Societies with
this end in view could bo sound evcry-
\yliero , but not among the frcedmcn.f
He then described the gallantry of a
colored regiment which charged up the
heights near Nashville , driving the rebels
from the summit , although the blood and
mangled remains of many stained and
dotted the hill-side. This gallantry was
repeated on eighty battle tields and with
100,000 colored men , who were the equals
of their white comrades in sharpness and
facility in learning the tactics , ns also in
the determination with which they fought.
If they were educated , ho would not be
able to find a bettor citizen in the coun
try. They had had HO country until
twenty-four years Rgo. They did not
even know what a country was. Give
them' fifty years of education and moral
ity , and see what they would accomplish.
They are a prolific race. They double
onoo in twenty years. The whites did
not double in less than thirty-five years.
The speaker told the anecdote about
the sleeping colored man on the bales of
cotton in the proposed emblem of the
confederacy which Jeff Davis rejected.
This led somebody to remark that when
that "nigger" woke up there would be a
startling change. That colored man has
woke up. He has waked up to the extent
of 500 a day , Ho has waked up witli 109
newspapers winch ho owns and edits. Ho
has waked up in every office in the south
ern states , in the colleges , in the cham
bers of the senate and the speaker old
not know but the time would como when
he would wake up in the White House.
Dr. Allen then made a strong appeal
to the assembly to continue its sup-
liort of the board of the missions among
Rov. Calvin McCurdy , a colored clergy
man from Rome , Ga. , spoke , saying it
was not political assistance so much as
education which was required by the col
ored man. Their great naed in this di
rection had been increased by want
of money. They did not want to be
dropped down again into the mire from
which they had just been raised. They
wanted the work to bo continued. More
had boon done for thorn since the war
than had been done for their race since
the world began. They wanted that to
bo continued ; so tiiat they may be able to
protect themselves.
Dr. Johnson , of Blddle university ,
Charlotte , N. C. , apqko of the excellent
work of that institution , and invited the
commissioners on tholr way to Florida to
call and investigate it. Ho urged a con
tinuance of the support of the board.
Mr. Johnson , n young colored man of
Columbia , S. C. , made in some respects ,
nn eloquent speech , in the same tenor
which was warmly applauded.
Dr. Chllds of Washington , said as some
of the overtures relating to the affairs of
the freodman's mission board had not
been considered by the committee , he
was opposed at this tirao to adopting the
resolutions above printed.
Dr. Hays moved that the report bo re
committed to the committee , to report
again to the assembly ,
Dr. Burohard then read ono of the over
tures , upon which the committee had
taken action. Itoanio from the presby
tery of Dubuque , and asked that Iho
words , "or others , " be striken from the
statutes of the Biddla university BO that
that Institution might bo used exclusively
for the education of colored people.
Tuo committee coincided with the over-
tnro'and the assembly adopted the sugges
Dr. J. Y. Allison , of Pittsburg , gave a
short history of the university nnd explained -
plained how the words "or others" became -
came incorporated in the Hiddlo charter.
The committee on education , with
roforcnco to the subject of requiring a
collegiate education for all who desire to
study theology , suggested a reference of
the matter to the several presbyteries for
them to take the Initiative.
The same committee , with reference to
the improvement of the unorangollzad
masses , reported in favor of extending
certain powers to untheologlcal persons
who might be likely to do good among
the people , but denying to tlioin the
power to administer the sacraments or
enjoy any of the prerogatives of minis
On motion of Mr. Martin , a vote of
thanks was extended to the citizens for
Saturday's ride through the city.
Four Negro Hponkcrs.
There were nearly four thousand poo-
pie in the exposition building last night ,
in the iutcrest of the board of missions
for the frecdmen of the Presbyterian as
Dr. Allen , of Pittsburg , secretary of
the board , presided. Tim Fisk Jubilee
singers were present and sang a number
of delightful pieces.
The principal feature was the presence
of four colored young men , who made
addresses of twelve minutes' duration.
The first of these was Rev. Mr. Alkeu , of
South Carolina , a gentleman about thirty
years of ago. Ho said :
if called up to-night and asked the
question , What is the first thing I would
say to the Presbyterians and these who
have been associated with them in help
ing us , the lirst thing I would say would
be , God bless the Presbyterians and
these who are doing so much to
benefit tno race with which 1
am identified. It is many years ,
1 think nearly twenty years , that I can
remember sociim my parents and rela
tives with nil their goods packed up ,
leaving the state of Virginia and going to
the state of Ohio. They were freedmeu
who had been given their liberty. They
were going to Ohio that they might enjoy
their liberty more tully. It seems to tuo
like a dream. 1 was only a little boy and
I could not understand it. Twenty-lire
vcars later it was mv privilege to enter
the state of Ohio. 15ut how did I go
there ? I wasn't going to exeroiso my lib
erty more openly , but as a delegate to the
general assembly of the Presbyterian
church in the United States I could not
help to recall it as I passed through Ohio
coming here to this assembly.
I am here to-night to plead , for another
liberty , the liberty of my follow men from
ignorance , from sin and from supersti
tion , and to help to advance thorn in
piety and holiness. In the name of my
people and in their behalf , the desire of
my heart is that those with whom I am
identified to make that advancement.
Twenty years ago the Presbyterians
came to our assistance. The Presby
terian church sent its missionaries to us
and poured out their treasures that our
people might bo anlighlcni'd aud lifted
out of the darkness in which wo groveled.
Counting on our scholars and those who
attend our conferences and our churches ,
I am proud to say that we are 40,000
strong. Looking from that standpoint
wo may rejoice. But looking nt it from
another standpoint wo are 40,000 strong
7,000,000 weak , not more than one in
every 200. All manner of schemes and
methods have been suggested that wo
may be improved , but ml these have left
the problem as it was , unsolved , twenty
years ago. But there is ono tiling , anil that
has solved the problem for thu white
man. I moan the bible nnd the spelling
book. Give us these and they will
speedily solve the problem. Iliavo often
been asked can the colored people bo
made Presbyterian. I think they cue.
When this assembly goes to Philadelphia
next year , 1 say our showing
will prove that we have a little interest
there and of that I think wo ought to bo
proud. In order that this problem may
be solved we must have good leadership.
There is nothing the colored man needs
to-day so much as honest leadership.
Give us leaders in the schools , in the
churches , in the colleges and in business ,
and then give us fifty years and we'll
come up with 150,000 instead of 40,000.
Wo appreciate what the Presbyterians
have done for us , and I would say to you
in conclusion. 'Take no step in the future
to hinder or discourage us in the work
now being prosecvtcd. If that bo done
God will hold the church responsible for
it. May the good work go on and bo
blessed by God until it is completed.
The Fisk siugcrs sung "Before the
Throne. "
Mr. Davis was next introduced. He
said : "If thenj is any ono thing 1 am
proud of it is that 1 am a Presbyte
rian. It seems to mo about seven
years ago , ic the sand regions of
Carolina , 1 met a Presbyterian minister
and he said to me 'Do you know of what
matter you are made ? I see from the
look of your eyes that you ought to go to
the assembly.1 'But little did 1 think at
that day that 1 would bo privileged at
this day to stand in the presence of the
Presbyterian assembly of the United
States. I don't ' think I shall ever bo able
to see that good minister again in this
world , but when 1 am privileged to cross
over to Jordan I shall find and tell him
what good effect his words had upon mo
and how I did go to the assembly.
Mr. Davis then paid a compliment to
his people for their gratitude and the
good they were capable of doing , and
closed by asking u continuance of the
good works of tLoir white friends.
Mr. Dellard. of North Carolina , was
then introduced. Ho was the favorite of
the evening. Everything lie said was
done very happily and the audi
ence alternated between hearty
laughter and long applause.
Mr. Dellard looked as if his success was
a surprise to him. Ho said-A question
had been asked in the south whether the
work which was being done in the south
for the negro was worth money I cer
tainly think it is. I wish to depart from
my brothers who speak of the colored
man. 1 use the word negro. I like it.
It is the best , and 1 like it best with a
big "N" [ laughter ] , and no "i" and but
ono "g. " | Laughter. ] As the immortal
Lincoln said [ applause ] , "No man will
bo elected to the presidency who spells
negro with two 'g's. ' " [ Langl'tor. ' ]
There has been n great deal said about
nil that has been done tit elevate the
negro and the amount that has been ac
complished. The elevation of the negro ,
however , is a work that cau't be accom-
lishod in a day. It mav Uko a century ,
? t took you people 250 yeara
to make us what _ wo are to-day. It IH too
early for our friends of the negro to
draw their erroneous conclusion. Judge
us not by the work wo have accom
plished. Judge us by the animus with
which we enter upon the race of life.
Give us a chance , and let the old Boy
catch the last one. He'll not always
catch a negro either. [ Laughter. ! The
negro needs to be taught to think. He
needs free schools , frc't speech and intel
ligence and education , in some of the
school statistics published , it has bce.n
shown that in the southern suites the
school year averaged but ninety days.
That is too short. One-third of the popu
lation in those states are ignorant. Tnuy
need to bo educated. Some of our
friends or pretended friends say that wo
are lazy , that we are shiftlos * . There IB
not a word of truth in it. [ Smiles. ]
Of course. wo . rested a little
after emancipation [ laughter ] . If white
people had been in slavery 250 years , too ,
as wo were , they'd want to rest , too.
We're not resting now [ laughter ] . Wo
don't tttand around and got into the
shade or lie down under the trees t *
avoid the sun [ laughter ] . Wo are put
ting forth every effort to remove the
moral aud educational defects In every
way. Wo come before you to-night to
solicit your assistance ami sympathy and
money. There were a number of schemes
devised and put forth to got the negros
to go. Ono of these was emigration. But
we won't leave [ laughter ] . Wo'Hntlck by
our white friends [ laughter ] . If they
rise we'll go up with them [ laughter ] . If
they go down we'll go down too. The
next plan was amalgamation. That's al
ready exploded [ loud laughter ] . Next ,
the negro being la/y and shiftless , would
die out. Hut ho doesn't dlu [ laughter ] .
According to Dr. Alien , we're coming in
at the rate of 000 a day. [ Applause. ]
\ \ o'ro increasing. Wo Intend to increase.
[ Prolonged laughter. ) Tills the happiest
moment of my life. I've ' been writing to
my friends every day since I arrived ,
telling them I am commissioner to the
great Presbyterian chureh. But it made
my blood run cold and my heart almost
cease to bout to hoar , as was said to-day ,
that churches in the north had refused to
give us the crumbs us it were of their as
sistance. If thu work of our elevation \ *
to bo done , it must bo done by coiored
people , in whom the negro can place im
plicit confiduuee.
Mr. R. W. Holmaii closed in a short
and entertaining address.
After song and prayer the Immense
audience dispersed.
Annual Meeting or tlin Nebraska 01-
vldlon T. P. A.
There are 185 members of the Nebraska
division of the Traveling Men's Protec
tive association. A majority of them
were in the city last oven Ing , but when
President Lanius called the second an
nual convention of the association to or
der at the parlors of the Areudo hotel
there were but two do/on members pres
ent. Most of the boys are religiously In
clined and forgot their duty to the asso
ciation by attending the Prosbytorlan
meeting ut the exposition. President
Lanius denounces us a base slander the
rumor that some of the members of the
association were seen at the Devil's ' Auc
President Lanius , upon calling the
mooting to or.lor delivered a bnof address -
dross upon the work of the Nebraska
division for the past your. He stated that
there is much to bo done by the associa
tion in the wtato ami urged the members
to sulcot good men to till the otlicos and
to then aid thuni in thu performance of
their duties. He closed by thanking his
fellow officcre and the members of the
various committees ior the support thuy
had given him in his work as president
of the association.
The election of officers was taken up
and resulted as follows :
Rrcsldont W. B. Lanius.
Vice President Harry Lodnr ,
Secretary and Treasurer W. L. East
Directors R. M. Simons , Sam Leland ,
W. R. Parks , August Meyers , J. K. Gor
C. O. Lobeck and Sam Iceland were
elected delegates to the national conven
tion of thu T. P. A. , which will bo held
in St. Louis Juno 21 , 22 and 23. H. F.
Strickland nnd W. H. Raynor were
chosen alternates.
Kallroail KHIOH.
MAY 23 , 1837. To the Editor of the
BKE : Noticing the correspondence
published in your paper last week
between the railroad state com
missioners and General Manaircr Hoi-
dregc , of the B. & M. , caused mo to in
vestigate the cla im made by Lincoln that
rates from the east should be the same
to Lincoln as to Omaha. I find that the
distance from St. Louis to Omuha , via
the Wabasli , is 411 miles , while the dis
tance from St. Louis to Lincoln , viatlic
Missouri Pacific , is 480 miles. This fact
alone makes the claim a ridiculous one ,
and shows how little the claimants know
of the facts on which such u demand
should bo based. The position taken by
the commissioners , who act more like
representatives of a Lincoln board of
trudo or freight bureau ( should either
exist ) , shows their entire ignorance and
stupidity regarding the regulation of
rates applying to iiitor-statq commerce.
As created by the Cullom bill , thu inter
state railroad commission alone can act
on rates between states. The action of
the commissioners In this matter shows
how incapable such men are to hold such
an otlice. in tills instance they champion
the catiHO of a town against the entire
state , whoso interests they were created
to protect.
Lincoln since the national railroad
law went into effect docs not have the
confidential rebates from the railroadu
that she had previous to that time , and
which made nor wholesale dealers able
to compete with Omaha at every point ,
and gave her discriminating rates to a
score or more towns where the metropo
lis of the sUto was barred from doing
Just as soon as the opportune moment
occurs Lincoln will bo placed where she
belongs , and that is on the basis of the
sum of the two local rates , namely the
rate from the cast to Omaha and the rate
from Onmna to Lincoln , to be put on this
basis gives her an coual ; show for busi
ness all over our state , and puts her on
an equal footing with Omaha.
Major Frank Krogli was Thursday
ighl made the recipient of a gold headed
aue by his friend , Colonel A. 11. Forbes.
Mr. J. M. McCann , Bridgeport. W. Va , ,
tin- first ( odbcoverlliie vlrtufiof tit. Jacobs
Oil for chicken dioleru , * } < : "A brcnii
illl , bnturutvdvllh Bt. Jacobs oil. wo.i
forced down tlio Uiront of thu fowl , mid
within Imlf on hour ItM well M over. "
"MlivJ ullli douKh , " IiuKflfs , "anil ful to
UirkoyM hickcin und nlhur poultry fuller-
itu ; from this hitherto Incurable dlscinc ,
till Hint are able to shallow is 111 bo featured f ( :
to perfect henlh } : nil'I If thu tuturHted plll
uio forced < 1.rn > the throuM of thone tint
ouniot Mvalloiv , they will flap their wlng >
and croM in jour fut-u. "
Chlckon liolarti.
Tt-rre llaulc , Chomrmlgn Co. . Ohio.
I rereh'C'l ' about ten dnv < i ago five vul
One 1'olltli cili ) * > ; ii . A foiv dnya a
noticed ( hut tnn of them hud
like the roup. anil tliclr tlirotits terincxl to
lie nearly ft < > ( i | > i > d tip and made wheezing
touiid at Mich rosi'lrittloii. One of Ultra
win not able tti walk , or even utoud oil III
fo t. I took a luimll piece of bread , t jr
cJiout liilf nu liH'h firjiiaxc , nnd t-ulimiUri
ft ulth M. Jmotn Oll.iuM fed It to them ,
ou'ciu thRinornlnxnnd osalu In the eve-
nlni ; . Iho ti xt morn Ins \\htit I went out
to look at tlu-iii I could not tell urhlib of
the uvu chlckcix hod been ilik.
Hojf Cholera.
Cliw/ Comp , Wont Vs.
St. Jacobs Oil Ik lim but remedy known
to me for ling C'hoU-rn. H mny be given
them In milk mjr a tcHipooiiful to encti
amuisl twIromUr. I think that anyone
trying It will luid It bencfleinl.
Clilckon Cholera.
H v. T. P. Itrooke , pa tor Central J'rmtby.
tcilan Chunih , Clnrkkburir . Va. , iiyn :
" 1 mturaltd R plci-o of breud t\t of mr
thumb ulth ft JitcuM Oil , and forced ft
iluMrn the throrit. Chlckrnt were in the
laHnUi e. I mixed It with uical.nnd Rave
them nulliluc cite. They ule , In \vtck'
tliuoiUl wern vttll. "
61. Jacnto Oil h nn aVolntc cure for an
bodily 1111 in for nlik ban external reamrtr
may bo applied. It l < told l > y PrurKliU
anrt Jii-alcn llirourliout thonorM. Vttr
flny cvtiU IMT l < oUlr. Ti ! Citrlci A , V < *
g lcr Co , , wltlniorc , lid.