2 THE OMAHA DAILY 9EE : THURSDAY. 3VIAY 19. 1887. Washington Pastors Will Not Officiate at the Marriage of Divorced Persons , NATIONAL DRILL ENCAMPMENT. , Army Nnws Court Martinis Ne braska and Iowa Pensions Presidential Appointments National Notes. Discouraging Divorce Suits. WASIIINOTON , May 18. ( Special telc- Crain to the Bur . ] Quito a commotion hns boon caused by the expressed determination ot the Pastor's alliance of the Uhtrict of Co lumbia , to refuse to marry divorced persons , except where divorce was obtained on ac count of adultery as outlined In a UF.K special lastnlpht. All principal ministers In Washington belong to the Pastor's alliance and enthusiastically endorse the resolution adopted. For many years churchmen have been working to make moro Htrlngent laws ot marriage and divorce and also to cet con gress to enact a general law that will bo the name In all the states. The formal pas sage of this resolution to secure the co-operation of a great number ot pastors of dilferent churches la one stop toward the accomplish ment of the reform. Dr. Ulesya wall known minister hero nays he thinks that If , when a minister re fuses to marry persona , for reasons that one of them hns a husband or a wife living , ho can toll them that other pastors In the city will not perform the ceremony either. It will make people think twice before entering loosely Into marriage and divorce. Ho thinks that If people were made to understand that If they were dlvmceil , for any but one se rious cause , they could not bo married gain to any ono else , they would try mid make up their quarrels and try and eo If they con id not bee In over again and live hnppily together. While this resolution Is not oDlliratorv ho expects good moral re sults from It. The alarming number or di vorces that are granted each year , Dr. ( lelsy says , make It necessary that there should bo something done to correct the evil. Hov. John I' . Newman , best known minis ter In NVnshlngton.sald to-day : "I think the primitive causes that develop the resolution adopted , crow out of a certain party who ap peared before ono of our city pastors and de sired to bo remarried. At all events the case covered the question of divorce for Justifi able reasons. I recognize the justifiable right of separation for other causes than ndultcry , but 1 do not recognize the right of remarriage except In cases of divorce for that one cause. " The National Drill. WASHINUTO.V , May 18. [ Special Teleram to the BEE. A prettier plat of ground was never seen than that where the national drill will bo held next week. The whlto lot , which Is located Immediately south of the white house , has been enclosed by a high plank fence , and around half of It a capa cious amphitheater Is erected. This Is where the drill will take place. A third of a mile farther south and around the Washington monument la camp Washington. This looks like the site of a new frontier town , being half covered by partly finished board houses. Hero troops will be camped. Quartermasters' and other officers' quarters are nearly com pleted. The lawn Is as tine as can be , nd the weather Is charming. There Is a lake , the Potomac river , and fountains and flowers at hand , and every convemenco for comfort and plensuie has been provided. This afternoon a detail of the rccular sol diers from the arsenal , old veterans of camp and Held , put In an appearance. Each was 8lvcn a gang of men and they superintended 10 woik of pitching touts. To-morrow many of the tents will uo spread. The first to bo pitched will be those of companies first ; < expected to arrive. The Muscatlne Rifles of p Iowa will ootni ) In Friday ovoninx. The Louisiana Itllles , Vicksburg Southrons , and probably North Carolina and Texas compa nies will arrive Saturday. By Sunday nlttht it Is expected that a majority of the organi zations will bom camp , though the camp will not bo formally opened Monday. Many of these organizations will bring a thorough equipment and do their own cooking. The National RIHes.ot this clty.expoct to do their own cooking In camp. Thare will bo dally public receptions at the white house next week , to afford visitors every opportunity of seeing the president. Mrs. Cleveland In tends receiving as many who wish to see her in her private parlor as Is convenient. Military Matters. WASHINGTON , May 18. ( Special Tele gram to the Bii : . ] Captain Francis Moore , of the cavalry , has been granted two weeks' leave of absence from the Fort Leavouworth army school. Captain Joseph U. Hurst , Twelfth Infantry , has been granted fifteen days' leave from May 23. Ho Is stationed at Fort Niagara. Private John Stanley , company I , Fifteenth Infantry , has been granted two mouths' fur lough , from May US , from Fort Keogh , Mon tana. -X First Lieutenant Robert f. Bates , Eigh Xrf teenth Infantry , aldc-de-eamp to Brigadier rf General Ruger , has been appointed recorder of the retiring board at Fort Snelhng , Min nesota. Captain William Y. Rlcharda , Sixteenth Infantry , who is In chance of the construction ot post buildings at San Antonio , has been ordered to Fort llaiiccck and return on special business. First Lieutenant Lotus Miles , second ar tillery , has been appointed regimental quar termaster , to succeed First Lieutenant Sobrco Smith , and Is ordered from Jackson barracks ( Now Orleans ) to ban Augustine , Florida , to report for duty. General court martial convened to-day as follows : At Fort Monroe , with Major A. C. M. Vennlngton , Fourth artlllorv , as president and First Lieutenant K. K. Gayle , Second artillery , Jndice tulvocate. At Fort Brown , Texas , Captain Emerson U. Llscuin , .Nine teenth lutantry , president and Lieutenant S. L. U. Slocuui , Elidith cavalry judco advocate. Nebraska and Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , May 18. [ Special Telegram to the Buu.l Pensions were Issued for Nebraskans to-day as follows : Nowland Nash , Bower ; John W. Hudson , Brown- villo ; Samuel ( i. D\vlre \ , Hebron ; Sylvanus Oldlield , Uubbell ; William F. llauchctt , Pal estine. Pensions for lowans : Uebocca , widow of John A. Shay , Atlantic ; Uubecca , mother of John Fleming , Washington ; Annie E. , widow of James B. Forest , County Line ; Floience , father of William 11. Sarlit , Erne- line ; Rebecca , mother ot James A. Basoy. Lancaster ; minor * of Jeremiah J. Hanks , of Russell and Osceola ; David Manderson , Ottervlllo ; Thomas J. Pollard , Kuokuk ; Wil v liam U. ( iolilen , Manchester ; Albert 1) . Coleman , Ceil r a ; David Throne. Uttumwa ; T Joseph Hastings , Atlantic ; Jaied M. Hlnck- $ ley , Miuuiokeia ; Allen 1'ettlt. Livingston ; John W. Oxonrolder , Norwood : Jacob Babcock - r < cock , Maquoketa : Jonathan L. Ilolman Cin rr cinnati : Milton llernliy , Wilton Juuctl n ; Henry C. Hough , Moulton , Now Point * of tlio Intcr-Stnto Imw. WASHINGTON , May IS. Chairman Cooley , ot the Interstate commerce commission , In a letter to J , A. Aanley , traffic manager of the Minnesota & Northwestern railway , who had askea suspension of the long and short haul elanso. In application to certain points on bis line , presents now and Important points as to the duties and powers of the commis sion under the law , as follows : "It Is obvious that cases the law contemplates , In which tin commission Is authorized to make orders for suspension are exceptional cases. It does not state the grounds that shall warrant such ru- lief , but U plainly Intends these grounds In very case shall be special , particularly thai where only general reasons operate , tlu general law shall to loft to Its ordinary course- , however serious may bo the consequence : In particular cases and to particular road ! and Interests. It is also made plain by the ct that any order for suspension was In tended to be based upon Investigation , whlcl should satisfy the commission that the cas < was In fact exceptional ; fairly within the In tent the provision U made for relief. Tlu lurlidlcUou of the commission to make or lers Is evidently meant to be somewhat closely restricted , It rouit bo assumed that congress intended the general law , in Its mam features at least , to boa permanent law lor the country. It must , therefore , have contemplated considerable sacrifices would have to be submitted to by some parties and some Interests \\hlle the general law was being established , For very obvi ous reasons It would bo quite Impossible to Introduce considerable changes In this branch of the law which concerns - corns so Intimately the commerce country , without serious consequences to some pri vate Interests. If the law , In Its general operation , were to prove generally and equally mischievous In all directions , the commission , Instead of having greater power for that reason would , on the other hand , have no power of suspension whatever , for the simple and plain reason that there would then be no exceptional cases for It to act upontherefore no cases referred by act to Its judgment. The commission must consider in ach case what effect giving relief to one ap plicant will have upon other Interests and your knowledge of railroad matters must enable you to perceive that In some sec tions of the country granting OHO application may no effect the Interests of other roads as to create the ncceselty for a like relief to several more. The satisfaction ot one claim beguts others equally meritorious , until. If olfaro satisfied , exception becomes the rule. But when such result Is probable , reasons for declining to make any temporary order very conclusive , the commission cannot consent deliberately to enter upon the highway where , to all appearance , there be no haulm ; place within the limits of Us lawful jurisdiction. If a general suspension of the * 'Iong and short haul clause" of the statute Is not to be made by single comprehensive order , neither should the same result bo reached or approached by grantlne successive orders In Individual coses , In those views the whole commission concurs. Very respectfully yours , T. M. COOLEV , Chairman. Mrs. Cleveland. WASHINGTON , May 18. ( Special Tele gram to the BKK.J Mrs. Cleveland went out after breakfast this morning for a long drive , which was extended to Oakvlow. Just at present the surroundings of the white house are very pretty , the foliage- being per fect and the grounds gay with the brightest blossoms. Mrs. Cleveland sees few visitors those davs , as durlns the middle of the day nho devotes herself to household duties , readIng - Ing , etc. Postal Changes. WASHINGTON. May 18. [ Special Telegram to the BEK.J Henry Jasen was to-day ap pointed postmaster at Hanover , Gage county , Neb. , vice Theodore Saylor , resigned. Also thu following in Iowa : Adolf Xumhof , OneIda - Ida , Delaware county , vlco John T. Mullcr , declined ; James Holt , Sherman , Poweshlek county , vine John C. Burkes , loft tbo place ; Hnlem Morse , Volga , Clayton county , vice E. W. Griffiths , removed. The postofflces at Buck Creek , Bromer county , and Klngsbury , Gruncly county , la. , were discontinued to-day. Major Pooro's Condition. WASHINGTON , May 18. The condition ot Ben I'erley Pooro was but little changed at 10 o'clock to-night. Two consultations were held this afternoon. After the second one Dr. Baxter said : "Compared with last night he Is slightly Improved , but his condi tion Is still very critical. " Appointed Htorn Roopcr. WASHINGTON , MaylS. ISpeclal Telegram to the BEK.I The secretary of the treasury to-day appointed Daniel C. Brown , of Hast ings , a storekeeper for the Nebraska inter nal revenue district. Consul at Paris. WASHINGTON , May 18. The president to day appointed Major J. L. Uathbono of Cali fornia , consul general of the United States at Paris. Appointed neoolver of Public Money. WASHINGTON , Mayl 8. The president to-day appointed Charles C. Maglnnls , of Minnesota , receiver ot public moneys at Duluth , Minn. Grave Gleanings. WASHINGTON. May 18. Mrs. Gibson , wife ot United States Senator Gibson , of Louis iana , died last evening. Convention of Iowa Physicians. Sioux CITY , la. , May 18. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The thirty-fifth annual convention of the Iowa State Medical asso ciation convened here to-day , a large delega tlon of leading physicians from all parts ot the state being present. Dr. McClure , ot Mount Pleasant , president of the state asso ciation , occupied the chair. Mayor Clelland made the address ot welcome on behalf of the city , being followed by Dr. J. Perrln Johnson , president of the local association. President McClure responded on behalf ot the visitors. Following the addresses the regular older ot business was taken up. The minutes of the convention for 18b6 were read and approved. Dr. Farnsworth was selected as delegate to the British medical convention which meets In Dublin next September. The president delivered his annual address dur ing the afternoon session , when the regular programme of reports and papers was taken up. The convention Is a very distinguished looking one and will remain In session sev eral days. Betrayed and Forsaken. Sioux CITY , la. , May 18. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] Last night a Mrs. llol- man , of Wakefield , Neb. , arrived In the city In search of a seventeen-year-old daughter who had loft home mysteriously recently. The police succeeded In finding the girl dur- Ini ; the night In one of the lowest bagnios of the city. When confronted by her mother the girl broke down completely and begged for forgiveness. She told her story , impli cating a certain Omaha traveling man. The seducer Induced her to leave her home. They came hero , occupied a room for awhile at a leading hotel , whore they passed as man and wife. She was finally forsaken and then sought the house ot Ill-fame. Mother and daughter left for home to-day. A Victory For the Commission. DES MOINES , la. , May 18. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. ] The board of railway commissionerswore , notified to-day by the oDlcials of the Chicago Burlington & Qulncy railroad that they had reduced their rate for hauling coal to Glunwood to accord with the recent recommendation ot. tbo commission. This U the first victory for the commission under the long and short haul clause. The rate Is reduced from 81.80 per ton to 81.45. Prohibition in Iowa. DES MOINKS , May 18. The big distillery was served with notice to-day that under the ruling of the supreme court It must close up. About 37,500 gallons of beer In the vats were sei/.ott at Mattes' brewery yesterday after noon , which will bo destroyed , by advice of the attorney general , who decides that all contents of the brewery are liable to seizure , whether bearing the government st. < uips or not. | _ Long Pine's Mllltla Company. LONO I'lne , Nob. , May 18. [ Special Tele- gratm to the BEE , | A few days ago Governor ' ernor Thayer 'located ono of the new mili tary companies at Long Pine and appointed George W. Martin the enlisting officer. Last nUlit the enlisting and election ot officers occurred. There were forty privates en rolled and Frank Whlttemoie was elected captain : J. B. McArthur , first lieutenant : W. J. Courtrlght , second : Charles Ingalls , orderly sergeant ; W. L. Whlttemoro , quar termaster. Every one Interested Is going to do nil In their power to make It one of the best companies In Nebraska. Drowned in A Wash Tub. COI.UMUUS , Neb , , May 18. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK. ] Clyde , the two-year-old son of Don Benson was playing at a neigh bors to-day when he fell into a tub of rain water ana WAS drowned. The little tellow had luft his mother but a tow minutes and \nuidereil to the place where liu met his duuth. When found life was extinct Short on Whoat. CHICAGO , May 14 G. Summer Evering- hain < ! tCo. , gave notice to close out their trade to-day. It Is presumed they were caught short on wheat. Everlngham was partner of McGeogh , Ererlngham & Co. , the firm which was headed by Peter McGeogh , and which failed so disastrously when the huge McGeozh lard corner collapsed. John S. Carpenter , another board ot trade mm , was also In troublex'tals morning , Neither ot thi failures u fora largo amount , ANOTHER RUMORED CHANGE Freight Auditor Davis Said to be on Yico President Potter's ' ' 'List , " THE WORK OF INCENDARIES. A Draco of llurmwaya The Elks * Social Minnie Macldcrn The Painters' Troubles The Omalias Vfla. Another Union Pnclflc Change. It la currently reported In railroad cir cles that the scries of changes which have boon nud nro being made among the Union Pacific officials will include the head of the freight auditing douartmont. A railway official , in a position to know whereof ho speaks , states that it has al ready gone out that Mr. Potter has de cided to reorganize the freight auditing department and that the first stop toward the innovation will bo the retirement of the present auditor , David Davis. The Be of the proposed change , it Is as- ortcd , is Mr. Potter's objections to the lystom under which the affairs of Mr. Javls' department are managed. When ho present auditor came hero 'two years go ho brought with him the sya- om now in mo in the Union Pacific rolpht dopartmontwhlch ho had used on ho Grand Trunk railway , by which ho was employed before ho came to Omaha. The system , It is asserted , is u very com- nlox one , and in Its operation requires a 'arger number of clerks and sub officers han the system which was in vogue In ho Union Pacific department prior to ils connection with the department. The system under which the affairs of this department wore managed by Mr. Davis' predecessor , Mr. J. G. Tavlor , was n very simple and satisfactory 'one , and similar to that which was in use by the Burlington system under Mr. Potter's management , it is stated that Mr.Potter "las made an examination of the afl'uirs n the freight auditing department , and lias decided to reinstate the old system. By this , It is claimed , ho can carry out his policy of reducing tlio working forces in the various departments to the number actually required to perform the ork. It is stated that by the Introduc tion of the freight auditing system used by the Burlington , and formerly used by the Union Pacific , the force in the freight auditing department can bo reduced by at least fifty men. This is in the line of Mr. Potter's policy , as shown by his re duction of the superfluous forces in the general suporindendent's department. With the abandonment of the system which has been tound unsatisfactory , the removal of the father of the sy-stera Is n practically necessary accompaniment. With the reinstatement of the old system 't is also rumored that the freight and- .tor , J. G. Taylor will bo called to his old position. This rumor gains credence rorn the fact that Mr. Taylor , who is now connected with some Minnesota road , is in the city , and has been in closu connection several times with Mr. Potter. 1 ho change is promised to take effect about the first of Juno. WOU1C OP 1NCENUIAIUE9. General Crook's Itosldenco Fired Durlnc a Social Ilccaptlon. A brilliant reception that was in progress at General Crook's residence , at ho corner of Seventeenth and Davenport jtreots last night , was rudely broken up ihortly bcforo midnight by a lire which was discovered in the attic of the bulki ng. The first intimation that the merry makers had of the fire was the bursting of a volume of smoke from the upper portion of the residence. A hasty ex amination revealed a blaze in progress n the attic. A bucket brigade , com posed of gentlemen in full evening dress , was formed , but soon found that the llames were getting beyond their con trol and an alarm of lire was sent in. The department responded promptly and soon had the flames ex tinguished. The damage was principally in the ofl'ect .of the smoke and water on the furnishings of the residence and can not be accurately estimated. It will probably reach $1000. The origin of the lire is a matter ot mystorv. There was no fire used in any part of the building , except the kitchen , after 0 o'clock. A theory that the fire was the work of an incendiary and was n part of a plan for the robbery , by pickpockots.of the house and the guests , is generally believed. A few minutes before the lire was discov ered a big burly tramp was found in the hallway trying to slip from the building. Ho refused to give an account of himself and resisted attempts made to detain him. He was arrested by Oflicer John Brady ana jailed. Ho gave his name as John Kiloy but refused to explain his presence in the house. The fire caused a breaking up of the party , which was , until the lire , a most enjoyable affair , as the receptions of General and Mrs. Crook always are. LOCKING HOUNB TOGETHER. The Elks Meet In lianquet Mood- Present to A. 1) . Davenport. The following invitation was received by about 150 gentlemen in the city yes terday morning : SUBI'RISE PAHTV. OMAHA , May 10 , 1887. Dear Sir : Your presence Is desired at a presentation and collation to be given at tlio tit. Cloud cafe , 1409 Douglas street , at 10 o'clock , Wednesday evenlutr. May 18 , 1887. Yours truly , D.V. . VAW Coxr. In response , 110 gentlemen , of whom 100 were Elks , gathered at the St. Cloud cafe at 10 o'clock last evening and sat down to enjoy n carefully prepared menu and the intellectual treat afforded by the happy responses to the following toasts : Toast master's greeting ! A ireueral welcome to this homo Salutes yo all : This night 1 dedicate To fair content , and you : Koiie here , 1 hope , In all this noble bevy , has brought with him One care abroad : 1 would have all as racrry As lirst-Rood company. Good wlneVj ( , good welcome , Can make good people. By Hon. Wm. F. Bochol. Presentation and address : 1 count myself In nothing clac so happy , As In a soul romemb'rlng my good fi lends. By Mr , John Frauois. Toast Brotherly Lovo. Hand Grasps hand , eye lights eye In good friend ship , And great hearts expand , And tcrow one In the sense ol this world's life. Response General E , K. Sthnson , Toast "Tho Journalist. " Ot all those arts In which tlio wUo excel , Nature's chief masterpiece U writing well. Response Mr. O. II. Rothacker. Vocal Solo , "Hero's a Health to King Charles. " Mr. Isidore Braggiatti. Toast "Tho Benedicts. " Grave authors say , and witty poets sing , That honest wedlock Is a glorious thlnx * Response , Mr. I. W. Miner. Toa3t-"Tho Should all despair That have revolted wives , the tenth ot man kind Would hang themselves. Response. Mr. > V , C. Gregory , Toast-"Tho Babies. " Behold the child , br nature's kindly lair , Pleased with a rattle , tickled with a straw. Reaponso , Mr , Charles H. Howard. ToMt-"Politlcs. ' Forebear , you things That stand upon the ) > lnnnclcs of state , Toboast your sllpifcry liclnlitl when you do You < insh yourselves In pieces , no'crto rise : And ho that lend ) you pity Is not wise. Response , Mr.-B \Voodbrldge. . Toast "Our Absent Brothers. " Tim faults ot our brothers wo will wrtto uuon the sand ; f i Their virtues upon the tablets of love and memoiy. „ i Response , Hori , Wm. F. Bechcl. Toast "Our Glic t. " His life Is ccntlfe and the elements So mixed In him , that nature might stand up And any to the wnrkl , "This is a man 1" Response , Mr. C. K. Babcock. Vocal Bolo , "OncoMoro Wo Meet , " Air. N. M. Briglmm. Toast--nMuslc. " - - . If music bo the food of love , play on ; Olve mo oxcusi ot It. Response , Mr. Isidore Braggiotti , Toast "Lovo. " Sweet coed nlchtl This bud of love by summer's ripening breath , Mny prove a beauteous flower when next wo meet. Response , Mr. E. C. Snydor. Toast "The Ladles. " O fairest of creation I last and best Of all ( lod's works I creature In whom ox- cell'd Whatever can to sight or thought fo form'd lloly , iltvlno , good , amiable , or sweet I Response , Mr. K. M. Bartlott. Recitation , Mr. Kdward Lurkin. Toast "Tho Humorist. " Great wits are sure to mud ness near allied , And thin partitions do their bounds divide. Response , Mr. Will Vlssoher. Toast "Front. " I will take mine case In mine Inn. gjRosponso , Mr. C. C. Hulett. Toast "Tho Elks. " Great souls by Instinct to each other turn , Demand alliance , and in friendship burn. Response , Mr. Humphrey J. Moyulhan. Recitation Mr. Charles B. Ott. Vocal Duett "On Mossy Banks , " Messrs Bragglalti and Brlgham. Toast "Charity. " In faith and hope the world will disagree , JJut all mankind's concern Is charity ; All must bj falsa that thwart this ouo great end , And all of God , that bless mankind , or mend. Response. General J. E. Smith. Toast "Justice. " I'olso the cause In justice's equal scales. Whoso beam stands sure , whose rightful cause prevails. Response , Mr. M. S. Lindsay. Toast "ridelity. " O , licavmi 1 were man But constant , ho were perfect ; that ouo error Fills him with fanl' makes him run through all the sins. Response , Mr. Sidney Smith. QTho banquet was In reality a surprise party to Mr. A. B. Davenport , and the still greater surprise was to followwhich was a sequence to the presentation address - dross by Mr. John Francis when ho handed to Mr. Davenport , who is known ns the very urbane oork ( of the Millard hotel , a magnificent solitaire scarf pin. The diamond is 5fr carets weight and is vulucd at $750. Mr. Davenport was so completely surprised and overcome by emotion that ho coqld say but a few heartfelt words in , response. The occasion was the most delightful of the many which.the Elks have made famous in this city ( and will long be en shrined on memory's tablets in the hearts of all who enjoyed it. THE TKOO * p'IN [ WXOMINQ. A Cltlznii of Tlint , Territory Expresses Ills Mind Concerning It. In a talk with a Wyoming man yester day a reporter learned that the senti ment of the people in the territory is that the president dooprt-t know anything about Wyoming. While it is true that a good many acres of land are fenced illig- ally , and while the owners of the fences have not , in instances , complied with the president's proclamation , there is no dis position to dispute or impede the de struction of such fences by the author ized government agents and suoh a thing as military force is neither needed nor excusable. The Wyomingiccs fcol that the special assignment of a company of cavalry to Cheyenne to accompany gov ernment agents on the fence cutting raids of the latter , which are evidently contemplated , is an insult to their patri otism and far more likely to provoke than to repress opposition. "I should not bo surprised , " continued the speaker"if the troop of cavalrv will bo worried consid erably. In the first place , the cowman of the plains has as little rospcct for the regular army ns the average Indian has. The cavalry are not adapted to the work of riding over the long stretches between water in some parts of the territory. They are equipped witli horses that have no adaptability to that kind of service. The broncho Is the only cquino beast which can bo used to advantage there. Ho is little and of unly disposition , but ho can live longer on a mouthful of bunch grass and go farther and lay down and roll in the ecstacy of good spirits at the end of a fifty miles run than three Oregon gen or American horses. The broncho will not bo used in cavalry service because - cause ho don't look well on dress parade , But ho has the faculty of living on air , which the American horse hasn't. "When I say that the troopers will bo worried , I don't mean that any of thorn will be shot at. But they will bo both ered in ways that the cowboy knows how to use , which will be indirect , but not the less oflcctual. "Tho cowboy hlmsolf doesn't care how many fences are cut. Ho is rather glad of it. But there are largo outfits which have great tracts fenced , and , of course , the cowboy works under orders the same as anybody. I don't think the troops will do any moro than the govern ment officials could have done had they once started in , and it gives Wyoming a bad reputation to have it telegraphed abroad that it's necessary to BOIIU troops out there. All the owners of fences have done is to say in response to the presi dent's proclamation : 'If you want those wires cut down attd . 'these posts dug up , do it yourself. ' Np\Vyominfj , \ man is ma fool enough to think uthat ho could tighi the United States government. But such fool performances as this by the presi dent don't make any bettor lovers of the administration of thorn.1' THEIR TItOUIU. < IS9 NOT SETTLED. The Muster Painters Meet and Pass ItoaotufiortN. A meeting of MuL Master Painters' association was held last night in the rooms over Morroll's ' pharmacy on Six tcenth street. Thotmoeting was largely attended and the question of their trouble with their employes discussed at length. The result , ofc the meeting is sot forth in the following resolution : Resolved , By the Master Painters' assocl atlon , In reply to a request from the Strikers for a new proposition , that , having offered to submit the differences In dispute between employer and employe to arbitration , wo have done all that can with reason be re quired , and our proposition having been unanimously rejected by the executive com mlttee , we do now refer the matter to each employer to settle with his former employes as he thinks best. Inviting the men to return to their work and agreeing to give them aa ( air terms as the prices we are now geottlng for work will allow , and as objection wemslo be made to the card system , we are willing to dispense with It It so desired , ana request that this resolution be road by the executive commit- tea to the assembly , willing to rely upon thslr good Judgment to take action thereon. Matter Palmers In Session-Henry Leh mann , P. Wlndhelm , W. F. Clark , H. A , Boston , A. M. Clark , T. J. Board & Uro. , Charles J. Johnson , 11 , O. Meyers & Co. , Beard ft Otis. SlorgeH & Hosonzwelg , E G. RjUjr , 0. J- Hunt , Collins Jordan. AMUSEMENTS. MliS Maddern and Her Company In Hobcccn , At lloytl'8. Last evening Miss Minnie Maddcrn an- ) eiircd at Boyd's. opera house , in "Mis ? ilobecca ; or a Matter of Business , " The > icci ) Is n translation from the German , by Louis Koch , loading man of the Cor- ! nan Theater company , of this city. The play Is not adapted to Miss Mad- lorn , Neither U Miss Muddorn adapted o It. She has very little to do , and that Ittle might be done as well as it needs 10 done liy an actress who does not essay loading roles. The piece lacks the refine- nont which has clmracterl/.ed Miss Maddorn's latest plnvs those in v/hieh she has afforded our poo- Die the greatest entertainment. It can scarcely bo understood why Miss Maddorn should attempt a piece , avow edly of the alleged "farcical-comedy" order , with but few effective situations , and with no more ennobling or inspiring motive than to create merriment over the suspicion on the part of n wife of the do- votton of her husband. In attaining this climax a great deal has to bo said and n great deal to bo done in which the audi ence find little to interest thorn. The actors struggled , but without sue- jess. None of them seemed to appreci ate their parts and nonoof them hail per fectly memorized their lines. Their act ing as a consequence was little moro than a poor rehearsal. For a voice and limb company there is foundation in Mr. Kach's translation for a successful piece , but some attention must bo paid to the contlnuty of the plot .xnd the retouching of the characters. MANAnr.u Horn's IIKNKFIT. The benefit to Manager Boyd , of the ) pcra house , will take place to-night. Nliiinio Maddorn and company will present - sent "Caprice. " The popularity of Mana ger Boyd and the charming little actress who appears on the occasion of his bone- Tit , should bo sulHoicnt to pack the Boyd From parquet to gallery. If the goni.il manager's friends turn out en masse the linanelal success of the performance is as certain as is the fact that artistically it will bo all that could bo asked. Birthday Present. Last evening Colonnl A. H. Forbes was presented with a costly gold headed cano i > y Mr. II. M. Rothory. The event oo- Mirrcd nt the lattcr's place of business on Dodge street. Mr. Henry Parrish made iho presentation speech , referring to the 3olonel's thirty-eighth birthday and other facts in his life in a neat and eloquent manner. Colonel Forbes replied with thanks for the gift and although taken completely by surprise ho talked in n strong mm amiable manner. A bounti ful repast was furnished by Messrs. Ed ward and H. M. Rothory , after the cano presentation , of which over two hundred musts partook. Speeches were made by Prof. Miller , P. Counolloy nud others. The festivities were continued until mid night. _ _ _ _ _ The Onuxhfts Victorious , Tlio Omaha ball club played their first game with Kansas City yesterday , de feating the Kaw sluggers by a score of 10 to 7. Healy occupied "the box and pitched n splendid gamp. The Omahas ploy two moro games with Kansas City and three each at St. Joe , Loivvonworth and Topeka before they return home. ftlnzzln the Dog. Betty Grecnblatt began an action for damages in the district court yesterday against M. Hanson. The plaintiff alleges that on the 7th of May. 18G7 , Hansen set a very vicious dog , of which ho is the owner , upon her boy , aged thirteen years. The boy was bitten badly , for which the plaintiff asks $4,000 damages. C. 8. Hpecinl Taxes. Thus far In the month , Collector Calhoun has Issued 10,000 special tax receipts to deal ers In liquor and tobacco In this district. By the end of the month , the number , probably will liave Increased to 12,000. An Old Resident Gone. William Rider , an old resident of Omaha , died at Wahoo on Monday evening of ape plexy. Deceased was aged seventy-seven years and six months. The funeral will take place to-day at 11 o'clock , the remains going from the train to Prospect liill cemetery. Solo of Dloodcd Stock. CLEVELAND , May 18. At the Faslc sale yesterday , slxty-ono horses sold for 39,000. Big Fannie , the bay mare , was sold to K. M. JilcGlllin , of this city , for 53,100. She has a record of 2:20K. : Lulo It , black geldlncr , with a record of 2:30 : } , was sold to K. T. Hans , of Jamestown , Pa. , for 81,185. Waddell , standard bay stallion , live years old , was boil nil t by Ccorge Forbes , of this city , for sajflrOO. Ossidine , foaled In 18S3 and sired t > y Jlambrlno , was knocked down to 11. S. Daney & Uro. , of Plttsburfr , for $ t,2T > 0. John Huntlnetnn , standard oil millionaire , bought Lottie K. for 82,500. She hasaioc- ordof3'JfiK : and was foaled In 1070 , Ward Medium , with record of 2:2. : ' ) , sired by Happy medium , wastaken by M. 11. Warren , of. Corry , Po. , for 81,835. Western Unitarian Conference. CHICAGO , May 18.- The first business meeting of tlie"thlrty-tliird annual session of the Western Unitarian conference was held to-day. The attendance was quite largo , be tween fifty and sixty societies being repre sented. The session opened with devotional exorcises , led by Hev. S. S. Hunting , ot Des Molnes , Hou. U. L. Sherlcy occupying the chair. An address of welcome to the dele gates was delivered by Rev. Jonkln Lloyd .lonos. which was feelingly responded to by President Shorey. Hev. J. It. Kfllnger , the secretary , then submitted a voluminous re port , which was listened to with great in terest. FOR MAN AND BEAST. 3 Jlorgouion AVho Use it/ E. A. BUCK , Esq. , Ml- Oen'l Hurt's INIUILS , Qimrtcrmiuter den- New York , N. Y. oral U , ti. R. 8. WlTHCRB , Esq. , JAMES 0. DBVOS , Esq. , Fair Lawn a took- Dealer in Horses , Farm , Lexington , Ky Jackson , Mlcli. Hon. Oorw BOWIE , Frost. Md. Jockey Proprietor Pacific Club , ez-Gov. , JUs. Carriage- . , U Pow ell Street , fiiiu Fran Dr. WM. A. BOULA , I ) . cisco , Col. V , 8. , Brd Ave. U. It. Stables , N. Y. S.E.IlENNKTT.Esq. ( David CtmlckACo ; ) Joi. CAIRN SIMPSON , I'tlllatlclplila , I'n. Esq. , Secretary I'a- clflc Coast Blood M. LEWIS CI.AHK , KM. , U.OTSC Association. Prc t.Loiili\illcKy. Jockey Club , J , P. KBiiausoN j I' 'i-i late fcioc. M < 1. Jockey \VMI.STUnTEVANT Club. Club Htalilcn , 28th St. , New York. N. Y. Club Stnblcs , If. ARMI. Ksq.,8tables , K. 28th atrcet , N. V. Toledo , , Obio. W. .O. . , CVKL'3 H. COLVIN.Ksq. finn J lcgo , Cnl. , Co- Fine Horses , Ijincuii- romiR'lo ' , IltacU Co. tcr , tti. H. II. MASON , Esq. , Em E.O.WAI.KKR.TrottliiK pire Stablcn.Saiu St. , Editor Spirit oj tfie New York. 'itmtt , Now York. NOBLK THOMPSON , L.8.nnEWrsfi.rrop. Stable , 139J llroa - American Hotel , way , New York , Burlington , Vt. FOB HOMES * rD CATTLE. For Cut , Swell- iogi , BrulMs. Spralni. Ktralns , Ijimuiess , EtltT- ueii , Galli , Cracked HccN ouu Hcratclies , Con tractions of tbo Musclus , Flesh i , BtrlnBhalt , Bore Throat , Dlstoinpcr , Colic , Whitlow , Poll Kvll , Fistula nnaTumore.SplinUi , Ringbones , and Spavin In It * early btagcs , apjily BT.JACUM OIL In accordance nltii th dictates of common eenic , rubbing the part * BtillctoJ thoroughly with the hand , or apply a piece of flannel tnmratcj with Uie OIL. Kor raw sur faces dlluto with water. It U especially useful /or Foot-Hot in Sheep , promptly relieving , and always curing that dangerous disease. Sold by Druggist ! and Dealers everywhere. Priced fly cent * . THI OUHUf I A. VOOELER CO. , Biltlraore , Hi , K.tl MMK. * k A V * * A % nCiURKmV ' ' produced from twelve pow. RAlL'ROAU RtmfeUY crful vegetable Ingredient * , , q wonderful results known to the medical world inanlmuatet ! m to produce the most Ion U both sure and speedy , KMn Instant icllcf fiom every pain nm laorc KM lo which llcsb U heir. A positive cure for Croup , Catarrh , Diarrhoea , Clio- Icra Morbus , Colds , Sere Throat and I.UMRS ; RHEUMATISM In their worst forms ; Headache , TootJiaclio , Karaohc , Side. Kurains. Cuts , Bruises , Burns , Scalds , Corns , Frost Bites. We make no claim for this Remedy but liat lumdrcds ol testimo nials of the i highest character have established. We publish the follow Ing t lion. K. P. UIXKICN , Secretary of SUtc , sa > < : "I have kept a supply of U.illro.nl m-mc.ly on han < "c . I fotm.1 It all tu rcprc5enCJ ! , and cheerfully ' ( " " Lincoln. tor In my family. > , \1"j"jJVj\VKN \ { [ \ , . Ncl , . I have used lUlroi.l ! llcmcdy lor rheumatism , | iin | In the back ami KlJncj. , oml hive found Imme. male in- . . I consider It the uK lre.uMo . , " " - ' " " . . . . . * ' , jscormK.i NATK SQUlllIiS Bxp Me , ' > CO. .uy. , nurv , ± h & : rtt ScSfei iffi hcaJncho In halt an hour. In colic , tore throat , wound * ml burns , ' ' { " .J-hyAJj " ' „ * " Nell ! ? it In my family nlir.imili.m ; could not walk ; .I/medicine failed lo 'ri-lli.AC in'y sulTcr. 1 ontir"1C-l---- , IIEMKDY , and w.i.cnllrely cured In Ihrcc weeks. I Balncd 30 poumlt MUsion , Kansa , Over 2,000 locates cured. For sale by nil first clnfs druggists. Trudo supplied by Hlch- Hrdson UrtiK Company , Oinnhn. FIRE-PROOF. is the perfected form of portable Hoofing , manufactured by rut for the past twenty-seven years , and is now in use upon roofs of Factories , Foundries , Cotton Gins , Chemical "Worlca , liailroad Bridges , Care , Steamboat Docks , etc. , in nil parts of the world. Supplied ready for use , in rolls containing 200 square feet , and weighs with Asbestos Roof Coating , about 85 pounds to 100. square feet. Is adapted for all climates and can bo readily applied by unskilled workmen. ' Samples and Descriptive Price List free by mail. H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO. , n.Vf. John * ' Fire milWator-l'roof Asbestos Sheathing , UiilldlnR Felt , Albettos Steam Packings , Iloller Coverings , Liquid ratals , Flre-1'roof Paints , etc , VULCABESTONi Mou' < le < 1 Vision-Rod Pocking , ningi , anskets , Sheet Packing , eta. e.0hiish.d man. 175 RANDOLPH ST. . CHICAGO. * . jmuBau . For Sale by Chicago Lumber Co. , Omaha , Neb. , and Council Bluffs , Iowa. New Model LawnMower Five Slzfg. Will cut higher grass than any other. Has no equal for simplicity , durability anil case of operation. This is the latest Improved Ma chine in the Market. Low I'rlces. Send for circulars. PHIL STIMMEL & CO. OMAHA , JfJUUJtASKA. State Agentn for Porter' Haying Tool and Jobbers of Binding Twine * ILAI , And many other complaints cured by EVIDENCE OF 1887 A Prominent Buffalo Physician gays : nuri'Ai.o. N , v. , Kob. M , m Drllorno , Chicago , III. I > ir Sir : Ills eomothini unusual for one oil ho moillcnl profo slon to Indorse mi mlvortlsoc. article ; yell tuko pleasure In Inform' Inxyau that ono of jrour Klurtrlc licit * cured mo of rheumatlKm , from which I hnd fuITered iycara. I liavo recommended Tour Invention to nt lout forty of my imtlents BurrerliiB with chronic cllieaaiof vn- rloux kinds , rlzt I'alnltii'lon of the heart , nervous debility , vpllcpjT , rieiiraiitl rn , pain In the buck nml kMncvs etc. , etc. , etc. All li'ivo purchased unit worn Ilium with most ( gratifying rmulta. I cm highly recommend your Kloctrlc llcltj aa posaoaslru great merit. Fraternally yours , L. I ) . Jlc.MiniAKI , , St. U ( V ? Nlagira-st : A ClilcflffO PhlHidan Says , Dr Home Dour Sir : 1 huvd unoil uoveral kind i of mttunptlc nnd Kluctrle Halts on imllentiuml mrsolf. 1 cHn hono' < tlT clvo the proferencj to yours , by nil odds , llcnco I canamlilo recommend yours over all others. Vonrs fraternally , J. II. JOHDON. M l > , Jan u. 1357. omcourr ; Huuo- . . CMC tan A Physician Says. All of My Patient are Satisfied. A , NBH. , Jan 31 , 1837 firW.J. Home , Inventor Dear Sir : I rocnmmanl your Klectrlo Belli to nil nhn suffer with any norroai trouble , nil ? chronic liver or kidney < llsoaio . Allot my patient * that nro using your Kloctrlc Holts ana Batlsdod. fraternally. M. IMwrHT. M I ) . 1'hjrslclan and Surgeon A Minister of the German Evangelical IChurcli , Says : I.KIOHTON , Alloxun Co. , Mlrh. , KebS , 1W Dr. W. J. II > rne. Chlcngo , UI-lMar Sir : Your Klcctric Holla do all you clulm. Ono of them helueU meof ily pcpslii , constipation anil gonnral debility. I would Ilko to Introduce your nee < tx here. Will you let mo hava the acme ? for tills towiisbl | > 7l > le s < ulve yourtenni. 1 unit he minister of the Herman evangelical Church of I.eik'liton. lleujwcifullr. llrV.I.OUJHUHUMM , Residence , Mlilillevlllo , Hurry county , Midi. Neuralgia of the Stomach Cured. CiirHr.NUT. Il.t.Jan. 10.1W Dr. Homo Dear Sir : 1 win lutriTliu with neural el tof the stoinuch. unit me.lk'lMOseeim'rt to hiivo no ciructiercn morplilnadlil notratloro mil much , Thu nttitck would betln ! every evening nhmit nlna o'clock anil last RboutHlx hours , lnontforonBof yuurKI eg trio llolln , not It and put It on. und Invu'l had th leait symptom of nuuralgla slnco. Inui well pleaio YOUM truly , A.Q. HAHCOUIIT _ Dr. W. J. IIO11NR , 191 Wabash-a venue Chicago. Solo Inventor , poI'rtotiK a.il M laiituttir 0- . fend etamii forcatlozn. DR81. & D.DAYIESON 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis Mo. 17-12 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado , Of thu Missouri State Museum of Anatomy , St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giescn , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nervous , Chronic and DISEASES , More espcci ally thse arising from impru dence , invite all so buffering to correspond without delay. Diseases ol infection and contagion cured safely nnd speedily _ without - out detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Pa tients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms * All letters receive immediate attention. puBLI8HBD > And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. ' 'Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added an ' Essay on Marriage , " with Important chap ters on Diseases of the Reproductive Or gans , the whole forming a valuable medical treatise which should be read by all younjj n < ' DRSr.eB.&D.DAVIESON , 1742 Lawrence St. , Denver , Colorado. 1707 Olive St. , St. Lpui , Mo. TRIED ix too CRUCIBLE. About twenty years ego I discovered a little core on my cheek , and the doctors pronounced It oncer. I hare tried o number of phjelclaiu , but \rtlliout rcoclrlng any permanent benefit. Among the number were oneor two specialist * . Tbo medicine they applied was Ilko flro to the sere , causing Interne pain. I saw a statement In the papers telling what S. S. S. liiul done for others similarly afflicted. I procured some at once. Deforo I had used the eccond bottle the r neighbors could notice that my cancer wu healing up. My general health had been bad for two or thrco years Iliad a backing cough and spit blood continually. I had a Bercra pain In my brcoit. After taking six bottles of 8. a B. my cough left mo nnd I grew stoater than I bad been for soreral years. Hy cancer has healed over all but ft little > pot about the sire of a half dime , and It Is rapidly disappear ing. I would advlio every one-vltli cancer to glroB. 8. an fair trial. Mus. NANCT J. HcCONATJQIIET , Aiho Orove , Tlt > pcoano Co. , Ind. Fob. K , last. RwlftM Bpoclflo Is entirely vegetable , and teems to cure canccri by forcing out the Impu rities from the blood. Treatise on Dlood and Skin DUeoies mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , , DRAWER 3 , ATLANTA , OA. KJBYSTONE MALT WHISKEY Hpetlnllr DUtllltd for MedlelBul U e. TH BEST TONIC ! UNEQUALEDfor CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DIDILITT. PERFECTSJIQESTION PR. TOTT. I. . WAI. UNO , Bur genii In Cbirf , National Uimrc of N.J.wr1tMi "Mr attention WM calif d k your Kejiton * Mult WliliVej b ] tit. Ulor , Dnugtit , uf Trenton and I liavo mod a f w IxjtUor with far bttltr eff.ct than any 'i line dad. I am rrcormnemUnt ' Tour artlclo In iny practice , aoi 'find II ry Mtlntactory. " ( l.niiln , tu IU h T : -icll ! a Zett ! * . " " " > ESSNER * MENDELSOH , IBo'e AftnU fur Ikf U , M. ) 316. 318 and 320 R&c St. , Philadelphia. P.i , loodman DmP Co. Gnnl.AKonts.Omnha Nebra ka. FOB SALE. A f ull Wooded Normnn und n timrougtifcred Cnhcnund WiiKnor Clny. Cnlion was imported liv DcKHn llrothor * . Ottawa , lit. , Id IT ImotH hlKMi Klrth 7 feet a Inches , and wciKha IW)0 ) Ibs : ho mm n record for licuvy horses of 1 inlii- titoi. Clay , a thoroughbred trotilntr clulllon , mid registered in Amurlunn Ktud llooif , Is a chestnut 111 hand * lilKli , weight 120J. Al o H registered Clay colt. I'nr particular * , luMrvun T. II. liAKNKS , Box 80T , Uiunlm , Nob. DREXEL < fc HAUL , Successors to Jno. ( J. Jacobs , AM > At tlio oldstana 1407 t'aruara st. Order * bytolegraph solicited and ojrorautlr at- Uaded to. Telephone No. 235.