Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1887, Image 1

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    > 'J v Vr -
An Infuriated Orowd of Orangemen Pursue
Him Through the Streets.
Policemen Htixnd lly ami
Odor No Protection The Irish
1'ntrlol Ksciipes Without
Serious Injury.
TucBilny Nljiht's Wltul-Up.
Tono.NTo , May 13. ( Special Telegram to
the BIK.I : It was not until at a very late
hour last night that the streets of Toronto
assumed their usual quietude. After mid-
nleht crowds of loyalists paraded the streets ,
Binglng , shouting and letting elf fire crackers.
Orangemen's banners and hastily Impro
vised Union Jacks mounted on walking
Btlcks and umbrella handles were being
nourished and waved in all directions , and
shouts of "Long Live Lansdowne , " "To
Hell Wi h O'Brien1 "God Save the Queen , "
etc. , filled tlio air. About 0 o'clock p. m. the
Young Britons' life and drum band marched
'down Yon go street , followed by a largo
crowd , and stopped In front of the Knssia
house , where O'Hi leu was being banqueted.
Here they exhibited their lung power lor
nbout half an hour In discoursing such af
fairs as the "Protestant Boy" and "Boyno
AVater , " but finding no ono took
any notice of them and that there
was not any likelihood of a row , they
marched down by the office ot the
Toronto Mall , which tnoy Kcrcnndcd and
cheered. Passing the News office , whlo.i Is
strongly In sympathy with O'Brien , the
crowd hooted anl : hissed and croaned , but
no violence ensued. Lansdowne managed
to have business out In the streets at this
late hour , and by a curious coincidence his
carriage and pair happened to bo driving
along VOIIKO street just as the mob was
marching down It. His driver was of course
Instantly recognized , the horses were un-
liilched and the carriage drawn by the crowd
to the government house , where the repre
sentative of loyalty stood baieheaded and
was Instantly surrounded by his noisy body
When O'Brlcn came down to breakfast
this morning he was fresh for another tiay.
1'iles of telegrams from New Yoik , Boston.
Atlanta , Ga. , and nmny other states , as well
as several piovlnces of the Dominion ,
awaited his perusal. Everywhere the news
of ycsteidav's disgraceful proceedings of
Landowno's sympathl/ers aio regarded as a
a victory for O'Hrien'H cause. Among the
telegrams ot congratulations was one from
Jauics Gordon Bennett , of Now York , who
expressed himself of the belief that the
crusade iiL'alnst Lansdowne has been Im
mensely strengthened by yesterday's work.
O'Hrlcn chatted ( rcely with your corre
spondent. "At last 1 hove biought Lor
Lansdownelaco to taco with mo , and I think
the verdict ot the woiId will bo that I have
not got tlio worst of It. "
TOHONTO , . May 18. ( Press. ] The In
curslon of O'Brien , the Irish agitator , seems
to have changed the whole face of Canadian
politics , and , It is thought , will have an Im
portant bearing on the future of parties and
politics In the Dominion. The Catholics ,
who spoke regretfully in regard to the Fo-
nlan Invasion of twenty years ago , don
speak so now , and the Orangemen , who
talked in a determined manner about
O'Brien's "invasion , " say. that If ho
attempted to speak hero axaln ho woul
probably pay the penalty with his life.
The Orangemen seem to teel that they have
committed a blunder , not In having attacked
the speakers and in disturbing the meeting ,
but In not having done so half well enough.
As cvldcoco that the Orangemen are not
solid against him O'Brien furnished for pub
lication to-day , with the remark , "Look at
that , boys , tlio most powerful Indictment
that has yet been drawn up against Lans-
ilownoand his rowdy defenders , and the
most complete vindication of my action In
the matter , " a letter from an Orangeman
sinned "Acosoii.'Mn which O'Brien Is upheld
and the action of Lansdowne denounced.
At half past 8 o'clock President J. A. Mil-
llean , of tlie local branch of the National
league , called at the hotel and asked O'Brien
to go out and have a walk , D. P. Cahlll ,
Dennis Kllbrlde , the evicted tenant , and J.
N. Wall , .special correspondent of the New
Yoik Tribune , were present and suggested
that It would not bo prudent to venture out ,
as darKnrss had fallen and a crowd
of about 200 rowdies had gath
ered around the hotel , hissing , hooting ana
groaning. O'Brien , however , persisted In
going. The crowd grew in numbers and
turbulenlo and surged to the very spot where
O'Brien and others wore standing. They
troaned and hissed Into O'Bilen's face anil
gave vent to such cries as "Away , traitor , "
"Down With the Dynamiter , " and "God
Save the Queen. " A riot seemed
Imminent , as the Oranuemcn were
armed with stout sticks , just as they
were at tlie meeting in Queen's Park ,
they came up to O'Brit-n as ho strode along
York street and jostled against him , making
several attempts to strike him on the head
with their sticks. Ho dodged the blows ,
however , and his friends rallied around him ,
but they were as one to fifty. Two police
men stood near , but made no effort to dis
perse the mob. As the party turned Into
Bay street Cahlll had his hat knocked off br
A stone. Now the Orangemen began their
real attack , for Bay street furnished a good
opportunity , being covered almost with
broken bricks and cobble stones. O'Bilcn
, ) Hd on a tall hat , which turnlshed a good tar-
ret. Wall was on his right and Kllbrlde and
Mulligan was on his left. "Look out ,
U'iirlen , " shouted Wall , "stouesaio coming :
Us Belfast over airaln. " "Oh , It's all
right , " replied O'Brien , "It would bo
better for Lansdowne If they lot
tis alone. " As ho spoke a volley of bricks
and stones came ( lying fiom the Orangemen ,
missing their heads hut knocking the olas-
terinf off the adjacent wall. Shouts of "To
liell with the pope , " "Kill the trailer , " so on
rose above the din. The O'Brien party were
still on the sidewalk and Orange
men thronging the sheets. D. T.
Kulley , a reporter of the New York
Sun , now rushed bchslid O'Brien and was
about to warn him , when a stone struck
O'Brien's hat and knocked It olf. " O'BiIen
stooped his Iii-ad , and Wall , uho was stand
ing by his side , lifted his head to IOOK In the
direction whence the missiles came , when a
huge stone struck him on the side of the
head and tumbled him heels ovei
head. Huwas can led Into a drug store ,
whern his wounds were dressed. O'Brien
attempted to take relugo In Sharp's laundry ,
and falling In that , rushed Into a bicycle
stora adjoining. A volley of stones shat
tered the windows and the mob burst Into
the store , jelling like demons , and showeird
missiles In the diieetlon inUilch O'Brlon
was. Some ladles and old women screamed
and fainted , \\lillo the mob tumbled
pell mell over the machinery , smashing them
one against Urn other In savace fury , and
amid cries of "Kill the traitors , " "Han
him , " "Lansdowno forever. " O'Brlon , however
over , was safely led away by an
officer and reached the hotel In
safety. Calilll was knocked down and
received two cuts and moro than
a score of other persons were Injured. The
mob now seemed satisfied.
Treasurer Tcofy , of the local branch of the
Icngup. sent the following telegram to lead'
crs In Mew Vork and Chlcaco :
"O'Brlon was mobbed In the streets of To
ronto by Orangemen. J. M. Wall , of tin
Now York Tribune , was seriously wounded. '
O'Bileu said to an Associated press repre
sentative : "Lansdowne has now done lih
worst. Ills policemen absolutely sur
rendered us to the mob , and had wo not taket
refuge In a bicycle shop we would havi
been killed. " O'Brien will speak Ir
Ottawa to-morrow and in Kluiston Friday
O'Brien spent the dav visiting several Oath
olio Institutions in this city. Ho declares to
night that ho will certainly go to St. Cathci
ines , and the more the Orangemen oppos
him the longer ho will stay In Canada.
Injunction AK l'itit Iho Western tinloi
NEW YOUK , May 18. Colonel J. II. Hell I
applied for an injunction against the. Wesl
cm Union to prevent the Issue of. bonds Int
which the guarantee obligations of the com
par.y are refunded , and astcs to have th
extra Issue ot 91,200,000 now stock to take u
dividend btripU declared Illegal.
> , * . - -
Positive. Assurance That the I'lumed
K nluht Will Sntl In June.
Niw YOUK , May 18. [ Speclal Telegram
to the iiKiA : | New York special from Au
gusta , Me. , to the World says : Mr. Blalne ,
accompanied by Joe Marluy , Governor Bod-
well and Attorney General Orvlllo D. Baker ,
returned heroMonday afternoon after nearly
a week's trip to Bar Harbor and Mount De -
ert. Yesterday U was officially announced
for the first time that Blaluo has finally de
cided to go to Europe this summer. When
the party left hero last week Blalno said that
the report that ho had entragcd passage on a
steamer to sail fron New Yoik June I , was
untrue. Ho now , however , says Ids plans
have been made and that ho will go abroad
early next month. Ills decsllon
was made while at Bar Harbor with
tlio well known lieutenant who went with
him. The reason assigned by Blalno for his
tripacoss : the waters Is poor health and
much needed rest. This no doubt Is ono of
the reasons whv the Maine statesman \ylll
travel. Since his sickness In the \\est Blalno
has been thoroughly alarmed about his
health. At the time h was stricken ho lost
his courage and insisted that a physician bo
sent lor from St. Louis. Although lie recov
ered quickly and Colonel Coppinger and his
wife urged him to remain at the fort , Blalno
would not listen to them and hiuricd back to
his homo at Augusta. His physicians as
sured him there was no danger. Since his
return hero from tlio west Blalno has taken
care to say nothing publicly about his alarm
tor his health. His family physician
drops In to see him nearly every dayr The
doctor , who has talked with Blalno's physi
cian , and who sees him almost dally , says :
"Blalno Is the must trlghtcucd nn.u alive ,
but ho Is no moro sick than I am. What
signs of sickness can bo observed are attrib
uted by his irloiids to his constant worry.
Blaine's friends have been opposed to UIH
Idea ot going abroad , and have uried him to
remain at home. Thov point to the fact that
the next campaign is not far elf , and that
gieat political changes frequently occur In
si'ort Intervals of time. Besides this , the
Sherman boom Is still alive , and other mat
ters of Importance. MO- likely to como up
which may require his Immediate at
tention. Following Immediately upon the
announcement that the Maine statesman
is to cross the water comes the repoit that
several of his most trusted lieutenants aio to
follow him. That Joe Marly will accompany
Mr. Blaine is well settled , and It is said that
many lesser political lights will sail later.
Kx-Governor Hoble , who is an aspirant for a
United States senatorslilp. or any other office
within reach , Dr. Smith , of Whitelield , of the
ex-governor's counsel , and Goveinor Bod-
well are all contemplating a sojourn to Eu
rope. It is reported thot others will join this
party and that two western senators will bo
among the number.
Imposing Ceremonies at the
of the Cornnr Stone.
Cnr.Yr.XNE , Wyo. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. ] The most gorgeous dis
play ever Known In the history of this terri
tory was that made to-day in connection
with the laving of the corner stone of the
capltol building. The occasion was made a
uoneral holiday In this city. All banks and
other places of business wore closed by noon
and crowds of visitors from abroad swelled
the city population that poured Into the
The procession consisted of nine com
panies of the seventeenth Infantry , Masons
and Knights Templar from this territory and
Colorado , and all the uniformed societies In
the city. About 1,000 men participated. The
corner stone of the building was laid under
tlio auspices of the Masons by N. U. Davis ,
irrand master for this teriltory. Addresses
were made by Judge Joseph At. Corey , dele
gate In congress , and Governo
Thomas Moonlight. At the con
elusion of tlioso ce'remonies the 5,001
people who witnessed them adjourned to the
neighboring grounds , where stacks of beef ,
pork and mutton , had been barbecued , and
there they were provided with a substantial
The building of the capltol was atithorl/od
at tlio last meeting of the legislature , when
SIW.OOO was appropriated for the purpose.
The main portion only Is now In course of
construction , and about 3100,000 moro will bo
required to complete the wings. The stvlo
of architecture Is a modification of the French
renaissance. Tflo completed building will
bo 230 foot In length , 114 toot In width and
1Q2 feet to the top of the dome. It is to bo
built of stone.
The Illinois Medical Society Meets at
CHICAGO , May 18. The thirty-seventh an
nual meeting of the Illinois State Medical
society began Its sessions Tuesday morning
in thoFitst Methodist clujrch. Over a hun
dred physicians were In attendance.
The first report was that of the committee
of surgery , presented by Dr. P. II. Oyler , of
Mount Pulaskl , who dealt mainly wltn the
treatment of diphtheria , alleging that the dis
ease Is caused by an acidity of blood , and can
be best treated by alkallnes.
Yesterday morning a nominating cornmit-
tco of twenty-live was appointed to report a
list of officers for the ensuing year.
In the afternoon the report of
the committee on surgery was presented ,
Dr. A.ICSteele.of Chlcaco.glvlng a resume ot
thn paper presented by him the day before
on the subject , as did also Dr. B. F. Crum
mer , of Warren.
Treasurer Dr. Walter Hay , of Chicago ,
presented his annual repoit , showing re
ceipts of S7NJ , and expenditure of SM7.06 ( ,
with Sl. J.TT in the treasury. Dr. Hay then
made a motion that SAOO bo appropriated as a
contribution to the expenses of the Interna
tional medical congress , to bo held In Wash
ington next September , of which Dr. N. S.
Davis , of this city , has the honor to bo presi
dent. The sum was Increased to $750 , and
the motion was carried.
Dr. Ephaim Ingals , of Chicago , reported
for the committee on necrology , announcing
tie ) deaths ol Drs. William T. Kirk , of At
lanta , president of the society ; James Stew
art Jo\\ ell , cf Chlcaco ; Robert M. MeArtour ,
of Ottawa , and Kobert C. Hamlll , of Chl-
The meeting then adjourned to convene
for the last ' session t ) '
day's at o'clock tomorrow
row morning.
A COMl'ItoailHE.
Tlio Lake Shore Urines the Chicago
& Atlantic to Time .
CIIICAOO , May 18. The squabble between
Chicago cast-bound lines over the question of
rates on grain took on a new phase to-day.
At a meeting of officials held In the morning
the Lake Shore announced that If the Chi
cage < & Atlantic did not return to the tariff
the Lake Shore would reduce the grain rate
from Chicago to Now York to 20 cents per
100 , This would pull down all local rates
from Chlcaco to Buffalo , and the Chicago &
Atlantic , rather than cause such procedure ,
agreed finally to compromise , which It did by
consenting to an U cent rate on grain trom
Chicago to Akron , Cleveland and other Ohio
points. This Is 1 cent loss than the old rate
and 1 cent moro than the Chicago & Atlantic
cut. Thn now rate will uo into eftcct after
the required ten days notice.
A Kick from Jobbers Imminent.
CHICAGO , May 13. An uproar from job
bers at Mississippi river points and through
out Interior Ion a Is Imminent , Chicago and
. Iowa railway lines at n meeting here to-day
- having agreed that only manufacturers shall
o- have the benefit of the special rates granted
r50 yesterday. Thcso rates are about 20 per cenl
below the tariff enforced for the past month
or two. They apply to such articles as pig
m Iron , salt , cement , lumber , printing paper ,
If etc , and will KO Into effect Juno 1.
The Tianscotitlpental lines wound up tholi
.1to meeting to-day , agrcuimr to put Into etlecl
to the vtCat-bounu rates proposed a week age
11- Saturday , based on S3 , first-class , New York
1110 to San Jranclsco. The Chicago rate will be
bO per cent of the New York rate , Missouri
river 70 per cent , and St. Louis 90 per qonl
of tlio Chlcaeo rato. The now tariff will
hold unless the commission refuses to make
the suspension of the fourth section perma
nent , In which event the tariff put Into clfcc-
April 5 will be restored.
Dolncs On the Diamond find Itacc
Track Yesterday.
Pnn.ADKt.iMitA , May 18. The result of the
contest between the Philadelphia and Detroit
teams to-day was as follows :
Philadelphia 0 7
Detroit. 4 3100001 * 0
Pitchers Butllngton and Con\\ay. Base
lilts Philadelphia 14. Detroit 'J4. Krrors-
PhlladelphU 5 , Detroit 10. Umpiic Terance
NEW YOUK , May 18. Tlio game be
tween New York and Indianapolis to-day
resulted as follows :
New York B 31010100-8
Indianapolis 0 3420006 * -13
Pitchers Welch and llovlc. Haso hits-
New York 11 , Indianapolis 17. Krrors Now
York 5 , Indianapolis 8. Umpire Quest.
BOSTON , May 18. The gaum between the
Boston and Pittsburg teams to-day resulted
as follows :
Boston 0 00000432 0
Pittsburg 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0y
Pitchers Stemmoyor and McCormlek.
Base hits Boston 17 , Pittsburg 10. Eriors
Boston'J , Pittsburg 0. Umpire Holland.
The American Association.
CINCINNATI , May 18. The game to-day
between Cincinnati and Brooklyn resulted
as follows :
Cincinnati 0 00300001 3
Brooklyn 3 1300100 * 0
Pitchers Smith and Porter. Base hits
Cincinnati 9. Brooklyn 11. Errors Cin
cinnati 1 , Brooklyn 3. Umpire Knight.
Loimviu.K , Mav 18. The game between
Louisville and Baltimoio to-day resulted as
follows :
Louisville 0 20000031 5
Baltimore 0 0
Pitchers Kamsoy and Kilioy. Base hits
Louisville 14 , Baltimore 8. Krrors Louis
ville 4. Baltimore ; ! . Umpire Cuthbort.
ST. Louis Mav 18. Tlio game between
St. Louis and Athletic to-day resulted as
follows :
St. Louis 1 01000 130 1
Athletic 0 03010000 4
Pitchers Font/ and Atklsson. Base
hits-St. Louis 19 , Athletic 7. Krrors-St.
Louis 2 , Athletic : j. Umpire McQitade.
Ct.Evr.t.AND , May 18. The Kama to-day
between Cleveland and Metropolitan resulted
as follows :
Cleveland 1 3000002 0-fi
Metropolitan 0 0310100 0-.1
Pitchers Crowell and Alar. " . Base
hits Cleveland 10 , Metropolitan 13. Errors
Cleveland 2 , Metropolitan 'J : Umpire Val
DCH MolncH Kicks On the Umpire.
DES MOINKP , la. , May IS. [ Special Tele
gram to the BiiE.J Des Molnes lost another
game to Milwaukee by the grossly unfair de
cisions ot the now umpire , Sullivan , a Mil
waukee man. In the middle ot the littli
Inning the DCS Molnes management sent a
telegraphic piolest to all the olllelals ot the
Northwestern leairuo against the iimpiie's
decisions and played the game out under
protest. The following is the score by
Innings :
DPS Molnos 0 00301000 3
Milwaukee ,1 000 3034 0-11
A Rase Hall 1'rlzo.
NEW YOUK , May 18. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] Miss Dauvray has just purchased
for § 500 a sliver vase of classic shape and In
tricate design known as the Grecian loving
cup , which she will present to the base ball
club winning the pennant In 1837. She is an
enthusiastic admirer ot the gamo.
Louisville Jocky Club Races.
Louisvir.i.i : , May 18. The attendance at
the Louisville Jocky club grounds to-day
was fair , but the programme was a disap
polntment. The Merchants stake , which
promised to bo the greatest event of the
meeting , dwindled down to virtually a walk
over for Baldwin's Volatile. Miss Ford and
Elgin started. Volantn galloped In an easy
winner , Miss Ford second and Elgin a bad
third. The track was somewhat heavy and
tlie weather warm and bright.
Five-eighths mile , for maiden two-year-old.
Autocrat won , Bertha , the Crow , second ,
Biggoyet third , flmo 1:01. :
Three-quarters mile , for maiden three-year-
olds : Violet won , Billy Lincoln second , and
Belle Taw third. Timo-1:13. :
Seven-eighths mile , selling : Loftln won ,
Handy Andy second , Doctor third. Time
ll : K.
Merchants stake , ono and one-eighth mile.
31,000 added by the merchants of Louisville ;
Miss Ford was off Hist , Klirln second , Vo-
lante third. These positions were main
tained to the three-quarters. Turning Into
the stretch they were oven , Lewis beginning
to whip Klirin. Miss Ford hold first to within
ton lengths of tlio wire , when Volatile
moved forward , winning easily by halt a
length , Miss Ford second , Klgin third , two
lengths behind. Tlmo-linaU.
Six furlongs , club purse , all ages : Mod
esty won. Wanderer second , Colonel Owens
third. Timo-l:10. :
Sullivan to Picht Kilraln.
NKW YOIIK , May 18. A correspondent at
Rochester , N. Y. , of a Now York sporting
paper has been notified that John L. Sulli
van has agreed to fight Jack Kilrain for
85,000. The fight will take place in some
park or public building and the winner Is
to take two-thuds of the gate receipts. Not
more than six rounds can bo fought.
Window Glass Manufacturers.
PiTTsnuito , May 18. The Western Win
dow Glass Manufacturers' association held a
meeting hero to-day , at which Thomas Cat-
lin , of Ottawa , 111. , presided. The morning
session was consumed In discussing thn time
at which the summer stoppage should becln.
It Is probable that the manufacturers will
concur with the woikmen In closing down
Juno 15.
At the afternoon session of the Western
Window Glass Manufacturer's asosclation
the wage committee , with power to arrange
a scale for the next lire , was appointed. This
committee was given full charce of the wage
question and each manufacturer signed a
paper agreeing to not start up the next liio
until the committee gives notice that thn
question has boon satisfactorily settled. This
action was taken moiely to Insure unity on
the part ot the manufacturers and Indicates
tlielr determination to resist any unreason
able demand.
The Statue to Schuylor ColTai.
INDIANAPOLIS , May 18. The city Is
crowded with visitors drawn hero to witness
the unveiling of the statue to the late Vice
President Colfax , and the ceremonies which
took place here to-day. Thn ceremonies
were preceded by a street parade.
The Fire Ilecord.
SAN FIIANCISCO , May 18. A firolast night
in South San Francisco burned nearly the
entire block containing slaughter and pack
ing houses. Loss , 350,000 to $100,000.
Funeral of the Vicar General.
NKW 1 onic , May 8. The funeral of Vicar
General Qtilnn took place this morning at
St. Patrick's cathedraljn this city.
The IliirlliiKton'a Annual.
Citio.vno , May 18. The annual meeting of
the stockholders of the Chicago , Burlington
& Qulncy Itallroad company was held In this
city to-day. The old board of directors wore
re-elected for the ensuing year and the ac
tion of the directors In regard to aiding in
the construction of and leasing and
purchasing of the following railroads
and their branches , to-wlt : Galesburg
and Itlo Grande. Nebraska * Colorado ,
Omaha & North Platte , Grand Island & Wy
oming Central , the Jlcuublican Valley &
Wyoming , the Oxford & Kansastho Chicago ,
Nebraska & Kansas , Republican Valley.
Kansas & Southwestern , Beaver Valley &
Eastern Colorado , was ratified by unanimous
vota of all stock represented at the meeting.
The Tea Trndo.
SHANGHAI , May 18. The tea trade Is re
ported to bo unprecedentedly bad. The
Hankow Tea guild , which largely controls
the market , has ordered the suspension of
business fora week In consequence of the
low prices offered by foreign buyers ,
The British Sovereign Again Absents Her
self From the Drawing Room.
Tlio 1'rlnccHa of AVnlcs Pees tlio
Honors Jinny American Ladles
and Oontlcincn Presented
Foreign News ,
Tlio Fourth Jtihlloo Drawing ICoont.
ICopvriaM 1S37 buJumtt Dot ( ion llnnet. ( }
LONDON , May 18. [ Now York Herald
Uablo Special to the linn. ] Great disap
pointment to-day befell hundreds of ladies
who made their debuts at thu fourtu jubllo
drawing room , not a few aspirants , 11 ndlup
tlio ( ] iicon absent and tlio princess of Wales
acting , postponed their presentation. Be-
yoiul this incident , da capo can bo written
alter all reports of royal drawing rooms
at Buckingham palace. Kvery such nvont Is
alike In preparation and In tlio meeting of
St. Giles on tlio pavement with St. James ,
In carriages or In the lout ; waits , or In the
crush , or In the hcart-bnrninirs or delays of
gettlni : homeward. Mrs. Minister 1'holps
presented nine American ladles in the diplo
matic circle , which Is the first formed before
the gencial hobnobbing presentations are
made and which circle Includes exclusively
royalties , the cabinet ministers anil wives ,
and diplomats. The presentations are limited
toery distinguished women. This places
a democratic diplomato like the courteous
and tactical 1'helps in a dilemma. Every
American lady considers herself a society
( | iieun and equally distinguished. Heart
burnings , therefore , may ailso. Ho has been
oidcrcd to make no presentation In diplo
matic circles , but to servo all the ladles demo
cratically alike , excepting , perhaps , the
occasion when Mrs. Cleveland shall honor
the palace with an Infusion of white house
social aioma. There could bo heart burnings
to-day when , In the elide , were presented
the \\lfo and dauehter of ex-Cabinet Olllcer
Manning , reco ni/ed hero as having been
ho same as chancellor of tlio exchequer , and
Mrs. 1'lielps' daughter , Mis. Loomis.
HOW TIIK i.AiiiKS wiui : : DHESSI' ! ) .
Mrs. Phclpsdld the honors In a dress of
Queen Anne brocade , ( lowered on a cream
nohcground , a train of drairon lly blue satin ,
bordered with lace and rows of satin. She
carried a bouquet of orchids and were dia
Mrs. Manning's dress and train were of
blue satin , lined with terra cotta silk and
brocade , jupo of blue satin covered witli tulle
and crepe , trimming of pearl beading ; orna-
uents , diamonds and pearls. She cariied a
bouquet of roses and wall ( lowers. Miss
Manning were a bodice and train of whlto
corded silk , trimmed with tulle , ruches and
ivhlto tulips , jupo of beaded tulle and bows
of ribbon ; ornaments , pcans ; bouquet of
ivhltc tulips and lilies of the valley.
Mrs. riielps' daughter , Mrs. Horatio
Loomis , were a petticoat of grey poult do
sale , draped with tulle Illusion , looped with
fresh laburnum blossoms. The train , tailing
rom the waist , was ot tlio saino material as
the dress and lined , vlth yellow duchcpso
satin , also trimmed similarly to the skirt
Airs. Sanford Saltus were a' white satin
brocade draped with old paint lace , her train
andcorsagoof pink lyons velvet , trimmed
with whlto ostrich feathers. She added a
veil to the traditional plumes in the hair and
wore diamonds. Her boquet was of tiny
white and red Itlviorla rosebuds alternated.
Mis. Albert Crane were a motive tulle cor
sage and train of fall'lc ' , embroidered with
sliver. She carried a lyre fan of mouvo os
trich feathers ; ornamentsdiamonds.
Mrs. Austin Huntlngton were a corsage
and train of rich cold and silver tinsel bro
cade , trimmed with yellow feathers and
aigrettes of silver , petticoat draped with yel
low crape do chine , trimmed with feathers to
match the train , and diamond ornaments.
Mrs. J. F. D. Lalncr were a whlto bro
caded silk and Imperial pearl white satin ,
tilmmed with very old point lace and clusters
of lllys of the valley. The draped train was
covered with similar lace and bunches of
lllys with colffuro ostrich feathers and lappets -
pots , and diamond sprays.
There were also presented the Misses Bella
and Loulso Scott , of New 1'ork , in tasteful
dresses of white tulle and wearing pearl or
In addition to thcso ladles the following
gentlemen , wearing ordinary court cos
tumes of black velvet , were also presented :
Mr. Loomis , Mr. Austin Huntington , Mr.
Sanford Salttis , Mr. J. F. D. Lalnor and Mr.
Albert Crano. The presentation of gentle
men at drawing rooms is sanctioned If the
parents or husbands of the ladles , or travel
lers In company wltn ladles are presented.
After the drawing room had closed , there
was at the resilience of Minister 1'helps , in
Loundes square , a pleasant reunion of Amer
ican sovereigns , who participated In its cere
monies. Many other Americans joined the
party , and the cup , which cheers but not in
ebriates , became equivalent to what in Guild
hall fests is named the "laving cup. "
Consul General Hooker and Miss Hooker ,
of New York , were presented by the Marquis
and Marchioness of Salisbury ; also Miss
Corbln. of New York , by Lady Hussell. Mrs.
Oscar Wilde was among the London pre-
seutatlo us.
Americans Banqueted.
[ Cnpiirluh1. 1SS7 tty James ( Ionian llcnntlt. ' }
PAULS ( via Havre ) , May 18. [ New York
Herald Cable Special to the BEI.J : A
hundred horse-breeders of Loplsc gave a
grand banquet yesterday , at Cogent le
Uotrou , to Mr. M. W. Dunham ot Illinois ,
Senator Palmer of Michigan , Ezra Kust and
Colonel Thompson , representing the Ameri
can importers of Perchorons , at the banquet.
Mr. Dunham pointed out that unless more
care was taken that n sufficient number of
stallions of the finest pedigree bo reserved for
the Increasing demands of the mare owners ,
of Lo Perche , the latter would be forced to
use those of Inferior quality , to the great
detriment of themselves and the country.
In fact , Lo Pcrcho was already deprived of
many stallions ttiat ought now to be doing
servlco within her bowlers. The determina
tion of Percheron breeders to retain the best
stallions until they roach a sufficient ago to
take their place will remove the only cloud
that darkens the future. The American del-
eeates returned to Paris to-day. To-moirow
they go to Fontaincbleau to pay their respects
to Rosa lion hour.
A Commendable Project.
ICowriaM ISS7 bu Jama flonlouJewifH.l
LONDON. May 19. I Now 'York Herald
Cable Special to the UKK. | The Dally Telegraph -
graph becomes practical over the jubilee fes
tivities. While the queen's taxes are used to
the extent of 835,000 for the Abbey celebra
tion and every class Is appealed to for a royal
Institute , the Telegraph establishes a Lon
don children's jublleo fund. This com
mences with .Hyphen Lawsou with a sub
scription of 85,003. Its purpose Is
to provide an entertainment at Hyde
park during tbo jublleo week for
80,000 children of London. The
school board , Irrespective of creed , has set
Wednesday , Juno S3 , the day on which the
queen leaves London for Windsor , and at
which she signified her consent to be present
on the way thence. It Is organized with the
assistance of the head of the school board
for music. Various entertainments and
suitable refreshments for ehlldien fioin ten
to fourteen years of ago will bo provided ,
under control of thulr oidlnary teachers.
Kvery child on the ground will receive as a
personal gift a memorial cup In doultou
ware , adorned with two portraits of the
qiieen-ono taken In 1S37 , the other In
1SS7. A committee has been formed
of which the presidency has boon
accepted by the Prlnco of Wales ,
and the honorable secretary and treasmer Is
Mr. Kdward Lawson , of the Telegraph , In
aid of the movement. Contributions are In
vited from public men's generosity. If
amount reached admit It. the scheme will bo
further extended In the Interest of children
who , by reason of tcndor years , cannot be In
cluded In the outdoor festival , but to whom
memorial cups will bo presented , etc. To
morrow's Telegraph will fully set out the
above , and announce subscriptions received
at Its ollice.
Socialists at the Bottom of It.
lt"otuM ) | l&S'liyJiimc * fionton llcnnttt. }
BHUSSEI.S , May IS. [ Now York Herald
Cable-Special to the Uni : . I At Crontostor
the strikers unsuccessfully attempted to blow
up the railway biidgo by dynamite. There
Is much agitation , brandishing ot red Hags
and violent speeches , principally at La
Louonierc. and military detachments are
being sent everywhere. According to an of-
liclal view there Is , however , no fear of a
bloody outbieak like last year. They allege
that the workmen have exhausted their re-
iources In partial .strikes ; also that the prcs-
'iit ' strike Is not approved by the leaders of
lie worklngmen's party , but by the few so-
lallstlc leaders who recently split from the
utter and who go about agitating under the
lewnamoof the Knights of Silence. 'Iho
wners of the mines and Iron works In Char-
eiol and most districts seem , however , to
ear the worst and expect at least some trou-
le. To-morrow ( Ascension day ) , almost
verywhero buriromasters will Issue procla-
iiations recommending calm and order. It
s rumored that some German agents are
uioug the agitators In the Interest of the
.ierman coal export trade.
low Hoyalty and Aristocracy Shine
in 1'nlnco Halls.
ICopyi f/7it | 1SS by James Gordon ItcnnctL ]
LONDON , May IS. . I a.m. [ Now Voik Her
ald Cable-Special to the BEE. ] The
liiecn's state ball Is just concluding , yet it
ivas a queen's ball without the queen , be
cause the latter's fatigue of last Saturday
prevented her attendance. The possible fu-
urc queen exercised the functions of loyalty
n opening and matronizlng the ball , the
irlnce and minor loyalties assisting. The
ball did not dllVer essentially from previous
state balls described In the Herald. The
princes' dress , llko those of the royalties gen
erally on such occasions , may bo considered
plain In juxtaposition with the magnificent
ollets of aristocracy and rich country
families crowding the great sa-
eon of the Buckingham Palace.
Shn were a dress of palo gray satin and
sllverbrocado veiled in crepe and looped with
marabout feathers , corsage to correspond ;
jiead dress a tiara of diamonds ; ornaments ,
pearls and diamonds , and her usual orders.
Her daughter , Princess Louise , were a dress
of whlto broche and tulle , corsaeoof whlto
satin brocade , trimmed with tulle and
bunches of pinlc roses , forget-me-nots and
magnolia over a JUPH of tulhi in the draper
ies , caught up with bunches of the same
llowers ; ornaments , pearls , rubles and dia
monds. Pilnces Victoria wore a dress of
whlto broche and tulle , the corsage being
white broclio trimmed with tulle and
bunches of shaded mauve arlculas over
a jupe of tulle over faille , looped with
bunches of llowers : ornaments , same as her
sister. The music was regarded as excep
tionally line In selection and execution.
There wns more waltzing than If the queen
had been present
It was the subject ot universal remark at
the recent drawing rooms and last evening
how the greatest attention In many years Is
now shown to the profusion of laces ; to the
now , more than iloral perfumes ; to the va
riety of bouquets , each composed of one
species of ( lowers , and to the skill and taste
displayed in the coiffures , not of one or two
fashionable stereotyped styles , but adapted
at caprice to the cairiago of the head and Its
shape and to the stature of the wearer. Old
rose point , old Venetian point , old Flemish ,
old BrusselsLimerick , old point d'Arirenton ,
point d'Eia/e , duchesse , biscuit , d'Alencol ,
black Spanish , and patterns not to be readily
purchased by the "nouveaux riches , "
were seen everywhere. Cherry blos
som , and apricot perfumes out
scented , so to speak , the florals ,
although while lilacs and hellothropes still
hold their Iliwor. Not a few dainty bottles
at the waist confessed to holding the new
fad of slightly cholor.otormcd cologne. Al
though not oven Failsan auctions seem to
shake the supremacy ol diamonds for wives
and matrons , pearls are no as much a ne
cessity to maidens as are feathers in royal
circles to all women. More emeralds , rubies ,
and turquoises me noticeable than In previ
ous years.and the queen has made amethysts
fashionable by wearing them lately. Amid
one group ; could bo noticed In coltfures a
Kiench twist at the back ; also knots on the
top of the head , with a few tight curls on the
brow , pompadour wattcatt and 1'ecamler
styles , and in loops and bows high In front
and continued to the nape ot the neck. In
deed , many were dressed accoullngto whim ,
but eacli and all contrasted whimsically with
the Bordeaux otlbS'J.seen In a portrait of Vic
toria as the bride in one of the rooms of the
In posies , the run seemed to bo upon lilacs ,
marguerites , meadow daisies , and snow-
Hake" , for the young.and mauve , oirhlds , lil
ies , gladlolol and a/oloas lor budding age ,
and blossoming grand motherhood , wheio
roses held their own. These are the Cather
ine Dcmoret or the Guelder or tliogloiredo
Dijon , or what are known souvenir d'un
ami that llorists in Nice and other
points on the Kivlera generally now make a
thriving business In sklltully expressing at
moderate expense. Flowers now hold a
closer ornamental connection with trains
than formerly and these are more commonly
water lilies hud roses of all hues that have
displaced themselves trom the traditional
The United States was represented
by Minister and Mrs. Phelps and
Miss Louisa Morgan. Secretary and Mrs.
Whlto are in Washington. Mrs. Phelps were
a dress ot brocaded black and whlto velvet ,
with an under dress of white satinexquisitely
cmbioidered In the finest Whltlyjot ; the cor-
sagocoirespondcd. and her ornaments were
diamonds. Miss Morcan , the only American
lady Invited , \voro whlto satin , tt-o skirt of
white caiuo with silver spangles , caught up
with whlto loses , train of whltu brocade with
bunches of loses embroidered In silver ; or
naments , pearls In collfuro and at the neck
and wrists.
_ _ _ _ _ _
o'nniEN AT HOME ; .
Tlio Hero of the Hour Ills Election
to 1'arllnmont.
[ CopyrfyJit tSSJ bu Jamts Oonlon Itennttt. ' ]
Dum.iN , May 13. [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to the UKI : . ] O'Brien ,
hero , as in Toronto , Is the hero of the hour.
Full details of the Canadian mission are
dally cabled to the Freeman's Journal. Ills
answering cable to his electiontull of thanks
and good'clicer , was also published , lint his
tory enemies are very bitter hero. One of
their organs , the Dublin Union , for Instance ,
lias this Ingeniously suggestive paragiaph :
"If ho gets back alive from Canada , It is not
Improbable that the editor of benighted Ire
land will take up his abode permanently In
Now York and personally direct the dynamite
and dagger campaign from the gafe precincts
of Barclay street. In any caso.lreland Is well
rid , oven for a time , of ono of the most mis-
chlevous and unscrupulous fanatics In the
ranks ot the Parnolllto brotherhood , Wo
have no hesitation In saying ( Mat Mr.O'Brlon
Is more deeply Involved In high treason than
any other man In the nationalist party , His
dopaittiro for Canada at this lunetnro has
been very probably dictated by motives of
personal expediency. The country , In fact ,
Is fast gutting too hot to hold the conspira
tors. "
Ills election was attended with pratlfylng
Incident * . Six dltlerent towns of his con
stituencies presented his nomination pnpeis ,
an eager stilfo being had for places as nom
inators. seconders and Imlorscrs. Fifty In all
claimed places on the nomination paper
from his bltlh place Mallow and locality ,
which he had pievlously represented In the
Ho was thus formally declared elected by
tie high sheritl : "Gentlemen , no other can
didate ha\lng been nominated tor the north
east division ol county Cork , 1 hereby de-
clarn Mr. Wm. O'Hrlcn , Imperial liotel ,
Dublin , jouinallst , duly elected to represent
that division In the Imperial parliament. "
A vote of thanks to that official was thus
prepared by Chalrunn Qulnlan , of Fermov ,
who said : "On behalf of my friend and col
league Mr. O'Brion , who at picsent Is plead
ing lor the homes , and 1 may say the lives of
his oppressed and persecuted Icllow country
men , I bog to formally propose the customary
vote ot thanks to you lor piesldini : at this
election , and also to congratulate you upon
the Unlit , and t may say uleasant nature of
the duties you had to porlorm. "
The nationalist commlttecmen then had
luncheon. Any American can "guess"
whether the health of the absent new M. P.
sometimes heie called n missionary to the
benluhtcd land of the Downers was not
diank. _ _
In the Commons.
Loxnox , May IS. The commons , In com
mittee this afternoon , began consideration of
clause second of the lilsh crimes bill. This
clause proposes to extend summary Jurisdic
tion to conspiracy , boycotting , resistance to
eviction , and the offenses Indicated In the
Maurice Healy ( Parnelllto ) , moved an
amendment limiting tlie operating clause to
offenses committed after the passing of the
act. Rejected lit to 10U.
Uealy ( ParnolllU < ) < moved that before any
> ei.son could bo prosecuted under the pro-
'islons ot the clause that of the attorney upon swoin Infounatlou must first bo
) btamed.
Holmes , attorney ceneral for Ireland , do-
tared that the adoption of such an amend
ment would render the clause Incapable of
'jelng worked. The amendment was lost
1 ! ) to 145.
Ht. Hon. George Shaw Lo Fevro ( liberal ) ,
novcd the omission of the sub-section mak
ing punishable by summary jurisdiction the
ict of couspinng to Induce any ono to fulfill
'cgal obligations , or not use or occupy lands ,
> r not deal with or woik for anyone , or to
mluco any ono to Interfere with the admin-
siratlon of the law.
Holmes contended that the section applied
only to criminal combinations.
The debate was proceeding when W. II.
Smith , government leader , moved closure.
Caiiled--iiOtol-it. ;
Shaw Lo Fevre's motion was rejected 223
: o 14 ; ! . Adjourned.
News From Kmlii Bey.
Inussii.s : , May 18. Dr. Junker , the KHS-
sian explorer , says ho has received a letter
rom Emln Bey , dated December 18 , written
at Wadelai. Kmin Bey stated that he ob-
ained news and supplies trom Xanzlbar
hrongh an Arab wliom King Mewanga per
nltttul to pass through his dominions. At
; lils time Kmln Bey and all his party at
Wadelixi were well and King Mewivnea will
ing to allow the Arab to return to Zanzibar
for supplies. - * > - -
Germans On the French Cabinet.
BEKLIN , May 18 , Government circles hero
are confident that General Boulanger will ro-
ain the Kiench war portfolio. Opinion Is
expressed as to whether Freyclnet-Boulanger
or Clemenccau-Boulangcr cabinet will bo
lormed the result will bo the same. Continu
ous preparations for war must end In war.
Froyclnnt can do nothing without Boulanger
'hat will bo regarded as a pledge of peace.
The French Ministry.
PAIUS , May 18. President Grevy sum
moned Clemenceau , Ferry , Deves , De Jfrey-
clnct , Kouvicr and Kaynal and had an In
terview with each of those gen
tlemen In relation to the formation of a now
cabinet It is the general belief that De
Freyclnet will ho charged with the duty of
constructing the now ministry. It is thought
in some quarters that In consequence of the
diffeicnce of opinion among the political
eaders the crisis will bo a prolonged one.
Naval Jobbery.
LONDON , May 18. The naval commission
appointed to Investigate the charges of fraud
n ollice , of jobbery in making contracts and
n purchasing defective weapons has prepared
report which exonerates the officials Indi
vidually , but advises numerous administra
tive changes.
Landlordism In
ST. Pr-TEitsutma , May 18. Ilioting Is re
ported from Narva , where troops have been
sent , as a result of embittered disputes between
tweon peasant and land owners , regarding
the ownership of woods. Eight villages aie
concerned In the quarrel.
The Bilvcr Question.
Nnw Yoiiic. May IS. [ Special Telegram
to the Brn. ] It was repotted yesterday that
the Western National bank , ot which ox-
Secictary Manning Is president , was to be
made a depository of silver bullion , and the
registrar of certificates to bo Issued against
the silver traded in at the stock exchange. It
was stated In effect that the silver market
was to bo transferred from London to New
York , and that as soon as the co-operation ot
the stock exchange had been secured and the
certificates listed the London price of
silver would depend entirely on the New
York quotations. VIce-Presldent Jordan
was quoted as baying that such a scheme was
on foot , but that the bank would not specu
late In silver. A dliector of the now banl <
said last evening : "I do not know
exactly the foundation of the stoiy ,
J 01 dan talked about the matter bo-
tore hecnt to Europe , and frequently
wondered whether something of the kind
could not bo biought about , but of course the
bank-can have nothing to do with schemes
of that kind which another bank could not
do. Wo .shall be glad to lend money on sll
ver , gold or any good collateral for the usua
banking commission and on the customary
margin. The silver question Is a serious ono
and perhaps the Idea of bullion certificate ;
might help to solve It In this country. Tht
price might possibly bo advanced and we
might got more not only for our silver pro
duct but also for our wheat , which Is now
brought Into competition with the cheap
wheat of India. It the price of sliver wns
higher Indian wheat would not uo landed In
KuL'land , at present prices , which are based
on the low value ot silver. But It Is exceed
ingly doubtful If wo could control the price
ot silver even under the most favorable
JMudarno JanaiiHuholt'H Injuries.
Niwi'oirr , It. 1. , May 18. Madame Jan-
anscliolc , after her performance hero last
night , fell down a ( light of fourteen stops ,
breaking ono of the bones ot her right fore
arm and badly bruising her whole body. The
accident will cause the abandonment of all
her engagements tor the rest ot the season
and film will bu obliged to remain In door ; , tor
along time.
Damages for Reduction ,
COVINOTON , Ky. , May 18. J. V. Barbour ,
of Grant county , obtained a verdict of S 1.1,000
against E. O. Stevenson , of Ohio , In the
United States court , for the seduction of his
daughter , aged seventeen.
A Murderer Uscapes.
HO.NESOAI.E , Pu.May 18. Jas. P. McCabe ,
sentenced to bo hanged for murder , cs-
eaped from Wayne county jail this morning-
Ho Tells of His Dealings in Union anfl
Kansas Pacific Securities ,
Ho WAN In Washington \Vhett tlicj
'Ihnrmnn Hill Wns I't-ndliiKi
lint or OOUI-HO Didn't Try to
Jny Gould n * n Witness.
NKW Yonu , May IS , Jay Gould rcsiiniorl
the witness stand In the Pacific ralliond In
vestigation to-day. Ho presented a state * *
nieiit of his dealings In the securities of tha
Union Pacific and Kansas Pacific railroads
from January 1 , ISM ) , to the 24th , also a de
tailed statement showing the saving In prin
cipal and Interest by the consolidated mort
gage arrangement as well its the schedule ot
his dealings In Kansas Pacific securities.
Commissioner Andcison desired to know
why It was moie to the advantage of the con
solidated company to have the Kansas Pa
clfic redeem Denver Pacific bonds liutcad oC
the trustees of the consolidated moitgucc.
Gould said : "Tho consolidated company
would not make now bonds and tlnowlt
Into the outsldo trust and the scheme whlctt
was : < ? .eod upon was the only one that could
have been made to the benefit of the com
pany. Not an Individual made a cent out of
this transaction of Denver Pacific stocks and
I am very glad of the opportunity to put the
final nail In that affair. " Gould continued :
"Sty associates on the Union Pacific became
alurmrd wilhln a month alter my Missouri
Pacific put chase and came on to bind me to
the consolidation. 1 signed a paper agreeing
to It between the time of my resignation
as a director of the Union "Paclllo
January 10 , ISsO , " Gould felt the consolida
tion to be a gieat detriment to his Interests.
The extension of tlio Missouri Pacific to
Denver and San Francisco , as contemplated ,
would ha\o destroyed the Union Pacific. Ho
had otteu though of the inilits of the gov
ernment , tmt niter the passage of the Thur-
man bill he thoiu-ht the government was ;
trying to SUUCC/.U more out ot a tuinlp than
there was in It. Ills plan then was to build
a road from Omaha to Ou'.len , just outsldo
the rlirlit of way , tor S15uooioo. ( With refer
ence to the government's claim , he made tlie
offer before the judiciary committee oC
the senate to pay the entile claim In cash at
present \\orth. Sydney Dillon wns with him
when the olfcr was made. Anderson ques
tioned tills , but Gould reiterated this state *
meiit and said tlie committee took no action ,
claiming Ills computation Is correct and the
Interest did not mature with thn bond.
Gould then related the circumstances of Mi
resignation as a director , giving an his icason
for resigning that ho did not think It proper
'or him to hold such a position while obliged
( i enter into heavy transactions as an indl
vldual. Gould was examined at length con-
leining branch roads' seciintlos which he
urnedtn lor consolidation stock , but noth.-
ng paiticularof interest was elicited.
"For m > bianch line securities I was paid
3-fjG-U shares of now consolidated stock. " con *
tinned Gould , "and the Kansas Pacific airico
iticnt to pay mo half In bonds and half In
stock of their oimpany was not adhered to.
I sold my stock at just what I put It In for ,
and If tlier-j was a piotit ot SIXXUOO ( ) realized
br the pool the lawyers must have got U. X
didn't receive a cent. As reiauis ray Inter
est In thr acquisition of branch roads by the )
Union Pacific I boueht the Denver & South
I'ark road for 83.000,000. The Utah Northern
I bought when it was a veiv poor paying
property. 1 built it up. When Dil
lon came to mo and siul I
must turn It into the Union Pixel lie
I did so at its cost price to me. The Union
Piicific. made between SOOO.oro and 8700,000
out of this transaction. Witness said ha
thought the last visit ho made to Washing
on on Union Pacific business was at the
Ime the Thurman bill was under considera
tion. Ho afterwards remembered , however ,
that ho was In Washington after that. "I
know of no occasion when the stock , bonds
or other securities ot the Union Pacific were
used to Inlluonee legislation In tavor of that
road , " defiantly added the witness , "and I
don't think such occasion ever existed. "
Gould's examination will bo continued to *
Train Wreckers Promptly PiinUbcd ]
CITY OP MEXICO , May 18. A week ago a-
traln on tlio Mexican National railway ran
over and killed a Mexican near Patzcvaro.
Friends of tlio dead man undertook to retail-
xto and put a big rock on a curve. The
enginn of the passenger train struck It and
he American engineer was injniod and the
Mexican fireman was killed. A squad ot
Mexican gen d'arms were sent with in
structions to bring in every person suspected
of any complicity whatever , or any Inl&rma-
, ion. Thirty-three ariests were made.
An Investigation resulted In the i
selection of three victims and
sentence was Immediately passed.
Shortly after sunrlsoycsteiday morning they.
were marched to the scene of the disaster , '
stood up before an adobe wall and shot by aj
lie of soldeirs. The corpses lav for some
time whore they fell as a warning against ,
more train wrecking and were burled near
the scene of the wreck.
News from Mn/atlan states that two Ameri
cans assassinated Knrlquo Nassau , manager
of the haclendaTomll. The Americans were
placed under arrest and marched under mlll ,
lary escort to the city , wheio they are await *
ing trial ,
A Colonial Claim.
PiiiLAnnLPiiiA , May 18. Miss Jane B.
Hall , of Montgomery county , Pa. , and hoc
Ister , llvinc in this city , have Instituted still
to recover 84,000,000 from the United States
government. The ladies claim to bo lineal
descendants of one Jacob DuIIaven , a
wealthy Frenchman , who , It Is claimed , In
1777 , loaned the colonial government halt a
million francs with which to pay troops , and
during the latter years of the struguln con
tributed further money. During Washing *
ton's ( list administration congicss allowed
his claims , hut as there was not any surplus ,
the claimant died betoroho received a penny ,
Queen Victoria's Condition.
Niw : YOIIIC , May 18. ( Special Telegram
to the UKK. ] The Tribune says : Our cable
letter this morning announces that the re
cent public appearances ot the queen of Eng
land have taxed her strength sadly. Few
people probably reatl/.c what a strain It Is for
tills sovereign to rldo In an open carriage
through miles of crowded London streets.
She knows that she Is a popular ruler of a
free country. But every ono understands
that her Ufa is never absolutely safe none
better than the queen hcrselt. The assassina
tion of Garlicld , It is said , made a great Im
pression upon her , and at her age It Is easy
to understand why on last Saturday as she
lelt the people's palace her face showed signs
ot agitation and anxiety , and she had to be
almost lifted Into her carriage.
Chloauo'a Lnko Front.
WASHINGTON , May 18. Acting Commis
sioner Stnckslagcr has refused tlio applica
tion of Lester A. liartlett to locate with
( j I rant scilp certain lands on the lake front
In Chicago , giving as reasons that there are
no public lands In Chlcaco subject to entry
under general laws and that the status ot the
lands In question has been settled by re
peated decisions ot the department of
the Interior. The lands embraced In the
rejected application are occupied by
tracks and buildings of the Illinois Central
railroad company , and are valued at several
million dollars. The acting commissioner
does not discuss the mie.stlon of actual title ,
but savs that If any of said lands belonged
to the United States , a special act of congress
won III bo icqulred lor their disposal.
The IJOIIK Haul.
PiTTPiii'no , May 18. At the annual meet
ing of tlio stock and bondholders of the
Pittsburg , Fort Wayne & Chicago railroad *
held heio to-day , John Shoiman , L , B , liar- '
rlson und George B. Kobcrts were re-elected 1
dlitctors. The report of the secretary uhows
that the total Income tor IbfeO was SS.W7.007 ,
less the cost of operating and maintaining ,
which left a balance of i 15,080,00-3 a ? the n |
Wi I * ,