Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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tnllr ( MornMjj Edition ) Including Bundor
flKf , Oun Ywir . . . . . . . . ? 10 (
For Six Moulin . 6 <
J-'orTrirooMonthfl . "I
The Omnlm Sunday HUE , mnlloJ to miy
iiddrc's , Uno Vtmr. . , . SI
OMAHA Orner , No. 9H AMD OTi FAtivAM P
Nnv VIIKK orricK , u ow r. ' > . i mniiNc Ht'ii.wv
Alt commanlaitiorn rolntlnato nctrs
torlal nmttor MiouM bo tuMrussoJ to tbo I'.i
roil or TIIK IIKK.
All butlnnM letters nntl romlttnncos ilionld I
DMAIIA. Drnftfl , chocks and p < ntoflleo ordo
to bo made jmy ublo to the oril r of the oompun
E. R08E\VATER. Emron.
Bworn Statement or Circulation.
Btato of Nebraska. 1 , „
County of Dotulas. , " ' "
( loo. II. Tzsehucic , secretary of The Bi
Publishing company , does solemnly swe :
that tlio actual circntntlon of tlm Dally Hi
for the week ending May It ! , 1837 , was i
followw :
Hatuitlay. May 7 u.f.
Hnndny , May 8. 14,0
Wf > nd.iv. . May' ) 14,8
TiiPHday , Mav 10 14,1
Wednesday , May 11 14li
Thursday , May 13 14,1
Friday , ilay 13
Averaee 14.2
Subscribed nnd fiworu to beloro mo tli
ICth day of May , 1SS7.
N.I' . ,
[ SEAL. ] Notary Public.
Oco. H. T/achuck , bcliis first duly swnr :
deposes and says that ho Is secretary of Tl
lieu I'nbllshlm ; company , that the nctn
avi'rnjco dally circulation of the Dally lion f
the month of May,18bC , 12,49 : ; copies ; for Jun
18W1,13.SW copies ; for July , ISSfl , 12,31 Icopu-
for August. lb6 , 12,464 copies : for Suptei
ber , iwn , 13,030 conies ; for October , !
12/.H9 copies ; for November. 1S80 , 13,3
copies ; for December , 1B80.13,2.77 ctinies ; f
January. 18ST. ir.,200 copies ; for Februar
1887 , 14,103 copies ; for March , 18S7 , 14,4 ,
copies ; for April , 1887 , 14,310 copies.
Oio. : H.TzNcittiCK.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 71
day of May , A. D. , 1887.
ISEAL. ) N. V. FEIL , Notary Public.
TORONTO wants free trade. O'Brlc
wants frco spocch.
THE visiting strangers to Omaha c
press thcmsulvcs as charmed with 01
A VKTKIPIKU body has been found
Illinois. And the Illinois legislature
still in session.
QIIKKK KAI-IOLANI has sailed for E
ropo. She proposes to see the Wild \Vc
"as she is shown. "
TIIK SUNDAY BEE will bo up to tl
usual standard of excellence. It is n
an advertising sheet , but a model now
paper. _ _
AN Iowa paper nominates Sonat
Allison for president. Padded boot
are not alone confined to towns and citl
these days.
THK United States circuit court h
held that the Georgia local option is co
Btitutional. There will bo many jui
relegated to the cellar.
THE religious gymnasts of Kanaay Ci
have greatly vexed the Times' cditc
lie declares that the Salvation nrn
must go. But like the brook , it will i
on forever.
t says the Atchison & Santa 1
will build into Nebraska. With all tl
railroad rumors in the air , the intcr-sta
law is certainly proving disastrous to tl
TIIK Chicago Mail succeeded in brln
ing to justice the Cook county boodloi
but it nuraos n delusion when it thin
Robert Lincoln stands any show of boil
nominated for the presidency.
TUB entire James family , of Mfssou
was naturally bad. Jesse , sou of t
robber , is following in the footsteps
his father , It is announced that ho hi
jiono to work in a Kansas City real cstn
Cauucii HOWE , thoNomnhastatesmn
1ms returned from the south greatly ii
proved m health. The fear of his su
'i- ' don demise , was dispelled by those w
remembered the quotation to the effc
that "tho good die young. "
TIIK English holders of confeden
bonds feel hopeful of their success in ha
mgour government redeem thorn. .
wo understand it the confederacy h
suspended. Mr. Davis mlgbc postpo
bis war articles and contribute a lott
on the bond question.
UNDEK R recent Mexican law the pc
alty for putting obstructions on a rai
road track , or in any way meddling wl
" .witches or rails so as to endanger t
lives of passengers or trainmen , Is deal
Accordingly , thrco Mexicans who undc
took to test the law , in order to determi
whether it was constitutional , were sli
by oHlcors the other day.
THK city seems to bo at present me
than usually infested with thieves a
burglars. Numerous operations of t
latter class , in sections of the city tl
are entirely without police protcctlc
have como to our knowledge within
low days , it would seem that In antii
pation of increased and better police si
Vice an organized movement is tuaki
by the criminal classes to gather the hi
vest while it is within their reach. Ci
Kens in exposed quarters will do well
exorcise more than ordinary vigilam
nud the police commission should see
it that the now force is fully organized
E < Uio required time ,
THE following crisp and sensible ess
tin advertising , from the San Francis
Call , Is worthy of the careful perusal
every business man : "Advertisers n
gleet their own Interest when they allc
themselves to bo seduced into giving
advertisement to a paper which otters
: v
print U cheap. Cheap advertising fs t
tleareat in tlio world. It is money abi
fr.toly thrown away. A newspaper pi
priotor who has a largo circulation , kno
A Oho value ot his space and never offers
* do cheap work. Ho knows ho cane
all his advertising space at the marl
price. If ho begins to cut rates , it is
cause hu circulation is falling oft ; and
If afraid the public is aware of the fti
I. newspaper which oilers to take advi
tlsements at low rates , practically c <
IMSIM that it has uo circulation. "
' Offonie.
Governor Thnyer's .
Where is Congressman McShano
Iocs ho sanction the brutal nnd indecen
assault which his paper U making upoi
lovcrnor Tliayor , because forsooth h
md not appointed its editor on the pollc
commission and thereby had blocked th
conspiracy to place Omaha under the in
direct control of the lawless clement
through Humphrey Jloynlhanf It seem ;
to us that Mr. McShano owes it to him
tolf as well as to liU oflicial position n
representative of this congressional dli
trlot , to treat the chlot executive of till
state with common decency.
It has como to a pretty nasa when th
Kovornor of this state is to bo lampoone
by irresponsible hired blackcuards b <
cauio ho has had the backbone to reser
their insolent demands In tli
snlcction of the Omaha police con
mission. It is no disgrace to Governc
Thayer that ho is an old man but it is
shame that an old veteran like Governc
Tliayor who was one of the pioneers tin
laid the foundations of this city and stal
should be vilified through Mr. Me
Shane's paper by a man who has scared
been here long enough to voto.
In giving mortal offense to the Kotli
akcr , Morrisscy and Moynihan combim
Governor Thayer has not only aote
upon his honest convictions of olllcii
obligation but has earned the gratitud
of every law-abiding citizen of Omah :
Governor Thayer can afford to ignoi
the abuse to which he has been subjectc
but Mr. McShano cannot afford to allo1
his editor to repeat the outrage.
1 lie Now Chief of Police.
A great howl has been raised over tl
appointment of chief of police by tl
papers whoso editors had been rejoctc
candidates for the police commissioi
Who is Captain Seavoy , they ask , an
how long has he lived in Omaha ? Comin
from men who have lived in Omatiaonl
u few months longer thun Captai
buavey this outburst of pont-up indign :
tion over the appointment of H tendc
foot is , to say the least , decidedly amu
ing. How much longer has "Captain
Moynihan lived in Omaha than Captai
Seavey ?
The preference for a comparative nov
comer shown by the commission ma ;
however , bo criticised on the ground tin
Moynihan was not the only candidat
and others who have resided in Omah
many years should not have been ignore !
On tills point the commission can enl
justify its action upon the crounds th :
it exercised its privilege to choose wlv
soovor in its judgment was best llttcd fc
the position. The fact that Captain Su :
vcy is not an old resident of Omaha dot
not militate against him. On the cor
trary it may prove of material advan
age , both to the police force and the cit ;
He lias not mixed with any political fa
tion , and lias had no part in any quarrc
Ho has no pets on the old police for <
and no friends to advance over the
heads ontsido of the force
Ho comes entirely untramollc
by any obligations political or persona
If competent to organize the forno an
maintain proper discipline ho will ci
counter fewer obstacles than an old res
dent. The charter gives the commissio
full authority to select the members i
the police force regardless of their ell
zonship. Any appointive oflico may I
tilled by non-rosidents. This applies to tt
city engineer and his assistants , as we
us it decs to the chief of police , and h
subordinates. This is eminently propc
Wo have imported our school superintoi
dents from Chicago , St. Louis and Cluvi
land , why not import our chief of polii
from California if ho is better iittc
for the discharge of his duties tha
men who reside among us. Omah
cannot bo walled in by old residents. Tt
majority of our citizens have locale
hero during the east five ypars. It
another thing with elective offices at
honorary positions like those of the pc
lice commission. They ought to bo filh
by men who have by long resident
established reputation.
The citizens of Omaha have a commc
interest in the now metropolitan polii
forco. They want good government ar
any chief who will organize our polii
nnd make it clllciont in the preservatio
of order will receive their cordial mor
Saturday Hair Holidays.
The now law of Now York , providii
for Saturday half holidays , goes in
effect to-day. Although this act is u
derstood to have boon promoted by ro
rcbontatives of the labor interest , it is n
clear from tha reading of the law in wh
respect this interest will bo largely ben
fitted. The employes in the public offic
of the state and counties , which are i
quired to be closed , will receive frcedo
from labor after 13 o'clock without Ic
of pay. The banks will cleat
at noon , before which hour i
bank paper falling due on Si
urday , must bo presented for pa
mont or acceptance , and of cour
the salaries of bank employes will not
affected. But so far as general labor
concerned the law really seems so ha
no reference to it , leaving the question
Vvork and wages to be settled bctwe
the employer nnd employe. It is ve
likely that a great many industries , wh
not under any pressure , will regard tl
just as they do every other legal holldn
but certainly not all of such as do w
have the generosity to pay their ei
ployes for the half day lost. In the
cases labor , will simply have secured t
right to n half n day of idleness
the cost of half day's wages ,
the aggregate this will amount to u vo
largo sum that the wage-\vorkcrs of Nc
York will pay for their privilege. On tether
other hand , the continuance of any i :
dustrlal business is not Interfered wi
by the law , so that any ostablishmc
can refuse the half holiday to its ot
ployes , and doubtless at the outset vc
many will. In no way , therefore , as v
road the act , can wo discover what go
oral advantage the labor interest expec
or can dcnvo from this now law. T
convenience of the employer will d
tormiue whether or not the holiday shi
bo observed by his employes , except
their own risk , and hid generosity or la
of it , will dccido whether or not t
employes shall recpivo pay if the holld
is observed. Perhaps no other plan w
practicable , but it may bo shown that
this matter the labor Interest has real
obtained an unprofitable privilege , if , I
deed , the arrangement shall prove tea
a privilege to any largo number of the
A Saturday half-holiday movement
being promoted in Boston , and doubtle
others will bo started elsewhere. T
result of the experiment in New Yo
will therefore have a widespread iutere
: . < ! . -.0
[ f it shall bo shown to conduce to th
noral. material nnd physical ailvantag
) f wage earners , as its advocates clalr
t must , then a orompt and earnest cffoi
will bo made for tlio general adoption c
the system. Meanwhile , the uractlcr
results of the law which goes into cll'ec
n New York to-day , will have an in tore :
for all who labor and who employ laboi
The Omaha morning slugger pr <
nounccs the appointment of Captai
Seavy as chief of police beastly. \ \ hy
it beastly ? Is Captain Suavcy a dlssolut
bummer ? Docs ho hang around tli
Third ward dives und delight m tli
beastly companionship of sluggers nn
thugs ? Docs ho carry a slung shut in h
overcoat pocket to strike down dcfonsi
less men ? Has ho over been known I
levy blackmail upon gamblers or live
upon the earnings of crooks ? If so , h !
appointment is beastly nud should I
As far as wo can learn , however , Car
tain Seavoy does not answer thatdascri ]
tion. He has no beastly habits or a.ssi
cintions , but on tlio contrary , is repute
to bo upright , manly and respectable.
THK boodle gang that tampered wll
the now charter at Lincoln last winter
now at work trying to defeat Air. Lou
Hcimrod'u confirmation as member t
the board of public works. The organi
of this disreputable clique has calli
upon Mayor Hroatch to withdraw tl
name of Mr. Helm rod and backs this ii
solcnt request by a tissue of libels upc
Mr. Hcimrod. Major Hroatch is in
liknly to bo iulluenccd by this inoxcu
rblo assault. Ho knows that Mr. Hein
rod is a man of unswerving integrity un
unblemished reputation.
Ho is not an upstart adventurer i
Omaha , but ono of our solid busine
men. lie has been honored time an
again by the German-Americans i
Omaha. Ho is the president of tl
Omaha Turners' Society and has bei
president of tlio Maonnerclior. Ho hi
been actively i Jentillcd with the Germai
American school nnd every benovoloi
antl industrial enterprise undertaken I
Omaha Gorman-Americans. In selec
ing him Mayor Hroatch has not only recr
nizcd a large clement of our populatioi
but a man whom the boodlors and co
tractors' gang cannot inllueno'j.
AN ignoramus on ono of the local p
pors doubts whether Captain Seavc
will be confirmed by the council as clii
of police , Captain Soavcy is alreai
confirmed. The police commissione
have elected him chief , and the counc
has no power to revoke the appointmen
THE Oklahoma land question
airain being debated and Captain Payne
soul goes marching on.
Tun Moynihan-llothacker-Morris5 (
combine is a burstcd bubble.
Other Lands Than Ours.
The most important event of the wet
in Europe has been the French cabin
crisis. The fall of the Goblet ministi
was not wholly unexpected. It can
into power only last December , and hi
since encountered * a good deal of insidioi
opposition. It was the twent.y-fourl
cabinet Franco has had during the so
enteen years' existence of the republi
M. do Froycinot has boon asked by tl
president to form a new cabinet , and tl
result is awaited by Europe wii
a good deal of anxiety. Perhni
the most important consider :
tion connected with the fomation i
the now ministry relates to the questit
of how Uoulangcr will ba disposed o
Nothing could batter illustrate the ere ;
influence to which this soldier has s
tained than the fact that all , Euroi
seems to measure the probabilities
peace or war by what shall bo done wl
him in the organization of a now cabinc
For a man who not more than two yea
ago was little known outside of militai
circles , Boulangor has certainly had
most remarkable rise. Ho probably d
sires to remain at the head of the w
olllco , but ho will do soon his own term
The disposition of the dominant politic
forces in Franco is at present poacofi
Grevy and M. do Freycinct have no d
sire to look for glory , cither for tl
country or themselves , in a war. The
is reason to believe that these states mi
would prefer to see the preparations f
possible hostility loss actively pursue
Boulangcr is not in sympathy with thoi
He is a younger man than either and
soldier , and both ambition and eduo
tion lead him in another direction. I
moreover believes that war is inovitabl
and is very sure , if ho bo given the oppc
tunily , to do that which will rend
it so. It is said to bo t
opinion in Berlin that continu
preparation for war must eventuate i
war. The strain is already very gron
The policy which Boulanger will mai
tain if ho remains at the head of the w
cilice , will certainly increase thotonsio
This is undoubtedly the view that is b
hind the solicitude of Europe , and it
not questionable that the president ai
M. do Froycinot would , in constructing
now cabinet , like to quiet the provnilii
unrest. But it may bo hazardous to sat
rilico Boulangor. Ho has the am
with him and represents the patriot
aspirations of the country. The majori
of Frenchmen may not desire war no' '
but they wish to bo ready for i
whenever it must como , and thus th
are in sympathy with Boulanger's poll
of adequate preparation. A minist
that shall abandon him will at the sac
time condemn this polioy , and it is ve
likely would have a briefer existom
than the ono just fallen. It is a dilomn
that may prove exceedingly perploxli
to M. do Froyolnot.
* .
Three times the prlmo minister of Franc
and tilling other public positions whi
have made him entirely familiar with i
the machinery of government , M. i
Froycinet is one of the most distinguish
among contemporary statesmen. He
thoroughly in sympathy with republic :
institutions , and was at ono time t
favorite lieutenant of the "grand p
triot , " Gambotta , sharing with that
lustrious man the glory of the work t
national defense. Before 1870 Do Fro
cmet was not much more than a civil e
gineer , out in September of that year
was given a prefecture , and within a fc
years ho was at Tours as chief of the m
itary cabinet and virtual director of t
war. He did wonders in organizing t
new armies that faced the Germans
nvery quarter of France. In * less 'th :
four months this man , who had pass
his early hfo in building railways , wr
ing essays or making reports on
llio sewers of Lciilou , raised OOO.OCK
soldiers , armed thonj , and sent them into
the field. Subsequently as minister o
public works ho promoted great improvements -
ments throughout Frnnco , many of which
will roniatu for ages as monuments o
his sagacity. Since then he has held tin
presidency of the council , has admin
istcrnd both war and-foreign all airs , am
has perfected his experience of parlla
mentary life. Tile prestige of his grca
labors , his social ( poeltloii , the personal
dignity of his character , and his mature
age , all contribute to give him irroslstl'
bio claims to the highest post In the state
for which bo is thought to be the coiulnj
Progress has been made on the coercion <
cion bill as far as to dispose of the llrsl
clause. As soon as this result was
reached , notice was given of eighty
amendments to the second clause , and
the first of these brought forward was
defeated after a brief discussion by tin
application of the cloturo. There ari
no new developments in the situation
so far as the contending forces In par
liaincnt are concerned. It is roportet
that B.ilfour , chief secretary for Ireland ,
contemplates resigning , having growi
tirotl of the position In which ho has boon
u conspicuous failure. Balfour is the
eighth incumbent of this oulco since
1832. The others were Lord Frederic !
Cavendish , murdered by the Invinclblcs
Sir George Trovelyan , driven from hi !
post on account of the Dublin castle
scandals , with which , however , ho was ii
no way concerned ; Campboll-Bunner
man , who wont out with the Gladstone
government in 1831 ; Sir William Hurl
Dyke , who retired in 1835 as tlio torj
ministry was about to go to smash ; Will
iam Henry Smith , who retired with tht
ministers a day or so after he was swon
into ofllce ; John Morlcy , who was score
tary in Gladstone's home rule cabinet
and Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , who
took hold with the present ministry -
try and who retired in Murcli
The post is said to bo the most ditlicul
in the gift of an English ministry
Every man who has taken it , with tht
possible exception of Morltiy , lias .sufforec
in reputation. The cause is that all thos <
appointed uro Englishmen or Sootchmei
utterly unacquainted with Ireland. Tlici
have to cope in debate on Irish affair
Nith well-posted , clover Irishmen hkt
Houloy , Sexton and O'Connor. The :
cannot possibly do it successfully. Thcj
have to rely on the Dublin castle hack ;
for their information. That is often mis
leading and manufactured. Morley sue
cecdcd because ho went to the people ant
their representatives for the facts am
was in sympathy "with the nationalist
anil opposed to the castle.
Balfour's dudish manners and suporloi
airs aroused the hbsQlity of the Parnoll-
itcs from the start ! ( They have succecdct
in laughing him into a resignation , it ap
pears. Ritchie , who is to bo hid sueces
ser , is a Scotchman , of fair ability , and i
protege of Lord Randolph Churchill Hi
may have bolter success than hia predecessor
cessor , if ho has thfc help of his politica
patron. |
Gloomy reports como from German ;
regarding the industrial situation in tha
country. Tlio fiscal''policy ' of Bis
marck seems to have led ti
overproduction in nearly all department
of industry , anil the result is scriou
trade depression throughout the empire
The soda industry , tlio iron trade , tin
slate and stone works , the musical In
strument manufacture , the fancy good
business , including its album and loathe
branches , the mustici asphalt works , tin
Portland cement fabricators , the jut
spinning , the great weaving mills o
Groiz and Gera , the wool weavini
mills of Old und New Rons , .th
Upper Silesiun linen industry , th
lignite converting companies have al
been reported as greatly suffering. Th
issues of lute Berlin commercial journal
week after week , simply repeat the moa
doleful records of a trade depression
which , according to the Berlin cable
grams , reached its culmination on th
10th inst. in the failure of seven or oigli
largo woolen houses in that city , one fo
the sum of 1,000,000 marks , the others fo
larger and smaller sums. In fact , th
report Is to the cfl'oct that there seems t
bo no end to the failure of business house
and to the ruinous suspensions of bank
and business firms in other parts of th
country , which have been pulled undo
by this Berlin panic.
The wear and tear of the gold coinag
in Great Britain has at last brought pai
liaraont to seriously consider the qucs
tion of authorizing the issue of ono
pound notes. It is certainly strange thn
with the example constantly befor
them of the convenient anil by no mean
harmful employment of one-pound note
in Scotland , the English government an
Dcoplo should have adhered to the five
pound limitation on bank notes until th
loss of gold by abrasion , has torccd then
to consider a method of provontio
which has been practiced 'successful )
for generations by their nearest neighbor
and kinsmen. The original objectio
to the one-pound note was largely hu
manitarian. That is , when counterfeit
ing was a capital offence people rccoilci
from putting the temptation of smal
notes in the counterfeiter's way. I
seemed worth while to hang a man for
five-pound note , bnt not for a one. Th
objection has survived ! as is not uncora
mon in England , Xoig after the reasoi
has been forgotten. Jn ! matters of financ
John Bull is not mortJIA' conservative , lit
is absolutely deaf. T > flo docs not ovei
now hear the argtrfonts in favor o
small bank notes , lie only feels that h
has lost a pllo of money by carrying si
much gold in his -breeches pocket
wearing out the $ dld , and toarlnj
out the pocket at j' , the same time
A statement of theflgliting strength o
Italy shows very plainly that the powe
which attacks Italy in thu cominj
European contest will not have a walk
over. Tbo Russian army only is nuinor
ically superior to the Italian. The availa
bio strength for defensive purposes wbicl
Italy can bring into action amounts to i
total of 3,387,833 mon , and she has a permanent
manont , though not permanently aetivi
fighting force of 893,037 , mon. Th
generals of the Italian arm ;
are Morozzo della Rocco , Cialdin
and the Dnko of Gaota. The firs
line , the Mobile militia , and the Tor
torlal militia are the army departments
and in each of these the periods of train
ing are so arranged that nearly 1,000,00
men are kept in a constant condition o
efficiency for immediate service , Th
Italian scacoast , further , is traversed b ,
railways which would aid greatly in th
repulse of an enemy. Tlio navy , too , 1
strong , and surpassed only by the Brltis
navy. The thrco departmental com
mantis of the Italian seas are at preson
under Vice Admiral G. Acton , Vice Ail
miral F. Acton nud Rear Admiral Boi
tolll ; the head of the admiralty is Rca
Admiral Hauchia , antl the commander i
chief is Admiral , the Prince of Savoic
* *
England has at last agreed to fix he
maximum limit for occupying Esrypt a
llvo years. Much may occur In the intoi
val that would induce the norlo to con
bent to prolong the term , so that th
literal execution of the present compac
can hardly bo counted upon. Still , sine
the beginning of tlio present year Grca
Britain has voluntarilv reduced he
forces in the khedlvo's dominions
She docs not like the cost Q
occupation , nnd her presence there i ?
constant source of irritation to Franco
Yet the control of the Siusz canal and th
insuring of a stable government for th
Nile valley are points of absolute hu
parlance to her. Probably the arrangement
mont that would suit her best would b
the right to throw troops into Egyp
whenever she liked. That , however
would imply a protectorate , with grav
responsibilities as well as rights.
. *
The anxiety of the Italians because th
Spaniards are trying to got a naval fool
hold on the Roil Sea would bo Inexplicit
bio but for the supposition that the latte
have hit on u region which Italy hat
already picked out for herself. Ther
seems to bo u general disposition towan
the acquisition of coaling stations m th
Red Son , Russia having a little while ng
been suspected of seeking a foothol
there. The nation which everybod ,
seems ready to bar out is Abyssiniii
which lies adjacent , yet has uo outlet 01
the coast. Meanwhile this anxiety fo
naval anil coaling stations on llio Rot
Sea may suggest what may happen whoi
u canal greater than the Suez , opens i
highway from the Atlantic to the Pacili
between the two Americas.
* %
An immense amount of treasure , csti
mated at ? 2o,000,000 , which has been so
erotod in the palace of Gwalior , India
by the late Maharajah , has been discov
ercd. It was buried beneath stones ii
pits filled to the brim with silver , chicll ;
freshly coined rupees. In each pit was :
plate recording llio amount of tlio treas
ure , und the names of the ollicials win
had assisted in secreting it. The Englisl
government in India has taken the heart
as a loan from the young Maharajah
The native papers protest against this
und the question will bo raised in parlia
ment as to whether the taking of it as i
loan bo not another narno for seizure.
An effort is about to bo made to onforc
the German law against duelling. Undo
the sanction of the Oborhaus two mom
bcrs will stand judicial trial for provok
ing a duel , but it is certain to end ii
acquittal. In a rccont discussion of thi
case in the Landtag , Count Sohalonburj
declared that it was the ancient and in
alienable right of the Gorman nobility t
decide questions of personal honor at th
point of the sword in spite of the fac
that duelling was punishable under th
penal code , and his declaration met wit !
approval. _
Nebraska JottlnR9.
Rnd Cloud has declared war on dogs.
The Missouri Pacific is booked fo
Crete and beyond.
Nebraska city has given a live-yea
franchise to an elcetrie light company.
Holdrcgo h negotiating with Babcool
& Straug , of Omaha , for a water-work
The territorial capitol at Cheyenne i
almost a copy of the county court lions
in Omaha. It will bo a beauty.
The Hastings Gazette Journal declare
it is high time there was a genuine tighl
rope performance in Omaha , to thin ou
the murdcrors.
A young Scandinavian , employed 01
Mao Cameron's farm near Blair , wa
killed by lightning in a stable last Satur
day. His two companions had just lol
the building when the bolt descended.
There seems to bo solid ground for th
reports that the Santa Fo road Is hcadini
fet Omaha. Surveyors of that compan'
are staking a route through Gage countj
Committees have boon appointed b
towns on the proposed road to talk busi
ness with the company.
Two Coresco mon wore engaged ii
settling a dispute a la Sullivan , when Et
Pound , a clerk in the drug store of on
of the combatants , rushed out nnd lirci
a pistol at his employer's antagonist
Nobody was hit , but the pugilists wen
sufficiently scared to suspend hoatilitic
there nnd then. Pound was taken ii
charge by the sheriff , and will bo askoi
to explain.
George Kalin nnd one Solfort , youni
country boys ut Ansluy ; during off hour
made love to a buxom country lass , am
their bumps of destruction enlarged witl
their hearts. Jealousy rankled wlthii
their pates , and each sighed for bloo
last week. While plowing in adjoinini
fields it was minutely and niu
tually agreed that the da
and hour was ripe for a funorai
Kalin , loaded with a whippletreo , advanced
vancod on Seifcrt. The latter retroatoi
in good order to the house , secured :
shotgun , and planted a charge of fin
shot in the body of his rival. The wouni
is painful but not dangerous. Soifort ha
crawled into a gopher hole to avoid th
Iowa Items.
The Sioux City constables are raidinj
the breweries and taking in tanglefoot b
the barrel.
A fiery-oyed brunette and a six-foo
country dude are on trial in Dubnquo fo
lewdness and the show attracts fnl
Of prairlo flowers m Iowa there an
seventy-seven varieties in bloom ii
May , 131 in Juno , and 105 in July. Th
flora of Iowa is now Jistod at 1,170 spo
There will bo a great anti-coercioi
meeting in Kcokuk next Thursday
Father Nugent , the silver-tongued orate
of DCS Molues , will bo the prlnclpa
In trying to stop a runaway horse S. L
Watt , of Sao City , was knocked down
had his jaw broken , several teeth knocket
out and his face badly cut. He has retired
tired from the business of heading ol
runaway horses.
John P. Hunt , a Victor clothing mer
chant , suicided Monday night , H resul
of financial difficulty and dissipation. Hi
left n note on his table saying : "I an
neither drunk nor crazy. " He was a widower
ewer with ono son.
llorndon has five gas wells at a doptl
of from 120 to 310 f jot , and the natura
gaa is used extensively for lighting ant
heating. The wells cost loss than f 10
each. The gas is found in a bed of tin <
and below the blue clay.
The Sloax Falls pollco devote a largi
portion Of their time to shooting dogs
The root of the natives keep within door
during the cannonadu.
A $10,000 court house , a if 10,000 collcgt
building , n $5,000 creamery , a Hireo-stor
hotel these are sonui of the 1837 1m
proveiucnts for Redlleld.
The city treasurer of Bismarck , ( icorgi
Reid , was found to be u defaulter am
suddenly loft the city for purls unknown
Ho was over fJ.ODO short In his accounts
Dcadwood complains that the qualit ;
of coal oil served up there does not fur
nish light enough to swear by. The nvur
ago Dcadwood oath loses its sulphuroii ;
power in the darkness.
The finding of natural gas in Sull' '
county recently is attracting considerable
ble attention from abroad antl easteri
parties are writing to Blunt with n viov
of developing tlio Und. It Is proposed ti
form a company among Blunt capitalist
and test the matter further.
The scheme to haul freight up the Mis
Bourl river to Pierre , and theneo by bul
trains across to Rapid City and otliu
Black Hills points , is looked on witl
considerable favor by local freighters
who say that this method will boat tin
railroads for cheap freights.
A farmer living northwest of Ordwaj
last week placed n feather bed out door ;
to nil while cleaning house , nnd it
thirty minutes afterward it was cap
lured by n neighbor three miles away
who hail to mount a horse to overtake it
The next time that man puts a bed out
side ho Is going to stake it down.
E. B. Chapman ha.s submitted n propo
sition to the citixans of Rapid City to
build and equip a uarrow gauiru tout
thirty miles long from Rapid Citv west
if they will give him a bonus ofi > 15,000
They accepted the proposition and forth
with pledged the money and are nov
ready for Mr. Chapman to fulfill his pan
of the contract. The road Is to bo knowr
as the Rapid City , Wyoming & Western
The Pacific Const.
A six-legged horse Is ono of the sight :
at Woodlaud.
The now county court house to bo bull
at Los Angeles will cost a.'O.UUO.
Cochiso county contains more acres o
tillable laud than any other county Ii
The trout of Dounor lake rigidly observe
servo the Sunday laws. They refuse tt
bite on the Sabbath.
Chronic ore is being shipped in Jargt
quantities from Port Hartford by stoamci
to San Francisco , tlicnco cast by clippei
ships. The chrome ere deposits art
found in San Luis Obispo county , am
are proving to bo n source of wealth t <
that locality.
Railroad Shyloekn and Tlielr Pounds
or Flesh.
PMlaiMvtitu llccorJ.
The simple plan by which the Union
Pacific railroad and other transportation
companies work their short haul policy
was to charge shippers at interior nou
competitive points the through rate foi
the long haul , and , in addition , the local
rate for the short haul. Of course , good ;
were not carried through from Now Yorl
to San Francisco and tlicnco back to the
non-competitive point in the mtorior.but
the charges wore as much as if they hat
been carried on past the non-compotitivi
point and then back. A carload of goodf
for some such interior point as Elko
Nov. , would bo delivered there , but ii
would be billed from New York to Sat
Francisco at the through rate , and ther
there would bo a separate local bill o :
lading for the short haul. It was a men
fiction of railroad bookkeeping. Hen
arc a few examples furnished by Sonatoi
Bock , of Kentucky , in reply to Sonatoi
Platt , of Connecticut , in the debate or
thn intnr-stalo commerce bill. They maj
bo found in the .Congressional Record ! ,
volume 17 , part 4 , page 4817 :
Throuch late New York to San Francisco ,
3noo mlles , 8300. Short haul.San Francisco tc
Elko. 0111 miles , 8500. Total freight to Elko ,
2.5SI miles irom New York. 8800.
Through rate , a , 00 mill's , S300. Shorl
hanl , San IFranclsco nto Winnomucca , 47J
miles , 3110. Total frekht to Wlnnemucca ,
2H2T , miles from New York , STIC.
Through rate , 3,300 miles. Short haul
Snn Francisco to Hone , 300 miles , 5230. Totnl
from Now York to Itono , 2,091 miles from
Now York , 3530.
Against a law that is designed to sup
a gigantic iniquity like this the
cncliciarlcs , advocates , organs and tool.
of railroad monopoly have arrayed them
selves. A railroad built by the money
and lands of the United States is made
an instrument for hurrying and robbinc
the inhabitants along its route. Farmers
and mechanics in the interior must pay
double , and sometimes treble , the rate of
freight across the continent from coast to
coast because they are at the mercy of u
monopoly created by government sub
sidy. And when a law to abate the iniquity
is put in force all the hirelings of monopoly
ely cry out in dismal ululations over the
mischovious effects and consequences of
such legislation.
Instead of reducing the rates for the
short haul to the long-haul rates , the
Union Pacitia and other corporations
have raised the through charges for
freight so as to make thorn agruo with
the charges for the lessor distances. This
they have a perfect right to do under the
law. But they can no longer charge
shippers twice or thrco times as much as
the through rate for hauling goods ovei
only & portion of their lines , in the cose
of the Union Pacific there Is ono obstacle
to the accomplishment of its programme
of conforming to the law by increasing
the rate for through freights to the local
standard shippers in San Francisco have
the choice of water by the isthmus or
around by Cape Horn. Transit on that
line is somewhat .slow , ' but it has the ad
vantage of cheapness. When the Union
Pacific railroad company shall find the
grain , wool , wino nnd other staples of
California taking the water route they
will soon come to terms. They will again
fix their rates of through freight to com
pete with water transportation , as they
have done heretofore , and in doing so
they will bo obliged to abandon their op
pressive short-haul polioy. Thus ono
great object of the law , the relief of the
people alongtho route of the Pacific rail
roads , will have boon achieved. A little
patience , centlcmcn , and the intcr-slato
commerce law will bo found an excel
lent institution ,
Provincial London.
Boston Advertiser : London i as senti
mental as Boston. The truth is , Horace
or. rather , Horace conveniently per
verted is right : "Man docs not greatly
change his mind when ho changes his
country. " Sentlmentalism , cultivation
of Baconian idols , affectation , are all
proofs of our refinement of civilization ,
and are as characteristic of the England
nnd Franco that wo envy and look up teas
as they are of our own Boston or ever
were of Athens of old. It Is very doubt
ful , by the way , if Paul would have been
able to guther together so largo an audi
ence as ho did at his open air discourse
upon the Areopagus had ho boon speak
ing in a city less cultivated , less polished ,
less uorvadcd with the daintily fascinat
ing tint of epicureanism and onnul than
Athens. But the Athenians wanted some
now thing ; and so Ihoy listened to the
Pauline exposition of the now rollgcon ,
The Bostonian is eager for a change , nnd
goes the round of Browning clubs.osoteric
Buddhism , chclsosophy and the like , over
eager for the titillation of a now sensa
tion. And London Is not very dlfforont ,
Of late we have boon hearing of several
events in the great world-capital which
show that this tendency U rifocvon there.
It is simply tlio notoof provincialism that
makes the whole world kin.
In London Buffalo BUI Is the lion of Hit
hour. Not long ago ho was hero with
Buck Taylor , king of the cowboys , nni.1 i
his followers , Ogila-sa , the Sloilx chleft
and the painted band of Arapahoes.Clioy-
onne.i , Shoshonus and Ogalallus , riding
wildly and luasooiim in the most inook-
heroic fuslilon over Beacon park , many
wont to see him , but who rcinomberod
him save as the hero of a circus ? Dls
patches roach us dally of the wondortu ?
sitceohS of Ills exhibition thero. Yester
day tlm queen went to see him , and ox *
pressed herself as delighted with the
wild show. Mr. Gladstone has been on
the grounds conversing with the chiefs
anil delivering a grandiloquent speech in
"iraiso of American Instutions , decidedly
I1 n the "Big Injun" vein.
But tliU is not tlio whole truth. "Buf
falo Bill , " says London World , "Is en
joying London life thoroughly. " Ho has
supped at the Gamut : and at the Lyceum
with Mr. Irving ; ho has boon able to com hi
pare the "Inferno" ot Mephistopheles
"Paradise" of "Tho
antl the Forty
Thieves" ; and hn has made a personal
acquaintance with "Tho Butler. " Ed
mund Yatcs thus describes thu scene at
Drury Laiio the other night : "Mr. Cody
sat in the royal box with Mr. Whistler
and Mr , Salisbury. " * * Mr. Henry
Chaplin came up from the house with
Colonel Hughes-llallott to make the ac
quaintance of the mtiii of the Wild West.
Lord Royston and Mr. Herbert Wilson
wore amongst the audience , and Mr.
Taylor und Mr. Cody were surprised to
find themselves uncomfortably dwarfed
by Mr. Oswaltl Amos. The Americans
revelled in the capers of Paul Martlnotti
and Charles Laurl ; and when tlio twa
'jubilee' Indians appnared in the proces
sion they wcro grcotud with n shout ol
delight by their friends in front. Thci
evening will bo long remembered in tha _ j.
'rancho1 at West Kensington. " J
At salu in Paris the other day a splen
did dish of the rare old Rouen ware
fctchud All'Ol. It was twenty inches in
diameter , nnd was beautifully painted
with cupids and ( lowers.
Ptenwod wllh Btrttt roRMd toPnrttf , Strength , 6n4
lluujthfulncna. Dr."iicu'oDakUig Powder contains
no Amraonla.Ltoc.AlQra or Phoipboloa. Dr.Prlce'B
Quickest Selling Article Ever Invented.
S'COilsno talking , but ronlly U Ilin Prottloit Showlni
Article on tha Murket.
OMAHA , Neb. , April 28 , 18S7. ThU is
: o certify that we , the undersigned , have
his witnessed ' 'The
: day a churning by
Perfect Self Revolving Churn Dashers , "
which resulted in producing 3.1 pounds of
Irst class butter from one gallon of cream
in just one minute and fifteen seconds.
W. 1 * . Wrlulit , proprietor "Omnhn Dnlrri" O. W.
IVhi'elcT , mamiirur "omtilm Dalrj ! " rnuin.Tnlp.
VIorolmntn'NuUciiul Iliuiki A.I ) Tmunlln , Nobruikit
Viitloniil lltmU ; 1'rtif. ( Icorhrn It. lltithburn , prnprlotor
'Oiimhii llmlnciH Ccillc o ; " I'rof. I. . J. IlhiVr. touch-
> rorHnortliaud , , ; Hurry Mlrrlum , oJltor"t
JjnYu. Uhi. "Roo" win j. uobb , tt. n. Agt
I.K. U/an. "World. " Krtink K. llreeii/'Iloniltl"
IT. 3. W. Hoarcli. Dr. J. W. Dysnrt.
> r. C. M. CJ. Illiirt. Dr. llnmlltim Wurran.
II. 11. lliill.renl e UUo , .1. W , Honors , reul ottitto
Inhnlludil.JowolKr. ChrliOrff. furiilliira.
State antl County Jtinhta for Sale ,
2'i-ojitn mil Surprise You.
Call or write to us at once. Qu ck sales
ind large profitt. Very truly ,
J. W. & A. POIMIAM , Prop's.
Hoom 1 Orounso lllock. St. , Oraaba , Nob.
and all akin dleeoaea. A new method of torn-
poumllDi ; Tar. A Cure Kimraotood , or inonoy
refunilocl. Bold tij-drniritlsti ! , nn < l attlinntllcnof
TAR-OID CO..7 * KANDDirHST. CHICMO. l'rl | l ,
Tl'l bc.uitlful lilnnil , nnir famuiM an oiiDof tlio
neat nttrartlvn < iimmerroiortn on tlio Kiutorn count
Ion In ru > ani.i'iuoiMirbir , "If tbo coitit of MM no ,
ictwuon tlm mulnlana aim ( Irnnil Munsn.
Itbnn a nlioro frnnlnuu of thlrlr-llvo mllonnooiilr
ndantod bjr nuinorou9 ItiiyA , channit nnd Inlotrt , whllo
ho Interior nboundi In lofty and densely woodwl
illU tlmt olTurruru tliurmn tu tlio lovers ol the pic-
'llio cllir.s tlmt ovorliann Inn noa for many mllm uro
nilrxrand. Tlio vluw of Ihcuu nilvlity nnd nwo-ln-
plrlnit rock ! , toncrlnx rtrnlubt up out of Ihn o .
Till alone repay tlio rl'ltor for the journey tlicru.
The Hotels , to be Opened July I ,
ire tlio llnont to ho found catt of lloUon. They ant
loautlfully funilfhod nndappolntod tnroiuhout , nnd
n bothuxterlor nnd Interior bare an nlr of bomollkv
dinfort nnil rottiiouiont nolJom to bo foimJ.
Tbero aru tome forty mllei of rondt on llio Itland ,
ind thu drUoi are mrled unii IriiereitliiK. 'llio
itabtemire well equipped with \rulMrnliicJ laadlo
mddrlTlnic liortQi ,
Tbo boutlnv and flihlnuaraozcellnnt , and cauoei
Hli Indian KUldo . are nlwaya at band ,
Take the tlotmers of tlio International I.lno. Icar-
nKll'i'ton UondityWedno > dar and Friday at B'J )
i. m. . arrlrlnaat Kostport tha followlnc morning at
I o'clock.
An aimontcamor connects with all Btoamurn nl
1n < tport for Camixibullo , two mile * illiuut.
The te iuunl of Ibe InUrnatlonal Una HrJ now
md are iho nneMtC4)aBtwlMe 'tcamor * rroni Il'iitnn.
By rail KOT ! lloitou and tMlnoor Kmtorn U. It. to
tlliiil thoncoby ttoamer down tbo bo tutitul H.Orolt
| r , or by carrlngo toKu tiort ( ! H ) mlloi. . ,
rrouteb ba ehuckad Ihrouuli
IIjrolth guj may
.owmrobollo. . . .
From ar Harbor to Campobollo.
Take ticnracr at llur lUrbor fur JMachla * . whora
urrlaitca miiv alwayn bo found til reu < llne llrlyo tu
l.nbcc , til inllcH ! tbenca by ferry to OanipoueModi )
mlloi ) . Thodrlroucatyiiiiddellnbtful.
Aiipllialloii for roonin mnr bomajoto
UKK. liotpl maniiHor. at Iheofflcaof the underjIitntMl. .
lluitfutol booki wlib nillroHd and itcurncr tlm
; ablei , nluniof the hotel and inapnofilio Uland well an fall Information rfirardlnK
he'pronorty onappllcallon to AI.KX H. '
Jon , Mantver Campbbello Ulanil Co.
Uoiton.Uui * . .