Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Price * Improve Slightly Over Fridayi With
Bat Little Trading.
'But Dlaqnlntlng Rumor * Send Values
turner A Firm Fooling In OntH
A Very Dull Day For
CHICAGO , May 21 .si > cclal Telegram to
the , UIK. : | The wheat market was ex
ceedingly dull , reviewed as a whole , and
fluctuations wore narrow. The closings
record a slight Improvement all around ns
compared with yesterday. The range for
and SO c high for August : B4c low rtnd 84Jf
" Sh , nnd the closing quotations were
or June. bOJ c for July , ' for
, and sy c for September.The're has
buon no change In the complexion of crop
news since yesterday. The foreign markets
are steady and dull , und cables are a unit In
the statement that "buyers are holding off. "
Now York was quiet and rather easier. The
clearances from the three principal Atlantic
port * from last Saturday up to last night og-
( r.rcgate nearly 1,050,000 bushels , and the ar
rivals 2,500,000 bushels. Advices from the
Interior are to the effect that farmer's deliv
eries nro Increasing. The estimates of the
dccrcaso In the visible thlgwi-ek | , range from
2,300,000 to2,800,000 bushels.
Corn was lirm and rather higher early , nnd
trading was moderately active. Juno ad
vanced to39 ; < cand
Julyto41@lltfc. The tone of the market
was mildly bullish and the tendency was In
the direction of Improvement. The esti
mated receipts nearly 400 cars of corn for
Monday caused a change In the scalping
sentiment , nnd the Intelligence that a con-
Hlderablo percentage ot com ahlppod from
Chicago would not grade served as nn excuse
for further selling and for kicking up some
excitement In the pit. An explanation was
° " > red by shippers that the corn was all
right , but that New Yoik Inspection hod been
made unnecessarily rigid on account of com
plaints of lax Inspection last sprint : , and at
tention was called io the additional fact that
tlio corn In question Undo leady sale nt X ®
X * under the market This latter statement
quieted the fears of the trade , but the market
did not recover Its tone and the closings
were at the bottom , June being quoted at
JEW o and July nt 40 Q41c.
Oats were more active , and during the first
naif of the session the market dis
played a certain business which
was lark : ng later , though Auirnst oata
closed fully % c higher than yesterday. Oats
Is one of the early crops , and although the
supplies of old oats are yet large , the weather
does not strike experts ns being altogether
Jovoly for the growing crop , and now crop
options accordingly firmed up under In
creased speculate Inquiry. Juno closed at
SCMc , July at 27Xe , August at 27tfc.
In the provision pit operators found Itslow
! * % 15ecp nllY.any Interest In the mar-
. , ordcrs , , of a" fc'hds ' were Insignificant ,
and In local circles the reluctance sl.own to
trade was more decided , If possible , than
usual. Barring short ribs , which met with a
hpasmodlc demand , a distressing dullness
prevailed , and the day's market simply
, an or ante t ocock
closings were 5c and for short rlbsSVc lower
than last n ght's resting prices. Pork also
nettled back to 822.60 , a decline of 25c for
cash. May and Juno. In lard and short ribs
the favorite months were June , July and Au-
CHICAGO , May 31. fBpeclnl Telegram to
the BEK.I-CATTLK. The fresh receipts of
cattle were quite light , but there wore some
200 to 300 beeves left from yesterday , There
was no demand and the market was merely
nominal. Big , heavy western cattle were
very hard to sell and are about the dullest of
the year. Smooth , fat , llttlo cattle were
steady to-day , but the general trade was
dull. Shipping steers , 1,350 to 1,500 Ibs. .
4.25@ .75 ; 1,200 to 1.350 Ibs. , S4.00@4.45 ;
WO to 1,200 Ibs. . S3.604.25 ; utockers anil
feeders quiet , 82.75@4.25 ; cows , bulls nnd
mixed , 8a.00@-l.00 ; bulk 82.7503.50 ; slop-
fed steers , 84.20 < 34.CO ; Texas cattle. 82.00Q
3.50 for Krassers , and S3.40jj4.20 ( for corn-fed
lloos The market was only moderately
active with a slight down-turn on packing
sorts and common mixed. Assorted , either
light or heavy , sold fully as high as yester
day. A few fancy Phlladelphlas sold at
85.15@5.r % with one sale at 85.20. Best
henry , S4.UOC < ? 5.10 ; butcher weights 85.07k(3 (
6.10 ; heavy mixed , S .SO@400 ; lighter mixed ,
8l.76@4.bO ; light , 51.604.00j Yorkers , 3185
© 4.95 , _
NKW YOHK , May 21 [ Special Telegram
to tno BKE-I STOCKS The Stock exchange
closed at noon to-day , and for that reason
the attendance was light and trading lim
ited. Grangers were sold by room traders
on a bearish report from Chicago regarding
an expected rate war In the northwest Gould
Blocks showed more activity and strength
than anything else , Texas Pacific gained n
point and Missouri Pacific about fi ot n
point. The Ynnderbllts wore dull and 'n
ehado lower. London prices were In jnosl
Instances a fraction lowerand no buying foi
foreign account was reported. The bank
statement , showing an increase In the re
serves of 8405,750. was construed as only
fairly favorable. At the close the market
wits dull but lirm. The total Mies for the
day were about $97,000.
GOVKIINMK.NTB Government bondi were
dull but Urru to strong.
U. S. C's 100 C. AN. W ,
U. S. 4'scoupon. 129i { do preferrod. . . .151 > „
' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
Pacific oW [ > . it . . . . . .
Canada South'n. . 03 } O. T. 81 %
Central Paclno. . 40 } , PacltioMall 5fl
Chicago A Alton. 154 P. , D. AH 37K
do preferred..163 Pullman Pal.C.u.lRS
C. , B. & 0 153X Heading 44JiS
J > . , L. A W U4&C. Island.187JI
] > . AU.U. . . .
JSrie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85'tf do preferred. . . . &U
do preferred. . . . 75 f C. , M. ASt. P. . . . W
Illinois Central..130 do preferred..1259
I. , B.A W 24) ) St P. AO 63 *
K. & 'i\ , 82 ] do preferred..117
Lakti Shore OS Texas Pacllio. . . . 85
Union Pacific. . . .
Midilgan CenY'LL U4& VV..StLAP. . . .
Mo. Pacific Illy do preferred. . _ . , „
Ko. Paclflo .TJ W. U. Telegraph 77 ;
< lopreferred. . . . 03
MONET ON CALL Easy at 3k'4 per cent
last loan at 3 per cent ; closed ollored at 2k
jicr cent
bTKifi.ixn KxoiiANOE-DuIl and tin
ciln eAat4llNrJ > tot 8lx'y day bills ,
* 4.6o for demand.
Ctilcaao. May 21-FollowInss quota
thins are the -.W : closing iliures :
Flour Firm and unchanped ; winter whoa
flour , $4. @ 4.SO : Bouinern , 84.104. > 'o
\VUcon8in. 4.'AXjJ4. : ) : Michigan aofi
FprlUL- wheat , S3.70c < { i.30 : Mlnnesoubake ,
l.7iK.4.8o . ; patents , 84.5031.80 ; low grades ,
Sl..iJtcf..US : rye flour , quiet ai W.2. 3.40 ; U
earks and barrels ,
Wheat-Mull nud steady : June closet
Fteady whllo July closed Vc hUher ; cash
h7 7-lfiu ; J une. * Mfio ; J uly , BO Jc.
Corn Quiet ; fluctuations were within Vc
raiiRO , nnd cloitnl > c lower than yosturdav :
CAS ) ) , 387-lOc ; July. 40 15-iOc ; June , WiS-lCc
Oats Active ; closing with an advance nl
X # OMIVS tJune' ! 36 c ; Juya7 | c-
Kye Dull , at60o.
Barley Nominal at 57c.
Timothy Seed-Prime , 81.7C 1.74.
1'ork-StMdy ; cosh and Juno , S.U.50
Lard-ltulod weak with a decline of 2 > iti5 (
ady ; cash , 8d.GOiM ( > . lnn
. July. a.77K.
Bulk ; eat Sbouldere. ivfioias 70 ; aliori
ie r. 4.0pa7.ft5 ; short rlb-s 7.av < j7.ta '
Butwr-Easy ; creamery , .ISQlic ; dairy
lull ctwm Mi
flat * ) , IQTlCdUKfe ; young Americas ,
( \ii'ut flkitnSi 6 7c
lildes-UnchangcdjIicavygrpen salted 7ifc ;
light do , 7)(3ic ( ; Malted bull hides , Oa ; green
8altedcalf.8c ; dry Hint , 1213c ; dry calf ,
I3fi14c ; deacons , 40c each ; dry saltcil , lOc.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4c ; No.
. ,
Uocnlnt . Shipments.
Flour , hbls . K.tOO 10,000
Wheat , uu . 57,000 15,000
Corn , bu . 141,000 370.000
Oats , bu . 251,000 819.000
Ityo , bu . notio
Barley , bu . 10.000 2.\000
New tforK. May 31. Wheat Receipts.
031,000 ; export ? , CG.OOO ; spot steady : options
opened linn , Inter declined } ( ® c , and sub
sequently advnncL'd KC'"J < c , cTosinc Drm nt
about best rates ; ungraded red , 03i(39SVo ( ;
No. 3 red , OWc ; No. 1 red , OUXe : No. 2 red.
97e : rlovntor , OTc , free on board ; June closed
Corn Uccclpt * , 112,000 ; experts , 113,000 :
spot qulot and barely steady ; options dull
nnd n shade lower , closing week ; ungraded ,
47Jf < 34fJ < c : No. 2 , 47jfQ47J c ; In elevator ,
4Siic , delivered : old No. 2 , 4'Jc , delivered ;
JutiL1 closed at 4c.
Oats Keccfptfl , : ,000 ; exports , 213 ; firm ;
mixed western , sagjsCe ; whlto western , S3
© He.
Petroleum Steady : United closed at02c.
Pork Dull and nominal.
Lard Dull , lower and heavy ; western
steam , spot , S0.1)7 ) > i(37.00. (
Butter Quiet and easy.
Cheese Quiet nnd unchanged.
Kites Steady nnd quiet ; western , fresh ,
Minneapolis , May 21 , Wheat Steady
_ nd fairly null vo for cash on trick ; No. 1
lard , cash. BO c ; June , Hljfc ; July , 82Jfc ;
No. 1 northern , cash , boj c ; June , SOjfc ;
July , 82 c : No. ' . ' . northern , cash , 7Sifc ;
June,7SVc ; July , bOJ/c. On track : No. 1
lard , 8Jc ; No. l , northern , 81 } u ; No. 2
lorthern , 79 > ] 'e.
Flour Klrm : patents , 84.4554.53 ; bakers' ,
J3.50@3.GO. '
llpcclnts Wheat. 105,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , bu ; flour , 14,000 ,
Mllwnukop. May 21. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 82c ; Jnnn , 8J } c ; July , 84 c.
Corn Ka-y ; No. 3 , 3 c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2. w hlte , SO' e.
lty l-'irm ; No. 1 , fi'c.
Barley Strong : No , 2 , GOUc.
Provisions Easy ; pone , May , S14.50.
Cincinnati. M.iy'Jl. Wheat In uioderato
lojnaud ; No 2 red. 87G 8Sc.
Corn Weak and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 41J
@ 42c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 30 0.
Kye-FlrmNo.2. ; fiCc.
Pork Ouiet nt S15.50.
Lnrd Firm at 50.55.
Whisky Quiet nt 81.05.
Bt. Louis. May 21. Wheat Higher ; cash ,
JK@ > > GXR ; Juno , ssj c.
Corn Firmer ; cash , 3-S.J c ; Juno , 37t o.
Oats Firm ; cash , 27J < c ; June , 27)c.
Pork Dull ; 815.50@15.75.
Lard-Quiet at 50.10 ( 0.45.
Whisky Steady at 81.03.
Butter Quiet and easy ; creamery , tS@20e ;
dairy , I3@10c.
KRBB.-IH Olty , May 21. Wheat-Qulot ;
No. 3 rod , cash. TJc bid , 72 ? c asked ; Juno
id July , no bldi on oilers.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , S4c bid. Me
nsked ; Juno. 3lc bid , 34 ? c asked ; July , - ' " '
bid , 'X ] ia asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 2SJ/C bid , 29Xc asked.
May 21. The Drovers' Jour
nal reuorts ns follows :
Cattle Kccclpts , 400 : nominally un-
chnngud ; shipping steers , S3bO@4.75 ;
stockersand Incilers , S2.5@4.25 ; cows , bulls
nnd mixed , S2.00GM.OO ; bulk , S2.75@3.35 ;
Texas cattle , S2.004.0. : !
Hogs Receipts , 11,000 ; steady nnd un
changed ; rough and mixed , S4.a' @ 5.0o ;
packinK and shlpnlng , ' 84.85 5.20 ; ll ht ,
34.50@4.70 ; skips , S3.50J1.40. (
Sheep Receipts , 1,000 ; nctlvo nnd tin-
changed : natives , S3.25 ( < $5.00 : western , 3.00
@ 4.75 ; Texans , 82.704.00 ; lambs , * 2.00@
NntionM Stock Yards Knst St.
nulH , III. , May 2L Cattle Receipts , 100 ;
shipments , 100 ; steady ; choice heavy native-
stecrs$4.5035.iH ) ; fall to Kood shlppiuit steers ,
8l.00ftt4.4.'i ; uutchors * steers , fair to choice ,
S3.riO@-t.80 ; feeders , fair to good , 83.10 ®
4.10 ; stockers , fair to coed , 8'ilO@.15. :
Jlo s Roceijits , 700 ; shipments , 2,500 ;
strong ; choice heavy nnd butchers' selec
tions , $4.05(35.10 ( ; packing , fair to good , S4.SO
< 3-UW ; Yorkers , iiiedlum to prime , S4.G5 ®
4.bO ; pics , common to good , 84.00(34.15. (
Olty , May 21. Cattle Receipts ,
700 : shipments , none ; slow but about steady ;
common to'cholce , 53.oOC'S4.45 ; stockers , 82.00
ftU.WfeodluK ; steers , 83.3.5@S.90co\va ; , 83.00
llocs Receipts , 7.400 : shipments , 3,500 ;
opened strong at 5@lOc hlchcr , closing weak
nnd 5c lower ; common to choice , S 1.1034. bO ;
skips and pigs , 82.00 4.00.
Saturday , May 21.
Cattle. .
The cattle market this week has been any
thing but satisfactory. The receipts have
been liberal , but Urn market dragging , the
buyers rihowlng very little disposition to buy
unless at their own prices. It has been al
most Impossible to sell heary western ranao
corn cattle , oven If fat , at anything like their
value. The receipts this morning were very
liberal , lor the last day oC the week , and
were heavier than yesterday by 400 head.
Only n few sales wore umrto in the morning
and the market wns prolonged through the
whole day. The market was about steady
with yesterday's prices , although one load of
choice corn-fed steers brought $4.30 , which Is
the top for several davs.
The receipts of bora to-day , ni compared
with yesterday , show a falling off of about n
thousand head , but for nil that , the receipts
were liberal tor a Saturday. Thorn was n
strong demand and the buyois were all on
the ground at an early hour. The maiket
opened active , at an advance of 10l5c and
the pens were cleared before 10 o'clock In thu
morning , The packers have boon very lib
eral buyers all this week nud the yards have
boon cleat oa up every day , although the re
ceipts have averaged vorj lioavy.
There wore none hi to-day and no demand.
Cattle. . 700
U.og& . . . 2,100
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the provatllns prices paid for II vo
slock oa this luarknt :
Choice steers. 1303 to 1500 Iba. . . .54.15(34.30 (
Choice steers. 1100 to 1350 Ibs . . . 4.004.20
Fat little stt-ers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.K ( ) < aI.OO !
Kxtra choice cows nnd heifers. . . . 8.40fa3.50
Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 8.1.TO3.SO
Common to medium cows . 3.00.10 :
Good to choice bulls . 2.7.v < 3.2. ' >
Light nnd medium hoes . 4.40f 4.45
Good to choice heavy nogs . 4.50 4.0.1
Good to choice inlxod hogs . 4.45&I.53
Representative Sale * .
B TEE Its.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..UOO 8:175 : 84 . . .1270 84.20
4. . . . U10 8.'J2 U0..141U 4.20
9..1219 4.15 17. . . .1343 4.30
Xo. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 . . . S0 ! 5.I.1G 0. . . . 505 SIi.23
20. . . . 033 3.15
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT.
1 . . .1070 8-i.lO
No. Av. Bhlt. Pr. No. Av. 8hk. Pr.
04. . . .203 12ll4.40 M..2.i3 200 S4. 5
43. . . . 239 IfiO 4.45 71. . . . 255 120 4.55
121. . . .237 SCO 4.47H CS..2ti'S W 4.55
01. . . . 245 SO 4.50 05. . . . SCO bO 4.C5
73.aM 40 4.50 05. . . .251 40 4.55
BO. . . . 215 40 4.50 74. . . . 255 40 4.55
h0..2 ± J 4.50 ai. . . . IO 60 4.55
09. . . . 231 80 4.50 ( V3..201 N ) 4.55
C0..2J ; 120 4.N ) OJ..258 40 4.5.5
CI..241 S ) 4.50 G'J..240 bO 4.55
110 . . .2IM 120 4..VI 07. . . . 207 60 4.00
73. . . .215 4.M ) 04. . . .287 SO 4.CO
5 . . . .2W : 40 4.5-rf & } . . . . % ! . ! M 4.80
00. . . . 313 40 4.5' ! M..231 40 4.M
07. . . . 231 bO 4.55 5t.:526 : bO 4.60
03. . . . 2M 4..W TJ..2872SI ) 4.60
70. . . , 243 123 4.55 07. . . . 247 4.0Q
CO. . . . 855 i.K 08. . . . ' 203 4.M
LdVO Htock Sold.
ShowliiR tlitv number of cattlo.tnd ho ' 3
bought by tlio luaJlag buyer * on to-day's
market :
Anglo-American Pncklns Co . 1,44' '
( ) . H. Hammond & Co. . 2 *
Llpton . , . 6SI
Hurts & Fisher . t
.Total . . - . Jt\37
lleld over . . . . . . . . . . . . . > . . . . . . . . . .
T. B. Rassoll
Rne Bros 2t
Williams &Co 31
Harris & Fisher 37
Local , 4
Total 157
Lott over
Showing the number ot cittto. hogs nnd
sheep shipped from the yards during the day.
No. cars. lit Dost
10 N. W Chicago
11 Milwaukee. Chicago
0 C B & Q Chicago
All silos ot stock in this market are mtvla
porcwt. llvo walzlit unlejj otherwise stated.
Dead hogs soil at % a per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins , " or ho'S weighing Km than 10J IIH ,
no valuo. Pro nniit sowsnro docked 40 103.
audstagsSOlbs , by the tni'jllo insyajtor.
Hogs 10@15c higher.
Cattle steady.
No shocp market.
An active dumand for hogs.
Cattle tuovo slowly.
It IsropcnUul that at least two now com
mission tlrms will locate hero In n very short
| mo.
C. C. Mile * . Urnfton , Neb. , was In nnd sold
31 head of 1270 pound cattle nt 51.20.
Mr. Trotiaan , Stromsburg , was In with
hrco loads of cattle of his own feeding. One
oad averaged 13ii : pounds nnd brought $4.30 ,
the top of the market.
Lon Arncoiirt , of Bentrlco , Neb. , was on
he market with two loads of cattle.
P. Whtttnkor , Sclo , was In and sold a load
of hop > ot his own raising.
B. King , of King A Whlto , Bradshaw , the
hnpnirst shipper to thcso yards , was In with
a load of hogs.
Burns & Uatcs arrived with six loads of
C. K. Brucn , Emcrsnn , la. , and A. Brnen ,
Oakland , la. , heavy feedois and shippers ,
were among the visitors ut the yards.
J. K. Hunt , Papllllou , was In and marketed
a load of hogs.
J. E. Thompson , of tlio well-known firm
of Wlnto & Thompson , Council Binds , was
hero and sold a load of hogs at the top price.
U. A. Dlels , Burnatt , came In with two
loads ot hogs which sold on the maiket
A commission man at the yards found It
necessary to invest In a now pair of shoes ,
: ho solos of his old ones havini ; come In sav
age contact with .
General t'rutluoo.
Saturday , May 21.
Tlie following prices are for roitiul lots of
produce , ( M sold on tne warlM to-auy.
Eons The egg maiket has been somewhat
unruled this week. As the receipts have
not buon heavy , the dealers have been trying
to put the nutrkct up from lie to HXc. Only
n few single case lots are goingnt ll > c , whllo
the bulk is moving nt lie.
BUITKR Choice butter Is being sold nt 14
( < § 15c , while good butter Is going all the way
from 10@12 } c. Common butter is being sold
at < XgSc , Local farmers and dairymen are
bringing In n creed deal of good butter , which
they sell direct to the retail trade , and which
cuts ott considerable trndo from the commis
sion houses. There Is little or no accumula
tion , ns slilppeis nro taking all the surplus
POULTIIY Old fowls are bringing n llttlo
better prices on account of the light receipts.
Good largo fowls have sold very readily at
83.50 pur dozen and In some instances were
higher. A few wiles of small stock have been
made at 83.25. Thrro have been a few spring
chickens in , but they aie too smnll yec to
sell well. Tlio best of them do not move very
readily nt 8.50Cd)4.00. : ) )
I'D r.VTois : There nre very few potatoes of
any kind coming In. Good homo crown stock
is helling as high as 31.00 per bushel for small
lots.from thu store. Car lota move readily at
8. > @i)3c. ) New potatoes nro higher , owing to
the short crou south , and are selling at $5.00
@ 5.50 per barrel.
ONIONS The market Is well supplied with
now stock nt 84JXK < 45.00 per barrel.
NKW VKQKTAIILES Lettuce , which has
been very scarce , Is now more plentiful. As
paragus and spinach are being supplied di
rect to the tindo by the local gardeners.
Prices are generally lowor. Top onions , per
doon bunches , I5ft 20c ; radishes , per dozen
buncho1 * , 20(32.'H ( ! ; leltuco , 30c ; plo plant , per
Ib. 2 } c ; cucumbers pur dozen 50c ; oyster
plants , per dozen , SO@lOc ; wax beans , per |
bushel box , S2.50 ; string beans , perX bushel
box , 8l.25@1..10 ; peas , per % bushel box ,
1.00 ; Caulilluwer , perdoz. , & 1.75&-2.00 ; new
beets , per do50c. .
Lr.MO.Na Messina , choice , per box , $4.50
OitANons Mediterranean sweets , S3.50 < a
3.7. > ; Mc < sslua imperial , fancy. 4.50 ; San
Gabriel , single box lots , 83.00 ; San Gabriel ,
r , box lots , 82.b5 ; Riverside , 84.00 ; Paper
Rinds , $3.50.
STKAWUKKKIKS The receipts are liberal
and the market lowor. Choice St. Louis
liomo-gio\\n .stock , per case , S5.fiO@f > .00.
BANANAS Largebunchos , per bunch , 83.50
@ 4.50.
Cummins There are a few California
cherries on the market which are soiling at
82.25@3.50 per 10-lb. box , according to the
sl/.ouiul quality of the fruit.
TOMATOKS There are a fnw southern
tomatoes on the market ; 10-lb. boxes , SI.00.
PitovisioNfl Ham , 12c ; breakfast
bacon , rib , lOc : breakfast bacon , plain , lo c ;
dry salt sides. 8K@sjfc ; dried beef , regular. 10
Qllu ; dried beet , ham pieces , life : lard , 50-1 b
cans , 7o ; 20-lb cans. Fairbanks , 7 c ; 10-lb
cans , Fairbanks. 7c ; 5-lb cans , Fnlibanks ,
7Vc ; 3-lb cans. Fairbanks , 7 e.
General Market * .
"VABNISIIEB Bairels , per gallon ; rurnt-
tore , extra , SU10 ; furniture. No. t 8LOO ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach. No. i , 81.20 : Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 * Japan , 70c ; asphaltura
extra 85c : shellac , 83.50 ; bora oi tinlih ,
DIY PAINTS White lead , 7e : French /.inc ,
12o : Paris whiting. 2Xc ; whiting , gilders ,
Mfo ; whiting , com'l , IHc : lampblack , uer-
maustown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , 80 ;
Prussian bluo,55o ; ultramarine , IKc ; vandyic-
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt 4a ; umoor. raw , 4c ;
Bienno. burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Pans
green , genuine. * JC , Paris croon , com-
mon.,22 ' rhrome Teen. , N. y. . 20c ;
vermtlhon Amencan. l c : inaian
raw and buini umber , l Ib cans. is ; raw and
burnt sienna. Mo : Vandyke brown , 13c ; re-
lincd lampblack I2o : coach black and Ivory
black , lOc ; drop black. lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40c ; ultramarine black. 18c ; chrome croon.L. ,
Id. A D. . lee ; blind ana shutter greon. U. M.
A D. , lOc ; Paris green , 18o ; Indian red , 15c ;
Venetian rod , We ; Tuscan. 22c ; American
vermilllpn. L. AD.SOe ; yellow ochre. 2oL. ;
M. & O. D. . 18o : good ochro. lOc : r > attn
dryer , 80 ; graining color. light oak. darkouk.
walnut chestnut and ash. lac. ,
DnunsA.vo iiiiEUioALR. Ae d carbolic ,
'e ' ; acid tartarlc , 52c ; balsam copaiba , per
, 50o ; bark sassafras , per tt > , lOc ; calomel ,
par 0 > , 76c , chlnciionldlx per or , 40c ; chloro
form , per Ib MO ) ; Dover's powders , per IB ,
81.85epsoin ; .salts. , per 2 > , SXo ; glycerine ,
pure , per Ib. SOo'cad. ' . acetato. per ft. 2ic ;
oil , castor , No , i. per gal. , . , 81.50 ; oil castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , 81-4 ; ell olive , per gal. . 81.40
oil orltraiiuura. 50c ; opium , 81.50 ; quinine ,
P. A W. and K. AS , , per , oz. 70c ; potassium
Iodide , per ft , 8'.W ; sallc'n. ' per oz , 40c ; snl-
t > uatemorDhlno , oer oz. Si. 5 ; sulPhur net
n > .4cstrjchnin0. : tx-roz. 81.'J . ' * , ,
rAJNTS IN UIL White lead. Omatta.P P. ,
"Vo ; white lead , St , Louis , pure. 7c ; Mar-
Bellies , croon , I Ib cans. 2c ; French zinc ,
creen seal , 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ;
French zlnc. In , varnish asst , 20o ; Fench
zlnc.75c ; vermlllion , English , in oil , 75c ;
red , 10c ; rose.plnit. 14c ; yenetlan red , Cook-
son' :
rodl. _ _ ,
' " " " ' " '
ochre. French , "ajfc : ochre' American ,
IKc ; Winter's mineral , S o ; Lonigh mown ,
2Ke ; Spanish brown , 2Xo ; Prince's mineral ,
CHIDES Green butchers , 5H@Oc ; green
cnred.7c ; dry mnt , llWl'-'c ; drv salt , O lOo ;
re i ealt 'ns ' , 8c ; damaged i wes ,
fLthlrd.SKRrlc . .TftHoWT3 * * . . OwtseJc.
, . . . .
183 proof , A10 per wine gallon. Kedlstlllw
whlakles , 8l.00-ssl.50. Uli , blended
Mwed dry. ll.M ; tongues , each. BOe : oxeK
Men. T6o : sauaro nuts , per Ib. 61(2i71ot ( col
MID , per Ib. o jr ; malloabIe.H310o ; iron
wedges. < Sc ; crowb
* 4.73 ;
wire ,
10 to
8hot , t.M ; btickshot , 11.00linzanl'powder ,
teirs. ; dp. wlf kegs , 5175 ; do. quarter
kegs , 1.50 : blasting , kegs , 53.10 ; fuse , per 10
eet. 65c. Lead bart l > .
Grower' *
.s Medium. In bbU , fS.OO ; tlo. In
holt bbls , 94.50 ; small. In bbls , $0.00 : do , in
isJt bbls , ; gherkins , Inbbla , 910.00 ; do ,
n bolt bbls , $5.50.
SuoAJi-Grantilated , fiVflOXc ; conf. ®
CJ < c ; white extra C,5 ? < @ 5fc ; extra C , 5'C'J
B c ; yellow C , 4. { < 3Wc ; cut loaf , 0 iQjo c ;
powdennl. OK" ? " " .
Com KS Ordinary grades , I7gt c fair
Hcprlmo.lM ( ; ( . ' Uc ; eholte , laf3U Xo ;
fancy irrnen nnd yellow.JO ® le ; old rov-
CANNKDOooDS-Oystors , standardper case ,
I : < .15M3.25 ( ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. 82.80 ;
raspberries. 2 Ib , per rasa , 82. 5 > i 2.15 ; Califor
nia pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per casj ,
$4.00 : peachesPO , > - case , 85,00 ; white cher
ries , per case , 88.00 ; plums , per case , $3.50 ;
blueberries porcase. Si.3.1 ; o < g plums , 2 Ib ,
per case. 82.50 : pineapples , * ID , per caio
f3.20 ( 5.75 : l Ib nihJkt'rei. per doz , 81.40 ;
L ID salmon , per doz , 3t.50fal.i5 ; 2 ID , goose
berries per case , 81.75 ; a ib string Deans , per
coso.81.Tii ; 21bllmabeaii3 , per case. 81.60 ;
2Ibmarrowfatpoaspercase. 8io ; 3.503lb ;
early J une peas , per caia. 82.75 ; 3 Ib torn-
oes : a.K3. ( 0:21b.corn : 9140 1 W.
MATOHKS Per caddie. ar o : squuro coses ,
1.70 ; mule square.
HYBUP No. 70. 4-gallon kegs , 81.3 1.30 ;
Vew Orleans per gallon 38@4Gc ; maple syrup ,
lalf bbls. "old time , " per gallon , 70c ; l galen -
on cans , nor doz , 110.00 ; hall gallon cans ,
per doz. 85.50 ; quart cans , 5.0i : ! .
OANDT Mixed. K < ailo ; utiek. 8 ! < Wc.
CRACRRKS Uarneau's soda , butter and
picnic. 5 > < c : creams , sXc ; ginger snaps , Xo ;
city soda. 7W.
Dry Lumber.
> Tn. 1 , coin , s 1 s . SIO.M
No. 2 , com , a 1 s . 17..SO
No. 4 , com , sis . 13.50
No. 1 , 4 & 0 In , 13 & 14 ft , rough . 319.00
No. 2 , " " " . ' " . 15.00
A , 13 , 14 and W ft . $82.00
| | II I * * ttf9U \
Ifm * * * * * * * * * t4 > * tir\JtiTJ
0 , " " " . 15.00
D , " " " . ia.ou
Istcom. , 5f In White 1'lne Colllni ? . 834.00
Clear , % in. Norway Pine Colling . 10.00
A e Inch , white pine . $35.00
C " " " " . 29.50
K" " " ( SolFen'u ) . 19.50
A121nohs. Is. . 345.00
No. i , com. 13ln s. Is. , 13. & 14 . 20.00
" " " " " 10ft . 19.00
No.3 . 12 * 14ft. . . . . 18.00
" " " " 16ft . 17.00
Istand2 < t clear , ivinctus. 3s . 550.00
Sd , clear. 1 Inch. s. a s § 45 1'i , l , ' < f , 3 In 45.00
sulccl , 1 inch , s. 3 8 80 ; 1 # , iyit'2 In U7.00
White Cedar , 6 Im a 13c : 0 ln.qrs..lla
O. O. Baits , ax In. . 70c ; J < x3 , s. 1 s . 40c
Pickets , U and U flat. . . . : . 321.00
Quincy white lime ( bus ) . 81.00
Akron cement. . : . 1.G5
Ualr . , . 30
snip I-AP.
No. 1 , plain , 8 ai Win 810.00
No. 1 , plain , a : 10 In 17.00
Arrive Leave
Omaha Omaha
Depot 10th and Pierce sts.
Pacific Express. . . . . . 7:50 : am 8:20 : pin
Denver Express r.:20pm : 10:55 : nm
* Local Express 11:00 : am 5:05 : pin
Except Sunday.
B. & M. K. K. It.
Depot 10th and Pacific sts.
Mall ami Express 5:45 : pin 10:00 : am
NlKhtExpress 10:00 : uui 7:45 pm
C. B. & Q. K. It
Depot 10th and Paciuc sts.
Mall and Express 0:20 : am 0:00 : pm
Chicago Express 7:05 : pm 8:40 : am
K. C. St. J. & C. B.
Depot 10th and Paciiicst
Mall 7:05pm : 8:40 : am
Express 7:00 : am 8:50 : pm
C.St.P. M. fcO.
DepotI5tu and Webster st
Sioux City Express 4:45pm 8:15 : am
Bancroft Express 10:40 ami:45pm
Blair Passenger 7:40 : pin 5:35 pm
Except Sunday
Depot 15th ana Websterst
Day Express 6.25amil:10 am
Night Express 5oprn : : ; 9:10 pm
Lincoln Express. 11:10 am 0:10 : pm
Kunnlnc between Council Bluffs and South
Omaha. In addition to the stations men
tioned , trains stopat Twentieth and Twenty-
fourth streets , and at Summit , In Omaha.
Hrrmonn and Hnrvlcow.
The following nro the services to bo
icld at the several churches of the city
o-day :
SAINTS' cuuttcit.
The pulpit at Saints' chaiiel will bo oc-
ctinlcd to-day by Kov. D. 8. Mills , of
California , at 10:1)0 : ) rt. m. and 7:50 : p , m.
Hev. lr. ) A. C. Shaw , of Ponnsyluanta ,
vill preach In the First Haptlst ciuircli at
0 30 a. in. , and Kov. Ur.S. M. Campbell ,
of St. Paul. Minn. , at 8 p. m. Seats ircu.
The pastor will give a liiblu rcudlmr In
ho chapel at T p. in. on the question : Is
ho Christian Sabbath the First or Soveuth
Day of the WeokJ" All invited.
Sermon topics to-day Moraine ,
'Ascension Day Lessons ; " evening.
'Marriaca und Its Itcsponslbilitlus. '
The pnblto and strangora arc cordially
uvlted to attend. T. .1. Mackay , rector.
Services morning and ovunmg in the
ongri'Kationul churuh. In tlio morn-
ng the Bov. S. V. McKee , of
Michigan , will preach. In the evening
hero will bo pruauhing by the * pastor.
All are wclcomu.
The milmtin the Presbyterian church
o-diy : will bo tilled iu the morning by
iov.K. P Cowan , D. D. of Pittsburg ,
? n. , and in tlio evening by Uov. A. \ \ .
Iliugland , of Dululh , Minn.
The services at the Methodist church
o-day will ho conducted by mem
bers of the Presbyterian general
assembly , which Is hold-
nt : its annual bosslon nt Omaha. Kcv.
J. M. Richmond , of Pittsburc. Pa. , will
> rcach in the morning , and Hcv. A.
Jstrandcr , of Lyons. N. Y. , in the even-
ng. Seats frcoj everybody welcome.
Hcv. J. L. Picrson will jironcli a the
United Brethren church , on Tenth ave
nue , this evening at S o'clock.
One of Many.
DCS Moines Times : Mr. J.
1) . Warren , late of the Pratt
Craig As Warren wholesale house In this
city , but now representing the Simmons
Hardware Co. of St. Louis , has struck
t ricli in risking his savings in Council
Dlufls real estate.
Personal Paragraphs.
ZSimon Eisemau leaves to-night for the
; ast.
Miss Lou Gibson has go no to Dakota
for her health.
Col. J. N. Cornish of Hamburg , was m
, hc city yesterday.
S. ( . Underwood , of Keg Creek , ex-
mcmbcrof the board of supervisors , was
at the Pacific yesterday.
Mrs. Delia McQuaid of St. Paul , Is
visiting her sister , Mrs. C. D. Boyd , who
s quite ill.
Hev. Mr. Crofts , pastor of the Congre
gational church , will bo absent for ten
days , attending the state association.
Max Molm now carries his left hand
bandaged and is fullering from some
trouble , the nature of which is not yet
Mrs. John Kcllor has returned from n
prolonged visit to friends and relatives at
Baltimore , Pittsburg , Philadelphia and
other eastern cities.
Hoy. Dr. Cooluy , pastor of the First
Baptist church , expects to attend , this
week , the National anniversary of the
Baptist church in the United States , to
bo held at Minneapolis.
Dr. McCrae has returned from the
meeting of tlio state medical society nt
Sioux City. Ho read a paper there which
received tavorablo comments , and was
honored by being elected lirst vice president -
dent of the society.
Th only roadtotnke for DCS Moines Mar
ehnlltown , Cedar Rnplda , Clinton , Dlzon , Chlca-
go. Milwaukee and all point ! cant. To thepoo-
pie of Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoming1 , Utah
Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Waahlntfton nnd Cali
fornia , It offer * superior advantages not postl-
bio br any other lino.
Amonn svfeworthonumeroui point * of tu-
poriority enjoyed by the patrona of tbli rooil
between Omaha and ChlcuKO , nreltitwo trains
a day of DAY COACHES , which are the finest
tlmt human an and Imjonulty can create. IU
PALACE BLEEPING CAHS. which arc model ?
of comfort and-elegance. Its HAHUHl DltAW-
INU KOUM CAItH , unsurpnsfoJ by any , and Its
widely celebrated PALATIAIj DINING CARS
the equal of which cannot be found olso'whern
At Council BlutT * the trains of the Union Paolflo
Kv. connect in Union Donot with those of the
Chlcaffo & Northwestern Hy. In ChlcnRO tbe
trains of this line make close connection with
those of all eastern lines.
For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , NfagaAi/alls , Buffalo. Plttsbtirtr.Toronto ,
Montreal , Boston , Now YorK. Philadelphia ,
Baltimore , Washington and all points ta tbe
east , ask for a ticket via tint
If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket
agents sell tlcketi via this line.
Genl Manarw. GenL Pasa'r Agent
Chlcajro. III.
Western Agent , City Pass'r Af eat ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Th But Route from Omaha and
Council Bluff * to
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha , Coun
cil Bluff *
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids ,
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
Beloit , Winona , La Cross * ,
And all other important points Bast , Northeast
. and Bouthoan.
For through tickets call on the Ticket Agent
at 1401 Farnam street , ( in Paiton hotel ) , or at
Union Paotto Depot.
Pullman Bleep * and tbe finest Dining Cars
hi the world are run on tbe main lines of tbe
anderery atteatton 1 * paid to Mea t > rsby
MurteoiM loyesi of the oouip a/ .
. MB-UW. General Mana er.
J , F. TCOUB , Asaletant Oeneral Hanager.
A. V. B. CA rz > TBa , General FtMeager and
Ticket Ageea. .
Oao. U. HiAironn , Assistant Qwural PM >
ganger and Ticket Agent.
J. T. GLARE. General Btuwf Intendeut.
Lincoln , Neb.
The host known and most popular hotel In
thesiato. Looation otntral , appointments first
class. Headquarters for commercial men and
all political and public galherlruri.
E. P , UOaaBN , Proprietor.
X * I
( Ma JoUirs' Directory ,
Agricultural Implements.
Wholtsftle Dealer In
Arrlcnltnrftl Implements ,
Curlafft anil Uuiilrs. Jonrn street , between 8tlj
anJUUh. Omaha. Neb.
_ _
Agricultural Implements ,
Wagorn.CarrtMcv nugtlei. Hie. . Wholoalo. Om ha.
Wholesale l > * M rs In
Agricultural Implements ,
rTajfoni and Ruitxlrs. COI. M , 1 < 5 anil'U ' ; , Jones st
Artists' Material ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
IMS INnmlas Strtfot. Omaha.
'Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Mechanics' Tools aud Iluffalo Scales. l(9i Douglas sU ,
Omaha. Neb.
floorj and Shoes.
Uanufaeturers and Wholesale Dealer * la
Boots and Shoes ,
Complete stock of Rubber Unmli always on hand
Ml 3. llth at. . Omaha. Nch. A. T. Austin. Agent.
w. r. MORSE c co.
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes.
till Farnsm at. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Bummer
street , llo'tnn.
Wholesale Rubber Bootn and Shoes
Rubber nntl Oiled Utotliluir imd Foil llootl
aud Slices , Southeast Comer 14th and Douglaa.
Agt. for AnheuserrBush Brewlnj ; Ass'n
Bpoclal Urands. Kami , Pndwelser and Krlaager.
Lngcr Beer Brewera ,
1S31 North llh Street , Omaha , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Uusage Casings of all kinds always la stock. 1116
Jonea St.Omaha
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Omaha Corrvo and Spice Mills. .
Toas.Ooffpos , Spices. Kaklnc Powder , FI TOrlcsEx
tracts , Laundrr lilue. Ink , Ktc. KU-10 Ilaraer
Street , Oninha. Nab.
Homo Coffee and Spice Mills M'f'p ; Co.
Corree Routers and Pplee Qrlnders , Manufacturers
ofUaklnn Powder , PlarnrlnK UitracU , Hilling. Klc.
Trr one case of our 1-ft packnge Home Ulcnd ItuaMed
OuITea. ITO Howard At. Umnha. N t.
John Epenctor , Prop.
Manafaetnrar of Qalranlied Iron and Cornice. TO
Dodge and 103 and 104 M , 10th ae Omaha , H b.
Hanuftcturers of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finals.MetallcSkylightetc. 3108.
ma St. . Omaha.
C. Specht , Prop.
OalTanlted Iron Cornices , etc. Bnect's Improred Pat
ent Mclallc Skylight. 403 and510B.mii at .Omaha.
Jobbers of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Bugs ,
Linoleums. Mattings. Etc. Hit Douglas street.
Wholeuale Carpets , OH Cloths ,
Mattings , Curtain floods , Ete. 1U3 Karntm Street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Chimneys , etc. Office , U7 South Uth at ,
Omaha , Neb.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Butler , EtKsand Produce. Consignments solicited.
IloaUquurters for Stunuwnro , Ilerry KOZCH and
Urape Baskets. 1414 Dodge street , Omaha.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , Prodoeo and ProtUlons , Omaha , Neb.
W. E. RlTfDELL ,
Stortgfo and Commission Merchant.
Specialties nutter. Egg' . Cheese , Poultry. Game ,
OTSters , Bio. . Etc. Ill boutu Kth street.
Prodnco Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , Onme , Fitilla. etc. tX ( . Utbst
Omaha. Neb ,
Coal antf Lime.
O o. t. LAIIati. . Tree. c. F. GOODMAN , Y. Pies.
J. A. NUNIiIKLAXD , Hoc. luirt Truss.
Jobbers of Hani and Soft Coal.
DM youth Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Nab.
i/ . , r.
Mannfitcturcrs of Illinois White Llnio ,
And Shippers of Coal nnd Colco. Comunt , Plaster ,
IJnie. Ualr. Klre Brltk. Drain , Tile an'l Hewer Pipe.
Ofllco. I'aitoa notal. Karnam ft. , Omilis , Neb.
lelapnone All.
Confectioner/ .
p7j TdT
Uanufactnringr Confectioners ,
Jobbers of FruitsNuts and Cigala. Ull faroam SU
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Clfirars , Tobacco ,
Qnne end Ammunition , 315 to 223 n 1Kb it. , 1090 to
11B4 rarnam St. , Omtba , Neb.
Manufacturers of Fine
And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Noe.lOfl
and 110 N. Uth street , Omaha.
Dry Goods.
Dry Goods , Fnrnighinp Goods & Notions
110) and 11M Douglas , cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Distillers of Liquors. Alcohol nnd Pplrlts. Importers
and Jobbers ot Wines an J Liquors.
CO. and ILEH < R CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of Klne Wines and Liquors.
Bole manufacturers of Kemiadj's Ksst India Hit
ters and Domestic I Iquors. Ill2 llarner Ht.
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. n.Sr RPr < 1s. J.W.nEnrnnnSec.iTrea
It. J. CARSON. V.l'rcs. and Hupt.
Offlee 211 n. 14th stOmaha. . Neb. Machlncrr and
auppllcs torManufscturtnit Cement Drain Tile.
_ _
W. Itoor.n ? , I ) . 3. lluminKit
I're rHTAUi.iRiirulSTV Vlciil'roi.
OMAHA EhKVA'fOlt nml ( JltAIX
Jobbers mid Stororn of Ornln.
Bhlpmoati nt il ilor sollcitnl iunl iiiiliiliictlnn
guaruntbeU , Oiuulin , Nub.
furniture ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
rarnamst. . Oroslis. N b.
CHARLES tiiiiyifitIUK ,
Fnrulturc , Boddlnff , Ujiholstery ,
Mirror * , etc. 1300. HM and IJiU yaraan st , OmaU.
Omaha Jotters' ' Directory.
Groceries ,
PA X-ntN , GALLAGTfEir V > 'C O '
Wholesale Grocorlci niul Provisions ,
Koa.7ar..7J7.709 nJ71la.lOtliSt.Omnhn.Nol > .
Wholesale Groccn ,
I'lli ami t.fSTOnwortlt f > l . , Om tin.
Jobbers of Hardware nnd Nnlls ,
Tinware , Shprt Iron , Kt . A cnti for How Brl i ,
y Hardware , Iron nnd Steel ,
prlngiV on stnrk , lUnlnaro Lumber , eta , 1M
und 1111 lumpy n . Omnhft.
o annoy ,
Wholcsalo Iron nnd Steel ,
WneononilCurrlnBoWooiJ stool ! . Henry llnnlwur *
Llo. UUandHh ) Lovcn-rurlll ft. , Onmhfl , Nub.
Stoves , Rftn cs , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Mantlei , Ut t , DruMUoodt. IJJl oil IttJ rtraut
Ktmn ,
Iron Works ,
Iron Works ,
and Cunt Iron Rulldlni Work , Iron RUIrt ,
llmllmir , llomni ami Ulrdom. 8it m Bnclott , BrmM
\fort , UHnvrnl .Toundrj , Mncblne and IIKckiinlUi
\fott. OmcBunJWorti.U.l' . Ity.aiidl7tli ti tt.
ManufnrttirPM of
ire and Iron Uuilliifrs , Desk Rails ,
Wlmlnw Ouardii , Kkmur flinnJo , Wire hifn , Hta
. ! N. ICtti. Onlf r hy mull promptly
DctlfU AllKludiof
DuildiniT Material at Wholesale.
13th Btraotand Union HaolBo Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
DOOM , lite. Yardi CornirTth nnd Douflaii Corn * !
Dlh nml Douglm. _
Wholesale Lumber ,
HIS. lltli BtrflOt.Oiualm , Nob. r.Colprltcr. Manager.
_ 13th and California Ptrcoti. Omaha , Neb.
Lnrober , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Kto.
Onr.Clb and Douglas ill. , Oioaba. N i.
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1403 rarnam ntrectOmnlii > ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpoti and Parquet Flooring. Oth and Doaglaf
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American Poitlnnrt Ccinont. BtiU
Agent forUllwRiikeo Hydraulic Cemunt nnd Beit
Qulncy WblteLlme.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John F. Bojd , Superintendent ,
Lira Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Oeo. Iturke , Manager
Union Stock Yards , B. Utuatia. Telephone (81.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Shipment * of nnr and all kinds of Stock lolleltod.
Union Stock Vnrd . Omaha , Meb.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers and Jobber ! of
Milliunry and Notions ,
H13 and 1215 llnrney St. eet , Omaha , Nob.
Wholeialo Dealer ! la
Notions and Furnishing1 Goods ,
403 and < OS B. Tenth St. , Omaha. '
Ifannfacturors of Overalls ,
Jeimi Fanti , Shirts , Rtc. 1105 nnd 1101 Douglas Street ,
Omaha , Neb. \
Paper Boxes
,7. L. WILKIE ,
Ifnnnfnctnrcr of Paper Borfes ,
B.UthSt. . Um ba , N mU . Ord br nMll *
ll lttan will r etlT * prompt attention.
Job I'yiutors , Blank Book Maker * .
And Hook Illntlprs. 101 nml IDA RautU Fouitoeuth
itrcet. Umalm , Neb ,
Aiixilinry PubliHliors.
Dealers In Trpo , I'reW * and Printers'Supplies. 01 \
rlouth Twelfth Street.
Blamifactiircrt nnd Donlcrs In
Hollers & ( Jennral Machinery
tiliect Iron work , Stenm I'amp , . Bavr Mills , Acme
BhatUnn , Dotlga Wood split Pullen , IlolUng , ata ,
Alsowaitons , icrapors.aad baletlei.
Tcnirorth it. Omaha
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
oam anil Water Supplier. Headquflrtors fiir ila
t'O3itlCo' > Uoo < l > . luliirrmiii t.Oiualm.NoU.
U. S. WIND nyarXl'l and 1'UMP
n lln < l r Wind Mllut t-leam nnd Wkter BnppllM ,
I'lumblntf ( JnHli > . Ili'ltlnir. 11010. IMS and 84 } far *
uam at. , Oiunha. H. K. ( eltnn. Manager.
'Julc'l'bmiij ' No.'iO.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines.
Stoam. Water , ilillway and Milling Bupi.l.fs.
DJO , 8 ardWt fnrnnni tu Oaiahu , Net.
Snffi , Etc.
J' . BOYF.H iO CO. ,
Agents for Hall's Sale & Lock Co.s1
Flra and llmti'ur ' Proof Eitoi , Tlma l/ork , Vault *
and Jail Work. 1U ) > nr'i M ttrvol Oiuuha , Neb.
Omaha Safe Works.
llnmifncturorsof Klrdnnd Harrlar Proof Bnfrg , Vuull
Door , Jall Wcrk.Sliutiers auil Wlrooru. . Cor.
lull und Jackion bts. . Oraslm , Nub ,
Sasfi , Boon , Ctc.
M.A. DlSnJiOWdt CO. ,
Wholesale Manufacture n of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and MouldlnffS ,
Ilraoch osice.lltb and Uard t3.OraahNlt > .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doers , Blinds ,
MouMijics.Slalr Workand Interior Hard Wood Ktntcll
Just ouenod. N. K. cor. till and LeaveoMortUHU.
Onmba. Kob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
Carry n nlf slora at I'rlnllnn , Wracplnx end Writ-
Ittis piti'vr. hiiudulnt vntlon KlTeii Hi rar load ur-
Her > . whirl ) will lju rUlp | > iM direct from Kills , All
urdir will rrrelTo tirr.diinl nt'rntlon. Wejuir-
uutesf ooJ k'oudi aiul ln P'l.-oi. '