THE OMAHA DAILY BEE t SUNDAY ; MAY 3 5 , 1887-TWBLYE PAGES. KAISER WIIHEIM'S ' HEPBEW Leopold Astonishes New York Society By Exhibiting His Good Sense , COGHLAN'S LANGTRY KISS. A DIstltiKulHlicJ Conchtnc Party A Pretty Milk Mnta Toll Men tlio lingo A Shocked Mnltlcn. Nuw YoitK.Mny 11. tCorrcsponilcnco of the HKK. ] Several little things arc big this week to the Fifth nvctiuo section. Wo Imvo hnit a real prinuo hero who pos itively refused to bo caged by the swells nnd lionl/.cd. Tills was Frederick Leo pold , of ( tcrnmny , grand-nephew of Kaiser Wilheltn. He put up at a Itroad- way hotel , registered as Count liohon- Btoin. The no\)3 \ soon found out who ho was , and ho was boldly attacked by the tuft hunters , whoso cards were sent up to him with all the bra/.en persistency of life insurance agents or book canvassers , Ho saw everybody who came/.and treated them courteously enough , but ho would accept no Invitations to social enter tainment , save from ( Hermans associated with the ( Ionium consulate. Ho was a fair looking young fellow , not airy at nil , nnd bent only on sening the sights of Now York. Ho wouldn't bo potted by our best society , and that was the end of it. . The chief public exhibition of wealth nnd fashion was smnll indued , for it was composed of eight persons only ; but they were a Vundorbilt party , posml conspicu ously on the top of a tally-ho coach. A four-in-hand coach makes a daily trip from Madison square to the Country club at I'ciham. The driver is one of two alternating amateurs , anU this time no was Frederick Hronson , n howling swell. William K. Vandcrbilt was the host , and his guests wcro mem bers of his own family. The ladies wore ( raver clothing than is usually seen in the street , but no moro so than coaching tisnge permits. Thousands of staring eyes watched the distinguished load as it rolled up Fifth avenue , through Central park , and thence over the country roads ut a rapid pace. Photographers caught the piiH.sinir show at several points. The cow show has not had the fashion- nblo countenance which had been given to the dog show , though it was visited by many mouish women , whoso wide-opened. woiuk-ring eyes ( prac.ticing the celebrated baby stare'saw ) for the first time that milk was not the sap of some trco. Not all the belles , however a Hoc ted ignorance of the practical duties of a milkmaid. Mabel Wright IB one of the young beau ties of pretentious society. She was ban tered by a ccntlcmau of tier party on bur declaration of dairy knowledge , and the upshot was that slut won a box of glovus on the wager that she could not milk a cow. cow.The amateur soldiers of the Now York militia regiments , or ut least the three organi/.ations favored by fashionable recognition , have gained a transient share of attention by giving exhibition drills in their armories. The chappies brush the minutest particle of dust from their uniforms , burnish their trappings until a sunbeam would slip up on the mirfaco , and then march bravely before an assemblage of invited guests. That doesn't really seem a dangerous or dilli- cull achievement , but the dear fellows tire the best material at hand to make heroes out of. and so the girls assume an j air of amaxcd delight at these shows. f "I do like to fool a man , " exclaimed ono cciitlo fraud. "Well , 1 don't , " replied her fair pal. "And why not ? " "Hecauso it is too easy. " There is nothing much moro talked of in society just now than the kissing of Charles Coghlau and Airs. Langtry in "Lady Clnncarty. " It is so deliberate , so utterly oblivious of the big fiddle , so un conscious of the base drum , that It has all the meaning nnd earnestness of a kiss in private life. It is not an exhibition i kiss by any manner of means ; The rap turous kissing that Kmma Abbot used to bestow on Castle never stirred a hair on husband YVolhcrcll's head , nor disturbed the parting of a man in the audience. The kissing of Mary Anderson was the most transparent make believe in the - world. When Clara Morris used to kiss Charley Thorno in "Camillo" she would take him on her knees before her , muss his hair and devour him with loving looks , dip down upon his face and kiss lilm lingcringl. ? on his his intense nmusomnnt. When Hignold was in the country he awoke the town kissing Susan when ho played "William. " The women in the audience used to luliniro , but Susan mi lie rod. Hignold was a wiry , red- bearded man , who shaved twice \ \ week , nnd no oftener. He would powder the stubble on his face till his complexion was lovely , but poor Susan ! A section of sand-paper could have hurt no worse. When he got homo from sna In the play nnd met busiin , she would lly into his arms very much ( after the previous ox- imrlo nco ) as thovictiru who was senten ced in the inquisition | to undergo the vir gin's kiss , knowing she had to , and was going toget hurt. He would hold that poor girl's head back , make rush , kiss Loth eyes , root u second uuder her oil car , and then kiss her straight in the . mouth , and all the while this adjacent Aj Held of cheek and mound of chin were taxing otl'hur cuticle like a nutmeggrater. Hut this business of Coghlan's makes the dude's collar too tight for him , and the uncorking o scent bottles all eve ' * the house shows its oiled on the women. Coghhxn is a surious-faced man of inter. slty. There are no little nlppy-lbrty airs or graces about him. All that a kias can mean orconvoy when ho stoops over the handsome Langtry.who has half fainted ' and taking in the delicious opportunity inakos the most of it. The remarks ii elicits arc funny. The other night us tin lingering , real kiss in all its warmth wai pressed upon the upturned mouth of tht famous Lily , n lady said , with a sigh "What a pity its in a play. " "I'm sorry we're all hero , " said an other. Hut in the orchestra an old fellow wlu looked through a pair of classes , am over a lot of grey chin whiskers , just is : Horace ( Jrcelv used to do , slappei his leg with u big. freckled hand , am made a sound with his mouth like en couraging a horse , while ho ejaculated "JowhillikonsH" Everybody who heart him laughed almost as much as they dit another night when a small boy , 1ml , over the gallery rail , unable to contaii himself , cried just as Coghlan's HIM me Langtry's : "Let her go Gallagher ? " Tall men are the rage once more. The ; come around as regularly as any of tli other fads of that curious institution < call society. Fora time little fellows wor nil the uo , and in this period u man mils bo small : .ml delicate and pink-skinnoi if ho would win distinction among hi fellows. Hut in duo course the elVemin nte sort of thing has to take n back scat and the big anil burly order of mnnkii it.ul > > comes up for his inning. Just now , lie . taller aud heavier a man may bo the bei ter , always provided hn doesn't run to [ much to abdomen. It is amusing , toe ' ' to watch the expedients to which men : j bers of mv sox resort in order to bo rigli in lino. Talk about the rnnity of wonie A why , it Isn't worth speaking of in th f Hamo breath with the coxcombry of th men. Walk along a crowded street wher there are big windows that re licet th figure of Uio passer by. You will sec thu Uio Jadics as they sweep along are loot ing nt each with an cyo of criticism , while the men. every mother's son of them , are staring at their own sweet selves In the windows , and are smirking away for dear life. > Vell , now that it is just the proper thins lor "ion to bn tall , they are improving on nature and build ing themselves up to the desirable limit. The way they do it is to have their shoes made with neols more than commonly high and then built up1 Inside at the back to a still greater extent ; This has the effect , while raising tho. wearer , of pitch ing him forward at an ; khglb that looks as though It must no very uncomfortable indeed. Hut the Now York fashionable doesn't care for a little thing of that sort. Bless you , no. There is ono man m particular who is making a .sensation on Broadway in tho'-o days , partly through his natural gifts as to hcighth and partly because he has bein assisted by his shoemaker to an extent miito be yond compare. This specimen is a for eigner , and is said to be of gentle birth. In Doitit of fact , he is called a Laron. iie is naturally over six fuot high , anil is a line looking fellow of the brunette order. But , not satisfied with his already advan tageous proportions , ho has built himself up enormously , and his gait thereby has become the apex of awkwardness. When a man ot genius sets out to bo jovial he succeeds. I know a chap of that sort who hail a heap of fun. Mrs. Duncan Morgan gave an entertainment called a fancy Gorman. With few ex ceptions the guests wcro in character cos tumes , without masks to be sure , but this young man got tip n device that amused him all the evening. To begin with , lie had a three-legged stool riveted in the seat of his trousers. The legs were nil fittetl with hinges that , when ho stood up , dropped Hat against his own , but when he sat down tlioy fell into place , anil supported him as well as a three- legged stool over supported a man. A baud of some stout stull' was fastened across his knees , so that when ho sat down he could stretch his legs two or three feot. Over his head , and resting upon it was a yoke , such as French peasants wear to carry milk cans. Thus rigged , the young follow sat down on his three practicable wooden ami two human legs , clasping his huntU on his knees and throwing his arms out. Ho was upholstered in green velvet till ho was a spectacle , His arms were tufted. A line soft seat was run in to go round his waist on a belt and fastened to _ the band between his knees. A plaited llounco encircled him , and a beautifully padded back ran from his waist up to the yoke on his head. In the center of this was a slit , through winch ho poked his head , and threw the yoke backon his shoulders. Deep bullion fringe went down his arms anil over the tlounco. When ho stood up ho was an ungainly mass of frills , fringes anil furbclous ; but when ho threw up tlio yoke on his head , drew hi. ' noddle in like a turtle , bracetl his arm ; in the proper position , and sat down , he was as inviting an easy chair as you would litul in a cabinetmaker's store. He would select ! i quiet spot at the end of a dance , s'riko his attitude and wait dovel- opmonts. Down would drop some ex hausted damsel. Once a fat dogwagor nearly pressed the stull'ing out of linn , but ho contented himself by giving way and making madam belioyo the rickety old chair was coming to pieces with her. But then came the delightful task of hold ing lior pretty niece , ami our hero bo- havetl like a chair witli a palpitating back and a spring scat as long as ho could. An attendant cayalior went oil' to fetch an ice. The fair maid leaned her head back so that her Grecian knot of hair perforated the slit made for our friend to see through , and siufl'ed his mouth full of Titian red looks. What should the arms of a chair do then but en fold her ? Up came both of his hands antl met over the Jack roses on her corsage. Ma'am/.ello gave a despnratc yell antl started out of that shady corner. At that moment our friend sprang up. pushed the yoKe oft'his matted brow , and in the wild disorder of his crazy suit was the lirst to ask her what the matter was. To natch up a bottle of perfume and dab tlu > stopper at one's upper lip , I believe - liovo is a popular trick with many women. I know I've seen lots of women do it , and ditl it myself till the other night starting to see Lamrtry I did that trick in a dark room and hava quit it altogether. You see 1 ran back for a glove buttoner , and prowling over the dressing case striick the glass stopper of u bottle of Cherry Blossom , caught it up and smooched it across my upper lip ami gave two little dabs btdiiud my ours so my neighbors should have a smell. Tisn't Cherry Blossom after all , thought I , it's the Wnito Uoso extract all the sumo. And i pranced down and joined my party. Wo had got into a car when some ono said "Good mercy , what have you got on your face ? " "Tho usual umolmt of powder , I sup pose , " I replied aggressively. "Why , you've got a dark purple mous tache. " Great heavens ! it broke on mo in a minute. That nasty bottle of scented ink , that I myself hail left on the dress ing bureau. There was no Langtry for mo that night. Ninety-six washings only weakened the stain. Sand-paper and pumices stone have removed some of my lip ( I always had enough ) but it's so dark . now , ten days ago it happened , Unit folks say to mo "you must stop using that vaseline , you certainly are getting a - moustache. * and just behind my ears are two spots that look as if mortification had taken place. However , 1 didn't make a spectacle of myself as Maria did the other night. Maria lias a little wisp of hair the darkest shade of > brown- growing on her head , but she has a lovely switch that she just twists on as natural as lifo anil twice tlio si/.o. She has been disporting herself all the afternoon in . dishabille with just her bang nicely curled , and 114 hairs of hers in a knob as bit : as a hickory nut in the back i of her head. Some friends came in and . ' Maria began dressing for the theatre. She disappeared into the next room and the t-wo ladies sitting with her wtmt down to the drawing room , wheretheir , escorts were waiting. Martha had 'slipped into her ma's room , just combed out the switch and twisted it in with the devoted little band of hairs that had not deserted her yet. Then she came back to her own well-lighted apartment , put on her bon net and the party started. The curtain was down on tiie lirst act when she leaned forward to speak to one of her friends. The look of astonishment she received told her something was wrong. "Why Maria , your back hair ! why it's its , " stammered the b.dy. Maria's hand went up , supposing il waa coming ; down. No it waa snugly coiled and securely - pinned. "Is it wrong , " asked she. "Why , it's milk white. " Ma's $ "i switch of silver hair was lf twisted in and skewered on to Maria's head , which swam , as she contemplated the situation. She half turned antl caught the laughing regard of several in tlio vicinity , ami it is a wonder the hair ; 10 that grow on her head did not turn white to match ma's ' switch. "I cannot stay , I shall faint , " mur st mured the wretched woman ; nnd as seer std as the light iu the auditorium wore pu down for the next act 'pbbY Maria arost ii- ami staggered out on the ? . rirrn of a friem . and cribl herself to 'pfeepf that nighl ul when the rest of the phrfy1 were talkinf it over and laughing at her expense U - the supper table. CI.AU.V IlKLi.n. O To nnrlch and quicken the circulatioi of thu blood , and to reform imtgular lint ities of the system , lufq. . I > r. ! . Ii. Me nt Loan's Strengthening Cordial -ind Mlooi Purifier. ho The Lowell Courier says that the bcs ru card in Boston just now is the queen. heat - . _ at There are ninety persons in , d with An income of over 13JO,000. SWARMING WITH BLACK LEGS , The Streets of Paris rilled With Titled Villlans. THE GUILD OF LITERATURE. Ktntlc Znln'fl Nnstlncss Inhibition of 1HHD Astronomical Congress lioulnnuor.t'M Campaign 1'ncls Notes , PAWS , May 1. [ Correspondence of thu BKK. ] The astronomical congress has commenced badly. It was , in a general way , anticipated , that the lirst thing it would take in hand before in dulging in star-gazing , would be , to lay the terrible east wind , which dries n fellow into a mummy and compels even blue ribbonists to wet their whistles. The east wind is carrying oil' the rheumatic with an earthquake heirs- expectant can console themselves with the reflection , it is a bad wind that blows nobody good , It , all'ects thu Jinstitution , as sympathy , In the form of subscrip tions , is airected by the prevailing drought. ! lowers appear In due season all the same ; birds build their nests as If zephyrs dominated , so as the French pro verb says , when the building trade is brisk , all goes well. It must have been the Chinese that gave the French government the wrinkle to invite the astronomers from various parts of the world to assemble in Paris , nnd form a co-operatiro society to farm the heavens. All the waste corners of our planet having been appropriated , re cently by France and Germany England having philanthropically left them the pickings , it is only natural the upper re gions should become objects of envy. Laplace and Biol attest that the Chinese , 2,000 years before our era , had practi cally utilised astronomy and made that science n sort of government institution. Mcropotamia was also renowned for its astronomical lore and yet neither a Ce lestial the most elegant of names at a planetary congress , nor a dioldcau , has been invited by Admiral Monehe/ . The congress will not be occupied \vith accepting Greenwich as the first merid ian , as Iranco claims the maritime su premacy for Paris , now about being made a seaport , anil a sea-side resort. The congress has for end , to allot a cer tain portion of the firmament to each nation's astronomer royal or demo cratic , who is to take photos of the stars in his section of space according to a uniform process , and common appar atuses. In due time all these celestial takes will be sent to Paris , and by a SYHTKM OF. ( lliO.MP.TItH'AI. MOSAIC WOUK , pieced together , and thus compare the starry firmament , taken from several points of the earth's surface. Then on the occasion rf the centenary of the pres ent congress and''may we be there to see" another map , a new edition , shall have been produced , and a comparison instituted between the two pictures. With a good photographic apparatus , and carefully prepared plates , so deli cately sensitive as the latter , that it is ns easy to take a likeness of a portion of the sky as of the human face , or a running animal. The image once taken it. is ex amined by the microscope and the mi cromcteri anil what appeare to bo only tv star or a blotch , will bo found to be a cluster of stars. It is the atom of cheese or the drops of watermaguilied to unfold its myriads of atomies. Take for example the star , or group , Hercules ; to the naked eye it appears simply a Uitl'uso spot , the three thousandth part of a metre in di ameter ; examined by the ordinary mag nifying glass , it will reveal several hun dred stars round a kernel ; looked at through the microscops. th. ) same photo will reveal thousands of stars. Anil to think , there are stars whose light trav elling at the rate of 200,000 miles per second end since the creation of the world , has not yet reached us , though possibly it may by the time the Irish question is set tled. tled.Tho The astronomers will bo entertained tea a free representation at the Theatre Fran cois. It is to be hoped the bills will in clude "Tho Voyage to the Moon" and the "Milky Way" two side-splitting as tronomical comedies. A banquet will also be given to the guests ; in the absence of ambrosia and nectar , the private dish of Lnlando the astronomer ought to be served , namely , spiders. GliNKII.VL UOULANC.EU'S 1'I.AN OF CAM PAIGN. not for the invasion of Germany , but for the capture of his own non-commissioned ollicers , has been divulged , olUcially. The French , like every other army , and perhaps more so , sutlers from a donrth of non-commissioned officers , tine to their dislike to re-engage. Indeed , had the French army to rely on enlistment , on volunteers , to be recruited , it would be a skeleton and far below that of Great Britain. Hence , a decided proficient militarism is not popular in Franco. General Boulauger maintains that the army exists for the non-commissioned as well as for the commissioned ollicer. and that as the former is more in touch with , the men , his condition merits a partial ' cure. According to the Boulangor project , henceforth the non-commissioned ollicers , after eight years' service , will have the IVht to bo commissioned spceiallj by the general commanding their corps d'armeo. They can contract an engage ment to remain till fifty years of age under the ilitij , and this ro-cnuugcmciit can even be made after returning to civil lifo for three years following their compulsory three years' active service. This interim will allow time for the ex ' soldier to decide between a civil career and thu ulvantages of a special and privileged non-commissioned ollicer. In this latter case ho can marry , live out side barracks , and receive lodging money ; if he commits a fault , among his judges will sit two of his peers that's a democratic innovation. His pay will bo increased with his years of ser vice ; so will his pension , which can amount to 1,500 francs after forty-five years under the flag. There are condi tions for continuing the pension in case the recipient leaves his wife u widow and his children orphans. He can even quit the army after his re-engagement when ho pleases , receiving a pension pro rate to his years of service , nay more , if ho possesses the aptitude for certain de partments of the civil service , ho will bo nominated thereto as a matter of right. This is a wet blanket on the civil servants who threaten a strike , because ono minis ter has ruled that all the clerks within his jurisdiction must arrive punctually , must never remain idle , must work eight instead of six hours daily , without any extra remuneration , and"at the latter tariff and for longer hours , whenever necessary. Those clerks who dislike this draconian code have only to resign , when General Boulanger will march in a battalion to occupy their vacant stools. Wondurs will never cease. Thirty-two years ago Franco was ready to restore thu kingdom of Poland ; the countrymen of ICosciusco wore then the fashionable sympathy. To-day they are as much for gotten as Thiers or Gambcttu. Stranger still , such are the necessities of politics ; an extreme town councillor has just chanted the praises of Holy Russia. Al. . Martin has just returned from a tout of some 10,000 MILKS TlinOUGH EASTERN SIBERIA. He travelled with the tribe Toungouzcs. i lived with them in common like a good socialist ; dogs and reindeer drew the sledges. The party consisted of Jmcn dy women and children , who lived as thej voyaged , by Ashing and hunting , wbei M. Martin aiwajri enacted IxU ibar * . J baby was born during1 the tour , thanks to a lady , and lived out the journey to the river Ameur , in eastern Siberia. M , Martin has only praises to bestow - stow on c-cry thing in the creat penal colony. Pity ho did not ask Stopniak or the Prince Kropotklno , who is anything but a lory , to revise his notes. In Siberia , the in habitants arc us happy as Ur. Paugloss could desire , every man sitting I'.NDKIl III * OWN VISK AXll K1O TURK , with prospecting in gold mines as n recreation. The only drawback is , once there , It Is impossible to leave. Although the land bo llowlng with milk and honey the Russian government has a decided objection to making roads to it. Wcro railroads Introduced , the peculiar travel ers could never count upon return tick ets. Tlio state mines are worked by con victs and ticket-of-loavo men. M. Mar tin did not interview any of these , but ho did olllcials. When an individual leases .1 mine , he must work it within three years , or he loses his right. All finds mint bo sold to the government ; even before a promoter commences opera tions , he must provide a pope , n doctor , a midwife , an apothecary , and pay for a guard of cassaoks. Chained gangs of convicts the latter include tlio educated claescs. who dlll'er in political thinking from the state , are still marched in relays from Odessa to Siberia across another tlark continent , and the simple peasant still places at nightfall on his window-sill , some bread and meet thu necessities of any fugitive , who may take French leave of Siberia and all its charms. It is the manifest destiny of Chinii to open up Siberiaand liberate the intellectual prblitaircs who are miners and sojourncrs there , against tlioir Minister Lockroy has not yet stated what are the foreign iioveriiments which persist in boycotting the 1831) ) exhibition. Franco ought to resolutely ailirm , that the show is intended to glorify all that was excellent in TIII ; INVOLUTION OK 1789 for humanity , and depend on hersulf to fill the places of the absentees. If the policy be adopted of uniting at the cen tenary side , ami assuring the political hesitating that the blow-out is only the usual decennial "versarv , " tlio projnct will share the fate of all the between two stools conduct. There is still much to be done in aiding the eilbrts of workmen distinct from eapitali/ industries.eithor as guilds , ctvopcrativo associations , or simple individuals. It would bo well also , to bring out the important experi ment now being tried , where the artisans are part associates with the employer MUKKAI. HELP IN THIS DIHKCTION would stamp the big bazaar , as a people's exhibition , and bo a lilting apotheasis of the people's victory in 178U. There is nolreason why literature ought not to have its chaperons , as well ns Uuineu pigs , ahoddvito ami petroleum- aires. A society lias been fornuitl to combat the circumstances which keep many youths to fortune anil fame tin known. Any ono who writes a book has only to send it along with six francs tea a newly formed society , that undertakes to have it read by three competent judges. If the majority give a lavorablo verdict , the production , whether a play , a charity sermon , a plan of campaign- in the military sense understood , a philo sophical treaty , or even a philanthropic subject , will be read , on three franco more being paid tlowu , in public and in thn ampillica.tro of the Sarbouno. where publishers will bo nllectionately invited to attend. Already the now society has received 1,500 , literary productions within two days. All the pigeon holes in the plliccs of the theatrical managers are be ing cleaned out , and something like fur niture vans stand at the doors. Publishers are blessing themselves for the creation of such an intellectual winowiugaml sift- in ; ; machinery , and alienists promise to allow their patients to indulge in Higland Ilings , before the -safety-valve for caciuthcs scribcndl. Henceforth , no one able to make pothooks and hangers , can complain that his genius has had no op portunity. As it will exorcise the mind , the fad ought to curc' ' [ hypnotism. A poem , as long as a riovel , by Paul Toval or Ponson do Tbrrail , will bo as carefully read as a monologue. M. Kmilo Zola verilyfbcieves | ho has a "call" to revolutionize the stage by the naked exposure of all' the sores , vices and depraved sins of humanity. There was a time when the thuatne was accepted as a place of amusement , .but since U has taken to the role o'f instructing , of charity-sermonizing , of illustrating im aginary social theories.anil Lmnusnnd slum sconce arid immoralities by Zola , respectable society has only to fall back on music halls iilid circuses , or stay at home. "Uenee'Ms the dramati/.etl version of Zola's romance "Cureo , " in live nasty acts. Hence is a girl who has been'miscducattid , and goes wrong at nineteen ; her father MAUKIKS 1IKU TO SCKKKN IIKIt SHAME , To one Succard who wants not the girl , but her money , and aggrees to lot her live as she pleases after the ceremony and tho. cash paid down. She renews into a liaison with her now stop-son , and ends in being discovered by her own father , whim she blows her brains out. This is called society to lifo , or natur alism. Thu most remarkable feature about the representation is the crowd in the house to witness the scavenger litera ture. It would pay bettor to hear Billy llayden , the popular eifcus clown , read his treatise , which ho is about to publish on the "Intellectual Kducation of the Pig anil the Ass" his performing pets , only lip has sent the manuscript to tlio new Field of Literature , at the Sorbonne , with the six and three francs fees. Opinion has at last decided to allow the police to complete their charge against I'nuixini , wiio must , when ho wakes up in his cell , fool if his head bo still on his shoulders. It is worthy of notice that Miicidcs of late have taken a religious turn , . Aboi t throe unfortun ates before putting an end to themselves lille.d their pockets with books of piety , cruiciiixes and relics. They wrote they were tired of lifo. Kvon under the second empire Paris was never so full as now of members of the dangerous classes , moving its titled individuals , in the loading hotels As a rule , in such places , all sliowily dressed persons should be avoided. The soberly clad art ) thosn who pay their out t-litter's bill. Men with eyes rolling as two ven tilators , a nose like a parrot's and shaded with wire like eve brows , watch chain that would hold a sheet anchor , and pearl shirt studs largo ns pigeon's eggs , should be unnoticed with great care , they have ginerally a title , wiiicli they confer on themselves once across the French frontier. Similarly they display the ribbon ' of some order , for they have a decoration for ev ery day In the year. They arc all black legs and black sheep , without a franc in their pocket ; they are in the pay of gam blers and counterfeitera , their decoy ducks , who got them up regardless of ex pense , anil plant them us an investment in tlio loading hotels , to biiare the game at the tables d'hote.Three tourists have bean plucked to death by these crimps , within the last ton days ; they try to get into conversation with clergymen , the bettor to blind the uiouUon to bo sacri ficed. Missouri Pacific Railroad com pany on the 8th Inst. effected a com promise in the followingdiimage ; suits 03 employes for injuries received in tin boiler explosion in thu shops at Pales tine , Tex , , two years ; uo : The infanl daughter of Engineer fProddv , killed gets tO.203 ; wife of Machinist lUgc * killed , $5,400 ; James Halbv , permanent ! : ! injured , $8,000 ; M. A. Goodrich , engi ncer , permanently injured , $5.000 ; Albcr Lang , injured soriougijy , ! 1,000. I ' Now York Is talking .about an angr ; son who wears mou/ninu because liii mother has married , i rTMiMtnTi/Mf * ! ! I\T pAi Ann AESlIlETICISM IN COLORS , Boston Receives with Open Arms the Dusky Qnccti Kapiolani. PATTI AS A STREET WAIF. Boston's nnltny Sprlne Clerks Seek Country Hnsorts ainjor O'llrlon's Splendid llrcnkfnst Mans- llcltl'H SllCCCSH. BOSTON , May 11. [ Corrnpondnnco of the BEE. ] Tno caprices of New England weather have linally given up to the sterner demands ol the season , ami wo are at last allowed to breathe tlio balmy air of spring. These bright days have been a long time coming , and now that they are here everybody is prepared to make the most of them. The rapidity with winch Boston packed away her cloaks and furs ami donned a fresh spring suit , is astonishing. Balls , operas and afternoon teas are thiuirs of thu past , ami the weather classes are getting ready for the seaside or mountains , or they are planning their lirst yatching cruise. Every young man or boy be longs to a base ball nine or a bicycle club , or pet haps a lacrosse team , and each one is enthusiastic over the merits of his par ticular pastime. Every clerk in the city is happily looking forward to his "two weeks oil' , " when ho can go on that little picnic excursion into thu country with thu damsel of his choice. The hardy laborer sees happy , visions of cool even ings at City Point , or , perhaps a happy afternoon trip to Nautasket beach on the steamer Pilgrim. The student , and Bos ton is full of them , is just beginning to "grind" for his final examinations , and in his loasure moments , which are at present very few , ho dreams of the bliss ful times when those examinations shall have passed , when , as a free ami happy man , lie can bo bttsklmr on tlio deck of a cat boat oil'some old coast town , or take a summer's tramp over tlio classic .roads of Europe. Nature , too. is not behind in heralding the approach of spring , as the verdant lawns ami budding elms of our suburbs give ample evidence. One of the most important events of this most delightful period , an event which the average citi/.cn counts nearly equal to the opening of the baseball sea son , is the visit of her Hawaiian majesty Queen Kupiolam. The authorities hero arc doing all they can to make the visit a pleasant one , and tier majesty seems to bo very well pleased with her reception. The queen anil her suite are accommo dated at the Parker house in the britlal apartments , which have been from time to time irraccd by the presence of Patti , Bernhardt and DC Ltissan. Although these rooms are not intended to bear comparison with thu princely halls of the "New Residence" at Munich , they are considered elaborate enough for the entertainment of roy alty in democratic America. On arriving at Parker's yesterday morn ing the royal party was given a break- last by the mayor of Boston. The ban quet hall was beautifully decorated by Horist Galvm , and Baldwin's famous cadet band was on hand with a charm ing musical program. After the invited guests were seated the royal party en tered tiic hall. The queen wa.s escorted by Mayor O'Brien , Princess Lilinokalani by Governor Ames , while Mrs. O'Brien ami Mrs. Ames were accom panied by General lankca and General Dominis of the queen's suite. After the breakfast came speeches , music and introductions , and the morn ing passed pleasantly away. Last even ing the royal party occupied Manager Stetson's private box at the Globe , and witnessed the performance of gore. " To-day the Hawaiin chief will give a reception m Charleston , which will bo followed by an excursion to the public in stitutions in and about Boston harbor. On Thurday the queen will visit Wellesley - ley college and the girls there , are preparing - paring to give her a rousing reception. On her return to Boston Governor Ames will give a reception in her honor at his palatial residence on Back bay. A grand public reception in Mechanics' hall on Thursday evening , will end the pro gramme. The queen's v'isit to Boston has not only benelittod the city , but the country in general. It would bo inconsistent with our principles to try to extend our inllu- abroad in any other way than by such fiicmlly relations as these , and in having given the Hawaiian queen such a hearty welcome , Boston has added an other bond of friendship ami confidence between the Hawaiian group and the United States. Even now a largo part of the trade of these islands comes to this country , and we should so keep and ex tend it that in case of international hos tilities these islands would exert an in fluence friendly to our interests. Tlio grand opera season has passed away ami witli it has departed from the Italian opera stage in tins country that queen of prima donnas , Mine. Adilina Patti-Nicolini. Wo may or may not believe tlio statement which has been .so glaringly advertised that Americans will never again hear Patti in grand opera. Even prima donnas have been known , within the mcrnorv of man , to make multitudinous "farewell tours , " some of them having gone so far as to in'ike a "positively last farewell tour , " which rather tcntls to lead the innocent publio to inquire how many professional farewells are in really good form. Bui say what yon will about a gold hunting management , for which the artist is in no wise responsible , "La Diva" Patti stands without a peer in the world. Her history is an interesting ono. She was born away oft1 in Spain , but spent most of her yotiiic girlhood on the streets of Nsw York ; a brown , saucy little waif , with i apparently : no better future before her thai tlfat of the commonest urchin. Even as u girl , among such unfavorable circumstances , she she was always the jolly and lighthearted - hearted Adclina that she is to-day , with her buoyant fipirits. Her career as a singer was begun in Mr. Bcechcr's Sun day-school room , and in a short time she was traveling about the country , though not in her own car as she does now , singing In concert under the manage ment of her brother-in-law , Maurice Strakosch. Her success as a jubilee singer was doubtful oven then , audit was a great question in the mind of Mr. Strakosch whether the youpg voice would ever develop into a rich and golden soprano. Besides , if she over did learn to sing , people said she couldn't act. She was nervous and dillidcnt , ns beginners generally are. But thu whole world knows that this doubt dldn t last long. It seems ahsurh to think that Patti ever appeared shy or awkward , she who has so long been recognized as the very embodiment of self-possession , of careless , yet artistic gracufulncss. Patti's tirst appearance in London marked a decisive clmngo of fortune. English audiences praised her acting as well ns her singing. The Times and other journals lauded her to the skies. This set the ball n-rolling and in n short time the bare-footed New York roysterer was so well established in thuhautij voice of London that slm secured a real mar quis for a husband. She was received into court circles at every capital in Eu rope as well ns at London , and her patli was literally paved with roses. But those were the days of her primo.nnd since she left the Marquis do Caux anil married Nicolini , English aristoc racy has seen tit to turn ur its nose. . But never mind I Those things arc all passed now , and thu ccle A SPECK OF WAR. Wo are NOT members of the "Pool" or of any Associa tion , formed for tlio purpose of maintaining HIGH PRICES FOB Wall Paper or Window Shades Wo however carry a LARGER STOCK AM GREATER VARIETY Than any House in Omaha , And will soil Wall Paper made by ; the Pool , at 1O FER GENT Less than prices made by Pool members , and if wo can not demonstrate the truth of our statements , we will furnish you with wall paper We keep none but good workmen , our prices are very low and our work always done on time. T. J. Beard & Bro. , Painters and Decorators , " 1410 DOUGLAS STREET We have NOT moved and have NO Branch House. 1410 Douglas street. HILL & YOUNG 1213 Farnam Street. FURNITURE , k- - House Furnishing Goods. HAHN'S NEW PHARMACY , 1S22 ST. MAIIV'S AVE.VUK. Try IHhn'8 Violet Powder . for toilet use. Full line of I'nlmur's , Lxmilborifli's nnd Knstman Perfumes always on baud. , All goods at us ruasonublu prices as quality of goodu will allow Hesijoctiully HAHN'S , 18223t. Mary's Avonue. > rsite < l singnr isj etting well on in lifo. Whether she goes on the stage agfiin nftcr completing her thruo months tour 'in South America , under the innnngo- incnt of Mr. Henry K. Abbey , ia : i ques tion. If she leaves the stujjo she will ave to refuse $3,000 n nlght for the nao of hnr vocal organs , which'is more than ho average woman could do. In any case the S'Diva" will probably bo con tented , because it she retires she can spend the rest of her days in luxurious seclusion ut lusr Welsh castle of Craig-y- uos , wlicr she lives like vqueen. . The most important chnngo of bill at the theatres this week is nt llio museum , where Mr. Richard Mansliold gives the first performance , on any stage , of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. " Any ono who liiis road this wonderful piece of imagina tion by Mr. Uoburt Louis Stovensou can easily imagine what interest must center around its being played by such a brilliant and talented young artist as Mr. Mans- field. It will bo remembered that the dual nature of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. llydo" is the main 'point of the work. Dr. Jekyll , who is represented ns a good- natured and highly Intelligent gunlle- nan , is nblo by the help of a powerful Irug , to change Ins nature to Dr. Hyde , who is a downright bloodthirsty and murderous naturo. The play is of a rluistly nature , but the difficult parts and jiiick changes of thu loading character are so well brought out by Mr. Mans field , that it appears on thn stage as a de cided work of art. Mr. Mansliold'.s suc cess in the play is assured. KHANSKPII , . "Wltl * eliding : Detachable Springs. Better ftlian \ VTialeUoneror Hoi , j 3 and guaranteed never to break. Foriale by leading wholeula and retail cstib- lilll ClCCtS , MAYER , 8TROU6E &CO. 413 Broadway , N. Yi , Manufacturers. INSTALMENT DEALERS Wll I find Jim what they need A FULL LI NE INSTALMENT GOODS om enl INSTALMENT TRADE , by uddrwwin KBTAUUWI JJkAum * ' Co. , Etic. i * . . v MIAfMJA , - MEDICAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE Cor. 13th ST. and CAPITOL AVE. , OMAHA , NEB. Best facilities , nmiratH and remedies for tnccct ( . lullyliratinfiillkliKl ; of ruodlra.fiml virRcalcnpcs ! WHITEronductnson ; DrformltleeendUractn Club Feet , Curvature of ho Spine , Disease of Wo. men. Files , Tumors , Canccrp , Catarrh , Urnnchltln , I'aralytln , Kptlquj' , Kidney , llladdcr , Eye , Ear Hltlnnnd niosd , and nil KiircJrnl Operations. PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO AXEN On Private , Special and Nervous Dlfooecs , Hem ImUWeakness.Hporinatorrhn a.Impotency , Hyplillls , ( lonorrhtc * . QU'Cl. Varlcocclr. Grnltn-urlnar ) trmbics only Reliable MEDICAL IN ; STCTUTE luukiQg a epcclulty of the a time- named dtsoMcs. Sew nesUirotlveTreatmrni for LOBS ofVital Tower. All CoNTAOiorn and DIOOD II EA K from what ever cause produced , euccffsfully treated without ricrcury. Mcdlclneo or Instrument * cut by mall r. cxnrcsfl , ftcurely packed from observation. Call nnd coimilt a , or tend hlrtory of case , wlh ) : ' . mp. All commanlratlons strictly confidential. Kft RflflMQ KorlTicofpatlfnto. Hoard and attend UV nl/vJiaO / ancorcanonablc. Addrcfm all Inters OMAHA MEDI6A.L ft RUR8IGAL INSTITUTE , _ Oor.3 3th St. & OaololAvo. . Omsha.Nr.h. , DOUBLE YOUR MONEY lly n the followUiK bnrgalus In real ostnto offured liy AITKEN BROS. , Kuoin 'JO , Richards' Block , Lincoln , Neb. A HMO Ml norcs adjoining Toiunlln's now town of Hurdook , where thu II. & M , It. It. tire uboiit to locuto ( .xtcrislvo HlioiH , nnd near the Wcs loytiti university situ , * UO per aero. An HI udjolnlDK thu stock yards , and near the imcklii hotisu , very lilKh und cummundlnir line vlow of thu city , | 20'J per aero. Also an oleititnt 80 acres nonr the Asylum , southwest of the city , within one-fourth mlle of proposed street car turmlnus leading to iiBylum , $200 per ticro. Tticno three tracts nro ofTorrd at those low fltfiiresfor n fuwdujs. They lire nil nvitlliiblo for iilattlnjf , mid epoctutois can donblo thiilr inonuy in ( ham its oitsy OH turning over your htind , Corrospondunco InvltwL HEALTH. WEALTH. Si-xIflcniinlKifur nil rliwainU llivilicory nt J | < ritclk t | 'ivi iilur > lii ( fe'I Hii'l eiifrlrnrwJ | 4ij > l < l it , * n < l In * II | M > > . riHiiinuiiiilc * , lltijr l.a Ilirli * j > riAllUt loriMllii < jir T o i Uuip f"r t' * 3f on Mm , an Inij f1int Qufitlrni an nnl tfmi IJ on M liicti | o B < I ftilt liUlury ohMr dift * . lI lKHKf Mill ( * w ) lM-rJ tiy cij > * * mirk * by Ulttr. wtultatkm fit * nif I tvHWvuiUI , | TKm lly or Ly malL < A ffi ting I Hyklriit.ftt-nltn. t'rlitiry nd Rrprcnlut * thtjOigau * . n Wftlamll oiher MiiJrrd ( . ' of rillur * . , Dr < QTTERBOURC , OmCF. WUKSi C f. Uth Ml D4fflU. , U U 12 . . , tf ta ft 4 T 1 t f. , _ Puiii , Ht. % . 31