Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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or suuscmrriost
DAllr ( Mocnlji ? Edition ) Including Bundnr
nt.r , Onn Ycnr . 51000
Korfllx Month * . fi f fl
For TUrto Month * . SW
i Omahn Hwmlay Dec , mulled to nnjr
, Ono Vtar. . , . * W
0 fA orricr , No.roi > > Nn 011 Finviw n.
NEW von c orricr. itimu ri. Tmnimit nt'ii.mvo.
All communication * relntliitf to now * nml edi
torial miittor should be U'i'lrusaocl lo tno tui-
ton or TUB llr.E.
All btl'lneii letters ntul remittance * ihnuld bs
arrowed to THB IIP.K I'lniMsiiixn COMI-ANT ,
OsiAIIA. Drafts , rheck and po'tnlHco ordoM
to bo mndo payable to tbo ordtr of the company ,
8\vorn Statement of Circulation.
State of Nebraska. I _
DntiitfM. 8 > 8l
County of (
Ueo. H. Tzftchticic , secretary of The Uco
Publishing company , does solemnly swenr
thnt the actual circiilntioti of thn Dilly Uoo
for the week ending Mny 13 , 1837 was as
follows :
Saturday. May 7 . 14,02 !
Htindny , Mar H . 14.000
Monday. May 9 . 14.87S
Tuesday , Mav 10 . 14 , 00
Wednesday. May U . 14,100
Tliursdav , May VJ . 14,100
Friday , May 13 . .14,100
Averaeo . 14.271
Gr.o. li. TZSCIIUOK.
. .Subscribed and sworn to before me this
10th day of May , 1837.
N p
[ SEAL. ! Notary Public.
tlco. U. Tzscliuck , being lirM duly sworn ,
deposes and says that ho Is secretary of The
lieu Publishing company , thnt the actual
average dally circulation of the Dally lice for
the month or May.lbbO , I2,4r 9 copies ; for June ,
1HSO , 12.29Scoi > len ; for .July , 188C , 12,3l4copies ;
for August , 18NJ , 12,401 copies ; for Septem
ber. 1850 , 13u : ) conies ; for October , 1880 ,
12,080 copies ; for November. 1880 , 13.54S .
copies ; for December , lbS > \ li,337 ! copies ; for
January , 1887. 10.200 copies ; for February.
1837 , H,1W copies ; for Mnrch , 1887 , 14,400
copies : for April , 1837 , 14,310 copies.
Oio. : H. T/SCHOCK.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 7m
day of May , A. 1) ) . , 1887.
ISKAL.1 N. P. FF.IL. Notary Public.
LONG PINK has a militia company.
Northern Nebraska is safe.
THE appointments by Mayor Broatch
will receive the endorsement of our citi
15 zens.
1)5 )
CANDIDATES for chief of police are still
in suspense. A dark horse is liable to
get there. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
MIHSOUUI , because the legislature re
fused to appropriate funds , is without a
state malitia.
WITH Paruoll and Gladstone in Amer
ica , the Irish cause would receive scores
of now sympathizers.
CALIFOKNIA grapes were damaged by
late frosts. However California wine
will bo just as plentiful.
THE judge for the First district has not
been appointed , and it is said that there
Is much anxiety in that particular section.
IT is announced that the inter-state
commission will hereafter do very little ,
if any , traveling. Editors and politicans
introduced this custom early in April.
Die. TALMAGE has discovered a large
number of men in Now York who "are
too mean for perdition. " They should at
once organize a colony and settle in Kan
sas City , or they will find themselves
without a place of habitation.
JAKE SHARP and Jay Gould have botb
been on the witness stand in New York
this week. Mr. Sharp has boon telling
how much boodle he has disbursed , while
Mr. Gould has boon evading questions
regarding the amount of money his rail
road has stolon.
Mit. ULAINE denies that ho will sail foi
Europe the fourth of Juno. However IK
will sail early next month , the date no
having boon determined. The politica
gossips are attempting to tigurejust wha
aignlficaucQ this trip bears to Ulaine'i
candidacy in ' 83.
IT is understood that Governor Thayo :
lias ended the heart-aches of the man }
full-Hedged candidates who have bcoi
flopping their wings and lustily crowinj
for the appointment of oil inspector fo
Nebraska. Wo learn that the man wh
is to receive the commission must be
"dark horse" one who has never men
tiouod the subject to the governor.
THE anthracite coal companies of Penn
aylvanla will suspend mining tor on
week. The seven-days' suspension , th
coal barons claim , is necessary for th
maintenance of prices. The * Phlladel
phia Record says of the announcement
There is refreshing candor about this ac
mission. The coal companies have re
strictcd the supply and have kept up th
prices of fuel in an effort to force cor
auniers to buy , while consumers of larg
quantities of coal have refrained fron
buying because they regarded prices a
outrageously high. To change this cot :
dition of affairs and to sustain a numbu
of bankrupt corporations the coal com
fcination has determined upon oxtrein
measures , and has decided to starv
the market for the purpose of brinf
ing the consumers to its term
It will array the might of a va.
abrogation of corporate capital againt
individual interests.
THE inaugural address of Mayc
Broatch is judicious ami practical ,
shows that Omaha's now mayor fill
apprehends the nature and extent of h
clearly defined duties , and it carries tl
assurance that they will be faithful
discharged. Wo have entire confideui
that if the executive is properly aidt
and sustained by the cobordina
branches of the city government this a
surance will ue kept , and that the mut
cipnl administration of the nest tv
years will be creditable to the olucia
and of great benefit to the city. Wo I
Hove Mayor Broatch to bo possessed
those qualities which are essential to i
exccutlro office , and the public may e
poet to see a firm and Btraightforwa
enforcement of the municipal laws ai
regulations , without fear or favor. Th
is the policy that Is demanded , and eve
wuo consideration urges the new may
'to adopt and adhere to it. Ho has call
to his counsel and assistance officials
whom ho has confidence , and in who
generally the public has confidence. T
result ought to be a clean , efficient ai
creditable administration ,
A Rnilrond Scheme.
THE UEK receives information to the
cflcct that Judge O. P. Mason , as a mem
ber of the Nebraska railway commission ,
is not giving the railroads satisfaction.
While Mr. Mason is hopelessly in tbo
minority , and can accomplish but little
good in correcting abuses , ho yet has a
happy way of keeping a lookout for the
people's Interests , and consequently the
corporate powers do not consider that ho
is the proper man to fill the position
which he so creditably occupies
The plan , as the railroguo bosses have
it arranged , is to relieve Mr. Mason and
appoint as his successor one of the most
notorious railroad tools in the
ptatc. The secretary of state
will bo called upon In a few days to re
move Mr. Mason , and unless the pro
gramme fails , Major Pierce will be ap
Mr. Laws should bo slow to act in this
matter. Major Pierce is and always has
been in full sympathy with the Uttrling-
ton road. If such a thing is possible , ho
will prove n worse stick and a more
pliant tool than Gere , whom Hoggon
was forced to remove.
While the BEE believes the law creat
ing the commission is a fraud , foisted
upon the people by the railroads , it yet
believes if the board was composed of
honest , competent , and fearless men ,
they at least would not become subservi
ent to the dictates of the corporations.
If Mr. Laws appoints Major Pierce , ho
cannot hope for an endorsement from
the people.
The Maine tlio Country Over.
The Now York Star has discovered
that if it was to estimate the work of the
New York legislature of 1837 by Its un
dertakings , rather than by its perform
ances , it would bo thought a very indus
trious body.
It has found that out of several hun
dred bills introduced , many of them , in
cluding some of the most pretentious ,
were simply put on the way of oretondcd
passage at public cxocnse to oblige some
fanatic or gain cheap notoriety for the im
mortal statesman introducing them. Their
career was meant to end with their in
troduction , reporting and filing as printed
bills , so that they could be sent to con-
stncnts whom legislators desired to culti
vate. This intention having been carried
out , their history ended.
It is the same the country over. The
ambitious member introduces countless
bills , all for self-interest. The state fur
nishes him postage to send copies of
them to admiring constituents ; the local
paper prates of the achievements of the
"Hon. John Jones , " and assures all con
cerned that "Mr. Jones is keeping a
watchful eye on his constituents , " when
in truth , Mr. Jones hai no more interest
in the bills than he has in his con
stituents. During the late ses
sion ! of the Twentieth Fraud , it
remained for Colonel Colby , the
railroad's lobbyist from Gage county , to
introduce something like a hundred bills.
It is needless to add that he was careful
to sco that few of them were passed. Ho
was there atone , it seemed , for buncombe
and boodle , and he no doubt succeeded
in getting what he wanted.
The Slur wants a remedy for such expensive -
pensive work. The only remedy is to
elect men who have some interest in their
state , and who are not overshadowed
with their own importance. Men who
would see the folly of the multiplication
of identical ideas , and who would recog
nize the importance of needed legisla
Reagan's Conitructton.
In his letter to Mr. Morrison , of the
inter-state commerce commission , Sena
tor Reagan does not leave any doubt as
to 'his views regarding the meaning of
the law or of the course pursued by the
commission. Ho begins his communica
tion by saying that there are no circum
stances or cases which will justify the
commission in suspending Section 4 on
the representations of the railroad com
panies , and states that it was never sug
gested or intended that the rule should
be suspended except in special cases ,
after investigation by the commissioa
If this view be the proper one , and it is
explicitly stated to be that of the mem
bers of the conference committees of the
two houses , then the course pursued by
the commission thus far with respect tc
the fourth section has been in violation
of the intent of the f earners of the law ,
and so Mr. Reagan implies , outside o
its authority. It has made a rule of wha
according to Mr. Reagan's constructor
was intended to bo an exception , and its
action has'bcen taken not after invest !
gation , but without any invostigatior
and solely upon the representations o
the railroad companies. The opinion o
Senator Reagan placed the eonimissioc
in an unfavorable attitude before the
country which it may fool called upon to
The enforcement of the fourth sectior
Mr. Reagan probably regarded as tbi
most essential thing to be done.Vithoul
that the protection of the people againsi
wrong and oppression cannot bo nmdi
complete. "If the commission shall re
fuse to enforce the fourth section of tlu
law , " says Mr. Reagan , "it will leave ti
the railroads all their powciof terror
izing and intimidating the people o
the various localities through whicl
their several roads pass , and thu
enable them to prevent damage suits o
criminal prosecutions under other pro
visions of the law ; and it will enabl
their officers to continue to bo manufac
turers , producers , and merchants , anew
now , and to carry on discriminations i
rIt favor of the places whore they do BUG
business , oven if the commission sbal
isle faithfully enforce all the other provision
of the law. " This is unquestionably ii
iy accord with intelligent public opinion
iye which has regarded with a good deal o
: e
disappointment the apparently subserv !
. ent course of the commission to the rail
road companies. The action alread
, taken cannot be revoked , but it is prol
[ ' able the commission will not procue
. further m the line It has pursued , and
certainly cannot do so without encoui
of toring a very strong popular condemn ;
Xho Growing Surplus
If the American people were not tl
most amiable and patient in the worl
they would not go on from year to yei
allowing their representatives to koc
loaded upon them a burden of taxatio
which servos no defensible purpose , bi
does a positive injury in maintaining
vast and accumulating surplus in the u
tional treasury. The revenue of the go
eminent for the current fiscal year , <
which less than two months remain , will
bo about $370,000,000. , This great sum
will pay all the expenses of' the govern
ment , all the Interest duo on the national
debt , and all that can bo legally required
in liquidation of the debt , and leave n
surplus of nearly $100,000,000. This sum
representing nearly two per cent taken
from every man , woman and
child in tlio country , Is drawn out of the
resources of the people and backed up in
the vaults of the treasury an idle and
unproductive horde , not necessary to the
government , but really a dauber and a
Such a situation finds no parallel in nny
other nation. The British government
never allows 13,000,000 of needless tax
ation to chafe the people of that wealthy
empire , and the budget of the chancellor
of the exchequer recently submitted for
next year is based on a margin of not
more than $1.600,000. In the other great
nations the problem with which the gov
ernments have to deal is how to avoid or
how to meet a deficit. Only the United
States among the nations of the earth is
troubled with the question of how
to wcvout a vast herding of
unnccdcd money in the national treasury.
While such n condition gratlfyingly il
lustrates the resources and prosperity of
the nation , it Is none the less mischievous ,
since every dollar obtained by the gov
ernment in excess ofta \ necessities is
wrung from the people by a false policy
and involves a direct loss to the com
What to do in this matter now urgently
confronts the country. The surplus is
steadily growing , and with its growth
the supply of money in the hands of the
people becomes less. There is a demand
for an extra session of congress to deal
with this pressing question , but in view
of past experience there Is not much
ground of hope from this expedient. If
the new congress shall have no better
conception of what isrcquircd than did the
last , perhaps the best that can be expected
of it is to provide for disposing of the
surplus by enlarged expenditures. This
would not , however , remove the evil.
That can only bo done by reducing taxa
tion , and in no other way can the final
and rational solution of this vexatious
question be reached. All other measures
must bo of only temporary advantage ,
prolonging a false policy the consequences
quences of which will return again and
again to plague us.
THE American Cattle Trust , to which
wo referred a few days ago , is evidently
not regarded as a combination deserving
encouragement. The New York Times
says the illigitimate purpose of such an
organization is to secure a monopoly.
That journal finds that the plan of this
trust is not a novel one , which means
simply that it has started up on very
much the same principle as that upon
which other "trusts , " whoso monopolis
tic tendencies have been strongly mani
fested , were organized. So long , in the
view of the Times , as there shall bo act
ive competition between this trust and
the Chicago ring , the consumer of beef
will gain something by the trust's opera
tions. If that competition should cease ,
owing to an amalgamation of conflicting
interests in the business of slaughtering
and shipping , and if the trust should
succeed in creating a monopoly
ely in the business' raising cat
tle on the plains and selling
them , the consumer would suffer even
more than ho does now , although the
ranchman would be better off. The con
sumers , unfortunately , are unable to
create a trust for their own pro
tection. It is likely that for a time there
will bo a sharp fight between the trust
and the power it is organized to combat ,
and this may result , while it lasts , to the
benefit of the consumers. But it is
equally probable that sooner or later
peace will be declared and a combination
made that will get bacK from the people
all and more than the benefits they may
derive from the contention.
IT is announced that the now bank of
which ex-Secretary Manning is president
will undertake the somewhat ambitious
scheme of making New York the silver
market of the world instead of London.
All that seems to be needed , according to
the dispatch , to accomplish the transfer ,
is the co-operation of the Now York stock
exchange , after which the price of silver
in London will depend entirely on the
Now York quotations. The genius ol
Mr. Manning as a financier , coupled with
that of Mr. Jordan , may be able to ac
complish some marvelous results in the
fiscal affairs of Now York and even beyond <
yond that metropolis , but there is room
for serious doubt as to whether it will im
mediately compass the downfall of Lon
don as the world's money market , and
especially as the arbiter of tbo price
of silver , and give that position
to New York. There will be a time ,
undoubtedly , when the metropolis o1
the western world will acquire that dis
Unction , but it is not at hand. As ye
there are several obvious difficulties ir
the way which it may very confidently
bo believed the united efforts of Man
ning , Jordan and the Now York dtocl
exchange cannot overcome.
Tun regulations adopted by the police
commission relative to the appolntinen
of men on the metropolitan force to bi
organized appear to bo sufficient , thong )
doubtless experience will show the necessity
sity of some additions to them. Tin
synopsis submitted to the council doe :
not include the requirement of an ex
amination to ascertain the physical con
dition of candidates , but wo assume thu
this very necessary provision has no
been omitted. Physical soundness I
quite as essential to a policeman as to ;
soldier. The commission cannot oxercis
too great care in the organization of th <
now force , and it evidently intends t
start right.
JOHN FITZGERALD , the president of th
Irish National Land League , has notifiei
Mr. Gladstone that ho will bo welcomei
to America.
; t
Nobroika Jotting * .
Beatrice is negotiating for a tannery.
The wealth of Otoe county in roun
numbers is $25,000,000.
The Omaha syndicate cheerily sings i
I'lattsmouth "Come ' '
, your motor.
Long Pino'a militia sighs for blood
"wah'Tor an Indian scare , to measur
their sand at long range.
Arbor day has been the moans of planl
ing over 3,000,000 trees in Otoo county-
a worthy monument to tbo Saga of Arbo
Chas. Prcsho , an escaped lunatic f rot
Lincoln , was captured by a locomotive
at Beatrice , and his earthly troubles
ended ,
The Beatrice Mutual Benefit associa
tion announces a number of reforms , In
cluding a change of 11:11110 : uud plauo of
business. *
Otoo county had $222,031 tied up in
0'JOO horsofl last year , $ JUlor > in JJ1.7SO
head of cattle , $12,511 , ! in mules and us.scs ,
$30,511 in hogs , and $1I > 71 in sheep.
The Ynnkton Press says : "The Yank-
ton portion of the railroad committee
which is to meet the railroad builders in
Omaha next Monday will leave horn
Wednesday or Thursday and will go
overland to West Point , Nob. , and there
take the cars for Omaha. On the route
they will bo joined by representatives of
Aten , St. Helena , Harttngton , Coleridge ,
Wtiyno and West Point , and by the time
they reach the Nebraska metropolis they
will bo in considerable force. Commo
dore Coulson , Major Hanson and Colonel
Powers will represent Yaukton in the
meeting. "
IOWA Items.
Mason City will light up with elec
Clinton will blow in $0,000 in a Fourth
of July hurrah.
Wolves are howling for grub in the
suburbs of Avoca ,
Fort Dodge revelled m the glare of the
electric light for the first time Saturday
The thirty-fifth annual session of the
State Medical society is in progress in
Sioux City.
Reports received at Cedar Rapids from
100 Iowa towns indicate that crops are in
a flourishing condition.
Tlio Dubuque fair grounds were sold to
IIou. J. J. Ltuohan on Monday for f 13- ,
000. The tract is fifty-two acres in ex
An old gentleman named Howell , a
prominent and wealthy citizen of lcco- )
rah , died Saturday. Ho leaves $100,000
ana no relatives to fight for it.
W. H. Silberhom and E. F. House , of
Chicago , are building a huge packory in
Sioux City. The plant will have n ca
pacity of 1,000 beeves and 2.GOO hogs per
Burlington has sent out a skirmishing
committee to induce the Santa Fo people
to build to that town on the way to Chi
cago. The line as at present located is
eighteen miles south.
The Marshalitown police have been
making matters warm for the toughs of
that town. Sunday night thirteen gam
blers got into a row and were arrested ,
and next day each paid n line of $10 and
The state bureau of labor has sent out
blanks to the different county auditors ,
treasurers and chairmen of the board of
supervisors , asking for detailed informa
tion regarding assessments , particularly
in cities and towns.
A man fell from the third story of the
Bonnet house , Diibuque , Saturday even
ing , but , strange to say , broke no bones.
The ground upon which he alighted was
hard out covered with n little water and
mud. It is not known whether the acci
dent was the result ; of somnambulism or
Dubuque inspiration.
High license J.won the election in
Bridgewatcr bv one majority.
The territorial rajlroad commissioners
have established' headquarters at Fargo.
The prediction is made that Dakota's
wheat crop this year will smash the
Burton , Hanson county , Hillsviow , Me-
Pherson county , . 'and Homer , Edmunds
county , are new Milwaukee railroad
towns. l
The artesian well at Columbia which
has been uselessfor the past year , has
resumed operations until it now furnishes
the city with a plentiful supply of water.
The territorial superintendent of public
instruction is having 12,000 copies of the
now school laws printed in pamphlet
form for distribution. They will bo ready
about the 1st of next month.
The crop prospect in Hand county is
the best for years. The ground is in
finer condition , small grain of all kinds
is growing rapidly and the grass is all
that could bo desired at this season of the
year. _
The Telephone Monopoly.
Chumgn Trlbwie.
There is no good reason why the bill
pending m the general assembly to fix
telephone rates at f 38 a year should not
bo passed without any unnecessary de
lay. There is not a patent monopoly in
the country so outrageous in its exactions
as the telephone , nor one which under
its franchise is allowed to interfere with
the privileges of the public to such an
unlimited extent.
The Bell Telephone company on the
one hand Is devouring receipts , and on
the other demanding dividends on the
stock which it squeezes out of the local
companies for the privilege of doing bus
iness , and the uitimato squeeze is made
upon the subscribers. Its method is to
demand from one-third to one-half of
the stock of a company for the privilege
of paying $15 a year tor the use of instru
ments that originally cost a little over
$3. The Now York Times prints some
figures which tolls the story of extortion
very clearly. The Boll company ex
acted 3741 shares of stock
from the East Tennessee Telephone
company , with the understanding that
the latter should hare dividends after
June 1,1885. To pay those dividends the
rates hnd to be increased and the stock
had to bo watered. The Boll company
t has recently demanded 35 per cent of
, the Northern Now York company's
stock , although it pays an annual rent of
more than 400 per cent on the cost of in
struments. To pay dividends to the
Boston company it must water its stock
and increase its rates to any figure the
latter may dictate , as that is part of the
contract between them. The Providence
company has watered its stock from
to $384,000 in order to meet the
Doll company's demand of $134,000 ol
the stock. The capital of the United
company of Kansas , before it was bought
out by the Missouri & Kansas compauv ,
was $000.000 and of ihis the Hell com.
pany had a clear majority , while of the
Missouri & Kansas Rtock it had cobbled
up more than a majority. The Central
New York Tolophoutr company has hud
to surrender 1,750 shares of
its stock to 'the ' octopus , and
the tiuflalo & Rochester como -
o pany 2.100 shares.'rOf the flO.OOO.OOC
watered stock of the Central Union com
pany of Indiana the Hell company owns
f3,3 ! 7,000. The operations of the Prov
idence company mo'dnwhilo show how
business can be dortui'lejjltimatcly. ' lie
fore it had surrendered to the octopus
3,007 subscribers were served , on a cap !
till of 1350,000 , at the rate of $30 a year ,
the earnings paying a steady dividend ol
SO per cent on the investment.
Never was there-such a greedy , grasp
ing monopoly as this. It is time that the
legislature of Illinois should come to the
relief of the people. Its members shouli
bear in mind that tholr constituents an
personally interested. This monopoly
extends ail over the state and it has n
long time to run yet. The legislature
has au absolute right to fix a reasonable
telephone rate , and if it is too low tlu
Bell people can go into courtjand show
it. Hell is already n millionaire. He hoi
accumulated an immense fortune out o
an invention his right to which is by n <
means indubitable. Un needs no money
It Is time that be and tbo ring in liostot
of which be is the center should bi
n choked ofL
An RIoTcn Yonr Old Girl Rtopcs Wltli
n Mnn of twenty-two.
A young man ir-an named Lamb was
in the city yesterday in search of his run
away slstur and a young man named S.
G. Kelsey , with whom she eloped. The
girl's name is Nellie Lamb tuid the couple
ran away from Slrang , Fillmore
county , Nob. , on Friday last. Kelsey
was owner of u store at Strung and
boarded with the Lamb family. The
girl , so Lamb stated to the police , is only
eleven years of age , and were away
fjoin homo a short red drcsq , Kelso is a
printer by trade , is twenty-two years of
ngo , and inveigled the little girl from
home. He announced an intention of
coming to Omaha. The police are search
ing for the man , while the brother took
tno dummy tram for Council Bluffs to
see if anv trace of the pair could bo
found in that vicinity.
The facts in detail , : is obtained from
Charles Lamb , the brother of the young
girl , arc : Frank Kclso , about twenty-two
years of ago , came to Stranp1 , Filiuoro
county , a year ngo and opened n grocery
store. Ho boarded at the house of James
Lamb , father of the missing girl , and in
a very short time made a great pet ot
'ittle Nellie. Ha made her many pros-
nits , but us she was so young nothing
mpropor was thought of his attentions.
On Monday , the Sth ) hist. , Kclso , who
was formerly a printer in Omaha , Lin
coln , Sioux City and other points , sold
his store , obtaining about $1,230. On the
Thursday following Mrs. Lamb sent her
ittlc daughter Nellie to Hastings , where
mr father is employed at his
rado , that of n stone mason.
Shu entrusted the girl to the
care of Kclso , who was to buy her ticket
nnd sec her safely on board the train.
The girl had some money , and Kelso
; ave her more at the depot. Ho also
jave her instructions to go as far as Do-
ivltt nnd there change cars for Omaha.
That night ho drove across the country
to Hastings , and on Frida.v came to
Omaha also. When Iho little girl arrived
'lore she went to the St. James hotel and
gave her name to the clerk as Murtlo
Adams , Dweitt. She remained at the
hotel until Friday , when Kelso arrived.
Then they went away together. On
Friday evening they asked for room and
board at the Omaha house. The propri
etor was suspicious on account of the
childlshuesss of the girl , and refused
them accommodations. That is the last
track of the fugitive girl up to the pres
ent She has blue eyes , black hairis not
yet twelve years old , but precocious.
Kelso is smooth shaven , short and thickset
sot , and bus black eyes. The case is re
markable , owing to the complicity and
cunning of so young a girl in such au
A Physician Hurt , two Scared and a
Horse Killed.
Dr. Harrigan was given a forcible il
lustration yesterday afternoon of the
adage that misfortunes never como
singly. Early in the afternoon Dr.
Kcogh , who was drivine Dr. Harrigan's
horse , had a runaway accident on St.
Mary's avenue and suffered a dislocation
of his arm. The horse ran away demol
ishing the buggy nnd harness and was
not found until a late hour last night.
Dr. Kcogh was removed to his homo.
Dr. Uarrigan , when ho heard of the acci
dent , secured one of McShano's rigs and
accompanied by Dr. Brown drove out to
attend the injured physician. As they
were driving down Sixteenth street on
their way homo they met with another
accident which came nearly resulting very
disastrously to both of them. They were
just crossing Davenport street when
another runaway , this time a team at
tached to a load of lumber dashed into
them. The polo of the witgon struck the
horse which Dr. Harngun was driving ,
with the runaway team and the load of
lumber. Fortunately both of the physi
cians escaped uninjured. The runaway
team belonged to Swan Weiburn , a team
ster who resides at 2417 Cass street. The
accident was a disastrous one for Mr.
Weiburn. who will bo held responsible
for the damage done. The wonder is
that the damage w.os not greater.
City Officers to be Transferred to the
Exposition Building.
It is probable that the offices ot elty
comptroller , city clerk , city engineer and
city treasurer will bo removed from the
county court house into the cast end of the
main exposition building. This would place
the officers mentioned In juxtaposition
to the other city officers in the
annex building. There Is a scarcity
of room In the county build-
in i ; and it Is understood a bonus will bo
ottered the city to remove the municipal of
fices now situated In the structure. It is un
derstood the exposition managers are will
ing to lease sulllcient room in the east end of
the main hall to accommodate the treasurer ,
engineer , clerk and comptroller. The sub
ject Is under advisement with the prospects
of the matter being cousumated.
Progress Assembly Slay Party.
The second annual May party of the ladles
of Progress Assembly No. U097 , Knights of
Labor , was Riven at Central hail last even-
Ing. Irvlns's orchastra furnished music for
about fifty couples , who tally tripped the
hours away until nearly mornlne. The af
fair was a very pleasant one. The following
ladles on committees contributed to the
pleasure of the occasion by their watchful
ness of the comfort of those who were pres
ent :
Mistress of ceremonies : Miss KmraaVon
Trott : Floor managers : Mrs. Anna Black ,
Mrs. M. J. Klllott , Mrs. Bertha Von Trott.
Miss Kiiuim liurmester , Mrs. J. M. Koiuiey ,
Miss Ida KiiL'.stroui : Hecoptlnn committee :
Mrs.Julla Asplnwall , Miss Mnscle Carroll ,
MIssLlllle Franklin , Miss Anna Barry ;
Door committee : Miss Anna McOuIro , Mrs.
Mary Simpson , Miss Alice llenney , Miss
Mary Thompson.
A Sad Case.
On the incoming Chicago train on the
Burlington yesterday morning , there was
un English family of twelve persons who
propose making Omaha their future
residence. The youngest child , six
months old , was taken with whooping
cough at the time of departure from Eng
land nnd during the voyage grew rapidly
worse. On arrival hero yesterday the
little sufferer was found to bo dying. A
physician was summoned , but the infant
expired before the mother could reach
her destination on West Nicholas street.
Everything possible was done by kindhearted -
hearted passengers at the Burlington
station and the case excited a great deal
of sympathy.
1)1 ISD.
BOLAND In this city. May 18. at 3:30 : p. m. ,
Matthew Boland , aged 20 years.
Funeral will take place under taa auspices
of the Stone Cutters union on Friday , May
20 , at 0 a. m. , from his late residence , cornei
ot Fifth and Division streets to St. Phllo-
mena's cathedral. Bricklayers and Plaster
ers unions Invited to attend. Denver , Col. ,
, and Diibiiquf and Independence , la. , papers
pi ease copy.
Depot For South Omaha.
At last , after the patience of the South
Omaha people U about exhausted , the
Union Pacific management has decided
to build a depot at that place. Tbo no\v
structure will bo a very neat and com
modious building and fully adequate tc
the present needs of the city. It will b <
located near the present depot and will
occupy a good part of the old couutj
road. For a time tlio Union Pacific was
embarrassed by a lack of ground , but
since tlio county commissioners decided
to abandon the old road for the use of the
railroad , there has been no excuse for
there not being a now dopof , T. if. Potter ,
S. H. Callnway and Ed Dickcrson , wcro
nt South Omaha yesterday looking over
the grounds.
lltilldtni ; PcrmltB.
Superintendent Whillock issued buildIng -
Ing permits yesterday ns follows :
HaiiHtol Itelrhenben ; , two-story brlctc
tenement block , Eighteenth and Cal
ifornia . . . . . . . . S20.0CO
M. Katrell , two-story frame dwelling ,
Lake near Twentieth . 1,000
B. L. Hoyce , one-story frame cottage ,
Twentieth and Ohio . COO
John llotts , one-story fiamu addition
to dwelling , I'oiutocnth near Will-
lams . 800
C. K , Liindiuinst , one-story frame cot-
taire , Yiilo near Tnvlor . 600
11. II. Hake , two-story frame resi
dence , Twenty-ninth nnd I'oppleton
ave .
Licensed to Weil.
Judge McCulloch issued marriage li
censes yesterday to the following par
ties :
Name. Itesltloiico. Age-
I Oliver Wenldey . Omaha 21
] Mrs.M. Mctihee . Omalia ! ! J
111. A. Sliuy . Omnha 23
( Sally Johnson . St. Louis , Mo. SI
( Allen II. Phillips . Nellch , Neb :
IMaylloshn . Ncllgh , Neb 'JO
I Frank P. Drew . Crete , JSeb 2.5
( Lulu B. Corbctt . Omaha 10
I llussell Smith . Omnha 28
\ Victoria Allen . Omaha 20
Au Expensive Cnvc.
In the case of William Ravenscroft vs
James Stephenson in the district court
yesterday afternoon the Itiry returned tv
verdict awarding the plaintiff $900. Ha-
vonscroft sued for $5,000 damages for
personal injuries received by the caving
of a bank under which ho was working
ii Stcphenson's employ in 1883.
A Reorganized Vlrin.
Hereafter the well-known commission
Irm of W. E. Uidtloll will bo known as
Uiddoll & Hiddell. A. C. Biddell , for-
mcrly in the general produce business at
Manchester , la. , has joined forces with
his brother. W. E. Hiddoll , and together
they will makn one of the strongest com-
ini&sion firms in this city.
Ills Pocket Picked.
B. Dort , a machinist employed in the
Union Pacific shops , complained at the
police station last night that he had had
hid pockets picked of a gold watch while
coming up Tenth street on a street car.
He could give no clue to the identity of
the "gopher. " _
Two Candidates.
All the nominees last night sent to the
council by Mayor Broatch for city positions
are pretty generally known throughout the
city , with the exception of William Farr ,
who Is said to bo a butcher. Dr. Halph. the
nominee for city attorney. Is about tnlrty-
live years of ago and has resided in Omaha
about four years.
A Change In Name.
The Omaha clinical society filed an
amendment to its articles of incorpora
tion yesterday , changing the name to the
Omaha Homeopathic Medical society.
Certain other minor changes are also
made in the by-laws of the society.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. Schmidt desires to publicly ex
press her heartfelt thanks to the friends
and to the various societies that aided
her in her recent afllietion , m the death
and funeral of her husband , Mr. Fred
Judge Hopowoll was engaged yesterday
in hearing the case of James Stophonsou
vs. Charles licnne.
In the county court , H. VicBiest bccan
an action m replevin to secure possession
of a team of horses hold , as ho alleges ,
unlawfully , by Cornelius Vei Blest.
Hon. T. J. Louis , formerly editor of the
Braddock ( Pa. ) Sun , Is in the city visiting
his relatives. Louis is a practical coal
man and will spend some time investi
gating the coal prospects of this section.
Personal Paragraphs.
A. H. Phillips , of Nclcigh , Neb. , is in
the city.
Mrs. J. H. Yutzv , of Sioux City , is in
the city.
Major Davis , of Wahoo , was in the city
Mrs. EzraMillard and children have
gone east.
H. T. Storrs of Creston , is looking
around Omaha.
J. E. Spout and M. D. Welch of Lin
coln , are in the city.
E. Kosmvatcr has returned from a ten
day's visit to the cost.
Hoyt Sherman , the tourist's guide jour
nalist , is at the Millard.
C. O. Waters , of the Chicago Inter
Ocean is at the Millard ,
John Qtiinn , of Wood River , is in the
city with stock from his cattle ranch.
Mrs. A. W. Saxo and daughter have
gone to Marshall , Mich. , on a visit of sev
eral months1 duration.
D. J. Jamieson returned yesterday
morning from W iohita , Kas. Ho speaks
iu glowng terms of its boom.
W. H. Jackson , of the Union Pacific ,
who has been laid up for several weeks
with rheumatism , is on thn streets again.
James M. Ham , formerly auditor of
the Union Pacific railroad , arrived in
the city yesterday morning from New
Hon. M. P. Gannon , a well-known
Irish orator of Davenport. la. , was in
city yesterday on his way home from the
William Rood , of Binghamton , N. Y. ,
one of the largo cigar manufacturing
firm of Kent & Co. , is in the city.
Dr. W. C. Spalding last night left for
Chicago , where 1m will remain two
months , studying with the eminent sur
geon , Dr. Kenger.
Mrs. C. W.Eolf , a Kansas City vocalist ,
arrived in the city last night and is stop
ping with her mother , Airs. John Roomer ,
at No. 708 South Eighteenth street.
Wm. H. Brunnor , wife nnd child , con
nected with Wilson Boiler Works , leave
Thursday for Switzerland for n six
mouths' visit to relatives nnd friends.
Our Forestry Interests.
Kew 1'nili Commeietal AJvntlicr.
The department of agriculture has issued -
sued a general circular , calling for par
ticulars as to the manner in which Arbor
day was observed in the different parts
of the country this year , with a view to
forming an official estimate of the effect
which this institution bids fair to have
upon the forestry problem. The depart
ment asks for information from each
town in the state as to the number and
kiuda of trees planted on Arbor day , and
as to any other facts bearing on the mat-
tor. The information should be sent to
the "Forestry Division , Department of
Agriculture , Washington , D. C. ; " nd
we urge n general compliance with the
request of the department on the part of
the towns.
The question of the conservation ol
our forests is one of great practical im
portance. The prevalent idea that It is
mainly a sentimental question is erro
neous. The larger part of this country
was originally covered with forests.
These forests contained In thomselues the
sources of vast wealth from lumber pro
duction , anil were also of inestimable
value in regulating the supply of our
great water courses nnd In retulortne lha
Climate equable and constant. Iho for
est area , In the course of time , has been
greatly diminished , and in some sections
of the country almost obliterated. In Iho
southern states ami in some of the northwestern - i
western slates the nora of timber is still
extensive. Those who huvii read the
"Now South" curies of articles In the
Commercial Advertiser must hnyoboon
struck by the statistics therein con
tained in regard to tlio enormous
forests still standing In some of the
southern state * . Mitt thcso arc des
tined to share the fate of the northern
and eastern forests nt an early day. 1 ho
demand for lumber for building pur
poses , for railway ties , for furniture , etc. ,
is incessant and tremendous. It must bo
supplied , of courso. The world cannot
do without wood ; and unless measures
are taken to repair the losses , our native
suiiply of wood will bo exhausted before
many years , our country will bo as bare
as as n pr.iirio , our rivers will dry up ,
nnd our climate will bo greatly nnd per
manently changed for the worse.
Tlio thing to Uo is not to stop cutting
down the old trees , but to plant now
trees to grow new forest , " ? in place of
the old ones. Thus wo can have a con
stant supply to moot Iho constant de
mand , oan make inroads In our timber
acres without fear of unfortunate results ,
and can iissuro to ourselves nnd our pos
terity the continuance of an abundant
and regular water supply and an avoid
ance of violent climatic changes. Iho
syttlomntiu planting of trees should bo
considered n duty by nil citizens who re
side where tlio planting and growth of
trees is a possibility.
Defenders of Monopoly.
P/ifl < nM | > Mcfront. { .
The Now York Tribune seems to have
undertaken the task of proving to Its
readers that the Standard Oil company is
n benevolent and beneficent corporation ,
suiroring in the public estimation
through vulgar and ignorant prejudice.
The Tribune says that the millions ac
cumulated by thu Standard shareholders
only represent several times as many
millions thrust into the pockets of the
general public which would not other
wise have been there. It alleges that
the great monopoly "has so improved
the processes of refining that the prlco of
refined oil has been reuuccd from 70 to
less than 7 cents per gallon. Had the
people of this country been able to ob
tain at any price as abundant , comforta
ble and convenient light as they now
enjoy it would have cost them f4 per
capita in I860 , whereas it now costs them
loss than 40 cents per capita. That
moans an actual benefit conferred worth
1210,000,000 yearly to a present popula
tion of 00,000.000 , and if the company
which made the investments nnd took the
risks that secured this result obtains a
large return for it , who will say it didn't
deserve to ? "
Now , the fact is that the decrease in the
price of refined otl , attributed to the
Standard monopoly , has been solely
caused by the excessive production of
crude petroleum. The effort of the
Standard Oil company has constantly
been to increase the price of refined oil ,
except when it has sought to break down
competitors by temporary reductions.
It bus conspired with the railroad com
panies to monopolize the business of re
fining , and has nearly succeeded in do
ing it. Its millions uro altogether the
proceeds of robbery. It has trind to cur
tail and cripple the bounty of nature.
The Tribune turns tip the whites of its
protective eyes and asks the people to
thank the Standard company for cheap
oil , as the Press , another organ of monopoly
ely , ascribes the wonderful industrial
development in the south , not to tt < e
cheap coal , iron , limestone and ores
found near togctncr in the southern hills ,
but to the protecliuc policy , which limits
the developments of the southern Iron in
dustries by limiting the sale of the iron
product of the south within narrow ter
ritorial boundaries.
The wonderful material resources of
the United States are a natural acquire
ment and possession for which the poo-
pie are indebted to invention. That these
resources be allowed to fall into the hands
of great monopolies argues strongly
against the capacity of our government.
That such monopolies find defenders m
the public press bodes no good to the
welfare of the nation.
g ? i
HaaUUnlneM. Dr.PrietfaBaklngI
no AmmontaTilTTifl.Miim at Photphates. Dr.Prteo'a
Jtefcaeu , Y iUli , t rn.m , etc. , - '
N -I
Quickest Soiling Article Ever Invented.
PJtlCE OF DASHKK , $1.25
NeciliuoUlklnz. bulroullrls tu Proltlan
Article un the Mitrket.
OMAHA , Neb. , April 2a , 1B87. This Ute
to certify that we , the undersigned , have
this day witnessed a churning by ' The
Perfect Self Revolving Churn Dafchcrx , "
which resulted in producing Ul pounds of
fimt clans butter from one gallon of cream
in jnfct one minute and fifteen sccondi.
W. U WrUlit. proprietor "Omaha Dulryi" O. W.
Wlicclur , mtnuKor "oniiilm Dhlrri" 1'aul II. T to.
Merchant * ' National Hank ; A. I ) . Tiniiilln.Netirin'ja
National llanki I'rnr. ( jeorrfo U. llalbburn. proprietor
Onuhn Huilnoil OnlH'Ke ; " I'rof. lt J. DhiVo. tonoli-
firot MHhorthand ! llarrr Mlrrlarn , 1ltorurithl a
iJ'llYu. Uhl. "Do * " Will J. Uobbi. It. It. Ait
J.K , HT P , "World. " Funk K , ( Jrc n.-U0ral4"
Dr. . I. W. Search. I > r. J.V. . D/iJft.
Dr. a M. a. UlarU Dr. Hamilton Wnrran.
II. U. llAllrunle < tiito , J. W. llntcori , roil vitato
John Itudd , Jeweler , ChrliOrlT , furnlturd.
Stale and CountJlltjltti ; for Hale ,
1'roflts Will tiurin + ke You.
Call or write to us at once. Qu clc sales i ]
and large profiti. Very truly ,
J. W. & A. PoniA&i , Prop's.
UooBlCrouuta block. N.lCih tl. , Omaha ,