Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    „ _ ? ( ; iw - . " ' UTS ,
, ,
'y '
! f or a Quarter of a Million Omaha Can
Tap Them Dkoct ,
flic Canine * * Men to Co Conanltud
Xlio Painters' I'rlninplial 1'roces-
Blon Funny Kxpcrtonco of
Two Mikes-Other Local.
The Yankton Hallroad ,
A dolcgallon of business men arrived
In this city hist o veiling from Yankton ,
Dakota and Wayr.o , Neb. , in Iho interests -
' ests of Iho Omaha & Yanklon railroad.
At Iho Paxlon hoiel Ihoy were in consultation -
tation last night with Secretary Not-
tinker of the board of trado. The icpre-
Bonlalivcs are Major J. H. Dawson.
William W. Powers. A. li. Slaler and
( John E. licnnult. The former gentle
men are tint forerunners of a parly of
( forty , which will arrive in this city on
plotitlay evening. The meeting lust evenIng -
Ing was informal and the project was
discH scd in a general way. It was
agreed that the Yankton business men
should be received by the directors of the
board of trade on Monday night ,
On Tuesday evening a publio mi-cling
tvill bo held at which it is expected a full
attendance will bo had of the business
men of the city. The Yanklon men will
present the importance to Omaha of
Inakinc their eity tributary to this center
of Irado. A linn has already boon sur
veyed lo West Point , Neb. , from this city ,
find the Yanklon gentlemen last night
ptaled lhat from st Point a prelimi
nary line had been run which showed
n practicable route for a railway. Dele
gates from St. James and St. Helena will
visit this city with a vinw to securing a
divergence of the line to their towns.
, The committee also met Mr. 13. F.
Bmitli , of Boston , who has such largo
properly inlorusls here and who is
Bnoniling a few days in Iho oily. They
( also hail an extended interview with Dr.
George L. Miller. Mr. Smith expressed
tiitusclf as greatly interested in the pro
ject of a railroad to Yanklon and was
Deeply engrossed in conversation with
iho Yankton and Wayne delegation for a
lialt hour. Ho expressed himself as con
vinced that the proposed line would pay
find that it ought to bo built at once.
' When questioned by a reporter an to
, ho linancial help which Omaha was ex
ploded to extend lo Ihe railroad tbo
jjYanklon gentleman stated lhat Ihoy had
joalculateu $100,000 of the required
§ 500,000 could bo raised in Yanklon.
XV.iyno and St. Helena. This would
Jcavo $350,000 for Omnha to contribute.
Il'lie delegations considered lhat the con
struction of such n line would both
fjbenctit their towns and would , at
jjlio same time , add 20,000 people to
.Omaha in two years. They state that the
{ Secretary of Ihe board of trade assured
hem that as soon as this railroad WAS
hsaurod a largo elevator and nu extensive
flouring mill would be erected. The con
fection which such a railroad would give
Jl > maha with the corn raising bolt of
wouthorn Dakota and Iho wheat growing
J region of conlral Dakota could not but
really enlarge our market of products ,
ut Is claimed that : , in reality , this road
Vould bo the missing spoke in the wheel
'of ' which Omaha is the hub. Yankton is
connected directly with Mitchell and
? iuron by the Northwestern road , and.
hus Omaha would become directly con-
] nuolod with the great Dakola region
fwjilcir these roads reach into , including
the ferllle James river valley.
{ Max Schrotcr One of the Witnesses
' . of the Texan llobbcry.
-II is n well known fact that in all of
ho railroad accidents which have of lalo
akcn place in the country , some person
roni Omaha was on board tbo train *
The latest exemplification of this truism
i been found in the prcsonco of Mr.
Max Schrotor , the well known pharma
cist of this city on the train which was
ebbed in Texas a few pights ago. Some
of the particulars have already appeared
In the papers , but they differ in many
respects from the real circumstances of
the caso. Mr. Schrotcr arrived in town
Friday night and was mot by a BEE re
porter this morning. Ho said ho was on
the train , on the international line ,
'which had just reached McNeill , a sta-
tjon about Ion miles from Auslin. They
poached Iho place at 0:80 : o'clock. The
night was as dark as pilch. The
train was signalled and came to
R i slop. It was greeted with n single
ihot. A few moments later a couple of
( xplosions took place , and later a fusi-
ado , lasting some timo. threw the pas-
jchcers into uncontrollable fear. Mr.
Johrotor was in the sleeper. The win
now near him was open. Ho turned to
; ook out and pull down tlio curtain when
R- voice outsldo said , ' 'TaKo back
four head , sir. " Mr. Schrotor look it
'fiack. Passengers immeilialoly threw Iheir
Valuables under Iho seals , and nearly all
of them lay upon the floor in promiscuous
terror and confusion. Ono of iho pas-
iopgors , Henry Lamia , a corn contractor
ta the governor , who was iu the smoking
Apartment of the sle.ipcr , and at ono of
the windows , ralsundorslanaine Iho order
of the robbers on the oulside , moved
to look oul , when a bullet
fllniclc him in tlio loft hand shattering
Jt dreadfully and passing through the
Window on iho other side of the car. At
.list accounts Lundo was m a hopeless
condition , leckjaw having ensued. The
fmsseiiKors momentarily expected Iho
ysit | of Iho robbers , but became assured
when ono of Iho latter said lhat they did
tiot wish to molest the passengers
4hoy were after Jay Gould's money.
Subsequent discoveries revealed the tact
that the express car had been broken
infp and the robbers helped themselves
torwhatovor money Ihoy could find. The
Amount is variously estimated at from
13,000 to $35,000. Before slopping the
train tlio robbers took the precau-
turn to cut tlio wires and destroy
tlio lolcgraphlo instruments , ihus culling
qft' all means of communication wilh Iho
rest of the world. The train - was de
tained for fifteen minutes , and no I rain
was oxooctod at the place for four hours ,
6o. > that the robbers , had they boon so dis
jiosod , might have easily robbed all the
passenger ! without fear of arrest. The
plfito is well adopted to such deeds , be
ing surrounded by a rough and broken
country. The tram was at longlh al-
Iftvrod to move , and tbe nuws was not
fll'von lo Iho world until Fort 'Worth was
{ their Successful Strike tiargo Pro-
ccsalon Yesterday.
Yuslenlay Iho paiulers to the number
I of 200 paraded the streets on account of
. ' their success. The iirst stop waa made
at } l > o BEE oflico , where thu baud gave
Bo'verai selections. Mr. Craven , who has
a'etcd as president of the meetings
throughout the strike , Iheu slunped for-
reward and enllod upon Mr. K. Itosmvatcr ,
editor of the BKE , and addressed him in
souio complimentary words , Haying ,
unions other things , that thu DKK , its cd-
? lor nnd employes had slood
j" the painters and 'pa-
Tier hangar * In strong yet conserva
tive intuiuer. They felt it a duty , there-
foK > , to return a slight compliment by
colling at thu UKK ollleo that afturuoon. .
Mr. Cravun'a remarks were iutorrupted
by frequent rounds of applautw ,
nd when ho concluded there waa
' ) . laud calls tot Mr. Uc uwater , who
" " * * , - . . ,
'cpllod ' In a few words , saying that ho
lad always raado it a point to advocate
united labor in every Iceitlmalo move-
nonl , and would continue to do so. Mr.
tosowator's remarks were received with
hccrs. The procession then counter-
uarchcd and turned down Tenth street
o Mete's hall , There several speeches
were made by members of Iho organi/.a-
ion. Mr. S. G. Hunt , president of the
assembly and secretary of Knights of
xibor assembly 0,29'J , luformed the mem-
> ers that they were to go to
work on Monday , but if ono
hlng agreed upon by the "boss"
minters was violated they should leave
heir places. There was plenty of sup-
> ort at hand from local trades organiza-
ions and from other places , St. Louis
sending over three hundred dollars. Mr.
lunt said , in continuance , that the
ourneymon painters could hold out for
a ycnr as far as financial matters was
Mr. Graven Ihcn produced the gavel
hat had been used during the strike
meetings , and on suggestion , it waa
made a sacred memento of the assembly.
On resolution , Messrs. Uons & Munitn.
iroprietors of Molz1 hall , were lhanked
or their kindness duriug the several
sessions of the assembly.
A meeting of the painters will occur
his evening. Altogether this has been
me of the best regulated and most scnsi-
) ly conducted diltcrcnccs between em-
iloycrs and employes that ever occurred
u' tliis city , and the painters nnd paper
langers to-day stand very high in Iho
estimation of the citizens of Omaha.
lo the Republican Electors of the
City or Omaha.
The republican electors in the several
wards of the city of Omaha are requested
o meet in caucus at the places herein
after designated , on Wednesday , Juno 1 ,
at 8 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of
> lacing in nomination uino members of
ho school board , caoh ward being on-
itlod to ono candidate. Iho result of
ach ward meeting , duly cortiliod to by
ho president and secretary thereof , is to
> o forwarded immediately to Mr. R. W.
Jrcokinridgo , Nebraska National bank
luilding , in order that the necessary
ickets may bo printed and distributed.
Jaucuscs will bo held at the following
) lace9 :
First ward Tenth street school house.
Second ward Center street school house.
Third ward Uoclee street school house.
Fourth Ward High school building.
Fifth ward Izard street school house.
Sixth ward Long school house , Franklin
Seventh ward Georgia avenue sch eel
Eighth wnrd Saundars street school house ,
K. of P. block.
Ninth ward Farnam street.
The members of the central committee
will please see that the school houses in
their respective wards are properly pre
pared for these meetings.
As the selection of a school board is a
natter of great importance to the city of
Jraaha , it is particularly enjoined upon
.ho republican electors in each ward that
.hoy exercise care and sonnd judgment
n the nomination of candidates. Select
intelligent , conservative freeholders who
lave the best interests of our school ays-
em at heart , and who will demonstrate
thai fact by their work after the election.
The office is not a sinicure nor is it a
> ! ace of political preferment , and , in
stead of giving it to the man who seeks it ,
elevate to it the citizen who stands highs -
: s iu Iho estimation of his fellow-men.
3y order of the committee.
D. H. MEKCER , Chairman.
Cho Union Pacific Library Associa
tion Hectares It Good.
A very interesting meeting of the
Jnion Pacific Railway Club and Library
association was held at the headquarters
ast evening. The president , John Wil
son , occupied the chair. He opened the
meeting with a brief but practical ad
dress upon the purposes of the associa
tion. Mr. Edgar II. Mumford read a
very entertaining paper upon Iho sub
ject , "A Railway in Peru , " which lie
wrote about from personal experience in
a trip upon ono of the mountain roads in
that country.
The question , "Shall manual training
be introduced in our graded , schools ? "
was then discussed intelligently at great
length. Mr. W. 1. Baker presented the
aflirraatlvo phase of the topic. Ho con
tended that tlio conditions of the human
race had always been unfavorable to the
workers. Yet , ho contended , mankind
has always been benclitted far more by
the workingman than by all Iho efforts
of slatesmcn or lawyers. Ho
claimed that the answer to the
question of why mpro children did
remain in school until graduation , was
that their parents did not sco anything
practical in it. The false system of edu
cation which wo now have , he held , built
up a class of sharpers who live by their
wils and on the worKors. Ho strongly
advocated the adoption of manual train
ing as an adjunct to Ihn school , because
it would tend lo break down the false
notions of social superiority , which made
the $15 clerk a dillcrent person than the
$2i ) mechanic.
Guito ; a discussion followed. The ma
jority of the association favored the in
troduction oi manual training.
Philanthropic Hebrew Ladles.
A special meeting of the Hebrew
Ladies'Sowing society , called for the pur
pose of winding up the afl'airs of that in
stitution during the second year of its
organization , waa held on Friday at the
synagogue. Mrs. Adolph Meyer , secre
tary , und Mrs. D. Newman , treasurer ,
brought in their reports. After an ex
penditure of $178 during last winter
there is still $74 in the hands of the treas
urer. A vote of thanks was extended to
the officers named as well as to Mrs. M.
ilollman. president , and Mrs. Fred Adler ,
vice president , for the faithful discharge
of their duties. The association a'd-
iourucU until the first Sunday after the
lobrew holidays in the fall. There are
ninety members of the society.
Grand Celebration.
At a recent meeting of Knights o
Labor it was decided that the fifteen as
eomblios of this city should unilo in t
grand Fourth of July celebration at the
fair grounds. A programme consisting
of athletic games , a grand barbnauc ,
horse racing. and a balloon
ascension will bo arranged. It is expected
pected that the knichts of the surround
Ing cities and towns will unite with their
brethren of this city in thu celebration o
independence day nnd thai Iho ocrusion
will bo ono of tlio greatest over had it
the west. John Jenkins , Riclmrc
O'Kcofu and Julius Meyers comprise the
finance committee.
Crj tnl Weddinir.
Mr , and Mrs. Thomas A. Pioronot wll
celebrate Iheir cry.stal wedding , tiftoon
years of marriage , at their residoucd
t ifth and Division streets , on Thursday
evening next. The genial "Tom" will
take oil * the star for that occasion and receive
coivo the congratulations of his friends ,
who are as steadfast as they are uumcr
A. O. H. Reception.
To-morrow night the A. O. II. wil
give a reception in its hall on the come
of Thirteenth and Jvckson streets. Al
the members and their lady friends are
expected to be present. A good time U
A Special Mooting to bo Ilelil Monday
I ! ron I MR.
Next Monday evening the board of od-
ucatlon will hold a special mooting to
consider the plans of F. M. Ellis for a
school building on the high school
grounds. Ellis1 bid was for a building to
cost $33,000. His worklag plans were
or a slxtoon-room strucluro with
brick walls only a foot llilck. Tills is
considered unsafe by members of Iho
> oard and Ihercforo iho mailer will bo
irottghl before Iho body. The invesli-
gallon of Ihe accounls of Socrolary Con-
mgcr will also como up. The meoling is
an important ono and a lively
Imo is anticipated. It was stated
yesterday that Judges Lake and
Juvago had delivered an informal opln-
on that the present board had no au-
horily to elect teachers. This being the
case , it is thoucht that the publio school
syslom of Iho oily will bo greatly disar
ranged , as Ihe tuiichurs selected by the
> oatd will of course seek other Holds of
abor. Under Iho present condilion of
affairs Iho board is in doubt whether it Id
a legal body , and it is probable that at
Monday night's meeting an effort will bo
made to settle the complicated question
of authority.
Gentlemen With Kpaulottcs Fighting
PI re. *
Tlio engineer of the steam heating np-
m-atus of the Strang building took it in
is ! head yesterday afloruoon lo build a
ire to burn a mass of waslo paper which
tad been thrown into the furnace. Ho
lad a fire In about a minute. The llames
roared out of the furnace and up the
chimney and out of the top of the orifice.
? ooplo who stood in the street saw it and
yelled lire. The department responded
ind the heads of the departments of the
Jcpartment of the 1'latto tilstm-
tinguishcd themselves : They rushed for
ho buckets and then for Iho roof. Generals -
orals Brcck , Wilson and Dandy led Iho
van , and made a gallant and irresisliblu
charge uuon the blazing embers which
loured out of Iho chimney. Even Chief
.Jalligan , who had the whole lire depart-
nent in readiness iu the street below , lost
lid usual activity in his admiration of the
mpotuous atlack of Iho war veterans on
us oft-fought enemy. The generals , too ,
put out the liro.
Y. M"O , A.
The next meeting of the Mutual Im
provement association of West Omaha
will bo hold on Wednesday 25th lust.
Che following programme will bo ren
dered. Address , Miss Jennie Brown ;
Bcnelils of Being in Associalion , W , V.
Taylor ; Objoci of Being Social ; Dr. W.
nnder ; Improvement in the New World ,
iV. M. Warren ; ValeUiclory Address , 15.
) uncan.
They Wont to n Partj.
When Mike O'Brien , foreman for
rtcanoy on street work , and Mike Mc
Carthy , of the Union Pacific shops ,
walked into a briltianlly lighted business
iluco at Sixtconlh and Cumings streets
ast evening at 10 o'clock they revealed a
condition of dilapidation as lo clothing
nnd skin which would have done credit
0 the man who-wcnt through a thresh-
ng machine.
Mike McCarthy explained : Ho said :
'wo slarlcd out to go to Johnny yhito'3
ioura. Johnny is a foreman iu Iho
shops and ho was married a few
weeks ago. Ho has jnst got
himself settled in n bit of a
place out in the far northeast nart of
ho town and to-night mo and this bird of
evil omen slnrtcd out Ihoro lo go to u
house-warming which Johnny is giving.
I didn't know the way but Mike did. He
said so , anyhow. Just look at the likes
of him now and see whether ho didn't.
"Well , as I was saying , me and Mike
starlcd out for Johnny's and lost our
way. Wo waked about a mile and came
up to Cutoff lake. Mike stopped , and
says ho , 'Wait till I got a Hash. ' Pretly
soon a Hash came and Mike , away off.
saw a house. 'Thoro it is , ' says ho , anu
ho started ahead fast. I didnt follow so
fast , nmt he was lost in the dark. In a
mi mi to I heard some one hollerm' for
help , anil Ihero right in front of mo was
Mike up to his waist in water und nuul.
He'd walked right into the lauc. Well ,
1 helped liim out look at him , will you I
There's O'Brien with his high-water
pants , suro.
"Then it began to rain. Wo kept on
in the rain a ways until wo came up
against a house. It was only a half-fin
ished house , and wo didn't think any
body was in it. There was , though , Uo
you see that ! " and ho showed his left
Knee , over which the cloth of his uauUs
was apparently cut away. Across his
knco pan was n furrow about nn eight !
of an inch deep. "That's where tub.
bullet went. A litllo deeper and o
wouldn't be walking around with more ,
than ono knco cap. "
"What bullet ? " was asked.
"Why , that's what 1 vfos going to tell
yon. You see , when it rained wo thought
we'd step into Ihis half-finished house to
keep dry. So wo did. Wo hadn't been
there more limn a minute , nnd neither of
us hail a match , when \vn heard the
d Uest racket , and know Ihero was a
dog inside besides ourselves. Wo stepped
oulsidc. Wo didn't care lo cultivate the
dog's acquaintance. Than the follow
inside ho was there began shoot
ing. Wo started on the run.
But ho kept shooting behind
us , and souia 'coons' who live
near there joined in. Wo had more than
fifty darkies after usjn n minute. They
commenced throwing brick bats at us.
the dog was close behind , and then there
was Iho galoot a'shootin' . Mike hero
struck the first wire fence and I caught
another ono a few yards farther on. Then
Mike hit a clothes line and il caught him
right under the ohm and knocked him
silly. When wo got on our feet again wo
went on a little farther. Mike would
say : 'For God's sake , Mike , keep
running ; that dog's right behind.1 "
"When wo finally bad outrun the
heathens who wcro chasing us , wo start
ed m to take our bearings. God bless
you , neither one of us know whether wo
were in Omaha or Council BluQ's. Finally
It got upon a barn and looked , I saw
Omaha and then I saw Council Bluffs ,
and I knowed whcro we woro.Vi
struck out until wo reached a road anil
wo came in 911 It. Wc'vo playing in big
luck to bo alive. "
When Ihe Iwo were lasl seen they wcro
organizing relief party and were going
buck lo clean out the "nagurs. " .Further
developments are looked for soon.
Ttio nriKlmm- Young Concert.
The Brighara-Young concert of songs
next Thursday evening promises to boone
ono of the most successful musical events
of Iho season. Among others
Mr. Brigha.n will sing ono
song , Iho rendition of which is al
ways associated with , his voice viz
' Dreams , " by Streleski. Mr. Young
will bo heard m the popular song by
Piusutl , called. "Qucon of tbo Earth. '
Mr. Young in the musical director of the
new Apollo club.
Two Railway Accidents.
Wm. Orrnsby , an Union Pacific brake
ma , was thrown from the top of a frcigh
car yesterday forenoon at tha stock yards
Ho sustained a broken fchoulder. Ho is
being given medical attendance al
Officer Dcmpsey'9 house.
Patriot O'Hern , another brakeman
had two lingers pinched while coupling
card yesterday morning before daylight
n the yards at the Tenth street crossing ,
lo will lose ouo. > t
mportnnt Questions Which an Indian
DKCATUII , Nob. , May 10. To the Edl
of the BEK : Recently , as slated by the
JEE , n trio of chiefs of tlio Omaha tribe
of Indians visited his excellency Gov
ernor Thaycr , for Iho purpose of supwll-
eating for a stay of oppressive taxation.
A. loiter signed by the governor has buou
brought homo by chiefs ,
ivhich latter , as uudbrstood , guarantees
horn a'ud Ihoir people lo bo exempt from
taxation , personal nnd real , for the
icriod of twonty-iivo years. Could this
; uaraulce be sustained , it shall bo the
vish of a majority of Iho Omaha tribe.
5ttt what has boon done toward mi vane-
.ng the Indian race from Ihu stall on of
wards of the government to that of citi
zens of the united States. This and
more questions ought to interest all good
people. The United Stales has lor a
luuibor of years niudo ample provision
for Iho educalion " of Hie Indian
such institutions ns the Hampton ( Vn. ) ,
normal school , which stands foremost
of all ; the Carlisle school , of Pennsylva
nia ; the Haskoll institute of Kansas , anil
many others adapted to training of the
Indian youth on the road to civilization.
This work has been done in view of their
ultimata citizenship , which has been of-
fooled seine linio past. Abraham Lincoln
guvo liberty to the African on American
soil , and did not Grover Cleveland irlvo
liberty to the successors of the original
inhabitants of America ?
On February 8 , 1837 , the president of
the United Slates signed a bill which de
clares all Indians citizuns ( with few ex
ceptions ) , and the Omahas uro included
with those who are niado citizens. This
Bill , as understood , holds that wo pay no
taxes on our lands for twenty-live years
from the linio of allolmonl in severally ;
and it is also understood that wo have
the protcplion of iho laws of
the slate of Nebraska. It de
clares farther , lhal Iho legislature
of the stnto wherein a tribe of Indians re
side can make no law abridging Iheir
rights as cilizens. Wo do not ask to bo
taxed , even on our personal property ,
but wo must have the protection of the
law. J nxation and protecliou of the law
beine somewhat reciprocal , it seems that
there must be some kind of a tax. Stale
authorities please investigate.
Member of Omaha Tribe.
Ijnto NOWH On the Street.
The city council hold a closed-door
meeting last night. Police regulations
was the topic of the discussion.
Jerry Boh an and Miss Mary Mostyn
will bo married on Monday morning at 8
o'clock in St. Palrick's ' church.
The Land League will hold a large
mceling at Cunningham's hall to-day at
3 p. m. .j
Officer Brady arrested two women for
quarreling und lighting at Twelfth uud
DOUKO slreets last mght/
The Merchants' Vaults.
The Merchants' National bank is being
rapidly erected , and is daily attracting
the attention of hundreds of passers by.
The work is being done in Iho main by
Omaha men , and onf ) of tlio finest pieces
of work in the structure arc Iho new
safely vaults which are to be built by G.
Androen of this city. They will cost
$10,000. .
_ _ _
Gone Again.
Some time ago it was announced in
the Br.E lhat a s'alo.oiX-koopcr named
Frank Jedhka , doin business in the cel
lar at the corner of Farnam and Thir
teenth streets , had compelled his fifteen
year old daughter to act as barmaid , and
that the girl had run away. Later she
was found and brought homo , and now
it developes that Ihe girl has run away
again. It is said that Jed li lea has de
serted his family and refused to provide
for their ueccssilies.
A Mute Accident.
In running to the alarm ot fire ycslor-
day afternoon one of the horses of the
No. 1 engine company slipped and foil at
the corner of Fifteenth and Douglas
streets. The horse was quickly placed
upon his feet , found to be uninjured and
the run continued.
. Heal Estate Rxchance.
The real estate exchange is booming
according to the reports of members.
Up to to-day Iho number of firms repro-
senled is 108 and the membership is
growing. Daily sessions are hold at Ihe
rooms , corner of Farnam and Tonlh
Sunday Picnic.
At Spoerl's park to-day an athletic pic
nic will bo given , al which Iho principal
event will be a ten-mile race between
Grogir and Brazcc. of this city. The race
is for $25 a side. There will also bo other
races , jumping and pulling iho shot. The
Thirtuouth street car line passes the park.
The National
A very important meeting of Iho Irish
national league will bo hold at Cunning
ham's hall this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock.
Reports will bo made by the committee
oh Iho fund for evicted tnnanls.
Htolo a Sot or Ifarnosi.
Yesterday afternoon alhiof enlercd the
stable of 1) . W. Parker and slolo a valu
able sol of harness. The mailer was ro-
porlcd lo Iho police.
Personal Pnrnaraphs.
G. J. Gilbert , of Covington , Ky. , is in
the city ,
Mr. Young will sing Ihis morning at
the Tabernacle a selection from "St.
Paul. "
fl. Rosenthal , of the now firm of Rosenthal -
onthal & Co. , who has boon east for the
past week buying tfojfyl for Iho 'now
People's Installment house , will arrive
in the city Monday. ' " '
Hon.Gsorgo Heimrod and family will
" depart for Kuropo QUiUuHlWth inst. They
"will visit Germany , particularly , return
ing in the fall. Mr.'ifotttlrod's daughter ,
who has been pu $ ijjife her studies in
Germany , will return with them.
Mrs. Laura Powers ; of : Crete , Nob. , is
visiting hur brothcr O. " II. Birney , and
Mrs. (51 L , ErlcksorffoVjfcut Hill.
Boston rejoices IrflfiEJ application of
steam power to boot'jiolifehing. ' In a shon
located in the mldst'pf 7Vlu disciples of
Blacksiono has boon pltqa up an engine
with a complex arrangement of straps
by which brushes uro whirled at a sur
prising rate. The crtstomers are seated
on a long bench and are polished off iu a
yory short time.
The Savannah News prints this , but
doesn't explain it : "A lady living in
Cuthburt is the mother of eight Irving
children , the oldest fourteen and the
youngest six months of age. All her
children have boon blessed with perfect
eyesight , and yet neither the oldest nor
the youngest ever saw its father , while
all the others have scon their father. "
Mrs , Grant has jit't received from
Charles L. Webster a chock for $33.33i.C3
as additional. profits on Ihn sao ! of Gen
eral Grant's Memoirs. She has Just ro-
ccivod to date a total of $ ; JM.m53. !
The financial success of Grant's book
is unprecedented in iho history of lilora-
turo ,
S , P , MORSE & CO ,
Dross Goods Monday Morniug ,
BO Combination Suits $0.75 and $7.60 ,
Actual Vnluo $ Ul ) , No Two
Allkn. IjitdtcH * tilslo lloso
Ii5c ; . Silk Mttts lUc.
Monday inornitiR wo will olTer
some rare bargains in our dress
goods department ; as will bo scon tlio
goods are all now nnd desirable , wo luivo
made the purchases for thlj sale for cash
and at our own prices in the last 00 days.
S. P. Muusn & Co.
GO all wool , silk and wool
COMIIIXATION novelty combination suits
In summer colorings and
SUITS mixtures ; no two of thuso
alike ; they have sold for
$0.75 $18.00 to $20 ; come early
nnd secure ono at .fO.75
100 pieces 8M ( ioli all wool
Albatross cloth in the very
! latosl biego and Ian us well
as dark colors ; Ihcso arc
worlh 50 cents a yard ; our
price Monday ! 15c.
S. P. MOUSE & Uo.
35 very choice style neat
silk and wool comblna
COMBINATION lion suils iu Ian , brown ,
SUITS , $7.60. navy , clc. , regular
qualily. Reduced lo $7.00
$25 CosniitfATiox SUITS REDUCED TO
$35 Combinalion Suits reduced to ? 20
$15 Combination Suits reduced to$27.50
Monday. S. P. MOUSK & Co.
Monday morning wo oiler
SILK 100 dozen Ladies and CO
MlTS dozen Mluscs and Children's
1'Jo ' pure Silk Mitts in all colors
and ( i-butlon lengths for llc )
a pair.
SCHOOL 'Ihcso are seamless , black
and colors , sizes 7 , 7 } , 8 , 8 } .
HOSE 0-inch. These are the equal
of any 40-ccnt hose ever
25C. shown in Omaha only 10 doz
Monday at 23 eta.
S. P. MOKSB & Co.
LADIES' 25 dozen Ladies Lisle thread
LISLE hose , warranted to wear well ,
HOSK a regular 45-ccnt quality in
black only at 25 cents a pair
on Monday.
klonday wo will offer 50 dozen
L\mia' : Ladies' French Brilliant Lisle
LISLE Hose in all the best tan and
HOSK , mode colors , as well as black.
OOc. These are retailed elsewhere at
75c. Monday for 59c.
COO dozen Ladies' fast color
LADIES' ' snllt foot brilliant Cotton lloso.
HOSE Our customers will say that
35o. , they have regularly paid 50o a
pair for these. Monday's
price , 35c.
S. P. MOUSE & Co.
BARGAINS in Hosiery too strongly , and
particular attention is called to the 25
cent Children's Hose and the 35 cent
Ladies' Hoso.
The "Other Sido" of an Event Nearly
a Year Old.
UUSUVILLE , Neb. , May 14. To the Ed
itor of Iho BEE : On Sunday , Juno 12 ,
1880 , C. C. Akin , a prominent attorney of
this place , was taken out a short distance
from town by a lawless gang of rufliians ,
and after a certain form of preliminary
abuse and indignities , was reduced lo a
nude slalo and covered cap-a-pie with
molasses , tar and fealhors , and in which
condilion ho was ridden for some dis
tance on a scantling , and afterwards
marched to music through the
principal streets of the place.
While still in the custody of the mob ho
was compelled to sell his town properly ,
including his olllco , which was trans
ferred to n member of said mob , thence
he was driven to his fatiu a short dis
tance from town and llioro in the pres
ence of the "captain" and his "liouton-
nnla" and a sufficient portion of the
"rank and file , " his wife's signature to
the deed was , under thrcals , lerrorism
and intimidation , secured. Since the
above event the e > : ud Akin has with his
wife and a portion of his family resided
in the neighboring town of Hay Springs.
An arlielc soon appeared in the BEE pur-
porling lo give a Irtio account of the dis
graceful transaction and infamous out
rage , and was just such an article as a
member of just such a mob would natu
rally write , The two newspapers hero
being under the influence of the mob ele
ment bccamo its mouth-pieces ( Akin hav
ing recently brought suit against ono of
thorn for $10,000 damages ) and altogether
it is uo wonder wo hear from all parts of
tiio country that Rusnvillo has the rcpu-
lalion of being a town of "roughs. "
Any town is liable lo have its
rough clement , and the mobbing of ono
of its best and most law-abiding citizens
shows that Rushvillo is not an exuoplion. '
This rough , boystrous , disturbing and
lawless element is like dust it will ily
for a tiniu and pollute and thicken the
social almosphoro but it will bo eventu
ally settled by the moral forces which , in
truth , largely predominate here , though
unorganized. And it is on behalf of
this moral portion of this community ,
who would under no circumslanccs en
gage in Iho practice of lar-and-fealhor
ruflianism , but who would and do in un
measured and unqualified terms con
demn it ; and to disabuse iho public mind
of the impression , should such exist , as
might have been created by the mobiles
and Ihclr allies , that this mobbing of
Akin was , or has been , acquiiifcced in , or
upheld or pardoned by any really disin-
lereslcd or rospcclablo citizen or citi
zens , the writer has decided to remain si
lent no longer in the mailer of presentIng -
Ing to the public at least a synopsis of
the inevitable "other bido. "
It is not our purpose , nor will any at
tempt bo made to hold up any man as an
angelt or as being morally imuuiculato
and exempt from peccadillo. Akin's
friends , and they are many , desire lhat
he shall have a fair deal no moro , no
loss. If ho violates law , lot him take Iho
consequences. But ho was not accused
of violating any law. not even by the
mobiles and Iheir friends. Ho was not
an immoral man- not a bad citizen to
any but these who were themselves bad
in their intentions and practices. On Iho
conlrary , ho was considered , bill a sliorl
linio previous to Iho outrage , not only a
good citjzen but the most conspicuously
prominent and loading man and freely
worthy of special preferment and honor.
This was his slanding on February 1.
ISM , when a pollUon was signed by all
the business men of Rushvillo except
four , to Hon. L. Q. C. Lamar , secretary
of the Interior , asking his appointment as
register of Iho new Northwest United
States land districl , as described by bills
Ihon pending In congress. In paid pell-
lion his character was set forth as a man
thoroughly qualified iu every essential
particular for the above mcntlncd oflico ,
which it was then thought Rushvillo
might luckily eecuro. But , in the progress
of the rapid settlement of this region of
counlry , a great many attempts have
been made by sundry speculators ,
and "seniors '
adventurers lotruuduleitIly
possess themselves of liuld , and their
ill-disguised frauds wcro too thinly cov
ered to escape tlio sharp-eyed Akin , and
there being an "over doso" of this kind
of land grabbers in and around Rushvillo
who were unable to control bfra by any
moans at their command or to enlist him
In their crooked and rascally schemes ,
they took a tangent and became Incensed
lo a high pitch of madness at tlio way
ho persisted In fulling them , and uniting
anu mobbing him and driving him , by
throats of a worsu fate , lo other parts of
Iho country was their only , their last ami
desperate resort. A lifo-liko , group pic
ture of the mobbltos would bo an interestIng -
Ing specimen , and would furnish an
amusing study [ for ( a physiogomist. .Us
proper place would bo in the "rogue's
gallery. " They are "beauties. " ( ? )
Having committed Iho crime of mob
bing htm. all Ihoy have said or done
since by llicmsolvn ? or through thntr al-
lornoys evinces only madness , Irickcry
and in Keeping with the spirit und intent
whluh prompted the mobbing.
A certain report , said to have been
started by ono of the mob's attorneys.
Is going the rounds of a certain class of
newspapers thai Akin has been disbarred.
The order of March 10. 1831 , from Iho
general land olllco disbarred all land
agents and attorneys who had been previously -
viously practicing as such nntil Ihey
.should comply with Us requirements ,
and Akin was no more alVeeted by said
order than any other attorney and agents.
The truth half told is often worse than n
lie. The palpabloobject of such report is
to injure him just on
Iho eve of his heavy damage -
ago stills against tlio mobbites , their
abettors und sympathizing slanderers.
They mobbed , they published slanderous
stalemnnls ; $500 , nnd afterward $1,000 ,
was offered by ono of the mob ( so said
on good authority ) lo a corluin man if ho
womd kill Akun ; Ihey were mad when a
ohanaoof venue was granted , taking the
case to Dawcs county ; are selling and
otherwise getting their properly out of
their hands ; have left and going , or get
ting ready to go lo distant and unknown
parts ; and having done what they have
so anothing they may yet do to sustain
their wicked cause will bo only an addi
tional chapter of the same vile and
hellish story they tire giving lo Iho
world. A CITIZEN.
HAY Spawns , Neb. , May 13. To Iho
Editor of Iho UKKV. : \ . 11. Wcslorus , one
of the attorneys for the Hnshvillo mob-
bites in the great "tar and fealhcrs" fault ,
to bo tried ; it Chadron Iho next term of
thu district court , which convenes May
HO , did , during lust week , circu
late a report all along this
line of railroad from Valentino to
Itowcn , to the effect that I had been dis
barred from pracllcing as a land attor
ney before the interior department , nnd
has succeeded in gelling it published in
four different papers that I have soonand
no telling how many more will copy Iho
said item as I am so well and favorably
( ? ) known in this and nil the adjoining
stiles and. territories. Wherefore I
write to stale that said report is
false , and is circulated by the attorney
for the mobbites , for the solo nnd only
purpose of injuring mo and helping
his friends and clients , just on the cvo of
the trial of said suit. This has boon
tlioir mode of warfare from the lirst.
They do this lo try and prejudice the
court and lury against me , and thus do-
teat the ends of juslice. I therefore ap
peal to the BEK , forl am battling against
great odds twenty-one men , some of
them rich , on ono side , and mo alone on
the other , which makes a very uncvon
conflict. It docs seem that they
might stand against me without resorting
to such low mean thicks , but then it is
their nature , and as 1 have truth and
right on my side I feel sure I will como
out all right. So far I have made
them squirm. I have four suits against
them now aggregating about $50,000 and
poor old man Wallace , they mobbed
him before mo , has ono against them for
$10,000. No wonder they arc putting
this property out of their hands. By
publishing this you Will greatly oblige
Transfers Filed Mny 21 , 1887.
Nathan Sliclton and wile to Wm H
Sehuylpr , lot 10 , blk 4 , llawthorno
add. wil ! S 1,50003
John Chrisliansen and wife In Ho
mer tilnnchnnl , lot 8 , blk 8 ,
Drake's add , wd 2,000 00
J H lluneatc. trustee , to Henry
Mies , lot 0 , blk 14 , UeJford place ,
wd. ! 1,00000
J H llungato , trustee , to Elllaboth
Frenzer , lot 10 , blk 14 , Bedford
place , w d 1,000 00
Union Stock Yards Co \Yttnsel
JJeck , lot 10 , blk 11. 1st add to
South Omaha , wd 200 00
Chas C Parmol ot al to Win Newell ,
lots 13 to 34 Inclusive , blk 1 ,
Yates & Hoinj.les' mid , w d 10,20000
Su.san 11 Windsor to llanscom I'ark
M K church , lot 13 , blk 13 , Hans-
com place , w d 2oOO 00
Cnthnrino A fSroon and husband to
{ Jeo W Hall s WS.NI ftlol o SH.5 It
lot 8 , Johnson's add , w d 20,00000
Citv ot Omaha to ( Jeo K Stratman ,
14x07 ft beginning at s w cor of
lot 4 blk 45. Omaha , q c 40900
Harry li Miller et al to N 1' llust ,
lot 4 blk 3. Tlpton place , w d. . . . 500 00
MilfT l V Sears to Chns W Lyinan
et al , lot 12 blk 14 , Central park ,
Kate i'lckuroe to Mrs Martha ling
ers , lot G blk 2 , Klrkwood add , w
,1. . . , l.rxx ) 00
Saml D Mercer and wife to John M
lingers , lot 0 blk C , Walnut hill ,
\v d 400 00
David Jamison and wife to Wm A
Uath , lot ? blk 2 , Uelvidere. n c. . 1 00
iMsiry S Stnobollo * t al tn Dennis
Cunningham et al , lots 7-H Au
burn Hill , w d TXX ) 00
Wlllard Scott arid wlff to Win T
Ueed , Jot IS blk "A" Saundcrs &
Hlmbauch'sititd d 700 00
John I1 Mullen and wife to ( Jeo M
DeKolt ot al , lot a.D.ivon port's
subdivision or lots Bti , 53 , 54 , 55
and S" ( Jlse's ndd wd 2fXX ) 00
Anna M tl MeCormlck ot nl tn Has-
nius llcurlckson , lot IS blk G Deer
Varkwd 1,00000
Wm Alstadt to Marttarctha ilof-
mnnn , 0 ft from n bcz 85 8-300ihs
ft on nw cor w of w line of Kith
st s , 50 ft to sw cor of said lot e ti
ft to sw cor said lot 0 blk 7
Kauntzo & Ruth's add w n c 1 00
Kred'k Krug anil wife to Win
Stadleman , 150x211 ft ber ; alsw
cor of eK of lot 4 llagaud's uilil
wd 3,500 00
South Omaha Land co to ( ! oo N
lllcks , lot 11 blk i > * > South Omaha
wd 27300
Lew W 11111 to Kimono F Sc.ivar ,
lots 12 and 13 blk 23 Omaha Vlow
extension wd 2rx)0 ) 00
Frank Chrlstmnn to S C Irov , lot 8
blk 14 Myers , Richards & Til-
den'aaildwd COO 00
August Hensou nt al to 1-rank K
Helm , 45xlOTJ/ of tax lot 8 ) :
n .w > < s oi \ 10.15 , 13 , w d. . . . < : . 750.00
Frank Stetka and wife to 1-raulc
Jasper.lot 0 blk O.Aawthonio add , n
Jaisol/A 0 Smit'li'and wlfu't'o' Chas
1) llrown : : o f I olt w side of lot 3
- „ „
blkUlOJtf.wd - C.000.00
Gen H Aammond & Co to Laura M
Whlttclsay. Jf of an aero In 4 , 14 ,
13 , w d 1,2.0.00 .
AntiaK Dandy and husband to
Helen K Hall , 17xM ( ft bi'K 231 ft
n and 17 ft o of f w cor of s o } (
21,15.13q c . , ; 1 > 0 °
Anna K Dandy and husband to
Helen M Hall 10 0 } ft iiogsn ft
n of s w cor of HO Jf 21 , lo , u ,
Anna' 'Dandy' ' a'tid" husband "to
Helen M llall.Iot 7 Roes place except -
cept w 17 ft , w d ; ; . , . ; ' 7,000.00
Win 11 ( Ircen and wife to dee W
Hall 50x128 feet beginning nt aw
cor iff lota John wnra mid w d. . . . 11,000 00
Hugh Murphy and wife to A Booth
mil Sons o 22 foot of lot 7 blk 1US
Omaha , wd 0,00000
Jas I Collins ot nl to Wjllett 11
Robins wH Int47 Olses mid. w .1 3,000 00
Albert J Kendrlok to Frank W
Hills lot 10 blk 1 llawthorno w d 1,15000
Fred K Knight to the public plat of
Knltrhi's add 3iO.25xllO.3i loot In
20.15 ami 13 dedication.
South Omaha Lanii company to
GunnarAUndqulat , lot U blk
TO South Omaha , w d 22500
Jas E Rlley and wife to Albert
Reed lot Oln J K Rtley's Mib-
division , wd 1,50000
1 case Lawns , now style nnd good
quality , at 2)c ) a yard.
1 case Lawns , elegant style' , all the
different shades , atCc n yard. Ucst vnluo
in iho city.
1 case Lawns , 50 different , styles to
select from , : it lOc a yard. Special good
3 cases of Satino in light or dark
shailos , at the low price of 7o a yard.
This is the best value over offered in this
city on Satino ; quantity limited.
00 iilcccs Lace Hunting in IS different
shades , our price will bo 5c a yard ; well
worth ISo.
500 pieces India Llnon and Victoria
Lawns at Ho , 5c , 8c , lOc , isje , 10o and ' 'Ou
n yard ; worth double.
50 pieces of Scrim for curtains al 7o } ,
lOo and 12o a yard.
1 case full-size Marseilles lied Spreads
at $1.25 each ; worth $3.
50 dozen Turkioh Towels at ISjo each ;
worth 20c.
Special Sale on Monday of Rvm
Remnants must fly on Monday. Full
standard Prints in remnants , 2 to 0 yards
each , on Monday only lo a yard. Rem
nants of Gingham as Sic a yard. Rem
nants of Lawns , Saline , Seersucker ,
Cambrics , Muslins , Toweling * , Whlto
Goods , Dress Goods , Laces.Embroiderics ,
Table Linens , &c. , &c. . at about 15c on
the dollar. Remnants for everybody on
Monday. Como early nnd got your pick
of remnants on Monday.
Extraordinary Sale or Gentle
men's fiirnUlilug Goods.
101 dozen Oonts1 Lnundrleil Whlto Shirts ,
doiitilo tmck nmt line llnoii bosom,7' > o : worth ( I.
: r > dozen Hunts' Porcu'.o Shins , with coilnis
mid cuirs , nt 47c. A grout Imrjrnln.
Gouts' 4-ply Lmen Collars , In all styles , So
onch : worth Ifio.
fil ) dozen Goats' BnUjrlgean Shirts , 30o : worth
50c.W ) doz. < iont ' Clouded llorlno Shirts and
Drawers , 50o : worth $1.
100 doz. Itolnforcuil Unlnundrlod Shirts , llnon
l > O9om,4Ro : costT5c to niiiko.
Mlo7.1'atont Wire Uucklo Suspenders , 25o :
rojfiilnr nrleoWc.
An Inmieiipoassortment of flonta' Nockwpnr ,
uow styles , In ovorj glmdo.lUc : worth up to We.
100 doz. Imported Fiinuy Hair lloso , IVo :
worth lilc to .Wo.
dents' Domestic flnlf Hoge.Ko per pafr.
Ladles' nnd Children' * Hosiery ,
r > 0 diz. Children's Itlhbod Ho o , regular innde ,
nil sires 6 to 8. to bo closed out ut Jfio per pair ;
reduced fiom " > o.
KM ) doz. Children's flno Conluroy Hlbbod Ilosd.
In block only , "lc.
Children's Uluck Llslo Thread Hose , all sizes ,
35c : worth 50c.
100dor. Dors' Long lloso , rlbbod , 12Hc : worth
Ladles' Dnlbrltrprnn lloso , double heal anil
toes , nt ir > o : worth U5o.
Schoppors Fast lilack , citrn long , 39o : worth
100 doz. Ladles' Solid Colored lloso , Tvlilto
frot. 1" c per pair.
Iji'llea' Lisle 'thread Hose , 44o : worth T5o.
Will plnco on H ! O no doz. of J.iulioa' Drop
Stitch Llslo Thread Hosnat4lo : worth 11.
Ladles' Underwear.
2 casus of Ixllo3 : < Vests , silk finished , 25c :
worth 40o.
1 cueo of Laillcs' n.ilbrleiran Yosts , high nooli.
Rluirt gloovcs , .15u : worth SUu.
5) ) doLmlleV Iliilbriwan Vests , low neck ,
short Rloovos , iP.'o ' : worth tiOc.
Ladles' Lisle Thread Vests , 8Iss rlbbod , OSol
othorH nskfl.W.
LndloV Mottled nnlbrlBffan Vostg , Jersey ,
ribbed , 40c I worth tl.
Ladles' Hue lllbbed Vests , Jersey lUtliiff , 75oi
worth $ 1.25.
Just received another lot of Corsets to bo
clo cd out nt very low prices.
101 doIlouuty Corset , IVo : worth lie.
100doMonocnim Corset , 2. " > o , worth SOc.
50 rtoElslo Corset , Xw. worth OOo.
Our Klsln Corset In black and rod only , at 534
cannot bo bout for the money.
1 Olli .St. , Hot. Doilgo
.Advertisements under this hond.lO cents jxir
inu for the llrst Insertion , 1 cunts for each aub-
Roiiuent Insertion , amltl.fiOn line per month.
No advertisement taken for lewtniinZS contii
for the first Insertion. Seven words wll Ibo
counted to the line ; they must run consooii-
tlvolv and must bo paid In advance. All ndror-
tl-onioiitH must he Landed In before 1:30 o'clock
li. in. , nnd under no circumstances will they bo
tnlicn or discontinued by telcphono.
I'm ties advertising In those column * ana bnv-
Inir the answers addressed In c ro of TIIK IIKB
will plenso nsk for a check to enable thorn to ( rot
their letters , as none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements nhoiild tin enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns are | > nl > -
Hulled In both rnornlnir and evening editions of
The IlEK , the circulation of which
aKirrcgatos moro th n 14,000 papers
dally. and Klves the Kdvertloor the
lK > notlt , not only of the city circulation of Thn
ORE but nlRO of Council II In Us , Lincoln , nnd
other cities and towns throughout this part of
the west.
MONFA' TO LOAN-On city property la
sums of $500 and upward * at lowest ratct.
Money always on hand. a. & Campbell. 3IJ
Soiilli Sixteenth street. K
500,000to loan at8 per cent , Harris &Pamt- |
gen , 1S1Q Douglas Bt 'U
ONKY to loan In luriffl or small amounts by
Wm II. Loach , 1500 Karnum. 05 JIB
ONRY TO LOAN O. P. r > nvll & Co , ic.U
estate and loan agents , 1105 Farnuui si.
071 _
ONUY TO LOAN 1'IratmorttfiiKO uotei
ImuKht. J.A. Illuslnncl , room 0 , Arlliu-
ton block ? TOl J 13J
flSWO/XX ) To loan on Omaha city property ma
P per cent. d. W. Day , a. o. cor. Ex. DM.
MONKY TO LOAN-On city nnd farm prop-
erty , low latos. Stewart & 09. , Itnom 'I
Iron bank. , Q <
to loan , cash on delay.
MONKY and K. L. Squire , liU Farnam st. ,
Tail on hoti-1 building. 6"5 _ _ _
ONhY First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bunk will buy papers soourod h/
first mortgage on city realty. 0' "
TO LOAN GJJ improycit real estate ;
no commission charged. Leuvltt Hum-
bum , Itoora 1 Crolghton lllock. 677
6PKU CKNT-Monny to loan.
Gregory * lladley ,
Rooms 1 and 8 , KeUicJi Dtock , aSJ B.
rrvj LOAN Money 1-oan * placed on > m-
1 proved real estate In city or county for
New Kngland Loan 4 Trust Co. , by I > o"KlHS
County bank. 18th anil Chicago sts. _ OH )
ONKY to loan on Improved city property ate
8 per cant- Money on band ! do not huvo
to wait Have a complete set ot abstract booki
of Pouglai county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. , 33) ) S , IMii BI
ONKY TO LOAN-bytnonndorslgned , wlin
bus the only properly organized loiin
agency In Omahu. Loans of f IU to $100 nmclo
on liirnlturo , pianos , organs , horses , wngonl ,
machinery , Ac. without removal. No delays.
All business strictly conCdrntlul. Loans so
miido that any part can bopald at any Ime.ciich
payment reducing the rest pro ratn , Advance *
in ado on flno winches and diamonds. riTBon : !
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , cs many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
and sco mo. W. It. Croft , Uoom 4 Wtbnnll
liulldlng ISth and Harnuy. 6'3
Fjhlll' Omaha Financial Kxchunge.
.1. N W. corner of Huruey turn 15th Eta. ,
over Htiito Nntluiml bank.
I * pri'pnrod to muko short time loani on any
available oecmlty. , ,
Loans made on chattel : , collateral or rcr.l
Long time loans madoon Improved real estate
at current rales. . .
1'urcha o money mortgages negotiated.
He-cured notes bought , sold or exi-lianged.
Short tlmo loans mane on second nuirtgaste.
according to marginal Interest , at collutornl
rAtenl | estate to exchange for good Interest
' ' " ' ' >
"eiierdi'llni'nclal huslnew of all tlndl trans
acted promptly. 'lUlelly and fairly.
Money alwar § on himd for approved loans of
any kind , without delay or unnecenary pub
licity. Oorbutt , ilnn m. 1M