Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this head. 10 cents per
Ino for the first Insortlnn , 7 cents for oncli sub-
i ncqucnt ItiFcrtlou , anil $ l.Hn ) linn per month.
No advertisement taken for loss tlmn 2.1 cents
for the first Itifortlon. Sown words vrll ] l > u
. counted to the line : they must run consecu-
lively nnd must be paid In ailvnnco. All advor-
tlxomcntN must ho bunded In bcfoio I : " , r > o'clock
. - ji. in. , nnd tinder no circumstances will they bo
I ; tnlicn or dl'contlnund by tolt-pliono.
Parties advertising In these columns nnd hav
ing the unswnrs addressed In enroot TIIK UK *
will please nsk fern cheek to enable them to get
their ltttor ! . as none will bn delivered otcept
on presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisement' In there columns are pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
The HEB , the clrcnlixtlon of which
aggregates moro than 14.000 piipcrs
daily. nnd give * the hdvortl"or the
fconcflt , not onlj of the city circulation of The
Brr. but ulPo of Council Hind's , Lincoln , and
other cities und towns throughout this part of
the west.
500,000 to loan at a per cent , Harris & Pamp-
son. 1519 Douglas st 70
M ONF.Y to loan In largo or small amounts by
Win II. Leach , 1,109 Fnrnntn. 0,12 JI5
$ ; 600,000 TO I..OAN nt 0 per cent Mahoney
& Llnahan I.V/J I'nrnam. CC9
M ONF.V TO I-OAN-O F. Dnvls & Co. , real
estate and loan agents , 1505 ( fttrnam ft.
MONEY TO LOAN Hrst moitgngo notes
bought. J , A. Hlcatund , room 9 , Arllng-
ton block. frOUJ 12J
$500/100 To loan on Omaha city property nt8
per cent G. W. Day , s. o. oor. Ex. Hid.
MONEY TO LOAN-On city and farm prop-
ortylow latos. Stewart & Co. , Room 3
Iron bank. 074
fONEY to loan , cash on nnnd.nn delay.
L J , W. and r. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam st ,
Fnxton hotel building. 675
MONEY Flrat mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bunk will buy papers secured by
first mortgage on city realty. 676
MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate ;
no commission charged. Lenvltt Hum-
bum , lloom 1 Crolghton Hlock. 677
PKll CKNT-Monny to loan.
Gregory & llndley.
Tlooma 1 and 3 , Itcdick block , 820 8. l&th St
fO LOAN Money l/oain placed on im-
J. proved real estate In city or county for
Now England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , llith and Chleago sU. 079
MONEY to lonn on Improved city property at
6 per cent. Money on band ; Uo not hnvo
to wait Have n complete set of abstract books
of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor
Harris lloal Estate and Loan Co. , 320 S. 16th st.
. CM )
MONEY LOANED nt 0. F. Hood & Co.'a Lonn
ORlco , on furniture , pianos , horseswagons ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd nil other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 819 S. 13th.
over lllnglmm's Commission store. All busi
ness st lcUvjconndonllal. 681
6PEH CENT Money.
It. 0. Pnttoi-BOn. 15th npd Harncy. 633
MONEY TO LOAN-bytho nndorslgned , Who
has the only properly organized lonn
goncy In Omiihn. Loans of $10 to $100 made
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , A.C , without removal. No delays.
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that any part can be paid at any Imo.oach
payment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advance *
made on flno watches nnd diamonds. Persons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns nro dally coming
Into existence. Should you need money call
nil see mo. W. 1L Croft , Koom 4 Wthnell
Building 15th nnd Hnrney. 6b3
riMliOmaha : Financial Kxchnnge ,
-L N. W. corner of Hiirnoy and 15th sts. ,
over State National bank.
IH prepared to make short time loans on any
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
Long tlmo loans made on Improved real estate
Bt current rale ? .
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Hcoiired notes bought , sold or cxchiingod.
Short tlmo loans maoo onBoeond mortgage ,
according to marginal interest , nt collateral
Heal cstnto to exchange for good Interest
bearing paper. '
General financial business of nil kinds trans
ected promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans of
Any kind , without delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott , Mnnngor. 180
. j ? Stock of general merchan
dise about $45.000 , stock hardware about
W,000. Wnut K cash. II. & It. , box 03.
bhenndonh , In- 7S3 20 *
TXTANTKD--A partner In nn established nnd
TV good raying business. Moderate capital
required. Lady or gent Apply to Dayton 4
Vorls , lloom 1,1304 Douglas st. 707 1HJ
FOH SALE A good paying restaurant with
fixtures complete , in center of business ,
or will oxchaiKo for Improved rent ostato. H.
A. Bturgoa , A'o. 10 , Crolghtan blk , a of P.O.
703 20J
"ITOH SALE-Or trade , small stock of mlllln
J cry. Co',0 , 310 H 15th , room 1. 755 21
OH HBNT-Or sale , n'now bnkory , Jusl
opened. Good reason for renting. Apply -
ply to 27th and K sts. , South Omaha. 728 Iff.
FOH SALE North Western Hotel nonr St ,
Paul depot. Good reason tor selling. 1.112
Webster * C88 20 *
oITsALE-Or trade for city property 01
farm.n $ .2.000 Mock of jewelry can bi
noon at any time. McUullocb in Co. , 150 !
rnrnnm st. uninbii , Nob. 68923
WANTED Lady partner in profitable mor
cant lie business , would prefer ono fron
85 to 30 years , with uot loss than $ MO. Mrs
Urogn.510 South 15th. up atnlrs. 6S3 1SJ
HUG STOHK-For sale or uxchango for ron
estate , in n llvo It , K. town In soutbon
Iowa : $50,000 paid out monthly ; stock U nov
nd clean ; rent low : will Invoice $3.000 : doini
rood business ; good reason for selling. Ho :
1006 , Creslon , In. 680 18J
FOH BALE A small barber ihon cheap fo
cash , in n splendid location nnd doing i
good biisinnes , owner has otherbuslnoa. Ad
aresal'iiH , llmollloe. 041 18J
/"tHOIOE cattle ranch , located In south
\J western Kansas , 3,000 head of flno gradei
cnttle , will sell or exchange for umnhao
western property. Call or address Itancb. n
BUto Nat bank , Omnhn. 643 17J
ARE chnnco to exchange for stock of gro
' corles,40 acres Impioved land li ! mile'
from Central City , Nob. Wrlto quick to 11. II
Cooler. Kearney , Neb. 6 < 8 25j
YOUll OPPOUTONlTY-Flno stock ofgrocer
los , foi-d , produce , etc. . with n dally busl
Dess of (125 , on the Dust street In the city , fo
sale. Good reasons for selling. ParrottA Wll
llnmson , 1401 st. Upstairs. 467
" 171011 SALE-CusbGroeory store , doing n goo
i business , in tine location. Good reason
for gelling. Address. O 07 , Hoe ofllco. 418
\\fANTKD-A person desiring to engage I
Tf nnhonorablo paying business netting $1
to $12 per day clear profit on stock of $75 t
VIM. llest business men of this city given n
reference * . Call at once , or write , to Uoo in :
Crounso block , Ittth et , cor. ' Capitol avi
Uronhn , Nob. 403-jll
FOU SALE Very cheap , good brick buslnos
property In Grand Islutid , Neb. The grontce
bargain and best terms In this city. Good reii
inns for gelling. For particulars address .1. II
Woolloy , Attorney at Law , Grand Island. Not
T7KJK BALE or trade A clean stock of gor
A1 eral merchandise In an Iowa town. Goo
trade , lot and building $1,750 , stock $ .1,200. \ > ai :
some cosh on atook.Mil exchange ( or land < i
clock. Henson , owner lives west Addres
lock box 83 , Central City. Nob. 191 18
FOH SALE A prolltnblo nnd well cstabllsho
businesssuitable lorn lady. Call nnd In
quire ut Employment Unrcau , SI ) n Kith BIS.
"IT7E have gome very doslrabl * lota to ej
> chnngofor any klndof mercbnndlso ; U
N 16th it , 1-2 blk nl . 0. Marr&Toft. U54
LOST A little black nnd tan female dog wit
collar and b ll on , aniwots to the name c
Winnie. Finder will return to 120J Douglas i
and receive reward. Ike Smith. 60118 *
= =
HURST-CLASS Btorofe at 110 N 13th Bt
) . - - storajre for nloa fui
nlturo or toxfed good * , at 1513 Dodge-at
CJTOHAGE Tor houiebold goods and goner
-\J merchandise nt low ralei , corner 13th ar
: irard U , up town ofUco 619 N. 13tn , telopbor
fiCa , 4S7J11 *
For household goods andgener
STORAGE M low ratoi , corner Thl
te Bth mjul Izmnl ctrceta , mp town 5
- . . TBl pPBc6 X 7JU
PnitBONAIi Bend utamp for nur circular
"To Worried l.ndlcs. " It will s vo you
trouble. Address lock box 195 , Hod 0 k , Iowa.
| 7iao *
_ _ _
MIW. DUIlANT-Clarlvoyont from Iloiton.ts
rollablo In nil nff nlrs of llfo , unites separated
lovers , aa N. ICth it. room 1 Ml mM ! |
> iitSONAtlluror : , yes , owner will tnko
5-V-TI for the olopant east front lot , linn-
com 1'lacu , If taken at onco. Uoas llros. . OS S
IBth TO- * ill
i-If you want a dotlrablu , coii-
-t. trnlly located oftlco you cnn find It at 310
8 inth Rt , 78
PKHBONAIMro. . Ir Nannie V.Varron
clairvoyant , Mrdlral and biislnoti Medium
Boom Ho. 3,121 North ICth ( t .Omaha. Nb.
. ! ( > N'Afj-l'rlvalo homo for Indies dnrlnu'
13EH.t , strictly contldomlal , Infanta
alonted , iuldrcs K (2 , lleo omen. 610J2 *
"VTOTlcn tnroal estate dealers , I have this
J- day withdrawn my property from the
mnrkt't , known as the ZS foot lot 2 , In block 1W ,
on Ihniwlai ntrcot John Hocnstrusor , Uinnha ,
Neb , May IHth , 188T. 7M 1 J
lloal K tate Men-Lot 2 block 17 li Bold.
W. ( I. Inxrnm. 712 13 *
STHAW Hull Rlnipod.blenched nnd tilmmod ,
Hir , Ilo nni. A. MoAiigland. 74.1 ; U
NOTICK Ural Ketnto ARonts are horby In-
formed that lot 10 block 14 Is this day
withdrawn from sale. B. V. Smith's addition.
N. Itumol , sr. 711 18J
1'OOI.S , plnknnncl vnults cleaned , odor *
loss process , li KwInK , box 427 , city.
I > APiilllANOtNJ-Kstlmatos : furniehcd ; all
work Kiiarrantcod. Address 1'apurhniiKor ,
81 ( North llith Bt. CCO-J-10 *
1 BIISV HUM , for service , corner 3'td and
tl Jnckson street. 1'rlzo Jersy cowSit'iicomtnon
cows , J3 Till HIJ
"DIOlt HENT To prlvato fnmlly , now upright
JC piano. Address 1'44 , Uoo olllce. 773 20 j
GASOIiINK nnd coal are delivered free to all
parts of the city by thn llluo line tank
delivery , ofllco nt Kennurd ( Haas & Paint Co.
Telephone 791 , McDugal ft Ward , proprietors.
TnonRRNT Hquare I'lano fj montdlr.
f Ho8po.lti13 Douiiins. ISS9
HEM Ktltchlntr and marking promptly dent
at 17JO Ciiintol aro.
1'HOIT.HTV Ownors-lf you want to soil
TO your property xutid full description with
prlco and terms to Hart's Great Western Heal
llstntc lltircnu.CrclKhton Hlock. Wo have cus
tomers for every bargain that Is olforcd.
Slim' ! !
L AUICS and cents residing In the vicinity of
ll'lh tnd Farnam remember that the most
doslrnblci nlaco In the city to take your muaU
Is ut 1C ! ! Knrmim st. Everything No. 1. 1'at-
ronutfo of nlco piirtloa solicited. 4 3 18J
TO partion having houses tor rent , Itcntal
AKenoy , Honawa & Co. . 15at. , opposite post
ofllco , Wo have turned ever to thorabnr rental
list. Wo recommend thom. McCaguo Urns.
_ 690
NOTICn-W. C. King & Co. , house moving
and raising , leave orders nt 1320 Plorco st ,
_ _
FOKKKNT Organs , IS per month , rioppe ,
U13 DouL-lan. 081)
1. C.-Houso furnishing goods , nil kinds ;
onah or installment ; lowest prices nt J ,
Homier , 1315 Douglas st 000
FOU KENT Square iflano , d montnir. A
HOSDO. 1513 Doiurla B. Gtt )
XF you want to buy or Roll furnlturo , go to
J. I'orifiison'g , 7i.r > N. 18th. 691
FOH SAI.K Large pony , ago 5 , with now Rad
dle , bridle , eta , for SOO. Call at 320 N lOtl ,
St. 74U 24
FOK SALE-4,000,000 Hard llricK. T. Murray.
Oil SALE-8 milch cowa. E. A Slarsh , 004
N 10th. 55,1
"TTlDlt 8ALK lluck board nnd open bupgy ,
J liniulru 1507 N lUth. 40'J-iy '
FOH 8AI.K Now 2nd hand omco do9k1013 *
Fiu-iliiin. up stairs. _ 18J
FOH SAIK-Countor and Bholvlng . 013 North
_ llith st. 47.1 18J
FOII SALE A fresh , young , thoroughbred
Jereoy cow and calf. 2400 Karnum st. B.
It. Hrown. 411 19J
FOIl 8A1.K Drivers nnd draft horaog. rear of
1818 Chicago st , 164 J5
FOU BALK , or exchange for Omaha real
estate , nflno driver , record 3:40. : Patterson
& Moore , Boom 1. Omaha National bank. 151
T71OII SAM : Span borsca , double wagon and
-L1 double harness for $200. Also a lot of posts
cheap. C. J Canan , 5D- !
7HHI SALE-Brick. T. Murray.
C 693
W ANTKD-A whlio man cook. Apply nt
Buamor Hlshop near UoyiVd packing bouse.
787 2IJ
WANTED - At the CanHold house , pan
wnMior and second cook. 7IU 1HJ
T TANTKI ) Two flrst-elrius wnltors.L ; llqson-
T mund'e , 1013 und 1015 Farnnm at/ Apply nt
onco. 723 1SJ
WANTED Good brond baker. Good wages
to right man. Address P 44 line.
663 IB
WANTED A short order cook at N. Jonu
son's , corner 21st nnd Cumlng streets.
677 !
\\7ANTED-Good blacksmith. Davis & Cowglll
IT Iron works , Fourteenth and Dodge sr.
WANTED An oxporloncok Grocer's delivery
roan , must bo well acquainted In the city ,
Steady and reliable ; none ulsunood inuko appfl
cation. Win. Fleml ing & Co. 007
WANTED Agents ; 15o sample ansh holdoi
frcofor stamp , nwajr abend of anything
of the kind over Invented , bnats weights , out
sells everything , 910 a day. Brohard & Co. ,
Clarksburg . W. Va. 42918 ]
S' TUDENTfl Teachers and agents can soouro
r very prolltnblo employment by applying to
t B. Ivery , Planter's house , Omaha. IBUjtlj-
\\7A.NTKD-At once , 3 coat maker * and 2
V T vest makoia , at A. Knllsb , 316 S. IJth st
WANTED 2 school boys with horses la
carry route on dally evening Boo. : U3
V\/ANTKI ) Three carriage and wagon wood
TV workers anil ono painter , at Hod Oak , la
Red Oak Cart nnd Buggy Co. 094 IbJ
\\TANTED Good salesmen to soil to the
T T wholesale and largo retail clothing house !
a Trousers Stretcher recently patented and
meeting-with large sales. Liburnl commission
chen. Sample by mall $1. Address Amborsi
Stretcher Co. . Amherst , Mass. ml 19'
"WANTED Ton harness inakora at Mark !
T > llros. ' Saddlery Co. , 1407 Harncy st.
Omaha. Neb. 17720
TITANTED Laborers tor railroad work. E.S ,
T I Albright's Labor Agency , 11-0 Farnnm.
WANTED-A first class colored barber,321
M South 12th. 423 lb
"ITTANTUD A general und 50 sub-agents ir
TT your county. Now goods. Hare chance
100 to UUO per cent , commission , or a good sal
nry. Send for circular. F. M. Weaver , No. I
West Ohio street. Indianapolis , Ind. 25D 21"
W ANTKD Men , Women , Hoys and Girls fein
n light and profitable employment. Nc
picture business ; no humbug. Send lOufori
valuable package to commence on. Only n few
hundred will bo distributed. Address Albam
Supply Co. , Albany. N. Y. 813 J2
WANTED An Intelligent boy or younn
man from the Omaha High school to carrj
n route on the Dally Evening lleo. 130
WANTBD-Carpentor , at 1112 S 13th st.
753 18J
WANTKD-Whlto barber , 418 S 10th st .
70118 ]
TyANTED-Boy at 1119 Furimm st
\VANTED-Laborer8forIl. R. work. D , C
T O'Kcefc , 309 So ,11th St. 770 24 ]
\\TANTED-a gOOj intelligent boy with goo
T T references at Samuel Motz , 415 B. llth et
between Harnoy and Howard. 77U 18
\\ANTED Throe flr t oUsi plumbers a
T > one * . Theo. Huotte & Son , Freomont , Not
78420 *
WANTED Good ctout German girl for gen
rral housework at Elkhorn Vnllny Houst
n o corner llth and l > odno st , Good wages.
73J2U *
\yANTBD-Glrl to oook in private family.10
T < 7ANTED-DInU > g room girl , Stt N 16th.
WANTED-Immediately , mllllnorr gains-
ladles at K. M. Oonuls lroi.,14W ) ( Douglas
St 760 18
WANTED-Dlnlng room girls nt Planters
Houso. None but good waiters need ap-
ply. 7U320J
\VANTED-Worklng girls to know that I
' T have over tlfty first-class places In prl-
\nto fnmlllos waiting to bo filled ! no oflico fees.
Mis. Btoga , 310 South 15th , up-stalrs.
031 13
WANTED-GIrl for general housework ,
must bo competent. 213 North IMh.
C70 20
" \\7"ANTED-Lady or gentleman camns er in
T T every city and town west of the Missis
sippi rlu-r to work " .Marvelous Wonders , " or
Earth , Sea and Sky. Agents making f nun $103
to 9x111 per month. Wrlto or apply to , T M ,
French ii Co. , Omaha. Neb , 676 22
\\7 AN1EO A peed kitchen girl nt Pncillo
T T llcslnurnnt , 1013 Harnoy et. 707 13 ]
T\7"ANTHD A woman cook nt the Nebraska
T T house , North Platte , Nob. Good wages
guaranteed , G 5 2'J
ANTr.D-Ono laundress. Goo. Stiles , 1404
Lcavcnworth. OC5 li )
WANTED Four basqiio flnlshers. Mr" . M ,
A Wallace , cor St. Mary's ave ami 1'Jth
St. 1,87 19
WANTED Experienced dressmakers at H.
Lewis' , rear 1U15 Cap nvo. 760 20
\VANTED-Chninborinalds at Windsor hotel
754 20
\\TANTED A girl for light housework , no
T T w ashing. Mrs. M. A. Wallace , St. Mary's
nvo and IBth st. 687 10 *
WANTEO-GIrl In small fnmlly , 2617 Cald
well st. C5J 1'J
WANTBD-2 chambermaids , colored. 107
North 12th St. 04S18J
WANTED llellnblo woman for chamber
maid ,6 dining room glrls,4women cooks for
country hotoKcook nnd second girl in samn f am
'iy,10 cnnvnssors for wood jmylng articles , stiltn
ilo for ladles , 5 sowing glrte , 1st and 2nd girl In
Ity. The bcpt places in thoclty , nnd the best
ilrls are always to bo found at Mrs. Brega &
Ion,310 South 15th , upstairs. 771 18 ]
WANTED-Flfty girls for nil kinds of house
work. Omaha Employment Bureau , 119
N 16th st 717 18
" \\7ANTED Female cook. Apply to Mrs.
T T Freeman , sw cor. 18th and Izard st 643 18 *
\\MNTKD Girl for general house work in
' small family' Good wages. Applg to
) 'Donahoo AShorfy , 16th St. , next topostolllco.
W ANTED-Lady book-keeper at IT. P.
Meat Market Utli st , near Wclmtnr.
WANTED-Practical ohlrtmnkors to take
work homo. 0 in aim Sblrt Factory , Ms N ,
Cth st. IH4 18
WANTED llutton hole mnkors. 1113 Far-
nam. 626 21 *
WANTED A iflrl for Rcnornl housework ,
Bin nil fumily , good w o3 Paid. 1U17 Cass
WANTED-OlrI,2' > 20Farnnm , must bo KOod
cook , washer and Ironor. 6.7 18
WANTED Oood slrl tor ( fonoral house
work. Apply immediately 312 N. "M Bt.
629 18 *
\VANTED A flrst-class dining room wlrl nt
V > thcClty hotel. 03.118J
W ANTKD-Good girl at 1707 Cass st 517
WANTED Oood cook nnd second girl at
2427 Dodge Bt. G1U
WANTED A good girl at U. S. Hotel. Ger
man preferred. 410
WANTED Cook nnd dining room girl. Muel
ler's Kostnurant. 1004 N. lOtli st. 2J1
WANTED-Second girl Immodlatoly. Call
bet. the hours of ! l and 10 a. in. or 6 to 7
p. m. , 2427 Dodge street. 25J
WANTEU-Good gir at 503 .Virginia ave ,
gobd wages paid. 231
TXrANTF.D Ladies to work for us at their
TT own nomos ; $7 to li ) per week can bo
quietly made ; no photo-painting , no'cnnvnss-
ing. For full particulars plonso address at
once Crescent Art Co. , 1'J Central St. , Boston ,
Mass , BUX.S170. KKJol5 ! *
WANTED Hy young lady of experience , a
position In a music store. Address P 19 ,
Boo olllco. 7fc8 20J
i\7ANTED Ily man of experience , ape ltlon
temporary or permanent in olllco or on
road. Address P 43 Uoo ollico. 777 18J
WANTED A place ns conctimun and for
general worn , experience with horses.
Address P 38 , Bee olllco. 701 18J
WANTED Young married man , acquainted ,
reliable , good references , wants position
HS collector or city salesman. Address P 42 ,
Bee olllce. 70 * 18J
WANTED By a young man , situation in
city or suburbs. Gun do general work ,
taKe care of horses , etc. Address , P 3D. Boo.
725 18 *
WANTED-lly a young mnn , a situation In
real estate or Insurance ollico. Writes a
good , plain hand , Address C , 113 south 23d st.
73720 *
WANTED-Poiltlon In private fnmlly , or
doin ? general work , Address H .W.Wat
son , city. 690 23J
T\T ANTED Situation by nn oxpoilcnced
dry goods salesman. Will go to any good
town. Address F. A. H , , look box 765 , Fremont ,
Nob. 703 1 J
"IXfANTED-Sltuatlon First class coppersmith -
smith and sheet Iron worker. John Sand-
Etrom , 417 South llth St. , Omaha , Nob.
701 19J
WANTED A situation ns stenographer nnd
typewriter by a yomur lady thoroughly
competent Address 0. J. O. , licooffloo , Cauu-
wl UlulfB. 6 J 21 *
WANTED A position as type writer. Ad
dress O 40 , Boo office 11
WANTED A position ns typo writer. Ad-
dross O 40 , Boo ofllco. 231
\H7ANTED-A Position by a thorough ao-
countnnt Best of references. Address
O 14 Bee otllco. 813
WANTED Good second-hand ranqro , 314 8.
13th at. 76tJ 21J
WAN'IKD A borsc or carriage In part pay
ment upon n lot Address P 3J , Hoe of
fice. 76fl 21
WANTED An organ in port payment on n
lot. Address P 40 , Bee olHoo. 757 21
WANTED An upright plnno as part pay-
luont on tt lot. Addressl'41 Bee ofllco.
T\TANTED Everyone to know wo furnish
V mnlo help free nnd till orders promptly.
Mrs. Brogn and Son , 31Q S 10th , up stairs
\TtfANTBD-l peed second-hand derrick. Ad-
Vi dross with price etc. , P37 , Boo oiHce.
730 18 *
WANTED To buy n six or seven-room
cottHKO and full lot. south ' .r oust front ,
north of LaKe street Will pav S&X1 ciish. Address -
dross with full particulars 3223 Ohio st
714 19
WANTED Throe persons to Instruct in
bookkeeping ; good situations. J. B.
Smith , 1U13 Chicago st C6.1 ID *
WANTED-2or3horso power engine , 2n < J
band , Apply at Mlllard hotel ollloo. 480
" \\7ANTBD A newspaper , paying circulation
T > guaranteed from the start , for po/tlou-
lars address Bank of Volley , Valley , Nob.69o
WANTF.D Teams for railroad worlr ,
Albright's Labor Agency , ll'M Farnam.
61' )
FOR KENT-Threo room house , 700V4 Paclllo.
For Kent Six room bouse , 1103 B 7th ,
Tor Kent Throe room house , 1015 N 80th 083
FOR RUNT-3 room houso. Apply At 203 N ,
13 st 779
Foil HENT-Nlco 6-roomcd houso. Call on
Cunningham & Her , room 7 , ArUniiton blk.
| 637 18
FOR KKNT-Photograph Gallery , nest Gal-
lory In Clarluda. Iowa , for rent o heap. No
competition for a flood artist Address J. M ,
Dav& , 320 N16 8t , Omaha Nebr. 6US-21
17OR KKXT-Btorca and flats at 24th and Like
f street by PauUon * Co. , room 8 , Kedlck't
block , 2ii7
FOR RENT-Wlndow , gond locality for Jon
eler or real estate. Apply to 3ul n 16th.
TTWR HBNT Ono iarfe window aad oBlc <
X ! spacaonDodgCBt. , opp. P O. , 960 pei
month. Also spacat for offices at same place ,
Mitchell & Loyinmarck , 1610 IHxlft it. 7 M
F Ion RENT 3-room house , 703 Pacific.
f - 612
T710H RUNT-Flrst class tecatlon for barber
-i ? shop. Shnw A Co. , 610 South 10th. 4Ti
OK UK NT-A atoro. Inflfto 1413 3. 111th st
OOP. It. Peterson. " H 899
"EIOH HUNT Seven-room hojise on Hamilton
J- ' and Citmpboll sts. ln < lUJU > of Ctias. Nibor ,
10th end Capital arc. 4.I18 _
IjlOK Itr.NT Store and llvm * apartments on
-I ? Coming near Saunders at. < Apply nt HarrU
lloal Estate and Loan Co. . jtjp p. l&th it. 097
FOH ItRNT-Framo stor ) bulldlng , 20x.V ) ,
with living 4roomson PjULfberldan ft. will
Improve ; put basement umref store to suit nnr
legitimate business \Vm. flftuilnir * Co. , 1401
Douglas. 870
FOIl Itl'NT Eight room homo , well fur-
nl hcd and centrally located. Also team
of horses and double carriage for sale. Address
17 Hco. 477 13J
ITWIt HKNT deed barn , suitable for four
-I ? lioraes. Imiulro atei. s. 13th st. tf.
OH KENT-Third tloor , 84x80 , of brlok building -
ing , 1108 Fnrnnm street , use of elevator.
Inquire abovn number , upstairs. G l
HKNT Part of a pleasantly located
house , furnished or unfurnished. Apply
to Dayton & Vorls , Itoom 1 , UOl Douglas st.
709 10J
7OK HF.NT Oil FOU SALr.-Two houses and
I1 lots on monthly payments. Co-operative
Land & Lot Co. , 203 N. IBIh Ht. 6 kl
[ IOH UENT-Drlck yards , T. Murray.
F IOHHENT-Throo room house , HOOK S 7th
3(5 (
FOU HENT-Desk room In oince , No. 120 N
ICth st. C'.HI '
FOU HENT-yurnlshod room suitable for one
gentleman , buth , moduru convonleneos ,
401 N 15th St. 675 18 *
FOH 11KNTNicely furnlshol room to lor 2
gentleman , or mtui and wife. " 11. ) Hnvnoy
fit. Inferences required. C7J 10 *
FOH HKNT-Plonsant furnished rooms , sin
gle oren suite. Hoard If desired , 1121
1'loicost. 709 IRj
FOH HENT Comfortably furnished room ,
pilvnto family. Akdress , I1 2tf , lleo oDlco.
CJ3 20J
F Oil HF.NT Furnished room JO per month.
800 S. SSd St. 701 18J
OH IIFNT A nlco'.v furnished back pnrlor
to onu or two gentlemen , 1715 Davenport.
0(17 ( IB
VOH HKNT Rloant roam , bay window , jma
J bath nnd nil modern conveniences. A ,
Hospu. 315 N. 17th. _ 570
FOH HKNT-Doslrablo rooms on suite or sin-
KIO. n w cor 18th and Fnrnnm. Ola 32 *
Al'LKASANT newly furnished front room
within flvo minutes walk from Opera llousn
one block from strout oars , private inmlly. S
W cor 2-'d and Leavonwoi t n. 005-20J
iriOK HENT NVaro room por. 13th nnd Coll-
-1 } Ifornln on Bolt Uno. 1'Or ' particulars on-
julro nt Union Nat. bank. IBS
ITOH HENT-Offlco rooms In Omenlx1 block ,
L corner lUth nnd Doduo. Davis A Hethor-
URton , Mlllard Hotel Illlllurd room. 520
FOH KENT S nicely furnished rooms , new
house , 218 ! Fnrnnm Bt. K4 19J
HENT Pleasant furnlsbod room with
bath. Beferoncos rnqifU-oa. 1H10 Web-
Her. C04-18 *
FOH HENT-Furnlshod ro < 5m , 603 S , 17th t.
001 18J
TCIOIl HENT Klctrantly furnished rooms with
Jnil modern convenience's , Qrst-class day
board. 210J St. Mary's nvc. " 04R18J
> OOM with bontd for tvo gentlemen of
t steady habits , 1013 Capitol live. 63521 ]
FOH HENT 2 store rooms in bdst city of
4,000 population in NoWask.i : 3 now rail
roads now building to It. Bftrrlson , Ambler &
Woolloy , 413 S. 15th St. . OtnaJju , Nob.
W 495 ] 13
OH HKNT Nicely futiijsbod rooms for
gentlemen at 2. 1 Dodgf. 403 19
POK HENT Elegantly futnlsbod room for 2
gentlemen nonr business. All convonl-
onccs ; private fnmlly. 1015 CEli. avo. 24318 ]
FOIl KENT-Furnished room at 1810 Dodge st.
HOI ! HENT 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms. 2013
1 Hnrnorst. 6,1118 *
F ° 111 llENT-Furnlshed rooms at 1810 Dodge st
HENT-Nico furnlsbod room. 2025 Knr-
nam. 965
POK HENT Nino-room flat centrally located ,
316 S IHh. 977
K KENT Elegant rooms , references required -
quired , 1607 Douglas st 301
JiOR HBXT Furnished rooms , 714 N. 19th.
FOH HENT Eleven nlco unfurnished Bleep
ing rooms. Separate or all together , in
building S16 H IBth st 075
KENT Desirable unfurnished rooms
suitable for office or sleeping rooms. 313
S 15th st ! > 70
FOIl KENT-No. 507 s 13th St. , storeroom and
basement , new brick building. An ox
ocllent location for either wholesale or rctnl
business. Paulsen & Co , , room 8 licdtck block.
FOH HENT Two olllcos spaces on ground
floor in room 1539 Fnrnnm st. Enquire of
J. S. Hlohardson , In rear oflicu , 318 nv.'l
F OH RENT Nicely furnished rooms cheap.
60s South 18th street , Upstairs. 935
F IOH IlENT-Doskroom. Enquire Young
Blackman , 214815th Bt. 640
OH RENT Throe loom house woRt of North
F llth St. , between Chicago and Cass. 09 J
OH HENT-Furnlshod rooms , 701 S 17th St.
F 740 2J
FOR RENT Nlcaly Turnlshod front room ,
suitable for li gentlemen. 2511 bt. Mary's
nvo. 7.i9
FOIl KENT Room , Albright's Labor Agency.
1120 Farnam. 702
FOR IltiNT Furnished rooma , 1H15 Dodge st.
FOR RENT Furnished room with board for
gentleman and wife or two gentlemen.
Cheap. S. U , cor. 25tb and Patrick ao. . 747 1'J j
FOR RENT 3 Furnished rooms ; 2 suitable
foe 4gentlemen. Board If desired , 1718 Jack
son. 77222 ]
Fc 11 KENT Elegant office rooms , best lo
cation in Omaha. 316 South 15th st. 63 , " )
T710R RENT-OtHces In Hollmnn buildingoor.
X ? Farnam and 13th sts. , in suites or singly.
For prices , diagrams nnd Information apply to
S.A. Sloraan , 1512 Farnam et. , Room 2.
KUSII & SELBY , 1521 Farnnmst. , oiler :
US lots in Carthage r $ 750
85 lots In Lincoln place 7. 750
7 lots in Orchard bill 1.000
10 lots In Sheridan place 1,200
15lotsln Portland place..DlL f > T > 0
65 lots in Iloyds .Ul 7M >
1 lot in Bodfotd place t',75
Hot on Stalest „ . 1,2 > 0
10 lots on Ixjavonworth St..1/ ! 1,200
100 ft s 10th st.por foot 100
13'iftons 10th 8t per foot./- / ; ' . 3J
lOlots InOKahomu .j. ' . C'X )
4 lots on H 16th st , , , 1.2UJ
30U ftonslOth etpor foot 100
3 lots in Wilcox 2d 1 BM
61) ) lots In Original plat I
3 lots In Hush & SoTbyg ad..f. 55Q
3 lota In Syndicate S O J 850
4 lots In Albs ights annex „
4 lot j In Fairmont place
5 lots In Patricks . ' . :
3 lots In Paddock place chean ,
2lotsin8nulls2d !
Hush & Sclby , 1521 FuVnam. 727
KIKKWOOD , lot blk 6 * J1,251. Graham ,
Crolghloablk. > 74821
_ _
A DDHESS V. U. Orcutt , Council Blulfs , Iowa ,
-ti- for the choicest lot In Ambler Place. Price
tlllJuno 1st only $800 , half cash , balance iU
per month. 724 27 ]
NIGHT'S addition , corner Davenport and
Pleasant streets , $1,30) to 91,100 , 1-5 cash.
Evans & Blackburn solo agents. 718 U
A LARGE amount of pasturage , wel
shaded and watered by numerous sprint's ,
Inquire at real estate ofllce ofJas. E. vandor-
oook it Co. , No. 120 .N 16th tt _ CU6
IMMEDIATE sale will take f lou or less on ! )
6 or ( blocks from Exchange bid ant
Union Stock yards on favorable terms. Slxtecr
houses under contract In same block. Iwanl
what they are worth. I don't want fancy prloos
I want to sell quickly. E. B. Branch. 122
FINE lot Juit east of Baundcrf 6t$3,000. Gra
ham. Grolghton bib. 74821
Our new addition.
AcrM$400to 9MO peraor * .
N ar South Omaha ,
A 4 Bydloatt HtlL , . . . . .
MarsaaU * LobftCk.
SWAN * Ct ) . , 1S2I Todjro St-
llendmiartors for erclmiifrn , farms for
stock , stock for farms. You will always find
something to fit your cnso If you hnvo any
thing to trndo by calling on Swan A Co. , 1J-1
Dodge street.
HargnlnsI nargalnal DnrKnlnal
Wo shall offer for the next 30 days the biggest
bargains In farm Innds ever madn public In
Omaha. Wo have 200 farm * well Improved for
gain on easy terms and nt low prices.
ZiO.OOO notes good land In Nebraska for Baleen
on long time and famine prices.
20.00J acres state school lands , well located ,
150 to $100 per acre , Icasrs run 25 years.
Cliolco bargains on Insldo properties , 1m *
proved and vacant , tiwau & Co. , li'-M Dodiro.
778 31
B'Oll SAIiK-M choice farms less than 20
miles west of Omaha. Address J. II. Hll
Heal Tdtato Airent , Klkhorn. Nob. 041 m.
BIO HAItilAIN Ono hundred rcot front on
South Kluvonth nt , corner lot , only (5 , < XX ) ,
Parton time. V. L. Vodlcka , 5JO South 13th st.
A NICK house and lot near Sherman nvo. ,
li.RSO , on easy terms , A. F. Maynn's H.
E. olllco , 1408 Dodge. f,71
T , OTS In Omaha View tl .17.1 to $1,100. Meyer's
-U llloharda & Tllden.8 | SOO to J'.HW. ' Fair-
mount I'laco $800 to $1 , ! < AO. Hodtord $700 to
$ S)0. )
Hero Is a "Snap. "
GflxUS , Hood's 1st add south front Chicago St.
$4,000-$2&OJ cash.
Houses nnd Lots.
Lowes ndd f SU)0. ) Oinahn View > 1,7M. Millard -
lard A-Cnldwcll's $2 , 0fl. Heed's Ikt ; 2,5VJ. Hurt
st $8.500 and $ J .ma Capliol aild till , .r > oo. Terms
on nbovo easy. Wo hnvo homes to suit on o.isy
If you want any kind of property give us a
call. Wo have a largo list in Omaha and South
Omaha. No trouble to show property. Our
list of wild Innds Is ono of the best In the city.
John Gallagher , 317 south 13th nt 4.K )
ONR lot In blk 1 Kllby Place , $1,500. Graham
Crolghion blk , 74821
A P. TUKEV , 1321 rnrnnm St. , makes Investments -
vestments for non residents n specialty
with guaranteed Interest or shire ot profits ,
and takes full charge of property ; reforonoo
give n. _ 3M
FOH SALR-Lotln Shlnn'nUd addition , with
now 6-rooin house , with pantry and cloa-
ets , cistern nnd good rollnr. will sell cheap tor
afewdays. Apply or address R.U.,2913 Charles
r > 0 o
A GOOD lot with a bnlldlng en it , near Lake
and lijth , $2,7 > J. Kasy terms. A. F.
Muyno'g H. II. olllco , 1103 Dodge. 478
KXTHH U THOMAS-llas the choicest lots
in Lincoln Place.
2 cor. acres In Soloman's add $700 each.
3 lots in block' ) ) . South Omaha.
Also ! > , block CO , and lot 2 , block 65 , 7 in 89 , 2
'ti ? 7 , cheap.
80 acres by Central City to soil or trado.
1,120 acres In n body near Stanton.
4W acres near Wlsnor.
Also lota In Ilcdfordl'lnco , Dolonoa addition ,
West Cumlng , Kcitor's ndd on Cumlng st The
boas lot In block C Shlnn'a addition.
Also large lots in Shlloh.
0 acres on Ames' avenue.
Also trncKnirechonp on licit Line , for EaU or
lease ,
0 largo lotsonllroadway , Council Tllufffl.
Lot Ublk 0 Improvement Association , 03x183 ,
2A > 0.
Lot 8 blk 7 , same odd , same size , corner ,
f 4,009. &o. , Ac ,
1 own the above nnd can make terms to ault.
and see. Dexter L. Thomas , room 8 ,
/'relghton Illoctc 752
rilHHEKlots In Ktlby Place , one n corner ,
-L $5,500. Graham'roightou blk. 174321
FOH SALK-lly Shaw & Co. ,
610 S Iflth st.
Houses nnd lots In nil parts of the city. You
can't atford to runt when you know the price
nnd terms of thlsclnsaof property.
On Georgia avenue wo have nlkrgo piece of
ground for sale at leas than its vtxlne. It la
worth looking nt If you want n ntco residence
Lota for sale In different parts of thoclty.nnd
you nro sure to mnko money by dealing with
us. Wo me uetuhpiartors for snfo investments.
KNIGHT'S addition , corner Davenport nnd
I'loivntit streets , $1KW ! to $1,400 , 15 cash ,
livana & liliiokbiirn solo agents. 718 II )
FOH SALE At a bargain , n most dcslrnblo
home for n small family within n mlle of
P. O. , n block from 2 atroet car HUPS nnd paved
streots. Imiulro of E. E. Whitmoro , Hovd'a
opera house 309
WE have two lots In Allbnght's Choice which
wo will o.ielianiro for good buggy.
Holmes & Morenrty , V.tX ) Douglas st. 417
CHEAP LOTS-You con make money on our
Cheip Lots on the valley north of town.
$150 to $275. Como nnd see them. Hoggs & Hill.
FOR SALE-4 snr-tlons of land vorth JO per
acre. Will soil for $1 If taken ntonco.
Harrison , Ambler & Woolloy , 418 H. Ifith at. ,
Oinahn , Neb. 490 J 12
KNIGHT'S addition , eorner Davenport nnd
Plea ° ant atructs , Sl,3JOto $1,400 , 1-5 cash.-
Evans & lllackburn solo agents. 718 19
LINCOLN PLACE-Wo have for sale cloven
beautiful lots In Lincoln Place , adjoining
the Put rick fnrin. Hush & Bclby , 1521 Farnam.
READ thla splendid list.
Gibson , Aylesworth it , Dennmn | ! ,
1512 Farnam st.
For B days only-
Lot on Douglas st , 40x139 , with 0-room house ,
etc , $1.100.
Lot in Hawthorne , 48x109 , cor 33d and Daven
port , fl-room hoiiBo , $3,300.
: i lots on Hhorninn ave , 127xl.rX ) , $1,000.
Lot on 17th and Paul , 45x140 , 0-ioom Mouse.
oto.$5r > 00.
3- feet on 16th st. nonr Farnnm.
Gibson , Ayloswortb & Hcnjamln.
1512 Farnam st
ONE hundred nnd twenty-six ft , Snundcrs ft ,
$100 per front foot , cornor. Ornhain ,
Crolfchton block. 748 21
TllOfl SALE Nlco east front lot adjoining
.1 ? Ambler place. Street ears within half block.
$410 , f-IO cash , balance S.I.Oi ) monthly. Inquire
401 N. 15th st. Very ch-np , 774 1UJ
TIHE Apple of My Ej-o"nomo only SJ block oT !
St. Mary's ave car linoconvenient to busi
ness , built "not lor n dny but for nil time. "
Uargums In business property.
List with us for wo put them whore they keep
hot. Cake & Hillings .over 101 South 15th at
KNIGHT'S nddlt'on ' , corner Davenport nnd
Pleasant streets , $1,300 to $1.40 ; ) , 1-5 rash.
Evans ii lllackburn solo agents. 718 IU
CORNER on Cumlng St. . o and s front. Carthage
ago add. , 8950. Graham , Crolgnton blk.
FOR BALE-Doiige nud 12th , $10,000. 120x1:12 :
cnr llth and Dorcas , ttV-'OO. 60x140 , House
cast front , 10th st , $8(1 ( ft. Elsassor and Itlco ,
No 1012 II at ney. 270
T710H SALE-Lots 11 and 12 , block 4 , Klrk-
X ? wood , fl.tOO each , H cash , bahmco 1 and
2 years. Discount for cash , address Mrs. 11
Roberts , Fort Sherman , Idaho. ! Xi321J
TT17E have 100 feet east front on Park nvcnuo
Vt nil 10' ' ) per front foot. Evans & Illnck-
burn. 718 IB
AHGAIN-Lot2. blk 5. KIrkWOOd. $1,850.
> Ginhnm , Crclghton block. 74821
SELECTS , nro the carefully listed bargains
hunted down by Cake & Billings. Our sam
ple case ;
2 lota with 2 houses , J. T. Rcdlck's sub , only
block from stieot cur line , 103x12.1 ft on 3
streets , big money here for you.
Beauty of Dartlott. fruit trees , flno view ,
onlv $1.500 cash needed.
Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market.
Come , over 101 , corner Dodge and 15th , and
we'll make It pleasant and profitable for you.
Street business property with track-
X ago $350 per foot , cheapest ground on the
street Patterson & Moore , pmabii National
Bank. 47.
EIGHTY-EIGHT feet on Dodge , a corner on
Tenth st. very cheap
100 feet on Cuminx street , a corner ,
Itf > feet on I.eiu onworth , a double corner.
A full corner lot on Thirteenth eircit , with
A 4-story brick building near the postofllco.
F.vniu & Blackburn , 1510 Dodge. 718 1U
OT17. blk5 , Hanscomplace$2,500. Graham ,
J Crvlghton block. 748 21
KNIGHT'S addition , corner Davenport and
PJcasnnt strupts , $1,300 to $1,400 , 1-5 cash ,
Evans & Blackburn solo agents. 718 11
TTIOll BALE Dodge St.two lots In Kllby place
J ? fronting on Dodge Btieet , 125 feet. Twc
blocks beyond the lots have sold for $2,000 , the
6iimo price wo ask for tbcso. Only $1,200 cast :
required. Shaw Sc Co.,510 8 16th st. are UK
agents. 106
\TO PLACE Like Home. Sweet , sweet homo
-L > Wo have several l.omcs that we wouli
llko to show you if you are looking for tha
kind of property. Or If you \jant a lot tipoi
which to establish n homo wn can snow yoi
something gilt-edged , Blackburn 4 Kennedy
UlOb. IStuet 63321
T EAVENWORTII BT-Cor. acre. 92,500
U GrahamCrolghton block. 748 21
FOR SALli-10 Blgtatly lots In poor -farm
Patterson X Moore , Omaha National banK
| 317 18
BAKGAIN8-68xl49 feet 15th street nea
Williams. 94,400.
S lots Dovonport's sub-division near Saundor
Street , S2.bOO.
BrlcK store and lot , with complete genera
merchandise stock , In flourishing town on F. I
& M. Y. R. H. , lor enlo or trade for Omabi
property. Oco. E. Gibson & Co , , 312 8.16th st.
Chamber of Commirce. 781 20
"VOtJR attention Is Inr ! td to th , following :
JL 5-room house and lot on 21st , $3,000. $150
cash , $75 quarterly , now rontlny for $25 per
4 room house and 82x162 ft S loth , $ VW ) .
4-room house and wltlM ft S 15th , $1,000.
OtixPM ) fronting on both Sherman nvo nnd 17th
st 2 homes on 17th nud 1 on Sherman ave ,
$15,000 , on very easy terms.
6-room house on leased ground , lease expires
lnlonrsuhoap. (
I/its 5 and 0 , blk H , Ambler , very cheap.
Lot 4 , hlk23Omnha View , $10. '
1x3Is in Omaha View.
Lots In Wise and Parmnlo's add.
Lots In Walnut Hill.
Call and see us. Coic,016S Ifith , room 1. 764
lilOH KXOHANOK-wm oxchnngo farm land
J Ino.Ttcrn Nebraska for lots In Omaha
nnd Lincoln. Addruss HOT 4l > 4 , Kronioi.t , Nob.
"tflOll SALE-A brloK cottniro near Hanscom
J Park , for $ ist)0 ) , worth $ SWO , on good
terms. Business Exchaug ,316 S 16th St. , room 1 ,
719 18 *
TjlOK BALE -lot In Kllby Place l < 00
-V six lots In Thornburir Place 4..VW
Right-room house on Iflh st 3,5no
Ix > t 17 , blk 15 , Hanscom Place 1.0M )
House nnd two lots , Wnlnut Hill 2,200
H. W. Huntress , 150V Fat nam st Col 21 *
TTKMl SAI.K-A corner lot , MxKT.1 , on Ibth and
J Cumlng st , ono ot the best location * In the
city fern wholesale homo , with waterworks
nndsowcraco. Apply at premises , Tlios. Sin
clair. 311m 21 ]
FOR SALE 6-room house nnd lot , North 17th
near street car line , $3OOJ , $ .MJ cnsti , bal
$23 per month ,
0-room Iuui < e,2l8tl block from cable road ,
9 4,600 , $600 , 1ml 40.
These t o are uariralns < indany ono wanting
a homo can't do better than take those.
Lot Kllby Place , east front , only $ 'j&0. ' Call
and see this nnd make sonio money.
lx > t , blk OS South Omaha , $2,000 , another
We also have the best facilities for makhm
loans on city property. Give us n call. Park &
Fowler , 1252 Douglas. 712 20
CHANCE-Save rent Houses
and lots for sale on $25 pei month pay
ments , with small payment down ,
They are two story houses , now and fully
completed. Have six largo rooms ; hiill.pnntry ,
ihlna closet , good cellar , clo > .etscity wutor.nnd
ewer connections ; nil ready for occupancy.
The location U excellent , being on corner
Sth and Charles street. In Shlnn'slst addition ,
ioar the heart of the city , nnd commanding n
ne view. The rod i-ar line passes within 2S5
locks. Hiram A. Stuntcs. Agent , room 10 ,
! relghton blk..south of postofflco. 38'I21
LINCOLN PLACE Wo have tor sale eleven
beautiful lots In Lincoln Place , adjoining
ho Patrick farm. Rush A Solby , 1521 Fnrnnm.
nillKTEEN lots InClovordulo forsnloortrado
L at a bargain. Graham , Crolghton block.
Corner on Caldwell at , 6xl20 , 11-room
ouso , water , gas , etc , $ (3,200. (
OJxlaO on Ciildwoll at , south front , 7-room
oimo , well , cistern etc $0,000.
Corner lot on Charles et , near 28th , 5-room
honso , well , cistern nnd barn , $3,50J.
Splendid bargain : throe inside lots on Grant
it , on car line and nonr Sannders st , 144x120
' 5,400 ; must bo sold In low days.
Four lots in Clifton Hill , ! i corners , only
$71)0 ) each.
Hanscora Placo. 3 beautiful south front lots
Vx245 each , running from street to street ,
J8.500 , $ , iOOU cash , for few days.
Hamilton st. 40x127 with six room house and
Darn , $ ; i,500. This Is a bargain nnd only 4
blocks from Saunders st.
50x127 on 26th st near Poppleton ave , cast
'rant , $ J,000.
2 beautiful lots on 2 th st.ncnr Snundorsnnd
: , ako streots. only $1,600 each , 9375 cash each
Mitchell & Lbyonmnrck , 1510 Dodge st 654 18
SALE At n sacrlflc , 2 lots fronting south
- on Cnssst , near3l8t , with Improvements
worth over $ 'iW ) , consisting of hardy rosec ,
llllos , phlox , evergreens , grapes , strawberries ,
isparagrns etc. , also nlco summer house lur-
oundod with honeysuckles , clematis oto. Only
12,700 for Vioth lot' , $1)00 ) cash , bnlnnco 1,2,3 nnd
years lit 8 per cent Interest. About 20 minutes
walk from court house. $100 discount for all
cash. Willis M. Yntcs , Agent , California st. bet.
iOth and 31st 775
-McCaguo Solo Agont.
95 J1
GREGORY Heal Instate Exchange ,
Kooms 1 and 3 , U U South nth st.
Omaha View , State st fronts for $ 1,5)0
Fairmount place , 50xUl , corner-1 1 , . 50
Fntrmount place 40x120 , corner 1MO !
West Sldo Loavonworth Bt fronts l.WM
West Sldo , East uvo fronts 775
Thornburg place 100x130 , corner 1,90)
Thornburg pHco , flno cast fronc , 80) )
rntalpniiluoo 85x118 , corner 1,95)
Tabor place clogimtlot 47x155 l.OOJ
Loavonworth terruco 114 ft an Loavon-
worth It.OCX )
Loavenwoithtorrnco , 162x114 trackage. . ! I,3UO
West Omaha , HOxKiioast and so front. . . il,500
West Omaha , 58x155 east nnd north front 2riOi )
Bedford place 100x128 corner 1,700
Bedford place 50x128 south front 801)
Prospect place 54ft corner on grade 1,850
Prospect place double front Hamilton st 2,500
Cheap homes for all.
Gregory & Hadloy. 043
FOH 8ALE-Or trade 2 No 1 lots In Albright's
1st cnolcn near the depot for stock of
groceries or horse and wagon , or No 1 carri
age team. Address P 31 Boo olllco. 653 21
First National Bank ,
At Omaha , In the State nf Nebraska , nt the
close of Iliislnos.s May 13,1887.
Loans nnd discounts $2,121,732 17
Ovciilrnlts ll.CSJ 05
U. S. Hnnds to aocuro circulation
pnrvnluo 50,00000
U. H. Hnnds to secure deposits
par val'io 175,000 00
Other stocks , bonds nnd mortgages. . 0,075 00
Duo fiom approved reserve -
servo ngonis $500,40(1 ( 23
Duo from other national
bunks 240,07428
Duo from state banks
and bankers 612,340 28
$1,2C7B26 85
Banking house -.43,298 73
Other lloal Estate 1,147 01
$ 14.415 74
Current oxpcn es nnd tnxospnfd. . n,721 70
I'lemiums pnfd 14,512 6U
Chocks nml other cnsh
items $10,201 49
Exchanges for clearing
house 17,82533
Hills ot other National
bunks 81,710 00
Fractional paper cur
rency , nickels , nnd
cents. . 800 4-5
Specie , polcU'Sllvor com. ltt,4 ! ! > 7 50
Legal tender notes 210,000 00
613.034 70
llcdcinptlon fund with U.S.tronsuror 1 , .10 00
Totnl 4,215,18.2 40
Caplt nl Ptoek paid in $ . ,00,001 Ofl
Surplus fund 100,000 Oil
Undivided profit * f'J M1 17
National bunk notes oiitbtnndlng. . . . 44,4U 00
Individual deposits sub
ject to check $1,251,312 13
Demand certificates of
deposit 54,424 23
Tlniucorlillcatosof do-
poslt 017,007 89
Cortlflcd checks 5,527 ! tt
Cashier's chocks 1,527 33
United Slates iloposlls. 59r > X ) B9
Deposits of O. S. dla-
buiblng ollkurs 07,832 79
Duo to other national
banks 4X'i5038 ( )
Duo to stnto bunks und
bankers 033,761 40
Total $4,315,182 4 (
County of linuiilui , f '
I , F. II. DiirlH , ctiKliler of the nbovo nnmr.l tnnlc
do luilrinnly HWIMT thnt tins above Htutcmcnt li truu ti
tlio bust of my knowledge nnd bollof.
F. II. JJAVIS , Cnnhlor.
Subscribed and svrurn to before mo tills I7tli cluy c
Mar. 1 * > 7. H. U. OATHS.
(8i\r..l ( : Notary 1'ubllc.
Counter ATTEST :
W. A. I'AX'ION , [ Directors.
J. A. MlSllANK. J
OAUTION-1' ' " >
Itl olhen le d r u J"l
buTlnir wntllilell I mill-
, , SIC
TIOH to 11 mT tn-1 rooiwx
will bt ictundtd 19 wilier
n l tout wwkf' rl [
not p < f tll uMttiwi , . . .
For l by Dur Gf ) M nuALCRI. or If not etulntblt
wiii . ? i."ii ; p.i4. n 1 " .v > 2S,1 ; 5iL
HKCLIJH SMTKIK , ! ! J3 ( KVBilhC.fl. 1
Ir o ) ttliicl , Ijc , *
ScblllUz Cctftt tCMSttT , Detroit. MIcU
Trnnafcru Fllort May 17 , 1887.
Jntties H norland to Jacob A NVlohlor-
limn , vast half ot lot 2 , ArlltiKtonl
mill , wd t -S 760
Clifton K Mnyno nnd wlfo to JIXIIKM I-
WittliiKlmm , lots 17 nnd IS , blk 7 , 01
K Mnniu'd 1st addition to Viilloy , w
d 1.00
Joseph Unrkor nnd wife to'K -
lor , lolls ntulcst U\lf : of lot 11" " ,
lilk 157 , ( trniulvlow , vvtl 835
U K .Mayno and \\iro to Clmrlu.s K Hoi-
tor , lot n , blk n , Urcliatd 1111v ! it 750
Andruw J Crltchurldto.lohn 1'Cluck ,
lots 8,4 nnd 18 , blk U'J , Flotutu-e ,
qo 23
Maty Dunk nnd limb.vul to John 1'
Cluck , lots 1 , 3 nnd I1. ' , blk 11' ! ,
1'loiencp , 11 c 3.00
Krastus VOUIIR nnd wlfo to livdln
Muiulclssoliti , lot 3 nnd eaU 4 feet of
lot 4 , blk' ' , 1'orktn's sub-dlv uC lot 5 ,
Capitol ndd , w d 6,500
Itlcronyimis Kisulc ntul wlfo to Jacob
Kotn > , lot V , lOlsolo's snb-dlv to Ukn-
lionmvil " 00
KlUabctli A Honors to John T Hog-
on. west } { ot 'JO acres In notthvnst
4"J4-15-m. d 10,000
> - - . w ,
Charles \V lll glns et nl to Sulli F
Winch , lot-I. Ooorco Forbos' suu-dlv
of Houlhwcst K section. lU-lO-l ! ! . w d 5,000
W J Wagoner t l to Klt/ubuth Kock ,
lot 10 , bllt 1 , Fowler I'lai-o , w d . . . . 800
llutty L Collier to ( Jeorso ( } Wallnco
ot al , southwest Muortliwost } ( , .sec
tion 4-l.Via. wd. . . 80,000
Joiiiuo A lirtinnur to Wllllnm U
lirutiiiiT , undivided K Interest iu
lot U blk lO.Kouut/.o and IlutirH add ,
\T a t
William L MCC.IKUU to Mary Can Hold ,
lot 1 , blk "O , " Lowo'8 ixdd , w d . . . . COO
M T 1'utrlck und wllo to Ui'orito W K
lort.oy , lot 4 blk I ) , lot 15 blk 8 , 1'ut-
ilck's second add , w d 3,000
Harry Hoed to Cart-11 Coach , south 80
feet ot lot 8 blk 19 , Wilcox Uud add
wil * * >
W N McCnndlish nnd wlfo to Ida V
Kaiser , lots 11 ana McCundllsh
1'lnco. wd 725
ncob C Uonlso and wlfo to A P
Wood , lot 0 , nnd cast } { of lot 10 blk
a. lots 1 nnd 'J blk 4,1 and a lu 5,1'J
In 0 , Uimlso ndd , w il 8,300
iVIlllnra K lleaton to J H 1'nrrotte , lot
B blk 7 , CoU ) lirilllnuto mid , wd. . . . 330
iVIIllnm liiisltn , Jr. to Chrlstlnn A
Oleasou , lotr. blk 0 , M > era , Utclmrds
As Tllduu'8 ndd , w d 600
Sylvester T Smith nnd wife to Soplua
T Lehman ; Iot4 , blk''O , Omaha ; w
( j !
Nols Clovonnd wlln to Otto Johnson ;
nortli ' < lot o5 , Nelson's ndd ; wd. . . 1,000
Alonzo U Hunt nnd wlfo to Anderson
Chrlsman et nllots7aud 8 , blk 8 ,
AS I'iitilck'andd ; wd 3,000
Intinnli MFord to Daniel A Wny ;
fOx''U ' feet commencing' nt s w cor of.
lot "U , " HascalPs ndd to Okahotna ;
w a. . . 800
MneutoJ Way nnd husband to Han
nah M Ford ; 4.t > 0 feet commencing
nt s w cor lot "D , " llascnll's add to
Okahoma : wd 400
Walter ( trliclps and wlfo to Laurltz
Cnrlstlatison ; lot W , Onlc Hill add ;
\v d t
dn F Knlser and husband to K M
Stenber ; lot 12 , McCandllbh place
W il 4,000
iuntii'l Mortonson et nl to linns Han
son ; lot4 , blk 1 , Doncckon's add ; w d 85
Sti'iilien A McWIiorter et al to Frnnfc
E Alexander ; lot 30 blk 0 , Kllby
plnre ; w a t,300
J C Whinnory and wile to Flank E
n Alexander ; lots 18 , ll > . blk 0 , Kllby
jiluco ; w d 3,000
Kra&tus A Henson and wlfo to C K
Mnyne , w 65 It ot lot'7 , blk 10 , Isaac
& Selilen's add , w d 600
Ueo U Chrlstio et nl to Evnlyn F Car
ter , lot 10 , subdivision ot lot A , Hes-
ervolrndd.wd 1,300
Cnrr It Couch mid Max Ij Scltmldt , a
80 It of lot 8 , blk 19 , Wlleox's ! M ndd ,
wU 63j
Win.I Welch anrt wife to Wm Mnynll ,
lott ) , blk 15 , llousell & Stobben's
mill , Wd 1,700
G A Heller and wife to Wilson T
Graham , lot 10 , blk 1 , Creston add , w
ll 1,500
Jno U Dennis to Wlllard W Slabaugli ,
lot 5 , b Ik a , Walnut Hill ndd , w d. . . . 1,050
Erastus A Uonson and wllo to 1'nrk
W Kaull'man , lot 5 , blk 18. lot 8 , blk
11 , Hrices'place , w d 3,303
Tetor W Ulrkhnusor and wlfo to Mar
cus Nownmn.lot 3 , blk 7Shlnn's nud
( i c d. . . * 1
Marcus J Newman nnd wlfo to How
ard Hnnck , lot , blk. 7 , Shlnn's add ,
wd 4,000
Chailes W Lyman nnd wife to Ed-
wmd H Howland , lot 0 , block 8 ,
Dwlirht & Lymnn's addition , wd. . . 700
OlotT. Kelson and wifoto l-nrs A Farm ,
west half ot Iot34 , Sunnyside uddl-
etlon , w d 1,100
Mary M SbarrocU to Frank Irvine , lot
H17 , Arlington addition , wd 1,100
1'lorce C HlmobauKii and wllo to D C
1'atterson , lots 27 and 3S , block 1 ,
Hlmcbaugh's addition , wd 540
Erastus A Henson and wlfo to
Women's Christian association , ot
Onmhn , lots 18 nnd 10 , block 0 ,
jiriu'us'Plnco , w d 1
Julin E Vandorcoolf nnd husband to
John Fnyne , lot 10 , block 10 , Leaven-
worth business place , w d 1,200
Bancct WUeman anil wife to Samuel
Suhleslnuer , et al , lot G , block 0 ,
Schlehinger addition , w d 285
Michael Lee to the public plat of Leo's
subdivision , , of lot 1 , block 5 , lironk-
line , dedication
Dennis 1'urcell and wllo to Ellen
lirinidy , 1 * 0x205 ft. commencing at
northeast corner of lot 18 , O'Brien's
ndd to Omaha , w d 3,800
Hnlph V Huclcland to Edwin 11 Slier-
wood et nl. , lot 2 , blk 12t : , Omaha
wd 20,400
Isanc N Pierce et ni , to the public plat
of 1'lcrco's sub-dlv of lots 24. 25 , 20 ,
27 and 28 , blk 1 , Hlmobaugh'a addi
tion dediciiUon
Joseph Mannlnc to Mary J Sovroy ,
lot 0 , blk 18 , Florence , w d 1
Dennis H Andrews et al , to Jacob
Williams , lot 7 , In Anmews , Will
iams Tioxell.s bub-dlv ot blk 18 ,
I'ntiick's'indadd , ( jo 3,500
Rosettn D Test and husband to M
Joal'leroy , lot 4 , blk lu , Unnscom
place. Wd 2,000
Henry Hrown to Annie Uleck , lot 8 ,
blk"l > , " Lowe's 1st add , wd 1,300
Kobort J Saxoetal. to Cioo A Vawtu
ct al , lots 7 and 8. blk 2 , Oxlordplac ,
wd. . 1.000
Alvin Saunders et al , to Clifton E
Mayne. bO acrea In bee 15,10 , U , w d. 1,200
rtullillnu IN ; nil Its.
Huildlng pormils wnro issued by the
superintendent yesterday , as follows :
S. F. Werlcli , 2-story Irame utoro , 21th
and Cameron 8 3,400
Peter Anderson , 1-story fiamo cottage ,
Mth nnd Parker 1,000
W.V.Moore , frame barn , 20th and
Davenjiort 1,000
J. J. Langtiei-.lK-slory frame cottage ,
smitnpar Shlrloy 1,000
D. Konnlston,2-story fiatnuresidence ,
lionnoy nnd 1'Jlli 4,000
Stephen Bowes , IH-slory frame cot-
tau'e , lilbi and Marcy. 1,000
Mnrin Krebs , 1-story frame cottage ,
Hlclinidson and Mtllard 1,000
Maria Krebs , IH-story vinegar factory ,
Richardson and Mlllnrd 2,000
SniiKuln * MntU-son , 5 1-story frame
cottaces , Fr.inkllnnndU4th 2,500
M. S. Lindsay , 3 l-storv fiamo cot-
taucs. Fianklln and ! J3d 2,000
A. I ) , Moisr- , frame barn , 2'TiS ' Jlnrnny 400
J , P. Lord , frame barn , 2Utli and Lake , 110
Twelve permits. nggrcgatliiK..832.110
Cor. IIUU anil Nicholas ,
Klrtt class incuts nnd lowprlcei. lloli doing more ,
or the laboring muii th in nnr ono In the cltjr. Ooo
nifau unit lowvrlcej count. Homonibcr the placa
poilto Wood man's oil mill , Utli .ni'i Nloiul BS
\Vithilrn\val Nutltx * .
hare Vtlnlriuvn | from the firm ot Duncan
& Wallace plumbers , Raiiind Htcam llttsrs ,
I.luy IH , illt.J Hubert U. Duncan.
And Collection Ayctitt
Choice bargains in Oniiiha nnd CouncI
Call and satisfy yourself by looking over
tny lUt ,
Concipondcnce tolicited.
Hooms 1) ) and 5 Frciuer Block Opp , I'.O
Omaha , Ni'li