THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , 1 SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING , MAY 21 : 1887. NUMBEK 337 STUBBS TARES TOE STAND , Important Testimony Before the Inter-State Commission on Railway Matters , CLEVELAND'S QUEER REMARK. Temperance In Camp Federal Ap- polntmontfl Senator Van Wyck's Work I'ofttal Matters-Con- era ) Capital News. The Pacific Rallroada. WABHINOTON , May 20. ( Special Tolo- /trnin / to the BKK.J B. C. Stubhs , general traffic manager of the Southern Pacific , was the first \\ltncssof the day before the Inter state commission and was examined by Mr. Tweed , council for the railroad , In support of an application to have the temporary order suspending the operation of suction 4 of the law made permanent. Thu witness said that beginning In February , li&O , there had been a virulent , bitter war of rates between the Pacific roads lasting up to the date of the pas sage of the law. When the law was passed the Southern Pad lie , to readjust Its rates , diminished them In manycases , butlncrcased them In no Instance. The competition to be met by the Pacific railroads was of three kinds the sailing vessels around Cape Horn , the Pacific Mall steamers via Panama , and a now factor , the Canadian Pad tic , which connected with Ban Francisco by means ot the 1'acilic coast steamship lines. To brine all of its traffic down to the level of competing lines would simply end In the bankruptcy of the railroad company. That was evident. As au average - ago of one-half cent per mile would probably meet the expense of freight transportation between San Francisco and the Missouri river , It paid to carry sugar eastward at this rate , as ft avoided the necessity of hauling empty cars from tno west to the east. Tills rate was much lower than that made by the Canadian Pacific. The immediate effect of the application of the law had been a cessa tion of business by all the mutes except the Canadian Pacllic , the Pacific Mall and clipper Hhlns , but the real Injury Inflicted by the act had scarcely had time to develop. If it were enforced , the effect would bo to cause the roads to lose more by the reduction of Inter mediate traffic than the gross earnings amounted to on through trailc. ! The chair man questioned the witness at some length to learn his reason for fearing the Canadian Pacific competition. He acknowledged that its line was very much longer than the trans continental lines In the United States. He was nskud how could It make profit ? Tlm chairman wished to see if the witness sup ported the long and short haul clause. Mr. Stubhs said ho did not know how much of the rates the Pacific Steamship lines received , or how much was left tor thu Canadian Pa cific. It was a matte. ' of public knowledge that the Canadian Pacllic did not have bus ! ness enough to make a train load dally. The Prosldorit'H Queer Ue.mark. WASIIINOTON , May20. ( Special Telegram to the OKI : . ] What may have been a sig nificant hint was dropped by President Cleveland at his reception this afternoon. Among those who lingered till the crowd had passed wore the wife of a well known Georgia politician and the sister of an In fluential southern editor. When the former bad shook the president's hand she said , looking at him earnestly and hard In the face , "Mr. President , I shook hands with you personally a year ago , now 1 do so in the name of the grand old state of Georgia. I congratulate you upon having made a good president ami I hope to see you hero in a second term. " So heartfelt and earnest were these sentiments expressed that it took Mr. Cleveland several seconds to clear Ills throat and reply. When ho aid so ho said : " 1 thank you sincerely , but 1 am afraid I will never see the end of my present term. " The ladles are puzzled to know what the presi dent meant His tones wore In no scnso jocular , and since the announcement this evening that the provident and Mrs. Cleve I'f land will go to the Adirondacks next week for recreation and fishing , they believe ho had reference to the condition of his health Cleveland's Tompcranco. WASIIINOTON , May 20. [ Special Tolegran' to the BEE. ] It was announced at the whtto house to-day that the president and Mrs , Cleveland had abandoned their trip to Fa qulcr Spi lugsVa.montioned In a BEI : spccia several days ago , and would leave on Tliurs- dav next on n fishing trip for Saranac Lake , N. Y. , to bo absent ten days. The president created a sensation to-day by Rondliu a letter to the management of thu national drill forntddlng thu sale of Intnxl cants In Camp Washington and about tin drill grounds. This privilege was sold fo Sl.bOO , which the management will lose. 1 may also have a uamage suit to light. Tin Muscatlno , Iowa , rillos arrived to-ulght am went Into camp- Admission to the drll grounds lias been reduced to 25 cents from 5C cents. Appointments and Resignation * . WABIIINOTON , May 20. ( Special Tele gram totho BIE. : | Ocorgo D. Temple , o Iowa , was t onlay appointed a timber depre dation clerk In the general land ofllco at a salary ot $1,800. T. Bowers , of Iowa , special examiner in the pension office at * 1,400 a year lias resigned. The Old Senator's Work. WASHINGTON , May 20. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.J The Nebraska delegation has been away from Washington , but Senator Van Wyck has been actively employed lookIng - Ing after many matters in the pension , land and other departments , la a few days ho will leave tor Nebraska. Ho has , after much labor , secured protection to several of the purchasers of the Omaha Indian land In Ne braska , who neglected to pay the interest when duo , as required In the law of last Au gust. Ho has also boon laboring to secure to the settlers on abandoned military reserva tions , the right to homestead the land , par ticularly on these reservations having only value. Several cattle syndi cates have been here , urging that the lands shall be appraised and sold but bonator Van Wyck feels confident the settlers will be pro tected. Ho finally secured the approval of the plans for an addition to the Nebraska City public building , and the same will bo pushed this season. I'ostnl matters. WASHINGTON , May 20. [ Special Telegram to the BK.K. ] The special mall service at Glen , Duburme county , Iowa , lias bean or dered discontinued from May 20. The name of the postollloo at Tama City , la. , has been changed to Tama. llobcrt E. Austin has been made postmaster. The superintendent of railway mail service to-day issued the fol lowing orders : "Tho Inner registered sacks from Chadron and Norfolk , Neb. , for Omaha should bo delivered to the Missouri Valley poMotlico to be dispatched to destination via the St. Louis & Council Bluffs train No. 7 west. Tlio through registered poch from Ilapld Cltr , Dak. , for Omaha should be do livercd totho Missouri Valley postofllco for dispatch thence by the SU Louis it Council Bluffs railroad poatolllcu train No. 7 west. A Distinction and a Difference. WASIIINOTON , May 20. [ Special Telegram to the BKK. | A row has been created In tun bureau of education over the resignation of Chief Clerk Gardiner to make room forj. W. Holcombo of Indiana , appointed to take effect Juno 1. Commissioner Dawson was quoted the ether day as saying that when ho asked for Gardiner's resignation ho IranlJv told htm ho wauled the place lor a dcmuciat , This appears to uavo grated on the e.irs of the alleged civil service administration and he has been called to tlmo about it. Mr. U.iwson now says ana ixuthorl/es the quota tion'thBt heUld nut tell Uardlner ho wanleJ his place.for a democrat , but that ho "wa compelled to ask Gardiner to resign because that gentleman contrary to political etiquette failed to hand in his resignation when the now regime came In. " This "explanation" or distinction between two ways of putting It has caused many smiles In civil scrvlco circles to-day. A HclllRcrant Claimant. WASHINGTON , May20. 1 Special Telegram to the BIX. | The state department has been In a state of seize for several days past. To day there are a number of the clerks and other employes who are armed to the teeth In expectation of a hostile demonstration by a claimant who demands the Intervention of of this government In a little filialr that ho has In Portugal. Some time ago a man who said that his natno was Thulcr visited the department and stated that ho had a valid claim against the consul-general nt Lisbon , Mr. howls. Thulor said that his profess Ion was that of an actor In a circus , and that his hlef business consisted In placing a laving stone on his head while another . ( tor struck It with a slcdgo hammer , lo asserted that ho had been connected vitii a circus In Lisbon , and that > eing unable to collect his salary from the nanaizers of the show , ho had appealed to fr. Lewis. Ho claimed that Lewis had col- octed the money duo to him , but ho had not urncd It over. Ho visited the department a number of times , and Insisted that Governor ' 'orter should compel Lewis to pay over the mount claimed to bo withheld. It was earned by the department that Thulor had vldently been affected by the paving stone iperatlons , and whllo in Lisbon ho had on me occasion entered the ring and had beitin .n Indiscriminate fusilado with a pair of re- elvers. In consequence ho was looked upon as a crank , and no attention was paid to ills demands. Thulcr , alter many days , grew tired of this system In the state department and at lust he determined that Ills claims should receive attention. Yester- : lny ho called on Governor Porter again and insisted upon an Immediate compliance with tils request. To enforce his demands , it is laid , ho pulled out a pistol and threatened hat tin less a letter was Immediately written o Mr. Lewis ho would shoot everyone in the illlcc. Ills method was effective and the etter was Immediately written. Ho declined o leave the building , however , until the plstlo had been sent to the postofllco. To- lay orders were issued to the messengers note ; o admit him aealn under anyclrciimstances. But if he comes with a loaded pistol in hand lie will probably force his way to the room ot Assistant Secretary Porter once moro. Models For the Dig Cruiser ? . WASHINGTON , May 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Bin : . J In reply to an Inquiry "iy a correspondent respecting the report of ho board to examine plans and models for ho now 0,000 ton steel armored ships , which , vas submitted some weeks ago , Secretary iVhltnov said that the matter Is not yet In hapo to bo given to the public. Members ot ho board have been oxtronmly reticent re- pectlng the result of their deliberations , but inough has leaked out to justify the belief hat the report Is ono of disagreement and that Secretary Whitney is In a quandary. It , s understood that ho has asked the board to withhold the report to await some sugges tions from him. It Is said that ceitaln mem bers ot the board , including Its president , Captain Hamsay , rojard the English de signs and models as superior to any of the others , while Shield Wilson , of No'w York , and Edward Burgess , of Boston , twocivillan inombcis , take a contrary view. An Extra Session. WASHINGTON , May 20. [ Special Telegram to the lii ! . | The talk about an extra ses sion ot congress is renewed , but chiefly by advocates of tariff reduction , who think that the country demands lullef from taxation and the release of a good deal of money ocked up thereby In the treasury. For parti san reasons democratic politicians generally will opposn the Idea , because an extra ses sion would Involve an additional OXDOUSO for which the democratic party would beheld held responsible , and then there Is a respon sibility about an extra session which demo crats do but cherish. A W. C. T. U. Protest. WASHINGTON , May 20. Mrs. Sarah D. La Fetra , president of the W. C. T. U. , Mrs , Anna B. Moulton and Mrs. Margaret A , Weaver , tlio committee appointed bv the W. C. T. U. for the purpose , called upon the piusldcnt this morning and piescntcd him a protest against the selling of liquor In the National encampment and diill giound. The president , the ladles said , received tnem most courteously , expressed his disapproval of the license to soil liquors In the drill ground gave the ladles much encouragement , and be lleved it would not bo done. Fierce Storms in England. LONDON , May 20. Fierce gales nave prevailed vailed and much damage has been done In various parts of England. In Kent tliovini blow with the violence of a hurricane. Snov and hall have been experienced In the lake districts of Scotland. In London the trees In the parks were injured and many blown down. Wrecks are joported on the coast. The President's Vacation. WASHINGTON , May 20. [ Special Tclegran to the BEK.J Maloney , a gentleman who i entirely sum of the facts , states that tin president will leave Washington nextThurs day , May 20 , with Mrs. Cleveland , Mrs. Fol sum , Colonel Lament , and Mrs. Lumout , fo. Saranac lake , and will bo absent about ten days. days.A A Court of Inquiry Appointed. WASHINGTON , May 2J. The secretary of the navy ins appointed a court of inquiry to investigate the charges azalnst Captain Sclfridge , of the Omaha , in regard to the accident on the coast of Japan in which sev eral persons were killed by a shell tired trom the Omaha. Bond Call. WASHINGTON , May 20. Secretary Fairchild - child will to-d.iy issue a call tor outstanding 3 pur cent bonds amounting to 317,00OJO. They will mature July 1. Circulars offering toiedcem uncalled bonds of the 3 percent loan on presentation have been revoked ami no moio bonds will be redeemed until nu- turlty. The Long Haul. WASHINGTON , May 20. The Intor-stato commerce commission has changed the sus pensory order in the case of the Union Pa- cilia and Southern Pacific railroads so as to Include the Denver &Klo Uraudu company in its operation. A Frenchman Suicides. Nnw YOIIK , May 20. A dispatch from Boston yesterday said that an unknown Frenchman In a high state of excitement and only partially dressed , boarded an outgoing Now York train , saying his daughter was on board and running away with a man. Ho found his daughter In company with an el derly woman. She refused to go with him and ho threw himself beneath the \vheels while the train was going fifty miles an hour and was instantly killed. His Identity Is unknown. Tlio matter was investigated by reporters here to-day , and the girl and tier friends found. They say the suicide is knoun In Boston as a music teacher under the name ot Augusto DeScmue , but that ho Was In le- allty Count du , a member of an old and noble famllv : that he was a notary ami attorney In Franco , but that he was ruined by his passion for gambling and Hat to this country , a defaulter for a very large sum ; that he lUed here with a woman not his wile , who died two yeans ago leaving two children : that he sent to France tor his daughter Marie , one of a largo family loft there. She , after her ar- rl\al. learned of his wrong doing , and on that account , and it Is Intimated , on account of his demeanor toward her , she consulted a priest and under his imperative advice , de cided to leave him and return to France. It was In the execution of this design that she left for New York yesterday. The fugitive was Sollmnls Marie Charles Louis Annedcede Soi biers de la Tourasbo. He was the eldest son of , Francisco de SoMers do la Tourasse ot Castle of Saint Pierre do la Tourasse. TO BE RECEIVED BY ROYALTY Minister Phelpa Will Present Hi3 Sorrin- Law at tbo Buckingham Levee- OTHER CANDIDATES FOR HONORS A Genuine Prlnco Becomes Fasci nated With n New York Belle On IJonrd tlio Aur/uila Foreign News. Tlio Ctmrmoil Circle , lCV > ) > i/r/Jims7 / bvJiimci Oonlem llenntlt. ' } LONDON. May SO. [ Now York Herald 'able ' Special to the Bir : . | To-morrow at ho royal loveoat Buckingham palace , held by lie Prlnco of Wales on behalf of the queen , rvho Is on the road to Balmoral's recuperative air. Minister I'hclps In the dlplamatlc circle ivlll present to the prince his son-in-law , 'loratlo Loonils , and the late secretary of the egatlon , W. G. lloppln , who , singularly nough , during his diplomatic career of iiany years , never availed himself ot n royal ntrodttctlon. In the general circle Minister 'holes will present II. Legrand Canon , of New York , and Ezra D. Warner , of Chicago. i'lioso were piescut at Mrs. 1'lielps' brilliant ecootlon this afternoon. Among others present was United States Treasury Special Agent Morton Mont gomery. Ho had just returned rom Bournmouth , where lie spent wo hours with ox-Secretary Manning. 'The latter , " said Mr. Manning , "freely con versed on tlio loading European-American : oplcs of the day and evinced marked Inter- : st In the great movements idontlf ying both lemlspheies In a common purpose. The ex- iccretary Is reading books on international inanco questions. Ills personal appearance ndlcates a cleaner , healthier complexion han when I last saw him , or during his oflleinl stay at Washington. Hoposo and re- .Iroment , together with explicit confidence n his medical advice , have given marvelous evidences of restrained health and strength n ono of the most hard worked secretaries n the United States. About the 17th of Juno Mr. Manning returns to Now York. The Herald has taken up the question of Liverpool customs Inspection of baggage be- onglng to Americans coming to England. Its system gives grounds tor severe criticism. There was needle's delay by reason of In- 'fllclentand Insufficient officials examining adlc's and gentlemen's luggage for djna- : nlto , as tlio chief Inspector says. It Is both aggravating and sometimes insulting. Uo- cently some luggage ai rived In Liverpool rom an Atlantic Incoming steamer , but was detained for twenty-four hours before any examination took place , when tlm number of dutiable articles on the American and a few on the lirltish tariff lists are considered. Any con tusion at the Liverpool custom house In searching traveler's luggage , elevates the ssiuo progress on the New York docks to a degree of perfection. Thn aggressiveness ana absurdity Identified with this Liverpool process will cause a greater number of pas sengers to disembark at Queenstown and cut Liverpool , as the Irish customs officials arc less Imperious more discriminating In sus pecting American ladles of smuggling to bacco , shirts or oven stereotyped silver , to say nothing of dynamite. " A nOMANCn OK TUB SHA. Apropos of steamers 1 heard to-day from a passenger tnls romance ot the sea : On board the Auranla's last trip appeared no less a personage tlu n Prlnco Louis Esterhosoy. At first ho held himself In the Austro-autocratlc reserve , but the bright face of a New York belle on board drew the prlnco away rrom his excluslveiiess. The belle was Miss A. Abbott , of New York. There was the usual gossip about love at first sight , engagements , matilmony , etc. Miss Abbott , In company with her lolatlves , Mrs. and Miss Blodgott , Is to visit Vienna this season. Misrepresented. iRSf by Jamei Gordon limnttt. ] 1'Ams ( via Havre ) , May 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BKE. ] A Jilend of General Boulangor requests mete to state that according to precise information which ho has just received the Interview that appeared In to-day's Herald entitled "Frank Words From Boulangor , " may or may not express the general Ideas , but ho knows that the general , who confines himself to the strictest reserve , did not authorize the publl- eatisn of that Interview. I , as Pari.s cor respondent of the Herald , regret that the person sent on this mission may have said In his zeal more than was required. Among the numerous people whom I am compelled to select , the choice Is always made of a man who Is known to be on the file mil iest relations with the personage to bo interviewed. For Instance , If 1 want news from the Greek legation , I send a Greek ; If from the Turkish embassy , 1 send a Turk. In this Instance , following this rule , I send a Frenchman to the French minister ot war. This friend also states that General Bou- langer intends to do his duty , and 1 think that Is what the Interview expresses. But whether the general Is In the minis try or out of It , I bollovo that ho is' the most Important factor In the present situation , and I regret that his friend should have taken exceptions to the patriotic and really unselfish remarks made by the general In his Interviews. And to-day when this interview In the Herald Is cabled back and reappears In the French papers , In my opinion , General Boulangcr will be still more tlio idol of the French people ple an d tlie bugbear nf the Germans , as ho goes out of office gracefully to render a ser vice to his countrymen , not In ahull , as some America n senators do now and then. Forged bettors of Credit. LONDON , May 20. The Times says : Wo are Informed that extensive frauds have committed on accnts of American banks by means of forged letters of credit which weio presented simultaneously by a gang ot skillful thieves in six or eight leading cities of tlio continent. The torgcrs have not been caught. lie Frcyclnct Declines. FAKIR , May 20. Freycinet wont to Elyseo palace at 4 o'clock this afternoon and In formed President Grevy that after a thorough consideration of the situation he had come to the conclusion that there was no satisfactory prospect of his being able to form a cabinet that would endure. He therefore declined the task. They Want noulanger. PAWS May CO. Members of tlio chamber ot deputies are deluged with telegrams from the provinces demanding that General Bou- langcr be retained in the ministry ot war. French Pro tenders. PAIIIS , May 20. The late council lias re jected the appeals of the Orleans princes for reversal of the decree expelling them from the army. The appeal of Prlnco Mnrat tor restoration to the army has beeu admitted. Slinking UiTtiTo Chips. LONDON , May 20. A violent shock of earthquake was felt at Monte Carlo at 8 o'clock this morning. , Secret Manoeuvres. S.T. PEf KKSUURO. May 20. It Is stated no foreign ofllcers will be Invited to witness the the Uusslau tioous ttls year. A DIG tmiUGOLK. Chicago Selected as the Battle Ground Hetwcon Capital nnd Labor. CHICAGO , May ' .JO. From all parts of the country dispatches were received to-day by President Tappan , of the builders' exchange , and President Downey , of the master masons , endorsing the plan of campaign adopted yesterday by the building trades conference. It was evident from the tele grams that the majority of the bullueis of the t United States regard Chicago as the city where ! the master contractors are to fljrht It out with trades unionism. In view of this fact i , and after much telegraphing , the mem bers 1 of the executive board ot the National Builders' association , decided to assemble In Chicago next Tuesday and take : i hand In the struggle. Theio is a visible disposition among Chicago builders this evening to keep matters as they now are. If possible , until the arrival of the national committee1. Unless tlio situation has by that time gruatly altered , the idea Is to pusli matters then with the support that the national organization can give In vail- ous ways If It no choose. Contributions for the new building interests council that Is to enforce tlio card of principles ate coming In already , many outside Individuals subscrib ing to It. The first amount placed In the hands of the chairman was from the north and noithwe&t side brick manufac turers. The building Interests council held a meeting this afternoon to prepare a state ment to the general public. Although the opinion was not unanimous the council de cided that there was no necessity for hurry , and that the statement should not bo Issued for several days , especially as the master masons , who stalled tlio light upon trades unions , had not yet passed upon tho'card of principles proposed. The assemblage of the executive board or the national build ers association aUo operated to postpone action. Adjournment was taken until Monday. Eight or ten prominent Iron man ufacturers had an Informal conference to day and decided to request Piesidont Crane , of the Metnl Works association , to call a spe cial meeting of that body to take action upon the builaing trades catd of principles. As the association had 100 members nnd employs 20,000 men. large numbers of whom are In no way connected with the building trades. there Is a chance that tlio lockout and light tor the card of principles may spread to other Industries. Brlckmakcrs Go Out. PiTTsnuiio , May 20. A strike of brlck- makeis was inaugurated this morning. About two thousand men areaftecteddirectly by the strike. _ Strikes and Riots1. PiTTSHuna , May 20. A serious phase In the coke strike at Everson developed this morning when a mob of three hundred ne groes and Hungarian miners , armed with bludgeons , suddenly appeared in the coke yard at the Jlmtown woiks of Colonel Shoe maker. Without any warning they made a , savairo attack on men engaged In drawing out from the ovens there. Such laborers as could not escape were cruelly beaten , one man being so badly kicked that his llfo Is dospaiicdof. Having destroyed all movable property the rioters then marched to the works of James Cochran - ran & Sons , and 'destroyed the moperty there. The total destruction of property will probably amount to over 550,000. It Is learned this afternoon that some of the olllclals of labor organizations are blamed tor the riot this morning. It Is said they advocated .such a movement on the part of the strikers. Street .Oars Tied Up. i.iH , May 20. The street car drivers struck this naming , and only one car on each line Is belny run to preserve charter rights. Tlio men ytstorday asked for an in crease of wages , which was denied. At noon the company had thirty cars run ning , and the backbone of the strike Is broken. Onlv seventy-live of tbo 125 men joined the strike. Policemen guard the ears , and so far there has been no trouble. The strikers are quiet and orderly. Bold Dank Robbery. CITY OF MEXICO , May 20. Detectives of the city are wrestling with a most mysteri ous robbery and thus far without satisfac tory results. Ono of the leading banking firms of this city sustained a loss of 3300,000 , It is claimed. Tlio' officers of the institu tion on coming to the bank this morning found the doors of tlio vault wide opon. 'iho cash had all been carried off with the excep tion ot a few bags of silver. The Occupation of Egypt. CONSTANTINOPLE , May 20. It is stated that the convention between England and Turkey provides the Brltlsn will evacuate Egypt thieo years hence. If after that time Intel nal troubles arise in Egypt , the British and Turkish troops shall reoccupy the coun try jointly or separately. O'BKIEN AGAIN MOBBED. II o Has a Narrow Escape From Kingston Orangemen. KINGSTON , Ont. , May 20. When the O'Brien party arrived hero they were driven to the Burnett house , where the crowd as sembled and cheered the editor. Battery A , Dominion regular artillery corps , the Four teenth ( Prince of Wales' Own ) , rlllcs were held In their armories for emergencies , besides a largo number of special constables and the ordinary police force. Arriving at the skating rink , where the meeting was to bo hold , crowds , all O'Bilcn sympathisers , were lound gathered around the bulldlnc. Policemen armed with re volvers moved up and down and forbade any body to blockade the cntranco to the hall. No body attempted to do It. The sticet Is for al tlio world like Bay street , Toronto , where the attack on O'Brien occurred , worse , because In addition to cobblestones , bilcks are scatteied over tlio surface wlicro now buildings aio being erected The audience , which numbered aboui 1,200 , was very similar to that of the Uulster tenant farmers , whoso custom It Is to listen rather than applaud. After O'Brien hac been speaking a low minutes the unexpected and somewhat omlnus calm was for the first time broken. At 0iO : ! o'clock , when Kllbrldo began his statement , the first noise was heart outside the hall , where several hundred men and boys had collected , crying , "God save the Qiieou , " and groaning for O'Brien. Every cheer which went up Inside the hali was answered by a loud roar and angry ro spouse from without. Thecrowd outside had now swollen to Immense proportions. Tlit meeting was brought to an end and the pco pie lett the building. The moment the or- niiL'emen saw O'Brien theio was an up roar and cobblestones descended like hall. The mob yelled "Kill him , ' "Choko him , " ' 'Tear him asunder. ' Opposite the house ot John Newman , a Protestant tostant , J. M. Wall. Associated jiress re potter , was flung to tlio ground , and O'Brien disappeared , probably Into the house. Two hours later , after the mob had partially dis persed , Peter Devlin went quietly to the chief of notice and Haiti O'Brien vtas safe al his house , The chief , with the mayor and six policemen , went to Devlin's house and brought O'Brien safely to tlm hotel. Later it was learned that O'Brien escaped Into the alleyway way just as a big Orangeman was about to cleave his skull with a club , after having prostrated him with a stone. O'Brien was not seriously Injured. Wall was cousldora- blv hurt and a number of other persons con siderably bruised. By the time O'Brien was taken to thu hotel the mob had mostly deClaims - Claims They Wore Exaggerations. TOUONTO , Ont. , May 20. The mayor has received a letter from the chief of police , ii which the latter says the newspaper reports of O'Brien's treatment by the mob on Wednesday were very much exaggerated He said O'Brien was not absent Irom the hotel more than ton minutes. As soon us the mob began throwinga lew stones O'Urlei took to his heels and reacned the hotel b > the back way. Tha r hlef regrets the occur nce. and lays had ho known what the movements of O'Urlen were to have been he would luve deuiled an ample force ot police fo i > ttecl aim , IDE MEDICAL MEN'S ' MEETING , Oloso of the Thirty-Fifth Annual Session of the Iowa Association. A VERY SUCCESSFUL SESSION. The Imw nnd Order League Renews the AVnr Oti Beer in Sioux City The Stnto Debt Being Reduced. \ A Successful Session. Sioux CITY , la. , May 20. ( Special Tele gram to the BEK.J-Tlio Thlity-lltth session of thu Iowa State Medical association closed o-day. Dr. T. J. Maxwell read a paper dur- ng the morning hour on "Capsular Frac- ures. " It was voted to donate S'-HW to aid ho National medical congress. Des Molncs vas selected as the place of the next meet- tig and the following officers elected for the ensuing year : President , J. C. llln/ey ; first vice president , I ) . Macltal ; second vlco presi dent , J , C. Schroeder ; secretary , S. 8. Lvtlo ; assistant secretary , A. J. Crawford ; treas- ncr , G. H. Skinner ; place of meeting , Des Molues ; committee of arrangements , J. M. iiimert , chairman ; A. A. Deer ing , J. . Priestly , Dr. Brubaker , U. T. Hoffman , Jr. Gorroll , of Newton : committee on publication , Win. Watson , chairman ; F. E. Crittcndon , J. Williamson , J. H. Gard ner , ex-ofllclo , S. S.Lytlo and O. U. Skinner ; committee on ethics , A. W. McClure , chair man ; A. L. Wright , W. I ) . Mlddlcton , A. A. Itanson , T. J. Maxwell ; revision of constl- : utlon and by-laws , U. A. Gllman , S. E. lioblnson , D. Schofield : committee on ne crology , first district , II. B. Young ; second , W. L. Allen ; third. ( R U.HI II ; fourth , P. U.Jewell ; lit th , G. E. Crawford ; sixth. . I. Williamson , chairman ; seventh , L. Schroe der ; eighth , J. D. Key nolds ; ninth , F. M. Powell tenth , Charles Kntlcld ; eleventh , J. P. Savage. Chairmen of committees : Medicine , D. S. Falrchlld ; materia medlca and therapeu tics , C. M. Hobby ; surgery , W. K. Peck ; ob stetrics ana gynsecology , A. L. Wright ; state medicine and public hygiene , , ) . F. Kennedy ; ( microscopy , it. W. Hill ; opthalmology and otology , J. Pornn Johnson. Delegates to America Medical association : Fiist district , Dr. Robertson , A. W. McCuiie , Dr. Cushman ; fifth , H. Klstlne , G. H. Stiner , J. S. Love , O. E. Crawford ; seventh , J. D. McCloary , A. G. Field , E. Potterheld , Dr. Plpons , Dr. Fairchild - child ; eighth , Drs. Lewellyn , Lawler , Khlf- ferlle , Ilawson ; ninth , T.B. . Lacey , E. B. Morse , W. F. Graham , C. 11. McClees ; trustee * , H. M. Dean , ono year ; S. B. Chase , three years ; E. W. Clark , ono year ; J. 1) . Mc Cloary , two years ; F , S. Thomas , two yoais ; It. C. Itlce , three years. A number of other papers were read and reports made during the afternoon , pievlous to the adjournment. On the whole thu con vention was ono of the best attended and most interesting of the kind over held In the state , and the distinguished visitors unani mously expressed themselves as delighted with their entertainment. A Ijond of Beer Seized. Sioux CITY , la. , May 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Br.n. ] Another Interesting ease has developed In the whisky prosecution of Sioux City and promises far-reaching results. Last night Henry Fleck , the driver of the Franz brewing city delivery wacon , was ar rested by Constable Curtis while delivering a load of beer. The beer wasslezod by the offi cer and Fleck taken before a justice and ac cused of transporting beer without having a llncense from the county supervisors. Ho gave bonds for appearance to-morrow. The information under which the arrest was made was sworn out by G. II. Cumralngs , president of the law and order league , and the arrest was precipitated undoubtedly by the recent decision of the attorney general at Des Molnes sustaining a like proceeding there , Under the state law the line for conveying intoxicating llquoi.s without license is S100 and costs. It was at once re ported that tbo brewery people would tight this now proceedure of the league bitterly , and accordingly this afternoon warrants for the arrest of Constable Curtis and President Cummlngs wore sworn out , the information being filed by C. F. Hoyt , general manager of the brewery. The constable is charged with the robbery of beer and a wagon , and Cummlngs of conspiracy to commit lobbery. Sherilt McDonald served the warrant. A searcli warrant was issued to search the grocery of A. 0. Woodcock , where the beer was found .stored. The outcome of this case will bo watched hero and elsewhere over the .state and northwest with great interest. Reducing the State Debt. DES MOINKS , la. , May 20. [ Special tele gram to the BUE.J The state treasurer has Issued a call for outstanding warrants amounting to 505,000. Each call Is reducing the state debt , as no moio warrants of any considerable amount are being issued. Mysterious Shooting. IDA GnovK , la. , May 20. [ Special Tele gram to thoBiE. | Yesterday morning about half-past 2 o'clock the slumbering citl/ens of Jacobs' addition were startled by a couple of pistol shots , but luckily no ono was injured , yet it was a narrow escape for John Bleakly and wife. Mr. B. was suddenly awakened by a pistol report , and raising up In bed he saw thu flash ot the discharge and heard It at the same Instant. He and his wife got up , dressed and went to the neighbor's , and while dressing he heard some one talkingand walking upon thosidoualk. An Investigation was made and a bullet hole was found In thu south side of the House near the win dow casing. The ball had penetrated the side of the house.and struck the wall about ten Inches above Bleaklv's head , and then fell back upon the bed. He has the little lead pill to show it was a twenty-two calibre. What could ha\e been the motive of the shooting is at picsent a mystery , but the general sup position Is that some fellows had been a little too full and reckless witli their shoot ing Irons. No malice can bo accounted for by Mr. Bleakly. A clo-o Investigation will bo made. Other pistol shots were lieaid about iho city during the night. Affords Them No Roller. Dug MOINKS , la. , May 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnn.J The board of rullroai ! commissioners to-day decided the case brought before them by citizens of Fayetto county against the Milwaukee road and Bur lington , Cedar Itaplds & Northern road They petition that the railroad bo compellec "to build a depot at Don mm Junction for the accommodation of passengers and at the transfer for thoaccommodatlonof shippers. ' The d fonso of the roads was that their en tire recclps from the business at that point during 1350 were less than S500. The com missioners decided that a transfer track should be put in , but do not recommend that with the present state of business , there should be a station with a regular agent es tablished. _ The Hello I'lnno Geyser. BKLi.n PLANE , la. , May 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK. | The great Bellti Plane geyser has at last been controlled and the contractor who undertook the work has com pleted the job and turned it over to the city. The condition of the well now Is that the water flows through a live-Inch pipe , which can ha shut off at pleasure. There Is a smal leak from a detective pipe twenty feet down , but comparatively unimportant. This is tlio tlrst time the great well has been under complete pleto control for nearly a year , when It com menced to spout. Several loads of sand and rocks have been emptied Into it In the effort to control it and several thousand dollars have been spent for this purpose. A. Victim of DunuQUK , la. , May 20. [ Special Telegram to the UEI : . | As the Incoming passenger train was passing between Julien and Peosta last night ! it struck a man named John 'lynn , eighty years of age , who was sitting on a tie outstdo of the track and knocked him senseless , besides bruising his body , vlth fatal results In prospect. Ho Is a far- nor living near the road and wns Intoxicated or asleep. The locomotive pascd him , but ho steps of the bairgace car struck him , State RnBC Ball League. NP.WTON , la. , May 20. [ Special telegram to he BKK. ] A state base ball leajuo was or- ; ai\lzcd liero to-day , comprising the follow- ng cities : Maishalltown , Munton , Webster Jltv. What Cheer. Humboldt nnd Crcston. 11. T. King , of Marshatltowu , was elected president. The Wanderer Returns. Dis : MoiNT.s , la. , May 20. ISpcclal Tele gram to the BKK.J The Itov. T. H. Dabnoy , who disappeared some time nvo with his wife's sister , has returned and declares that 10 never had any Intention of mairylnic thu glrl > _ FROM FREMONT. Gloio of a Three Wceka * Session of District Court. FUKMONT , Neb. , May 20. [ Special to the BEK.J The throe week's session of district court closed hero to-day. Criminal prosecu- ' tlou was light during the term , only ono man being convicted , ho getting one year In the penitentiary. Ono ot the most Im portant cases on the docket was the libel suit > t Martin Luther against August Wagner , of Hooper. This ono was started a little moro .han a year ago , and this is the lirst appear ance In court This case has attracted a ; oed deal of attention because of the promi nence of the parties , who are two rich Ger man farmers living near Hooper. The libel consisted of a placard written and printed by Waitner and posted on a bridge. It reflected en Luther's domestic affairs , and he could uot withstand the persecution as did Luther of old. Ho employed an Omaha detective agency to work up the case , which cul minated In the suit against Wftqncr for f ; > 0- 000 damages. After the trial hadbeguu ( , negotiations for peace were suci'ossfully made and the matter was settled bv encn paying one-half the expenses and Wagner maklne a retraction of his charges. The plaintiff bad already spoilt not less than 35,000 In the matter. The First Ncbrnskn's Election. LINCOLN , Nob. , May 20. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnn.l At 4 olclock to-day the meeting called to elect regimental officers for the First Nebraska regiment state militia was held at the office of the adjutant general , Thirty-six of the thirty-eight company com missioned ofllcers In the reehnent were pres ent Brigadier General L. W. Colby pre sided. The election was held with Captain Katcbklss , of Lincoln , and Captain Phillips , of Beatrice , as the principal applicants for the colonelcy , the election resulting in the election of Captain O. H. Phillips , of com pany C. Beatrice , as colonel ; Captain P. Bratt. Bennett , lieutenant colonel ; Captain W. W. Wolcott , of company K , Central City , major. After the close of business the officers called In a body on Governor Thayer and were cordially received and entertained , the entire proceedings of the day passing elf In apparently the greatest harmony. Fire at Columbus. Coi.UMnus , Neb. , May v0. ! | Special to the BEK.J At 1 o'clock to-day a barn belonging to Pat Ducoy was discovered to bo on lire , the wind blowing a gale from the southwest. The barn was surrounded with buildings and near the large livery barn of O. L. Baker. At the time , it seemed wo were ripe for a ter rible loss by conflagration. Our waterworks were timely Indeed , for In three minutes after the streams were turned on the fire the flames were subdued. The horses had not been taken out. Damage about SftO. No In surance. Originated by two little boys mak ing a bonfire inside. A Mystery of the Missouri. NKIIKASKA CITY , Neb. , May 20. [ Special Telegram to the BKK. ] Two young men passed down the river this evening In a skiff having started from Omaha. They report having passed the corpse of a woman a short distance below Plattsmouth , which disap peared before they could grapple It. It was apparently that of a young woman , long loose hair , dark color. Itliad evidently been in the water some time. Severe Hailstorm at Valentine. VAI.ENTINK , Neb. , May 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BKE.J A severe hall and rain storm has raged hero to-day. Hailstones of immense size fell , some of them measuring Sby * JJ inches in circumference , the largest ever seen by the oldest Inhabitant. No seri ous damage was done. The Douglass Defaulter. DOUOI.ASS , Wyo. , May 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BII : : . | C. T. Bander , the de faulting Western Union operator at Doug lass , was recaptured last night about 12 p. m. by.I. W. Overman , sleeping in a shanty at Irvine , a small station about twelve miles southeast of here. Ho is now in jail await ing trial. FREE THOUGHT IN BOONXON. Trial of an Ex-Miniatcr in New Jersey For IJIasphciny. NEW YCIIK , May 20. | Special Telegram to the BEE. I The trial of Charles B. Key- nolds for blasphemy waslbegun In court of o/er and termlner at Morrlstown , N. J. , yes terday. Charles B. Reynolds Is about fifty- four years of age , and was formerly an or dained minister In the church of the Seventh Day Advciitists. Ho was a prominent mem ber of the Now York conference of this body , which Is strong. Ills ultimate espousal of secularist beliefs caused him to sever his connection with the church. Ho was scarcely 011 with thu old love before ho began working for the new. Ho bought a big tent and started out on an itinerant lecturing tour. Last July lie landed in Boonton , intending to make a tluee months' stay In that neighbor hood nnd speak under the auspices of the Liberal league. His efforts in Boonton u > - suited in a small riot , in which his tent was nulled do\ui about the ears of lumselt and his congregation. Ills at- tomptto procure the arrest of a minister and live church elders whom he blamed for the occurrence , resulted In tils own arrest on the charge of blasphemy , and he was hound over in the .sum of S500 to await the session of the next grand jury. The prosecutor , however , concluded that there was net case against him. In October , Reynolds published a pamphlet on "Blasphemy and the Bible. " ills attempt to distribute copies of this In Morrlstown and Its vicinity resulted In his again being indicted under an old New Jer sey statute against blasphemy , and from Oc tober till his trial yesterday was held In SMO boil. Throughout the proceedings yester day he was perhaps the coolest man present. He smiled to the ladies In the gallery , many ofhom weio from the Boonton Liberal league , and occasionally whlspeied with his counsel. The evidence for the prosecution was the pamphlet Itself. Colonel Ingersoll. who defends him. said ho hadn't any wit nesses , but would make a few remarks. He argued two hours in behalf of the liberty of thought and speech , and took the ground that thu statute under which his client was indicted was not constitutional. Sentenced to llnng. LOUISVHJ.K , May 20. William Patterson ( colored ) , indicted for the murder a month ago of Jennie Bowman , was sentenced to hang to-day. The Jury was out only eleven minutes and brought In a verdict fixing tl penalty at death. Execution Julyl. Arrest of Striker * , BHUSSKI.S , May 20. Tlio police are arrest ing leading agltatois in thu present labor strike. AVoatlior Indication * For Nebraska : Cooler , threatening weather , local rains , varied winds , becom ing northwesterly. For Iowa : Fair weather , followed by cooler , threatening weather and local rains SPORTSMEN OF T11E STATE , The Programme of the State Tournament to Bo Held in Omaha. OMAHA LOSES ANOTHER GAME" , The Plillndolpliltxs Defeated By tlio Chlcagoa and Washington By Detroit American Asso- v. elation Games. The State Sportsmen's Tournament If previous arrangements can betaken ai Indications the coming tournament of the ! Nebraska State Sportsmen's association td be held In this city tour days , commencing Juno Klll bo the greatest event of the kind over held west of the Mississippi riven The management of the tournament is I if good hands. Penroso& Hardln , who have1 charge of the affair , are working day and night to arrange every detail for the success ] of the event. Crack sportsmen from all parU of thu United States have signified their in. ' tontlon of being present , attracted by tho1 excellent programme that lias been ar > ranged , which Is as follows : TUKHOAY , JUNK 14 Ol'I'.N TO THK WOULD * First Contest Ten American clay blrdsy 18 yards rise. Entrance $ , ! . Second contest Elelit live pigeons , 29' yards rise. Entrance 57.50. Use of ono bar * ' rel. i. Third contest Twelve blue rocks , 18 yard * rise. Entrance 85. Fourth contest Seven live pigeons , So yards rise , use of botli barrels. Entrance/ / ยง 7.50. WnDNF.SDAY , JUNE 15. i Fifth contest Champion team gold medal of the state association. Teams of two , 20 blackbirds to each man , 18 yards rise. Eni trance SO per team. f Sixth contest , open to the world Twelve ; tluo rocks , 18 yards rise. Entrance 95. ' Seventh contest , open to thu world Four pair llvo birds , 21 yards rlso. Entrance 87.50. Eighth contest , open to the world Tea Peorla blackbirds , 18 yards rise. Entrance 55 , TIIUnsilAY , JUNE 10. Ninth contest , open to the world Twelve llvo birds , : x > yards rise , use ot both barrels ! Entrance 510. Tenth contest , open to members of assocla < 4 tlon , for the C. K. Mayne 8250 diamond badge Fifty single blue rocks , 1 yaids rlso. Entrance 55. Eleventh contest , opou to thn world , teams of two Seven singles and three pair AmerP * can clay birds to each man. Entrance $7.50 per team. Twelfth contest , open to the world Fif teen blue rocks , 18 yards rise. Entrance S3. FlilDAY , JUNK 17TII , Thirteenth contest , open to the world-Ten live birds , thirty yards rise , use of both bar rels. Entrance 810. Fourteenth contest , open to members of the association. Plattsmouth silver cup for club team ; four members of a club to com pose a team Ten clay pigeons , eighteen vards. single rises , to each man. Entrance $10 per team. Fifteenth contest , open io the world Ten live birds , thlity yards rise , use of both bar rels. Entrance 812.50. Sixteenth contest , open to the world Fif teen blue rocks , eighteen yaids rlso. En trance 57,50. The cntranco fee In each contest Included the birds , The money In each shoot will be divided 40 , 30 , 20 and 10 per cont. Tlio shooting will commence each dav at 0 a. nij Live birds will bo shot from both ground ami , plunge traps. AH matches will bo governed by the National Gun association rules. Omaha looses Again. KANSAS CITY , May 20. The homo team defeated the Omahas easily to-day. Housoy man pitched for the Omahas and was batted easily. The score resulted : Kansas City 1 2 0 1 a 0 2 2 1-13 Omaha 0002 20010 5 National League Games. PHILADELPHIA , May 20. The result of the contest between the Philadelphia and Chicago teams to-day was as follows : Philadelphia 3 01000000 4 Chicago 1 0010003 5 Pitchers Uasey and Claikson. Base hits Philadelphia 13 , Chicago 10. Errors- Philadelphia 7 , Chicago 3 Umpire Doescher. WASHINGTON , May SO. The result of the contest between the Washington and Detroit teams to-day was as follows : Washington 0 00001000 1 Detroit II 3800200 * 11 Pitchers Shaw and Baldwin. Base hits ' Washington 11 , Detroit 14. Errors Wasll- , ington 5 , Detroit 1. Umpire Quest , NKW YOIIK , May 20. The game be tween New York and Pittsburg to-day resulted as follows : , ' New York S 0300300 0-10 Pittsburg 2 1210120 0-9 Pitchers iicorgo and McCormick. Base hits-New York 15 , Plttsbuig 13. Errors- New York 10 , Pittsburg 8. Umpire--Powori BOSTON , May 20. The came between the Boston and Indianapolis teams to-day ro * suited as follows : Hoston 2 32010000 8 Indianapolis 0 00312200 7 Pitchers Stemmeyer ami Boyle. Base hits Boston 14 , Indianapolis 10. Errors- Boston 5 , Indianapolis 4. Umplie Henglo. The American Association. CINCINNATI , May 20. The game to-day between Cincinnati and Baltimore resulted as follows : Cincinnati 3 02000001 0 Baltimore 0 8115010 -10 Pitchers Tobeau and Kllroy. Base hits- Cincinnati 19 , Baltimore 23. Errors CIn cinnatl 7 , Baltimore 6. Umpire Cuthbert. LOUIHVIM.K , May 20. The game between ! Louisville and Metropolitan to-day resulted as follows : Louisville 0 40201001 8 Metropolitan 2 00100332 0 Pitchers BeeKor and Lynch. Base hits Louisville 10 , Metropolitan 12. Errors Louisville 2 , Metropolitan 3. Umplie Me- Quado. br. Louis , May 20. The game between St. Louis and Brooklyn tu-dav lesulted na follows : St. Louis 3 0304330 0-lS Brooklyn 1 2 3 0 0 3 3 0-0 Pitchers Caruthnrs and Terry. Base hits St. Louis 22 , Brookljn ID. Errors St. Louis 2 , Brooklyn 5. Umpire Knight Ci.EVKi.ANi ) , May 20. The game to-day between Cleveland and Athletic resulted as follows : Cleveland 2 00000010-3 Athletic 0 2501300 10 PltchcM Crowell and Wenine. Base lilts Cleveland I ) , Athletic in. Errors-Cleveland 7 , Athletic 3. Umpire Valentino. The JjoiilHvlllo Itaccti. LOUISVILI.K , May 20. Thu attendance at Chuichlll Downs to-day was lair , and the weather warm and beautiful. Six furlongs , for maiden three-year-olds : Harry ( Men won , Barak second , Hecla third Six ( uilongs : Avery won , Itoy Boy second - end , Vunlstl third. Tlino l:13f. : Thiee-iiarter ( | mile dash , for two-year-olds : Los Angeles won , Badge second. Tlmo 'Mile dish : Jennie McFarlnnd won , Handy Andysecond. Tlmo l:455f. : Ono and one-sixteenth mllodnsh : Moiiocrat won , Kaloolah second , Katie A third. Tlme-l:5lK. : Wheelmen Klrct OdlcorH. ST. Louis , May 20. Thn board of oflicora of the League ot American Wheelmen met here this morning and elected T. J. Kirk- Patrick , of Ohio , piosidont : 11. B. Hayes Massachusetts , vice president ; W. M. Bruwsi ter , Missouri , treasuior ; ( Jeorcn H. Bldwell * the third member of tlio executive committee * ' Tlm UodH Vlutoi'louH. FAIIIMONT , Neb. , May 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to the itii.l : : The Fairmont Kuds and Kxetn's best nlni ) plaved a match giuno to * day. The scoie stood 10 to 17ln tavor of the Ueds. _ Hound For Kuropo. .Ni'.w Voitic , May 20. ( jueen JCapiolanl and suite on Wednesday sail for' F.UIOJMOK JUe steamer Celtic , . . > / . ft A-