Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY $ EE : MONDAY. MAY 23. 1887.
Delivered by carrier In nny pnrt of the city at
twcntj c Dti per week.
II. W. T1LT05 , . . . Managdr.
Jtceiirtf OrriCB. No. 13.
N. Y.Plumbing Co7"
Now spring goods fit Roller's , tailor.
Tlio popular resort is the Manhattan ,
418 Broadway , Ruillo & Ycnawinc.
A good girl wanted for general house-
work. MM. 11.V. . Tilton , UKI : ollicc.
"Charlie" Hood was on ono of his
"weeklies" and was allowed to sober oil'
in the city jail.
A reception will bo tendered the Hov.
Dr. I'holns , the now Presbyterian minis
ter , at his homo on Fifth avenue near
Ninth street this evening.
Two men were last night arrested for
disorderly conduct at the services of the
Salvation army , They gave thuir names
as McSorloy and Sharkey.
Several ladieh have recently joined the
Knights of Labor in this city and as soon
as a stilllcicnt number nro secured a
ladies assembly will bo oiganized.
The Pail Mall club , which gave such a
drlightful series of lions last season , have
decided to continue the club and not dis
solve as has been previously reported.
MlkuKildaro has put up , "through a
friend. " $10 as appearance money for
disturbing the peace. His case will bo
called by Judge Aylesworth this morning.
To-morrow evening P. L. Auwcrda will
be married to Miss Rvcrctt In Brooklyn ,
N. Y. They will toi > at Ottumwa to visit
the groom's old homo before they arrive
in this city.
To-night and to-morrow evening at
Dohany's "Grogan's Klovation" will bo
presented and it is said to bu as funny as
the funniest of comedies now on the the
atrical stage.
Jamoa Mulhollaml suddenly became
dazed while riding a bicycle on Saturday
nnd fell to the ground in front of a
wagon , which ran over his arm. No
bones were broken.
Charles Smith and Robert Mansfield
wore last evening drunk and disorderly
in Bayllss park. They were placed in
the city jail , where they claimed they
were printers from Omaha.
Late Saturday night , a man who was
cither crazy or had a genuine case ot
"James Preserves , " attempted to enter
the residence of John Hammer. Ho was
, , arrested and gave his name as William
t , M. Wise.
1 State Master Workman St. Govcr , State
Recording Secretary Lavender , of Ne
braska , and a delegation of about twenty
Knights ot Labor wore in the city yestcr-
day visiting Dell 1'orkins , the Knight
who is coulmcd attho Cottage Homo hos
The D. & D. nine "plaved horso" with
the Garner township nine of Motc.ilf
Brothers on Saturday in Garner town
ship. In a nine inning game the D &
D's scored twenty-four runs , while the
M. Brother's nine failed to got even ono
At the Presbyterian church vestorday
morning Rev. E. P. Cowon , of Pittsburg ,
occuDied the pulpit. Ho is a line pulpit
orator , and lias been pastor of the Third
Presbyterian church of that city for iivo
years past. His text yesterday was :
t "Lord , 1 shall bo satisfied when I nwako
it in your likeness. " Ho drew some very
clear and interesting distinctions between -
! > tween being satisliod and contented. Ho
showed that while the Christian should
bo contented oven in this world , yet there
cnuld bo no satisfaction , full and com
plete , until the other world was readied.
Personal Paragraphs.
T. P. Noble , of Missouri Valley , was a
Pacific house guest yesterday.
Miss Annie Bonar. of Mount Vernon ,
la. , is visiting the family of Mr. Swan ,
on Sixth avenuo.
Miss Rockafellow , who has been the
guest of Mrs. Ira Hondricks recently , loft
yesterday for her homo.
C. B. Judd , the electric belt man , has
returned from a trip through the south ,
having boon absent since October 1.
Sheriff Garrison , of Harrison county ,
was in the city yesterday and dined at the
Pacific house , his headquarters when in
this city.
Mrs. Frank Clark arrived yesterday
from Minneapolis to spend n few days
with her husband and to also Mice a look
at Lake Manawa and the now hotel which
Mr. Clark is erecting ,
The Quick Meal gasoline stoves do not
go back on the dealer and they will not
on the public. Seven years experience
has taught us this fact. 41 Maiu St.
Cole & Cole.
M. L. Wheat , state master workman ,
Knights of Labor , of Colfax , la. , wus a
guest at the Hcchtclo hotel yesterday.
During the afternoon quite a number of
the Knights paid their respects to him in
their hall on Pearl street.
Office of Mulholland & Co. , removed to
in under the Citizens' bank. Telephone
No. 103. Leave your orders for ico.
Cheap storage in either small or car
load lots at Nos. U3,24 and 20 Pearl street ,
J. R , Snyder.
Latest improved gasoline stoves at No
604 Main street , W. A. Vood. .
Lime , cement , plaster , hair , coal , etc. ,
Council Bluffs Fuel company , No. O'J'J
Broadway , telephone 130.
J. WE. . L. Squire make beautiful
abstracts of title , and deserve tbo suc
cess they are enjoying.
Drs. Hanchctt & Smith , ofllco No. IS
Pearl st. Residence , 120 Fourth st. Tele
phone No 10.
Gold Watchei and Chains.
The largest acd best stock to select
from at the lowest prices , at
The Hamblotonian station , Arbitrator ,
can be seen at my stable on Fourth 01
Bancroft slicets , three doors south of
Hattentmur's carriage rcpositorv. Ho if
a grandson of Rysdyke's Hamblotonian
on the sire side , and a grandson ot Mom-
brine chief on the dam side , the ac
knowledged principal products of speed
and general purpose horses in America ,
and Arbitrator is no exception to the
rule. Ho is a horse of great in
dividual merit and sliced , and for the
purpose of convincing the breeders o !
high bred horses that ho la all that i :
claimed of him , I will speed him a ten 01
twenty-mile dash on the road to COC
pounds1 weight with any stallion owned
in the country. Breeders of high brct
horses will nuiko a note of this ami carrj
it in their hats , as the owner of thesi
horses puts all the money ho has or car
borrow into straight heroes , and not intc
books , pamphlets and wind , talking
about their forty-second cousins' per
Also Colonel Rove , bred byV. . H. H ,
Colby , of Fort Dodge , la. , sired by Star
light , by Star of the West , dam by Con
pen , Jr. , by Coupon , by llysdyko's Ham
bletonlan. This colt is a stranger in r
strange land , but his breeding is cer
talnly all any man could wish for. Hi :
great and positive Individuality , his tru <
and powerful stride , his wonderful con
stitutlonal powers , and his powcrfu
steel-converted frame work , insure foi
him a career that will place him amonj
tbo grandest stallions in tlu
west. ' . D , GRAY.
A Variety of Council Bluffs News as Told
By Others ,
'A Mysterious Snorcr Disturb * n Lis
tening CongrcgatIon Sport on
Ijaiul niul Lake General Ac
cidents Personal News.
Chnts on Corners.
Frank Clark , Proprietor of Hotel Man-
awa- Yes , nc\t Wednesday night wo
shall have a dance at Hotel Manawa. A
number of the society people have wanted
mo to got up a dance before the hotel is
completed and as I am putting the hotel
up lor the use of the public I didn't sec \
how I could refuse them. I'm afraid it's
going to be lots of trouble though , ion
sec I'll bo compelled to have all the
lumber , etc. , removed ; the lloor put in
condition ; got refreshments , but they'll
bo light : and have everjthing as line as
is possible under the circumstances.
Wednesday will suit us better than
next week , as wo could not
think of having a dance when
the plasterers are at work , which they
, vill bo in about a week. As soon as pos-
iblo wo shall liavo the hotel open. I can
eadily sec how anxious the public arc
or a place to stop when visiting the lake.
.t is surprising how many drive out there
now. I shall not wait until the hole ! is
11 completed , but will open up as soon
.s convenient. They will have a dancing
iloor liJ ! ( foot long Wednesday night.
City Solicitor Holmes The verdict in
lie Wilson case now IKes things up so
lie city will never put another rock in
Indian crcok to protect property unless
.ho property owners say "Yes" and sign
a little document to that effect.
Charles M. Nicholson , Manager Inde
pendent Hose Team Our is doing
some good work ; they practice every
o\eningonVmo street at 7:30 : o'clock ,
and wo arc going in to win. If wo are
beaten they have got to run to do it. The
races begin in Sioux City Juno 8. Wo
enter the first day in the hose contest ;
forty-nine class and forty-three. On Juno
0 in the forty-six and state hose race. On
Friday in the state sweepstakes hose con
test and in the free-for-all race. Our
team has no record , being an entirely
now organization and only rccogni/ed
bv the city council the past two months
as a part of the lire department. It is
strictly an amateur team , as is well
known , most of the members having
boon born and raised in this city. I've
run with hose teams since ' 70 , and think
tills ono the fastest team that ever left
tills city for a race , and we've had some
line amateurs. Mind you , I don't say
they beat the professionals we've had.
I. M. Hay Wo are building- two cot
tages at present near Hotel Manawa , ono
of which I shall occupy. The carpenters
will complete their work this week , and
in the next thirty days wo hope to have
ten or fifteen more in course ot erection.
Some eight or ten have spoken to us
about purchasing 'ots. ' They all say
"just as soon as things develop them
selves so as to make a showing" they will
build. Wo expect quito a number of
prominent people of Council Binds and
Omaha will have cottages on the lake
before the season is over for the con
venience of themselves and their friends.
Preparations are being made for ample
accommodations at the hotel , and if tlioso
who occupy cottages desire thny can
dine there. As soon as the iron and ties
arrive , and that will bo this week , with
out a doubt you will see the Manawa
motor line laid in a shorter space of
time than you ever saw four miles
of rail put down m your life. * I
rather expect Mr. Graves will build a
light draught steamer for Lake Manaw a
at liis works in Dubuque. Wo have all
wo can handle .and do it right , or wo
should go into ttie steamer business also.
1 shall Know within a day or so if Mr.
Graves can build it at once or not. Un
less ho puts it on himself , which I think
is possible , it would bo n good invest
ment for some ono clso in mv opinion.
City Marshal Guanclla The people aio
beginning to dump their rubbish at the
place designated by the city council , in
the slough m the fair Grounds. Those
who fail to comply will bo brought to the
S. E. Matou , Architect This has been
the busiest season I've over experienced
in Council Bluffs. So far this year my
business has been larger than in any
whole season before. There are a great
many buildings in course of erection ,
mostlv residences. I've sent for extra
help and expect some from both Chicago
and Logan , O.
E. It. Sadler The boat club is now
buildipg a nice float 20x12 in front of the
club house on Lake Manawa. On Mon
day Mr. BroadbccK will survey a ono
mile straight-away course. Livingstone
and myself take a four-mile pull each
evening on the lake and wo expect -
pect to bo able to do some line
work by next month. The water
in the lake is bountiful , it has raised
about two fcot in the last few days. Wo
could not ask for nicer water to row in.
Wo are on the lake each evening after 0
o'clock , and never stop short of a four-
mile pull. Our shell is considered one of
the finest boats ever turned out by Waters
& Son , ot Troy , N. Y. We have not yet
heard from the Omaha Rowing associa
tion in regard to their accepting the
proposition made by our club , but 1 hope
it will bo favorable ; they could not find a
bettor place to erect a club house , and
they would then have a fine body of water
en which to row. Lake Manawa is far
ahead ot Cut-off lake in Omaha , and
with the vast improvements being made
there it is destined to be a popular sum
mer resort , not alone for Council Bluffs
and Omaha , but for all the country trib
utary thereto.
Chief Templcton 1 have not the least
idea when the now tire and police alarm
will bo tested. The company's represen
tative is here and ready for the test so ho
says. It lays with the city in this caso.
Possibly it take may place Mondaybut I
can't tell.
Dr. C. B. Judd I have Just returned
from a trip through Texas , Louisana ,
Arkansas , Tennessee and Kentucky , and
I saw some tough times while away. I
was in Brenham , Washington county ,
Texas , during the election in November
last. Election day everything was quiet
and orderly , but the day after when the
returns began to como in from the coun
ty , a general not ensued. Brenharn is
tlio county seat and the returns as they
came in indicated that the entire repub
lican ticket had been elected by a largo
majority. This incensed the demo
crats and they stele the bal
lot boxes , hung the principal
negro politicians , who were all republi
cans three being hanged at ono time
and place , They also gave the white re
publican candidates twenty-four hours
in which to leave town. They did so.
111059 that hold property were forced to
soil it at a great sacritice and were
thankful to got out of town alive. There
were 500 armed mon parading the streets
all the time , on horseback , all democrats.
Their excuse was that they were afraid
of an uprising of the negro voters. In
all there were sonicsovon or eight killed ,
but only one white uinn , and ho was shol
dead by a nccro while hn was attempting
to steal a ballot box. While the feeling
in that portion of Texas is very bitter
against the radicals , as the republicans
are there known , the larger portion of
the south visited by mo feel very kindly
toward the republicans and the northern
people in general and oven offer grcai
inducements for northern people to locate
cato in their midst. This is my seconc
extended trip through the south , my nexi
will be to the extreme wesfc
PlntiM Points.
Rev. S. V. McKco , of the Uetrojt Pres
bytery , occupied the pulpit of the Con
gregational church yesterday morning.
Ho gave a very interesting sorniou on
the second coming of Christ. In the
evening the pastor preached. A show
ing of practical Christianity took place at
the Congregational church yesterday
morning. The pastor reported that a
family who formerly lived hero , and wiio
were now in Dakota , were in n sadly
destitute condition , the man ilylntr witu
consumption , and there being no means
of support. Tlio mornintr collection , and
a liberal ono , was given to their support.
One of the congregations was greatly
disturbed yesterday morning by what
seemed to bo a snoring sinner. Tlio
ushers watched in vain to locate the
offcmling sleeper , and many in the con
gregation turned around to see who was
tlio disturber. Strangely enough the
sound was finally traced to a woodpecker -
pecker who had lodged on the outside of
ho church building , and WUH pecking
away in such a manner as to make it
ippear to those inside , as if there was a
ieavy snorer in the congregation. The
ncidont was particularly annoying as
ho preacher was ono of the visiting
Presbyterians , and naturally all in tlio
congregation felt that the eastern
ireacher would got a very unfavorable
dea of western courtesy , fit haying his
sermon encored only by a snore.
TOOK n Tumble.
N. A. Smith on Saturday night at-
cmpted to go down into the cellar of his
lomo on South Eighth street. Ho suc
ceeded , but in so doing received a painful
'racturc ot the tibia and fibula which was
caused by him slipping and falling the
entire length of the steps.
ftroke His Arm.
Yesterday Thomas , the son of T. J.
iCvans , fell forward elF tlio railing onto
ho porch at the homo of his undo , Frank
Avails , and fractuicd his arm at the elbow
Bpecliil advertisements , such M last , Found
'joLonn.For Snlo , To Hcnt , Vtnnts , Honrdlnjf ,
etc , will tiolneertcxl In tills column nt the loir
ratoof TEN CUNTS PF.K MXC fortho ursc Insor-
Ion nnd . . Ivo Cents For Une for each subsequent
insertion. Leuvo ixdvcrlUomcnts nt our otttco
No. 13 Pearl sticut , notir Uroailwur , Council
- Stolen Two blrfl UOKB. Otio
STllAVBD-Or Ono red with nickel pi Hod
ilatodcollar marked "J. II. Poppc. Atlantic ,
. " Liberal rownnl for their return to J. II.
Poppc , No. Ill7 Sixth IIVOMUO , Council UlulTs.
\1" AN IKD A good in mi for carrlniro washer ;
TT nlso a good hostler. Apply to Maso Wise ,
Council Dlutrs.
-Young mnn to woik about ptnblo
nnd house. Apply to Horace Kvcrctt , nt
ofllco , No. 16 Pearl street only.
HKNT-Ono ofllco nnd ono business
FOR ncnr the now postolllco on lirouiluay ,
Ono tire room house. (12.
Ono thrco room house , (10.
Ono seven room hou o , ( .it ) .
G. Mnj no , No. 829 Sl.xuh nro.
FOlt TltADE- section of Rood land in Lin
coln county , Nob. , for a stock of hnrd-
n arc. Address Odoll Ilros. & . Co. , No. 103 Pearl
street , Council niulTs , or corner 1'arimm and
16th streets , Omahn.
FOIt SALE A stock : Kcnoral merchandise In
a good town in western Iowa. A tlrst-
class chance for unv ono wishing to cnirngo In
business. Stock will invoice about ( fOO nnd
will bo sold cheap. For fuithor information
Inquire ol M. I" , binlth & Co , Omaha , or N. C.
Phillips , Broker , No. 419 Ilroadwny , Council
SALE OrTrndo Six sections of Rood
FOU In Lincoln county. Neb , on U. P.
railway. Call on or addrt'88 Odoll Bros. & Co. ,
103 Pearl St. , Council 1 Hullo.
NOTICE Will pay the highest price for first-
class cast-elf lady's , gents , nnd children's
clothing , boots , shoes , hats , etc. O. Goldstein ,
Nos. i17 and ! 8 llroadwttv.
HOUBO Clcnnlng
is to bo done by nearly all the ladies in
the spring.
Now is the right time to do this. For
ladles , it is a disagreeable but unavoid
able work , and wo make the oiler to do
the most troublesome work of all , that is
Wo clean the carpets , velvets , moquettes ,
brussels , or any other kind of carpets ,
without taking them up. Wo guarantee
and that no dust will bo loft in the car
pet. Wo guarantee our work and refer
to prominent parties in this city.
Send us a postal card and wo will call
upon you and explain in what way our
cleaning takes placo. G. A. FISIIEK.
No. 023 Sixth Avenue , Council 15lull's.
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and
Farms Aero property In western part of city.
All selllntr cheap to make room for spring stock
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Rooms , over Officer & Pueoy's Dank , C u
( Standard No. 2915) ) Sired by Almont No
83 , and "Register , " ( Standard No. 5813.
Sired by Tramp No. 808. These stallions
will make the season of 1887 tit the Coun
cil bluffs Driving Park.
For particulars inquire of or address ,
WAUE GARY , Council Blufls , la.
Frlcea Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
NO. 23 MAM ST. ,
In Amber ,
etc.Hair Or
namcuts , as
well as the
newest nov-
j& $ [ cities in hair
goods ,
Hair ffoods
madeto order
Era. C. L. Gillette
29 Main St. . Qouucll Bluffs , .
of town work solicited , and all mall
orders promptly attended to ,
If you are thtiiklny of purchasing
a carpet , call on ut > . It Is a pleasure
to shotv goods and me have the floods
tos/iou > . We arc the only excltalre
carpet house in Western Iowa , and
and our stock In consequence ts bu-
yond comparison with houses Unit
pretend to be In the carpet business
We guarantee to sell all goods an
cheap as they can be sold and leave
MS a small margin. Ab big prices.
Our specialty Is Carpet * and ire can
yon give prices that will surprise
A full and complete stock of
Draperies and UphoMcry always
on hand.
We also havethc finest llneof lings
ever seen In the wct , 1 anglng In
price fi'om SO cents to < ts many del
Xonc but experienced carpc
layers and drapers employed , and
all work done under the Immediate
sni > ervlslon of our Mr. Stockcrt.
N. li.--Samplcs of Curpe's lcnt
upon application and the very low
est prices guaranteed.
Carpet Company ,
Council HI u II *
DcMffti" , estimates and reports on bridges ,
viaducts , foundations nnd ( fcnoiul onslneerlnif.
Blue prints of any nlzo and quantity.
Oflico No 13 N. MixUi St. , First National Bank
E. S.
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city , Collections a specialty.
Council BlufTs.Iowa.
Established 1S57.
Justice of the Peace.
Ortlco over American Express.
Korses ® Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or do'ible.
MASON WISE , Council Bluffs
Has a complete line of
f 1 11 ill'
Lnrco huts In wliito , bluck and all colors. Pat
tern bonnets , lints and toques , a specialty.
Mo 1514 Douglas st. , Onmliu.
Star Sale Stabfes and Mule Yards
Droadw y , Council UlulTs , Opp. Dummy Depot
pa 2 ,
* *
s 5
_ _ _
Horses and mules kept constantlyon
hand , for sate at detail or in car load
Orders promptly filled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission.
SIILUTER & HOLUV , Proprietors.
Telephone No. 114
Formerly of Koil Sale. Stables , corner
1st. avo. and 4th street.
EnpeerSufveyorMapPublisher , ,
JVb. 11 Forth Main St.
City and countv maps , of cities nnd counties
In western Iowa , Nebraska and ICnnsas.
11. H1V13 , M. D.
Cancers and other Tumors
Removed without the knite or Drawing o
Over 80 vears Practical experience.
No. 11 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
The only Hotel in Council Bluffa Having a Fire
And All Modern Improvements.
215 , 317 nnd 310 Main St.
MAX MOHN , Prop.
Attorneys at Law ,
actlce In the State and Federal Courts.
Room * 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
. * , * > * , ' '
ILive'tried all kinds of adver
tising in news papers , loks , ,
Iby hand-bills , signs , circular * ? ,
etc. , etc. , but the most success
ful advertisement they over
put forth is a walking adver
Have you seen them ? Of
course you have many a time.
We refer to those Avalking
advertisements FO frequently
seen on the streets of this city
and all over the western coun
try in the shape of one of our
Suits with a man or boy inside
of them.
What a splendid advertise
ment each one of thcs3 :
All Wool Suits ,
We have a Inryc stock on hand and
they will talk for themselves.
See them.
Four Button Worsted &
Corkscrew Suits
In all Shtt < lc ,
$12.50 , $ I4.00I6,50I8,00 ,
$20 and $22.
How they advertise us ! It
is true we don't make much
on these ; goods , but it is a sat
isfaction every time we see a
customer buy one , we know
that he is ours.
The fit and satisfaction our
clothing gives him will cause
him to return for Ms next suit
as well as advise his friends to
do likewise.
"VVo oiFer no bait with the
liopa of selling you something
els j when you reach our store.
The same principal of BIG
VALUE for your money ap
plies to every garment we offer.
Our tailor-made -
- clothi-g
has proven a blessing to man
kind ; the high priced mer
chant tailor 1ms been com
pelled to divide his trade and
give us the largest share. Our
tailor made clothing are made
by the same men who work in
custom shops.
In addition we will say that
wo carry more ready made
clothing than all the other
houses in the city combined.
Don't fool your tints and money
away , come to the Popular 1'eo-
jle'a Store , where yon get fair and
square dealing and more than the
value for the monci/ .
Set' quality grand army suit *
with buttons thrown in , at fS.JO.
& GO'S.
Peoples' ' Store
Nos , 314,316,318 , , and 320
DR. RICHARDS' Electric Bath Rooms and Office
No. 607 Mynster St. , Council Bluffs.
One Square North of the P. O. Bu ilding.
Treatment and Baths Given Ladies by Mrs. Dr.
Richards on Tuesday , Thursday & Saturday.
Electricity is a remarkable naturalagent which has long been known and utilized
as a remedy for disease and continued experience has enlarged its sphere of u beful-
nessand improved its appliances by which it is employed until its utility an ! virtue
trie chair and electrodes for treating all parts of the body. We are prepared to do
all that can be done with these great remedies. In cases of Rheumatism , Neuralgia ,
Paralysis , Spinal Irritation , Rectal Diseases , Nenous Diseases in females arising
from Uterine disorders and many other chronic and subacute troubles , it stands at
the head of all knoun remedies or methods cure. A thorough study of it for years
and the successful treatment of hundreds of cases , after all olhcr remedies had fail
ed , is sufllcient evidence of its great worth and perfectly satisfies us with its good
effects on the diseased body. In the Rrcat hospitals and sanitarians of America
and Europe , electricity is leading all other methods of treatment. In all leading
colleges the professors are teaching electricity as one of the potent remedies and a
special chair is appointed in manv of them. Many of the ablest physicians of all
schools are making a specialty ot'electricitv to the exclusion of almost c\eiything
else. This great remedy has often fallen into disrepute by being recommended anu
used by persons , and physicians , perfectly ignorant of its properties and powerb ,
who \vould as often advise and use the wrong cuirent as the right one or depend
upon it in diseases for which it is not adopted. We are sure that \\hen the people
become educated in the use of electricity for many diseases with nhich the body
Is afflicted and find the creat good therein , the medicines and patent righted nos
trums upon which they now rely will grow old and dusty on the shelves. Electricity
is nature's great remedy and to fully understand and skilfully apply it is our eilbrt
and aim in life.
For further information call at the office or send for de
scriptive and illustrated pamphlet on Electricity and
Electro Therapeutic Baths , by
607 Mynster Street , Council Bluffs , la.
O. CT.
Real Estate Broker and Dealers
Council liluin Office , ItliiHontu
Temple. Qinalia OHIce , No 111
North lUlli street.
I'urtU-iilar attention given to InveNting -
veNting i'liittlft for lion - renl-
deiitd. Special bargain * In lot * &
acre property In Onmlin & Coun
cil liluflN. Correspondence nolle-
Steam , Gas and Water Pipe
No 552 Broadway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa
Mail Orders Shipped Froxiptly.
Swanson Music Company ,
No. 329 Broadway Council Bluffs
Estey Organs , Gamp& Co.'s ' Organs and Western CottageOrgans
A few comments regarding the Estoy Pianos. In every civilized country on the
glebe the name of KsU.y is n household word with lovers of music ; it is a guarantee )
for.tho exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments , bearing the name that com *
mands coniidence , admiration and enthusiasm.
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from ffOO to
$10.00 per acre. School nnd fctato lands in Minnesota on 80 years' time 0 per
ent interest. Land Unyers fare free. Information , etc , , Driven by
. .
No. 555 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Towa , agent for Frcidriksen Ac Co. , Chicago.
Successors in )
Commission and Produce Merchants ,
Dealers In Grocer leu and Provisions. Satisfaction ( luaranteed ,
2fo. 11 South Main Street.