Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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The Work of the State Board of Eqnaliza-
tion Completed ,
Complete Programme of the Sunday-
be hoot Convention at Crete I'oll-
tlci at the University Capi
tal City News.
Tirr nr.R's MKCOI.K
The board of equalization for the as
sessment of railway lines in this state
has made its work public , as shown lu
the ollidal lublo below. It will be ob
served that the mileage has Increased the
past year nearly 1,00 } miles and tlm total
valuation about $ 1,000,000. Some of the
roads liayo boon advanced by tlio board
nnd others reduced , the reduction being
made In cases like tlio Fremont. Elkliorn
te Missouri Valley , wlioro the milcngo
has boon largely increased in frontier
counties. For those reasons a compari
son of tlio two yoa'r.s i.s dlllictilt to make ,
but tlio average is evidently very llttlo
changed from that of 1880. The following -
ing is tiio ollicial t.blo : showing the num-
of miles lu cacli road tuid the assess
ments :
The report was adopted.
The same committee reported upon
overtures from several presbyteries that
Homo action ought to bo taken with refer
ence to organic union between the old
and south churches. The committee in-
troducud a resolution , which tlioy had
adopted , that , us the assembly had on
ynxturday taken alllrmative action on the
same subject , the matter : iocdcd no fur
ther attention nt their hands.
Tlic report wua adopted.
A.s unliuishcd business , the second rec
ommendation of the committee on exam
ination of the publication board was con
sidered. It provides that no executive
ofliccr or employe of the said board , or n
niombcr. of any other benevolent board
of the church , .shall be a member of the
board of publication. Several commis
sioners spoke upon the question and the
resolivtiou was adopted.
Additional assessment made May 18,1S37 :
The following la the iissmeut for tiiu tole-
grapn Hues for the year 1837 :
Mile * I Wlreg I Per Mile | Total
5OT.S5 1 $45.00
70U.27 05.00
L-JI.04 1S 85,00 19,128.40
255.M t 110.00 ysOM.M
it. oo 11)0.00 1,830.00
171.70 143,00 .
10 175.00 2,845.50
7.08 11 185.00 1,420.80
Thu total miles of telegraph lines is by
this report shown to be 1,001 miles , represented -
resented by a total valuation for assess
ment purposes of $161ti23. This must
appear to many as a very light assess
ment , especially when the high prices ( or
message service is taKea into considera
The official programme for the ten
days' session of the Nebraska assembly ,
to be held at Crete , is now in the hand/
of the printer , alter which they will bo
ready for distribution. To the thousand !
who annually attend the assembly the
programme will bo found of especial in
terest. The complete programme is as
follows :
1:30 : p. in. Opening exercises , with brlel
U p. in. Lecture , "Character as a force ti
Education , " Kev. A. E. VVlnshlp , editor N
E , .lournal of Education.
4 p. m. Normal class. "Tho Toacber'i
qualifications. " Kuv. A. A. Wright , dean pi
tne Clmntanqim School of Theology.
4 p. in. Normal class. "Tho Old Teita
mont ns a Preparation for the Chrlstlm
Church. " I'rof. U. b. Holmes , registrar ol
the Clinutaumia University.
6 it. in. ChoriiH class In vocal music
l roi. W. F. Shewin , N. K. Conservatory ol
8 p. m. Coiicert. Schubert Quartette , Chi
THUIISDAT , JtrXK ft ) .
0:800. : m. Prayer-meeting , led by Frof
7:00 : a. m. Breakfast
8:00o. m. Chorus. Prof. Sherwin.
8:00 a.m.-Conference of ministers nnd othe
Christian workers , led by tieorce F. Pente
cost , 1) . D. , of Brooklyn , New York.
8UO : . m. Normal class for boys and girls
"Lessons in the Life of Christ" Rov. J. U
Stewart , Conn , S. S. super lu ten dent for Me
braska. ,
U : < Xa.m. ) Normal class. "The Developinon
ot the Divine Italicon ! in the Llfo ot tni
Ctioseu People. " Frof. R. S. Holmes.
0:00 : a.m. Children's class.for all ot twolv
years of age and under. Airs. M. O. ' Ken
nedr , Philadelphia.
0:00 : 11:00 : a. m. Drawing class. Adrals
slon by ticket only . Pror. Frank Heard , c
New York. .
10:00 : a. m. Normal class. "Geograuiiy o
the 15lblo.-Doan.
10:00 : n. m. Boslnner's Gloss In Slnglm
Prof. 0. A. Uoyl * . UaptUt Unlrerslty o
11:00 a. m. First Lecture on English Ills
tory. Prof R. S. Holmes , vice principal o
the College of Liberal Arts , In Chautauqu
llHO a. ra. Temperance Class forChlldre
and You n c Peoi > ! .
J:00 : p. m. i-lllustratod Lecture. Pro ;
Frank Beard.
_ 4:00 : p. in. Training Class for Frlmar
Tnaehen * . Mrs. M. U. Kennedy.
4:00 : p. m. Chorus. 1'rof.v. . K. Sherwlr
4:00 : p. ro. Normal Class. Teacher' '
Preparation Dean Wright.
:00 : iv m. Normal Class. "Old Test *
mont as Preparation tor Christ" 1'ro
Holme ? .
S:00 : p. ro. Temperance Training Classfc
5:00 : p. in. Ueceptlon to Members of the (
i s. it
b:00 : ii. m. Lecture. "Uoys and Girls. <
Nice and Naughty. " Ueorgo W. Uaiu , Kui
0:30 : u. m. Player Meeting , lea by Pro
8oo ; a. m. Chorus , Prof , Shorwln.
b:00 : a. in. Conference ot Ministers an
other Christian \Yoikers , led by Ueorgo J
Pentecost , I ) . D.
8:00 a. m. Normal School for Hoys an
tilih. Lessons In the "Life of ( Jurist ,
Kov. J. D. Stnwart.
li ; ) a. m. Normal Class. The Old Test
nient as a Preparation for Christ , Piof. It. !
0:00 : a. in. Children's Class. Mrs. ftL <
0:00-11:00 : : a. m. Da win * Class. 1'ro
Frank Beard. . .
10:00 : a. in. Normal Class. Palestine nr
Jerusalem , Denn Wrl ht. . . .
10:000. : m. UeglnuW Class In Singlu
Frof. Boyle.
11:00 : a. in. Second Lecture In Kngll :
History , erof. Uolmes. . . . .
11:09 a. n . 'l > mper nro clan fr childr
ind youog p oi > Je. .
2.W p. m. Lecture. Our Country , Our
Homes , and Our Duty. Oco. W. Haln.
4:0) : p. in. Training class for primary
teachers. Mrs. Kennedy.
4:00 : p. m. Chorus. Prof. Sherwln.
4:00 : p. m. Normal class. Principals of
Instruction. Dean Wright.
1:00 : p. m. Normal class. New Testament
ns the Manifestation of Chrlst.-Prof.
6:00 : p. m. Temperance training class for
teachers ,
a : OOp. m. Concert Schubert Quartette.
fion. : : ; m. Prayer mooting.
H:00 : a. m. Chorus. Prof. Sherwln.
8:00 : a. m Cuiifetetico ( if ministers and
other Christian wotkcrs , led by Dr. Pcnto-
8:00 : a. m. Normal class for boys and girls.
Uov. Stewart.
0:00 : a. m. Normal class. Now Testa
ment as Manifestation ol Christ. Prof.
' : a. in. Children's class. Mrs. Kennedy.
0)00-11:00 ) : a. ni.-Drawlng clabS. Piof.
lieaid ,
10:00 : a. in. Normal clas.s. The History
In tlui Bible. Dean U'rfcht.
10:00 : a. in. Beginner's elaas lu singing.
Piof. Boyle.
11:00 : a. m. Third lecture In KiicltKh his
tory. Prof. Holmes.
11:00 : a. in. Temperance class for children
and young pee | > K
ioup. : m. Children's meotlnsr , with ad-
dterm's , SOUKS , etc.
4:00 : p. m. Training class for primary
teachers. Mrs. Kennedy.
4:00 : p. m. Chorus. Prof. Slicrwln.
1:00 : p. m. Normal class. Methods of In
struction , Dean Wilght.
4:00 : p. m. Normal class. Doctrines ot
ChrKt Piol. Holmes.
5:00 : p. m. Temperance training class tor
7W : ) p. m. Teachers' meeting.
bUOp. : m. Lecture. Uuo. F. Pontccoit , D.
D. "What Answer. "
0:30 : a. m. Prayer meeting.
8W : ) a. in. Chorus.
8UO : a. m. Conference of ministers and
other Christian vvoikers , led by Uev. J. T.
Duryea , D. D.
0:00 : a. m.-Children's class. Mrs. Ken
9:00-11:00 : : a. m. Examinations.
10:09 : a. in. IJeglnners' class in singing.
Piof. lioylc.
11:00 a. m. Temperance class for children
and young people.
J:00p. : m. Normal recognition eon-Ices.
2:00 : p. in. Loclnrc. J. T. Duryea , D. D.
4:00 : p. m. Training class tor primary
4-.00 p. in. Chorus
5:00 : p. in. Normal class reception.
5:00 : p. m. 'Icmperanco trululnc class for
teacher * .
8:00 : p. m. Grand concert. Prof. Slier-
Farewell meoUnir.
7:00 : a. m. Prayer meeting.
NfiO ) : a. in. Divine service. Sermon by
O. F. Pentecost , D. 1) .
3:00 : p. m. Bible class and Sunday school.
5:00 : p. m. 0. li. S. C. Vesper bcivice.
70 : ! p. m. Service of praise.
8:00 : p. m. Sermon by Dean Wright.
W are glml to bo able to announce that
the Twenty-first Infantry Hand , U. S. A. ,
will be tiere on July 4. Tills baud will bo u
ercat attraction , as It Is the largest and most
complete of any band In the .state , and will
undoubtedly meet the expectations of every
one.C : a. m. Proyor Meeting.
8:00 : a. m. Chorus.
8:00 : a. m. Normal Class for Boys and
Girls. Kov. J. D. Stewart.
0:00 : a. m. Normal Class. Doctrine ol
Christ Prof. Holmes.
9:00 : a. m. Children's Class. Mrs. Ken
0:00-11:00 : : a. m. Drawing Class. Prof ,
10:00 : a. m. Normal Class. History ol
the Bible , the Canon. Dean Wright.
10:00 : o.m. Beginner's Class in Singing
Prof. Boyle.
11:00 a. , in. Illustrated Lecture. Prof ,
Frank lieard.
2:00 : n. in. Oration. General II. A. Mor
row. U. S.-A. . General J. C. Co win to the G
A. H.
5:00 : p. m. Temperance Training Class foi
8:00 : p. m. Concert of War Songs wit !
Brief Addresses.
: 'JO p. in. Fireworks.
6:30 : a. m. Prayer meetlnir.
8:00 : a. m. Chorus. Prof. Slierwlii. 8tX :
a. in. Normal class for boys and girls. Uev ,
J. D. Stewart.
0:00 a. ra. Normal Class. A Study 01
Christ as a Teacher Prof. Holmes.
U:00 : a. m. Children's class. Mrs. Ken
9:00 : 11:00 : a. m. Drawing elais. Prof
10:00 : a. m. Normal Class. History of tin
English Blble.-D an Wright.
10:00 : a : m. Beginner's class In singing
Prof. Uoyle.
11:00 : a. m. Fourth lecture in Eugllsl
history. Prof. Holmes.
11:00 : a. m. Temperance class for clnl
dren and young people.
3 p. in. Lecture. Shakespeare's Youth
Colonel Horuei B. Sprague , of California.
4 p. m. Training class for primary teach
ers. Mrs. Kennedy.
4 p. m. Chorus. Prof. Sherwln.
4 p. m. Normal class. Methods of In
structlon. Dean Wright.
4 p. m. Normal class. Ksscntlal Elc
menu of the Church. Prof. Holmes.
5 p. in. Temperance training class fo
7 p. m. Denominational meetings.
8 p. m. Lecture. Gunnery , i" . s. Hen
son , IX D. , of Chicago.
6:30 B. m. Prayer Meeting.
8:00 : a. in. Chorus.
8:00 . m. Normal Class for Boys an
Girls. Aev. J. D. Stewart.
9:00 . m. Normal Class. History of tb
Church In New Testament Prof. Holme :
9:00 : a. m. Children's Class. Mrs. Ken
9:00-11:00 : : a. ro. Drawing Class.
10:00 : a. ra. Normal Class. Institution
of the Blbla. Dean Wright.
10:00 a. m. Beginners' Class In Slugim
Prof. Uoyle.
ll:00a. : m. Fifth lecture In English Ills
tory. Prof Holmes.
11:00 : a. m. Temperance Class for Chi
dren and Young People.
3:00 : p. m. Hon. J. M. Wool worth , of th
Nebraska Bar. Subject : English Law as
Social Science.
4:00 p. in. Training class for prlmarj
teachers. Mrs. Kennedy.
4:00 : p. m. Chorus.
4:00 : p. m. Normal class. Week Day li
ttuences. Dean Wright
4:00 : p. m. Normal class. Progress of Do
trine In New Testament Prof. Holmes.
5:00 p. m. Temperance training class f <
5:00 : p. m. Conference of Lawyers and ei
I torn. Which Is foremost as an educator c
public opinion , the Press or tiie Legal Pr <
tessiouV . . . . .
8:00 : p. in. Lecture. Hon. J. M. Thurstoi
of Omaha. Hublect : General Grant.
0:30 : a. m. Prayer Meeting. 8:00 : a. in.-
8:00a. : m. Conference of Ministers on
other ChrUtlan Woikers , led by , ) . T. Durye
D. D. , of Boston.
8:00 : a. m. Normal Class for Boys an
Girls. llev.J. D.Stewart.
9:00 : a. m. Normal Class. "Doctrines I
the Acts and Epistles. " Prof. Holmes.
9:00 : a. ra. Children's Class. Mrs. Ke
9:00-11:00 : : a. m. Drawing Class. Pro
. 10:00 : a. m. Normal Class. How I
Study the Bible. Dean Wright
10:00a. : m.-Begmner's Class In Slngln
Prof. Boyle.
11:00 : a. m.-Slxth Lecture In English Hi
tory. Piof. Holrai'.s.
11:00 : a. in. Temperance class I
children and youne people.
a:00 : p. m. Recognition services , wll
procession , lecture. Milton as an educate
Col. Homer B. Spraifue.
4:00 : p. m. Normal class. Management i
the Sunday school. Principal Dunning.
4:00 : p. in. Training class for primal
il teacl.ers. Mrs. Kennedy.
4tX : ) p. m. Chorus.
5:00 : p. m. Temueranco training class f
5:0i : p. in. C. L. S. C. round table.
8:00 : p. m. Lecture. Our governors ,
the people that boss us. Rev. P. S. ilenso
U:30 : p. in.-C. L. S. C. camp-lire ,
It was cxpcGtiul that at the mooting
thoboanl of rebuilt * the post week that tl
nllidavits poverln ? ttm action of uorta
members of the funnily , with or witlto
the sanction of the chancellor ns the cu
intvy be , would bo taken up. These uf
UnviU cive SOIUH very pungent tnstimoi
at to the methods auoptoa by salarii
.members of the faculty iu coercing st
dents and using extraordinary Influences
to haravotingstudoBU vote at the city
elections to U1 the resident regent in his
pcrsonallikcs and dislikes.Some addition
al evidence of an excellent character have
been promised of late andtlie parties hav
iiiflthe matter in charge have evidently
dt-fcrrea presenting their testimony until
it could all go together ut a subse
quent mcctinir.AHOUT
The arrival this week of several car
londj of materials settled tlui fact that
the rapid trnnslt railway from Fourteenth
street norllito the city limits and thence
west to West Lincoln will bo built.
This will bo of theerentest possible beue-
lit Lincoln , which , over since
its foundation , has study needed sure and
easy ncoesr ) to the city. It is well to note
also t'aat Mr. J. K. Graves , of Dubuqtie ,
who has already submitted plans : uul n
contract for building three miles ot the
cablu line , lias boon in tlio city the past
week and ere this tha contract is undoubt
edly closed. With two now street rail
way lines and paving this season the city
oiiplit to greatly prosper.
The ease for ilaniafjcs in which Sonlila
lieckman sued the city for $5OJO dam-
aues was concluded yesterday , the jury
returning a verdict in her favor for flKW.
Yesterday Judgu.Chapman and n jury
were hearing another damage suit , in
which n discharged traveling man sued
his lioimc for loss of time sustained
on tlio contract.
The Dolice court yesterday in the
morning hours hoard the .stories of a
number of di.slicvclcd drunkards and passed u on tlio arrest of two
women who were inmates of houses of
ill famo. The greater part of the ( lav
was occupied in hearing tlio case
of the ntatc against J. il. Hooper ,
who found a number of chucks thut were
endorsed and collected tliom.
It looks as though the man Larseu , who
died from the result of injuries men
tioned n few da.v.s Hince , died from tlio
most cold-blooded neglect. Elder Ilowo ,
who discovered the man sick in the hay
loft , look one of tlio commissioners to the
plucc and that ollicial promised to secure
a lit place and remove the man to it.
This was not done , and for two days ho
laid in the barn for a city hospital and
was finally removed by friends only a
few hours before he died. Such actions
on the part of the county commissioners
cannot be condemned too long or too
Two more plats of additions were Filed
with the conntj clerk yesterday , adding
ground enough for 80.000 moro people.
Additions of several hundred acres are of
almost daily occurrence.
Senator G. D. Micklejohn , of Fullerton -
ton ; Dr. K. A. Kcllev , of Norfolk ; F. C.
Ayer , Omaha , and E. E. Whaloy. of Loup
City , were among the Nebraskians at the
capital city yesterday.
ItccollcctioriH of the Old Stenographer
of Webster , Clay and Cans.
Mr. McElhonc has been stenographer
of the house ( with one year in the senate ]
since he was seventeen years old , having
gone there right from college , lie is a
man a litttlo above medium height , with
sandy gray hair , cropped short , and
whiskers of the same shade. Ho moves
about or rather jumps about the house
with a nervous activity , and his licera are
always in motion. He is well informed
in parliamentary matters , is a reader of
books , and lias a fund of recollections of
his associations with public men who
Have been In congress since 1819. Ho has
one of fan finest private libraries to bo
found unvwhore. Seated iu his den , he
is surrounded by rare books and sou
venirs. His books of reference cover
almost every conceivable inquiry. Ho
first appeared as a steno
grapher during the compromise congress
He was first in"the senate for a year.
"I remumbor , " he said , as hu sat m his
study the other evening talking with a
Washington Star reporter , "that I could
hardly keep from laughing the first
.speech I reported. It was Senator S. N.
Downs , a tall , ungainly man with the
most ridiculous gestured. Ho stood with
his shoulders thrown back , and all his
gestures throughout his speech were
made behind. It was a most absurd
iigure. But ho was a nice man , as pleas
ant and agreeable as ever you'saw. Most
of tlio statesmen of those days were very
agreeable and polite in tlieir manners' ,
lu those days the congressional reporters
came from England. They did not take
everything Raid , as is now done. They
reported iust what luoy thought proper ,
and left the rest with barely a reference.
They excreisod their own discretion.
You will see by looking over the old rec
ords that they would wind up with Messrs.
So-and-So and So-aud-So the
- - - - spoke upon
question. Mr. Calhoun , then in the
house , used to bo badly treated as to re
ports. The stenographers did not have
to report him unless they wanted to ,
and , as he was n difficulty , they did noi
devote much time to him. I remember I
reported a speech for him when I lirsi
went to the house. 1 was so small then
that niombnrs used to take mo for a
page , greatly to my indignation. Cal
lioiin had a rapid , conversational style
of speaking that was difficult to ropon
for those who got along easily willi UK
rolling measures of Webster's eloquence
or the iirliticinl oratory of Clay
He was a pleasant man , u sweet man
Ho stood straight , with a dignified bear
ing. and like Webster , was always kind
und gentle with boys.
"Webster was a comparatively easj
man to report , " he went on. "His Ian-
guago ran so smooth and musical anc
was so full of torce it seemed inspircc
spontaneous. The art in his speeches was
not as easily detected ns in the speeches
made by Clay. I could always tell when
ho was going to ruako a speech. Ordi
narily he was careless , wearing a steel
poncoat and a bigh black cravat. Whei
1 saw him in his blue coat with bngh
brass buttons , his eyes bright , his manner
nor alert and active , sitting squarely u |
in his seat , seeing and hearing and know
ing everything , 1 know he was going ti
spoak. Ho had a most wonderful powoi
of explanation , and could make th
most dilllcult point so clear that yet
would wonder why you did not sec i
that way before. Ho possessed grea
calmness and repose , and mail
few gestures in speaking. Clay had a habl
of throwing himself back when ho spoke
His voice was well under control am
never harsh. In private life ho was irn
sclble. In public hu was suave , and remarkable
markablo for his great politeness. Hen
ton did not like him ; did not regard bin
us a man of any learning. Benton usui
two pairs of glasses when ho read. H
would have ono on his noee and woul
bold tlio other in his hand , drawinj
them back and forth to get the foou :
while ho looked nt a book and qtiestlonc
the Kentucky orator as he might
schoolboy , lie was runeh disgusted be
cause Clay pronounced Chihuahua jtis
us thi ) English Round of the lettorj tuigl
indicate , instead of 'Cho-wa-wa , ' Cla
nearly always had ono shoo unlaced an
his trousers tucked up inside of it.
"Thorn probably never was a man s
thoroughly American in congrcssnsGor
oral Cnss. Ho was a great traveler and
reader of travels. Ho was very fond tils
of ale , but ho .woula nnvor drink it froi
n glass. It must bo iu an old ston
pitcher , nnd he would put that up to hi
mouth nnd drink from the rim. In thos
days there was not much time lost i
parliamentary dismission. The rules woi
generally better known to the men
L'crs , and if ono was violating thorn a
that was necessary was to call nttentio
to it. There was no need of long argi
nients to prove it. "
Pur Libel.
Loxnoy , May 3U Tne hm > baud ot VIole
Cameron bas obtained 81,000 dauiagi
against the Manchester Umpire for lit *
contained In an interview wltn Lord Lou
dale , publUUod lu tile p p r. '
- -
The Presbyterian Assembly Diaotus the
Meeds of Aged Missionaries ,
The ninicultr In the Hoard of t'tibll *
oatlon Mettled Uj a Large
Meeting of tbo As-
( cmbly.
The Third Day.
The third day of the Presbyterian as
sembly opened at 0 o'clock. Half an
hour was spent In devotional exercises.
The minutes of yesterday's session were
then read by permanent Clerk Moor and
the same were approved.1
Mr. Van Vordon moved that the ques
tion of the Consolidated Magazine bo
made the special order for Alonday at
2oO : o'clock. The motion prevailed.
Dr. Marquis , from the committee on
bills and overtures , reported that they
had received a number of communica
tions , which wore referred to appropri
ate committees. Among the subjects re
ferred to were organic union with the
south church ; abolition of the committee
on temperance ; amending the confession
of faith ; relating to the spiritual charac
ter of the church ; dismissing the board of
missions for freediuon ; disposing of
property of dissolved churches ; publica
tion of the names of evangelists ; church
union ; the best means of atncndlmr the
constitution , and several others.
The third resolution provides that the
board shall consist of the following :
Four ministers and four ruling elders ,
who shall serve for ono year ; four min
isters and four ruling eiders who shall
serve tor two years ; four ministers and
four ruling elders who shall servo for
three years from the third Tuesday of
June , 1887 , and each succeeding general
assembly shall elect four ministers and
four ruling oldurs to servo for three years
thereafter. This was adopted. Tlio
fourth resolution provides that the an
nual collection , heretofore taken up in
churches for the benefit of the board ,
shall hereafter be known as the collec
tion for Sabbath school work. The fifth
provides that colportage work Fhall be
consolidated in ono department subject
to the superintendent of Sabbath school
and missionary work. The editorial and
publishing work shall bo in an
other department , under the edi
torial and publishing superintendent.
The sixth provides for the appointment
of standing committees , the seventh for
the selection of the following ofliccrs :
Rev. Jas. A. Worden , D. D. , superin
tendent of Sabbath school and mission
ary work ; Rov. J. It. Miller , D. D. , as
editorial and publishing superintendent ,
and John A. Black-Esq. , as business su
perintendent. Theeghth ! provides for a
secretary of the' board , who shall bo ita
chief executive olhcor ; the ninth that all
by-laws now in force and not in conflict
with these , are 'continued ' in force. Thn
tenth directs the lorganization of the
board on Juno 3 , 1837. These wore
adopted. The others were unimportant.
The report of the committee on minis
terial support , which was temporarily
deferred by theiconsidoration of the pub
lication-board matter , was made by Dr.
I'hranor , of Sing Sing , New York. It
stated that the maximum amount of
money afforded needy ministers was f ! ! 00 ,
the average ambunt being loss than $200.
Into the treasury , during the year , had
been paid $130,323.08 , showing : an in
crease over that of the proceeding twelve
months of about f 16,000. This increase
had come mainlv from the churches ,
while the amount from individuals was
less than that of the proceeding year.
Ho regretted to remark that this grand
total of receipts was contributed by less
than one-half of the 0,000 churches
now in this country. Fifteen
thousand dollars had been added
to the permanent fund , the income from
which , because of the expiration of old
investments , had fallen oft nearly $1,540.
The Perth Amboy , N. J. , Ministers' homo
was accommodating about thirty minis
ters , some of whom were attended by
their wives. Relief had boon given to
foreigh missionaries who had been well
recommended. The committee recom
mended renewed energy in the cause of
aiding aged ministers on the part of the
Dr. Cattoll , of Philadelphia , secretary
of the board of ministerial relief , said
that thcro was a time when pastors who
could ask for relief for foreign missions
and frontier assistance , but who could
not ask for a contribution for the relief
of ministers.
It was entirely too personal. Now ,
however , the times had changed. They
were never so promising of the disposi
tion to help the aged and worn out min
ister as now. They had fifty-three more
families on the relief roll this year than
they had last year , yet , they had been
able to make a showing of a good work
ing balance of $21,000. Ho instanced , ae
a proof of the need of some of the oldei
missionaries , the casn of a divine who
had preached the gospel for fifty voars in
Wisconsin , and who was still living in
the log cabin in which he commenced tc
preach so long ago. He was broken
down , unable to help himself ; his wife
was on tiie verge of the grave from anx
iety and disease , and his children wore
helpless from sickness and want. Ht
closed wifh an appeal that the relief ol
such men was an obligation upon the
Presbyterian clinch. He hoped thai
the day was not far distant whoc
the blessed old men who had wroughl
well , perhaps for fifty years , on the mis
sion field , would be saved the humiliation
of coming yearly for their support to the
board. Ho hoped they would be eutitlet
to draw their annuity the same as the re
tired oflicers of the army. This could bo
done if they should succeed in raising
that centennial fund of $1,000,000 for the
support of the board. Tno doctor's ad
dress was warmly appreciated.
Mr. Ilutton , of Philadelohia , said that
3,800 of their churches had not given u
cent to the fund. The collection of the
same , therefore , depended upon the el
ders. He instanpcd\tbe case of an elder
on 4ils deathbed , whoso last work was to
sign a check for $1,000 towards estab
liahing a fund of $100,000 for the relief o
ministers. t
Rev. Mr. Taylor of the Reformed
church , was introduced and stated tha
he had been delegated by the synod o :
th t body toconveylts brotherly greet
ing to the assembly. Ho regretted tha
he was alone in extending the courtesies
especially so because the gentleman wh <
had been delegated , with him was m
more. That is , no was no moro a "Dutch
man. " He had 'become a Presbyterian
A church in New Ydrk wanted nira a
pastor and he had accepted the place
The reformed people submitted grace
fully to the loss , especially when they remembered
membored Dr. Kittredgo who had com
to them , lie then entered upon a con
sideration of the , common object of botl
organizations and closed with the hop
that the inner union would become stil
moro intimate between both churches.
The moderator in the name of the at
sembley responded eloquently to tli
The Hide.
Yesterday afternoon , the delegates or
joyed a ride around the city. Their numbers
bors , however , we ro swelled so mud
that all the carriages which could be 01
dored were unable to accommodat
them. Another ride vrill be given befor
the close of the assembly. Many of th
delegate ! who did not take the ride
spent the afternoon at the battle of
Gettysburg. _
The lleceptlon.
Last night the cleared space in the ex
position building was lee small to no-
commodatc4hc throng of citizens and
cornniissionerH who attended the recep
tion tendered to the latter , From 3
until 0:30 : o'clock the scene was a never
ending succession of visitor ! ) , nil ot whom
wished to pay their respects to their
guests. The visitors retired at 0:80 :
o'clock and thus avoided the storm which
broke about thirty minutes later.
to London.
Iii Juno of next year , the fourth coun
cil of the General Alliance of all re
formed churches throughout the world
holding the prt'sbyteriuti system , will
convene in London , England. At the as
sembly held iu 181. a committee was ap
pointed to recommend delegates to roi-
resent nio United States of America In
the body , and those delegates , as rec
ommended , are as follows :
MlNISTRlt * .
Principals George L. I'rcntls * . I ) . D. .
George K. .Moore , I ) . D. , .1. McClelland
Holmes. I ) . I ) . , K. It. Craven. I ) , D. James 1) .
Motlat , D. D. . Chailes A. bickew 1) . D. ,
Tlionus II. Robinson , 1) . D. , Joseph 11.
Montgomery , 1) . ! > . , James McLcod , 1) . D. ,
llerrlck Johnson , I ) . I ) . , Thomas 11. Clelanil ,
1 > . D. , Wallace KadclilTe , I ) . I ) . , Francis A.
llorton , 1) . I ) . , John Chester , D. D. , William
C. Young , 1 > . 1) .
Alternates-Willis J. Hceclier , D. D. ,
Wilson Dinner , D. I ) . , T. Uulnton Smith ,
D. D. , John Ulllesule , D. D. , Juhu M. Mealy ,
1) . I ) . , Stephen W. Uana , 1) . I ) . , Georne T.
I'urvos , Hiram 0. llaviln , 1) . 1) . , Joseph M.
llutclilnson. IX IX , William W. Faris. Wil
liam J. Unwlia. IX 1) . , John T. Oxtobv , 1) .
IX , A. L. LiHiilsloy , D. 1) . . James T. l.oft-
wich , D. D. , J. LRpsley McKee , D. IX
Prlnclpals-IX-wld C. Martinis. D. D. ,
William 11. Roberts , IX IX. William E.
Moore , D. D. , Fiaiiols J. Mai Hint. IX D. ,
Francis L. Pvtton : , D. IX. John S. Macln-
' , osh. D. IX , Hnnfoid A.Edson , I ) . IX
Alternates Clt-orgo 1' . Wilson , Henry P.
Smith , IX IX. Charles S. Pomeioy , IX 1) . ,
Leander T. Chamberlain , D. 1) . , James C.
MotTatt , IX IX , Samuel A. Mutchuiore , 1XIX.
JohuV. . Dinsuiore. D. D.
Prlnclnals Wm.A. Whcluck , Darwin R.
James , llarker Gum mere , 1 < \ Wolcott , Jack-
ion , Wm. B-Nexler , Charles K. Uaseltlnc ,
ho Hon. Johnl * . Trim key , Aloxfuittor Mc
onald , Ellas R. Motitort , Christopher C.
Hrown , William M. Tenny , William Dug-
ttixlu , bolm S. McDonald , the Hon. George
11. Ely.
Alternates John S. Canada , Archibald
McClurc , Israel C. Plerson. - Morrow ,
'Ion. Cyrus I'ersliinsf , George Griffith ,
tuorge 13. Logan. Geonro W. McAlpin , the
Ion .John R. Osborn , Thomas Kane , Charles
1. Thompson , Frank Li. Sheppard , Ro bt
Menzies , JuHus T. Clark.
The Commissioners' Sunday.
To-day the pulpits of nearly all the
protestant churches in the city will be
occupied by commissioners from the
assembly. The assignments as made by
the committee on supplies is as follows.
At the exposition building Morning , the
Rov. T. J. Smith , D.D. ; evening , the Rev.
A. A. Willetts. IX D.
North Presbyterian church Morning , the
Rev. D. C. Marquis , D. D. ; evening , the Rev
D. R. Breed , 1) . D.
Southwest Presbyterian church Morning ,
the Rev. Ueorco P. Hays , D. D. ; evening ,
the Rev. T. C. Hall.
Castellar Street Presbyterian church
Morning , the Rov. Dr. Irvine.
Paik Avenue Presbyterian church Morn-
.ntr , tbe Rer. R. U. Welch , D. D. ; evening ,
the Rev. a II. Allen , D. D.
First United Presbyterian church Morn-
nt , the Rev. R. U. Richardson , D. D. ;
evening , the Rov. A. Michael.
Park Avenue United Presbyterian church
Morning , Rev. T. F. Cortelyou ; evening1 ,
Rev. F. J. Collier. D. D.
First Gorman Presbyterian church Morn-
Inn , Rev. K. Schuette ; evening , Rev. U. C.
Grunut ,
First Congregational church Mornlnc ;
Rev , J. Me. C. Holmes ; evening , Rev. J. W.
St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church
Mornlnir , Rev. M. Hamilton , D. D. ;
evening. Rev. G. E. Martin , D. IX
Hlllsldo Congregational church Morning ,
Rev. W. C. Jlurchard ; evening , Rev. S. .
Wlshart , D. D ,
Third -regatlonal church Morning ,
Rev. W. B. Waller ; evening , Rev. T. 0. Mc-
First Baptist church Morning , Rev. E. B.
Wright , D. D.
Calvary Baptist church Morning. Rev.
F. S. Woodhull ; evening , Rev. J. A. Ewalt
First M. E. church Morning , Rev. W. A.
Darr ; evening , Rev. S. McLachlan.
Seward Street M. K. church Morning ,
Rev. A. A. Wllllts ; evening Rev. I. P. Mc-
Curdy , D. D.
Park Avenue M. E. church Morning , R.
Levl Parsons , D. D. ; evening , Rev. U. W.
First Lutheran church ( English ) Morn-
tnir. Rev. J. A. Henny , D. D. : evening , Rev.
S.T2. Webster , IX D.
St. Mark's Lutheran church Morning ,
Rev. W. R. Frame ; evealng. Rev. J. Bleck.
First Christian church Slorn Ing , R. D. H.
Barren , I ) . D. : evening , Rev. D. S. Schail.
First Unitarian church Mornmir , Rev. S.
E. Wlshart , D. D. ; evening , Rev. C. D.
Shaw. IX D.
South Tenth street M. E. church Morn
ing , the Rev. W. C. Burchard ; evening , the
Rev. N. H. G. Fife.
German Evangelical church Both services ,
Rev. J. Rlckelson.
The following assignments have been
made for the churches in Council Ulufl'f
and other places in Iowa :
First Presbyterian Church Morning , the
Rev. E. P. Cowan , D. D. ; evening , the Rev.
A W. Ringlaud.
First Baptist Church Morning , the Rev.
A. C.Shaw , D. D. ; evening , the Rov. S
Campbell , D. D.
Broadway M. E. Church Mornlnir , the
Rev. J. M. Richmond ; evening , the Rev. L
A. Ostrander.
First Presbyterian Church Both services ,
the Rev. C. N. Thomas.
First Presbyterian Church Doth services ,
the Rev. S. M. Davis , D. D.
First Presbyterian Church Both services
the Rov. Sheldon Jackson , D. D.
First Presbyterian Church Morning , the
Rov. S. T.Wilson , D. D. ; evening , to adilresi
the college students , the Rov. R , C. Gal
bralth , D , D.AT
AT rr.ATTiMoimr.
First Presbyterian Church Both services ,
the Rev. W. F. Johnson , D. D.
First Presbyterian Church Mornlne , tin
Rov. ( ieorgo Alexander , D. D. ; evening , tbi
Rev. S. 1L Weller , D. D.
First Presbyterian Church Both services ,
tho.Kov. Francis Brown , D. D.
First Presbyterian Church Both services
the Rev. W. R. Adams.
First Presbyterian Church Both services
the Rev. George Williams.
Five hundred people in ono day recelv
quite a large amount of mail. The 50
people upon attendance at this as
sembly are not an exception to this rule
The bundle of letters which daily goes t
the two postoflices in the building fo
them reminds the old-time Omahan o
the days of Patten's lottery when hi
mail was the means of our securing th
present postolllce , The committee o :
arrangements have appointed four clerk
to attend to the distribution of thesi
missives , two of whom on the loft of tli
Capitol avenue entrance deliver fron
A to K , and two on the othe
side who deliver from L to /
The McCormick seminary alumni hoi
n meeting after the evening's sossio
and agreed to hold a reunion.
The invitation of the Hastings citizen
to visit their college was. not hastil
adopted. The members seemed to fee
they had come there to work. To go t
Hastings on a session.
After the arrival of each mall it ma
readily bo understood that these clerk
have but little time to idle away.
Old newspaper men Bay they neve
saw saw so careful , prudent , altontivi
considerate and at the same time so ta
ented an assemblage ot the ministry
Thus far there has not been noticed th
New Store , New Goods.
On or About Wednesday , May 25 , of the Pee
ple's Installment Store ,
613 N. 16th near Oaliiornia and Webster Sts
Furniture and Household Goods
We Intend to make tJiln the most reliable and Meanest tionxc In the
cfffIlcforc ptift'liasiim roinc to the lYojV'.i / Install incut Iloitxe ,
and you lrt mu-c inonry * Low nt'lce and cann term * to unit all ,
ano of reporters nnd the curse of his as-
ociates , the aspiring aild hissy iudivid-
al who generally shoots himself _ for-
vixrd when ho is wanted out of sight ,
'hnre has not boon made evident a strong
en ire to speak on the part of the eom-
iiissioner. What lias bocn noticed , how-
vcr , has boon the disposition to listen ,
o consider and weigh everything that
< said. And yet thcro is no
oubt that iiine-tentns of the assemblage
ro as nblo to deliver themselves clo-
.tiently as these who have thus far ap-
leared on the rostrum. Iu the renpects
uoiitioned the assembly is a remarkable
no indeed.
A long-winded man , FridAy , got the
floor and hold it , too. while some of the
jlders held their chairs in minpjed anxi-
Hy and amusement. Ho read a report
on "Peaco and arbitration , " and con-
umcd about fifty minutes , i'lio audience
brgot itsult for the first time , and , like
be bouso of representatives in congress ,
pnid no attention to the reader. They
milled , shrugged their shoulders , made
ilgiiificiint gestures , but in no way inter-
iercd with the progress of the report.
The McUormick seminary alumni held
n mooting affer the evening's session and
agreed to hold n reunion ,
n. . . invitation of the Hastings citizens
; o visit their college was not hastily
adopted. The members scemod to feel
ihey had como there to work. To
co to Hastings on a session day
looked like junketing. They will
therefore probably postpone the trip
until after the close of the assembly.
These commissioners would never do as
Nebraska legislators.
Mr. Uankin , one of the oldest com mis
sioncrs in the assembly , yestord-iy re
ceived the sympathy of the whole house.
Ho is a slight , gray , old gentleman bend
ing under the weight of nearly three
score and ten years. For thirty-seven
years he has boon treasurer of the board
of foreign missions. During that time ,
the number of heathens whom thio money
which has passed through his hands has
saved is most interesting to contemplate.
The old gentleman is still energetic and
active. Ho took the lloor to read a re
port opposed to the closing of the fiscal
year of the foreign missionary board on
March 81 , like that of the other church
boards. Ho hold that if the change wore
made it would deprive the missions of a
largo amount of their contributions. As
ho hold the paper ho read , his hands
shook like hazel branches in the wind , so
that he could not follow the lines. Ho
was compelled to ask for a. chair , and
placing his hands on the top of the back
and holding the paper as steadily as pos
sible , he read the ronort assigned him.
The devotion of the old gentleman
secured a unanimous vote in opposition
to the change.
There is little reason for the officers of
the assembly being without duplicate
copies of all their principal documents ,
such as are intended to appear in the
records. They are furnished the manu
script and a typewriter could easily-
strike otf a number of copies at ono timo.
This would protect toe officers against
the annoyance of the reporters , and save
the latter the enormous work of hunting
and transcribing documents , which of
Itself , is generally about half a day's du
A party on the floor yesterday wanted
to know where Washington and Jeller-
son college was , about which he had
heard so much and whether it was tnalo
or female. The request was made of a
newspaper man who was forced to con
fess his ignorance. A by-stander sug
gested that the structure was perhjrns in
Bermingham , Ala. , or some other place ,
one of the suburbs of Chicago , and that
it was mixed.
A Sohoolmiutrosi of Dixie.
Savannah News : The young school
mistress at Trenton , Ga. . Miss Cliildrcss ,
Is very pretty and bright , and quite a
belle. A young man from a neighbor
ing village made a desperate oftbrt to
win her favor , but she disliked him very
much. A few days ago ho began to cir
culate damaging ro | > ort3 about the
young lady , which resulted in a bit of
Bcamlul in the little town. The stories
finally came to the young lady's ears.
Thoroughly enraged , she borrowed a
shotgun , mounted a horse nnd went in
quest of her traducer , whom she found
in his store surrounded by a largo num
ber of his friends. Cocking both barrels
of her shotgun , which was loaded with
buckshot , she pointed it at his head and
said : "You villianl acknowledge before
these gentlemen that you have lied about
and slandered mo , and that there is no
truth in anything you have said , or 1 will
this instant blow out your brains. " The
young man , amid the mockery of his
companions , promptly noknowlegod all
that was demanded of him , admitting
that ho had knowingly slandered the
lady , who immediately left escorted by
an admiring crowd.
The Heroism of a Soldier' * Undo
MetLnter Struggle * ) .
Washington Special to the Baltimore
American : The recent recover } ' , in this
city , from a severe illness of the widow
of the late General George K. Pickott
recalls one of the most interesting stories
that comes back to us from the war. Its
chief interest is her unflagging devotion
to her husband in all tlui hours of hi :
hardship and danger. 1'rivation , sick
ness or sull'ering of any kind only servuO
to bring out more bountifully her heroic
and womanly naturo. During thn clos
ing year of th war she followed him on
the battle-Holds , lived under canvas , and
wont through catup-lifu like a soldier ,
being repeatedly under fire and making
narrow OSCAJJPS , yet htill remaining faith
fully by lus side. U'lien bhu married hilt
she was about liftc.en years of ago , bc-nii
tiful in face and form , giftea in 'intellect
and gentle in her imturn.
She was , too , a perfect and fearlosi
rider. When the war was over an ellbr
wad made to take from General I'iukcti
the privileges given him by the Cinuit
Lee cartel , and they went to Canada
Thorn they had no friends , no money
ami no prospect of cither , with a yomu
child to cure for. liut her bravo nature
never faltered. With indomitatili
courage which never deserted her , am
aided by her superior education , she ob
tained a protes'orshiu in bullos-leUcrs
and took.caro of the family until Genera
Grunt insisted that 'th , cartel vhoul <
bo kept , anil they once more returned
to their homo. General Grant then
tendered General 1'ii'kott the posi
tion of marshal of Virginia , Init ho
accepted a position in an insurance com
pany , with a Ir.uutsomc salary attached.
Though all then sixmiud bright , the worst
sorrow was yet to come. In a few years
General PickcU died , and she was left to
icr own resources. It was then that her
lelpJoss condition aroused the sympathy
of the south , and a subscription was
tarted for hor.lieailod with 88,000 by ono
tate. She firmly declined to receive
his , upon hearing of It.tuidHhoitly after-
yards secured a small government posi-
ion. stilUciciit to support herself and
ainily. Among her friends and visitors
ion ) arc sonic of the leading society and
> llioiul people , whom she'occasionally
entertains in a modest but dignified way.
Queer mails of Millionaires.
Albany Journal : A gentleman con
nected with the New York Central rail
road said the other day that the mads
hat reached Air. Yandcrbitl and 1'resi-
lent Dopow contains many curious let *
tors. Ho recalled one that ho had the
> rivilcgo of reading. Young Cornelius
Vnudorbilt had de4ivered an address at
; ho Railroad Young Men's Christian asso
ciation rooms at the Grand Central
depot , Now York. Reference was made
: o the address in the New York papers.
Within a few days Mr. Vanderhilt re
ceived a letter in which the writer said
10 had been very much interested in the
addrossthat Mr. .Vanderbilt had made
uid in the work of the Railroad Young
Men's Christian association , and that ho
losirod to assist in that work and had
made up his miud to give 10 per cent ot
lis income to it. He said that ho was
dealing in railroad supplies and ho would
30 very happy if Mr. Vanderbiit would
jive him orders for some , which would
ncrcaso the amount of his income and
proportionately increase the amount
.vhich ho could give the association. II
s safe to say that he did not obtain any
orders. '
Star Dramatic Co
ThU company li pronounced by prr iind public to
be one ol tbe ttnaat imsEUNtlu ntour of tun west.
U people , Hull llrnt clannrtldls. . The papular
Thotnlonted and graceful youneactrOM ,
Tue celebrated actor , J. W. CAHNEtl. nupportod bj
the entire company ,
Tonight , the Great Comedy ,
820 South 15th street , Omaha.
Room 25 , Paxton Block , Omaha.
313 South 14th Street.
- .ttorrxoy at
Room 8 , Frcnzor Block.Opposite Postoffloo.
Room 3'22 N. 16th st , , Omaha. Office hours
0 to 11 a.m. , 2 to 4 p.m.
Residence , G05 * N. 17th St.
O. S. HOFFMAN , H. D. ,
"iiyaiciaia. Exw-d. Su.rgreoxi ,
Office , N-W Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Office Telephone 405 ; Res Telephone , 42
JOS. W. BARN SDALL , A. M. , M. D.
Siirffeon and Guna'cologiat.
Olflco Honr * . lUte 132toT to9.
Ofllce.lWHoward street , Omahu.
and. 3P33.ysiei.aJ3. ,
Office , N-W Cor 14th and Douglas st.
Office Telephone , 465 ; Res Telephone , fiOff.
Z'liyssiclazi. and. Siirg-esn ,
Koslrtenro , No 1417 Jones Hi reel. Oflioo , With.
nell lilocK. Telephone , rosiilenro 123 , oflico
5ia. _ \ _
Hcmcoopatlilat ,
Office , 813 S. 14th st. Telephone , 560.
OITlco , 1211 Douglas Street , Itooins (1. ( 7 , Band 0.
Oftico Houi-sUto 1ii. . in , , 2 to 5 p. in. 7 to 9 p. m.
Cor. 20th nnd Lake Sts.
i sti.Ti.0. . ,
Printers , Book Binders
AnlBlank book Manufacturer * . Noi. 104 and street. Oraahn.Hob. J.K. Fulrlio , Supor-
luteiidont Ulndnrr. Tclupbone No. X&
Send stamp for spring And summer pr
grams , ] ut ittucd Tnos. COOK & Son ,
mnrU-2nV . ' 233 Clark St.Ghicago , 111
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