Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    * v - " - ' i * * "V * ' ' ' T
'J _ M4JV , T T jf * T p' ' l ' < W VI w %
Advertisements under this hoad.lQ ecnti per
Ino for the first Insertion , 7 cento for each sub-
Dticnt | insertion , and $1.50 a line per month.
No ndvcrtlsomont taken lor loss tnnti 2,1 cunts
fortho Hist Insertion. Seven words wll 2bo
counted to tlio llti < ) j they must run consecu
tively and must bo paid In advance. All artver-
tl < omcntH lnu t bo linndcd In before 1 : ! o'clock
p. in. , nnd under no clraumstnnoos will they bo
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In tlie e columns nnd hnv-
me tlio answers addressed In earn of TIIK HKB
will plenno ask for n check to ( inutile thorn to get' ' ! none will tie dollvcrod except
on iiro'-entnUon of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvortlicmcnts In those columns nro pnh-
IWhod In both morulnfr nnd evening editions of
The iir.K , tlio circulation of which
aggregates moro than 14,000 papers
daily , nnd plve * the nrtvortl'or the
bom-fit , not onlj of the city circulation of The
JlKK but nlso of Council Bluffs. Lincoln , nnd
other cltlos and towns throughout this pnrt of
tlio west.
MONEY TO IOAN-On city property In
films of $ i > W mill upwnrds nt lowest rntr-s.
Money Hlways on hand. 8. S. Campbell. 310
Bouth Sixteenth street. 822
$ ; ' 500,000 to loan at A per cent , Harris icSnrap-
pen , 15ln 1'otiKlas t 670
M ONKV to loan In larKO or small amounts by
Win II. Leach , 150-J Fnrnam. 652 Jli !
M IONKY TO IXAN-O ) V. Dnvls * Co. , real
cstato and loan agents , 1505 Farnnni st ,
MONHY TO LOAN I'lrst mortirniro notes
bought. J.A. Hleatand , room tt , Arllnif-
ton block. BOiij 12J
$600,000 To loan on Omntm city property at 6
per conk G , W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Bid.
MONF.Y TO LOAN-On city nnd fnrm prop
erty , low iatt-8. Stewart A : Co. , Itoom 3
Iron bank. 674
MONEY to loan , cash on delay.
J , W , and IL. . B < iulio , 14UI Kurnam at. ,
Faxton hotel bnlldlnir. 875
MONEY First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bank will buy papers locurcd by
first mortgage on-city realty. 676
IONKY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
L no commission charged. Lenvltt Hnrn-
hnm , Koom 1 Crolghton Illock. 677
PElf ciKrlTMonoy to loan.
Gregory k llndloy ,
Tlooms 1 and a , Hcdick block , 320 p. 15th Bt
LOAN Money I/inns placed on im
proved rcnl estate In city or county for
New England Loan Ic Trust Co , , by Douglas
County bank. IClh and Chlf ago sts. 670
MONEY to loan on Improved city property at
8 per cent Money on hand ; do not have
to wait Hare a complete set of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Heal Estate and LoanCo.S20S. 15th st.
ONF.Y TO LOAN by the undersigned , wlio
has the only properly organised loan
agency In Omaha. Loan ! ) of $10 to $100 made
on furniture.pianosorgans , horses , wugona ,
machinery , Ac , without removal. No iluluys.
All biiaineaa strictly confidential. Ix > uns o
made that any pnrt can bopnld nt nny Imo.oach
4 > aymont reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances
tnado on flno watches and diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dnlly coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
and see me. W. It Croft. Hoom 4 W'thncll '
Building 15th nnd Hnrnoy. 6S3
flllir.Omaha Financial Exchange ,
X N. W. corner of Hnrnoy and 15th Bis. ,
over Stnto National bank.
If prepared to make short ttmo loans on any
available security.
Loans raado on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans macloon Improved real cstato
ot current rale ? .
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , noldor exchanged.
Short tlmo lonns mmio on FCC-OIK ! mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest , ut collateral
rntos. '
Heal cstato to exchange for good Interest
bearing paper.
Genernl financial business of all kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbctt , Manager. 1W
R750.tXHTOLOANntO ) per cent. Llimh.m It
Mahoney , I50U Farnam. COV
MONKY LOANED nt C. F. Heed & Co.'a Loun
, on furniture , pianos , horseswagons ,
persona ] property of nil kinds , nud nil other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 1)19 S. 1.1th.
over Hlnghara s Commission storo. All busi
ness Btrlctlv confidential. 681
6 PEH CENT Money.
U. 0. 1'attoraon. IBtb and Harney. ftTO
" 1710 It SALK Hardware business In best loca-
Jtlon In Grand llaplds , Michigan ; 3 story
stone building. Kent $100. Stock In good con
dition and will Invoice $8,000 to (10.000. Will
Hell at discount to good buyer. Addrosi owner
M. L. Swift , Grand llaplds. Mich. U93-23J
> OH SALE Or trade , small Block ot mlllln-
cry. Coio. aiO 8 15th , room 1. 7M 81
FOH SALK-Lumber Yards-Twenty lumber
yards In Nebraska for aalo. Good loca
tion. Good business. One ot the proprietors
trolngback to Europe to live. Address Lum
bermancare ClowcryB. W. P. O. , Chicago. 111.
9di 31 *
FOH SALK Stock of groceries In first class
location. Itcusons for selling , engaging In
Other business. Address "P 70 , ' ' Bco olllco.
HELPING HAND-Boautlfiilly Illustrated ,
contains nearly 300 advertisements from
Indies and geutlomcn wanting coirospondonta
Sent 3 months for 10 cents. Address Helping
Hand , 70 La Snllo St. Chicago. HI. 10126
TTlOlt SALE A general stock now $5,000. store
JL house and lot now $1,500. Centrally lo
cated. A splendid opportunity to got in n new
town , one-half cash balnnco time. Address foi
one week Lock Box " 3 , " Mason City , Neb.
FOH SALK Cheap for cash only , n Una )
stock of groceries , Invoice about $900 , oc
paved street , block from itrcet car. must b (
old at once. Address Pl > 4 , Boo ofllco.
yy , 23 *
FOH SALK Part Interest In a wollostabllsho (
bakery. Chance for a tlno business with
capital. Cull nt or address N w Yorl
bakery 1UQ6 Coining at , city. Kll 37J
FOB KXCHANG K Stock ot general morchnn
dlso about Ht.500 , stuck hardware ubou
flOUO. Want i4 cash. It. i H. , box 903
bhenndoah , In- 7330 *
OH SALK Meat Market doing good bull
ness. Good locution. Kousons for selling
Address. P 47. Boo. 790 30J
FOH SALK Warehouse , on track , suitable
for storage or manufacturing purposes
will bo sold at n bargain It tnkon soon. O'ltnrno
llo lck & . Co. . 613 813th at. 807 35
FOH BALE Or trade for city property o
fnrm.n 12,000 stock of jewelry can In
eon nt , any time. McCulloch & Co. , 150 !
I'arnum st. Omaha , Neb. 6M ) 1
RAHK chance to exchange lor stock of gru
corles , 40 acres Improved land 1U mile
Irom Central City , Neb.Vrltoqulck to H. H
tieolor. Kearney , Neb. C49 35j
\rOUH OPJ'OIITUNIIY--Fine stock ofprocoi
X ios , feed , produce , etc. . with n daily bus
ness of $12.1 , on the DCS ! street In the city , fo
pole. Good misQimfor selling. Parrott& Wll
JlHinson , 1401 Douglas st. fpatalrs. 407
* I7lbTf SALK OaahTGrocory store , dolngagoo
.X business , In tlno location. Good reason
for selling. Address. 0117. lleo offlco. 413
" \\T A N T ED A person desiring to rngago li
T J an honorable paying business netting $1
lo $1S per day clear profit on stock of $75 ti
1611. Best business men ot this city given a
reference ! ' . Call at once , or wrlto. to Koom ]
frounso _ . . . . block , , loth st. , cor. Capitol uvi
i.t I. X l Jfiall I
LK Very cheap , good bncK buslnes
property In Grand Island , Neb. Thegreatoe
liargaln and best terms In this city. Good ron
fens for Felling. For particulars uddro s J. H
Woolloy , Attorney nt Law , Grand Island. Not
FOItSALK A protltablo nnd wollestabllshe
buslnesa suitable tor u lady. Call nnd In
quire at Employment Uuronu , 319 n 16th sts.
UT11AYKD From iny resilience , 19th and Cu
VJ ifornla sts. , n roan cow , branded " 0" o
right hip. Howard for return of eamo to 1
Wukcley. 076 2IJ
TUAYKD-From South Omaha , a dark b
heavy-set mule nbout II lianas high and
years old. Finder will return to Tlio * . Hi ,
Ulna. South Omnhn. Neb. 890 24 *
STOUAGK For household goods andgener
merchandise at low rales , corner Thl
tconth and Izard et recta , up town office 6
' CouthThirteenth. TelephoneVti. 4I7J14 *
CJTOIIAGK-Klret-claas storage for nice tui
O nttur * or boxed goods , at 1513 Dodge-st.
_ _ 683
&IKST-CLAB3 Storagi ) at 110 N 13th .
C v 3I
ABItlVRD-Mrs. Dr. Eddy , of Botton. the
world-renowned nnd highly celebrated
nueon franco clairvoyant of the Atlantic coast ,
Mrs. Eddy is n seventh daughter , born with a
double volU HUB the power ot nny two clair
voyants you over mot. Tollayour entire life ,
pnst , pre ont nnd future. In n dead trance.
Every hidden mystery revcnlcd. Tells full
names of her callers nnd the full names of jour
future husband or wife , with ago and date of
marriage , und tells D hothor the ono you love Is
true or false. Gives ndvico on divorces , con
tested wills , speculations , etc. Tells whether
stocks will n or fall. Tells your life from era-
dlo to the grave , nnd causes speedy nnd happy
marriages , Mndnma unites the lepurntcHl In
ono half the tlmo that every other clairvoyant
cnn. Uomovcs evil Inltiicncca , and by her ud-
vlco gives good luck. Positively no Imposition.
Hcvcalscverthlng , $ $ .000 challenge to nny me
dium who cnn excel her. Hours , 9 n.m. to 6
ti. m. . strict Parlors Bt 40(1 ( N 16th direct , up
two lllrhts. Cut this out and call early.
N. II. This Is Mudumo' * first visit , Bo sure
you get the right name and number. 817 20 *
Mild. DUHANT Clarlvoynnt from Boston , IS
reliable In all affairs ot life , unite * separated
lovers. 323 N. ICtb st. room 1 691 m38) )
PEUSONAL-NoHt andtnsty nil-wool business
suits $7. Fine blue diagonal dreas suits ,
$10.75. Call and see thorn or write for samples.
L O. Jones & Co. , American Clothiers , 13J9
1'nrnnm at , Omaha. OJ3 j 'M
PEHSONAL If you want n deslrnblo , cen
trally located olBce you can find It nt 310
S 15th st 978
pEttSONAL-I'rlTate homo for Indlns during
X confinement , atrlctly confidential , Infants
adopted , adilross K 42 , Boo otllco. 649J2 *
'I3KHSONAL lluyer , yes , owner will tnko
J. $2,0.11 for the elegant east front lot , Han-
sconi Place , If taken at onco. Goss llros. , 418 S
15th. 73831
1 > iilPONAL : A man of sonic fortune of
about 40 , whoso head Is called classic by
painters seeks the acquaintance of a bunutlfu
wealthy lady. Gorman preferred. Address1
67 lleo olllco , 904 21J
PEH80NAL Mrs. Dr Nanni * V. Warren
clairvoyant. Medical nd business Medium
Boom No , 8,121 North 10th st .Omaha , Neb.
rilAPEWOHM removed In four hours com
-L pletel at homo. Address , with stamp ,
Prof. A. Peter , 114 Monroe avo. , Rochester ,
FOR KENT Largo pinto glass window with
good offlco spnco f or $ ? .0 per month , ut
1516 Doilire. Also nlco ollice spaces for rent nt
$10 and $30 each In flno location. Mitchell &
Leyoumarck 161U Dodge st. 482 23
\\TKLLSClstorns , Cesspools dug nnd cleaned.
TT All work warranted flrst elans. Hoforencn
given If icqulred. J. D. Yandcrborg , 1411
Hnrnoy street. ' . ' 4721 *
\TOTICK to agonta ; Lot No. 0 in oik l.Shlnn's
-L > 3d addition to Omntm Is withdrawn from
salo. E. 1) . ICItton , March 13.1337. 83J 31
VAN HhLMlfiNlrtoTroTrrom to-day , solo
nironta for my property , anil the tame Is
withdrawn from other agents. L. H. Writrht. j
U(6 21
IHEUEHY notify nil rcnl estate ngcnts with
whom my property Is listed for sale , that
from dntu the C. K. Mayno U. E. Co. are solo
ngcnts for the same. Snm'l Cuslck. 810 21J
APIIOFITABLE and pleasant business for
lady or gent with a little numny at 316
South 16th st. , room fi. 8i3 ! 2fa *
ALAHGE amount of pasturage , well
shaded nnd wntorcd by Humorous springs.
Inquire at rcnl estate olllr-o of Jus. E. Viindor-
cook 3t Co. , No. 120 N 15th at IMW
QTIIAW Hats fliaped , blenched nnd tilmmod ,
k _ 1416 Howard. A. MeAusland. 74531 *
C KSS POOLS , elnksnnd vaults cleaned , odor
less process. E. Kwin . box 427 , cltv.
rso jioj
FOH 8\LE Furniture of n 6-room house
with privilege of renting houao. will bo
sold at u bargain if taken at once. 1614 Call
fornlo. VM 33
FOH SALE Wind mill , tower nnd tank com
plete , In poml order ; can bo taken clown
and moved. Cull on or address Klrkendall ,
Jones & Co.lXL ( Hurnoy street , Omaha.
U1H 27
1 > AlT.IIANGIN ( ! < i-Kstlniatos furnished ; all
work Rtiarranteed. Address PaperhnnRcr ,
814 North 101 h Bt. 6CO-J-16 *
GASOL1NI ! nnd coal oil are delivered free to
oil parts of the city by the Illno line tank
delivery , office nt Konnnrd flass A : Paint Co.
Telephone 791 , McUngnl & Ward , proprietors.
FOKRBin Square Hiano $ J moatbly. A
Hospo. 1513 DouiriaE. CS3
TO THADE A lot or two on ono or two Rood
driving horses. H. C. Patterson , 15th and
Hnrnoy. 831
0 PHOPKHTY Owners-It you want to sell
your property aend full description with
prlco and terms to Hart's Great Western licul
Estate Uurcau , Crolgnton Illock. We tmvo cus
tomers for every bargain that Is offered.
TO parties having houses tor rent , Kontol
Agrnoy. Denawa & Co. . 15st. , opposite post-
oftlcoi We have turned over to them our rental
list. We recommend them. McCague Bros.
NOTICE W. C. KlnR& Co. , house moving
and raising , leave orders at 1320 Pleroo st ,
O'Ji J4J
TT1OH HUNT Organs , 12 per month , tlocpe ,
f 1613 DoUElas. 639
Ol. C.-llouso furmshlncTKOod ] , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J ,
Ilonnor , 1316 Uouglafist. 000
Foil KENT Square riano , $1 montnlr. A
Hoipe. lB13DouitUt. 6S9
XF you wnnt to buy or sell furniture , go to
J. Ferguson's , 715 N. 16th. 6'Jl
| jloli BALK Piano A traveling gontlenian
-L has a new upright piano , cost $500. will sol
cheap. Apply ut onco. Address C 17 , Deri > f
nee. 106-21 *
FOU SALE 4 silver ahow cases , ovnl front.
Will trade for ebony cases. Call at drug
Btoro , 2715 Cnnilng street. 8M121 j
TJ'OU SALK 30 head Uno fresh milch cows nt
X1 Military Drldgo Yards , Uuinltif at. Crone
A : Jester. 813 SIJ
T71O11 SALB-Or trade 2 No 1 lots In AltTrTght's
.LA 1st cnolcn new the depot for otock of
groceries or horse and wagon , or No 1 carri
age team. Address P 31 Ueo olUco. 65.1 31
FOU HALE Two Hamblotoninn uarriapo
horses , will drive slnglo or doublo. Dr. F.
Wackerow , Omnhn , Nob. Olllco 417 814th st.
030 20
1i\ill \ ( SALK New , . light aldcbar top buggy ,
J cheap. Cole 316 8.16th. room 1. 937
FOB SALK Ono six-foot upright black wal
nut show case , Milton Ilogors & Son. 909
1OH SALK Team of flno heavy niulos. C. T.
J3 Smith 1036 , Bouth 23rd St. 8JO 25J
FOH SALK Largo pony , ngn u , with HOW snd-
illc , bridle , etc. , for $00. Cull ut320NltltU
et. 749 24
TJIOU SALE-4,003,000 Hard Brick. T. Murray ,
FOU SALK-6 milch cows. E A Marsh. 901
N ICth. 515
FOIl SALK Now 2nd bund olllco desk , 1013
rarnam , up stairs. 15 !
3 FOH SALK Drivers and draft horses , rear ol
1818 Chicago et. 151 J5 *
TT OH SALK , or exchanuo for Omaha real
-L estate , n flno driver , record 3:49. : Patterson
& Moore , Hoom 1. Omaha National bank. 151
| jHH SALE Span horses , double wauou ani
X1 iloublo harness for $200. Also u lot of post !
cheap. C. J Cunnn , 653
JpOU SALEBrick. . T. M urrny.
WANTKD-Mento sell Shetland Mountalt
ponies , fancy colors , little beauties
Sample pony free on conditions. For furthci
particulars Incloso stamped solf-addrogscd on
volopo. llyrou Van Itaub , Bocrno , Kendall Co.
Toxaa. 10424J
W" ANTED Agents to roprcaonltbo Natlona
Library association , experienced bool
agents , touchers and school superlutendanti
preferred. The worn is much pleasant or thai
canvn lng for books , nnd onergctlo worker
. . are making from * 2i to $ .Vjior wook. Address
' with references , National Library association
lumate . Chicago HI .
st , _ _ _ _
first-class barbers , hlghes
wage * paid to the ihiht party. Apply ti
A. L. Undeland ft Co. , Darbcnt Supply House
130i Douglas. _ bS3 *
\\T A NT1JU Men for railroad work 'In Cole
T T rado. Albright's Labor Agency , 1130 For
nam. _ B9t
W ANTED t brick mouldors at a H. Illckc
& Sou's brick yard , Valley st near 13th si
. 905 S7J
\\T ANTKU An exporleneek U roctr's deliver ;
T T man , must be well acquainted In the clti
steady and reliable t none else need make appfl
cution. Wm , Vlemlnf * Co. ' 4 7
W'ANTED Man and wife to tnko chkrgo ot a
farm , Inquire of A. MuOarook , 310 3.
13th lit. | 7B
WANTED Steady roung man at the Misfit
Parlors. 1119 f amain St. 110-33
WANTED Carriage trimmer at once , car
riage blacksmith at onco. blacksmith
helper nt once , carriage worker at ouce. Wm.
It Drummond it Co. , 1316 llurnoy at 893 21
WANTED An experienced clothing sales-
man. Call 617 N. 16th st 834 21
WANTED A printer who Is a rood alto or
tenor player In hrnw band , ono who
understands both newspaper nnd job work ,
will bo required to work hand press 2 hours
each week , correspondence solicited. Address ,
C. C. Fletcher. Hebron , Nob. 013-31 *
WANTKD 2or3 ffood carpenters. F. D ,
Mead. 209 B 16th at. 801 21
WANTED-Cnrpcnters to build live or six
amnll housoa and tnko imym nlco resi
dence lot. W. L , Solby , 1521 Farnam. 78921
WANTED A whlfo man cook. Apply at
Soamer Bishop ucnrlloyd'spackinghouse.
ANTED Immediately , nn upholster. Ball
llros l , 301 N 15th St. 799 21j
TTANTED Immediately tlrst-clnss cook.wlth
TT second , Norrls hotel , Webster st , 85321
, ) 10 tcnmstors for the west ship to
night. D. C. O'Kcofo , 309 S. llth St.
\\ANTED An offlco boy whohossomo exT -
T > perlcnco In on architect's olllco. Inquire
at Boyd's opera house , 3d floor , P. J. Croedon.
W ANTED-A good broad baker nt 1410
Saunders st R67 21j
" \X7ANTKD A general and 50 iiib-ngonts In
T your county. Now goods. Ilnro elianco.
100 to ! WO per cent commission , or a good snl-
nry. Semi for circular. F. M. Wonver , No. 0
West Ohio street , IndlnnnpolU , Ind. 263 21'
WANTED An'encrgotlo man to sell our su
perior brands of machine oils to dealers
nnd consumers on commission. Address .1. H.
Tlmmlns k Co. , Cleveland , O. KJJ 2'1 *
WANTED Men , Women , Boys nnd Girls for
n light and profitable employment. No
plr-turo business ; no humbug. Send lOc for a
valuable pnrkngc to commence on. Only a few
hundred will bo distributed. Address Albany
Supply Co. , Albnny. N. Y. 842 J3
STUDENTS Teachers nnd njionts can secure
very profitable employment bv applying to
S. P. Great , Planter's house. Omaha , 18GOj |
W ANTED Laborers tor railroad work. E.S.
Albright's Labor Agency , 1130 Farnam.
Y ANTT.O-Lntorors for H. H. work. D , C.
T > O'Kccfc.SOa So .llth St. 770 24J
V\7"ANTED t good waiters , girls preferred.
TV None but first-class wanted. To such good
waves und permanent place will bo given.
Also , chambermaids and laundry girls. Apply
at once at Norrls Hotel , cor. 16tn & Webster.
WANTED S dining room ( 'irls at Etchnngo
Hotel , Union Stock Ynrds , S. Omaha. lor
particulars Inquire nt Cnnllcld House. 113
WANTED Girl to wnit on leo crcnm Parlor.
Only those who have had experience
need apply , Goo. L. llennA ; Co. , 132Donulas. .
1KB 2.1
"Vl TfANTED A girl to do ironi-ral housework.
T T miiat boll good cook. 1S1K Webster st. 969
TS7ANTKD An experienced second cook
VT nlso first clnss dining room girl. Now
York restnurnnt , 709 N. 10th 8t. 929-21 *
V 7ANTKD-A girl nt 2513 St. Mnrv's ave.
BI7-31 !
W PANTED A Germnn housekeeper or girl ,
nddross P5S Hoe ofllco. 1)01 ) 2IJ
"V\ ) ANTED Good girls lit Commorelul hotel ,
T corner llth nnd Lcnvonworth. Best win e ? .
Hanson & Miller , props. 858 21 *
TtrANf ED fomulo pastry cook nt
Arcade Hotel , 1215 Douglas st. t09 21J
W ANTKD Button hole milkers. 11U I'ar-
n. 626 21 *
dressmaker nt 1416 Howard St.
914 23 *
WANTED-A girl 15 or 10 yours old In small
family to help around the houso. Apply
to 13D1 Harnoy st. 914-23 *
WANTED At Planters houao dining room
tclrls , none but experienced waiters
wanted. 951 26 *
"WANTED Girl. Must bo good cook and
T > laundress. Small family. Good wages.
References. 1113 Georgia avo. U19 33 *
W ANTEO-Olrl for kltchon and dining-room
work. Apply at 419 N 13th St. 93423 *
ANTKD-Glrl 619 N. 19th st. Must be
good cook. P07-23 *
T7ANTED Adlsbwnshor at Miller's restau-
T rnnt 1004 N. 16th st. 819
WANTED A good experienced girl for
_ general house work. 1415 Jones st. 827
ANTED Cook und wnltor nt Urownoll
Hull Immediately. 815 21J
ANTED -Lndy book-keeper nt u
Meat Market. Uth st , near Webster.
W ANTKD-Good girl at 1707 Cuss st 617
1A7ANTED Good cook and second clr
> 2427 Dodge et. 619
WANTED-Cook nnd dining room girl. Jluel-
ler's Itostaurant , 1004 N. ICth st. 351
WANTED-Pecond girl Immediately. Cull
bet. the hours of 9 and 10 a. m. or 6 to 7
p. m. , 3437 Dodge street. 252
\TTANTED Ladies to work for us at tnelr
TT own noraes ; $7 to 10 per week can be
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no canvass
ing. For full particulars please address at
once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central it. Boston ,
Mass , llox.5170. Q03jel5 *
" \\7ANTED By a mlddle-ngod lady situation
TT as housekeeper in a family without chil
dren. Address for ono week box 163 , Syracuse ,
Nob. 068 34J
WANTED By a thorough dry goods man , a
p-jsltlon. Best of reforoni'us from Boston
nnd Chicago houses. Addicss A31 , Boo olUco.
113-3J *
WANTCD-Sltuatlon ; Wanted situation for
a tall German boy of 13 years and good
education. Address P 59 Bee office. W)4 ) 21J
WANTED A situation us stenographer and
typewriter by a young lady thoroughly
competent. Address O. J. O. , Bco office , Coun
cil Jlluirs. C.ti 21 *
WANTED Situation ny an experienced dry
goods salesman who has had several
years experience ID buying goods for the
spring and fall trmlo , 1 speak English nnd Ger
man languages. Boat of ret by people who
hnvo known mo for 33 yonrs and have u good
recommend. P 65 lleo olllco. 831 2.1J
WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper
or light sot of books to keep of ovonlngg
Addruss P 60 Bco olllco. 849-2Q *
TVANTED-Posltlon In private family , or
TT doing general work , Addruss It. , W.Wat
son , city. CM 23J
" \ \7ANTED A position ns typo "irrltOr. Ad-
TT dress O 40. Ueo office , git
V | 7 ANTED A position as typo writer. Address -
T T dross O 40 , Bee offlco. 231
' 117'ANTKD A Position by a thorough a ?
T ? countant Best of references. Address
O li Bee onice. 813
WANTED Two or three furnished rooma
for single gentlcmnn. Location must bo
central. Address P 71 Bee. 100-24 *
T\7"A.NTKO Everyone to know wo furninh
T T mule help free and till orders promptly.
Mrs. Brogn nud Son. 310 S 15th , up stairs.
_ 789 31 * _
WANTED To buy a 7 to 10 room house to
bo moved. Frank P. Itoll , S31 south 3Jth
Street ; _ b63 26J _
V\ TANTKD To buy 8 houses which con bo ro
T T moved. A. F , Mnyne , 1408 Dodge st
1 W ANTED By a single gent , n neatly f up
nlshcd room in quiet ininlly. Acldrosi
stating terms and locution , i' G2 lUo bfncdT
t W'ANTED To trade a dee-led lot for n 62 In.
bjclclo. Will give good trado. Address ! '
49 , Bee. ffil 3l
W Moro bargains. Parrot t & Wil
liamson always have customers for rare
bargains. List yours with thorn If you want to
ECU quick. Kfi 21
WANTED-Bourd ana room In private fam
ily living within 7 blocks at 16th and
Cumlnff. Address 1'60 B e offlco. State price
per wook. uc 81j
"ANTBD Two furnUhed rooms or one
large room. In quiet residence , ono mile
from Farnam and Tenth ttreeu , for husband
and wifewith board and care for the lady ,
who la an Invalid. dollars weekly 01
60 monthly. Immediate. J 63 , Bee office.
. 87181
WANTED-To eschnnnc nlnttfor a couple of
good driving horco * . It. C. Patterson ,
16th nnd Harnoy. _ 833
- upright lilnno ns part payment -
WANTED-An lot. Adi&ossl'il llee oftlco ,
t t 763 SI
wor engine , 8ml
I hotel offlce. 450
\ \ ANTED Teams and toovolers cor 16th
TT and Douglas sts Monday morning. 91621 *
" \\7ANTED-Good Becon-lVlmud rnngo , 314 8.
V > laihst. f J5 7sa 2ij
WAN-1BU-A horse orcnrringo In pnrt pay
ment upou a lot Address P 3Iloo of
flco. . - 756 21
WANTKD-An organ In pnrt pny.mcnt on
lot. Address P 40 , Boo odlco. 75711
A newspaper , paying circulation
guaranteed from the start , for particu
lars address Bank of Valley , Valley , Nob. ,
"t TANTED Teams for railroad srork ,
T T Albright's Labor Agency , 1130 Farnam.
TJ10U HENT Desirable Hats , modern convon-
X ? letices , for otllco or living purposes. Centrally -
trally located. Leslie &LoslIo , Central phar
macy , Itith and Dodgo. P51
UK NT Store nnd eocond floor on cor
FOH and Marcy at. Inquire of Mrs. F.
Lange , 6)8 ) S 13th. 8b9
"I/1OK HKNT Klght room house well turn-
Ju Ished and centrally located' Also toiim of
horses and double carriage for sale. Address
1' 7 lice , 477 33J
KEN'T-Photogrnph Gallery. Host Gal
lery in ClnrlnJn. Iowa , for rent a heap. No
comnotltion for n flood artist. Address J. M.
Davis , 330 N 10 St , Omaha Nobr. 600-21
IOH KENT OH FOH SALK Two houses and
I1 lots on monthly payments. Co-opcratlvo
Land i Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th St. 6bO-21
1T1OK KENT Three room houso. 7004 Paclflo.
-U For Kent Six room house , 1108 S 7th.
1'or llont-Thrco room house , ion N 23th 683
I/IOH IlKNT 7 room house In Omaha Vlow
J ? Blunt A Impey , 418 3 l.'th st 837 33
TT'OK ' ItnNT-Stores and Hats at 21th and Lake
- - street by Paulson i Co. , room 8 , Hedlck's
block , 207
FOU UENT A Btoro. Inquire 1413 S. 13th st
Goo. II. Peterson. S99
" 17IOH IlKNT Store anil living apartments enL
-L Cumlng near Sounders st Apply at Harris
Heal Estate and Loan Co. , UJ S. IMli Bt. 697
TjlOU IIF.NT Frame store building , 20x50.
-t ) with living 4roomaon Phil Sheridan stwlll ;
Improve ; put basement under store to suit any
legitimate business Wm. Fleming & Co. , 1401
Douglas. 870
IlKNT Good barn , suitable for four
horses. Inquire nt 617s. 13th st. U33
[ 7OII HUNT Window , good locality for low
I1 clor or real cstato. Apply to UJ3 n Ifith.
HENT 3-roorn tiouse , 70J Pacific.
FOU IlENT Third floor , SixSO , of brick build-
Inir , 1 IOS Fnrnam Mroot , use of elevator ,
nqulro nbovo number , upatnlrs. 6G1
HEN'T Brick ynrda , T. Murray.
plOHRENT-Throo room hquso , 1106J5 _ 7th
FOH RENT Nicely furnUhod front room
with board , suitable for/two gentlemen , nt
fi.13 South 19th St. . cor. St. Mary's avo. 730 33J
TilOU HENT A mi Ito oC two rooms. > v ith board ,
- tin a private fnmllv , suitable for married
couple. Desirable locution , ono blocK from
street cars Iteferencos rcijulrcd. Hoaily for
occupancy Juno 1. Addrcij. P. O. Box 374.
970-24 *
FOH UENT-Desk room 'ttofflce , No. 120 N
15th Bt G'.I '
_ _
> 'OH RENT Rlogant rooni' . bay window , gas
bath nnd nil modern'-1' ' conveniences. A.
Hospu , 315 N. 17th. _ = _ 570
UENT-Waro room ror. 13th and Call-
llorninon Bolt Line. X'Ur particulars en
quire at Union Nat. bnnk. 188
HENT Ofllco voomTnOruonK ! ! block ,
corner 13th and Dodge' TJavis & Hothor-
ington , Mlllnrd Hotel Ullllurd room. 520
" | JKH HENT 3 Btoro rooms in best city of
JP 4,000 population In Nebraska ; 3 now rail
roads now building to It. Harrison , Ambler &
Woolloy , 41S S. 15th St. . Omaha , Nob.
495 j 12
; KENT-Furnlshod rooms at 1816 Dodge st
988J 19 *
"Clou BENT Largo front room furnished.
JD 1013 Chicago Bt 830 31 *
ROOM with board for two fontlciuf-n of
steady habits , 1613 Capitol ave. 635 31J
TTJiOK HBNT Furnished rooms , 714 N. IIHh.
919m2l *
KENT Two ofllcos spaces on ground
FOU In room 1503 Farnam st. KiK ] ill roof
J. S. liichnrdson , In rear offlce , 348 m\l !
) HKNI Three unfurnished rooms. Call
at 2423 Chicago Ft. 850 21 j
1OH HENT-Nlco furnished room. 2025 Fur-
nam. W
FOH HENT Nino-room flat contrnlly located ,
316 s nth. on
POH HUNT Elegant rooms , references re
quired , 1C07 Douglas st. yfll
HUM' Furnished room with board ,
every modern convenience , 3535 St. Mary's
avo. K0125J
FOH HENT El n ven nice unfurnished sleep
ing rooms. Separate or all tonothor. in
building 3I6S 15th st 975
HENT Desirable unfurnished rooms
suitable for ofttco or sleeping rooms. 310
U15thst 076
FOK HUNT Nicely f unilshed rooms cheap ,
60flSouth 18th street. Upstairs. 93S
" | j > OK HENT Elegantly furnished room for 1
JL1 gentleman near business. All conveni
ences ; private family , 1615 cap. nvo. 213J
FOH MKNT Desk room. Enquire Young &
Blackmail , 214 S 15th St. 540
FOH ItKNT Three room nouo west of North
llth st , between Chicago and Cass. 6U !
"IJOH HUNT Nicely furnlsnsd rooms , with
J good closets and bath room , at No. 13IHH
North Kth , nonr green car line. 910 23J
FOlFltKNT- furnlslied rooms with
board If desired. Private family. Imiulre
1933 Farnum. fc9S-37 *
FOH KENT Four furnished rooms In Esta-
'brook building , 408 north 16th et. 3rd floor.
89P-33 *
FOH HENT Largo , nicely furnished front
room , 839V4 S. 21st at 896-26 *
FOH HENT Largo well furnished room with
bath and other conveniences , to gentle
man , call at 1021 Fnrnnm. 852
FOK IlKNT Furnished room with use of par
lor. 519 Fnlrvlew st. B gdlh. 881 33J
TTIOR HENT-rurnlshod room ut 537 Pleasant
J . 3J
T71OK HENT-Otliees lu Hsjlinan Dulldingeor.
JL1 Farnam and 13th sts. , lit suites or singly.
For prices , diagrams nnd IrrroTmntlon apply to
B.A. Sloman , 1613 Farnam ell. Uoom 2.
h ) 698
CTOH HENT Elegant offlco/ rooms , best lo-
L1 cation In Omaha. 316 South 15th fit. 635
TTOKHKNT Nlcnly furnished front room.
J ? suitable for 3 gontiemoiC 3511 St. Mary's
avo. . / 7.19
E OH KENT Hoom , Albright's Labor Agency ,
1120 Fnrnam. 3V1 703
F HKNT-Unrurnlshodirdoraa , U115 Dodge.
TJ1OU RENT FurnlshiM rfom tor gentlemen ,
J ! with board , 3015 Uurd gt E6J 26 J
'n'OIl HENT Nicely furrUsJisd rooms suit-
X1 able for two trentlonicnjgiiu Hurnoy st.
1T1OU HENT A suit of rooms for 4 gentlemen
1acquainted in 331 N 14th .
- - acquainted , good locality , st.
951 29J
FOH RENT-Porlor and bedroom , 16M N. 18th
Street. 4rt 23 *
_ _
E OH HKNT-Furnishod room. 609 8 17lh st.
9JO 37 *
"T7OT177 blk &THanscoin pIace7$3 > 007Grah"am ]
JU Crelghton block. 74831
NO PLACK Like Homu. Sweet , sweet homo.
We hare several homes that we would
llko to show you If you are looking for that
kind of property. Or If you want n lot upon
which to establish a home we can show you
something gilt-edged. Ulackburu & Kennedy ,
316 fc-Sttst. 6H3I
Graham , Crolghton block. 748 31
ONE hundred and twenty-six ft , Saunders st ,
100 per front foot , corner. Graham ,
Crelgnton block. 748 21
/lOHNEUon Cumlng it , e and t front. Cartn-
V/ age add. , $ SW. Graham , Crelgaton blk.
/ 10IlNKH-SlotsKount > ; plnco , 81x121 , cholco
W corner Walnut HID , with 8. room modern
house , bnrn , eta. , , t y , aO
a room house Mlllnrd ft Cnldwell add , . . , 3,000
flrnom house 2 lots , HurrOak.i )
Hanscom Place , 103x150 6'JOU
Hanscom Place , 103x24.1 8.500
Choice lot Patrick add 2,0.10
Jerome Park. 50xlH7 , 2,100
inthMreot.unnr Nicholas , MxHO 1-1,000
Corner nnd Cnnilng , 7tixt33 2V <
Corner 10th nnd Dodge , fioxl.U 2.1,000
List your property for sale with Barker k
Burr , 15OT Farnnni street. 086
TQXAM1NE our Llt-
70x120 , a corner nenr Cum Ing st , and
Oxl32 ) , .1 Cornur on Jones st 2sooo oo
MxlW on S. 15th st 3,000 (
0.114x130on Sauudors st 6/0003
ssxuoon South nth st i/fcio oti
lUOxllO on hoiith 111th , n corner 13 , < > 00 00
UflxllfJ , a corner on Leaveuworth nnd
14th 31,000 00
234xl5 > , a corner near Loavenworth et. 12,030 00
60x140 and6 room cottage , $2,900 ; $000
cash , balnnco on on y terms.
132x133 , a corncronSllthst 0,00000
McOnvork \ O'Connor , 316 d 13th at. U24 23
> A1lGAlN-Lot 2. blk 5 , Ktrkwood. $1,200-
' Grnhnm , Crelghton block. 748 31
TTHJIl SALE-A corner lot , 66x133. on l.Sth nnd
- * - Cumlnirst , ono ottha best locations In the
city for n wholesale house , with waterworks
and Beworago. Apply at prcmljos , Thos. Sin
clair. 311 m 31J
SPLENDID CHANCK-Save ront. Houses
and lots for ale on $ i5 pot month pay-
iiionts. with small payment down ,
They arc two stoiy houses , new and fully
completed. Have six largo rooms ; hallpantry ,
uhliia closet , good cellar , closets , city water.aud
sewer connections : nil ready for occupancy.
The looMlon Is excellent , being on corner
2.4th nnd Chnrles street. In Slilnn's 1st nddltlon ,
nonr the heart of the city , nnd commanding a
flue Vlow. The red car line pnssci ) within 2J !
blocks. Hiram A. Sturgos , Agent , room 10 ,
Crolghton tilk-south of postotneo. 3921 *
roll Snlo or Trade-
House and lot In Walnut Hill.
2 lots In Doncckor's.
1 lot In Felhnm place.
Iflue lot in llanseom Plnco.
Lois In Hlglilund Park.
Farms In lowu nnd Nebraska ,
( ! oed paying Drugstore.
Horne ami llnggy nnd llostaurnnt.
By 1" . Barrett , ' . Co. , HUH S. 15th. 016 23
I hreo choice lots In Kendall's , for nil , $2,400.
East front on Siiundore , $2,030.
Lots 15 , in , 17 , Davenport sub. S. fronts ,
alongside Kount/o Placo. easy terms , big
money , each $1,500.
Van llcuren Place lot , $ l5) .
Cholco lot In Clarendon , lor n few days ? lViO
9 and 10 In N , txino'H add. , nenr Hamilton , .
0KI27. very sightly , each $1,360.
Four choicest bouvolnrd lota , Crcighton
Heights , if sold at once , & 3n03.
Only best In S. & 11 .add. to Walnut Hill , $300
o $1.0(10. (
100x150 s. and o. cor. Walnut Hill. l,030.
Fine Creston lot Pleasant St. . $ lfiOO.
20 In 6 Kllby Place , none better , c. front
Other Kllby Plnco lots , $1.160 to $1,750.
Sightly 1front. . Pottor'n , $1,650.
Three K. fronts McCormluk's 2nd , If sold soon ,
or all , $ ' 1,000.
Fnrnnm at , Wx1R7 ) , gllt-edjro , JS.Wl.
Ixt on Park live. In Koes Pluoo , very cheap nt
Lots In Jcromo Park , Highland Place , Popple-
on Park , Hanscom Plice , Omaha Vlow , Heed's
at , Drake's , Marsh's , Grllfon A Isancs' , Clifton
Illll , Orchard Hill , Konnt/o 1'laeo. West End ,
Plalnvlcw and other popular additions.
No trouble to ahow property. I have money
-O loan , nnd buy peed first mortgage ) notes.
Call on Hlestand , Hoom U , Arlington , west of
P.O. jyj
FOH SALE There is no pnrt of the city
where investments are BO safe as on West
Dodge street. Big money will be made there.
We have ; i lots them lor $4,000 , und only $1,2(0
cnsh required to buy them. They nro Hi
together nnd will mnko n beautiful homo for
someone. Shaw & Co..670South lUth st. 838
FIVE Rooms and Ia ) cmont , 60 foot south
front lot , good well , cistern , cellar , barn ,
-oal houses , etc , 5 blocks from the lied car
lino. This is u grout bnrunlu , f 800 lu cash , bal
ance ouoy : prlco f2,500. F. F. Williams St Co. ,
IGth nnd Chicago st 911 31
f jirfiTniriots" Tn "Kllby Place , ono n corner ,
JL J5.500. Graham , ' 'relghton blk. 74821
BLACKBUHN * KENNEDY , 3UI So 16th , can
cell three houses and lots on Davenport
st nt n bargain. This Is not a chestnut ; It Is a
genuliio fact. We haven 75 foot front In Hod-
Ick's add thnt wo will guarantee n largo profit
on In throe months. The finest corner In High
land Place , the best i csldonco site In the city.
FIVi : Ilooina nnd Basement , 50 foot south
front lot , good well , cistern , cellar , born
coal houses , etc , 6 blocks from the lied cur
line , 1 his Is a great linnrnln.WO In cash , bnl
nnco eusy ; prlco $2,500. F. F. Williams & Co. ,
16th and Chicago sts. 941 31
O NElotinblkl Kllby Place , $1,503. Orahnm
Crolghion blk. 74821
FIVE Itoonis and liasouient. 60 foot south
front lot , good well , cistern , collar , barn ,
coal houses etc , 6 blockH from the lied cur
line. This Is a irrcut bargain , JcOOln cath , bal
ance easy : price $2.r.OO. F. F. Williams A Co. ,
10th and Chicago sis. 041 21
FIVE Dooms and Basement , 50 foot south
front lot , good well , cistern , collar , burn ,
coal houses , etc , 6 blocks from the Ited cur
line. This U u great bargain , $ $00 In cash , bal
nnco onsy : prlco $2,500. F. F. Williams & Co. ,
Itith nnd Chicago st ? . 041 21
rpIIIHTEEN lots InClovordRlu for sain or trade
-L ut u bargain. Graham , Crolghton block.
TTlOUSALi- : In Kllby Place 8 WOE
-E Six lots in Thornbure Plnco 4,500
Klght-room house on 18th st 3,5)0
tat 11. blk 15 , Hnnscom Place 1,950
House nnd two lots , Walnut Hill 2,300
H. W. Huntress , 1500 Fni iinm tt 051 21 *
FINE lot just cast of Saunders Stf3,0d0. Gra-
ham. Crclghton bits. 74S21
IJAKltOTT & WILL1AMSON-1401 Douglas ,
i upstairs. Wo advertise bargains only.
2 heautlnil cast fronts , full sl/o , In Hanscom
Place , corner , only $2,360 each.
2 full lota on Leiivenworth worth $3,000 ;
$1.250 ouch ; only $250 cash , balance easy.
Dilnolots In Omaha Vlow , each $ J1) ) o hoapor
than those adjoining ; ! i cash , balance $116 per
$200 secures a new Homo , 2 story (1 ( rooms and
collar , beautifully located ; ouly 1'g miles from
P. O. , two squares from 20th street cars. Bal
ance $25 per month. House now renting at $25
per month.
Perfect little Home in Omaha Vlow , only
$1,500 : fJOO cosh.
I'.MvliVi feet lect , south and cnst front , on
corner Davenport nnd 1'leas.tnt streets , ( cot-
tagu renting a' $15) ) at a blar bargain. Can bo
divided nnd sold at au advance of (30J at
UoBUtlfulu.tat front In Morsoman Park on
32d IIVOHUO. K.W ) ; $ 50 cash ; avenue to be
paved to Farnam , when lot will bo worth
i lots In Kllby Place only $925 ouch.
2'i uoro lot In Drookltnc , $2.HO , wbl plat Into
13 lots , worth $1JO each.
llurpains too numerous to mention In Hitch
cock. Thornburg anil Orchard Hill and Paddock
( trackage ) Hnnscom , Kllby , Kount/o and
Shrlvor Plnco. Como nnd FCO us. Comfortable
carriage to oxaminu above. Kit 21
KnTlCWOOD. lot 3 blk 5 , Sl/ Graham ,
Crelgnton blk. 74321
15th and Hnrnor sts.
ForSnlo-A flno lot nnd elegant residence
with all modern Improvements , on Farnam st ,
prlco $2 .00" " ) .
Heautlf ul cast front lot nnd splendid now8-
room house , with nil modern Improvements , on
Georgia ave , prlco $7,5)0.
Four lota , splendid cottage , shade trees , gas ,
city water and ull modern Improvements , on N
loth st , only $ iOuO.
Four southeast front coi nor lots , on Farnara
st , in Jerome park , price $ 0,033.
Ten good lots on Farnam Bt , In Jerome Par ) ;
at $3,000 tq $3,500.
Four boat lota in Baundors and Hlmobaughs
addition If taken soon at $ suO.
130 by 11U foot , on Dodge nnd 21st sts. , ut
3 elegant now residences and south front
lotson California st. , $12,000 and tl.'i.'X . ) ) .
A beautiful lot in Kounuo Place , a bargain ,
nt $2.2.V ) .
Two lots on Buunders und Luke sti , each at
S3 750
Lots'In'nastsl.lo. . Armour rjiico , Harris and
Patterson's annex , Hlmobaughs and Pattonon'i
sub. , Patterson's subdivision.
The above doacrlbcd property Is nil fet
sale , at a reasonable prirc , free from coinmlS'
slons , by the owpcr and Bolo agent ,
U. C , Putterson , 15tb and Harnoy.
SWAN * Co. . 1521 Dodge St.
Head < iunrtcra for exchange , farms for
stocks , stocks for fnrrns. You will alnuysllnd
something to tit yourcaaoif you have any
thing to trmlo by culling ou Swan A Co. , 1521
Dodge street.
Ilurgalnsl Bargains ! Dnrtralnsl
Wo shall offer for the next 30 days the biggest
bargains m farm lands ever made public in
Omaha. Wo have 300 furia * well Improved foi
Biilo on easy terms uiid ut low prices.
3JO.OJO acres good land In Nebraska forcalc
on long tlmo and famlno prices.
20.00 1 ncres state school lands , well located
60c to $1.00 per aero , looses run 2.5 years.
Cholco bargains on Intlda properties. Im <
proved and vacant. Hwan & Co , , 1521 Dodge.
| _ 77831
T7/OH BALE-60 choice farms loss than EC
f miles west of Omaha. Address j. U. Silvia
llcal Fatato Agent. Elkhorn. Neb. Ml m28J
IG IIAItOAIN On * hundred foot front on
South Eleventh ( t , corner lot , only JS.OOO.
Fart o tlmo. V. L. Vodlcka , 5 Bouth 13th st
ASEL11Y , 1651 Farnnmst , , olTori
- tu lots In Cnrtlisgo , $ 750
allots In Lincoln place i. , . < 750
7 lots In OrdtinrJ hill lnx )
10 loin In Shnrldnn pluco. , ltX )
[ films In Pdrtlnnd nlaco 6M )
6-MoH In floyds 7U1
1 lot In Bedford ptaoo . ' 67.1
I lot on Stnlc ft 1,2.V )
10 lotion Lcnvunworth st , . . . 1,200
100 ft * 10th ft.por foot UK )
131 ft on a 10th st per foot , xt
lolots InUknliomu , 6X )
4 lots on s 16th et , 1,20) )
aw ft on 10th t per foot 100
a lot * lu Wllcox2d MO
M lots In Orlgltml tilut
II lot ? In Hush * Solbys nd KO
3 lots In Syndicate SO 850
I lots In Albrights nuiiox
4 lota In I'lilnnont plnco
6 lots In Patricks . . .
5 lots Inl'ndilock plnco client )
Slots In HmtlUSd
liush ic Selby. 1521 Knrnntn. 737
DDHK3S F. 11. Orcutt , Council Bluffs , lown.
for the choicest lot In Ambler 1'lncn. Trice
till Juno 1st only $ SOO , hnlf cash , bnlnnro JlO
per , 731 27J
-l\ Place , end front , with elegant modern real-
denco , beautifully t1nl hod.ovcrv convenience ,
lot nicely sodded : Rood bnVn. Take nn hour to
Investigate this If you nro looking for n bar
6 < ixl40 Park avcnno with bcnutlful tiiodorn
residence , f 12,000.
O'lxl42wlth now 10 roomed house. All mod
ern linprovomentB , on California street , $9,000.
Two full lots with tu roomed house , every
convenience , Armstrong's addition , 710,000.
60x140 , Itedlck's subdivision , stncmlld nine
roomed ho UFO , niotiern , $8,000.
r < Jxl'5 , Nelson's ndditlon , good ton roomed
house , Imrn , city water , etc. A giont bargain.
$4.300 , easr term ? .
100x110. Windsor I'lnco , with 8-roomod house
nnd peed barn , $ il,000.
f > 0xl32 , Mlllard Place , with 7-toomod hoilte ,
bnrn nnd alloy nl rear , n snfcp ut 35,500 , easy
50x142Mnnscom Plncc , east front , with fine
10-roomcd house , good barn , nlloy ntrenr ,
' 7,000.
Full lot mm 5-roomeJ cottngo , cellar , barn
and well , $1.700.
60x140,8-roomod lioujo , cellar , bnth room ,
city wntor , bnrn , ito. $7,000.
50x200 , with alloy at rear , nlco 8-rooined
Iioii8o , onst front on Lowe n\onuo , f'J.SOi ) , cash
$ sro.
60x150 , south fronr , Walnut Hill with good 7-
roomcil House , $3.600.
Wo hnvo several nowcottuitos close to elty
forsnloon easy terms , 1 } { story , with Mntud
roofs , city water , tic.
SOxlftl , Dnjhanl Hill , nlco B-roomed house'
south front , on Hamilton street , ! , OOU. Kasy
fiOxlSO. Wslnut Hill , south front , nice seven-
roomed house , lot nicely sodded nnd fenced ,
$ .1.r 00. Knsy terms.
; tOxl30. with 5-roomed cottn o nnd ftbout $500
worth of ( rood furniture , forS)0. ! )
aoxUO , wlth4-roomod cottnge , south front ,
$1.700. Ca-li.ti- * .
Wo tmvo bargains la vncnut Iota in nil addl-
Cotton , Tastmnn & Wln tnnley , llonl Kstnto &
Lonn ApenH , U'O North 15th t. H5J 2i )
IMMRDIATHsalowllltakoSloW or loss only
6 or 8 blocks from nxchnngo bid nnd
Union Stock yards on fnvornblo terms. Sixteen
houses under contract In iixmo block. Iwnnt
vrhnt they nro worth. I don't want fancy prices
] wnnt to sell quickly. 1C. H. llranch. l i
FOIlEXCHANOi : Will oxchnnxo farm Innd
In eastern Nebraska for lots In Omiitin
nnd Mncoln. Address liox 494 , Kreinont , Nob.
llK Apple of My Eye"tiomo only M block elf
. St. Mury'snvecnr line , convenient to busi-
r.ess , built "not for a dny but for nil time. "
Durtrnins In business property.
lUt with us for wo put them where they keep
hot. Cake & Ulllmirs , ever 101 Bouth 15th st.
FOK BAIjK-Dodgo nnd 12th , $40.000. 120xlt3
cor llth and Doreas , f 8,300. 60xUO , llouso
cast front , lUth st , ? SO ft. Usassor and Itlco ,
No 1012 Hnrney. 370
FOR SAIE rots 11 nnd 12 , block 4. Kirk-
wood , f 1,500 each , H cnsh , balance 1 nnd
3 years. Discount for cnsh , nddross JIr3. K.
Kobeits , Fort Sherman , Idaho. IWJ2IJ
S iELECTS , are the carefully listed bargains
hunted down by Cake & Hillings. Our sam
ple case t
Slots with 2 houses , .T. I. Hedlck's sub , only
block from stieot cur line , 104x131 ft on 2
streets , big money hero for you.
ncauty of llartlett. fruit trees , uno view ,
only $ I.,09 cash needed.
Cheapest South Omaha Bluff on the market.
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and
we'll make It pleasant and profitable for you.
rpENTH Street business property with trnck-
A ago $ AV ) per foot , cheapest ground on the
street , Patterson A Moore , Omaha National
IJnnk. 472
PLACE Wo have tor sale cloven
beautiful lots In Lincoln Place , adjoining
the Patrick farm. Itugb & Solby , 1521 Farnam.
/10LUEU PLACB-McCaguo Solo Agent.
V 395 J 2
WHY pay $3.'iO nud $403 for n piano ot no
particular merit , when by adding $50
moro you can buy a Decker Ilro. , known the
world over to bo first-class In every particular.
Woodbrldgo Ilro. MB S3
CHEAP LOTS-You can make money on our
Cho.ip Lots on the valley north of town.
$150 to $375. Como and sco tliom. OogRS&Hlll.
FOU SALK 4 sections of laud worth (6 per
acre. Will sell for $ i It' taken at onco.
Harrison , Ambler & Woolloy , 418 S. 15th st ,
Omaha , Nob. 493 j 13
A GOOD lot with a bnlldlng on it , near Lake
and 16tb , $2,750. Easy terms. A. F.
Muyno's U. E. Olllco , 1408 Dodge. 473
ft ) feet , Hrtrney near 20th , per foot $210.
50 feet , Hnrnoy near 24th , per foot , $240.
00 feet. Jackson nenrOth , per foot , $150.
32 feet , Dodge , Improved , per foot ? 6i : > .
Itnrgalns In lledford Place , Hawos' Addition ,
niso'a , Falrmount Place , Myerea , Hlehards &
Tlliicn'a an < l Pelbnm Placo. F. llarrott & Co. ,
a 16th. 917 23
t Special Bargains.
S. front lot in Myors , Kicbards & Til-
den'g ndd t 7 < K1
Sightly i ; . front lot , Kllby Place 1'OJ
H. front lot on Hamilton near 20th 1,800
22,44 or fitl ft front on Haundors st. near
2 south front lots , corner , on Maple nonr
Sauuders 3,800
3x300 ft fnclngon Hurt nnd Cumlnirs
near Maunders t > t. with 6 houses , very
easy terms , . 15,000
3 cholco lots on 33th at , just elf of Far
nam , east front , for all 12,000
Cottage nnd lull lot , cnst front. 39th near
Doupliis nC50
00 ft on 18th near Hliermnn street 6,000
CO ft on 17tli near Paul street 4,000
75 ft , oust front , on Ocorcla nvenuo 2,600
Lots In llodford Plnco $025 to l.OOH
A.'ixl55 tt on Lowe nve. near Fnrnnm street 1,860
Kast front In Creslon 1,400
2 lotson Cans street near31st , both 303
Nlco lot on Hurt nenr 33th street 2,000
Lot In Kllbey Place cheap 000
Two of the finest lots In Lowo'sadd ,
ohoap and easy terms
Two lots and cottage In Lowo'sadd 3.500
2 lots In Marsh's add , both 2,200
Good lota in Orchard Hill Vt >
Nice lot In Itesorvolr add on Hamilton at 1,500
Vine south fronton Iturdetto st.near 20th 2,000
40 fton Patrick ave near 26th lti5Q
3 fine south front lota 3 blocks beyond
Lake St. , nenr Saunders , both 200
Full lot , corner , on 20th , with 2 stores
and 3 cottage ! ) , for 1.000
Very cnsy terms. Osa
O UUL1S1 cf bargains :
Lowe ave 1 lot $ 1,600
f.owouvo corner. 2OuO
I'arnnm fat , corner 2.VW
FurnnniBt 1 lot Improved oo.ttH )
Furuam st il.oon
Farnam Bt 3,300
Lake htroct nUX )
Dcnoisuadd 2,101
Plamvluw 1.40) )
Snundors at 2,003
Saundorset.'Oft II Improved 15,003
Scuth 13th st. M ft r > ,603
South Ifith St. 50x150 5'XW '
Georgia ave 75x150 2,103
Park ave corner WiHO Improved. . . . . . .
Stevens Placo.
There Is not nn addition In Omaha thnt can
bent It , und wo enn Boll you an elegant lot
on easy torms. It Is lust the plnco for a homo.
Acre Property.
110 acres ineldo the city limits on easy
terms/There Is money In It.
3 H acres opposite Kountzo Placo.
Itosldcnco Lots
VPS , wo hnvo a largo lift of vacant and im
proved In all parts of the city , and can suit
cverhody who wants to buy.
617 Stevens Bros , 1513 Farnam st.
SEVEN llenutiful lots 3 blocks west of Snun <
dors st..nour Lake tt. , $1,100 each , 42x112
tee' .
Orchard Hill lots at n bargain.
2 tlno lots in Vintou Place only $1,251 each ,
easy terms.
Good lot on Hamilton st- , with 6-room
bouse nnd barn , only $4.500.
Unaiitlful full lot wxIZO , corner on Cnldwell
with 11-room house. Gas , city water und barn ,
$6.200 , for few days.
3 lots on Grant st , couth fronts , 49x120 each ,
$1,800 enoh.
Loton 1'orkorst. , with 6 room houflo , well ,
barn ; H block from street cars , f 2fcOO. Thlt
should bo InvfSthiatod.
Full lot In 8/iuuders & Helmbaugb'a add only
I17S. Mitchell it Loyonmaick , 1610 Dodge st.
LINCOLN I'liACR'-Wo hnvo for utto olcrea
iH'aiitlful loti In Lincoln 1'lnco. adjo < nltiK
thol'atrlck farm. Huili A Bolby , 1531 Farnnm ,
. aw
KliAK tliloii'lcnilM Hit.
Ulbson , Ayleaworth & lloniunln | ,
1513 ratnnrast.
JVr 6 days only-
Lot on Douglas st , 10x139 , with A-room house ,
etc , $ S.liiO.
Lot in Hawthorne , 4 ! > it09 , cor B.U nnd Duven-
port , ft-room hotigo , f.l.'MJ.
: i lots on ttliorinun nvo , 127x150 , fVO'V ) .
Lot on Kth and 1'nUi , 4'ixUi ) , 0-room houio ,
otf.$5MX ) .
131 loet on 18th st. nenr Knrnnm.
UlbsoQ , Aylcswofth > V UenJAroln.
1512 rnrnntn st.
. _ 7M
SAliK At a bnrKaln , n most deslrnblo
homo for a ginnll fRinlly within n inllo of
I1. O. , H b'.ock from 3 street car lines nnd paved
Mrccla. lniiilroot | K. \Yhltmoro , lloyd't
opera house. iW4
\\rK have two lots In AllhriKht'a Choice which
wo will eiehnne-o for peed buaity.
Holmes A > torearty , 1II.X ) Douglas at 417
COMKOUTAtlliK down town residence of 9
rooms with furnace and bath room , etc. ,
full lot on 30th near Lenvenworth , only 87 , WO ,
cnsy terms. The lot will soon bo worth tlui
price. Mead Ic Jftmlcson , U13 South 15th at.
Dr.XTK K THO.MAS-llns the choicest lots
In Lincoln Place ,
2 cor , acres In Solomnn' * add $700 each.
! ! lots In block 59 , South Onmlia.
Also n , block 00 , and lot 2 , block 03 , T in 8 > , 3
In " 7 , cheap.
HO acres br Central City to soil or trado.
1,130 acres In a body near Stanton.
4W acres near Wlsner.
Also lots In lledford I'lnco , Dclonos addition ,
West Cumlntr , Kcstnr's ndd on Cninlng st. The
boas lot In block a Shlnn'.s uddltlon.
Also Inrtro lots In Shlloh.
5 aci es on Amos' itvontio.
Alio trncnaeo cheap on licit I.lno , for suit or
n lanro lots on nrondwny , Council Ilhids.
I ) tililk ; 0 Improvement Association , 60x184 ,
Lot8blk7 , eamo ndd , game alzo , corner ,
$4.00J , &o. , Ao ,
1 own the above and cun mnko terms to suit ,
Come nnd see. Uoxter L. Thomas , room 8 ,
Crelifhton Illock 75J
L. 1MKUSON , Hoom 3. Omaha Natlonitt
Hank building , soils real ostnto. If you
wnnt your property oldt.end mo u descrip
tion of It. I will show It nnd sell It. I have ft )
ncres nenr the Northwestern pmchase , with
? oed Improvementi. which la on the market
lor n few days nt $ .100 per acre ; oasv termn ,
100x150 , east front , In block 5 , Hawthorne ,
Vim * from 3r > th to : Mto street. Is very fine , only
iLfK ) . vj cash , bnlnnco 1 mid 3 ycarfl.
lOOxl'IO , Orcnanl Hill , a corner , $2,100.
Lots 3 mill 5. In block S > , Carthnffc , each , $700.
2 Clifton Hill lots at n sacrifice , owner irotng
Call nnd look over my list. , T. L , Plerson ,
Hoom 3 , Omaha National building. POO 33
9 room house , city water , gns , 1113
Park nvo $ S < W1
-room house bnrn , well , cistern , 813 S
33d Bt 7,000
' room hotiM1 , well , cistern , near Park. , . 4,000
-room houpe.H front , 2714 Ohnrlca st 4.0f l
. -room houseen t front,3020 N 23th at. . . 2,700
. -room IIOUBO , Omnhn View . 1.WX1
100 It fronting park on Park nvo 6,000
JO ft on Virginia nvo north of Lenvenwoith 7,500
lota In Windsor Terrace , each 400
Fholca * Crumb , MOD Farnatn at. Kll 2:1 :
SNAP We hnvo nn decant house nnd full
lot In Ilnn com plnco for sale at n prent
barfraln , cast front U rooms , every convonlenco ,
lot nicely sodded , larKe cellar , Rood barn , etc ,
A charming home , for price and terms call on
Cotton , Kastmnn 4 Wlnstnnloy , real estate and
loan iiscnts , 120 N 15th st , 4'v ) 23
MARSHALL & LOIirciC. Members of Omn
hn Henl Estate Exchnnifo , 1507 Fnrnam Bt.
Special llnrfralns Corner DoiiRlas nnd Tenth
ftrooti , $24,000 ; one-fourth cnsh , rents nt pres
ent for $ ! WO.
Twenty-two feet front on Doilgo near Thir
teenth. * 1I,0K ( ) .
Two lota nnd ton-room house In J , I. Itodlck's
sub-div. . nt $7,500 : tnsh $1,700 : balnnoo easy.
Lot 11 , block y , West Cuniliifr addition with
small house on easy terms , $ 'H)0 ) ,
Ton lota In Lincoln I'lnco 650 to $300. There
Is no better Investment otTorort between Dav-
nport and Calllorula etroels on Melt Lino.
miring Valley .loins the city on the south
west , two mile * west of stock jards. Wo offer
aero lots nt'fl0.1-5 cash. Two thirds of the
addition nro sold. Our price Is lower than nny
acre lots In thnt vicinity , nud n largo prollt will
bo mnde on the Investment.
Bowllntr Qreen Wo continue to aril lotl In
llowllnif Urecn at $200 foi Inside nnd $250 for
corners. Acres , f S50 to tCOO , 1-5 cash , balnnco
eaar. nowllnirdroon adjolnn the Patrick furm
and will Incri'So rapidly In value.
Nine room house on Twenty-third street ,
near California , lor n short tlmo ut $1.000 on
easy terms. Everything In first clnss order.
Marshall & Lobock , 1509 Farntm.
Tclf phone 73. S85 24
wnnta to sell
COM3 house , now , Rood well , outhouio ,
oto.,1 block from cnblo and 2 blocku fromhoreo
cars , j.oai : ) , term very easy.
Klccant homo on Virginia nvo. , all modern
convonlnnocg , a bantam nt $7,000.
2 splendid bargains on California street , ( Mix
tsn , fronting on both Sherman avo. and 17th st ,
3 houses , la n bargain.
; 5-room houses , new , peed well , cistern , etc. ,
$4,500 , $2,000 cash , balance to suit.
Lots 14,15 and Id , block 1 , Cotnor A Archor'i
ndd. to South Omaha. At your own price :
Lot 20 , block C. Orchard Hill $ 000
HO lotslnOmiiha View , $450 Up
Slots In Kllby Place , one a corner 4,000
fUxl(12,16th ( and Cnstollar 3,600
Lot 4 , block SI , Omaha Vlow 1.200
30,000 acres cholco land to o\chaiiRo for any
kind of merchandise , horses orcnttlo.
Come and sco us. Coio , 810 S. 15th , Room 1.
IjlOH SALU Ity bhnw &Co. ,
J-1 610 8 16th St.
Houses nnd lots In ull parts of tlie city. You
can't nlfoid to rent when you know the price
nnd terms of this clnss of property.
On Georgia avenue w o hnvo n largo plcoo of
ground for aiilont loss than Its value. It is
worth looking nt If you wnnt a nlco residence
Lots for f ale In different parts of fheclty.and
you nro sure to mnko money by dealing with > l
us. Wo arc headquarters for snfo Investments. ; |
BAHGA1N I olTcr for a few days 2 flno lots ,
ono on Virginia uv of 75ft on car line ,
and ono ot 66 tt on Pleasant at bet St Mary's
ave and Harnoy at. ; these are flno lots. C T.
Morton , lllb 14th at. P51 23 *
OTftlnOmaha View l,176tolWO. Meyer's
Richards & TUJcn.e $800 to $000. Fair-
mount I'lucof 300 to $1,850. Bedford $700 to
Hero la a "Snap. "
raxl4r . Heed's 1st add south front Chicago St.
$41COO-$2.503 cash.
Houses und Lots.
Ixiwcs add $2,000. Omaha View $ l,7Sa Millard -
lard \ Caldwcll's $2,600. Heed's Ikl $2,650. Burt
st $8.500 and $ i .Mio. Capitol add $13,600. Terms
on above easy. Wo have homes to ECU on easy
If you want any kind ot property give us a
call. Wo hnvo n largo Hit In Omaha nnd South
Omaha. No trouble tu ehow property , Our
list of wild lindslaonoof the best In the city.
John Gallagher. 317 south tilth at 430
A P. TUKEY. 13ii Fnrnnm St. , makes Investments -
vestments for nonresidents a specialty
wltlKrunmntcod Interest or share ot profits ,
nnd takes full charge of property ; reference
given. J.HI
Tmoll SALE-Lotln Shlnn'u3d nddltlon , with 51
JP new 6-room house , with pnntry and clos- " \
et.s , cistern and good rellnr. Will sell cheap tor * , L
a few days , Apply or address ltD.,2'J12 Charles 'jl
m tl
GUEGOItV Omaha Heal Estate Exclionifo ,
Kooins 1 and 3 , : i20 South 15th at. ,
OmnlmVlow , State st fronts for $ 1,500 * 'l
Fnlrmount place , 50x121 , corner-1 10 \ \
Falrmount place 4Dxl } , corner l KI
West Side Ixiavoiiworth et fronts 1,000
Wrst Side , East ave fronts. 775
Thornburg place 100x130 , corner 1,001
Thornlmrg place , tlno cast front 800
CataliaiilaeoMtI18 | , corner I , 5J
Tuber place elegant lot 47x155 l.COj
Loavcnworlh tcrraco 114 ft on Lcavon-
worth 3,051
Leavennorth terrace , 162x114 trackage. . 3,310
West Omaha , 110x13. ! cant and so front. . . ! l,5
West Omaha , 5irl5 } enpt and north front 2'iO )
Iledford place 100x123 corner 1.700
HodforU place50x128 south front HO )
Prospect place Mft corner on irradn 1.SM
Prospect plnco double front Hamilton st 2,503
Cheap homos for nil.
Gregory * Hadloy. 943
A NICf. house and lot near Sherman ave. ,
$3.h60. on ousy torms. A. F. Mayno's It
l | 9Dodgn. 571
' _ _
T5I2H. C-'Pnuorson for real cstato nnd6 pur
cent ion ns , nt 3J2 8 15th st _ 8TO _
Election Notice.
I , William J. llroatch Mayor of the
City of Omaha do hereby glvo notice
that tin annual election will bo hold
In the City of Onmlia on the 6th day ot
Juno , 1P87 l ald date being the tint Monday In
June , 18471 to elect nlno 191 members' of tbo
Hoard of Education for the City of Omaha.
That the respective polling places for said
election hall bo as follows.
1st. Ward -Pacific Stroct School Building
[ Between 9th , i 10th Streets , 1
2nd. Ward Hartmnn School Building [ ICtb ,
Street between Williams .V Hlckev.
3rd , Ward Dodge Street School llulltllng IS.
H. Coimirllth. < y Dndgo.l
4th. Ward High School Uulldlng.
5th. Wnrd-Lnko Street School Ilulldlng
ICornorlDlh. 4. Lake Street. ]
eth. Ward-Ix > ng School llulMlnp [ Corby
Street near 32nd. ]
7th. Wnrd-Oticaloy School Building [ Clark
Plnco on Gooigla Avo. ]
fill. Want Uanl Street School Ilulldlnf
I Izard Street between Ittth , A uth. ]
bth. Ward rarnam Street School Bulldlnjr.
Dated May 21.