Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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. Nebraska's ' Episcopalians Considering the
& Ways of the Lord ,
JMnjor Basil's IJOSH A Police Commis
sioner Shouts nt a Servant
Successes Other
The Kplsc-ojiallnni.
The nnnnnl mooting of the council of
tlio Protestant Episcopal church of Nc-
brnskn mot ycstonltiy morning in Trinity
Cntlicdrnl , Tliuro were present the fol
lowing :
lit. Huv. Georso WortliliiRton. S. T , I ) . . L.
I , . I ) . , Ituv. Aluxnntlrr Allen , Lincoln : Uuv.
Jl. H. Unrccsa , I'lnttimoiitli ; Hov. John M.
Hates , North 1'l.itto ; Hov. M. ! ' . Caioy ,
Nebraska City ; Ituv. Hubert Dohurtv ,
K. td T. 1) . Omaha ; Iluv. K.
II. ( iaynor , lll.ilr ; Hov. Samuel
Ooodalc , I ) . J ) . , Columbus ; Uuv.'It. II. F.
( iaidncr , York : Hov. Clins. 11. ( iardnpr ,
dean ot Trinity , Oinalia ; Hov. J. W. (511-
innn , Ilnstlnes ; Kcv.Jolm Hewitt , Fremont ;
Hov. A. A. Motrlson , Asliliinil ; Hov. S. F.
Myers. Noifolk ; Hov. It.V. . Oliver , Kear
ney ; I'tiv. .Intnus 1'nter.xon , Onulia ; Ituv.
Win. Owood Pearson , Onulin : Ituv. K. It.
Itiuliardsun , Crete. ; Hov. I. A. Hiissull. Falls
City ; Itev.V. . II. Sparllnc , Schuyler ; Itov.
Hobert Scott , Huntrlci * ; H'iv. Tlioj. Station ! ,
llrownvllle ; llov. Hubert L. Stu-
vims. Columbus ; Jtev. Kdwnul W\non. :
Grand Island ; Hov. Albert K. Wells , Central
City , mid Itov. Louis /aimer.
Tlio following l.iy delegates are also pres
ent : O. M. Carter , A. II. Fuller , S. S. Kales ,
Asldand ; J. K. Smith , Dr. Fainham , C. C.
Krapt ) , lU'atilce ; Jviiiu Williams , lirown-
vllle ; J.J , SmithF. . M. Cosletter , F. II.
Clarldue , Hlnlr : W , II. Ulce. Central City ;
A. C. Stowell , .1. I ) . Stores , Cedar Kanldv O.
W. Thomas , Alfred Heath. Grand Island ; D.
C. lirown. O. M * . Oliver , Hastings ;
Henry ( Jlbbon , Kcarnev ; ( ! uy H.
lirown. I ) . H. Llttlebilditn. W. L. Alurphy ,
Llnculn ; Jesse iMapesJ. N. Ware. Nebraska
City ; CuorKo Hodkin , Nemaha City ; Thos.
Patterson , Lester , Walker. .North 1'lutto ;
Henry W. Yates , 11. S.Kustk.Jno. P. HawkIns -
Ins , ( leo. F. Labagli , .Ino. W. Wortlilnu'ton ,
Guy V. Henry , Jos. Harker.Dr. J. J. Suvillo ,
F. II. Lowo.Jauict M. Woolworth , Can oil S.
Montgomery , H. H. HIiiKwalt , Omaha ; I ) . II.
White. K. IJ. Lewis , I'lattsmouth.
MornlnK jirayer was said at 9 o'clock and
this was followed bv the celebration of the
holy communion. The bishop delivered his
annual address coininonciii' , ' at 10 a. 111. ,
which was listened to with profound Inter
est , It showed communilablo progiess In
church \\oik throughout the > ear.
Hlshoj ) U'ortlilimton presided and Canon
Paterson wnsoleeted secictary and Itev. Os-
ford 1'eai.son of St. John's , Omalm was
elected assistant secretaiv.
Houtlnc business was then transacted until
10 o'clock , when the council adjouinotl tor
The Kpiscopal council celebrahratcd Its sos-
( don last livening by securlni ; pledges for
SUM in aid ot tlio diocesan missions in the
state dining the eominK year. The topic be
fore the council was that of. missions ,
lilslion Woithinnton jrc ) Idud.
The lust address of the session was made
by Hev. John Hewitt , of Fremont. Hospoko
earnestly upon the need of luoro mission
wotk In thochuieh.
Ituv. Alex Allen , of Lincoln , next spoke.
He appealed to the council to makosoinu pio-
vislon for support of the Itinerant clercy In
this diocese. As pilsouers who Hist iound
themselves In luxuilous and loomy apart
ments woieoventuallv crushed to death by
jliO gradual but relentless contraction of tlio
walls , so the Episcopal diocese of Nebraska
would meet such a into from the monopoly of
tlio territory of the state by other denomina
tions If It did not arlso and make ellort.
Hev. W. H. Sparling spoUo ucoft
the topic of giving. He asserted that
there Is no point on which the church of
Christ Is so weak us upon the cosnel law of
Kivlnc. All that Is In the world has come
from God. The people of the Lord should
glvo at least one-tenth of their Income. The
Israelite gave at least onc-tourth of his in
come. American civilisation , the boasted
civilization of the npo , gives 50 cents per
capita to the cliurch. In Slam each person
gives S3 to the ( dotations iclicion of that
nation. Giving Is tbo energy of love.
RtMr. Guy brown , a lay member , Introduced
his romaiks by say in'- that Sam Jones told a
great deal ot truth when ho said that the
Christian relUlon as practiced by the
churches commenced with desire and ended
with continuation. A great deal ot the
Christianity In tlto churches does end with
continuation. It is not rare to llnd members of
churches whoattcrconllrmatlon , dismiss the
responsibilities of future leligious acts from
their minds. He believed that any cast-iron
rule ot giving was a bad rule. The man who
had 81,000 Income ought to spend It in tak
ing decent caie ot his lamily. The man with
$10,000 Income ought to give half of it to re
ligious objects. A eood many who had
$10,000 Income , however , spent the 153,000
they didn't need to live on In buying corner
lots , and said : "When wo sell and get
S'.Vt.OOO , wo will ulvo part of that to the
church. " Uut they never did. Ho didn't bo-
-V > H llcvo In the Christianity which was devout In
I church , but gave stingily while § 1,000 glist
ened on them In diamonds , or Sr > ,000 , was
spent in making a splurge.
Mr. Montgomery , secretary of the board of
missions , stated that the picsent treasurer
found 87W1 when ho took cilice a year ago.
During tlio year SI.OS0.3J was collected.
Taking from tills S'-MiM.iil which was
expended , a balance of 81,743.83 still was on
liand. There are fourteen missionaries of
the church In tills dioceso. The Domestic
board of missions ( national ) , gives small
stipends to a portion ot these. Seven got
stipends from the diocesan boatd , and absorb
$2,118 a year , tiovcn other places need
clergymen , and $ l.c > ; ; o will bo required for
the coming year. At Norfolk duilncayear
a cliurch and rectory liavo been built. At
Crolghtou a church Is wanted , and the people
I ple nro ready to build it they get the proper
man , to whom they will contribute ? r > 00 to
80CO a j ear. From lbS5 to JbSfl 51,400 was
contributed for missions. The difference
between 81,400 and 81,000 during the past
year lies In the head of the church
and his system and business. The men
liavo been placed most judiciously
and if tlio bishop can bo furnished with funds
right away the people of the church will bo
mirprlied. Tlioy wanted SI.COO to odd tc
what they alre.ulv had and if an approximate
sum to that should bt > pledged nlno more
missionaries could bo placed In the Held.
A i.imnt.u , 1'i.Kiioi : .
The blslion then called upon the treasure )
to read the list of churches and missions toi
the purpose of securing pledges and tlio fol-
htwing war the result :
St. Stephen's , Ashland S 1X (
Clnist'.s , Beatrice 2'.t
St. Mary's , , . . . . S-
Grace. Columbus 1. '
Christ's , Contra ! City , . . . . K
St. James , Fiemont -51
St. Stephen's. 0rand Island M
St. Maik's. Hastings
HolyTrlnlty. Lincoln 25 (
GurS.ivlor , Noith Platte W
Trinity , Omaha , ( not pledged but guar
anteed ) R.M
St. Harnabas , Omaha. I'S
St. John's , Omaha IS
All Saints , Omaha CM
Christ's Mission , Wyoming 2.
St. Mary's. Nebraska City M
Trinity Mission , Omaha H
St. John's Mission , Harvard H
St. Stephen's Mission , Silver Creek. . . . li
St. Phillip's Chapel Mission , Omaha. . . V
St. Mark's ' Mission , Crelghtou 1
Woman's Auxllliary ie >
Holy Innocents Mission 40
Messrs. Guy Urown , U. P. Clark. A. L.
Thomas , W. S. Sheltou. 0.V. .
Thomas , Montgomery Woolworth ,
Mrs. W.S.'Sliulton. . . . 50
Mrs. Hyrou Heed l ( >
A layman from Beatrice f >
Itov. Mr. Dougherty &
Messrs.Collar. . Hopkins and Williams. . 7
Kt. Harnabas Sunday School , Ouialm. . . 2
Win. Higgs , of the Cathedral choir S
Hlnlr churches and societies S
St. John's Sunday school C
All Saints' Sunday school C
St. Andrew's Hrothoihood , of Trinity
Cathedral 1C
Dean Gardner
Twelve persons at $10 each 12
The Fncts Developed by Ilio Court o
Inquiry The Opinion.
General Crook lias issued nn ordc
Betting forth the facts la the robbery , by
cowboy nuiucd Cliarlos Purkur , of Majo
Uusli , paymaster of the United States
army at Antelope Springs , Wyoming ter
ritory , on tlio 18th of last March , of
$7 , ! > 5D.1)3 ) public money belonging to tlio
United States. The court llnils that
while at Douglas , before starting for
Anlelopo Spring ? , where the robbery
occurred , Major Hash used every effort
to procure a srvfo or truasuro-box in
which to deposit the money , but was
compelled to use u v nllso , which was
placed in charge of Sergeant Charles
Fox , with instructions not to leave it out
of his sight. The stugo arrived nt Antelope -
lope Springs , a lariro station eighteen
miles from Dry t'hoycnne , about 1010 : !
o'clock in the morning of the 18th of
March. Mnjor Hash , lifter the ar
rival of tlio stage , asked Sergeant
Fox whether or not ho intended to
take dinner at Antelope , tiud was un-
swcred that lie thought i.ot , us It was too
early and lie was not hungry. The testi
mony us to what was saitl and done at
his time is conlllcting. Major Bush and
Mnlnl V. Hash state that Iho major gave
ho sergeant an order to remain with the
luge ; the sergeant and Private Gregg
swour that no such order WHS given.
Major Hash and Daniel F. Hash swear
hat the sergeant said he was not going
n to dinner , while Iho sergeant and
Jregg are equally positive that the sere -
; e nt said lie was going to dinner. Major
{ ash swears that when ho went iu > to the
tation lie left Sergeant Fox , Private
Jregg and Daniel F. Hash nt the stage.
) aniol F. Hash swears he followed the
uajor in about ten minutes ; lie does not
ay whether or not ho was ac
companied by Sergeant Fox and
'rivatu Orcg , but lie docs say
, liat , after ho was seated at the dinner
able , the sergeant and ( regg came in
and sat down. Sergeant Fox swears that
Uajor Hash said : "Well , boys , come
on , " and that all the narty , Major Bash ,
) aniel F. Hash , Private Uregg and him-
elf , wont up to the station , to got dinner.
Mvato Uregg says that ho wont from
ho stage to tlio station with Daniel F.
Jash. uud that lie asked him if there was
my danger , to whicli lie received no re-
pbnsc. Major Bash was the hist of his
> arty to go into dinner , and when he got
nto tlio dining room , he found at tlio
amo table , Sergeant Fox. Private Gregg
ind Daniel F. Bash , all just ( hushing
heir meal ; tlicso three men rose
rom the table about tlio same
imo and left the room. Major Bash
says ho was astonished at finding
lie escort , Sergeant Fox and Private
Jregg , in the room , and looked Very
uird at the sergeant , but did not then ,
or tit any time thereafter , speuk to the
crgcant about being away fiom the
stngo on tliis occasion. Before Major
lash had finished Ins dinner , lie was in-
ormed that the valise containing the
> ublie money hid : been stolen from the
itago by a cow-boy named Charley Par
ser. Parker hail taken the valise from
ho st-igo under pretense that it bo-
ongcd to him , mounted his horse , taking
ho vaiiso with him , and rode off. Tlio
valise was afterwards found , broken
open and its contents gone. Major
5ash made every effort in his power to
capture the robber and recover the
noney , but without success.
The opinion of the court of inquiry is
hut Major Bush did not give such direct
and detailed orders to the members of
tlie escort as to the manner in which they
should guard the publio money in his
jossession while en route to Fort Me-
vinnoy , and that ho did not take the
iroper and necessary pains to see that
my orders which lie had given on this
ubjcct were duly obeyed ; that the escort
cert , consisting of Sergeant Fox and
, 'rivato Gregg , were negligent in the
> orformanco of their duty , and were not
it to act as escorts because of lack of in
digence and knowledge of tlio English
ansuago. Tlio money has already boon
> aid over by Major Hash and the court
> f inquiry is dissolved.
Curious Designation or Assignees
The Ijittle Follows the Losers.
No additional news was received from
doyenne yesterday resanling the Swan
Bros' , failure. A cattle man who had been
closely connected with the Swans In days
: ono by said : "I'm afraid it Is a bad failure ;
nit It will bo difficult to learn just how bad
from Cheyenne sources. Naturally , those fcl-
ows out there make an effort to cover up the
real gravity of sucli a smash. It was so In
ho instance of the Searlght failure. That
was worse In one way than this can possibly
'C , because only two months before Searlght
went up , he obtained 8210,000 In bonds and
money from parties who supposed ho was
solid. When it came to the creditors of Sea-
riirht personally they were absolute losers. II
; s to the credit of the Swans that they have
done nothing of that kind. "
John Coad , who was quoted
as making several statements con
cerning the tallure. called at the
UIE : ollico last evening nnd said that , al-
thoueh tlio statements which ho was quoted
as giving were made by some of the gentle
men who were in the coterie ho was a mem-
jor of when a reporter was seeking informa
tion , he was not personally responsible for
them. Ho asserted hat he is unaware that
any of the Swan land has been purchased
Irom parties who have not received patents.
Ho wanted the statement published from
him that he believed that thu Swans , If theii
assets are good , will pay dollar for dollar 11
their creditors will give them tlino.
A stock grower who is personally ac >
qualnted In Cheyenne said , half rellectlvely ,
as ho met a reporter yesterday : "It does
seem to mo that if the Swans felt themselves
able to square things they would have called
upon the courts to name the receivers. As il
iu , they maUo an assignment and appoint
Joseph La Frontz , Alex Swan's bookkeepei
for years , and A. H. Heel , a stock raiser who
has had Intimate associations with Swan foi
a lone time , and for whom the latter ha !
made several sales , 'lhat Is the bad look ol
it. "
FuucrnU of Two People Who Came tc
Unnatural Deaths.
The funeral of Dennis Quinlan , the yonn
man who was shot on Vinlon street on lasi
Sunday , took place yesterday morning frou
the residence of Mr. James Byrnes , SoutI
Thirteenth street , between Center and Dor
cas. The remains were borne to St. Patrick' )
church , where a requiem mass was celebrate !
by Hev. John Jeannettc , the pastor of tin
church. The pall bearers were the follow
.ing youths , who were comrades of the deceased
ceased : James Hush , David Shannahan , Ed
ward Dee , Thomas F lynn , Michael lllnchey
Daniel Callaghan. The cofll n was coverci
with lloral tributes , one of wh ich was a liar ]
from Qululan's voune friends and market
"Comrade. " The funeral came north on
Thirteenth street and turned west on Far
nam street , extending along that thoroughfare
faro for six blocks. The remains were in
terred in Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
Mr. Maul , ot Drexel & Maul , went to Yutai
Tucsdny night and secured the remains o :
Fred Smith , who wa * drowned In the Plattooi
Iho 7th of last April. Ho returned vesterda1
mornlii' . ' at 11 o'clock. The remains wcr
conveyed to Drexel & Maul's underlakim
rooms , wliero yesterday atternoon thefunern
took place and was larccly attended. Thcr
wcio also piesent besides the friends of th
deceased the three societies of which he wan
member , Alleman lodso 1. O. O. F. , Dougla
grove No. 'J Order of Druids and the Onmh
Menneichor. The remains were Interred ii
Prospect Hill.
Julius Nagl as n representative of Dougla
grove No. 'J Ancient Order of Druids , am
John Hoffman , who was with the deceasc <
at the time of the drownlmr , went down t >
Vntnn and accompanied the remains t
Onmhii. _
A Theatrical Stock Company.
On next Monday night the stock compan ;
system will be In ted need In the Peoples then
er by Manager Walton , who will run th
place during the summer months. The stn
during the opening week will be J. W. Cai
tier who will appear In "Heubeu Lowther ,
a piece In some respects like that of "Joshu
\ \ hltcomb , " but with a greater element ot n
iluumuut. The company will conslit g
Messrs. Hoblnson. llallan , Garvcn , Scully ,
Grace Gordon , Jamie' Savage and Lottie
Ho UrlnKs Into tlio Nuptial State Two
1'alrs oT Lovers.
Hobert Livcscy , ono of the youncor brick
makers of this city , was married Tuesday
evening to Miss Mary Johnson In his own res-
donee on the corner of Twenty-third and
Davenport streets. Hey. A. F , Shcrrlll offici
ated. The ceremony was witnessed by only
a few of the more Intimate friends of the
married patties.
Yesterday morning Mr. John Hainan , ono
of the best known clerks In the I ! . & M. linad-
liiarters.wns married In Hoek Island , Illinois ,
to Miss JobloPrendergast. The marriage was
witnessed by a number of relatives and
'i lends. Mr. and Mrs. Hainan will arrive In
this city In about a week , after a visit to the
cast. _
For Sale.
A good brick machine in good running
order. N. W. Williams , Council Bluffs.
I'ollco Court.
Judge Berka held tor further hearing a
precocious youngster , need about ton years ,
lamed Alouzo Van Coy , who had stolen a
icx of beer from a South Thirteenth street
Jennie Lyman , the woman who adopted a
) aby left some time ago at tlio poor farm , yes
terday morning relinquished the little waif in
response to the demand of the Hntnnne
society , which claimed that she was ti eating
t harshly. The child was then adopted by
another woman , whose name could not bo
learned. _
Edison Electric Light System Estimates
furnished. GKO. W. COSTEK ,
Paxton House , Oumlia , Agent.
The Vankton Railroad.
W. 11. Alford , of St. Helena , Cedar county ,
s in the city , lie states that representatives
from Harttngton and Yanktou as well as
other towns along tlio line are getting
ready to attend a meeting to be
teld hero soon to take stops
o onlld a railroad from this city to Yankton.
He says St. Helena will do what may bo rea
sonably expected of her In the promises.
The terminus of the South Omaha
lummy train only two nnd one-half
clocks from Harris & Patterson's Annex ,
South Omuhu.
AscoiiHlnti Day.
Mt. Calvary commandery , K. i' . , will leave
this city to-day , at 0 o'clock and visit Con -
ell Blutrs to take part in the Ascension
) ay exercises which are to bo held there.
flioy will march to tlio depot and bo aecom-
willed by some of their wives who will lido
In carriages. Tills custom of visiting the
1 ! I nils on Ascension Day lias existed some
years and some ot the knights are a little
anxious to know why such a celcbiatlon
could not bocotten up on this side of the
river. _
Buy lots in Harris & Patterson's An
nex , South Omaha , oilico 320 and 323 S.
15th St.
Hotter Luck ThlH Timo.
A marriaco license was issued yesterday to
Hussell Smith and Miss Victoria Allen.
The couple are mutes and the questions and
answers were thiough tlio medium of pencil
tnd paper. Smith was married last winter
to an accomplished young woman , also a
mute , but as it developed thatshe had already
a number of husbands the mairiago was
void. The vounir woman left shortly atterfor
the Kast. The circumstances were pi In ted in
the papers at the time.
No Superintendent Yet.
The fire and police commissioners wcro to
meet yesterday morningbutMr. II. 0. Smith
saidlthoy simply stood on the corner and
' 'Have you decided upon a superintendent
of police ? "
"We have not. "
"When will you ? "
"I don't know. "
"When will you meet again ? "
"I can't tell.1
The Motor Line from Omaha to Gilmore -
more and Plattsmouth passes through
Harris & Patterson's Annex , South
Another New Block.
Benjamin Smith , the Boston capitalistwho
is largely Interested In property in Omaha ,
Is in the city. Mr. Smith contemplate the
erection of a live-story block on the south
west corner of llarney and Eleventh streets.
It Is cxpscted that the Western Union Tele
graph company will occup' ' quarters In the
now block when U Is completed.
The South Omaha'Land company have
appointed C. E. Mayno solo agent for the
sale of theirlots. He will show the prop
erty and furnish all desired information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
Wants a Divorce.
In September , 1SS5 , Christiana Matlot-
sky and Joseph Matlofsky wcro united in
marriage. Yesterday Mrs.Matiofaky applied
to the district court for a divorce , alleging that
she was not of lawful age w hen the mnr-
rla''o was contracted and that she has never
Blood in the relation of wife to defendant.
Any ono who wants a home , now is the
time to accept the offer made by Harris
& Patterson to any ono who will build on
their Annex in South Omahu. Call on
them , 320 and 322 S. 15th St.
Cottage colors ready for use in now
and desirable shades. Alabaslino in
various tints , the original and only per
manent wall finish , supersedes calci
mine for beauty and durability , and is
easily applied. Paints , window glass ,
brushes , etc. , largest and most complete
stock west of Chicago. Guniuilngs &
Ncilson , 1118 Farnam St.
Kylo's Rogua Checks.
Constable Kyle seems to have left town ,
cot even his wife knowing his whereabouts.
Before going he came the bogus-check trick
upon half a dozen linns in this city , each of
these checks being for 520.50. They were
made payable to one McNutt , who ,
however , cannot be found either. Ono
of the victims is the furniture
linn of Hill & Young , on Farnam street be
tween Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. This
firm's bogus chfck was returned to It from
the bank , as other checks had been to other
parties with the announcement that Kyle had
no tnndtf In the bank. How many more of
Kyle's victims there are in the town remains
to bo ascertained.
An Agricultural Implement Factory.
Yesterday morning land was staked out on
the Belt line for the manufactory of the John
Delrt Agricultural Implement manufactory ,
the comnany of which was recently organ
ized. The man whose name Is civen to the
company was formerly a resident of Council
Blurts , where bo was engaged in the same
business. The factory will glvo employment
to 150 men.
Broke an Arm.
Thowlfo of Mr. Win. Alstadt , of South
Sixteenth street , It'll on the slippery sidewalk
near her residence on Monday last and broke
her arm. She was attended by Dr. Jensen ,
and still suitors from the accident.
A Day In iho Wooiln.
Yesterday morning tlio male and female stu
dents of the Omaha Commercial college , about
twenty-live In number , attended a picnic In
Hanscom park given by the management of
the college.
A Runaway.
A gentleman , whoso name was not known ,
was thrown from a buggy at the corner ol
Twenty-third street and St. Mary's avenue ,
at 2SO o'clock yesterday afternoon , and ser
iously hurt The horse broke away from the
buggy and ran down to the business center
of the city , where lie was captured ,
A Related Servant Girl Grazed Dy a
Householder's Mullet.
Several nights ago Mr. Goo. J. Gilbert was
awakened about midnight by his wife , who
licard some ono < trylug to effect an entrance
through a back window. Mr. Gilbert , who
lives on Uas street , near Eighteenth , arose
\nd taking ills revolver began an Investiga
tion. Opening a rear door Mr.
Gilbert saw a fieure , and talcing
the Individual for a burglar , tired at the In
truder. A feminine scream showed that it
was a woman and It developed that the ser
vant had been locked out and was seeking to
let Into the house without being discovered.
The bullet just gra/.ed the woman's head , and
the shot aroused the neighbors and created
considerable excitement.
Harrison & Patterson's Annex South
Omaha is on tlio market again. 3.0 and
J22 S. loth St.
Call Corn In
The Union Paclllc California excursion
eft the Tenth street depot at 12:30 : to-day ,
four Pullman coaches were well titled and
another had to bo added. Four similar
coaches Ictt Kansas City and two are ex
pected from Denver. A number of persons ,
who failed to get away to-day will leave to
night and join the excursionists at Chey
enne. There will be In all about twelve
coaches. The exclusion paity Is said to bo
oneiof the best ever taken out over the
Union Paclllc.
Absolutely Pure-
This powder never varies. A marvel o
purity , strength nnd wholesorneness. More
economic than the ordinary kinds , and ran-
not be sold in competition with the multi
tude of low cost short weight alum or
phosphate powders. Sold only in cans
Royal Baking Powder Co. , 100 Wall-st. ,
This bcnutlful Island , now famous as ono or tlio
most Httrnctlve suiumorresorts onttio KaMcrn coast
lies 111 I'uasamiiqundily nir the coast or Maine ,
between the niHlnlantl nnd ( .rund Mtinuu.
UbasnKhiire fronliiiio of tlilrtjr-llvo mlloc , deeply
Indented by mirnero'if buyn , chapm * unit Inlets , wlillo
the Interior nbounrt * In lofty nnd densely wooiled
lillls tlint olTorrnreiUunuBto tlie lovers of tbo | > lc-
The cliffs tlmt oyerlianB tbe sea for many miles lira
truly ? rand. Tlio view of those mighty and iiwo-ln-
Bptrlnir rocks , towertntr etralKht up out of tbo aca ,
will alone repny tlio visitor for the Journey thoro.
The Hotels , to be Opened July I ,
nrc the finest to be found cast of ISoUnn. They are
beautifully furnlrhcd nnd appointed lliiouubout , and
In bntboxtorlorand InteriorniiTO nnalr of homellko
comtort nnd retlncment seldom to be found.
Theroarecomoforty rallosof roads on the Island ,
nnd the drives are varied and Interesting. Tim
etablns are well equipped with well-trnlnod saddle
und driving liorse * .
The bnatlnK and flshlnEnro excellent , and canoes
with Indian Kiilrtes , are ulwuys ut band.
Take the steamers of the International I/lne , leav
ing llo ton MnidiyWednesday and Friday at R0 ; !
a. in. , arriving ut Kastport the follonliiK morning ut
8 o'clock.
An annex stPamer connect ! with all steamer'at
E tport for Uumpobcllo , two miles distant.
The teauiiiis ( it the International I.I no are new
and are the line t coaHtwiso steamers from ItoHtnn.
Byra'lKOVla IloUoniuid M.ilnoor Kastoni It. II to
Callan ; thenceby steamer down tbo heiutltul S.CroIx
liver , or by carriage toKustporl C 3) ) miles.
Urelthprrputoba ritiiem.iy ; bo checked through
From Bur Harbor to Cainpobelln.
Take steamer nt liar Harbor .Machlit * . wbero
carriages mav aliMiyn bo found In readiness. Drive to
liiilicc , 23 milestuenco by ferry to Campobello ( II )
mlloo. Tlio drive K ea y and dclluhttnl.
Application for rooms miv : lirmmlo to T.A. IlAlt-
KiH. : hot" ! nunnecr. nt the union o f the underlined.
Illustrated books with railroad and steamer time
tables , plans of the lioU'l and maps of the Island
maybehad.aft well as full information regarding
tbe property on application to AI.KXH. 1'OItl'KIl ,
( jen. Manauer Campobcllo Island Co. , H ? Bute St. ,
lioston. Muss.
Warranted to nolthor break down or
roll up In wear.
loie S nnln without KJBO itaroptj on Inilile of Corset ,
Trrllllj _ ! JljijLtSJ'JJll ! ° 'f" ' " ' "P"'tn'-
Men tuffertnir fro.n r.o.t Vlcor ,
tWr , .u > llrhllllr , l.nrk ot
WEAK Itv lupn > rnl. rrrm lur
. Klpcllor. etc. , r uUnc ) from In.
I discretions _ , eicetsesoroterwork . . . ,
aut ntammtlt
w W1rtE'MT t's"T's\RutulFJl.Tci ? ? ' ' ; ! ?
4 I O n U I M 'T Kollieil'.t pl 'c'Ht In li.o hands
II | Vl Inl Tciftllflrhons. Hif Rfplete wltU
\f I II VJD VJinforraMlonor T llracn.
MARSTON BEHtMCO. 19 Park Place , Now York.
Mont louOraahn Kco
WEAK .MEN ! InitUcrrtlons Dtbnittttdthnt or
ftl " 1 rl IQ.m. K ic f un. nr.uuiBtM To
thli > p ciflci > urpo eCtEKor
. WEAK ,
tinuoui , ml'd. iftotblnr current ! of
Electric. lrtrtl/ through all weik ptiti.rt itor-
Itifthsn tiihrilthindVIioroufStreDith. llictrla
Curre&t ' _ , foil InstantlT or we fvrfril 5. KJ In rath.
Oreitiitlmproit --Yer nil other Ulti
tntcenllr cured In IHm moolbt. Holeil p mphlH.ttanip
Tht Sinden ElMtric Co. 160 USillc t. , Chlc.aa
One Agtra ( Mori'n ntonlr ' ntp < i innrtry town for
Our trade on yourTanslH'i Punch Is steadily
Incremniir , takintr last mnntti as n basis. Wo
bopo to liuntllo Bt It-list 'MflM i > or month.
.MooitK , AI.LL.N & Co. , UriiKtfiEts.
SalU.nko City , t'tali.
Ian woll-oqulppcd Institution , wlthcliisslciUixnd
Eclcntlltocourccs of n KfuUo coiial to thu of Ilio
lending- American uolluKus. Il 1ms u iilcasnnt lo
cation , 1 hour's rUe from Chlctoro. ituinliin- :
tlottsfor Aiimlslon will bo holtl Juno -.Mth nnd
L"Jth , at Chicago mid Snrlnctlcld , III ; Inilliimpo
lls , Ind. ; Murqucttv , Kiilainuzon.Mlcli. : MlhTitu-
keo , WIs.j Uububuo. lown ; St. Pntil , Minn. . St.
Iuls , Ktttisns City , Mo , ; Omaha , NuU ; Donvcr ,
Co. For full particulars of ezainlnutlons mid
Catalogue , address President W , C. UOUKUTrt ,
"We want to close out our light weight suits now while there is a
demand for them and no fc wait until the season is over. For that rea
son we had a great mark down , of which the following are a
few samples ,
One lot of fine worsted four button cutaway frocks , in neat silk
mixtures , lined with silk serge and elegantly made , which formerly ,
sold low at $20 , now reduced to $16.50.
Sever allots of fine worsted sacks , ot same description , in differ
ent patterns , bound and unbound , formerly sold low at 18.50 and
$17.50 , now reduced to $14.50
'One lot of fine worsted four button cutaway frocks , light color , '
silk faced , and equal to custom made , formerly sold low at $20now
reduced to $15.
500 light and dark colored cheviot , pin check and various nobby
spring suitings , formerly sold at $15 , $12 and $10 , now reduced to
$12 , $10 and $8.
Special attention is called to our line of summer coats and vests , '
in flannel , serge , mohair , alpacca and seersuckers , in all new and
fashionable shades , and ranging in price from $1 up to $5.25 for
coat and vest. A GREAT BARG-AIN , is our $3.25 mohair coat
and vest. The same is sold elsewhere for from $6 to $7.
All goods marked in plain figures and at one price.
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
O. H. CURTIS , Pres. - J. HURD THOMPSON , Sec. $ & Treas
Wholesale ® Retail.
"Fish Hrantl" Coats , Bulbs , Douches , Hair Crimpers , Nursery Sheeting , Specnlutni ,
Air Pillows , Brushes , Drill A Duck , llHlr Pins , Navy lings , Sportsmen's Goodi.
Alrlleda , Brewer's Hose , Door Mats , lints , Oil Clothlug , Stamps ,
Air Cushions , Cni > 8 , Dress Shields , Horse Cover * , racking , Stationer's Gum ,
Anti Katllora , Cnpcs , Drinking Ctnis , Hose , II. IJ. A P. Oo.Palls , Syphons ,
Apron * , Carriage Cloth , . Klnstlc. liantls , Hose Couplings , P il ction Box Syringe ; . Spittoons ,
Atomizers , Cartridge Bags , Kl.istlo mocking ) , lloso I'lpcs , Pencils , Swimming Jackets )
Entitle , Cntheturs. Krascre , Hose Keels , 1'cn holders. Syringes 'Perfection Boxj
Bandage Gum , Clothiutr , Face Unga , Hot Water BottlesPessaries , Thimbles ,
Baiitlamul I'jtits , Copy nook Sheets , 1'lngor Cots , llnvcrsacks , Piano Carers , Throat Bags.
Balls , Carpeting , Flower Sprlnklors , Ice Bags , Pipes , Tubing ,
Bath Mats , dement , Floor Scrapers , Ice Caps , I'lyo Stems , Til in blurs ,
Bath Tubs , Clothes \VrInicerfl , Folding Palls , Inkstands , Plant Sprinklers , Toys.
Hctt Vans , Coats "Flsli Brand1 Foot JlalU , Invalid Cushions Ptiro llubbcr , Tceth'gningfAPnd * ,
Bed Sheets , Combs , Force , I'ants , Tobacco .
* ; > * Ill-ulc' vyulllua Cups Pouches.
H.B. & I'.Co. Belting , Comb Cleaners , Ft tilt Jar Kings , Lined Hose , Pistol Pockets , Trotting Kolls ,
Belt Hooks , Corks , Funnels , Lace Cutters , Battles , Urinals.
Bellows Cloth , Cork Screws , ( Jus Tubing , Life Preservers , ItubberDnm , Umhrellns ,
Bibs , Curry Combs , Cloves , Mackintosh Good's , Itulors. Ventilating Polci ,
Blankets , Cuspadors , Gossamer Gaps , Mutch Boxes , BcpnirlngCloth , Wagon Aprons ,
Roots & Shoes , Clgnr Ciiacs , " Cloth , Martlngala Itings .Shaft Uubbcrs , Wagon Covers ,
Boys Cnps , ChairTlpe&Bnn'crs , " Coats , Mats , Shoos .t Boots , Wagon Springs ,
Boy Coats , Ulapcrft , Waterproofs , Matting , fclnk Scrapers , Weatherstrips ,
Bougies , Dinner Ulotb , Gaiter Straps , Mirrors , Scoops , Webbing ,
Bracelets , Dolls , Gun Covers , Mittens , Shooting Coats , Wading Pants ,
Breast Pumps , Doll Bodies , UuttnPcrchn , Nipples , Sling shots , Water Bottles ,
Hreast Shields , Doll Hum ! * , Gymnasiums , Nursing Bibs. holing , Window Cleaners ,
Buffers , Door Bauds , Half Curlers , Nursing Bottles , SPOUKO Bags , Wringer Itolls ,
Boston Kcllillg „ -'Go's. Rubber nncl Cotton Belting , Packing nutl Hose. Solo agents in Omaha.
Leather Hefting- ; Pure Oak Tanned. Manufacturers of "PERFECTION BOX SYIUNGES. "
Manufacturers of'FISH ' Jilt AND JtUlSIiEIl GOODS. "
Mall Orders Solicited and will Receive Pro mot Attention.
hi A
Chronic & Surgical Diseases
PR. MoNIENAMIY. Proprietor.
Sineen years' ITosnltal mid Vrivuto 1'rniUce
Wo have the facilities , apparatus and iemdii >
for the sncccBifnl treatment of every form of dis
rate requiring cither medical or surgical treatment ,
Had Invite all to come nud lnT tlg < ttu for thcmseh < *
or correspond with us. Long experience In treat
Ing cases lir l tter vniblni us to treat many CKSII
ecrentincnify without eceln * them
WHITE 7OH CIUCUI.AU on Deformltlei and
Drncef , Club Vcet , Curvature * of the Spire
UiiCAiES or WOJIIN , 1'llfB , Tumors , Cancel' ,
CnUtrli , Bronchitis , Inhalation , Electricity , 1'nral-
yds , Epilepsy , Kidney , Eye , Ear , Skin , Blood ant ]
all eurglcal operation ! .
llattorles , Inhalori , timers , Trnmics , nn1
nil kinds of Medical and Surgical Appliances , num.
ufacturcd and for sale
The only reliable ntodleal Institute making
Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases
from "vhatoriT cunte produced , eucccssf ally tiiatnl
We can remove Syphilitic pouon from tbo eyntcin
without mercury.
New mtnrntlTS treatment for Ion of vital power
Cull and consult ui or lend cimo nnd l > ot-o(7H-c (
adrtrcn plainly written undone stump , and we
trill lend you , In plain wrappir , our
8 * rHL WEAKxris , fli'Bi'.KAToiittnnu , Ivroi. ' .
UfiiNAnr OnaAMi , or tend I'.Utory of your
an opinion ,
1'erioui unable to vldt ua may bo treated nt Ihcii
liomei , by tnrrr'pondcnce Mulicineiatid Initrn
rncnt ncitt br mnil or r itireu SKCUKKI < Y I'AL'K
K ! ) FROM OIISHKVATION , no mark to Indlntd
content ! or sender. One personal Interview prr
fcrred If coniunlrnt. Fifty rooms for the a "coin
modatlon of patients Board nud attendance M
reaeonable pticei. Addrits \ \ I.cttera to
Omaha Medical and Surgical inslltato.
Cor. 13th St. anfl CWtnMve. . OMAHA. N 3
Lincoln , Neb.
The best known and most popular hotel In
thu slate. Location centralnppoIntmoiiH diet
chi89. lleiidqunrtura lor roinmurultil men and
all political and public Kxthdrlnirs.
E. P. HOGOES , Proprietor.
and oil sKIn diseases. A new method ot tom-
pouniliuB Tur. A Cure cuarantttd , or mouey
rolunileu. Hold'uyilruccl'ts. and nt thoofllceof
TAR'OID CO.,7 UIOOtraiT , CHICAOO. Trlct , l ,
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ;
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most'
liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
1309 & 1307 FARNAM STREET.
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest stock. Price * the lowest. Repairing a specialty. Work warranted.
Corner Douglas and 16th streets , Omaha , Licenced Watchmaker for the Union
racificRailroad Company ,