' nwry- THE SUNDAY BEE ; MAY 22 , 1887.-TWELYB PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCHTBLUFFS OFFICE , JNO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Bellvtrcd by carrier In nnypnrtof the city at twenty edits per week. H. W. TILTOX. - Manager. BtJHiKTPKOrncr. No. U M tour KDITOK No. 23. Si 1 N OK MIONT1ON. N. y.l'lumljltiB Co. New spring goods nt Kcitcr's , tailor. The city council will moot Monday night. A grocery Is to bo opened In the build ing No. ! Mi , Urondwny. The popular resort is the Manhattan , 418 liroiulwny , Ktitllo & Yonanrino. A good girl wanted for general house work. MM. 11. W. Tilton , Hun olllcc. 11. Tcrwilligcr is making some im provements on his residence property. The time of the district court yesterday Was taken up with motions anil other un interesting matters. Prof , 1'oulson is making some marked improvements in the residence on Fifth avenue , recently purchased by him of J. U. Clark. The wind storm last night frightened the audience out of the circus tent , and the employes proceeded to let the canvas down. A nine lias been organized with the hope of downing the M. iV K. nine , the contest to take plaeo this nttcrnoon at the fair grounds. A reception Is to bo tendered tiio now pastor of the presbyterian church , Hov. Dr. Phelps , nnd family , at the church to morrow evening. See the only standard bred stallions for service in Council Bluffs. "Dr. Arch ibald , " No. 2,015 , , and "Register , " No. 5,8115. At the driving park. The police succeeded in finding ono man yesterday who was drunk enough to bo taken caroof. Otherwise police cir cles were very sleepy. See the only standard bred stallions for service in Council liluiTs. "Dr. Arch ibald , " No. 2,015 , and "Register , " No. 5,813. At the driving park. John Wallace has been given the con tract for filling the street in front of the Hall school house on North Kighth street , the price to bo fourteen cents uer yard. The Ramblers appeared last night in their now uniforms. They look quite at tractive. The panls , 'coat , cap and stockings are blue , and the shirts white. A number of them are becoming quite proficient in riding the wheel. The members of the Thirteenth Illinois infantry are expecting a happy reunion at UOPK Island on the 24. It is the twen ty-sixth anniversary of the mustering of tno Illinois militia out of the state service into the United States service. Yesterday Frank Clark , proprietor of Hotel Manawa , purchased through W. G. Galloway , representing Scavoy Ilro.'s manufacturing company , complete hotel cooking utensils , including ranges , etc. , for hotel Manawa. The purchase amounted to a liltlo over ? 'JOO. ' Yesterday afternoon there was a happy gathering of young folks at the residence of Dr. llanchott on Fourth street , the little guests beinc entertained by Mac llanchott , as an observance of his eighth birthday anniversary. The gathering was a merry one , and all seemed to enjoy the occasion heartily. All the ladies who intend joining the Ladies' Choral society ( also the.old mem bers ) must bo present next Tuesday , May 24th , at Mueller's music hall at4:80 : p. m. , as Mr. Frankb must hear all the voices bcforo deciding upon which opera is most suitable for the society. Ho must also know how many solo singers there arc , and what the compass of the voices. The executive committee hope to see many now members. It is estimated that it will require about 1300 to complete the driveway around Lake Manawa to the beach , nnd tomorrow row A. 11. Walker nnd George Mctcalf will start out with n subscription paper for this purpose. Mr. J. J. Brown's ser vices have been secured gratis to super intend the entire construction of the road nnd dam. It is proposed to make n peed wide drive around to Manhattan beach and ono that will obviate the necessity of driving through the sand. Mr. Frank Clark , who is building the Hotel Munnwa , has decided to grant the request of u number of interested parties nnd will have a hop on the main lloor of the now hotel on Wednesday evening next. The hotel , although not yet under cover will , no doubt , present a lively scene , as Mr. Clark will do nil in his power to make this , the iirst event at Hotel Manawa , ono long to bo remem bered by these so fortunate as to bo in attendance. Light refreshments will be torved , ns well ns ice cream , lomonndo , etc. , and the entire grounds will bo lighted with calcium lights. Two Omaha carpenters were hero yester day in hot pursuit of their partncrwhom they claimed to bo going crooked. They Bay that in some way ho got possession of about | 200 of partnership money , and a certified cheek for nearly as much more , nnd then skipped. After hunting about this city they got n glimpse of him at the St. Louis house , but he noticed them and ran away. In the clmso ho proved to bo too llcct-footod , but lost his bat in the run. The pohco then began the hunt for him , but ho evidently suc ceeded in getting beyond the city limits. Eddie Lansendorfor , u more boy , about three weeks ago was playing about the now Catholic church , nnd boy like , jumped from the wall to the ground. In doing so , ho fell , dislocating his wrist. The little follow kept the fact a scrrot from his parents , although the wrist was badly swollen , nnd ho suffered greatly from it. Ho shrewdly managed the wrist so that it would not attract the attention of his parents , and it was not noticed until yesterday. A physician Was at once summoned , nnd the wrist put in condition where it will have some chance for recovery from the injury. The incident recalls u similar one , which lately occurred in another family. The boy was fooling with n revolver , in vie lation of the commands of his father , and" he shot himself through the hand. Ho wont to a drug store , got the hand cared for , explained to his folks that ho fell while at play nnd a nail run into it and kept the real faot a secret until long after the wound was healed. There corns to bo not such a great diflbronco in boys after nil. Now For the Kick * . The city board of equalization hold its forty-sicond session yesterday , the board having mot that number of days con- lecutivoly , except Sundays. Manj changes have boon made in the assess- ' nients as returned by Dr. Patten. The aamcs of the persons whoso assessment ! have been raised , and the amounts have been posted up in front of the city builil injj , and also posted in the postollico These interested can there inspect the lists. The board adjourned yesterday tc luoot Monday , May 30 , to hoar coin plaints , and to grant a day in court U ' < these whoso assessments have beer changed. Thcro will bo n largo numbci who will avail themselves of this oppor tunity to make their grievances known Onico of Mulholland & Co. , removed tc In under the Citizens1 bank. Telephone No. 103. Leave your orders for ice. Drs. Hanchett & Smith , ollico No. V. Pearl st. Residence , 120 Fourth st. Tele . phone Mo 10. HIE BOTTOM BRIDGE BIDDER , The Contract Awarded and the Asaurancs of Woik to Oommcnco at Once. TO-DAY IN THE CHURCHES. Visiting Prcsbytorlnn Clergymen to Fill General Pulpits Amuse ment Notes Personal nnd Short Stop Items. The Drlilgo Contract. T. J. Kvans was yesterday smiling even more brightly than usual. "You can announce , If you want to , that the bridge contract is awarded to the Edge- moor Iron company , of Wilmington , Uol. , thpy being the lowest bidders. There's no more foolishness or delays , and the bridge is now going right along. You can make that announcement , If you want to. " Of course the BEE wants to , and makes the announcement gladly , not because it has been in doubt as to whether the bridge would bo built , but because there are oven now a few doubt ing ones , who refuse to bo convinced that any great enterprises are to start as talked. Ono after another of the enter prise predicted bavo been questioned and doubted by this class of unbelievers , and ono after another the enterprises have started just as predicted. It is grat ifying to see these doubters convinced in spite of themselves , and to see their num bers dwindling down until they arc now so few that they are hardly worth the men tion. The announcement of the award ing of the contract sped along the streets yesterday and everywhere carried joy with it. It was astonishing how many there wore of tno "I told you so" class. Everybody smiled , inquiries for more real estate 'began coming in to all the ollit.cs , and those who liave property stiffened their prices a little and began figurine over prospective advances. The real rotate dealers are looking for rapid and sudden advances over present prices. The property has been held here so low and thcro has been so little of the fictitious values that all concede that investments cannot but bo safe and remunerative. Even those who have been certain that tiio bridge would be built have been planing on dealing more when the work was fairly started , and now that all possibilities of any delays are removed a greater boom than over may bo expected , and ono which will keep booming. The work on the bridge is to commence within ten days and will bo completed within a year. The sub contractors wore notified yesterday of the result of the award , and the preliminaries of securing material began before tlio sun went down. The general description of the bridge has been given before and the public is quite familiar with the general design. With the choip and easy com munication which this bridge will estab lish between the two cities , the bottom lands will jump into demand for various purposes. Grout changes are to bo looked for within the coming twelve muntlis and this season will see many of tlicm. It seems certain now that the Union Pacific wiil proceed with the improve ments contemplated and planned some time ago. It is stated that arrangements are being made for putting on nt once about 200 men to proceed with the con struction of the tracks , buildings , etc. , planned some months ago. In fact Council Bluffs is having sunshine and a promise of much more. In the manu facturing line there is much encourage ment. The canning works have proved so successful that the work of enlarging has begun and the capacity of the works are to DO increased 50 per cent. The purchase of the iron works by Mr. Ogden is being followed up by his active and pcrbomil enlargement and supervision of the business , and with experience and capital these works will soon bo among the leading ones in the west. The work has commenced on the new sash , door and blind factory of Stroek Bros. These gentlemen have in the cast been success ful in this line and they come hero en thusiastic over the prospects of doing still better here. The handle factory is kept busy , Hattonhaucr's carriage fac tory has been enlarged , and in fact thcro are numerous enterprises which indicate that manufacturing interests here are on the boom. The iron and ties are on the road for the no ft motor line to Lake Manawa. The hotel is raised , and the boathouse and other improvements there are nearly completed. In driving about the city one is surprised at the number of resi dences going up. There never has been so many built in any ono season as have been put up thus far this year. Houses still are in demand , nnd it in diflicult to got any desirable house to rent. In fact , Council Bluffs has many rea sons for keeping up a regular thanksgiv ing day. 'I ho business men scent to be having an unusually good trade. The outlook in all directions seems to grow brighter and brighter , and it seems that nothing can now stay the progress and prosperity of the city. Lime , cement , plaster , hair , coal , etc. , Council Bluffs Fuel company , No. 5U9 Broadway , telephone 130. Mirth nnd Mimic. Last evening the Jubilee singers ap peared at the opera house before an en thusiastic audience. They are certainly wonderful , and ono cannot listen to theit songs without being thrilled. Their rep utation is being wonderfully sustained , and the merits of their entertainments do not seem to lesson , On Mocday and Tuesday evenings the popular Irish comedians , Sheehan and Coyn , are to appear at the opera house in "Grogan's Elevation , " and promise tc give a whole evening of solid fun. On Wednesday and Thursday evenings "Tho Devil's Auction" occupies the opert houpo , and the assurance is given thai the spectacular will bo presented witl : more pleasing effects than ever before ir this city. The company if a largo one and the mechanism la very elaborate. Those who remember King & Frank' tin's tent shows last year willbo glad tc know that they are to appear again hen May 20 and 27. There are many now at tractions. Last season they gave the greatest show for a dime ever given ir tills city , and this season they promise tc do still better by the public. The public will bo satisfied if they give as plcasim entertainments as last year , and theii tents will surely be crowded at over : performance. The Mueller Music Co. has the largcs and best assortment of Baby Carriages Wagons , Velocipedes and Bicycles in tin city. Prices low. Now Don't You Do It , If you don't want to buy a house am lot , "don't see Tip ton , " because if y 01 see his list and then go and see the coz ; llttlo homes ho is offering so cheap amen on such easy payments , yon will bn lin ble to do something yon don't want t < and it would make a change in busines all around. To Investor * . If you want to make a real estat deal that will ' double your mono , seeTipton's bargains on the Manawi motor line. DUESS GOODS BALE T111B WEEK , Etonian's Peoples Store Offer Their Entire Stock Of French Novelty Dress Goods nt Half Cost or Importation. At no time in the history of Council Bluffs or any other city In the west has there over boon such a sacrifice sale of clean , new and choice novelty suits as will take place at Eisoman's Peoples store during this week's salo. The goods were nil Imported this season , not ono of them has been carried over as wo make it a special point to clean out each sea son's goods m the seasons they are in tended for. Head the prices : Lot No. 1. All of our combination suits sold in the early season for $ > ' - . ' , W ) and | 33 each , will bo given away this week for $20 each. Lot No. 2. All the combination suits sold in the early season for ) * > , $27.50 , $30 , $33 and $33 , reduced to $15 for this salo. salo.Lot Lot No. 3. All the combination suits sold In the early season for $18 , $ ' . ' 0 and $22 each , will bo sacrificed at thia sale for $12.50 each. Lot No. 4 All the combination suits sold in the early season for $12.50 , $14.00 , $15.00 and $10.50 reduced to $9.00 each. All-wool dress goods reduced in the same proportion , wo are bound to make these goods move quick If low prices wilde ( do it. Don't miss this great sale. Bo on hand early and bring your friends with you. EISEMAN'S Pr.oi-ix's , 814 , 310 , 318 and 320 Broadway. Ho Gives Gootl Atlvlco. Yesterday alter the bridge contract was let , ono gentleman said to a cluster of other gentlemen , "Well , I am happy , I have from timu to time purchased sev eral pieces of property through J. G. Tipton's agency , Tipton would advise mete to buy this piece and that piece , and I did so , and tome times did it against my own judgment , but it has all panned out right , and to-day I can take a handsome profit on any of my purchases. You can all have your own theory about Tipton's success , but I can tell vou , that 1 think ho knows all the time just what ho is Joiner , nnd is lionast enough to tell his customers what they ought to do , for their own good ; thats the secret. " Cheap storage in either small or car load lots at Nos. 22,24 and 20 Pearl street , J. It , SnyJcr. , SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , such us Lost , Fo.tnd 'joLoan , For Snlo ; To Kent , VNants , Bonrcllnir , etc. , will bolneorto'l In this column nt the loir ratoof TEN CUNTS PCIt LINE fortho Oral Inset- /IvoConUrerLlnofovcach subsequent Insertion. I.c vo advertisements nt our ollico No. U Vcurl stiecti near Uroadwny , Council Bluffs. WANTS. - Blolon Two bird dojrB. Ono STKAVKD-Or rod spotted. Ono rod with nickel plated plated collar marked "J. H. 1'oppc , Atlantic , In. " Liberal ronnnl for their return to J. II. 1'oppc , No. 131T Sixth avenue , Council [ IhifTs. TT7ANTI.D A KOCH ! manloi carriage wnBlier ; V > also u good hostler. Apply to Mnso Wise , Council lllulfs. WANTED--Younsr mnn to woik about stable uml house. Apply to Honico Ilvcrctt , at olllcu , No. 101'carl street only. FOH IlKNT Ono ollico nnd ono business room near the now postofllte on Uroaduay , Ono llvo room house , (12. Ono three loom house , $10. Ono seven room hou o , t 0. O. Mnyne , No. P29 Slxuh ave. FOR TRADE A section of good innd In Lin coln county , Nob. , for a stock of hard ware. Address Odull Ilros. & Co. , No. 103 Peurt street. Council IllulTs , or corner Farnnm and 10th streets , Omaha. Tj OIt SALE A stock general merchandise InC -C a good town In western Iowa. A first- class chance for unv ono-wishing to engage In business. Stock will invoice about $800 and will bo sold cheap. For further Information Inquire ol M. E. Smith 4 Co. , Omaha , or N. a Phillips , Broker , No. 410 Hroailwny , Council lllutfs. FOR BALE--A choice house containing eight rooms , with porches , furnace , bath room , barn , etc , in tine neighborhood on Sixth uv- eniio , between Sixth and Seventh streets , for fVOO if taken within ton days. Call on or wrlto F. J. Day , No. 39 Pearl street , Couuci Uluffs. FOR SALE-Or Trade Six sections of good land In Lincoln county. Neb. , on U. P. railway. Call on or address Udell Ilros. & Co. , 10J Pcurl St. , Council muffs. FOR SALE Cheap ; a good her o. Can boat three minutes. Enquire at No.1tt West Ilroadway. NOTICE Will pay the highest price for first- class cast-olf lady's , gents , and children's clothing , boots , s b ocs , hats , etc. D. Goldstein , No ยง . 217 and 28 ! Uroadway. , If you arc thinking of purchasing a carpet , call on us. It Is a , pleasure to show goods and we have the goods to show. We arc the only exclusive carpet house In Western Iowa , and and ottr stock in consequence is be yond comparison with houses that pretend to be In the carpet bus tncss We guarantee to sell all goods as cheap as they can be sold and leave us a small margin. JTo big prices. Our specialty is Carpets and we can yon give prices that will surprise you. you.A A full and complete stock of Drapcrlca and Upholstery always on iKttul. We also ha ve the finest line of Itngs ever seen In the west , ranging in price from 50 cents to asmanydol- la rt. JVojic but experienced carpe layers and drapers employed , and all work done under the Immediate supervision of our Hfr. Stockcrt. N. V. Samples of Cttrpc's { sent upon application and the very low est prices guaranteed. COUNCIL BLUFFS Carpet Company , No. 405 BROADWAY , Count-11 ISIiiffr FRANK S. RICE , CIVIL ENGINEER , Designs , estimates and'rt ports on bridges , viaducts , foundations and general engineering. Blue print ! ) of any size and quantity. Office No 13 N. Main St. , First National Bank Block. | c REAL ESTATE , Vacnnt Lots , Lands , City Residences and Fin ins. Acre property Injwostorn cart of city. All selling cheap to make rooitf for spring stock R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Iloom 5 , over Officer 4 Pusoy's Bank , Cou Uluffs. OFFICER fi PUSEY , Council luTaIowa. ( Established 11:57. Larp-o hats In white , black and all colors. Pat- urn bonnets , huts and toques , a specialty. NolSU Douglas st. , Omaha. O"T . Real Estate Broker and Dealers Council Bluffb OfHco , Masonic Temple. Onmliu OHlcc , No 111 North Kith street. Particular attention given to In venting fundw for noii - rent- dent * . Special bargains In lot * A ; acre property In Onmliu 4k Coun cil Bluffs. Correspondence solic ited. GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broadway , - Oouncil Bluffs , Iowa Mail Orders Shipped Promptly. Swanson Music Company , No. 329 Broadway Council Bluffs ESTEY PIANOS , CAMP & CO.'S PIANOS , ALSO PIANOS OF OTHER MAKES. Estey Organs , Gamp& Co.'s ' Organs and Western CotlageOrgans A few comments regarding the Estcy Pianos. In every civilised Country on the globe the name of Kstty is n household word with iovcrs of music ; it is a guarantee for.the exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments , bearing the name that com mands confidence , admiration and enthusiasm. WALKING People's Store rlave tried all kinds of adver ting in newspapers , books , by hand-bills , signs , circulars , etc. , etc. , but the most success ful advertisement they ever int forth is a walking adver tisement. Have you seen them ? Of course you have many a time. "We refer to thos ? walking idvertisaments so frequently seen on the streets of this city nncl all over the western coun ty in the shape of one of our Suits with a man or boy inside of them. What a splendid advertise ment each one of tlics'j : All Wool Suits , $10. We have a large xtoclt on hand and they will talk for themselves. See thorn. Four Button Worsted & Imported Corkscrew Suits In all Shade ? , $12.50 , $ I4.00I6.50I8.00 $20 and $22. How they advertise us ! It is true we don't make much on these goods , but it is a sat isfaction eveiy time we see a customer buy one , we know that he is ours. The fit and satisfaction our clothing gives him will cause him to return forhia next suit as well as advise his friends to do likewise. We offer no bait with the hope of selling you something els3 when you reach our store. Tle : same principal of BIG VALUE for your money ap plies to every garment we offer. Our tailor-made clothirg lias proven a blessing to man kind ; the high-triced mer chant taller has been compelled polled to divide his trade and give us the largest share. Our tailor made clothing are made by the same men who work in custom shops. In addition we will say that we carry more ready made clothing than all the other houses in the city combined. Don't fool your time and money away , come to the Popular Pee ple's Store , where you get fair and square dealing and more titan the value for the money * Betl quality grand army suits with buffo ns thrown in , tit $8.5O , HENRY EISE1N & GO'S. Peoples' Store Nos , 314,316,318 , , and 320 BROADWAY , * COUNCIL BLVFF8 , - - - I A BARGAINS IN NEW GOODS i Harkness Brothers , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la A large stock of fine white summer goods and wash fabrics. A New and Fine Assortment of Parasols , Sun , shades and Umbrellas. ALSO A FULL STOCK OF YOUNG1 LADIES' CORSETS , Summer Corsets and the Noted Little , i' ' Jersey Corset. CARPET Department is yet well stocked and invites the attention of everyone .about to furnish a home. Also oil cloths , matting , rugs , mats , etc. Do not forget the number , No. 4O1 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Telephone 163. ELECTRICITY DR. RICHARDS' ' Electric Bath Rooms and Office No. 607 Mynster St. , Council Bluffs. One Square North of the P. O. Bu ildirg. Treatment and Baths Given Ladies by Mrs. Dr. Richards on Tuesday , Thursday & Saturday. Elrctricity is a remarkable naturalagent which has long been known and utilized as a remedy for disease and continued experience has enlarged its sphere of it-eful- ness and improved its appliances by which it is employed until its utility a nu virtue has become second to no other known remedy , in the treatment of certain forms of disease. This agent is employed here in all its most serviceable forms by the aid of large batteries , static machines , electric cabinet baths , electric water baths , the elec tric chair and electrodes for treating all parts of the body. We are prepared to do all that can be done with these great remedies. In cases of Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Paralysis , Spinal Irritation , Rectal Diseases , Nervous Discates in females aiising from Uterine disorders and many other chronic and subacute troubles , it stands at the head of all known rcmcdie * or methods cure. A thorough study of it for year * and the successful treatment of hundreds of cases , after all other remedies had fail ed , is sufficient evidence of its great worth and perfectly satisfies us with its good effects on the diseased body. In the jjreat hospital's and sanitarians of ATnenca and Europe , electricity is leading all other methods of treatment. In all leading colleges the professors are teaching electricity as one of the potent remedies and a special chair is appointed in man * v of them. Many ol the ablest physicians of all schools are making a specialty ofclectricitv to the exclusion of almost everything ehe. This great remedy has often fallen into disrepute by being recommended and used bv persons , and physicians , perfectly ignorant of its properties and powers , who \v ould as often advise and use the wrong current as the right one or depend upon it in diseases for which it is not adopted. We are sure that \\hcn the people become educated In the use of electricity for many diseases with which the body is afllicted and find the creat good therein , the medicines and patent righted nos trums upon which they now rely will grow old and dusty on the shelves. Electricity is nature's great remedy and to fully understand and skilfully apply it is our effort and aim in life. For further information call at the office or Fend for descriptive - scriptivo and illustrated pamphlet on Electricity and Electro Therapeutic Baths , by DR. RICHARDS , 607 Mynster Street , Council Bluffs , la.