Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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or Bunsomrrtow i
Dnllr ( Mornlnif Edition ) Including Sun Jay
Bur. , Ono Yonr. . . . : . . . . . . $100)
ForBlx Months . 600
For Thn > o Months . ZM
Tim Omaha Sunday HUE , mnllod to any
address , Ono Vcur. . . . SCO
OMAHA omen. * vn sifl FARKAM HTOEBT.
Kitw YOIIK ornm. KIVIM , Tntmw * IIDIMIIKO.
WAglllNOrUN OmCI , No.
All communications rclntlnir to news
torliil mnlUjriluiuld bo acMrossod to the EDI-
ton or Tim IlF.K.
BUSINESS r.rrTensj
All rmplnois Ifittori and remittances BhouUl be
Mdrowocl to TUB HEK runusiiiNO COMPANY ,
OMAHA. Drafts , chocks anrt poplnfflco orders
to bo uindo payable to tus onHrof thu company ,
Sworn Statement of ( Jlroulfitlon.
State of Nebraska. 1 _
County ot Don j las. f" ' "
( ! eo. I ) . TzhctiucK , secretary ot The Bee
Publishing comi > anv , does solemnly swear
f/ that the actual circulation of the Dally BOB
tor the week ending May 20 , 137 , was as
'follows ' :
Hatmday. oMay 11 U.BOO
Sunday , May 15 14,000
Monday , May 10 14,7'JO
Tuesday , Mav 17 14,100
Wednesday , May 18 14,100
TmiMdav. MaylU 14,100
Friday , May 20 14,100
Averacre 14.20o
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
CUt day of May , 1837.
fSEAL. ] Notary Public.
Geo. B. Tzschuck , being first duly sworn ,
deposes nnd says that he Is secretary ot The
Kou Publishing company , that the actual
average dally circulation of the Dally Bee for
the month of May.lfWO , 12,439 copies ; for June ,
1880,12.298 conies ; for J uly , 1830,12,314 copies ;
for August , 1HS6 , 12,401 coplott ; for Septem
ber , 18BO , 13.U30 copies ; for October , 1880.
33.1WJ copies ; for November. 1880 , 13M8 :
copies ; for December , 18SC. 18,237 copies ; for
January , 18S7. 10,200 copies ; for February.
1887 , 14,108 copies ; for March , 18S7 , 14,400
copies ; for April , 1887,14,310 conies.
Subscribed and swnrn to before ino this 7th
day of May , A. 1) . , 1887.
ISEAL.1 N. P. Notvy Public.
Contents of the Sunday Hoc.
Pagol. Now York Herald Cablegrams
Specials to the BEE. General Telegraphic
Paeo2. Telegraphic JNows. City News.
Page ! ) . Special Advertisements.
Page 4. Editorials.-Political Points.
Bit ml ay Gosnlp.
Page 5. Lincoln 'News. Miscellany.
Page 8. Council Bluffs News. Miscellany.
-A < ivcrtlsoments.
Page 7. ( iuucral and Local Markets , Ad
vertisements .
Pace 8. Oeuoral City News. Local Ad
Fniro DO. Nature's Majestic Wonder.
Society Events. Some Smiles. Advertise
Page 10. Man's Phantom of Delight.
Honey for the Ladles. Musical and Dram
atic. Singularities. Advertisements.
kPuire 11. Hymen's Gentle i'ow rs-0on-
nnballtles. Buds Plucked by Witty Men.
"Western Financial Conors. Some Allen
Landlords. Something to Paste in 1'onr
JJitile. AdvertiHomonts ,
Page ; i2. Gould as a Woman Surveyor.
brtlara Bell. Laboring for
Ferry 8. Heath.-Llttlo Shorty. aSlory.-
Tne Socoad-liand Boole Man. Advertise
JEW DAVIS announces that the south
will never attempt to soco do again. Not
if Mr. Davis will only giro the people a
rest on his war articles.
IN the last issue of the Current , } } illiara
Arch McCloan writes a strong article fa-
favoring a longer presidential term than
fonr years. Mr. Cleveland is no doubt
in sympathy with Mr. McClenn'a views.
TIIE report is now m circulation that
Mr. John Uuskin's eccentricities have
culminated m unmistakable insanity.
When Mr. ftuskin wrote that there was
no free trade measure that would over
' lower the price of brains , ho also said
that without brains a man could never bo
IT is said that the millionaire senators
from California are vicing with each
other , Stanford attempting to eclipse
Hearst in the luxuries of living. In all
their wild and unchecked cxtravagan ce
it might be well for them to remember
that an honest man with a humble cot
tage possesses elements of happiness that
their ill-gotten gold will never purchase.
TIIR announcement made by the BKE to
the effect that an effort was being made
to supplant Judge Mason on the railroad
commission by the appointment of Major
rioroo , has already called forth comment
unfavorable to the pliant major. The
Lincoln Democrat , speaking of the ap
pointment , says : "Tho record made by
Major Pierce in the legislature is not cal
culated to inspire the publio with any
great degree of confidence in his devo
tion to the people in matters where tholr
interests conflict with the interests of the
railroads. "
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE question is propoundeddirectly to
this paper , by the Council Bluffs Daily
llipran Winkle , "What has the BEE
done towards building up Council
BlufftT" We have not time to go into
details , but among many things we will
mention the well-known fact that the
bumof the BKE awakened the Council
Bluffs Daily Itip Van Winkle out of its
twenty-year slumber , and infused vital
ity enough Into it to make it respectable.
Incidentally the BBK is laboring 'for
Council Bluff * every day m the year
, by.circulating a metropolitan paper and
advertising her boom to all the outside
gjvorld. it is true that the BEE has con-
so.thibutoti largely toward making Omaha
poseoMt she Is , but in doing so it has mate-
'ly advanced the bright prospects of
incil Bluffs. For further information
pVy at the Omaha or Council Bluffs
offleVurf the BEE , where polite clerks are
employdiMo answer all questions.
THE board of railroad commissioners
"mako a tour of the Klkhorn Valley
road next week. They will bo accom
panied by a stenographer , and it is their
desire to hear from all people living on
the road who know of any discrimina
tion , over-charges or other violations of
the law. It la hoped that the plundered
fanners and merchants m and neat
.caeh town from Norfolk to Chad-
roa will meet them , and recite
tha facts as they know them
4 Mlst. There is no way to got redrew
Jrom a railroad company without do-
pundlng it and insisting upon it. Then
] it is doubtful whether the monstrosity
BMicd commission would attempt tc
'right existing wrongs. There may bo
ftome satisfaction in testing the case , and
ytr hope all concerned will meet the
a mission as it passes along tue routes ,
' Yfcuro are some wonderful facts to bo
Mr. lc9hno' Paper.
For obvious reasons the BKE can take
no notice of the personal pretensions of
Ur. McShauo's hired man. The inordi
nate egotism and presumption of this
person will bo estimated at their true value
n this community. Mr , McShano can
not however evade the responsibility for
.ho . policy pursued by his paper by stand-
ng behind a dummy. According to hia
conceited editor Mr. McShMio is merely
a figurehead In the concern so for as its
editorial conduct is concerned , whUo his
subaltern Is allowed to exorcise the un
restrained privilege of making mid pro
claiming the policy of the paper. .If this
is true , the readers of that stioct ought to
bo nirulc aware of that fuct. It is a grave
injustice to permit them to assume that
they are receiving counsel and admoni
tion from a rospcctablo nnd responsible )
citizen in the person of Mr.
when in fact they are doing misled by
the prejudiced utterances of a self-
seeking adventurer , who has neither
reputation nor responsibility. Mr.
McShane has already suffered in
public confidence by reason of the belief
Ihat ho is responsible for the utterance- )
of his hireling. Ho must suffer further
if that individual is permit ted to go on
unchecked and the popular bnlicf is not
removed. It is a matter , therefore , of
personal importance to Mr. McShane ,
that the publio should bo properly ad
vised in this matter. It is hardly con
ceivable that he can approve the course
of his editor , nnd if ho docs not ho is
phcnom onally blind to his own interests
and that of his paper , in permitting the
editor to continue in that course. Lot it
bo known whether it is McShano or his
hireling who is really both captain and
pilot of the democratic craft.
AVomon In the School Board.
The mayor of Chicago has bccu asked
to appoint women to fill several vacan
cies about to occur m the board of education
cation of that city. This move ia earn
estly seconded by some of the Chicago
dailids , notably the Times , whioh makes
a very plausible and forcible appeal in
fnvor of the innovation. "Why not ? "
asks our Chicago contemporary.
There Is no work that falls more clearly
within the somewhat Ill-defined boundaries
of "woman's sphere , " than the care and
training of the young. Not only In the
household , but In the school room , woman
practically monopolizes this most important
and responsible function. Her peculiar fit
ness for It Is universally recognized. It is
pre-eminently the work which nature has
marked out for hor. and the most conserva
tive and hlae-bound adherent of the "homo
and Uresldo" view of woman's Hold has never
intimated that she was out of place at the
teacher's desk. In tlie public schools of Chicago
cage there are 1,2.0 female teachers and but
CO male teachers. A similar ratio prevails
everywhere. The Instruction of the you us
In all countries Is left almost entirely to the
hands of women , and there it is certain to
remain. * * # *
The experiment of mixed boards Is not an
untried one. It has been tested in New
York , In London , In Boston , and In other
important cities of Europe and America ,
with the most gratifying results. Everyone
who Is at all Informed upon educational mat
ters knows something of the splendid
achievements of Miss Helen Taylor , a daugh
ter of the late John Stuart Mill , as a member
of the London school board. She has orig
inated many invaluable reforms In the edu
cational methods of the metropolis , and the
Importance and success of her labors have
been cordally attested by many eminent
Englishmen , who regarded the appointment
of a woman to a position ot this kind as a
dangerous Innovation.
In view of the impending election of anew
now board of education , in Omaha , the
question will naturally be asked , "Why
not nominate a mixed ticket , made up of
men and women ? "
The BEE is not hide-bound in its views ,
and always has favored every practical
reform. If any advantage is to bo derived
from placing women on our school board ,
we certainly would notopposo its Innova
tion. Wo are nothowovcrconvincodtbnt
women are be tier qualified tomanago our
public schools , in their present stage of
rapid evolution , than men , although we
admit that there are women hotter quali
fied for such duties than some men who
aspire to bo members of the board. Use
ful membership does not depend on mere
educational attainments or familiarity
with methods of teaching. The board
has to wrestle witb financial
and mechanical problems which re
quire executive ability and practical
business experience larcly possessed by
Another question presented would be
as to the number of women that should
be given places on the board. Ono or two
women would bo very lonesome. Those
who are most familiar with school board
work in Omaha do not favor the now de
The Coming Fourth.
Already m a number of cities measures
have been sot on foot for a more than
ordinarily Imposing and patriotic observ
ance of the lllth anniversary of Amer
ican independence. It occurs periodi
cally that the people experience an awak
ening in this matter , and become Infused
with a fooling of duty to lot the world
know that on this greatest day in out
calendar the hearts of the American people
ple boat as ono in recollection and rev-
orcnco of the great event that made this
a free nation , and m patriotic devotion
to their country. It is indicated that the
present year ia to witness such an awak
ening. The conditions that conduce to
it are.tbe almost unparalleled prosperity
f the nation and the nearly universal
contentment of iho people. Wo see the
evidence of progress on every han-1 , we
are conscious of a rapidly growing
sttrunglt , and the mosses of our popula
tion are satisfied and happy. It is m the
nature of things that & people thus situ
ated should desire to give expression to
their contentment , gratitude and thoii
love of country , and the American people -
plo are peculiarly fortunate m having 21
day which Inspires such expression and
in whioh it can bo most fitly mado.
Omaha must not bo behind other oitie :
in adequately observing thu coming an
niversary of our independence. If we
have boon somewhat lax in giving attention <
tion to this national holiday in the past ,
there is now an opportunity to make
amends and attest to the nation that the
patriotism of this community docs not
four comparison with that of any
other In thu republic. Agreeably to the
suggestion made by Mr. Powdcrly , thai
iho Knights nf Labor throughout the
country should make the coming Fourtl
of July thu occasion for proclaiming and
demonstrating their devotion to Ameri
can Institutions , the members of the
order in 'Omaha have already begun
preparations for celebrating the day on
heir own behalf , In the event of no gen
eral celebration being projected. Other
wise they wMl cheerfully take a place as
a part oT any plan of general coloration
ration , and as wo understand
rould prefer an observance of the day
with which all interests should be lilenti-
lad. Such an observance is practicable
and ought to bo had , Lot there bo an
mposing street parade surpassing any
thing of the kind Omaha has ever known ,
comprising the military , the civic socie
ties , Iho labor organizations , nnd a
rados dnplay to which our public-spir
ted merchants and manufacturers should
generously contribute , Lot thcro be ,
perhaps at the exposition building , a re
petition of the interesting exorcises
which wcro enjoyed by our fuUicrs Iho
reading of the Declaration of Independ
ence , the oration , and the sinclng of na-
.ional hymns by children of thu public
schools , to whom the experience will bo
a lesson in patriotism never to bo forgot-
.en. Lot there bo a central display of
Ironworks in the evening that will meri
toriously top off the festivities of the
day. In a word , let the celebration of
: lie coining Fourth be an old-fashioned
jubilee , in which all classes and coudi-
.Ions of the people can participate and
jo made glad , and the memory of
winch will bo a Dorennial pleas
ure. Wore such a celebration assured ,
.wcnty thousand people would join with
us from neighboring towns to share in its
attractions and enjoyments , and Omaha
would have done something wortliy of
jer metropolitan position and character.
It is not too soon to consider this mat
ter and begin the effort to ascertain
whether such a celebration can bo suc
cessfully carried out that is , whether the
business men , upon whom success would
argoly depend , are disposed to give their
countcnauco and support. Five weeks
is not more time than will bo needed for
arranging and organizing a programme
For a comprehensive celebration. The
movement to this end could begin no
where bettor than with the board of trade.
University Memorials.
The death of a son of the late Am nsa
Stone , of Cleveland , O. , while a student
at Yale , gave to that city ono of the
largest aud bust equipped colleges m the
country , which bearing the Christian
name of the young man , Adelbert , will
stand for generations a splendid memo
rial of paternal affection. A' week ago
yesterday , at Palo Alto , California , there
was laid the corner stone of what prom
ises to bo , in its extent and appointments ,
the greatest university in the world. This
magnificent institution , as it will be when
completed , is also a memorial of paternal
affection. Shortly after the untimely
death of Leland Stanford , jr. , Governor
Stanford resolved to establish an institu
tion in California which should serve at
once as an attestation of perfect grief and
a perpetual benefaction to the youth of the
state. His plans were first made known
in 1885 , and involved a gift to the people
of California , in lands and money , of the
princely sumof _ $12,000,000. In carrying
out this project , however , an amount
much greater than this bus
boon found necessary. The endowment
for this grand undertaking embraced the
free gift to the state of the Palo Alto
ranch , valued at $1,200,000 ; the Gndlcy
ranch , $1,000,000 , and the Vina ranch ,
$2,500,000 ; a total of $3,300,000 in land
and a balance of $14,700,000 in money ,
making up a total foundation of $30,000-
000. The Palo Alto tract of land consists
of 7,200 acres of land , about 5,000 of
which have been in cultivation for the
past two years. The Vina ranch lies
along the Sacramento river , in Butte
andTohama counties , and consists of
55,000 acres in vineyard and agricultural
land , while the Gridloy ranch is a trilling
wheat n'eld ot 23,000 acres in Butte
The name of this institution will bo the
Leland Stanford Junior university , and
it will have accommodation for 1,000
students. Provision is made for sup
plying it with everything necessary to a
complete university , in the fullest and
broadest sense of the term. As to the
character of the institution , the
idea of its founder is that its
aim should be to entertain and
inculcate broad and general ideas of
progress and of the capacity of mankind ,
for advancement in civilization. Thor
ough instruction in the principles of co
operation was provided for , and the
founder asked that it might bo early in
stilled into the student's mind that no
greater blow can bo struck at labor than
thai which makes its products insecure.
The existence of an all-wise God is to bo
taught , but sectarianism is not to bo al-
lowe d entrance. The education of both
sexes is to bo equally full and complete ,
varied only as nature dictates. In tine ,
the object of the university is not alone
to give the student a technical education ,
fitting him for a successful business life ,
but it is also to instill into his mind an
appreciation of the blessings of this gov
ernment , a reverence for its institutions
and a love of God and humanity , to the
end that ho may go forth and by precept
and example spread the great truths , by
the light of which his fellowman will bo
elevated and taught how to attain happi
ness in this world and in the life eternal.
The completion of this great and com
mendable undertaking is expected to
consume live years.
American Navigation.
A little inquiry into the subject of our
maritime interests may recall to our
'minds a few facts wliioh every ono ought
to know in regard to the navigation ol
his own country.
Almost immediately after the American
revolution the struzglo began , botwocn
England and the Unltod States for
supremacy in the carrying trade on thu
Atlantic ocean. During the first half o (
this century the conditions for a rapid
growth of our ocean navigation wore
very favorable. Without any apparent
effort on the part of anyone our shipping
seu'iiod to outdo itself in a spontaneous
and not unnatural growth. Immigration
to this country began to assume large
proportions , and to accom
modate that vast movement ,
ships , and American ships principally ,
sprang into existence apparently from
nowhere. Our breadstuff * found an in
creased demand in foreign markets , and
were exported in American ships. The
discoveries of gold in California nn-J
Australia called for numerous vessels tc
carry passengers and goods to these
places , The Crimean war took many
British vessel } out of the merchant serv
ice , and their places were tilled with ships
of American build.
England made a desperate effort to
her hitherto superior position
on the sea , but the ] famous "Baltimore
Slippers" and "American Liners" proved
to bo much faster , and much better
adapted to the niorchnnt trntlo than the
clumsy and alow-ealli'hg British ves
sels. Tliiifl wo sec that in epito
of the growing tendency to hoot at imy-
.hlnp in the shape of ail-American ship ,
there was a time , and that not long ngo ,
when American seamen gave up the palm
to no onu in the race for ocean trade.
But the period of American supromauy
was not a long one. The year 1801 marks
its culminating point , and since Unit time
the decline of American shipping and
shitvbuildiug has been as rapid as its
cprowth was before.
Meanwhile , steam navigation had boon
introduced. The Kngllsli Cunardlinc was
organized in 18U8 , and to ofl'sct this the
Amcrinan Collins line en mo into cxist-
anco. Some of our older readers may
remember the fate of the latter. It
was subsidized by congress , and in
order to get renewals of the subsidies it
had to make every effort to become a
successful rival of the Cunnrd lino. This
called for the spending of largo Bums ,
which added to poor management nnd
heavy losses at sea , compelled the com
pany to wind up its business in 18 , " > 8.
Later improvements in navigation
were iron vessels with screw propollors.
Since these inventions , England has bccu
constantly gaining and the United States
has boon losing proportionately. Lsist
year the number of ocean ships built in
this country was six , which just equals
the number built hero in 1815.
America won the first half of the race
up to 1801 , because the ships then used
wcro built of wood , and America was all
woods. England lias been winning the
last half of the race sinccc 1801 , because
nearly all ocean vessels arc now built of
iron , and England is a nation of iron
Barbarous Goal Unrona.
While the people of the United States
arc very properly extending a hearty
sympathy to the oppressed people of Ire
land , sufl'cring from the licnrtlcssncss of
landlords , it will not bo amiss to remind
them that in their own country cruelty
and oppression are practiced quite as se
vere in their character and consequences
as those inflicted upon the tenantry of
Ireland. An impressive example Is re
ported from llazlcbrook , in the anthra
cite coal regions of Pennsylvania. The
company operating the mines in this lo
cality own every foot of ground in the
neighborhood. The homes of their em
ployes are all the property of the opera
tors. They compel all workmen to reside
in company houses , mere shells as a rule
of the most miserable kind. No man can
build a house for himself , for the reason
that the company will not sell or lease
the land upon which to bnild. Only com
pany stores are permitted to locate thcro ,
and workmen are compelled to trade at
these , necessarily to thcit"own pecuniary
disadvantage. To all intents and pur
poses the employes a'ro In a condition of
abject slavery , out of which the employ-
ere profit. Unreasonable rents arc charged
for the miserable homes , if homes they
can properly be called , and the company
stores exact any prices they please for
goods , generally inferior , in quality. The
bills are stopped out of the wages of the
employes , some of whom say they have
not received a cent in money for mouths
at a time all their cammed swallowed
up in rent and store charges.
These unfortunate laborers occupy
their homes solely at the will of the com
pany. On taking possession they arc re-
q uircd to sign a form of lease which gives
the company the power to eject thorn at
any time , without recourse or delay of
any kind. In this respect they are oven
worse off than the Irish tenant , liow
this outrageous system operates has re
cently been deplorably demonstrated.
The company some time ago declared
war on the Knights of Labor. A few
weeks ago it was discovered that sonic
of the men had joined the order ana they
wcro discharged , being told at the same
time to quit their homes and the com
pany's grounds within ten days. Sympa
thizers with these men struck , and this
afforded an opportunity for a more con
spicuous exhibition of the cruelty and
vmdictivcness of the company. The
men were ordered to remove their toota
and leave their homes at onco. but they
worn not allowed to bring a wagon or
team in the company's ground to enable
thorn to do this. In this helpless condi
tion they could not move , and a week ago
the company commenced a wholesale
eviction. The houses wcro invaded , the
occupants driven out , their scanty pos
sessions thrown out after them , and thu
houses nailed up. When these shelter-
loss victims of corporate tyranny ap
pealed to their neighbors for relief and a
temporary resting place , they found that
the company had warned all its creatures -
tures to deny the poor wretches whom it
had cast out either food or shelter , on
peril of being themselves thrown out ,
and the hapless creatures gave hoed to
the warning. Homeless and hungry ,
some of these unfortunate men , women
and children walked for miles in search
of succor beyond the possessions of the
company , while others remained on the
mountain side for two davs and nights ,
subsisting on what could be secretly con
voyed to them by a few of their former
neighbors. *
The outrage is to receive , judicial in
vestigation , at the installed of thu Knights
of Labor assembly having jurisdiction in
that region. This may lertd the company
to abaudou further t rWtoncd evictions.
But it must put every American to blush
to know that such a state of things can
oxlst in this frco country. ' ( And.whilo this
case may bo exceptional 3in some res
pects , in others it has ity counterpart
elsewhere in the great cqal districts of
the country , where the employes are sub
jected to conditions no less unjust and
oppressive than those prevailing at Ha-
zlobrook. Such facts | how that thcro Is
a very largo beam in pur own cyo to bo
removed while wo arc demanding of
others to remove the moat from their eye.
THE commissioners now In attendance
upon the I'rcsbytodan assembly in this
city have made' most favorable im
pression upon every observer. They are
gentlemen in both act and appearance.
They seem impressed with the fact that
they have been bent here to work , and
that It is.a . matter of conscience with
thorn to see that the work Is accom
plished. They have tcu days in which to
bring their business to a close ; yet , thus
far , they have not allowed a single mo-
meut to pass unimproved. The moder
ator is a quiet but potent factor , lid has
the confidence and respect of his brothers ,
wiuie be allows tbo greatest liberty
consistent with ( lie rules , the members
In no manner scorn disposed to draw him
Into an cxcrclsa of his power. Koport
after report , as called for , is ready and
made. While being read , it is attentively
listened to , so much so that ono hesitates
which the moro to admire , the excellent
system of the assembly or the devotion
nnel stiidiousness of those who compose
it. As a consequence of this method and
devotion , the amount of work thus far
accomplished has been a marvel to many
of the moat experienced of Iho commis
sioner * .
Tun Lincoln papers announce that
that most blatent of all railroguo blather
skites this side of the Baltic sea , Captain
Humphrey , is making A last struggle to
bo appointed judge in the First district.
Governor Thaycr must remember that
the man whom ho appoints to this re
sponsible position should POSSO.-H the con
fidence and respect of the people. This
Humphrey docs not do. He could not bo
elected justice of the peace in Pawnee
county. The man appointed must not bo
so obnoxious that the famous Colby mas
sacre will bo repeated. Humphrey had
better remain on ico.
Msihone's rcliabllatlon Is a possible out
come ot the Virginia debt muddle.
EK-Beerctary Chandler thinks the prospect
oxcecdlugly good for his election to the sen
Michigan prohibitionists are frolng to thor-
ouehly reorRanl7.o for the purpose of keeping
up the acltatlon for an amendment.
The Vlcltsburg Herald predicts that the
Kentucky Indorscmnut of President Cleve
land will be repeated In all the southern
Mr. Halstead thinks that In making a nom
ination the republicans should endeavor to
displease the mugwumps as much as possi
TlieDiuhain , N. C. , Tobacco Plant denies
that Senator Vance , in opposing the presi
dent's administration , represents the democ
racy of the state.
Chauncy M. Depew thinks the actual pos
session of the New York Central presidency
Is a better thing than a nomination for presi
dent of the United States.
Congressman Holman and John Sherman
stand on the same ground as regards revenue
reform. They are willlnz to reduce the
tariff on siuar If the tobacco tax Is abel
The Texas prohibitionists are led by a
Baptist clergyman and the nnti-prohlhltlon-
Ists by an ex-judse of the supreme court.
Both parties have regular headquarters at
Waco ,
Why Not ?
Ilaaitnai Qazetic-JoimMl.
If Lincoln Is entitled to Omaha rates from
Chicago , why Is not Hastings entitled to
Lincoln rates from Chicago ?
Tlie Governor May Recover.
I'lattsmouth Journal.
The editor of the Omaha Republican was a
candidate for a place on the Omaha police
force or some other position. Governor
Thayer did not appoint the aforesaid editor
and now the Republican doesn't like the
governor , but It Is thought that the latter
will recover.
The Good Fellow.
1'Mladtlitlita Times.
The free-handed good follow who spends
his money liberally with the boys Is very
popular always until ills defalcations are
found out and he turns up in prison or In
Canada. Then the free-handed good follow
Is voted a very bad fellow , even by those who
drank and feasted upon his employer's
money. But that the free-handed good fel
low Is certainly destined to turn out a bad
fellow in the end should be as certainly
known to all who can look an Inch beyond
their noses before the exposure comes as
after. An ordlnajy salary cannot support
the style of living of one of these good fol
lows , and sensible business men ought to
know whether their tellers are good fellows
or not before the cash Is gone.
Railroad Rates.
Hastings Gazette-Journal.
The position assumed by the state board of
railroad commissioners , that Lincoln Is en
titled to the same rates from Chicago that
Omaha is , Is hardly tenable. Lincoln is fifty
miles further west. Assuming that Lincoln's
somewhat extraordinary demand Is reason
able , why in the same line of reasoning ,
shouldn't Hastings demand an Omajia rate
from Chicago ? Of course Hastings Is still
further west , but Lincoln evidently does not
Include the distance troin Chicago in Us cal
culations. Of com so the commission is actIng -
Ing perfectly rlirht and proper In seeking to
cruard Lincoln from unjust discrimination
In the matter of wholesale rates ; but at the
same time the commission Is equally bound
to protect Hastings or Beatrice from any dis
crimination In favor of Lincoln.
The Abuse of Governor Thayor.
H'oofi Ittvcr OaztUe.
If the Omaha .Republican thinks it oan
maintain a reasonable claim to the leader
ship In the republican party of Nebraska and
at the same time keep up its virulent abuse of
Governor Thayer , let It continue to hound
our worthy executive as It has been doing
since the governor refused to put Itothaker
on tqe Omaha police commission , and we
will see how much Influence that sheet will
have with tlie party In the gubernatorial
campaign of 1853. The idea that Governor
Thayer could not use his best judgment In
giving thu metropolis of the state au efficient
police commission without the impudent dic
tation of the transient editor of the Republi
can , is the greatest absurdity we have heard
of for many a day.
Omaha's Financial Showing.
lltutlnat Gazette-Journal ,
The metropolis of Nebraska , Omaha , ac
cording to the BraUstrcct's has a financial
snowing that the entire state should bo
jiiHtly proud of. This reliable commercial
reporter says : "The total value InlSSGIs
placed at 3133,000,000 an Increase of 25 per
cent over the preceding year. Omaha job
bers now bell goods In Nebraska , Iowa ,
Kansas , Colorado , Dakota , Wyoming and
Idaho. When it Is recalled that the territory
naturally tributary to this city Is still far
from being fully developed , the probable
proportions of this trade In the future are
very attractive. The boot and shoe , whole
sale grocery and hardware lines are especially
active. Lumber has been aided by activity
In building. The spring trade exceeds that
of last year by over 30 per cent. The out
look was never bettor. "
Written for Hie Sunday net.
Prom silken scraps and rainbow shreds ,
With shining , shimmering IIiHsy threads ,
Odd remnants dainty labor left-
She wrought with patient fingers deft ,
So useful and so fair a thluir ,
That many pralsud Its fashioning.
He , who with lovo-annolnted eyes ,
The eood and fair of Llfo desires ,
In common things which fill each path ,
Of every day a treasury hath ;
To some rare souls the gift Is given ,
But love can draw it down from heaven.
FONT ANtmc , Iowa. MUNI * M. Cow.
" \Vhilo on my way to Now Vork the other
day 1 had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Uttnrgo
M. Pullman on the limited express from
Chicago , " said Mr. E. Kosowater. "Tho lirst
time I met Mr. I'ullmau was quite a number
of year * 00 when I was marmcor of the
Western Union tolojraph ollleo. Hecauie to
Omaha to Introduce his Mcoplng cars on the
Union I'aclfic. In thocourseof conversation
during the trip to New Yoik , 1 gathered
much Interesting Information from Mr.
I'ulhnan about himself and his various en
terprises. His Ideas of a millionaire's duty
were expressed In bis remarks about the
town nf rullmaii , of which ho was the
" 'I take moro prldo and comfort.'nald Mr.
Pullman , 'In solving the great problem ot
what to do with we.xlth and how to nuke
men comfortable and happy than In any ot
the enterprises with which 1 am connected.
There are In the town of Pullman over ton
thousand people. Wo have the best me
chanics In thu world and the happiest
community In America probably on the
face of the earth. Those people have their
schools and churches. Their theater scats
1,10) persons. Thuro Is not a saloon In the
place , and no liquor has ever been sold there.
Its traflicls prohibited by clauses In the
deeds to property. The sanitary arrange
ments are perfect. The sewerage and water
works system has had the supervision of the
best engineers , and the mortality rate Is
lower than any city of equal size In the
world. They call mo King George , and the
newspapers sometimes charge that 1 rule the
people with an Iron rod. The fact Is that I
never Interfere with them or tholr govern
ment. 1 believe that the world Is governed
too much , and tlie loss government the better ,
all thlugs being equal.
" I am by no means the Pullman Palace
Car company , ' continued Mr. Pullman'al
though I am Its president There are
&M,900,000 In stok , owaod by
more than (5,000 ( persons , many
of whom are widows who have Invested In
these securities. The stock is worth $1.5.1 In
the market. The company's credit Is high
because It pays dividends regularly , and Is
conducted on strictly commercial principles ,
not deDondlug on patents. Wo care nothing
now about patents , because our work is done
by the best mechanics and most perfect ma-
chlnery In the world , and because our rela
tions with the railroads are moro in favor of
the roads than of the company. The Union
Pacific , for instance , gets 75 per cent of the
gross receipts. This Is more than It could
gut it It owued its sleeping-cars.
"I am getting 810,600 a year salary , while
I venture to say that Tom Potter , who has
gone over to the Union Pacific , receives
$30,000 a year. He Is a very able railroad
man , and I predict that the Union
Pacific will reap incalculable advantages
from his management ? ' "
While walklne through Madison square ,
New York , tholother day , two Omaha la
dies attempted to talk to George Francis
Train , who continues to spend the most of
his time In the square talking to children
only and feeding the birds , lie would not
reply to the ladies , but spoke to a boy , tolling
him what to say to them. "Tell the ladles , "
said he , "that 1 was one of the first men In
America to advertise Omaha as ono of the
'coming great cities. I have big Interests
there vet , and am always glad to see people
from Omaha. " The boy didn't seem to hearer
or understand what he was saying , and
didn't repeat It to the ladles , who , of course ,
heard him , as he Intended. Ho kept on talkIng -
Ing at the boy , and in this way car
ried on the conversation. Train pre
sents a very bronzed appearance and
with his white hair reminds one very much
of Fred Douglas.
NYK Is now regular ! } and exclusively
employed on the New York World. He
writes from a quarter to a column a day on
some local topic In his humorous and origi
nal vein , and besides this he contributes
dally about a quarter-column humorous ed
itorial on some live subject. He is doing
excellent work. He Is now conceded to stan
at the head of his class , and is constantly
Improving. Mr. Nye'a vein although pretty
thoroughly worked does not seem to play
out It was only a few years ago that Nye
was "discovered" in the wild west by a Den
ver editor , who was attracted to his wit by a
funny advertisement which ho Inserted in a
Cheyenne pauer. Mr. Nye'a work , which
was at lirst rather rough and unfinished. Is
now of rather a refined order. His thou
sands of western friends are glad to hnar that
he Is getting big pay and enjoying a boom of
prosperity and good health. We are not sur
prised after all that he has refused to accep't
the socond-nand throne of Bulgaria.
"There never wks aialrer franchise asked
from the city of Omaha than that of the
Metropolitan cable railway company , which
proposes to run a line to the Patrick farm , "
said a prominent property holder , "and the
company ought to have no trouble In secur
ing it The terms of that franchise are all In
favor ot the clt.v. The franchise Is to run
for only thirty years , and cannot be disposed
of without the consent of the council. Work
Is to be begun within a lixed period , and a
certain amount Is to bo done each year until
the road is completed. The company must
pave eighteen feet on each side of Its tracks ,
tluiH virtually giving to the city a number of
paved streets. Nothing exclusive Is to be
granted to tne company. There are other
conditions , all of a binding character , and in
favor of the city , if granted the
franchise , 1 know that work will
bo commenced at once upon the enterprise ,
which will Involve the expenditure of a largo
sum ot money and the employment of hun
dreds of men. It will contribute largely to
the progress of Omaha , and in keeping up
the real estate activity , a thing very much de-
slrea by the six hundred real estate agents
and the thousands ot man who are making
money In Omaha dirt deals. "
A WASHINGTON telegram recently ap
peared In the BKE to the effect that Edison ,
the Inventor , was In very poor health. This
attracted trio attention of the superintendent
of the Kdlson United Manufacturing com
pany , of Now York , and ho at once Investi
gated the matter. Ho writes to the BKE
under date of May IS : "In regard to Edl-
son'a health I made It my special business to
find out what truth there Is In the report , and
I am happy to tell you that his health never
was In better condition. " This Is indeed
welcome news to the friends of the Wizard
of Menlo Park , who hope that the wonderful
Inventor and Investigator may bo opared
many years yet to explore and develop the
field of electricity , In which ho has already
made so many marvelous advances.
Jlio Preacher \Vinn Ills C io.
Denver Tribune.
.Tho Nov. David Marquis , of Chicago ,
and the W. C. T. U. , of St. Louis , are
trying to adjust a little misunderstand
ing , it seems that the W. C. T. U. sent
a memorial to the last Presbyterian as
sembly , of which Mr. Marquis was mod
erator. Through some oversight it was
never laid before the assembly. The tem
perance women charged that the assem
bly had trilled with thorn ; that it had
suppressed their memorial , and got out
a circular to that effect , copies of which
were sent to every Presbyterian church
in the country. Mr. Marquis knock. ) out
the W. C , T. U. m oi > o round by saying
that all Ha charges are ( ftlwtnil ( uolian ,
lie is not afraid to express his opinion on
the liquor question. In nnsnor to n
question as to "what proportion ol *
Presbyterian ministers bouoro m nine )
drinking , ho says :
1 think nil ministers vho hold flrrnij' to tlio
Scriptures agree that wimi-drliiklnjr is not u
sin. but ttial'tlio grnimd ot total nbstlnoneo
Is nn expedloucy. There Is wood ground lot-
total nb.steiieuco , bill It lies In the doctrine ot
ehrlstlan expediency and not In Iho doctilno
of sin. "
This Is good common sense. Sin often
follows wine-drinking , but that does not
make winc-dringing itself a sin , \ \ ei Iw-
lievo that it is right for Christian ii.lnls-
tera to teach total abstonaiieo. It would
bo dangerous for them to take any mid
dle ground. But they should teach It as
Mr. Mnniats docs , "us a docMirlno of
Christian expediency.1 Wo believe iuent
of them do. The fact that many people
believe that ministers regard wine-drink
ing us a sin , forbidden by the Scripture * ,
grows out of their faulty understanding.
There are very few people who take thu
trouble ) to think clearly and accurately.
The great majority find It easier to jump
at conclusions.vo fear that aomo of
the good ladies of the St. Louis W. C. T.
U. are tinctured with this slip-shod
niathol of thought. Preacher Muni u in
bos won his cuse. '
AVIion Our Khtp Contra In.
In a rnttaeo that stood mi the wild seashore.
A little ouo sat 'nenth the vluo-wroalhud
door :
Shadowed and sad was that childish face ,
Ou the soft , pink cheek was tlio tear-drop' *
trace ;
For the cherished toy best loved of all
The poor little waxen-faced , blue-eyed doll ,
Was broken. Sinllo not at the childish pnlti ,
Nor thu tears that WBIO dropping like fellver
But the gentle mother , with loving tone , ,
Said , bending down by the little ono , " " ' j
And kiss'UK ' the mouth nnd dimpled chin , >
"Don't cry my love ; when our ship comes In
Wo will gets now dollv , oh , far more fair ,
With brighter eyes and with setter hair.
Now dry your teais , for'twill surely bo
When our ship comes In from the far , wldo
sea. "
Oh , that ship to cornel and how oft before
Had thu bright eyes watched from the cot-
taee door ,
As with eager gaze they were watching now ,
For the gleaming sail and the rushing prow.
lUit oft she ran to her mother's side ,
Her sweet blue eyes with the gladness wide ,
As she pictured tne wonderful pleasure to bo
When our ship came In from the distant sea ,
The dearest clf't and the best of all
To her little heart , was the darling doll.
But , oh 1 there wcro treasures unknown , un
All snfely stowed In Its precious hold ;
And , standing thus , with her beamlnr eyes ,
The tears all cone and the childish sighs ,
She turned the sweet face with itssuillesto
And said : "Have you any ships at sea ? "
Child , you know not the wild throb of pain
Those light words aent through my heart
and brain , /
Ah , we all have ships on the stormy seat
Ah , weary watchers for them are we ;
And when the tempest and cloud are rife
When storms sweep over the sea of life
With tearful eyes , by the sounding shore.
We watch for them : wo nave watched be
But of all who , weary and trombllnt wait
For the coming ships with their precious
freight ,
, TU known , oh , Father , to none but thee.
It they safely arrive or are lost at sea ,
Hear the Other Hides.
St. Loutt Republican.
The inter-state commerce commission
has done ono part of its duty well. It
has shown the country how the now law
will affect largo cities that are railroad
centers , and therefore competing points.
It has shown how it will effect the inter-
as Is of largo shippers and corporations
in those competing cities , and it has
forced the great railway systems to toll
how It will interfere with the partialper
sonal and inequitable methods which
they have so long pursued. The tostl- , / ,
raouy submitted to the commission at )
the railroad centers and large cities ,
where rail and water meet and struggle
in constant fierce competition , is voluminous
inous , and very interesting and the
country rcc ognizcs the good service the
commission has rendered In illuminating
what was , before , a dark an a ill-under
stood subjcct'with such a mass of in
structive information wh ion could not
have been brought out by any other
But tne commission has not done its
whole duty. It has. not elicited the whole
truth. The whole truth is not to be
found in the great competlUng cities nor
in the great railway olllcus. It is inter *
esting , cnrtamtly , to know what St.
Paul or Now Orleans , or San Francisco
and Now York think of the fourth sec
tion of the new law ; but it muit not bo
forgotten that between St. Paul and
New Orleans and between Boston and
San Francisco lie thousands of small
town and millions of population that
have some interest in the subject also.
Indeed , between the four points named
lies the whole country , with its vast and
diversified local interests , and Its my
riad of quiet communities , that oonsumo
the interchanged commodities , and are ,
therefore , quite as much concerned in
freight rates as the metropolitan centres.
Those numerous local communities
have not been heard. Their testimony
has not been taken , and their views on
the fourth section are not known except
so far as they may have boon incidontlally
reflected in the testimony taken in the
competing cities ; and myriad
local populasions of producers and con
sumers living along the railroads and
having connection with one another , and
with the world through ten thousand
way-stations are the very clement for J
whoso protectiorrthe short and long-haul v
cluuso and the antl-dlscrlmmatlon pro
hibition were inserted in the law , They
constitute the unheard other side , and ft
is only fair that the commission learn
what they think of the now law before
it resolves to suspend the most important
section of it.
It has been the railroad practice to
make these way communities p y not
only the freight charges on what they
shin and receive , but four-fifths of the
freight rates on which distant competing
communities ship and receive also and
the commissioners' investigation will
not bo cbmploto till it has given the in
jured intermediate communities an op
portunity of telling what they think of
such an indefensible injustice.
Mr. Dcpnw'fl Presidencies.
Now York Tribune : Being told that
not a few people wcro tulklug of him for
president , Mr. Depow said : "That re
minds mo that 1 was told thu same thing
by a. gentleman out West , during my re
cent trip out there. My reply was that I
already had as many presidencies as I
could well give attention. 'Well , but
wouldn't you like Mr. Cleveland's scuU"
he persisted. Then I opened up my
valves and wont at him. "My dour sir.1
I said , 'I am president of the New York
Central railroad. That is an oflioo that
takes up all Iho time I can possibly spare
for business and literally absorbs all my
business energy .and capacity. 1 am pres
ident of the Union League club. That
position gives rae all the practical nnd
theoretical politics that any man could
de.siro to indulge in. I am president of
Uio Yale alumni , whioh l.s a position th t
ministers fully to my intellectual yearn
ings and aesthetic tastes. Now , I nave
mutual friend who has told mo that Pro
idont Cleveland has recently declared
that ho would exchange places with mo
for two of thuso presidencies. ' It was my
confident expectation , " added Mr. Wo-
pow , "that this would settle my western
friend. But you never know what the
practical western mind will evolve. My
listener had stared mo Intently in tlie
face , and whim I had finished ho asked
engerly and pointedly : 'Which two ? ' I
haven't discussed the presidenoy witli. .
anybody BIUCO , " . . . . , . , - , . , '